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The Cathedral of Saint Mary Catholic Church & School The Most Reverend Thomas G. Wenski, D.D. Archbishop of Miami Very Reverend Christopher B. Marino, Rector Reverend Esteker Elyse, S.M.M., Parochial Vicar Reverend Alvaro Pinzon, J.C.D., in Residence Reverend David Zirilli, Director of Vocations, in Residence Deacon Edgardo Farias MASS SCHEDULE ♦ CONFESSIONS DAILY MASS Monday through Saturday in the Chapel 8:15am & 5:30 pm English CONFESSIONS SUNDAY MASS 5:30 pm Saturday, English 8:00 am Sunday, Creole 10:00 am Sunday, English 12:00 noon Sunday, Spanish Sunday 7:30am 9:30am 11:30am Saturday 5.00pm STAFF Office Manager: Sr. Carmen M. Ors, SCTJM x105 Operation Manager/ Bookkeeper Ruben Jimenez x106 Music Director Gustavo Zayas x111 Organist Parish Assistant Stephen Kolarac Ofelia Vazquez x111 x101 Front Office Linda Felix x101 ST. MARY’S CATHEDRAL SCHOOL Sister Michelle Fernandez sctjm School Principal Office: 305-795-2000 Fax: 305-795-2013 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sister Kristi Bergman, sctjm Religious Education Director Office: 305-795-2016 SEPTEMBER 14, 2014 ** EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS ** 7525 NW 2 Avenue, Miami, Florida 33150 Office: (305) 759-4531 Fax: (305) 757.7456 "Tithing" is giving back to God the first and best 10% of all we receive. That means each and every Sunday we should offer 5% of our weekly income for needs of The Cathedral through our envelopes. The Bible speaks clearly on the command to tithe as a sign of belonging to God and a response to God's Generosity to us. 1-2% of our annual income should be offered through ABCD starting each January. The other 2-4% of our resources may be given to other worthy charities our charitable causes. It's good to make a budget and bring our Faith to the calculation. 10% is a real number. El diezmo es devolver a Dios, lo primero y lo major 10% de lo que hemos recibido. Eso significa que todos y cada domingo nos deberíamos ofrecer un 5% de nuestros ingresos semanales para las necesidades de la Catedral a traves de nuestros sobres. La Biblia habla claramente sobre el orden de dar el diezmo como signo de pertenencia a Dios y una respuesta a la generosidad de Dios para nosotros. 2.1% de nuestros ingresos anuales debe ser ofrecido a través de ABCD que comienzan cada mes de enero. El otro 2-4% de nuestros recursos se puede dar a otras organizaciones benéficas dignas nuestras causas caritativas. Es bueno hacer un presupuesto y llevar nuestra fe al cálculo. 10% es un número real. Please register in the parish and use the parish envelopes. This is an important part of STEWARDSHIP. It helps to keep us accountable as well as having other concrete benefits. Parish Registration forms are available in the Gift Shop after every Sunday Mass or in the Cathedral Office during the week. Por favor registrese en la Parroquia y use los sobres parroquiales. Esto es una parte importante de la MAYORDOMIA. Ayuda a mantenernos responsables y tener otros beneficios concretos. Las formas para registrarse estan disponibles en la Tienda y en las oficinas de la Catedral durante esta semana. Why Catholic? WHY CATHOLIC! encourages learning in a prayerful small-community setting. Is a unique adult faith formation program that is solidly based on Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Offers a concrete approach to help adults deepen their Catholic faith and connect its teachings to their everyday lives. Why Catholic? has a rich scriptural and catechetical approach that gives a solid foundation for every Catholic to express their faith and be able to reach out to others in faith. Explores Catholic teaching with direct quotes from Catechism of the Catholic Church, scriptural references, and reflection questions. It has 48 sessions, in the series “Why Catholic?” of 4 books (12 sessions in each one) Occurs in a prayerful small community setting that is a supportive environment for evangelization and adult faith formation POR QUÉ SER CATÓLICO! alienta el aprendizaje en un entorno de una pequeña comunidad orante. Es un programa de formación en la fe para adultos, que esta basado sólidamente en las Escrituras y el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica. Ofrece un enfoque concreto para ayudar a los adultos a profundizar su fe católica y a conectar sus enseñanzas a su vida cotidiana. Promueve los objetivos de Sentíamos Arder Nuestro Corazón, una propuesta pastoral de los Obispos de los Estados Unidos para la formación de los adultos en la fe. Se apoya en las Sagradas Escrituras, la Tradición de la Iglesia expresada en el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, así como en el Magisterio del Papa y nuestros obispos. Consta de 48 sesiones agrupadas en la serie ¿Por qué ser católico? de cuatro libros (12 sesiones cada uno), siguiendo la estructura básica del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica: la profesión de la fe, la celebración de los sacramentos, la vida moral y la vida de oración. Cada sesión contiene citas directas y referencias tanto de las Sagradas Escrituras como del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, así como del Catecismo Católico de los Estados Unidos para Adultos. Todas las sesiones ofrecen preguntas para la reflexión y para compartir como pequeña comunidad eclesial la fe. Get Involved!! ** Participe!! ** Patisipe!! For more information, please call Dorita Calero 305 721-6182 (Spanish) Leonie Timothee 786 519-0345 (English) Suzie Pierre 305 318-7928 (Creole) Announcements Sunday September 14th Catholic taste (coffee and donuts) after each mass Domingo, Septiembre 14 Saborcito Catolico (cafe y donuts) despues de cada misa. Dimanch 14 Septanb nap genyen kafe avek donut apre mes la. Why Catholic fundraising campaign Samsun TV 32-inch Raffle tickets Price $ 1.00 Rifa de un TV Samsung de 32 pulgadas, valor del boleto $ 1.00 Samsung Television 32 tike raf pri ya se $ 1.00 Veje Lapriyè Prayer Vigil Vigilia de Oracion Na pare pou pwogram nan envajelizasyon nouvo nan kominote nou an, Poukisa Katolik? Saint Maria Katedral envite ou rantre nan yon veye Lapriye ak ekspoze nan Saint Sacrament. Septamb 20, Ki soti nan 8:00pm-11:00pm Li Pwal nan twa lang: Kreyol, Angle ak Panyol . Getting ready for the new evangelization program in our community , “Why Catholic?” The Cathedral of Saint Mary invites you to join us in a Prayer Vigil with exposition of the Holy Sacrament Saturday September 20, from 8:00pm-11:00pm It will be in three languages: Creole, English and Spanish Preparandonos para el programa de la nueva evangelizacion en nuestra comunidad, “Por que Ser Catolico?” La Catedral Santa Maria les invita a unirnos en oracion en una Vigilia con exposicion del Santisimo Sacramento. Sabado Septiembre 20, de 8:00pm-11:00pm Sera en los tres idiomas; Creole, Ingles y Espanol LEGION OF MARY “OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE” Christ needs you today to do His works of mercy, if you fail to do your part, part of His work will remain undone. MEETINGS CONVENE EVERY SATURDAY AT 10:00AM AT THE CATHEDRAL CENTER JOIN US TODAY This weekend of September 13 & 14, 2014 the second collection will be; the National Collection for the Catholic University of America. Thank you!! The weekend of September 6 & 7 we had a visiting missionary priest Fr. Javier, cmf, from the Parish of a San Antonio de Pauda in the Diocesis de Izabal, Samaji, Guatemala. We collected $2,037.00 for Fr. Javier missionary efforts. May the Lord bless you! READINGS FOR THE WEEK Setmeber14-20 Sunday, Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Feast) Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 78:1-2, 34-38; Philippians 2:611; John 3:13-17 Monday - Our Lady of Sorrows (Memorial) Hebrews 5:7-9; Psalm 31:2-6, 15-16, 20; John 19:25-27 or Luke 2:33-35 Tuesday - St. Cornelius, Pope, Martyr and St. Cyprian, Bishop, Martyr (Memorial) 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 27-31; Psalm 100:1-5; Luke 7:11-17 Wednesday - St. Robert Bellarmine, Bishop & Docotr 1 Corinthians 12:31 — 13:13; Psalm 33:2-5, 12, 22; Luke 7:31-35 Thursday - St. Joseph of Cupertino, Priest (Feast) 1 Corinthians 12:31; 13:1-10, 13; Psalm 25:1-5, 8-10; Matthew 11:25-30 Friday 1 Corinthians 15:12-20; Psalm 17:1, 6-8, 15; Luke 8:1-3 Saturday - Sts. Andrew Kim Taegon, Priest, Martyr, Paul Chong Hasang, Martyr and Their Companions, Martyrs (Memorial) 1 Corinthians 15:35-37, 42-49; Psalm 56:10-14; Luke 8:4-15 MASS INTENTIONS September 14-20 Sunday, September 14 8:00am Camelia Comet 10:00am Constance Worzak 12.00pm Cristobal Nuñez ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monday, September 15 8:15am Joyce Rutherford (health) 5.30pm John Gibson (health) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday, September 16 8:15am Maynes Thermeus (birthday) 5.30pm James Rutherford (health) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesday, September 17 8:15am Special Intention 5.30pm Jacqueline Rodriguez ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday, September 18 8:15am Barbara Moreno (health) 5.30pm Camelite Pierre 7.00pm Parishioners ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Friday, September 19 8:15am Elishah Daphinis 5.30pm Graciela Castro (health) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHAPEL OF OUR LADY OF THE CLERGY Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saturday, September 20 8:15am Emmanuel Day 5.30pm Thomas F. Daly First Friday. From 10am-12pm If you feel that the Lord is calling you, please give us a call at 305 759-4531 or write me at The Chapel is located inside the parish office building. Jesus is home, come and visit Him! Mass Intentions You may request a Mass Intention by visiting the Cathedral Center Office. Mass Intentions are posted in the Parish Bulletin, and on our website: