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Saint Ann Catholic Church 806 North Washington Street, Kaufman, Texas 75142 • (972) 962-3247 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 non Fax: 972-932-4003 • • THIRD ANNUAL SAINT’S WALK SUNDAY 11/6/16 FROM 5:00PM TO 7:00PM IN THE PARISH CENTER FOR ALL PRE-SCHOOL THRU 6TH GRADE Bring your love for the life of the Saints and come dressed as your favorite Saint and enjoy the festivities! All 7th—12th grade look inside bulletin for additional information. TERCER AÑO DE CAMINAR CON LOS SANTOS DOMINGO 11/6/16 DE LAS 5:00PM A 7:00PM EN EL CENTRO PARROQUIAL PARA TODOS LOS NIÑOS ASTA EL GRADO 6 Traiga su amor por la vida de los Santos y vengan vestidos como su santo preferido y disfrutar de las festividades! Todos los estudiantes de grado 7 al 12 observen el interior de buletin para obtener información adicional. St. Ann Catholic Church Mission Statement Established in 1935, St. Ann Catholic Church of Kaufman, TX is a community of believers who cherish the traditions of our Holy Roman Catholic Church while seeking to engage the diversity of our parish to appreciate each other’s culture, gifts, and common desire to be better disciples of Jesus Christ. We endeavor to make our parish a place of welcome where all can experience the presence of Christ in our midst through sacramental worship, fellowship, education, and outreach. We challenge ourselves to recognize God’s graciousness in our lives and our responsibility as Christian stewards to tend and grow what God has given us. St. Ann Catholic Church Declaración de Mission Establecida en 1935, la Iglesia Católica de Santa Ana de Kaufman, Texas es una comunidad de creyentes que apreciamos las tradiciones de nuestra Santa Iglesia Católica Romana mientras procuramos tomar parte en la diversidad de nuestra parroquia para apreciar la cultura y dones de los demás, y el deseo común de ser mejores discípulos de Jesucristo. Nos esforzamos en hacer de nuestra parroquia un lugar de bienvenida donde todos puedan experimentar la presencia de Cristo entre nosotros a través de adoración sacramental, compañerismo, educación y apoyo. Nos retamos a nosotros mismos a reconocer la bondad de Dios en nuestras vidas y a reconocer nuestra responsabilidad como administradores cristianos de cuidar y cultivar lo que Dios nos ha dado. Father Jet Garcia Pastor Parish Staff Deacon: Sergio Morales 972-551-9779 Business Manager: Susan Duerr Parish Secretary: Zulma Drake Parish Catechetical Leader: Alma Sipriano Youth Ministry Leader: Dyann Cariaga Facilities Manager: Rafael Castaneda MASSES: Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m. English Sunday/Domingo 9:00 a.m. English 11:30 a.m. Español Weekday Masses Tuesday 8:30 a.m. English Wednesday 8:30 a.m. English Thursday 6:00 p.m. Español Friday 8:30 a.m. English Adoration Every Friday 9am - 9pm Adoracion al Santisimo los Viernes 9am-9pm Confessions/Confesiones Saturday/Sabado 3:30 p.m.- 4:30p.m. St. Ann Catholic November 06, 2016 Mass & Readings Monthly Activities Mon., Nov. 07 (Green) – Titus 1:1-9; Luke 17:1-6; cf. Psalm 24:6 No Mass Nov. 07 Nov. 08 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tues., Nov. 08 (Green) – Titus 2:1-8, 11-14; Luke 17:7-10; Psalm 37:39a 8:30am +Rodolfo Mier Nov. 10 Nov. 10 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wed., Nov. 09 (White) – Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; 1 Corinthians 3:9c11, 16-17; Luke 19:11-28; Psalm 46:5 8:30am +Frances Hetmer _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thurs., Nov. 10 (White)– Philemon 7-20; Luke 17:20-25; Psalm 145:5a 6:00pm Jesus Bravo y Isidro Bravo ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fri., Nov. 11 (White) – 2 John 4-9; Luke 17:26-37; Psalm 119:1b 8:30am Samantha Sipriano _____________________________________________________________________ Sat., Nov. 12 (Red) – 3 John 5-8; Luke 18:1-8; Psalm 144:1b 3:30-4:30pm Confessions / Confesiones 5:00 pm Mass Isidro Bravo _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Sun., Nov. 13 (Green) – Malachi 3:19-20a; Psalm 98:5-6, 7-8, 9: 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12; Luke 21:5-19 9:00 am Mass Community of St. Ann 11:30 am Misa +Pompello Soriano y +Ramona Santana Mass Attendance Financial Informa on October 29–30 2016 Sat. 5pm 86 Sun. 9am 290 Sun. 11:30am 570 806 North Washington St., Kaufman, Texas 75142 (972) 962-3247 (972) 932-4003 FAX Office Hours: Monday Thursday 9:00a.m.-4:00p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon Regular 5,450.75 Building 550.24 Children’s 133.25 St. Lazarus 75.00 Development: _____ Diocesan Priest Retirement: 595.34 Deacon Sergio 972-551-9779 Visit our Website at Like our Facebook page: 14 day Sanctuary Candle The Sanctuary Candle for the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel is provided for : 10/23—11/05/2016 Nov. 11 Knights of Columbus Mtg. Rm #5 @ 7:00pm Clases de Bautismo Cuarto # 5 a las 7:00pm (1ra clase) Seminario—en la Iglesia a las 7:00pm Clases de Bautsmo Cuarto # 5 a las 7:00pm (2nd clase) Office will be closed in observance of Veterans Day Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Safe Environment / VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children VIRTUS is the brand name that identifies best practices programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote "right doing" within religious organizations. The VIRTUS programs empower organizations and people to better control risk and improve the lives of all those who interact with the Church. As part of this effort, over the next few weeks the Faith Formation program’s students will learn about, “Teaching Touching Safety”. In this class they will learn about personal boundaries and how to identify and honor those boundaries, the self assurance needed to speak up when someone tries to step over the line, and how to identify someone to trust. An excused absence will be recorded for those students that have an “opt out” form on file. Parents can pick an “Opt out” form up in the church office. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Ambiente Seguro / VIRTUS: Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios VIRTUS es la marca que identifica las mejores prácticas de los programas diseñados para ayudar a prevenir el delito y promover las buenas acciones dentro de las organizaciones religiosas. Los programas VIRTUS permiten a las organizaciones y las personas un mejor control de riesgos y mejorar las vidas de todos aquellos que interactúan con la Iglesia. Como parte de este esfuerzo, en las próximas semanas los estudiantes del programa de Formación de la Fe aprenderán sobre "Enseñanza de Seguridad en el Contacto". En esta clase aprenderán acerca de los límites personales y la forma de identificar y honrar esos límites, la seguridad en sí mismos al hablar cuando alguien trata de pasar por encima de la línea y la forma de identificar a alguien en quien confiar. Si no desea que su hijo(a) participe de esta clase, la ausencia justificada será documentada para aquellos estudiantes que entreguen una forma. Los padres pueden recoger esta forma en la oficina de la iglesia. November 06th 3rd grade — 4th grade RCIC (Mr. Nick & Mrs. Maude) RCIC (Zoila) (Cindy) November 09th RCIC First Communion 1st yr. (Lydia) Confirmation Class (Mrs. Robbie) (Wednesday 7-8pm) November 13th 5th grade — 6th grade RCIC (Michelle & Rachel) RCIA (Mrs. Patsy) November 16th 7th grade RCIC (Michelle & Amanda) RCIC (Karie & Diane) (Wednesday 7-8pm) TOYS FOR TOTS Applications will be accepted starting: Monday, October 24, 2016 thru Friday, November 18, 2016 During regular office hours: Monday – Thursday 9AM-4PM Friday 9AM-Noon TOYS FOR TOTS Las aplicaciones serán aceptadas a partir de: Lunes, 24 de Octubre del 2016 a Viernes, 18 de Noviembre del 2016 Durante horas regulares de oficina: Lunes – Jueves 9:00AM-4:00PM Viernes 9:00AM-Medio Dia 7the-12th graders please join us on Nov.6th from 5:00-7:00pm for our Third Annual Saint's Walk. Come dressed as your favorite saint, bring your love for the life of the saints and candies to share. We will provide stations for you at the Parish Hall. *Faith formation students this can count for your hours. Our tentative schedule are the following dates: Nov. 6 Third Annual Saint's Walk and Raffle Winner Nov.20 NO YOUTH NIGHT Dec. 4 Sneak Peak Lock-In (5-8PM) Dec. 18 Youth Ministry X-mas Party! Parents please lend us your helpful participation by volunteering to host a youth night dinner. Our youth would be more than happy to taste test any new and all recipes! QUESTIONS? Contact your Youth Minister via email at Marriage Enrichment Retreat Rediscovering God’s purpose for Marriage and Family Life St. Ann Catholic Church 806 North Washington St. Kaufman TX 75142 November 11-12, 2016 Friday 6pm – 10pm Saturday 8am – 10pm Registra on Fee: Free Registra on Deadline: Nov. 4th at 12:00 PM For more informaƟon, please contact the Parish Office at (972) 962-3247 or Jim Abalos @ 469.878.8807 or Vivian Abalos @ 469.682.1114