Download ST. HENRY CATHOLIC CHURCH 24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd
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ST. HENRY CATHOLIC CHURCH 24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd. Buckeye, AZ 85326 May 29, 2016 PASTOR Fr. William J. Kosco MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil . . . . . . 5:00p.m. Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00a.m. 10:00a.m. Domingo (Español) 12:00p.m. CONFESSIONS Wednesday 4:00 - 5:00p.m. Saturday 3:00 - 4:30p.m. ADORATION Wednesday 1:00 - 5:00p.m. OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. ADMINISTRATION Receptionist Flor de liz López, ext. 101 Secretary Nancy Vela, ext. 102 Parish Office: (623) 386-0175 E-mail: / Facebook: St. Henry Catholic Church, Buckeye, AZ Office Manager Dcn. Mark Gribowski, ext. 103 Pastoral Assistant Dcn. Victor León, ext. 104 Infant Baptism Information: 1st Sunday of the month after 10:00a.m. Mass Información Bautismos de Infantes: 1er Domingo del mes después de Misa de 12:00p.m. May 29, 2016 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Holy Communion Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm May 28 +Ian Norrie May 29 + +Soledad Olivas +Rafael Leon & Matilde Rodriguez Monday May 30 8:30 am +Julia Gonzalez Tuesday May 31 NO MASS Wednesday June 01 11:15 am Divine Mercy/Rosary 12:00 pm Antonio M. Lopez 12:30 pm Adoration Thursday June 02 8:30 am +Thomas Linthurst Friday June 03 8:30 am + Saturday June 04 5:00 pm +Gabe Villa Sunday June 05 8:00 am 10:00 am + 12:00 pm +Nestor Quevedo Our chapel Sanctuary Lamp is burning during the ninth week of Ordinary Time in memory of: + Legion of Mary by Barbara McDonald Who Can Receive Holy Communion? As Catholics we believe the Holy Eucharist is the most important of the seven sacraments because, in this and in no other sacrament, we receive the very Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. The Church sets out specific guidelines regarding how we should prepare ourselves to receive the Lord’s Body and Blood in Holy Communion. To receive Holy Communion worthily, you must be Catholic, in a state of grace, have made a good confession since your last mortal sin, believe in transubstantiation, that is, the transformation of the bread and wine into the actual Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ, and you must observe the Eucharistic fast. The Church defines Eucharistic fast as follows, “One who is to receive the most Holy Eucharist is to abstain from any food or drink, with the exception only of water and medicine, for at least the period of one hour before Holy Communion.” If you are married, your marriage must be blessed (sacramental) through the Catholic Church. You cannot receive communion if your marriage is only a civil marriage or if you are living with a person in a sexual relationship. Being divorced is not an obstacle to receiving communion. If you are divorced and remarried, you will need to anull your first marriage and convalidate your current civil marriage. You can contact Nancy Vela at the parish office to learn more about bringing your marital situation into full communion with the Catholic Church. How to Receive Holy Communion When receiving Holy Communion we receive standing. Holy Communion may be received either in the hand or on the tongue. The proper way to receive Holy Communion, in the hand, is to place one hand over the other hand then take the host with the right hand and immediately consume the Eucharist. Before receiving the Body and Blood of Christ the liturgical documents state that a sign of reverence should be made. It was decided by the Conference of Catholic Bishops that the sign of reverence, in the United States, is a bow of the head. When receiving Holy Communion the minister will say, The Body of Christ” and at the same time you say “Amen” you bow your head. It is the same when receiving the Blood of Christ. St. Henry is Starting a Children’s Choir! Sunday Collections May 15, 2016 Regular $7,138.86 We Share AutoPay $535.00 Building Fund We Share AutoPay $3,479.58 $158.00 Thank you for your continued generosity to St. Henry parish Attention 3rd through 6th grade students! If you would like to participate in a ministry using your musical talents, we would love to have you join us. We will be starting rehearsals this summer and we don’t want you to miss out. We are also looking to expand our youth choir. So, if you are in 7th through 12th grade, and love to sing, and your are reading this, maybe God is calling you. For more information feel free to talk to Magdalena Strahota after the 8:00am Mass, call or text her at 623-444-0103. "When the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.” Mayo 29, 2016 Corpus Christi La Santa Comunión ¿Quien Puede Recibir la Santa Comunión? Como Católicos nosotros creemos que la Santa Eucaristía es lo mas importante de los siete sacramentos porque, en este y no en ningún otro sacramento, nosotros recibimos el propio Cuerpo y Sangre, Alma y Divinidad de Jesucristo. La Iglesia establece normas especificas sobre como debemos prepararnos para recibir el Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo en la Santa Comunión. Para recibir la Santa Comunión con dignidad, debe ser Católico, en estado de gracia, haber tenido una buena confesión desde su ultimo pecado mortal, creer en la transubstanciación, esto es, la transformación del pan y vino a el Cuerpo, Sangre, Alma y Divinidad de Cristo, y debe observar el ayuno Eucarístico. La Iglesia define el ayuno en lo siguiente, “Quien vaya a recibir la Santa Eucaristía debe abstenerse de alimentos o bebidas, con la excepción de agua o medicina, por lo menos por el periodo de una hora antes de la Santa Comunión” Si usted es casado, su matrimonio debe estar bendecido (sacramentalmente) por la Iglesia Católica. Usted no puede recibir comunión si su matrimonio es solo un matrimonio civil o si esta viviendo con una persona en una relación sexual. Estar divorciado no es un obstáculo para recibir la comunión. Si usted esta divorciado y casado de nuevo, necesita anular su primer matrimonio y convalidar su matrimonio civil presente. Puede comunicarse a la oficina parroquial con Nancy Vela para informarse mas como llevar acabo su situación marital y estar en plena comunión con la Iglesia Católica. Como Recibir la Santa Comunión Cuando recibimos la Santa Comunión la recibimos de pie. La Santa Comunión se puede recibir ya sea en la mano o en la lengua. La forma apropiada de recibir la Santa Comunión, en la mano, es poner una mano sobre la otra y tomar la hostia con la mano derecha e inmediatamente consumir la Eucaristía. Antes de recibir el Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo los documentos litúrgicos dicen que se debe hacer una signo de reverencia. La Conferencia de Obispos Católicos decidió el signo de reverencia, en los Estados Unidos, que fue inclinar la cabeza. Incline su cabeza antes de recibir la Santa Comunión: el ministro dirá, “El Cuerpo de Cristo” y a la misma vez usted dirá “Amen”. De igual manera al recibir la Sangre de Cristo. 4 x 4 Truck Raffle Q & A Q: Has the parish actually already purchased the truck? A: No, the winner of the raffle will pick the truck. Q: Can the winner change the model, color, or even choose a car instead? A: Yes, as long as the total price is less than the price of the truck, but it must be purchased from Yates Motors in Goodyear. Q: Can the winner choose money instead? A: No. But you can choose to donate the truck’s value to the parish and receive a tax deduction for the full amount. Q: What about delivery fees, tax, title, and license? A: All covered by St. Henry! Q: What about income tax? A: Since any gambling/raffle winnings over $5,000 are subject to a 25% federal and 5% AZ state withholding tax, St. Henry will also pay these taxes. Depending upon your tax liability and annual income, you may receive some of this money as a refund when you file your 2016 state & federal taxes! Q: What is this $15,000 that the winner receives in addition to the truck? A: That is to pay the winner’s taxes (see above). Q: Can I buy a ticket if I live outside of Arizona? A: Sure. If you win the 2nd or 3rd place cash prize, we’ll mail you a check. If you win the truck . . . you’ll need to get over here to pick it up. The office will be closed Monday, May 30th La oficina estará cerrada lunes, mayo 30 “Cada Santo tiene un pasado y cada pecador un futuro”