Download November 13, 2016 - St. James Catholic Church
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1071 Academy Drive Conway, SC 29526 Website: Saturday Sunday July 9, 2017 4:30pm & 6:00pm 8:00am & 9:30am 12:00pm Español St. James Mission Statement St. James is a Catholic Community of disciples of Jesus Christ that: • is centered in the Eucharist and nourished by Scripture and Tradition • invites and welcomes all • grows in unity, knowledge and faith • serves God and all people Phone: (843) 347-5168 Fax: (843) 347-1212 Reconciliation Saturdays at 3:15pm-4:15pm Tuesdays at 7:00pm-7:45pm or on request anytime Misión de St. James St. James es una comunidad Católica de discipulos de Jesucristo que: • está centrada en la eucaristia y alimentada por la Escritura y Tradición • invita y da bienvenida a todos • crece en unidad, conocimiento y fé • sirve a Dios y todo el mundo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pastoral Staff Pastor ........................................ Father Tim Lijewski, ext. 222 Official Business Email: Forwards Email: Parochial Vicar…………………………Father Timothy Akanson Medical Emergency Number—when you need a priest: ………………………………………………………….843-219-0125 Deacon.………………………………………………..Jeff Mevissen Executive Assistant............................... ...Paula Loehr, ext. 221 Pastoral Associate/Coordinator of Religious Education .... .......................................................Paulette Flench, ext. 234 Hispanic Pastoral Associates………Conchita Antunez, ext. 229 Youth Minister…………………………..Sarah Taylor, ext. 235 Secretary…………………………….…...Kathy Caughey, ext. 224 Catechumenate Director……………... Eleanor Fisher, ext. 223 Maintenance Director……………….……..Earl Videan, ext. 232 Bulletin Articles: Items of communal interest must be at parish office no later Director of Music….. ....................................... ....Peggy Kamp than 12:00pm Monday. Parish Nurse ................................ ...Jean Witt, (843) 340-4812 Organists................................Wendy Shelley, Bradley Hardee To email staff members, use first initial, last Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30am - 3:30pm Religious Education/Catecismo: Call office Infant Baptism: The Sacrament is normally celebrated during a weekend Columbarium: Available to all registered Catholics of the Diocese. Call the church office for more information Liturgy. Please call the office to register for the preparation process. Marriage: By arrangement at least six months before the proposed wedding. Ministry to the Sick: Call to request visitation. Please let us know when loved ones are in the hospital. JULY 9, 2017 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION, Chapel Mondays, 9:00AM-Midnight Tuesdays, 6:00PM-12:00 Midnight Wednesdays, 9:00AM-12:00 Midnight Thursdays, 6:15AM-12:00 Midnight Fridays, 6:00PM-12:00 Midnight Could You Not Watch One Hour with Me? Have you opened your heart and listened to the Holy Spirit calling you during the quiet heat of summer? Part of why you are getting this call is that many of our current adorers are moving away and some are being affected with age and illness, so the number of adorers in adoration is shrinking. Our Lord is calling for replacements for these devoted parishioners. So PRAY now and listen to which hour he is calling you to spend with him. Do you really want to disappoint him? Fill out a form located outside the Chapel -TODAY. BAPTISM OF OUR BABIES: Are you interested in getting your baby/toddler baptized? If so, please call the church office, 347-5168, or email Deacon Jeff Mevissen at Preregister by Friday, July 21, to attend the next scheduled meeting. The baptism meeting will be held on Monday, July 31, at 7:00PM, #3. THIS WEEK AT ST. JAMES SUNDAY Blood Pressure Screening after all Masses It will be held in the front office. Jean Witt, our Parish Nurse, will be on hand to answer any questions. Breakfast 10:00AM-2:00PM, Parish Hall Collection of food for the needy every weekend, please put your donations in the basket Eucharistic Adoration TUESDAY Workshop— “Pursue the Best You” 1:00PM-5:00PM, Parish Hall Eucharistic Adoration 6:00PM-12:00 Midnight, Chapel Parent Session—Navigating Social Media 6:00PM, Parish Hall Confessions (English) 7:00PM (Spanish) 7:30PM Spanish Mass 8:00PM, Church Eucharistic Adoration WEDNESDAY 9:00AM-12:00 Midnight, Chapel Eucharistic Adoration THURSDAY 6:15AM--12:00 Midnight, Chapel Eucharistic Adoration FRIDAY 6:00PM-12:00 Midnight, Chapel Life Teen Mass WORKSHOP — "Pursue the Best You" sponsored by the Ladies Guild There will be a workshop this Tuesday, July 11, from 1:00PM to 5:00PM in the St. James Parish Hall. The speaker will be Judy Hehr, a nationally known spiritual speaker, coach, trainer, and radio host. The subject of her talks will be "Pursue the Best You." Discover your mission and determine your purpose! Learn more about Judy by going to her website: The fee for this workshop is $50, well worth the experience she has to offer. Make your check payable to Marcia Boyer and mail it to: 864 Pinehurst Lane 90-D, Pawleys Island, SC 29585. Limited seating is available, so sign up today. Ms. Boyer is the Myrtle Beach President of the SCCCW. TUESDAY NIGHT PARENT SERIES: NAVIGATING SOCIAL MEDIA! Parents are invited to a group discussing the positive and negatives of SOCIAL MEDIA and HOW TO USE different social media platforms including, INSTAGRAM, SNAPCHAT, TWITTER, and FACEBOOK. This will take place this Tuesday, July 11, from 6:00PM-7:30PM in the Parish Hall. Food and drinks will be provided. Come socialize with other parents, make friends, talk, and learn about topics relevant to you as CATHOLIC MOTHERS AND FATHERS! Contact Sarah Taylor at or 843-347-5168 with questions! MONDAY 9:00AM-12:00 Midnight, Chapel NEXT SATURDAY 6:00PM, Church NEXT SUNDAY Breakfast 10:00AM-2:00PM, Parish Hall Collection of food for the needy every weekend, please put your donations in the basket COMING EVENTS Baptismal Preparation Class Monday, July 31 7:00PM, #7 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS NEEDED FOR SUNDAY MASS: We are in need of Eucharistic Ministers for the Sunday morning 8:00AM Mass! Both men & women can apply. Requirements are that you be 18 years of age, teens 16 years of age (with permission from the Bishop), and be in good standing with the church. This is an excellent way to get involved in your parish and help St. James by being a minister in stewardship. Please contact Rose Kepler at 843-234-1956. THE DOORS ARE OPEN! WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN US! FOR INFORMATION ON BECOMING A CATHOLIC CALL: ELEANOR FISHER at 843-347-5168 EMAIL: FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sat. Sat. WORSHIP THIS WEEK July 8-16 3:15pm-4:15pm Confession 4:00pm Rosary 4:30pm Mass + Argia and Egidio Zumpano 6:00pm Life Teen Mass For the Parish Sun. 8:00am Mass No Intention 9:30am Mass + Craig Harrison Spanish 12:00pm Spanish Mass In Honor of Fr. Tim’s Ordination Anniversary Mon. 4:30pm Rosary 5:00pm Healing Mass + Victoria Fauci Tue. 11:30am Rosary 12:00 Noon Mass + Irene Manzella 7:00pm Confessions (English) 7:30pm Confessions (Spanish) Spanish 8:00pm Spanish Mass No Intention Wed. 4:00pm Mass at Conway Manor + Gail Jakes Thu. 11:30am Rosary 12:00 noon Mass + Amelia Battista Fri. 11:30am Rosary 12:00 noon Mass + Robert Emmett Dwyer, III Sat. 4:00pm Rosary 4:30pm Mass + Paul Soucy 6:00pm Life Teen Mass + Patrick Argento Sun. 8:00am Mass For the Parish 9:30am Mass + Richard Francis Spanish 12:00pm Spanish Mass No Intention CATHOLIC CHARITIES – PEE DEE Back-to-School Drive Catholic Charities will be collecting back-to-school items to be distributed at A Day of Hope, on August 12, for students that are homeless or in need in Horry County. Please drop off school supply items listed below for this event in the boxes in the gathering space labeled “Catholic Charities” until August 7, 2017. The average value of a complete backpack and school items is $30. If you would like to make a monetary donation all checks can be mailed directly to: Catholic Charities, 2294 Technology Blvd, Conway, SC 29526 or call 1-855-377-1357 x 1. Please designate that your donation is “special event” in your check's memo section. Supplies needed list: BLACK book bags, black ink pens, colored pencils, highlighters, composition books, spiral bound notebooks, folders, loose leaf paper, index cards, crayons, scissors, and pencil box/bags. Volunteers are also needed for the day of the event and beforehand to help stuff the backpacks and transport them to the event at the Myrtle Beach YMCA. Please call Catholic Charities if you are interested in volunteering. + symbol for deceased “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” —Matthew 11:28 DON’T FORGET TO BRING YOUR GROCERY ITEMS FOR THE NEEDY OF OUR AREA. Place your non-perishable food in the basket in the gathering space. We give the food to Churches Assisting People and Catholic Charities, who distribute it. LET’S HELP KEEP THE FOOD PANTRY FULL! OFFERTORY: We thank everyone who gives so generously to our weekly collection. DUE TO AN EARLY BULLETIN DEADLINE THE COLLECTION FIGURES FOR JULY 2 WILL BE REPORTED IN NEXT WEEK’S BULLETIN. COLLECTION FOR INFIRM PRIESTS WILL BE HELD TODAY. Please mark your check or envelope specifically for this collection and place it in the first basket along with your regular Sunday Offertory. Please be generous. COLLECTION FOR THE BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL WILL BE HELD NEXT WEEKEND, JULY 15 AND 16. Please mark your check or envelope specifically for this collection and place it in the first basket with your regular Sunday Offertory. Please be generous. YOUTH MINISTRY MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH 7/11 and 7/15 -No programs this summer. Look out for socials throughout the summer! Have a great break and enjoy the time to rest with friends and family! -Tuesday Night PARENT SERIES JULY 11 and 24! July 11—How to Navigate Digital Media! See announcement above. SUMMER--July- CONCERTS, MOVIES, BEACH DAYS! Keep checking our page for RELAXED SOCIALS during summer break! NEXT FALL– FAMILY KINGDOM Welcome Back Weekend! Fall BEACH RETREAT! Christian Music Day at CAROWINDS! Check out all upcoming events on our new website! Fax (843)347-1212 Website: * * * *Please help us keep this updated. Thank you.* * * * THE PRAYER LIST: Please pray for the physical and spiritual well-being of parishioners and friends who are ill: Ed Harrison, John McElfish, Bruce Thompson, Pat Spina, Steven Donofrio, Edward Olsen, Manuela De Sousa Quaetor, James Banek, Ann Nagy, George Scerba, Tom Rafferty, Barbara Hartman, Mary Cunningham, Robert Loose, Rob Loose, Linda Loose, Rendell Crown, Maria Salgado, Adam Wachob, Millie Adams, Gail Zavala, Arlene Amico, Rene Barthelette, Eileen Koester, Breiann Mozzicato, Avery Francis, Kevin Ryan, Moe and Loretta Labrecque, Jennifer Kobata, Jenny Askew, Tina Smith, Leslie Schmidt, Joshua Thomas, Tim Hernandez, Reba Anderson, Terry O’Keefe, Jimmy Wigel, Sonia Hayes, Cory Boettger, Chris Debus, Alfred Guff, Stephen Lambert, Patrick Budzisz, Cary Ballo, Betsy Ruiz-Barraza, Irma Madrid, Tim Barry, Kyle Zuczek, Kim Davies, David Hope, JoAnn Miles, Bill Haug, and Nancy Schwindinger. WHEN YOU OR A LOVED ONE ARE IN THE HOSPITAL: Would you like an Extraordinary Minister to bring communion? Would you like a priest to administer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick? Please call the office and let us know. Stay in touch with us! We’re using to help communicate more efficiently with our parishioners. It utilizes both email and text-all from one, easy place. It's the best way for you to connect with all of our groups and activities and in the way that you prefer to communicate! Visit and create a username and password or text SJCC to 84576 and follow the instructions that will be texted to you. Next Step: Go to to complete your registration. From there you can join the Flocknote lists (organizations) that you want to be in communication with! *If you need help registering, feel free to contact Paula Loehr at 843-347-5168 or E-Mail: Become a Member of St. James Parish! It is a great joy for us to welcome new members to our parish community. We invite all newcomers and those who attend Mass at St. James on a regular basis to become registered members as soon as possible. You can register in a few different ways: • By stopping by the office during business hours, MondayFriday, 9:30AM to 3:30PM. • By calling the office at 347-5168 during business hours to request a registration form be mailed to you. • Visit our website and download the form. • If you are moving or returning, please let us know so we can maintain accurate records. INTERNATIONAL ROSARY: An International Rosary for Our Lady of Fatima will be held at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church in Fort Mill, SC on Thursday, July 13 at 7:00PM. Each decade will be prayed in a different language and all nationalities are welcome! Please bring an international dessert to share following the rosary. For questions, please contact us at CATHOLIC ENGAGED ENCOUNTER WEEKEND: There will be a Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend on the following dates: St. Andrew, Clemson on July 29-30, St. Michael, Murrells Inlet on October 7-8, and All Saints, Lake Wylie on November 11-12. Please see the web site at: for more information and to register WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND: “. . . and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light." Find out how love and communication can ease your burdens by participating in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. The next weekends are: October 13-15, 2017 in Myrtle Beach, SC and November 10-12, 2017 in Atlantic Beach, NC. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact us or 803-810-9602. at TITHE THANK YOU’S from Shepherd’s Table, Help 4 Kids, Catholic Charities, and Movers for Moms. NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS (“NAMI”) FAMILY-to-FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP 10 NIGHT HOLLAND AMERICA CRUISE TO THE PANAMA CANAL AND SOUTHERN CARIBBEAN: The Precious Blood of Christ Catholic Women's Club would like to invite you to join their 10 night Holland America cruise to the Panama Canal and Southern Caribbean! We leave Fort Lauderdale on January 17, 2018. Tell your family and friends and come cruise with us. Special group rates apply! FIRST THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH AT OUR LADY STAR OF THE SEA CATHOLIC CHURCH, 1100 8TH AVENUE NORTH, NORTH MYRTLE BEACH Call or email Sharon Roberts 301-751-0269 or and she will send you the cruise information. You may also call Sylvia Proctor with Cruise One and tell her you want information about this cruise at 843-6505386. Come join us! Our Family Support Group is comprised of adults (caregivers, relatives, friends, etc.) who are concerned about loved ones who suffer from mental illness (i.e., depression, anxiety, psychosis, schizophrenia, etc.). We share ideas and discuss ways and means to help our loved ones and each other. No membership – no fees. All are welcome. Group Facilitators: Ken & Karen – (843) 281-0245 PARISH ACTIVITY CENTER - ROOM "D" 6:00PM-8:00PM * * * * * NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL * * * * * DEBIDO A QUE ESTAMOS PREPARANDO EL BOLETÍN TEMPRANO, LAS CIFRAS DE RECAUDACIÓN SERÁN REPORTADAS LA SEMANA QUE VIENE. LA SEGUNDA COLECTA EL PROXIMO DOMINGO 16 DE JULIO SERÁ PARA LA COORESPONSABILIDAD CON NUESTRO OBISPO. Por favor sea generoso. ADORACIÓN AL SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO El Santísimo Sacramento está expuesto en la capilla Virgen de Guadalupe Lunes de 9:00AM–12:00 de la media noche Martes de 6:00PM– 12 de la media noche Miércoles 9:00AM–12:00 de la media noche Jueves 6:15AM-12 de la media noche Viernes 6:00PM–12:00 de la media noche Ven y pasa un tiempo de adoración con Jesús Sacramentado ¡Te está esperando! Si quiere comprometerse con una hora de adoración comuníquese con Amalia García o Conchita Antúnez o llene una de las hojas de inscripción que se encuentran en el pasillo afuera de la iglesia o en la capilla de adoración. ORACIÓN DEL ROSARIO EN FAMILIA CON LA VIRGEN PEREGRINA DURANTE TODO EL AÑO Si le gustaría recibir la visita de la Virgen Peregrina en su hogar y rezar el rosario en familia, puede inscribirse con el Sr. Bernardino Reyes y la Sra. Gelacia Zacarías coordinadores del rosario en familia. Los domingos y martes media hora antes de la Misa rezamos el Santo Rosario en comunidad. MISA, CONFESIONES Y ORACIÓN DEL ROSARIO MARTES 7:00PM Servicio de confesión 7:30PM Oración del Rosario en comunidad 8:00PM Celebración de la Misa DOMINGO 11:30AM Rosario en comunidad 12:00PM Celebración de la Misa LA FAMILIA QUE REZA UNIDA PERMANECE UNIDA SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO Las próximas fechas de preparación para el sacramento del bautismo de los niños serán el 5, 12, y 19 de Agosto, 2017 a las 6:00PM. Se les pide a los padres de los niños, que antes de asistir a la preparación se registren en la oficina del Ministerio Hispano con Conchita Antúnez, traer el acta de nacimiento de su hijo(a), buscar padrinos casados por la iglesia o padrinos solteros que hayan celebrado sus sacramentos y que ayuden a sus hijos a vivir su nueva vida cristiana. LECTURAS PARA ESTA SEMANA XIV DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Domingo: Zac 9, 9-10; Sal 144; Rom 8, 9, 11-13; Mt 11, 2530 Acuérdate, Señor, de tu misericordia Lunes: Gén 28, 10-22; Sal 90; Mt 9, 18-26 Señor, en ti confío Martes: Gén 32, 22-32; Sal 16; Mt 9, 32-38 Señor, escucha nuestra súplica Miércoles: Gén 41, 55-57; 42, 5-7, 17-24; Sal 32; Mt 10, 1-7 Muéstranos, Señor, tu misericordia Jueves: Gén 44, 18-21, 23-29; 45, 1-5; Sal 104; Mt 10, 7-15 Recordemos los prodigios del Señor Viernes: Gén 46, 1-7, 28-30; Sal 36; Mt 10, 16-23 La Salvación del justo es el Señor Sábado: Gén 49, 29-32; 50, 15-26; Sal 104; Mt 10, 24-33 Cantemos la grandeza del Señor Próximo Domingo: Is 55, 10-11; Sal 64; Rom 8, 18-23; Mt 13, 1-23 Señor, danos siempre de tu agua ESCUELA DIOCESANA DE FORMACIÓN EN LA FE “Cristo Maestro” DIÓCESIS DE CHARLESTON Para todos los adultos mayores de 18 años, que quieran conocer y profundizar más sobre su Fe Católica. Día y hora de las clases: segundo y cuarto lunes del mes, 7:00PM-9:00PM Costo por curso: $20:00 Cada curso consta de cuatro clases. Lugar: Parroquia St. Andrew, Myrtle Beach en uno de sus salones Pueden obtener más información en la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. * * * * * NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL * * * * * RICA – RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS La parroquia ofrece el proceso de preparación para los adultos mayores de 18 años, que no han celebrado sus sacramentos de Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación o que solo han sido Bautizados y no han completado su iniciación cristiana. Los adultos que quieran celebrar estos sacramentos por favor inscríbanse al terminar la Misa o llamen a la oficina del ministerio hispano. Los padrinos de los candidatos y los adultos que quieran conocer más sobre su fe católica son bienvenidos. CELEBRACIÓN DE LOS XV AÑOS Los padres de familia, que desean solicitar una Misa especial de acción de gracias, para la celebración de los 15 años de sus hijas, necesitan inscribirse con la misionera Conchita Antúnez, por lo menos 4 meses antes de la fecha de la celebración. Para más información llame a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano (843) 347- 5168 Ext. 229. ESTA SEMANA EN ST. JAMES ESTE DOMINGO 10:00AM – 3:00PM Venta de desayuno y comida en la cafetería 11:30AM Oración del Rosario en comunidad 12:00PM - Celebración de la Santa Misa ESTE LUNES 9:00AM – 12:00 de la media noche Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento ESTE MARTES 6:00PM – 12:00 De la media noche Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento 7:00PM - Confesiones 7:30PM - Rosario en Comunidad 8:00PM - Misa en español ESTE MIÉRCOLES 9:00AM – 12:00 de la media noche Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento 8:00PM – 10:00PM Ensayo del Ministerio de Música ESTE JUEVES 8:30AM – 12:00 de la media noche Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento PREPARACIÓN PARA EL SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Damos una calurosa bienvenida a todas las parejas que desean celebrar el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Se requiere que inicien su proceso de preparación 6 meses antes de la fecha del matrimonio, para más información comuníquense con Conchita Antúnez o llame a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano (843) 347- 5168 Ext. 229. ESTE VIERNES 6:00PM – 12:00 De la media noche Exposición y Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento PRÓXIMO DOMINGO 10:00AM – 3:00PM Venta de desayuno y comida en la cafetería 11:30 AM – Oración del rosario en comunidad 12:00PM - Celebración de la Santa Misa ARTÍCULOS RELIGIOSOS: Las personas que estén interesados en comprar alguno de los artículos religiosos que se encuentran en las vitrinas afuera de la iglesia, pueden hacerlo con Federico Martínez. Si necesitan velas para Bautismo, Primera Comunión o artículos para la celebración de otros sacramentos, están a la venta sólo por pedidos. Si alguien quiere hacer algún pedido comuníquese con Conchita o llame a la oficina del Ministerio Hispano. Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 9 de julio de 2017 INSCRIPCIONES PARA EL NUEVO AÑOS DE CATEQUESIS RITO DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS (RICA) Las inscripciones para el nuevo año de catecismo 2017-2018 ya iniciaron, las formas se encuentran en el pasillo y también afuera de la oficina de Paulette. La catequesis para todos los niños de la Parroquia serán los domingos de 10:45AM–12:00 del mediodía en ingles con libros bilingües. Pueden inscribir a sus niños desde 4K hasta el 8th grado. Invitamos a los padres de familia a que consideren inscribir y enviar a sus hijos al nuevo año de catequesis, ya que es una bendición que nuestra parroquia nos ofrezca este regalo, para que los niños y adolescentes reciban una educación de su fe católica completa, como también para celebrar sus sacramentos de Comunión y Confirmación. “Vengan a mí, todos los que están fatigados y agobiados por la carga, y yo los aliviaré.” —Mateo 11:28 El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos es un proceso de preparación, conversión y crecimiento en la fe, para los adultos mayores de 18 años, que no han celebrado sus sacramentos de Bautismo, Comunión y Confirmación o que solo han sido Bautizados y no han completado su iniciación cristiana. Los adultos que quieran prepararse para celebrar estos sacramentos, por favor llame a la oficina del ministerio hispano (843) 347- 5168. También damos una calurosa bienvenida a los que deseen profesar la fe católica, a los padrinos de los candidatos y a todos los adultos que quieran conocer más sobre su fe católica. Los esperamos los domingos de 10:00AM – 11:45PM en la capilla.