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CHURCH OF ST. STEPHEN/ OUR LADY OF THE SCAPULAR SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN CHAPEL OF THE SACRED HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY ORDINARY TIME JULY 29, 2012 SACRAMENTAL LIFE Mass Schedule Church Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am, 9:30 am 11:00 am (Spanish) Weekdays 8:00 am, 12:15 pm Holy Days 8:00 am, 12:15 pm Mass Schedule Chapel Sunday Weekdays Saturday Holy Days 12:30 pm, 5:30 pm 5:00 pm 12:00 pm Chapel Centering Prayer Monday 6:00 pm Chapel Meditative Chant Sunday 6:30 pm Chapel Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary Rosary after weekday Masses Novena Monday after 8:00 am & 12:15 pm Advent and Lent Chapel Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults 5:00 pm (Vigil) 12:15 pm, 5:00 pm For people interested in Catholicism and for those who are baptized Catholics but have not received Confirmation Religious Education for Children 3:00 pm (1st & 3rd) Inter-parish program, K-8, Epiphany Parish (212) 475-1966 Baptism Contact the rectory at least 3 weeks prior to the requested date Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm Sunday 4:45 pm - 5:15 pm First Friday 5:00 pm Mass Bereavement Support Group Polish Mass Sunday Holy Hour Church Chapel Marriage Contact the rectory at least 6 months prior to the date of your wedding CHURCH 151 East 28th Street, NY, NY 10016 Office: 142 East 29th St., NY, NY 10016 Phone: (212) 683-1675; Fax: (212) 683-7921 Email: Website: Wheelchair accessible Young Adults 20 to 40 years Chapel Legion of Mary Wednesday 6:00 pm Church Senior Citizens Tuesday 2:00 pm Church 33 Club Adults 50 years and older 323 East 33rd St., ground floor Sr. Jeanne Burns (212) 725-8969 CHAPEL 325 East 33rd Street, NY, NY 10016 Email: Website: Wheelchair accessible MOVING FORWARD IN FAITH CHURCH OF ST. STEPHEN / OUR LADY OF THE SCAPULAR Msgr. Lawrence Connaughton, Pastor Priests in Residence Msgr. Walter Niebrzydowski Fr. Chrisanth Mugasha Fr. Stephen Okeke Fr. Damian Umeokeke Parish Staff Peggy Epstein Office Manager María Rivera Secretary Deirdre Broderick Music Director Trustees Rose Klimovich, Michael Lundregan James O’Rielly, Leilani Siri Parish Council Raymond Brancaccio, Sr. Jeanne Burns, Peggy Byrne, Michael Lundregan, Carmine Musumeci, Gladys Rodríguez, Lelani Siri, Paul Stockschlaeder, Evita Torre, Laurie Walsh, Robert Wynkoop Religious/Community Groups Carmelite Third Order: Second Sunday 9:30am Alcoholics Anonymous: Saturday 3:30pm Narcotics Anonymous: Tuesday 5:00pm Church Office Hours Mon-Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday 9:00am-12:15pm 1:15pm-7:00pm 9:00am-12:15pm 1:15pm-5:00pm 10:00am-1:00pm 2:00pm-6:00pm 9:00am-12 noon Chapel Hours Mon-Fri Saturday Sunday 8:00am-5:45pm 11:30pm-1:00pm 12:00pm-2:00pm 4:30pm-6:30pm NEW YORK MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, July 28 12 noon Gonzalez Family 5:00 pm Alejandro Salguero by Elba Torres SUNDAY, July 29 8:00am Maura Moloney by Esther & Denis Fitzgerald 9:30am Timothy Vislocky by Gladys Rodriguez 11:00am Maria Sara Martinez Fernandez by Leonardo Rojas and Miguel Avalo 12:30pm Stephen Nardino Sabatino by Roberto and Sue Ann Reale 5:30pm Gonzalez Family MONDAY, July 30 8:00am Gonzalez Family 12:15pm Michael Vitale by Agnes Keegan 5:00pm Mary McGowan de Bouthlier by Sal Costa TUESDAY, July 31 8:00am John Marco 12:15pm Vincent Morales by Cynthia Morales 5:00pm Ana Cabrera WEDNESDAY, August 1 8:00am Andrea Rodriguez by Laszlo Feher 12:15pm Victor Villalobos by Virginia and Abe Rodriguez 5:00pm Marianne Licari THURSDAY, August 2 8:00am Gerry Daniels & Brian Morris (LIVING) 12:15pm Ross Keller by Rodriguez Family 5:00pm Guillermo Estilo by Microbiology Dept. of NYU FRIDAY, August 3 8:00am Roger Wilbeck 12:15pm Aldo Amaro De Via by Sari Nielsen 5:00pm Antonio Cabrera SATURDAY, August 4 12 noon James McCarthy by Margaret Glover 5:00 pm Maria Antonia Cruz by Cruz Family PRAY FOR THE SICK/OREN POR LOS ENFERMOS Julio Perez, Justin Vargas, Luis Ferrer, Abel Suarez, Mary Theresa Lintner, Raul Borrero, Jorge Concepción, Marie Argiro’s, Carlos Martinez, Abigail Julian, Allen Wilpon, Maria Bozzetti, Belen Maldonado, Rufina Mojica, Flamina Cecchi, José Olivo Jr., Monsita Borrero, Martha Cabrera, Modesto Mendieta, Fr. John Logan, Javier Ferrer, Maribel Ramirez, Steven Monahan, Jose M. Betancourt, Helen Borja, Margaret Aiello, Matthew Bondar, Rita Medile, Anthony Leone. The above names will be listed for four weeks unless otherwise requested. THE SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what good are these for so many?” Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who were reclining, and also as much of the fish as they wanted. - Jn 6:9, 11 THE CHURCH HOME MISSIONS AND THE CHURCH IN LATIN AMERICA APPEALS Collection on August 4-5, 2012 The Catholic Home Missions Appeal works to support home mission dioceses in the United States by supporting seminarian formation in poor dioceses. Often home mission priests and lay ministers require special training to attend to the unique needs of their faith communities. The same collection will help the Church in Latin America. Many unique challenges face the Church in that region. A lack of priests and trained lay ministers, high emigration rates, and the alarming pace at which parishioners are leaving the faith make it difficult for the region’s Church to provide for the faithful. Your generosity to these Appeals will be appreciated. HOW DO YOU BECOME A CATHOLIC? Do you know anyone who is not a Catholic and has expressed interest in the Catholic faith? Do you know anyone who is Catholic but has not received the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion or Confirmation? If you do know someone then tell them you know a parish that is ready to help them with their inquiries. We are willing to offer them guidance that will help them grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church. For more information contact Msgr. Connaughton at 212-683-1675 or e-mail him at STEWARDSHIP-TITHING “And keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus who himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35 Stewardship Is A Way Of Life Tithing is God’s Plan For Giving Tithing Last Week: July 22: $4,304 Tithing Last Year: July 24: $4,358 __________________________________________ Thank you for being faithful stewards of your treasure by offering some of your blessings to the Church. A Tither’s Comment Here at St. Stephen’s we have many parishioners who donate unselfishly so that God’s work may continue…”.” JULY 29, 2012 SUPPORT MEETINGS FOR UNEMPLOYED PERSONS For 9 Saturdays starting 8/4/12 from 10–11:30 am at St. Francis House 135 W. 31st St. Enrollment limited, in person interview is required, no walk-ins permitted. Call 212.736.8500 ext. 269 or email and include your name and phone number. REFLECTIONS ON POVERTY IN AMERICA “Catholicism does not call us to abandon the world but to help shape it. This does not mean leaving worldly tasks and responsibilities but transforming them...Social justice and the common good are built up or torn down day to day in the countless decisions and choices we make.” US Bishops, Everyday Christianity “Our world is entering the new millenium burdened by the contradictions of an economic, cultural and technological progress which offers immense possibilities to a fortunate few, while leaving millions of others not only on the margins of progress but in living conditions far below the minimum demanded by human dignity...Christians must learn to make their act of faith in Christ by discerning his voice in the cry for help that arises from this world of poverty.” Pope John Paul II, Novo Millenio Ineunte, Apostolic Letter at the Close of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, January 6, 2001. FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP In their statement of Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, the U.S. Catholic bishops remind Catholics about the call to participate in political life. “In the Catholic tradition,” they write, “responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation” (no. 13). Visit today to read the statement, watch videos, download podcasts, and access other great resources. FREE HOME STUDY COURSES ON THE CATHOLIC FAITH You are invited to study the Catholic Faith by taking free correspondence courses at home. For more information about the nine courses available, go to our Catholic Home Study Service web site ( chss.asp). Or you may write to Catholic Home Study Service, P.O. Box 363, Perryville MO 63775-0363, or call 573-547-4084. MASSES FOR THE LIVING AND DECEASED One special way to pray for loved ones, living or deceased, is to have a Mass offered for them at our church or chapel. Visit or contact the rectory office when you wish to reserve Masses. CHURCH OF ST. STEPHEN / OUR LADY OF THE SCAPULAR CHRIST’S PRESENCE IN SIGN AND SYMBOL Gestures, language, and actions are the physical, visible, and public expressions by which human beings understand and manifest their inner life. Since human beings on this earth are always made of flesh and blood, they not only will and think, but also speak and sing, move and celebrate. These human actions as well as physical objects are also the signs by which Christians express and deepen their relationship to God.” (Built of Living Stones” United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) As Catholics we should be mindful that when we enter the Church or Chapel, that we are entering a holy place where the Real Presence of Christ, the Blessed Sacrament is within the tabernacle. We acknowledge the Divine Presence by the sign of the Cross, a bow or a genuflection before taking our places. We prepare for the celebration of the Eucharist through our personal prayers, reading the scriptures, and reflecting on them. We silence and turn off our phones and allow God to communicate mercy and love to our hearts and souls. AUGUST 4TH FEAST DAY OF ST. JOHN MARIE VIANNEY Patron Saint of Parish Priest and Confessors St. John Marie Vianney a French parish priest, also called the Cure d’Ars, was born on 5/8/1786 and died on 8/4/1859. He was canonized in 1925. The life of John Vianney is the story of a humble, holy man who barely succeeded in becoming priest , but who converted thousands of sinners. He heard confessions from 13-17 hours a day. When his body was exhumed pending his beatification, it was found to be incorruptible. He is known as the patron of parish priests and confessors. BREAD & WINE The Bread and Wine this week is in memory of Angelina Confessore. DO YOU KNOW YOUR PARISH? There is a lot of information about the parish on our website including the past and the present, opportunities for ministry, and artwork within the Church. Log on to NEW YORK MISION CATOLICA Y EL LLAMADO DE LA IGLESIA EN AMERICA LATINA Colecta del 4-5 de agosto 2012 El Llamado para las Misiones Católicas trabaja para apoyar a las diócesis misioneras en los Estados Unidos apoyando a las diócesis pobres en la formación de seminaristas. Con frecuencia, los sacerdotes y los ministros laicos en las diócesis misioneras necesitan una capacitación especial para atender a las necesidades especiales de sus comunidades de fe. La misma colecta ayudará la Iglesia en América Latina. En esa región, la Iglesia enfrenta muchos desafíos singulares. La escasez de sacerdotes y de ministros capacitados, el alto índice de emigración y el ritmo alarmante en el que los feligreses están abandonando la fe, dificultan la labor de la Iglesia para ayudar a los fieles en esa región. Su generosidad a este Llamado será apreciada. CÓMO TE CONVIERTES EN CATÓLICO? Conoce usted a alguien que no es católico que ha expresado interés en la fe católica?. Conoces a alguien católico pero que no ha recibido sus Sacramentos de Reconciliación, Primera Comunión y Confirmación? Si conoces a alguien dile que la parroquia está lista para ayudarlo en contestar sus preguntas. Deseamos darle orientación que le ayudará en su relación con Jesucristo y la Iglesia. Para mas información contacte a Msgr. Connaughton al 212-683-1675 o por correo electrónico a DISCIPULADO – DIEZMO Mantén en tu mente las palabras del Señor Jesús quien dijo, hay mayor felicidad en dar que en recibir.” Hechos 20:35 El Discipulado Es Una Forma De Vida El Diezmo es el Plan de Dios para Dar El diezmo del 22 de Julio: $4,304 El diezmo del año pasado 24 de Julio: $4,358 Gracias por ser fieles Discipulados de su tesoro, ofreciendo algunas de sus bendiciones a la Iglesia. COMENTARIO DE UN FELIGRES “Aquí en San Esteban tenemos muchos feligreses que hacen desinteresadamente donaciones para que la labor de Dios pueda continuar...” THE SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 29, 2012 ¿CONOCE USTED SU PARROQUIA? PRSENCIA DE CRISTO EN SIGNO Y SĺMBOLO Hay mucha información sobre la parroquia en nuestro Web site incluyendo del pasado y el presente, oportunidades para asistir en cualquier ministerio, las estaciones de la Cruz y pinturas dentro de la iglesia vea Los gestos, el lenguaje y las acciones son la expresión física, visible, público y por el cual los seres humanos comprenden y manifiestan su vida interior. Puesto que los seres humanos en esta tierra siempre se hacen de carne y hueso, no sólo a pensar, pero también hablar y cantar, moverse y celebrar. Estas acciones humanas, así como objetos físicos son también los signos por los que los cristianos expresan y profundizar su relación con Dios. "(Construida de piedras vivas" Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados) REFLECCIONES DE POBREZA EN AMERICA “El Catolicismo no nos llama para abandonar el mundo sino para darle forma. Esto no significa dejar los labores del mundo y responsabilidades pero transformarlos...La justicia social y el bien común son construídos o derribados día a día in las decisiones incontables y las opciones que hacemos.” Obispos de los Estados Unidos, Cristianidad Diario “Nuestro mundo está entrando al nuevo milenio afligido por las contradicciones de un económico, cultural, y progreso tecnológico que ofrece posibilidades inmensas a pocos afortunados, mientras deja millones de otros no solamente en los márgenes del progreso pero en malas condiciones de vida más bajo de la demanda mínima por la dignidad humana...Cristianos deben aprender a hacer sus actos de fe en Cristo, discerniendo su voz en el grito de ayuda que surge en este mundo de pobreza.” Papa Juan Pablo II, Novo Millenio Ineunte, Carta Apostolica en el Cierre del Gran Jubileo del Año 2000, 6 de Enero, 2001. SER CIUDADANOS FIELES En su declaración en Formando Conciencias Para Ser Ciudadanos Fieles, los obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos recuerdan a los Católicos sobre el llamado a participar en la vida política. “En la tradición Católica,” escriben, “la ciudadanía responsable es una virtud, y la participación en la vida política es una obligación moral” (no. 13). Visite hoy para leer la declaración, ver videos, descargar podcasts, y acceder otros grandes recursos. CURSOS GRATUITOS DE INICIO DE ESTUDIO SOBRE LA FE CATÓLICA Se le invita a estudiar la fe católica mediante la adopción de cursos gratuitos por correspondencia en casa. Para obtener más información acerca de los nueve cursos disponibles, visite nuestro sitio Católica de Estudio en Casa Internet Service ( / chss.asp). O puede escribir a los Servicios Católicos de estudio del hogar, PO Box 363, Bolivar MO 63775-0363, o llame al 573-547-4084. Como católicos debemos ser conscientes de que cuando entramos en la iglesia o capilla, que estamos entrando en un lugar santo donde la presencia real de Cristo, el Santísimo Sacramento se encuentra dentro del tabernáculo. Somos conscientes de la Presencia Divina por la señal de la cruz, un arco o una genuflexión antes de tomar nuestros lugares. Nos preparamos para la celebración de la Eucaristía a través de nuestras oraciones personales, leer las Escrituras, y reflexionar sobre ellos. Nos silenciamos y apagamos nuestros teléfonos y permitimos que Dios comunique la misericordia y el amor a nuestros corazones y almas. 4 DE AGOSTO FIESTA DE SAN JUAN MARIE VIANNEY Santo Patron de Sacerdotes y Confesores San Juan Marie Vianney era un sacerdote Francés, también llamado el Cura de Ars, nació en 5/8/1786 y murió en 8/4/1859. El fue canonizado en 1925. La vida de Juan Vianney es la historia de un hombre humilde y sagrado quien apenas alcanzó ser sacerdote, pero convirtió miles de pecadores. El escuchaba confesiones de 13 a 17 horas al día. Cuando su cuerpo fue exhumado en espera de su beatificación, se descubrió que era incorruptible. El es conocido como el patrón de sacerdotes y confesores. PAN Y VINO El Pan y el Vino de esta semana es ofrecido en memoria de Angelina Confessore. REUNIONES DE APOYO A DESEMPLEADOS Una serie sin cargos durante 9 sábados a partir del 08/04/12 10-11:30 am en San Francisco, Casa 135 W. 31st St. cupo limitado, en la entrevista personal se requiere, no se permiten personas sin cita previa. Llame al 212.736.8500 ext. 269 o por correo electrónico e incluya su nombre y número de teléfono.