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A newsletter devoted to the preparations of the 2014 Synod
September 2013 • Volume 1, Issue 2
The Important Role of Laity in
Preparing for the 2014 Synod
By Randy Nohl, Chairperson
Synod Preparatory Commission
Our Holy Fathers Francis, Benedict
XVI and John Paul II have all made
clear the important role of laity:
“‘Go and make disciples of all
nations.’ … Three simple ideas:
Go, do not be afraid and serve.”
(Pope Francis at World
Youth Day 2013)
Lay people “must
no longer be viewed
as ‘collaborators,’ of
the clergy but truly
recognized as ‘coresponsible’ for the
Church’s being and
action thereby fostering
the consolidation of a
mature and committed
“Make yourselves missionaries of
Christ for your brothers and sisters,
where they live, work and study or
merely spend their leisure time.”
(Pope Benedict XVI)
“The lay faithful, precisely as
members of the Church, have the
vocation and mission of proclaiming the
Gospel…” (Blessed Pope John Paul II)
And so, when Archbishop Jerome
E. Listecki announced plans for an
Archdiocesan Synod to take place on
Pentecost weekend June 7-8, 2014, he,
too, was very clear in his desire that this
be a gathering of “the faithful”– clergy
AND lay people.
As he stated in the prologue of his
recent Pastoral Letter, “Who Do You
Say That I Am?,” “Our ultimate goal
is for believers to renew their own
spiritual fervor and reconnect to the
supernatural source and transcendent
power that has already
motivated so many believers
to build up the Archdiocese of
Milwaukee, and indeed, change
the world.”
With that in mind, every
parish throughout the
archdiocese is being asked
to hold a parish (or cluster)
reflection session open to
all parishioners in October
or November 2013. These
gatherings will reflect on
Archbishop Listecki’s Pastoral Letter
and then begin to identify pastoral
priorities for the Synod. pastoral priorities for the future of the
Church of southeastern Wisconsin.
Feedback received at the parish
sessions will be discussed further at
The Synod planning starts with the
District Gatherings in February and
parish sessions, and input, especially
March 2014 and ultimately at the Synod from lay people throughout the
in June 2014. Lay people representing
archdiocese, will be critical to this
their parishes will join with clergy and process. I encourage you to check
be a vital part of the district gatherings. with your parish to find out when
Every parish will have a lay delegate
participating in the actual Synod
event. These delegates, along with
priests, parish directors, deacons,
parish staff members, other lay leaders,
and representatives of religious
communities, will discuss and discern
your parish reflection session will be
held. This will be an exciting spirit-led
process that will bear fruit for years to
come in the archdiocese.
You can find further information about
the Synod and events leading up to it at
September 2013
Page 2
Together We Can Reignite Our Catholic Faith
In January,
I released
my Pastoral
Letter, “Who
Do You Say
That I Am?”
by the Year
of Faith,
I wanted
By Archbishop
to lay the
Jerome E. Listecki
for development of our vision
of the Church in southeastern
Ultimately my hope is to reignite the fire and fervor for our
Catholic faith throughout the
archdiocese. I believe that by
studying Scripture, contemplating
“Church” and inspiring the Love of
Jesus Christ in others, that we can
ignite that fire.
This fall, I invite each of
you to participate in one of the
parish reflection sessions being
planned. What you consider
during these sessions will inform
conversations at district gatherings
next spring and ultimately, at the
Archdiocesan Synod on Pentecost
weekend, June 7-8, 2014.
At the Synod, Catholics
from across the Archdiocese of
Milwaukee will develop a vision
for the Church that will guide us
for the next decade.
I see the Synod as a
convergence of The Year of Faith,
our commitment to evangelization,
as well as an opportunity to allow
us to fulfill the mandate of Jesus
and answer, “Who Do You Say
That I Am?”
As He came to the early
Christians on Pentecost, I pray
that Jesus will touch all of us with
the fire of His love and embolden
us to spread the Good News of the
Gospel message.
Read Archbishop Listecki’s Pastoral
Letter, “Who Do You Say That I
Am?” and additional documents
and videos about the letter by
Prayer in Preparation
for the Synod
O Lord, we accept your invitation
to enter into the great mystery of
your love and presence within your
Through word and sacrament, you
lead us into communion with you.
Relying on this spiritual intimacy,
help open our hearts to the work
of the Holy Spirit as we fashion our
response to the cries of the poor
who struggle to know Jesus.
(Pause and silently mention your
personal intentions)
We give you thanks O Lord, for the
men and women who have offered
their lives as gifts to build His
Renew within us the “fire” that
burns with the love of the Lord for
our brothers and sisters.
As we seek to fulfill our
responsibilities through the
Archdiocesan Synod, we stand with
St. John the Evangelist, patron of
the archdiocese, who was charged
to care for Mary, Mother of the
Church. Asking their intercession,
we offer this prayer through Christ
our Lord.
September 2013
Page 3
Join the Conversation!
Parishes to Hold Synod Mornings/Evenings of Reflection
Catholics from all over
the archdiocese are invited to
participate in the upcoming Synod
reflection sessions taking place at
their respective parishes during
October and November.
“Your voice matters,” said
Randy Nohl, Chairperson, Synod
Preparatory Commission. “A
Synod rarely occurs, and so in
order to foster rich dialogue of
our future, the Church needs all
Her members to pray, share and
discern during these sessions.”
Each session will cover the
following three topics:
Catholic Identity – The Beauty
of the Catholic Church
Evangelization – Spreading the
Good News and Making Disciples
Stewardship – Understanding,
Sharing and Multiplying God’s
During each of the three
sessions, participants will watch
a short video, pray together,
and participate in small group
Here’s a snap shot of some
of the questions that have been
prepared for the small group
Describe a time when you
have experienced the gift of
“communion” through your
Catholic faith.
What can the Church do to
proclaim the Good News of Jesus
Christ in new ways to the people
and culture of our day?
List two or three new and
creative ways we can share the
faith with those who are not
actively involved in a parish.
“The outcomes of these
sessions is vital for the success of
the Synod,” said Nohl. “There’s
no better time to join the
For a schedule of your parish
sessions, contact your pastor,
parish director or parish Synod
2014 Synod
Commission Members
Carol Abraham
St. John, Twin Lakes
Fr. John Burns
Christ the King, Wauwatosa
Gabriela Cabrera
St. Patrick/Cristo Rey, Racine
Barbara Anne Cusak
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Fr. Jeff Haines, Cathedral of St. John
the Evangelist, Milwaukee
Debra Hintz, St. Catherine of
Alexandria, Milwaukee
Peggy Hughes
Lumen Christi, Mequon
Bishop Donald J. Hying
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Shandera Johnson
St. Michael/St. Rose, Milwaukee
Gail Kraig
Catholic East Elementary, Milwaukee
Margie Mandli
St. Anne, Pleasant Prairie
Fr. Ricardo Martin
Sacred Heart, Racine
Randy Nohl
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Deacon Sandy Sites, Good Shepherd,
Menomonee Falls
Andrew Schueller
St. Charles, Hartland
Sr. Alice Thepoulthay
St. Michael/St. Rose, Milwaukee
Tom Tuttle
St. Anthony, Milwaukee
Rosalita Villa
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Find Out More!
For more information on the Synod,
htm, or contact Randy Nohl,
director, John Paul II Center, (414)
septiembre 2013
Page 4
Unidos Podemos Reencender Nuestra Fe Católica
Excmo. Jerome E. Listecki
Arzobispo de Milwaukee
establecer una base
para desarrollar
nuestra visión
de la Iglesia aquí
en el sureste de
En enero,
mi Carta
dicen ustedes
que Soy Yo?”
por el
Año de la
Fe, quería
mi esperanza
y oración es
reencender el fuego
y el fervor de nuestra
fe católica en toda la arquidiócesis.
Creo que al reunirnos para
estudiar las Sagradas Escrituras,
contemplar la “Iglesia,” e inspirar
el Amor de Jesucristo en los
demás, podemos encender ese
Este otoño, les invito a que
participen en una de las sesiones
de reflexión de la parroquia que se
están planificando. Lo que ustedes
reflexionen en estas sesiones
inspirará las conversaciones que se
darán en las reuniones de distrito
programadas para febrero y marzo
del próximo año y posteriormente,
en el sínodo arquidiocesano que
se llevará a cabo el fin de semana
de Pentecostés, el 7 y 8 de junio de
En el Sínodo, los católicos
de toda la Arquidiócesis de
Milwaukee desarrollarán una
visión para la Iglesia que nos
guiará durante la próxima década.
Veo al Sínodo como una
convergencia del Año de la Fe
y nuestro compromiso para
evangelizar, así como una
oportunidad que nos permite
cumplir con el mandato
de Jesús y dar respuesta a
su pregunta “¿Quién dicen
ustedes que Soy Yo?”
Al igual que Jesús vino
a los primeros cristianos
en Pentecostés, oro para
que Él nos toque a todos
con el fuego de Su amor
y nos de la valentía para
difundir la Buena Nueva
del mensaje del Evangelio.
Oración en Preparación
al Sínodo
Oh Señor, aceptamos tu invitación
para unirnos al gran misterio de
tu amor y presencia dentro de tu
A través de la palabra y los
sacramentos, tú nos guías en
comunión contigo.
Confiando en esta cercanía
espiritual, ayúdanos a abrir nuestros
corazones a las obras del Espíritu
Santo mientras discernimos nuestra
respuesta a las aflicciones de los
pobres que sufren por conocer a
(Pausar para reflexionar sobre sus
intenciones personales)
Oh Señor, damos gracias por
los hombres y mujeres que han
ofrecido sus vidas como ofrendas
para edificar Tu Iglesia.
Renueva en nosotros el “fuego”
que arde con el amor del Señor por
nuestros hermanos y hermanas.
Mientras tratamos de cumplir con
nuestras responsabilidades a través
del Sínodo Arquidiocesano, nos
unimos a San Juan el Evangelista,
patrón de la arquidiócesis, a quien
se le encargó el cuidado de María,
Madre de la Iglesia. Pidiéndoles su
intercesión, ofrecemos esta oración
a través de Cristo nuestro Señor.