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Hope Guevara
St. James Catholic Church
Bulletin 515358
Office Phone: 830-672-2945
Fax Phone: 830-672-1058
Catholic Community of Gonzales
and Waelder
417 N. College St. Gonzales, Texas 78629
Parish Office.......................... (830) 672-2945
Fax .......................................... (830) 672-1058
Religious Education ............. (830) 672-6291
Sacred Heart Hall ................. (380) 672-6230
Website: ……………………………
Saint James
At College and St. Lawrence
Sacred Heart
At St. John and St. Lawrence
Saint Patrick
In Waelder on Hwy 90
Parish Staff:
Father Paul Raaz………………………………...Pastor
Mrs. Hope Guevara………………………….Secretary
Ms. Patty Rodriguez…..Coordinator of Relig. Ed
Rev. Mr. Terry Brennan……………………….Deacon
Rev. Mr. Alfonso Moreno…………………….Deacon
Rev. Mr. John Klapuch………………………..Deacon
Mr. Tommy Irle………….Custodian/Maintenance
Our Mission
The St. James and Sacred Heart Catholic communities
– blessed with the love of the Father, through faith in
Jesus Christ and with guidance from the Holy Spirit –
will work together to form one unified Catholic and
apostolic Church committed to hospitality, stewardship
and fellowship among diverse parishioners through
religious education and a dedication to believing, living
and sharing the Word of God.
Page Two
Catholic Community of Gonzales and Waelder
Monday, 05/16
Tuesday, 05/17
6:30 A.M. Birthday Blessings For Margaret Flores (SJ)
by Family
9:30 A.M. For World Peace
6:00 P.M. Rev. Maurice Dillane by Fr. Paul
Wednesday, 05/18
10:00 A.M. For Vocations
5:30 P.M. Mickey Brzozowski by Donna/Jerry
Thursday, 05/19
12:00 P.M. Adella Filla by Genaro/Lupe Saldana (SH)
Dolores Eredia by Minnie Espinosa
Friday, 05/20
6:30 A.M. For The People of The Parish
Saturday, 05/21
5:30 P.M. Rudy Hobizal by Esther Tichavsky
O.J. Behrendt by Mary Bea Arnold
Frances Kuntschik by Emily Kuntschik
Sunday, 05/22
8:00 A.M. Aurora G. Zumaya/Rudy Guevara
by Family
Alberto Estrada by Family
Domingo Almaguer by Esperanza Almaguer
Isabel/Anastacio Monjaraz by Family
Sabino Gutierrez by Family
9:30 A.M. Eddie/Rosie Malatek by Family
Alex Kotzebue by Jerry/Donna Malik
Larry/Alphonse Jalufka by Family
Max Tieken by Leonard/Kathy Frederick & Fam.
Dennis Chumchal by Family
11:15 A.M. Martina Ramirez, Maria/Lorenzo
Arzola by Family
5:15 P.M. For The People of The Parish
La Iglesia se despierta esta mañana con un asombroso
mensaje. Mira a tu alrededor a ver quién ha sido llamado.
Escucha las voces de los que proclaman que Jesús es el Señor. Encontrarás que ningún pueblo ni raza ha sido excluido; ningún idioma del mundo es incapaz de proclamar la
gloria de Dios. Decimos que el Domingo de Pentecostés es
el “cumpleaños de la Iglesia”. En diversas maneras, la Iglesia todavía está naciendo. Sólo cuando todos
conozcan la paz que Jesús ofrece en el Evangelio de hoy es que de veras conoceremos la
plenitud del Espíritu Santo.
San Pablo nos asegura en la segunda lectura de hoy que “a todos se nos ha dado a beber del mismo Espíritu”. Cuando pasamos
nuestra mirada por la Iglesia, deberíamos de
ver a todos. Pero no es así. Todavía no, ¿qué
barrera nos impide abrazarnos en un solo
Cuerpo de Cristo? ¿Cuándo vamos a reconocer
que nuestras diferencias son manifestaciones
de un mismo Espíritu Santo? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
May 15, 2016
Ministers for Next Sunday
Thank You for Serving
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
11:15 AM
5:15 PM
Lector: Priscilla Finch
Min. of Comm.: Deacon
Jan Fiebig/Lupe Saldana
Ushers: Leroy Polasek/Marvin Siegel
Ben Knesek/Tim Knesek
Lector: Lidia Ascencio/Chelo Diaz
Min. of Comm.: Deacon Alfonso
Lupe Colchado/Arnulfo Moreno
Dolores Rodriguez/Lupe Mendoza
Lector: Carney Zambrano
Min. of Comm.: Deacon
Leticia Cenotti/Mary Ellen Shelton
Ushers: Bobby Tomas/Jason Tomas
Greg Tieken/James Barborak
Lector: LaClaire Hermann
Min. o f Comm.: Deacon Alfonso
John Kelly/David Ibarra
Lector: Teen ACTS
Min. of Comm.: Deacon
Michelle/Tim Decker
Tue May 17, 6:30 pm, SJCR………………....ACTS Core Mtg.
Tue May 17, 6:30 pm, SPC……………..Pastoral Council Mtg.
Thu May 19, 5:30 pm, SJPR……………………...Finance Mtg.
Fri May 20, SHC…….…..………...…….Eucharistic Adoration
Sat May 21, 9 am, SHH……………………..Span. ACTS Mtg.
Sun May 22, 6:15 pm, SHC……………………...Baptism Class
The church wakes up to an amazing message this
morning. Look around and see who has been called. Listen
to the voices of those who proclaim Jesus is Lord. You’ll
find no race of people left out; you’ll find no language on
earth unfit to proclaim the glory of God. We call Pentecost
Sunday the “birthday of the church.” In many ways, the
church is still being born. Only when we all know the
peace Jesus offered in today’s Gospel will
we really know the fullness of the Holy
St. Paul assures us in today’s second reading that “all of us have been given
to drink of the one
Spirit.” When we look around us in the
church we should see everyone. But we
don’t. Not yet. What is holding us back
from fully embracing the one Body of
Christ? When will we see our differences
as manifestations of the same Holy Spirit?
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Page Three
Pentecost Sunday
Dear friends in Christ -
Queridos amigos en Cristo -
What joy it brings me, your pastor, when we can celebrate such a
special occasion as today, bringing together our entire community of
faith in one great act of thanksgiving and praise to our God! I hope
that joy is shared by many of you.
¡Como su pastor, cuan gozo tengo, cuando podemos celebrar tal ocasión especial, reuniendo a toda la comunidad en un gran acto de gracias y alabanzas a nuestro Señor! Espero sinceramene que se comparte el mismo gozo por todos los que asisten.
That joy brings a challenge as well - our joy is meant to be shared.
As the apostles, charged with the Spirit’s fire, went out to spread the
Good News to the world, so do we! Great challenges await us. Today, we bless a piece of land, set aside to help us to meet these challenges. What things will happen on this property? What buildings
will be constructed to do the work of God? When will all this happen? Much of that we don’t know yet. What we do know is - the
same Spirit that guided the apostles in their early missionary work,
guides us as well! As we are open to the Spirit’s prompting, we can
have complete confidence that He will show us the way. And that,
above all, is why we can be joyful! -- Fr. Paul
A lo mejor, ese gozo que sentimos nos presenta un reto también. Así
como los apóstoles, enviados y llenados con el fuego del Espíritu,
fueron a desempeñar la Buena Nueva al mundo, ¡así también nosotros! Muchos retos nos esperan. Hoy, bendecimos un terreno que
hemos apartado para asistirnos en cumplir con la gran tarea que nos
espera. ¿En este terreno, qué va a pasar? ¿Qué clase de edificio se va
a construir para servir las necesidades de nuestra comunidad? ¿Y
Cuando sucederá todo esto? Todavía no podemos contestar con certitud. Pero lo que de veras sabemos es - que el mismo Espiritu que
guió los apóstoles en su obra misionera, nos guia a nosotros también!
Si estamos abiertos al Espíritu, podemos estar ciertos que Él nos enseñara el camino. Y eso, sobretodo, es el motivo de nuestro gozo! -Padre Paul
Are you between 20 and 30, and single? How about a great retreat? Sacred Heart Church in Hallettsville is sponsoring a Young
Adult Retreat at Cathedral Oaks this June 2-5; applications are available at our church entrances. Apply soon!
Graduates’ Masses: We will honor, and bless, our High School and
College graduates at the 9:30 and 11:30 masses next Sunday, May
24. A short reception will be held after each of these masses.
Graduates, bring your cap and gown if you have them; if not, just
come! If you call our office, 672-2945, to let us know you are coming, we can be better prepared.
Parish Goals and Priorities: As a result of a consultative process
throughout the Archdiocese, Archbishop Gustavo, last year on the
Feast of Pentecost, outlined three priorities for the Church of our
1) The New Evangelization: Preparing the Good News with joy,
zeal and renewed spirit;
2) Catechesis and Formation: Growing in our Faith and Knowledge
of Jesus Christ; and
¿Esttás entre las edades de 20 y 30, y soltero(a)? La Iglesia Sagrado Corazón en Hallettsville va a conducir un Retiro para Jóvenes
Adultos en Cathedral Oaks el 2-5 de junio; se puede hallar una solicitud en la entrada de la iglesia. ¡Hágalo pronto!
Misas de Graduados: Vamos a honrar y bendecir los graduados de
High School y Colegio en las misas de 9:30 y 11:30 el domingo, mayo 24. Habrá una recepción después de estas misas. Graduados, vengan vestidos en su ropa de graduación si pueden; si no lo tienen, de
todos modos venga! Si llamas a nuestra oficina, 672-2945, para avisarnos sobre su participación, nos ayuda a prepararnos.
Metas y Prioridades Parroquiales: Como resulto de un proceso a
través de la Arquidiócesis, Arzobispo Gustavo, el año pasado en la
Fiesta de Pentecostés, estableció tres prioridades por nuestra Iglesia:
1) La Nueva Evangelización: Preparando la Buena Nueva con gozo,
con entuiasmo y espíritu renovado;
2) Catequesis y Formación
3) Youth and Young Adults: Emerging Disciples of Christ.
3) Jóvenes y Júvenes Adultos: Emergiendo Discípulos de Cristo.
Each parish was given the task of identifying strategies for carrying
out these goals locally. With the assistance of our Pastoral Council,
we have described how we plan to share and participate in this Vision; on the sheet you received with this bulletin. As we go forward,
we invite the interest and participation of all, in these highly crucial
A cada parroquia se comisionó la tarea de identificar estrategias para
llevar a cabo estas prioridades en el nivel local. Con la ayuda del
Consejo Pastoral, hemos sometido nuestro plan de compartir y participar en esta Visión, en la hoja que reciben con este boletín. Al marcharnos hacia el futuro, invitamos el interés y la participación de todos, en estas areas muy importantes.
Sacred Heart Festival - will happen soon: Saturday, June 11! Our
festival committee invites our entire parish community to participate
with them in this year’s festival. Our Queeen Candidates are available at this Sunday morning’s mass with raffle tickets; they invite
your support!
Archbishop Gustavo invites all to join the Church of the Archdiocese of San Antonio for a Corpus Christi Procession to take place
after the 12 noon Mass at San Fernando Cathedral on Sunday, May
29. The procession will move from San Fernando to San Francesco
Di Paola Church, several blocks away. No reservation necessary;
just come!
Our Catholic Community blesses Destry Kluting and Corina
Camarillo, who celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony this Saturday,
May 21, 3 pm at St. James. Congratulations, Destry and Corina!
2nd Collection Next Sunday, St. Pat: Jeremiah Fund
Eucharistic Adoration this Friday: Sacred Heart
Festival del Sagrado Corazón: lleva muy pronto - sábado, junio 11!
Nuestra Comité invita a toda la parroquia, a que participen con ellos
en este año. Las Candidatas para Reino, están disponibles después de
la misa de hoy con tíquetes de rifa, y invitan su apoyo!
El Arzobispo Gustavo invita a todos a un evento en la fiesta del
Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo - una procesión que empieza en la Catedral
de San Fernando después de la Misa de 12 mediodía el domingo, mayo 29. La procesión procederá desde San Fernando hacia San Francesco Di Paula, una distancia de varias cuadras. No hay que reservar
en avance; todos están invitados!
Nuestra Comunidad Católica bendice a Destry Kluting y Corina
Camarillo, que celebran el Sacramento de Matrimonio este sábado,
mayo 21, 3 pm en St. James. ¡Feliccidades, Destry y Corina!
2nd Colecta el Próximo Domingo, San Patricio: Fundo de Jeremías
Adoración Eucarística este Viernes: Sagrado Corazón
St. James Church
Flowers at the Tabernacle: Dorothy Bludau
Flowers at the Altar: in honor of Holly M. Cantu of her
daughter Alexis Cantu high school graduation by family
Flowers at the Pulpit: in thanksgiving for 24th birthday of
Cierra Korbot by mom/dad
Flowers at the Blessed Mother Statue: Catholic Daughters
Sacred Heart Guadalupanas will meet every first Saturday of the
month and participate in the 8:00 A.M. Mass every first Sunday of the
St. Patrick’s Guadalupanas will meet every first Sunday of the month.
Knights of Columbus participate in the 9:30 A.M. Mass every fourth
Sunday of the month and meet at 7 P.M. every second Wednesday of the
month at the K.C. Hall. Officer/Business meeting held on the last Tuesday of the month at 6 P.M.
The Altar Society will meet every second Tuesday of the month in the
conference room at 9 A.M.
ACTS Core Committee will meet every third Tuesday of the month in
the CCD Center at 6:30 P.M.
Catholic Daughters of America will meet every fourth Tuesday of the
month in the St. James Hall at 6 P.M.
Sacred Heart Choir practice every Wednesday at 7 pm at Sacred Heart
Parish Hall .
Sacrificial Giving: Thank You!
St. James
Sacred Heart
St. Patrick
$ 765.35
The Holy Rosary will be recited before the 9:30 A.M. mass by the
following: 1st Sunday-Youth, 2nd Sunday-St. James Altar Society, 3rd
Sunday-Catholic Daughters of America, 4th Sunday-Knights of
Columbus, and 5th Sunday-Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus.
El Santo Rosario se reza cada Domingo antes de la misa de 8:00 A.M.
Divine Mercy Monday-Friday @ 3 pm at Sacred Heart Church.
The Holy Rosary will be recited every Monday @ 6:30 P.M. at Sacred
Heart Church.
Bible Study every Monday @ 7:30 P.M. in the Sacred Heart Hall.
Estudio Bíblico Lunes a las 7:30 P.M. en el Salón de Sacred Heart.
Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help every Wednesday after 5:30
P.M. Mass at St. James Church.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every First Friday after the 6:30
A.M. Mass.
[I]n one Spirit we were all baptized
into one body.
— 1 Corinthians 12:13a
Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 9:14-29
Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37
Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11; Mk 9:38-40
Thursday: Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:41-50
Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12;
Mk 10:1-12
Saturday: Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1-3, 8; Mk 10:13-16
Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5;
Jn 16:12-15
Office Hours
8:30—12:00 PM
1:00 PM—5:30 PM
Office E-mail:
Fr. Paul’s E-mail:
CCD Office E-mail:
Sacrament of Baptism
Interview with Parents
Bring State Birth Certificate—required
Second Tuesday of Each Month
anytime between 7:00 and 8:30 PM at office
or second Tuesday of Each Month
anytime between 5:00 and 6:00 PM at St. Patrick
or by special appointment with Deacon.
Class for Parents and Godparents
4th Sunday of Each Month
6:15 PM at Sacred Heart
Baptism celebrated at the end of any Sunday Mass
Preparation may be done before child is born.
Sacrament of Marriage
Please Call Office
At least Six Months Prior to wedding
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 4:30-5:15 PM (St. James)
Tuesday 5:15-5:45 PM (St. Patrick)
Immediately before or after Masses (on request)
or by special appointment
Adult Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
Call office or join our RCIA group
Mass Schedule
5:30 PM—St. James
8:00 AM—Sacred Heart (Spanish)
9:30 AM—St. James
11:15 AM—St. Patrick (Spanish/English)
5:15 PM—Sacred Heart
no services
6:30 AM—St. James
9:30 AM—Texan Nursing/Rehab. (every other week)
6:00 PM—St. Patrick (Spanish/English)
10:00 AM—The Heights Nursing/Rehab. (every other week)
5:30 PM—St. James
12:00 PM—Sacred Heart
6:30 AM—St. James (on First Fridays —
Sacred Heart)