Download Join Us for VBS 2016! Summerfest is Almost Here!
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IN T HIS ISSUE: Additional Eucharistic Adoration Prayer Partners Needed, page 3 S EEK , L OVE , A ND S E R VE J ES U S C HR I S T RCIA Inquiry for Those Interested in Becoming Catholic Set for Monday, page 4 Youth Ministry Events, page 4 Life Matters Meets Monday, page 6 BUSCA, AMA, Y S I R VE June 12, 2016 | 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time A J E SU CR I STO Anuncios en español, paginas 8-10 525 Jackson Street, Anoka, MN 55303 | 763.421.2471 | Summerfest is Almost Here! We are already a couple of weekends into June which means Summerfest is right around the corner - June 24 and 25! Have you turned in your Summerfest pre-order form yet?! The forms can be used to purchase chicken dinner tickets, inflatable ride wristbands and food/beverage/game tickets. Pre-ordering your tickets saves you money and helps the Summerfest planning committee prepare for the event. Pre-order forms are available in the Gathering Place, parish office, and the parish website. Please note that a limited amount of chicken dinner tickets will be sold at the event. Between the delicious meal and exciting dueling pianos show, our Friday night event is one you do not want to miss! To take advantage of early bird pricing, please return your pre-order form and payment to the parish office by June 19. Join Us for VBS 2016! Don’t forget to pick up your raffle tickets in the Gathering Place. The raffle is key to the success of Summerfest and we thank you for buying or selling the tickets! Remember this year’s grand prize is $5,000! Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The 5K Sun Run/Walk early bird registration deadline is today! Registration forms are in the kiosk in the Gathering Place or outside of the parish office. You may also register for the Sun Run online on the parish website: StStephenChurch. org. Click on the News and Events tab, then Summerfest. Sign up now and pay only $15. The fee increases to $20 beginning June 13. Summerfest It is our big parish get-together! It is also our big parish fundraiser. The success of this event is directly linked to how generous we are with our time, talent and treasure. You may sign up to volunteer online by visiting If you do not have internet access, you may also sign up to volunteer by calling the parish office at 763-421-2471. Join us for the fun and festivities June 24 and 25! What: Bible stories, games, music, activities, snacks and fun! Who: Pre-K (four years old) through entering fifth grade Date: July 18-22 Where: St. Stephen’s School Cost: $30 per child ($90 family maximum) Our theme this year is Cave Quest: Following Jesus, the Light of the World. Forms are available in the parish office or online under Faith Formation, Youth Programs, Vacation Bible School. Pastor’s Page | Fr. Jack Long 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time ©Liturgical Publications Inc "Bringing an alabaster flask of ointment, she stood behind him at his feet weeping and began to bathe his feet with her tears." This woman gave everything she had to Jesus in her courageous display of public repentance. The flask of ointment, for starters, was undoubtedly very expensive. To anoint Jesus in this way was to pamper him with a luxury. Thus she honored Jesus with the best gift she could give. But more than this external offering, the woman also "gave" Jesus her tears. She wept for her sins, for the hope of forgiveness, and for the love of Christ. She literally poured herself out before Jesus as she revealed the depths of her soul. Also, to wipe his feet with her hair was to give the gift of her humility. Cleaning someone's feet is a lowly task to begin with; but to use her own hair for the job revealed that she did not think of herself as "too good." Simon the Pharisee, on the other hand, had exactly that problem. Jesus used the opportunity to distinguish between those who love much, and those who love little. The self-righteous, like Simon, have little room in their hearts for love of others because they are so full of the love of themselves. They feel they have nothing to repent for. This woman, however, acknowledged her weakness humbly and was all the more ready and willing to love. We, of course, are challenged to be as generous, courageous, and humble as this sinful woman. We are called not to compare our sins to others' that are "worse" than ours, but rather to honestly recognize where we have failed. Then, like this woman, we can show great love to Christ by giving him the very best of what we have. Archdiocesan Reorganization Plan Filed The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis filed its Plan for Reorganization in U.S. Bankruptcy Court at the end of May. It is a major step in the Archdiocese’s commitment to protect children, establish a counseling fund for victims, and create a trust for those who have been harmed by people in the Church. In today’s bulletin there is a letter from the Archbishop regarding the Plan filing. On the tables at the entrances to the church is a two-page Q and A that should be helpful in explaining why the Archdiocese filed Chapter 11 in January of 2015, where the process is now, and what happens going forward. It also addresses recent allegations that the Archdiocese failed to disclose all of its assets. Please continue to pray for all of those who have been harmed by the Church over the years and for their families. 2 Parish Directory PARISH OFFICE 763-421-2471 WORSHIP Director, Bernie Leach 763-712-7435 Associate, Amanda Lutes 763-712-7458 Associate/School Liturgy Coordinator, Terri Renner 763-712-7459 FAITH FORMATION Director and Adult Formation, Katie Gebhard 763-712-7439 Early Childhood (Sun. School), Ann Ridder 763-712-7430 RCIA, Children’s Sacraments, Emilie Bauer 763-712-7430 Elem. and M.S. Formation, Tammy Santander 763-712-7480 H.S. Formation/Confirm., Chantell Haider 763-712-7440 Youth Ministry, Troy Bauer 763-712-7456 LATINO MINISTRY Deacon Ramón Garcia 763-712-7482 Suzanne Garcia 763-712-7464 PASTORAL CARE Director, Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer, SSND, 763-712-7441 SCHOOL Main Office 763-421-3236 Principal, Rebecca Gustafson 763-712-7484 PARISH ADMINISTRATION Administrator, Jay Gish 763-712-7434 Human Resources and Finance Director., Lynne Pinewski 763-712-7472 Facility Manager, Chuck Wilson, 763-712-7474 Office Manager, Monica Freeman 763-712-7438 Admin. Asst., Facility Scheduling, Marketing Coord., Julie Gerads 763-712-7485 Admin. Asst., Marketplace Coord., Eileen Howe 763-712-7478 Admin. Asst., Cemetery Coord., Mary Jane Beberg 763-712-7479 Admin. Asst., Renee Hogan 763-712-7442 Weekend Admin. Asst., Sharon Sroga 763-421-2471 Weekend Admin. Asst., Kathy Whittaker 763-421-2471 Weekend Admin. Asst., Mary Ann Caesar 763-421-2471 Need Prayer? The Church of St. Stephen Intercessory Prayer Group will pray for any of your needs: health, financial, marital, spiritual. All requests are confidential. If you have a prayer request, please call Joan, 763-2705370 or Dolores, 763-421-0612. The Church of St. Stephen is served by the clergy of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis Priest Staff Fr. Jack Long, Pastor Fr. Kevin Manthey, Parochial Vicar Fr. Joseph Kuharski, Parochial Vicar Deacons Rev. Mr. Peter Bednarczyk Rev. Mr. Charles Waugh Rev. Mr. Ramón Garcia Worship Ordinary Time Bernie Leach Ordinary Time occurs twice during the liturgical year and is a time for those who are faithful to consider the fullness of Jesus’ teachings and works. The first time it occurs is from four to eight weeks after Christmas and until Lent. The second, which began two weeks ago, is after the Easter Season and lasts about six months. As the faithful ponder the mystery of Christ during the less intense weeks of Ordinary Time, they are called to live his mystery in their own lives. Mary and the Saints illustrate how to do this in the best way and so there is a wonderful harmony between the mystery of Christ’s life and their lives. While the mystery of Christ is celebrated at Sunday Mass, the examples of Mary and the Saints are often pondered at various weekday celebrations throughout Ordinary Time. The mystery of Christ unfolds through the cycle of the liturgical year. The heart of this year is the holiest three days of the Sacred Paschal Triduum. Lent is a six week period before the Sacred Triduum and Easter lasts for 50 days after the Sacred Triduum. The Christmas Season recalls the Nativity of Jesus, his manifestation to the peoples of the world at Epiphany (among other feasts) and ends with the Baptism of the Lord. It is usually two to three weeks long. Advent precedes Christmas and is four weeks long. The Secretariat of Divine Worship of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops publishes the Liturgical Calendar for the Dioceses of the United States of America each year. It was approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and confirmed by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in July of 2010. It is available and can be purchased online for $10.00 through the website: under Divine Worship. Liturgical Calendars for 2016 and 2017 are available. Eucharistic Adoration Prayer Partners Needed All are welcome to spend time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. We are in need of additional prayer partners to share an hour on Tuesdays at 6:00 a.m. and noon, Thursdays at 5:00 p.m., Fridays at 4:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., and Saturdays at 6:00 a.m. If you are interested, please contact Joyce at 612-860-3830. MASS Intentions Monday, June 13 8:00 a.m. Timothy Nekola Tuesday, June 14 8:00 a.m. Jacqueline Cole Wednesday, June 15 8:00 a.m. Clara and Helmer Johnson Thursday, June 16 8:00 a.m. Paul Youso Friday, June 17 8:00 a.m. Michael Mohs Saturday, June 18 8:00 a.m. Lyle Dietrich 5:00 p.m. Timothy Shawn Cotter Sunday, June 19 8:30 a.m. John and Mary Ozakewicz 10:30 a.m. Cecil Talbot 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) Matt Radloff 6:00 p.m. Parishioners Presider & Musician Schedule Weekend of June 18/19, 2016 5:00 p.m. Jack Long Psalm 100 Accompanist - Nancy Furch 8:30 a.m. Fr. Kevin Manthey Krista White Accompanist - Nancy Furch 10:30 a.m. Fr. Joe Kuharski Jennifer Hevern Accompanist - Linn Ahrendt 12:30 p.m. Fr. Kevin Manthey Corazon Mariano 6:00 p.m. Fr. Joe Kuharski Jennie Koch Accompanist - Barb LeCuyer Readings for the Week Baptisms We welcomed the following children into our faith community through the Sacrament of Baptism June 5: Hannah Marie DesRoches, child of John and Jennifer DesRoches Lilian Wren Horton, child of Andrew and Rebecca Horton Lainey Kaye Rutledge, child of Andrew and Heather Rutledge Addison May Satterstrom, child of Erik and Megan Satterstrom Landon Thomas Solorio, child of Leonardo and Stefanie Solorio Monday: 1 Kgs 21:1-16/Ps 5:2-7/Mt 5:38-42 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 21:17-29/Ps 51:3-6, 11, 16/ Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14/Ps 31:20-21, 24/ Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Sir 48:1-14/Ps 97:1-7/Mt 6:7-15 Friday: 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20/Ps 132:11-14, 17-18/Mt 6:19-23 Saturday: 2 Chr 24:17-25/Ps 89:4-5, 29-34/ Mt 6:24-34 Next Sunday: Zec 12:10-11; 13:1/Ps 63:2-6, 8-9/Gal 3:26-29/Lk 9:18-24 3 Faith Formation Open Youth Room/ Gym for Middle and High School ~ a process ~ a journey DO YOU KNOW ANYONE… --who would like to explore the Catholic Faith? --who is a baptized Catholic and has never completed the Sacraments of Initiation? --who is baptized in another Faith and would like to explore becoming Catholic? Come explore the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) at an Inquiry session June 13 at 7:00 p.m. in The Refuge. Questions? Contact Emilie Bauer at 763-712-7430 or Come relax and have fun with friends Wednesday, June 22 from 6-8:00 p.m. in The Refuge and Gym. We will have snacks, pop, music, a Nintendo Wii, games, and a fun atmosphere to just socialize and hang out! Bring your friends! Questions? Contact Troy Bauer at 763-712-7456 or High School “Faith through Film” Night Join us in The Refuge June 23 at 6:30 p.m. for a movie night complete with pop and snacks! Stop by for a great movie - Big Hero 6, great friends, great food, and a movie connection to your life and the Bible you may have never expected! Questions? Contact Troy Bauer at 763-712-7456 or tbauer@ ✁✂✄ ✁✂✄ ✡☛☞ ✌✍✎☎✏✂✞ ✑✏✞✒✠ ✓✠ ✔✁✕✄✖ ✌✍✎☎ ✗☞✘☛✙✚ ✕✛✜✛ ✢✣ ✤✍✖ ✌✍✎☎✏✂✞✥ ✔✒✍✄✟✥ ✓✂✦ ✧✍✕ ✢✡ ✌✓✟★✄✠✟ ✍✤ ✩✖✏✄✟ ✁☎✆ ✁☎✆ ✣✣☞ ✪✖✏✫✏✓✬✭✓✜✄ ✑✏✞✒✠ ✓✂✦ ✮✕✄✂ ✭✆✜ ✓✠ ✯✰✱ ✯✰✲✳✴✲✵✶✷ ✯✸✴✹✹✺ ✗☞✘☛✙✚ ✕✛✜✛ ✝✁✞✁✟✠ ✝✁✞✁✟✠ ✣✻☞ ✪✌✼ ✁☎✆ ✡✗☞ ✔✓✏✂✠ ✧✓✁☎ ✔✓✏✂✠✟ ✭✓✜✄✽ ✾✓✖ ✧✍✍☎ ✤✖✍✜ ✯✰✱ ✯✰✲✳✴✲✵✶✷ ✿✴❀❁✸✴ ✻☞✘☛ ✕✛✜✛ ✢✣✻ ✠✍ ✪✖✍✆ ❂✆ ✁☎✆ ✣ ✝✁✞✁✟✠ ✡✚☞ ✪✌✼ Young Adult Ministry Yard Game Night Young adults age 21 and older are invited to get together with Fr. Joe and other young adults in the area for some good ole fashioned fun. Meet at Elm Creek Park Reserve June 23 at 6:30 p.m. Join us at the Blue Bird Shelter (just past the swim pond). Grill out! Burgers and brats provided, bring something to share. Please RSVP by June 13 to Molly Schorr: 4 Stephens’ Readers Book Club Join us June 13 at 1:00 p.m. in the Archbishop Romero Room to discuss Under a Flaming Sky by Daniel James Brown. This is a true story of two forest fires converging on the town of Hinckley on September 1, 1894 trapping more than 2000 people. New participants are always welcome. For questions or comments or to be included in future book club alerts/notices, email and indicate “BOOK CLUB” in the subject line. School From the Desk of the Principal Rebecca Gustafson Thank you for all your support this year. Thank you for your faith, trust, and commitment to the mission of St. Stephen's Catholic School. It is your belief in Catholic education that helps us to sustain our school. We wish our eighth graders all the best as they journey on to their new schools. Eighth grade graduation is a time for celebration and reflection on the impact faith-based education has made on each student. Ashley W.: I appreciate the Catholic education I received from St. Stephen’s. I have learned so much about Jesus the past nine years and I thank all my teachers for teaching me about God. God is an unbelievable spirit and Jesus was such an amazing person. Enroll with Confidence From pre-school through eighth grade, St. Stephen’s School offers a quality faith-based Catholic Education. Come join our family of believers. All are welcome! To enroll, please call the school office at 763-421-3236. Hailey O.: I like St. Stephen's Catholic education because it makes learning about God fun and entertaining. Madeline H.: I am thankful for my Catholic education at St. Stephen's. I believe this was one of the best choices my parents made for me. I think that my education is better here than I would have gotten anywhere else. I really loved it here. Anne B.: I have appreciated going to a Catholic school for the last nine years because I now know so much more about the church and the meaning behind what we do. Without my Catholic education, I wouldn't be this close to God. Without my faith, I probably wouldn't pray as much as I do. It has been a good nine years. Karisa W.: I like Catholic education because we learn about God and the Bible. We get an option to learn. I am very lucky to have been able to go to St. Stephen’s School and improve my faith and education. St. Stephen School Graduate Scholarship Applications Available Applications are now being accepted for the St. Stephen School Graduate Scholarship program. The deadline for returning applications is July 1, 2016. The guidelines and application are available on the parish website at (click on the News and Events tab), in the parish office, and the kiosk in the Gathering Place. The applicant may be a current eighth grade student at the Church of St. Stephen School who has applied for admission at a Catholic High School for the subsequent fall, and who eventually graduates in good standing. Or, the applicant must be an eighth grade graduate of the Church of St. Stephen School. The applicant’s family must be currently registered parishioners. The applicant must be currently enrolled in a Catholic high school, or any college or graduate program. The amount of the scholarship award will depend on the financial need of the applicant and the dollar amount available from the scholarship fund. Interested applicants must complete an application form and write a brief essay to explain their need. Completed applications should be returned to the parish office, attention Lynne Pinewski. Mission Statement St. Stephen’s Catholic School is a caring Christian community that nourishes spiritual development and academic excellence. Philosophy St. Stephen’s Catholic School integrates faith with academics to prepare students to make solid Christian choices. It is an accredited, private school, comprised of pre-school, elementary, and middle school levels. Faith: As a vital part of the parish community, we educate students in a Catholic atmosphere enriched by the Gospel messages of peace and justice. The spiritual development of students is the primary goal. The school recognizes that a person's faith is formed by living out that faith in community through prayer, worship, service and study; and grounded in our Catholic tradition. Academics: In partnership with their family, each student is encouraged and directed to reach his or her potential. Our academic program emphasizes mastery of the basics, academic excellence, and a variety of extracurricular activities. The school prepares students to be fully equipped for their next level of academic achievement. Community: The school seeks to provide a safe and trusting learning environment where each student is valued and challenged to grow spiritually, academically, emotionally, socially, and physically. 5 Pastoral Care Please Pray for... Faith in Jesus Christ (Gal 2:16) Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer Accompanying him were the Twelve and some women… and many others who provided for them out of their resources. (Luke 8:1-3) How does St. Stephen’s provide for others out of our resources? (Statistics below are from 2014-2015) Loaves and Fishes 240 volunteers fed 1,898 people. St. Stephen’s Church (SSC) contributed $1,438.47. Sharing and Caring Hands 16 volunteers served 150 meals each month. SSC contributed $639.49. Family Table 1,137 people were served by 21 kitchen volunteers and 15 dining room volunteers SSC contributed $1,316; Parishioners also donated paper products. WHO group packed food for Feed My Starving Children Each month: 67 boxes containing 36 meals. Meals on Wheels 70 drivers from SSC coordinated by SSC parishioner Do you want to help? Contact Sister Mary Anne at the parish office. I live, no longer I, But Christ lives in me. (Gal 2:20) Life Matters Meets Monday New members are welcome to attend the Life Matters monthly meetings. Join us June 13, 7-8:30 p.m. in the Archbishop Romero Room for updates on past activities and start planning for fall events. Please note there will not be a meeting in July. For more information, please contact Michele Kemmetmueller (763-862-0088, or Laurie Plante (763-754-3874, Marriage Encounter Weekends Forgiveness is the best form of love. It takes a strong person to say "I'm sorry" and a stronger person to forgive. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are July 15-17 and October 7-9 in Buffalo, MN. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit their website at: or contact Brent and Tracy at or 612-756-8720. 6 Susie Abbott Michael Abbott Lynn Aker Jo Alexander Marie Amberg Rosie Ancheta Casanova Antonia Geoff Arseneau Donna Bajtosh Rose Bartholomew Pat Bednarczyk Bruce Berg Matt Berg Sue Berg Harlen Beyer Judy Biermaier Anne Blue Jeffery Blue Wayne Blue James Boyce Marjorie Bragelman Don Breyen Julie Bright Kenneth Bright Sheila Brisbin Phil Brunt Deborah Burkhardt-Cotter Harold Burkhardt Jr. Theresa Burns Dorothy Carver Judy Chouinard Shane Cotter Jr. Linda Czech Bernice Davich Phyllis Day Aeryn DeKrey Samantha Rose DeLapp Mary Jo Deschene Rosemary Donnette Barb Dryden Jami Ducharme Richard Duclos Roslyn Duclos Jeff Eickhoff Pam Eklund Rachel Aykens Elliot Sr. Catherine Fiegen Liam Fields Theresa Filkins Richard Fillmore Ron Flor Jeff Fox Paul Gammelgaard John Gobernatz Sherry Goldenstein Mila Gonser-McGill Lynn Gravett Cullen Groff Diane Gruber Gloria Guimont Natalie Guimont Guthrie Family Stephanie Hage Don Haller Greg Harm Cody Harmon Sandra Hartmann Khloe Hartnett Mary Heie J.C. and E.L.P. Hernandez Jane Herr Richard Hoelscher Harriett Holseth Marie Doris Hovind Tatiana Huele Katy James James Januschka Kathryn Jost Tammie Kaslow Janice Katnis Kate Kempston Diane Ketz Justin Ketz Bill Keyes Jeremy Kletzin Tom Kobelinski Melissa Koscisko Jeanette Lashinski Edward LaTuff Michael Lehn Owen Lester Patti LeTourneau Vernon Lieser Joelle Lilly Ellie Linn Dolores Martinson Shirley Masters Ed Melnarik Elissa Merritt Janelle Merritt Eileen Mevissen John Mevissen Madisyn Mevissen Jane Meyers Duane Michaelis Scott Nocton Bruce Novak Jerry Odash Kerry Offerdahl Mary Olson William Olson Lucille Patchen Barb Petschl Bernadine Phillips Karen Piepho Gavin Pierson Marge Pinewski Russ Radloff Rick and Leanne Rajtar Linda Renstrom Barbara Rivard Jeff Roller Gary Rose Arnold Rudenick Lynn Schaust Matt Schaust Dean Schenk Tom Schinn Eileen Scott Jack and Millie Sigfrid Steve Sigfrid Carter Simonson Roman Skowron Molly Spang Missy Spoehr Helen Stege Paula Steigauf Kathy Steinke Zoeann Stephens Hope Stewart Chad Swanson Jeni Thomas John and Janet Tracy Leo Vanyo Glenn & Jackie Vierling Janet Vittitow Jeanna Wanczykiv Steve Waterman Dorothy Werbowski Isaac Yarmon Alice Zappa Dennis Zinda ADMINISTRATION Stewardship Reflection “When I entered your house, you did not give me water for my feet…” LUKE 7:44 Today’s Gospel calls us to consider how we serve God. Do we consume like the Pharisee who simply reclines at the table and expects to be served? Or, do we contribute like the woman who kneels before Jesus and washes His feet? Every day we must make a choice. Take or give? Consume or contribute? Recline or serve? Calendar of Events Monday, June 13 Church Cleaners: Church/Chapel/FCC 6, 8:30 a.m. Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 14 St. Stephen’s Garden Angels: Parish Grounds, 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 15 WHO Group: Archbishop Romero Room, 8:30 a.m. . Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 6:30 p.m. Reconciliation: Chapel, 7:00 p.m. Peace and Justice Committee: FCC 9, 7:00 p.m. Thursday, June 16 Men’s Group: The Refuge, 6:45 a.m. Friday, June 17 Saturday, June 18 Bulletin Ad Sponsors Wanted Bud Bien of Liturgical Publications will be working on setting up the advertising for our weekly bulletin the week of June 20. Please consider advertising in the bulletin since the revenue from the ads is what will make our bulletin possible and at no cost to the parish. The ads are also tax deductible. Advertisements can be purchased for a business, or a sponsor ad can be purchased supporting the parish with a Last Will and Testament or community service organizations such as emergency pregnancy counseling or Birthright. Please give these ideas some thought. We need and appreciate your help! If you are interested or want more information, you can call Bud at (952) 2401747 or call him at the parish office at (763) 421-2471 the week of June 20. We also ask that you patronize the people who do take ads and help support their businesses. The Power of Giving is Now at Your Fingertips St. Stephen’s Church is excited to introduce Give by Kiosk, a modern, convenient way to make offerings and respond to special appeals. It’s faster and more secure than having your checks manually processed and it’s easy to use…if you know how to use an iPad, you can use Give by Kiosk. Simply tap the touch pad screen to choose the fund you want to give to and then enter the amount you want to contribute. Once you swipe your credit or debit card and complete your transaction, you can print or email yourself a receipt on the spot. Even better, print a donation slip that you can later place in the basket during Mass. The kiosk is now located in the Gathering Place. Stop by and give it a try! Reconciliation: Chapel, 3:30 p.m. Family Table Meal: FCC 1-6, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, June 19 Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 7:00 p.m.. Parish Office Summer Hours Sunday: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday: 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. Operation Hope - Sewing for Those in Need Quilts, pillows, children’s pajamas and sweatshirts are the main items that are made and donated to ACBC. Help is needed in all areas. During June, July and August, we meet the fourth Tuesday of the month at the KC Hall from 9:00-11:30 a.m. Come join us! The group is ecumenical - bring a friend! Donations of fabric and yarn are always welcome. If you would like more information, please call Joan at 763-427-8822. 7 Ministerio Hispano Anuncios en Español ¡Ya Casi Llega Summerfest! Favor de acordar a recoger sus boletos de la rifa pronto, porque la clave al exito de Summerfest es la rifa. Gracias por vender sus boletos. Hoy es el último día para registrarse para el he 5K Sun Run/Walk, pagando la cuota de $15. (Comenzando el 13 de junio, el precio para participar subirá a $20.) Los formularios de la registración están en la oficina parroquial, el Gathering Space y por internet, en StStephenChurch. org. Hay que hacer clic donde dice “News and Events”, bajo Summerfest. Summerfest es el 24-25 de junio. Es nuestro convivio grande como parroquia, y también es nuestro evento para levantar fondos. El éxito de Summerfest está ligado con nuestra generosidad con nuestro tiempo, talento y tesoro. Se puede registrar para ser voluntario, por internet en: Si no tiene acceso al internet, se puede llamar a la oficina parroquial al: 763-421-2471, para registrarse como voluntario. 11o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ©Liturgical Publications Inc "Se presentó con un frasco de perfume. Y colocándose detrás de él, se puso a llorar a sus pies y comenzó a bañarlos con sus lágrimas.” Esta mujer dio a Jesus todo lo que tenia, en su entrego fuerte de arrepentimiento público. El perfume, para comenzar, costó mucho dinero. Ungir a Jesús de esta manera fue un lujo. Ella honró a Jesús con lo mejor que ella tenía. Pero más que esta ofrenda externa, la mujer también “dio” a Jesús sus lágrimas. Ella lloró por sus pecados, por la esperanza del perdón, y por el amor de Cristo. Ella se entregó a Él, al revelar la profundidad de su alma. También, al secar sus pies de Jesús con su cabello fue un dar de su humildad. Limpiar los pies de otra persona es un trabajo básico, pero usando el propio cabello para hacerlo reveló que ella no se sentía demasiado “buena”. Simón el Fariseo, por el otro lado, tenía exactamente este problema. Jesús utilizo la oportunidad para distinguir entre los que aman mucho y los que aman poco. Los que se auto convencen que ya están bien, como Simón, tienen poco campo en sus corazones para amar a los demás porque están tan llenos ya de sí mismo. Ellos se sienten como que no tuvieran nada que arrepentir. Esta mujer reconoció su debilidad, con humildad, y ya estaba lista y dispuesta a amar. Nosotros somos retados a ser tan generosos, fuertes y humildes, como esa mujer pecadora. Hemos sido llamados a no comparar los pecados a los que son “peores” que nosotros. Simplemente tenemos que reconocer donde hemos fallado. Entonces, como esa mujer, podemos mostrar amor grande a Cristo, dándole lo mejor de nosotros. Life Matters Se Reune el Lunes Nuevos miembros están bienvenidos a asisitr a la junta mensual de Life Matters. Vénganse con nosotros el 13 de junio, 7-8:30 p.m., en el Salón Romero. Habrá información de las actividades ya realizadas y la planeación de los eventos del otoño. Favor de notar que no habrá una junta en el mes de julio. Para mayor información, contactar a Michele Kemmetmueller (763-862-0088, o a Laurie Plante (763-754-3874, 8 Bienvenidos MISA DOMINICAL En Español todos los Domingos a las 12:30 p.m. Horario de Oficinas en Español: con el Diácono: Domingo y Martes de 10:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes: de 1:30 p.m. a 9:00 p.m. Sábados: de 11:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Tel. 763-712-7482 Fax. 763-421-4230 Iglesia de San Esteban Oficina Parroquial en Inglés: Tel. 763-421-2471 Párroco Padre Jack Long Pastor Asociado Padre Kevin Manthey Tel. 763-712-7421 Diácono Ramón García Tel. 763-712-7482 Preparación Matrimonial Llamar seis meses antes de la fecha deseada Información para la preparación Sacramental: Bautismos, Primera Comunión, Reconciliación, Confirmación Matrimonios y celebraciones para Quinceañera Lecturas de La Semana Lunes: 1 Re 21, 1-16/Sal 5, 2-7/Mt 5, 38-42 Martes: 1 Re 21, 17-29/Sal 51, 3-6. 11. 16/Mt 5, 43-48 Miércoles: 2 Re 2, 1. 6-14/Sal 31, 20-21. 24/Mt 6, 1-6. 16-18 Jueves: Eclo 48, 1-14/Sal 97, 1-7/Mt 6, 7-15 Viernes: 2 Re 11, 1-4. 9-18. 20/Sal 132, 11-14. 17-18/Mt 6, 19-23 Sábado: 2 Cr 24, 17-25/Sal 89, 4-5. 29-34/Mt 6, 24-34 El Próximo Domingo: Zac 12, 10-11; 13, 1/Sal 63, 2-6. 8-9/Gal 3, 26-29/Lc 9, 18-24 Ministerio Hispano Anuncios en Español El Sacramento de La Reconciliación Pláticas Bautismales Las pláticas pre-bautismales se toman el primer sábado de cada mes. Llamar a la parroquia para llenar la registración para confirmar la fecha de su asistencia para la plática del bautismo. 1. La celebración del Bautizo son los domingos dentro de la misa de las 12:30 pm, o el tercer o cuarto sábado del mes a las 10:30 am. 2. En la Iglesia de St. Stephen no hay cuota para el sacramento del bautismo. 3. Las pláticas las tomarán papás y padrinos. Se recomienda que si los padres no están casados por la Iglesia Católica al menos los Padrinos si lo estén, o ser totalmente solteros, sin estar conviviendo con ninguna otra persona. Los padrinos tienen que ser católicos. 4. Las pláticas bautismales son los sábados (llamar para las fechas exactas del mes), de 11:00 am a 1:00 pm. en el salón Romero. Llamar para registrarse al: Diácono Ramon Garcia: Tel 763-712-7482. Fechas Próximas Para Las Pláticas Bautismales: llamar a la oficina. Fechas Próximas Para La Celebración de los Bautismos (los sábados): llamar a la oficina. El sacramento de la Reconciliación es uno de los tesoros más grandes de nuestra fe católica, porque es por medio de la confesión que experimentamos la sanación y la misericordia de nuestro Señor, por todos nuestros pecados. Es por esta razón que la Iglesia pide a todos los católicos que nos confesemos por lo menos una vez al año, y nos invita a frecuentar el sacramento aún más. Las confesiones en español: sábado, 11 de junio, 3:30-4:30 p.m. miércoles, 15 de junio, 7:00 p.m. sábado, 18 de junio, 3:30-4:30 p.m. miércoles, 22 de junio, 7:00 p.m. sábado, 25 de junio, 3:30-4:30 p.m. miércoles, 29 de junio, 7:00 p.m. El Plan de Reorganización de La Arquidiócesis La Arquidiocesis de San Pablo y Minneapolis ha entregado su Plan de La Reorganizacion en La Corte de Bancarrota de Los Estados Unidos, a fines de mayo. Es un paso grande del compromiso de proteger a los niños, establecer un fondo para consejería de los victimas y de crear una cuenta para los que han sido lastimados por personas en la Iglesia. En el boletín de hoy, hay una carta del Arzobispo, acerca de este plan. En las mesas de las entradas, se encuentran una hoja con preguntas y respuestas que va a ser útil en explicar por qué La Arquidiócesis entregó los papeles de Capitulo 11 en enero del 2015, cómo va el proceso actualmente, y que va a pasar en el futuro. También se trata de las acusaciones que La Arquidiócesis no reportó todos sus bienes. Continuemos con nuestras oraciones para los que han sido lastimados por La Iglesia a lo largo de los años, por sus familias también. Ministerio de Jóvenes Adultos: Juegos Afuera en Elm Creek Park Reserve Los jóvenes adultos, de la edad de 21 años o mas, estan invitados a reunirse con Padre Joe y otros jóvenes adultos del área, para jugar juegos afuera, en Elm Creek Park Reserve, el 23 de junio, a las 6:30 p.m. Júntense con nosotros en Blue Bird Shelter, un poco mas alla del laguito de natación. Vamos a hacer comida a la parilla. Proveeremos las hamburguesas y brats, y pedimos que traigan algo para compartir. Favor de RSVP antes del 13 de junio a Molly Schorr: 9 Ministerio Hispano De La Directora de La Escuela Anuncios en Español Rebecca Gustafson Gracias por su apoyo grande este año. Gracias por su fe, su confianza y su compromiso a la misión de La Escuela Católica de San Esteban. Es su creencia en la educación católica que nos ayuda a sostener nuestra escuela. Deseamos lo mejor a nuestros alumnos del octavo grado, en sus transición a sus escuelas nuevas. La graduación del octavo grado es momento de celebrar y reflexionar sobre el impacto que la educación basada en la fe ha hecho a cada estudiante. Ashley W.: Yo aprecio la enseñanza católica que he recibido de San Esteban. He aprendido tanto de Jesús en los últimos 9 años, y doy gracias a todos mis maestros por ensenarme sobre Dios. Dios es un espíritu increíble y Jesús era una persona tan increíble. Hailey O.: Me gusta la educación católica de San Esteban, porque hace divertido el aprendizaje de Dios. Madeline H.: Estoy agradecido por mi educación católica de San Esteban. Creo que eso fue una de las decisiones mejores que mis padres hicieron para me. Creo que mi educación es mejor aquí, en comparación de los que hubiera recibido en cualquier otro lugar. Me encantaba aquí, de verdad. Anne B.: He apreciado que he estado yendo aquí por los últimos nueve años, porque ahora se mucho más de la iglesia que el significado detrás de todo lo que hacemos. Sin mi educación católica, no estaría tan cerca a Dios. Sin mi fe, no oraría tanto. Han sido nueve años buenos. La Fe en Jesucristo (Gal 2:16) 110 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario “ Entré en tu casa y no me diste agua para los pies...” Lucas 7:44 El Evangelio de hoy nos llama a considerar como podemos servir a Dios. ¿Consumimos como los Fariseos que simplemente se reclinaban en su mesa esperando ser servidos? O, ¿contribuimos como la mujer que se arrodilló ante Jesús y le lavó Sus pies? Cada día debemos escoger. ¿Tomar o dar? ¿Consumir o contribuir? ¿Ser servidos o servir? Para Los Jóvenes Adultos el 20 de junio: Noche de Boliche en Super Bowl, de 6:30-9 p.m. La renta de los zapatos es $1.00, y tambien una soda; $2 para las canastas de papitas el 11 de julio: Noche de Trivia y Actividades en el Gimnasio, en St. Stephen’s School, de 6:30-9 p.m. Hna. Mary Anne Schaenzer Acompañandolo iban los Doce y algunas mujeres….y muchos mas, quienes proveyeron recursos para ellos. (Lucas 8:1-3) ¿Cómo es que San Esteban provee para los demás con nuestros recursos? (Las estadísticas son de 2014-2015) El Programa Loaves and Fishes 240 voluntarios dieron de comer a 1,898 personas.La Iglesia de San Esteban contribuyó $1,438.47. Sharing and Caring Hands 16 voluntarios ser vieron 150 comidas cada mes. La Iglesia de San Esteban contribuyó $639.49. Family Table 1,137 personas fueron servidas por 21 voluntarios de la cocina, y 15 voluntarios de meseros. La Iglesia de San Esteban contribuyó $1,316 – Los fieles contribuyeron productos de papel. El Grupo WHO empacó comida para Feed My Starving Children cada mes, 67 cajas, conteniendo 36 comidas. Meals on Wheels 70 choferes, de La Iglesia de San Esteban, coordinados por un voluntario de la Iglesia ¿Quisieras ayudar? Contactar a Hermana Sister Mary Anne. 10 Una Reflexión De La Corresponsabilidad el 26 de julio: partido de los Saint Paul Saints, ir en caravana de la Iglesia a las 5:30 p.m. $15 a Troy antes del 1 de julio el 15 y 29 de agosto: Habrá más información más adelante Para Los Jóvenes de High School Vengan con nosotros el 23 de junio a las 6:30 p.m. en The Refuge, para una noche de películas, con refrescos y bocadillos. Big Hero 6 es la película, y habrá buenos amigos, comida rica y una conexión a tu vida y la Biblia que no habías anticipado. Preguntas, llama a Troy Bauer al 763-712-7456 o OFFICE OF THE ARCHBISHOP May 26, 2016 Dear Brothers and Sisters, On January 16, 2015, the Archdiocese filed for bankruptcy. Today, I write to tell you that we have filed a Plan of Reorganization as part of that bankruptcy process. Filing the Plan is an important and required step on our path to a fair resolution. In preparation for filing the Plan, the Archdiocese sold available real estate assets, including our properties in Saint Paul, we will be leasing less expensive office space, and we have continued to cut our budget. For over a year, we have worked cooperatively with others. We have also participated in mediation to help determine the value of insurance coverage. Although progress has been made, the insurance companies and attorneys for those asserting claims of sexual abuse have not been able to agree on the proper value of the insurance proceeds for the claims. According to attorneys for claimants, the claims are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The insurance companies disagree and place the value much lower. Our Plan stands on three pillars. First, the unprecedented Settlement Agreement last December with the Ramsey County Attorney, which is incorporated into the Plan to ensure that we continue to do all we can to protect children. Second, the funding of a $500,000 victim counseling fund to promote healing for those who have suffered abuse. And third, the creation of an independent Trust. The Archdiocese has proposed that the Trust will initially be funded by $65 million or more in proceeds from Archdiocesan cash and the sale of our properties, proceeds from insurance settlements, and contributions of insurance settlements from our parishes. In addition, all insurance proceeds, including those that have not yet been agreed upon between the insurance companies and those filing claims, will be put in the Trust. A court-appointed Trustee will then control the Trust and have the authority to pay claimants. Victims/survivors cannot be compensated until a Plan of Reorganization is finalized and approved. The longer the process lasts, more money is spent on attorneys’ fees and bankruptcy expenses; and, in turn, less money is available for victims/survivors. In other dioceses, that approval process has taken years. For example, in Milwaukee, the process took more than five years and only $21 million was available to compensate claimants. We 226 Summit Ave. | St. Paul, MN 55102 | T: 651.291-4400 | F: 651.290.1629 | | May 26, 2016 Page 2 are submitting our Plan now in the hope of compensating victims/survivors and promoting healing sooner rather than later. While we believe that this Plan is fair, we also know that some well-intentioned people may raise objections. Reorganizations sometimes involve modifying an initial Plan. We are committed to working earnestly with everyone involved to find a fair, just and timely resolution. This week, some attorneys claimed that we failed to disclose all of our assets in the bankruptcy case. Let me be clear: The Archdiocese has disclosed all of our assets and has followed all of the rules set forth by the Court and all directives from the judge. I know that for at least the last 11 months we have been working extremely hard to marshal and maximize our assets with the hope of providing the most for the most. We will never be able to undo the harm caused, but, we will compensate those harmed, help in any way we can with their healing, and create and maintain safe environments for all children today and always. I thank you for your support as we move forward with full awareness of our past and a commitment to a better future, and I ask for your continued prayers and support for all victims of sexual abuse and their families. Sincerely in Christ, Most Reverend Bernard A. Hebda Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis