Download St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church Iglesia Católica San Antonio

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Parish Staff
Schedule of Masses
7:00 & 9:00 am
8:00 am,
5:00 pm English Vigil
7:00 pm Spanish Vigil
St. Anthony of Padua
Catholic Church
Saturdays: 8:30 - 9:30 am
Infant Baptism:
Three months notice
& pre-baptismal
instruction required
Minimum six months
preparation required
Respect Life
Odile Draa &
Jim Thompson
Look for other ministries
In our parish on our
Parish Pastoral Council
Celso Doria, Mel Picanco,
Felicia Anaro, Martin Espinoza,
Anna Mello, Debbie Rivas
Allan Rodriguez, Alice Correia
& Sylvia Ranjel
Rev. Dante Dammay,
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Jairo Ramirez,
Parochial Vicar
7:00 am, 8:45 am,
10:45 am,
12:30 pm (Spanish),
6:00 pm
Sacrament of
Rev. Chad Wahl, Pastor
Rev. Mr. Jeff Vierra,
Iglesia Católica San
Antonio de Padua
June 5th, 2016
Tenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
505 E. North St.
Manteca, CA 95336
Office: 209-823-7197
Fax: 209-823-5238
323 N. Fremont Ave.
Manteca, CA 95336
Mrs. Mary Lou Hoffman,
School Principal
Sr. Ann Venita Britto,
Pastoral Care &
Senior Ministry
Dave Corder,
Faith Formation Director
Angelique Gutierrez,
Coordinator of
Religious Formation
Diane Lehman,
Coordinator of Youth
Emelie Diaz
Director of Liturgical
General e-mail:
St. Anthony’s website address is:
Mission Statement
We covenant to give ourselves to Christ
as He gives Himself to us in the
Eucharist, so every person might be a
full, active, & conscious participant in
His Church, empowered to share & live
the Gospel.
Mary Ferreira,
Office Manager
Richard Sepulveda,
Facilities Manager
When We Became Church
“I know I’m late but...” I probably hear those words (or something similar) at least ten to
twelve times a week. It may be a young mom who is coming in to have her year old daughter
baptized. Or it could be a young man in his twenties who realizes that he hasn’t received
Confirmation. Maybe it’s a couple who have been married civilly for over twenty years who would
like to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony. Regardless of the sacrament or the timing, it’s always
a sense of relief when I explain that they’re not late. The Holy Spirit is always on time. That, for
whatever reason, this is the right time for the sacrament. There’s a black gospel song that reminds
us that “God might not come when you call, but he’s always right on time.” You can never accuse
Jesus of being late. (Even though Mary and Martha tried to, when their brother died.)
So whenever I’m meeting with someone I realized that I’m on “holy ground.” That the person
in front of me is responding the call of the Holy Spirit. Now, most of the time they might not
recognize that the call is from the Holy Spirit. In their, minds they’re responding to the grandparents
asking “when their grandkids were going to get baptized.” Be that as it may, they are in fact and
indeed responding to the Holy Spirit. I’d like to suggest that this is true for whenever we respond to
the inspiration of the moment. That God always calls and waits for our response. That when we do
respond we’re right on time.
Dave Corder
Bishop’s Ministry Appeal
There is Still Time to Give!
Though we are beginning to wind down this year’s
Bishop’s Ministry Appeal (We will be accepting pledges
and one-time gifts through June), this is an ideal time to
make your gift. Through the generosity of 612 families,
we have exceeded our goal of $147,000. Now, every
dollar raised comes back to St. Anthony’s for the renovation of the girl’s bathroom at our School (which is used by
several parish groups and Religious Education) and a
program to help couples marry in the Catholic Church.
Your gift of any size will help us make the 2016 BMA the
best ever! Thanks so much!
Welcome and God Bless you Fr. Chad
"Yesterday is gone,
Tomorrow has not yet come,
We have only today,
let us begin"
-Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
We're so bless to have you as a Pastor at
St. Anthony of Padua Parish.
CYO and Anthony’s Angels Scholarship
Do you have a child entering the 9th or 10th grade at either
Central Catholic or St. Mary’s, and your family is a registered parishioner here at St. Anthony’s, then please pick
up a CYO / Anthony’s Angels Scholarship Application in
the Church Vestibule. All Applications must be received
by June 20, 2016 .
Collection Totals:
May 29, 2016: $16,917
Parish Goal: $17,250
Next Week’s Goal: $21,013
Are you new to the parish? To request a registration form, please complete and drop in the
offertory basket. Have you moved? Had an information change? Let us know by
completing and returning. We respect your privacy! This information is for St. Anthony’s Parish use only.
Send Me A Registration Form □
Phone #
Change of Address □ Moving out of Parish □
Cuando Nos Convertimos en Iglesia
“Se que me he demorado pero…” Probablemente escucho esas palabras (o algo
similar) por lo menos diez a doce veces a la semana. Puede ser una mama joven que viene a
bautizar a su pequeña de un año. O puede ser un joven entre sus veinte años de edad quien se da
cuenta de que aun no ha recibido su confirmación. Tal vez una pareja que ha estado casada al
civil por más de veinte años que deseen recibir el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Sin importar el
Sacramento o el momento, es siempre una sensación de alivio cuando explico que no es tarde. El
Espíritu Santo se nos da siempre en el tiempo preciso. Por eso o por cualquier razón, este es el
momento adecuado para que reciba el Sacramento. Hay una canción del Evangelio que nos
recuerda, “Dios no podría venir cuando se le llama, pero el siempre atiende al tiempo preciso.” No
podemos acusar a Jesús de la demora en recibir un sacramento. (A pesar de que Maria y Marta
intentaron, cuando su hermano murió).
Así que cada vez que me encuentro con alguien me doy cuenta de que estoy en Tierra
Santa.” Que la persona delante de mi está respondiendo al llamado del Espíritu Santo. Ahora, la
mayor de las veces probablemente no reconozca que la llamada es del Espíritu Santo. En su
mente está respondiendo a los abuelos pidiendo, “cuando sus nietos van a ser bautizados.” Sea
como fuese, son en realidad y de hecho muestras de cómo respondemos al llamado del Espiritu
Santo. Me gustaría sugerírle que esto es cierto para cada vez que respondemos a la inspiración
del momento. Donde Dios siempre nos llama y espera nuestra respuesta. Que cuando
respondemos a ese llamado estamos justo en el tiempo preciso.
Dave Corder
Bienvenido y que Dios lo Bendiga Padre Chad
“Ayer se ha ido,
mañana aún no ha llegado,
tenemos solo hoy,
comencemos entonces”
Madre Teresa de Calcuta
Somos bendecidos de tenerlo como Parroco de la
Iglesia de San Antonio de Padua.
¡Buenas Noticias!
¡Hay Todavía Tiempo Para Dar!
Aunque estamos casi en terminar con la Petición Ministerial del Sr. Obispo (estaremos aceptando su regalo de
donación monetaria con su compromiso mensual o su
donación de una sola vez por todo el mes de junio), esta
es una excelente oportunidad para comprometerse
haciendo su regalo de donación monetaria. Gracias a la
generosidad de 612 familias, hemos sobrepasado
nuestra meta de $147,000. Ahora, cada dólar que
sobrepase la meta forjada a la parroquia de San Antonio
será utilizada para la renovación del cuarto de baño de
las niñas en nuestra escuela (que es utilizado por varios
ministerios de la parroquia y Educación Religiosa) y por
un programa para ayudar a las parejas a casarse por la
iglesia Católica.
Taller Para Padres de Familia
La Moral, Los valores y Las Reglas de la Familia
Caridades Católicas estará ofreciendo taller de charlas
GRATIS a padres de familia en nuestra Iglesia de San
Antonio de Padua . Los talleres son cada martes del
mes de junio a las 10 a.m. en el salon de escuela #8.
Si le gustaría asistir comuníquese con Nancy al
(209) 444-5927.
Memorando del Obispo E. Blaire
Un individuo que se identifica como Obispo
Alejandro Sullon se nos ha informado que ha estado
llevando a cabo celebraciones de Primeras Comuniones
(por el costo de $100) en parques públicos en el área de
Modesto. En el 2013 recibimos la misma información
acerca de este hombre.
Obispo filipino Alejandro Sullon no aparece en el
Anuario Pontificio entre obispos Católicos Romanos
Cualquier persona bautizada por el no ha sido
bautizado en la iglesia Católica Romana.
Cualquier Católico que ha recibido la Primera
Comunión de él no es validad por la iglesia Católica
Romana y no es libre de recibir la Eucaristía en la misa
Católica Romana hasta que debidamente haiga sido
preparado/a y admitido/a a la Eucaristía por un Sacerdote
Católico Romano.
Cualquier Católico que haiga sido Confirmado
por el, no ha sido Confirmado por un obispo Católico
Romano bajo el Papa y en comunión con el Colegio de
Obispos Católicos Romanos.
Cualquier Católico que fue casado por el no ha
sido válidamente casado ante los ojos de la Iglesia
Católica Romana sin una dispensación del obispo de la
Iglesia Católica Romana.
Respect Life
"America you are beautiful . . .
and blessed . . . .
The ultimate test of your greatness is
the way you treat every human being,
but especially the weakest and most
defenseless. If you want equal justice
for all and true freedom and lasting
peace, then America, defend life."
Pope John Paul II
Sister Ann’s Corner
Attention Seniors
Sr. Ann and the Ministry of Caring is having a luncheon
for St. Anthony’s Feast Day on the 9th of June from
11:00 am –1:00 pm in the Gym. Come enjoy the food,
fun and music by Club 40.
Salesian Spirituality Sessions
with Focus on the Year of Mercy
Pope Francis as we all know has designated Dec. 8, 2015
through Nov. 20, 2016 as an Extraordinary Jubilee Year
of Mercy. To help us better understand and enter this
Year of Mercy, Sister Ann will be having a class on June
6th from 10 am to 11 am. This class is divided into sessions, each focused on a particular insight into God’s
mercy which we hope will help you come to experience
God’s mercy and share it with those around you. If you
are interested please call Sr. Ann at (209) 823-7197 ext.
227 to register.
Please pray for those who need the support of this
community of faith:
Julissa Rizo
Maria Jackson
Grace Roe
Rita Encina
Wayne Waterbury
Marilyn DeLeon
Youmans Family
Jackie Deleon
Paz Rice
Tara Cardoza
Cindi Ball
Rose Rosa
Reva Tempra
Herminia Gomes
Larna Eckhardt
Anguiano Family
Carol Jimenez
Fr. Ignacius De
Nicholas Bush
Jesus Aceves
Susan Barut
Pamela Barnes
Marie Nunes
Leilani Chaparro
Mike Maduena
Mario Gonzales
Jonathan Perlin
Joe Navarro
Nellie Navarro
Nina Bagnasco
David Ratto
Jake Ratto
Feliciana Paz
Ida Teicheira
Josephina Teano
Nanette Beaman
Cindy Louie
Marty Anderson
William Streinhorst
Charanjit Grewal
Indejit Grewal
Catherine SilviaGotschall
Garret Luke
Jared Costa
Guadalupe Saldivar
Anthony Cardoza
Shari Mendoza
Connie Liberato
Amy Vaughn
Iria Ferrel
Melanie Vaughn
Leah Carroll
Kevin Wise
Ramona Baker
Maria N. Dias
Delia Soria
Eva Segura
Myra Lucas
Jacob Sanchez
Michael Muniz
Michelle Vicente
Roland Caskey
Steve Gannon
Steve Hernandez
Debbie Kapina
Elizabeth Cantu
Patricia Lorraine
Shelley Cultrera
Omar Gonzalez
Chris Hudlin
Jeannie Andres
Marcelino J. Loza
Edna Romero
Dennis DuncanChristopher
Senorina Lopez
Beatrice Rios
Alonzo Family
June Torres
Barbara Donnelly
Lolita Rilcopiro
Jaedyn Hendryx
Jerry Arriaga
Martin Landeros
Ruben Bright
Michael Kautzer
Casino Fundraiser
Hispanic Group Guadalupano is organizing a trip to Reno
on Saturday, July 16. The cost is $40 per person. The
ticket includes the transportation to and back, homemade
breakfast (tamales, Mexican pastry and coffee). The
funds are to benefit Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration
on December 12. For more information please contact
Carmen Soto at (209) 823-8683 or Celina Guzman at
(209) 239-2556.
Auxiliary Function
The Legion of Mary would like to invite all members and
auxiliary members to join us Thursday, June 23, 2016 at
10:30 am in the cafeteria for brunch and prayers.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
If someone would like to request a shawl (for ladies) or
lap robe (for men), please contact Kathleen Gomes at Shawls and lap robes are
not just for those who are ill; they are also given out to
celebrate a special occasion such as an anniversary. A
message of love and caring comes with each shawl or lap
robe and the giving of the shawl or lap robe enriches the
giver as well as the recipient.
St. Anthony C.Y.O. Sports News
C.Y.O. will start collecting registrations for Cross
Country Running for Grades 4th thru 8th. Fees are $60
per child.
C.Y.O. will start collecting registrations for Girls
Basketball for grades 3rd thru 8th. Fees are of $100 for
the 1st child and $75 for each additional sibling.
Applications and medical release forms are available on
St. Anthony’s School website.
Catholic Communication Campaign
Today, we will take up the collection for the Catholic
Communication Campaign. This collection communicates
the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and
enriches our faith through, television, radio, social media,
podcast, and print media. Remember, half of your
donation stays in our diocese to support local communications. The Catholic Communication Campaign is how
we share our experience of faith, worship, and witness to
the world.
Free Parenting Workshop
Nurturing Parenting Philosophy and Practices
Catholic Charities is offering workshops in our area to
help parents to learn about the philosophy and practices
of nurturing parenting. For more information please call
Nancy at (209) 444-5927.
Retrouvaille – Marriage Recovery
Is your marriage in trouble – miserable - dead? Would
you like it to come alive? Rediscover each other.
Retrouvaille can give you those communication skills so
that you can relate to each other on a new emotional and
mature plane. The next Weekend is in Sacramento,
July 8-10th 2016. Call (800) 470-2230 or visit .
If you are ill or in the hospital, please call 823-7197 to let us know, we can arrange a visit from a Priest, Deacon, or Sr. Ann.
St. Anthony’s Weekly Events
Monday, June 6
9:30 am
Legion of Mary, Mary’s Room
10:00 am
Sr. Ann’s Year of Mercy Class, Rec. Hall
3:30 pm
Legion of Mary Angels, Mary’s Room
6:00 pm
Knights of Columbus, Cafeteria
6:30 pm
Christian Initiation, Rec. Hall
7:00 pm
Coro Español, Room 5
7:00 pm
Santo Nino Ministry, Cry Room
Tuesday, June 7
10:00 am
Bible Study, Conf. Room
10:00 am
Taller Familiar Caridades Catolicas,
Room #8
6:00 pm
Y.M.I., Cafeteria
6:00 pm
Harvest Festival Committee, Conf. Room
6:00 pm
Misa & Hora Santa, Church
Wednesday, June 8
9:30 am
Legion of Mary, Mary’s Room
6:45 pm
Teen Music Ministry, Church
Thursday, June 9
9:30 am
Legion of Mary, Mary’s Room
10:00 am
Bible Study, Conf. Room
11:00 am
Senior Luncheon, Gym
5:30 pm
Legion of Mary, Mary’s Room
6:30 pm
Alabare, Cafeteria
7:00 pm
Voces para Cristo, Mary’s Room
Friday, June 10
6:00 pm
Marriage Encounter, Room 6
6:00 pm
Hispanic Youth Group, Room 7
7:00 pm
Cursillo, Cafeteria
7:00 pm
Hispanic Children’s Choir, Church
Saturday, June 11
7:00 am
Cursillo, Cafeteria
9:00 am
Group Convalidation Retreat (Spanish),
9:30 am
Catechist Retreat, Gym
Saturday, June 12
7:00 am
Knights of Columbus Breakfast, Cafeteria
MARRIED COUPLES - Marriage is a journey!!
Married Couples: Do you miss the glow you had when
you were first married? Do you wish you could reignite the
fire in your relationship? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekend gives you that time together to rekindle the
romance you experienced at the beginning of your
marriage and to deepen your communication with each
other..If childcare is a problem for you then our
non-residential weekend in Manteca on July 16-17 might
be just for you! Regular weekend in Modesto will be
Sept. 30-Oct. 2. For more information visit our website at:
http:// or contact John & Angelica
at or (209) 691-0603.
Perpetual Adoration
Spend an hour with Jesus in the Most
Blessed Sacrament.
Vacant Hours:
4 am to 5 am
12 am (midnight) to Wednesday 1 am
5 am to 6 am
9 pm to 10 pm
12 pm (noon) to 1 pm
12 am (midnight) to Sunday 1 am
Adoration partner hours needed:
There are a number of available hours. Please contact
Mark Lilly for information on available hours.
If you would like to sign up for a Holy Hour,
please email Mark Lilly at
or call 239-5732.
The Blessed Sacrament is located in the Chapel
Memorandum From Bishop E. Blaire
An individual who identifies himself as Bishop
Alejandro Sullon is reported to have been conducting First
Communions (at the cost of $100) in a public park in the
Modesto area. Back in 2013 we received the same
information about this man.
Filipino Bishop Alejandro Sullon is not listed in the
Annuario Pontificio among official Roman Catholic
Anyone baptized by him is not baptized in the
Roman Catholic Church.
Any Roman Catholic who receives First Communion from him has not made First Communion in the
Roman Catholic Church, and is not free to receive the
Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Mass until properly prepared and admitted to the Eucharist by a Roman Catholic
Any Roman Catholic who is confirmed by him is
not confirmed by a Roman Catholic Bishop under the
Pope and in communion with the College of Roman
Catholic Bishops.
Any Roman Catholic who is married by him is not
validly married in the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church
without a dispensation from the Roman Catholic Bishop.
Catholic Charities Counseling Services
Catholic Charities offers professional counseling using a
holistic approach integrating the psychosocial, emotional
and spiritual needs to all regardless of faith, sex, age,
socioeconomic status, and cultural backgrounds. These
services are provided in both English and Spanish.
These services are offered according to your schedule at
St. Anthony’s in the Ministry Building. For more
information, contact Jose at (209) 593-6113.
Mass Schedule
7:00 am – Fr. Jairo
†Frederico Doria (Celso & Cora Doria)
9:00 am – Fr. Chad
†Michael Rose (Marlene Riley)
7:00 am – Fr. Jairo
†Antonio & Rachel Rosales (Luz Elena Rosales)
9:00 am – Fr. Dante
†Maria C. Padron (Pete Padron)
Readings & Special Observances
Today’s Readings
First Reading — Elijah revives the son of a widow
(1 Kings 17:17-24).
Psalm — I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me
(Psalm 30).
Second Reading — Paul explains God’s call to him to
preach to the Gentiles (Galatians 1:11-19).
Gospel — Jesus raises from the dead the son of a widow
in the city of Nain (Luke 7:11-17).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Saints & Special Observances
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Norbert
St. Ephrem; Julian Calendar Ascension
St. Barnabas; Shavuot (Jewish observance)
begins at sundown
7:00 am – Fr. Dante
†Donald Fulmer (Griffin Family)
9:00 am – Fr. Chad
†Eleanor Sanchez (Larry & Maria Sanchez)
7:00 am – Fr. Chad
†Benny Villanueva (Villanueva Family)
9:00 am – Fr. Dante
†Jake Espinoza (Espinoza Family)
Readings for the Week
1 Kgs 17:1-6; Ps 121:1bc-8; Mt 5:1-12
1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16
Wednesday: 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Ps 16:1b-2ab, 4, 5ab, 8, 11;
Mt 5:17-19
Thursday: 1 Kgs 18:41-46; Ps 65:10-13; Mt 5:20-26
1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14;
Mt 5:27-32
Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-10;
Mt 5:33-37
2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11;
Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lk 7:36 — 8:3 [7:36-50]
7:00 am – Fr. Dante
†Joanne Inderbitzin (Larry & Maria Sanchez )
9:00 am – Fr. Jairo
Special Intention Marcelino Jimenez Loza (Wife)
8:00 am – Fr. Dante
†Manuel & Maria Ferrumpau (Merces
5:00 pm – Fr. Chad
†Duncan McPherson (Sephos Family)
7:00 pm – Fr. Jairo
†Anonymous Organ Donor (Patricia Reyes &
Guadalupe Rendon)
7:00 am – Fr. Chad
†Gniot & Stricker Family (Rowen & Stricker
8:45 am – Fr. Dante
†Gil Fagundes (Regina Fagundes)
10:30 am – Fr. Dante
For the People of the Parish
12:30 pm – Fr. Jairo
†Olga Campos (Maribel Campos)
6:00 pm – Fr. Chad
†Rosetta Chiaramonte (Emily Sanfilippo &
Small Pleasures
Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like
those meadow flowers which individually seem odorless
but all together perfume the air.
—Georges Bernanos
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats
Healing the pain of abortion, one weekend at a time.
“I felt God’s love, mercy and forgiveness. It’s given me a
sense of peace, resolution, hope, renewal.”
— Retreat participant
Discover the power of God’s loce, compassion and
mercy. This retreat is a safe, supportive place for you to
focus on a painful time without the distractions of everyday life. A loving, caring and nonjudgmental team will
help you take the first steps toward healing.
Two opportunities remain during the Year of Mercy:
July 15-17, 2016 (Spanish)
September 9-11, 2016 (English)
For more information or to register contact Gloria:
(510) 384-6875 Spanish or Kim: (209) 465-5433 English
Catholic Professional & Business Club Meeting
The Catholic Professional & Business Club is open to all.
We are people seeking to live out our faith in the workplace and the world.
Next Meeting Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Speaker: Stephen Valgos, High School Teacher, Catholic
Author, Speaker
Networking: 7:00 am
Breakfast and Speaker: 7:15 am at the Old Mill Café, 600
9th St., Modesto. The cost is $15-Guests or
$20 - Non-Members.
RSVP at , or Cathy (209) 968-8086.
St. Anthony’s Parish
505 E. North St.
Manteca, CA
Sent by: Sonia Ruiz Lopez
(209) 823-7197
Hi Yvonne:
Here is the bulletin for St. Anthony’s of Manteca, CA.
If there are any problems, please call the above phone
number. Thank you!
Sonia H. Ruiz Lopez