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volver al sumario 1 ! volver al sumario 1 Director V. Riambau Hospital Clinic. Villarroel 170, 08036 Barcelona España Editores asociados Cerezo, M. (Buenos Aires Argentina) Criado, F. (Baltimore, USA) Parodi, J.C. (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Dietrich, E.B. (Phoenix, AZ, USA) Montañá, X. (Barcelona, España) Gaines, P. (Sheffield, England) Malina, M. (Malmo, Suecia) Veith, F. (New York, USA) Espinosa, G. (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) Bechara, L. (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Editor honorario y fundador J.A. Jiménez Cossío Comisión Editorial CELA Barrera, JG (Bucaramanga, Colombia) Barrera, J. (Bogotá, Colombia) Espíndola M. (Santiago, Chile) Fabiani, A. (Monterrey, México) Mosquera N. (Ourense, España) Serrano, MA. (Barcelona, España) Consejo editorial Cómo se leen los códigos QR 1.- Instále en el teléfono móvil la aplicación para descifrar códigos QR. 2.- Coloque la cámara del teléfono móvil sobre el código QR. 3.- Automáticamente enlazará con la página RADIOLOGIA INTERVENCIONISTA Acitores, I. (Madrid, España) Blasco, J. (Barcelona, España) Bolia, A. (Leicester, UK) Canis, M. (Córdoba, España) De Blas, M. (San Sebastián, España) Echenagusía, A. (Madrid, España) Felices, J.M. (Murcia, España) Ferral, H. (New Orleans, USA) Fraire, V. (Monterrey, México) Garzón, G. (Madrid, España) González-Tutor, A. (Santander, España) Gregorio, M.A. de (Zaragoza, España) Hernández Lezana, A. (Madrid, España) Hilario, J. (Zaragoza, España) Katzen, B. (Miami, USA) Lammer, J. (Viena, Austria) López Ibor, J. (Madrid, España) Macho, J. (Barcelona, España) Marini, M. (A Coruña, España) Martín Palanca, A. (Málaga, España) Martínez, F. (Las Palmas, España) Muñoz, J.J. (Málaga, España) Palmaz, J.C. (Sant Antonio, USA) Palmero, J. (Valencia, España) Pueyo, J. (Mallorca, España) Pulpeiro, J.R. (Lugo, España) Real, M.I. (Barcelona, España) Reekers, J. (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Reyes, R. (Las Palmas, España) Rousseau, H. (Toulouse, Francia) Ruiz-Salmerón, R. (Sevilla, España) Sánchez, J. (Madrid, España) Sancho, C. (Barcelona, España) Segarra, A. (Barcelona, España) Schönholz, C. (Charleston, SC) Tagarro, A. (Madrid, España) Tobío, R. (Madrid, España) Urtasun, F. (Pamplona, España) Verdú, P. (Alicante, España) Viaño, J. (Madrid, España) Ybañez, F. (Madrid, España) Zubicoa, S. (Madrid, España) CARDIOLOGIA INTERVENCIONISTA Alfonso, F. (Madrid, España) Betriu, A. (Barcelona, España) Calabuig, J. (Pamplona, España) Cribier, A. (Rouen, Francia) Cubero, J. (Sevilla, España) Esplugas, E. (Barcelona, España) Fournier, J.A. (Sevilla, España) Goicolea, J. (Madrid, España) Hernández, T. (Madrid, España) Jiménez Cárcamo, J. (Miami, USA) Llovet, A. (Madrid, España) Macaya, C. (Madrid, España) Masotti, M. (Barcelona, España) Medina, A. (Las Palmas, España) Moris, C. (Oviedo, España) Nienaber, C. (Rostok, Germany) Pasadolos, J. (Vigo, España) Pey, J. (Madrid, España) Pico, F. (Murcia, España) Quininha, J. (Lisboa, Portugal) Ramee, S. (New Orleans, USA) Roubin, G.S. (New York, USA) Sáenz, M.E. (Costa Rica) Sancho Jaldón, J. (Cádiz, España) Serra, A. (Barcelona, España) Sobrino, N. (Madrid, España) Suárez de Lezo, J. (Córdoba, España) Wholey, M.H. (Pittsburg, USA) Correspondencia científica VR Vascular Centre, SLP Igualada, 10 - 08173 Sant Cugat Barcelona (ESPAÑA) e-mail: Diseño y Realización: e-mail: volver al sumario CIRUGÍA VASCULAR Álvarez-Tostado, J. (Cleveland, USA) Balcazar, A. (La Paz, Bolivia) Botelho de Medeiros, D. (Lisboa, Portugal) Busquet, J. (París, Francia) Cao, P.G. (Roma, Italia) Cappocia, L. (Roma, Italia) Carbonell, J.P. (Medellin, Colombia) Carpenter, J.P. (Philadelphia, USA) Caserta, G. (Sao Paulo, Brasil) Cruz, L. (San José, Costa Rica) Da Rocha, M.F.M. (Sao Paulo, Brasil) Díaz-Durán, C. (Veracruz, México) Doblas, M. (Toledo, España) Egaña, J.M. (San Sebastián, España) Fajardo, D. (Bogotá, Colombia) Fernandes e Fernandes, J. (Lisboa, Portugal) Fernández-Fernández, J.C. (A Coruña, España) Fernández-Noya, J. (Santiago de C., España) Fernández-Samos, R. (León, España) Ferreira, L.M. (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Ferreira, M. (Rio Janeiro, Brasil) Galvagni, P. (Floridanapolis, Brasil) García Colodro, J.M. (Lugo, España) García, G. (Medellín, Colombia) García-Madrid, C. (Barcelona, España) Gastambide, C. (Montevideo, Uruguay) Greenberg, R.K. (Cleveland, USA) Giossa, W. (Montevideo, Uruguay) Hussein, E.A. (Cairo, Egipto) Koncar, I. (Belgrado, Serbia) Kramer, A. (Santiago, Chile) La Mura, R. (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Lerut, P. (Lovaina, Bélgica) Makaroun, M.S. (Pitsburg, USA) Marticorena, J. (Lima, Perú) Matsumura, J.S. (Chicago, USA) Menéndez, A. (San Juan, Puerto Rico) Mertens, R. (Santiago, Chile) Mestres, G. (Barcelona, España) Moll, F. (Utrecht, The Netherlands) Murillo, I. (Monterrey, México) Peeters, P. (Bonheiden, Belgium) Pitty, F. (Panamá, Panamá) Pontes, C. (Salvador de Bahía, Brasil) Poredos, P.I. (Ljubljana, Slovenia) Puech, P. (San Paulo, Brasil) Ramírez, J.C. (Asunción, Praguay) Reparaz, LM. (Madrid, España) Saldaña, G. (Monterrey, México) Sicar, G. (Saint Louis, U.S.A.) Teixera, J.F. (Porto, Portugal) Urgnani, F. (Barcelona, España) Valdes, F. (Santiago, Chile) Vaquero, C. (Valladolid, España) Verhoeven, E. (Nuremberg, Alemania) Von Ristow, A. (Río de Janeiro, Brasil) volver al sumario JUNIO 2015 - EDICI N ESPECIAL SITE-CELA 2015 1 Sumario-Contents Editorial Vicente Riambau - Presidente - Luis Bechara - Co-Presidente 07 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Miércoles 24 Junio - Wednesday, June 24th Sesión 1 ADELANTOS EN TRATAMIENTO ENDOVASCULAR EN MIEMBROS INFERIORES ADVANCES IN LOWER LIMB ENDOVASCULAR TREATMENT 09 Sesión 2 APORTES PARA EL MANEJO ENDOVASCULAR DE LA AORT A CONTRIBUTIONS FOR ENDOVASCULAR MANAGEMENT OF THE AORTA 10 Sesión 3 INDICACCIONES Y ESTRATEGIAS PARA ENDOPRÓTESIS AÓRTICAS: MÁS ALLÁ DE LA EVIDENCIA INDICATIONS AND STRATEGIES IN AORTIC ENDOGRAFTING: BEYOND THE EVIDENCE Sesión 4 NUEVAS TÉCNICAS DESDE LA NEW TECHNIQUES FROM LA 12 Sesión 5 NUEVAS EXPECTATIVAS EN EL TRATAMIENTO ENDOVASCULAR DE PATOLOGÍAS DESAFIANTES NEW EXPECTATIONS IN ENDOVASCULAR TREATMENT OF CHALLENGING PATHOLOGIES 13 Sesión 6 APORTES MODERNOS PARA PATOLOGÍAS DIFÍCILES DE RESOLVER MODERN CONTRIBUTIONS FOR DIFFICULT DISEASES TO SOLVE 16 Jueves 25 Junio - Thursday, June 25th Sesión 8 OPCIONES ACTUALES EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE LAS LESIONES OCLUSIVAS (TASC II-C Y D) DE LA ARTERIA FEMORAL SUPERFICIAL CURRENT THERAPEUTIC OPTIONS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF SUPERFICIAL FEMORAL ARTERY OCCUSIVE DISEASE (C-D LESIONS) 25 Sesión 10 TEMAS NO RESUELTOS EN REVASCULACIÓN ENDOVASCULAR DE LAS EXTREMIDADES INFERIORES UNSOLVED ISSUES IN LOWER LIMB ENDO-REVASCULARIZATION 27 Sesión 11 REVASCULARIZACIÓN POR DEBAJO DE LA RODILLA: NECESITAMOS SABER MÁS BTK REVASCULARIZATION: WE NEED TO KNOW MORE 33 Sesión 13 SESIÓN DE ALTO SECRETO: CONSEJOS Y TRUCOS. TOP SECRET SESSION: TIPS AND TRICKS. 36 Viernes, 26 Junio - Friday, June 26th Sesión 14 TEMAS CLAVE EN EL TRATAMIENTO ENDOVASCULAR DE LOS AAA KEY ISSUES IN ENDOVASCULAR TREATMENT OF AAA 63 Sesión 16 EL DILEMA DE LA HIPOGÁSTRICA THE HYPOGASTRIC DILEMMA 66 Sesión 18 COMO MEJORAR RESULTADOS EN AAA YUSTA Y PARARRENALES HOW TO IMPROVE OUTCOMES IN YUXTA AN PARARRENAL AAA 71 Sesión 19 OPCIONES “ON AND LABEL” PARA EL TRATAMIENTO DE LOS AAA YUSTA Y PARARRENALES: DONDE RESIDEN SUS VENTAJAS? ON AND OFF LABEL APPROACHES FOR YUSTA AND PARARRENAL AAA WHERE ARE THEIR ADVANTAGES? 73 Sesión 20 NUNCA MÁS: LECCIONES APRENDIDAS DEL PÑEOR CASO ENOVASCULAR DE MI VIDA NEVER AGAIN: LESSONS LEARNT FROM THE WORST ENDOVASCULAR CASE OF MY LIFE 76 Sábado, 27 Junio - Saturdy, June 27th No part of the articles of this publication may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the editor. TODO LO QUE NECESITAS SABER SOBRE LA DISECCIÓN AÓRTICA TIPO B ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT AORTIC TYPE B DISSECTION Sesión 24 ¿QUE HAY DE NUEVO PARA LA AORTA ASCENDENTE Y EL ARCO? WHAT’S NEW FOR ASCENDING & ARCH? 100 Sesión 25 AORTA DESCENDENTE Y TÓRACO-ABDOMINAL DESCENDING AND THORACO-ABDOMINAL AORTA 100 Poster SITE Calendario de Congresos - Congress Calendary Noticias desde la Industria - News from the Industry Normas para los autores Instructions for the Authors 05 94 102 128 129 132 134 volver al sumario The information and opinions expressed in the articles are exclusively those of the authors who are solely responsible of their contents. Técnicas Endovasculares is edited 3 times a year. Copyright © 1998. Sesión 21 volver al sumario Luis R Leon Jr. Miguel F Montero-Baker Editorial Volumen XVII - Número 3 - Septiembre-Diciembre 2014 En este número especial de Técnicas Endovasculares el lector encontrará la colección de los abstracts y resúmenes de todos los contenidos del programa científico del SITE-CELA 2105. In this special issue of Técnicas Endovasculares the reader will find the collection of abstracts and summaries of all the contents of the scientific program of the SITE-CELA 2105. El detalle de las sesiones ayudará a los congresistas a poder seleccionar su participación Además, no se perderá la información de aquellas sesiones que, por coincidir en el tiempo, no hayan sido presenciadas. The details of the sessions will help the attendees to be able to select their participation. Moreover you will not lose the information from those concomitant sessions that coincide in time and you have not been witnessed. Desde estas páginas queremos darles la más calurosa bienvenida al Congreso. From these pages we want to give the warmest welcome to the Congress. Vicente Riambau Presidente Luis Bechara Co-Presidente Comité Científico CELA Directores Honorarios Co-Directores del Programa Directores del Programa Comité Científico SITE S. Benites Palacio A. Menéndez J.P. Carbonell F. Pitty A. Esperon Percovich Á. Razuk A. Fabiani G. Rubio Argüello M. de Blas X. Montañá F. Criado J. Palmaz J.M. Egaña J.C. Parodi K. Ivancev F. Veith J.M. Macho E. Roche M. Sabaté R. Trillo J. Fernández-Noya G. Mestres N. Mosquera P. Gaines 07 D. Scheinert J. Maeso J.F. Teixeira M. Miralles F. Verzini F. Moll volver al sumario Comité Organizador SITE-CELA volver al sumario 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Sesión 1 Ligadura alta de la USF y sus tributarias con ablación láser endovascular del conducto safeno. 10 Años de experiencia. Dr. Juan Carlos Krapp. MD, PhD Presidente de la Sociedad Argentina de Flebología y Linfología. Profesor Adjunto de la Carrera de Especialista en Flebología y Linfología de la Universidad Católica Argentina. Las técnicas endovasculares termoablativas en el tratamiento de las venas varicosas, se han difundido por la seguridad, eficacia y su rápida recuperación. Paralelamente a estos buenos resultados, han ido reportándose efectos secundarios no deseados y las propuestas para evitarlos y mejorar la performance de los resultados a largo Angioplastia tibial VS bypass con vena: Como y cuando Luis Mariano Ferreira Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín. Buenos Aires. Argentina Los pacientes con isquemia crítica de miembro asociado a enfermedad arterial infra-poplítea se caracterizan por ser pacientes de alto riesgo cardiovascular y presentar generalmente lesiones multisegmentarias. La mayoría son diabéticos de larga data, son generalmente sedentarios y muchos no han experimentado una progresión típica de la claudicación a la lesión trófica. La CELA-SITE Sesión 1 / CELA SITE Session 1 ADELANTOS EN TRATAMIENTO ENDOVASCULAR EN MIEMBROS INFERIORES ADVANCES IN LOWER LIMB ENDOVASCULAR TREATMENT Moderador / Moderator M. Ferreira Panelistas / Panellists S. Benites Palacio, G. Rubio Argüello, I. Escotto plazo. Actualmente se han publicado estudios, que hablan del destino del muñón largo de safena que se deja y el aumento de las recurrencias varicosas en zona inguinal y muslo. La técnica de ablación endovascular, difundida a través de guías de procedimiento, indica posicionar la fibra láser, por debajo de la vena epigástrica superficial, respetando las venas tributarias localizadas entre la válvula terminal y pre-terminal, dejando de lado la gran variedad anatómica de la USF. Ante el hallazgo de trombosis en distintos estadios, clasificados por Cabnick (EHIT), se indico realizar la ablación a mayor distancia, pero aún así, disminuídos los efectos trombóticos, persiste el fenómeno hemodinámico producto de la eliminación del sistema vensoso superficial, que obliga a que todo el flujo de sangre se evacúe únicamente por el Sistema Venoso Profundo. Esto provoca la dilatación brusca de la vena femoral común, la que facilita de esta forma, la dilatación del anillo de implantación de la válvula ostial terminal y con ello, el inicio de un nuevo reflujo hacia safena y tributarias, llevando severidad del cuadro dependerá del grado de obstrucción, desarrollo de colaterales, carga del ejercicio y las características de la persona. La evolución natural de estos pacientes lleva a la pérdida del miembro. El foco está puesto en llevar la mayor cantidad de sangre lo más cercana a la lesión. La decisión terapéutica deberá balancear el riesgo clínico – quirúrgico, y características del árbol arterial. Cuando hablamos de riesgo nos referimos a cualidades como sobrevida, comorbilidades, re-operaciones o la presencia de un conducto venoso adecuado, entre otros. Cuando nos referimos a anatomía arterial, focalizamos en la topografía y tipos de lesión, vasos de salida, características de la placa. Cualquiera sea la decisión, tres factores 09 a la recurrencia varicosa. La técnica endovascular cerrada, tiene básicamente un gran defecto, deja un muñón largo de GVS, (2,5 a 3cm) hecho que ha sido reportado durante décadas, como la mayor falla de técnica terapéutica que origina la recurrencia varicosa postquirúrgica en varices de la USF. La recurrencia varicosa en muslo, es principalmente por esta falla técnica, probado por la evidencia en extensos estudios. El reflujo que se produce desde la vena femoral común hacia la safena no ligada, luego de la ablación del conducto safeno, canaliza todo el flujo venoso del miembro inferior por el sistema profundo, esto acelera la progresión de la enfermedad y hará que el muñon safeno residual, reciba el reflujo desde la vena femoral común, y produzca en poco tiempo una recurrencia, desde la USF. Conclusiones: Se propone una terapéutica mixta de la USF insuficiente, con ligadura quirúrgica alta de la USF y de sus tributarias, asociada con ablación endovascular láser del conducto safeno (sin striping) hasta son fundamentales. La presencia de un equipo multidisciplinario, poseer la tecnología adecuada y las habilidades técnicas necesarias para cualquiera de los dos abordajes. Existen múltiples meta-análisis, estudios prospectivos y retrospectivos que muestran la eficacia tanto para los procedimientos abiertos como Endovasculares. Las recomendaciones sin embargo parecen por ahora recomendar la cirugía abierta para aquellos pacientes con mejor expectativa de vida, con lesiones con mucha necrosis o infección o cuando las lesiones arteriales son múltiples y de difícil recanalización. Un aspecto a puntualizar es que el estudio BASIL determinó que aquellos pacientes que la primera línea el tercio medio de pantorrilla para evitar lesión neurológica. Creemos que esta técnica, aborda los tres factores básicos para un correcto y duradero resultado a largo plazo, efectuando el tratamiento anatómico, hemodinámico y con visión de la progresión de la enfermedad venosa. Esto presenta muchos beneficios sobre la ablación cerrada clásica. Se elimina la posibilidad de efectos secundarios como TVP o TEP, neuritis y sobre todo, mejora la eficacia a largo plazo, disminuyendo la recurrencia al mínimo, que solo se presenta cuando hay reflujos No-safenos. Las incisiones quirúrgicas son mínimas y el conducto safeno se ablaciona con láser (sin efectuar stripping). El paciente evoluciona con dolor mínimo, menos hematomas, sin neurítis, sin peligro de TVP o TEP (por EHIT), con menores tasas de recurrencia varicosa o re-permeabilización del conducto, por eliminar casi todas las posibilidades de nuevos reflujos de origen safeno-femoral. de tratamiento fue el endovascular y fracasó, el resultado del abordaje abierto de rescate fue peor. Es fundamental también enfocar hacia el cuidado pre, intra y postoperatorio del pie y del paciente. Tratamiento antibiótico, desbridamientos, inmovilización, descargas, aceleradores de cicatrización, tratamiento estricto y vigoroso de los factores de riesgo son factores que repercutirán en la sobrevida y recuperación. volver al sumario Miércoles 24 Junio Wednesday, June 24th 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Christian Bianchi Loma Linda VA Healthcare System, Loma Linda, USA Introduction: Patients at risk for major amputations present with variable degrees of lower NOVEDADES DESDE EL CEREBRO Flow Diverting Stents: Indicaciones y Resultados tras más de 5 años de experiencia clínica Dr. J.Blasco Neurorradiología Intervencionista C.D.I. Hospital Clínic de Barcelona Miércoles 24 Junio Wednesday, June 24th Sesión 2 Coiling de la mesenterica inferior: la mejor opción para el tratamiento del endoleak tipo ll Dr. Marcelo H. Cerezo Instituto Argentino de la Aorta, Hospital Español de La Plata, Argentina. extremity ischemia, different types of tissue loss, physiological and functional status. Objectives: To evaluate the long term outcome, healing rates, hemodynamic outcomes, and freedom from major adverse lower extremity of patients presenting with PAD and tissue loss. and palliative limb care. On an intention to treat, Wound presentation, wound care provided, wound care associated procedures, healing rates, need for late revascularization, prevalence of major amputations, wound recurrences, recurrences management and survival were analyzed. received palliative limb care. Overall wound healing was documented in 70% of the cohort. Limb salvage was 75%. In those patients receiving revascularization, no difference was observed when open was compared to endovascular. Vascular reinterventions were needed in 86 instances. Overall 1, 3, 5 year survival was 67%, 42% and 18% respectively. Results: Conclusions: Patients were stratified according to management strategies which include: revascularization, aggressive local wound care without revascularization (conservative group), primary amputation Between January 2006 and November 2014, 601 patients were enrolled. 271 patients (38.5%) meet criteria for revascularization, 258 patients (36.3%) were allocated to a conservative approach. Primary amputation was indicated in 68 patients and 112 patients Since the appearance of flow diverters around 2009, its use for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms has clearly increased. Flow diverters led us to a different approach in the endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms, in terms of extrasacular treatment compared to the classical intrasacular treatment. These devices have been used for those aneurysms untreatable with standard techniques, but with an increasing understanding of their safety and efficacy, indications have spread over all different types of aneurysms. Although complications may be higher in those patients treated with flow diverters, careful attention should be paid to the specific type of aneurysms we are dealing with, and to the intrinsic risk of those lesions. In aneurysms > 10 mm, the annual rupture rate has been shown to be up to 4.37% and in giant aneurysms (>25 mm) this rate may go up to 33.4%. In this type of aneurysms, surgical treatment is often challenging and can be associated with significant morbidity. Moreover, simple coiling has been shown to be a nondefinitive treatment in many cases, with a recurrence rate of 39%. Giant and big aneurysms have been typical indications for flow diverters during all these years, however many people in the INR community are now advocating for extending the indications of flow diverters to small, unruptured, saccular aneurysms. Pros and cons will be presented with an specific emphasis on the latest reviews in the literature and our own experience. Methods: A tailored approach to this heterogeneous high risk group is reasonable. For those patients deemed “limb salvage candidates”, the limb preservation rate is acceptable. Survival of this population is limited. CELA-SITE Sesión 2 / CELA SITE Session 2 APORTES PARA EL MANEJO ENDOVASCULAR DE LA AORTA CONTRIBUTIONS FOR ENDOVASCULAR MANAGEMENT OF THE AORTA Moderador / Moderator F. Criado Panelistas / Panellists J.C. Parodi, L. Bechara, L. León, R. Mertens Introducción: Métodos: El endoleak tipo 2 es una situación que se presenta en el seguimiento de un EVAR, con una frecuencia según autores entre un 6 y un 25%. Arterias lumbares y mesentérica inferior (MI) suelen ser las fuentes mas comunes de este leak, siendo el de mesentérica menos frecuente, dado que, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, la MI suele estar ocluída al tiempo del EVAR. Cuando esta situación se presenta, se han postulado varios métodos de resolución, siendo el coiling de la MI el preferido por nosotros. Sobre un total de 850 EVAR realizados en nuestra experiencia en el Instituto Argentino de la Aorta, Hospital Español de La Plata, Argentina, hemos tomado como referencia los últimos 5 años, en donde se han tratado 242 Aneurismas Abdominales por esta vía. La tasa de aparición de endofugas tipo 2 ha sido del 13%, siendo el 20 % de estas generadas por una MI permeable. Todos los casos fueron detectados dentro de los controles tomográficos del primer año de seguimiento. Se evaluaron las técnicas 10 de coiling, ligadura laparoscópica y punción translumbar. Resultados: De los 7 casos evaluados (20%), se descartó la ligadura laparoscópica en 4 de ellos por abdomen hostil, la punción translumbar se descartó en 5 casos por potencial angulación excesiva de la aguja de punción, con riesgo de perforación visceral. No se descartó ningún caso para coiling. La técnica triaxial fue utilizada en todos los casos, por acceso femoral por punción. La cantidad de microcoils volver al sumario Estrategias clínicas y seguimiento de pacientes con PAD presentando pérdida de tejidos 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program utilizados fue de 5 + 2. El éxito técnico fue del 100%. No se registró a la fecha recidiva del leak de MI aunque uno de los casos presenta actualmente leak por conexión Iliolumbar derecha, no observada durante el Manejo de las infecciones de aorta y endoprótesis Prof Dr. Fernando Ibáñez C. procedimiento de corrección de la fuga de MI. Conclusiones: El endoleak tipo 2 por MI es una situación poco frecuente. De las técnicas disponibles para su corrección, la única que no encontró contraindicaciones para su realización fue la de coiling del tronco de la MI. Se debe dominar la técnica de uso de microcateteres para este procedimiento. La colocación de coils en el tronco de la arteria MI es un procedimiento factible y seguro, debiendo ser precavidos al embolizar, por el potencial riesgo de oclusión de la circulación del tronco común de las arterias sigmoideas. Introducción con frecuencia del problema Presentación de casos clínicos de nuestro servicio Métodos diagnósticos utilizados con especial énfasis en imágenes Manejo conservador y quirúrgico: Ventajas e inconvenientes de cada conducta Miércoles 24 Junio Wednesday, June 24th Sesión 3 Resultados y discusión con revisión del tema CELA-SITE Sesión 3 / CELA SITE Session 3 INDICACCIONES Y ESTRATEGIAS PARA ENDOPRÓTESIS AÓRTICAS: MÁS ALLÁ DE LA EVIDENCIA INDICATIONS AND STRATEGIES IN AORTIC ENDOGRAFTING: BEYOND THE EVIDENCE Moderador / Moderator F. Criado Panelistas / Panellists V. riambau, L. Bechara, A. Fajardo, N. Mosquera, L. Sánchez calf tributary. Any difference in the bubble movement related to limb elevation, immobilisation-mobilisation has been assessed furthermore. Adverse events: do we have pathophysiological evidences? 1° Step (Is ir safe to perfom foam sclerotherapy?) 2- the possible changes of bubble propagation induced by various therapeutic procedures (such as limb elevation, immobility after the injections, etc.) Lorenzo Tessari Foam sclerotherapy, which started to be diffused ten years ago, radically changed phlebology world; furthermore the usage of duplex guidance and of colour-duplex control of our treatments, led us to assess the pathways and diffusion of the microbubbles of sclerosant foam; as a result a few hypotheses have been formulated on foam bubbles propagation, whereas, in comparison, no studies have been performed on liquid sclerosants from this point of view Several authors highlighted the necessity to study and assess the propagation of the gas microbubbles and/or of the drug within the bubbles in this “modern” sclerotherapy The aim of this study is to highlight: 1- if bubbles and drug are linked or separated in their pathway within the blood stream 3- if labelling the sclerosant drug with labelled technetium (Pertecnetato 99mTCO4-) may be a correct procedure to highlight the pathway and propagation of the sclerosant drug in foam sclerotherapy. A first study with echocardiography has been performed on one patient: the arrival time of the bubbles and their persistence modalities and time within the atrium (after a standardised injection of sclerosant foam) have been monitored and calculated in different time intervals. Four mls of foam (Tessari method) of Polidocanol 0,5%+CO2 O 2 have been injected in the left great saphenous vein and in a right posterior calf tributary; in another case 4 mls of sclerosant foam (Tessari method) of Polidocanol 0.5% + air have been injected in a left posterior 11 The second study has been performed to assess the possibility to label sclerosant drug/microbubble with label technetium (Pertecnetato 99mTCO4The same patient has been investigated indifferent times as to his pulmonary transit and his captation of the labelled marker within his captation organs (thyroid in primis, salivary gland, kidneys , stomach, etc.); more in details the following assessment have been performed: 1- The pathway of FREE 99mTCO42- The pathway of 99mTCO4- within sclerosant foam made with Polidocanol 2% + air 3- The pathway of 99mTCO4- within sclerosant foam made with Polidocanol 2% +CO2 O 2 4-The pathway of 99mTCO4- within sclerosant foam made with Sodium Tetradecylsulfate 1% + CO2 O 2 5- The pathway of 99mTCO4- within sclerosant foam made with Sodium Tetradecylsulfate 1% + air Results The three main outcomes of our studies are summarised below: 1-By means of echocardiography it is not possible to highlight any link between drug and bubbles 2- Elevation of the limb and post-injection limb immobility significantly influence the passage of the microbubbles in the blood stream/heart propagation 3-The labelling of the sclerosant drug with Pertecnetato 99mTCO4- is not an adequate procedure to highlight the pathway of the sclerosant drug in foam sclerotherapy; further details will be provided on this part of the studies 4- is absolutely necessary, at this point, apply new study: 2° Step Aims: following to a few in vitro trials which showed sclerosant drug interaction with blood components, this experimental trial was designed to assess in vivo binding between sodiumtetradecysulfate (STS) drug, which is contained on sclerosant foam (SF) microbubbles, and blood proteins. Patients and Methods: two different groups of patients were submitted to ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy volver al sumario Hospital Salvador y Clínica Alemana, Santiago Chile 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program with 3% STS +CO2O2 based SF, which was formed through Tessari method. In group A 4 patients (2 great saphenous vein (GSV), 1 small saphenous vein (SSV), 1 Alcock canal vein (ACV)) had 5 cc injection of SF. Immediately before the injection (T0) and 1’, 5’ and 10’ after the injection blood samples were retrieved from left brachial vein. In group B 5 cc of SF were injected in a varicose tributary of the leg of two patients with GSV incompetence. Immediately before , 1’, 3’, 5’ and 10’ after the injection, blood Miércoles 24 Junio Wednesday, June 24th Sesión 4 samples from the homolateral common femoral vein and from left brachial vein were retrieved. Titration of free STS and of total, protein-bound STS (BSTS) were performed by means of a solvent assisted extraction and a molecular filter with a 10KdA cut off (for protein filtration). Results: in group A (brachial vein samples) BSTS (total STS) titration was respectively 0%at T0, 0.5% (GSV and SSV injection) and 8% (ACV injection) after 1’, 5-7% (GSV and SSV) and 37% (ACV) after 5’, 9-21% (GSV and SSV) and 38% (ACV) Resultados: Dr. Juan Pablo Carbonell 1) Entre mas compleja sea la anatomía aortica tratada es mas importante el acceso por arriba desde la arteria subclavia o arteria axilar Introduccion: Es una realidad el impacto de la terapia endovascular en el tratamiento de la aorta en los últimos 20 años. La endoprotesis modificada por el Cirujano o Home made es una valiosa alternativa en el tratamiento de la patología compleja de la aorta toracoabdominal en casos seleccionados. proteins bind STS of SF microbubbles in less than 1’. More importantly no free (active) STS has been found in common femoral vein and beyond pulmonary circulation. Conversely BSTS (pharmacologically inactive) is tracked throughout the lower limb and central veins circulation. Conclusions: this in vivo study definitely proved that when injecting 3% STS SF in the veins of the lower limbs, blood CELA-SITE Sesión 4 / CELA SITE Session 4 NUEVAS TÉCNICAS DESDE LA NEW TECHNIQUES FROM LA Moderador / Moderator M. Cerezo Panelistas / Panellists F.Ibáñez, G. Espinosa, C. Timarán La endoprotesis estandar modificada por el cirujano en la propia sala operatoria Fundación Valle del Lilli, Cali, Colombia after 10’. Free STS titration at T0, after 1’, 5’ and 10’ was 0% in all samples. In group B (common femoral vein samples) BSTS (total STS) concentration (μg/ml) at T0, after 1’, 3’, 5’ and 10’ was: 0, 0.568, 13, 24, 6 and 8.67 for the first patient, and 0, 42.9, 18.5, 8.33, 5.43 for the second patient. Free STS titration was 0 (nil) in all samples for both patients. Debido a la diversidad de la patología aortica tratada es mas importante hablar de las lecciones aprendidas que de los resultados de morbimortalidad. Los tópicos aprendidos mas importantes son los siguientes. 2) Entre mayor sea el segmento aórtico a cubrir es mas importante realizar el procedimiento en 2 o 3 etapas para disminuir el riesgo de paraplejia. con angulaciones hasta 90 grados a nivel de las arterias renales (condición anatómica que puede llegar a ser una contraindicación para la endoprotesis “custom made” ) 5) Los trombos a nivel de la aorta yuxtavisceral son un riesgo importante para el ateroembolismo, complicación esta que puede llegar ser fatal para el paciente Conclusiones: La terapia endovascular con endoprotesis modificadas por el Cirujano es una opción muy valida que nos ha permitido tratar pacientes con patología aortica urgente y patología de la aorta toracoabdominal compleja. 6) Hemos aprendido a realizar ramificaciones a los vasos viscerales desde una fenestracion, sobre todo en las arterias renales que son las anatomías mas difíciles de tratar. Objetivo: Mostrar como lo hacemos y nuestros resultados, principalmente en el manejo de aneurismas yuxtarrenales, toracoabdominales y disecciones de aorta tipo B complicada. Desde Diciembre del 2008 en nuestra institución se han realizado un total de 71 pacientes con endoprotesis modificada (ver imágenes), se ha tratado patología aortica muy diversa desde aneurismas yuxtarrenal hasta el cubrimiento total de la aorta toracoabdominal con compromiso de la arteria subclavia o la arteria hipogástrica. 3) Si hay compromiso de la arteria subclavia o hipogástrica, esta se debe revascularizar se ser posible, si se debe ocluir este procedimiento se deba realizar en un tiempo adicional. 4) El despliegue secuencial de la endoprotesis con acceso braquial o axilar nos ha permitido tratar patología aortica 12 volver al sumario Materiales y metodos: 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Luis Bechara Zamudio La ruptura de un aneurisma de aorta torácica es una emergencia que requiere urgente diagnóstico y tratamiento. No obstante, en pacientes con ruptura no traumática, el tratamiento definitivo puede Endoprotesis fenestrada/con ramas durante emergencias aorticas agudas Fajardo, Andrés Las endoprotesis fenestradas han sido introducidas para el manejo de aneurismas yustarrenales/pararrenales y toracoabdominales. Así también se han introducido las endoprotesis con ramas o una combinación de ramas/fenestraciones para el tratamiento de aneurismas toracoabdominales. Los primeros reportes en dispositivos fenestrados datan de la ultima parte de los años 90. La mortalidad de pacientes que se presentan con aneurismas rotos, varia dramáticamente de acuerdo a la técnica de reparo. Se ha mostrado en múltiples reportes el beneficio del manejo endovascular de estos pacientes, con disminución de la mortalidad que varia Miércoles 24 Junio Wednesday, June 24th Sesión 5 Disecciones Aorticas: Experiencia en Puerto Rico Angel Menéndez ser tardío, frecuentemente debido a la complejidad para realizar diagnostico por una presentación atípica. Existen muchas complicaciones para el tratamiento, ya que son ancianos y poseen comorbilidades que aumentan el riesgo de complicaciones perioperatorias, por lo cual el tratamiento quirúrgico convencional no se considera. Concomitantemente, durante los últimos 10 años, el tratamiento endovascular de la aorta se ha desarrollado para tratar los aneurismas de aorta torácica y pueden ser colocadas hoy en forma percutánea sin anestesia general. En estudios que comparan la anestesia local con la anestesia general, no encontraron diferencias en mortalidad a los 30 días, a pesar de que la anestesia local se realizó en pacientes más viejos y con más problemas cardíacos y respiratorios, a pesar de lo cual presentaron menor tiempo de cirugía y de estadía hospitalaria, y de complicaciones postoperatorias que el grupo de la anestesia general. Durante 6 años, utilizamos anestesia local en la colocación de endoprotesis abdominales y torácicas. Presentamos 5 casos (3 mujeres y 2 varones) que presentaron ruptura de aorta torácica no traumática, tratados entre 7 y 10 días posteriores a la ruptura, en pacientes entre 65 y 92 años. Todos fueron tratados durante las primeras 24 ha de haber sido trasladados desde otra institución, donde se los declaró no quirúrgicos. Los 5 pacientes fueron tratados con anestesia local. de 25 a 40 por ciento. Aproximadamente el 40% de los pacientes que se presentan con un aneurisma roto infrarrenal no son candidatos a manejo endovascular. Las mayores causas son la anatomía del cuello y la longitud de este. Si se incluyen aneurismas pararrenales y toracoabdominales, la proporción es aun mayor. Las endoprotesis fenestradas tienen muchas limitaciones para su uso en emergencias aorticas. Cuando se ordenan a la compañía, su fabricación y posterior envió dura aproximadamente 3 a 4 semanas, lo que lo convierte en una opción no viable en situaciones de emergencia. También están, las endoprotesis modificadas por cirujano, que podrían ser usadas para estos casos. Sin embargo, la modificación de prótesis es un proceso complicado que solo se debe utilizar por cirujanos con mucha experiencia y que estén amparados por protocolos de investigación adecuados. Hay múltiples reportes en la experiencia de centros de referencia en el manejo de emergencias aorticas con prótesis fenestradas y fenestradas/ramificadas con buenos resultados a corto y mediano plazo. Una posibilidad que se ha abierto, es el uso de prótesis estandarizadas(“off the shelf”). La idea es que un porcentaje muy alto(70%) de pacientes con aneurismas pararrenales/yustarrenales pueden ser tratados con un dispositivo único. En un reporte inicial de la prótesis p-Branch por la Cleveland Clinic, dos pacientes fueron tratados de manera urgente con el dispositivo con buenos resultados. El porcentaje real de los pacientes que pueden ser tratados con estos dispositivos es todavía incierto y los estudios clínicos que se están llevando a cabo en estos momentos podrían ayudar a aclarar esto. Otro dispositivo que ha estado en desarrollo es el T-Branch(Ramificado toracoabdominal). El porcentaje de pacientes que pueden ser tratados con este dispositivo estandarizado varia de 50 a 80% dependiendo del reporte. La disminución del perfil de la endoprotesis ha servido para aumentar el numero de pacientes que pueden ser tratados con el dispositivo. Esta prótesis seria de mucha utilidad si puede servir una población larga de estos pacientes, pues la mortalidad asociada a aneurismas toracoabdominales rotos esta entre el 40-80%. Siempre va a haber dificultades en pacientes que se presenten con variaciones anatómicas, bifurcaciones tempranas, arterias con diámetros pequeños y múltiples arterias renales. Así que la estandarización, no es una opción que va a abarcar a todos los pacientes. En resumen, los dispositivos estandarizados(“off the shelf”), serian ideales en la patología aguda. Sin embargo existe una población en que no va a ser posible el uso de estas prótesis. El uso de ramas podría dar una mayor flexibilidad al momento de usar dispositivos en casos de emergencia, resultando en una disminución marcada de la mortalidad. Las prótesis modificadas por cirujano, se mantienen como una opción, pero deben ser reservadas para centros de excelencia, con protocolos de investigación bien documentados. CELA-SITE Sesión 5 / CELA SITE Session 5 NUEVAS EXPECTATIVAS EN EL TRATAMIENTO ENDOVASCULAR DE PATOLOGÍAS DESAFIANTES NEW EXPECTATIONS IN ENDOVASCULAR TREATMENT OF CHALLENGING PATHOLOGIES Moderador / Moderator A. Fabiani Panelistas / Panellists Z.Krajcer, A. Esperon, M.Espíndola Introduction: Objective: All cases of thoracic aortic dissection Type B according to the Standford classification that were treated endovascularly (TEVAR) from 2006 to 2015 were revised. Also, acute cases with rupture of the false lumen and chronic complicated stable cases were included in the revision. The objective of this retrospective analysis is to evaluate the results of the endovascular treatment of thoracic dissections Type B in patients treated in a single institution. This is the only report of non-traumatic dissections of the thoracic aorta that has been done in Puerto Rico. 13 Materials Used and Methodology: The clinical files of all patients treated endovascularly were evaluated and those patients that had not attended their annual follow up were contacted to restart their post-procedure treatment. The patients were also asked about the medical control of their arterial pressure. volver al sumario AAT rotos con tratamiento tardío bajo anestesia local 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program (TEVAR) desde el 2006 hasta el presente. También se incluyó casos agudos con ruptura del falso lumen y casos crónicos complicados estables. Objetivos: El objetivo de este análisis retrospectivo es evaluar los resultados del tratamiento endovascular de disecciones torácicas Tipo B en pacientes tratados en una institución. Es el único reporte de disecciones no traumáticas de la aorta torácica en Puerto Rico que se ha realizado. Introducción: Se revisó los casos de disección aortica torácica Tipo B según la clasificación de Stanford, tratados endovascularmente Material Usado y Metodología: Global experience with ovaton prime stent graft Methodology used: Z. Krajcer Introduction: Three-year outcomes from a global study of the Ovation Abdominal Stent Graft System for endovascular aneurysm repair Objectives: This study evaluated the safety and effectiveness outcomes of the Ovation Abdominal Stent Graft System (TriVascular Inc., Santa Rosa, California) for endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). Material used: TriVascular Ovation Abdominal Stent Graft System Evar y riñón en herraura Alejandro Fabiani, Tecnológico de Monterrey, México Una de las malformaciones renales más frecuentes es el riñon en herradura (HSK) y se puede detectar en 0,25% de la Se evaluaron los expedientes clínicos de todos los pacientes tratados This prospective, multicenter, single-arm trial enrolled 161 patients at 36 sites in the United States, Germany, and Chile. The Ovation system utilizes a trimodular design with the aortic body delivered via a flexible, hydrophilic-coated, 14F outer diameter delivery system. The aortic body is comprised of a low-permeability PTFE graft, a suprarenal nitinol stent with integral anchors to achieve active fixation to the aortic wall, and polymer-filled proximal rings that accommodate the aortic neck and create a conformable seal without exerting outward radial force. The iliac limbs are comprised of highly flexible nitinol stents encapsulated in lowpermeability PTFE that are packaged in an ultra-low-profile 13- to 14-F OD delivery system. Main inclusion criteria of the study included proximal aortic neck length ≥7 mm, inner neck diameter between 16 and 30 mm, distal iliac landing zones length ≥10 mm, and diameter between 8 and 20 mm. Patients were treated under a common protocol, including clinical and imaging follow-up población total. (1) con un rango de 0,15 y 0,33% (2) siendo más frecuente en hombres. Su asociación con aneurismas de aorta abdominal (AAA) no es frecuente y se ha reportado en 1 cada 710 autopsias. (3) En la mayoría de los casos, la fusión entre ambos riñones se ve en el polo inferior por tejido renal normal. (5) y en algunas ocasiones (15%) es el tejido de tipo displásico-fibroso. (6). En la mayoría de los casos es asintomático con función 14 endovascularmente y aquellos pacientes que no habían asistido a sus citas de seguimiento anuales, fueron citados a la clínica para reanudar el tratamiento postprocedimiento. Los pacientes fueron entrevistados sobre el control médico de su presión arterial. Resultados: Conclusiones: En pacientes con disecciones Tipo B complicadas y en pacientes estables con buena anatomía, TEVAR debe ser considerado como una opción terapéutica que logra disminuir los riesgos de desarrollar patología aortica disminuyendo la mortalidad y morbilidad asociada a esta. Todos los pacientes tratados están vivos y solo uno de los pacientes requirió una re-intervención para controlar una fuga Tipo I. No se reportó ninguna mortalidad ni casos de paraplejia. Ningún paciente requirió drenaje del líquido cefalorraquídeo. En todos, el falso lumen se trombosó y dejo de crecer. at discharge, 30 days, 6 months, and annually through 5 years. A Clinical Events Committee adjudicated adverse events, an independent core laboratory analyzed imaging, and a Data Safety and Monitoring Board provided study oversight. were performed in only 10 patients (6.2%) through 1 year. Complete follow-up data are now available through 3 years. There were no ruptures or conversions and the imaging core lab did not observe any type I, III, or IV endoleaks or migration. Conclusions of the study: Results of the study: The Ovation stent graft was implanted successfully in 161 patients (100%). The primary safety endpoint in the study, major adverse event rate at 30 days, was 2.5% with 0% Device Related Major Adverse Events. Treatment success, defined as technical success and freedom from AAA enlargement, type I and IV endoleaks, rupture, or conversion to open repair, was 99.3% at 1 year. The 1-year safety outcomes included a 6.2% major adverse event rate, 0.6% AAA-related mortality, and 1.9% all-cause mortality. The imaging core laboratory reported no type I, III, or IV endoleaks or stent graft migration. There were no AAA ruptures or conversions to open surgical repair, and AAA-related secondary procedures renal normal. (7) Sólo el 0,12% de los pacientes que requieren la reparación AAA tiene un coincidente HSK. (4) pero representa un desafío debido a su distribución vascular y vía urinaria anormal en un 60-80% de los casos (8). La reparación endovascular del aneurisma (EVAR) parece ser una buena opción, pero la mayoría de las publicaciones son reportes de casos aislados. Aquí les presentamos una serie colectiva The 3-year results of the Ovation Abdominal Stent Graft System demonstrate excellent safety and effectiveness in treatment of patients with AAAs, particularly in patients with challenging anatomic characteristics, including short aortic necks and narrow iliac arteries. A multicenter European post-market study was initiated by TriVascular to determine the performance of the Ovation system under real-world conditions. Between May 2011 and January 2013, 501 patients from 30 European sites were prospectively enrolled in the registry. Complete patient data are available through 1 year and suggest the Ovation system is safe and effective in a real-world setting, with results similar to the clinical study. de diez casos de EVAR y HSK y su evolución. Material y método: Colectamos la experiencia de casos no publicados de EVAR en pacientes con HSK de 5 grupos de Cirujanos Vasculares de 3 países diferentes. Todos los datos se recogieron de forma retrospectiva y se analizó la demografía, el estado clínico, la presentación clínica, la morfología anatómica del aneurisma y del de HSK, volver al sumario Results: All the patients intervene are alive and only one patient required a second intervention to control a Type I leak. There was no mortality or cases of paraplegic reported. No patient required drainage of the cerebrospinal liquid. Conclusions: In patients with complicated Type B dissections and in stable patients with healthy anatomy, TEVAR should be considered a therapeutic option that lowers risks of developing an aortic pathology and decreasing the mortality and morbidity associated with it. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Resultados Diez pacientes con AAA asociados con HSK fueron tratados con EVAR. La edad media fue de 67 años (47-81 años), y 7 eran varones. El 80% eran fumadores o tenían antecedentes de tabaquismo y el 70% tenía hipertensión. Sólo había un paciente con diabetes y 6 de los 10 eran tratados por disñlipemia. Sólo un paciente presentó enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) y otro paciente presentaba alteración de la función renal como consecuencia de un síndrome nefrótico. El diámetro medio de aneurisma aórtico fue 60,3 mm (rango de 49-81mm). (Tabla 1) Un total de 35 arterias estaban involucrados en el suministro renal. Hubo 13 arterias renales derecha (RRA), 13 arterias renales Izquierda (LRA) y 9 Arterias Istmo (IA). En 5 pacientes no presentó IA, con 3 pacientes 1 RRA y 1 LRA y 2 pacientes 2 RRA y 2 LRA). Cuatro pacientes presentaron 2 IA. En 3 de ellos 1 RRA y 1 LRA y en uno de ellos 1 RRA y 2 LRA. Un paciente presentó una IA, 2 RRA y 1 LRA. (Tabla 2) En 9 casos se realizó EVAR con prótesis estándares (3 Cook, 3 Medtronic, 2 Endologix y 1 Nellix) y 1 caso con una endoprótesis fenestrada hecha a medida (Zenit). La media de tiempo quirúrgico fue de 103 minutos (40-180 min) (datos disponibles en 9 de los diez casos) y la Reconstrucción Endovascular en Oclusion Iliocava Objetivos Vanessa Rubio Material Introducción El impacto de la enfermedad venosa oclusiva Iliocava es severo, ya que influye en la calidad de vida del paciente y en su capacidad funcional. El tratamiento endovascular ha demostrado ser efectivo para restablecer el retorno venoso en la enfermedad oclusiva tanto aguda como crónica y mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente. Mostrar que el tratamiento endovascular brinda al paciente una oportunidad de mejorar su calidad de vida a largo plazo al resolverle la oclusión iliocava. Revisión de la literatura actual sobre el tema y casos de pacientes de nuestro grupo con enfermedad oclusiva iliocava y su resolución endovascular Metodología Agrupación de la enfermedad según su presentación inicial en cuatro grupos: Trombosis Venosa Profunda (TVP) Aguda, Oclusión Crónica (Síndrome Post trombótico), Retrombosis y Compresión extrínseca (No trombótica). La elección de la técnica de reconstrucción endovascular se determina por la extensión, el sitio y el tipo de obstrucción. Resultados del estudio En la trombosis aguda se utiliza el tratamiento médico a base de anticoagulación y elasto compresión, sin 15 media de volumen de medios de contraste fue de 65 ml (40-120 ml) (datos disponibles en 8 de 10 pacientes). Siete pacientes se recuperaron en la UCI y estuvieron allí hasta el día siguiente y la media de estancia hospitalaria fue de 4,2 días (1-14 días). Sólo un paciente con insuficiencia renal previa elevó los valores de Creatinina sérica, recuperando los niveles previos al EVAR a los 3 meses. No se reportaron otras complicaciones y todos los aneurismas fueron excluidos éxito sin detectarse endofugas. En un seguimiento medio de 36 meses (1-108) todos los pacientes están vivos y sin ninguna complicación relacionada con el aneurisma. embargo la mejoría clínica no es suficiente para un estilo de vida normal. Al tratarse con anticoagulación únicamente, a 5 años: el 90% de los pacientes desarrollan insuficiencia venosa, el 15% desarrollan úlceras de estasis, el 15% claudicación venosa y 40% presentan ambulación restringida. La trombolisis y recanalización espontánea tras TVP ocurre sólo en 20% de la TVP ilio femoral. Estos pacientes desarrollan enfermedad oclusiva crónica con síndrome post trombótico severo y posibilidad de retrombosis. La trombectomía farmacomecánica logra excelentes resultados para repermeabilización del sistema venoso en agudo, complementando con angioplastia y stenting para asegurar un flujo venoso de retorno adecuado. El stenting es el método de elección para tratar la enfermedad. El uso indiscriminado de filtros de vena cava profilácticos se refleja en mayores complicaciones trombóticas en la vena cava inferior. La presencia de un filtro de vena cava inferior vuelve el procedimiento Conclusión: La reparación endovascular del aneurisma de aorta abdominal (EVAR) en pacientes con riñón en herradura (HSK) parece ser un método seguro y eficaz tanto en forma inmediata como a mediano plazo. de repermeabilización más complejo, sin embargo no es contraindicación para su manejo, ya que el stenting de la vena cava inferior con un filtro es seguro. Conclusiones del estudio Las alternativas terapéuticas endovasculares utilizadas han mostrado ser efectivas restableciendo el flujo venoso en obstrucciones severas. volver al sumario así como el resultado inmediato y evolución a largo plazo. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Luis Bechara Zamudio En 1951, Raúl Carrea y Mahels Molins, realizaron en Buenos Aires, el primer abordaje carotideo, publicado en español en 1955 (1). Eastcott publicó un caso similar en inglés en 1954 (2), Durante los primeros años, utilizamos la técnica vertical sobre el borde anterior del esternocleidomastoideo (ECM), primero con anestesia general y luego, con bloqueo regional de C2, C3 y C4. Hace seis años cambiamos por las técnicas que describimos a continuación: Técnica Se fija la cabeza en hiperextensión y realizamos marcaciones en el cuello, recordando que: 1) El borde superior del cartílago tiroides corresponde a C4 y a la bifurcación carotidea. Miércoles 24 Junio Wednesday, June 24th Sesión 6 La experiencia con acceso arterio venoso hibrido y evita lesiones nerviosas, especialmente del nervio cervical transverso. 2) El cruce de la vena yugular externa (VYE) con el borde posterior del ECM corresponde a C6 y la salida del plexo cervical superficial. 3) Pueden existir de uno a tres pliegues horizontales en el cuello, debiendo utilizarse el que se dirige al borde superior del cartílago tiroides, el cual señala la bifurcación carotidea. El uso del ecodoppler ayuda a confirmar el nivel de la bifurcación. Durante los primeros 4 años, realizamos el bloqueo de C3 a un cm por encima del nivel del cartílago tiroides, sobre el borde posterior del ECM. Punzamos con una aguja 21 G y profundizamos hasta sentir el plano óseo, donde inyectamos 10 cm de lidocaina al 2 %. Por encima de la VYE, donde se encuentra el plexo cervical superficial, inyectamos otros 10 cm en forma radiada desde atrás del ECM. Finalmente inyectamos sobre la zona de incisión. La incisión es de 2.5-3.5 cm desde el borde anterior del ECM, siguiendo el pliegue elegido. Si la incisión es pequeña, podemos prolongar medio centímetro arriba y abajo en forma de Z. La incisión transversa mejora la reacción cicatrizal Se palpa el latido carotideo por debajo del ECM Colocamos un separador hacia abajo, buscamos y reparamos la ACC. La inervación arterial y de su fascia esta dada por el vago y glosofaringeo, por lo cual puede requerir el uso de 1-2 cc de xilocaina periarterial. Se instruirá al paciente que puede quedar disfónico por minutos. Seguidamente, colocamos el separador hacia arriba y buscamos la ACE y la ACI. Luego, probamos la tolerancia a la isquemia durante 1-2 minutos, mediante el clampeo de la ACI, a fin de seleccionar quienes usarán shunt. El plexo cervical está formado por las raíces anteriores de N1 a N4, y mediante diversas anastomosis, se obtiene el plexo cervical superficial (sensitivo) y el profundo (motor). Hace dos años, creímos innecesario el bloqueo de C3, ya que no requerimos la anestesia motora, por ser la anestesia sensitiva, dada por el plexo cervical superficial, la que cubre los sectores abordados por la incisión transversal. La anestesia regional, sumado a un abordaje Loma Linda VA Healthcare System, Loma Linda, USA Creemos que es una técnica útil y de bajo riesgo, de tal manera que la utilizamos para realizar otras cirugías como los puentes carotido- carotideos o endarterectomías carótideas más stent proximales o para el uso de ingreso de catéteres para facilitar la colocación de una endoprótesis. CELA-SITE Sesión 6 / CELA SITE Session 6 APORTES MODERNOS PARA PATOLOGÍAS DIFÍCILES DE RESOLVER MODERN CONTRIBUTIONS FOR DIFFICULT DISEASES TO SOLVE Moderador / Moderator C.Bianchi Panelistas / Panellists N. Mosquera, F. Bautista Sánchez, G. Rubio Argüello Introduction: Conclusions: Arteriovenous access when the proximal axillary vein is a suitable option that is underutilized. Hybrid arteriovenous to the axillary vein outflow is feasible. Extended non dominant access for a mean of 6 months. Hybrid graft has same risk profile of all prosthetic grafts regarding infection. Objectives: Dr. Christian Bianchi transverso, es considerado un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo, mucho más cuando la anestesia se realiza solamente sobre los planos superficiales. En 200 casos no necesitamos cambiar de anestesia en ninguno. To evaluate our centers experience with the hybrid arteriovenous graft Methods: Retrospective review of a prospectively collected data set on hemodialysis access Results: Fourteen patients were entered. Mean age of 70 years. Ninety-three percent were males. Eighteen grafts were implanted. Comorbidities are shows in table one. 16 Patients were on dialysis for a mean of 33 months and received an average of three AV access procedures prior to hybrid implantation. Patency data showed a median primary, patency of 5.8 months. Primary assisted re intervention was required in two patients (15 days and 13 months). Complications included infection in 3 cases, ( all explanted) and 2 cases of steal syndrome. volver al sumario Nuevas formas de anestesia y abordaje carotideo 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program disconfort en este particular grupo de pacientes, quienes, en general, están cursando la etapa terminal de su enfermedad neoplásica. La desobstrucción de la VCS se erige como un tratamiento paliativo de suma importancia para mejorar la calidad de vida. Dr. Marcelo H. Cerezo Métodos: Hospital La Plata, Argentina Introducción: La obstrucción extrínseca de la Vena Cava Superior, (VCS) debido a procesos orgánicos compresivos vecinos es la principal causa de este síndrome, en donde la fibrosis de la VCS por catéteres y cables marcapasos aparecen con mucha menor frecuencia. La signosintomatología es bien característica e invalidante, siendo el edema en esclavina y la disnea productores de un gran Disección de aorta tipo B complicada: reemplazo de la aorta toracoabdominal en etapas. en los últimos 10 años hemos tratado por vía endovascular 7 pacientes con esta patología, todos con compresión extrínseca por metástasis tumorales o por tumor directamente, siendo 6 de ellos nativos del tórax, más específicamente de pulmón y una metástasis mediastínica derecha de un linfoma en etapa terminal. 5 pacientes fueron mujeres y 2 varones. La media etaria fue de 68 años (+- 12). Todos los pacientes fueron manejados con anestesia local y NLA. Se utilizó abordaje venoso femoral común derecho corrección endovascular en etapas es una muy buena opción. Objetivos: Mostar que entre más compleja sea la patología de la aorta TA el reparo endovascular en etapas surge como una muy buena opción con menos riesgos de complicaciones. Materiales y metodos: Introduccion: La disección de aorta (DA) tipo B complicada ha sido principalmente de tratamiento quirúrgico, pero la corrección quirúrgica de toda la aorta toracoabdominal (TA) tiene una alta morbimortalidad, es por esto que la Reparo endovascular de la diseccion toracoabdominal tipo B complicada: una alternativa posible y confiable Juan Pablo Carbonell1, 2, Jorge Velasquez1, Juan Sebastián Calle2, Álvaro I Sánchez2 Para la reconstrucción TA se uso una prótesis de PTFE anillado de 8 mm para la derivación carotido subclavia y las endoprotesis utilizadas fueron TX2 (COOK), TX2 modificada para el reparo fenestrado de la aorta visceral y una endoprotesis de GORE C3 para el reparo de la aorta abdominal. 1 2 Resultados: Los 7 pacientes presentaron reversión parcial o total de la sintomatología en las primeras 24 hs. Objetivamente se visualizó la descompresión abrupta de Metodologia: Dr. Juan Pablo Carbonell Fundación Valle del Lilli, Cali, Colombia por punción en 6 ocasiones y braquial izquierdo por disección en 1. 2 stents expandibles por balón y 5 autoexpandibles fueron utilizados. Las lesiones fueron cruzadas en todos los casos utilizando cuerdas hidrofílicas 0.035 sobre catéter coronario derecho, incluso en 4 de los casos en que existía oclusión de la VCS. En todas las ocasiones se utilizó la misma técnica de dilatación progresiva con balones, hasta lograr un diámetro de 10 mm mínimo, para implantar el stent y llevarlo a diámetro de VCS menos 10-20%. Esta técnica tiene por objeto lograr la fijación del stent. Todos los pacientes continuaron con antiagregacíon simple. Fundación Valle del Lili, Cali, Colombia Universidad ICESI, Cali, Colombia Introduccion: El reparo endovascular se viene utilizando como alternativa quirúrgica en disecciones toracoabdominales complicadas y no complicadas. Sin embargo, en los aneurismas desecantes que involucran la aorta toracoabdominal el papel del reparo endovascular sigue siendo controversial, y el reparo abierto continúa siendo considerado como la técnica de elección. 17 Paciente de 69 años, quien presenta una DA tipo B complicada con aneurisma toracoabdominal tipo II y aneurisma iliaco derecho de 5.0 cm. Se realizo el reparo de toda la aorta TA en etapas: 1 etapa: Derivación carotideo subclavio izquierdo con PTFE anillado de 8 mm 2 etapa: TEVAR y oclusión del origen de la subclavia izquierda 3 etapa: FEVAR de la aorta abdominal visceral con endoprotesis Home made 4 etapa: EVAR mas embolizacion de la hipogástrica derecha Resultados: la hipertensión venosa superficial a nivel de hombros y cuello en todos los casos. No hubo ningún caso de migración del stent, posiblemente debido a que se permitió una estenosis residual posterior a la angioplastia de 10 a 20% deliberado, motivo por el cual entendemos que tampoco hubo rupturas de la VCS en la angioplastía. El promedio de sobrevida de los pacientes fue de 8 meses, con un rango de 2 a 16 meses. No hubo reoclusiones o reestenosis de los stents, controlados por TAC. Conclusiones: El tratamiento endovascular del Síndrome de VCS es un método factible y seguro. La mejoría del signo-sintomatología es rápida. En un paciente portador de una patología terminal, la resolución endovascular de esta patología mejora significativamente la calidad de vida. Pseudoaneurisma de la iliaca externa que se corrigió de forma endovascular. No hubo mortalidad ni paraplejia relacionada con los procedimientos. Conclusion: El reparo endovascular en etapas de toda la aorta toracoabdominal es factible y es una alternativa que parece tener menos riesgos de mortalidad y paraplejia. Es muy importante el seguimiento para la corrección de endofugas y complicaciones. Sera muy importante el seguimiento a largo plazo para validar el reparo endovascular de toda la aorta TA en etapas. Hubo éxito técnico en todos los procedimientos, presento una endofuga tipo I que se corrigió con otra endovascular y presento un Objectivo: Describir nuestra experiencia con una cohorte de 12 pacientes que desarrollaron aneurisma disecante de la aorta toracoabdominal que tuvieron reparo endovascular completo en una misma institución entre los años 20112015. Metodos: Se realizo una revisión de los registros médicos de pacientes que desarrollaron aneurisma discecante de la aorta toracoabdominal a los cuales se les realizó reparo endovascular completo de la aorta torácica descendente y aorta abdominal. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 54 años (rangos entre 38-71 años). Ocho (67%) fueron hombres. La hipertensión fue la comorbilidad mas común en ocho pacientes (67%), seguido por la enfermedad de Marfan en cinco pacientes (42%). En seis pacientes (50%) se realizo un reparo total de la aorta en 2 tiempos, y en tres pacientes (25%) se volver al sumario Tratamiento endoluminal del síndrome de vena cava superior. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program logro en 3 tiempos. El tiempo promedio de reparo endovascular fue de 240 minutos, y el tiempo promedio del reparo endovascular fenestrado fue de 315 minutos. La necesidad de transfusión sanguínea fue del 58% (7 pacientes), con un promedio de cuatro unidades de glóbulos rojos por paciente. En el seguimiento de estos pacientes, las endofugas tipo I se observaron en tres Endovascular repair of complicated type B thoracoabdominal aortic Dissection: a feasible and valid alternative pacientes (25%), las tipo II en tres pacientes (25%), y las tipo III en un paciente (8%). Cuatro de estos pacientes requirieron un procedimiento adicional para lograr una oclusión total del aneurisma disecante y la corrección de la endofuga. En un paciente se encontró falla renal (8%). En un paciente paraplejia transitoria (8%); este paciente se recupero totalmente en menos de 48 horas. Un standard. Objective: We described our experience with a cohort of 12 patients with thoracoabdominal aortic post dissection aneurysms that underwent a total endovascular aortic coverage in a single institution during 2011-2015. Methods: Dr. Juan Pablo Carbonell Fundación Valle del Lilli, Cali, Colombia Introduction: Endovascular repair is advocated for uncomplicated and complicated dissections of the thoracoabdominal aorta. However, in post dissection aneurysms involving the thoracoabdominal aorta, the role of endovascular repair is in debate, and open repair still is the gold Retrospective review of clinical records of patients with thoracoabdominal aortic post dissection aneurysms who underwent complete endovascular coverage of the descendent thoracic and abdominal aorta. Results: Mean age was 54 years (ranged between 38 and 71 years). There were eight (67%) males. Hypertension was the most common comorbidity in eight (67%) patients, followed by Marfan paciente (8%) murió durante la hospitalización y posterior al procedimiento endovascular. Conclusiones: La oclusión completa de los aneurismas disecantes crónicos que involucran la aorta toracoabdominal es posible, con pocas complicaciones, y con baja incidencia de paraplejia transitoria y syndrome in five (42%) patients. In six patients (50%) the total thoracoabdominal aortic coverage was achieved in two procedures. Three patients (25%) required three procedures to achieve total aortic coverage. The average time of endovascular procedure was 240 minutes. During the endovascular placement of the fenestrated stentgrafts, the average time of endovascular procedure was 315 minutes. Blood transfusion was required in seven (58%) patients, with an average of four units of red blood cells per patient. At follow up evaluations, Type-I endoleaks were observed in three (25%) patients, Type-II endoleaks in three (25%) patients, and a Type-III endoleak in one (8%) patient. Four of these patients require and additional endovascular procedure to achieve total occlusion of the dissection aneurysm and correction of the endoleak. muerte. Nosotros recomendamos que las intervenciones endovasculares completas se realicen entre dos y tres tiempos quirúrgicos para evitar complicaciones como paraplejia, falla renal y muerte. Transient renal failure occurred in one patient (8%). Transient paraplegia was observed in only one patient (8%); this patient achieved total recovery in 48 hours. One (8%) patient died during hospitalization following theendovascular procedure. Conclusion: Complete occlusion by endovascular coverage of chronic post dissection aneurysms involving the thoracoabdominal aorta is feasible, with few complications and low incidence of transient paraplegia and deaths. We recommend that the extensive endovascular approach could be performed in staged two or three endovascular procedures, to avoid complications such as paraplegia, renal failure and death. Abstract Ferreira, Mariano; Carnero, Lisandro; Escordamaglia, Sergio; La Mura, Ricardo Clínica La Sagrada Familia, Buenos Aires (Argentina) Introducción: Un metaanalisis publicado en 2002 demostró que la cirugía abierta del paciente con aneurisma roto se asociaba a un mortalidad promedio del 48%, y que dichas cifras no se habían podido modificar en los últimos 20 años. El tratamiento endovascular del aneurisma de aorta (TEVA) surge esencialmente como una alternativa menos invasiva para pacientes de alto riesgo quirurgico. Cuesta, por tanto, tratar de pensar en pacientes con más alto riesgo que aquel que se presenta con un aneurisma roto (AAA-r). Las limitantes anatómicas y especialmente la logística hicieron en sus inicios a la técnica endovascular de difícil implementación para el tratamiento del paciente con aneurismas complicados. Sin embargo en tiempos recientes, con los avances técnicos y tecnológicos las posibilidades de ofrecer esta alternativa menos invasiva se ha hecho factible y segura. La postura de la Insttución es brindar el protocolo endovascular como “primera opción de tratamiento” para los pacientes con aneurismas rotos. Objetivo: El motivo de la presentación es mostrar nuestro protocolo quirúrgico de tratamiento del paciente con aneurisma de aorta abdominal roto (AAA-r) de la presión arterial sistólica (PAS) de ingreso: hemodinámicamente estable (PAS ≥ 80 mm Hg), inestables (PAS <80 mm Hg durante >10 minutos). Los resultados incluyeron mortalidad a 30 días, en el seguimiento y complicaciones postprocedimiento. Métodos: Conclusiones del estudio: El tratamiento endovascular del AAA-r, siguiendo un estricto manejo clínico quirúrgico, es factible y seguro, especialmente en pacientes estables bajo anestesia local. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante test de Fisher. Material: Resultados: Diecisiete pacientes fueron tratados bajo protocolo de “abordaje endovascular primero” e “hipotensión hemostática”. Se clasificó la población en función Los mortalidad a 30 días fue 23,5%. El éxito técnico se logró en 94,1%. Si bien, ambos grupos tuvieron comorbilidades similares, los pacientes estables, 18 operados bajo anestesia local, presentaron una tasa de mortalidad del 7,7% (p<0.02). volver al sumario Tratamiento endovascular del aneurisma de aorta roto 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Ferreira, Mariano; Carnero, Lisandro; Escordamaglia, Sergio; La Mura, Ricardo Clínica La Sagrada Familia, Buenos Aires (Argentina) Introducción: Los endoleaks tipo II constituyen una causa importante de reoperación a mediano y largo plazo utilizando endoprótesis de última generación. Tienen la potencialidad de llevar al Semana del aneurisma de aorta: experiencia en hospital universitario en la deteccion precoz del aneurisma Ferreira, Mariano; Pinto, Diego; Mansilla, Iván; Sastriques, Eduardo; Masino, Martín; La Mura, Ricardo Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Buenos Aires (Argentina) Tratamiento extenso de la aorta torácica con técnica "hibrida". Seguimiento a mediano plazo Girela, Alejandro Germán; Bertoni, Hernán Gabriel, De la Vega, Alejandro; Barbosa, Fernando; Quiroga, José María; Sapulvera, Óscar Instituto Cardiovascular del Sur, Cipolletti (Buenos Aires) crecimiento e incluso ruptura del aneurisma. Exigen además un seguimiento imaginológico distinto. Sin embargo no existen pautas claras en cuanto a su algoritmo terapéutico. Objetivo: El motivo de la presentación es mostrar un abordaje efectivo para pacientes con endoleak tipo II luego del tratamiento endovascular del aneurisma de aorta abdominal. de una endoprótesis de última generación. Mediante seguimiento clínico y estudios tomogra?ficos, fueron incluidos en el estudio sólo aquellos pacientes que cumplieron con un estricto control de seguimiento. Metodología: Material: Los datos fueron volcados en una base de datos (Microsoft Excel 97) y luego fueron analizados empleando el paquete estadístico (Medcalc v 11). Se estudio en forma retrospectiva una población de 282 pacientes con aneurismas de aorta, luego de la colocación Resultados del estudio: Se detectaron 18 pacientes con endoleak tipo II persistente Introducción: Material: El rastreo para aneurismas de aorta abdominal (AAA) reduce la mortalidad relacionada con el aneurisma a casi la mitad en un plazo de 4 años, principalmente mediante la reducción de la incidencia de ruptura del aneurisma. Durante los meses de Noviembre de 2012, 2013 y 2014 se organizó la “Semana del Aneurisma de Aorta”. Fueron convocados hombres entre los 60 y 80 años, con antecedentes de tabaquismo. La campaña consistió en realizar en forma gratuita en Consultorios Externos del Hospital una ecografía abdominal para medir la aorta en su diámetro máximo. Objetivo: Los fundamentos de la campaña fueron disminuir la mortalidad asociada al aneurisma basados en la detección precoz, crear alianzas estratégicas y multisectoriales para la detección del aneurisma y finalmente introducir en la población general el concepto “aneurisma de aorta abdominal”. (endoleak luego de 1 año del tratamiento), de los cuales 16 desarrollaron crecimiento del saco aneurismático. Dicho endoleak fue la única causa detectada de reintervención. Siguiendo un protocolo estricto, mediante técnicas transarteriales o laparoscópicas se obtuvo el tratamiento efectivo del endoleak. No se registró mortalidad o ruptura relacionada. En el caso de endoleak por arterias lumbares (11p), el tratamiento efectivo consistió en la embolización del vaso aferente, eferente y del nido utilizando coils electrocoagulables. Los provenientes de la arteria mesentérica inferior (5p) fueron tratados por vía endovascular o laparoscópica. ecografías. Fueron seleccionados 3215 personas que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. Se detectaron 171 pacientes con aneurisma de aorta, 106 con diámetro menor a 4cm y 34 con diámetro superior a 5cm. Todos los pacientes recibieron un informe escrito para su médico de cabecera. A los pacientes con aneurismas de más de 5cm se les sugirió consulta inmediata con especialista. hay todavía muchos aspectos prácticos por mejorar que incluyen técnicas para optimizar la captación del paciente, definir los intervalos de vigilancia y el manejo de pacientes con aneurismas pequeños para reducir la ansiedad y su riesgo cardiovascular. Sin duda, los riesgos asociados al tratamiento endovascular del AAA justifican su detección en nuestro medio universitario. Conclusiones del estudio: El Endoleak tipo II tiene en general un comportamiento benigno. La gran mayoría se trombosa espontáneamente. El estudio demostró que tratar sólo aquellos endoleaks “persistentes” con crecimiento aneurismático es una conducta segura no asociada a mortalidad. La táctica se relacionó al vaso culpable y características clínicas del paciente. Los tratamientos aplicados fueron exitosos. Metodología: Prospectivo observacional descriptivo Resultados: Previa firma del consentimiento informado, se realizaron 3564 Introduccion: Objetivos: Las enfermedades quirúrgicas de la Aorta Torácica fueron patrimonio de la cirugía convencional. Cuando hay que abordar el Arco Aórtico es necesario realizar hipotermia sistémica, parada circulatoria y protección cerebral. Con la cirugía “Hibrida” (Debranching + TEVAR), es posible realizar intervenciones mas extensas sobre la Aorta Torácica con menor morbi.moratidad. Mostrar nuestra experiencia con la Técnica “HÏBRIDA” en diferentes patologías de la Aorta Torácica que involucran el Arco Aórtico y el seguimiento a mediano plazo Material: Desde el año 2.005 a la fecha tratamos 17 pacientes con técnica Híbrida. Las enfermedades fueron: Divertículo de Kommerel (1 caso) Aneurisma de Arco Aórtico (1 caso) Fístula Aortoesofácia (1 caso)- 19 Conclusión: A pesar de la evidencia de que los programas de rastreo reducen la incidencia de la ruptura del aneurisma y es probable que sean rentables, Coartación Aórtica con nacimiento aberrante de ambas arterias subclavias (1 caso)Disección Aortica Tipo I- De Backey (13 casos). se realiza by pass a la arteria subclavia izquierda quedando siempre excluida en el tiempo endovascular Resultado: Metodo: En todos, la técnica Híbrida se realizó en dos tiempos, en el primero (Debranching):se confeccionan los By pass a los troncos Supra aórticos con ligadura proximal de los mismos y en el segundo se completa con el implante de Endoprotesis. En las Disecciones Aórticas No La mortalidad asociada a la Técnica: 1 caso (5,8%)debido al desgarro de la anastomosis del debranching sobre la Aorta provocada por el stent libre de la endoprotesis. El los pacientes con Sindrome de Marfán evolucionaron con redisecciones y dilatación de la Aorta Tóracoabdominal. NO tuvimos volver al sumario Tratamiento del Endoleak tipo II: Algoritmo terapeutico 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Conclusiones: Tecnica hibrida (quirugicaendovascular) en el manejo de la patologia compleja del arco aortico conlleva una alta tasa de morbimortalidad. Mediante un procedimiento híbrido (quirúrgico-endovascular), sin CEC ni PH, se logra la desfuncionalización o “debranching” del arco aórtico (DAC), creando una zona suficiente de anclaje en el arco nativo para posteriormente cubrir con una endoprótesis todas las zonas aórticas necesarias. Espíndola, Manuel, Baeza, Cristian; Mora, Javier; Uribe, Juan; Salas, Cristian; Sepúlveda, Edgardo Clínica Las Condes, Santiago de Chile (Chile) La cirugía “Hibrida” es una excelente alternativa a la cirugía convencional ya que permite tratar grandes extensiones de la Objetivo. Analizamos nuestra experiencia con el uso del DAC en patología compleja del arco aórtico. Introducción. La cirugía convencional de la patología compleja del arco aórtico y la aorta descendente, con circulación extracorpórea (CEC) y paro hipotérmico (PH), Material y metodo. Estudio prospectivo de las ventajas del uso de la radiofrecuencia para el manejo de las varices de los miembros inferiores telangiectasias y síntomas leves de pesadez hasta el desarrollo de úlceras venosas, en este espectro las varices de miembros inferiores representan la principal manifestación ; el manejo quirúrgico por medio de la extracción de la safena ha demostrado ser muy mórbido, generar incapacidades laborales prolongadas y alta incidencia de recurrencia a 3 años. El uso de los métodos Endovasculares se ha posicionado como una alternativa eficaz y comprobada, mejor que los métodos convencionales; en el siguiente trabajo mostramos nuestra experiencia con 176 pacientes manejados con radiofrecuencia para la insuficiencia de safena mayor y menor con seguimiento a tres meses. Cesár Jiménez Centro Intehral De Heridas Y Enfermedades Venosas Cinthev. Bogota, Colombia Introduccion: La insuficiencia venosa crónica de los miembros inferiores es una entidad muy frecuente en el hemisferio occidental, abarcando desde las Entre Enero de 2009 y Septiembre de 2014, se operaron 25 pacientes (edad media 66,0 años ± 15,7. 76% Aorta Toracica con muy buenos resultados. En Sme de Marfán el tratamiento endovascular continúa siendo controvertido Las endoprtotesis demostraron excelente adaptabilidad y resistencia en el tiempo El seguimiento a mediano plazo hace posible el uso de ésta técnica, aún en Disecciones Aórticas hombres). En 18 pacientes el DAC fue en agudo por disección aórtica; en 6 por aneurisma, y 1 por úlcera aórtica complicada. Las estrategias del procedimiento fueron determinadas en forma individual para cada paciente. de los cuales 7 se les hizo un bypass carótido-subclavio y a 2 se les hizo además un bypass carótido-carotídeo para poder cubrir la aorta hasta las zonas 1 y 2. Se logró el despliegue exitoso de la endoprótesis en el 100%. El seguimiento promedio fue de 13,6 meses ± 16,2. La mortalidad intra-hospitalaria fue de 3 pacientes (12,0%): 1 durante el procedimiento, 1 por AVE postoperatorio, 1 por neumonía postoperatoria. 4 pacientes presentaron AVE perioperatorio (16,0%). No se presentó sangrado postoperatorio del DAC. No hubo fugas directas proximales de la endoprótesis en ningún caso. La sobrevida acumulada por el método de Kaplan Meier a los 5 años es del 90,6%. Discusion/conclusion. y retorno a las actividades laborales o diarias del paciente rutinarias y se analizaron los aspectos técnicos del procedimiento venosa el 95% presento cierre a los tres meses del procedimiento Resultados. Según la estrategia utilizada se establecieron dos grupos. Grupo “2 tiempos” (DAC previo a la endoprótesis): 16 casos, de los cuales, 10 recibieron reemplazo de aorta ascendente + DAC (7 a tronco innominado (TI) y carótida izquierda (CI) y 3 a TI, CI y subclavia Izquierda (SI)) y a 6 pacientes de este grupo, se les realizó sólo DAC (4 a TI-CI y 2 a TI-CI-SI). Grupo “1 tiempo” (DAC y endoprótesis): 9 casos, Objetivo: Mostrar la experiencia del manejo de varices de miembros inferiores con la técnica de radiofrecuencia y demostrar sus ventajas a corto plazo, la baja incidencia de complicaciones y el retorno a las actividades laborales de manera temprana Materiales y metodos: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo donde se siguieron 176 procedimientos Endovasculares de radiofrecuencia para varices de miembros inferiores en un periodo de tres meses, con seguimientos a la semana y luego al primer , segundo y tercer mes post quirúrgicos; examinando la incidencia de complicaciones, dolor durante el procedimiento y post quirúrgico, cierre de ulceras venosas, tiempo de incapacidad 20 Resultados: De los 176 procedimientos realizados no se observó ninguna complicación mayor o menor, los pacientes presentaron escalas de dolor del procedimiento menores a 3 y de dolor postquirúrgico menores a 5, los pacientes retornaron a sus actividades laborales en un promedio de 5 a 7 días con uso escaso de analgésicos, la mayoría de pacientes se realizó ablación de la safena mayor y el paciente de mayor edad intervenido fue de 92 años , todos los procedimientos se realizaron anestesia tumescente y de los pacientes con ulceración Este es un grupo de pacientes muy graves, con alta complejidad técnica en su reparación y que además tiene una alta morbimortalidad asociada al procedimiento quirúrgico convencional. Nuestro abordaje, en comparación a lo publicado en series tradicionales, es menos invasivo, tiene menor tasa de sangrado post operatorio y una menor tasa de complicaciones neurológicas mayores y sin casos de paraplejia. Este procedimiento es técnicamente más simple, reproducible y podría proponerse como el manejo estándar de esta patología. Conclusión: el uso de la radiofrecuencia como método Endovascular para el manejo de la insuficiencia venosa de miembros inferiores es segura y con muy bajas tasas de complicaciones, presentado bajo dolor durante el procedimiento y luego de el, con disminución del tiempo de retorno a las actividades laborales y disminución del consumo de analgésicos; por lo que consideramos es una opción muy adecuada para el manejo de las varices en cambio de la cirugía tradicional con altos índices de complicación, recidiva y tiempos de incapacidad prolongados. volver al sumario daños neurológicos en ningún paciente y durante el seguimiento NO encontramos Endofugas, ni daño estructural de las endoprótesis. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Ferreira, Mariano; Sastriques, Eduardo; Massino, Martín; La Mura, Ricardo Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Buenos Aires (Argentina) Tratamiento endovascular de aneurisma de arteria hepatica en sufrimiento Icasuriaga, Andrés; Esperón, Alejandro; Langleib, Marcelo; Piegas, Juan; Alvez, Martin; Volpi, Mauricio Correccion endovascular de aneurisma yuxtavisceral con tecnica de chimeneas y snorkels Castillo, Sergio (1); Fabiani, Alejandro (2); Cisneros Tinoco, Miguel Ángel (1); Martínez Escamilla, Yara (1); Baltazar Barquera, Daniel (1) Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales para los trabajadores del Estado (IS), Veracruz (México) (1); Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey (México)(2) Introduccion: Los aneurismas de la aorta abdominal son una alteración frecuente en mayores de 65 años. La prevalencia aumenta exclusión completa del aneurisma. además colocar una extensión del lado derecho. El procedimiento fue exitoso, no registrando complicaciones en periodo postoperatorio. Ingresa compensado hemodinámicamente. En la AngioTC se visualiza aneurisma de aorta roto con hematoma retroperitoneal. La imagen arterial muestra compromiso de ambas arterias ilíacas, trombosis extensa de la arteria hipogástrica izquierda y arteria renal accesoria izquierda (polar inferior). Por disección femoral bilateral y bajo anestesia local y apoyo con neuroleptoanalgesia, se comenzó embolizando la arteria hipogástrica derecha, luego se colocó el cuerpo principal de la endoprótesis bifurcada, luego se procedió a embolizar la arteria renal y colocar la rama contralateral. Fue necesario Introduccion: Objetivo: Resultado: Conclusiones: El aneurisma de arterias viscerales son patologías poco frecuentes pero de complicarse tienen elevada morbimortalidad. Presentamos un caso clínico de aneurisma de arteria hepática en sufrimiento y su tratamiento endovascular. Sescribir la experiencia terapéutica de este caso desafiante y actualización de bibliografía. Se llevo a cabo tratamiento Endovascular, realizándose de necesidad embolizacion con coils de arteria hepática conservando arteria hepática accesoria con buena evolución clinica y paraclinica. El abordaje endovascular, desde el punto de vista terapéutico, de este tipo de lesiones, en casos seleccionados, es un recurso factible y eficaz. al incremento de la esperanza de vida. Lo más común es infrarrenal y solo 5% suprarrenal. Esta circunstancia aumenta la morbimortalidad quirúrgica; sin embargo con el advenimiento de los dispositivos para tratamiento endovascular esta ha disminuido. derecha para cuerpo principal y femoral izquierda con introductor 17 Fr, así como abordaje humeral con introductor 9 Fr largo 55cm , se colocó por vía femoral derecha cuerpo principal bifurcado Endológix FX BA 28100/ L16-40, , se canúlan ambas renales vía femoral y se coloca Viabahn 6mm x 150mm para renal derecha y 7mm x 150mm para la renal izquierda, orientando su segmento proximal hacia la aorta terminal. Por vía humeral se canúla mesentérica superior y tronco celiaco y se colocan Stents recubiertos Viabahn 8mm x 150 mm para cada uno de los vasos, posteriormente se coloca primera extensión 28-28 C95020 Endológix, impactando los stents renales contra Endoprótesis principal traslapándose con cuerpo principal 5cm, finalmente se coloca segunda extensión A34- 34/C 100-O20 recubriendo los stents de vasos viscerales, con un traslape de 3cm. lo tanto a largo plazo se sabe poco de la permeabilidad. El tratamiento endovascular con la técnica de chimenea o snorkel resulta ser una adecuada opción terapéutica en pacientes cuyas comorbilidades impiden la cirugía abierta. Si bien las endoprótesis fenestradas hechas ad hoc o home made son consideradas de elección para casos como el antes descrito, existen ciertas limitaciones para su uso en Latinoamérica. Estas, están relacionadas con los costos, la calidad requerida en los estudios de imágenes previos, las habilidades y entrenamiento de los operadores y el tiempo de confección. En contrapartida, para el uso de chimeneas y snorkels no hacen falta habilidades endovasculares especiales y los materiales que se utilizan son de uso habitual en casi todos los medios. Introducción: En tiempos recientes, con los avances técnicos y tecnológicos las posibilidades de ofrecer esta alternativa endovascular para el paciente con aneurisma roto se ha hecho factible y segura. La postura de la Insttución es brindar el protocolo endovascular como “primera opción de tratamiento” para los pacientes con aneurismas rotos. Existen sin embargo ciertas restricciones anatómicas relativas como la necesidad o posibilidad de comprometer la irrigación renal o pelviana, necesarias para lograr la Objetivo: Reportar un caso de aneurisma de aorta abdominal con extensión al segmento visceral con técnica de chimeneas y snorkels y discutir su utilidad en Latinoamérica. Meterial y metodologia. Masculino de 77 años, hipertenso con antecedente de tabaquismo intenso, a quien de manera fortuita se detectó aneurisma infrarrenal de 6.4cm y suprarrenal de 5.4 cm tratado de manera endovascular con abordaje directo de femoral Objetivo: El motivo de la presentación es presentar un paciente con aneurisma de aorta abdominal roto con anatomía compleja. Material: Varón de 76 años con aneurisma de aorta roto infrarrenal Métodos: Case report Resultados del estudio: Material y metodo: Descripción de un caso clínico poco frecuente de una paciente con aneurisma hepático en sufrimiento y su resolución terapéutica. 21 Resultado: En algunas series de casos, la morbimortalidad descrita y las endofugas son del 4.3 a 7.1%, y del 25% respectivamente, en nuestro caso ambas complicaciones fueron nulas. Durante los primeros 12 meses, la permeabilidad primaria se reporta hasta de un 97.8%, nosotros observamos una permeabilidad del 100% al mes. 1-3 Discusion: Hay pocas series, de pacientes con aneurisma de aorta abdominal yuxtarrenal y suprarrenal que describan la revascularización de más de tres vasos y mucho menos de los 4 vasos (renales, mesentérica superior y tronco celiaco) y por Conclusiones del estudio: El tratamiento endovascular del AAA-r, siguiendo un estricto manejo clínico quirúrgico, es factible y seguro. La realización de prácticas adyuvantes para lograr la exclusión completa y rápida del aneurisma podrían estar justificadas. volver al sumario Embolizacion arterial en el contexto del tratamiento endovascular del aneurisma de aorta roto 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Carbonell, Juan Pablo; Velásquez, Jorge Fundación Valle del Lili, Cali (Colombia) Tratamiento endovascular de un aneurisma juxtarenal con ruptura contenida y chimeneas renales bilaterales Menéndez, Ángel Introducción: Una de las opciones terapéuticas para el tratamiento endovascular de los aneurismas aórticos juxtarenales (EVAR) es el uso de chimeneas y los injertos fenestrados. En el caso de los aneurismas con ruptura contenida podría suponer un riesgo de daño al riñón si no se utilizan medidas de protección renal como corrección del “shock” hipovolémico. Tratamiento hibrido de la patología compleja de la aorta toracica Gastambide, Carmelo; Bigalli, Daniel; Amorin, Rosario; Esperón, Alejandro la aorta TA en etapas: 1 etapa: Derivación carotido subclavio izquierdo con PTFE anillado de 8 mm 2 etapa: TEVAR y oclusión del origen de la subclavia izquierda 3 etapa: FEVAR de la aorta abdominal visceral con endoprotesis Home made 4 etapa: EVAR más embolización de la hipogástrica derecha Introduccion: Materiales y metodos: La disección de aorta (DA) tipo B complicada ha sido principalmente de tratamiento quirúrgico, pero la corrección quirúrgica de toda la aorta toracoabdominal (TA) tiene una alta morbimortalidad, es por esto que la corrección endovascular en etapas es una muy buena opción. Para la reconstrucción TA se usó una prótesis de PTFE anillado de 8 mm para la derivación carotideo subclavia y las endoprotesis utilizadas fueron TX2 (COOK), TX2 modificada para el reparo fenestrado de la aorta visceral y una endoprotesis de GORE C3 para el reparo de la aorta abdominal. Objetivos: Metodologia: Mostar que entre más compleja sea la patología de la aorta TA el reparo endovascular en etapas surge como una muy buena opción con menos riesgos de complicaciones. Paciente de 69 años, quien presenta una DA tipo B complicada con aneurisma toracoabdominal tipo II y aneurisma iliaco derecho de 5.0 cm. Se realizó el reparo de toda Resultados: Objetivo: Presentar el caso de un paciente varón de 73 años que llegó a la sala de emergencia con un diagnóstico de un aneurisma de la aorta abdominal juxtarenal con ruptura contenida y dilatación aneurismática de la arteria iliaca común derecha. Además el paciente se consideraba uno de alto riesgo ya que tenía una cirugía de colón previa y enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica. A pesar de tener una creatinina sérica de 1.7 se opta por el tratamiento endovascular. Se utilizó ambas arterias braquiales como rutas de acceso para lograr implantar los injertos cubiertos que van a hacer las chimeneas que se utilizaron para aumentar la zona proximal de anclaje del injerto. donde se le drenó una efusión pleural derecha utilizando un tubo de pecho. Una vez estable, se transfirió al piso intermedio con una creatinina sérica de 1.7. Este paciente el día de su alta sufrió un infarto del miocardio y falleció. are contained, this could pose a risk of kidney damage if renal protection measures as correction of hypovolemic "shock" are not used. Hubo éxito técnico en todos los procedimientos, presento una endofuga tipo I que se corrigió con otra endovascular y presento un Pseudoaneurisma Objective: El paciente luego del procedimiento fue trasladado a la unidad de cuidado intensivo One of the therapeutic options for the treatment of juxtarenal endovascular aortic aneurysms (EVAR) is the use of chimneys and fenestrated grafts. In the case of ruptured aneurysms that To present the case of a 73year-old male patient who came to the emergency room with the diagnosis of a contained ruptured aneurysm of the juxtarenal abdominal aorta and aneurysmal dilatation of the right common iliac artery. Also, the patient was considered a highrisk patient because he had a previous colon surgery and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Despite having a serum creatinine of 1.7, and endovascular treatment was opted for. Both brachial arteries were used as access routes to be able to implant the endograph that would work as the chimneys that would increase the proximal Hasta hace algunos años el tratamiento endovascular de la aorta torácica solo era planteable en aquellos pacientes con enfermedad de la aorta descendente. Es cada vez mas frecuente la realización de procedimientos híbridos que permiten extender el tratamiento endovascular en las patologías del arco aórtico y aorta ascendente. El concepto es la confección de bypass a los troncos supraorticos y ligadura de las ramas nativas conocido como “ debranching”. El debranching puede ser total o parcial según se incluya la revascularización del tronco arterial braquiocefálico, anatómico o extra antómico incluyendo el primero una esternotomía. Estos procedimientos son una alternativa a la cirugía convencional que tiene una alta morbimortalidad. El cuello proximal en el tratamiento endovascular es de vital importancia, siendo un punto crítico. Estos tratamiento combinados permitirían el implante de la endoprotesis en una zona segura evitando una de las complicaciones mas temidas como lo son las endofugas Presentamos un caso clínico de un paciente con una disección crónica de aorta tipob asociada a un aneurisma que compromete Resultado: Conclusiones: El uso de chimeneas es una opción segura para tratar pacientes con aneurismas aórticos abdominales juxtarenales con ruptura contenida y de alto riesgo para la cirugía convencional del aneurisma aórtico abdominal. Introduction: 22 de la iliaca externa que se corrigió de forma endovascular. No hubo mortalidad ni paraplejia relacionada con los procedimientos. Conclusion: El reparo endovascular en etapas de toda la aorta toracoabdominal es factible y es una alternativa que parece tener menos riesgos de mortalidad y paraplejia. Es muy importante el seguimiento para la corrección de endofugas y complicaciones. Sera muy importante el seguimiento a largo plazo para validar el reparo endovascular de toda la aorta TA en etapas. zone of anchorage of the graph. Result: The patient after the procedure was transferred to the intensive care unit where he had a standing pleural effusion drained using a chest tube. Once stable, he was transferred to the intermediate floor with a serum creatinine of 1.7. The day of discharge, this patient suffered a massive heart attack and died. Conclusions: The use of chimneys is a safe option for treating patients with a contained ruptured aneurysm of the juxtarenal abdominal aorta and who are considered high risk for conventional surgery of abdominal aortic aneurysm. el arco y la aorta torácica ascendente. Se le realizo un tratamiento en dos tiempos; un debranching completo de los troncosuprarorticos con un reemplazo de la aorta ascendente y cayado y la confeccion de un bypass coronario. Posteriormente se le realizo el implante de dos endoprotesis. volver al sumario Disección de aorta tipo B complicada: Reemplazo de la aorta toracoabdominal en etapas 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Aneurisma de aorta abdominal y de arteria iliaca común asociado con arteriopatia obstructiva ileofemoral. Reto para la terapéutica endovascular. Gastambide, Carmelo; Esperón, Alejandro; Amorin, Rosario; Icasuriaga, Andrés Riñón en herradura y AAA gigante y manejo endovascular con endoprotesis fenestrada custom made Barrera Carvajal, Juan Para el planeamiento del tratamiento endovascular de los aneurismas de aorta abdominal se debe realizar un análisis cuidadoso del cuello (forma, tamaño, calcificaciones o trombos, angulaciones), diámetro del aneurisma, tortuosidad de los vasos iliacos, etc. siendo además muy importante analizar el diámetro y estado de los ejes ileofemorales ya que estos constituyen el sector inicial de la entrada de los dispositivos. Una incorrecta valoración de los mismos puede provocar complicaciones con elevada mortalidad, como lo es la rotura, disección u obstrucción de eje iliaco femoral. Lo más frecuente es la confección, previo al acceso del dispositivo de un conducto protésico a nivel ilíaco por abordaje retroperitoneal. Presentamos un caso clínico en el que coexisten la patología aneurismática de la aorta abdominal e iliaca primitiva con estenosis severa del eje ilíaco externo femoral. Este paciente presenta doble reto terapéutico: por un lado la conservación de la arteria hipogástrica y por otro planear la vía de ascenso del dispositivo ya que no se contaba con eje ilaco primitivo adecuado que nos permitiera la confección de un conducto protésico. Se realizó una endarterectomia del eje ilacoexternofemoral por vía extraperitoneal hasta el origen de la arteria hipogástrica. Posteriormente se realizó el implante de una endoprotesis con rama iliaca más un cuerpo aortobiiliaco. División de Cirugía Vascular y Endovascular - Departamento de Cirugía - Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia (Colombia) la línea media, con Aneurisma de Aorta de 8.6 cm de Diametro x 7.8 centimetros, por debajo de las arterias renales y por encima de la bifurcación de las iliacas. En historia clínica de urología y estenosis pielo-ureteral. Nefropatia obstructiva derecha y estenosis pieloureteral secundaria a compresión por la dilatación aortica, Angiotomografia Abdominal muestra tortuosidad de iliacas con diametros derecho de 17 mm e izquierdo de 28 mm, Con clara indicación quirúrgica y sin cuello próximal con ramas renales y viscerales proximales y angulación infrarenal, se realiza diseño de endoprotesis con fenestraciones para arteria mesenterica superior, renal derecha y renal izquierda mas scalop en tronco celíaco, y segmento aórtico bifurcado a ilíacas, preservando las dos arterias ilíacas internas o hipogastricas, se realiza procedimiento en Septiembre de 2014 con seguimiento 3 meses, 6 meses y endofuga en el origen de rama renal derecha, programada para manejo en Mayo 2015 y se llevaran ultimas imagenes al Barcelona Junio 2015. Paciente de 67 años Hipertenso Controlado con diagnóstico incidental por ultrasonido de AAA asintomático, Urotac inicial Feb 2014, Riñón en Herradura desviado hacia la izquierda de SAVE the date volver al sumario ! " !"!#$ 23 volver al sumario 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Sesión 8 Current Therapeutic Options in the Management of Superficial Femoral Artery Occlusive Disease Carlo Pratesi, Raffaele Pulli, Walter Dorigo - Vascular Surgery, University of Florence The current worldwide trend in the treatment of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is towards an increase in endovascular procedures in the infrainguinal district. However, the role of the open repair with a femoro-popliteal bypass is still debated and in our opinion there still a room for traditional surgery in the presence of complex lesions involving the superficial femoral artery and the popliteal and tibial vessels . In this field, vein bypass provides better results than prosthetic grafts, but in selected cases and not only in the absence of a suitable vein, new modified grafts may be used with satisfactory results. To retrospectively compare early and follow-up results of endovascular procedures, open surgical and hybrid open and endovascular management of femoro-popliteal obstructive disease in a single centre experience, we analyzed our database about all procedures performed from January 2005 to December 2014. In this period of time 567 interventions for superficial femoral CELA-SITE Sesión 8 / CELA SITE Session 8 OPCIONES ACTUALES EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE LAS LESIONES OCLUSIVAS (TASC II-C Y D) DE LA ARTERIA FEMORAL SUPERFICIAL CURRENT THERAPEUTIC OPTIONS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF SUPERFICIAL FEMORAL ARTERY OCCUSIVE DISEASE (C-D LESIONS) Moderador / Moderator G. Biamino Panelistas / Panellists A. Fajardo, T. Zeller artery (SFA) obstructive disease were performed at our institution; in 304 cases a fem-pop bypass was carried out (group 1), while 209 patients underwent an endovascular procedures (group 2); in 54 patients an hybrid intervention (endarterectomy and patching of the femoral bifurcation with endovascular recanalization of the superficial femoral and popliteal arteries ) was performed (group 3). Results were separately analyzed on the basis of clinical presentation (claudicants vs critical limb ischemia (CLI). Early results in the three groups were compared with ?2 test. Follow-up results were analyzed with Kaplan-Meyer curves and compared with log rank test There were no differences between the three groups in terms of demographic data, comorbidities, risk factors for atherosclerosis. Interventions were performed for severe claudications in 293 patients (97 in group 1, 159 in group 2 and 37 in group 3). Among the 274 patients operated on for CLI, 207 were in group 1, 50 in group 2 and only 17 in group 3. All the patients in group 1 had TASC II C and D lesions (both in claudicants than in CLI patients), while the corresponding figure in group 2 was 21% and 48%, and in group 3 92% and 100%, respectively in claudicants and CLI patients. In group 1, an above-theknee fem-pop bypass was performed in 18% of claudicants and 9% of CLI patients; in group 2 an isolated revascularization of the superficial femoral artery was performed in 83% of claudicants and in 14% of CLI patients; the corresponding figures in group 3 were 78% and 64% respectively. Early results Claudicants There were two technical failures, 1 in group 2 and 1 in group 3, in both cases due to the impossibility to cross the lesion. There were two perioperative deaths, both in group 1 (mortality rate 2%, p=ns 25 Finally 2 patients had asymptomatic thromboses and were medically managed. In group 2 one patient with perioperative thrombosis underwent a new unsuccessful endovascular attempt with a consequent major amputation. In the remaining patient a conversion to open repair was needed . As a consequence the thirty-day amputation rate was 2.8% in group 1 (6 pts) and 2% in group 2 (1 pt). There were neither thrombosis, nor amputations in group 3 (p=ns). Fig 1: primary patency in patients treated for claudicatio intermittens. (CI1=bypass surgery; CI2=endovascular procedures; CI3=hybrid interventions) Follow-up in comparison with the other groups). Five perioperative thrombosed occurred, three in group 1 and 1 in group 2 and 3 each. There were no perioperative amputations. Claudicants CLI Four technical failures (8%) occurred, all in group 2 (p=0.01 in comparison with group 3). Two of them were due to the impossibility to re-entry in the true lumen after a subintimal recanalization. Two patients required a conversion to surgical bypass, one patient deferred a bypass, while the remaining patint refused further interventions. There were two perioperative deaths, both in group 1 (mortality rate 0.9%, p=ns). Fourteen perioperative thromboses occurred, twelve in group 1 and 2 in group 2 ( p=0.001). Four patients had successful thrombectomy, but in one of them a below-the knee amputation was unavoidable for foot ischemia, although the bypass was patent; in 2 patients surgical thrombectomy was ineffective and a major amputation was performed; in 2 cases a new bypass was performed, but in one of them a new thrombosed led to a major amputation; in the two dead patients a thrombosis was recorded in one case leading to major amputation. Mean duration of follow-up was 34 months (range 1-120 months) and 95% of patients accomplished a regular followup. Survival rates at 5 years were 78% in group 1, 93% in group 2, while no deaths occurred in group 3 (p<0.001; log-rank 15.6). At the same time interval, primary patency rates were 52% in group 1, 65% in group 2 and 31% in group 3, respectively (p=0.001, log rank 15.3; Fig. 1); the corresponding figures in terms of secondary patency were 67%, 83% and 38%, respectively (p=0.001, log rank 14.8). In this group of patients, although they were originally claudicants, 6 late amputations occurred. The rate of limb preservation at five years was 94% in group 1, 98% in group 2 and 95% in group 3 (p=ns). CLI Survival rates at 5 years were67% in group 1, 76% in group 2, 57% in group 3 (p=0.1; log-rank 3.5). At the same time interval, primary patency rates were 43% in group 1 and 24% in group 2 (p=0.07; log rank 5.1; Fig. 2). In group 3 the duration of follow-up is still too short for having five-year results. Anyway the 12month primary patency rate is 15%. and volver al sumario Jueves 25 Junio Thursday, June 25th 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program In the current daily practice it is crucial to distinguish the results of different method in the treatment of the SFS obstructive disease on the bases of clinical presentation. In claudicants a first- In patients with complex lesions, not amenable with endovascular treatment e with contraindications to open surgery, an hybrid approach is feasible, but the results are still poor, suggesting an increasing role for non-operative management in such situations. On the other hand, our results in patients with CLI, seem to confirm those from other studies (BASIL trial). Open surgery provides significantly better long-term with a mild increasing of perioperative risk, and it can be recommended in patients with a good life expectancy. rate and, consequently, use of stent in treating CTO has grown. Clinical outcome of SFA stenting have been disappointing in early reports, mainly because of intimal hyperplasia, negative remodelling, recoil and stent fracture. All these aspects of SFA stenting represent a possible cause of restenosis. Stent design and materials have changed along the years with an increased patency rate of new devices in comparison with stainless steel, balloon expandable stents leading to better clinical outcome, at least in the shortterms. Recent studies have evaluated the efficacy and durability of interwoven selfexpandable nitinol stent in the treatment of complex femoro-popliteal artery lesions and results at 2 years demonstrated very high patency rate (72.8%) and fracture resistance. Unfortunately, studies focused on long term results of SFA stenting with conventional self expandable nitinol stent has shown that, despite the widespread use of nitinol devices, in stent restenosis (ISR) due to neo-intimal hyperplasia still remains a limit of endovascular treatment. Different treatment approach has been proposed to reduce the high ISR rate (drug coated balloon, drug eluted stents, covered stent). On our opinion, for SFA CTO, since restenosis still remains a major concern, indication for endovascular treatment Conclusions Fig 2: primary patency in patients treated for critical limb ischemia. (IC1=bypass surgery; IC2=endovascular procedures; IC3=hybrid interventions) Why and when do i use nitinol stent? Dr. Claudio Rabbia Vascular Radiology - Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino – Italy Chronic total occlusion (CTO) of superficial femoral artery (SFA) remains a clinical problem and there is not a definitive consensus about the best endovascular treatment. Studies reported in literature have shown balloon angioplasty has poor patency Michael D. Dake, M.D., for the Investigators experiencing acute failure (e.g., ≥30% residual stenosis) underwent secondary randomization to provisional stenting with Zilver BMS or Zilver PTX. Follow-up included event-free survival (EFS) and primary patency by duplex ultrasound core laboratory analysis. Purpose: Results: Why and when do i use des The Zilver PTX multinational, prospective, randomized trial compared the safety and effectiveness of the Zilver PTX stent to balloon angioplasty (PTA) and bare metal stenting (BMS) in the superficial femoral artery (SFA). Methods: Patients with de novo or restenotic SFA lesions were randomized to Zilver PTX stent placement or PTA. PTA patients line endovascular approach could be suggested, considering that open surgery provides similar results, but with a higher perioperative risk. As previously reported, 479 patients were enrolled in the United States, Japan, and Germany, and 5-year follow-up is complete. The 5-year freedom from TLR (target lesion revascularization) rate is significantly higher for the Zilver PTX group compared to the standard care group, which includes optimal PTA and provisional BMS (83.1% vs. 67.6%, p<0.01). This represents a 48% reduction 26 However, endovascular treatments offer similar long-term limb salvage rate and it can be considered as a valid alternative in high-risk patients with poor life expectancy. There are still insufficient data concerning hybrid treatment in patients with CLI, but we can suppose that this strategy may be effective in high selected patients. Only if we are able to take into account all the different preoperative issues, we could choose the right procedure in the right patient. must be discussed with patient with respect of surgical alternative. The procedure should start from balloonangioplasty. In case of restenosis, drug coated balloon can be employed with improved results. A nitinol self-expandable stent should be deployed just in bailout cases (elastic recoil, very calcified lesions with inadequate result, poor outcome after sub-intimal revascularization) and in these cases, the implantation of an interwoven nitinol stent should be considered. *R: randomized clinical trials, S: single arm study in reinterventions through 5 years. Regarding effectiveness, the 5year patency rate for the Zilver PTX group is superior to the standard care group (66.4% vs. 43.4%, p<0.01), which represents a 41% reduction in restenosis through 5 years. Provisional stenting with Zilver PTX versus Zilver BMS continues to demonstrate significant benefit of the paclitaxel coating through 5 years, with patency rates of 72.4% and 53.0%, respectively (p=0.03), which represents a 41% reduction in restenosis through 5 years due to the drug. volver al sumario 31% in group 3, respectively (p=0.001, log rank 15.3); the corresponding figures in terms of secondary patency were 60% and 35%, respectively in group 1 and 2 (p=0.08, log rank 4.4). Twelve-month secondary patency rate in group 3 is 56%. Thirty-two major amputation were recorded, leading to a limb salvage rate of 76% and 81% (p=ns) in the two groups. In group 3 the corresponding figure at 12-month is 94%. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program PTX randomized and single-arm studies. J Am Coll Cardiol 2013;61:2417-27. lesions (>10cm) Conclusions: The 5-year results show sustained safety and effectiveness with the Zilver PTX drug-eluting stent, which may represent a new gold standard for the treatment of SFA disease. 1 Dake M, Ansel GM, Jaff MR, et al. Paclitaxel-eluting stents show superiority to balloon angioplasty and bare metal stents in femoropopliteal disease: twelve-month Zilver PTX randomized study results. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2011;4:495-504. 2 Dake M, Ansel GM, Jaff MR, et al. Sustained safety and effectiveness of paclitaxel-eluting stents for femoropopliteal lesions: 2-year follow-up from the Zilver Drug-eluting stent trial results for long Fernández Noya, Jorge University Clinical Hospital, Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Jueves 25 Junio Thursday, June 25th Sesión 10 Is mechanical atherectomy a useless tool? Jos C. Van den Berg Endovascular therapy is developing rapidly and offers a less invasive alternative to bypass surgery that has been considered a gold standard in the treatment of complex infrainguinal lesions. Low primary patency rates and acute treatment failures due to dissection or elastic recoil have been reduced by using Introduction: Methods The treatment of long superficial femoral artery (SFA) chronic total occlusions (CTOs) remains controversial. There are several endovascular treatment options available for the recanalization of these lesions: Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) alone, nitinol stents,drug-eluting balloons, drug elluting stents and stents-graft. In the complex-long lesions the use of the Viabahn endograft to create an endoluminal bypass provides an angiographically optimal primary result while potential restenosis is limited to the proximal and distal edges of the endograft resulting in a length-independent restenosis rate. Objetive To show how we can improve the results in terms of patency and limb salvage with the use of the Viabahn endograft. Better understanding of optimal device sizing and procedural technique have resulted in better patency rates in even the most complex SFA lesions. Strategies to optimize procedural success and to treat late complications such as restenosis and/or thrombosis from the 4 Zeller T. Oral presentations. 2014. literature are showed in this presentation as well as our experience in the treatment of critical limb ischemia patients. Conclusions Percutaneous e-PTFE stent-grafting with the Viabahn stent graft is a viable treatment option for complex lesions in the SFA in patients with critical limb ischemia. Primary, secondary patency and limb salvage rates, in the literature as well as in our experience from June 2010 to June 2015 show good results, comparable to historical surgical outcomes using PTFE grafts as bypass conduits. CELA-SITE Sesión 10 / CELA SITE Session 10 TEMAS NO RESUELTOS EN REVASCULACIÓN ENDOVASCULAR DE LAS EXTREMIDADES INFERIORES UNSOLVED ISSUES IN LOWER LIMB ENDO-REVASCULARIZATION Moderador / Moderator G. Biamino Panelistas / Panellists A. Fajardo, T. Zeller nitinol stent placement. However stent fractures, poor vessel wall apposition due to calcification as well as intimal hyperplasia causing in-stent restenosis impair better long term results. In particular, long occlusions and in-stent restenosis result in a high rate of restenosis after angioplasty with or without stent placement. Atherectomy offers the theoretical advantage of debulking and reshaping the arterial wall which should help to reduce the need for stenting by limiting elastic recoil and dissection. However early results with the Simpson atherectomy device could not confirm the theoretical advantages of atherectomy. New device concepts and different methods like orbital atherectomy, 27 and rotational atherectomy have proved safety and have shown good results in the single-arm registries and even in some comparative trials. They still need to prove their superiority over conventional balloon angioplasty with or without provisional stenting. A recently published meta-analysis of atherectomy of the femoropopliteal artery could not confirm any procedural advantage nor clinical outcome improvement in atherectomy compared to conventional balloon angioplasty with bail-out stenting. For de novo lesions it can be concluded that in case of successful intraluminal lesion crossing, directional atherectomy and orbital atherectomy can give similar results as primary stenting with the advantage of not leaving stent material behind and using lower insufflation pressure in order to minimize vessel wall trauma. In case of in-stent restenosis, the most promising results seen to offer debulking techniques as directional atherectomy and laser atherectomy in addition to drug-eluting balloon angioplasty. In the future more randomized trials will be needed to further confirm and also precisely define indications for atherectomy in complex infrainguinal lesions. volver al sumario FOR SFA TOTAL OCCLUSIONS... Why and when do I use covered stents? 3 Dake M, Scheinert D, Tepe G, et al. Nitinol stents with polymer-free paclitaxel coating for lesions in the superficial femoral and popliteal arteries above the knee: twelvemonth safety and effectiveness results from the Zilver PTX single-arm clinical study. J Endovasc Ther 2011;18:613-23. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Rabih Chaer, MD OBJECTIVE: Thrombolysis as a treatment for acute limb ischemia (ALI) has become a firstline therapy based on studies published over 2 decades ago. The purpose of this study was to assess outcomes of patients treated for ALI using contemporary thrombolytic agents and endovascular techniques. METHODS: Consecutive patients with ALI of the lower extremities treated between 2005 and Clinical significance of embolic events in patients undergoing endovascular femoropopliteal interventions with or without embolic protection devices Bernardo C. Mendes MD; Gustavo S. Oderich MD Mayo Clinic, Rochester Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence and clinical significance of embolic events in patients undergoing endovascular femoropopliteal interventions with or without embolic protection devices (EPDs). Methods: We reviewed the clinical data of 566 patients treated by 836 endovascular femoropopliteal interventions for lower extremity claudication (46%) or critical limb ischemia (54%) from 2002 to 2012. Outcomes were analyzed in 74 patients/ 87 2011 were identified, and their records were retrospectively reviewed. All patients were treated with tissue plasminogen activator delivered via catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT) and/or pharmacomechanical thrombolysis (PMT), with other adjunctive endovascular or surgical interventions. Procedural success, thrombolysis duration, and 30day and long-term outcomes were obtained for the whole series and were also compared between the CDT and PMT groups. Limb salvage and survival were assessed using time-to-event methods, including Kaplan-Meier estimation and Cox proportional hazards models. RESULTS: A total of 154 limbs were treated in 147 patients presenting with ALI (Rutherford class I, 9.7%; class IIa, 70.1%; class IIb, 20.1%). The mean follow-up was 15.20 months (range, 0.56-56.84 months). Indications for intervention included interventions performed with EPDs (Spider Rx, Covidien, Plymouth, MN) and 513 patients/ 749 interventions performed without EPDs. TASC classification, runoff scores and embolic events were analyzed. End-points were morbidity, mortality, re-intervention, patency and major amputation rates. Results: Both groups had similar demographics, indications, cardiovascular risk factors and run-off scores, but patients treated with EPDs had significantly (P<0.05) longer lesions (109±94 vs 85±76mm) and more often had occlusions (64% vs 30%) and TASC C/D lesions (56% vs 30%). Embolic events occurred in 35 of 836 interventions (4%), including 2 (2%) performed with EPD and 33 (4%) without EPD (P=0.35). Macroscopic debris was noted in 59 (68%) filter baskets. Embolic events were not associated with lesion length, TASC classification, run-off scores, treatment type or indication, but were independently associated with occlusion. Patients who had embolization required more re-interventions (20% vs 3%, P<.001) and major amputations at 30days (11% vs 3%, P=0.02). There was no difference in hospital stay (2.4±4 vs 1.6±2 days, P=0.08), re-intervention (2% vs 4%) and major amputation (1% vs 4%) 28 embolization (14.3%), thrombosed bypass (36.4%), thrombosed stent (26.6%), native artery thrombosis (24.0%), and thrombosed popliteal aneurysm (3.2%). Technical success was achieved in 83.8% of cases, with a 30-day mortality rate of 5.2%. Procedural complications included systemic bleeding (5.2%), access site hematoma (4.5%), acute renal failure (1.9%), and distal embolization (9.7%). The mean runoff score decreased from 13.42 preintervention to 7.43 postintervention. Adjuvant revascularization procedures were required in 89.0% of patients and were endovascular (68.8%), hybrid (9.1%), or open (11.0%). Only 3.2% of patients required a fasciotomy. The overall rate of major amputation was 15.0% (18.1% for CDT only, 11.3% for PMT; P = NS). Predictors of limb loss by Cox proportional hazards models included end-stage renal disease (hazard ratio [HR], 8.563; P < .001) and poor pedal outflow, with an incremental protective effect for improved pedal outflow (HR, 0.205; P < .001 for one pedal outflow vessel; HR, 0.074; P < .001 for ≥ two pedal outflow vessels). Gender, smoking, diabetes, Rutherford score, runoff score, thrombosed popliteal aneurysm, and PMT were not significant predictors of limb loss. The use of PMT was a significant predictor of technical success (odds ratio, 2.67; P = .046). CONCLUSIONS: Endovascular therapy with thrombolysis using tissue plasminogen activator remains an effective treatment option for patients presenting with mild or moderate lower extremity ALI, with equal benefit derived with CDT or PMT. Patients with end-stage renal disease or poor pedal outflow have an increased risk of limb loss and may benefit from alternative revascularization strategies among patients treated with or without EPD, respectively. The two patients who developed embolization with EPDs had no clinical sequela and required no reintervention. Most emboli were successfully treated by catheter aspiration or thrombolysis, but 8 patients (24%) treated without EPD required prolonged hospital stay, 7 (21%) had multiple reinterventions, 1 (3%) had unanticipated major amputation, and 1 (3%) died from hemorrhagic complications of thrombolysis. Median follow up was 20 months. At 2-years, primary patency and freedom for re-intervention was similar for TASC A/B and TASC C/D lesions treated with or without EPDs. feared complication of percutaneous interventions with potential devastating clinical sequelae. It occurs in 1 to 20% of patients undergoing iliac, femoral and popliteal interventions. The use of embolic protection devices (EPDs) has been well accepted for carotid interventions and in select patients with coronary saphenous vein graft lesions.3-5 While EPDs have been designed and clinically tested for these procedures, its use during lower extremity revascularization has been criticized because of questionable significance of embolic events, increased cost and potential risk of complications such as vessel trauma or entrapment of the filter basket.6, 7 Conclusions: Methods Rates of embolization are low in patients undergoing endovascular femoropopliteal interventions with (4%) or without (2%) EPD. Embolization is more frequent in patients with occlusions. While emboli in patients with EPD had no clinical sequel, those treated without EPD require multiple re-interventions in 21% or resulted in major amputation or death in 3%. Late outcomes were similar in patients treated with or without EPDs. We retrospectively reviewed the clinical data of consecutive patients treated for chronic lower extremity arterial insufficiency between 2002 and 2012. Indications for endovascular revascularization were claudication or critical limb ischemia. Patients with acute or acute on chronic symptoms were excluded from the study. Endovascular interventions consisted of angioplasty alone (PTA), angioplasty with primary or secondary stenting (PTAS) and percutaneous atherectomy. Patients who had hybrid femoral endarterectomy Introduction Distal embolization is a well-known and volver al sumario Contemporary outcomes of endovascular interventions for acute limb ischemia 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program combined with endovascular femoropopliteal intervention were also analyzed. End-points were presence of embolization and macroscopic debris on the filter basket, mortality, morbidity, reintervention, patency and major amputation rates. Technique of embolic protection The decision to use EPD was left at the discretion of the treating physician. These were favored during atherectomy procedures and for recanalization of longsegment occlusions, particularly in those patients with single-vessel run-off. Most commonly contra-lateral trans-femoral access was used and a 5-7 Fr hydrophilic sheath was positioned in the common femoral artery (Fig 1). A 0.014-inch Spider RX embolic protection device (Covidean, Plymouth MN) was advanced via the 0.035-inch catheter and deployed at or below the level of the knee joint. A 0.018-inch V18 guidewire (Boston Scientific, Natick, MA) was advanced via the 0.035-inch catheter to be used as a “buddy wire” to provide support for interventions done using 0.035-inch system. This facilitated advancement of 0.035-inch stents and retrieval of the filter basket. After successful endovascular revascularization, the EPD was retrieved, examined and baskets with debris were photographed for documentation. Results A total of 566 patients were treated with 836 femoropopliteal endovascular interventions during the study period. From this group, 74 patients underwent 87 interventions (10%) using EPDs, and 513 patients had 749 (90%) interventions performed without EPDs. There were 468 (55%) male and 368 (44%) female patients with a mean age of 72 ± 11 years (range, 28 to 105). Demographics, indications for revascularization and cardiovascular risk factors were similar in both groups. Interventions were performed for native artery lesions in 604 cases (72%) or to treat femoropopliteal restenosis in 232 (28%). Patients in the EPD group had significantly more extensive disease as compared to those treated without distal protection. The EPD group had longer lesions (109 ± 94 vs 85 ± 76 mm; P<.03), and more often had interventions performed for occlusions (64% vs 30%; P<.001) and for TASC II C/D lesions (56% vs 30%; P<.001). Runoff scores were similar for both groups (4.4 ± 3 vs 4.7 ± 3; P=0.3), respectively. Balloon angioplasty was used in 822 (98%) interventions and primary or secondary stenting using self-expandable stents in 367 (44%). The mean number of stents was 1.8 (range, 1 to 8). Total treatment segment averaged 145 ± 107 mm (range, 10 to 510). Atherectomy was used in 38 interventions (5%) and selfexpandable stent-grafts (Viabahn, WL Gore, Flagstaff, AZ) in 30 (4%). A hybrid approach with femoral endarterectomy, patch angioplasty or interposition graft was performed in 49 interventions (6%). Patients with EPD were more often treated with bare metal self-expandable 29 Embolic events Embolic events occurred in 35 interventions (4%), including two (2%) performed with EPD and 33 (4%) without EPD (P=0.35). Presence of occlusion was the only predictor for embolization by univariate analysis. Use of bare metal stents, angioplasty or atherectomy was not associated with embolization. The location of emboli was at distal tibial vessels in 19 cases (54%), proximal tibial vessels in 11 (31%), below-knee popliteal artery or tibioperoneal trunk in three (9%) and SFA in two (6%) Two patients treated with EPD had embolic events, both located in distal tibial arteries, with complete resolution after immediate administration of t-PA via the catheter. The complete resolution with t-PA indicates that the emboli may have originated for thrombus formation, potentially beyond the EPD due to stagnant flow or inadequate systemic heparinization. In the 33 patients who had embolization after interventions without EPD, 25 were treated immediately with t-PA infusion in 16 and catheter aspiration in ten. Other adjunctive measures were intra-arterial volver al sumario stents (61% vs 42%; P<.001), stentgrafts (10% vs 3%; P<.01) and atherectomy (14% vs 4%; P<.001), with similar number of hybrid procedures in both groups (7% vs 6%; P=0.8) (Table). Total treatment length (198 ±120 mm vs 138 ± 103 mm; P<.0001) was longer in the EPD group as compared to patients treated without EPD, respectively. Technical success was achieved in 93% of the interventions, with no differences between the groups. The diameter of the EPD varied from 3 to 7 mm, and a 6 mm Spider™ Rx was used in 38% of cases. Two patients (2.3%) had decreased flow caused by the EPD. In one patient filter retrieval was difficult using the 0.014 wire, which prompted routine use of the double wire technique described in Figure 1. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Early outcomes Should we treat popliteal aneyrysms by endovascular means? Introduction Michele Antonello Clinic of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, DCTV, Univeristy of Padua, Italy Patients with embolic events required more early re-interventions (20% vs 3%, P<.001) and early major amputations (11% vs 3%, P=.02) than those who did not have an embolization, with no difference in length of hospital stay (2.8 ± 6 vs 2.3 ± 4; P=0.5). There was no difference in hospital stay (2.4±4 vs 1.6±2 days, P=.08), re-intervention (2% vs 4%, P=0.4) and major amputation (1% vs 4%, P=0.3) among patients treated with or without EPD, respectively. None of the two patients who had small emboli with EPD developed clinical sequel or required re-intervention. In the group treated without EPD, eight (24%) patients required prolonged hospital stay, seven (21%) had re-interventions performed to restore lower extremity flow and one (3%) had major unanticipated amputation. This patient developed embolization of large calcific material to the tibioperoneal trunk and proximal anterior tibial artery, which was not felt to be amenable to endovascular maneuvers by the treating physician, resulting in acute ischemia and leading to below-knee amputation. One patient died from hemorrhagic complications of thrombolytic therapy used to treat an embolic event. The patient was an 84 years-old female with multiple co-morbidities, morbid obesity, end-stage renal disease on peritoneal Popliteal artery aneurysm (PAA) is the most frequent localization of peripheral arterial aneurysm. Surgical repair is the most chosen treatment which as a postoperative early complication rate of about 16%. In this scenario the advantages linked to a mini-invasive approach have led to a significant increase in the number of endovascular popliteal artery aneurysm repair (EVPAR). EVPAR Vs Open Repair There is only one prospective randomized trial comparing the EVPAR and OR of asymptomatic PAAs, in which the authors enrolled 15 cases in each arm of treatment, with a mean follow-up period of 46 months. EVPAR was performed using the Hemobahn/Viabahn endograft 30 dialysis and chronic atrial fibrillation, who developed puncture-related hemorrhage and multisystem organ failure during thrombolytic therapy. The patient expired after care was withdrawn per advanced directives and family request. Late outcomes Mean follow-up was 14 months for the EPD group (range 0-43 months) and 21 months for patients treated without EPD (range 0-114 months). Late outcomes were analyzed separately in patients with TASC A/B and TASC C/D lesions. Primary patency in 2 years was 70% for TASC A/B lesions, with no difference among patients treated with (68%) or without EPD (70%; P=0.4). Freedom from reintervention was also similar after two years, (68% for the EPD vs 72% for the non-EPD group; P=0.3). Primary patency at 2 years for TASC C/D lesions was 57%, and was significantly lower than patients with TASC A/B lesions (P<.01). There were no differences in primary patency rates at one year in patients treated with (81%) or without EPD (68%; P=0.5). Freedom from re-intervention was also similar after 18 months (83% for the EPD vs 67% for the non-EPD group; P=0.4). Comparing patients who had embolic events to those who did not, there were no differences in primary and OR with bypass (GSV) and endoaneurysmorraphy performed through a medial approach. Results revealed no differences between the two cohorts of patients. A meta-analysis of studies comparing EVPAR and OR was published in 2008. Only 3 studies were included, comprising 141 PAAs, of which 26 were treated endovascularly. In the OR group a PTFE graft was used in 21% of the cases. No significant differences were detected between the two treatments in the longterm. Finally a recent review (13 June 2014) performed by the Cochrane Collaboration conclude that there are not enough data to determine the effectiveness of EVPAR versus OR; a large multicenter randomized control trial is ongoing and may provide more information in the future. patency and freedom from re-intervention after one year for TASC A/B (86% vs 78% and 86% vs 80%) or TASC C/D lesions (67% vs 70% and 73% vs 76%), respectively (P=0.4). In summary, in this single-center, retrospective, non-randomized study, clinically significant embolic events were uncommon after endovascular femoropopliteal interventions performed with or without EPDs. Embolic events were associated with recanalization of chronic total occlusions. Although patients treated with EPDs had more advanced lesions, rates of embolization were lower in this group, albeit this did not reach statistical significance. Importantly, none of the patients who had emboli with EPD developed clinical sequel or required re-intervention, whereas one in four patients who developed embolization without EPD required escalating level of care. At the present time, these devices cannot be recommended for routine use, but should be considered in patients with occlusions and in those undergoing atherectomy, based on results of this study and other reports. Further analysis with a larger subset of patients, in a prospective, multicenter randomized setting is desirable to better understand the role of EPDs in lower extremity endovascular revascularizations. Conclusions Although further confirmatory studies are needed, EVPAR has been found to provide successful aneurysm exclusion with good long-term patency rate, excellent limb salvage and survival. A close surveillance, particularly during the first post-operative year is mandatory. In the long-run after EVPAR there is a significant aneurysmal sac shrinkage which may play a key role in maintaining good long-term results. An appropriate pre-operative planning, patient’s selection, the use of proper endograft and an accurate intraoperative performance are essential steps, to obtain these results. volver al sumario nitroglycerin in two patients, angioplasty and stenting at the location of the embolization in two patients, and retrieval of the embolic material using an EPD or over-the-wire embolectomy in one patient each. Of the patients who underwent immediate treatment, 12 had complete resolution, six had improvement and seven had no change. Among the 13 patients with persistent emboli, seven were started in continuous catheterdirected thrombolysis using t-PA. A total of 11 re-interventions for thrombolytic recheck or catheter-exchange were required among these seven patients. At the time of the last thrombolytic recheck, five had complete resolution, one had improvement, and one had no change. Eight patients (23%) with emboli underwent no additional treatment, including seven patients who had small emboli, which was not considered to be clinically significant and was associated with refilling via other collateral branches. Of the 35 patients who had emboli, complete resolution was noted in 18 (51%), partial resolution in seven (20%) and no resolution in three (9%). None of the seven patients who had small emboli left untreated developed clinical sequela. Macroscopic debris was noted in in 59 (68%) filter baskets, 39 of which were described as moderate or severe amount of debris (45%). 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Enrique Puras A medida que nuestra comprensión de las complejas bases moleculares y genéticas de la enfermedad aterotrombótica se expande , la medicina moderna se mueve hacia un tratamiento más individualizado del paciente con Enfermedad Arterial Periférica (EAP). Las aparición de nuevos medicamentos puede ayudarnos a tratar todo el espectro de las distintas etapas aterotrombóticas de la aterosclerosis , sin dejar de atender como objetivos de tratamiento a los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares de los pacientes. Aproximadamente el 25% de los pacientes de EAP requieren tratamiento local, principalmente angioplastia transluminal percutánea (PTA) ± stent, endarterectomía, y/o cirugía de bypass dependiendo de los síntomas, la anatomía, morfología de la lesión, y la comorbilidad. La terapia endovascular (TEV) se indica cada vez más como el primer paso debido a la reducción de la morbilidad y la mortalidad en comparación con la cirugía, que sigue siendo la elección en el caso de fallo o para las lesiones no adecuados para TEV. Por otra parte, los avances tecnológicos con los dispositivos y stents, ahora permiten el tratamiento de segmentos largos, contribuyendo al uso generalizado de TEV en la EAP. Aunque los resultados iniciales TEV son buenos, con una baja incidencia de fallos agudos, la incidencia de reestenosis oscila entre ~ 10% y el 50% después de 1 año, dando lugar a frecuentes reintervenciones. Aunque las técnicas intervencionistas para el tratamiento endovascular de la EAP han avanzado, hay una necesidad médica insatisfecha de avances paralelos en el capítulo farmacológico. En los últimos años nos hemos visto obligados a adaptar y aplicar los resultados de los estudios realizados en Cardiología, a los pacientes tratados por métodos de TEV, por isquemia crítica de MMII. A día de hoy no existen consensos médicos universalmente aceptados para el manejo de pacientes sometidos a tratamiento de lesiones TASK A-D en los sectores iliacos, femorales o poplíteos distales. Terapia Antiagregante Las guías terapéuticas actuales dan alta recomendación al tratamiento con antiagregantes plaquetarios porque reducen el riesgo de infarto de miocardio, ictus o muerte por causa vascular en pacientes con EAP (ACCF/AHA Guidelines 2011, ESC 2011), recomendando el tratamiento con aspirina (AAS) en monoterapia en dosis diaria de 75-325 mg o de clopidogrel 75 mg al día como tratamiento antiagregante seguro y eficaz para los pacientes con EAP. El ensayo CAPRIE, (clopidogrel en comparación con aspirina en pacientes con riesgo de episodios isquémicos), demostró un beneficio significativo de la terapia con clopidogrel con respecto a la terapia con AAS en pacientes con IM reciente, ictus o EAP sintomática durante los 36 meses de duración del ensayo (CAPRIE Steering Committee 1996). Lamentablemente, en las guías de EAP, sigue sin especificarse la duración del tratamiento con clopidogrel asociado con aspirina, a diferencia de lo aceptado en el Sindrome Coronario Agudo (SCA) y los tratamientos con stents simples o farmacoactivos a este nivel. En el estudio CAMPER, se hizo un intento para evaluar la efectividad de la terapia antiplaquetaria dual (TAPD) con clopidogrel y aspirina versus aspirina sola, en pacientes con EAP sometidos a TEV. Por desgracia, este ensayo fue interrumpido prematuramente debido a la baja inclusión de pacientes. En el estudio Mirror, (el primer ensayo publicado sobre este tema, 80 pacientes que se sometieron a TEV en el segmento femoropoplíteo fueron asignados al azar a la aspirina más clopidogrel o aspirina solamente. Los resultados están a favor de TAPD después de 6 meses de tratamiento. anticoagulación, preservando la hemostasia y sin inducir un riesgo de hemorragia exceso, podría ser la estrategia óptima para la prevención de eventos isquémicos. Koppensteiner et al realizaron un estudio en 275 pacientes sometidos a PTA femoro poplítea y compararon 3 meses de heparina de bajo peso molecular adyuvante (HBPM a dosis profiláctica) más aspirina a largo plazo con aspirina a largo plazo. La adición de HBPM no redujo la incidencia global de la reestenosis, aunque para los pacientes con PAD más grave, la combinación de aspirina y HBPM parecía ser beneficioso. No existe una recomendación firme acerca de la dosis a utilizar de heparina en los procedimientos endovasculares. Las intervenciones de alto riesgo (sector infrapopliteo) pueden beneficiarse de administrar dosis de 75 a 100 U/Kg, mientras que situaciones menos complejas como una angioplastia iliaca sólo requieren dosis entre 25-50U/Kg. Las HBPM aunque presentan perfiles de seguridad y eficacia altos no han conseguido introducirse en esta indicación terapéutica por carecer de un método sencillo de control de anticoagulación. Al contrario que la inhibición indirecta de la trombina generada por la heparina los inhibidores directos son más específicos contra la trombina soluble o la ligada a trombo. La bivaliridina, ha sido más extensamente estudiada en procedimientos cardiológicos mostrando en muchos estudios una reducción muy significativa del los end points de muerte, infarto o hemorragia mayor. El estudio Approve, demostró un alto nivel de eficacia y seguridad para la bivalirudina cuando se aplico como único anticoagulante en el tratamiento endovascular de pacientes con isquemia de MMII. Su aplicación en práctica clínica no ha tenido mucho éxito a pesar de este buen perfil ello está muy probablemente ligado a su elevado coste económico. Resistencia antiplaquetaria Terapia Anticoagulante La TEV inevitablemente daña el endotelio y expone el subendotelio a la circulación sanguínea y a la activación de plaquetas y factores de coagulación. Por lo tanto, una combinación de inhibición plaquetaria y un modesto nivel estable de 31 Hay sobradas evidencias de que no todos los pacientes reciben el tratamiento antiplaquetario adecuado, bien por el fenómeno de la “resistencia” o por una respuesta variable” al fármaco o por un aumento en el riesgo de sangrado. Así, en los últimos tiempos podemos hablar de una oleada en el desarrollo de pruebas de laboratorio para identificar a los individuos que responden mal. La respuesta antiplaquetaria pobre, o la alta reactividad de plaqueta sobre tratamiento, se han asociado con peores resultados isquémicos después de tratamientos coronarios percutáneos. Disponemos recientemente de varios ensayos con el uso de equipos de detección del nivel de la reactividad de plaqueta a “pie de exploración” pero aún no han mostrado una ventaja clínica clara. En el momento actual no existe un consenso aceptado sobre como manejar esta situación de “resistencia” al clopidogrel. Una opción válida puede ser la de incrementar las dosis tanto de carga inicial como de dosis de mantenimiento. Las causas conocidas de esta baja reactividad al clopidogrel son los polimorfismos genéticos del CYP2C19 (que confieren cuatro tipos de patrones de metabolización rápido, extenso, intermedio o pobre), las interacciones metabólicas con drogas como el omeprazol y la presencia de ciertas comorbilidades como la diabetes mellitus y la insuficiencia renal crónica. Aproximadamente el 30% de los pacientes que utilizan clopidogrel siguen teniendo alta reactividad plaquetaria, que era la razón para el desarrollo de los antagonistas del receptor P2Y12, prasugrel y ticagrelor. Todos los ensayos clínicos realizados subrayan el potencial de ticagrelor para lograr un efecto antiplaquetario rápido y sostenido, que podría ser revertido y podría superar la falta de respuesta y la variabilidad entre pacientes tratados con clopidogrel, respondiendo así a las principales limitaciones de la terapia con clopidogrel. Nuevas Drogas El Edoxabán es inhibidor directo y reversible del factor Xa con un perfil farmacocinético predecible. Actualmente se están incluyendo pacientes en el estudio ePAD ( identificador NCT01802775), que es un ensayo aleatorio, en pacientes con EAP que tiene como objetivo evaluar la seguridad y eficacia potencial de añadir edoxabán a la aspirina después de la angioplastia femoropoplítea ± stent comparado con la práctica actual de tratamiento con clopidogrel y aspirina. Los pacientes deben ser asignados al azar dentro de las 4 horas después de volver al sumario Que hay de nuevo en el tratamiento adyuvante en revascularización endovascular de las extremidades inferiores. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 un procedimiento de TEV realizado con éxito y con hemostasia establecida. El Vorapaxar es un antagonista, por vía oral, del receptor de proteasa activado (PAR), que inhibe la activación de las plaquetas inducida por trombina y es eficaz en la prevención secundaria de la aterotrombosis. En el estudio (TRA 2 ° P) -TIMI 50, el Vorapaxar se comparó con placebo en 26.449 pacientes estables con aterosclerosis establecida como infarto de miocardio previo, accidente cerebrovascular isquémico o enfermedad arterial periférica (PAD) para lograr reducir significativamente la aparición de muerte, infarto de miocardio (IM), o accidente cerebrovascular. La mejora y eficacia en los resultados trombóticos con vorapaxar se acompaño por un aumento en la incidencia de hemorragia moderada o grave y hemorragia intracraneal; este última se detectó principalmente en pacientes con historia previa de enfermedad cerebrovascular tipo ACVA. En conclusión, la escasez de conocimientos para mejorar la permeabilidad y los resultados clínicos mediante una terapia antitrombótica segura y efectiva después de TEV merece más estudio. Una revisión de los últimos ensayos de farmacoterapia en el tratamiento adyuvante en revascularización endovascular de las extremidades inferiores revela una escasez de datos que apoyen cualquier régimen antitrombótico para prevenir la reestenosis u oclusión. Esta falta de evidencia científica ha obligado a pautas de práctica clínica en el manejo de pacientes con EAP sometidos a TEV que se trasladan del conocimiento de TEV en el árbol coronario. Operative thrombectomy for acute thrombosis of lower extremity bypass grafts allow exposure for operative repair of an outflow problem once a thrombectomy is performed. This approach, however, usually requires general anesthesia. In addition, operating in a scarred field can make for a more difficult dissection, with greater blood loss and a higher risk of post operative infection1. of the foot. A clear sterile isolation bag can be placed on the foot to aid in evaluation of perfusion of the foot after revascularization. Cases should be performed in a fluoroscopy capable room with digital subtraction angiography available, ideally in a hybrid OR suite. and over the wire) as well as a #5 Fogarty Graft Thrombectomy Catheter (Edwards Lifesciences, Irving, CA) (Figure 2a, b) should be available. For tibial arteries, a smaller #2 Fogarty balloon thrombectomy catheter should also be available. Frank J. Veith, MD Introduction Lower extremity revascularization for arterial occlusive disease is performed for symptoms ranging from claudication to limb threatening ischemia, ulceration and gangrene. While autologous vein is usually considered the best conduit when open surgical bypass is required, a prosthetic graft such as PTFE (Polytetrafluroethylene) may be an acceptable option when autologus vein is not available. Generally, when used for lower extremity revascularization, PTFE has inferior patency rates compared to autologus vein, especially when used below the knee. When a PTFE graft occludes, a patients symptoms can vary from being completely asymptomatic to having acute limb threatening ischemia. Depending on the severity of symptoms, treatment options include observation, percutaneous thrombectomy/ lysis, open operative thrombectomy with or without graft revision, and reconstruction of a new bypass. Most causes for graft failure have been shown to involve the distal anastamosis or progressive distal disease1-2. Therefore, when operative intervention is required to open an occluded graft, older teachings involved dissecting out the distal anastamosis primarily. Open access to the distal anastamosis would This chapter describes a technique for open thrombectomy of acutely thrombosed lower extremity PTFE bypass grafts that can be performed under local anesthesia. In addition, the technique can avoid a difficult dissection in a scarred field while allowing for the treatment of inflow or outflow lesions using interventional techniques. Preoperative Planning If time permits, a good preoperative CTA or MRA can be very useful in identifying inflow lesions, outflow lesions and progressive atherosclerotic disease that is present. It can also help identify the location and course of the graft for planning a surgical access site. Prior operative notes should be reviewed to ascertain the location of the proximal and distal anastamoses, the course of the graft, and any difficulties encountered during the original procedure. If the graft thrombosis is less than 2 weeks old and time permits, percutaneous lysis may be considered 3. Discussions should be undertaken with the patient and the family about the possible operative risks (including possible limb loss), possible need for fasciotomy if ischemia has been prolonged, as well as the possible need for a new revascularization if the thrombectomy does not work. Technique Usually, both groins and the ipsilateral leg are fully prepped including the majority 32 The majority of cases using this technique can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation. Prior operative notes and imaging should be reviewed to choose a graft access site. The chosen incision site should be made over an easily accessible virginal area of the graft. A subcutaneous graft is usually easily located by palpation. Otherwise, the upper thigh is a convenient access site if the graft is tunneled anatomically under the sartorius muscle. This exposure allows for easy graft access and can allow for muscle coverage of the exposed portion of graft. If the graft is difficult to locate, intraoperative ultrasound can be very useful. Ring enforced PTFE grafts are usually easy to identify under ultrasound guidance. Local anesthesia is given and a length of about 5-10 cm of graft is exposed. Double looped umbilical tape or vessel loops are placed at either end for hemostasis during the procedure (Figure 1). Rubber lined Fogarty hydrogrip clamps should also be available for graft hemostasis. The patient is then systemically anticoagulated, usually to an activated clotting time of > 250 seconds. A transverse graftotomy then can be made about 1/3 the circumference of the graft. Rings are not purposefully removed to keep the outer layer on the PTFE. Older grafts can become very fragile and without this outer layer, closure of the graftotomy can be quite challenging as the graft can tear. For femoral and popliteal grafts, #3 and #4 Fogarty balloon thrombectomy catheters (both regular The authors prefer to address the distal anastamosis first. Fogarty balloon thrombectomy catheters with 1/3 strength contrast for the balloon are passed distally under fluoroscopic guidance (previously described) 4-5 to retrieve the thrombus in a standard fashion. If the Fogarty balloon thrombectomy catheter cannot be passed distal to the anastamosis, under fluoroscopic guidance, an .014” or .018” wire with a hydrophilic tip can usually be passed with the aid of an angled catheter. An over the wire Fogarty balloon thrombectomy catheter can then be passed and thrombectomy can proceed under fluoroscopic guidance. With 1/3 strength contrast in the balloon, one can usually see narrowed areas by deformation of the balloon during passage4-5. If there is back bleeding, an 11 Fr sheath can be used with the double looped umbilical tape for hemostasis (Figure 3). The wires and Fogarty catheters can be passed through the sheath and the sheath can be removed as the balloon catheter is withdrawn. A Fogarty hydrogrip clamp and finger compression can maintain hemostasis until the sheath can be replaced. Once thrombectomy is performed, an angiogram can be performed. This should be done via a gentle injection of contrast near the anastamosis with an inserted catheter so as to not force potential emboli distally. Commonly, there is a plug (platelets/fibrin) at the distal anastomosis that can be difficult to remove with a regular Fogarty balloon thrombectomy catheter. To remove this distal plug, a Fogarty Graft volver al sumario Programa Científico / Scientific Program 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Attention is next focused on the proximal end. A # 4 Fogarty balloon thrombectomy catheter is then passed proximally, and a thrombectomy of the proximal end is performed under fluoroscopic guidance. Hemostasis is What’s New on CCSVI? Michael D. Dake Recent data from the literature suggest a greater role of chronic venous insufficiency in the pathogenesis of a variety of brain disorders. The goal of this Jueves 25 Junio Thursday, June 25th Sesión 11 Revascularización por debajo de la rodilla. Deben ser tratados estos pacientes del mismo modo Jose Ignacio Blanes obtained with a Fogarty hydrogrip clamp/finger compression and then the 11 Fr sheath is placed and the double looped umbilical tape is tightened. The Fogarty balloon catheter can be passed through the sheath for repeat thrombectomy. An angiogram can be performed by passing an angled catheter proximal to the anastamosis, injecting contrast via the catheter while aspirating via the 11 Fr sheath. This can avoid flushing of debris into the native circulation. If needed, the Fogarty Graft Thrombectomy Catheter can then be carefully passed proximally through the 11Fr. sheath and used as previously described. Any inflow lesions can then be treated interventionally with angioplasty and or stent placement via the 11 Fr sheath as needed. Once the treating physician is content with the inflow and outflow, the graft is filled with heparinized saline and the transverse graftotomy can be primarily closed. Perfusion of the foot can be assessed by palpating for a pulse or by doppler examination, and by the appearance of the foot through the clear sterile plastic bag. If there is any talk is to review the contributions made in 2014 to our enhanced understanding of the safety and efficacy of the endovascular or open surgical treatment of chronic venous obstruction in patients with a variety of pathologies including multiple sclerosis, transient global amnesia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, transient monocular blindness, question of adequate perfusion, an angiogram can be performed via a micropuncture sheath placed into the graft. Unless it is necessary for hemostasis, the heparinization is not usually reversed, especially for tibial bypasses. The decision to keep the patient heparinized should individualized, but is generally preferred for tibial bypasses. In the event that distal lytic therapy is needed, a sheath can be inserted into the exposed graft below the graftotomy via a separate skin puncture and a lytic catheter and/or wire can be placed. The wound can then be closed and lytic therapy can be given with a planned trip back to the endovascular suite for repeat imaging and repair of the puncture site. Conclusion The aforementioned technique can be a useful technique to open acutely thrombosed PTFE bypass grafts using a combination of open and interventional techniques. It can be performed under local anesthesia in the majority of cases, headaches, and spontaneous intracranial hypertension. Open surgical interventions including, but not limited to operative venous bypass, transposition, venoplasty, and vein interposition have been reported. Endovascular procedures detailed in the medical literature include balloon angioplasty, cutting or scoring balloon angioplasty, self-expanding and balloon expandable stent placement, and stent- and can avoid the need for operating in a scarred field. This technique adds to the armamentarium for the treatment of thrombosed bypass grafts in the ischemic limb. 1. Ascer E, Collier P, Gupta SK, Veith FJ. Reoperation for polytetrafluoroethylene bypass failure: the importance of distal outflow site and operative technique in determining outcome. J Vasc Surg 1987;5:298-310. 2. Veith FJ, Gupta S, Daly V. Management of early and late thrombosis of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) femoropopliteal bypass grafts: favorable prognosis with appropriate reoperation. Surgery 1980;87:581-7. 3. Ouriel K, Veith FJ, Sasahara AA. Thrombolysis or peripheral arterial surgery: phase I results. TOPAS Investigators. J Vasc Surg 1996;23:64-73; discussion 4-5. 4. Lipsitz EC, Veith FJ. Fluoroscopically assisted thromboembolectomy: should it be routine? Semin Vasc Surg 2001;14:100-6. 5. Parsons RE, Marin ML, Veith FJ, et al. Fluoroscopically assisted thromboembolectomy: an improved method for treating acute arterial occlusions. Ann Vasc Surg 1996;10:201-10. grafting. In general, all these therapies have been used to treat stenosis and/or occlusions of the jugular and/or azygous veins associated with increased collateral venous drainage. The relationship between anatomic findings and any symptoms related to the range of neurological disorders listed above has not been established and further research is required. CELA-SITE Sesión 11 / CELA SITE Session 11 REVASCULARIZACIÓN POR DEBAJO DE LA RODILLA: NECESITAMOS SABER MÁS BTK REVASCULARIZATION: WE NEED TO KNOW MORE Moderador / Moderator D. Scheinert Panelistas / Panellists F. Veith, F. Criado Servicio Angiología y Cirugía Vascular. Instituto Cardiovascular. Consorcio Hospital General Universitario . Valencia. Resumen Las lesiones arteriales infrapopliteas o distales son características de la úlceras isquémicas, pues aparecen en más del 95% de ellas, solas o asociadas en más del 50% de los casos a lesiones del sector femoropoplíteo. Pueden 33 presentarse clínicamente como isquemia crítica clásica, clínica y hemodinámica, con úlcera o necrosis más obstrucción arterial y criterios hemodinámicos de isquemia crítica, o bien como isquemia crítica clínica exclusivamente, de tendencia más actual, con necrosis o úlcera más obstrucción arterial, sin cumplir los criterios hemodinámicos, generalmente en pacientes con pie diabético. La historia natural de la isquemia crítica, es a la cronicidad, sobreinfección y amputación, en pacientes que por otra parte, presentan otro tipo de comorbilidad, como diabetes, insuficiencia cardíaca, deshidratación, desnutrición y como factor emergente, insuficiencia renal. Los pacientes pueden ser tratados de forma conservadora o mediante revascularización, sea abierta o volver al sumario Thrombectomy Catheter is used. Use of this catheter is key to the success of the procedure and can help avoid the need for exposure of the distal anastamotic site. This catheter must be passed and used under fluoroscopic guidance to avoid severe injury to the native artery (Figure 4a). The catheter is passed to the distal aspect of the graft, carefully deployed in the distal graft and not in the artery, under fluoroscopic guidance, and the graft is stripped of the material that is not removable by a regular Fogarty (Figure 4b). The catheter can be passed through the 11 Fr sheath. An angiogram is then again performed (Figure 5a,b) . At this point, the outflow lesions can be treated interventionally as needed with balloon angioplasty and stent placement where appropriate. The graft is then filled with hepranized saline solution and clamped with a hydrogrip clamp. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program endovascular, con la que se obtienen resultados mucho mejores. Además de las lesiones arteriales, debemos tratar las lesiones locales (úlceras – necrosis) así como las comorbilidades del paciente Aunque la revascularización abierta mediante bypass ha sido el gold standard para la revascularización de los pacientes con lesiones distales, la revascularización endovascular se está imponiendo al obtener resultados similares en cuanto cicatrización de las úlceras y salvamento de extremidad, con mucha menor morbimortalidad. objetivamente probada, y solamente para registros o estudios añadir los criterios hemodinámicos. Es más, los criterios de inclusión en recientes estudios están intentando estandarizar la definición de ICC con criterios objetivos, basándose únicamente en la clásica definición de Fontaine, sin criterios hemodinámicos, principalmente porque la mera presencia de necrosis o úlcera más obstrucción arterial, sobre todo en pacientes diabéticos, supone un mal pronóstico, tanto en cicatrización de la lesión como en viabilidad de la extremidad (1) tienen lesiones arteriales infrapoplíteas y en más de un 90%, lesiones a otros niveles, tanto iliacas como femorales. En este grupo de pacientes, solamente el 60% de pacientes son diabéticos, y se ha demostrado que los diabéticos tienen mayor predominio de lesiones distales y los pacientes fumadores, de lesiones proximales. Además, un gran número de pacientes presentan comorbilidades graves, como insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva (24%), enfermedad coronaria (64%) o enfermedad renal crónica terminal (30%) (2). Desarrollo Isquemia Crítica y lesiones arteriales infrapoplíteas Fig. 3.- Recanalización Tibial posterior y tibial anterior Historia Natural de los pacientes con isquemia Crítica Fig 1.- Abordaje anterógrado femoral común Por tanto, podemos diferenciar dos grupos de pacientes con lesiones arteriales infrapopliteas: aquellos con ICC clínica y hemodinámica, menos frecuentes y aquellos con ICC clínica, principalmente úlceras diabéticas isquémicas, en las que, a pesar de tener menor grado de isquemia hemodinámica, presentan otros factores, como la neuropatía, infección e inmunopatía. Ambos grupos requieren una optimización de la presión de perfusión en los tejidos isquémicos para mejorar los resultados de cicatrización y salvamento de extremidad. La diferencia entre ambos estriba en la localización y extensión de las lesiones arteriales. En el primer grupo, con ICC clínica y hemodinámica, el 91% de los pacientes 34 La historia natural de los pacientes con ICC clásica es mala, tanto para el paciente como para la extremidad. Al año de su aparición, la mortalidad oscila según las series entre un 15 y un 35%, muy superior en pacientes mayores de Fig. 2.- Obstruccion de tres troncos infrapoplíteos En el segundo grupo, con ICC clínica, no hemodinámica, principalmente pacientes con úlceras diabéticas isquémicas, las lesiones son también predominantemente en el sector infrapoplíteo, un 92%, con lesiones multinivel, sobre todo femoral superficial, de menor gravedad, obstrucciones cortas o estenosis y en menos del 50% (3). 80 años, y una pérdida de extremidad entre un 20 y un 40% (4,5). En los pacientes diabéticos con úlcera, la presencia de isquemia facilita la aparición de infección, retrasa la cicatrización y es factor de peor pronóstico para la amputación. Entre un 20 y un 30% de los pacientes con infección moderada o severa e isquemia sufren una amputación mayor (6). Tratamiento El tratamiento recomendado en los pacientes con ICC es la revascularización, Los pacientes sometidos a volver al sumario El concepto de Isquemia Crónica Crítica (ICC) hace referencia a la situación de isquemia por estenosis/obstrucción arterial que reduce la presión de perfusión hasta el punto de alterar de forma grave la microcirculación y el flujo de nutrientes a los tejidos, poniendo en riesgo la extremidad. Inicialmente, en los años 50, el diagnóstico se basaba en datos clínicos, grados III y IV de Fontaine. Más tarde, con la utilización de los métodos hemodinámicos como la presión en el tobillo y en el dedo, la necesidad de demostrar una relación causal entre los datos clínicos y las lesiones obstructivas arteriales supuso un problema, por lo que la clasificación de Rutherford de los años 80 incluyó criterios hemodinámicos objetivos. El primer documento de consenso de ICC, de 1991, incluyó criterios clínicos (ulcera, necrosis o dolor en reposo) y criterios hemodinámicos, presión en tobillo y dedo o presión transcutánea de oxígeno. Esta definición reflejaba una isquemia de un nivel tal que provoca cambios microcirculatorios que comprometen la integridad tisular con una alta tasa de amputación y mortalidad, a fin de poder definir sobre todo aquellos pacientes que podrían cicatrizar sin necesidad de revascularización, pues en esos momentos, la revascularización conllevaba una alta morbimortalidad y mediante tratamiento local y sistémico, podía conseguirse la cicatrización y mejoría en un alto número de pacientes, a pesar de la alta tasa de recidivas. Ya en el TASC recomiendan utilizar criterios clínicos, ulcera, necrosis o dolor en reposo, con obstrucción arterial 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program La revascularización de las lesiones infrapoplíteas se ha realizado mediante cirugía abierta, by-pass a arterias maleolares o del pie, como gold standard, emergiendo en los últimos años la terapeútica endovascular (TEV). La cirugía abierta, aunque con mejores resultados en cuanto a permeabilidad, 72% a 3 años frente a un 48% de la TEV, tiene una tasa de salvamento de extremidad similar, 82% a 3 años (7). Además, la morbimortalidad es superior mediante cirugía abierta, 5.7 vs 1.3 de mortalidad, 3.4 vs 1.3 de complicaciones sistémicas y 13.7 vs 2.2% de complicaciones locales en relación a la TEV (8). La TEV es preferible realizarla mediante anestesia local, por abordaje anterógrado (fig. 1) directo en femoral común. Tras realizar un estudio angiográfico de todas las lesiones en dos proyecciones, debemos realizar un plan de tratamiento. Para la permeabilidad del procedimiento, el outflow es muy importante, por lo que extender la revascularización hasta el Deb in btk lesions: are we sure? Prof. Thomas Zeller, MD Clinic Cardiology and Angiology II Head Physician Department Angiology Internist, Angiologist, Cardiologist, Hypertension specialist DHL® The long-term success of below-theknee (BTK) endovascular procedures has been improving but remains inadequate for todays’ clinical requirements. Restenosis after plain balloon angioplasty (POBA) ranges from 42% at 12 months for lesions <3cm to 69% at 3 months for arco plantar o más allá es esencial. El mejor resultado es obtener flujo arterial directo al pie. Preferentemente, debe revascularizarse la arteria que va directamente a la lesión. La teoría de los angiosomas ha ganado mucha aceptación últimamente, aunque todavía no está consolidada. En las lesiones infrapoplíteas, la angoplastia simple con balón es lo más indicado. Solamente en casos muy concretos, como fallo de la angioplastia, o lesiones ostiales en el origen de los troncos distales, debe utilizarse un stent. Además, el stent puede dificultar las reintervenciones. Una arteria infrapoplítea normal por encima del tobillo tiene entre 2.5 y 3 mm de diámetro y por debajo de éste entre 1.5 y 2 mm. Se deben revascularizar el mayor número de troncos posibles (fig 2 y 3) (9). Conclusión La ICC y la úlcera isquémica diabética es una patología muy grave y muy fecuente, donde predominan las lesiones infrapoplíteas. LA mejor opción opción terapeútica es la revascularización, idealmente endovascular, Dada su baja morbimortalidad, se recomienda tratar a todos los pacientes como primera línea mediante TEV. lesion length of 18.4cm. A meta-analysis of BTK angioplasty indicated that the 1year patency of POBA was 58.1+4.6% and the limb salvage rate was 86.0+2.7%. Despite the number of approved DEB catheters in the EU, there is a paucity of well-controlled data on the use of this tool in the BTK vasculature. Early signals suggested that restenosis is less common than after POBA and tends to be more focal and with fewer reocclusions if treatment failure occurs. Schmidt et al. treated long lesions (mean 17.3cm) and 3-month angiographic restenosis was 27.4%. Most of the restenoses were focal. In the DEBATE BTK trial, a randomized controlled trial of DEB vs. POBA, both restenosis (27% vs. 74%, p=0.001), and TLR (18% vs. 43%, p=0.003) were reduced at 1 year. Complete wound healing occurred in 86% vs. 67% (p=0.01) and there were no significant differences in terms of major limb amputation. 35 Bibliografía 1.- Becker F, Robert-Ebadi H, Ricco JB, Setacci C, Cao P, de Donato G et al. Critical Leg Ischemia: Definitions, EPidemiology, clinical presentation and prognosis. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2011; 42 (S2), S4-S12 2.- Rueda CA, Nehler MR, Perry DJ, McLafferty RB, Casserly IP, Hiatt WR et al. Patterns of artery disease in 450 patients undergoing revascularization for critical leg ischemia: Implications for clinical trial design. J VAsc Surg 2008; 47: 995-1000 3.- Graziani L, SIlvestro A, Bertone V, Manara E, Andreini R, Sigala A, et al. Vascular onvolvement in diabetic subjects with ischemic foot ulcer: A new morphologic categorization of disease severity. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2007; 33: 453-460 4.- Belch J, Hiatt WR, Baumgartner I, TAMARIS investigators. Effect of fibroblast growth factor NV1FGF on amputation and death: a randomised placebo controlled trial of gene therapy in critical limb ischaemia. Lancet 2011; 377:1929-1937 However, the IN.PACT DEEP multicenter randomized controlled trial that tested the same device could not confirm the initial single center study findings regarding either efficacy or clinical safety. As a consequence the IN.PACT Amphirion DEB product was withdrawn from the market. The IN.PACT DEEP trial compared the performance of the IN.PACT Amphirion DEB with POBA in a 2 to 1 randomization protocol in 358 patients with pre-specified primary endpoints for efficacy (TLR and LLL) and safety (all-cause death, major amputations or TLR). All patients were analyzed at 1-year follow-up for their clinical endpoints whereas a subcohort of patients with lesions ≤ 10cm in length underwent an angiographic control for assessment of the technical endpoints. Primary efficacy results of DEB vs. POBA were CD-TLR of 9.2% vs.13.1% (P?=?0.291) and LLL of 0.61±0.78 vs. 0.62±0.78mm (P?=?0.950). Primary 5.- Brossi P, Dick F, Do Do Dai, Schmidli J, Baumgartner I, Diehm N. Revascularization for chronic lower limb ischemia in octogenarians is worthwile. J VAsc Surg 2007; 46: 1198-207. 6.- Lavery LA, Armstrong DG, Murdoch DP, Peters EJG, Lipsky BA. Valodation of the Infectious Disease Society of America`s Diabetic Foot Infection Classification System. CID 2007; 44: 562-565. 7.- Romiti M, Albers M, Cardoso F, Durazzo AES, Braganza CA, De Luccia N. Meta-analysis of infrapopliteal angioplasty for chronic critical limb ischemia. J Vasc Surg 2008; 47: 975-81. 8.- Doslouglu HH, Lall P, Cherr GS, Harris LM, Dryjski ML. Superior limb salvage with ndovascular therapy in octogenarians with critical leg ischemia. J Vasc Surg 2009; 50: 305-16. 9.- Reekers JA, Lammer J. DIabetic foot and PAD: the endovascular approach. Diabetes Metab Res Rev 2012; 28 (suppl): 36-39). composite safety endpoint was 17.7% vs. 15.8% (P?=?0.021) and met the noninferiority hypothesis. A safety signal driven by major amputations through 1 year was observed in the DCB vs. POBA arm (8.8% vs. 3.6%; P = 0.080). There is currently widespread opinion to suggest that DEB is likely to substantially improve the success of endovascular procedures for BTK disease. However, the recent results of the IN.PACT DEEP study that alarmed in terms of safety and lack of efficacy, suggest that an abundance of caution is reasonable. There exists vital need for further investigation of DEB in a variety of BTK lesion subsets and clinical conditions. volver al sumario revascularización por ICC clásica, tienen una tasa de salvamento de la extremidad del 85-90% frente a un 60-70% en aquellos no revascularizados (5). En pacientes diabéticos, el salvamento de extremidad es del 98% a 3 años mediante la revascularización (3). 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Jueves 25 Junio Thursday, June 25th CELA-SITE Sesión 13 / CELA SITE Session 13 SESIÓN DE ALTO SECRETO: CONSEJOS Y TRUCOS... TOP SECRET SESSION: TIPS AND TRICKS.. Moderador / Moderator C. Setacci Panelistas / Panellists L. Reparaz, J. Maeso Sesión 13 My tips and tricks in bending areas Prof. Thomas Zeller, MD Clinic Cardiology and Angiology II Head Physician Department Angiology Internist, Angiologist, Cardiologist, Hypertension specialist DHL® Common femoral artery (CFA): Open surgical revascularization is considered as the goldstandard for the treatment of CFA lesions – thrombendartherectomy for atheromateous lesions and embolectomy for embolic lesions. However, controlled data about this strategy is sparse and there exist relevant limitations and risks of an open surgical approach such as scarred tissue in case of redo-procedures and the increasing prevalence of obesity resulting in an increased morbidity up to 5% including major hematoma, wound infection and fistulas. Opposite to the common believe, the CFA region is not exposed to extensive external forces, this is more likely the proximal SFA and distal external iliac artery. Thus, the endovascular approach including stent placement has become an attractive alternative in patients being unfit for surgery. Single centre data suggest comparable outcomes of POBA and stent implantation with regard to acute treatment success, patency rate and freedom from TLR as compared to the interventional treatment of the pelvic arteries (residual stenosis <30% in approx.. 93%, 1-year restenosis rates 20-32% and freedom from TLR 7687%). Directional atherectomy (DA) with or without DEB may become the treatment of choice even in calcified lesions. Initial results for DA are promising with 1-year restenosis rate of 12% and freedom from TLR of 95%. A randomized controlled trial comparing the endovascular approach and surgical revascularization (PESTO-CFA) is on the way. Popliteal artery (PA): Similar to the CFA the PA is considered at least as a no stent zone due to extensive external forces applied to the artery. A recent RCT comparing direct stenting using a slotted tube nitinol stent compared to POBA with provisional stent placement (ETAP study) suggested similar technical outcomes of both approaches up to 2 years post procedure favoring the provisional stenting approach in daily practice (primary patency about 60%). However, recent improvements in stent technology including interwoven nitinol mesh designs (Supera stent) and dual component stents combining nitinol rings with ePTFE interconnections (Tigris stent) significantly improved the stent performance in terms of primary 1- and 2-year patency rates of 87% and 78%. Nevertheless, a stentless approach in this particular vessel location is very attractive offered by DA and DEB or the combination of both. Early DEB (THUNDER study) and DA (DEFINITIVE LE) data suggest similar outcomes for the treatment of the PA as compared to the SFA with primary 1-year patency rates in the range of 80%, for the combination therapy (DEFINITIVE AR) the patency rate was almost 90%. In summary, stent placement using dedicated stents – BMS & DES - in popliteal position seems to be safe. In order to avoid stent placement atherectomy, DEB or the combination of both is an attractive approach which needs further investigation. Abstract Ruiz Chiriboga, Diego Fernando; Ayala Strub, María Azucena; Manzano Grossi, María Soledad; de la Torres Scherak, Octavio Daniel; García Boyano; Fernando; Reparaz Asensio, Luis Manuel Palabras clave: arteria femoral, reintervención, complicaciones Introduccion: Las lesiones arteriales puede ser secundarias a múltiples factores como la radiación, el uso de drogas, las cirugías previas y la infección. Las complicaciones asociadas se relacionan con sangrado, infección, isquemia, embolización, pérdida de la extremidad. Objetivo: Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 43 años, con antecedentes de cáncer de recto tratado con radioterapia hace 7 años, y múltiples reintervenciones en el miembro inferior derecho (MID) por episodios de isquemia aguda manejadas mediante trombectomía transfemoral (2), infundibulización de la arteria femoral profunda(FP), stent iliaco, y un bypass femoropoplíteo con PTFE. Materiales y métodos El paciente acude la urgencia por sangrado inguinal derecho, se realiza un bypass venoso bifurcado desde la transición iliofemoral a la FP y superficial (FS), con recanalización endovascular del eje femoropopliteo y explante de la prótesis recuperando pulsos distales, tras 1 mes de ingreso, con curas y seguimiento de las heridas es dada de alta. Resultados A los 8 meses acude por signos de isquemia aguda por oclusión de la rama FS y estenosis en la FP. Se decide programar para recanalización retrógrada de la 36 rama venosa a la FP usando un stent tipo Viabahn de bajo perfil, la paciente preciso doble antiagregación y anticoagulación (ACO) por 4 meses, actualmente esta con ACO y antiagregación simple por sangrado digestivo. A los 7 meses de la intervención en AngioTC no se evidencian signos de reestenosis ni complicaciones clínicas asociadas. medida extrema dada la localización de la lesión. Ciertamente, se necesita un seguimiento minucioso con el fin de ver los resultados a largo plazo y determinar la permeabilidad de dicha reparación así como futuras complicaciones. Discusión y conclusiones El caso presentado fue un reto para el equipo quirúrgico dadas las múltiples complicaciones y comorbilidad que presento la paciente. El uso de un stent en la FP atravesando el ligamento inguinal es una técnica de recurso y una volver al sumario Medidas extremas sobre la arteria femoral tras múltiples complicaciones y reintervenciones 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Rubio, Vanessa; Rubio, Gustavo CETEN Guadalajara, Guadalajara (Mexico) Endovascular revascularization of iliac arteries in patients with critical limb ischemia due to multilevel occlusive disease Avetisyan, Artur Medical Center after Vladimir Avagyan, department of vascular surgery, Yerevan (Armenia) Endovascular treatment in chronic femoroiliocaval obstruction: a case report Julio Cesar, Ellacuriaga San Martin; Thomas, Hölzenbein; Ara, Ugurluoglu Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery PMU, Salzburg (Austria) Introduction: Percutaneous endovenous stent placement is an alternative to surgery in the treatment of chronic venous obstruction (1). However, this procedure is infrequently reported (2). We Problema En un paciente masculino en la sexta década de la vida destacándose en sus factores de riesgo diabetes mellitus tipo 2 de mas de 20 años de evolución, hipertensión arterial e hipertrigliceridemia que acude por presentar úlcera isquémica en el talón del pie derecho de 4 meses de evolución, con dolor intenso y sin mejoría con los cuidados locales regulares, catalogándose en el angiosoma de la arteria peronea; destaca que la paciente presenta pulsos palpables en arteria tibial posterior y arteria tibial anterior. Dificultad Revascularizar los segmentos arteriales dependientes de la arteria peronea, sin embargo con los abordajes convencionales anterógrado y retrógrado no se logra revascularizar el angiosoma referido, preciso para eliminar la úlcera necrótica existente. Critical limb ischemia frequently occurs on a background of significant comorbidities and associated with poor prognosis, wich requires urgent management. Disease severity and patient comorbidities influence the choice of management, wich on the one hand must be preferably minimally invasive and lest timeconsuming and, on the other hand efficient enough for limb salvage. The study was a retrospective single-center study that included 18 male patients with critical limb ischemia and multilevel atherosclerotic disease involving suprainguinal and infrainguinal arteries , treated from January 2012 to july 2014 (median followup of 8 months). Stents for revascularization of iliac arteries were used in 17 patients. In 1 case PTA of external iliac artery was performed without stenting. In 8 cases endovascular iliac repair was combined with a surgical common femoral endarterectomy. Technical success was obtained in 100% of cases. Hemodynamic report a patient with Factor V Leiden mutation who underwent venous stent placement due to chronic femoroiliocaval obstruction. vesical bleeding. The cause of this bleeding was due to renal lithiasis as well as schistosomiasis; both conditions probably decompensated by the initial treatment. Genetic testing showed Factor V Leiden mutation and prothrombin gene mutation G20210A. Venography showed right-to-left collateralization forming a spontaneous Palma shunt as well as a partially recanalized right femoroiliocaval thrombosis (Fig.1-A). We performed an angioplasty and stenting of the right common femoral vein, external iliac vein, common iliac vein and inferior vena cava (IVC). 4x40 mm and 6x60 mm drug-eluting balloons were used to pre-dilate the pelvic veins and three 11x40 mm stents were placed. A 70% Objectives: To describe the clinical presentation, imaging and outcome in a patient with chronic femoroiliocaval obstruction and underlying coagulation impairment. Methods: A 41-year-old male patient was admitted with growing pain and edema of the right leg. He presented with two previous events of deep venous thrombosis for which he was placed on rivaroxaban. This therapy, however, was switched to phenprocoumon due to 37 Como Evitar Control estricto de los factores de riesgo en este tipo de pacientes y cuidados de higiene local para evitar lesiones cutáneas distales complejas para su curación. o dirigidas con imagen de las arterias calcificadas, y especificamente el aprovechamiento de las arteriolas colaterales que comunican entre si los diferentes angiosomas y poder llevar así un flujo arterial directo. Como Solucionarlo Mostrando las diferentes alternativas de solución endovascular: abordajes anterógrados , retrógrados; utilizando técnicas como Road Mapping, punciones ecoguiadas and clinical success/improvement was achieved in 15 of 17 limbs. During the follow-up period one patient died from myocardial infarction. One diabetic patient needed bellow-knee amputation despite a patent common iliac artery stent. Another major amputation was performed due to acute thrombosis of stented segment. Only one patient required second revascularization procedure femoropopliteal bypass. In conclusion, revascularization of an inflow (iliac arteries) obstruction by means of endovascular techniques with or without common femoral artery endarterectomy can be sufficient for limb salvage in most patients with multilevel atherosclerotic disease of lower extremities suffering from critical limb ischemia. Figure 1. Chronic femoroiliocaval obstruction with spontaneous Palma shunt formation before (A) and after stenting (B). Note the disappearance of collaterals in this latter. stenosis of the IVC was treated with a 10x40 mm balloon. Finally, an 8x30 mm stent was used on the common femoral vein. Phlebography showed a regular contrast of the right pelvic and the IVC without extravasation at these levels (Fig.1-B). After the volver al sumario Revascularizacion tibial atipica 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Discussion: Our patient fitted the two main criteria for surgical treatment of femoroiliocaval obstruction: pain and edema (3). He was exposed to several risk factors besides his underlying coagulopathy. We chose the endovascular approach given the lower morbidity and mortality, higher Endovascular strategies when an occlusion of the superficial femoral artery includes an occluded stent García Familiar, Ainhoa; Larrañaga Oyarzaball, Ioar; Diéz Blanco, Egoitz; Alzate Arsuaga, Cristina; de Blas Bravo, Mariano; Egaña Barrenechea, José María Donostia University Hospital, San Sebastián (Spain) Introduction: Endovascular treatment of superficial femoral artery occlusions remains a technical challenge, particularly those Fistula iliocava con gran repercusion hemodinamica Rubio, Vanessa; Rubio, Gustavo CETEN Guadalajara, Guadalajara (Mexico) long-term patency rate, shorter hospital-stay after surgery and probable low rate of in-stent restenosis (4). The patient was discharged with improvement of his chief complaints and no complications were reported during early follow-up. This patient has an important underlying coagulopathy that will result in new thrombotic events in the long run unless he receives adequate control and advice on preventing risk factors by the hematology department (5). Conclusion: including the occlusion of a previous stent which require instent recanalisation at this level. Methodology used: Objectives: To report the endovascular management of an occlusion of the superficial femoral artery which includes an occluded stent. Material used: A 60-year-old male with a history of superficial femoral artery stenting 10 years ago, developed left calf claudication becoming progressively worse over 6 months (stage 3 of Rutherford). He experienced no improvement despite supervised training and optimal medical treatment. MRangio showed left superficial femoral artery occlusion with a stump and recanalisation in the distal superficial femoral artery. Problema Paciente masculino de 73 años de edad enviado al departamento con aumento de volumen de miembro pélvico izquierdo, con datos de insuficiencia respiratoria severa, dolor en región inguinal izquierda; un eco doppler color de pierna izquierda refiere trombosis venosa profunda de vena femoral superficial izquierda. El paciente se aprecia en mal estado general; la Rx de The outcome of this report shows that percutaneous endovenous stenting resolves pain and edema caused by femoroiliocaval obstruction with no complications during the early follow-up. However, in this case, inherent thrombophilia is the underlying cause of occlusion and a poor long term outcome may be expected. Endovascular treatment was decided. In an antegrade direction, subintimal recanalisation of the occluded segment proximal to the stent was attempted. Reentry into the stent was unsuccessful and so, retrograde access was obtained in the distal superficial femoral artery. In-stent recanalisation was achieved from retrograde approach, but reentry into the true lumen at the level of the stump turned out impossible. A balloon from antegrade access and a balloon from retrograde access were both advanced to this level of the occluded superficial femoral artery above the stent. This way, simultaneous balloon angioplasty from antegrade and retrograde approaches was used to cross the occlusion but no success torax con gran cardiomegalia y apicalización del flujo pulmonar; destaca entre sus antecedentes haber sido sometido a cirugía por Aneurisma de Aorta Abdominal 15 años previos efectuándose derivación aortobiliaca. Se somete a estudio de Angiotac de aorta apreciando dilatación aneurismática de arteria iliaca izquierda con flujo simultáneo de aorta y vena cava inferior. 38 References: 1. Neglén P. Chronic venous obstruction: diagnostic considerations and therapeutic role of percutaneous iliac stenting. Vascular 2007; 15:27380. 2. Titus JM, Moise MA, Bena J, Lyden SP, Clair DG. Iliofemoral stenting for venous occlusive disease. J Vasc Surg 2011; 53(3):706-12 3. Neglén P. Endovascular treatment of chronic iliofemoral venous obstruction – a review. Phlebolymphology 2003;43:204-11 4. Garg N, et al: Factors affecting outcome of open and hybrid reconstructions for nonmalignant obstruction of iliofemoral veins and inferior vena cava. J Vasc Surg 2011; 53:383–93. 5. Neglén P, et al: Stenting of the venous outflow in chronic venous disease: longterm stent-related outcome, clinical, and hemodynamic result. J Vasc Surg 2007; 46:979–90. was obtained. A Pioneer Plus reentry device with intravascular ultrasound guidance was advanced in an antegrade fashion. With the reentry catheter, a needle was deployed to puncture the balloon advanced from retrograde access, introducing a guidewire inside the balloon and connecting both spaces. That guidewire was removed together with the balloon from retrograde access. Angioplasty was performed with a 5-mm balloon. Angiogram revealed dissection of all the superficial femoral artery and so, two self-expanding bare nitinol stents were deployed (6x150mm Ev3 Everflex and 6x80mm Ev3 Everflex). Angioplasty with a 5-mm balloon was employed to obtain hemostasis in the distal superficial femoral artery. Hemostasis at right femoral artery was managed with Perclose Proglide vascular closure device. Dificultad clínicas como la presentada en este paciente. Eliminar el pseudoaneurisma con fístula arteriovenosa iliocava izquierda, en un paciente en mal estado general y restituir la continuidad aortoiliaca con rapidez para evitar el deterioro clínico del paciente. Como Evitar Efectuando técnica quirúrgica adecuada para evitar complicacaiones anastomóticas que deriven en situaciones Results of the study: Technical success was achieved. The patient was discharged home a few hours later free of complications. In the follow-up at 6 months, the patient showed complete symptom resolution. Conclusions: Endovascular management of superficial femoral artery occlusions can be highly demanding, and so multiple techniques and devices are required to face these complex lesions. Como Solucionarlo Analizando los antecedentes del paciente; establecer la causa del estado de sobrecarga ventricular y combinar abordajes, técnicas endovasculares y dispositivos, para solucionar en forma completa la complicación existente, evitando la muerte del paciente. volver al sumario procedure, the patient showed resolution of pain and improvement of edema. During follow-up, no complications were reported. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Rubio, Vanessa; Rubio, Gustavo CETEN Guadalajara, Guadalajara (Mexico) Symptomatic acute pseudoaneurysm of the right hepatic artery with aberrant origin from the superior mesenteric artery in a patient with hereditary hemorragic telangectasia Peinado Cebrián, Javier; Salgado Lopetegui, Christian; Lamarca Mendoza, Maria Pilar; Montoya Ching, Ricardo; Estébanez Seco, Santiago; Flores Herrero; Ángel Introduction: Hereditary Hemorragic Telangiectasia (HHT) is a rare autosomic dominant disease consistent in vascular dysplasias that affect different organs, including skin, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and brain. Liver involvement includes telangiectases, arteriovenous shunting, hepatic arterial dilatation, focal liver lesions, and ischemic Valve in valve invagination Morrison Polo, Guillermo; Jiménez Quevedo, Pilar; Nombela Franco, Luis; Biagioni, Corina; Almeria, Carlos; Garcia, Eulogio Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid (Spain) Problema Femenino de 42 años con historia de Trombosis venosa profunda en forma espontánea 4 años previos se estableció el diagnóstico de Síndrome de May Thurner tratada en su momento con Filtro de Vena Cava, Trombolisis sistémica y Stent en Vena Iliaca Izquierda se mantuvo bajo tratamiento anticoagulante por 30 meses solo destaca haber iniciado terapia hormonal de sustitución 3 meses previos . Acude por cuadro de 72 hrs de evolución caracterizado por cholangitis, and its prevalence ranges from 8 to 31 % in retrospective studies. Liver involvement with typical presentation has been reported in more than 50 cases. Several cases of aneurysm of the main hepatic artery have also been reported. Nevertheless, pseudoaneurysms are not considered among typical manifestations of HHT, and to our knowledge there is no one reported in the literature. In a systematical analysis of the celiac axis anatomy, variations in the origin of the main hepatic artery (MHA) were described in 3,71 %, being the origin in superior mesenteric artery (SMA) the most frequent variation (3% of all patients). Objectives: To report an hybrid (open and endovascular) technique for the treatment of an acute, symptomatic pseudo aneurysm affecting the MHA with an aberrant origin in SMA, in a patient with HHT. Abstract: The invagination of an aortic valve prosthesis Core Valve is a rare complication. We report a case in a patient of 78 years old woman with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis. STS score: 2.1 Euroscore 6.5% presented to the Heart team and accepted to Transcatheter aortic valve implantation due to fragility. During the Core Valve No. 29 mm implantation the prosthesis migrated to ascending aorta and edema de ambas extremidades inferiores, dolor severo y continuo en hipogastrio. Se estableció el diagnóstico de Trombosis Iliocava Bilateral extensa que involucra el filtro de vena cava colocado con antelación y ambas venas iliacas primitivas. farmacomecánica y utilizar algún tipo de recontrucción endovascular. Sobreviene una complicación severa con sangrado retroperitoneal que exige tomar medidas para evitar la muerte del paciente. Como Evitar Dificultad Reconstruir en forma endovascular el eje Iliocavo bilateral, colocar un filtro de vena cava recuperable en posición suprarrenal, por la alta carga trombótica existente en la paciente, efectuar trombectomía Efectuando técnica endovascular meticulosa y reconocer los posible mecanismos de lesión vascular en una reconstrucción de vena cava inferior. Como Solucionarlo Existen alternativas con técnicas endovasculares complejas, diferentes accesos y dispositivos, convertir al paciente y llevarlo a cirugía abierta dilucidando si se requiere un abordaje transabdominal o retroperitoneal y / ó vigilancia médica con restitución hemática y observación. Results: Physical exam confirmed existence of an epigastrium-located abdominal pulsatile mass, with a palpable thrill over it and at right hypochondrium. An abdominal bruit was audible at the same locations. At first evaluation, the patient remained hemodynamically stable (Blood pressure 120/70 mm Hg, Heart Rate 72 bpm) and without analytic signs of acute bleeding (Hemoglobin 12 mg/dl, Hematocrit 42 %). Under suspicion of symptomatic abdominal aneurysm, an emergency angio TC was performed, in which a non ruptured, 5 cm in diameter pseudoaneurysm, dependent on a MHA with anomalous origin from the SMA was diagnosed. Findings compatible with hepatic manifestations of the previously diagnosed HHT were found as well (tortuosity and dilation of the MHA, the Right Hepatic Artery and the intrahepatic branches, hepatomegaly, intrahepatic arteriovenous fistulas). An hybrid (surgical and endovascular) emergent plan was designed, in order to exclude the pseudoaneurysm. Under general anestesia, an aorto-MHA by pass with a 6 mm PTFEe graft was performed, and the MHA was ligated just distal to the pseudoaneurysm. Then, through a left brachial arterial access, exclusion of the origin of the MHA was performed with a balloon expandible endoprosthesis delivered at the SMA, crossing the anomalous origin of the MHA. The completion arteriography confirmed complete exclusion of the pseudoaneurysm and patency of the by pass, the distal MHA and the SMA. a second prosthesis Core Valve No 29 mm was implanted successfully. However the aortogram following the implantation showed a peak gradient of 50 mmHg. Carefully evaluation of the morphology of the two valves showed an invagination of the metallic structure of the second prosthesis. To improve the functionality of the prosthesis a post dilatation with a balloon valvuloplasty was planned, however it was impossible to advance retrograde a valvuloplasty balloon No 26 mm due to the balloon hooked with valve struts. Since the patient remains hemodynamically stable a second intervention was scheduled. In the second procedure a AV loop was performed. First a Berman catheter was used to cross anterograde the prosthesis through interatrial septum puncture. The catheter was advanced until the descending aorta and through the catheter a hydrophilic wire was introduced that was snared and was externalized through the femoral artery. Subsequently a balloon Valvuloplasty No 23 mm was advanced anterograde and was successfully positioned inside the prosthesis. The post dilatation was performed obtaining an improvement of the intussusception with a peak transvalvulargradient of 10 mmHg and mild paravalvular regurgitation. Material (Patient): The patient is a 64 year old woman, diagnosed of HHT since 20 years ago with recurrent epistaxis as the only clinical manifestation of the disease. She presented a 48 hours evolution of acute onset abdominal pain associated with palpable pulsatile mass previously inadvertent. Methodology (description of diagnostic and treatment procedure): 39 The patient did not present complications related to the intervention. Postoperative physical exam revealed painless, non-pulsatile abdominal mass. Discharge occurred at 9th postoperative day. Angio TC follow-up was performed at discharge, 1 month and 6 months after intervention, revealing complete exclusion of the pseudoaneurysm, which had shrunk to 3 cm at 6th month. The patient remained completely asymptomatic since the 1st postoperative month. Conclusions: Pseudoaneurysm are a not previously described complication related to hepatic affection in HHT. Variations on the anatomy can complicate the management of some vascular diseases that would be easily solved in normal anatomies. Hybrid procedures are an alternative in such cases. volver al sumario Complicacion severa durante reconstruccion iliocava endovascular 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Flores, Carlos; Santoscoy I., Joaquín; Loya S., Jesús; Padilla B., Ricardo; Sáenz T., Ricardo; López R., Miguel Médicos adscritos al servicio de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular del Hospital Central Universitario de Chihuahua, Chihuahua (México) Resumen. Las oclusiones aórticas agudas constituyen una entidad clínica que representa un riesgo de morbimortalidad muy alto si no se recibe el manejo adecuado y oportuno. El presente reporte de caso describe el tratamiento por vía endovascular de un paciente hombre de 66 años con antecedente de tabaquismo intenso, diabetes mellitus, Endovascular de la patologia de aorta toracica descendente: resultados a largo plazo Mertens, Renato; Insunza, Martín; Ordenes, Maria Jesús; Valdés, Francisco; Mariné, Leopoldo; Bergoeing, Michel Departamento de Cirugía Vascular y Endovascular, Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago (Chile) claudicación intermitente y disfunción eréctil. En Angiotomografía se encuentra oclusión de aorta de tipo trombótica por debajo de las arterias renales extendiéndose hasta iliacas externas. Se procede a realizar abordaje por ambas femorales, se coloca stent tipo Palmaz montado sobre balon maxi 25mm x 4cm para conseguir la fijación del trombo, luego se coloca stent recubierto tipo Advanta de 16mm a nivel infrarenal, después se colocan dos stents tipo Advanta V12 de 9mm dilatados mediante técnica de kissing balloon. Posteriormente se extiende cobertura hacia iliaca derecha mediante stent tipo Epic de 10mm x 80mm y en iliaca contralateral con stent Innova de 8mm x 80mm. El paciente recupera pulsos en ambas extremidades inferiores y desarrolla una nefropatía por isquemia-reperfusión y por medio de contraste que revierte favorablemente en su posoperatorio. Conclusión. Abstract: A pesar de no contar con un nivel de evidencia adecuado para la indicación primaria de la cirugía endovascular para tratar este tipo de patología, es factible aplicarla para resolverse en casos específicos como este. Acute aortic occlusion constitutes a clinical entity that represents a high risk of morbidity and mortality if proper and timely adecuate management is not established . This case report describes an endovascular treatment of a 66 years old male heavy smoker patient with a history of diabetes, intermittent claudication and erectile dysfunction . The angiographic aortogram image demostrates an infrarenal thrombotic type oclusión with extention to external iliac arteries. Both common femoral arteries are exposed and dissected, long introducers are placed and a Palmaz type stent is mounted over balloon maxi 25mm x 4cm to achieve fixation of the thrombus, followed by a placement of a coated Advanta 16mm type stent in the infarenal aorta, two stents Advanta V12 9mm are placed on the common iliac arteries, and expanded by kissing balloon technique . subsecuent coverage of the right Introducción. penetrantes, 3 otros. Todos se trataron mediante inserción de endoprótesis vía femoral. Se utilizaron dispositivos Medtronic® 52%, Cook® 24%, Gore® 18%, Bolton® 4% y otras 2%. La reparación endovascular de aorta torácica se ha establecido como gold standard de tratamiento de diversas patologías por sus excelentes resultados inmediatos. Los resultados tardíos no son reportados con frecuencia y cuando ha ocurrido, se ha descrito alta tasa de reintervenciones. Objetivo. Evaluar resultados alejados de nuestra serie iniciada en 2001, con seguimiento mínimo de 5 años. Pacientes. Entre mayo 2001 y julio 2009 tratamos 116 pacientes consecutivos, edad 60.4 años (24-86), 90% hombres. Indicaciones: 52 disecciones agudas o crónicas, 42 aneurismas, 14 lesiones traumáticas, 5 úlceras Endovascular management of aortic occlusion Dr. Carlos Flores R.*, Dr. Joaquin Santoscoy I.*, Dr. Jesús Loya S.*, Dr. Ricardo Padilla B.**, Dr. Ricardo Saenz T.**, Dr. Miguel López R.**. * Division of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, Hospital Central Universitario de Chihuahua, Mexico. ** Residents of specialty. Metodología. Estudio retrospectivo, se realiza seguimiento clínico e imagenológico. Se construyen curvas de sobrevida y se utiliza test de Log Rank para realizar comparaciones entre curvas o t test para comparar variables contínuas. Resultados. Seguimiento promedio: 82,2 meses (0 - 157) durante el cual fallecen 40 pacientes (34.5%), 7 de ellos (6%) por su enfermedad aórtica de base: 4 (3.4%) antes de 30 días por complicaciones (mortalidad 40 operatoria) y 3 tardíamente: una infección de prótesis, una ruptura de aneurisma y otra posible ruptura en portador de endofuga (EF) tipo I que fallece súbitamente. Tres pacientes fallecen alejadamente por otra patología aórtica: dos por disección tipo A y uno por aneurisma abdominal roto. Los 30 restantes por otras causas, principalmente cáncer e insuficiencia respiratoria. La sobrevida actuarial a 5 y 10 años fue 80.2% y 60.2% (ES: 3.7 y 8.1). 21 pacientes (18.1%) requirieron un total de 31 intervenciones aórticas alejadas: 15 pacientes (12.9%) sobre el segmento aórtico tratado (16 reintervenciones: 13 EF tipo I, 3 EF tipo III) y 6 (5.2%) sobre segmentos aórticos diferentes. La sobrevida libre de reintervención a 10 años con error stantard menor a 10% fue iliac stent extends with an Epic 10mm x 80mm type and contralateral iliac stent Innova type 8mm x 80mm is placed. The patient regains pulses in both lower limbs and developed contrast nephropathy and for reperfusion recovered renal function to preoperative levels. Conclusion. Despite an unadecuated level of evidence for the primary indication of endovascular aproach to treat this pathology it is feasible to apply to be solved in specific cases like the presented. de 100% para trauma, 71.8% para disección y 63.4% para aneurisma, siendo significativa la diferencia entre trauma y el resto de las patologías (p<0.05). Conclusión. El tratamiento endovascular sobre la aorta descendente presenta excelentes resultados inmediatos y a largo plazo, previniendo eficazmente la mortalidad derivada de la enfermedad original. El tratamiento del trauma parece ser curativo, pero el control alejado con imágenes deriva en frecuentes intervenciones aórticas tardías en el resto de las patologías. volver al sumario Manejo endovascular de oclusion aortica 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Erben, Young; Bjarnason, Haraldur; Oladottir, Oladottir; Oderich, Gustavo; Gloviczki, Peter Mayo Clinic, Rochester (USA) Introduction and Objective: Chronic, most frequently post-thrombotic occlusion of the inferior vena cava (IVC) is rare. Results of endovascular recanalization (ER) with angioplasty and stenting have been encouraging and the aim of this study was to evaluate our experience. Material and Methods: Clinical data of 66 patients, who underwent ER for chronic, nonmalignant IVC occlusion between January 2001 and August 2014 were retrospectively reviewed. Primary outcomes included morbidity and mortality, secondary outcomes included patency and resolution of symptoms. Results: Forty-five of 66 patients (68%) were male and mean age was 43 years (range: 17-83 years). Symptoms were present for a mean of 8.1 ± 8.6 years. CEAP score was 3, 4a, 4b, 5 and 6 in 41, 2, 1, 3 and 19 patients, respectively. Forty-seven (71%) had previous deep venous thrombosis (DVT), thirteen (20%) had DVT with pulmonary embolism (PE) and six (9%) had a previous iatrogenic injury or side branches to one of the renovisceral arteries, distal aortic or iliac extensions with secondary side branch completion. Primary endpoints of the study were overall technical success, side branch patency, perioperative mortality and the rate of severe spinal cord ischemia. Temporary aneurysm sac perfusion as an adjunct to prevent paraplegia during branched endovascular aortic repair for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms Introduction: Kopp, R.; Kasprzak, P.M. Methods: Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, University Hospital Regensburg, Regensburg (Germany) Patients were treated for TAAA with bEVAR between 07/2007 and 02/2014. Temporary aneurysm sac perfusion was performed by non-completion of Ninety-eight patients were treated for TAAA (mean diameter 6.6 + 1.6 cm) with branched aortic stent grafts with (n=46) or without (n=52) TASP. Overall technical success including aneurysm exclusion, absence of persistent line flow to the foot and reperfuse distal ischemic tissue. Often, obstructive lesions are located at the malleolar level or below the ankle (BTA) involving dorsalis pedis and plantar arteries of the infra-malleolar level. BTA procedure should be performed through an antegrade (femoral, popliteal, tibial, peroneal) approach. The 0.014-inch guide wire should be used to negotiate through the lesions and an appropriately sized, low profile plan balloon angioplasty catheter used to dilate the lesion. If the lesion is too tight or impossible to cross with a 0.014-inch guide wire, then a 0.018-inch hydrophilic tip guide wire should be used. Sometimes, with standard antegrade approaches, success rate of revascularization remain poor and techniques of recanalization of below the knee and foot arteries can be inadequate, in relation to chronic total occlusion with diffuse calcification and involvement of foot arteries compromising distal run off at the foot level. In these cases, in addition to traditional approaches, retrograde access, transcollateral recanalization, a pedal-plantar loop technique can help achieving successful revascularization. Recently, a percutaneous Below the ankle: when to go there. Technical tips and image issues Dr Claudio Rabbia Vascular Radiology – Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino – Italy Infrapopliteal plain balloon angioplasty (PTA) is the first line therapy for chronic limb ischemia (CLI) treatment in patients with obstructive disease of infrapopliteal artery in order to restore a straight- We report our experience with the concept of temporary aneurysm sac perfusion (TASP) and secondary staged side branch completion to prevent severe spinal cord ischemia after branched endovascular aortic repair (bEVAR) for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA). Results: 41 congenital hypoplasia. Twenty five (38%) had an IVC filter in place and 23 (35%) had a thrombophilia. IVC occlusion was infrarenal in 47, suprarenal in 18 and suprahepatic in 1 patient. All patients underwent sequential angioplasty and stenting. One or both iliac veins were stented including the IVC bifurcation. Preand post-stenting pressure gradients were 4.3 ± 2.9 and 0.7 ± 1.0 mmHg, respectively (p<0.001). Three patients had complications: one IVC hematoma, groin hematoma and femoral vein thrombosis each. There was no mortality. Follow- up was 41.3 ± 34.2 months. Three patients were lost to follow. Primary patency, primary assisted and secondary patency at 36 months was 80%, 88% and 91% respectively. Resolution of symptoms occurred in 55 patients (83%). type I or III endoleak, TASP side branch patency and secondary side branch completion was 35/40 (87.5 %). Secondary TASP side branch completion was performed after median 26 days (range: 1-370 days). The rate of early reinterventions for renovisceral side branch complications was 15/380 (3.9 %) and perioperative mortality 7/98 (7.1 %; 4 non-TASP, 3 TASP). Clinical evidence of severe spinal cord ischemia or paraplegia was reduced in the TASP group as compared to the non-TASP group (3/46 vs 12/52, p=0.023). One TASP patient died 4 months after bEVAR during the TASP interval from suspected aortobronchial fistula. retrograde transmetatarsal arteries access followed by retrograde recanalization of foot and tibial arteries has been proposed. All these approaches are minimally invasive and can be employed in very challenging cases such as absence of a proximal occlusion stump, in cases where advancement of the guide wire is impossible for dissection or perforation in the proximal tract, as in case of failure of subintimal revascularization. A very important issue in BTA procedures is the pharmacological administration. All patients must be administered dual antiplatelet therapy (aspirin 100 mg per day plus clopidogrel 75 mg per day) for at least four days before the procedure and 5000 U of non-weighted heparin must be administered during the procedure after sheath placement, followed by 1000 U per hour during the intervention. To prevent vasospasm, intraarterial infusion of small amount of nitroglycerine should be considered. After the procedure, all patients must receive dual antiplatelet therapy for six months and aspirin for life then after. Conclusions: Endovascular recanalization for non-malignant symptomatic IVC occlusions is technically challenging, however, it is safe and durable. Mid-term patency is excellent and 83% of the patients have partial or complete resolution of symptoms. Conclusions: The concept of temporary aneurysm sac perfusion (TASP) after bEVAR for TAAA is feasible and seems to reduce the risk of severe spinal cord ischemia. Early side TASP branch completion within 4 weeks is recommended to reduce the risk of rupture. In selected patients, a longer TASP interval might improve neurological rehabilitation from spinal cord ischemia. volver al sumario Endovascular recanalization for chronic occlusion of the inferior vena cava 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Iván Murillo Tibial revascularization is a rapidly growing part of endovascular practice. Many of the principles, techniques, and devices required to make this happen have been adopted from Iliocava obstruction: diagnostic and therapeutic strategies other vascular beds. The best factors suggesting success are in cases where the foot damage is minimal an also where the runoff into the foot is intact. The long-term patency of tibial angioplasty and stenting may be only fair but limb salvage is often achieved without bypass. Successful guidewire deployment requires knowledge of choices. The goal is to choose the most appropriate guidewire first as often as posible and to know what to do next if the first choice turns out to be a best. There are a full range of guidewires available. Basic and advanced access for sheaths placed outside the heart is with 0.035 in. ( Coaxial Systems). However one major advantage of the lower profile 0.014 guidewire, is that it is less likely to be unresponsive after passing through a tight lesión and need small plataforms (Monorail Systems) Most occlusions can also be crossed and treated with various guidewires supported by certain catheters and other devices using specialized techniques. We need to have a differents guidewire types. Starling, selective, exchange, speciality. With diferent lenght, diameter, stiffness, coating, tip shape. The potential for constructing different catheter head shapes is unlimited. Although hundreds are currently being marketed, most endovascular practice is base don the consistent and well-developed use of just a few types in most individual practices. Each specialist has funcional favorites. Flush and selective catheters have divergent purposes and substantially different appearances. In general we used flush catheters, straight catheter, selective catheters, complex curves catheters,long benit tip,hook shape. Its important knowed the kind of lession to choice wich catheter will be usefull trackability, pushability, crossability, steerability, and french. The use of appropiate diagnostic tools is essential in determining obstructive ethiology for the disease. Endovascular treatment strategies have proven to restore venous outflow adequately with resolution of severe venous obstruction and improval of the patient´s quality of life. obstruction that results in post obstructive venous insufficiency. thrombotic and non thrombotic (extrinsic compression) obstructions. accurate diagnosis of the underlying disease is essential for the best therapy and approach. Material Literature review on the subject and personal experience with cases of patients with thrombotic and non thrombotic iliocaval disease. Resultados del estudio Conclusiones del estudio Introducción Objetivos Metodología Chronic Iliocaval Obstruction, thrombotic or non thrombotic in origin, accounts for severe post obstructive venous insufficiency. Show that appropiate diagnostic and therapeutic strategies are essential for diagnosis and treatment of an underlying venous Patients with chronic post obstructive venous insufficiency and their classification into two sub groups of patients: Patients with extrinsic compression develop venous insufficiency on the long term and remain undiagnosed until they generally present with a thrombotic event. Patients with proximal deep venous thrombosis develop chronic obstructive disease with severe post thrombotic syndrome. An Recanalization of chronic iliofemoral and caval obstructions Chronic venous obstructions have been treated by means of bypass surgery until endovascular treatment emerged as a valuable alternative. With the introduction of new imaging modalities, recanalization techniques and novel stent design the endovascular approach gained even more popularity and suprassed surgery as the primary treatment option. Recanalization of chronic iliofemoral and caval obstructions proved safe and efficient with excellent mid- and long-term patency rates. When postthrombotic trabeculations extend below the femoral confluence, proper inflow can be facilitated by endophlebectomy of common femoral vein and creation of an arteriovenous fistula. Adequate anticoagulation, measures to improve inflow (mobilization, compression stockings, pneumatic compression) and outflow, using dedicated venous stents and good follow-up for early detecting stent-failure are essential for an optimal outcome. venosas intrapélvicas, tanto en número como en calibre. Estas estructuras serán de morfología varicosa, y presentan alteraciones en el flujo. Su principal síntoma es el dolor pélvico crónico, a consecuencia de la hipertensión venosa pélvica. Dicha hipertensión puede tener diversas etiologías, pudiendo ser provocada por una compresión anatómica (de origen centrípeto) o provenir de un reflujo (de origen centrífugo), además de poder presentar una etiología mixta. Es esencial diferenciar la patología causada por reflujo de la causada por compresiones pues el abordaje terapéutico variará significativamente. En el SCP causado por reflujo se desarrollarán principalmente varices pélvicas, responsables de los síntomas. Dichas varices van a derivar tanto de los ejes gonadales como de los ejes iliacos internos. En función del paciente y, principalmente, de la integridad del suelo pélvico, se producirán o no fugas a los miembros inferiores, que tendrán que ser tratadas igualmente. en bipedestación y suele estar relacionado con mujeres que han tenido varios embarazos. Otros síntomas incluyen la pesadez perineal, dispareunia, dismenorrea, disuria, constipación, y la aparición de varices atípicas genitales, en pequeña fosa y/o en miembros inferiores. Gustavo Rubio Argüello Houman Jalaie Objetivos terapéuticos y protocolo en el tratamiento del reflujo venoso pélvico Javier Leal Monedero El Síndrome de congestión pélvica (SCP), consiste en un aumento de las estructuras 42 En nuestra unidad, tras más de 25 años estudiando las diferentes patologías venosas pélvicas, y los diferentes tipos de reflujos que se pueden encontrar, hemos desarrollado un protocolo tanto de estudio como terapia. La manifestación clínica más frecuente de este signo fisiológico es el dolor pélvico, de tipo crónico, no cíclico y con más de 6 meses de evolución, sin causa ginecológica asociada. Aumenta The knowledge and use of diagnostic tools and of the diverse therapeutic endovascular strategies is essential for the clinical improvement of these patients. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante exploración no invasiva, utilizando Eco Doppler color transvaginal y transparietal, que presenta una precisión diagnóstica de hasta un volver al sumario Below the knee: Basic material to use, when to go there and what you should never do 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract obtiene mediante flebografía pélvica, pudiendo realizarse simultáneamente el tratamiento. El tratamiento de indicación será la embolización de los ejes insuficientes. How to aviod them in primary varicous vein treatment to apply foam sclerotheray or other strategies? (Tessari) 1. There is a common controversial issue. Spare or not to spare saphenous trunk? Is that the key to avoid future varicous vein recurrences? (All panelists: Pittaluga, Whiteley, Tessari… and Audience) 2. Is the ASVAL technique really going to decrease long term recurrences? Or it is just a shortterm esthetic surgery, with expected recurrences? (Pittaluga) 3. What about CHIVA? Past or present? (all, audience) 4. Or are the endoluminal systems ( thermal, physicochemical etc... ) going to be the key in this never ending story? (Whiteley) 5. Or maybe great saphenous vein foam sclerotherapy? Which elements do you analyze in order Protocolo diagnóstico e indicaciones terapeúticas de embolización Enrique Puras Pelvic venous insufficiency is a true (although still not completely understood) entity due to intraabdominal reflux of the gonadal axis and/or the hypogastric tributaries. This intra-abdominal reflux can be primary (congenital valveless or reflux due to multiparity of the ovarian veins) or secondary to compression En resumen, el estudio de la 6. Pelvic reflux study is mandatory in all cases in order to decrease varicous veins recurrences? How do you recommend this approach ? Or pelvic embolization as the main cause of recurrences? (Whiteley) WHEN VARICOUS VEIN RECURRENCE OCCURS 7. When recurrence occurs, how should we treat it? Please! Give us a simple guide to follow… We will show you different pictures of varicous recurrencies: for every picture a short comment from all the panelists (do you recommend a specific scanning? and therefore which strategy would you apply?) Picture 1. Spread varicosities Picture 2. Isolated varicous veins Picture 3. Big trunks in thigh or leg syndromes, such as MayThurner and Nutcracker. Its clinical presentation can be as pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS), varicose veins, thrombosis or incidental finding. Pelvic congestion syndrome can be defined as a chronic pelvic pain (more than six months) in the absence of a gynaecological aetiology, that usually worsen by standing-up or in situations that increase intraabominal pressure (Valsalva, pregnancy or premenstrual period) and can be relieved by lying down. Other symptoms can be dyspareunia, bladder irritability, haemorrhoids and heaviness and cramps in the legs. patología venosa pélvica actúa sobre dicha patología así como en los reflujos a miembros inferiores. La terapia mediante embolización de los ejes insuficientes pélvicos ha sido eficaz hasta en un 97% de los casos, tanto en mujeres como en hombres, siendo prácticamente mínimas las complicaciones encontradas. So, in conclusion… Recurrence after CHIVA: thermoablation? After Stripping: Foam or redo surgery? Catheter or direct injection foam sclerotherapy? Which product and how? (Tessari, all and audience) 2. In real practice when do you think valve replacement is indicated to? Furthermore… who in the audience has any experience in this treatment ? (all and audience) 8. A comment from the moderators: We have different tools to treat all the types of VV. Do you think we can cure venous insufficiency? Should we explain to the patient that we offer treatments to control recurrencies or avoid complications ... Which message do you give your patient before the treatment? (all the panel) 3. What’s next in vein recanalization? 2. Percutaneous Valve replacement 1. What about the “new” and “promising” (from more than one decade ago...) results of the percutanoeus valve replacements? Will they arrive to our patients? (all) Varicose veins due to pelvic venous insufficiency are usually vulvar varicose veins or lower extremity varicose veins in atypical localizations, such as the posterolateral region of the thigh, perineal region or nonsapheno-femoral reflux. Differential diagnosis in these patients is lengthy and includes pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, pelvic tumors, interstitial cystitis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Diagnostic protocol for pelvic venous insufficiency should include: 1. Clinical findings: Pelvic 43 1. We have seen (and heard) techniques and results about vein recanalization… But should I say interesting techniques and just promising results? What is lacking in this story? Better indications, better hands or better materials? (Jalaie) 2. Management of Deep venous disease and/or acute deep thrombosis is frequently lead by medical specialists (Pneumologists, Hematologists, …). Are this the reason of the reluctance to an aggressive approach? (Pittaluga, Whiteley) audience, Ménendez) 4. Are there geographic (USA vs Europe) differences related to management approach? (all) 4. Vascular malformations and birthmarks approaches 1. Vascular malformations (and some birthmarks) are one of the most difficult diseases to treat as vascular endotherapists… Which is the way to treat them? Mainly with foam sclerotherapy? (Tessari) Mainly with endovascular embolization? (Whiteley, Jalaie) Is open surgery still an option? (all, Pitaluga) 3. Is the lack of knowledge in its physiopathology, the reason of the controversial results? (All, 2. As in other fields in vascular diseases (like complex aneurysms), do you think it should be advisable to establish specialized and reference centers and teams? (Texeira, Menendez) congestion syndrome with no gynaecological aetiology and/or atypical varicose veins. 2. Duplex ultrasound (transvaginal and transabdominal): a. Non-invasive, inexpensive and accurate. b. The criteria for identifying PCS on US are dilation of pelvic veins more than 6 mm, reversal of the flow within ovarian veins, polycystic changes within the ovaries, and dilated veins in the myometrium. 3. CT and MR: a. For those practice with nonskilled operators using transvaginal ultrasound. b. Provide a more comprehensive assessment of the pelvic anatomy with multiplanar imaging and reconstruction, which is nonoperator dependent. c. Helpful for procedural planning. d. Time resolved MRV: Great correlation with venography. 4. Venography: It should image the four veins responsible for venous return from the pelvis: both in- ternal iliac veins and both gonadal veins. The study should be performed with and without a Valsalva maneuver and preferably with a tilt table in reverse Trendelenburg. volver al sumario 96%. En otras ocasiones será útil disponer de otras técnicas de imagen como el angioTAC y la angioRM, especialmente cuando se exploran síndromes compresivos. Sin embargo, la confirmación diagnóstica se 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract atives of medical therapy vs intervention with potential adjuvant psychotherapy should be a part of treatment, addressing the side effects and benefits of these options. What are the most important features of a coil for pelvic embolization? appointments Dr. D. Ignacio Mª Lojo Rocamonde Jefe de Servicio Angiología, Cirugía Vascular y Endovascular HOSPITAL QUIRÓN – CORUÑA Pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS) is associated with pelvic varicosities that result in chronic pelvic pain, especially in the setting of prolonged standing, coitus, menstruation and pregnancy. Although the underlying pathophysiology of pelvic congestion syndrome is unclear, it probably results from a combination of dysfunctional venous valves, retrograde blood flow, venous hypertension, and dilatation. PCS typically affects multiparous women of reproductive age. Most women present with non cyclic lower abdominal or pelvic pain, usually described as a dull ache or fullness that persists for 4- 6 months. Some women with PCS present with minimal tono pelvic pain but instead have progressive hip pain, lower extremity varicose veins, or persistent genital arousal as the sole manifestation. Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) affects approximately one third of all women and accounts for 20% of out patient gynecology We should consider these indications for therapeutic embolization: 1. Symptomatic Pelvic congestion syndrome. 2. Vulvar and atypical varicose veins (posterior thigh, lateral thigh) of the extremities. 3. Recurrence after treatment of low extremity varicose veins. 4. Persistent symptoms after treatment of low extremities varicose veins despite absent vulvar and low extremity varicose veins. On cross-sectional computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, pelvic varicosities appear as dilated, tortuous, tubular structures in the uterine adnexa. Additionally, CT and MR imaging provide complete examination of pelvic anatomy and can identify For most patients, PCS is a treatable disease if diagnosed and treated correctly. The multiple variations in pelvic vein anatomy and pelvic varicosities mandate accurate preinterventional imaging to ensure embolization is effective for symptom relief. Future studies need to focus on creating more 3. Coils deployed until to get an antegrade flow in proximal ovarian vein and deploying coils to approximately 10 cm the junction ovarian-renal vein. The most important features of a coil for pelvic embolization are: a. Controlled release: provides better control and easy repositioning. Fig.4. Right hypogastric vein pretreatment b. Oversize and appropriate length: more effectively and reduces complications. c. Flexible: correct technique for released vein. Fig.2. Left ovarian vein pre-treatment coexisting pathology, such as compressive tumors. Transcatheter embolization of the ovarian veins typically is performed after failed medical management and is increasingly being used as the primary treatment for PCS. Parameters for undergoing embolization include confirmation of pelvic varicosities with venography (fig. 1); the presence of associated CPP or dyspareunia (in the absence of other gynecologic causes); or the presence of severe labial, perineal, or lower extremity varicosities. d. Configuration: 2D and 3D for a correct implant technique. e. Thrombogenic coating fibers: dacron, platinum, hydrogel, polypropylene to facilitate venous occlusion. In the period 2005 - 2014 have treated 61 patients with a mean age of 40.9 years. The right ovarian vein has been treated most frequent failure in 64.7% of cases, bilateral embolization Embolization is carried performed by the sandwich technique mixed, the steps of the technique are (fig. 2,3): Fig.1. Diagnostic venography: confirmation of pelvic varicosities elaborate but strict criteria for diagnosing PCS to improve patient selection and optimize outcome and prevent obliteration of vital collaterals. 2. Polidocanol foam 2% for to close periuterines varicose veins. Imaging studies cannot diagnose PCS but can confirm a distinctive clinical pattern of varicosities that when present in the setting of pelvic symptoms can help identify patients who require further diagnostic work- up. Pelvic ultrasound is usually the first-line imaging modality in patients with suspected PCS. Although both transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound can be used, the transvaginal approach with Doppler evaluation is generally preferred because it provides better visualization of the pelvic venous plexus and allows dynamic examination of blood flow through tortuous pelvic veins. Conclusion 1. Coils deployed in ovarian vein distally of 12 to 20 mm in diameter over 30 to 50 cm in length. 44 Fig.3.Left ovarian vein post-treatment: antegrade flow in proximal ovarian vein. Fig.5. Right hypogastric vein post-treatment was performed in 24.5% and the hypogastric vein in 27.4% (fig. 4,5). Vascular access was the right femoral vein in 51.8% and the right basilica vein in 49.2% of cases. Technically successful ovarian vein embolization was 96.8%. There were no complications. At followup the clinical results obtained were asymptomatic in 65.7%, significant relief in 27.8% and no relief in 6.5% of the cases. At volver al sumario Venography should not be used as the primary imaging mode for diagnosis of PCS but rather reserved for patients who have suspected PCS necessitating intervention based on prior noninvasive imaging or in patients whose noninva- sive imaging is equivocal A discussion with the patient about the positives and neg- 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract In conclusion, PCS is a common condition with significant physical and psychosexual consequences. Diagnosis of reflux PCS is based on doppler ultrasound and venography therapeutic. We suggest treatment of pelvic congestion Actitud general ante la insuficiencia venosa crónica y su afectación pélvica y de miembros inferiores. Javier Leal Monedero Sindrome congestivo pélvico: resultados de 100 casos Hospital Universitario de la Ribera –Alzira –Valencia syndrome and pelvic varices with coil embolization or transcatheter sclerotherapy, used alone or together. The coils used must be controlled release of suitable size and flexible length and with thrombogenic coating fiber. 1. Huang C, Shelkey J, Singh H, Silvis M. Chronic hip pain as a presenting symptom in pelvic congestion syndrome. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2013; 24:753–755. 3. Freedman J, Ganeshan A, Crowe PM. Pelvic congestion syndrome: the role of interventional radiology in the treatment of chronic pelvic pain. Postgrad Med J 2010; 86:704–710. 2. Bora A, Avcu S, Arslan H, Adali E, Bulut.The relation between pelvic varicose vein sand lower extremity venous insufficiency in women with chronic pelvic pain. JBR-BTR 2012; 95: 215–221. 4. Monedero JL, Ezpeleta SZ, Perrin M. Pelvic congestion síndrome can be treated operatively with good long-term results. Phlebology 2012; 27 (Suppl 1):65–73. 5. Asciutto G, AsciuttoKC ,Mumme A,Geier B. Pelvic venous incompetence: reflux patterns and treatment results. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2009; 38:381–386. En el estudio de la Insuficiencia Venosa de Miembros Inferiores (MMII) se ha demostrado que hasta en un 32% de los casos se requiere de una valoración venosa pélvica, al estar afectado también este sector y ser el origen del reflujo a MMII. Si entendemos que el sistema venoso funciona como una red, se comprende que el aumento de presión en sectores superiores conlleva la transmisión, siempre que haya vías, a los sectores inferiores. Es importante evaluar la situación del suelo pélvico en el control de los puntos de fuga a los MMII, pero también es importante el estudio y valoración de los puntos de fuga dependientes de eje de vena iliaca interna a isquiática y MMII, no relacionado directamente con la insuficiencia del suelo pélvico. Si el estudio venoso en MMII no entraña también la valoración de los puntos de fuga pélvicos, y del estado de la pelvis en general, la recidiva varicosa puede surgir hasta en más del 80% de los casos. Esto ocurre no por una repermeabilización de los ejes safenos, sino por los ejes “atípicos” que conectan con los MMII. Se entiende que para evitar estas recidivas, en aquellos casos que se sospeche la presencia de fugas por las características clínicas, se tendrá que incorporar al estudio y evaluación de la Insuficiencia Venosa Crónica de MMII por reflujo el estudio y valoración de los reflujos desde los troncos venosos pélvicos, tanto principales como secundarios. Además, no hay que descartar el estudio de posibles compresiones venosas pélvicas, que también pueden conducir a la aparición de reflujos y fugas hacia los MMII. Objetivo: informado previo a entrar en el estudio. Se realizo flebografía por puncion de la vena femoral derecha mediante anestesia local en todas ellas y cateterizacion selectiva de la venas ovárica izda y derecha asi como de hipogástricas. como incompetencia de las venas, a la presencia de columna liquida en las venas estudiadas tras la maniobra de valsalva ) Pacientes con Flebografia negativa para IVO En el resto de estudios 49 (38%) la flebografía no demostró incompetencia venosa Todos los pacientes con resultado negativo se remitieron a otra especialidad En aquellas pacientes en las que se demostro incompetencia venosa , se realizo una embolizacion selectiva de dichas venas en el mismo procedimiento. Un (48%) de pacientes tenian 2 embarazos Conclusiones: El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer la correlacion entre sindorme pélvico congestivo e insuficiencia de varices ováricas como posible causa del mismo Asi como establecer la relacion entre el numero de embarazos y la presencia de insuficiencia de venas ováricas Material: El síndrome pélvico congestivo (SPC) es una entidad conocida aunque poco estudiada. Este es un estudio prospectivo en el que han tomado parte 95 paciente con 107 exploraciones que fueron seleccionadas de la consulta de Cirugia Vascular Se caracteriza principalmente por Dolor pélvico, pesadez pélvica y dispareunia La edad promedio fue de 42 años (30 a 65 ) y con un promedio de 2.7 hijos Las causas de este síndrome son varias y principalmente , endometriosis, enfermedad pélvica inflamatoria e insuficiencia de venas ováricas (IVO) entre otros. La gran mayoría 88% acudieron quejándose de varices en las extremidades y solo un 12% acudieron directamente por síntomas sugestivos de SPC Se presenta principalmente en mujeres multíparas en una edad aproximada de 40 años Metodos: Introduccion: References En todas las pacientes con sospecha clinica de SPC se obtuvo consentimiento La evaluación de la sintomatología pre y post tratamiento fue hecha mediante una escala visual simple donde 0 fue no dolor y 10 el dolor mas intenso . Resultados: De los 95 pacientes estudiados en 12 se realizo una segunda flebografia por peristencia de la sintomatología dando un total de 107 exploraciones de las cuales un total de 58 (62%) presentaron insuficiencia de las venas de uno o mas ejes venosos pelvicos , (definiendose 45 No cambio en los síntomas pre y post flebografia Un (52%) de paciente tenían 3 o mas embarazos . La mejoría clínica esta directamente relacionada con la embolizacion Pacientes con flebografía positiva para IVO No todos los pacientes con SPC presentan varices pélvicas Sintomas Pre tratamiento Post tratamiento (2meses) 2 Años Dolor pélvico 7.2 4.19 (p-0.00) 1.1(p-0.000) Pesadez pélvica 6.68 4.14 (p-0.00) 2.0(p-0.000) Dispareunia 7.71 4.05 (P-0.00) 3.5(p-0.000) Creemos que la Flebografia es el método de eleccion para estudiar estos pacientes La IVO como causa de SCP es mucho mas alta de lo que se reconoce. volver al sumario mean follow-up of 21 months 93.5% of patients reported symptom relief. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Fausto Passariello Introduction The cure Conservatrice Hémodynamique de l’Insuffisance Veineuse en Ambulatoire (CHIVA)1 can be strategically and tactically modified in order to allow endovenous Office Based CHIVA procedures (OB CHIVA). Here LASER experience is described. Objectives To transfer CHIVA procedures to specialists rooms in a systematic and simplified organization of the working environment, in order to reduce to a minimum the required resources without any change in security2. Material used Ultrasound devices: GE Logiq E and Toshiba Xario, 7.5-13 MHz probes. LASER diode devices: 808 nm Eufoton bare tip fiber. 1470 nm Biolitec radial fiber, both 600 ?. VCSS, Aberdeen and RAND scores. Clinical, ultrasound and survey follow up. Tumescent anaesthesia: Solution and quantity. US guided injection and length of tumescence. Methodology used Venous Mapping was performed as described elsewhere3-5. The caliber and number of the washing and draining tributaries of the saphenous femoral junction (SFJ) were recorded as well the length of the venous closure and the free distance from SFJ. CHIVA crossotomy is a flush ligation of the SFJ which respects all the tributary of the arch. OB CHIVA uses instead the Riobamba Draining Crossotomy (RDC), where Riobamba (Ecuador) is the town where the RDC was firstly performed. The RDC respects one or more tributaries of the arch, using them as washing vessels of the SFJ, while draining vessels have the aim of preserving the caudal GSV trunk. A simplified diagnostic algorithm guides the therapeutic choices, requiring only a quick answer to three simple questions: 1. Is the terminal valve competent/incompetent ? 2. Is the reflux confined to the GSV or deviated towards incompetent GSV tributaries ? 3. In the latter case, is the GSV reflux abolished by the simple digit compression of the tributaries (Reflux elimination test or RET)? The algorithm catches essentially the shunts I, I+ II and III and the subsequent therapy. However, the user is not required to know anything about shunts classification. The target of the therapy is considered the SFJ closure preserving at least one washing vessel, a condition which is described in the X-Paste terminology by the 0,1 decimal code6. However, several different results can be observed, as reported in the PASTE literature7,8. In rare cases a floating thrombus occurs, peripherally or centrally directed, though it has generally no consequences. The indications to the OB CHIVA procedures are the relative contra-indications to the surgical crossotomy. Interventions Actually only a limited and anecdotal experience is available. hemodynamic (closure) immediate result. 13 cases were treated. 6M 7F, aged 47.9 +/- 15.2 yo (32-78yo), 10RT 3LT limbs. Clinical CEAP class was mainly C2 (C1 0, C2 10, C3 0, C4 2, C5 0, C6 1). Long term follow-up The height of the groin was 74.5 +/- 6.1 cm. The height of the first re-entry perforator 36.3 +/14.2 cm. The mid-thigh GSV calibre 7.4 +/- 3.2 mm. The number of washing vessels 2.5 +/- 1.1. Maximum washing calibre 3.3 +/- 1.7 mm. Number of draining vessels 1.9 +/- 0.7. Maximum draining calibre 2.1 +/- 0.5 mm. As to procedures, only LASER was used: 12 cases with 808nm, power 14w, LEED 140 J/cm and 1 case with 1470nm, power 6w, LEED 60 J/cm. The used pullback speed was always 0,1 cm/s. Phlebectomy was associated in 8 cases, while foam ultrasound guided sclerotherapy (FUGS) in 5 cases. Results of the study Only anecdotal results are available. 1 case with clinical and ECD follow-up at 5 y, 1 case with clinical/survey follow-up at 4 y. Immediate follow-up The immediate follow-up (1-3 days) is available in all cases and shows good clinical results in the 100% (13/13) of cases, while washing and draining were satisfying in 92% (12/13) of cases. Reflux was present in 3/13 (23%) of cases, but complete incompetence only in 8% (1/13) of cases. Reflux was ascribed to an insufficient administered energy in 2 cases, while in 1 case it was a very light reflux due to the mild incompetence of an arch tributary, used as a washing vessel. One additional case (14 cases in total) was treated with a FUGS RDC of the shorter saphenous vein (SSV) with good clinical and 46 Though only an anecdotal experience is at the moment available, the available obsevations provide useful suggestions. Only 4 patients, including the FUGS SSV treatment had a long term observation. In all examined cases (4/4, 100%) clinical conditions were functionally satisfying, while only 2/4 complained about aesthetical results. One of them complained for matting after FUGS at 1y, 3y and 4y, while the other one for residual tributary varicosities with aesthetic impairment at 5y. No change at 1y was recorded in the case of complete recanalization at 3d, but in an unexplainable manner clinical conditions markedly improved from C6 to C5 at 1y (complete healing of 2 ulcers and ankle circumference decrease of 1 cm). As already remarked, since the beginning it appeared clear that due to technical problems in these cases the administered LASER energy was insufficient. The SSV FUGS case had also a symptomatic pelvic shunt which was not treated at all. After 1y,3y and 4y she still complained for the persistence of the pelvic symptoms, while only a partial refluxing re-canalization was detected by Doppler at 4y with no important hemodynamic impairment. The last case was a GSV Riobamba LASER draining crossotomy (RLDC), planned to be performed with 4 washing vessels and observed with a follow-up at 5y, showing the complete closure of the GSV arch below a small tributary. The closure could be described in XPaste terminology by the 0,001107 decimal code6. The tributary however was lightly incompetent and jumped the GSV closure, transmitting below a low intensity reflux and feeding only some aesthetical tributary veins in the leg. GSV was totally occluded for 9.5 cm and a partial closure was present distally for a total of 15 cm, GSV being therefore patent for a great part of its length. Apart from the peripheral light reflux jump, this case is a good example of long term closure. Discussion Data are not sufficient for a reliable analysis, but it could be concluded that the greater the number of the washing vessels, the greater the probability of having a jumping and refluxing parallel channel. As the strategy isn’t still well established, it could be useful to reduce the procedure to a planned minimum, delaying phlebectomies and FUGS to a second moment. The X-Paste terminology should be used as much as possible in order to increase our knowledge of the GSV/SSV stump evolution. In the same way, X-PASTE can describe also the distal behaviour. Finally, it could be interesting to record the length of the patent GSV, i.e. not involved in the saphenous closure, in order to measure the re-usability of the trunk for any useful future use. Conclusions A clinical protocol was designed in order to simplify diagnostic and therapeutic procedures3. An OB CHIVA register is actually available to gather cases performed by other groups and it is freely accessible on a specialized website 9,10. Though the OB CHIVA experience is at the moment preliminary and anecdotal, OB CHIVA seems a promising strategy and a simplified organization of CHIVA in a more friendly environment. volver al sumario Chiva strategy can be performed in office based setting –the vasculab experience. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract 1. Franceschi C. Theorie et pratique de la Cure C.H.I.V.A. Theorie et pratique de la Cure (C)onservatrice (H)emodynamique de l' (I)nsuffisance (V)eineuse en (A)mbulatoire. Editions de l'Armancon, Precy-sous-Thyl, 1988. 2. Passariello F. Office Based Chiva (OB Chiva). Acta Phlebol 2011;12:26-7. 3. Passariello F, Ermini S, Cappelli M, Delfrate R, Franceschi C. The office based CHIVA. J Vasc Diagnostics 2013:1:13-20. 4. Comment to: The office based CHIVA, by Passariello F, Ermini S, Cappelli M, Delfrate R, Franceschi C. Veins & Lymphatics. ByblioLab.2013.11. 5. The office based CHIVA. An open access VLAB multicenter research protocol. 6. Passariello F. X-PASTE: A ready-made model for thrombosis evolution in the human. (in press) Presented at the “Hemodyn 2013” Meeting, Napoli, the II Vasculab Conference. Accademia Aeronautica, Pozzuoli, November 7th–9th, 2013. 7. Wright D, Morrison N, Recek C, PassarielloF. Post Ablation Superficial Thrombus Extension (PASTE) into the common femoral vein as a consequence of endovenous ablation of the great saphenous vein.Acta Phlebol 2010;11:59–64. 8. Passariello F. Post ablation superficial thrombus extension (PASTE) as a consequence of endovenous ablation. An up-to-date review. Reviews in Vascular Medicine 2/2014; 2(2): 62–66. 9. Passariello F, Gammuto P. Office based CHIVA: a conceptual variation of CHIVA. The OB CHIVA Survey. Reviews in Vascular Medicine 12/2014; 2(4):123-126. 10. The Office Based CHIVA website, available at the address Accessed April 13th, 2015. Chiva strategy gets better results than conventional varicous surgery Jordi Maeso Lebrun Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona We began with CHIVA (Haemodynamic treatment of venous insufficiency ambulatory) in June 1990. Up to 1995 we used both CHIVA Is the asval technique really overcoming the chiva limitations? Docteur Paul Pittaluga Riviera Veine Institut, Monaco Introduction A mini-invasive surgical approach preserving the saphenous vein has been described for the first time as a “method” in 2005 called the ASVAL (Ambulatory Selective Varices Ablation under Local anesthesia), while the CHIVA cure (French acronym of Cure Hémodynamique de l’Insuffisance Veineuse Ambulatoire) had been described previously by Franceschi at the end of the 1980s. There are two methods sparing the saphenous vein for the treatment of varicose veins with an hemodynamic approach. However these two methods are fundamentally different and we will explain why we think that the ASVAL could be able to overcome the CHIVA limitations. and stripping at the same time. But since 1995, we have not used stripping at all, and we operate on all our patients only by CHIVA. This change was based on better 3-year results, as we reported in 2001. We compared patients who underwent stripping with a group treated by CHIVA, and we had better results in the CHIVA group. When we do CHIVA technique in contrast to stripping and other techniques, we do not destroy the great saphenous vein (GSV). The differences between ASVAL and CHIVA The ASVAL and the CHIVA are both saphenous sparing procedures, based on an hemodynamic approach, which could be confusing for differentiate this two procedures. The therapeutic principle described by Franceschi in 1988 is to improve the hemodynamics of SVN by splitting the column of hydrostatic pressure and disconnecting veno-venous shunts by interrupting the incontinent axes at strategic levels (sapheno-femoral junction, perforator) depending on a precise preoperative Duplex-scan assessment, in order to obtain a system well drained, with low pressure and high flow. In order to summarize the differences between ASVAL and CHIVA: • The CHIVA cure and the ASVAL method are have opposite theoretical foundations and therapeutic principles • CHIVA: does not call into question the descending theory of varicose vein development, treatment is 47 There are many reasons to preserve the saphenous vein: Because there is no scientific reason for saphenous ablation, To achieve a draining system, which can only be done by preserving the GVS Saphenous vein diameter decreases after CHIVA. If we don’t remove it, we can use it to treat other diseases. There are no randomised trials reporting the long-term results of ablative saphenous vein techniques. We have three about CHIVA. I present this randomised trials. Conclusion: We can treat venous insufficiency without eliminating GSV with good results Evidence shows a very good outcome with this technique based on strategic ligations of the saphenous vein in order to create a draining flow from the superficial to the deep, the varicose veins don’t need to be ablated, universal treatment indicated in all cases of superficial venous insufficiency • ASVAL: based on ascending or multifocal evolution theory of the varicose disease from the tributaries towards the saphenous vein, treatment consists on the careful preservation of the entire saphenous vein, with the goal to obtain a reversibility of the saphenous reflux, focused on the treatment of the varicose veins, not possible in all cases of varicose disease. • For the CHIVA that is the hemodynamic disturbance that creates the varicose disease while at the opposite for the ASVAL that is the varicose disease that creates the hemodynamic disturbance. • The CHIVA can be applied in all indications of venous insufficiency from C1 to C6, while the ASVAL has limits in its indications beyond which the saphenous vein has to be treated Why do we defend ASVAL against CHIVA ? The CHIVA partisans argue that the scientific evidences are supporting their theory thanks to the publication of RCTs, which are at the highest level of evidence. Three RCT comparing CHIVA and stripping have been published: Zamboni et al observed that for treatment of patient with a venous ulcer CHIVA led to a higher healing rate (100% vs 96% P<0.02) and a lower recurrence rate (9 vs 38% P<0.05) at 3 years of follow-up. Carandina et al reported at 10 years of follow-up better results for CHIVA for the frequency of varicose veins recurrence (8 vs 35% P<0.0038) Parès et al showed a lower frequency of varicose veins recurrence after CHIVA that after stripping at 5 years of follow-up (31.1% vs 52.7% P<0.001) First of all, we have to notice that all of these studies have been conducted by CHIVA partisans, none of them by independent expert. volver al sumario References 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract In the study of Parès et al all of the stripping have be done under general or epidural anesthesia while the CHIVA cures were performed under local anesthesia, which is a bias for the evaluation of the postoperative side-effects, considered at a secondary endpoint. The most serious limit concerns in both studies the main criterion of evaluation that was the “failure” of the treatment by the assessment of a recurrence. The definition of a failure and a recurrence is totally unclear in this study, mixing clinical recurrences (using the Hobb’s classification) and sub-clinical recurrences (assessed by Duplex scan). Can we combine hemodynamic and ablation techniques? Sergi Bellmunt The controversial nature of the CHIVA cure, as well as its conceptual complexity and difficult execution by non CHIVA experts, can explain the poor results experienced by many surgeons in the late nineties, and why few teams still practice the technique despite after a big initial enthusiasm. Parès said himself in its conclusion that “proper surgical execution [of CHIVA] was guaranteed by the experience of the surgeons—as evidenced by their training as angiologists and vascular surgeons, their years of surgical practice and the volume of patients treated per year. » and « if training in this method is not possible, a properly executed stripping intervention is better than a poorly executed CHIVA intervention ». One can consider that a technique, which is not applicable by the largest part of practitioners, is not a good technique for the treatment of a common disease. The CHIVA supporters promote the preservation of the SV essentially so that it is available for use as arterial bypass material at a later date. But one could question this use because of the ligation of the SV during the CHIVA procedure, leading to a significant frequency of postoperative saphenous thrombosis. The most serious opposition against CHIVA should be against its universal feature. How can it be accepted that a theory asserts explaining all aspect of a such complex disease which is the venous insufficiency, and that a treatment excludes all the other ones affirming to be able to treat all cases of venous insufficiency situation without exception. The CHIVA partisans have founded their assertions on the application of physical laws for which there is no proof of full applicability on the venous system. Even if these physical principles are applicable, the venous system is a chaotic system in which the change of one variable (for example the competence of a perforator) can modify the whole system. It appears very pretentious to assert that CHIVA can represent the whole functioning of the venous system, explains its dysfunctions and offers a unique and unquestionable option for its treatment. At the opposite to CHIVA, the ASVAL method is based on the ascending evolution theory of the venous insufficiency, supported by an increasing number of publications and experts. As the venous disease is progressive, the indications of the ASVAL are limited in accordance with the importance of the saphenous damages. presence of saphenous reflux, may be the first-line treatment apart from the evolved stages, because it is minimally invasive and efficient enough. Therefore the ASVAL doesn’t exclude the other techniques of treatment (stripping, endovenous ablations) that can be indicated depending on the stage of the evolution of the venous disease and the special situation represented by each different cases. Conclusion: No procedure can characterize itself as “radical” with regard to the treatment of varices, probably because of the natural history of varicose disease, whose evolutionary nature differs from patient to patient, thereby calling into question the traditional dogma of the descending evolution, but also the dogmas of CHIVA. Consequently, regardless of the treatment technique, it is logical to contemplate a long-term follow-up for the patients treated for varices, with the adaptation of the procedures and the choice of techniques on a case-by-case basis, with indications defined in function of the hemodynamic pattern, the clinical situation and the patient concerns. The ASVAL has its proper indications and doesn’t exclude the other techniques of treatment while the CHIVA is the only technique applicable in all of the cases of venous insufficiency according to its partisans. Therefore the ASVAL appears much more realistic. Within this context, the choice of a treatment limited to phlebectomy, even in the Introduction Objectives El objetivo del tratamiento CHIVA es eliminar los shunts venovenosos mediante la desconexión de los puntos de fuga, la preservación de la vena safena y el drenaje venoso normal de los tejidos superficiales de la extremidad. CHIVA, entendida como una estrategia, se puede realizar mediante cirugía abierta, como es habitual, o por medio de procedimientos endovasculares como el láser, la radiofrecuencia o la escleroterapia. Estudiar los resultados de la aplicación de una estrategia CHIVA usando técnicas endovasculares para el cierre del punto de fuga. radiofrecuencia endovenosa del tercio proximal de la vena safena. El tratamiento de las varices dependientes se realizó mediante flebectomía y/o fleboesclerosis complementaria. Material used Methodology used Se incluyeron pacientes con insuficiencia ostial de safena interna y/o externa, con varices dependientes e indicación de reparación (C>=2 de la CEAP). A estos pacientes se les realizó cirugía, con estrategia CHIVA, realizando el cierre del punto de fuga (válvula ostial) mediante Estudio de cohortes 48 Despite the absence of RCT, the ASVAL appears more simple to understand and easy to perform by the wide majority of practitioners, while the CHIVA requires a perfect understanding of its conceptual complexity and a very good technical training for its performance. punto de fuga principal, que se mantuvo a lo largo de todo el seguimiento. Conclusions of the study La estrategia CHIVA puede ser aplicada mediante la combinación de diferentes técnicas, entre ellas las endovasculares. Results of the study Se han realizado 37 intervenciones en 34 pacientes y se han seguido durante una media de 12 meses (entre 1 y 38 meses). En el 100% de los pacientes se logró un cierre del volver al sumario Concerning the paper of Carandina there are some important bias concerning the randomization procedure: among the 180 patients matching the criteria of inclusion, 30 patients have been excluded because of a refusal to be included in the stripping group, while none of the patient refused to be included in the CHIVA group. In addition the same teams did not treat the two groups and the number of patients lost for follow up was significantly higher in the stripping group than in the CHIVA group (28% vs 6%). 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Alun H. Davies Figure 1: Scierosant being aerated via the Tessari technique Introduction Chronic venous disease is a highly prevalent condition in the Western World. Reported prevalence figures estimate that 80% of the population displays evidence of venous disease, with approximately 1/3 suffering from varicose veins[1]. Venous disease is not only highly prevalent, but also has a significant impact on patients’ quality of life. Individuals with varicose veins have reduced quality of life scores[2], and there is evidence that the rate of depression is more than double that of the general population[3]. European and US data have estimated the cost of venous disease at approximately 1-2% of the total – health care budget[4], while the UK National Health Service (NHS) spends £400-600 million annually[5]. 2013, have described the role of UGFS in the treatment of patients with varic ose veins. Sclerotherapy Sclerotherapy entails the injection of a chemical sclerosant inside a vein, with the aim of causing localized inflammation and scarring. This can be administered to treat anything from dilated tributaries and major truncal veins to small venules and telangiectasiae. Three kinds of sclerosants exist: chemical, osmotic irritants and detergents. In the United Kingdom detergents are most commonly used (sodium tetradecyl sulphate 1-3% and polydocanol 0.5-3%). Sclerotherapy is now administered in its aerated form, or foam (Figure 1). The decision as to whether a treatment is funded by the NHS or is at the individual’s expense is influenced by a number of factors, including patient and clinician preference, resource provision and local funding. These last two factors rely heavily on clinical guidelines providing evidence – based guidance on the assessment and management of specific health conditions. Complications are uncommon, including allergic reactions and anaphylaxis, DVT (~1%), skin pigmentation and tissue necrosis, particularly in case of extravasation. Neurological complications are rare (<1%) but may be serious, including cerebrovascular accident (CVA), transient ischaemic attack (TIA), visual disturbances and migraines. These are more likely to occur in patients with a rightto-left cardiac shunt[6]. Ultrasound Guided Foam Sclerotherapy (UGFS) is a recognized treatment modality for venous disease. The latest NICE guidelines, published in Historically, sclerotherapy was administered in its liquid form. Over the last 10 years ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy (UGFS) has become the standard of treatment. This has been found to be more effective and equally safe as liquid sclerotherapy for the treatment of truncal disease[7]. Foam enhances the effect of the sclerosant by displacing blood within the vein, maximizing the contact area between sclerosant and vein wall[8], increasing fibrosis and reducing the risk of thrombosis. The advantage of sclerotherapy is that it is a quick procedure, relatively inexpensive, with minimal pain to the patient and a fast recovery time. The UK CLASS[9] trial assessed the cost effectiveness of ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy (UGFS) when compared to endovenous laser ablation (EVLA) or surgery forthe treatment of primary varicose veins. The study recruited 798 participants, who were randomized to the three arms. Surgery was found to be the most expensive treatment modality, particularly due to the overhead costs associated with theatre use. Over a six-month follow-up period, UGFS and EVLA were less expensive compared to surgery. However, UGFS was found to yield less gain in quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), compared to EVLAs The authors extrapolated the trial data over a five-year period; the projected figures showed that at five years EVLA was the most cost 49 The National Institute for Health Research published a systematic review and economic evaluation of minimally invasive techniques to treat varicose veins[10]. The clinical effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness of UGFS, EVLA and RFA were compared to open surgery, liquid sclerotherapy and conservative management. 34 randomized controlled trials were analyzed. The assessment found that differences in terms of clinical outcomes were negligible. However, pain was reduced in UGFS and RFA when compared to open surgery an EVLA, whilst recurrence was reduced in the EVLA and FS groups. FS was found to be very cost effective, whilst quality of life scores were reduced in open surgery. The effectiveness of UGFS has been extensively assessed. A prospective study on 977 patients followed up patients with CEAP class 2-6 disease being treated for primary and/or recurrent truncal disease[11]. This found that UGFS was associated with a low complication and retreatment rate. At a mean follow up of 28 months, 13% of legs required further treatment. Complication rates were low, with a 0.4% incidence of venous thromboembolism and 0.5% having transient neurological disturbance in the form of visual abnormalities. The Cochrane Collaboration evaluated sclerotherapy versus other treatment measures for the treatment of GSV varices. UGFS, EVLT and RFA have all been found to be at least as effective as surgery[12]. No significant differences were identified with regards to treatment failure or recurrence. However, individual studies have suggested that recanalization rates may be higher in UGFS. A randomized controlled trial on 500 patients randomized to EVLT, RFA, foam or surgery revealed a 1-year recanalization rate of 16.3% in the foam group, approximately three times higher than the other cohorts. However, foam and RFA were better tolerated than EVLT and surgery[13]. The effectiveness of sclerotherapy appears to be dependent on the size of the vein to be treated[14, 15] and the presence of distal great saphenous vein reflux[16]. Overall, the evidence suggests that UGFS is a cost effective and appropriate treatment modality for venous disease in selected patients. This is reflected in the NICE guidance on the diagnosis and management of varicose veins, published in July 2013. It provides evidence-based recommendations for the referral and treatment of patients with volver al sumario effective treatment modality, when taking into account the cost to perform it and the qualityadjusted life-years (QALYs) gained. According to the nice guidelines, it is true that sclerotherapy changes the paradigm? 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract national standards for the treatment modalities to be used for these patients. NICE Guidelines 2013[17] The guidance is represented in Table 1. NICE guidance aims to provide healthcare professionals with national, evidence based standards for the diagnosis and management of different disease processes, reducing the heterogeneity of treatment modalities across the country. The updated NICE guidance on the diagnosis and management of the patient with varicose veins covers a number of criteria, including guidance with respect to who should be referred from primary to secondary care and References 1. Beebe-Dimmer, J.L., et al., The epidemiology of chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins. Ann Epidemiol, 2005. 15(3): p. 175-84. 2. Darvall, K.A., et al., Generic healthrelated quality of life is significantly worse in varicose vein patients with lower limb symptoms independent of CEAP clinical grade. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg, 2012. 44(3): p. 341-4. 3. Sritharan, K., T.R. Lane, and A.H. Davies, The burden of depression in patients with symptomatic varicose veins. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg, 2012. 43(4): p. 480-4. 4. Van den Oever, R., et al., Socioeconomic impact of chronic venous insufficiency. An underestimated public health problem. Int Angiol, 1998. 17(3): p. 161-7. Endolaser foam ablation of truncal veins. (Elaf). Carlos Boné Salat Centro de Tratamiento de Venas. C/ Baró de Pinopar nº 7-3ª 07012 Palma de Mallorca. Islas Baleares., Spain. E-mail: The guidance encourages primary care practitioners to refer patients with symptomatic varicose vein disease for early assessment and management, where appropriate. This includes patients with symptoms such as pain, aching, discomfort, swelling, heaviness and itching), skin changes, superficial thrombophlebitis and previous or current ulceration. Patients should be assessed with a venous duplex to assess both the superficial and deep 5. Ruckley, C.V., Socioeconomic impact of chronic venous insufficiency and leg ulcers. Angiology, 1997. 48(1): p. 67-9. 6. Sarvananthan, T., et al., Neurological complications of sclerotherapy for varicose veins. J Vasc Surg, 2012. 55(1): p. 243-51. 7. Rabe, E., et al., Efficacy and safety of great saphenous vein sclerotherapy using standardised polidocanol foam (ESAF): a randomised controlled multicentre clinical trial. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg, 2008. 35(2): p. 238-45. 8. Pannier, F., E. Rabe, and G. for the Guideline, Results from RCTs in Sclerotherapy: European Guidelines for Sclerotherapy in Chronic Venous Disorders*. Phlebology, 2014. 29(1 suppl): p. 39-44. 9. Tassie, E., et al., Cost-effectiveness of ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy, Purpose: With the aim of improving the treatment of truncal (main) varicose veins in a completely ambulatory manner without using local anesthesia, we have initiated a synergistic physicochemical procedure, involving the effect of an sclerosing foam the energy transmitted and released by the laser to the venous endothelium, thereby obtaining with this association the endothelium ablation with a frankly outstanding result. The use of this synergistic venous systems, providing anatomical and haemodynamic data essential to plan intervention. With regards to management, the guidance is very clear. Conservative management, in the form of graded compression therapy, should only be used if interventional treatment is not indicated. Following interventional treatment, they should not be used for more than 7 days. In addition to encouraging early referral, the NICE guidance highlights the importance of minimally invasive tools, such as endothermal ablation (radiofrequency or laser) and endovenous laser ablation or surgery as treatment for primary varicose veins from the randomized CLASS trial. Br J Surg, 2014. 101(12): p. 1532-40. 10. Carroll, C., et al., Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of minimally invasive techniques to manage varicose veins: a systematic review and economic evaluation. Health Technol Assess, 2013. 17(48): p. i-xvi, 1-141. 11. Bradbury, A.W., et al., Ultrasoundguided foam sclerotherapy is a safe and clinically effective treatment for superficial venous reflux. J Vasc Surg, 2010. 52(4): p. 939-45. 12. Nesbitt, C., et al., Endovenous ablation (radiofrequency and laser) and foam sclerotherapy versus open surgery for great saphenous vein varices. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2014. 7: p. CD005624. technique has allowed us to reduce both the concentration of the sclerosing agent and the energy/fluence delivered by the laser, so that we have transformed it on a purely outpatient procedure that can be done in the medical office , without the strict operating room. Materials and methods: We treated 73 patients, 68 females and 5 males with a mean age of 46 years. We have treated 77 incontinent greather 50 UGFS. Conclusion Patients with varicose veins and truncal reflux should be offered endothermal ablation as a first – line therapy to treat the long (LSV) or short saphenous vein (SSV) reflux. Over the last ten years the treatment of venous disease has significantly changed, moving from open surgery to endovenous techniques. Sclerotherapy has retained its role as a safe and effective treatment modality for tributary and truncal disease, particularly in its aerated form. NICE guidance has confirmed its role as a safe and effective alternative to endovenous ablation. This is echoed by the UK Commissioning Guidance Guidelines[18] and the Clinical practice guidelines of the Society for Vascular Surgery[19]. If endovenous ablation is not possible, e.g. in small or tortuous veins, UGFS should be employed. Open surgery, previous considered the “gold standard” intervention for varicose vein surgery, should be the last resort when treating these patients. When necessary, concomitant phlebectomies should be performed to treat tributaries. 13. Rasmussen, L.H., et al., Randomized clinical trial comparing endovenous laser ablation, radiofrequency ablation, foam sclerotherapy and surgical stripping for great saphenous varicose veins. Br J Surg, 2011. 98(8): p. 1079-87. 14. Barrett, J.M., et al., Microfoam ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy treatment for varicose veins in a subgroup with diameters at the junction of 10 mm or greater compared with a subgroup of less than 10 mm. Dermatol Surg, 2004. 30(11): p. 1386-90. 15. Cavezzi, A.F.A.R.S.T.L., Treatment of Varicose Veins by Foam Sclerotherapy: Two Clinical Series. Phlebology, 2002. 17: p. 13-18. 17. Excellence, N.I.f.H.a.C., Varicose veins in the legs. NICE quality standard 67. 2014: p. 1-30. 18. Franklin, I.J., Berridge D., Bradbury A., Davies A., Vaughan M., Evans D., Calam J., Krishna R., Commissioning guide: Varicose Veins. 2013: p. 1-14. 19. Gloviczki, P., et al., The care of patients with varicose veins and associated chronic venous diseases: clinical practice guidelines of the Society for Vascular Surgery and the American Venous Forum. J Vasc Surg, 2011. 53(5 Suppl): p. 2S-48S. 16. Shadid, N., et al., Predictors of recurrence of great saphenous vein reflux following treatment with ultrasoundguided foamsclerotherapy. Phlebology, 2014. saphenous veins and 2 short saphenous veins all with an reflux greater than 1 second and an average dilatation of 13.8 mm. Under ultrasound guidance we have channeled internal saphenous veins with a double lumen catheter positioning the optical fiber tip at 2 cm of the sapheno-femoral and saphenopopliteal junction . We introduced through one of the channels the optical fiber laser and by the other channel we have infiltrated the sclerosing polidocanol foam at 1.5 %, previously prepared with a stopcock or a female-female transfer device. The new process consists in infiltrating 0.3-0.4 cc doses of the sclerosing foam every 1-2 mm and synergistically releasing laser energy at a power of at 1.5-2 watts every millimeter by slowly withdrawing the catheter and the optical fiber. We used only local anesthesia in the access point of the catheter to the saphenous vein. Patients remained with an elastic compression for 2 weeks and analgesia/anti-inflammatory meds if needed. volver al sumario this condition and details the role of UGFS in the treatment of patients with varicose veins. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract The day after the procedure all internal saphenous veins treated were occluded, remaining totally occluded at one year of treatment. The absence of pain during the procedure was the usual; only one patient presented discrete inflammatory signs in the middle third of the thigh. It appears that physico-chemical synergism of foam sclerotherapy and laser action opens a complementary new treatment for truncal varicose veins, without the need of perivenous anesthesia, tumescent and/or truncal, thus becoming a purely outpatient treatment without the need of an strict surgical environment. Key Words: Endolaser, Sclerosing agent, Foam, Synergy, physico-chemical Ablation. Introduction The use of minimally invasive techniques for the treatment of truncal varicose veins has been a major advance in their treatment, becoming a surgical treatment in a less aggressive and purely outpatient procedure. All techniques used nowadays appear to be effective in experienced hands. The practice of Endovenous laser and their results demonstrates its high efficiency. To perform the procedure local anesthesia in several ways is used: perivenous, tumescent and/or truncal. Since the energy released inside the vein and in contact with the vascular endothelium produces a thermal ablation, analgesia-anesthesia is required to proceed correctly. In this new method we use the synergy of two techniques without the need for local anesthesia for ablation of truncal varicose veins and it can be performed at the medical office with the appropriate aseptic precautions. There are no limits in diameter at the level of venous confluents or on their pathway ; in fact the immediate response is perfectly verifiable by ultrasound (venous spasm). This immediate response is achieved with a volume not exceeding 8-10 ml of the sclerosing agent polidocanol microfoam at 1.5% -2% injected and controlled under ultrasound . This allows us to complement the action synergistically with the thermal energy of the laser with a minimum dose, thus not requiring the use of anesthesia and converting this procedure in strictly ambulatory. Without doubt, the synergistic action of these two procedures transform the dynamics of the treatment of varicose veins in a strictly outpatient procedure without requiring anesthesia throughout the venous pathway. Materials and methods From February 2013 to the present 79 truncal veins ( 77 greather saphenous veins and two short saphenous veins ) , have been treated. The mean age was 46 years. The mean diameter of the treated veins was 13.8 mm. All patients were diagnosed and studied with color Doppler ultrasound in orthostatic possition . Reflux in all cases was greater than 1 second. Four patients underwent bilateral treatment. A complete blood test and an EKG study was performed on all patients. The day of the procedure patients were allowed food and liquids without any restriction and no medication was administered before the procedure. All patients signed a written informed consent. The procedure has been practiced at a medical office without sedation and only with local anesthesia exclusively at the point of entry of the catheter and optical fiber. We drew the patient with a permanent marker predominantly on discrete abduction and/or supine position according to Saphenous Vein to treat with ultrasound guidance. Only the entry point of the optical fiber was marked. A double lumen catheter was used. The entry point may be done with Seldinger technique or by dissection, disconnection and introducing the catheter after ligated the vein distal end. We proceed advancing the catheter up to 2 cm of the saphenofemoral junction under ultrasound guidance. Being placed the fiber inside a channel we can see at any time the laser light guide. Only local anesthesia is required at the entry point. For this technique satisfies the requirements for synergy we have used a double system, and treated with a dual lumen catheter through which is inserted first the optical fiber of 400-600 microns and the other channel is reserved for the introduction of the sclerosing agent previously converted to foam by the technique of stopcock or with the use of a female-female bioconector. Nowadays we use a special optical fiber of laser for this purpose. In this way we act at the same time introducing a foam sclerosing agent with ultrasound control, and releasing the laser energy alternatively. The routine is to introduce the sclerosing microfoam and shooting at the same time or 23 seconds after the laser once it is verified the vasospasm and this is performed in a retrograde way. The reaction and the synergistic effects are immediate and we can verify the venous spasm by ultrasound and can notice the crackling action of thermal energy. The big advantage is that no anesthesia is required throughout the course of the vein to be treated. The concentration of the sclerosing agent used is 1.5-2% polidocanol manufacturing the 51 foam with 4-6 ml of the sclerosing agent and 2-3 ml of air. We only need about 8 to 10 ml of soft microfoam / soft foam sufficiently stable to achieve the desired effect (venous spasm). The first and largest desired effect is the above mentioned, because it supposses the endothelial irritation effect, and it is increased and enhanced by the thermal effect of the laser energy in the lumen and/or venous endothelial wall. Energy used was 1.5-2.5 Watt for 3 seconds intermittently and/or continuously, alternating with the administration of the polidocanol foam. We should not forget the effect enhanced by the dual channel. And thus acting in a short period pulses, we obtained truly exceptional results with a 100% occlusion. The procedure takes less than 5 minutes once channeled the vein and inserted the catheter. Total time of the technique took around 30 minutes. In cases of patients with associated tortuous tributary veins, we proceeded in a first step to the introduction of polidocanol microfoam and at the end of the procedure we performed a segmental microsurgery of the greater veins pathways in connection with the saphenous vein. We can leave for a second time the treatment of these veins (R III), whenever necessary. At all times the patient has been controlled by ultrasound showing the positioning of the fiber at 2 cm of the saphenofemoral/popliteal junction, the immediate effect of spasm that occurs when you inject the foam sclerosing agent and also observing the effect of the energy released by the laser. Catheter and fiber retraction has been slow, thus allowing a synergistic effect of sclerosing foam and of the energy released by the laser. These synergistic effects have allowed us to reduce all parameters, quantity and concentration of the sclerosing agent (only 8-10 ml of sclerosing foam) and between 1.5 - 2.5 watts of power, depending on the laser used. For this treatment we have been used Polidocanol 1-2% diluted with saline and mixed with air in a relation of 6 ml of this solution and 3 ml of air. We have used several Lasers 810 -980 – 1740 nm and we found a similar effectiveness. At these small powers we have tested the laser either in the pulsed mode or continuous mode, according to the laser system used. The channeling of the saphenous vein was performed with different catheters: 23 cm catheter5.0Fr, (CookCheck-Flo Performer Introducer September 5F); subsequently double-lumen catheters have been used (BardAccessSystems5 Fand6 F). Conventional optical fibers with rounded tips have been used. Nowadays we use a new optical fiber that allows us to reduce the time and improve the procedure. During the treatment, the patients have tolerated perfectly energy release without showing discomfort at the most warmth sensation. At the end of the treatment a bandage and /or compression stocking was placed and the patient was discharged. Patients were reviewed in a week and at 1month, three and six months. Results For our procedure it seems easier the insertion of the catheter and optical fiber by dissection, after placement of local anesthesia at the entry point, although we have also performed it with the Seldinger technique. The use a new optical fiber to greatly simplified the treatment. It is simple to prepare the foam sclerosing agent 1-2% with either ambient air stopcock or female-female connector. volver al sumario Results: 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract With this proposed method we have been able to reduce the laser energy to 1.5-2 w, compared with the Endolaser usual doses (10-12 w). Time and /or energy release is between 3-5 seconds, millimeter by millimeter and removing the catheter and fiber slowly. We have not used in any case perivenous, tumescent and/or truncal anesthesia, being this one of the great gains of this technique that allows us to perform the procedure in a fully ambulatory way and in a conventional treatment room. In all cases performed we have obtained a 100% of total occlusion. We underline that the tightness that is typically felt (produced) after a week with the conventional Endolaser, has disappeared in 90% of cases. With this technique no bruising References 1. OrbachEj. Sclerotherapy of varicose veins: utilization of intravenous air block. Am J Surg 1944:362-6 2. Cabrera Garrido JR, Cabrera-Olmedo JR, Garcia-Olmedo Dominguez MA. Elargissement des limites de la sclérothérapie: noveaux produits sclérosants. Phlebologie 1997; 50: 1818. 3. Tessari L. Nouvelle technique d´obtention de la sclero-mousse. Phlébologie2000 ; 53:129. Advantages of laser ablation combined with sclerotherapy Dr. Carlos boné salat Flebólogo was produced in any of the cases. We also did not observed cases of paresthesia or numbness. We have observed only one case of discrete inflammation along the venous pathway in the middle 1/3 of the thigh, which was solved with an elastic compression and antiinflammatory drugs. The evolution of this synergistic procedure process is optimistic, because of these preliminary results, although new studies with more patients and a longer period of monitoring are needed to verify the results obtained to date. Discussion Endovenous techniques currently offer a safe and effective solution for the treatment of truncal varicose veins. The need for a preliminary study of the patient with a 4. Boné C. Tratamiento Endoluminal de las varices con láser de diodo. Estudio Preliminar. Revista Patología Vascular. Vol V. Enero 1999. Nº 1:31-39. 5. Navarro L, Mind R, Boné C. Endovenous láser : A New Minimally Invasive Method of Treatment for varicose veins.Preliminary observations using an 810 nm diode laser. Dermatol. Surg. 2001;27:117-122. 6. Navarro L, Boné C. L´energie laser intravenous dans le traitement des troncs veineux variqueux: Rapport sur 97 cas. Editions Phlébologiques Françaises, vol.54,nº3/2001,p.193-200. 1) Utilizar sinergicamente dos tecnicas al mismo tiempo ( endolaser+foam) 2) Por medio de una fibra óptica especial que nos permite: A. Administrar la energia deseada al endotelio vensoso así como la concentracion y volumen deseado de microespuma de esclerosante. Baja dosis y concentracion de foam y baja potencia y fluencia de láser. doppler instrumental diagnosis is unquestionable. The decision to use one technique or another is professional-dependent because both offer the experienced practitioner and the patient an excellent result. Requiring hospital environment sterile anesthesia, sedation etc ... somehow hamper the patient's predisposition to practice any surgical technique, that is why the outpatient techniques offer a real opportunity for patients with this type of pathology . For outpatient treatment, we believe that the current proposal of the synergistic combination of techniques, obviating the use of anesthesia, can be a correct protocol and marks an important turning point in the practice of these procedures. From our point of view we believe that the association of low Endolaser fluence and the synergistic use of low or soft 7. Min RJ, Zimmet SE, Isaacs MN, Forrestal MD. Endovenous laser treatment of the incompetent greater saphenous vein. J Vasc. Interv. Radiol 2001;12:1167-71 8. Boné C. Navarro L. Láser Endovenoso: una nueva técnica mínimamente invasiva para el tratamiento de las varices. ENDOLASER. Anales de Cirugía cardiaca y Vascular. 2001;7(3):184188. 9. Min RJ, Khilnani N, Zimmet SE. Endovenous laser treatment of saphenous vein reflux: long-term results. J Vasc. Interv. Radiol 2003;14:991-6 3) No requiere anestesiar todo el trayecto de la vena por tanto evitamos la anestesia tumescente,perivenosa y/o troncular 4) Transformar todo el procedimiento en un acto puramente ambulatorio que puede afectuarse en consulta medica sin necesidad de ser practicado en quirófano. 5) Reducción importante del tiempo operatorio ( 30 ´) 52 sclerotherapy foam concentration for the treatment of truncal varicose veins without the use of anesthesia, provide a safe and effective outcome for patients. The satisfaction level is very high, in great part due to the ambulatory character of the technique. Conclusions - The synergistic use of an soft sclerosing foam agent and the release of laser energy into the incompetent vein shows: an initial vasospasm followed by a controlled ablative action of the laser, achieving a reduction in diameter of the treated vein and the resulting ablation and subsequent fibrosis of the vessel, without the need for local anesthesia. - Occlusion was obtained virtually in 100% of cases. - This new procedure is a synergistic physicochemical 10. Kabnick L. Outcome of different endovenous laser wavelengths for great saphenous vein ablation. J Vasc. Surg 2006;43:88-93 11. Boné C. Historia y evolución de la aplicación de la técnica del láser endovenoso en el tratamiento de las varices. Angiología 2005;57 ( Supl I ) 527-530. technique, enhancing one to the other, that offers very good results, because with lower laser thermal energy and less amount and concentration of the sclerosing agent, ablation is achieved in the treated vein segment. - The fact of not requiring local anesthesia to practice this technique underlines its minimally invasive nature and therefore can be done in conventional cure rooms. - It is a completely outpatient procedure, safe and effective , so we think it is a technique that can complement existing ones and we consider it extremely practical and we believe it can facilitate the treatment of truncal varicose veins . - Obviously, more cases and longer follow up periods are needed to verify these preliminary results. 13. Frullini A. Fortuna D. Sclérothérapie à la mouse assistée par laser (LAFOS): une nouvelle aproche pour le traitement de l´incompétence des veinessaphènes. Phlébologie 2013,66,1,p.51-54. 14. Boné C. Endolaser Foam Ablation ( ELAF ): Physico-chemical synergy. New outpatient procedure of truncal varicose veins without local anesthesia. Phlébologie 2014,67,1p.26-29 12. Vuylsteke M.E., Mordon S.R. Endovenous laser ablation: a review of mechanisms of action. Ann. Vasc. Surg. 2012;26(3) : 424-433. 6) Evitar los efectos indeseables del tratamiento con foam : inflamación,flebitis química,sclerus intravenoso por tanto no requiere extracción del mismo y por tanto se evitan las hiperpigmentaciones. 7) Evitar los posibles efectos indeseables de la accion del láser: quemaduras y parestesias. 8) No hay limitaciones de diametro 9) Las varices tributarias pueden tratarse con foam y/o flebectomia al mismo tiempo y/o en un segundo tiempo. 10) Creemos que es la técnica que ofrece mejores resultados con un minimo gesto : oclusion del 100%. volver al sumario Proportions are always the same. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Dr. José A. González-Fajardo Servicio de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid. Introducción Durante la última década, numerosos métodos mínimamente invasivos han sido desarrollados para el tratamiento de la insuficiencia venosa de la vena safena. Estos métodos ablativos tienen en común el acceso percutáneo, el empleo de anestesia loco-regional, tiempos quirúrgicos cortos y resultados de seguridad y eficacia satisfactorios. Sin embargo, estas nuevas técnicas endotermales (láser o radiofrecuencia) requieren del empleo de anestesia tumescente, que puede ser fuente de disconfort y complicaciones en el paciente. Recientemente, un nuevo sistema mecánico-químico (Clarivein®) ha aparecido en el arsenal terapéutico de los cirujanos (1, 2). Este método híbrido minimiza los aspectos negativos de la ablación endotermal, al prescindir de la tumescencia anestésica, y combina la aplicación de una escleroterapia ecoguiada, que consigue la oclusión venosa al utilizar un dispersor rotacional (3.500 rpm) dentro de la luz del vaso. Este efecto mecánico de erosión intimal induce un vasoespasmo de la vena y una mayor eficacia del esclerosante al agitar y extender el producto en sus paredes. Aunque los resultados hasta ahora publicados (3) indican una tasa de veno-oclusión superior al 90% y una gran seguridad (no fenómenos tromboembólicos venosos), uno de sus inconvenientes ha sido la aparición ocasional de tromboflebitis superficial, especialmente en aquellos pacientes con una vena safena extrafascial o subdérmica. Sistema clarivein El sistema de veno-oclusión Clarivein® consta de dos partes esenciales: un catéter de infusión, y una empuñadura manual que controla su rotación (Fig. 1). El catéter es flexible, con marcas centimetradas en su superficie, y con una apertura distal por la que se perfunde el esclerosante. Este catéter dispone de un dispersor en su punta que facilita mediante su rotación el daño intimal de la pared venosa y la agitación de la solución perfundida con la sangre. La configuración del dispersor en forma de “palo de golf” ha sido optimizada para permitir la ablación mecánicoquímica de la vena, tratándose de un cable estéril de acero inoxidable que se extiende a lo largo de la luz del catéter. Este catéter debe purgarse con solución salina antes de su uso. Posteriormente, se coloca dentro de la vena a través del introductor de acceso percutáneo, facilitando su navegación hasta la confluencia safeno-femoral o safeno-poplítea con movimientos suaves de giro que permitan su avance por los lagos venosos o trayectos tortuosos de la vena safena. La empuñadura manual contiene una batería de 9V que controla la rotación del cable dispersor. Antes de su uso se debe confirmar que la carga eléctrica es adecuada con el encendido de una luz verde al apretar el gatillo. Una vez que la punta del catéter se posiciona adecuadamente en la vena (2 cm de la unión safeno-femoral para safena interna o en la curva fascial de la safena externa), se conecta al soporte de agarre. Este anclaje es irreversible en el sentido de que no podrá desmontarse de la empuñadura manual de fijación; tan sólo se permitirá su carga o descarga para la fijación de la jeringa con la solución esclerosante. El ensamblaje del catéter es óptimo cuando se escucha un clic de cierre, lo que permitirá la rotación del cable dispersor y la perfusión controlada y manual del fármaco a través del sistema. Sistema de Veno-oclusión Clarivein con sus componentes Detalles técnicos En relación con su empleo clínico, debemos tener en cuenta los siguientes aspectos técnicos: 1. Verificar ecográficamente el tamaño de la vena y su morfología. El sistema no debe emplearse en venas safenas excesivamente tortuosas (que imposibiliten el paso del catéter) o con un diámetro igual o superior a los 20 mm de diámetro, ya que el daño parietal mecánico conseguido por el dispersor rotacional es mínimo. En venas safenas con diámetros superiores a 10 mm es aconsejable la realización de una ligera compresión manual que facilite ese contacto. 2. Además de seleccionar adecuadamente la longitud de catéter (45 o 65 cm), se debe determinar la concentración y volumen del esclerosante en relación con la vena a tratar (longitud y diámetro). Aunque una tabla está disponible para calcular la infusión, en el caso del polidocanol (etoxisclerol al 2%) se recomienda no superar los 8 cm3 y separar la solución en 2 jeringas de 4 cm3. Esto nos facilitará la perfusión manual a través del dispositivo y una distribución homogénea a lo largo de la vena. 3. El empleo de eco-doppler es esencial para la aplicación de este sistema. Los ultrasonidos son necesarios para la canulación eco-guiada de la vena, el posicionamiento 53 adecuado de la punta del catéter y la comprobación al finalizar el procedimiento de que los resultados han sido adecuados, es decir, la oclusión de la vena safena sin que el trombo se extienda a la vena femoral común o vena poplítea. 4. Aunque el producto suele publicitarse de que no necesita anestesia o que ésta queda reducida al punto de canulación, nuestra recomendación es que debe hacerse en condiciones quirúrgicas óptimas y con sedación. No aconsejamos el empleo de anestesia local, ya que induce un vasoespasmo de la vena y la aleja de la superficie cutánea haciendo más difícil su canulación percutánea. La anestesia local debería considerarse si se realiza un pequeño acceso quirúrgico abierto para la introducción del catéter a través de la vena. 5. El catéter debe situarse a 2 cm del cayado safeno y es recomendable iniciar la rotación del dispersor durante unos segundos sin perfundir ninguna solución. Esta maniobra induce un vasoespasmo de la vena, genera mayor daño intimal y minimiza posteriormente que la perfusión de esclerosante alcance el sistema venoso profundo. 6. La técnica de empleo requiere de las dos manos: mientras una de ellas realiza la perfusión del esclerosante y la retirada lenta del catéter (pull-back), la otra debe controlar el posicionamiento de la punta mediante una compresión ligera de la piel. Esta sencilla maniobra nos ayudará a localizar por la vibración cutánea el emplazamiento del dispersor dentro del trayecto varicoso y a distribuir adecuadamente el volumen de esclerosante a lo largo de la vena. 7. El catéter tiene que mantenerse recto y es fundamental tener en mente que toda rotación debe acompañarse de una retirada lenta del sistema (Fig. 2). La rotación del catéter sin perfusión ni pull-back suele atrapar restos valvulares venosos que pueden obstruir el sistema de perfusión, lo que se percibirá en un ruido más rudo del motor y en una mayor dificultad en la infusión manual del esclerosante. Cuando esto ocurra sugerimos que se realice una pequeña tracción para desplazar la punta del catéter a otra zona inferior y si la dificulta en la infusión persiste desmontar y recolocar el catéter en la “pistola” del dispositivo. 8. La realización de un pull-back adecuado (lento y uniforme) es esencial para obtener una venooclusión apropiada. Si la retirada del sistema se realiza rápida, es previsible que los resultados no sean los deseados. La velocidad estimada es de unos 6-7 segundos entre cada marca del catéter. volver al sumario ABlación mecánico-química de la vena safena 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Conclusiones La realización de un pull-back adecuado es esencial para obtener una veno-oclusión óptima. El catéter tiene que mantenerse recto y toda rotación del dispersor debe acompañarse de una retirada lenta del sistema que permita la perfusión uniforme del esclerosante. 9. Cuando se haya perfundido la mitad del volumen de esclerosante (lo que equivaldría aproximadamente a la mitad del catéter, 15-20 cm), se debe retirar el introductor de acceso a la vena a la posición más proximal del catéter, cambiar la jeringa de esclerosante (si fuese necesario) y proseguir la ablación mecánico-química de la vena sin introductor para evitar que el dispersor rotacional quede atrapado en él. El sistema rotacional y de perfusión debe mantenerse hasta la aparición de una marca blanca en el catéter (a 8 cm de la punta), posteriormente puede tratarse unos 2-3 cm adicionales. Besides the product, strategy is also important have revolutionised the management of varicose veins. Procedures are indeed increasingly being carried out as day-cases or even as officebased interventions. Over the past few years, even more products have come onto the market, with the promise of improving the management of the condition even further. Most of them can be separated into being either thermal techniques (TT) or non-thermal, nontumescent (NTNT) technique. R.Boothun, TRA Lane, AHDAVIES Varicose vein disease is a common condition, causing physical symptoms and affecting the quality of life of patients1-5. Treatment has been shown to lead to both improvement in symptoms and quality of life68. The conventional method of treatment has been surgery, but since the turn of the century, newer, less invasive techniques have been introduced and these 10. Por último, es necesario realizar un vendaje compresivo durante al menos las primeras 48 horas. En casos de vena safena extrafascial es recomendable aplicar una compresión específica del trayecto safeno (como un rodillo) sobre la que iría el vendaje elástico general del miembro. El Endothermal Ablation Endothermal techniques have been around for more than a decade and involve the vendaje garantiza que la compresión sea continua y que el paciente no retire la compresión elástica por incomodidad durante ese periodo crítico de veno-oclusión. Posteriormente, se sustituirá por una media elástica de compresión que podrá retirarse durante la noche y que deberá usar en las primeras 2 semanas. Es importante aconsejar al paciente que realice movimientos de dorso-flexión del pie y una movilización precoz transmission of thermal energy, either from a radiofrequency catheter or from a laser diode, to vein wall. Their introduction has transformed the management of varicose veins, so that, both the American Venous Forum (AVF) (USA) and the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) (UK) have recommended endovenous thermal ablation as first line treatment of varicose veins9, 10. Radiofrequency Ablation Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) involves the transmission of heat energy directly from an active electrode to the venous endothelium at a frequency 54 Los estudios hasta ahora publicados son escasos y con pequeño número de pacientes (1-3). Todos parecen coincidir en unas altas tasas de venooclusión al año de tratamiento y la ausencia de complicaciones mayores, especialmente fenómenos tromboembólicos venosos. La simplicidad de este sistema es una de las grandes ventajas frente a los sistemas de ablación endotermal. En términos de calidad de vida (4), parece asociar menor dolor postoperatorio y un retorno más precoz a las actividades laborales o diarias. Uno de sus inconvenientes es la aparición ocasional de tromboflebitis superficial en venas safenas extrafasciales, que suele remitir con tratamiento antiinflamatorio y el uso tópico de cremas heparinoides. Aunque se precisen de estudios a largo plazo para validar sus resultados, esta técnica de ablación mecánico-química debe considerarse como una alternativa eficaz y segura para el tratamiento de la insuficiencia de vena safena. ranging from 200 to 3000 kHz11. Radiofrequency (RF) heats the narrow rim of tissue (<1mm) which is in direct contact with the electrode, while heat transfer to the deeper tissues occurs via conduction. The end result is collagen contraction of the vein wall or thermocoagulation of the vein wall11. Goldman (2000) reported on 10 patients (12 limbs) with GSV incompetence undergoing radiofrequency ablation using a Closure® catheter (VNUS Technologies, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). Following tumescent fluid instillation and catheter device positioning to within 1-2cm from Referencias. 1. Boersma D, Van Eekeren RRJP, Werson DAB, van der Waal RIF, Reijnen MMJP, de Vries JPPM. Mechanochemical endovenous ablation of small saphenous vein insufficiency using the ClariVein device: one-year results of a prospective series. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2013; 45: 299-303. 2. van Eekeren, Ramon R J P, Boersma D, Elias S, Holewijn S, Werson D et al. Endovenous mechanochemical ablation of great saphenous vein incompetence using the ClariVein device: a safety study. J Endovasc Ther 2011; 18: 328-334. 3. Elias S, Lam YL, Wittens CHA. Mechanochemical ablation: status and results. Phlebology 2013; 28 (suppl1): 10-14. 4. Van eekeren RRJP, Boersma D, Konijn V, Vries JPPM, Reijnen MMJP. Postoperative pain and early quality of life after radiofrequency ablation and mechanochemical endovenous ablation of incompetent great saphenous veins. J Vasc Surg 2012; 57: 445-50. the sapheno-femoral junction (SFJ), the RFA generator was activated. Once the catheter had reached 85°C for 30 seconds, the catheter was pulled back at a rate of 3.5cm/min11. At 3 and 6 months, all patients had ablated GSVs and resolution of all their pre-operative symptoms11. A catheter enabling segmental ablation was subsequently introduced (ClosureFast, VNUS Medical Technologies Inc., San Jose, CA, USA) and it offered the possibility of treating truncal veins in segments at a temperature of 120°C during 20-second treatment cycles rather than the pullback method utilised by volver al sumario como prevención de episodios tromboembólicos venosos. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract In a multicentre trial, the same group demonstrated a GSV occlusion rate of 91.9% and rate of absence of reflux of 94.9% at 5 years13. The clinical morbidity as assessed using a Venous Clinical Severity Score (VCSS) improved significantly compared to baseline. Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT) Around the same time, another method to treat varicose veins was initiated. Navarro et al. (2001) described a series of 33 patients (44 legs) with GSV incompetence who underwent laser treatment. The distal tip of the laser fibre was positioned 12cm below the SFJ and tumescent local anaesthetic (lidocaine 0.5% without adrenaline) was infiltrated. Laser energy was delivered at a wavelength of 810nm along the GSV as the laser fibre was slowly pulled back in 3-5mm increments. After a mean followup of 4.2 months, all 40 treated GSV segments were found to be occluded (100%)14. A second study by Proebstle et al. (2002) confirmed the efficacy of EVLT in treating 26 patients (31 limbs) with GSV incompetence15. The technique used was similar to the one from Navarro et al (2001), except that a 940nm laser system was utilised. A complete occlusion rate of 97% was demonstrated up to 28 days after treatment 15. One patient consented to having EVLT as part of his conventional surgery with EVLT administered immediately following ligation of the SFJ, but before stripping. Macroscopic examination of the vein wall revealed reddening, carbonisation or even perforation at those sites where the laser fibre tip was closest to the vein wall during delivery of laser energy. Microscopic examination showed that there was gross vein wall destruction due to direct impact of the laser beam. The durability of the technique was again illustrated in another prospective, non-randomised study of 490 patients (499 limbs)16. The initial follow-up at 1 month showed an occlusion rate of 98% (490 of 499 limbs treated), dropping to 97.5% (310 of 318 legs treated) by year 1 and 93.4% (113 of 121 legs treated) by year 216. Comparison of endothermal methods and their complications The endothermal techniques have been compared and both techniques seem to have similar efficacy in terms of anatomical success and improvement in quality of life (QoL) 17, 18. However, even though it appears that RFA is less painful than EVLT17, 19, there is equivocal evidence as to whether RFA leads to earlier return to normal activities. Both endothermal methods are also associated with a number of complications such as pain, bruising, thrombophlebitis, skin burns, skin pigmentation, nerve damage, deep vein thrombosis and endothermal heat-induced thrombosis (EHIT)20, 21. Foam Sclerotherapy Sclerosing solutions react with endothelium damaging it (endosclerosis) and causing fibrosis (endofibrosis) of the vessel lumen22. Orbach (1944) initially described the so-called ‘air block’ technique23, but after high rates of treatment failures, the 1990s saw the resurgence of sclerotherapy when new methods of transforming liquid sclerosants into foam were described24. Sclerosing agents used as foam displace venous blood and increase endothelial contact, thereby, augmenting their sclerosing power25. One of the most widely used technique to produce foam is the Tessari method, which requires two syringes and a three-way tap and enables the production of a stable and compact foam25. The optimal formulation was found to be one part liquid sclerosant to four parts air25. Evolution of the technique have continued, with the introduction of ultrasound guidance (ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy) or catheter directed foam sclerotherapy for the treatment of truncal veins2628. Two of the most common sclerosing solutions available are sodium tetradecylsulphate (STS) and polidocanol (POL), with foam sclerosants being found to be superior to the liquid version29. The VANISH-2 trial was a randomised, blinded multicentre trial looking at polidocanol endovenous microfoam (PEM) injections to treat GSV incompetence. PEM delivers a low-density sterile polidocanol injectable microfoam from a proprietary canister system38. A very precise ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide (65:35) with low nitrogen content is the gas mixture used in the technique, which allows formation of microfoam with stable bubbles measuring no greater than 500μm. At week 8, the occlusion rate was 83% in the PEM 0.5% group compared to 86% in the 1.0% PEM group38. The efficacy of foam sclerotherapy is somewhere between 72% to 88%18, 30-33. Mechanochemical Ablation The longest data to date following UGFS has been reported by Darvall et al. (2014)34. They described the patient-reported outcomes 5-8 year following treatment with UGFS. Out of the initial 351 patients (479 limbs) treated, 285 (81.2%) attended follow-up a minimum of 5 years later. Using a Kaplan-Meier plot, they estimated the proportion of their cohort requiring retreatment at 5 years to be 15.3%. The same group also demonstrated that, as well as improving the quality of life of patients, UGFS is less painful and leads to earlier return to work compared to surgery3537. 55 Complications associated with UGFS include phlebitis, skin pigmentation, thromboembolism (pulmonary embolus or deep vein thrombosis) as well as neurological symptoms such as migraines, transient ischaemic attacks or visual disturbances30, 39. The occurrence of neurological symptoms have been attributed to the presence of a patent foremen ovale (PFO), a common finding in the population (20-30%)39. The ClariVein® mechanochemical ablation (MOCA) device (Vascular Insights, Madison, CT, USA) combines an endovenous mechanical method using a rotating wire with simultaneous injection of liquid sclerosant40. The wire rotates at 3500 rotations per minute, injuring the venous intima while the sclerosant is infused through an opening close to the catheter tip40. Studies so far have shown MOCA to have a short-term occlusion rate close to 90% and to lead to improved QoL of patients40-43. Moreover, it is apparent that MOCA is also less painful than endothermal methods like RFA even though it is unclear if it leads to earlier return to work/normal activities44, 45. Hopefully, the MARADONA trial (Mechanochemical endovenous Ablation versus RADiOfrequeNcy Ablation in the treatment of primary great saphenous vein incompetence), designed to directly compare the anatomical and clinical success rate of MOCA compared to RFA over 5 years, be able to provide answers as to the long-term efficacy of the technique46. Cyanoacrylate Glue The Sapheon Venaseal Closure System (Sapheon Inc., Santa Rosa, Calif, USA) makes use of cyanoacrylate (CA) glue to treat venous incompetence. N-butyl cyanoacrylate is an adhesive liquid monomeric agent which quickly polymerises and becomes solid when it comes into contact with a solution containing anions (e.g., with the hydroxyl groups in blood)47. This subsequently leads to occlusion, marked inflammatory endothelial response, and, ultimately fibrosis47. The polymerisation of CA has revealed three distinct stages48. The initial phase (phase I) demonstrated a linear rate of increasing tensile forces lasting less than 10 seconds followed by phase II which had a more constant tensile force (lasting up to 1 minute). Polymerisation was, however, not achieved in either phases. A final step (phase III) started at the end of the second phase and was characterised by an exponential rise in the tensile forces which lead to complete polymerisation48. Early studies indicate an occlusion rate of greater than 90%49-51. The VeClose study, a multicentre randomised controlled trial comparing cyanoacrylate embolisation and radiofrequency ablation for refluxing great saphenous veins showed that, at the 3 month point, the occlusion rates was volver al sumario Goldman (2000)11, 12. After percutaneous access was obtained, the 7-cm segmental heating catheter was inserted and positioned between 1-2cm below the sapheno-femoral junction (SFJ). Tumescent fluid was injected to control treatment-related pain, reduce the diameter of the vein being treated and protect surrounding structures from heat damage12. At the initial catheter position close to the SFJ, two 20-second cycles were delivered, with each subsequent segments receiving only one cycle. At the 6 months follow-up, the occlusion rate based on a Kaplan-Meier method was 99.6%12. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Conclusion The management of varicose veins has changed considerably over the past decade. Endothermal techniques are the current gold standard, but the newer NTNT, especially MOCA and cyanoacrylate glue, are attempting to challenge this. Longer term studies of these methods are ongoing and, hopefully, will be able to clarify the respective advantages of each. References: 1.Callam MJ. Epidemiology of varicose veins. The British journal of surgery. 1994; 81: 16773. 2.Evans CJ, Fowkes FG, Ruckley CV and Lee AJ. Prevalence of varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency in men and women in the general population: Edinburgh Vein Study. Journal of epidemiology and community health. 1999; 53: 149-53. 3.Beebe-Dimmer JL, Pfeifer JR, Engle JS and Schottenfeld D. The epidemiology of chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins. Annals of Epidemiology. 2005; 15: 17584. 4.Kurz X, Lamping DL, Kahn SR, et al. Do varicose veins affect quality of life? Results of an international population-based study. J Vasc Surg. 2001; 34: 641-8. 5.Kaplan RM, Criqui MH, Denenberg JO, Bergan J and Fronek A. Quality of life in patients with chronic venous disease: San Diego population study. 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Randomized trial comparing cyanoacrylate embolization and radiofrequency ablation for incompetent great saphenous veins (VeClose). Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2015. volver al sumario 99% for CA and 96% for the RFA group52. The quality of life improvement was similar in both groups. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract liquid content and gasses which were absorbable. As implied by the title, the original microfoam was created in an ad-hoc manner by a beating process which concluded when the foam became stiff, like meringue. Dr David Wright To take the concept to an approvable pharmaceutical product, the characteristics had to be measured, defined and reproducible, the product had to be sterile and then proven to be both safe and effective. VP Medical Affairs, BTG International Injectable microfoam has its origin in Spain having been invented by Dr Juan Cabrera in 1993; the specific characteristics of his ‘microfoam’ were uniform small bubbles with relatively low Is it possible improve tessari´s foam? Enric Roche Clinica Vascular Barcelona, Hospital Universitari Sagrat Cor/General de Catalunya. Barcelona.Spain Introduction All those reasons convinced us to look for a new system which solves those weak points. We had the opportunity to develop a prototype which is useful for making stable and versatile foam with a standardized system. European Guidelines for Sclerotherapy in Chronic Venous Disorders Fidel Fernández Quesada Early studies confirmed effectiveness but also highlighted issues concerning the presence of bubbles in the circulation and the presence of sclerosant on the surface of the bubbles but without clinical side effects. Objectives: The aim of the study was to demonstrate the feasibility of a new system of standardized foam fabrication and its superiority in front of Tessari´s method in terms of stability and versatility. Material and method This method consists in a magnetic stirrer with adjustable speed on which we place a sterile container. Inside the container, there is a rotating piece, which rotates upon actuation of the agitator system. The cover of the receptacle contains a valve, which allows the introduction of sclerosing product and gas. Gas mixture introduction is done by a introducer piece which is split in two parts: one for inject gas and the other for expelling the air. We used 0.5% and 2% Sclerotherapy is a widely used approach for treatment of venous disorders, and possibly increase its use over other techniques because of its good aesthetic results, its low aggressiveness, good tolerance and especially the preference of therapists and patients. Non clinical studies demonstrated in-vitro and invivo that while bubbles persisted in the circulation, bubbles did not contain additional residual polidocanol and that oxygen : carbon dioxide gas mixture was rapidly absorbed such that it did not obstruct the microvasculature, in a rat and also in a large dog model. In a definitive study, 82 patients with patent foramen ovale (PFO) and great saphenous incompetence were treated with Varithena®; 60 patients were shown to have bubbles in the middle cerebral artery during or immediately after treatment. Despite the presence of numerous small bubbles, there Polidocanol (POL) either with atmospheric air or a mixture of O2/CO2 50/50%. The liquid/gas ratio in Tessari’s system was 1cc / 3 cc. Latex free syringes of 10 cc BD brand and B/Braun and 3way stopcock were used (Twenty passes). Foamer system automatically obtained the necessary gas to form the foam. For each foam, the half-life for drainage and the bubble size were measured. Results: Foams obtained by the agitator showed a half-life for drainage of 6.5±3 and 10.6± 3 minutes (IC 95%) for 0.5% and 2% AES respectively. Tessari´s foam presented half-lives of 1.1 ±0.5 min and 2.0 ±0.5 (95 % CI) for 0.5% and 2% respectively. By using the mixed gas (O2/CO2) with POL 2%, half-lives of 2.2±0.5 minutes were obtained In the past two decades, foam sclerotherapy has a prominent role versus the classic liquid treatment, due to several causes, most effectively, be visible sonographically and especially its high acceptance by patients. In 2003 and 2006, in Tegernsee, Germany European Consensus 57 were no neurological adverse events and no subclinical events on diffusion weighted MRI. In the pivotal studies 1 and 2, 511 patients were treated for symptomatic saphenofemoral junction and trunk vein incompetence and visible varicose veins. Primary, secondary and all tertiary endpoints were met with clinical significance (p<0.001). Importantly, the primary and secondary endpoints were patient orientated with reduction in symptoms and improvement in appearance. FDA submission contained data from numerous non clinical studies and 13 clinical studies from 1333 patients demonstrating that Varithena® improved symptoms and appearance. Adverse events were generally mild and expected, overall thromboses were identified in 7.1%, they were generally small and asymptomatic, the most common being extension of thrombus at the saphenofemoral junction. There were no pulmonary emboli diagnosed. FDA approval was granted on 25 November 2013, nearly 14 years after the first clinical study was started. Varithena® is currently marketed commercially in the US and as yet is not approved in any other territory. with the stirring compared to 1.0±0.5 minutes obtained by Tessari’s method. The liquid fraction of the foams prepared with the present method were 0.093 ±0.0009 with 0.5% AES and 0.081 ±0.016 with 2% AES. These fractions correspond to 1/9 and 1/10 ratios. Using O2/CO2 the gas ratio was 1/6 (0.14 ± 0.02). Foams prepared with 2% AES are more stable than those prepared with 0.5%, irrespective of gas and method used. Relative width of 2% foam was greater than 0,5%. Consistently the foams prepared with air are significantly more stable than those prepared with the mixture O2/CO2. Measurements showed that Tessari’s method generates wider bubbles size distributions, resulting in significant populations of oversized bubbles (diameters larger than 150 mm). Therefore Tessari´s foam was more heterogeneous Meeting on Foam Sclerotherapy, was held the first and second Edition of this important consensus, that which represents an important advance in the standardization, dissemination and knowledge of sclerotherapy, indications, risks and techniques. Those consensus are based on the relevant opinions of variuos experts at European level, and contributed fundamentally to the settlement of sclerotherapy as a first line treatment tool in venous disease. Moreover, they have been the basis for a huge number of national consensus and guidelines all over the world. Conclusion This system is useful in manufacturing foam with air as well as with a gas mixture of O2/CO2. It is a versatile system to make foam because it is possible to obtain high quality foams from 0,5% to 2% or higher. The resulting foam is more than five times more stable compared to Tessari´s method when using air and twice when using a mixture of O2/CO2. The higher the concentration of Polidocanol the greater is the stability. The standardization of parameters and ease of manufacture can be useful in offices where sclerotherapy is a common practice. volver al sumario Varithena ® from kitchen to fda approvall 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Guidelines recommendations are graded graded according to the American College of Chest Physicians Task Force recommendations on Grading Strength of Recommendations and Quality of Evidence in Clinical Guidelines Adverse Events: do we have pathophysiological evidences? (Is it safe to perform foam sclerotherapy? 1° Step I. Tessari L*, Cavezzi A**, Izzo M***, Zini F°, M. Tessari°°°, Stefania De Feo****, Daniela GRIGOLATO***** Fanelli R°° * Glauco Bassi Foundation, Trieste, ** Vascular Unit Clinic Stella Maris, S.Benedetto del Tronto, *** Math. Tech. Med. Univ. Studi Ferrara, ° Casa di Cura Città di Parma, Parma, °° Mario Negri Pharmacology Institute, Milan, °°° Studi Tessari Peschiera del Garda.*** Servizio di Cardiologia Casa di Cura Dr. P. Pederzoli Peschiera del Garda Verona Italy ***** Servizio Autonomo di Medicina Nucleare Ospedale Maggiore Borgo Trento Verona Italy Email: Foam sclerotherapy, which started to be diffused ten years ago, radically changed phlebology world; furthermore the usage of duplex guidance and of colour-duplex control of our treatments, led us to assess the pathways and diffusion of the microbubbles of sclerosant foam; as a result a few hypotheses have been formulated on foam bubbles propagation, whereas, in comparison, no studies have been performed on liquid sclerosants from this point of view Several authors highlighted the necessity to study and assess the propagation of the gas microbubbles and/or of the drug within the bubbles in this “modern” sclerotherapy The content of the guidelines provides not only legal support The aim of this study is to highlight: 1- if bubbles and drug are linked or separated in their pathway within the blood stream 2- the possible changes of bubble propagation induced by various therapeutic procedures (such as limb elevation, immobility after the injections, etc.) 3- if labelling the sclerosant drug with labelled technetium (Pertecnetato 99mTCO4-) may be a correct procedure to highlight the pathway and propagation of the sclerosant drug in foam sclerotherapy. A first study with echocardiography has been performed on one patient: the arrival time of the bubbles and their persistence modalities and time within the atrium (after a standardised injection of sclerosant foam) have been monitored and calculated in different time intervals. Four mls of foam (Tessari method) of Polidocanol 0,5%+CO2 O 2 have been injected in the left great saphenous vein and in a right posterior calf tributary; in another case 4 mls of sclerosant foam (Tessari method) of Polidocanol 0.5% + air have been injected in a left posterior calf tributary. Any difference in the bubble movement related to limb elevation, immobilisation-mobilisation has been assessed furthermore. The second study has been performed to assess the possibility to label sclerosant drug/microbubble with label technetium (Pertecnetato 99mTCO4The same patient has been investigated indifferent times as to his pulmonary transit and his captation of the labelled marker within his captation organs (thyroid in the use of a treatment that in many cases can be considered off-label, also is a useful compendium of the indications, contraindications, techniques, studies and monitoring results should be considered when perform sclerotherapy treatments. The aim of the presentation is to in primis, salivary gland, kidneys , stomach, etc.); more in details the following assessment have been performed: 1 - The pathway of FREE 99mTCO42 - The pathway of 99mTCO4within sclerosant foam made with Polidocanol 2% + air 3 - The pathway of 99mTCO4within sclerosant foam made with Polidocanol 2% +CO2 O 2 4 - The pathway of 99mTCO4within sclerosant foam made with Sodium Tetradecylsulfate 1% + CO2 O 2 5 - The pathway of 99mTCO4within sclerosant foam made with Sodium Tetradecylsulfate 1% + air Results The three main outcomes of our studies are summarised below: 1 - By means of echocardiography it is not possible to highlight any link between drug and bubbles 2 - Elevation of the limb and postinjection limb immobility significantly influence the passage of the microbubbles in the blood stream/heart propagation 3 - The labelling of the sclerosant drug with Pertecnetato 99mTCO4is not an adequate procedure to highlight the pathway of the sclerosant drug in foam sclerotherapy; further details will be provided on this part of the studies 4- is absolutely necessary, at this point, apply new study: 2° Step Aims: following to a few in vitro trials which showed sclerosant drug interaction with blood components, this experimental trial was designed 58 highlight and summarize the main aspects of the European Guidelines such as definition of sclerotherapy, indications, contraindications, complications and risks (adverse effects, severe adverse effects), Patient informed consent, diagnosis before sclerotherapy and documentation, management of sclerotherapy of varicose veins (sclerosing agents, liquid and foam sclerotherapy, injection technique and material, ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy, foam production, volumes and concentration) and potsprocedure management to provide a practical resume of most significative aspect of sclerotherapy use in clinical practice. to assess in vivo binding between sodiumtetradecysulfate (STS) drug, which is contained on sclerosant foam (SF) microbubbles, and blood proteins. Conclusions: Patients and Methods: two different groups of patients were submitted to ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy with 3% STS +CO2O2 based SF, which was formed through Tessari method. In group A 4 patients (2 great saphenous vein (GSV), 1 small saphenous vein (SSV), 1 Alcock canal vein (ACV)) had 5 cc injection of SF. Immediately before the injection (T0) and 1’, 5’ and 10’ after the injection blood samples were retrieved from left brachial vein. In group B 5 cc of SF were injected in a varicose tributary of the leg of two patients with GSV incompetence. Immediately before , 1’, 3’, 5’ and 10’ after the injection, blood samples from the homolateral common femoral vein and from left brachial vein were retrieved. Titration of free STS and of total, proteinbound STS (BSTS) were performed by means of a solvent assisted extraction and a molecular filter with a 10KdA cut off (for protein filtration). Results: in group A (brachial vein samples) BSTS (total STS) titration was respectively 0%at T0, 0.5% (GSV and SSV injection) and 8% (ACV injection) after 1’, 5-7% (GSV and SSV) and 37% (ACV) after 5’, 9-21% (GSV and SSV) and 38% (ACV) after 10’. Free STS titration at T0, after 1’, 5’ and 10’ was 0% in all samples. In group B (common femoral vein samples) BSTS (total STS) concentration (μg/ml) at T0, after 1’, 3’, 5’ and 10’ was: 0, 0.568, 13, 24, 6 and 8.67 for the first patient, and 0, 42.9, 18.5, 8.33, 5.43 for the second patient. Free STS titration was 0 (nil) in all samples for both patients. this in vivo study definitely proved that when injecting 3% STS SF in the veins of the lower limbs, blood proteins bind STS of SF microbubbles in less than 1’. More importantly no free (active) STS has been found in common femoral vein and beyond pulmonary circulation. Conversely BSTS (pharmacologically inactive) is tracked throughout the lower limb and central veins circulation. Referencias. Parsi K, Exner T, Connor DE, Herbert A, Ma DD, Joseph JE. Thelytic effects of detergent sclerosants on erythrocytes, platelets,endothelial cells and microparticles are attenuated byalbumin and other plasma components in vitro. Eur J VascEndovasc Surg 2008;36:216e23. Parsi K, Exner T, Connor DE, et alt. In vitro Effects of Detergent Sclerosants on Coagulation, Platelets and Microparticles Eur J VascEndovasc Surg 34,731-740 (2007) Parsi K, Exner T, et alt. In vitro Effects of Detergent Sclerosants on Antitrombotic Mechanism Eur J VascEndovasc Surg 2009 M.R. Watkins Deactivation of Sodium Tetradecyl Sulphate Injection by Blood ProteinsEur J Vasc Endovasc Surg (2011) xx, 1e5 Cavezzi A, Tessari L. Foam sclerotherapy techniques: different gases and methods of preparation, catheter versus direct injection. Phlebology 2009;24:247e51. L. Tessari, P.G. Giorgetti, D Grigolato, May sclerotherapy cause a pulmonary injury? Preliminary results with dynamic scans of the thorax using 99mTc pertecnethate Abstract, XVI World Meeting of the Union Internationale de Phlebologie Montecarlo 31/08/2009 04/09/2009 L. Tessari, P.G. Giorgetti, D Grigolato, A. Vicentini,S DeFeo,Chasing the bubbles and the drug in foam sclerotherapy; Abstract 9th International Congress of Phlebology Duplex Ultrasound and endovenous treatments Bologna, ITALY April 4-5, 2008 H. Milleret, H. Mehier, Foam and Lungs: a scintigraphic study. Abstract and Presentations ACP Tucson 2007 may volver al sumario In 2012, a conference organized by the German Society of Phlebology in Mainz, with the behalf of 22 European Phlebological Societies, gave rise to the appearance of the first European guidelines for clinical practice in sclerotherapy, which has meant a step further (higher legal representation and institutional support). The 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Houman Jalaie La anticoagulación és la única terapéutica basada en la evidencia: ¿los nuevos anticoagulantes son todos iguales? Dr. F. García-Bragado Dalmau. Servicio de Medicina Interna. Hospital Universitario Dr. Josep Trueta. Girona. El objetivo de la anticoagulación en el tratamiento de la trombosis venosa profunda (TVP) es doble; en la fase aguda el objetivo es evitar la progresión del trombo, mientras que en la fase de tratamiento a largo plazo el objetivo es evitar las recurrencias. El tratamiento clásico de la TVP consiste en la utilización de heparina de bajo peso molecular (HBPM) o heparina no fraccionada (HNF) en la fase aguda de tratamiento, por su rápido inicio de acción, seguida de fármacos antivitaminas K (AVK) en las fases de tratamiento a largo plazo y extendido si procede. (1) In this review we evaluated the effect of different suggested factors associate with the outcome after recanalization of chronic venous obstruction (CVO). Hemodynamic factors: Based upon literature no clear suggestions can be made to identify the risk of stent occlusion in association with the hemodynamic effects. However it is evident that ensuring optimal in- and outflow of the stented tract is key in maintaining the patency. Los AVK son unos anticoagulantes eficaces pero tienen múltiples inconvenientes entre los que cabría mencionar la variabilidad de su acción anticoagulante interindividual, por polimorfismos genéticos responsables del 50 al 60% de variabilidad de las dosis necesarias (2), e intraindividual por su interacción con alimentos y con múltiples fármacos (3). Además, su ventana terapéutica es muy estrecha, en un INR (International Normalized Ratio) entre 2 y 3, de manera que cuando el INR es inferior a 2 la incidencia de trombosis aumenta mientras que cuando es superior a 3 lo que aumenta son las hemorragias. Estos inconvenientes obligan en la práctica clínica diaria a que a todos los pacientes anticoagulados con AVK se les deba de monitorizar el INR con la finalidad de ajustar las dosis. Patient selection: Noninvasive imaging modalities are used to divide patients in three subgroups based on the place and extension of postthrombotic changes. Moreover it should be noted that AV fistula in selected patients can reduce the risk of thrombosis or reocclusion. Geometry: Excessive oversizing of the stent and stent compression from outside are considered to be associated with stent occlusion. (7) y muy pronto dispondremos de edoxabán (8), todos ellos inhibidores directos del factor Xa. Todos ellos tienen un inicio y cese de acción rápido; no tienen interacciones con alimentos y muchas menos interacciones con fármacos que los AVK; su acción farmacocinética y farmacodinamica es predecible, lo cual hace que se puedan administrar a dosis fijas y sin necesidad de monitorización y además, los estudios han demostrado que son coste-eficaces. En la tabla nº 1 se exponen las principales diferencias entre los AVK y los NAOD. Los NAOD tienen también algunos inconvenientes. Todos ellos, en diferente grado, tienen eliminación por vía renal lo cual Additionally, overlapping rigid stents, unnatural angel between stents and in-stent kinking are other geometrical factors related to worse outcome after venous recanalization. Anticoagulation: Result: impaired inflow or outflow, presence of a hypercoagulability, total number of treated segments and use of stents designed for implantation in arterial system are associated with decreased stent patency. Adequate peri-and postoperative anticoagulation has a crutial role in stent patency. There is no data regarding the duration of anticoagulation therapy and recommendations vary between 6 weeks to 6 months. implica que cuando hay insuficiencia renal el área bajo la curva aumenta. Su uso está contraindicado en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en estadio 4 y 5, mientras que en aquellos en estadio 3 se aconseja reducir la dosis. Una recomendación fuerte es calcular el filtrado glomerular antes de prescribir un NAOD y periódicamente mientras el paciente continúe en tratamiento. Otro inconveniente es que no disponemos en condiciones de práctica clínica habitual de pruebas de laboratorio que nos informen del nivel de anticoagulación. Las pruebas de las que disponemos tienen únicamente un valor cualitativo. Para dabigatran existen ya pruebas con muy buena correlación entre los niveles del fármaco y el grado de anticoagulación, como son el tiempo de ecarina o el tiempo de trombina diluido [Hemoclot]; mientras que para los inhibidores del factor Xa pronto dispondremos de test cromogénicos. Otro inconveniente es que actualmente no disponemos de antídotos específicos; si bien, están en fase de desarrollo muy avanzado (9,10) y pronto dispondremos de ellos. Sin embargo, este inconveniente desde mi modesto punto de vista se ha magnificado ya que la realidad es que para revertir el efecto de los AVK con vitamina K se tarda de 12 a 24 horas, y este es el tiempo de vida media de los NAOD; así ante un paciente anticoagulado con AVK Los nuevos anticoagulantes orales de acción directa (NAOD) van dirigidos contra una única diana de los factores de la coagulación. El ximelagatran fue la prueba de eficacia de que un único inhibidor de un factor de la coagulación era eficaz (4), si bien hubo de retirarse por problemas de hepatotoxicidad. Hoy disponemos ya de tres NAOD, el dabigatran etexilato (5) un inhibidor directo del factor II; el rivaroxabán (6), el apixabán volver al sumario What predicts outcome after recanalization of chronic venous obstruction: hemodynamic factors, stent geometry, patient selection, anticoagulation orother factors? 59 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Finalmente, el principal inconveniente para su uso es el precio; si bien las agencias reguladoras, a la luz de los ensayos clínicos, han autorizado su comercialización, los agentes proveedores han puesto muchísimas restricciones para poder utilizarlos. Los cuatro NAOD se han estudiado en ensayos en fase 3 para evaluar su eficacia y seguridad en el tratamiento de la enfermedad tromboembólica venosa (ETV) (TVP) o embolia pulmonar (EP). En todos ellos la variable principal de eficacia fue la ETV recurrente o la muerte por ETV mientras que la variable principal de seguridad fueron la hemorragia mayor (HM) en los de apixabán y edoxabán y una variable compuesta de HM más hemorragia no mayor pero clínicamente relevante (HCR) en los de dabigatran y rivaroxabán. En todos ellos el comparador fue el tratamiento convencional con HBPM seguido de AVK con un INR entre 2 y 3 y en todos ellos se excluyeron a los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica estadio 4 o 5. Dabigatran se estudió en dos ensayos, RE-COVER (11) (n = 2.553) y RE-COVER II (12) (n = 2.554); doble ciego, en los que los pacientes tras recibir un mínimo de 5 días de enoxaparina eran aleatorizados a recibir dabigatran 150 mg/12h o warfarina durante 6 meses. Un análisis agrupado de los datos de los dos ensayos (13) mostró que en cuanto a la eficacia dabigatran no fue inferior (HR 1.09; IC 95% 0.76 – 1.57) y si mostró superioridad en la seguridad ya que si bien en la tasa de HM no hubo diferencias desde la aleatorización, si las hubo en la fase de tratamiento oral doble ciego (HR: 0.60; IC 95%: 0.36 – 0.99) y la tasa de cualquier hemorragia fue significativamente inferior con dabigatran (HR: 0.70; IC 95%: 0.61 – 0.79). Dabigatran se evaluó también en el tratamiento extendido de la ETV en dos ensayos (14), el estudio REMEDY (n = 2.856) de no inferioridad, aleatorizado, doble ciego y doble simulación y comparado con warfarina; y el RE-SONATE (n = 1.343) de superioridad, doble ciego comparado con placebo. En ambos estudios los pacientes fueron aleatorizados tras haber recibido un tratamiento estándar por un episodio de ETV y la dosis de dabigatran fue de 150 mg/12h. Dabigatran mostró no inferioridad frente a warfarina para la prevención de recurrencias (HR: 1.47; IC 95%: 0.80 – 2.68) y mostró una mayor seguridad con una tendencia a y una menor tasa de HM (HR:0.52; IC95%: 0.27-1.02) y superioridad significativa en la variable de HM + HCR (HR:0.54; IC95%: 0.41-0.71); mientras que, comparado con placebo y como es lógico dabigatran mostró una mayor eficacia con una reducción del riesgo relativo del 92% (HR:0.08; IC95%: 0.020.25), sin diferencias significativas en la tasa de HM (HR: 1.0 IC95%: 0.00-1.0). Rivaroxabán se estudió en dos grandes ensayos en fase 3, el EINSTEIN – DVT (15) (n = 3.449) y el EINSTEIN – EP (16) (n = 4.832); los dos fueron abiertos y los pacientes aleatorizados a recibir rivaroxabán (15 mg/12 h durante 3 semanas seguidos de 20 mg/24h) o enoxaparina y AVK durante 3, 6 o 12 meses a criterio del investigador. El análisis de los datos agrupados de ambos estudios (17) con un total de 8.281 pacientes mostró que con relación a la eficacia rivaroxabán mostró no inferioridad (HR 0.87; IC 95%:0.66-1.19); tampoco hubo diferencias en la variable compuesta de seguridad de HM más HCR (HR:0.93; IC 95%:0.81-1.06), pero sí mostró una significativa superioridad sobre el tratamiento convencional en la variable de HM (HR:0.54; IC 95%:0.37 – 0.79, p=0.0018). Rivaroxabán se evaluó también en un estudio doble ciego comparado con placebo de extensión en el que 1.197 pacientes, después de haber recibido tratamiento estándar por un episodio de ETV fueron aleatorizados a recibir rivaroxaban 20 mg/24h o placebo durante 6 o 12 meses; el estudio EINSTEIN-EXT (15). Como es lógico, rivaroxabán mostró una eficacia superior al placebo (HR: 0.18; IC 95%:0.090.39, p<0.001); mientras que las HM sucedieron en el 0.7% (4 pacientes) de los que fueron tratados con rivaroxabán y en ninguno de los tratados con placebo. Apixabán se evaluó en el ensayo en fase 3 AMPLIFY (18) en el que 5.244 pacientes con TVP o EP fueron aleatorizados a recibir apixabán (10 mg/12h durante una semana seguida de 5 mg/12h) o tratamiento convencional con enoxaparina 60 warfarina durante 6 meses. Apixabán mostró no inferioridad en la eficacia (RR: 0.84; IC 95%:0.60-1.18); mientras que mostró superioridad en la seguridad, tanto en la variable de HM (RR: 0.31; IC 95% 0.170.55, p=0.001) como en la variable compuesta de HM más HCR (RR: 0.44; IC 95%: 0.360.55, p<0.001). Apixabán se evaluó también en un estudio de extensión, el AMPLIFY-EXT (19) en el que 2.486 pacientes, después de haber recibido tratamiento por un episodio de ETV, fueron aleatorizados a recibir en doble ciego apixabán 5mg/12h, apixabán 2,5 mg/12h o placebo durante 12 meses. Ambas dosis de apixabán mostraron una eficacia superior frente a placebo [5 mg/12h (RR:0.36; IC 95% 0.25-0.53); 2,5 mg/12h (RR:0.33; IC 95%:0.22-0.48); mientras que con relación a la seguridad no hubo diferencias frente a placebo con ambas dosis de apixabán, ni en las HM [5 mg/12h (RR:0.25; IC 95%:0.032.24); 2,5 mg/12h (RR:0.49; IC 95%:0.09-2.64)] ni en la variable compuesta de HM más HCR [5 mg/12h (RR:1.62; IC 95%:0.922-73); 2,5 mg/12h (RR:1.20; IC 95%:0.69-2.10). El último NAOD en ser evaluado ha sido edoxabán en el ensayo en fase 3 HOKUSAI (20) en el que un total de 8.240 pacientes (4.921 con TVP y 3.319 con EP) volver al sumario y una hemorragia grave no nos queda más remedio que utilizar factores procoagulantes endovenosos al igual que se hace en los anticoagulados con los NOAD. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Recientemente van Es y col (21) publicaron los resultados de un metanálisis de los 6 ensayos en fase 3 de los NAOD, con un total Bibliografia. 1.- Kearon C, Akl EA, Comerota AJ et al. American College of Chest Physicians. Antithrombotic therapy for VTE disease. Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis. 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest 2012;14(2)(suppl):e419S-e494S. 2.- Carlquist J F, Anderson JL. Using pharmacogenetics in real time to guide warfarin initiation: a clinician update. Circulation 2011; 124:2554-2559. 3.- Holbrook A, Pereira JA, Labiris R, McDonald H, Douketis JD, Crowther M et al. Systematic overview of warfarin and its drug and food interactions. Arch. Intern. Med. 2005;165:1096-1106. 4.- Olsson SB. Executive steering committee of the SPORTIF III Investigators. Stroke prevention with the oral direct thrombin inhibitor ximelagatran compared El tratamiento intervencionista de la trombosis venosa aguda no supone una ventaja ante el tratamiento médico Pascual Lozano El tratamiento médico convencional de la trombosis venosa profunda (TVP) con anticoagulantes, ha demostrado prevenir de forma efectiva la extensión del trombo y disminuir la tasa de recurrencia de la TVP de 27.023 pacientes, 13.512 tratados con NAOD y 13.511 con AVK. En cuanto a la variable de eficacia, en el análisis agrupado los NAOD mostraron una no inferioridad en comparación con los AVK; sin embargo los NAOD mostraron superioridad frente a los AVK, con una reducción significativa del 39% en la tasa de hemorragias mayores (RR: 0.61; IC 95%: 0.45-0.83). De forma paralela se mostraron también superiores en las variables de hemorragias intracraneales y hemorragias fatales con una reducción del 63% (RR: 0.37; with warfarin in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Randomized controlled trial. Lancet 2003;362:1691-1698. 5.- Sanford M, Plosker G. Dabigatran etexilate. Drugs. 2008;68:1699-1709. 6.- Perzborn A, Rohering S, Straub A, Kubitza D, Mueck W, Laux V. Rivaroxaban: a new oral factor Xa inhibitor. Artherioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 2010; 30:376-381. 7.- Watson J, Whiteside G, Perry C. Apixaban. First global approval. Drugs. 2011;71:2079-2089. 8.- Camm AJ, Bounameaux H. Edoxaban: a new oral direct factor Xa inhibitor. Drugs. 2011; 71:1503-1526. 9.- Schiele F, van Ryn J, Canada K, Newsome C, Sepulveda E, Park J et al. A specific antidote for dabigatran: functional and structural characterization. Blood. 2013;121:3554-3562. (1). Sin embargo, no disuelve el trombo, por lo que hasta un 50% de los pacientes desarrollarán a medio plazo el denominado síndrome postrombótico con dolor edema, cambios cutáneos y ulceración en los casos más graves. Los pacientes con TVP iliaca o femoral son los que más riesgo tienen de desarrollar síndrome postrombótico, así, los tratamientos que eliminan el trombo de forma activa en estos pacientes son atractivos ya que teóricamente, reducirán el riesgo de síndrome postrombótico. En los últimos años han comenzado a aparecer publicaciones sobre el tratamiento con trombolisis IC 95%:0.21-0.68) y del 64% (RR: 0.36; IC 95%:0.15-0.84). En cambio en las variables de hemorragias mayores gastrointestinales y hemorragias no mayores pero clínicamente no relevantes no hubo diferencias significativas con los AVK. El beneficio clínico neto, definido como la variable compuesta del primer episodio de un acontecimiento relevante (recurrencia de ETV, muerte por ETV o hemorragia mayor) fue más favorable en los tratados con NAOD (3,2%) que en los tratados con AVK (4.%) 10.- Portola Pharmaceuticals. Andexanet alfa in healthy volunteers who received the factor Xa inhibitor apixaban. ISTH Congress. October 14 2013. San Francisco. 11.- Schulman S, Kearon C, Kakkar AK, Mismetti P, Schellong S, Eriksson H et al. RE-COVER Study group. Dabigatran versus warfarin in the treatment of acute venous thromboembolism. N. Engl. J. Med. 2009;361:2342-2352. 12.- Schulman S, Kakkar AK, Schellong S, Goldhaber SZ, Eriksson H, Mismetti P. et al. A randomized trial of dabigatran versus warfarin in the treatment of venous thromboembolism (RE-COVER II). ASH Annual Meeting. Abstract. Blood 2011;118:205 13.- Schulman S, Kakkar AK, Goldhaber SZ, Schellong S, Eriksson H, Mismetti P et al. Treatment of acute venous thromboembolism with dabigatran or warfarin a pooled analysis. Circulation 2014;129:764-772. química o mecánica o combinada, en los pacientes con TVP proximal (ilio-femoral). En estos estudios se pone de manifiesto que la trombolisis puede reducir la incidencia de síndrome postrombótico, de obstrucción venosa y del reflujo venoso, sin embargo en estos estudios, datos como la mortalidad, la tasa de embolismo pulmonar, la tasa de hemorragias es más difícil de encontrar ya que la calidad de la evidencia de estos estudios es baja, la mayoría son estudios observacionales, con pocos pacientes y sin cohortes de comparación y con muchas pérdidas de seguimiento (2). 61 El análisis de subgrupos, pacientes con peso > a 100 Kg y aquellos con un aclaramiento entre 30 – 49 ml/min fueron consistentes con los resultados globales de eficacia; mientras que en los subgrupos de aquellos con edad > a 75 años y en los pacientes con cáncer los NAOD mostraron una eficacia superior a los AVK. Para finalizar y formulando la pregunta que da título a esta presentación, ¿son todos los NAOD iguales? La respuesta es sí y no. En cuanto a la eficacia la respuesta es sí, todos ellos mostraron no inferioridad frente 14.- Schulman S, Kearon C, Kakkar AK, Schellong S, Eriksson H, Branstra D et al. Extended use of dabigatran, warfarin or placebo in venous thromboembolism. REMEDY and RE-SONATE trial Investigators. N. Engl. J. Med. 2013;368:709-718. 15.- The EINSTEIN – DVT Investigators. Oral rivaroxaban for symptomatic venous thromboembolism. N. Engl. J. Med. 2010;363:2499-2510. 16.- The EINSTEIN – PE Investigators. Oral rivaroxaban for the treatment of symptomatic pulmonary embolism. N. Engl. J. Med. 2012;366:1287-1297. 17.- Büller HR on behalf of the EINSTEIN Investigators. Oral rivaroxaban for the treatment of symptomatic venous thromboembolism: a pooled analysis of the EINSTEIN-DVT and EINSTEIN-PE studies. Abstract 20. 54th ASH Annual Meeting. December 2012. Atlanta GA. En un estudio observacional recientemente publicado y que incluía a más de 90.000 pacientes hospitalizados y con TVP (3), sólo a un 4% de estos pacientes se les realizó trombolisis. La trombolisis, en estos pacientes, no aumenta la mortalidad hospitalaria comparada con la anticoagulación aislada. Sin embargo la tasa de complicaciones, sí aumenta de forma significativa: tasas de trasfusión de hemoderivados, de embolia pulmonar, de hemorragia intracraneal, y la necesidad de colocación de filtro de vena cava. Por lo tanto en la actualidad no disponemos de a los AVK en los ensayos pivótales y en el metanálisis de van Es (21) no hubo evidencia de heterogeneidad (I2 = 0%). Sin embargo, por lo que hace referencia a la seguridad o hemorragias la respuesta es no, y la heterogeneidad fue notable en el análisis de hemorragias mayores, hemorragias mayores gastrointestinales y hemorragias no mayores pero clínicamente relevantes (I2 = 51% al 85%). En la variable de hemorragias mayores únicamente apixabán y rivaroxabán en el ensayo Einstein – PE (16) mostraron superioridad sobre los AVK. 18.- Agnelli G, Büller HR, Cohen A, Curto M, Gallus AS, Johnson M et al. Oral apixaban for the treatment of acute venous thromboembolism. N. Engl. J. Med. 2013;369:799-808. 19.- Agnelli G, Büller HR, Cohen A, Curto M, Gallus AS, Johnson M et al for the AMPLIFIFY – EXT Investigators. Apixaban for extended treatment of venous thromboembolism. N. Engl. J. Med. 2013;368:699-708. 20.- The HOKUSAI – VTE Investigators. Edoxaban versus warfarin for the treatment of symptomatic venous thromboembolism. N. Engl. J. Med. 2013;369:1406-1415. 21.- van Es N, Coppens M, Schulman S, Middeldorp S, Büller HR. Direct oral anticoagulants compared with vitamin K antagonists for acute venous thromboembolism: evidence for phase 3 trials. Blood 2014;124:1968-1975. ninguna evidencia que demuestre que la trombolisis sea igual o superior a la anticoagulación. Bibliografia. 1. Mannucci PM, Poller L. Venous thrombosis and anticoagulant therapy. Br J Haematol 2001;114:258-70 2. Casey ET, Murad MH, ZumaetaGarcia M et al. Treatment of acute iliofemoral vein thrombosis. J Vasc Surg 2012;55:1463-73 3. Bashir R, Zack C, Zhao H, Comerota AJ, Bove AA. Comparative outcomes of catheter-directed thrombolysis plus anticoagulation vs anticoagulation alone to treat lower-extremity proximal deep vein thrombosis. JAMA Intern Med 2014;174:1494-501 volver al sumario fueron aleatorizados, tras recibir un mínimo de 5 días de enoxaparina, a recibir edoxabán 60 mg/24h o 30 mg/24h en aquellos pacientes con un peso inferior a 60 Kg o un aclaramiento de creatinina entre 30 y 50 ml/min o warfarina. Edoxabán se mostró no inferior en la eficacia (HR: 0.89; IC 95%:0.70-1.13) mientras que mostró superioridad en la seguridad (HR: 0.81; IC 95%:0.71-0.94, p=0.004). volver al sumario 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Sesión 14 La oclusión de rama es una complicación preocupante: ¿Cómo podemos prevenirla? Andrés Fajardo El reparo endovascular de aneurismas de la aorta abdominal se ha llevado a cabo por mas de 20 años . Una de las principales complicaciones reportadas, es la oclusión de las ramas iliacas. Esto lleva a múltiples procedimientos secundarios, aumentando el costo para el sistema de salud. El porcentaje reportado es variable de acuerdo a la fuente de información. Este es de 0 a 7% para la mayoría de las prótesis. Hay múltiples reportes en la literatura que analizan la incidencia y el reporte de esta complicación, así como los factores que inciden y ponen al Evar vs open repair for ruptured aaas: The recent randomized trials do not help Frank J. Veith, MD Although some vascular surgeons are convinced that EVAR is superior to open repair for the treatment of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (RAAAs), the issue remains controversial. The nay-sayers for the superiority of EVAR in this setting claim that all data showing superior outcomes for EVAR are flawed by patient selection, and they demand level 1 evidence from randomized comparisons of EVAR and open repair. CELA-SITE Sesión 14 / CELA SITE Session 14 TEMAS CLAVE EN EL TRATAMIENTO ENDOVASCULAR DE LOS AAA KEY ISSUES IN ENDOVASCULAR TREATMENT OF AAA Moderador / Moderator R. Greenhalgh Panelistas / Panellists R. Aun, R. Mertens paciente en riesgo de la oclusión de la rama. Publicaciones de Oshwin, Carrocio y Conway, identificaron el despliegue de la rama iliaca en la arteria iliaca externa como un factor de riesgo para la trombosis de la rama. Hay evidencia conflictiva en cuanto al uso de stents autoexplandibles como prevención para la trombosis de la extensión iliaca. De importancia clínica, también se ha reportado que si la trombosis de la rama se produce en la iliaca externa en vez de la iliaca común, hay un riesgo mayor de amputación. También hay artículos que asocian el uso de dispositivos de primera generación con un aumento en la incidencia de la trombosis de la rama iliaca. Sin embrago, también podría haber un aumento de trombosis de rama en los dispositivos que se presenten con un bajo perfil, dado a que se podrían tratar arterias con mayor enfermedad ateroesclerótica y con menor diámetro. El registro ENGAGE, documento una incidencia de trombosis de la rama iliaca de 3.4% en la prótesis Endurant, lo que disminuye un poco el temor de un Three such randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have recently published or presented their results: the AJAX or Amsterdam (Dutch) trial1 , the ECAR or French trial2 and the IMPROVE or UK trial3. All three trials concluded that 30day mortality outcomes after EVAR are no better than those after open repair. However, in these three trials this conclusion is rendered unjustified or misleading because of serious flaws or misinterpretation of the trial data. Let us examine the specifics. The AJAX and ECAR trials randomized small numbers (116,107) of patients and had the serious flaw of excluding hypotensive or unstable RAAA patients. Such high risk patients are precisely the ones who are most likely to have better outcomes with EVAR than with open repair. Therefore, exclusion of these high risk patients precludes these trials from 63 aumento de riesgo con prótesis de bajo perfil. Este registro también asocio la incidencia de la oclusión de la rama a extensión hacia a arteria iliaca eterna, diámetro de la iliaca externa menor de 10 mm, diámetro del aneurisma menor de 59 mm y una deformación en la prótesis(kink). En caso de enfermedad de la arteria femoral común y de la arterias iliacas distales al sitio de sellado de la rama iliaca, esta se asocia con un aumento de la trombosis de la extensión iliaca. Por lo que una corrección de la enfermedad aterosclerótica podría ayudar a disminuir el riesgo de trombosis. Una revisión mas reciente de los factores que predisponen a la oclusión de la rama iliaca fue publicada este año por Mantas et al. En esta estudio de 439 pacientes se demostró una trombosis de rama de 4%, usando diferentes endoprotesis. Los factores que se asociaron a un aumento de la incidencia de esta complicación, fueron una angulación en las arterias iliacas mayor a 60 grados, calcificación superior al 50% y una sobredimensión de la prótesis con respecto al diámetro de la arteria iliaca mayor a 15 por ciento. demonstrating the advantage EVAR might have in the overall population of patients with RAAAs. In addition, both these trials may have used, in a suboptimal fashion, 3 adjuncts generally believed to improve EVAR outcomes. Better usage of fluid restriction (hypotensive hemostasis), supra-aortic balloon control and open abdomen treatment of abdominal compartment syndrome might have further improved the EVAR outcomes in both trials. In contrast to these two smaller RCTs, the larger UK IMPROVE trial was conducted in 30 high volume centers. Although 652 possible RAAA patients were excluded for various reasons, the trialists did randomize 613 patients with a diagnosis of RAAA to either an ENDOVASCULAR STRATEGY (316 patients) or OPEN REPAIR (297 patients). Patients were randomized before CT En conclusión, la oclusión de la rama es una complicación que se presenta en un numero importante de pacientes que requieren reparo endovascular de aneurismas de la aorta abdominal y en determinados casos puede llevar a perdida de la extremidad. Un análisis cuidadoso, con buena selección de los puntos de sellado y con una decisión adecuada de la prótesis a utilizar de acuerdo a la anatomía del paciente es vital para prevenir esta complicación. La evaluación de la angiografía final, sin guías rígidas es de suma importancia. El uso de Ultrasonido intravascular podría ser útil en detectar dobleces en la prótesis que no son visibles en modo bidimensional. El uso de stents autoexpandibles con buena fuerza radial, ha demostrado ayudar a la prevención de la trombosis de la rama iliaca. Tambien se debe analizar la corrección de la enfermedad ateroesclerótica distal a los puntos de sellado, para mejorar el flujo de salida, especialmente si se esta sellando en la iliaca externa. scans were performed. The 30-day mortality in the Endovascular Strategy group was 35%; in the Open Repair group it was 37%. Obviously there was no significant difference, and a primary conclusion of the main IMPROVE trial article3 was “A strategy of endovascular repair was not associated with significant reduction in 30-day mortality”. This was paraphrased in various news report headlines as, “NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ENDOVASCULAR & OPEN REPAIR”. However, the detailed data from the IMPROVE trial must be examined closely to see why these conclusions are misleading. Of the patients randomized to the Endovascular Strategy group, only 154 (about half) actually underwent EVAR; 112 had an open repair and 17 had no treatment. The 30-day mortality in this group was 27% for those treated volver al sumario Viernes, 26 Junio Friday, June 26th 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program their 30-day survival will be superior. If one adds to this the fact that patients undergoing EVAR are less likely to receive no treatment, the conclusion is inescapable: EVAR is superior to Open Repair for the treatment of patients with RAAAs. Nowadays evar is always the first choice for ruptured aaa treatment: con Methods Roberto Chiesa Vascular Surgery, “Vita – Salute” University, Scientific Institute H. San Raffaele Milan, ITALY Introduction Endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) is a well-established technique to treat abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs), and it is well proven that it offers lower perioperative mortality compared with open repair in the treatment of elective patients with no signs of rupture.1,2 So far, EVAR advantages are also expected for the treatment of ruptured AAA (rAAA): aortic clamping is avoided, no general anesthesia is required, ischemic injuries are reduced, as also hypothermia and blood loss. However, not every patient can be addressed to endovascular therapy in rAAA due to anatomical and clinical conditions. On the other hand, open surgery is a consolidated technique to treat emergent patients with proven results. Thus, those treating RAAA patients must learn how to do EVAR in this setting, including acquiring expertise in all the adjuncts and strategies that can improve EVAR outcomes in such patients. We do not need further RCTs to confuse the issue any more. Several observational trials in literature were published comparing EVAR and open repair for rAAA, whose failed to prove a difference in early mortality between endovascular and open repair. There are some biases to be considered in these studies, like small number of patients, heterogeneity of the population, unclear definition of unstable patients. The French ECAR trial randomized 107 patients, only stable and with suitable EVAR morphology. They concluded that no significant statistical difference in 30day mortality between the two groups has been observed, although reasonably low mortality rates were reported for both REVAR and ROR. Interestingly, among seven of the 14 recruiting centers, only 50% of patients were eligible for randomization.3 Bibliografia. 1. Reimerink JJ, et al. Endovascular repair versus open repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms: a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg 2013;258:248-56. 3. IMPROVE trial Investigtors, Powell JT, et al. Endovascular or open repair strategy for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: 30 day outcomes from IMPROVE randomised trial. BMJ 2014;348:f7661. 2. Desgranges P, Kobeiter H, and the ECAR Investigators. Results of the ECAR RCT comparing EVAR and open repair for Ruptured AAAs. Presented at the 2013 VEITHsymposium. mortality.5 A further analysis of rAAA morphology on those patients showed that short aneurysm necks adversely influence mortality after open repair of rAAA and preclude conventional EVAR. This may help explain why observational studies, but not randomized trials, have shown an early survival benefit for EVAR.6 Barnes et al showed that anatomic suitability for EVAR seems to be associated with lower mortality following open repair of rAAA, which may reflect technical difficulty.7 Not all patients can be randomized between the two techniques, because not every patients would be anatomically fit for EVAR. (Fig.1) In some retrospective studies is found as a large percentage between 60 % and 80 % of patients were unsuitable for EVAR as they presented short or conical proximal neck, or pararenal aneurysms. 7-9 Other non-anatomical contraindication for EVAR could be represented by chronic renal insufficiency, that can be worsened by iodine contrast during EVAR, and by the suspicion of associated infection or fistula. In the real world, not all patients are hemodinamically stable to be evaluated with a CT-scan and undergo a proper aortic sizing for EVAR, and even more not a large number of them is anatomically suitable for EVAR, as shown A multicenter trial conducted in Netherland, the AJAX trial, randomized 116 of 520 RAAA patients (22%) in the Amsterdam region. AJAX found no significant difference in severe complications (REVAR, 42%; ROR, 47%) or death (REVAR, 21%; ROR, 25%). However a correct interpretation of these data is difficult because almost 80% of patients were not randomized, interobserver agreement on the computed tomography (CT) diagnosis of rupture was imperfect, and EVARsuitable but severely unstable patients were not transferred to centers capable of doing REVAR as well as ROR. 4 IMPROVE trial, which is a large analysis on 613 patients, showed that EVAR was not associated with a reduction of 64 Fig. 1 Horse shoe kidney. An example of anatomical unsuitable case for EVAR. volver al sumario by EVAR, and 38% for those treated by open repair. Of the patients randomized to the Open Repair group, 36 actually had EVAR, 220 had open repair and 19 had no treatment. The 30-day mortality in this Open Repair group was 22% for those undergoing EVAR and 37% for those undergoing open repair. Overall in the two randomized groups, taken together, the 30-day mortality for RAAA patients actually treated by EVAR was 25% and for those actually treated by Open Repair, it was 38%. Clearly the conclusion of the IMPROVE trial should have been, in patients with a RAAA, if they can be treated by EVAR, 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program A comprehensive range of endovascular material should be always available in the hospital, and all the vascular surgery stuff (including surgeons, anesthesiologists, technicians and nurses)should be specifically trained on emergent EVAR. Those two features are not always available in peripheral hospitals. Fig. 2 Two cases of abdominal hematoma. A relative contraindication to EVAR, open repair is indicate in order to reduce the risk of compartment syndrome. in literature. Furthermore, unstable patients are usually presenting with a free ruptured aneurysm and large retroperitoneal hematoma, and this is known to account for a high risk of complications following EVAR, mainly abdominal compartment syndrome in up to 27% of patients.10 (Fig.2) So, in anatomically unfit patients, as well as in really unstable ones, we believe that surgery remains the treatment of choice. Our Experience From 1993 to 2014, 409 patients were treated for rAAA, representing approximately 8% of all 5,329 patients treated for AAA at our centre. 397 (97%) were treated with open repair and 12 (3%) with EVAR. Patients addressed to EVAR were carefully selected among more stable patients, without large retroperitoneal hematoma (max diameter < 10 cm), with advanced age or comorbidities contraindicating open surgery, and with suitable anatomic features. hemoglobin < 8 g/dl) were 207 in open group (52.1%) and 3 in EVAR group (25%). In open group, 18 patients had hemoperitoneum (4.5%), in 47 (11.8%) a supraceliac clamping was performed, and an aorto-bi-ilac reconstruction was performed in 40 patients (10.1%). In EVAR group we performed 8 bifurcated reconstructions (66.6%) and 4 aorto-uniiliac endograft with femoro-femoral cross over bypass (33.3%). Intraoperative mortality occurred in 9 patients (2.3%) in open group and in no case after EVAR. Perioperative mortality was 29% in open repair (116 patients) and 8% for EVAR group (1 patient). Perioperative complications observed in open and EVAR groups were respectively: respiratory failure 44% and 25%, renal failure 33% and 17%, cardiac complications 21% vs 17%, and bowel ischemia 5% vs 0%. In high volume centers with a large experience on elective AAA surgical repair, open surgery remains relatively safe also in emergency, it could stop bleeding in a short time, with prompt aortic clamping and prosthetic substitution. Furthermore open repair allows removing intra abdominal hematoma, bowel visualization with the aim to prevent intestinal ischemia, abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS), respiratory failure and infection. In case of signs or suspicion of ischemia the abdomen can be left open with the positioning of a negative pressure wound dressing. It has been also shown that the development of ACS after repair of rAAA is associated with increased mortality, especially in EVAR-treated patients. The higher intraoperative blood and blood product requirements associated with ACS in EVAR patients suggest that one potential cause of early ACS is continued hemorrhage from lumbar and inferior mesenteric vessels through the ruptured aneurysm sac. 11 Discussion Mean age was 71.3 years for open group and 77.6 for EVAR group. Preoperative risk-factors were identified as following: coronary artery disease (CAD) in 131 patients (33.0%) for open group and 4 (33.3%) in EVAR group, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in 117 (29.5%) and 5 (41.6%), chronic renal insufficiency 36 (9.1%) and 1 (8.3%) and ASA score 3 in 205 patients (51.6%) and 7 (58.3%) and ASA 4 in 192 patients (48.4%) and 5 (41.7%) respectively. In our experience, the majority of patients was considered not anatomically suitable for emergent EVAR or presented such hemodynamic instability to be addressed to emergent open surgical repair. Anatomical limitation such short aortic neck, major angulation, presence of thrombus or calcification, polar renal arteries, or iliac tortuosity represents a major limitation to perform EVAR in emergency. Also, a number of cases presented with suspect of associated infection or aortoenteric fistula, thus contraindicating endovascular repair. Unstable patients (i.e. presenting with cardiac arrest, or unconsciousness, On the other hand, EVAR is an extremely appealing alternative, and it offers 65 Conclusions In our experience open repair remains the most used solution to treat rAAA, especially in highly unstable patients. EVAR should be reserved for stable and anatomically fit patients, in order to achieve best results. Open repair is the most reliable treatment especially in high volume centers. References 1.Lederle FA, Freischlag JA, Kyriakides TC, et al. Long-term comparison of endovascular and open repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm. The New England journal of medicine. Nov 22 2012;367(21):19881997. 2.Greenhalgh RM, Brown LC, Powell JT, Thompson SG, Epstein D, Sculpher MJ. Endovascular versus open repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm. The New England journal of medicine. May 20 2010;362(20):1863-1871. 3.Desgranges P, Kobeiter H, Castier Y, Senechal M, Majewski M, Krimi A. The Endovasculaire vs Chirurgie dans les Anevrysmes Rompus PROTOCOL trial update. J Vasc Surg. Jan 2010;51(1):267270. 4.Reimerink JJ, Hoornweg LL, Vahl AC, et al. Endovascular repair versus open repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms: a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg. Aug 2013;258(2):248-256. 5.Powell JT, Sweeting MJ, Thompson MM, et al. Endovascular or open repair strategy for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: 30 day outcomes from IMPROVE randomised trial. BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 2014;348:f7661. 6.The effect of aortic morphology on perioperative mortality of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. European heart journal. Jan 27 2015. 7.Barnes R, Kassianides X, Barakat H, Mironska E, Lakshminarayan R, Chetter IC. Ruptured AAA: suitability for endovascular repair is associated with lower mortality following open repair. World journal of surgery. May 2014;38(5):12231226. 8.Rose DF, Davidson IR, Hinchliffe RJ, et al. Anatomical suitability of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms for endovascular repair. J Endovasc Ther. Jun 2003;10(3):453-457. 9.Wilson WR, Fishwick G, Sir Peter RFB, Thompson MM. Suitability of ruptured AAA for endovascular repair. J Endovasc Ther. Dec 2004;11(6):635-640. 10.Mehta M, Paty PS, Byrne J, et al. The impact of hemodynamic status on outcomes of endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair for rupture. J Vasc Surg. May 2013;57(5):1255-1260. 11.Rubenstein C, Bietz G, Davenport DL, Winkler M, Endean ED. Abdominal compartment syndrome associated with endovascular and open repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms. J Vasc Surg. Mar 2015;61(3):648-654. volver al sumario promising results, especially for stable patients with contained AAA rupture, elderly patents, and presence of severe comorbid conditions. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Janet T Powell Aim: To report the longer-term outcomes following either a strategy of endovascular repair first or open repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, which are necessary for both patient and clinical decision-making. Type ii endoleak are a real concern: how can we treat them today? Michele. Antonello Clinic of Vascular Endovascular Surgery, DCTV, University of Padua Italy Introduction. Currently endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) is an effective alternative treatment to traditional open surgery, due to its low invasiveness and its low rate of peri- and post-operative complications. However, EVAR lacks its advantages during midand long-term follow-up, because of a higher incidence of re-intervention mainly due to the onset of endoleak type II (EII). Recent studies seems to show a Viernes, 26 Junio Friday, June 26th Sesión 16 with similar re-intervention rates in each group. The endovascular strategy group and open repair groups had average total hospital stays of 17 and 26 days respectively, p<0.001. Patients surviving rupture had higher average EQ-5D utility scores in the endovascular strategy versus open repair groups, mean differences 0.087 (95% CI 0.017, 0.158), 0.068 (95% CI -0.004, 0.140) at 3 and 12 months, respectively. There were indications that QALYs were higher and costs lower for the endovascular first strategy, combining to give an Incremental Net Benefit of £3877 (95% CI £253, £7408) or €4356 (95% CI €284, €8323). Conclusion: reduction in the incidence of EII performing an intraoperative embolization of the aneurysmal sac with fibrin glue and coils during EVAR (embo-EVAR). To verify such results a randomized prospective study was performed in patients considered at higher risk for EII (3 pairs of patent lumbar artery, an inferior mesenteric artery with a diameter >3mm, 2 pairs of lumbar artery + sacral artery). volume-dependent dose of coils and fibrin: Aneurysmal sac volume and anatomical characteristics were evaluated before and after the procedure using the Osirix Pro 4.0 software. The presence of EII and volume variations were evaluated during the follow-up period, performing angio-CT scans at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months after EVAR. Methods. Results. Between January 2012 and May 2014 patients considered at high risk for type EII were randomly assigned to received standard treatment (group A) or Embo EVAR (group B). Embo-EVAR, consists in the preventive embolization of the aneurismal sac using an aneurysm Comorbidities, peri-operative risk, aneurysm dimension and anatomical features were similar for group A (n=51) and group B (n=42). The mean operative time was also comparable (group A: 159.8 ± 57.6 min; group B: 165.8 ± 45.5 min; p=0,92). The rate of type EII at the completion angiography was equivalent in both groups (15,7% in group A; 16,7% in group B; p=1), but during the followup at the angio-CT scans there was a higher rate of type EII in group A at 3 months (41.1% vs 19.0%; p=0.01), 6 months (26.7% vs 12.1%; p<0.05), 12 months (27.7% vs 12.0%; p<0.05) and 24 months (20% vs 8.3%; p=0.24). Patients in group A showed a significantly lower decrease in aneurysm volume compared to group B, especially at 6 months (1.72 ± 24.8 vs -11.6 ± 19.7; p=0.01 ) and 12 months (-0.1 ± 33.5 vs -17.7 ± 27.4; p=0.03) of follow up. In group A the volume decreased only in patients without EII, whereas in group B it decreased in a similar way either in the presence or absence of EII. Freedom from EII-related re-intervention was significantly lower in group A (p<0.05). Methods & results: This pragmatic multicentre (29 UK, 1 Canada) trial randomised 613 patients with a clinical diagnosis of ruptured aneurysm; 316 to an endovascular first l strategy (if aortic morphology is suitable, open repair if not) and 297 to open repair. The principal 1-year outcome was mortality; secondary outcomes were reinterventions, hospital discharge, healthrelated quality of life (EQ-5D), costs, Quality-Adjusted-Life-Years (QALYs) and cost-effectiveness (Incremental Net Benefit). At 1-year, all-cause mortality was 41.1% for the endovascular strategy group and 45.1% for the open repair group, odds ratio 0.85 (95 %CI 0.62, 1.17) p=0.325, Conclusions: Preliminary results of randomization seem to confirm the effectiveness of emboEVAR in the prevention of EII, aneurysmal sac volume shrinkage, and reduction of EII-related secondary interventions in patients at high risk of EII. CELA-SITE Sesión 16 / CELA SITE Session 16 EL DILEMA DE LA HIPOGÁSTRICA THE HYPOGASTRIC DILEMMA Moderador / Moderator F. Criado Panelistas / Panellists A. Fabiani, L. Reparaz Better yet, avoid covering the hypogastric in the first place! Pros and cons of landing inside a large – diameter common iliac artery Frank J. Criado, M.D. An endovascular first strategy for management of ruptured aneurysms does not offer a survival benefit over 1year but offers patients faster discharge with better quality of life and is costeffective. Clinical trial registration: ISRCTN 48334791 Presentation Outline: Distal limb landing in a large-diameter (but nonaneurysmal) common iliac artery has become far better accepted that it was in the past; Availability of flared and large diameter endograft limbs have made this possible; The potential for progressive dilation of such iliac arteries is real but relatively small; 66 Limb extension into the external iliac artery is an imperfect solution because of the implied coverage of the hypogastric artery and the much increased risk for limb thrombosis; Guidelines and fundamental principles surrounding these issues will be discussed in detail during the talk. volver al sumario Evar for ruptured aaa: improve update on survival and costeffectiveness 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program 1. Device design 2. Anatomical considerations 3. Implantation Technique 4. Long term results Angiologia Cirugía Vascular y Endovascular Hospital Universitari Doctor Peset. Valencia. SPAIN The ZBIS is based on the Zenith Flex platform which consists of a Stainless steel Z-stent skeleton and a polyester fabric, that has a side branch for the internal iliac artery that is mated to it using an additional bridging covered stent. There are three main types of IBD resulting of the evolution of this device ( Fig 1): The common iliac artery (CIA) and the Internal iliac artery (IIA) are involved in aneurysmal disease in about 40% of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm1,23. In addition, long term failure can occur because of the loss of seal at the distal attachement site, as stated by different authors when a large size common iliac artery was chosen for distal endograft landing 4 It has been recognized that the interruption of the pelvic flow is associated with variable risk of complications including buttock or tight claudication, erectile dysfunction, ischemic colitis, gluteal or perineal necrosis, or spinal cord injury. Even though these consequences are not thought to have a big clinical impact when compared with their equivalent open surgical repair, they are also matter of major concern. The preservation of pelvic flow to the IIA with an endovascular solution, has been achieved by different means, including the parallel stent-grafts, or retrograde perfusion from the ipsilateral femoral artery with a cross-over fem-fem bypass. However, the evolution of endovascular techniques has made feasible to exclude the aortic aneurysm and the common iliac aneurysms, preserving the straight arterial flow to the internal iliac artery, and several devices have been described, that are currently available in the market. In order to know which are the particular features of a given device, that makes it different from the others, in this case the Cook Iliac Branch Device, ZBIS™, the focus is to be put on four points: With a length of at least 10 mm (2030mm being preferred) Several markers identify the proximal and distal tips of the ZBIS as well as the sidebranch. With a diameter acceptable for proper sealing (<6mm or >10mm) 3. The BB-IBD, is the latest development, and consists on the addition of the helical side-arm to the ipsilateral (long) limb of a bifurcated aortic device. This bifurcated graft is intended to use as the distal bifurcated component of a fenestrated endograft, and it makes sense because it eliminates 2 modular joints from the IBD, and it also allows the cannulation from the contralateral femoral, through a self sealing fenestration immediately cranial to the ostium of the helical branch. This self sealing fenestration is also used in conjunction of a preloaded wire in a manner identical to the standard IBD. Device Design: Francisco Gómez Palonés access through the branch with a sheath . Fig.-1: Types of Cook IBD configurations 1. Straight side-arm (S-IBD): It has a short overlapping zone, and intended to be mated with a balloonexpandable covered stent. This type has different references, depending on the length of the proximal part (45/61cm) the length of the distal limb (41-58cm) , and the diameter of the distal limb( 10-12mm). 2. The Helical – IBD, has a flexible longer side arm which is intended for use with a self-expandable stent graft, providing a longer overlapping zone. This type of IBD is intended for cases with large iliac aneurysms since it requires additional room for a relatively bulky device. Both devices are loaded in a 20F delivery system with an hydrophilic coating, and include preloaded catheter through the branch and out of the proximal edge of the device. This catheter allows the introduction of a wire which is snared from an alternative site (usually the contralateral groin but also the brachial approach) and provides ready 67 The S-IBD is the most common being employed since it has CE approval since November 20065. Most of the following text is addressed to this particular device ( ZBIS), which is by far the one with thousands of cases imlanted all over the world, and precedes other competitors by more than 8 years. The other two types of Cook IBD, are available under custom made device request. Anatomical considerations The Iliac branched device is intended to give a proper common iliac artery exclusion while maintaining direct flow to the hypogastric artery. Therefore it is indicated when the common iliac artery is aneurysmal or when it is not possible to find a proper seal at the common iliac artery. The anatomical requirements for implantation of the Cook ZBIS, are defined at the Instructions for use ( IFU) • Adequate iliac/femoral access compatible with a 20F (7.7mm OD) introduction system. • Non-aneurysmal external iliac artery fixation segment with A length of at least 20 mm With an outer-to-outer diameter greater than 8mm and no larger than 11mm • Luminal diameter at iliac bifurcation > 16 mm • Non-aneurysmal internal iliac artery segment distal to the aneurysm Not all the anatomical conditions that may preclude a successful implantation are included in the IFU, and not all the limitations stated at the IFU are always found to be so limiting, according to different experienced endovascular surgeons Kartikesalingam et al, report that the manufacturer criteria was accomplished by 29% of a series of 51 patients/66 IIA, but 38% of the cases were found to be feasible, by very experienced endovascular surgeons6. The authors conclude thar the applicability of the ZBIS is low, and finde that the most common adverse feature is the coexisting internal iliac artery aneurysm. Austermann et all, described how to manage IIA aneurysm using IBD in a series of 16 consecutive patients7, reporting excellent results. A later report from Pearce et al8 showed that only 18,2% of a series of 99 patients with common Iliac aneurysm were deemed anatomically suitable for Cook ZBIS. The most common reason for exclusion was unsuitable IIA diameter (68,7%) followed by an IIA aneurysm distal to the landing zone (11.1%) , narrow external iliac artery (10.1%), short CIA ( 9.1%), EIA length <20mm (7,1%) and short CIA < 50 mm (6.1%). In this report the authors compared the anatomic suitability of another recently launched IBD device ( Gore IBE™), and found 25% of the anatomies fit the Gore Device. A 13,5% of the excluded for the GoreIBE , fit the Cook ZBIS, and on the other side 20,9% excluded for ZBIS fit the GoreIBE. The most common cause for exclusion of the Gore IBD, was a proximal CIA diameter < 17mm in 39.4%, followed by an inadequate IIA volver al sumario The cook approach: what makes it different from other available iliac branched devices? 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program diameter (<6.5 or >13.5) in 37,3%, AortaHypo length <165mm or CIAlength < 40mm in 24.2%, CIAdiameter < 25mm in 16.2%, and Distal CIAdiameter<14mm in 13.1% of the cases. stiff wire and the iliac branch device. In such circumstances, the contralateral sheath and stenting may have problems to properly advance them to the target site. The number of exclusion criteria per case, were 1 or 2 in the ZBIS criteria, but there were 2,3,4 or even 5 exclusion criteria in some of the cases unfit for the Gore Device. This option that avoids the use of the preloaded catheter has also been described for the Cook ZBIS 10. Table 1.Current anatomical challenges for IBD Another important feature of the ZBIS is that the graft is attached to the delivery system by a proximal and distal fixations that allows a better option for positioning and orientation The same Zenith flex platform that has offered such successful and durable implantations may have some drawbacks, such as reduced device flexibility, and larger delivery system profile Conclusions: The Cook ZBIS, is currently the most used iliac branched device with the largest experience. Its applicability is still low being the most limiting anatomic feature the one related to the internal iliac artery, but the experience achieved and the different device configurations available expand its applicability. Bisdas et al, have also reported an interesting experience using the ZBIS to succesfully repair aneurysmal transformation of distal seal zones after EVAR9. That means that some of the IFU are not followed, and the brachial axillary access was required in almost all cases. An excellent result was achieved with the ZBIS, in this series. Implantation Technique The ZBIS is introduced through the ipsilateral femoral artery and requires a remote access to cannulate both the iliac branch and the internal iliac artery which finally will require to be mated. Usually the contralateral femoral is suggested and used, but it is also possible and sometimes advisable to go from a brachial access. For this purpose a unique feature of this device, is a preloaded catheter that helps to direct a wire which is snared from the remote site to have a through & through access and thus ease and give external support for the IIA cannulation and stenting. The other current devices also require a through and through access, but don´t have a preloaded catheter and that may be a shortcoming when the through wire inadvertently and externally crosses the that could also be related to the preloaded catheter. This features could be improved by incorporating the latest Cook’s aortic technology including spiral nitinol stents. However these issues have seldom been advocated a real problem that precludes the use of the ZBIS. The implantation technique has been described elsewhere 11 ,12,13 and essentially is the one the later developed devices currently follow. Long term results If something is an advantage with the Cook iliac branch device above the other available devices, is the experience achieved. Even though the implanted cases exceed the number of published papers, the overall results reported, agree that is a feasible, safe and durable device, specially with the current device which has several improvements compared with the first generation uni-body device. The results described in table 2, show that published series consist of an average of 30 cases, a technical success above 90%, and a midterm (6 months to 5 years) of 70%. 68 From a technical point of view this device has unique features like the preloaded catheter that allows an easier cannulation from different remote sites for the iliac branch and IIA not only the contralateral femoral artery. References 1 Armon MP, Wenham PW, Whitaker SC, Gregson RH, Hopkinson BR. Common iliac artery aneurysms in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 1998;15:155-157. 2 Hobo R, Synbrandy JEM, Harris P, Buth J. Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms with concomitant iliac artery aneurysm: outcome analysis of the EUROSTAR experience. J Endovasc Ther. 2008;15:12-22. 3 F.J. Gómez-Palonés, J.L. Briones-Estébanez, J.M. Zaragozá-García, A. Plaza-Martínez, E. Ortiz-Monzón: Implicaciones de la arteria hipogástrica en la reparación de aneurismas aortoilíacos. ANGIOLOGÍA 2008; 60 (Supl 1): S15-S24 4 Schanzer A, Greenberg RK, Hevelone N, et al. Predictors of abdominal aortic aneurysm sac enlargement after endovascular repair. Circulation 2011;123:2848e55. 5 /en/Cooks-Zenith-Branch-Endovascular-Graft-ReceivesCE#.VSJOZ1yYWKM. 6 Karthikesalingam, A; Hinchliffe, Robert J.; Malkawi, AH ; Holt, PJ; Loftus, IM;Thompson, MM: Morphological Suitability of Patients With Aortoiliac Aneurysms for Endovascular Preservation of the Internal Iliac Artery Using commercially Available Iliac Branch Graft Devices. J Endovasc Ther. 2010;17:163–171 The more recent iliac branch devices, add interesting features and globally increase the potential cases to be treated with one or other system, but individually do not offer a great change in treatment options with similar anatomic challenges. Some improvements in the classical platform of the ZBIS could increase feasibility for a larger number of cases, but it seems a development of the bridging stents specifically dedicated for the branched and IIA would be more likely to improve the overall anatomic suitability. 7 Austermann,M ; Bisdas,T; Torsello,G; Bosiers,MJ; Lazaridis,K; Donas, KP: Outcomes of a novel technique of endovascular repair of aneurysmal internal iliac arteries using iliac branch devices. J Vasc Surg 2013; 58( 5): 1186 - 1191 8 Pearce, BJ; Varu,VN; Glocker,R; Novak, Z; Jordan,WD; Lee, JT: Anatomic Suitability of Aortoiliac Aneurysms for Next Generation Branched Systems . Ann Vasc Surg 2015; 29: 69–75 9 Bisdas,T; Weiss K; Donas, K P; Schwindt, A; Torsello,G; Austermann, M: Use of Iliac Branch Devices for Endovascular Repair of Aneurysmal Distal Seal Zones After EVAR. J Endovasc Ther. 2014;21:579-586 10 C. Nice ;V. Bhattacharya ;H.Y. Ashour : Modified Technique for Iliac Branched Stent-Graft Insertion. EJVES Extra (2008) 16, 33e35 11 Greenberg RK, West K, Pfaff K: Beyond the aortic bifurcation: branched endovascular grafts for thoracoabdominal and aortoiliac aneurysms. J Vasc Surg 2006;43:879e86. 12 Haulon S, Greenberg RK, Pfaff K, Francis C, Koussa M, West K: Branched grafting for aortoiliac aneurysms. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2007;33:567e74 14 Dias NV, Resch TA, Sonesson B, Ivancev K, Malina M. EVAR of aortoiliac aneurysms with branched stentgrafts. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2008;35(6):677e84 volver al sumario These circumstances may limit the proper implantation, and need to be taken into account in order to plan additional techniques or materials to overcome such issues. Table 2 .Literature review 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program 13 Serracino-Inglott F, Bray AE, Myers P. Endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in patients with common iliac artery aneurysmsdinitial experience with the Zenith bifurcated iliac side branch device. J Vasc Surg 2007;46: 211e7. 16 Greenberg RK, West K, Pfaff K, Foster J, Skender D, Haulon S, et al. Beyond the aortic bifurcation: branched endovascular grafts for thoracoabdominal and aortoiliac aneurysms. J Vasc Surg 2006;43(5):879e86. discussion 86e87. 14 Dias NV, Resch TA, Sonesson B, Ivancev K, Malina M. EVAR of aortoiliac aneurysms with branched stentgrafts. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2008;35(6):677e84 17 Ziegler P, Avgerinos ED, Umscheid T, Perdikides T, Erz K, Stelter WJ. Branched iliac bifurcation: 6 years experience with endovascular preservation of internal iliac artery flow. J Vasc Surg 2007;46(2):204e10. Hypogastric artery occlusion is safe, B Frank J. Veith, MD Instances arise in vascular surgery where patients being treated for abdominal aortic aneurysms have concomitant iliac artery aneurysms. In many of these cases, the distal common iliac artery is aneurysmal, and in some instances interruption of one or both hypogastric The Gore approach. What makes it different from other available iliac branched devices • Endovascular Durability? • Cost/effectiveness in the long term? Fabio Verzini, Md, PhD, FEBVS, Gioele Simonte, MD, Selena Pelliccia, MD, Luca Farchioni, MD, Beatrice Fiorucci, MD, Gianbattista Parlani, MD 18 Tielliu IF, Bos WT, Zeebregts CJ, Prins TR, Van Den Dungen JJ, Verhoeven EL. The role of branched endografts in preserving internal iliac arteries. The J Cardiovasc Surg 2009;50(2): 213e8. arteries is needed to completely exclude the aneurysm. The importance of preserving one or especially both of these vessels during repair of aortoiliac aneurysms (AIAs) is stressed in the vascular surgery literature. Hypogastric interruption, particularly bilateral, during standard open aortic aneurysm repair has historically been reported to be associated with considerable morbidity, and the advent of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) has rekindled the interest in hypogastric artery interruption because of the frequent lack of adequate distal fixation sites in the aneurysmal common iliac arteries. These situations may require exclusion of one or both hypogastric arteries and prompted us to reevaluate the risks and consequences of hypogastric artery interruption. effective seal and distal fixation is one of the major anatomic challenges of conventional endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). components of different lengths including a bifurcated iliac branch and an internal iliac or hypogastric branch with common iliac artery (CIA) and internal iliac artery (IIA) fixation, respectively. Extensive iliac aneurysm repair exposes a twofold major safety issue: preservation of pelvic circulation to avoid ischaemic complications and durable effective exclusion of the aneurysm to prevent risk of rupture in the long term. Long-term durability and efficacy are still unsolved issues limiting the generalization of the iliac side branch endograft implantation procedure. To evaluate efficacy and mid-term results of the GORE® EXCLUDER® Iliac Branch Endoprosthesis. Presence of common iliac artery aneurysm preventing achievement of an Main differences with other available iliac side branched grafts are low profile (16 Fr) and the unique conformability of the iliac limbs, even in cases of extremely tortuous anatomy. The Gore approach provides a dedicated internal iliac stent graft as well as the repositionability of the endograft once partially deployed. Retrospective analysis of data of all patients treated with the Iliac Branch device in a single center. e. Results of the study c. Material used a. Introduction In this presentation, the morbidity of unilateral and particularly bilateral hypogastric artery interruption in patients undergoing either standard open surgical or endovascular AIA repair is reviewed. It will be shown that unilateral and even bilateral hypogastric artery occlusion is generally safe in such uncomplicated patients, although it may in about 1520% of patients cause troublesome buttock claudication. Accordingly d. Methodology used b. Objectives Unit of Vascular Surgery, Ospedale S. Maria della Misericordia, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy 20 G. Parlani a, F. Verzini a, P. De Rango a,*, D. Brambilla a, C. Coscarella b, C. Ferrer b, P. Cao: Long-term Results of Iliac Aneurysm Repair with Iliac Branched Endograft: A 5-Year Experience on 100 Consecutive Cases. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 43 (2012) 287e292 The GORE® EXCLUDER® Iliac Branch Endoprosthesis (GORE® EXCLUDER® IBE) is a branched endoprosthesis in an integrated system constituted of two 69 Between November 2013 and March 2015 ten patients underwent endovascular exclusion of aortoiliac aneurysm with Gore C3 plus GORE® EXCLUDER® Iliac Branch Endoprosthesis. effective methods for preserving hypogastric artery flow have been developed and are being used increasingly. These techniques should be used whenever possible in patients who have or will undergo extensive coverage of the thoracic aorta in a TEVAR procedure, in patients requiring interruption of the subclavian arteries, and in patients with impaired flow through the superior or inferior mesenteric arteries. In all these circumstances hypogastric artery occlusion is associated with an increased incidence of spinal cord ischemia and paraplegia or paraparesis. Technical success was achieved in all cases with complete exclusion of aneurysm sac at completion angiogram except for one case of type II endoleak. No perioperative death or major complication was recorded. No aneurysm growth was detected during follow-up as well as no late endoleak detection. Internal iliac component patency was maintained in all cases. f. Conclusions of the study Results obtained in our preliminary series are encouraging and are consistent with data from our previous study on iliac aneurysm repair with Zenith iliac branch device (Cook, Bloomington, IN, USA). This suggests an important role of the learning curve effect on IBD outcomes in addition to the specific device characteristics. Nevertheless, further data and long-term follow-up are needed to obtain definitive conclusions. volver al sumario 15 Malina M, Dirven M, Sonesson B, Resch T, Dias N, Ivancev K. Feasibility of a branched stent-graft in common iliac artery aneurysms. J Endovasc Ther 2006;13(4):496e500. 19 Verzini F, Parlani G, Romano L, De Rango P, Panuccio G, Cao P. Endovascular treatment of iliac aneurysm: Concurrent comparison of side branch endograft versus hypogastric exclusion. J Vasc Surg 2009;49(5):1154e61. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Salvatore Brugaletta Thorax Institute, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, Spain. Drug-eluting stents (DES) are widely used as devices of first choice in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). However, certain concerns are associated with the use of DES, i.e. delayed arterial healing with a subsequent risk of neo atherosclerosis, late stent thrombosis and hypersensitivity reactions to the DES polymer. 1 Therefore, a stent type made of a bioresorbable material could provide the desirable transient vessel support without compromising the restoration of normal vessel biology, vessel imaging or treatment options in the long run. The Absorb Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold (BVS, Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, CA), which consists of a PLLA bioresorbable scaffold with poly D, L-lactide bioresorbable (PDLLA) coating that releases the antiproliferative drug everolimus, was the first fully bioresorbable scaffold to receive a CE mark. 2 A comparable PLLA-based scaffold coated with myolimus has completed its first-in-man study with encouraging results and also obtained a CE mark and is also on the market. 3 This short article will concentrate on the only widely available BVS, the Absorb scaffold. The ABSORB Cohort A and Cohort B trials included only non-complex lesions with low-risk patients. Placement of BVS proved to be feasible and safe, with major adverse cardiac events and stent thrombosis rate similar to Xience V. Based on the clinical safety demonstrated in the first studies (ABSORB Cohort A and B), the everolimus-eluting BVS acquired a CE mark in Europe and has since become commercially available. 4, 5 However, to further expand the indication for BVS use in more complex coronary lesions and acute coronary syndrome patients, the BVS Expand, ABSORB Extend and ABSORB II and BVS STEMI first study, respectively, were initiated. To explore the performance of BVS in a larger group of patients with different operators, the ABSORB Extend study was initiated in more than 100 non-US sites worldwide. Recently, an interim analysis on the 12-month clinical outcome of the 512 first BVS implanted patients demonstrated a favourable clinical outcome and safety profile: cardiovascular death, ischemia-driven major adverse cardiac events and target vessel failure occurred in 0.4, 4.3 and 4.9?% of patients, respectively. The incidence of scaffold thrombosis was low (0.8?%). 6 Propensity-matched clinical outcomes at 1-year between Absorb Cohort B/ Extend patients and Xience V patients from Spirit Cohorts showed identical cardiovascular death, hierarchical major adverse cardiac event and stent thrombosis rates for BVS compared with second-generation DES (Xience V) (0.3 vs. 0.6?%, 5.2 vs. 5.5?% and 0.5 vs. 0.5?%, respectively).7 Interestingly, target vessel failure rates were significantly lower in BVS compared with DES (5.5 vs. 8.6?%, respectively, p?=?0.04). A 2-year follow-up propensity-matched analysis confirmed the non-inferiority of BVS compared with Xience V. 8 Interestingly, the results from a propensity-matched analysis of 250 patients, comparing patients implanted with BVS with patients implanted with Xience V in the SPIRIT IV trial, showed a decrease in angina pectoris reported by the sites through adverse event reporting at 1 year (16.0 vs. 28.1?%, respectively). 6 This difference was highly significant and probably accounts for the lower target vessel failure rate in the BVS group. Also, the percentage of angina diagnosed through adverse event reporting was notably lower with BVS than that reported in previous large interventional trials (FREEDOM (sirolimuseluting stent/ paclitaxel-eluting stent): 21?%; SYNTAX (paclitaxel-eluting stent): 28?%; COURAGE (bare metal stent: 34?%). 7 This finding was recently confirmed by the ABSORB II trial at 1year, which is the first randomised (2:1), prospective, single-blinded, multicentre trial, in which 501 patients were assigned to the ABSORB BVS or a secondgeneration everolimus-eluting coronary stent (Xience Prime). 9 Further follow-up is needed to confirm this observation on the potential reduction of post-PCI 70 angina. If confirmed, repeat angiography with or without additional coronary intervention would be significantly reduced. This could greatly impact on patient quality of life and additionally reduce healthcare costs. The ABSORB IV trial, recently started in the US, was designed with angina reduction as primary endpoint between BVS and everolimus-eluting metallic stent. BVS in complex coronary lesions has been evaluated in various registries. The 6-month outcome data of the Italian allcomer patient GHOST-EU registry, including 1189 patients with moderate to high complex lesion and/or patient characteristics, were reported, showing acceptable rates of cardiovascular death (1.0 %), target vessel myocardial infarction (2.0 %) and of target lesion failure (4.4 %). 10 Definite scaffold thrombosis rates were 1.7 % at 6 months. Also, the Academic Medical Centre single-arm first experience, including a high number of complex patients, showed a somewhat higher major adverse cardiac event rate at this time point, especially related to scaffold thrombosis. The investigators claim that this was due to a learning curve where major changes were made with regard to lesion preparation and post-dilatation to achieve full scaffold expansion and avoiding underexpansion as observed in the first scaffold thrombosis cases. 11 Conversely, a propensity- matched analysis from the single centre San Raffaele Scientific Institute BVS registry (Milan, Italy), comparing BVS (n = 92) with Xience V (n = 92) in complex lesions (83.9 % B2 or C lesions, 45.2 % bifurcations), did reveal similar early outcomes of BVS to second-generation DES and no evidence for increased scaffold thrombosis rates. 12 An interesting clinical application for BVS is STEMI, as bioresorbable scaffolds may seal the vulnerable plaque, restoring coronary vasomotion and pulsatility. 13 Wiebe and co-workers presented a first report on the short-term outcome of STEMI patients treated with an everolimus-eluting bioresorbable scaffold: twenty-five patients with 31 lesions were included with a procedural success rate of 97 % and major adverse cardiac event rate of 8.3 % during a mean follow-up period of 137 days. 14 Gori et al. reported the short-term results in 150 consecutive patients (unstable angina 16 %, NSTEMI 40 %, STEMI 44 %), treated with in total 194 BVS between May 2012 and July 2013. These patients were compared with 103 consecutive control patients who received a DES (XIENCE Prime). Major adverse cardiac event rates at 30 days and 6 months were similar between the two groups. Scaffold thrombosis occurred in three BVS patients and two DES patients within the first month. 15 In the BVS STEMI First study, a prospective, single-arm, monocentre safety and feasibility study, 49 STEMI patients were treated with a BVS (direct stenting in 32.7 % and predilatation in 67.3 %). The procedural success rate of BVS implantation was 97.9 %. TIMI flow III was obtained in 91.7 % of patients after BVS implantation. At 30 days, the major adverse cardiac event rate was 2.6 % (one patient with a non-Q-wave myocardial infarction in a non-target vessel). Target lesion failure (composite of cardiac death, target-vessel myocardial infarction or ischemia-driven target lesion revascularisation) did not occur and there were no cases of scaffold thrombosis. 16 Additionally, in the prospective Prague 19 trial, BVS were implanted in consecutive STEMI patients from December 2012 until August 2013. 17 The BVS device success rate was 98 %. Target lesion revascularisation of 1.3 %, and a stent thrombosis and major adverse cardiac event rate of 1.3 and 2.6 %, respectively, with an average follow-up of about 6 months have been reported. Recently a propensity score matching comparison between 290 STEMI patients treated by BVS and 290 STEMI patients treated by everolimuseluting metallic stents has been reported: whereas at 1-year there were no differences in terms of device-oriented endpoint (cardiac death, target vessel myocardial infarction and target lesion revascularization), a slight higher device thrombosis of BVS device was reported in the early phase. 18 Eventually, all these data have variously showed a comparable safety and efficacy of BVS devices over metallic stents, with some concerns on thrombosis and some interesting data on angina reduction. New data and new technological advancement of this technology are waited during the coming years for confirming these preliminary results. volver al sumario Update on clinical evidence for Bioresorbable techniques 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program 1.Joner M, Finn AV, Farb A, Mont EK, Kolodgie FD, Ladich E, Kutys R, Skorija K, Gold HK and Virmani R. Pathology of drug-eluting stents in humans: delayed healing and late thrombotic risk. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006;48:193-202. 2.Serruys PW, Garcia-Garcia HM and Onuma Y. From metallic cages to transient bioresorbable scaffolds: change in paradigm of coronary revascularization in the upcoming decade? European heart journal. 2012;33:16-25. 3.Verheye S, Ormiston JA, Stewart J, Webster M, Sanidas E, Costa R, Costa JR, Jr., Chamie D, Abizaid AS, Pinto I, Morrison L, Toyloy S, Bhat V, Yan J and Abizaid A. A next-generation bioresorbable coronary scaffold system: from bench to first clinical evaluation: 6- and 12-month clinical and multimodality imaging results. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2014;7:89-99. 4.Serruys PW, Onuma Y, Dudek D, Smits PC, Koolen J, Chevalier B, de Bruyne B, Thuesen L, McClean D, van Geuns RJ, Windecker S, Whitbourn R, Meredith I, Dorange C, Veldhof S, Hebert KM, Sudhir K, GarciaGarcia HM and Ormiston JA. Evaluation of the second generation of a bioresorbable everolimus-eluting vascular scaffold for the treatment of de novo coronary artery stenosis 12-month clinical and imaging outcomes. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011;58:1578-88. 5.Serruys PW, Ormiston JA, Onuma Y, Regar E, Gonzalo N, Garcia-Garcia HM, Nieman K, Bruining N, Dorange C, Miquel-Hebert K, Veldhof S, Webster M, Thuesen L and Dudek D. A bioabsorbable everolimus-eluting coronary stent system (ABSORB): Viernes, 26 Junio Friday, June 26th Sesión 18 Troubleshootings for challenge cannulations in fenestrated/ branched endografts: can we leace “impossible” fenestrations open? Eric LG Verhoeven Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery1, Paracelsus Medical University Nürnberg, Klinikum Nürnberg Süd, Nürnberg, Germany 2-year outcomes and results from multiple imaging methods. Lancet. 2009;373:897-910. 6.Abizaid A, Costa JR, Jr., Bartorelli AL, Whitbourn R, van Geuns RJ, Chevalier B, Patel T, Seth A, Stuteville M, Dorange C, Cheong WF, Sudhir K and Serruys PW. The ABSORB EXTEND study: preliminary report of the twelve-month clinical outcomes in the first 512 patients enrolled. EuroIntervention. 2014. 7.Chevalier B. An interim 12-month propensity adjusted comparison of clinical outcomes of ABSORB patients to Xience V patients. ESC 2013. 8.Carrie D. An interim 24-month propensity score analysis comparison of clinical outcomes of ABSORB EXTEND and ABSORB Cohort B patients to Xience V patients. EuroPCR 2014. 9.Serruys PW, Chevalier B, Dudek D, Cequier A, Carrie D, Iniguez A, Dominici M, van der Schaaf RJ, Haude M, Wasungu L, Veldhof S, Peng L, Staehr P, Grundeken MJ, Ishibashi Y, Garcia-Garcia HM and Onuma Y. A bioresorbable everolimus-eluting scaffold versus a metallic everolimus-eluting stent for ischaemic heart disease caused by de-novo native coronary artery lesions (ABSORB II): an interim 1-year analysis of clinical and procedural secondary outcomes from a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2015;385:4354. 10.Capodanno D, Gori T, Nef H, Latib A, Mehilli J, Lesiak M, Caramanno G, Naber C, Di Mario C, Colombo A, Capranzano P, Wiebe J, Araszkiewicz A, Geraci S, Pyxaras S, Mattesini A, Naganuma T, Munzel T and Tamburino C. Percutaneous coronary intervention with everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffolds in routine clinical practice: early and midterm outcomes from the European multicentre GHOST-EU registry. EuroIntervention. 2015;10:114453. 11.Kraak RP, Hassell ME, Grundeken MJ, Koch KT, Henriques JP, Piek JJ, Baan J, Jr., Vis MM, Arkenbout EK, Tijssen JG, de Winter RJ and Wykrzykowska JJ. Initial experience and clinical evaluation of the Absorb bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS) in real-world practice: the AMC Single Centre Real World PCI Registry. EuroIntervention. 2015;10:1160-8. 12.Costopoulos C, Latib A, Naganuma T, Miyazaki T, Sato K, Figini F, Sticchi A, Carlino M, Chieffo A, Montorfano M and Colombo A. Comparison of early clinical outcomes between ABSORB bioresorbable vascular scaffold and everolimus-eluting stent implantation in a real-world population. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2015;85:E10-5. 13.Brugaletta S, Radu MD, Garcia-Garcia HM, Heo JH, Farooq V, Girasis C, van Geuns RJ, Thuesen L, McClean D, Chevalier B, Windecker S, Koolen J, Rapoza R, Miquel-Hebert K, Ormiston J and Serruys PW. Circumferential evaluation of the neointima by optical coherence tomography after ABSORB bioresorbable vascular scaffold implantation: can the scaffold cap the plaque? Atherosclerosis. 2012;221:106-12. 14.Wiebe J, Mollmann H, Most A, Dorr O, Weipert K, Rixe J, Liebetrau C, Elsasser A, Achenbach S, Hamm C and Nef H. Short-term outcome of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) treated with an everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold. Clin Res Cardiol. 2014;103:141-8. 15.Gori T, Schulz E, Hink U, Wenzel P, Post F, Jabs A and Munzel T. Early outcome after implantation of Absorb bioresorbable drug-eluting scaffolds in patients with acute coronary syndromes. EuroIntervention. 2014;9:1036-41. 16.Diletti R, Karanasos A, Muramatsu T, Nakatani S, Van Mieghem NM, Onuma Y, Nauta ST, Ishibashi Y, Lenzen MJ, Ligthart J, Schultz C, Regar E, de Jaegere PP, Serruys PW, Zijlstra F and van Geuns RJ. Everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffolds for treatment of patients presenting with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: BVS STEMI first study. Eur Heart J. 2014;35:777-86. 17.Kocka V, Maly M, Tousek P, Budesinsky T, Lisa L, Prodanov P, Jarkovsky J and Widimsky P. Bioresorbable vascular scaffolds in acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a prospective multicentre study 'Prague 19'. Eur Heart J. 2014;35:787-94. 18.Brugaletta S, Gori T, Low AF, Tousek P, Pinar E, Gomez-Lara J, Scalone G, Schulz E, Chan MY, Kocka V, Hurtado J, Gomez-Hospital JA, Munzel T, Lee CH, Cequier A, Valdes M, Widimsky P, Serruys PW and Sabate M. Absorb bioresorbable vascular scaffold versus everolimus-eluting metallic stent in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: 1-year results of a propensity score matching comparison: the BVSEXAMINATION Study (bioresorbable vascular scaffolda clinical evaluation of everolimus eluting coronary stents in the treatment of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction). JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2015;8:189-97. CELA-SITE Sesión 18 / CELA SITE Session 18 COMO MEJORAR RESULTADOS EN AAA YUSTA Y PARARRENALES HOW TO IMPROVE OUTCOMES IN YUXTA AN PARARRENAL AAA Moderador / Moderator Z. Krajcer Panelistas / Panellists J.Busquet, M. de Blas To answer the question posed by the organizing committee of IV SITE 2015, our prospectively maintained database of fenestrated and branched stent-grafts for complex aortic aneurysms was queried. Within the study period (20012014), 457 patients were treated with fenestrated grafts for complex abdominal aortic aneurysms, and 214 with fenestrated/branched grafts for thoracoabdominal aneurysms (TAAA). In total, 1712 vessels were targeted with fenestrations or branches (scallops excluded). The main reason to stent a fenestration with a covered stent is to achieve a perfect sealing, but also to maintain the fenestration in perfect position. In the early days, we also used non-covered stents in short-necked aneurysms, but abandoned that in favor of a better 71 sealing, but also because covered stents (Atrium V12, Atrium-Maquet) produced better patency rates. Branches in TAAA branched grafting (TAAAB) need to be mated with covered stents to achieve exclusion of the aneurysm, and to maintain flow into the target vessel. To achieve success with catheterization and stenting, every available tool should be available and used if needed, including lower profile wires and catheters, and additional guiding sheaths. The database revealed 29 (1.7%) vessels that could not be catheterized and stented intraoperatively in an antegrade manner. In four (0.2%) vessels, all renal arteries, stenting proved impossible, but the fenestration seemed well aligned, without evidence of endoleak. Further FU showed good position without endoleak in three cases. In the fourth case, it was decided to stent the fenestration from above, as sealing seemed compromised in the longer term. This procedure was uneventful. In 12 (0.7%) vessels, stenting proved impossible, and the target vessel lost. In total, seven (0.74%) renal arteries out of 942 targeted vessels in FEVAR cases were lost. We could not catheterize four renal arteries, which resulted in occlusion, but without an endoleak. Three additional renal arteries were lost: One renal artery rupture required embolization, one lumbar artery was stented instead of the renal artery; one renal artery in a ruptured case could not be catheterized and the endoleak successfully treated with a cuff and a chimney, and endostaples. In TAAAB cases, five vessels (5/770, 0.65%) could not be catheterized. One calcified celiac artery occluded during volver al sumario References 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program “impossible” fenestrations open? Will virtual reality & robotics be mandatory for planning and treating complex aaa. Nick J. Cheshire Imperial College London & University of Ghent, Belgium Virtual reality simulation began with generic datasets used as a training exercise for novice interventionalists. More modern systems can now incorporate real patient data and have been used in the carotids and - more What’s next in vascular image to improve results in complex aortic endovascular therapy? Rachel E. Clough NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London Using Image Fusion During Endovascular Procedures Stéphan Haulon, MD, PhD Aortic Centre, Vascular Surgery, Hôpital Cardiologique, CHRU Lille, France, Abstract Endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) was developed to reduce the risks associated with open surgery and provide a treatment option for patients not eligible to open surgery. To Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery1, Paracelsus Medical University Nürnberg, Klinikum Nürnberg Süd, Nürnberg, Germany To answer the question posed by the organizing committee of IV SITE 2015, our prospectively maintained database of fenestrated and branched stent-grafts for complex aortic aneurysms was queried. Within the study period (2001- recently - the infrarenal aorta to rehearse a real implant before an operation. This has become known as mission rehearsal and has been an interest in our departments for the last 10 years, culminating in a trial currently being run by our colleagues in Ghent, Belgium. Mission rehearsal can able surgeons and their teams to practice real operations prior to surgery. Our preliminary findings suggest that overall operative time, imaging time, imaging angles and tool selection may all be improved by using virtual reality pre-operative mission rehearsal. One of the limitations is the proof quality of haptic feedback – making the rehearsal procedure much less realistic than a subsequent real life intervention. In the context of juxta renal and para renal aneurysms, very little data exists to practically guide us on the value of mission rehearsal. The technology currently available can simulate the anatomy but not the tortuosity of access, in particular, haptic difficulties required to cannulate the renal arteries cannot currently be appropriately mimicked.. We continue to work in this interesting field and are looking for ways to improve haptic feedback. With regard to robotics and complex aortic interventions, our evidence is a little more advanced. Using a variety of ex vivo and in vivo models of complex aneurysm repair we been able to show that a flexible and steerable robotic system can reduce overall procedure time, imaging time, wall contact number and force, catheter movements and cannulation path length. In clinical practice we have shown reduced path length and cannulation time for renal artery fenestrations. Complex endovascular repair requires additional cannulation tasks that increase the intraoperative procedure time, fluoroscopy time, radiation dose and volume of radiographic contrast compared with standard endovascular aortic repair. The occurrence of a technical complications and the duration of the intervention have been shown to significantly influence the incidence of in-hospital mortality and severe complications. Imaging systems have therefore evolved to facilitate these challenging procedures. Standard intraprocedural imaging is two-dimensional (2D) X-ray fluoroscopy using either a mobile C-arm or a fixed-room flat panel detector. The latest hybrid operating rooms have advanced imaging applications such as contrast-enhanced cone beam computed tomography (CT) and pre-operative CT angiography image fusion with the live fluoroscopy. There are also a number of adjuncts available such as electromagnetic or ultrasound based localisation systems and robotic navigations systems. The integration of magnetic resonance pre-procedural imaging and intra-operative guidance may further refine complex aortic endovascular intervention. increase the number of patients eligible to this minimally invasive procedure, there has been recent development of complex devices (fenestrated and branched endografts) requiring concomitant advances in intra-operative imaging applications. Imaging systems have therefore evolved to facilitate these challenging procedures. For example, fixed rooms’ flat panel detectors have demonstrated strong imaging superiority over standard two dimensional (2D) fluoroscopy imaging systems (mobile C-arms) which are limited by overheating and image degradation, particularly when performing complex EVAR. Hybrid rooms, combining an optimal open surgical environment and advanced imaging capabilities are currently replacing mobile C-arms in the operative room. Fixed flat panel rooms benefit from more tube power, excellent image quality, and customizable X-ray dose levels. Additionally, latest generation rooms have the ability to acquire threedimensional (3D) images through a Carm rotation around the patient, also called Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). These 3D images of the anatomy generated at the time of the procedure can then be fused with live fluoroscopy, in order to provide a 3D roadmap that facilitates endovascular navigation. Pre-operative Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) images can also be fused with live fluoroscopy. Then, depending on the room manufacturer, imaging protocols can slightly vary. When following good practices and the As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) principle, it is possible to achieve excellent clinical outcomes with a simple workflow and low X-Ray exposure levels. We will report our experience of image fusion during endovascular procedures, and in particular complex EVAR, in a high-volume center dedicated to aortic repairs, performed by operators focusing on minimizing radiation exposure. Eric LG Verhoeven 72 Summary: at the moment virtual reality mission rehearsal for juxta and pararenal aneurysms is not sufficiently technologically advanced to contribute to real life planning. Regarding robotics there is a growing body of evidence that complex aneurysms treated by endovascular grafts benefit from the use of a steerable catheter system. volver al sumario Troubleshootings for challenge cannulations in fenestrated/ branched endografts: can we leace 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Sesión 19 A more flexible and repositionable endograft fits better for complex anatomies: the anaconda fenestrated platform Fenestrated anaconda tm endograft for shortneck and juxta/pararenal aortic aneurysms: premliminary italian experience. Andrea Stella Trucos, dentro y fuera de las instrucciones de uso, para las endoprótesis fenestradas en la reparación de los AAA yuxtarrenales Fajardo, Andrés El reparo endovascular de aneurismas yustarrenales de la aorta abdominal ha sido introducido con muy buenos resultados. Como cualquier procedimiento complejo, el nivel de experiencia de el cirujano es importante en los resultados. Adecuada selección de los pacientes es vital en el resultado postoperatorio y el mantenimiento de buenos resultados a largo plazo. Pacientes con aortas muy anguladas en el área visceral presentan un problema durante la planeación y el procedimiento. También, los pacientes CELA-SITE Sesión 19 / CELA SITE Session 19 OPCIONES “ON AND LABEL” PARA EL TRATAMIENTO DE LOS AAA YUSTA Y PARARRENALES: DONDE RESIDEN SUS VENTAJAS? ON AND OFF LABEL APPROACHES FOR YUSTA AND PARARRENAL AAA WHERE ARE THEIR ADVANTAGES? Moderador / Moderator M. Malina Panelistas / Panellists J.Brunkwall, J. Powell Aims. The AnacondaTM Fenestrated Endograft (Vascutek, Inchinnan, United Kingdom) is a new device that could be used to treat challenging aortic aneurysms(AAA) involving the abdominal visceral vessels. The aim of the present study was to report the preliminary results of the Italian multi-centers experience, Italian Anaconda Fenestrated study group. advanced vessels analysis. Primary endpoints were technical success(TS) and 30-day clinical success(CS). Secondary endpoints were: adverse events (type I/III endoleaks, target visceral vessels occlusion) / re-interventions FEVAR-related and AAA-related mortality during the follow-up. Results. Patients underwent fenestrated endovascular aneurysm repair(FEVAR) using AnacondaTM Fenestrated Endograft, between May2012 and November2014, were prospectively enrolled. Clinical, morphological, intra and post operative data were collected. Indications for FEVAR included AAA with proximal neck unsuitable for standard EVAR. Planning was performed on the computed tomography angiography using dedicated software for the Twenty-six patients (male, mean age 74±7years, ASAIII/IV:16/10) underwent FEVAR using AnacondaTM Fenestrated Endograft in 11 Italian institution for 5 short neck AAA and 21 juxta/para-renal AAA. An overall of 67 target visceral vessels were accommodated by using of fenestrations. Fenestrated endograft with 1, 2, 3 and 4 fenestrations were used in 1, 10, 14 and 1 cases, respectively. A bifurcated and tube endograft was planned in 23 and 3 cases, respectively. In 17/26 (65%) cases the endograft was repositioned during the procedure and in 14/26 (54%) cases con iliacas muy tortuosas o calcificadas podrían presentar inconvenientes durante el avance de la endoprotesis o la manipulación durante la cirugía. La participación del cirujano es muy importante desde la planeación. Un entendimiento de la endoprotesis creada con todas las posibles dificultades a encontrar es básica. Buenos accesos iliacos son requeridos para estos procedimientos. La evaluación de las arterias iliacas bilaterales es de suma importancia, y se recomienda la creación de conductos iliacos (abiertos o endovasculares) si es necesario. Una población de pacientes muy interesante y complicada es la que ha tenido reparos previos(abierto o endovascular) de un aneurisma abdominal con degeneración proximal de la aorta. Aparte de la dificultad de manipular la prótesis, también nos encontramos con el problema de cuerpos cortos distales a las arterias renales, lo que lo hace en ocasiones casi imposible de crear una prótesis adecuada. En los Estados Unidos, las reglas de fabricación de estas prótesis fenestradas son muy estrictas y se requiere de cierta distancia mínima para poder fabricarlas. Otro inconveniente que se puede encontrar es la presencia de fijación suprarrenal de la prótesis inicial, que puede obstruir el ostio de la arterias viscerales, haciendo mas difícil la canulacion y avance de los catéteres e introductores. Asegurar tener un inventario adecuado con todos los insumos necesario para el procedimiento es de suma importancia, así como la creación de un equipo dedicado a estos procedimientos, que incluye anestesia, enfermería, técnicos de radiología e instrumentadores. Esto ayudara a que los procedimientos sean mucho mas estandarizados y si se presentan alteraciones durante el mismo, se este capacitado para realizar el ajuste necesario. El uso de salas hibridas, adecuadas para estos casos tan complejos, ha ayudado a tener una mejor imagen intraoperatoria con disminución de la radiación y el volumen de contraste. La fusión con escanografia es otra herramienta que ha demostrado contribuir aun mas a una disminución en estos parámetros. Intraoperatoriamente hay muchos pasos a seguir, y el conocimiento de las posibles Methods. 73 almost 1 target visceral vessel was cannulated from the brachial access. TS was achieved in 24/26 (92%) patients (2 type I endoleak?). All the target visceral vessels were successfully cannulated and stented. An occlusion of 1 renal artery and 1 type III endoleak (between the aortic endograft and renal artery stent-graft) occurred within the first week. The 30-day mortality was 3.6% (1/26). The 30-days CS was 80%. The mean follow-up was 12months (range:1-33). No type I/III endoleaks and target visceral vessels occlusion occurred during the follow-up. There were not re-interventions FEVAR-related and AAA-related mortality. Conclusions. The AnacondaTM Fenestrated Endograft can be used to treat challenging AAA involving the abdominal visceral vessels. Larger experiences and long-term data are mandatory to confirm this treatment as safe and effective also in the mid and long term follow-up. dificultades a encontrar, así como la manera de solucionarlas es de suma importancia para poder asegurar buenos resultados y evitar complicaciones. Desde la orientación inicial de la prótesis hasta la introducción y despliegue de las extensiones iliacas hay muchos trucos a seguir. La canulacion de las arterias viscerales y posterior avance de los introductores, puede generar dificultades y una adecuada técnica y uso de múltiples trucos va a facilitar estos pasos. Disecciones y perforaciones de las arterias renales y mesentéricas, son complicaciones muy raras, pero que tienen un impacto muy grande en los resultados del procedimiento. Conocer diferentes técnicas para su manejo intraoperatorio es de suma importancia. En resumen, las endoprotesis fenestradas se han convertido en una herramienta muy útil para el manejo de los aneurismas yustarrenales y pararrenales. La selección de pacientes es vital. Un entendimiento de la endoprotesis desde la planeación y de las posibles dificultades a encontrar, con un vasto conocimiento de los diferentes trucos es indispensable para obtener los mejores resultados. volver al sumario Viernes, 26 Junio Friday, June 26th 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Gustavo S. Oderich MD1, Leonardo Reis de Souza MD1, Jan Hofer RN1, Peter Banga MD1, Jean Wigham RN1, Stephen Cha MS2, Thanila Macedo MD3 and Peter Gloviczki MD1 Gonda Vascular Center, Mayo Clinic; Abstract Fenestrated and branched stent-grafts have been increasingly utilized to extend the indications of endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) to patients with complex aneurysms involving the visceral arteries. Clinical access to fenestrated and branched endografts has been limited in many centers due to regulatory issues, added cost, lack of physician training and additional time delays for customization and manufacturing. The average time for device customization by the manufacturer ranges from 6 to 8 weeks, a limitation that may be avoided once “off-the-shelf” devices become available. Because of the time delay, manufactured patient-specific devices are not a viable option to treat patients with rapidly enlarging, symptomatic or contained ruptured aneurysms. Physician-modified endovascular grafts (PMEGs) have been widely used in many centers to overcome the aforementioned difficulties. Mayo Clinic experience We reviewed clinical data of 207 consecutive patients (164 male, mean age 76±9 years old) treated for PRA/ TAAAs using fenestrated and branched stent-grafts. Choice of device evolved from PMEGs (2007-2013) to MSGs (2012-2014) in patients enrolled in prospective physician-sponsored investigational device exemption protocols (PS-IDE). End-points were 30day mortality, major adverse events (MAEs), patient survival, freedom from type I/III endoleak, sac growth (>5mm), primary target vessel patency and reintervention. In this study there were 138 patients were treated by PMEGs, 69 had MSGs. 131 patients had PRAs (82 PMEGs, 49 MSGs), 76 had TAAAs (56 PMEGs, 20 MSGs). PMEGs patients had larger aneurysms, more cardiac, pulmonary and kidney disease, and higher comorbidity scores (P<0.05). A total of 672 visceral arteries in both groups were incorporated by fenestrations in 589, scallops in 60 and directional branches in 23. For the entire cohort, 97 patients (47%) had 4-vessel designs and average number of targeted visceral vessels/patient was 3.2?0.9. Among patients treated for PRAs, number of 74 patients with 4-vessel designs and mean number of targeted visceral arteries/patient was similar in both groups. However, for TAAAs patients treated by manufactured devices had significantly (P<0.004) more 4-vessel designs (95% vs 61%) and higher number of targeted visceral arteries (4.1?0.4 vs 3.5?0.8). Technical success was 98% for PMEGs and 99.6% for MSGs (P=0.9). 30-day mortality was 1% for PRAs (PMEGs 1%, MSGs 0%, P=0.44) and 7% for TAAAs (PMEGs 9%, MSGs 0%; P=0.17). There were more (P<0.05) MAEs among PMEG patients treated for PRAs (44%, 24%) and TAAAs (58%, 25%). Mean follow up was longer in PMEG patients (31±21, 12±7 months; P<0.0001). At 1year, PMEGs and MSGs had similar freedom from type I/III endoleaks (PRAs: 95±4%, 99±1%; TAAAs: 100%, 100%), sac growth (PRAs: 99±1%, 100%; TAAAs: 97±3%, 100%), primary target vessel patency (PRAs: 97±1%, 98±1%, TAAAs: 98±1, 97±2%) and reintervention (PRAs: 85±5%, 93±4%; volver al sumario Evolution from physician-modified endografts to manufactured fenestrated and branched endografts to treat pararenal and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program TAAAs: 82±5%, 100%). Survival was lower (P<0.05) in PMEGs patients treated for PRAs (84±3%, 98±2%) and TAAAs (78±5%, 100%). At 5-years, 20 PMSG patients (14%) developed type I/III endoleak and 10 (7%) had sac growth. In the PMEG group, patient survival, freedom from type I/III endoleak, sac growth, primary target vessel patency and re-intervention at 3- and 5-years was 71±4%/63±5%, 87±3%/76±7%, 96±2%/80±6%, 96±1%/96±1%, and 71±5%/57±7%, respectively. Conclusion: Patients treated by PMEGs had higher clinical risk and larger aneurysms, reflecting the more liberal indication of MSGs under PS-IDE protocols. Despite differences, both devices were implanted with similar technical success, mortality, endoleak, sac growth, vessel patency and re-intervention rates. At late follow up, PMEGs were associated with significant rate (14%) of type I/III endoleaks and sac growth (7%). Michel Reijnen Chimney grafts have been used as a bailout procedure to treat unintentionally overstented target vessels during EVAR and as an alternative for FEVAR. The major concern with this technique is the occurrence of “gutters” between the chimney graft, the main graft, and the aortic wall, leading to type Ia endoleaks. Another concern is that stent compression may affect chimney graft patency. Endovascular sealing of aneurysms (EVAS), using the Nellix endoprosthesis was introduced in an attempt to reduce the incidence of reinterventions due to endoleaks and migration. The Nellix system consists of dual balloon-expandable stent-grafts surrounded by endobags that, once adequately positioned, are filled with fast curing polymer to obliterate the aneurysm sac, maintain endograft position, and restrict retrograde flow from side branches that could lead to endoleaks. The combined use of the Nellix endoprosthesis and chimney grafts might prevent gutter formation and reduce stent compression. To March 2015 nine patients, with a median age of 72 years, were treated with chimney-EVAS. There were 6 juxtaand 3 pararenal aneurysms, with a mean diameter of 62 ± 6,0 mm, of which two 75 were acute procedures. The infra SMA neck length and diameter were 16,0 ± 4,5 mm and 25,0 ± 2,6 mm, respectively. The operation time was 147 (91-242) min. Five single and 4 double chimney procedures were performed and Advanta V12™ stents was used in all cases. After a median follow-up of 6 months (range 0-12 months) there were no endoleaks, all chimney grafts remained patent, no re-interventions were performed and the renal function was stable. CT analysis showed no gutter formation and a maximum stent compression of 17,5% (7,7%-37,1%). Chimney in combination with EVAS is a safe and feasible procedure and the polymer-filled endobags may overcome gutter formation and subsequent type Ia endoleaks. volver al sumario Initial results of endovascular sealing of aneurysms (evas), using the nellix endoprosthesis, in combination with chimney grafts 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Sesión 20 Nunca más: lecciones aprendidas del peor caso endovascular de mi vida Andrés Fajardo Paciente de 66 años con AAA y aneurisma de la arteria iliaca común de 2.6 cm(Figura 1). Historia medica de Hipertension e hiperlipidemia controladas. Activo. Se lleva a sala de operaciones para manejo endovascular de AAA y de aneurima de iliaca derecha. Procedimiento llevado a cabo sin inconvenientes. Reparo efectuado con protesis Zenith de Cook. Debido al tamaño de la iliaca derecha un conversor de 28 mm fue usado para preservar flujo pélvico. Tiempo de fluoroscopia fue de 12 minutos, con 50 ml de contraste usados(Figura 2). CELA-SITE Sesión 20 / CELA SITE Session 20 NUNCA MÁS: LECCIONES APRENDIDAS DEL PÑEOR CASO ENOVASCULAR DE MI VIDA NEVER AGAIN: LESSONS LEARNT FROM THE WORST ENDOVASCULAR CASE OF MY LIFE Moderador / Moderator C. Timerán, P. Gaines, C. Donayre Presentadores / Presenters R. Chaer, Z. Krajcer, M. Jacobs, L. Sánchez, et al dieta y con laboratorios clínicos estables. Readmitido a hospital periférico con dolor lumbar y anemia. Transferido a nuestra institución donde se realiza escanografia abdominal que evidencia una ruptura de la arteria iliaca derecha. Paciente llevado de urgencia a la sala de operaciones donde se procede con embolizacion de la arteria hipogástrica derecha con extensión de la rama iliaca hasta la Iliaca externa (Figura 4). Intraoperatoriamente tuvo periodos de inestabilidad hemodinámica y desarrollo distención abdominal con aumento de presiones de la via aérea por lo que se realizo laparotomía decompresiva. Paciente intubado por una semana, con cierre de la laparotomía en el dia postoperatorio numero 4. Paciente desarrollo trombosis venosa de la iliaca derecha y su hospiatlizacion total fue de 2 semanas con una recuperación que le tomo varios meses. Paciente fue dado de alta el primer dia postoperatorio, ambulatorio, tolerando Never again: lessons learnt from the worst endovascular case of my life Prof. Michael Jacobs A 13-year-old boy suffering from coarctatio was treated in another country with a covered stent. Several months later he received another stent because of residual stenosis. In April 2013 he was admitted with a ruptured thoracic aorta for which a thoracic endograft was implanted. In May 2013 he received an additional TEVAR more proximally. In June of that year he developed massive hematemesis, caused by an aortoesophageal fistula due to protusion of stent material in to the esophagus. Another endograft was introduced more proximal, covering the left subclavian artery, as well as a chimney in the left carotid artery to preserve cerebral flow. The boy survived this second challenge also but now had mediastinitis, aortoesophageal fistula, intra-aortic stents and endografts in-situ and a chimney graft in the left carotid artery. He was referred to our center in a hemodynamic stable situation. We decided to explant all foreign material via left thoracotomy under circulatory arrest and antegrade selective brain 76 Figura 1 Figura 3 Figura 2 Figura 4 perfusion. The left chest was cleaned and a 15 mm diameter and 6 cm long homograft was implanted at the level of the left carotid artery with inclusion of the left subclavian artery. The small hole in the esophagus was closed and a large latissimus dorsi flap was wrapped around the homograft, also covering the fistula. The boy received parenteral nutrition and recovered well. Because of continued fever and elevated infection parameters, a rethoracotomy was performed to clean and rinse the area. Four weeks later, he had hematemesis again and an esophagus clip was implanted. Six weeks after our aortic repair he developed another almost lethal bleeding for which an emergency endograft implantation was performed. We were obviously back to the dreadful situation based on a fistula between the homograft and the esophagus. Given this devastating situation we decided to perform a radical operation: first, via sternotomy, an extraanatomic 20 mm ringed PTFE graft was proximally anastomosed to the supracoronary aorta in an end-to-side fashion and a 10 mm graft connected to the brachio cephalic artery. The left carotid artery was over sewn (normal TCD and EEG). The graft was routed at the right side of the heart and distally anastomosed to the supra-celiac aorta in an end-to-side fashion. Following, the patient was turned on the right side and via the left thoracotomy the homograft, including the endograft, was explanted and the distal descending thoracic aortic volver al sumario Viernes, 26 Junio Friday, June 26th 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program stump over sewn. The left subclavian artery was treated with an occluder. The boy recovered remarkably well and fast. The infection parameters normalized and a contrast swallow X-ray showed absence of leaking at the level of the pre-existent fistula. Finally the boy could fly back to his country and now 18 months later he is perfectly OK, playing soccer and making progress in school. I had the pleasure to meet him in his own environment where he showed me all the well healed scars with a huge smile. Post-operative image of extra-anatomic aortic repair with resection of descending aorta from supra-coronary aorta to supra celiac aorta. Peter Gaines Multiple visceral und peripheral embolization during initial staged thoracic aortic repair for TAAA Kasprzak PM Never again: lessons learnt from the worst endovascular case of my life Rabih Chaer 15 yrs ago I was asked to be part of the evaluation of a new thoracic stent graft. To me the device really did not makes sense; the individual stents were to long to conform to the curve of the arch of aorta, and the apex of the struts I thought would be too traumatic. However I was flattered to be involved in the evaluation and recruited a patient with chronic aortic dissection as my first case. following placement of the device there was a proximal type 1 endoleak. Following balloon dilatation there was a larger endoleak, probably due to a tear in the dissection flap. A large Palmaz stent did not resolve the problem, neither did a proximal Gore TAG device. After 12 hrs the case was concluded. The patient awoke with bilateral hemispheric infarcts resulting in bilateral spasticity, bladder and bowel incontinence. Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany We report the lethal outcome of a patient treated for a thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA) with intended implantation of a branched endograft under neurophysiological control using motor evoked potentials (MEPs). However, during distal thoracic aneurysm exclusion ending in a kinked aortic segment just above the diaphragm MEPs indicated loss of motoric potentials with suspected spinal cord ischemia. Mean blood pressure was elevated, spinal fluid removed and the procedure discontinued. Unfortunately, the patient developed visceral ischemia with liver failure, intestinal and peripheral ischemia and died within 48 hours. Based on this experience, we discuss interpretation of MEPs analysis and propose inclusion of the renovisceral aortic segment during the initial step of staged thoracoabdominal aortic repair, with open branches for organ perfusion, especially in kinked and thrombosed TAAAs. This is the case of a patient with laryngeal cancer who underwent extensive chemoradiation, followed by neck dissection and laryngectomy. He sustained bilateral carotid artery blowout in a sequential manner. The first, which was the right side, was treated with carotid ligation with no neurologic sequalae. This was followed by blowout of the left carotid few days later, which was treated with a covered stent. This case highlights a series of complications following this endovascular intervention, leading to several reoperations and ongoing problems. Discussion of carotid blowout and repair options for this difficult situation will be presented. 77 Lessons 1. All devices are not equal. 2. Believe your instincts when you think a device is not suitable for the job. volver al sumario Never again: lessons learnt from the worst endovascular case of my life 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Carlo Setacci Objectives: Carotid Artery Stenting (CAS) has a higher rate of advers events at early time (30 days) in comparison with Carotid Endarterectomy (CEA). This is a preliminary report of 30 days results of CAS in a multicentre italian registry using a double layer micromesh design carotid stent. procedural data were prospectively collected in a dedicated database. Neurological evaluation of all patients was scheduled at 24h, 48h and 30 days after the procedure. Intra procedural Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) evaluation data were collected, if available, and frames were analysed off-line, in a dedicated core laboratory CAS/CEA (1 Symptomatic). In all cases technical succes was achieved. A subgroup of 6 patients received Magnetic Resonance evaluation of cerebral parenchyma before and 24 hours after the procedure and only in 1 case, 3 new lesions in the ipsilateral hemisphere and 2 in controlateral were evident at 24 hours RM control. The OCT evaluation was done in 14 patients with lower rate of plaque prolapse in comparison with previous published series using other available stents. No advers events (death, Stroke or TIA) occurred in all Patients, at 1 month follow-up. Conclusion: This is the first report using this promising technology, OCT evaluation seems to show some advantages in CAS using the double layer micromesh design carotid stent. More data are required to demonstrate the non inferiority of CAS in comparison with CEA at early time, but the preliminary data are encouraging Chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Unit Department of Medicine, Surgery and Neuroscience University of Siena Past-President of European Society for Vascular Surgery Past-President of Italian Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Materials and methods: Flow diverting stents: indicaciones y resultados tras más de 5 años de experiencia clínica Since the appearance of flow diverters around 2009, its use for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms has clearly increased. Flow diverters led us to a different approach in the endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms, in terms of extrasacular treatment compared to the classical intrasacular treatment. These devices have been used for those aneurysms untreatable with standard techniques, but with an increasing understanding of their safety and efficacy, indications have spread over all different types of aneurysms. Although complications may be higher in those patients treated with flow diverters, careful attention should be paid to the specific type of aneurysms we are dealing with, and to the intrinsic risk of those lesions. In aneurysms > 10 mm, the annual rupture rate has been shown to be up to 4.37% and in giant aneurysms (>25 mm) this rate may go up to 33.4%. In this type of aneurysms, surgical treatment is often challenging and can be associated with significant morbidity. Moreover, simple coiling has been shown to be a non-definitive treatment in many cases, with a recurrence rate of 39%. Giant and big aneurysms have been typical indications for flow diverters during all these years, however many people in the INR community are now advocating for extending the indications of flow diverters to small, unruptured, saccular aneurysms. Pros and cons will be presented with an specific emphasis on the latest reviews in the literature and our own experience. estudio previo a la realización de un procedimiento terapéutico las técnicas de imagen son de gran importancia, siendo en la mayoría de casos un factor clave tanto en la indicación del procedimiento como en su planificación, aportando información etiológica, anatómica y fisiopatológica imprescindible. La tomografía computarizada (TC) y la resonancia magnética (RM) son técnicas diagnósticas que presentan aplicaciones clínicas ampliamente conocidas en la patología neurovascular. En las unidades de urgencia el uso de la TC en pacientes con clínica sugestiva de ictus es habitual como prueba diagnóstica inicial, permitiendo rápidamente diferenciar los ictus isquémicos de hemorrágicos, así como de otras patologías. Una vez alcanzado el diagnóstico, un estudio más detallado mediante técnicas como la angiografía por TC/RM y/o la perfusión por TC/RM permiten definir adecuadamente la etiología y las posibilidades que tiene este paciente de beneficiarse de terapias endovasculares. De esta forma esta información asociada al estado clínico definirán los criterios para indicar el tratamiento necesario en cada grupo de pacientes. La importancia de las técnicas diagnósticas no sólo se demuestran en el ámbito de urgencias, sino también en el manejo de patologías de diagnóstico incidental, como es el caso del manejo de los aneurismas no rotos, en donde los estudios angiográficos son básicos no sólo en el diagnóstico sino también en la selección de aquellos pacientes que son tributarios de tratamiento. Una vez se ha decidido el tratamiento más adecuado para cada paciente, la planificación cuidadosa del procedimiento a realizar es imprescindible, y en esta etapa nuevamente las pruebas de imagen cumplen un papel primordial, siendo necesario que éstas sean lo suficientemente detalladas para aportar la información anatómica y fisiopatológica necesaria, caracterizando la extensión de la enfermedad vascular que pueda contribuir al síndrome clínico, así como permitir decidir los materiales más idóneos para cada terapia, inferir los probables efectos del tratamiento y el curso clínico posterior. Dr. Jordi Blasco Neurorradiología Intervencionista C.D.I. Hospital Clínic de Barcelona Importancia y aplicación de las técnicas diagnósticas en la selección de pacientes y planificación terapéutica. Dr. Napoleón Macías La utilización apropiada de las técnicas diagnósticas es fundamental para un adecuado manejo del paciente con patología neurovascular. En el All Patients underwent CAS using the RoadSaver Carotid Stent (Terumo Leuven, Belgium) in three high-volume italian centers were prospectively included in the registry. Demographics of all Patients, plaque characterization and Results: Thirty-six patients were included in the registry. Median age was 73(24 males).5 Patients were symptomatic (2 TIA and 3 MINOR STROKE) and 9 cases suffered a restenosis after 78 volver al sumario State of the art in carotid stenting: where we are today and to where we are going tomorrow? 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 What’s new in tavi? Dra. Pilar Jimenez-Quevedo Hospital Clínico San Carlos , Madrid Bioresordable devices in clinical use Tommaso Gori Professor for translational vascular medicine 2. Medizinische Klinik für Kardiologie und Angiologie University Medical Center Mainz, Germany Future of bioresorbable techniques Josep Gomez Lara The first revolution in interventional cardiology was performed by Andreas Gruentzig in 1977. A man with stable angina was treated with plain old balloon angioplasty (POBA) and remained without symptoms, with excellent angiographic result, at long-term follow-up (1). However, POBA treatment of coronary lesions was associated in a large number of patients with acute artery recoil, occlusive dissections and ischemic-driven target lesion revascularization. The second revolution was the advent of coronary metallic stents. Puel and Sigwart implanted the first coronary stent in 1986 (2). Metallic stents Based on the Partner I and Pivotal trial transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has been incorporated into the treatment strategy for high-risk and inoperable patients with severe aortic stenosis. In this regard the 5-years of the Partner I trial was recently published showing that no structural valve deterioration requiring reintervention in patients treated with TAVR during the follow up. In addition, the 2 years outcomes of CoreValve US Pivotal Trial revealed the superiority in survival seen at 1 year for TAVR over SAVR was maintained up to 2 years. Despite theses favorable results of the fist generation devices procedural complications such us stroke, vascular complications, paravalvular leak and conduction disturbances remain a concern with TAVR. With the advent of the secondgeneration device (Sapien 3) those complications has been dramatically reduced. In this regard the preliminary results of the PARTNER II S3 Trial showed that the risk of death at 30-days in high-risk and inoperable patients was 1.6% (transfemoral group), major vascular complications 5%, annular rupture 0.2% coronary occlusion 0.3%, new parecemaker 10% and significant (moderate-severe) paravalvular regurgitation which is related with worse long term outcome: 3.7% and 0.1% respectively. This study also included a cohort of intermediate risk patients showing similar results. Following this striking data it is time to move on to treat with TAVR lower risk patients with aortic stenosis. Everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVS) have been recently introduced in more than 60 countries worldwide for the treatment of de novo coronary lesions. Analogue to metal stents, BVS initially provide mechanical scaffolding, preventing acute occlusion and early recoil, and release everolimus for the inhibition of neointima proliferation. Thereafter, the resorption of the scaffold struts has been hypothesized to protect vascular geometry/biomechanics, and, longterm, allow positive remodeling. The latter concepts extend beyond the traditional treatment with metal stents, and phenomena such as the restoration of vasomotion, late luminal gain (in contrast to late luminal loss), and expansive remodeling have been advocated as potential advantages of BVS over traditional metal stents. Initial results from simple lesions appear to be encouraging, as they demonstrate a safety comparable to that of mpdern DES and a lower incidence of angina during follow-up. Disturbingly, real-world registries have reported a relatively high incidence of in-stent thrombosis, which however appears to be completely prevented by application of BVS-specific patient selection and implantation strategies. The mechanisms of this observation, and the possibilities to prevent BVS thrombosis, are discussed. avoided the risk of acute recoil and minimized the risk of occlusive dissections. Consequently, coronary artery stenting has progressively replaced balloon angioplasty as the preferred method of PCI. However, a large number of patients presented with stent restenosis and ischemic-driven target lesion revascularization at follow-up. The third revolution in interventional cardiology consisted in the addition of an antiproliferative drug eluting the metallic stents. Drug-eluting stents (DES) decreased dramatically the neointimal response and reduced the risk of stent restenosis (3). Therefore, DES replaced conventional metallic stents for treatment of coronary artery disease; but has been associated with the risk of stent thrombosis at long-term follow-up (4). Stent thrombosis is a severe complication mainly caused by the lack of metallic strut coverage due to its inhibition to the neointimal response. Different strategies, such as prolonged anti-platelet therapy or novel DES less prone to stent thrombosis, have been developed in order to prevent stent thrombosis. Bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVS) can overcome the risk or stent thrombosis at long-term followup. Therefore, many cardiologists have defined this new technology as the fourth revolution in interventional cardiology. Although angiographic late and very-late ST are rare, the cumulative incidence per year is around 0.8% with bare metal stents (BMS), 0.7-1.5% with firstgeneration drug-eluting stents (DES) and 0.5-0.7% with second-generation DES at 2-3 years follow-up (5-7). Moreover, it is remarkable that the incidence of late stent thrombosis is permanent and does not decrease at very longterm term follow-up (8). Therefore, implantation of BVS in patients with long life expectancy is probably one of the most interesting targets of bioresorbable technology. On the other hand, the most common predictors of very-late stent thrombosis are: STelevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), stent length and left anterior descending (LAD) stenting (5). Therefore, implantation of BVS in patients with STEMI and patients requiring long scaffolded segments (such as patients with chronic total occlusions) are other interesting targets of bioresorbable technology. However, BVS are also been investigated in other unusual indications for coronary stenting: treatment of non-stenotic and non-culprit “vulnerable plaques” and treatment of active patients with effort angina. The PROSPECT trial evaluated the three major epicardial vessels with intravascular ultrasound of 697 patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) (9). After treatment of the culprit lesion patients were follow-up for a minimum of 3 years. Coronary events were documented in 20% of patients (50% related to the culprit lesion and 50% to nonculprit lesions). Analysis of nonculprit plaques at study inclusion developing coronary events at follow-up showed that “high risk plaques” had the following characteristics: plaques with thin-cap fibroatheromas or plaques characterized by a large plaque burden, a small luminal area or some combination of these characteristics (9). The PROSPECT II trial will evaluate preventive treatment of nonculprit plaques with similar IVUS findings in ACS patients ( ow/study/NCT02171065). The second “unusual” indication of BVS is the implantation in active patients with effort angina. Preliminary data of the first randomized trial comparing BVS with the ¨standard of care¨ everolimus-eluting metallic stents in stable patients showed a significant reduction of angina symptoms in patients treated with BVS (10). A total of 25-50% of patients with stable coronary 79 volver al sumario Abstract 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract coronary vessel geometry and restoration of the shear stress forces (17,18). The BVS provides considerable restoration of normal vascular function once the bioresorption process has been finished, then vessels can react to pulsatile flow, positively remodel and respond normally to endothelial factors, allowing the artery to respond to the shear stress (15,19). Therefore, BVS can be of interest in active patients with effort angina in order to restore the “physiologic” response of the coronary artery to exercise. The ABSORB IV trial will evaluate the angina status of almost 5,000 patients treated with Absorb versus EES as primary end-point ( ow/study/NCT02173379). Update on clinical evidence for bioresordable techniques type made of a bioresorbable material could provide the desirable transient vessel support without compromising the restoration of normal vessel biology, vessel imaging or treatment options in the long run. The Absorb Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffold (BVS, Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, CA), which consists of a PLLA bioresorbable scaffold with poly D, L-lactide bioresorbable (PDLLA) coating that releases the antiproliferative drug everolimus, was the first fully bioresorbable scaffold to receive a CE mark. 2 A comparable PLLA-based scaffold coated with myolimus has completed its firstin-man study with encouraging results and also obtained a CE mark and is also on the market. 3 This short article will concentrate on the only widely available BVS, the Absorb scaffold. Salvatore Brugaletta Thorax Institute, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, Spain. Drug-eluting stents (DES) are widely used as devices of first choice in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). However, certain concerns are associated with the use of DES, i.e. delayed arterial healing with a subsequent risk of neo atherosclerosis, late stent thrombosis and hypersensitivity reactions to the DES polymer. 1 Therefore, a stent Bibliografia. 1.Meier B. The first patient to undergo coronary angioplasty--23-year follow-up. N Engl J Med 2001;344:144-5. 2.Sigwart U, Puel J, Mirkovitch V, Joffre F, Kappenberger L. Intravascular stents to prevent occlusion and restenosis after transluminal angioplasty. N Engl J Med 1987;316:701-6. 3.Morice MC, Serruys PW, Sousa JE et al. A randomized comparison of a sirolimus-eluting stent with a standard stent for coronary revascularization. N Engl J Med 2002;346:1773-80. 4.Stettler C, Wandel S, Allemann S et al. Outcomes associated with drug-eluting and bare-metal stents: a collaborative network meta-analysis. Lancet 2007;370:937-48. la Torre-Hernandez JM, Alfonso F, Hernandez F et al. Drug-eluting stent thrombosis: results from the multicenter Spanish registry ESTROFA (Estudio ESpanol sobre TROmbosis de stents FArmacoactivos). J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;51:986-90. la Torre Hernandez JM, Alfonso F, Gimeno F et al. Thrombosis of secondgeneration drug-eluting stents in real practice results from the multicenter Spanish registry ESTROFA-2 (Estudio Espanol Sobre Trombosis de Stents Farmacoactivos de Segunda Generacion2). JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2010;3:9119. 7.Tada T, Byrne RA, Simunovic I et al. Risk of stent thrombosis among bare-metal stents, first-generation drug-eluting stents, The ABSORB Cohort A and Cohort B trials included only noncomplex lesions with low-risk patients. Placement of BVS proved to be feasible and safe, with major adverse cardiac events and stent thrombosis rate similar to Xience V. Based on the clinical safety demonstrated in the first studies (ABSORB Cohort A and B), the everolimus-eluting BVS acquired a CE mark in Europe and has since become commercially available. 4, 5 However, to further expand the indication for BVS use in more complex coronary lesions and acute coronary syndrome patients, the BVS Expand, ABSORB Extend and ABSORB II and BVS STEMI first study, respectively, were initiated. To explore the performance of BVS in a larger group of patients with different operators, the 80 and second-generation drug-eluting stents: results from a registry of 18,334 patients. JACC Cardiovasc Interv;6:1267-74. 8.Brodie B, Pokharel Y, Fleishman N et al. Very late stent thrombosis after primary percutaneous coronary intervention with bare-metal and drug-eluting stents for STsegment elevation myocardial infarction: a 15-year single-center experience. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2011;4:30-8. 9.Stone GW, Maehara A, Lansky AJ et al. A prospective natural-history study of coronary atherosclerosis. The New England journal of medicine 2011;364:226-35. 10.Serruys PW, Chevalier B, Dudek D et al. A bioresorbable everolimus-eluting scaffold versus a metallic everolimus-eluting stent for ischaemic heart disease caused by de-novo native coronary artery lesions (ABSORB II): an interim 1-year analysis of clinical and procedural secondary outcomes from a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2015;385:43-54. 11.Cohen DJ, Van Hout B, Serruys PW et al. Quality of life after PCI with drug-eluting stents or coronary-artery bypass surgery. The New England journal of medicine 2011;364:1016-26. 12.Weintraub WS, Boden WE, Zhang Z et al. Cost-effectiveness of percutaneous coronary intervention in optimally treated stable coronary patients. Circulation Cardiovascular quality and outcomes 2008;1:12-20. 13.Hofma SH, van der Giessen WJ, van Dalen BM et al. Indication of long-term endothelial dysfunction after sirolimuseluting stent implantation. European heart journal 2006;27:166-70. ABSORB Extend study was initiated in more than 100 nonUS sites worldwide. Recently, an interim analysis on the 12-month clinical outcome of the 512 first BVS implanted patients demonstrated a favourable clinical outcome and safety profile: cardiovascular death, ischemiadriven major adverse cardiac events and target vessel failure occurred in 0.4, 4.3 and 4.9?% of patients, respectively. The incidence of scaffold thrombosis was low (0.8?%). 6 Propensitymatched clinical outcomes at 1year between Absorb Cohort B/ Extend patients and Xience V patients from Spirit Cohorts showed identical cardiovascular death, hierarchical major adverse cardiac event and stent thrombosis rates for BVS compared with secondgeneration DES (Xience V) (0.3 14.van Liebergen RA, Piek JJ, Koch KT, de Winter RJ, Lie KI. Immediate and longterm effect of balloon angioplasty or stent implantation on the absolute and relative coronary blood flow velocity reserve. Circulation 1998;98:2133-40. 15.Serruys PW, Ormiston JA, Onuma Y et al. A bioabsorbable everolimus-eluting coronary stent system (ABSORB): 2-year outcomes and results from multiple imaging methods. Lancet 2009;373:897-910. 16.Gomez-Lara J, Brugaletta S, Diletti R et al. A comparative assessment by optical coherence tomography of the performance of the first and second generation of the everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffolds. European heart journal 2011;32:294-304. 17.Bourantas CV, Papafaklis MI, GarciaGarcia HM et al. Short- and long-term implications of a bioresorbable vascular scaffold implantation on the local endothelial shear stress patterns. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2014;7:100-1. 18.Gomez-Lara J, Brugaletta S, Farooq V et al. Angiographic geometric changes of the lumen arterial wall after bioresorbable vascular scaffolds and metallic platform stents at 1-year follow-up. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2011;4:789-99. 19.Sarno G, Bruining N, Onuma Y et al. Morphological and functional evaluation of the bioresorption of the bioresorbable everolimus-eluting vascular scaffold using IVUS, echogenicity and vasomotion testing at two year follow-up: a patient level insight into the ABSORB A clinical trial. The international journal of cardiovascular imaging 2012;28:51-8. vs. 0.6?%, 5.2 vs. 5.5?% and 0.5 vs. 0.5?%, respectively).7 Interestingly, target vessel failure rates were significantly lower in BVS compared with DES (5.5 vs. 8.6?%, respectively, p?=?0.04). A 2-year follow-up propensitymatched analysis confirmed the non-inferiority of BVS compared with Xience V. 8 Interestingly, the results from a propensitymatched analysis of 250 patients, comparing patients implanted with BVS with patients implanted with Xience V in the SPIRIT IV trial, showed a decrease in angina pectoris reported by the sites through adverse event reporting at 1 year (16.0 vs. 28.1?%, respectively). 6 This difference was highly significant and probably accounts for the lower target vessel failure rate in the BVS group. Also, the percentage of angina diagnosed through volver al sumario atherosclerosis treated with metallic stent implantation remain with effort angina despite optimal medical treatment and absence of stent restenosis at 1 year (11,12). The most plausible cause of persistent effort angina after stent implantation is endothelial and microcirculatory dysfunction. Coronary circulation matches the myocardial blood supply and oxygen consumption. Metallic stent implantation has been related with endothelial dysfunction and impaired coronary blood flow reserve (relation between coronary blood flow at rest and maximal hyperemia) of the treated vessel at 1 year (13,14). BVS provide temporary vessel scaffolding, being completely resorbed within 2–3 years (10,15). It has been shown that the mechanical forces of the BVS applied to the vessel wall have completely disappeared without shrinkage of the device at 6 - 12 months after implantation (16). This has been extensively demonstrated with the restoration of the vasomotion of the scaffolded segment, restoration of the 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Bibliografia. 1.Joner M, Finn AV, Farb A, Mont EK, Kolodgie FD, Ladich E, Kutys R, Skorija K, Gold HK and Virmani R. Pathology of drugeluting stents in humans: delayed healing and late thrombotic risk. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2006;48:193-202. 2.Serruys PW, Garcia-Garcia HM and Onuma Y. From metallic cages to transient bioresorbable scaffolds: change in paradigm of coronary revascularization in the upcoming decade? European heart journal. 2012;33:1625. 3.Verheye S, Ormiston JA, Stewart J, Webster M, Sanidas E, Costa R, Costa JR, Jr., Chamie D, Abizaid AS, Pinto I, Morrison L, Toyloy S, Bhat V, Yan J and Abizaid A. A nextgeneration bioresorbable coronary scaffold system: from bench to first clinical evaluation: 6- and 12-month clinical and multimodality imaging results. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2014;7:89-99. 4.Serruys PW, Onuma Y, Dudek D, Smits PC, Koolen J, Chevalier B, de Bruyne B, Thuesen L, McClean D, van Geuns RJ, Windecker S, Whitbourn R, Meredith I, Dorange C, Veldhof S, Hebert KM, Sudhir K, Garcia-Garcia HM and Ormiston JA. Evaluation of the second generation of a bioresorbable everolimus-eluting vascular has been evaluated in various registries. The 6-month outcome data of the Italian all-comer patient GHOST-EU registry, including 1189 patients with moderate to high complex lesion and/or patient characteristics, were reported, showing acceptable rates of cardiovascular death (1.0 %), target vessel myocardial infarction (2.0 %) and of target lesion failure (4.4 %). 10 Definite scaffold thrombosis rates were 1.7 % at 6 months. Also, the Academic Medical Centre single-arm first experience, including a high number of complex patients, showed a somewhat higher major adverse cardiac event rate at this time point, especially related to scaffold thrombosis. The investigators claim that this was due to a learning curve where major changes were made with regard to lesion preparation and post-dilatation to achieve full scaffold expansion and avoiding underexpansion as observed in the first scaffold thrombosis cases. 11 Conversely, a propensity- matched analysis from the single centre San Raffaele Scientific Institute BVS registry (Milan, Italy), comparing scaffold for the treatment of de novo coronary artery stenosis 12-month clinical and imaging outcomes. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011;58:157888. 5.Serruys PW, Ormiston JA, Onuma Y, Regar E, Gonzalo N, Garcia-Garcia HM, Nieman K, Bruining N, Dorange C, Miquel-Hebert K, Veldhof S, Webster M, Thuesen L and Dudek D. A bioabsorbable everolimus-eluting coronary stent system (ABSORB): 2-year outcomes and results from multiple imaging methods. Lancet. 2009;373:897-910. 6.Abizaid A, Costa JR, Jr., Bartorelli AL, Whitbourn R, van Geuns RJ, Chevalier B, Patel T, Seth A, Stuteville M, Dorange C, Cheong WF, Sudhir K and Serruys PW. The ABSORB EXTEND study: preliminary report of the twelve-month clinical outcomes in the first 512 patients enrolled. EuroIntervention. 2014. 7.Chevalier B. An interim 12-month propensity adjusted comparison of clinical outcomes of ABSORB patients to Xience V patients. ESC 2013. 8.Carrie D. An interim 24-month propensity score analysis comparison of clinical outcomes of ABSORB EXTEND and ABSORB Cohort B patients to Xience V patients. EuroPCR 2014. 9.Serruys PW, Chevalier B, Dudek D, Cequier A, Carrie D, Iniguez A, Dominici M, van der BVS (n = 92) with Xience V (n = 92) in complex lesions (83.9 % B2 or C lesions, 45.2 % bifurcations), did reveal similar early outcomes of BVS to second-generation DES and no evidence for increased scaffold thrombosis rates. 12 An interesting clinical application for BVS is STEMI, as bioresorbable scaffolds may seal the vulnerable plaque, restoring coronary vasomotion and pulsatility. 13 Wiebe and coworkers presented a first report on the short-term outcome of STEMI patients treated with an everolimus-eluting bioresorbable scaffold: twenty-five patients with 31 lesions were included with a procedural success rate of 97 % and major adverse cardiac event rate of 8.3 % during a mean follow-up period of 137 days. 14 Gori et al. reported the short-term results in 150 consecutive patients (unstable angina 16 %, NSTEMI 40 %, STEMI 44 %), treated with in total 194 BVS between May 2012 and July 2013. These patients were compared with 103 consecutive control patients who received a DES (XIENCE Prime). Major Schaaf RJ, Haude M, Wasungu L, Veldhof S, Peng L, Staehr P, Grundeken MJ, Ishibashi Y, Garcia-Garcia HM and Onuma Y. A bioresorbable everolimus-eluting scaffold versus a metallic everolimus-eluting stent for ischaemic heart disease caused by de-novo native coronary artery lesions (ABSORB II): an interim 1-year analysis of clinical and procedural secondary outcomes from a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2015;385:43-54. 10.Capodanno D, Gori T, Nef H, Latib A, Mehilli J, Lesiak M, Caramanno G, Naber C, Di Mario C, Colombo A, Capranzano P, Wiebe J, Araszkiewicz A, Geraci S, Pyxaras S, Mattesini A, Naganuma T, Munzel T and Tamburino C. Percutaneous coronary intervention with everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffolds in routine clinical practice: early and midterm outcomes from the European multicentre GHOST-EU registry. EuroIntervention. 2015;10:1144-53. 11.Kraak RP, Hassell ME, Grundeken MJ, Koch KT, Henriques JP, Piek JJ, Baan J, Jr., Vis MM, Arkenbout EK, Tijssen JG, de Winter RJ and Wykrzykowska JJ. Initial experience and clinical evaluation of the Absorb bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS) in realworld practice: the AMC Single Centre Real World PCI Registry. EuroIntervention. 2015;10:1160-8. 81 adverse cardiac event rates at 30 days and 6 months were similar between the two groups. Scaffold thrombosis occurred in three BVS patients and two DES patients within the first month. 15 In the BVS STEMI First study, a prospective, single-arm, monocentre safety and feasibility study, 49 STEMI patients were treated with a BVS (direct stenting in 32.7 % and predilatation in 67.3 %). The procedural success rate of BVS implantation was 97.9 %. TIMI flow III was obtained in 91.7 % of patients after BVS implantation. At 30 days, the major adverse cardiac event rate was 2.6 % (one patient with a non-Q-wave myocardial infarction in a non-target vessel). Target lesion failure (composite of cardiac death, target-vessel myocardial infarction or ischemia-driven target lesion revascularisation) did not occur and there were no cases of scaffold thrombosis. 16 Additionally, in the prospective Prague 19 trial, BVS were implanted in consecutive STEMI patients from December 2012 until August 2013. 17 The BVS device success rate was 98 %. Target lesion revascularisation of 12.Costopoulos C, Latib A, Naganuma T, Miyazaki T, Sato K, Figini F, Sticchi A, Carlino M, Chieffo A, Montorfano M and Colombo A. Comparison of early clinical outcomes between ABSORB bioresorbable vascular scaffold and everolimus-eluting stent implantation in a real-world population. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2015;85:E10-5. 13.Brugaletta S, Radu MD, Garcia-Garcia HM, Heo JH, Farooq V, Girasis C, van Geuns RJ, Thuesen L, McClean D, Chevalier B, Windecker S, Koolen J, Rapoza R, MiquelHebert K, Ormiston J and Serruys PW. Circumferential evaluation of the neointima by optical coherence tomography after ABSORB bioresorbable vascular scaffold implantation: can the scaffold cap the plaque? Atherosclerosis. 2012;221:106-12. 14.Wiebe J, Mollmann H, Most A, Dorr O, Weipert K, Rixe J, Liebetrau C, Elsasser A, Achenbach S, Hamm C and Nef H. Shortterm outcome of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) treated with an everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold. Clin Res Cardiol. 2014;103:141-8. 15.Gori T, Schulz E, Hink U, Wenzel P, Post F, Jabs A and Munzel T. Early outcome after implantation of Absorb bioresorbable drugeluting scaffolds in patients with acute coronary syndromes. EuroIntervention. 2014;9:1036-41. 1.3 %, and a stent thrombosis and major adverse cardiac event rate of 1.3 and 2.6 %, respectively, with an average follow-up of about 6 months have been reported. Recently a propensity score matching comparison between 290 STEMI patients treated by BVS and 290 STEMI patients treated by everolimus-eluting metallic stents has been reported: whereas at 1-year there were no differences in terms of device-oriented endpoint (cardiac death, target vessel myocardial infarction and target lesion revascularization), a slight higher device thrombosis of BVS device was reported in the early phase. 18 Eventually, all these data have variously showed a comparable safety and efficacy of BVS devices over metallic stents, with some concerns on thrombosis and some interesting data on angina reduction. New data and new technological advancement of this technology are waited during the coming years for confirming these preliminary results. 16.Diletti R, Karanasos A, Muramatsu T, Nakatani S, Van Mieghem NM, Onuma Y, Nauta ST, Ishibashi Y, Lenzen MJ, Ligthart J, Schultz C, Regar E, de Jaegere PP, Serruys PW, Zijlstra F and van Geuns RJ. Everolimuseluting bioresorbable vascular scaffolds for treatment of patients presenting with STsegment elevation myocardial infarction: BVS STEMI first study. Eur Heart J. 2014;35:77786. 17.Kocka V, Maly M, Tousek P, Budesinsky T, Lisa L, Prodanov P, Jarkovsky J and Widimsky P. Bioresorbable vascular scaffolds in acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a prospective multicentre study 'Prague 19'. Eur Heart J. 2014;35:787-94. 18.Brugaletta S, Gori T, Low AF, Tousek P, Pinar E, Gomez-Lara J, Scalone G, Schulz E, Chan MY, Kocka V, Hurtado J, GomezHospital JA, Munzel T, Lee CH, Cequier A, Valdes M, Widimsky P, Serruys PW and Sabate M. Absorb bioresorbable vascular scaffold versus everolimus-eluting metallic stent in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: 1-year results of a propensity score matching comparison: the BVSEXAMINATION Study (bioresorbable vascular scaffold-a clinical evaluation of everolimus eluting coronary stents in the treatment of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction). JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2015;8:189-97. volver al sumario adverse event reporting was notably lower with BVS than that reported in previous large interventional trials (FREEDOM (sirolimus-eluting stent/ paclitaxeleluting stent): 21?%; SYNTAX (paclitaxel-eluting stent): 28?%; COURAGE (bare metal stent: 34?%). 7 This finding was recently confirmed by the ABSORB II trial at 1-year, which is the first randomised (2:1), prospective, single-blinded, multicentre trial, in which 501 patients were assigned to the ABSORB BVS or a second-generation everolimuseluting coronary stent (Xience Prime). 9 Further follow-up is needed to confirm this observation on the potential reduction of post-PCI angina. If confirmed, repeat angiography with or without additional coronary intervention would be significantly reduced. This could greatly impact on patient quality of life and additionally reduce healthcare costs. The ABSORB IV trial, recently started in the US, was designed with angina reduction as primary endpoint between BVS and everolimus-eluting metallic stent. BVS in complex coronary lesions 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract (Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, California), MV-surgery, and conservative treatment in highsurgical-risk patients symptomatic with severe mitral valve regurgitation (MR). BACKGROUND Up to 50% of patients with symptomatic severe MR are denied for surgery due to high perioperative risk. Transcatheter MV repair might be an alternative. Consecutive patients (n=139) treated with transcatheter MV repair were included. Comparator surgically (n= 53) and conservatively (n= 59) Background: Methods: Catheter ablation (CA) relieves symptoms in atrial fibrillation (AF), but freedom from AF is not assured. Thus, oral anticoagulation (OAC) remains necessary in high stroke risk patients. Left atrial appendage (LAA) occlusion (LAAO) has proved a viable alternative for preventing thrombo-embolic complications. Objectives: To determine longterm clinical effects of combining CA and LAAO in one single procedure. Symptomatic patients with drugrefractory AF (CHADS2 ≥1) and indications for LAAO were included. TEE was performed to assess LAA size/anatomy/thrombus. After CA, LAAO was performed using the Watchman device. At 3 months, OAC was switched to Aspirin/Clopidogrel if LAAO criteria were met. Results: From Sept 2009-Oct 2013, 62 patients (22 female, age 64±8 years, CHADS2 2.5) underwent combined procedure. mitral valve incompetence. The procedure mainly relies on the guidance with echocardiography as mitral leaflets are not visible at angiography. Therefore, it is of utmost importance for the intervencionist to learn and understand what the echocardiographic views of the mitral valve are at each step. More importantly, it is the use of a common language between the echocardiographist and the interventionist in order to carry out a real team approach during the procedure of implantation. Echocardiography provides an essential tool to position the device and particularly to clip both mitral leaflets. Additionally, it provides a safety check up for the procedure as it can readily detect complications, particularly pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade during the procedure, among others. In left atrial appendage closure, use of echocardiography additionally allows for the selection of the size of the occluder device and its adequate position into the appendage. Both procedures start with a transeptal puncture. In case of the Mitraclip implant and in order to provide an adequate maneuver within the left atrium, a posterosuperior punture is recommended while in the case of appendage closure, a more inferoposterior puncture is pursued; the latter allows for a direct enfacing of the appendage once the atrial septum is crossed Methods The goal of this study was to compare survival between transcatheter mitral valve (MV) repair using MitraClip system Watchman laa closure combined with catheter ablation in af patients: First results from st-antonius hospital Jan Van der Heyden, MD, PhD IMaging during mitraclip implantation and left atrial appendage closure Marta Sitges, MD, PhD Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona Echocardiography plays an essential role in guiding percutaneous interventions such as mitral valve repair or closure of the left atrial appendage. The implantation of a Mitraclip device is currently the most used percutaneous approach to treat Results The log EuroSCORE was higher in the transcatheter MV repair group (23.9± 16.1%) than in the surgically (14.2 ±8.9%) and conservatively (18.7 ±13.2%, p < 0.0001) treated patients. Left ventricular ejection fraction was higher in surgical patients (43.9 ± 14.4%, p ? 0.003), with similar Jan Van der Heyden, MD, Ph D Objectives treated patients were identified retrospectively. Surgical risk was based on the logistic European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation (log EuroSCORE) or the presence of relevant risk factors, as judged by the heart team. 82 values for the transcatheter MV repair (36.8 ±15.3%) and conservatively treated (34.5 ±16.5%) groups. After 1 year of follow-up, the transcatheter MV repair and surgery groups showed similar survival rates (85.8% and 85.2%, respectively), whereas 67.7% of conservatively treated patients survived. The same trend was observed after the second and third years. After weighting for propensity score and controlling for risk factors, both the transcatheter MV repair (hazard ratio [HR]: 0.41, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.22 to 0.78, p =0.006) and surgical (HR: 0.52, 95% CI: 0.30 to 0.88, p=0.014) groups showed better survival than the conservatively treated group. The transcatheter MV repair and surgical groups did not differ (HR: 1.25, 95% CI: 0.72 to 2.16, p= 0.430). Indications for LAAO included history of stroke despite OAC (29.0%), contraindications for OAC (24.2%), high stroke risk (24.2%), and miscellaneous reasons (22.6%). LAAO resulted in complete acute closure in all, with a median number of 1 device. After a median followup of 38 (range 25-45) months, 95% of the patients met the criteria for successful sealing and 78% could discontinue OAC, while recurrence of AF was documented in 42%. During long-term follow-up, 3 ischemic strokes were observed with an annual stroke risk of 1.7% which is lower than the expected annual risk of 6.5%. Conclusions Despite a higher log EuroSCORE, high-surgical-risk patients with symptomatic severe MR treated with transcatheter MV repair show similar survival rates compared with surgically treated patients, with both displaying survival benefit compared with conservative treatment. Conclusion: LAAO combined with CA for AF can be performed successfully and safely in one single procedure, with a lower than expected stroke rate. Further studies are necessary to determine which patients benefit most from the combined therapy. Figure 1. Biplane echocardiography to guide atrial septal puncture. by. Defining the precise site of transeptal puncture is definitely facilitated by the use of echocardiography (Figure 1). Once the septum is crossed, wire and catheters interchanges are controlled under echo surveillance, thus early detecting potential thrombus or compications such as aortic punture or cardiac perforation (atrial Wall). Later on stradling volver al sumario Survival of transcatheter mitral valve repair compared with surgical and conservative treatment in highsurgical-risk patients 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract and positioning of the device towards the mitral valve is guided by echocardiography. The adequate orientation of the clip, perpendicular to the closing or coaptation line of the valve has to be checked and echocardiography, particularly three-dimensional echo (Figure 2), is the only imaging tool that provides a unique view to check this issue. Finally, clipping of the leaflefts is performed under echocardiographic guidance,; namely echocardiography becomes the eyes of the interventional physician performing the implant. Finally, the result of the implant in terms of elimination of mitral regurgitation is evaluated using color Doppler. Assessment of the appendage size can be readily performed by multiplane transesopahegal echo; the selection of the size of the occluder device is based on an average made from echocardiographic and angiographic measurements. With echocardiographc guiding the device is positioned into the appendage and its adequate position is checked. The final result of the implantation is also evaluated. Spine osteomyelitis and juxtarenal aneurysm: a tricky situation. Is there a place for evar? A case report and literature review Complejo Hospitalario de Pontevedra, Pontevedra (Spain) Crecimieto del saco aneurismático a los treinta días de exclusión endovascular de aaa Introduction: Aneurysms affecting the aorta at the renal arteries level are a threatening pathology that require an aggressive surgery with high morbidity and mortality rates. When this pathology combines with spine osteomyelitis the infection is endovascular del aneurisma infrarrenal, suele relacionarse con endofugas, habitualmente tipo 1 o 3 y deben corregirse a la brevedad pues tienen un alto riesgo de ruptura. Material y método: Fabiani, Alejandro; Carrillo, Miguel; González Camid, Melipe; Quintanilla, Juan Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey (México) Introduccion: El aumento del volumen del saco residual en los primeros días luego del tratamiento Paciente de 48 años, sexo masculino, obeso, sin antecedentes patológicos conocidos, que ingresa a la sala de emergencias por presentar insuficiencia cardíaca secundaria a fibrilación auricular de alta respuesta. Se compensa al paciente y en los estudios de imágenes se detecta aneurisma de aorta abdominal infrarrenal, de 80 mm de diámetro, con cuello proximal angulado (>90º). almost guaranteed, even if there is no fever or other signs of accompanying sepsis. EVAR is a controversial but an alternative technique with increasing acceptance between vascular surgeons in this field, because it has lesser complications, and, surprisingly, has shown good results. Although the main concern about this kind of treatment is the possibility of persistent infection, several treatments associated, based on a long-term antibiotic therapy and drainage, have minimized the above mentioned probability. Objective: We report a clinical case of a juxtarenal false aneurysm in a high risk patient successfully performed by using the parallel graft technique with local anesthesia, and discuss the use of endovascular therapies as a bridge to open surgery or as a palliative Se realiza EVAR con endoprótesis bifurcada Endurant II, Medtronic, evolucionando bien en su post-operatorio. Ante la presistencia de su fibrilación auricular y la necesidad de anticoagulación se realiza angioTC de control a las 2 semanas del procedimiento, constantandose presencia de material de contraste en saco residual y aumento de 20% del volumen del mismo. Se realiza ecodoppler que muestra aflujo de sangre al saco aneurismático a través de 2 arterias lumbares, no pudiéndose confirmar la presencia de endoleak tipo 1. Se decide no iniciar anticoagulación hasta nuevo control dos semanas mas tarde. A los 30 días del procedimiento, se realizan nuevamente estudios de imagen que no muestrans diferencias con los previos. El estudio Ecocardiográfico transe sofágico, mostro trombos en la orejuela izquierda. Se decide entonces realizar angiografía que muestra endoleak tipo 2 a partir de reflujo proveniente de la mesentérica inferior y de dos ramas lumbares. Se realiza cateterismo selectivo de ambas hipogástricas y superselectivo de sus ramas hasta llegar a las arterias lumbares reponsables de la endofuga y se embolizan con metacrilato. Posteriormente a través de la mesentérica superior y sus ramas se logra acceder al ostium de la mesentérica inferior 83 management in this scenario. Conclusion: EVAR and long-term antibiotic therapy could be a feasible treatment for aortic infections affecting high surgical risk patients. y al saco residual, embolizandose el mismo con diferentes tipos de coils y metacrilato. Resultado: El control angiográfico mostro desaparición de las endofugas. A los 5 días de la embolización se repitió eco doppler que mostró ausencia de flujo en el saco residual y se comenzó con la anticoagulación. El paciente evoluciona asintomático. Conclusión: El endoleak tipo 2 puede ocasionar aumento del volumen del saco aneurismático residual y en tal circunstancia, debe ser tratado. volver al sumario Caicedo Valdés, Diego; Moy Petersen, Juan Carlos; Moncayo León, Karla; Villardefrancos Gil, Rosa Figure 2. Three-dimesnional echocardigraphy showing an “enface” view of the mitral valve to check the adequate perpendicular position of the Mitraclip device during the implant 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract y lavado de la colección del retroperitoneo. El cultivo de la colección y los hemocultivos fueron positivos para stafilococo metisilino sensible. Se realizaron 4 lavados del retroperitoneo y recibió tratamiento antibiótico endovenoso por 45 días, se dio salida a los 62 días de haber ingresado a la clínica con antibiótico oral de por vida. Se realizo angiotac de control a los 3 meses el cual es satisfactorio. Conclusion: Material and methods Outcome Conclusion Palmaz stent was placed in the fishmouth to attach the calcified plaque to the aortic wall. Previously superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and right renal artery were protected by placing a 7F and 5F sheet, respectively. We made a Chimney by emplacing a balloon expandable stent (Isthmus 7x39mm) to ensure the flow to the SMA In perioperative arteriography and in 1-month follow up CT scan we could check correct patency of SMA and both renal arteries, correct fishmouth opening, correct aortobiiliac endograft patency and correct exclusion of the aneurysmal sac. Despite the strange complication and the dangerous surgery, endovascular surgery, once again, can solve a serious problem with a minimal invasive approach. Introduction: Methodology used: Endovascular management with fenestrated stent-grafts of chronic post-dissection thoracoabdominal aneurysms is complex. The main technical challenge relates to the fact that visceral branches can also originate from the false lumen. CTangio is performed showing that all visceral branches, except for the left renal, are patent and originate from the true lumen. Left renal artery originates from the false lumen but its ostium can be identified in the true lumen some millimeters above. Several reentry tears are observed, mainly in the proximal abdominal aorta and in both iliac bifurcations. Angiography is considered the essential and key step before treatment. Besides supporting findings from CTangio, angiogram confirms the feasibility of left renal artery canalisation from the true lumen. Then, fenestrated endovascular repair is planned. When planning, height of left renal fenestration is placed taking into account the ostium in the true lumen, instead of its origin in the false lumen. Cerebrospinal fluid drainage catheter is implanted. Femoral arteries are surgically exposed. Firstly, a thoracic module is deployed (Cook ZTA-P-28-155). Later, fenestrated endograft is implanted and visceral branches are catheterised. Canalisation of left renal artery is achieved, without the need of perforating the stiff chronic dissection flap. Begraft stents are deployed: 8x27mm + 7x23mm in celiac trunk, 7x27mm in superior mesenteric, 6x22 mm in right renal, 6x38mm in left renal. A bifurcated body is placed distally and finally, two iliac extensions are opened out proximally to the iliac bifurcations (ZSLE-16-74ZT and ZSLE-20-74-ZT). observed. Instead of extending to the external iliacs, we prefer to preserve both hipogastric arteries as a protective maneuver to prevent spinal cord ischemia. In the follow-up, the impact of these iliac reentry tears will be assessed. Materiales y metodos: La aortitis infecciosa de la aorta o también llamado aneurisma micotico es una patología catastrófica asociado a una alta mortalidad independientemente del tratamiento que se realice, aquí presentamos un reparo endovascular exitoso. Mostrar el reparo endovascular de la aorta toracoabdominal como una alternativa valida en la aortitis infecciosa. Paciente de 50 años sin antecedentes de importancia, quien presenta una aortitis infecciosa de la aorta toracoabdominal con compromiso de todos los vasos viscerales, quien adicionalmente presenta una falla orgánica múltiple. Estando cursando un shock séptico se lleva a reparo endovascular con endoprotesis fenestrada de COOK (home made) y posteriormente se realiza lumbotomia para drenaje Objective We report the case of a 71-yearold man with Aorfix endograft whose 1-month follow up CT scan objectified an extensive calcified atherosclerotic plaque in the aortic lumen that it wasn't in the preoperative study. The plaque partially closes the fishmouth of endograft. The patient was asymptomatic. Fenestrated endovascular repair of a chronic post-dissection thoracoabdominal aneurysm García Familiar, Ainhoa; de Blas Bravo, Mariano; Larrañaga Oyarzabal, Ioar; Díez Blanco, Egoitz; Sánchez Abuín, Javier; Egaña Barrenechea, José María Objective: Carbonell, Juan Pablo; Velásquez, Jorge Fundación Valle del Lili, Cali (Colombia) Minimal invasive approach for treatment a strange complication after placement of aortic endograft Roset Balada, Oscar; Andrés Navarro, Omar; Brillas Bastida, Albert; Rodríguez Cabeza, Patricia; Presas Porcell, Anna Donostia University Hospital, San Sebastián (Spain) Objetivos: To report the fenestrated endovascular repair of a chronic post-dissection thoracoabdominal aneurysm with the left renal artery originating from the false lumen. Material used: A 44-year-old female with Marfan syndrome and a history of mitral valvuloplasty, presents with aneurysmal degeneration up to a maximum diameter of 58 mm, in the follow-up of a type B chronic dissection from D10 to iliac bifurcations. 84 Se muestra un caso exitoso de reparo endovascular fenestrado de la aorta toracoabdominal en un paciente con aortitis infecciosa y shock séptico. Hay que esperar el seguimiento a mediano y largo de este paciente. Conclusions of the study: Endovascular treatment with fenestrated stent-grafts of chronic post-dissection thoracoabdominal aneurysms is feasible; requires a thorough pretreatment study and planning; and can play an important role in the management of this pathology if long-term results confirm initial good outcomes. Results of the study: Final angiography shows patency of all visceral branches and sealing of the dissected abdominal aorta. Retrograde filling of the false lumen from iliac bifurcations reentry tears is volver al sumario Introduccion: Aortitis infecciosa de la aorta toracoabdominal: reparo endovascular fenestrado exitoso 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Introduction Material used We highlight a challenging case of urgent endovascular repair of an aortic arch pseudoaneurysm and subsequent type 1a endoleak, which was successfully managed with radiological embolisation. Zenith Alpha low profile, tapered thoracic stent graft ZSLE limb reinforced with Bard fluency stent graft 12mm Amplatzer plug Embolisation coils Methodology Objectives Popplewell, Matthew ; Bevis, Paul; Ganeshan, Arul; Adam, Donald; Claridge, Martin Heart of England Foundation Trust, Birmingham (U.K.) To demonstrate how a complex thoracic arch aneurysm can be managed successfully using an array of different endovascular technologies to achieve a satisfactory haemodynamic result. A 77 year-old lady presented with a symptomatic 70mm aortic arch pseudoaneurysm. The patient was declined open repair by cardiothoracic surgery due to comorbidity. To permit endovascular repair, a Dacron carotid-carotid-subclavian bypass was performed. The main aortic arch was stented with a Cook Zenith Alpha low profile, thoracic tapered stent Antegrade endovascular repair of an isolated internal iliac artery aneurysm Quintas, Ana; Albuquerque e Castro, Joao; Bastos Gonçalves, Frederico; Aragao de Morais, Jose; Ferreira, Maria Emilia; Mota Capitao, Luis Introdution Isolated internal iliac artery aneurysms (IIAA) are unusual with an estimated prevalence of 0,03%. The traditional approach to internal iliac aneurysms is open repair, witch is technically challenging and associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. Objectives Report a case of an 55mm left internal iliac aneurysm treated via antegrade stent graft implant preserving hypogastric flow. Results artery, using a crossover technique. Despite the acute angle of aortic bifurcation and iliac tortuosity, anterograde acess to the internal iliac artery was achieved and the aneurysm was excluded with two iliac Endurant II Medtronic stent grafts 14x16x82 (inverted ontable) + 16x16x82. Conclusion Results The final angiogram showed good permeability of internal iliac and its branches and no endoleaks (Figure 2). The patient was discharged at postoperative day 3 with no complications. The 1 month CTA showed good perfusion of internal iliac artery and its collaterals with no endoleaks (Figure 3). Figure 1 Hospital of Santa Marta, Lisboa (Portugal) with an innominate artery chimney graft (Cook ZSLE limb reinforced with a Bard Fluency). The left carotid artery was ligated below the bypass and the left subclavian artery origin was occluded with a 12mm Amplatzer plug proximal to left vertebral artery. Post-operative imaging revealed a type 1a endoleak from the chimney graft gutter. Endovascular access was gained via the left brachial artery and the occluded Amplatzer plug was crossed with a wire and catheter, in preference to direct sac puncture, to allow coiling of the aneurysm sac and thrombin injection. Material used Medtronic® Endurant II iliac limbs ETWL1616C82EE and ETWL1613C83EE, Medtronic® Shealth SENSH1628W, Vanchie3 Van Schie Cook® Catether, hydrophilic guidewire 260cm, Boston Scientific® Amplatz guidewire 260cm, Case Report Figure 2 A 68 year old male with previous medical history notorious for current smoking and urotelial tumor was presented to our vascular department with a 55mm internal iliac aneurysm (Figure 1). Proximal and distal landing zones were present, measuring 14x25mm and 11x27,5mm. Endovascular repair via contralateral femoral access and sheath crossover was planned. After femoral cutdown and 5000 units of nonfractioned heparin IV, a 16F sheath was placed at the origin of the affected hypogastric 85 Figure 3 Post-radiological intervention angiography revealed that the endoleak had entirely resolved. The patient remains well at 3 months. Conclusion This case demonstrates that a complex thoracic arch aneurysm can be repaired using a chimney technique, and that an Amplatzer occlusion device can be crossed with a wire to treat an on-going endoleak with satisfactory results. Femoral contralateral acess is a valid and feasable option for the endovascular stent-graft exclusion of internal iliac aneurysms even in the presence of an acute aortic bifurcation and significative tortuosity. In the presence of good proximal and distal landing zones, preservation of internal iliac perfusion through antegrade stent graft placement is technically a feasible and effective technique that can prevent potencial serious complications associated with sacrifice of the internal iliac artery. It should therefore be regarded as a first choice therapy option for suitable aneurysms. volver al sumario Hybrid chimney endovascular repair of thoracic arch aneurysm with radiological embolisation of endoleak 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Tratamiento hibrido de aneurisma de divertículo de kommerell Gastambide, Carmelo; Amorin, Rosario; Martin, Juan Se estima que la incidencia de anomalías del arco aórtico afecta a un 0.5-3% de la población El arco aórtico izquierdo con una arteria subclavia derecha Management of cephalic arch stenosis David Shemesh Department Of Surgery and Hemodialysis Access Center Jerusalem, Israel Cephalic vein anatomy dictates that radial cephalic fistulas drain via both the basilic vein and the cephalic vein, thus the flow in the cephalic arch is low relative to brachial cephalic fistulas in which the entire flow drains via Treatment of centra venous occlusive disease in patients with arteriovenous fistula David Shemesh Department of Surgery and Hemodialysis Access Center, Jerusalem, Israel Central venous occlusive disease (CVOD) ipsilateral to dialysis access is common, with an incidence of 2%–40%, but is mostly asymptomatic. In 12%–13% of patients, symptomatic CVOD causing upper extremity, facial or breast aberrante constituye la anomalía vascular congénita mas frecuente del arco aórtico, con un prevalencia del 0.4-2%. En el 60% de los casos la arteria subclavia derecha aberrante nace de un segmento dilatado del arco aórtico, denominado divertículo de Kommerell . EL 3-8% de estos presenta aneurisma del divertículo de Kommerell . Debido a la baja frecuencia de esta patología las indicaciones de tratamiento quirúrgico no son claras sin embargo se han reportado en la literatura ruptura y disección de los mismos. Estudios histopatológicos demostraron la presencia de necrosis quística de la capa media de la pared del divertículo lo que podría explicar el riesgo de disección y ruptura. El conocimiento acumulado de esta patología asociado a los avances de los estudios imagenológicos y de los tratamiento ha hecho que algunos autores autores aconsejen se mas intervencionistas en las fases tempranas de los divertículos. Si bien permanece aun en debate, es mayoritariamente aceptado considerar el tratamiento cuando el diámetro del orificio del divertículo es mayor de los 30mm y/o cuando el diámetro del aneurisma del divertículo o de la aorta adyacente es mayor de 50mm. El tratamiento quirúrgico del divertículo de Kommerell esta asociado a una alta morbimortalidad , el tratamiento hibrido con trasposición y/o bypass de los troncosupraorticos y reparación endovascular se presenta como una buena opción. Presentamos un caso de un paciente con una arteria subclavia derecha aberrante con un gran aneurisma de un divertículo de Kommerell que fue tratado mediante un procedimiento hibrido, quirúrgico – endovascular. the cephalic arch. The pathophysiology of cephalic arch stenosis (CAS) is poorly understood. The high flow, combined with anatomical characteristics of the cephalic arch, causes intimal hyperplasia, which results in hemodynamically significant stenoses in up to 39% of patients with brachial cephalic fistula, whereas in radial cephalic fistula CAS is very rare. Surgical procedures for CAS include transposition of the cephalic vein to the basilic or axillary vein and banding of high output fistulas. Soon after the emergence of endovascular techniques, the surgical approach was replaced by balloon angioplasty. Unfortunately the results of angioplasty are short lived with a 42% primary patency rate at 6 months. Bare stents have been used to salvage the fistula after failed angioplasty, but with poor results due to stent related exaggeration of neo-intimal proliferation. Stent grafts have outperformed bare metal stents in the cephalic arch and offer a potential alternative to balloon angioplasty in recurrent stenosis. Stents must be completely covered to prevent in segment stenosis, and should be flexible to avoid kinking by the curved portion of the vein in the cephalic arch. If the stent is not accurately deployed there is a risk of axillary vein occlusion. 10% of fistulas will eventually fail after stenting as a result of occlusion of the axillary vein by the stent. However, with an aggressive surveillance and maintenance program fewer than 3 % of patients will no longer have that arm available for access construction due to axillary vein occlusion. Of all the techniques for treating CAS, bare stents are associated with the worst outcome. The primary patency of stent grafts at one year is 32% to 73%, which is similar to the primary patency for surgical revision (25% to 79%). Flow reduction surgery has a similar outcome to vein bypass and stent graft. In conclusion there is as yet no ideal stent. Even with accurate stent placement using completely covered and flexible stent grafts are not ideal for stenting the cephalic arch. Most importantly, we have learned that we should avoid stenting if possible, but when we have to stent we should use a stent graft, and we must continue searching for better treatment modalities for the future. Drug coated balloons are now in the forefront of research but there is not yet any published data relating to CAS. swelling and compromised dialysis may lead to loss of dialysis access unless some form of intervention is carried out. There is no ideal treatment for COVD. Although surgery can result in prolonged patency, the associated morbidity and lack of widespread expertise have prevented it from becoming the mainstay of treatment. Endovascular percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) is therefore the accepted treatment for symptomatic patients. However, poor primary patency rates are common after PTA due to elastic recoil or recurrent intimal hyperplasia requiring repeated dilations, often at short intervals, to maintain reasonable secondary patency rates. Bare metal stents have been used to try to overcome this shortcoming but have not demonstrated a definite advantage in long-term patency over PTA. There have been few studies, none of them randomized, of the use of stent grafts in central vein lesions related to dialysis access, but these have shown encouraging results. AnayaAyala et al (19) reported 25patients with 12-month secondary and access patency rates of 100% and 94%, respectively. Kundu et al (20) reported 14 hemodialysis patients with central vein occlusion with primary patency of 100% at 9 months, and Jones et al (21) reported a primary assisted patency rate of 75% at 24 months in 30 patients with dialysis access fistulas. Verstandig et al recently reported the results of stent grafts in CVOD with long-term follow-up in 52 patients. This study demonstrated access patency rates of 85% at 24 months after intervention and 72% at 36 months after intervention. A major disadvantage of stent grafts is the possible covering of major venous confluences but careful stent graft selection and placement may avoid this problem. Coverage of the contralateral brachiocephalic confluence can be avoided by careful localization of this landmark and correct choice of stent graft. The benefit of prolonging access patency should be weighed against the potential loss of this access for dialysis catheters. In conclusion, our data confirms the good long-term patency of stent grafts reported in previous studies, but it also demonstrates that careful technique must be used to accurately deploy the stent grafts and to avoid covering major vein confluences if possible. Maintaining patent confluences may minimize future access loss. Knowledge of the status of both internal jugular veins is important in deciding whether or not to insert a stent. 86 volver al sumario Abstract 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Ultrasound-guided endovascular treatment for vascular access dysfunction J.M Abadal MD, PhD Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa. Madrid The aim of this presentation is to show the advantages of the endovascular treatment of Endovascular vs open treatment of juxta-anastomotic AVF stenosis Dr. Jose Ibeas Parc Tauli Sabadell, Hospital Universitari. Sabadell, Barcelona Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) stenosis in haemodialysis must be corrected to ensure a flow that allows appropriate dialysis quality, to prevent the appearance of thrombosis and to increase access patency. Stenoses can be treated using endovascular methods (percutaneous transluminal How to improve secondary patency for prosthetic av access Patricia Bermúdez End-stage renal disease is a life threatening condition which needs renal transplantation or lifelong dialysis. The number of dialysis-dependent patients is constantly growing worldwide, so dialysis access is utmost malfunctioning arterio venous fistulas (AVF) guided by ultrasound (US) over conventional fluoroscopy guidance. Up to 80% of the AVF endovascular procedures can be performed solely with US guidance and these are: Balloon angioplasty, mechanical/chemical thrombectomy and stent placement. The only limitation would be stenosis in subclavian vein or superior vena cava because the lack of visualization with US. The most direct benefit is the avoidance of radiation exposure to the patient and physician. Dialysis patients have a four-fold increase on diagnostic imaging test compared to other chronically ill patients. Moreover endovascular procedures to repair AVF need to be repeated to maintain patency. This impacts in high cumulative radiation exposures. Radiation to the physician is also eliminated. Although these procedures do not carry an excessive fluoro time, they are performed with the X- Ray tube near the physician and with scarce filtration of the x-ray beam due to the thinness of the arm/wrist of the patient. Obviously with US guidance there is no need to use contrast, reducing the cost of the intervention. Procedure can be performed in patients with iodinated contrast allergy or with renal impairment. Technically US gives a more reliable view of the anatomy and pathophysiology of the diseased AVF. Vessel diameter is more accurate than in angiography, because a real measure from wall to wall is calculated. This results in a better selection of PTA balloons with a more precise balloon to vessel ratio. US add besides imaging guidance, hemodynamic flow criteria. Significant from nonsignificant stenosis can be differentiated with systolic peak velocities and AVF blood flow can be registered as surveillance parameter resembling dialysis data. angioplasty, PTA) or using surgical treatment. PTA is advantageous as it can be carried when performing the fistulography and preserves the vascular tree unlike surgery. On the other hand, however, it has a higher reincidence rate in comparison to surgical review. Surgical option, creating a new proximal anastomosis, shows more long-lasting results and does not require added procedures. However, it consumes part of the vascular tree. In treatment for juxtaanastomosis stenosis, which represents most AVF stenoses, there are no clinical trials comparing angioplasty with surgery and studies are usually in non-.controlled series. The only data available pertaining to controlled studies come from two retrospective studies of clinical series, with nonhomogenous results. Both articles find better results in surgery with reference to primary patency, with no difference in assisted patency. A prospective study comparing both techniques was carried out in our centre, a university hospital with a reference population of 485,000 inhabitants, in 2 consecutive periods on a cohort of similar characteristics, using a follow-up protocol and treatment indication. Efficacy and safety was analyzed in the first phase (PTA group) and in the second (surgical group). Assisted patency of PTA was performed with PTA itself when there was no surgical indication due to early relapse and assisted patency of surgery was performed with surgery. However, PTA was performed if the patient could not be submitted to a new reanastomosis. 139 procedures were performed: 63 PTA and 76 surgical interventions . There were no differences in age (67.2±14.7 years), gender (67% M and 33% F) or time in haemodialysis (42±30 months). Location of AVF were radial: 68% and humeral: 32%, with significant dominance in radial territory for surgery (p<0.005). The primary patency was significantly better for surgery (Long Rank: p<0.005) and with a trend but not significant for secondary patency at 1, 2, 3 and 4 years. PTA: 72, 66, 61 and 61% and for: 80, 77, 77 and 77% (Log Rank: 0.289). The complications of PTA were 3% (2 minor vein ruptures, resolved with compression and stent) and no complications were described for surgery. In summary, although angioplasty can prolong vascular access life without significant differences in relation to surgery, the latter has improved primary patency with lower procedures to maintain assisted patency. So until now the surgical procedure seems more cost effective, although studies with a large enough sample size are needed to establish the indication. importance to the chronic kidney disease population. include venous hypertension, pseudoaneurysm formation and neurological disorders. concepts: flow diffuser, graft geometry and anastomotic geometry. Intimal hyperplasia is responsible for stenosis at the graft-vein anastomosis. Reasons proffered for intimal hyperplasia include: compliance mismatch between the vein and graft, boundary layer separation, enhanced particle residence time, increased low sheer stress and high flow velocity of blood at the anastomosis. Efforts at reducing the incidence of intimal hyperplasia have evolved from research into the following Occlusion is an important vascular access-related complication, which is mostly caused by stenosis and also by hypotension, dehydration, infection, compression, or other conditions. Endovascular treatment (ET) has been introduced as a treatment modality for the management of VA related complications. Conventionally, surgical therapy has been the mainstay of treatment for such complications, but it is now being replaced by ET, a less invasive therapy for occlusion. While citing a lack of randomized data to support it, the K/ DOQI Vascular Access Guidelines prefer venous preservation, rapid return to dialysis and less invasiveness of the percutaneous technique over surgery. The K/DOQI guidelines Autogenous fistulae are the vascular access of choice because of their longevity and inherently low infection risks, but the number of fistulae is limited to the arterial and venous anatomy, that is why arteriovenous grafts are a common option for permanent hemodialysis access. Complicactions associated with synthetic grafts are stenosis with or without graft thrombosis, infection and vascular steal syndrome. Other complications 87 Occlusion precludes HD, and therefore, it can give rise to fatal consequences. We are going to review occlusion treatment possibilities which are going to permit us improving secondary patency. volver al sumario Abstract 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Endovascular techniques to declot hemodialysis grafts include the evaluation of the outflow veins, thrombus removal, the treatment of lesions responsible for graft demise, and the dislodging of the arterial plug. Techniques for declotting hemodialysis fistulae include pulse-spray and lyse-and-wait techniques using urokinase, mechanical thrombectomy with compliant balloons, and many mechanical thrombectomy devices. We present our preliminary results of 70 thrombosis grafts that were treated with Hidrodynamic percutaneous thrombectomy. The clinical data collected from patients’ files included patient age and sex, type of access and its location. In addition, we recorded time from creation of the arteriovenous graft to the first declotting procedure, the type of declotting procedure, number and location of stenosis, size and type of the balloon angioplasty, stent/stent graft placement, median number of procedures per patient, average time to reintervention and the number of angioplasties performed between two consecutive graft occlusions. It was also collected time from Endovascular treatment modalities for low and high flow vascular malformations Jos C. Van den Berg graft occlusion/dysfunction to radiologic intervention, complications of the procedure, residual findings (eg, occlusion, thrombus, stenosis, and aneurysm), and outcome of the procedure. Procedure success was evaluated on technical and clinical bases We use mechanical thrombectomy with “Angio-jet” system in all cases. Angioplasty in one or more lesions after thrombectomy was performed in all accesses. The AngioJet device relies on a high-pressure saline jet passing from the tip of a catheter, then up the catheter shaft to an exhaust pump external to the patient. A low-pressure zone at the catheter tip is the result; this draws thrombus into the jet stream, causing maceration and extraction. All procedures are carried under local anesthesia in the interventional radiology unit. Patients with a suspected thrombosed fistula are referred urgently. Patients are scheduled urgently for the next available appointment, usually within 24–48 h. The procedure is carried out by one of five interventional radiologists with vascular access experience. Then the patient undergoes ultrasound evaluation in the interventional suite to confirm thrombosis and it is used to guide the puncture via the Seldinger technique. Six-French sheaths are inserted in an antegrade and retrograde direction. A five-French catheter Arterio-venous malformations (AVMs) are congenital vascular malformations (CVMs) that result from birth defects involving the vessels of both arterial and venous origins, resulting in direct communications between the different size vessels or a meshwork of primitive reticular networks of dysplastic minute vessels which have failed to mature to become 'capillary' and 0.035-inch wire are passed in an antegrade fashion through the occluded venous limb into the patent central veins. The AngioJet DVX catheter is passed over a 0.035-inch wire through the thrombus. The AngioJet DVX catheter is then passed retrograde toward the arterial anastomosis. After thrombectomy, angiography delineates stenoses, and these are treated with angioplasty. In case of vascular ruptured stent graft is positioned if compression of the lesion is not enough. No thrombolytic drugs are used before, during, or after the procedure. Heparin (up to 5000 iU) is used intraoperatively at the discretion of the radiologist. Antibiotics are not routinely used A life analysis table is provided in Table 1. A total of 70 thrombectomies were performed. Primary patency at 1, 3, and 6 months was 73%, 56%, and 42%, respectively. Secondary patency at 12 months 61% Complications occurred in 7 patients. Six of them were minor complications (5 limited haematomas and one bronchospasm). A gammagraphic examination of ventilation/perfusion was performed in the patient who experienced the bronchospasm which was negative for pulmonary embolism. There was a major complication: arterial anastomosis rupture occurred post-angioplasty and the patient required surgical intervention with surgical repair of the graft, with no more complications and without any sequelae thrombosed accesses. Being minimally invasive, the technique is accepted by the patients. The high rate of clinical effectiveness and the fact that the access can be used immediately if urgent dialysis is needed are additional factors that favor endovascular techniques. Further research to identify the causes of intermediate graft thrombosis is necessary With the increasing number of patients requiring hemodialysis, this is becoming a real growth area for interventional radiologists Table 1 Comparison with the literature with other series: The mean age was 67 years (range 36-84). There was a slight predominance to male sex (22 men, 56% and 17 women, 44%) and averag e patient age was 67 years. Location of grafts was 25 in the upper arm and 14 in the lower limb. The time to Intervention was 2448 hours in 59 procedures (84%) , and more than 48 in 16%. Median number of procedures per patient was 2,2. Median follow up was 503 days ( 16,8 months) (p25:153-p75:736) Technical success rate for thrombectomies was 97% (68/70) and clinical success rate was 86% (60/70 procedures) vessels termed "nidus". These lesions are defined by shunting of high velocity, low resistance flow from the arterial vasculature into the venous system in a variety of fistulous conditions. AVMs remain the most challenging and potentially limb or life-threatening form of vascular anomalies. The anatomic, pathological and hemodynamic characteristics, 88 Summary and conclusions: Like others, we agree to perform an aggressive endovascular approach in treating failing or the secondary effects on the surrounding tissues and the systemic manifestations should be defined. Basic diagnostic tools are Duplex sonography followed by MRI or CT scanning. Although many classifications have been developed that provide a better understanding of the biology and natural history of AVMs, the definition of the vascular anomaly should be according to the Hamburg classification and should separate vascular tumors from vascular malformations. The next step is to separate high flow from low flow AVMs, in order to choose optimal therapy. Guidelines will be provided in this presentation. volver al sumario have recommended endovascular techniques to restore function of thrombosed hemodialysis prosthetic grafts, which should have a clinical success rate of at least 85% and that primary patency at three months should be at least 40%. volver al sumario 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 What’s New on CCSVI Michael D. Dake Recent data from the literature suggest a greater role of chronic venous insufficiency in the pathogenesis of a variety of brain Planeando zonas de anclaje en iliacas complejas: sandwiches, periscopios, stents paralelos Alejandro Fabiani, Tecnológico de Monterrey, México La reparación endovascular de los aneurismas de aorta (EVAR) ha excedido en la actualidad las indicaciones clásicas y muchos procedimientos se llevan adelante en pacientes con una anatomía no adecuada para el Planning and sizing evar: do it yourself! A basic schema to follow. Fernando Gallardo disorders. The goal of this talk is to review the contributions made in 2014 to our enhanced understanding of the safety and efficacy of the endovascular or open surgical treatment of chronic venous obstruction in patients with a variety of pathologies including multiple sclerosis, transient global amnesia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, transient monocular blindness, headaches, and spontaneous intracranial hypertension. Open surgical interventions including, but not limited to operative venous bypass, transposition, venoplasty, and vein interposition have been reported. EVAR. La industria ha comenzado a ofrecer diferentes opciones hechas a medida para cada paciente y otras de uso estándar (off the shelf) aplicables a la gran mayoría de los casos. Pero estas tecnologías no están aún disponibles en todos los medios y suelen tener un costo elevado. Entre tanto, se han improvisado diferentes opciones que pueden realizarse con los materiales disponibles en la mayoría de los sitios y con resultados alentadores.. Se discutirán aquí las opciones disponibles para el manejo de aneurismas ilíacos en los que no es posible respetar las indicaciones de uso de las endoprótesis estándares y se debe recurrir a la utilización de técnicas de salvamento de las hipogástricas a través de técnicas como los sándwiches, periscopios, stents paralelos. Se darán algunos Tips técnicos para facilitar su realización y asegurar buenos resultados y finalmente se presentarán los resultados reportados con estas técnicas. at radiological workstations. For endovascular therapist who begins to use this software, preoperative navigation within the vessels and accurate measurements are the primary objectives, enabling them to accurately plan an EVAR. Objectives: The objectives of this work are: a) remark the differences between measuring-sizingplanning, b) review the evolution of planning EVAR over last years, c) present a basic schema with the principles of measuring and sizing EVAR focused on the key Introduction: The sizing, which is the first step of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR), is essential for a successful procedure. Several sizing methods have been assessed, using highly sophisticated and expensive radiological workstations and software. Endovascular specialist must be able to master this first step using reliable software, with results that are as accurate as those obtained Figure 1: MPR, VR and CPR modality views. 90 Endovascular procedures detailed in the medical literature include balloon angioplasty, cutting or scoring balloon angioplasty, self-expanding and balloon expandable stent placement, and stent-grafting. In general, all these therapies have been used to treat stenosis and/or occlusions of the jugular and/or azygous veins associated with increased collateral venous drainage. The relationship between anatomic findings and any symptoms related to the range of neurological disorders listed above has not been established and further research is required. steps for a succesfully planning. Endovascular surgeons that perform EVAR should acquire the necessary skills to perform all the steps in planning and sizing of the procedure and not limit their participation in the procedure to the implantation of the aortic endoprosthesis. Matherial and methods: Precise preoperative study of the aortic anatomy based on high-quality preoperative computerized tomography angiography scans (CTA) is required to determine EVAR suitability and to accurately size the endograft and plan the procedure. Multidetector row CT and 3D workstation analysis have now replaced the old “ gold standard” intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography for assessing the vascular anatomy. New generation of 3D workstations are now intuitive and “ easy-to use”, which makes them accessible to vascular surgeons and radiologists alike. Endograft sizing software including three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of the preoperative computed volver al sumario Abstract 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Results of the study: A basic schema of measuring and sizing is presented, and it could be summarized in 8 key points: 1. Size of the aneurysms: Hostile / complex anatomies, measures “in-in” or “out-out”. Endofugas tipo ii que se necesita resolver. ¿Cómo se maneja en vuestro centro? Franciso Gómez Palonés Servicio de Angiología Cirugía Vascular y Endovascular Hospital Universitari Dr Peset. Valencia. SPAIN La dimensión del problema 2. Access evaluation: Degree of ilio-femoral arterial occlusive disease, angulations. 3. Aortic Neck evaluation: Angulations, diameter, length, thrombus, calcium. 4. Aortic bifurcation: Lumen, calcium, area. 5. Iliacs evaluation: Internal diameters, angulations. 6. Aorta Length: Estimation of longitudinal devices placement with the centreline. 7. C-Arm Angulations:Calculated before the procedure with VR and MPR techniques. Figure 2: Evaluation of C-Arm angulations prior to the EVAR in a document that should be visible for the main operator during the procedure. preoperative measuring and planning process. The routine use of 3D workstations for EVAR planning and a basic schema in measuring and sizing are useful tools that should be mandatory in everyday practice to enhance short and mid-term EVAR results. 8. Check the adaptability of endovascular stock and the own endovascular´s skills limitations of the team. It is recommended to report all the points of this basic schema Conclusions of the study: en el tiempo. Aunque lo primero se ha conseguido con una gran mejoría de los resultados inmediatos con respecto a la cirugía abierta, sus resultados a largo plazo, sin embargo, aun arrojan ciertas sombras, pues metaanálisis de ensayos grandes, reflejan que se encuentran casos de mortalidad por rotura del aneurisma en el seguimiento, y en la mayoría de casos esta en relación con endofugas. Fig1.-Endofuga y embolización de arteria mesentérica inferior EVAR could be consider as a relatively simple procedure but its execution requires a detailed Figure 3: Example of a basic schema of an infrarrenal EVAR planning, with detailed information of technical and anatomical issues. Las endofugas tipo 2 consitituyen un problema importante por dos motivos: • Por su elevada frecuencia La reparación endovascular de aneurismas de aorta se ha consolidado como una opción terapéutica cas de primera elección, que logra la exclusión del aneurisma con una incidencia muy baja de morbimortalidad comparado con la cirugía abierta. • Por que motiva controles recuentes con exploraciones diversas, y a menudo actuaciones terapéuticas, aunque sin un criterio unánime sobre como y cuando tratarlas, Sus objetivos son que la exclusión sea completa y efectiva, y eso implica duradera Una revisión sistématica1 del año 2013, que agrupa 32 estudios retrospectivos no Se estima que en torno al 1020% de los casos tras EVAR presentan endofugas tipo 2 ENDOFUGA TIPO 2VÍA AMI aleatorizados con un total de 21744 casos de EVAR, identifica: • Un 10,2% de los casos tienen una endofuga tipo 2 tras EVAR • Un 35,4% se resuelve espontáneamente 91 EMBOLIZACIÓN SELECTIVA AMI • Un 0,9% con endofuga tipo 2 aislada sufrió la rotura del AAA, pero lo que es más alarmante es que en un 40% de ellos la rotura se produjo sin crecimiento previo del aneurisma. Actuaciones preventivas Debido a la incertidumbre que estos datos generan y a pesar de ser poco frecuentes, se han intentado establecer variables que puedan predecir la persistencia de endofugas tipo 2 después de la reparación volver al sumario tomography angiography (CTA) and stretch reconstructions perpendicular to a semiautomatically generated centerline are now widely available for endovascular surgeons, nevertheless, a degree of judgment by the planner/operator is required. It is first necessarty to understand the three basic processing mode of DICOM reconstructions: Multiplanar Reconstruction (MPR), Volume Rendering (VR) and Centerline Plan Reconstruction (CPR). 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract entre el 50 y 80% de los casos durante los primeros 6 meses tras el procedimiento de EVAR12,13,14.. Por lo tanto, la actuación preventiva sistemática para prevenir una potencial endofuga tipo 2, que es benigna en la mayoría de los casos no parece ser la actitud generalizada. Se considera razonable plantearse actuaciones preventivas en los casos en los que concurran 2 o más de las condiciones que se asumen favorecedoras de endofugas persistentes. Fig 2.-Endofuga y embolización de lumbares via arteria hipogástrica • Ausencia de trombo mural • Diámetro grande del aneurisma • Ausencia de trombo mural • Presencia de arteria mesentérica inferior permeable • Presencia de varias arterias lumbares permeables, sobre todo si es en número mayor de 4. • Anticoagulación mantenida Aunque comparados estos factores, para algún autor7 la presencia de arteria mesentérica inferior permeable y de lumbares, parecían tener un mayor peso predictivo. mesentérica inferior 11preoperatoriamente. • Embolización de arteria hipogástrica vs exclusión de la misma, en casos en los que no se puede preservar Aunque cuando estos procedimientos son efectivos a la hora de ocluir la potencial fuente de endofuga, no siempre se ha asociado a una desaparición completa de endofugas tipo dos, o incluso no siempre se ha asociado a reducción del tamaño del aneurisma a pesar de haber eliminado las endofugas. Se ha constatado también que las endofugas tipo 2 tienden a la resolución espontáneamente También debido a la incertidumbre del problema, la actuación sobre una endofuga tipo 2 es variable. En una revisión sistemática de 10 series con 231 pacientes con endofugas tipo 2 aisladas15 en la que se clasificaron los pacientes según la actitud a seguir: • Conservadora: Seguimiento y expectación • Tratamiento selectivo: Tan sólo en caso de persistencia superior a 6 meses o crecimiento del saco • Agresiva: Tratamiento de toda endofuga tipo2 que Basados en estos datos, algunos autores han abogado por una actuación preventiva, describiendo técnicas como: El análisis de meta –regresión no mostró diferencias significativas entre ninguna de las estrategias adoptadas comparadas con la conservadora, en cuanto mejoría en la regresión del saco aneurismático. Una vez decidida la necesidad de ocluir la endofuga tipo 2 se plantea la disyuntiva de qué método emplear16. Dentro de ellos se incluyen varios: Quirúrgicos • Ligadura con cirugía abierta • Ligadura vía laparoscópica • Inyección intrasaco via quirúrgica • Conversión completa a cirugía abierta Endovascular Protocolo del centro: A pesar de que actitudes variadas pueden tener su justificación nuestro plan de actuación se basa en: Actuación preventiva: • Indicación: Gran saco aneurismática con nula o escaso contenido de trombo mural + presencia de AMI y/o lumbares e numero mayor de 4 o de calibre >2 mm Método: • Embolización selectiva de arterias hipogástricas cuando no se puede preservar o cuando es aneurismática. • Inyección de Trombina intrasaco. Actuación terapéutica: Indicación: • Endofuga tipo 2 persistente más de 12 meses. • Embolización transarterial • Endofuga tipo 2 asociada a aumento del diámetro del aneurisma > 5 mm. • Embolización “transsealing” (a través de la zona de sellado, entre endoprótesis y la pared arterial) • Método: de forma progresiva según el éxito obtenido con el método inicial: • Embolización “trans-saco” • Embolización selectiva por caeteterismo selectivo vía arteria mesentérica superior> arcada Riolano->A mesentérica inferior o hipogástrica para llegar a lumbares (Fig1 y Fig2) La tendencia es a agotar las opciones menos invasivas, y en • Técnica PASE ( “roadside”): accediendo entre la prótesis y la pared arterial ( Fig 3) • Punción guiada por TC / eco directa del saco e inyección de trombina/colas biológicas/Onix/ coils. • La inyección intraoperatoria de trombina9, • Trombinización y estabilización del saco10 con la misma finalidad que combina la liberación de coils intrasaco asociados a trombina durante el procedimiento de implante. • La embolización selectiva de lumbares y/o arteria La valoración de los resultados, no se registró ninguna rotura de aneurismas y el tamaño del aneurisma se mantuvo estable o se redujo en general. esta decisión tiene que ver la experiencia del equipo, y los medios de imagen disponibles. • Otras alternativas. Referencias 1 F. Bastos Gonçalves, N. F. Oliveira andH. J. M. Verhagen: Type II endoleak after endovascular aneurysm repair (Br J Surg 2013; 100: 1262–1270 Fig 3.-Embolización “trans-seal” 92 volver al sumario endovascular. En diversos trabajos2,3,4,5,6,7,8 se han implicado múltiples causas que incluyen: Actuación intervencionista sobre endofuga tipo 2 persista más allá de los 3 meses. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract 3 El Batti S, cochennec F, Roudot-Thoraval F, Becquemin JP. Type II endoleaks after endovascular repair of abdominal aorticaneurysm are not always a benign condition. J Vasc Surg 2013;57:1291-8. 4 Timaran CH, Ohki T, Rhee SJ, Veith FJ, Gargiulo NJ 3rd, Toriumi H et al. Predicting aneurysm enlargement in patients with perisitent type II endoleaks. J Vasc Surg 2004;39:1157- 62. 5 van Marrewijk CJ, Fransen G, Laheij RJ, Harris PL, Buth J; EUROSTAR collaborators. Is a type II endoleak after EVAR a harbinger of risk? Causes and outcome of open conversión and aneurysm ruptura during follow-up. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2004;27:128-37. Below the knee: Basic material to use, when to go there and what you should never do Abstract: Tibial revascularization is a rapidly growing part of endovascular practice. Many of the principles, techniques, and devices required to make this happen have been adopted from other vascular beds. The best Acquiring endo skills for evar: learning from simulation/ other experiences. Minimal requirements in the or. Nick J. Cheshire Imperial College London, University of Ghent Belgium 6 Warrier R, Miller R, Bond R, Robertson IK, Hewitt P, Scott A. Risk factors for type II endoleaks after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms. ANZ J Surg 2008;78:61-3. 9 Zanchetta M, Faresin F, Pedon L, et al. 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J Vasc Surg 2003;37:1155- 116 15 Karthikesalingam,A; Thrumurthy,SG; Jackson,D; Choke,E; Sayers,RD; Loftus,IM; Thompson, MM; Holt PJ:Current Evidence Is Insufficient to Define an Optimal Threshold for Intervention in Isolated Type II ndoleak After Endovascular Aneurysm Repair J Endovasc Ther April 2012 19: 200-208 12 Gelfand DV, White GH, Wilson SE. Clinical significance of type II endoleak after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Ann Vasc Surg 2006;20:69-74. factors suggesting success are in cases where the foot damage is minimal an also where the runoff into the foot is intact. The long-term patency of tibial angioplasty and stenting may be only fair but limb salvage is often achieved without bypass. Successful guidewire deployment requires knowledge of choices. The goal is to choose the most appropriate guidewire first as often as posible and to know what to do next if the first choice turns out to be a best. There are a full range of guidewires available. Basic and advanced access for sheaths placed outside the heart is with 0.035 in. ( Coaxial Systems). However one major advantage of the lower profile 0.014 guidewire, is that it is less likely to be unresponsive after passing through a tight lesión and need small plataforms (Monorail Systems) Most occlusions can also be crossed and treated with various guidewires supported by certain catheters and other devices using specialized techniques. We need to have a differents guidewire types. Starling, selective, exchange, speciality. With diferent lenght, diameter, stiffness, coating, tip shape. The potential for constructing different catheter head shapes is unlimited. Although hundreds are currently being marketed, most endovascular practice is base don the consistent and well-developed use of just a few types in most individual practices. Each specialist has funcional favorites. Flush and selective catheters have divergent purposes and substantially different appearances. In general we used flush catheters, straight catheter, selective catheters, complex curves catheters,long benit tip,hook shape. Its important knowed the kind of lession to choice wich catheter will be usefull trackability, pushability, crossability, steerability, and french. Simulated environments for the acquisition of endovascular skills range from simple desktop models to full immersion virtual reality simulation. All of these models allow the trainee to practice everything from access, to tool choice, to steering within the vasculature and ultimately to proceeding with complex interventions. All of these models have been shown to improve the function of trainees when assessed within the simulated environment. Very little data exists to show that this information can transition into real life clinical intervention and improve outcomes for patients. There are many reasons why this difficult leap into clinical proof has not yet been reached. We have experience with simple light based models that allow students to practice within a plastic or glass model. We have used both camera simulation and direct vision during practice deployment. We also have significant experience with virtual reality and with real patient data in a simulatIon system. Our suggested minimum requirements for OR experience includeaccess to the femoral artery, passage of a non traumatic wire, under screening, through the iliac arteries into the aorta, replacement with a stiff wire, angiography including choice of imaging angle to gain the best neck and iliac artery images, contra-lateral leg cannulation. Other skills that need to be acquired include device specific deployment, femoral artery closure devices and specific intra operative imaging techniques.. The training requirements laid down by training bodies in individual countries need to work with those with experience of simulation to understand how specific training requirements can be matched to the simulator strengths. 93 volver al sumario 2 Gallagher KA, Ravin RA, Meltzer AJ, Khan MA, Coleman DM,Graham AR et al. Midterm outcomes after treatment of type II endoleaks associated with aneurysm sac expansion. J Endovasc Ther 2012;19:182192. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Abstract Cuellos hóstiles en evar: diferentes problemas requieren diferentes soluciones. Dr. Omar Andrés Navarro. El caballo de batalla del EVAR, está en las reintervenciones por endoleaks, migración o fallo del dispositivo, esto está relacionado con anatomías desfavorables, sobretodo cuando hablamos de cuellos hostiles. Podríamos definir como cuello hostil, aquel con al menos una de las siguientes características: diámetro mayor de 28 mm, angulación >60°, longitud < 10 mm, cuello cónico, con trombo o severamente calcificado. La reparación endovascular de los aneurismas (EVAR) generalmente no estaba recomendada para aquellos pacientes con anatomía del cuello hostil. Sin embargo el desarrollo de nuevos dispositivos, la irrupción de endoprótesis fenestradas y las técnicas CHIMPS, permiten que actualmente esto no sea así y que dispongamos de un abanico bastante amplio de posibilidades a la hora de planificar EVAR en aneurisma de aorta abdominal con cuello hostil infrarenal. A parte de técnicas CHIMPS o fEVAR, se han desarrollado nuevos dispositivos con diferentes características que pueden hacer que nos atrevamos cada vez más a implantar dispositivos standars en cuellos desfavorables. Analizamos varios de los diferentes tipos de dispositivos que hay en el mercado y damos una visión personal de las ventajas de cada uno de ellos, así como de sus puntos débiles y de las diferentes técnicas de recurso para abordar un cuello hostil. Los pacientes con aneurisma de aorta abdominal y cuello hostil por tanto pueden ser tratados mediante EVAR/EVAS. Sin embargo de momento siempre necesitaremos un seguimiento cuidadoso y a largo plazo. Programa Científico / Scientific Program Sesión 21 Disección no complicada tipo B: Nuevos predictores de riesgo morfológicos Arturo Evangelista Servei de Cardiología. Hospital Universitari Vall d´Hebron Barcelona To date, no study has shown that general elective TEVAR in the subacute phase of aortic dissection reduces mortality. Therefore, identifying clinical and imaging predictors of poor prognosis seems mandatory for selecting patients who may benefit from more aggressive management. Predictors of Complications by imaging techniques: a) Maximum Aortic Diameter. Maximum aortic dilatation after acute phase is a major predictor of complications during follow-up. CT but also MRI are better than TEE in the measurement of the aorta size distal to the aortic root. Aneurysmal dilatation of the dissected CELA-SITE Sesión 21 / CELA SITE Session 21 TODO LO QUE NECESITAS SABER SOBRE LA DISECCIÓN AÓRTICA TIPO B ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT AORTIC TYPE B DISSECTION Moderador / Moderator V. Riambau Panelistas / Panellists A. Evangelista, M. Jacobs aorta will occur in the 25-40% of patients surviving acute type B aortic dissection. Secondary dilatation of the aorta during follow-up of aortic dissection has been considered a significant predictor of aortic rupture. An aortic diameter >45 mm in descending thoracic aorta after acute phase and a patent false lumen has been related to aneurysm development in the false lumen (>60 mm) and surgical reintervention. Diameter > 60 mm or annual growth > 5 mm imply a high risk of aortic rupture. Other studies have shown maximum FL diameter in the proximal part of descending aorta to be a predictor of complications. However, this diameter has low reproducibility, mainly due to movement of the intimal flap. b) Patent false lumen In addition to aortic diameter, a consistent predictor of outcomes in acute type B aortic dissection has been the hemodynamic status of the false lumen, classically divided into either a thrombosed false lumen or a patent false lumen. Studies have shown that completely thrombosed false lumina have improved outcomes, while patent false lumina imply an increased risk of aortic expansion and death. Persistence of patent false lumen in descending aorta 94 is common in both dissection types and has been strongly associated with poor prognosis. Total thrombosis of the false lumen, considered a precursor of spontaneous healing, is a rare event, even after surgical repair of a type A aortic dissection. A persistent false lumen can be found in most type B aortic dissections during follow-up and in more than 70% of type A aortic dissections after surgical repair. After type A dissection repair, patent false lumen in descending aorta is linked to survival at 5 years. Thus, intraoperative TEE for eliminating the entry tear, and not just repairing the ascending aorta, is of great importance. The high incidence of total false lumen thrombosis in several series may indicate that intramural hematomas, which have a different evolution pattern, were included in these studies c) Partial false lumen thrombosis Studies have shown that completely thrombosed false lumina have improved outcomes, while patent false lumina carry an increased risk of aortic expansion and death. However, in the IRAD series, partial thrombosis of the false lumen, defined as the concurrent presence of both flow and thrombus and present in a third of patients, was the strongest independent predictor of follow-up mortality with a 2.7 fold increased risk of death compared to patients with patent false lumen without thrombus formation. Prospective studies using CT or MR for assessing the whole aorta are required to confirm these results. d) Entry Tear Size The prognostic value of entry tear size and a high false lumen pressure pattern has not been adequately analyzed to date. TEE and CT are better than MRI in the assessment of entry tear size and location. When the entry tear is small, the flow volume that enters the false lumen is low and thus the false lumen pressures will be low. Entry tear≥ 10 mm, when located in the proximal part of the dissection, conferred the poorest prognosis adjusted for the remaining predictors (Figure 1). The combination of a large entry tear and indirect signs of high pressure of the false lumen, distinguishable by imaging techniques, should be considered as a predictor of aortic enlargement and a close followup by imaging techniques is advisable. e) True Lumen Compression True lumen compression is an indirect sign of high false lumen pressure. However, true lumen compression is not volver al sumario Sábado, 27 Junio Saturdy, June 27th 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Figure 2 an easy variable to analyze, there exist limitations secondary to intimal flap movement during the cardiac cycle, or local factors, as in spyroid dissection, that may reduce reproducibility of this to evolve with rapid false lumen enlargement and aortic complications. f) False lumen flow. Endovascular repair of secondary aneurysms after chronic type B dissections should be the first therapeutic option. Treatment in the acute phase is clearly advocated for dissections complicated by rupture, abdominal end-organ ischemia, lower limb ischemia, persistent pain, and refractory hypertension. Regardless of the type of treatment, approximately 20% to 30% of patients suffering an acute type B dissection will develop a post-dissection aneurysm. The goal in the treatment of a postdissection aneurysm is no different to treating non-dissection aneurysms: The aneurysm needs to be excluded from the blood flow and pressure. Due to the lack of an adequate distal landing zone above the visceral branches of the aorta in most cases, a post-dissection aneurysm is often to be regarded as a thoraco-abdominal aneurysm . Eric LG Verhoeven, MD, PhD. Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, and Radiology, Paracelsus Medical University Nürnberg, Klinikum Nürnberg Süd, Nürnberg, Germany False lumen flow volume of aortic dissection assessed by contrast echocardiography or MRI is a predictor of aortic dilation and clinical events in patients with chronic descendi ng aorta Introduction Endovascular repair Type B dissections are usually classified according to the onset of symptoms as acute (≤14 days) or chronic (> 14 days). For many years, medical treatment was considered the first treatment option for uncomplicated type B dissections. Newer insights seem to favour endovascular repair in a large proportion of uncomplicated acute type B dissections. Conventional thoracic endografting can be a viable approach for secondary aneurysms limited to the thoracic aorta. This clinical scenario however is rare. In chronic type B dissections involving the thoracoabdominal aorta complete aneurysm exclusion requires using fenestrated and/or branched endografts. This clinical entity involves additional 95 dissection. The presence of high total flow volume in the false lumen with significant diastolic retrograde flow identifies the subgroup of patients with a higher risk of complications in whom more aggressive management would be indicated (Figure 2). technical challenges. One specific feature in this pathology is the usually narrow true lumen. This has to be taken into account when deciding whether to use fenestrations or branches. Branches are more suitable when target vessels present with sharp downward take-off, but require more room in the true lumen. This extra room can be created by deployment of a tube graft first with a distal landing zone a few cm above the visceral branches of the aorta, with the purpose to expand the true lumen. Fenestrations must usually be catheterized from below and require less true lumen space, but are more difficult to plan with regard to correct orientation. A second technical challenge relates to visceral branches originating from different lumina. In such cases, perforation of the stiff chronic dissection flap is required to obtain access to the vessels originating from the false lumen. Puncture of the dissection flap with a needle (e.g. TIPPS needle) or the stiff end of a wire have both been used to address this issue. Nuremberg experience Our experience in the treatment of post- dissection aneurysms with F/Br-EVAR includes 26 patients (22 male, mean age 64.6 ± 8.1 years) treated from October 2010 to October 2014. All cases were technically successful but in one case, a retroperitoneal approach was needed for renal artery catheterization. Two (7.7%) patients died within 30-days postoperatively, one due to multiple organ failure and one due to cardiac de-compensation. Renal function impairment occurred in one (3.8%) patient. Perioperative spinal cord ischemia (SCI) occurred in 4 (15.4%) patients. One (3.8%) patient suffered paraplegia with significant improvement prior to discharge, and three (11.5%) patients suffered transient paraparesis with complete recovery prior to discharge. One (3.8%) patient developed late (6 months) SCI with urinary incontinence and lower limb weakness due to regression of a type II endoleak. Mean follow-up (FU) was 16.2 months (range 1-54 months). One late death was graft related and occurred 26 months postoperatively due to an aortoesophageal fistula. Three target vessel occlusions were noticed (2 renal arteries, 1 celiac trunk) during FU. In one volver al sumario Figure 1 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program case an iliac-renal bypass was carried out, the remaining two cases were asymptomatic and did not require treatment. Endoleaks were diagnosed in 14 (53.8%) patients during FU. These included three (11.5%) type Ib endoleaks, all from the left renal artery (LRA). Three (11.5%) patients had distal type Ib endoleaks from dissected iliac arteries. Eight (30.8%) patients had type II endoleaks. Reintervention was required in three (11.5%) patients for Ib endoleak from the LRA. These were successfully treated with stent-graft extension deeper into the target vessel. Aneurysm sac regression during FU was significant (p=0.007) from 67.4 ± 6.4 mm to 59.1 ± 7.5mm with a false lumen thrombosis rate of 83.3% for patients that completed 12 month FU. Is the petticoat technique really useful for type b aortic dissection? Methods: Results: From June 2005 to present, the PETTICOAT technique has been employed in 39 selected cases (29 men, median age of 58 yrs (range: 30 – 81) of type B chronic aortic dissection with a compression or collapse of the true lumen. Devices commercialized by two different manufacturers were employed: Cook and Jotec. All procedures were performed under general anesthesia with perioperative cerebrospinal fluid drainage in 9 patients. Supra-aortic vessels rerouting was performed in 13 cases to obtain an adequate proximal landing zone: eleven cases of left carotid-subclavian artery bypass and two case of right to left common carotid artery bypass and left subclavian to common carotid artery bypass. Clinical follow-up visit and CT scan were obtained at 1, 6 and 12 months, and yearly thereafter. A 30-day clinical success was achieved in 35 cases (89.7%): two case a type IA entry flow, one death for respiratory failure was observed and one open conversion for retrograde dissection. No mortality was recorded. Occlusion of visceral/renal arteries or device-induced tears in the intimal lamellae was not observed. Periprocedural morbidity included temporary renal failure in 2 cases and postimplantation syndrome with fever and leukocytosis for 23 days in 1 case. One case of delayed paraparesis was recorded (2,6%). At a median follow-up of 34 months (R. 2 – 67 months), we observed a clinical success rate of 92%. No late occlusion of visceral or renal arteries or device was recorded at follow-up, one case of retrograde aortic dissection has been treated surgical after 3 months. Volumetric analysis of the lumina demonstrated the following relationship From the Chair of Vascular Surgery “Vita – Salute” University, Scientific Institute H. San Raffaele, Milan, ITALY Objective(s): To evaluate feasibility and safety of the PETTICOAT (Provisional ExTension To Induce COmplete Attachment) technique for type B aortic dissection, and its early and midterm technical and clinical success rate. Us dissection trial for acute complicated type B dissection. Two year results Michael D. Dake, M.D. Determining the best method of treatment for individual patients with Type B aortic dissections has always presented a vexing challenge for physicians. Physicians are often faced with balancing the conservative 1. Verhoeven EL, Paraskevas KI, Oikonomou K, Yazar O, Ritter W, Pfister K, Kasprzak P. Fenestrated and branched stent-grafts to treat post-dissection chronic aortic aneurysms after initial treatment in the acute setting. J Endovasc Ther 2012; 19: 343-9. Conclusion 2. Oikonomou K, Kopp R, Katsargyris A, Pfister K, Verhoeven EL, Kasprzak P. Outcomes of Fenestrated/Branched Endografting in Post-Dissection Thoraco-abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2014; 48: 641-8. Endovascular treatment is feasible for secondary aneurysms after type B dissections. Standard thoracic endografting is an option in a minority of patients, when the aneurysm extend is limited to the thoracic segment. Fenestrated and branched devices are the way to go to treat post-dissection thoraco-abdominal aneurysms. approach of medical management with the more aggressive approaches of surgical or endovascular treatments. With the high surgical mortality for patients presenting with acute complicated Type B dissections, physicians have readily adopted thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) as the accepted therapy for this condition. With newer TEVAR devices achieving a broad indication from the FDA approval for the treatment of all Type B dissections and new insights regarding physiological predictors of future complications, physicians have expanded their consideration of TEVAR to treat the 96 in the TL lumen: baseline 84 ± 29 cm3, postoperative 167 ± 31 cm3 (+98%), 1 year 193 ± 46 cm3 (+131%) and 2 years 216 ± 54 cm3 (+140%). FL lumen relationship were: baseline 332 ± 86 cm3, postoperative 286 ± 85 cm3 (-14%), 1 year 233 ± 81 cm3 (-30%) and 2 years 248 ± 112 cm3 (-32%). Conclusions: Our peri-operative and midterm followup results showed that the PETTICOAT technique for the treatment of aortic dissection can be safely used without affecting patency of the branches covered by the bare stent. A significant immediate increase in TL could be achieved with resolution of cases of dynamic malperfusion. Progressive remodeling of TL was recorded over the time with shrinkage of the FL mainly in the thoracic segment. However, these results need to be validated on a larger group of patients with a longer follow-up. volver al sumario Germano Melissano References 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program predictors, an algorithmic approach may prove useful in deciding among treatment options. In essence, an algorithm is meant to provide a simplified, stream-lined guide to decision making when numerous input considerations exist and often complicate therapeutic considerations. A useful algorithm should help discriminate between choices on a high-level and prioritize the relevance of various concerns while also providing the necessary detail for justifying every decision step. The algorithm with this abstract attempts just that, by providing a simple linear structure, which has depth to support each step.1 Additionally, the algorithm is stratified left–to-right and top-to-bottom to reflect the clinical urgency of treatment. Controversy: Endovascular repair of Secondary aneurysms after chronic type B dissections should be the first therapeutic option – CON aneurysm typically expands in the proximal descending aortic part first and involves the descending aorta in various degrees of diameter increase. If the dissection occurs in patients suffering from connective tissue disease, the aneurysm formation is usually more aggressive and extensive. removed. In the abdominal part of the dissected aorta, the celiac axis and superior mesenteric artery come of the true lumen in the majority of cases. The left renal most often originates from the false lumen. Surgical repair requires careful resection of the septum and revascularization, reimplantation or selective bypass grafting, depending on the local morphology of the visceral and renal arteries. In our experience, a post dissection TAAA is operated according to the same protocol as degenerative TAAA’s and clinical outcome is comparable. Michael J Jacobs, European Vascular Center Aachen-Maastricht Department of Surgery, PO Box 5800, 6202 AZ Maastricht, the Netherlands Descending thoracic and thoraco abdominal aortic aneurysms (TAAA) can have different etiology and underlying diseases. Post type B dissection aneurysms differ significantly from degenerative aneurysms. For example, in the latter group, the majority of intercostal and lumbar arteries are occluded whereas in post dissection aneurysms these segmental vessels are patent. In general, post dissection aneurysms develop in case of patent false lumen, The New imaging techniques for aortic dissection: can we identify high risk patients ? Rachel E. Clough NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London In the majority of cases, the proximal intima tear is located at or just distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery. Typically, the false lumen bulges in the outer curve and this is the location of the first aneurysm formation. Obviously, if the aorta is already dilated prior to the dissection, further expansion is to be expected. In open surgical repair of post dissection TAAA, the proximal anastomosis has to be performed in a (relatively) healthy and non-dissected aortic segment. This requires cross clamping proximal to the left subclavian artery, in the majority of cases between the left carotid and left subclavian arteries. The rigid septum has to be opened and removed in order to allow a firm and secure anastomosis. Following, the descending aorta is cross clamped in sequential steps in order to limit massive back bleeding from the patent intercostal arteries and to reimplant important segmental vessels. Also in this phase, the longitudinal septum has to be Type B aortic dissection has a wide range of clinical manifestations, which are related to the pattern and extent of the dissection as well as branch vessel involvement. Clinical decision making is complex and is often based upon physician experience and subjective clinical judgment. The longterm outcome of patients with initially successful medical treatment is poor and not well understood. The majority of late deaths are caused by aortic-related complications, including aneurysm expansion and rupture. Early prophylactic intervention might improve the overall long-term outcome in patients who are at increased risk for developing 97 Endovascular repair of post dissection TAAA has been shown to be feasible (12). Major drawbacks, however, are determined by • proximal entry tear, requiring carotidsubclavian bypass or even more proximal re-routing, • rigid intimal septum, not allowing adequate apposition of the endograft with subsequent type 1a endoleak, References 1. Dake MD, Thompson M, van Sambeek M, Vermassen F, Morales JP; DEFINE Investigators. DISSECT: a new mnemonicbased approach to the categorization of aortic dissection. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2013;46:175-190. • inappropriate strategy in case of young patients with connective tissue disease. Based on these issues we would recommend open repair for postdissection TAAA, especially in young patients and patients with connective tissue disease (3). 1. Endovascular management of chronic post-dissection aneurysms. Oikonomou K, Katsargyris A, Ritter W, Spinelli D, Seto Y, Verhoeven EL. Ann Cardiothorac Surg. 2014 May;3(3):307-13. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2225319X.2014.04.02 2. Fenestrated and branched stent-grafts to treat post-dissection chronic aortic aneurysms after initial treatment in the acute setting. Verhoeven EL, Paraskevas KI, Oikonomou K, Yazar O, Ritter W, Pfister K, Kasprzak P. J Endovasc Ther. 2012 Jun;19(3):343-9. doi: 10.1583/12-3860R.1. • high percentage of type 2 endoleaks due to patent segmental vessels, 3. Open repair in chronic type B dissection with connective tissue disorders. • difficulty of perforating a rigid septum to allow introduction of the main body stent graft and side branches, Jacobs MJ, Schurink GW. • technical failure of cannulating the visceral and renal arteries, complications. Aortic dilation and aneurysm formation may be associated with abnormal aortic wall biomechanics, blood flow patterns and wall shear stress and assessment of these parameters may be more important than the morphological measurements currently used. Functional imaging methods such as magnetic resonance (MR) are evolving and by combining anatomical and functional information in a single examination are able to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of aortic disease. MR imaging provides superior soft tissue contrast with the ability to depict and quantify functional parameters in Ann Cardiothorac Surg. 2014 May;3(3):325-8. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2225319X.2014.05.02. Review three-dimensional high spatial resolution images with no ionising radiation. In this presentation MR imaging techniques will be presented which are able to provide structural, haemodynamic and biomechanical information regarding the aorta. This type of methodology will allow us to refine our understanding this disease and its unique variety of clinical manifestations and anatomic expressions. A patient-specific approach designed to intervene only in patients that are at high risk of developing complications should improve the long-term outcome of these patients. volver al sumario multiple challenges of this etiology. In this regard, based on their performance in the study of acute complicated Type B dissection, both W.L. Gore and Medtronic were awarded an FDA indication to treat all Type B dissections with their devices. When considering a complex variety of relevant factors, such as the patient’s condition and various physiological 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Santi Trimarchi Thoracic Aortic Research Center, Policlinico San Donato IRCCS, University of Milan, Milan, Italy. Influence of Clinical Presentation on the Outcome of Acute B Aortic Dissection Acute type B aortic dissection (ABAD) is a cardiovascular emergency in which morbidity and mortality is often related to the clinical conditions at presentation. Patients with stable hemodynamic status and absence of branch vessel involvement and/or periaortic hematoma are classified as uncomplicated and are treated conservatively with strict blood pressure regulation. In-hospital outcome of this group is excellent with mortality as low as 1-3%. Rupture or impending rupture, organ malperfusion, expanding false lumen, and refractory pain or hypertension, despite adequate treatment categorize patients as complicated ABAD and require intervention. In this cohort, although improved endovascular and surgical techniques, the in-hospital mortality remains high (Table 1). Although selection bias may be possible, knowledge of significant risk factors for mortality may contribute to a better management and a more defined risk-assessment in patients affected by ABAD. (Ref 1) The IRAD Classification System for Characterizing Survival after Aortic Dissection, Classification of Aortic Dissection Based on Time: the Hyperacute phase Mortality in both acute Type A and Type B aortic dissection is high, in particular in those patients in which the clinical conditions present catastrophic complications. Typically, such patients are diagnosed at earlier stage compared to stable patients and, of consequence, show a very strict interval time between onset of symptoms and definitive therapy. Based on these observation, IRAD proposes a new temporal classification, in which aortic dissection is stratified into 4 temporal groups and by treatment type. This new classification highlights the importance of the initial 24 hours after the acute event, as the interval time during which the natural course of the acute dissection is associated with the higher rate of mortality (Figure 1). In addition, the new IRAD classification provides also a more refined assessment of survival as it evolves over the first 60 days following symptom onset. These data could help physicians in early and late decisions making of patients affected by acute aortic dissection. (Ref 2) Importance of Aortic Diameter in Type B Dissection The vast majority of patients with ABAD present with a descending aortic diameters < 5.5 cm prior to dissection, and do not fall within the guidelines for elective descending thoracic aortic repair. Although it is not indicated to operate patients at lower threshold for preventing B dissection, aortic diameter measurements do not appear to be a useful parameter to prevent aortic dissection, and other methods are needed to identify patients at risk for ABAD. (Ref 3) About one fifth of patients with ABAD do not present with any aortic dilatation. These patients are more frequently females and younger, when compared with patients with aortic dilatation. Further research is needed to investigate risk factors for aortic dissection in the absence of aortic enlargement. (Ref 4) Aortic expansion after ABAD White race and a small initial aortic diameter were associated with increased aortic expansion during follow-up, while decreased aortic expansion was observed among females, patients with intramural hematoma (IMH), and those on calcium channel blockers. These data raise the possibility that the use of calcium channel blockers following ABAD may reduce the rate of aortic expansion, and therefore further investigation is warranted. (Ref 5) Table 1 In Hospital management and mortality of all type B patients. [adapted from Trimarchi et al. Ref 1] overall incidence of IMH is 6.3%, more often observed in the descending (58%) rather than in the ascending aorta (42%). Typically, IMH occurs in older patients compared to classic dissection (68.7 versus 61.7 years), malperfusion and pulse deficits are rare, and progression to frank dissection occurs in 16% to 36% of patients, including retrograde into ascending. IRAD showed an association between increasing hospital mortality and the proximity of IMH to the aortic valve, irrespective of medical or surgical treatment. (Ref 6) Type B aortic intramural hematoma (IMHB) is characterized by a crescentic thickening of the descending aorta in absence of an intimal flap or entry tear, resulting from a hemorrhage within the aortic wall. Initially, it was believed that this condition was relatively rare compared to classic ABAD, although presenting with similar symptoms, morbidity and mortality rates. However, more recent studies suggest that the incidence of IMHB is much higher, and may account for > 20% of all ABAD in some series. In IMHB, IRAD reports an overall mortality rate of 6 %, 13 % after surgery and 5 % after medical treatment. The outcome is slightly favorable compared with classic ABAD in the acute setting (Table 2). IMHB shows a relative unpredictable course, and in the absence of suitable predictors for high-risk IMH type B IMH is an atypical form of aortic dissection, with no dissection flap and with a medial hematoma. IRAD data showed that the 98 Figure 1 Kaplan Meier Survival Curve for Acute Type B Aortic Dissection. [Adapted from Booher et al. Ref 2] volver al sumario The natural history of uncomplicated type b dissection, pau and imh: the irad knowledge 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program should be reserved for complicated patients. (Ref 7) General consideration Aortic Dissection (AD), Penetrating Aortic Ulcer (PAU), Intramural Hematoma (IMH) References 1. Influence of clinical presentation on the outcome of acute B aortic dissection: evidences from IRAD. Trimarchi S, Tolenaar JL, Tsai TT, Froehlich J, Pegorer M, Upchurch GR, Fattori R, Sundt TM 3rd, Isselbacher EM, Nienaber CA, Rampoldi V, Eagle KA. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2012 Apr;53(2):161-8 2. The IRAD Classification System for Characterizing Survival after Aortic Dissection Classification of Aortic Dissection Based on Time. Anna M. Booher MD, Eric M. Isselbacher MD, Christoph A. Nienaber MD, FACC, FESC, Santi Trimarchi MD, Arturo Evangelista MD, FESC, Daniel G. Montgomery BS et al., Am J Med, in press. False lumen occlusion techniques: are they effective? Tilo Kölbel Chronic aortic dissection includes different previous histories such as residual dissection after surgical repair of a DeBakey type I aortic dissection, dissection after ascending aortic repair for other pathologies, and chronic type B aortic dissection. Despite the different background, the risk for future complications in chronic aortic dissection is mainly related to false-lumen aneurysmal dilatation and rupture. The aim of therapy in chronic aortic dissection is to prevent false lumen dilatation and aortic related death. Endovascular stent-graft therapy aims to reduce or abolish flow in the false lumen. Since the introduction of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) for the combined with close follow-up should be administered in all patients and intervention 3. Descending aortic diameter of 5.5 cm or greater is not an accurate predictor of acute type B aortic dissection. Trimarchi S, Jonker FH, Hutchison S, Isselbacher EM, Pape LA, Patel HJ, Froehlich JB, Muhs BE, Rampoldi V, Grassi V, Evangelista A, Meinhardt G, Beckman J, Myrmel T, Pyeritz RE, Hirsch AT, Sundt Iii TM, Nienaber CA, Eagle KA. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2011 Sep;142(3):e101-7. Epub 2011 May 17. 4. Acute type B aortic dissection in the absence of aortic dilatation. Trimarchi S, Jonker FH, Froehlich JB, Upchurch GR, Moll FL, Muhs BE, Rampoldi V, Patel HJ, Eagle KA; International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection (IRAD) investigators. J Vasc Surg. 2012 Apr 13. treatment of aortic dissection type B in 1998, it has become the mainstay of operative treatment for acute complicated type B aortic dissection, offering a clear benefit with lower mortality and morbidity rates compared to open surgical repair. TEVAR in aortic dissection is based on the implantation of thoracic tubular stentgrafts to cover the proximal entry tear and thereby redirect flow into the true lumen. This strategy intends to depressurize and thrombose the false lumen, and promote aortic remodeling in a majority of patients with acute aortic dissection. Response to this treatment strategy is limited in patients with chronic dissections with a reduced capacity for aortic remodeling due to the thickened and fibrotic degenerated intimal flap. A significant proportion of patients have persistent and significant false lumen flow despite placement of a thoracic stentgraft even where long lengths of the thoracic aorta are covered. Large re-entry tears at the level of the visceral aorta or further distally are particularly responsible for persistent false lumen flow. This limited response to endovascular treatment in chronic aortic dissection is 99 5. Aortic Expansion After Acute Type B Aortic Dissection. Jonker FH, Trimarchi S, Rampoldi V, Patel HJ, O'Gara P, Peterson MD, Fattori R, Moll FL, Voehringer M, Pyeritz RE, Hutchison S, Montgomery D, Isselbacher EM, Nienaber CA, Eagle KA; International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection (IRAD) Investigators. Ann Thorac Surg. 2012 Jul 7. 7. Intramural Hematoma of the Descending Aorta: differences and similarities with acute B dissection. Jip L. Tolenaar, Kevin M. Harris, Gilbert R. Upchurch, Jr., Vincenzo Rampoldi, Arturo Evangelista, Frans L. Moll, James B. Froehlich, Marco di Eusanio, Kim Eagle, Santi Trimarchi. Presented at SCVS March 2013, to be published. 6. Acute aortic intramural hematoma: an analysis from the international registry of acute aortic dissection. Harris KM, Braverman AC, Eagle KA, Woznicki EM, Pyeritz RE, Myrmel T, Peterson MD, Voehringer M, Fattori R, Januzzi JL, Gilon D, Montgomery DG, Nienaber CA, Trimarchi S, Isselbacher EM, Evangelista A. Circulation. 2012 Sep 11;126(11 Suppl 1):S91-6. caused by the continued pressurization from persistent retrograde false-lumen flow to intercostal and bronchial arteries from downstream entry-tears. Retrograde filling and pressurization leads to late aortic expansion in 35% of patients treated by TEVAR for chronic type B aortic dissection. The lack of aortic remodeling and false lumen aneurysmal dilatation caused by continued perfusion of the false lumen causes late aortic death as has been recently shown by Mani et al. in 2013. In patients with ruptured chronic false lumen aneurysm after type A and B aortic dissection the persisting retrograde filling may lead to continued bleeding despite TEVAR down to the celiac artery to cover the descending aortic entry-tears. Novel techniques have been introduced recently to prevent retrograde flow into the thoracic false lumen. Fenestrated stentgrafts allow longer segment coverage and thereby to abolish further distal entry tears. Other techniques to exclude the thoracic false lumen from aneurysmal dilatation are the “candy-plug technique” and the “knickerbocker technique”, which both aim at false-lumen occlusion at the distal descending thoracic aorta. Residual dissection after previous ascending aortic repair is a specifically challenging condition as treatment usually involves the supra-aortic branches, which might be dissected. Open treatment strategies are often limited due to comorbidities, the previous surgery and the complex anatomy requiring seal of true and false lumen. Hybrid techniques have been introduced using debranching techniques or frozen-elephant trunk repair and early results of these techniques are promising for aortic arch repair, but there is no published data for residual dissections as a subgroup. The introduction of new fenestrated and branched aortic arch endografts have shown promising results in single centers and allow to treat these difficult pathologies without the use for cardiopulmonary bypass. This presentation will focus on newer endovascular strategies for false lumen exclusion and endovascular arch repair for residual dissection. volver al sumario patients, a complication-specific approach should be adopted. Medical treatment AD, PAU and IMH present differences: • PAU is more common in older patients, associated with atherosclerosis (aorta, coronaries), while aortic dissection and IMH have very limited systemic atherosclerosis. • In patients with PAU, the intima is thickened with cratered, while in patients with AD and IMH, the intima is generally smooth. ABAD, PAU and IMH present similarities: • These entities present an overlap in intimal and medial changes. • Both likely share common mechanisms with inflammation and expression of metalloproteinase’s (MMPs). • Medial degeneration with apoptosis is common. AD, PAU and IMH Treatment • The treatment for AD and IMH is the same, both for type A & B. • The treatment for PAU is still not totally defined, although the distinction between those involving ascending and descending seems appropriate as well. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program Sesión 24 Uncommon accesses for ascending and arch endografting Tilo Kölbel Biomechanics implications for ascending endografting Rachel E. Clough NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London Sábado, 27 Junio Saturdy, June 27th Sesión 25 For elective treatment of taaa my first choice is : branched endografts. Eric LG Verhoeven, MD, PhD. Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Paracelsus Medical University Nürnberg, Klinikum Nürnberg Süd, Nürnberg, Germany CELA-SITE Sesión 24 / CELA SITE Session 24 ¿QUE HAY DE NUEVO PARA LA AORTA ASCENDENTE Y EL ARCO? WHAT’S NEW FOR ASCENDING & ARCH? Moderador / Moderator A. Azizzadeh Panelistas / Panellists B. Zipfel, C.Timarán Stenotic, elongated, kinked and aneurysmatic aortoiliac vessels can complicate endovascular access for introduction and deployment of aortic stent-grafts. In these cases, the common femoral artery cannot be used as an access-vessel without further medical measures. Despite all technical improvements, access complications in women remain especially common due to the smaller vessel diameter of the iliac vessels. This must be taken into account during the planning stage of the operation. Due to the vessel diameter of the chosen access vessels, thoracic stent graft systems often require insertion systems with larger diameters than those used for the infrarenal aorta. Endovascular techniques can be used to achieve a sufficient diameter of the pelvic arteries. Furthermore, open retroperitoneal access to the aortoiliac arteries with or without the use of graftconduits may facilitate safe and successful delivery of an aortic endograft. In rare cases, supraaortic vessels can be used as an access vessel for endograft delivery. Transapical and transseptal approaches for accessing the ascending aorta and the aortic arch are other potential routes for reaching the thoracic aorta if the transfemoral route is compromised. Endovascular solutions are now preferable to open surgery in the management of many vascular pathologies. Dissection of the ascending aorta has historically been treated with open surgical repair. Endovascular repair, despite its unique difficulties, has emerged as a potential alternative with successful isolated reports describing the use of devices originally designed for the descending aorta. Although initially successful the durability of these procedures remains to be seen. The proximity of the thoracic aorta to the heart and lungs results in a hostile environment with repetitive biomechanical forces and the intrathoracic aorta is subject to physiological forces secondary to both cardiac and respiratory motion. Quantification of three-dimensional (3D) aortic positional changes secondary to cardiac and respiratory motion is challenging due not only the high requirements of the image acquisition schemes but also due to difficulties quantifying the non-uniform movement of the aorta. In this presentation new magnetic resonance (MR) imaging methodology will be described which can quantify deformation of the aorta in 3D over time using four-dimensional (4D) MR imaging techniques. The displacement of the aorta will be quantified separately for displacement due to cardiac and respiratory motion. It will be shown that the displacements are complex and time varying, and greatest in the ascending aorta, where they were accompanied by a large rotational component. It will be explained how advances in imaging technology and the development of dedicated software are mandatory to provide a better understanding of complex aortic biomechanics and to guide the design of a new generation of endografts for the ascending aorta. CELA-SITE Sesión 25 / CELA SITE Session 25 AORTA DESCENDENTE Y TÓRACO-ABDOMINAL DESCENDING AND THORACO-ABDOMINAL AORTA Moderador / Moderator G. Oderich Panelistas / Panellists R. Clough, S. Trimarchi Background Operative treatment of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms (TAAA) represents a continuing challenge for vascular surgeons. Open surgical repair is still associated with remarkable perioperative mortality and complications, despite improvements in the surgical technique and perioperative care.1 A nationwide study in the US reported in-hospital postoperative mortality of 22.3% following elective TAAA open repair, with even higher rates for low-volume surgeons and hospitals2. Postoperative morbidity is also significant, including 100 cardiopulmonary complications, acute renal failure, and spinal cord ischemia with paraparesis or paraplegia.2 Although lately, some reference centers report operative mortality rates < 10% with open repair3, 4, the composite adverse outcome, including operative death, renal failure, stroke, or spinal cord ischemia (SCI), remains high (up to 16%). 3, 4 Endovascular techniques starting from infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms gradually evolved to address more complex pararenal and suprarenal aneurysms, and finally also TAAA. Endovascular treatment of TAAA with the use of fenestrated and branched stent-grafts is gaining increasing interest among selected centers.5-7 The technique initially was used as a last option for ‘poor’ surgical candidates. Accumulating experience and improving outcomes led gradually to a broader indication including also low(er) risk patients. Experience During the period January 2004 - March 2015 a total of 225 patients (173 male, 52 female, mean age 68.7 ± 7.6 years) with TAAA have been treated with volver al sumario Sábado, 27 Junio Saturdy, June 27th 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Programa Científico / Scientific Program References: 1.Safi HJ, Miller CC, 3rd, Huynh TT, Estrera AL, Porat EE, Winnerkvist AN, et al. Distal aortic perfusion and cerebrospinal fluid drainage for thoracoabdominal and descending thoracic aortic repair: ten years of organ protection. Ann Surg 2003;238:372-80. open/endovascular aortic procedures. Technical success was 95.1% (214/225). Thirty-day operative mortality was 7.6% (17/225), with an in-hospital mortality of 8.9% (20/225). Perioperative SCI was observed in 21(9.3%) patients, including permanent paraplegia in three (1.3%) patients. Estimated survival at 1, 2, and 5 years was 83.2% ± 3.1%, 77.8% ± 2.Cowan JA, Jr., Dimick JB, Henke PK, Huber TS, Stanley JC, Upchurch GR, Jr. Surgical treatment of intact thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms in the United States: hospital and surgeon volume-related outcomes. J Vasc Surg 2003;37:1169-74. 3.Schepens MA, Heijmen RH, Ranschaert W, Sonker U, Morshuis WJ. Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair: results of conventional open surgery. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2009;37:640-5. Intentional temporary sac perfusion prevents paraplegia after endovascular repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms Introduction: Kasprzak PM, Cucuruz B, Gallis K, Janotta M, Wagenschwanz M, Kopp R Methods: Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, University Hospital Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany Systematic review and meta-analysis of multilayer flow modulator in the management of complex thoracoabdominal aortic pathologY Sherif Sultan We report our experience with the concept of temporary aneurysm sac perfusion (TASP) and secondary staged side branch completion to prevent severe spinal cord ischemia after branched endovascular aortic repair (bEVAR) for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA). Patients were treated for TAAA with bEVAR between 07/2007 and 02/2014. Temporary aneurysm sac perfusion was performed by non-completion of side branches to one of the renovisceral arteries, distal aortic or iliac extensions with secondary side branch completion. Primary endpoints of the study were overall technical success, side branch Western Vascular Institute, Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, University Hospital Galway, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, Galway Clinic, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland affiliated hospital, Doughiska, Galway, Ireland 3.6%, and 66.9% ± 6.4%, respectively. Estimated target vessel stent patency at 1, 2, and 5 years was 98% ± 0.6%, 97% ± 0.8%, and 94.2% ± 1.5%, respectively. Estimated freedom from reintervention at 1 and 3 years was 89.1% ± 2.5%, and 79.2% ± 4.6%, respectively. 4.Lemaire SA, Price MD, Green SY, Zarda S, Coselli JS. Results of open thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Ann Cardiothorac Surg 2012;1:286-92. 5.Chuter TA, Gordon RL, Reilly LM, Goodman JD, Messina LM. An endovascular system for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair. J Endovasc Ther 2001;8:25-33. 101 In our experience, endovascular repair of TAAA with fenestrated and branched stent-grafts appears safe and effective in the mid-term. In our center endovascular repair of TAAA represents now the first line treament option for patients with suitable anatomy. 7. Verhoeven EL, Katsargyris A, Bekkema F, Oikonomou K, Zeebregts CJ, Ritter W, Tielliu IF. Tenyear Experience with Endovascular Repair of Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Results from 166 Consecutive Patients. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2015 Jan 17doi: 10.1016/j.ejvs.2014.11.018 [Epub ahead of print] 6.Greenberg RK, Haulon S, Lyden SP, Srivastava SD, Turc A, Eagleton MJ, et al. Endovascular management of juxtarenal aneurysms with fenestrated endovascular grafting. J Vasc Surg 2004;39:279-87. patency, perioperative mortality and the rate of severe spinal cord ischemia. Results: Ninety-eight patients were treated for TAAA (mean diameter 6.6 + 1.6 cm) with branched aortic stent grafts with (n=46) or without (n=52) TASP. Overall technical success including aneurysm exclusion, absence of persistent type I or III endoleak, TASP side branch patency and secondary side branch completion was 35/40 (87.5 %). Secondary TASP side branch completion was performed after median 26 days (range: 1-370 days). The rate of early reinterventions for renovisceral side branch complications was 15/380 (3.9 %) and perioperative mortality 7/98 (7.1 %; 4 non-TASP, 3 TASP). Clinical evidence of severe spinal January 2008 to 2015 for health related and biomedical science literature, pertaining to the MFM. Primary outcome was aneurysm-related survival. Secondary outcomes were all-cause survival, stroke, spinal cord ischemia, renal impairment and branch vessel patency Background: The aim of this review is to consider evidence for the Multilayer Flow Modulator (MFM) device in management patients with complex thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA) or dissection. Methods: A methodical search of all health databases was conducted from Conclusions Results: A total of 15 studies (3 prospective studies, 3 observational reviews and 9 case reports) were included. The mean age of patients was 68.85years (+/-12.34 years), mean aneurysm diameter was 6.67cm (±1.57cm). Technical success cord ischemia or paraplegia was reduced in the TASP group as compared to the non-TASP group (3/46 vs 12/52, p=0.023). One TASP patient died 4 months after bEVAR during the TASP interval from suspected aortobronchial fistula. Conclusions: The concept of temporary aneurysm sac perfusion (TASP) after bEVAR for TAAA is feasible and seems to reduce the risk of severe spinal cord ischemia. Early side TASP branch completion within 4 weeks is recommended to reduce the risk of rupture. In selected patients, a longer TASP interval might improve neurological rehabilitation from spinal cord ischemia. reported in 15 studies was 77.2 %. Aneurysm related survival at one year was 78.7% (±3.92%). One year all-cause survival was 53.7 % (±3.94%). There were no reported cases of spinal cord ischemia or renal insult. Conclusion: The MFM appears safe in management of TAAA, once operators abide to its Indications for Use. Since the MFM is a new technology, there is paucity of longterm follow-up data, a lack of comparative studies and a requirement for randomized clinical trials and continued assessment. volver al sumario fenestrated and branched stent-grafts under the supervision of the senior author. Mean TAAA diameter was 70 ± 9.4mm. Types of TAAA were: type I, n=20 (8.9%), type II, n=62 (27.6%), type III, n=67 (29.8%), type IV, n=58 (25.8%), and type V, n=18 (8%). One hundred and two (45.3%) patients had previously undergone one or more 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Brillas i Bastida, Albert; Roset Balada, Óscar; Rodríguez Cabeza, Patricia; Presas Porcell, Anna; Andrés Navarro, Omar Aitor Hospital Dr Trueta, Girona (Spain) Introducción: Las complicaciones en endarterectomías carotídeas son muy poco frecuentes pero de mal pronóstico en muchas ocasiones. En este caso nos centramos en una complicación muy rara de dicha cirugía y su resolución. Objetivos: Exponer la resolución endovascular de un pseudoaneurisma de carótida interna extracraneal diagnosticado tras 30 días de ser intervenido de endarterectomía carotídea con cierre mediante parche sintético y uso de shunt. Material: Introductor 5 Fr Avanti (Cordis®), Catéter Vertebral 5 Fr (Terumo ®), Introductor Destination (Terumo®) 6 Fr 90 cm Multipurpose, Guía Standard ( Terumo®) 150 cm punta angulada, Guía Sti? (Terumo®) 260 cm, Viabahn 7*50 ( Gore®). Metodología: Varón de 75 años que, al mes de ser intervenido de estenosis carotídea preoclusiva sintomática, presenta clínica de afasia y hemiparesia derecha. Se realiza TAC objetivándose ausencia de infarto cerebral y presencia de pseudoaneurisma de 2.1x1.4x1.2cm en carótida interna a 35mm de su inicio, lesión causada, por la localización, por el balón distal del shunt. Se plantea intervención urgente y, dada la localización casi intracraneal, se decide tratamiento endovascular. Mediante punción femoral se procede a colocación de Viabahn de 7*50mm desde extremo distal del parche hasta carótida intracraneal. Resultados: Se consiguió una correcta exclusión del aneurisma con excelente resultado angiográfico y fue dado de alta sin incidencias. Conclusiones: El pseudoaneurisma de carótida interna tras cirugía carotídea es una entidad poco frecuente asociado al uso de parche y de aparición tardía; o menos frecuente aún, de aparición temprana relacionado con fallo de técnica quirúrgica o infección. El tratamiento, según las series, puede ser conservador o quirúrgico; clásicamente mediante cirugía abierta o más actualmente endovascular. La reparación endovascular con stent cubierto es una opción eficaz para el tratamiento de lesiones en carótida interna distal, de difícil acceso con cirugia abierta. Endovascular revascularization of iliac arteries in patients with critical limb ischemia due to multilevel occlusive disease Sultanyan T.L., Avetisyan A.A., Kamalyan T.L., Manukyan L.R. Medical Center after Vladimir Avagyan, department of vascular surgery, Yerevan (Armenia) Critical limb ischemia frequently occurs on a background of significant comorbidities and associated with poor prognosis, wich requires urgent management. Disease severity and patient comorbidities influence the choice of management, wich on the one hand must be preferably minimally invasive and lest time-consuming and, on the other hand efficient enough for limb salvage. The study was a retrospective single-center study that included 18 male patients with critical limb ischemia and multilevel atherosclerotic disease involving suprainguinal and infrainguinal arteries , treated from January 2012 to july 2014 (median followup of 8 months). Stents for revascularization of iliac arteries were used in 17 patients. In 1 case PTA of external iliac artery was performed without stenting. In 8 cases endovascular iliac repair was combined with a surgical common femoral endarterectomy. Technical success was obtained in 100% of cases. Hemodynamic and clinical success/improvement was achieved in 15 of 17 limbs. During the follow-up period one patient died from myocardial infarction. One diabetic patient needed bellow-knee amputation despite a patent common iliac artery stent. Another major amputation was performed due to acute thrombosis of stented segment. Only one patient required second revascularization procedure - femoropopliteal bypass. In conclusion, revascularization of an inflow (iliac arteries) obstruction by means of endovascular techniques with or without common femoral artery endarterectomy can be sufficient for limb salvage in most patients with multilevel atherosclerotic disease of lower extremities suffering from critical limb ischemia. Our experience in the treatment of visceral artery aneurysm during the last 12 years. Introduction of endovasculars TECHNIQUES. 102 Pantoja Peralta, Cristina; Arefai, Bahaa; Sepúlveda Grisales, Julio; Gómez Moya, Benet; Martin Paredero; Vicente Introduction and objective: The aim of our study is to analyze our experience in the management of visceral artery aneurysm (VAAs) and review our protocols and techniques regarding the endovascular procedures. Material and Methods: Between 2001 and 2013, 32 patients (17 males; mean age: 62.4 [range: 38-77] years) with visceral artery aneurysms (VAAs) were admitted into our center. The site of aneurysmal disease was: splenic artery (13), hepatic artery (4), superior mesenteric artery (3), pancreaticoduodenal artery (1), gastroduodenal artery (2), celiac axis (2), gastric artery (1), and renal artery (13). Two patients (6.25%) presented with an aneurysm rupture. We analyze these patients to assess the type of procedure and its success. The follow-up period ranged between 12 and 60 months. Results: Sixteen cases received an endovascular treatment. Primary technical success was achieved in fourteen patients. Endovascular failures included one case of endoleak after stenting, one incomplete embolization. In 7 cases, the surgical treatment was performed successfully. The total survival rate was 96.8%. Conclusion: The potential risk of rupture is the principle reason for the treatment of VAAs. In most cases, an endovascular approach permits in most cases a less aggressive treatment and a shorter hospital admission. Although not all VAAs are tributary of endovascular treatment, we consider that a trained endovascular surgeon could solve most of the cases. Benefits are the conservation of organ perfusion, fewer complications and next day hospital discharge. An economic study is still needed to verify the efficiency of these procedures. Tratamiento endovascular del aneurisma popliteo Ferreira, Mariano; Carnero, Lisandro; Escordamaglia, Sergio; La Mura, Ricardo Clínica La Sagrada Familia, Buenos Aires (Argentina) Introducción: Los Aneurismas de la arteria poplítea tradicionalmente han sido reparados mediante un procedimiento quirúrgico abierto. Sin embargo, asociado a un desarrollo tecnológico incesante, la reparación endovascular del aneurisma de arteria poplítea (REVAP) se ha impuesto en pacientes anatómicamente seleccionados, debido a su naturaleza menos invasiva. Objetivo: Presentamos nuestros resultados a largo plazo para REVAP. Método: Se trata de una revisión retrospectiva de todos los pacientes que se sometieron a tratamiento en una sola institución académica entre Enero de 2010 a Enero de 2015. Estos pacientes fueron evaluados para determinar la permeabilidad de la endoprótesis, la presencia de endoleak, la necesidad de una intervención secundaria y la sobrevida global y libre de amputación. Resultados del estudio: Un total de 23 miembros en 21 pacientes fueron tratados mediante REVAP durante el período de estudio. Todos los procedimiento se realizaron mediante la colocación de una endoprótesis Viabahn® (Gore, Flagstaff, AR, USA) con un volver al sumario Reparacion endovascular de un pseudoaneurisma de carótida interna tras tea por el uso de shunt 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Conclusiones del estudio: Con adecuados resultados en el seguimiento a largo plazo el REVAP parece ser una alternativa adecuada en pacientes seleccionados, acompañada de excelentes tasas de permeabilidad y preservación de la extremidad. Una correcta preselección anatómica nos permitió obtener buenos resultados. Protocolo para el uso de celulas pluripotenciales en el tratamiento de pacientes con isquemia critica.Estudio experimental con seguimiento a 6 meses. Proceltric Jiménez, César; Pacheco, Claudia asintomáticos hasta la isquemia critica representada por dolor en reposo y perdida tisular, los cuales en algunos casos no tienen más opción que la amputación; el uso de células madre ha demostrado estimular la arteriogenésis Objetivo: Realizar un protocolo de aplicación de células madre para el tratamiento de pacientes con isquemia crítica de los miembros inferiores Materiales y metodos: Se realizó un estudio experimental prospectivo no aleatorizado a 6 meses con 8 pacientes, con isquemia crítica de los miembros inferiores, sin opciones de revascularización quirúrgica o endovascular. Al grupo de pacientes les administró un concentrado de células madre mononucleares hematopoyéticas derivadas de la medula ósea y procesadas por la tecnología SmartPrep de TERUMO Y se inyectaron en la extremidad isquémica. Se evaluó la sintomatología clínica, la distancia de claudicación y los índices de presiones en el período pre implante y durante un periodo de 6 meses luego del procedimiento Resultados: No se observaron efectos adversos secundarios al tratamiento. Se observó una mejoría en el primer mes, situación que se mantuvo a los tres y a los seis meses de implantados, representado en aumento de la distancia de marcha, mejoría del dolor y cierre de heridas isquémicas; igualmente se observó mejoría en los valores del índice tobillo brazo. No se presentaron complicaciones ni mortalidad asociada al procedimiento. Clínica del Occidente, Bogotá (Colombia) Conclusión: Introduccion: El uso de células madre derivadas de la medula ósea e inyectadas en la extremidad isquémica, por vía intramuscular La enfermedad arterial periférica abarca desde pacientes resulta eficaz, al lograrse incrementar la distancia de claudicación, mejorar el dolor en reposo y cierre de heridas isquémicas; además se demostró ser un procedimiento seguro y sin complicaciones o mortalidad asociada. Estrategias endovasculares para la resolucion de un caso complejo con enfermedad oclusiva venosa Rubio, Vanessa; Rubio, Gustavo CETEN Guadalajara, Guadalajara (Mexico) Problema Se presenta el caso de un varón de 53 años con historia de Trombosis venosa profunda iliofemoral izquierda en 2010, después de someterse a la cirugía de columna. Presentó claudicación venosa severa, dolor crónico y el edema de la pierna izquierda. La flebografía inicial mostró obstrucción completa de su segmento iliofemoral izquierda con abundantes colaterales. de la enfermedad venosa obstructiva severa, con buenos resultados angiográficos y clínicos. Como Evitar Con un tratamiento resolutivo en forma inicial inmediata después de la trombosis se evitará la constitución de un síndrome postrombótico , donde la secuela venosa con fibrosis caprichosas complican muchas veces los intentos de recanalización con técnicas endovasculares. Como Solucionarlo Decidimos usar un lazo a través del acceso yugular derecho para capturar la guía distal, manteniendo la tensión y hasta entonces, con un apoyo adecuado, hemos sido capaces de atravesar la oclusión con el catéter hidrofílico 4 Fr; que progresivamente cambiado por balones de angioplastia 4 mm, 5 mm, 7 mm y 8 mm. Colocamos dos stents autoexpandibles 14mm desde encima de la unión iliocava a la dilatación de la vena femoral proximal con balones de angioplastia de 9 mm, 10 mm y 12 mm intra stent después de la colocación del stent. El resultado angiográfico fue excelente, así como la mejoría clínica del paciente. Introduccion: La hemostasia luego delos procedimientos endovascualres por via femoral se puede hacer con compresión o con el uso de dispositivos de cierre percutáneo (DCP); hacia 1990 estos dispositivos surgieron como una opción al uso de la compresión manual dadas sus ventajas. Los DCP deben ser de fácil aplicación, permitir una hemostasia efectiva y rápida, cómodos para el paciente, permitir una nueva punción femoral y baja incidencia de complicaciones los procedimientos Endovasculares cada día son más comunes para el manejo de la enfermedad arterial, el acceso anterógrado se utiliza para pacientes con dificultad en el paso contralateral sobre la iliaca ( crosss over) y especialmente en los casos de enfermedad arterial infra poplítea donde se tiene más capacidad de empuje y maniobralidad de los dispositivos Endovasculares ; la punción anterógrada es más compleja de hacer con reparos anatómicos diferentes y mayor incidencia de complicaciones dada la dificultad para la presión manual, es por esto que en este estudio se utilizó el sistema de cierre percutáneo Angioseal para control vascular Objetivo: Dificultad Síndrome postrombótico grave puede conducir a la claudicación venosa y la discapacidad. Las técnicas endovasculares han evolucionado para ofrecer un tratamiento con alta tasa de éxito y menor morbilidad. Después de varios intentos de cruzar ipsilateralmente utilizando guias hidrófilicas 0,035 y 0,014 guías, logramos cruzar con el 0,035 guía hidrófilica justo por encima de la bifurcación ilíaca. Estábamos en la parte distal de la vena cava, pero que no podía soportar seguir adelante con un catéter 4 fr. El tratamiento endovascular ofrece un conjunto de herramientas para la mejora 103 Efectividad y seguridad del sistema de cierre percutaneo angioseal para punciones femorales anterogradas Estudio prospectivo a 3 meses en 35 pacientes Jiménez, César Realizar un protocolo de implantación del dispositivo de cierre percutáneo Angioseal y demostrar su efectividad y seguridad Materiales y metodos: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo no aleatorizado a 3 meses, donde se implantaron 35 Angioseal para el cierre percutáneo de punciones anterógradas. Se evaluaron las variables demográficas, la incidencia de complicaciones, tipo de procedimiento y seguimiento a 3 meses. Resultados: Clínica del Occidente, Bogotá (Colombia) No se observaron efectos adversos o complicaciones a la implantación del Angioseal por volver al sumario promedio de 1.2 stents por extremidad. La edad media de los pacientes fue de 72 años (rango, 66-84). El éxito técnico se consiguió en el 100%. Las dos criterios de selección fueron al menos dos vasos de salida, y una diferencia del diámetro arterial de los sitios de anclaje proximal a distal no mayor del 30%. El tiempo medio de seguimiento fue de 32 meses. Dos pacientes fallecieron por causas no relacionadas a las 9 y 32 meses. Se detectaron dos pacientes con endoleaks durante el seguimiento sin repercusión clínica. La tasa de permeabilidad primaria es del 100%. No hubo casos de pérdida de miembro durante el período de seguimiento, siendo las tasas de sobrevida general de 91.3%. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Conclusión: El uso del sistema de cierre percutáneo Angioseal, para el cierre de punciones anterógradas para procedimientos Endovasculares es seguro y confiable. Design, validation and implementation of a proficiencybased stepwise endovascular curricular training (prospect) program Maertens, Heidi (1); Van Herzeele, Isabelle (1); Aggarwal, Rajesh (2); Desender, Liesbeth (1); Vermassen, Frank (1) Department of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent (Belgium) (1); Arnold & Blema Steinberg Medical Simulation Centre, McGill University, Montreal (Canada) (2) Introduction Increase in minimally invasive techniques, implementation of residents’ working hour restrictions and increased focus on patient safety pose challenges to surgical education. Simulationbased training has been introduced to allow structured skills acquisition in a safe environment. Furthermore, training in a proficiency-based manner, focusing on training to expert-derived performance criteria, allows maximal skill acquisition and skill transfer to the operating room. Objectives This study aimed to design, validate and demonstrate the feasibility of a PROficiency-based StePwise Endovascular Curricular Training (PROSPECT) addressing the three core components of knowledge, technical skills and human factor skills in a modular approach. Each module consists of web-based learning as well as hands-on simulation training. Material used Technical endovascular skills training and assessment was carried out on the ANGIO MentorTM Express System (Simbionix USA Corp., Cleveland, Ohio, USA). Methodology used A comprehensive structured curriculum for endovascular management of symptomatic vascular disease in the lower limbs (Rutherford classification 2-5; stenosis of iliac/superficial femoral artery disease) was developed. Construct validity was investigated. Performances were assessed using multiple-choice questionnaires (MCQ), valid simulation metrics, Global Rating Scorings (GRS) and Examiner Checklists. Senior-year medical students were recruited at Ghent University Hospital. Vascular surgeons, who had performed over 100 endovascular procedures as primary operator during the last 2 years, were invited to participate during conferences. Feasibility was assessed by two final-year medical students who were trained according to this new endovascular curriculum. Results of the study Twenty-nine medical students and 20 vascular surgeons participated. Vascular surgeons obtained higher MCQ scores (median 24.5-22.0 vs. 15.0-12.0; P<0.001). Students took significantly longer to treat any iliac or femoral artery stenosis (3.3-14.8 vs. 5.8-30.1 min.; P=0.001-0.04) while in more complex cases, fluoroscopy time was significantly higher in students (8.3 vs. 21.3 min.; P=0.002; 7.3 vs. 13.1 min.; P=0.03). In all cases vascular surgeons scored higher on GRS (51.0-42.0 vs. 29.5-18.0; P<0.001) and Examiner Checklists (81.5-75.0 vs. 54.543.0; P<0.001). Based upon median expert scores, proficiency-levels were determined. Two students completed the entire training program and reached proficiency for each step within a 3-month period during their internships. Conclusions of the study A feasible and validated endovascular curriculum to train cognitive, technical and nontechnical endovascular skills has been developed. A randomisedcontrolled trial has been initiated to investigate its effect on performances in real-life, patient outcomes and cost-effectiveness Treatment of focal aortic disease by thoracic endovascular aortic repair is associated with high success and low morbidity and mortality Crawford, Angela; Hayon, Solomon; Huffner, Michael; Harris, Donald; Sarkar, Rajabrata; Crawford, Robert University of Maryland, Department of Surgery, Division of Vascular Surgery, Baltimore (USA) Introduction. Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) is an established treatment for patients with thoracic aortic dissection, aneurysm, or trauma, and is the treatment of choice if anatomy is 104 favorable. However, it is poorly studied for less common aortic pathologies, such as penetrating aortic ulcer (PAU), intramural hematoma (IMH), and pseudoaneurysms (PSA). Together, these may be considered as focal aortic lesions, and often present as acute aortic syndrome with clinically apparent critical aortic disease. Objective. To review the use of TEVAR in the treatment of patients with focal aortic lesions. Materials and Methodology. This was a retrospective analysis of a 10-year TEVAR series at a aortic referral center; patients with aortic injury were excluded. TEVAR was performed using standard technique. The study group was patients undergoing repair of focal aortic disease (PAU, IMH, or PSA), while patients with non-focal disease (dissection or non-traumatic aneurysm) served as controls for comparison. The primary outcome was inpatient mortality, and secondary outcomes were neurologic complications, duration of mechanical ventilation, and hospital length of stay. Groups were compared by chi-square or Student’s t tests as appropriate, with a P < 0.05 accepted as significant. Results. TEVAR was performed in 135 patients with 100% technical success. 50 had focal aortic disease, including 16 PAU, 11 PSA, and 5 IMH; 18 patients had multiple lesions, primarily PAU with IMH. Patients in the control group included 48 patients with dissection and 37 with aneurysm. Comorbidities were similar between groups. Patients with focal aortic disease were more likely to be symptomatic (82% vs 63%, P=0.03) or have acute aortic syndrome (94% vs 65%, P=0.0001), and had a lower incidence of chronic renal failure (6% vs 35%, P=0.0001). Patients with focal disease had similar rates of postoperative neurologic deficits as the control group (4% vs. 13%, P=0.13), but had a trend toward shorter duration of mechanical ventilation. Overall mortality was 6%, and was significantly lower for patients with focal aortic lesions (0% vs 9%, P=0.03). Conclusions. Although they are less common than aortic dissection or rupture, focal aortic lesions collectively represent a relatively common indication for TEVAR at an highvolume aortic disease referral center. These lesions are often symptomatic, and patients usually present with acute aortic syndrome. Despite this emergent nature, TEVAR is a highly effective treatment and is associated with similar perioperative morbidity and lower mortality than patients treated for dissection or rupture. While this study did not include patients with lesions that were observed, and the natural history of asymptomatic, incidental focal aortic lesions is uncertain, these findings suggest focal aortic disease can be treated by elective TEVAR with an acceptable risk profile prior to onset of acute aortic syndrome. Future study should determine long-term outcomes and aortic remodeling after TEVAR for focal aortic lesions. Branched ilíaco asociado al evar: nuestra experiencia Bargay Juan, Pau; Zaragozá García, José Miguel; Gómez Palonés, Francisco; Ramírez Montoya, Mauricio; Plaza Martínez, Ángel; Sala Almonacil, Vicente volver al sumario vía retrograda, y no se observaron complicaciones a largo plazo en ninguno de los 35 pacientes evaluados; ningún paciente presento hematomas, isquemias arteriales o sangrados luego de la implantación del dispositivo y se logró la hemostasia de manera completa en todo el grupo de pacientes 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE El 20% de los aneurismas de aorta infrarrenal (AAIR) asocian ilíacas comunes (AIC) aneurismáticas. El dispositivo iliac branch (IB) permite preservar el flujo anterógrado de la arteria hipogástrica (AH) con el fin de evitar la isquemia pélvica. Objetivo: Analizar los resultados a corto y medio plazo de los dispositivos IB implantados en nuestro servicio. Materiales y métodos Estudio descriptivo, unicéntrico y prospectivo, en el que incluimos 27 IBs asociados a EVAR, implantados en 21 pacientes de forma consecutiva entre 20072014. Analizamos parámetros pre e intraoperatorios: diámetros ilíacos, material endoprotésico empleado, radiación, tiempo quirúrgico y éxito técnico En el seguimiento valoramos: función renal postoperatoria, permeabilidad primaria y secundaria, tiempo de seguimiento, crecimiento ilíaco y la aparición de claudicación glútea ipsi y contralateral. Resultados: La media de edad fue de 72 años, todos varones. El 77% asociaron AAIR >50mm. El diámetro medio de AIC y de AH fue de 29.9 mm (r:19-66) y 8.2mm (r:6-12) respectivamente. Se implantaron 22 dispositivos ZBIS® y 5 IBEs®, y en la extensión hipogástrica 77% stent recubierto balón-expandible y 23% auto-expandible. La tasa de éxito técnico inmediato fue del 93%, un caso de fracaso fue por imposibilidad de colocación del dispositivo y otro por trombosis de rama hipogástrica. El tiempo medio de intervención global fue de 292 min (r:140-460), la dosis de irradiación 234 Gy/cm2 (r:49- 501), el tiempo de escopia de 60.8 min (r:23-138) y el contraste utilizado 258 ml (r:100-555). No se evidenció empeoramiento de la función renal postoperatoria. El seguimiento medio de 31 meses (r:2-91), supervivencia global del 87% y del 100% relacionada con el aneurisma a los 30 meses. De los tratamientos exitosos, la permeabilidad primaria y secundaria fue del 96% a los 30 meses, por un caso de trombosis de ilíaca externa a los 7 meses post-implantación. Se objetivó una disminución significativa del diámetro de la IC de 3,8mm y un crecimiento de la AH en 1.1mm (p<0.001) No se observó sintomatología de isquemia pélvica del lado tratado con éxito durante el seguimiento, sin embargo en el contralateral con sellado en ilíaca externa se presentó en el 62% de los casos (5 pacientes). Conclusión: El IB asociado al EVAR es un tratamiento factible con buena permeabilidad a corto y medio plazo sin asociar aumento de morbi-mortalidad. Aneurisma micótico de origen tuberculoso en un paciente con arco bovino: tratamiento endovascular García Reyes, Marvín Ernesto; Álvarez García, Beatriz; Fernández Valenzuela, Valentín; Gené Mola, Anna; Maeso Lebrum, Jordi; Bofill Brosa, Ramón Servicio de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular, Hospital Universitario Vall d´Hebron, Barcelona (Spain) Introducción Los aneurismas de origen tuberculoso que afectan a la aorta son raros pero potencialmente mortales si no son tratados oportunamente. El tratamiento descrito clásicamente es la terapia antituberculosa y cirugía abierta, pero en los últimos años el tratamiento endovascular lha sido descrito como alternativa. Presentamos el caso de un aneurisma de origen tuberculoso en un paciente con arco bovino. Caso Paciente de 35 años que consultó por 7 meses de pérdida de peso, 2 meses de fiebre, diaforesis, tos y adenopatías inguinales, axilares y cervicales. En la radiografía de tórax se describe dilatación del arco aórtico (que en las radiografías previas no se observaba) y engrosamiento hiliar derecho por lo que se realiza angioTAC torácico demostrando un aneurisma sacular del arco aórtico que presentaba como variación anatómica un arco bovino; también lesiones cavitadas en el lóbulo pulmonar derecho con adenopatías en múltiples cadenas ganglionares y hepatoesplenomegalia. Se realizó cultivo de esputo y de la secreción de las adenopatías siendo diagnosticado de tuberculosis diseminada. Se inció terapia antituberculosa y se decidió realizar reparación endovascular del aneurisma. Se excluyó el aneurisma con endoprotesis torácica Relay Plus de Bolton Medical de 28x150mm cubriendo el origen de la subclavia izquierda. Discusión Con el desarrollo de la terapia endovascular las indicaciones se han expandido a los aneurismas micóticos. A pesar que, actualmente no hay muchos casos descritos con este tipo de aneurismas y con esta variación anatómica, este abordaje ofrece menos complicaciones. Aunque no queda claro si aumenta el riesgo de recurrencia de infección por lo que es necesario realizar un seguimiento a largo plazo. 105 Conclusión Materials used El tratamiento endovascular de aneurismas tuberculosos es una alternativa terapéutica en pacientes seleccionados. We have developed a customized software able to reproduce any vascular geometry from 4D-MRI data and to model flow velocity profiles at the level of the sinotubular junction. Geometry and velocity field are the input of computational fluid dynamic simulations with fluid-structure coupling performed at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. 4D-mri coupled to fluid dynamics simulations to improve patient management Methodology used Martorell, Jordi (1); Pons, Ramón (1); Dux-Santoy, Lydia (2); Rodríguez-Palomares, José F. (2); Molins, José Javier (1); Evangelista, Artur (2) IQS School of Engineering, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona (Spain) (1); Hospital Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona (Spain) (2) Introduction Fluid dynamics at the aortic valve may be one of the leading explanations of aortic aneurysms. Ascending aorta aneurysms is a major cause of morbidity and mortality including aortic dissection, aortic rupture and heart failure secondary to aortic regurgitation. Patients with hypertension, aortic valve stenosis, bicuspid aortic valve, or connective tissue diseases are at a high risk to develop an aortic aneurysm. Patient management after diagnosis is critical, especially in the ascending aorta since no endovascular treatment is available. Objectives To describe fluid dynamics parameters such as circumferential and tangential wall shear stress gradients, vorticity, circulation and helicity that better correlate with aneurysm progression in the ascending aorta in patients with bicuspid aortic valve using computational fluid dynamics. Simulations were performed using 4D-MRI data from healthy volunteers and patients with bicuspid aortic valve. Flow recirculation, shear stress gradients, vorticity, circulation and helicity were evaluated and compared to the data extracted from 4D-MRI, adjusting the stiffness of the aorta as a key parameter to match simulation with reality. Results of the study Simulations based on 4D-MRI reconstructions are a comprehensive and predictive tool to map the regions with higher risk of aneurysm development. Fair reconstruction of the aortic geometry and the velocity profile at the sinotubular junction sufficed to reliably reproduce the blood flow profiles. Patient monitoring and follow-up will confirm our hypotheses and establish solid correlations between fluid dynamics and aneurysm progression. Conclusions of the study 4D-MRI combined with high-end computational modeling play an important role to improve patient management in subjects with an increased risk of ascending aortic aneurysm. volver al sumario Introducción: 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Manvelyan, Rafael Introduction: Chronic arterial occlusive disease of lower limbs nowadays is extremely actual problem. More than 250000 amputations of lower limbs are carried out in Europe and US causing huge damage to social and economic situation and lead to irrecoverable loss of life quality of patients. Objectives: To evaluate the results of isolated endovascular and hybrid procedures in critical limb ischemia treatment. Materials: The 18 patients with critical limb ischemia were observed. Age of patients was from 56 until 85 years old. The average age was 70.5 years old. We treated 2(11.1%) women and 16 (88.9%) men. In all cases the clinical stage of ischemia was Fontain III - IV. Co-existing pathologes –diabetes mulitus in 6 cases (33.3%), arterial hyperthension in 2 cases (11.1%) and renal disease was determined in 1 patient (5.5%). Methods: In all cases the diagnostic complex, including duplex scanning and laboratory exams were done. In 7 cases (38.8%) was used CT-angio. The isolated balloon angioplasty of superficial femoral, popliteal and cruris arteries was performed in 9 cases (50%). The balloon angioplasty and stenting of common iliac andexternal iliac arteries in combination with balloon angioplasty of superficial femoral and popliteal arteries was made in 4 cases (22.2%). The hybrid procedures include: a) balloon angioplasty of femoral or iliac segment with profundoplasty 3 cases (16.6%); b) short allo-prosthesis of superficial femoral artery with ballon angioplasty below the knee in 1 case (5.55%); c) balloon angioplasty of external iliac artery with femoro-femoral alloprosthesis in 1 case (5.55%). 5 (27.8%) patients with coronary artery disease simultaneously were performed coronarography with coronary stenting in 1 case. Results: Successful revascularization with arterial flow in all levels including pedal was riched in 15 cases (83.3%). In 2 cases (11.1%) was improvement of regional blood flow. In 1 case (5.55%) amputation was made below the knee. Conclusion: The isolated endovascular or hybrid procedures are effective in treatment of critical limb ischemia caused by longer arterial occlusions. Evar en aneurisma pequeño Ferreira, Mariano Clínica La Sagrada Familia, Buenos Aires (Argentina) Introducción: La cirugía endovascular del aneurisma del aneurisma de aorta indicada como primera opción presenta ciertas limitaciones, especialmente las anatómicas. La ausencia de cuello proximal fuerza a la utilización de endoprótesis fenestradas o chimeneas. Sin embargo en la balanza se debería comparar los riesgos y costos de la endoprótesis fenestrada, respecto de la utilización de un endoprótesis estándar con inficación por fuera de las instrucciones de uso. Otro aspecto es operar al paciente con un aneurisma por debajo de los 55mm para evitar que pierda la posibilidad de tratamiento endovascular Objetivo: Material used: Mostrar un paciente con aneurisma pequeño con indicación anatómica límite. Patient clinical report. Material: Varón de 75 años que se presenta estable pero con aneurisma de aorta abdominal con cuello cónico, con trombos circunferenciales, de más de 28mm y diámetro máximo de52mm Métodos: Case report Resultados del estudio: Colocación de endoprótesis aórtica bifurcada. Conclusiones del estudio: Estudios han demostrado que el tratamiento endovascular podría estar indicado en pacientes con aneurismas de 50mm especialmente en cuellos proximales que podrían perderse durante el seguimiento. Endovascular treatment of a renal artery aneurysm with the moret’s technique: case report Ferreira, Joana (1); Pires, Vanessa (2); Sousa, Pedro(3) CHTMAD - vascular surgery(1); CHTMAD- internal medicine(2); CHTMAD- radiology(3) Introduction: Renal artery aneurysm is a rare pathology, present in 0.01-1.30% of the population and it is frequently associated with hypertension. Endovascular treatment is the first option due to its low morbidity and mortality. Objectives: The authors report a clinical case of a renal artery aneurysm treated with Moret´s technique. 106 Methodology used: 44 years old women was followed up due to uncontrolled hypertension with three drugs (amlodipine 5mg; lisinopril 20mg and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg). During the investigation, she performed an abdominal ultrasound and angioTC which showed a 36 mm right renal artery aneurysm. An endovascular correction was performed. From the right femoral artery using a reinforced RDC sheath 6F and a C1 5F catheter from CooK®, we select the right renal artery. The Moret’s technique was performed using two 0.018’’ guidewires. One was introduced in the aneurism sac and through it, a microcatheter was used to deploy coils. The other guidewire was in the renal artery efferent to the aneurysm. Through this guidewire a 4mmx2 cm balloon was inflated. The balloon inflation occluded temporarily the aneurysm neck in order to avoid coil migration, which were deployed through the microcatheter. After the intervention, arterial pressure control was achieved with lisinopril 10 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg. The angioTC at six months demonstrated complete aneurysm exclusion. Results of the study: Balloon assisted coil embolization or Moret´s technique is frequently employed in the treatment of intracranial aneurysms with a large neck. It consists in the aneurysm embolization while the neck is temporary occluded with a balloon, stopping coil migration and stabilizing the microcatheter. The advantage of this technique, comparing with the embolization through the stent mesh is avoiding its use, and in this way minimizing the complications associated with stenting- like fractures, migration or thrombosis. Moreover, balloon assisted coil embolization is a simple and cheap procedure and can be used in arteries with a small diameter. Conclusions of the study: Moret´s technique is efficacious, safe and simple and its applicability in vascular pathology could be expanded. Tight junction expression and efflux activity correlate with shear stress in microvascular endothelial cells at the blood-brain barrier Garcia Polite, Fernando (1,2); del Rey-Puech, Paula (1,3); Martorell, Jordi (2); O'Brien, Caroline C. (1); Elazer R., Edelman (1,4); Balcells, Mercedes (1,3) Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, Cambridge (USA) (1); Department of Chemical Engineering, IQS School of Engineering, Univ Ramon Llull, Barcelona (Spain) (2); Department of Biological Engineering, IQS School of Engineering,Univ Ramon Llull, Barcelona (Spain) (3); Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston (USA) (4) Endothelial cell phenotype at the brain microvasculature is characterized by the presence of inter-endothelial tight junctions and a large list of sophisticated membrane transport proteins. This provides the endothelial layer at the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) with a highly restrictive permeability of solutes from blood circulation to the brain. This brain protective behavior is also influenced by external factors. On one side, astrocytes surrounding capillary microvessels induce volver al sumario Critical limb ischemia: what can be done 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Capillary-like shear stress is estimated to be of 10 – 20 dyn·cm-2 and evidence suggests an optimal BBB phenotype under these conditions. Recent data though suggest that microvascular flow is amplified with age as a result of arterial stiffening in upstream vasculature. We hypothesize that these flow alterations lead to a dysfunctional Blood-Brain Barrier and altered endothelial phenotype, as a result of direct applied stress and indirectly in downstream cells. The study proposed was divided in three steps. First, we exposed healthy human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMVEC) to astrocyte conditioned media (ACM) and pathophysiological flow. Then, we developed a novel dynamic culture disposition where HBMVEC were cultured under different shear stress levels but sharing the same culture media. This new arrangement allowed the study of indirect effects of altered shear stress on the endothelium downstream. Expression levels of tight junction markers (Zonula Occludens 1, Claudin 5) and efflux transporters (P-glycoprotein) were measured by Western Blot. Finally, permeability assays were performed in dynamic cultures using a custom-made parallel flow chamber. Permeability of Pglycoprotein substrates were measured in different dynamic conditions and compared to static and inhibited conditions. Results from Western Blot analysis showed that, while capillary-like shear stress upregulates all markers, higher shear stress down-regulates tight junction proteins (Zonula Occludens 1, Claudin 5) and transporters expression (Pglycoprotein). Such trend also correlates with P-glycoprotein activity, where permeability decreased with capillary-like shear stress but was increased again with increasing shear. Our results suggest that shear stress is not necessarily a factor that benefits brain microvascular endothelial cells. High shear stress levels induce an alteration of Blood-Brain Barrier phenotype, exposing the central nervous system to an increasing access of exogenous solutes. Further study is required to fully characterize the effect of shear stress on the neurovascular unit and mechanisms that control its function. Blood-brain Barrier Phenotype Is Impacted By Cellular Components And Its Interaction del Rey-Puech, Paula (1,2); Garcia-Polite, Fernando (1,3); Martorell, Jordi (3); Roquer, Jaume (4); Ois, Ángel (4); Balcells, Mercedes (1,2) Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, Cambridge (USA) (1); Department of Biological Engineering, IQS School of Engineering,Univ Ramon Llull, Barcelona (Spain) (2); Department of Chemical Engineering, IQS School of Engineering, Univ Ramon Llull, Barcelona (Spain) (3); Neurovascular Research Group, Neurology Department, IMIM, Barcelona (Spain) (4) Statistics are frightening in that no family is safe from neurological disease. Alzheimer´s disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia in the elderly population with 36 million AD patients worldwide. Current in vitro BloodBrain Barrier (BBB) models are not able to mimic all aspects of in vivo human BBB. The hypothesis of this study is that the existing gap between current in vitro models of BBB and the clinical phenotype could be shortened by understanding better the interactions and the communication between human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMVEC) and human astrocytes (HA). Our results could help to better understand the BBB physiology thus developing in vitro models that mimic the neurovascular unit. The characterization of BBB key markers (tight junctions, efflux and solute carrier transporters) was analyzed by protein quantification (Western Blotting) and localization (immunofluorescence). The BBB phenotype was assessed in different scenarios comparing monocultures of HBMVEC or the cell line hCMEC/D3 in co-cultures with HA. The interaction of endothelial cells with HA was studied in different co-culture conditions: influenced by the physical distance between them (from direct contact to different membrane thickness), membrane material, porosity and cell spatial configuration. The studies were performed in either static or dynamic conditions. For the latter, endothelial cells were exposed to controlled shear stress in a custom-made PDMS parallel flow chamber. This device allows coculture of two different cell types at each side of the membrane that separates both chambers. The chamber size allows high cell seeding density, making it suitable for imaging and proteomic analysis. The HBMVEC expression pattern is rapidly lost once cells are deprived from their natural environment. Different approaches can recover BBB phenotype, including co-culture with other glial cells, shear stress or spatial culture configuration. We have studied the extent of endothelial cell phenotype recovery upon interaction with neighboring cells in different conditions. Our results indicate that the commonly used in vitro 107 systems are not able to replicate in vivo conditions. The resulting BBB phenotype is dependent on the model selection, obtaining different and sometimes even contradictory results between different in vitro models and between in vitro and in vivo. A deeper understanding of the nature of the interactions between the key players of the BBB in the different co-culture environments is crucial to properly analyze the generated data. Adequate culture conditions are indispensable to design an in vitro model which can reproduce the clinical scenario. Late type i (B) endoleaks after evar: detection in the follow up and treatment Craven-Bartle Coll, Antonella; Conejero Gómez, Rosario; Arribas Aguilar, Felipe Neri; Martín Cañuelo, Jorge; García Turrillo, Emilio; Rodríguez Piñero, Manuel UGC Intercentros Cádiz-Jerez (H. Puerta del Mar y H. Jerez), Cádiz (Spain) Introduction Treatment of late endoleak is the most frequent cause of reintervention after EVAR. Objectives We reviewed the cases of type Ib endoleaks detected and treated in our hospital during follow-up of 192 cases of EVAR ( February 2009 to March 2015). Material and methodology Three cases of type Ib endoleaks were diagnosed (1,56%), by computed tomography angiography (CTA). Two of these cases were due to proximal migration of iliac extensions. Case 1: 86 years old man with history of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) (5.8cm) and right common iliac (CI) aneurysm (4,1cm) excluded by Anaconda bifurcated stent graft (B30, FL17x23x130 right iliac bifurcation and FL17x21x130 left CI). After 18 months, CTA shows permeability and growth of the right CI aneurysm (5cm) with proximal migration of the right iliac extension. The type 1b endoleak was resolved by right femoral dissection and humeral puncture for catheterization of the right branch (through-and-through wire access); two Endurant extensions were implanted (16x24x124 and 16x16x85) to right external iliac (EI). Case 2: 58 year old male with a functioning renal transplant at right CI and history of exclusion of infrarenal AAA of 5.5 cm ( right CI of 2cm) by Zenith bifurcated stent graft (B28-11, right E-2456 and left E-20-73). After two years, in CTA, aneurysm sac growth was evident, with proximal migration and kink of the right iliac extension being housed in the AAA. It was resolved with catheterization of the right branch through ipsilateral femoral artery access, angioplasty balloon (Mustang 12x40mm) to angle correction and implementation of new extension to right CI (Endurant 16x24x124) the renal transplant thus remaining permeable. Case 3: 77 years old male with infrarenal AAA of 8.5 cm with extension to aortic bifurcation and both CI (right CI of 3cm and left CI of 4cm), excluded by Gore bifurcated stent graft (RLT311415), two extensions to left EI (PXC121000 and PXL161007) and one extension to right CI (PXL 161407). After 18 months, in CTA, aortic aneurysm sac growth was detected, with type Ib endoleak at right CI, which was not visible volver al sumario and/or upregulate BBB properties. On the other side, blood circulation induces wall shear stress on the endothelium, a physiological stimuli which has a significant effect on cells along the vascular tree. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE RESULTS: In all three cases the complaints were detected and the late type Ib endoleaks sealed, stopping the growth detected in these aneurysms. CONCLUSIONS: Post-implant follow-up is very important to enable the detection and treatment of these potentially risky late complications. The choice treatment for most endoleak after EVAR is the endovascular treatment. The fate of type ii endoleak after endovascular aneurysm repair in infrarenal aortic aneurysm Kwon, Tae-Won; Han, Youngjin Department of Surgery, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medic, Seoul (Republic of Korea) Astract Introduction: Type II endoleak (EL2) is commonly occurred after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). Usually, that is needed long-term follow up than immediate intervention. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk factor and the fate of EL-2 after EVAR. Materials & Methods: A total of 239 consecutive patients who underwent EVAR from January 2007 to December 2012 at our medical center were evaluated retrospectively. 89 patients who had saccular or ruptured aneurysm, Type I or III endoleak and follow-up within 1 year were excluded. The clinical characteristics, anatomical features of aneurysm and follow up records were compared patients who had EL-2 with patients who didn’t have any endoleak. The predictive factors and clinical outcomes of aneurysm sac shrinkage after endovascular aneurysm repair in infrarenal aortic aneurysm Kwon, Tae-Won; Han, Youngjin Department of Surgery, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medic, Seoul (Republic of Korea) Results: Of the 150 patients, 53 patients (35.3%) demonstrated EL-2 on CT angiography over a median follow-up 42 months (1484months). A multiple regression model showed that female (OR, 50.7; P = 0.048) and occluded inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) (OR, 0.27; P = 0.040) was a predictor for EL-2 after EVAR. Patient with EL-2 had a significant sac shrinkage compared to patients without EL-2 (11.5mm vs 2.3mm, P = 0.001). 16 patients (30.1%) of EL-2 resolved within 6months. Of the 37 patients with persistent EL-2, 9 patients underwent embolizations of IMA or lumbar arteries, but 2 patients showed continuous EL-2. There was no rupture of sac and migration of stent grafts during observation periods. Conclusions: EL-2 increase in patients who are females or have patent IMA preoperatively and have adverse effect in sac shrinkage. But it is not associated with sac rupture and other complications. Abstract Introduction: Aneurysm sac shrinkage or enlargement after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) is one of the most important prognosis factors. Especially the reduction in diameter over 10mm of aneurysm sac is thought as indication of successful EVAR. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive factor and clinical outcomes of sac shrinkage after EVAR. Materials & Methods: A total of 239 consecutive patients who underwent EVAR from January 2007 to December 2012 at our medical center were evaluated retrospectively. 76 patients who had saccular or ruptured aneurysm and followup within 1 year were excluded. The clinical characteristics, anatomical features of aneurysm and follow up records were compared patients who had sac shrinkage over 10mm with patients who didn’t have on CT scan during follow-up periods. Results: Of the 163 patients, 65 patients (39.9%) whose aneurysm sac was reduced over 10mm had more smoking history (OR, 2.63; P = 0.032), less coronary artery disease (OR, 0.25; P = 0.010) and less any type endoleak (OR, 0.14; P = 0.001) compared to the 108 patients who didn’t on multivariate analysis. Second intervention was less performed in sac shrinkage group (4.6% vs 18.4%, P = 0.010). There was no rupture and adverse event in sac shrinkage group during observation periods. Objectives Conclusions: Material used Patients with sac shrinkage over 10mm after EVAR have smoking history or less coronary artery disease or less any endoleak and have favor long-term outcomes. Short form-36 (SF-36) and EuroQol 5D (EQ5D) questionnaires were sent to previous participants of the JUVENTAS trial. The design of the JUVENTAS trial has been previously published. Quality of life after treatment with autologous bone marrow derived cells in no-option severe limb ischemia Peeters Weem, Stefanie (1); Teraa, Martin (1); den Ruijter, Hester (2); de Borst, Gert Jan (1); Verhaar, Marianne (3); Moll, Frans (1) Department of Vascular Surgery, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht (The Netherlands) (1); Laboratory of Experimental Cardiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht (The Netherlands) (2); Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht (The Netherlands) (3) Introduction Quality of life (QoL) is an important outcome in evaluating the treatment success in no-option severe limb ischemia. The randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled JUVENTAS trial, investigating the effect of bone marrow derived mononuclear cell (BMMNC) administration in no-option severe limb ischemia, showed an improved QoL at six months as compared to baseline in both the treatment as well as the placebo group. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the improved QoL persisted beyond six months follow-up, whether this differed in both trial arms, and how major amputation influences QoL. Methodology used A norm-based scoring method was applied to report the results of the SF-36. The results of the long-term follow-up were compared with baseline and six months follow-up and the results of both trial arms were compared, as well as were the results of patients with and without amputation. Results of the study 109 patients responded to the questionnaires. Median follow-up since inclusion was 33 months (interquartile range, IQR, 21.2 to 50.6) for the BMMNC and 36 months (IQR 21.4 to 50.9) for the placebo group. The improvement in QoL at six months persisted in both arms at a median follow-up of 35 months. The long-term QoL did not differ between the BMMNC and placebo group in any of the SF-36 or EQ5D domains. Patients with and without a major amputation had similar QoL scores. Conclusions of the study Approximately three years after inclusion, QoL in patients with nooption severe limb ischemia was still increased as compared to baseline, but not different between the BMMNC and placebo arms. This suggests that the increase in QoL is not due to the extra care and attention during study participation. volver al sumario in previous CTA controls. First attempt at exclusion of type Ib endoleak with an iliac extension to iliac bifurcation (PLC 161000 Gore), by ipsilateral femoral access. After 3 months, recurrence of type Ib endoleak. It was resolved by implantation of a new iliac extension (16-10124 ENDURANT) to EI; right hipogastryc artery was previously embolized with coils (Interlock (018) 6 x 20 and 8 X 20). 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE long term results. Proof for this are the prospective randomized multicenter study by PROEBSTLE as well as our histological examinations with 5year –resiults. Brachmann, Karin Kliniken Leipziger Land, Leipziger (Germany) Background In Germany , the crossectomy following the BABCOCK procedure and the stripping oft the great saphenous vein were considered as the „ gold standard“ in varicose treatment since 1907. Only in the late nineties oft he last century was a new and less invasive treatment of varicose vein developed: the endovenous obliteration. Initially the modern endovenous procedures were perceived as untrustworthy and even rejected by some collegues. Methods For the therapy of varicose veins is it neceserry to have an – individual concept of treatment – Pathology conform treatment – Alternative endovenous treatment options are: 1.) Closure FAST 2.) Laser therapy 3.) Foam sclerotherapy 4.) Steam 5.) Mechano / Chemo / Acrylate Results In the last 10 years we have launched a number of studies on the comparison of the traditional with the modern methods of treatment. We give a brief overview oft he current data situation worldwide and we see no difference in clinical recurrence rate between the methods and all groups improved in VCSS, AVVSS and QOL. Conclusion In my opinion the circular endoluminal thermo frequency ablation is the best process regarding evaluation, safety and Short-term proximal neck degeneration and acute type ia endoleak in an infrarrenal aaa treated by a chimney tecnique Estébanez, Santiago; Flores, Ángel; Orgaz, Antonio, Gil, José; Leal, Ignacio; Peinado, Javier Hospital Virgen de la Salud, Toledo (Spain) associated Type Ia endoleak. Urgent endovascular surgery was performed to exclude endoleak. After careful evaluation of the proximal neck in the OR suite, it revealed a possible distal migration of the body of the graft, so we tried a proximal cuff. The angiography control showed persitence of endoleak after placement of the cuff, so we tried another proximal cuff and a Chimney technique in right renal artery to increase proximal neck length and sealing zone. Afterwards, angiography control showed patency of both renals, and no endoleaks. remains a major technical challenge, requiring careful planning, effective cerebral protection and reduced ischemia time to minimize complications. Technical simplification must be associated with good long-term results and several surgical approaches may be used. Results: Material and Methods The patient did not present any complication. The patient was discharged at third postoperative day without any remarks. 30-day follow up CT scan showed no leaks. We followed 42 patients (pts) with this pathology from January 2008 to March 2015. Acute dissections and pseudoaneurysms were excluded, by the particularities of these diseases and specific treatment. 30 pts were operated with the following diagnoses: 13 pts with aneurysm of the middle arch and descending aorta, 4 pts with type A chronic dissection associated with either type B chronic dissection or aneurysm of the descending aorta, 3 pts with type B chronic dissection associated with ascending or arch aneurysm, 10 pts with MegaAorta Syndrome. They were divided into 4 groups according to the chosen surgical technique: A. Frozen Elephant Trunk (FET) B. Hybrid Procedure: Off-pump Debranching followed by TEVAR (Lz 0/1) C. Hybrid Procedure: On-pump Debranching followed by TEVAR (Lz 0) D. Ascending aorta replacement followed by TEVAR (Lz 3) We show a Type Ia endoleak in a women with an infrarrenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) treated by EVAR who presents a degeneration of the proximal neck with an acute onset of abdominal pain and mesogastric pulsatile mass. Conclusions: Objetives: Chronic multisegmental disease of the thoracic aorta: different surgical options Material: The patient is a 78 year old woman, diagnosed of atrial fibrillation, cardioembolic ischemic stroke in 2009 and treated in our department for AAA by EVAR on July 2013. She presented a 48 hours evolution of acute onset abdominal pain associated with palpable pusatile mass. Methodology: At first evaluation, the patient was hemodinamically stable. An emergency angio TC showed aneurysm neck dilatation and an Review all patients with chronic multisegmental disease of the thoracic aorta followed in our Departments’ Outpatient Clinic of Thoracic Aortic Diseases to evaluate surgical results and follow-up in different approaches. Conclusion Introduction: We present one case of a 78 year old women with an AAA treated in our department on July 2013 who presents a 48 hours evolution an abdominal pain and mesogastric pulsatile mass. Objectives cerebral protection in the FET group, which in turn generally doesn’t need TEVAR as it already consists in an hybrid prosthesis. It is also this group that has the longest time of procedure and the highest hospital mortality and morbidity although better medium-long term results, with no late mortality registered. Three pts made the 1st surgery but did not complete the procedure planned for different reasons, and died. Of the 12 pts not intervened, 7 died from refusing or awaiting surgery and 5 are being studied or awaiting surgical appointment. We present a patient with an acute type Ia endoleak solved by means of a chimney technique, showing the efficacy of this procedure as a recue technique in emergency situations. Cruz Tomás, António; Rodrigues, Luís; Laranjeira Santos, Álvaro; Fragata, José Serviço de Cirurgia Cardiotorácica, Hospital de Santa Marta, CHLC, Lisboa (Portugal) Introduction Chronic aneurysms and dissections involving various segments of the thoracic aorta are a rare but serious disease, associated with inexorable death if not corrected. The surgicalanesthetic risk is high and surgery 109 These numbers do not allow any statistical conclusions. FET seems the most interesting technique for the definitive correction it provides, although associated with a higher operative mortality, requiring a correct selection of patients. Hybrid procedures, surgical debranching (off-pump) and TEVAR seem to be excellent choices, with very positive results in short-term but associated with a high late mortality, even considering the comorbidities and older age of this group. Using CPB to replace the ascending aorta with debranching of the supra-aortic vessels followed by TEVAR can be an alternative to FET. It will be needed greater experience and more follow-up time to draw definite conclusions. The only certainty is that without surgery mortality is inevitable at medium-term. Results Mean age is very similar in all groups except in group B, which is slightly higher. There is a male prevalence across all groups. In group D there is no need for a debranching and in group B patients are not cross-clamped. There’s only need for cardiocirculatory arrest with volver al sumario Treatment strategies for varicose veins status update 2014 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Hynes, Niamh (1); Waters, Peadar (2); Veerasingam, Dave (3); Sultan, Sherif (1, 2) Western Vascular Institue, Galway Clinic, Galway (Ireland) (1); Western Vascular Institute, Galway University Hospital, Galway (Ireland ) (2); Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Galway University Hospital Galway (Ireland) (3) Introduction/Objectives We aim to assess minimally invasive and adaptive surgical techniques for Thoracoabdominal aortic (TAA) disease. Material used/Methodology used From October 2008 to October 2014, 46 patients presented with TAA pathology. 61%(28) were male, 80% were ASA Grade III or higher, with mean age 66.4years. Two were acute complicated type B dissection, three were traumatic aortic transsection and two were ruptured. Five patients underwent hybrid visceral debranching followed by thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR). Twenty patients underwent chimney or snorkel stent placement in the subclavian or renal vessels. Twelve patients underwent multilayered stenting. Results of the study Thirty-day mortality was 10.8% and 30-day morbidity was 6.25%. No patient developed rupture, paraplegia or stroke. 5-year aneurysm-related survival was 89.1% (95%CI=75.6%-95.9%). All cause survival was 64% (95%CI=48.5%-77.2%) at one year and 58.1% (96%CI=42.8%72.2%) at 5 years. No aneurysm expansion was observed. Two patients required re-intervention for graft migration. Conclusions of the study Data presented demonstrates that minimally invasive techniques for TAA pathologies are safe, prudent and viable in non-elective treatment of thoracic aortic pathologies. Propagation of spontaneous thrombosis and post ablation superficial thrombus extension (paste): a common frame.The new xpaste score were proposed, where F stands for Foam, G for Glue and T for treatment. PASTE is definitively wider than the other terms and is undoubtedly the best descriptor for post-EVA thrombosis extension. An extended local score (0-9), wider than in the other methods (0-4), is used and a global synthetic score resumes the extension in all the venous segments. The X-PASTE local score is based on the observation of a sequence of overlapped couples of segments, the FOCUS and the NEXT, according to the physiologic direction of flow. The same concept is hidden also in ETIT, even if never clearly declared. hour learning period. The following cases are unclassifiable with ETIT, while they are easily classifiable with the XPASTE score. •The goal of the Endo-venous procedures. (X-PASTE: 0,1) •The FOCUS partial thrombosis with extension to the NEXT segment, which can occur for instance during the evolution of a complete thrombosis. (XPASTE: 7,7) •The FOCUS floating thrombus, not extended to the junction. (XPASTE: 0,9) Discussion The local classification is completely compatible with ETIT. All ETIT scores which were previously gathered can be still Passariello , Fausto Centro Diagnostico Aquarius, Napoli (Italy) Introduction Post Ablation Superficial Thrombus Extension (PASTE) is the thrombosis extension from the termination of the saphenous trunk and in continuity with the closure post-Endo-venous ablation (EVA). PASTE can occur in the saphenous femoral junction (SFJ) or in the saphenous popliteal junction (SPJ). Objectives To describe the new X-PASTE score for post-LASER or RadioFrequency thrombosis extension. In addition the same score can be used also in the description of spontaneous thrombosis. Methodology used Endo-venous Heat Induced Thrombosis (EHIT) and several other terms (EFIT, EGIT, ETIT) When the FOCUS is occluded, the scores 1-4 are perfect analogues of ETIT, but the local score adds the value 5 for the floating thrombus. When the FOCUS is patent (or also in partial thrombosis) the local classification adds the scores 6-9 respectively. 0 is the score of a completely patent couple. The rationale of the X-PASTE global classification is the extension of the local score from the junction towards the last peripheral segments which are involved in the thrombosis, applying the same procedure in sequence to all the chain. A final procedure rebuilds then the global score starting from the local ones. Results of the study Several clinical examples are shown practically, in order to document the effectiveness of the method, which is also straightforward, after a short 1- 110 reused as X-PASTE local scores. In addition, the local classification is much wider than ETIT and allows the classification of unclassifiable cases. X-PASTE addresses also the cause of thrombosis extension and is an efficient tool in the follow-up of thrombosis evolution. The global classification can be further extended to branching sequences, where the confluence points share the same local score. The X-PASTE classification can be also used in the description of the spontaneous thrombosis. In this case there is no starting point both in time (when ?) and in space (where ?). However, these 2 values can be estimated: * In space, the sequence of involved segments can be stopped centrally at the last partially/totally occluded Tjunction. * In time, the starting point can be substituted by the first thrombosis observation or also estimated by the anamnesis. These points allow the description of the occluded venous system. Conclusions of the study An extended local score (0-9), wider than in the other methods (0-4), is proposed and a global synthetic score resumes the extension in all the venous segments. In addition, the X-PASTE classification is also able to describe efficiently the spontaneous thrombosis. References 1. Wright D, Morrison N, Recek C, Passariello F. Post Ablation Superficial Thrombus Extension (PASTE) into the common femoral vein as a consequence of endovenous ablation of the great saphenous vein. Acta Phlebol 2010;11:59-64. 2. King T, McGreevey C, Bulger C, Davis A, Vayuvegul S. Incidence of VTE after endovenous LASER ablation: 46574 cases. Presented to the “Hemodyn 2013”, the II Vasculab Conference. Accademia Aeronautica, Pozzuoli, Nov 7 th 9 th, 2013. 3. Passariello F. Post ablation superficial thrombus extension (PASTE) as a consequence of endovenous ablation. An up-todate review. Reviews in Vascular Medicine Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2014, Pages 62–66. 4. Passariello F. X-PASTE. A readymade model for thrombosis evolution in the human. Presented to the “Hemodyn 2013”, the II Vasculab Conference. Accademia Aeronautica, Pozzuoli, Nov 7th9th, 2013 5. Passariello F. The X-PASTE score: going far over PASTE, EHIT, EGIT, EFIT and ETIT. Poster to 5 th-8 th April 2014 - London, United Kingdom. 6. Passariello F. La nouvelle classification X-PASTE pour la thrombose après Laser ou RadioFréquence. (The new X-PASTE classification for post Laser or Radio-Frequency thrombosis extension) Presented to the “JIFA 2015”, Paris, Nov 30th-31st, 2015. volver al sumario Thoracic abdominal endovascular aneurysm repair (TEVAR) with chimney grafts, hybrid techniques and multi-layer stenting in the management of Thoracoabdominal Aortic Pathologies 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Piña, Rolando; Tripodi, Paolo; Mestres, Gaspar; Yugueros, Xavier; Sánchez, Fabio; Riambau, Vicente arterias Mesentérica Superior y Renales fueron preservadas con stent. Durante el procedimiento no hubo incidentes. En el control angiográfico inmediato post cirugía no se evidenció endofugas. El paciente fue dado de alta a las 36 horas del procedimiento. El el angioTC de control al mes confirmó la exclusión del aneurisma. Conclusiones Hospital Clinico de Barcelona. Cirugia Vascular, Barcelona (Spain) Objetivo Ofrecer tratamiento óptimo y duradero debido a sus enfermedades de base y a una importante angulación y rotación de la aorta a nivel infradiafagmático con el compromiso de los troncos viscerales en el aneurisma. Se reafirma que el tratamiento endovascular es una excelente alternativa para aneurismas seleccionados de la aorta Toracoabdominal. La elección de una endoprótesis con tres fenestraciones y una rama nos permitió dar mayor seguridad y durabilidad del procedimiento evitando la migración proximal del cuerpo distal con el potencial riesgo de isquemia visceral secundaria. Caso Se presenta caso clínico de TEVAR en paciente masculino de 66 años con aneurisma de aorta descendente Crawford V, de doce años de evolución en seguimiento permanente y crecimiento abrupto en el último año alcanzando los 67 mm de diámetro mayor. Dentro de sus antecedentes mórbidos destacaba: Cardiopatía coronaria con Sd Coronario Agudo en 2008 que requirió dos stents y EPOC con FEVı de 87%. Se decidió en Comité de Aorta realizar tratamiento endovascular con endoprótesis a medida con fenestraciones a mesentérica superior y ambas renales, y una rama para el tronco celíaco , con la finalidad sellar en aorta abdominal y evitar así la migración hacia proximal en el seguimiento tardío, El procedimiento fue realizado con anestesia regional y con abordaje percutáneo por punción bajo ecografía en ambas arterias femorales. La rama a tronco celiaco y las Angiografía tc en la planificación preoperatoria de los colgajos de perforantes en cirugía plástica Guerrero, Rubén; Pons, Gemma; Núñez, Claudia; Sarria, José; Gómez, Fernando; Méndez, Jorge Eliecer Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona (Spain) seleccionar la perforante dominante y valorar su calibre y ramificación subcutánea. Objetivos Evaluar la utilidad de la angiografía TC en la planificación preoperatoria de cirugía de perforantes en diferentes tipos de colgajos. Material Se revisaron los angioTC para estudio de perforantes realizados en nuestro centro desde enero de 2011 a enero de 2014 (N=202) y se compararon con los hallazgos intraoperatorios. Se realizaron 96 colgajos tipo DIEP, 25 SIEA, 51ALTF, 18 TDAP y 12 SGAP. Metodología Los estudios se realizaron en 2 TCs de 16 y 256 detectores (Philips Brilliance 16-slice y Philips Brilliance iCT). Las imágenes se revisaron de manera conjunta por un radiólogo y un cirujano plástico. Se seleccionó la arteria perforante dominante y su posición se identificó mediante un sistema de coordenadas X e Y respecto a un punto de referencia anatómico. La referencia anatómica es variable en función del tipo de colgajo. Antes de la cirugía, las coordenadas obtenidas para cada perforante se transfirieron a la piel del paciente y se confirmó su presencia mediante ecodoppler. Resultados del estudio Introducción Los colgajos de perforantes constituyen una evolución en cirugía reconstructiva gracias a su adaptabilidad al defecto a ser reconstruido y a la disminución de morbilidad de la zona donante. La identificación de la perforante dominante del colgajo es esencial para realizar cirugías más seguras y rápidas. El angioTC permite llevar a cabo una evaluación preoperatoria de los vasos perforantes del colgajo, Encontramos una muy buena correlación entre los hallazgos del angioTC y de la cirugía en los colgajos DIEP (99%), SGAP (97%) y ALTF (98%). En los colgajos SIEA (80%) la correlación fue menos exacta, ya que la arteria epigástrica inferior es inconstante y su identificación en TC requiere una curva de aprendizaje. Así pues, los datos del último año muestran una correlación del 92%. En el colgajo TDAP (83%) la diferencia entre la posición del 111 paciente al realizarse el TC y la posición en la mesa quirúrgica es la causa de una menor correlación. Sin embargo, todas las perforantes se encontraron en un área de 2 cm2 alrededor de la coordenada encontrada en el angioTC. Conclusiones Actualmente el angioTC es un método de diagóstico preoperatorio imprescindible para planificar colgajos de perforantes. Gracias a su elevada precisión, nos ayuda a seleccionar la perforante dominante que vascularizará de forma fiable nuestro colgajo y en consecuencia se llevarán a cabo cirugías más seguras y en menor tiempo. Un correcto conocimiento anatómico y del tipo de cirugía es fundamental para obtener unos óptimos resultados. Endovascular aneurysm repair using the endurant ii according to the on-label vs. Offlabel conditions Lamarca Mendoza, María Pilar; Orgaz Pérez-Grueso, Antonio; Flores Herrero, Ángel; Leal Lorenzo, José Ignacio; Gil Sales; José; Peinado Cebrián, Francisco Javier Hospital Virgen de la salud, Toledo (Spain) Introduction: Endovascular repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm (EVAR) is sometimes not performed in accordance to the instructions for use (IFU) because of an unfavorable anatomy of the patient. Objectives: To compare the early and midterm results in patients with an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) treated with Endurant II® (Medtronic Vascular, Santa Rosa, CA, USA) according to devicespecific IFU vs those treated in off-label situation. Material used: Between September 2012 and February 2015, 49 consecutive patients (48 men,1 women) with an AAA were treated with the Endurant II device in our unit. Methodology used: Demographic, anatomical, intraoperative and follow-up data on patients in whom the endograft was used on-label in EVAR were compared restrospectively with the corresponding data of patients with off-label endograft use. Results: Of the 49 patients, 31 (63%) were treated according to IFU and 18 (37%) were treated off-label. Both groups were comparable according to baseline characteristics. Technical success was 100% in both groups (p NS). There were no 30-day mortality and no deaths during surveillance with a median follow-up time of 2.40 years. 11 patients experienced endoleak (EL): 7 type II (14%), 2 type Ia (2%) and 2 type Ib (2%). Type Ia EL was observed in 1 patient in the IFU group and in 1 patient in the off-label group (3’2% vs. 5’5% respectively, p>0’05). Type Ib EL was only observed in the non IFU group (11’1% vs 0%,p 0’291). Type II EL was observed in 5 patients in the on-label groups and in 2 patients in the off-label Group (16’1% vs 28’6%, p 0’291). 3 of these patients required reintervention, 1 in the on-label group and 2 in the off-label group (3’2% vs 11’2%,p 0’377) Life table analisis showed a free of reintervention estimated survical of 2.65 years (on-label patients) and 2.516 (off-label) without significant differences (p = 0.886). Median follow-up was 876’76. volver al sumario Aneurisma toracoabdominal tipo v: como asegurar la durabilidad del tratamiento endovascular 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Most early and midterm outcome of EVAR in wich endografts were used off-label were similar with those used off-label. EVAR may be performed safely in high risk patients with unfavorable anatomy. Long term follow-up will be necessary to confirm the benefit of treating these high risk anatomic patients damp pulse wave with input data from experiments where polymeric arterial models are expanded in a controlled atmosphere. Materials used In order to implement tests in a lab environment different materials are analyzed to perform pulse flow monitoring. PDMS and ePTFE tubes were chosen for this study. Methodology used Heart Beat Pulse Damping For Medical Materials Martorell, Jordi; Aparicio, Jordi; Reyes, Guillermo; Balcells, Mercedes; Menacho, Joaquín; Amador García – Granada, Andrés Introduction Recent evidence suggests a link between cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Interestingly there are common, yet independent, risk factors associated with them. The socalled epidemics of the 21st century do not only take millions of lives yearly, but also carry tremendous socio-economic burden for patients, their families and the society as a whole. Microhemorrhages and amyloid plaque deposition co-localize in the cortex. The cause of cerebral micro-bleeds remains unresolved, though associations have been made with aortic stiffness, increased pulse wave velocity, and aging. Indeed, changes in pulsatile shear stress provoked by arterial stiffening inherent to the aging process, or indirect flow effects on the immunological system, extend to the brain, an organ with low peripheral resistance. Objectives The aim of this research is to create a mathematical model showing how stiff arteries do not Tubes were cut and subjected to cycles of expansion and relaxation. Data obtained from material testing was analyzed and fitted to a mathematical model. Results of the study PDMS and ePTFE have similar behavior although silicone is more elastic (the hysteresis loop is smaller), so the ePTFE absorbs more energy. Material stiffness prevented hysteresis and reduced pulse damping. Objectives. Aneurysms of the internal iliac arteries are a rare entity in isolation, with a rate of 10-20% abdominal aortic aneurysm partnership. They deserve special attention due to its high, up to 70% mortality by break. Material. 68-Year-old patient presented as background: smoking, hypertensive, anticoagulated atrial fibrillation, aortobiiliaco by AAA bypass 9 years ago, CIA type ostium secundum evolved with income recently decompensated heart failure. Endovascular treatment of giant aneurysms hypogastric Conejero Gomez, Rosario; Craven Bartle Coll, Antonella; Arribas Aguilar, Felipe; Garcia Turrillo, Emilio; Martin Cañuelo, Jorge; Rodriguez Piñero, Manuel U.G.C. ANGIOLOGIA Y CIRUGIA VASCULAR INTERCENTRO CÁDIZ- JEREZ, Cádiz (Spain) Mertens, Renato; Bergoeing, Michel; Valdés, Francisco; Marine, Leopoldo; Krämer, Albrecht Escuela de Medicina - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago (Chile) Methodology. It is referred by casual discovery in CT of abdomen of right internal iliac aneurysm de108 mm maximum diameter and 60 mm left It notes, in addition, dilatation of both common iliac winding and with large angles, aneurysm 25 mm right common femoral artery, as well as right ureterohidronefrosis. Conclusions of the study Pulse damping due to arterial expansion is produced mainly at aortic arteries where expansion reaches values of around 50%. Further studies are required with softer materials which are more similar to real arteries where the ratio of inertial force to deformation force is greater. Poster Debranching para el tratamiento endovascular de la patologia del arco aortico. Experiencia y resultados Results. We carry out treatment by both iliac aneurysm endovascular exclusion with branches of Endurant II. On right side from iliac joint with 16 * 13 * 120 mm and common iliac left with branch 16 * 13 * 92 mm, associating the implantation of two stent balloonexpandable in kissing in fork 9 * 59 mm and plasty of femoral common right. Excellent final inspection and studying without ischemic complications in the postoperative period. Conclusions The hypogastrics aneurysms are rare and most are diagnosed by chance. Open correction of these lesions is a technically difficult procedure with considerable morbidity and mortality, by which, in high-risk patients, endovascular exclusion it think of choice, although it needs proper planning and have provided alternatives to solve any incidents that may arise 112 Objetivo: La reparación endovascular de la aorta torácica descendente ha significado una reducción significativa de la morbimortalidad asociada a su reparación. Sin embargo, en caso de lesiones del arco aórtico aún no hay prótesis comerciales con ramas disponibles. La cirugía tradicional del arco aórtico es de alto riesgo, con cifras reportadas de mortalidad 3%-10% y morbilidad neurológica 3%-13%. Para evitar la morbimortalidad asociada a la reparación abierta se han diseñado estrategias de debranching del arco aórtico para permitir el uso de endoprótesis estándar. Reportamos la experiencia en nuestro centro. Material y Método: Estudio retrospectivo entre los años 2004 a 2014. Se revisaron las fichas clínicas de todos los pacientes sometidos a debranching del arco aórtico seguido de reparación endovascular mediante implante de endoprótesis. Se registraron los datos demográficos, factores de riesgo cardiovasculares, tiempo de evolución, exámenes de laboratorio, estadía y tipo de revascularización realizada. La mortalidad perioperatoria fue definida como la muerte del paciente durante la misma hospitalización o durante los primeros 30 días posteriores al procedimiento; la morbilidad perioperatoria fue definida bajo los mismos parámetros. Se registró el seguimiento clínico y la sobrevida mediante consulta en el Registro Civil e Identificación. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el software Graph Pad versión 5.0. Resultados: Se intervinieron un total de 15 pacientes, 13 varones, edad promedio 67,9 ± 10,3 años. La lesión fue de etiología aneurismática en 12 (6 como complicación crónica de disección), post traumática en 2 (1 agudo) e infecciosa en uno. El diámetro promedio del aneurisma fue de 6,4 ± 2,5 cm. El debranching consistió en: Bypass caróto – carotídeo – subclavio en 8, aorto bi carotídeo en 4 y caroto – carotídeo en 3; se utilizó oclusor subclavio en 5. El tiempo entre el debranching y el implante de endoprótesis fue de 16,4 ± 20,2 días en 10 pacientes diferidos y simultáneo en 5. La zona anclaje proximal en el arco fue: Z0=5, Z1=9 y Z2=1. No hubo mortalidad operatoria. Un paciente requirió reparación de linfocele subclavio. La estadía mediana fue de 6 días (3-85). Dos pacientes con bypass aorto bi carotídeo presentaron morbilidad multisistémica. Seguimiento promedio 23,1 ± 28,4 meses. Ocho pacientes fallecidos durante el seguimiento alejado, 1 por infección de endoprótesis y otro por mediastinitis. Sobrevida promedio 26,6 ± 29,1 meses. Conclusión: El debranching del arco aórtico es una alternativa aceptable para permitir el tratamiento endovascular. El uso de esternotomía se acompañó de una alta morbilidad en esta serie. Se espera que las endoprótesis con rama sean una mejor alternativa. volver al sumario Conclusions of the study: 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Biagioni. Corina; JiménezQuevedo. Pilar; Nombela, Luis; Morrison Polo, Guillermo; Almería, Carlos; García, Eulogio Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid, Madrid (Spain) Abstract Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has become an important alternative for the treatment of inoperable and highrisk patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis. Despite the constant device improvements and growing experience of centers performing the procedure, several complications may occur. Coronary occlusion during TAVI is a potentially fatal complication that requires prompt recognition, adequate hemodynamic support and rapid restoration of the blood flow. Case report We present the case of an 87year-old female with a history of hypertension, atrial fibrillation and hepatitis C that was admitted due to heart failure and functional class III (NYHA). Transthoracic echocardiogram showed a significant aortic stenosis (mean gradient 56 mmhg and aortic valve area 0,6mm?), mild to moderate mitral regurgitation, normal left ventricular fraction and moderate pulmonary hypertension. Coronary angiography revealed normal coronary arteries with a nondominant right coronary artery (RCA). Based on her age and surgical risk (logistic Euro SCORE: 13.6%; STS: 5.6%), the patient was referred to transfemoral TAVI. Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) showed a mobile 9, 5 x 8, 5 mm mass, adherent to the right coronary cusp of the aortic valve, reaching the ostium of the RCA -possibly corresponding to a papillary fibroelastoma. The distance from the aortic annulus to the RCA ostium was 10mm. TAVI was performed with implantation of a 23 mm Sapien XT prosthesis. Immediately after valve implantation, the patient developed severe and maintained hypotension with five episodes of ventricular fibrillation. Intraprocedural TEE revealed a severe tricuspid regurgitation due to right ventricle dilatation and dysfunction. Aortography showed complete occlusion of the RCA ostium. A drug-eluting stent was implanted in the RCA with restoration of coronary flow and immediate reversal of shock condition. The patient was discharged after uneventful hospitalization with normal function of right and left ventricles. At nine-month follow up the patient presented functional class I (NYHA). Endovascular treatment of iatrogenic type b aortic dissection after bronchial artery embolization Conclusion Case report: Coronary obstruction following TAVI is a rare but potentially fatal complication, being more frequent in women and with the balloonexpandable prosthesis. Although there is little information about predictors, anatomical factors (small aortic root <30mm, coronary height <12mm) might be related with higher risk. This highlights the importance of a good pre-procedural evaluation of the patients in order to avoid this severe complication. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a non-dominant RCA occlusion complicates with right ventricle infarction and cardiogenic shock, successfully treated with percutaneous coronary intervention. Male, 58 years-old, with history of hypertension, smoking and COPD. Admitted for elective bronchial artery embolization aimed to treat severe recurrent hemoptysis due to chronic bronchiectasis. During this procedure, the patient experienced excruciating back and chest pain. The angiogram showed a localized dissection flap in the proximal descending thoracic aorta near the site of entry for the embolization procedure. The patient developed a hypertensive crisis and, as the back pain was worsening, an AngioCT scan was taken and showed a Stanford Type B AD associated to an intramural hematoma. No signs for aortic rupture or peripheral organ malperfusion were noticed. The patient was transferred for our department. Rodrigues, Goncalo; Valentim, Hugo; Silva e Castro, João; Ferreira, Emilia; Albuquerque e Castro, João; Mota Capitão, Luis Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa (Portugal) Introduction: Bronchial artery embolization has become a mainstay in the treatment of hemoptysis because it possesses high rates of immediate clinical success coupled with low complication rates. We report an unusual case of Iatrogenic Type B Aortic Dissection (AD) after this procedure and how we managed it. Results: The patient underwent urgent TEVAR, using a Valiant Captivia 113 ® 30x30x150mm, landing zone 4, with 100% technical success, no endoleaks, no major intercurrences. The patient had an eventful post-op and was discharged at day 2, asymptomatic, no major operative complications. The patient was reviewed 1 and 3 months postop with no recurrence of back pain or hemoptysis. Discussion and conclusions: Although relatively rare, iatrogenic AD is a major complication of any catheter intervention and may be life threatening. Sometimes, iatrogenic AD decreases or disappears completely with conservative treatment because the site of entry is often quite small and it does not have an obvious re-entry site/patent false lumen. However, in contrast to spontaneous AD, patients with iatrogenic AD are more likely to develop fatal complications. In this case, as the patient had refractory back pain and a difficultto-control hypertension, with high risk of AD progression and aortic rupture, we decided to perform a TEVAR. Moreover, there is recent literature describing the use of covered aortic stents to occlude the ostia of the bronchial arteries and successfully treat hemoptysis. Western Vascular Institute, Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, University Hospital Galway, National University of Ireland, Galway, (Ireland) (1); Galway Clinic, Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland affiliated hospital, Doughiska, Galway (Ireland) (2); GMedTech, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway (Ireland)(3), Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Arizona Heart Foundation, Phoenix, Arizona ( U.S.A.) (4) Introduction/Objective The aim of this review is to consider evidence for the Multilayer Flow Modulator (MFM) device in management patients with complex thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA) or dissection. Material used/Methodology A methodical search of all health databases was conducted from January 2008 to 2015 for health related and biomedical science literature, pertaining to the MFM. Primary outcome was aneurysmrelated survival. Secondary outcomes were all-cause survival, stroke, spinal cord ischemia, renal impairment and branch vessel patency Results of the study Evaluation of the multilayer flow modulator in the management of complex thoracoabdominal aortic pathology: a systematic review and metanalysis Hynes, Niamh (1,2); ElHelali, Ala (1,3); Diethrich, Edward B. (4); Morris, Liam (3); Delassus, Patrick (3); Sherif Sultan (1,2) A total of 15 studies (3 prospective studies, 3 observational reviews and 9 case reports) were included. The mean age of patients was 68.85years (+/-12.34 years), mean aneurysm diameter was 6.67cm (±1.57cm). Technical success reported in 15 studies was 77.2 %. Aneurysm related survival at one year was 78.7% (±3.92%). One year allcause survival was 53.7 % (±3.94%). There were no reported cases of spinal cord ischemia or renal insult. Conclusions of the study The MFM appears safe in volver al sumario Right coronary artery obstruction following transcatheter aortic valve implantation 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Contemporary management of critical lower limb ischaemia in tasc d lesions with subintimal angioplasty in femoro-popliteal lesions , tibial angioplasty and sequential compression biomechanical device for infrainguinal arterial occlusion. Experience and quality of life outcome learned over 25 years. Hynes, Niamh (1); Sultan, Sherif (1, 2); Waters, Peadar (2); Veerasingam, Dave (3) Western Vascular Institute, Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Galway University Hospital, Galway (Ireland) (1); Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Galway Clinic, Dublin Road, Galway (Ireland) (2); Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Galway University Hospital, Galway (Ireland) (3) Material used/Methodology used From 2002-2012, 5876 patients were referred with Peripheral Vascular Disease. Of these 987 had CLI, 798 had intervention. Of 441 patients studied, 190 patients (206 procedures) has Subinitmal Angioplasty (SIA) for TASC D femero-popliteal occlusions, 80 patients (89 procedures) had Tibial Balloon and Cool Eximer Laser Angioplasty (TBA) for tibial occlusions and 171 patients with severe CLI, not suitable for revascularization, joined the Sequential Compression Biomechanical Device (SCBD) program. Mean age was 74+8years. Results of the study Peri-operative mortality was 1.6% for SIA vs 0% for TBA. Length of hospital stay was TBA 3.8 +/-2 days vs SIA 14 +/-16 days, p<0.0001. 5-year freedom from Major Adverse Events was 68% for SIA, 59% for TBA, and 62.5% for SCBD, p=0.1935 . 5-year freedom from target lesion revascularization was 85.9% for SIA and 79% for TBA. One-year sustained clinical improvement was 82.8% of SIA, 68% of TBA and 68% for SCBD. 83% SCBD patients had no rest pain within one week. Gangrene remained dry and nonprogressive. Ulceration healed in 93%. No device-related complications occured. 5-year Limb salvage was 94%. Quality Time spent Without Symptoms of disease or Toxicity of treatment (Q-TWiST) was 24.7 months for SIA and 8.5 months for TBA and was 38.13 for SCBD. Cost per Quality Adjusted-Life Years for SIA was €5,662.79, €12,935.18 for TBA and €2,943.56 for SCBD Introduction/Objectives We aim to evaluate a comprehensive lower limb salvage program for management of Critical Limb Ischaemia (CLI). Conclusions of the study All treatment pathways were costeffective, minimally invasive and allowed rapid patient turnover without compromising limb salvage. Complex multisegmental aortic repair using a hybrid prosthesis - a single center experience Rodrigues, Luís; Laranjeira Santos, Álvaro; Cruz Tomás, António; Magalhães Manuel; Afonso, Daniel; Fragata, José Hospital de Santa Marta, Lisboa (Portugal) Introduction The Frozen Elephant Trunk technique (FET) is indicated in multisegmental aortic pathology. Compared to the classical technique described by Borst in 1980 this aproach enables avoiding a 2nd surgical intervention and eliminates the time interval between the 2 stages reducing the mortality and morbidity usually associated to this type of procedure. In recente years technical modifications have been introduced aiming to simplify the intervention, reduce surgical time, beter protect the cerebral circulation and thus improve the overall performance by making it increasingly effective and reproducible. Objectives To review and presente our single center experience with this technique using the hybrid prosthesis E-Vita Open Plus ®. Material and Methodology From June 2010 to March 2015 this technique was used in 12 patients, mean age 63.8 years (50-75), 7 were men, with the following diagnoses: 2 patients with chronic type B dissection associated with arch/ascendig aorta aneurysm, 7 patients with medial arch and descending thoracic aorta aneurysm, 3 patients with Mega Aorta Syndrome. The most common 114 comorbidities were: high blood pressure in all patients, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in 5 patients, chronic renal failure in two patients, chronic atrial fibrillation in 3 patients and severe peripheral arterial disease in 1 patient. One patient had previous surgical intervention in the ascending aorta. All were operated by the same surgeon using similar surgical technique: Extracorporeal Circulation, deep hypothermia, cardio-circulatory arrest with bilateral selective antegrade cerebral perfusion, the prosthesis was anchored in landing zone 2 or 3 with extra-anatomic reimplantation of the supra-aortic vessels, monitoring of cerebral perfusion was performed using the INVUS ® system. Results Two patients died in days 3 and 4 after surgery, both with mesenteric ischemia. Two patients experienced prolonged ventilation complicated by pneumonia. In the remaining patients there was no major complication in the postoperative period. The mean ICU and length of hospital stay were respectively 52h and 9 days. All patients are routinely followed in our Thoracic Aortic Disease Outpatient Consultation. The accumulated follow-up time is 96 months, no patients were lost to follow-up. The first patient in the series (June 2010) required a completion of the procedure with 2 TEVARs in the descending aorta, at 6 months and 4 years after the initial intervention, both interventions were uneventfull. All survivors are asymptomatic without evidence of other complications. There was no late mortality. Conclusions The small number of patients and short follow-up period in most of these cases do not allow us to draw definitive conclusions. However, the results seem to be encouraging considering the complexity of the underlying pathology and associated comorbidities. Shorter Extracorporeal circulation and cardiocirculatory arrest times as well as good cerebral and visceral protection are essencial. With a greater surgical expertise and a better selection of cases the results will surely improve in the near future. Disección tipo B Barrera Carvajal, Juan; Holguín, Juliana; Espinel, Camilo; Medina, Libardo; Saaibi, José Federico; Figueredo, Antonio; Murcia, Adriana; Barrera, Juan Guillermo División de Cirugía Vascular y Endovascular - Departamento de Cirugía - Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia (Colombia) Introduccion El tratamiento de la disección aórtica tipo B en el contexto del síndrome aórtico agudo está experimentando cambios con el TEVAR por lo que actualmente se acepta como estrategia de primera línea en el ámbito de la disección complicada; con los avances tecnológicos de las endoprótesis y en manos de cirujanos expertos esta intervención se considera segura y puede salvar vidas, logrando a corto y mediano plazo la remodelación de la pared de la aorta mediante el cubrimiento de la entrada proximal, bloqueando el flujo en la falsa luz y permitiendo a su vez la expansión de la luz verdadera. De acuerdo a lo anterior el TEVAR ofrece una opción segura con resultados favorables en la disminución de la mortalidad perioperatoria. Objetivos El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la experiencia del grupo de cirugía vascular en conjunto volver al sumario management of TAAA, once operators abide to its Indications for Use. Since the MFM is a new technology, there is paucity of long-term follow-up data, a lack of comparative studies and a requirement for randomized clinical trials and continued assessment. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Materiales y métodos: Se presenta un trabajo descriptivo, retrospectivo, de corte transversal de las pacientes con diagnóstico de disección tipo B agudo complicado con tratamiento endovascular en el servicio de hemodinamia. Se intervinieron veinte y cuatro pacientes que ingresaron por urgencias a quienes se les hizo el diagnóstico de disección tipo B aguda complicada. La información se obtuvo de registros consignados entre Enero de 2011 y Diciembre de 2014. Dentro de los datos se evaluó la edad, antecedentes, prótesis utilizadas, evaluación tomográfica posterior a la intervención, complicaciones, días de estancia en unidad de cuidado intensivo, reintervenciones y desenlace final. un éxito técnico del 100%, con una morbimortalidad asociada a este grupo de pacientes aceptable, logrando una remodelación completa en la pared aórtica de los pacientes que sobrevivieron al procedimiento. Disección tipo A Barrera Carvajal, Juan; Holguín, Juliana; Espinel, Camilo; Medina, Libardo; Saaibi, José Federico; Figueredo, Antonio; Murcia, Adriana; Barrera, Juan Guillermo División de Cirugía Vascular y Endovascular - Departamento de Cirugía - Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia (Colombia) Introducción: Resultados: Se describen un total de 24 pacientes que fueron intervenidos durante un periodo comprendido entre Enero de 2011 y diciembre de 2014 con edades entre 13 a 74 años (pacientes masculinos), con edades entre 52 a 77 años (pacientes femeninos), edad promedio en hombres 55,3 y en mujeres 63,3, de los cuales 4 pacientes ingresaron en estado de choque, 2 pacientes requirieron cobertura de la subclavia, 2 requirieron cirugía debranching con TEVAR simultaneo, con una mediana de cobertura de la aorta 150mm, con un éxito técnico para esta cohorte del 100%, muertes hospitalarias 4, paraplejia 2, IRC que requirieron diálisis 2, reintervenciones 1 y 20 pacientes con TAC de control que evidencian remodelación completa de la pared aórtica. Conclusiones: El manejo endovascular de la disección tipo B aguda complicada está asociada con El tratamiento de la disección aórtica tipo A aguda realizando sustitución de la aorta ascendente y el arco logra buenos resultados a corto plazo, pero varios pacientes quedan con desgarros de la íntima distal o una falsa luz permeable en la aorta descendente. En esta serie, se presenta la experiencia de 5 años con la técnica Lupiae, una técnica de reparación aórtica híbrida para los pacientes con disección aórtica tipo A aguda. Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la experiencia del grupo de cirugía cardiovascular en conjunto con el servicio de hemodinamia, en el tratamiento híbrido en la disección tipo A aguda. Materiales y métodos: Se presenta un trabajo descriptivo, retrospectivo, de corte transversal de pacientes con diagnóstico de disección tipo A agudo con tratamiento híbrido en el servicio de cirugía cardiovascular. Se intervinieron 7 pacientes que ingresaron por urgencias a quienes se les hizo el diagnóstico de disección tipo A aguda. La información se obtuvo de registros consignados entre Enero de 2010 a Diciembre de 2014. Dentro de los datos se evaluó la edad, antecedentes, prótesis utilizadas, evaluación tomográfica posterior a la intervención, complicaciones, días de estancia en unidad de cuidado intensivo, reintervenciones y desenlace final. Resultados: Se describen un total de 7 pacientes que fueron intervenidos durante un periodo comprendido entre Enero de 2011 a diciembre de 2014, con una relación 4:3 hombre y mujer en los cuales se utilizó técnica de Lupiae, con una mediana de cobertura de la aorta 150mm, con un éxito técnico para esta cohorte del 100%, muertes hospitalarias 1, reintervenciones 1 y los 7 pacientes con TAC de control que evidencian remodelación completa de la pared aórtica. Conclusiones: El manejo híbrido de la disección tipo A aguda permite que aparte de lograr una zona de aterrizaje para la prótesis de dacrón en la aorta ascendente distal también logre la reparación de cualquier desgarro de la íntima residual que permita llenar un falso lumen patente por lo tanto la técnica de Lupiae parece estar asociada con una alta probabilidad de trombosis del falso lumen y bajas tasas de reoperaciones en la aorta distal. Rotura de Aneurisma de arteria subclavia derecha Dra. I. Serramito Veiga, Dr. Fernández Noya, Dra. Vázquez Dopazo, Dra. Méndez Fernández 115 Servicio de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de Compostela Resumen: Los aneurismas de arteria subclavia son extremadamente raros y representan el 1% de los aneurismas periféricos. La mayoría cursan de forma asintomática por lo que suele tratarse de un hallazgo casual en alguna prueba radiológica. La presentación clínica como rotura aneurismática es excepcional y supone una emergencia vital, con exige un tratamiento quirúrgico complejo, con una elevada morbimortalidad. El tratamiento endovascular es una opción terapéutica efectiva y sencilla técnicamente, si existe segmento proximal para su fijación. Presentamos un caso de aneurisma roto de arteria subclavia derecha en un varón de 83 años, reparado mediante implante de endoprótesis, con control angiográfico intraoperatorio y angioTC de control postoperatorio que muestran exclusión de aneurisma y ausencia de endofuga. Miocardiopatia dilatada como potencial fonte embólica sistémica Autores: Pedro Pinto Sousa, Miguel Lobo, Hugo Louro, Ricardo Gouveia, Jacinta Campos, Andreia Coelho, Rita Augusto, Pedro Monteiro, Alexandra Canedo Serviço: de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular, Instituição: Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho Contatos: 918356470 Introdução: A miocardiopatia dilatada idiopática é uma patologia do miocárdio, cujo diagnóstico é de exclusão e se caracteriza por uma ineficiente contractilidade e dilatação ventricular. Eventos embólicos pulmonares ou sistémico são raros, ocorrendo em 5-10% dos doentes. Ocorrem principalmente em doentes com insuficiência cardíaca em classe avançada e cardiomegalia. Caso clínico: Doente do sexo feminino, 59 anos, sem antecedentes pessoais de relevo. Deu entrada no SU do Hospital da área de residência por quadro de dor gemelar direita de instalação súbita associada a parestesia e arrefecimento do membro. Manteve-se em estudo com progressiva deterioração do estado de consciência da doente, perfil hemodinâmico e progressão para choque cardiogénico. Realizou angioTC abdominal que revelou trombose da artéria ilíaca comum direita, da artéria mesentéria superior e artéria renal bilateralmente. Realizou, também, ecocardiograma que identificou miocardiopatia dilatada e trombo mural em ambos os ápex ventriculares. Foi transferida para este Hospital e admitida na sala de emergência em ventilação mecânica e choque. Realizada laparotomia exploradora com aparente viabilidade instestinal. Intra operatóriamente confirmou-se progressão do quadro para trombose da artéria ilíaca e femoral comum esquerda. Procedeu-se a tromboembolectomia das artérias renais bilateralmente, artéria mesentérica inferior e femoropoplítea-distal bilateralmente. Posteriormente, a doente foi internada na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos com evolução desfavorável do quadro clínico e analítico acabando por falecer ao 16º dia pós operatório. volver al sumario con el servicio de hemodinamia, en el tratamiento endovascular de la disección tipo B aguda complicada. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE A presença de trombo a nível ventricular em doentes com miocardiopatia dilatada é um achado frequente, podendo atingir 40% dos doentes, segundo a literatura. No entanto, segundo estudos prévios, a deteção de trombose intracardíaca não é preditivo claro de futuro evento embólico sistémico. Carece, por isso, de evidência quais os doentes que realmente beneficiam de anti coagulação de forma a prevenir eventos catastróficos como o aqui descrito. O ecocardiograma e a angioRM seriados poderão ser extremamente úteis na caracterização do trombo e estratificação dos doentes com maior risco de tromboembolismo. Aneurisma da aorta abdominal em doente submetido a procedimento Chimney Autores: Pedro Pinto Sousa, Daniel Brandão, Vitor Martins, Ricardo Gouveia, Jacinta Campos, Andreia Coelho, Rita Augusto, Pedro Monteiro, Alexandra Canedo Serviço: de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular Instituição: Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho Contactos: 918356470 Introdução: A correção endovascular de um aneurisma justa-renal, para-renal ou toraco-abdominal implica, muitas vezes, técnicas complexas associadas a uma relevante morbi-mortalidade. As técnicas endovasculares com Parallel Grafts (Ch-EVAR) surgiram como uma alternativa viável para patologia aneurismática da aorta que requer revascularização renal ou visceral. Caso clínico: Doente do sexo masculino, 75 anos, com antecedentes pessoais de claudicação intermitente gemelar para distâncias curtas, tabagismo, HTA , neoplasia vesical submetido a cistectomia e ureteroileostomia e aneurisma da aorta abdominal com recusa para tratamento cirúrgico. Admitido no SU e avaliado por Urologia por quadro de dor abdominal localizada na fossa ilíaca direita. Realizou ecografia abdominal que identificou aneurisma da aorta abdominal com cerca de 74 mm de maior diâmetro, trombo mural e suspeita de rotura. Realizou angioTC que confirmou aneurisma da aorta abdominal justa-renal com diâmetro máximo de 79x85mm mas sem imagem compatível com rotura. Associadamente identificou-se espessamento segmentar do cólon sigmóide. Complementou-se o estudo com realização de colonoscopia que confirmou neoformação vegetante e estenosante no cólon sigmóide. Nesta sequência, efetuou-se correção percutânea de aneurisma por técnica de Chimney com libertação de corpo de endoprótese Gore® excluder 28x12x18 após seletivação de ambas as artérias renais por punção axilar esquerda seguida de libertação de stent renal direito e esquerdo recobertos. Não se registaram intercorrências de relevo no pós operatório imediato, mantendo o doente função renal conservada. Teve alta orientado para o Serviço de Cirurgia Geral onde foi, posteriormente, submetido a sigmoidectomia complicada por lesão ureteral, desenvolvimento de insuficiência renal aguda com necessidade de hemodiálise apesar de manter stent’s renais permeáveis. Discussão e Conclusões: O papel do Ch-EVAR no tratamento de aneurismas complexos da aorta abdominal continua sujeito a algumas controvérsias. Apesar de ter bons resultados a curto prazo tendo em consideração as limitações anatómicas do colo aórtico, os resultados a longo prazo em termos de durabilidade, qualidade da fixação protésica proximal e sealing continuam a ser um fator de preocupação. Ainda assim, parece-nos uma alternativa viável e a considerar em casos específicos como este. Colección periaórtica en enfermo con alta comorbilidade. Autores: Alba Méndez Fernández, Rebeca Vázquez Dopazo, Oskarina Silva González, Javier Villaverde Rodriguez, Manual Martínez Pérez. Centro de traballo: Servicio de Anxioloxía e Cirurxía Vascular, Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela. Correo electrónico: Teléfono: 679 858218. Introducción: Ante un enfemro con colección periaórtica, cabe realizar extensos estudios para o diagnóstico diferencial, así como probas invasivas de imaxe e biopsias. Hoxe en día a iatroxenia postpunción arterial, así como infección posterior preséntase con maior frecuencia dado incremento de realización de procedementos percutáneos. Material e métodos: Varón de 59 anos, pluripatolóxico, en programa de trasplante hepático, con hiperesplenismo e 116 pancitopenia. É hospitalizado por empeoramento clínico e analítico, con febre e dolor lumbar. En anxioTC evidénciase masa prevertebral e periaórtica (D12L2) sen fuga de contraste. Hemocultivos positivos para SAMS. Realízase BAG (biopsia aspiración con agulla fina) da colección, sendo negativo o cultivo microbiolóxico, con anatomía patolóxica suxestiva de procedemento inflamatorio/abscesificación, polo que se trata con antibioterapia de amplo espectro. Dúas semanas despois, en anxioTC control, observánse cambios nas características da colección, con fuga de contraste: compatible con pseudoaneurisma aórtico en cara posterior, a nivel de tronco celíaco. Resultados: Inicialmente, dada a gravidade da situación clínica do enfermo con alta morbimortalidade, decídese tratamento conservador. Un mes despois, o enfermo evoluciona favorablemente. Ante o diagnóstico diferencial de pseudoaneurisma: micótico, iatroxénico, ou ambos, valóranse o tratamento, existindo a posibilidade das técnicas endovasculares e de cirurxía aberta. As opción endovasculares plantexadas eran embolización, ou implante de endoprótese (pero tendo en conta a localización: tronco celíaco e arteria mesentérica superior, faría falla un dispositivo do que non se dispón de inmediato), polo que se decide intervención cirúrxica. Mediante toracofrenolaparotomía, accédese directamente a cara posterior de aorta, onde se observa orificio de sangrado, e gran hematoma circundante (sen datos macroscópicos de infección), polo que se resolve con sutura directa aórtica. Previamente realizárase bypass axilo-bifemoral para minimizar o risco de isquemia. Conclusións: A opción de técnicas endovasculares podería ser de gran axuda en enfermos con alta comorbilidade, pero como terapia “intermedia” para a resolución do momento agudo se a sospeita é de proceso infeccioso. É unha gran vantaxe a realización de sutura directa en zonas de posible infección, para evitar a súa perpetuación. Pese a que neste caso, dado o antecedente de procedemento percutáneo recente, cabería pensar na iatroxenia como 1ª opción. Pseudo-aneurisma infeccioso em shunt arteriovenoso – caso clinico AUTORES: Ricardo CastroFerreira, Joel Sousa, Dalila Rolim, Jorge Costa Lima, Paulo Gonçalves Dias, José Teixeira Instituição: Hospital de S.João, Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular Endereço Postal: Rua da Guarda, nº 541, 4825-391 Santo Tirso Email: Tlm 00351915506427 Tipo de apresentação: Poster Introdução Os pseudoaneurismas constituem uma complicação rara dos shunts arteriovenosos em pacientes hemodialisados. Estas lesões são geralmente multifactoriais na sua origem, acreditando-se que o aumento da pressão venosa secundária a estenoses venosas proximais, desenvolvida em shunts cujo material de enxerto se encontra danificado, desempenhe um papel significativo na sua patogénese. Na grande maioria das vezes este dano ao shunt é resultado das multiplas canulações que se sucedem ao longo do tempo de vida do volver al sumario Discussão e Conclusões: 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Objectivos: Apresentação de um caso clínico de um doente com pseudoaneurisma de shunt arteriovenoso do membro superior esquerdo, de etiologia infecciosa. Material e Métodos: Doente do sexo masculino, 58 anos de idade, dislipidemico, hipertenso e insuficiente renal crónico em programa regular de hemodiálise por shunt arteriovenoso no braço esquerdo. Recorreu ao SU por tumefacção dolorosa e edema do membro superior esquerdo associados a febre com duas semanas de evolução. Observou-se erosão cutânea e exsudação na região do shunt, contudo ainda sem exposição de prótese ou hemorragia activa. O pulso radial era palpável. No estudo imagiológico, o ecoDoppler revelou a presença de um falso aneurisma da artéria braquial e oclusão do shunt arteriovenoso. O doente foi internado para instituição de antibioterapia e decisão cirúrgica. Resultados: O doente foi submetido a correcção cirúrgica, com exclusão do falso aneurisma, remoção em bloco do componente infectado da prótese e segmento lesado de artéria braquial, com revascularização por anastomose braquial topoa-topo. Pós-operatório decorreu sem complicações, tendo o doente cumprido ciclo de antibioterapia em internamento com posterior alta ao 6º dia pósoperatório. grave dos doentes em programa regular de hemodiálise. A detecção da presença de sinais de infecção, local ou sistémica, deve sempre alertar para o eventual risco de infecção do material protésico e como tal desencorajar a utilização do shunt até melhor esclarecimento do quadro, sob risco de desenvolvimento de complicações, uma das quais o pseudo-aneurisma. Neste caso, a canulação persistente do shunt apesar dos sinais evidentes de infecçao que se vinham a manifestar, resultou na propagação da infecção com consequente desenvolvimento de pseudo-aneurisma, complicação grave e com desfecho potencialmente tragico pelos riscos de hemorragia e ruptura inerentes. Uma melhor monitorização destas situações por parte dos profissionais responsáveis pelas técnicas de hemodiálise é assim necessária, tendo em vista não só a preservaçao do acesso vascular, como também a prevenção desta e outras complicações possiveis e indesejáveis. Uso do dispositivo “Excluder Iliac Branch Endoprosthesis” para preservar arteria hipogástrica. AUTORES: Alba Méndez Fernández, Jorge Fernández Noya, Nilo J. Mosquera Arochena, Manuel Martínez Pérez. CENTRO DE TRABALLO: Servicios de Anxioloxía e Cirurxía Vascular do Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de Compostela e Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Ourense. Conclusões: As infecções de shunt arteriovenoso constituem uma complicação potencialmente CORREO ELECTRÓNICO: Teléfono: 679 858218. Introducción: A dilatación aneurismática das arterias ilíacas é unha das preocupacións para a reparación endovascular. Preservar o fluxo na arteria hpogástrica é unha consideración importante para previr complicacións por isquemia pélvica. Describimos a nosa experiencia e resultados co dispositivo “Excluder Iliac Branch Endoprosthesis” no tratamento de aneurismas ilíacos, onde se ofrece como unha boa opción no caso de anatomías difíciles, pola súa adaptabilidade ante arterias ilíacas tortuosas. Kisses, bailarinas, curvas y otros asuntos… hablamos de EVAR, por supuesto!! F Gallardo Pedrajas, J Fernández Noya, J Villaverde Rodríguez, M Martínez Pérez. Servicio de Angiología y Cirugía vascular. Complexo Clinico Universitario de Santiago. Email contacto: Tlfo: 636880784 Introducción: Material e métodos: Dende xaneiro do 2014 ata xaneiro do 2015, no Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de Compostela e no Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Ourense, tratáronse 25 arterias ilíacas, en 17 enfermos, mediante o implante deste branch ilíaco. Tódolos enfermos eran varóns agás un único caso de muller, con idades comprendidas entre 67 e 85 anos. O seguimento estase realizando mediante anxioTC a 1 mes e a 1 ano se non hai complicacións, e Eco-doppler aos 3 e 6 meses. Resultados: Obtívose un éxito técnico en 24 dos casos, con implantación exitosa agás en un caso no que se ocliuíu a arteria hipogástrica como complicación. Este enfermo presenta claudicación glútea, manténdose tódolos demais enfermos tratados, asintomáticos. A mortalidade foi do 0%. A media de días de hospitalización foi de 3,5. Conclusións: Estes resultados, orientan a considerar esta técnica unha alternativa efectiva para o tratamento dos aneurismas ilíacos, evitando as complicacións isquémicas da oclusión hipogástrica, como é a claudicación glútea. 117 El objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar diversas alternativas de tratamiento y soluciones técnicas a problemas reales que surgen al realizar terapia endovascular en reparación de Aneurismas de Aorta Abdominal (AAA) infra-renales (EVAR) que presentan características anatómicas a nivel de la bifurcación aorto-biilíaca consideradas como hostiles. Material y método: El cuello aórtico infrarrenal es reconocido como uno de los elementos claves para el resultado con éxito en el tratamiento (EVAR) ya que las características anatómicas de este segmento de aorta constituyen la primera causa anatómica de exclusión en tratamiento EVAR. Por este motivo la mayoría de las comunicaciones y trabajos publicados que abordan EVAR en anatomías aórticas complejas u hostiles se centran en el cuello aórtico infra-renal. Sin embargo en muchos otros casos casos la limitación anatómica a EVAR puede aparecer a nivel de angulaciones severas, de la presencia de trombo o calcio, de accesos ilíacos complejos o a nivel termino-aórtico debido a una bifurcación aórtica estrecha (menos de 16 mm). El problema de las bifurcaciones aórticas de menos de 16 mm se ha solventado clásicamente mediante el implante de una endoprótesis Aorto –Uni ilíaca y la realización de un by pass femoro-femoral cruzado. Aunque esta es una alternativa válida y eficaz ya demostrada, debe tenerse en cuenta el añadido de complicaciones y aumento de comorbilidad para el paciente que siempre implica una cirugía de revascularización extraanatómica. En este trabajo revisamos casos clínicos reales de AAA tratados con éxito en nuestro centro durante el período 2014-15 en los que se emplearon los dispositivos y trucos técnicos que se describen y que permitieron el implante de endoprótesis bifurcadas en terapia EVAR en bifurcaciones aórticas estrechas y complejas: 1. Conocimiento y disponibilidad de endoprótesis en cuyas IFU´s incluyen bifurcaciones estrechas (<16 mm): Ovation (trivascular) , Evita (Jotec), AFX, Nellix (Endologix). 2. Empleo de endoprótesis trimodulares de nueva generación: disminuir el diámetro de la extensión ilíaca empleada. 3. Técnica de liberación simultánea de ambas extensiones Ilíacas. 4. Técnica de Kissing Ballon a nivel de bifurcación aórtica tras liberación. 5. Liberación de las ramas de la endoprótesis en posición de bailarina (cruzadas) deliberadamente. Conclusiones: Aunque las bifurcaciones aórticas estrechas no son la causa más frecuentes de limitación anatómica en EVAR, es importante que los cirujanos vasculares que planifican y realizan terapia EVAR conozcan alternativas de tratamientos y soluciones en estos casos complejos. En nuestra experiencia con el empleo de habilidades técnicas y mediante la selección cuidadosa del dispositivo más volver al sumario acesso. Contudo, existem outras etiologias possiveis para este dano estrutural, de que é o exemplo a infecção, causa pouco comum e frequentemente menosprezada na sua gravidade e potenciais complicações. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE F Gallardo Pedrajas, J Fernandez Noya, J Villaverde Rodríguez, M Martínez Pérez. Servicio de Angiología y Cirugía vascular. Complexo Clinico Universitario de Santiago. Email contacto: Tlfo: 636880784 Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un protocolo rápido (menos de 15 minutos) y eficaz para poder realizar un esquema con medidas y planificación en terapia de reparación endovascular de aneurismas de aorta infra-renal rotos (R-EVAR) en situaciones de emergencia. Introducción: En la terapia EVAR las medidas y planificación detallada del caso a tratar basadas en el procesamiento de las imágenes obtenidas en los estudios angioTC multicorte es imprescindible para el éxito final del procedimiento. El procesamiento y planificación pueden ser realizados mediante distintas estaciones de trabajo disponibles en el mercado, y todos los especialistas que realizan terapia endovascular deben tener los conocimientos necesarios para realizar las medidas y planificación en terapia EVAR e implicarse en la elección del dispositivo y no limitarse al acceso vascular o al implante manual del dispositivo durante el procedimiento. En situaciones de emergencia vital como lo es el aneurisma de aorta abdominal roto (AAA-R) el tiempo disponible para medir y planificar el tratamiento endovascular está dramáticamente disminuido. Este motivo ha sido considerado durante muchos años como una contraindicación relativa al tratamiento endovascular en AAA-R o con datos de ruptura inminente, junto a la disponibilidad de un stock limitado de material endovascular para poder afrontar el caso con seguridad. Material y método: En este trabajo presentamos un protocolo empleado por nuestro centro para ayudar a recordar los pasos clave en planificación y medidas en casos urgentes de AAA-R. Mediante el empleo de la palabra SANTIAGO y con una regla nemotécnica se describen 8 pasos que deben ser siempre tenidos en cuenta: S: Size of the aneurysm (máximo diámetro: aorta e ilíacas) y visualizar Volumen Rendering. A: Access (valoración de accesos femorales) N: Neck (características: diámetro in-in, longitud, trombo, calcio, clock time) T: bifurcaTion (características: diámetro, longitud, trombo, calcio) I: Iliacs ( valorar: calcio, trombo, diámetros internos, longitud) A: Angulations (cuello, ilíacas) G: LenGth – LonGitud ( Centerline con distancia de renales a bifurcación aórtica e ilíacas) O: OK material (revisar que tenemos stock disponible para lo que necesitamos) Tras anotar los 8 puntos clave revisados junto a un esquema del caso recomendamos tener ese documento en un lugar visible en todo momento para el equipo que realiza el procedimiento (en nuestro grupo en el arco en C, bajo una funda estéril trasparente). Conclusiones: La terapia endovascular en rotos ha demostrado claramente un incremento en la supervivencia respecto a la cirugía aórtica abierta, especialmente en pacientes inestables y con elevada comorbilidad, pudiéndose realizar con anestesia local y sin sedo-relajación del paciente. Consideramos que los equipos quirúrgicos con experiencia en terapia endovascular programada y en planificación EVAR deben de ser capaces de afrontar esta urgencia vital con las garantías suficientes y de modo eficaz, así como disponer del stock endovascular necesario para poder realizarlo. Doença adventicial quística da artéria poplítea – Exérese adventicial Autores: Duarte Rego, Paulo Almeida, Tiago Loureiro, Luís Loureiro, Diogo Silveira, Lisa Borges, Sérgio Teixeira, João Gonçalves, Vitor Ferreira, Gabriela Teixeira, Inês Antunes, Rui Almeida Centro Hospitalar do Porto Serviço de Cirurgia Vascular Email: TLM: 967343977 Introdução: A doença adventicial quística é uma causa rara de claudicação intermitente. Caracteriza-se pelo desenvolvimento de múltiplos quistos na túnica adventícia. A sua etiopatogenia não está definitivamente estabelecida sendo que a maioria da evidência científica aponta para um defeito no desenvolvimento embrionário das artérias não axiais. Este diagnóstico deve ser suspeitado em homens claudicantes sem os tradicionais fatores de risco cardiovascular. A confirmação diagnóstica pode basear-se no eco-doppler, angioTAC, angiografia ou angioRM sendo esta última o exame de referência. Das várias opções terapêuticas destacam-se a exérese da túnica adventícia, a aspiração percutânea dos quistos (associada a recidiva) e a exérese do segmento arterial afetado e reconstrução arterial com pontagem. 118 Caso Clínico: Homem de 60 anos, hipertenso e dislipidémico, sem DM ou tabagismo. Observado no SU por edema da perna direita com 3-4 dias de evolução, sem outras queixas associadas, com pulsos distais bilateralmente, cujo estudo por eco-doppler revelou imagem sugestiva de quistos da parede da artéria poplítea. Reobservado na consulta após um mês, com queixas recentes de arrefecimento do pé direito e hipostesias. Pulsos distais do MIE, ausentes à direita (com pulso poplíteo), com teste de Buerger positivo. Realizou eco-doppler que revelou estenose pré-oclusiva da artéria poplítea condicionada pelo crescimento dos quistos adventiciais. O angioTAC confirmou estes achados. Dada a rápida evolução do quadro considerou-se existir o risco de progressão do quadro para oclusão arterial decidindo-se pela intervenção precoce, tendo-se realizado no mesmo dia a exérese da túnica adventícia da artéria poplítea, por abordagem posterior, com bom resultado clínico e imagiológico final. Discussão: Dada a raridade desta patologia, não existem estudos que comparem as diferentes formas de tratamento da doença adventicial quística. No entanto, os casos descritos de exérese da túnica adventícia e respetivos quistos apresentam resultados positivos, parecendo por isso uma técnica adequada desde que a artéria esteja permeável e sem lesão médio-intimal estabelecida. São necessários estudos com follow-up alargado para determinar o risco de complicações tardias, nomeadamente de recidiva ou degeneração aneurismática. Enxerto peroneal vascularizado autólogo no tratamento de fractura complexa da diáfise do fémur – caso clínico Autores: Diogo Silveira1, Rui Machado1, César Silva2, Luís Loureiro1, Tiago Loureiro1, Lisa Borges1, Sérgio Teixeira1, Duarte Rego1, Vítor Ferreira1, João Gonçalves1, Gabriela Teixeira1, Inês Gonçalves1, Maria do Sameiro Pereira1, Rui Almeida1 (1) Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular, Hospital Santo António - Centro Hospitalar do Porto (2) Serviço de Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Hospital Santo António – Centro Hospitalar do Porto Primeiro autor: Diogo Silveira Contactos:, +351 91 8385952 Tipo de Apresentação: Comunicação oral Introdução: Os enxertos peroneais autólogos vascularizados permitem uma transferência óssea para tratamento de defeitos ósseos resultantes de traumatismos, ressecções tumorais ou pseudoartroses congénitas. Este tipo de enxertos permitem ao osso manter as suas propriedades osteocondutivas, osteoindutivas e osteogénicas, sendo por isso ideais para preenchimento de grandes defeitos ou reconstruções complexas, especialmente em leitos pouco vascularizados. Material e Métodos: Apresentação de caso clínico. Revisão da literatura. Caso clínico e resultados: Foi realizado o tratamento cirúrgico de fractura cominutiva complexa da diáfise do fémur em jovem na terceira década de vida, volver al sumario Protocolo Evar (S.A.N.T.I.A.G.O.): Medidas y Planificación Evar en Urgencias. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE stopped the procedure. CT at 48h confirmed angiographic findings so a second embolization through contralateral US-guided superficial femoral artery was made. Onyx was injected after MP crossover of ABFB trough microcatheter of LCFA. Results: Patient underwent successful embolization of both arteries close to aneurysm sac. Completion angiography didn´t show any apparent residual endoleak (Fig. 2). Patient had complete clinical improvement after second procedure and remained asymptomatic. CT available at last follow up (5th month) showed no evidence of residual endoleak and a little shrinkage in aneurysm diameter (86 mm). Fig. 1 Conclusão: A reconstrução de grandes defeitos ósseos com enxertos vascularizados peroneais é uma técnica viável com resultados funcionais muito satisfatórios. Um planeamento detalhado, o conhecimento da vascularização peroneal, a técnica de anastomose arterial e o tipo de fixação óssea são o factores de maior importância prognostica e de sucesso terapêutico. Challenging retrograde embolization to treat expanding internal iliac aneurysm after surgical repair Authors: Ana Ferreira, Eurico Norton, Alfredo Cerqueira, Sérgio Sampaio, José Teixeira. Discussion/Conclusion: IIAAs may grow and rupture after exclusion, leading to challenging decision and treatment. Multiple collateral pathways between the femoral and the internal iliac artery can be embolized with a wide range of materials. This is a feasible technique, with minimal surgical aggression and low complication rate with few cases reported in literature. Fig. 2 previous aorto-bifemoral bypass (ABFB) with proximal and distal (external iliac) ligation 18 months before, for abdominal (5.6-cm diameter) and internal iliac 6.4cm diameter aneurysm and its successful embolization with ethylene vinyl alcohol (Onyx®). Introduction: After surgical or endovascular aortic aneurysm repair a persistent preexisting internal iliac aneurysm may continue to grow leading to a challenging treatment once there is no direct aneurysm access. Aims: We present a case of a 10-cm left internal iliac aneurysm in a 77year-old male who underwent a Material and methods: Patient was admitted at emergency with abdominal pain, hematuria (CRF dialysis patient), and a 2.0 g/L Hb decrease. CT scan showed persistent flow in the left iliac artery. Diameter enlargement from 6.4 cm to 10.0 cm had occurred in the last 18 months. First angiography (Fig. 1) was performed by left brachial access showing collateral flow from the lateral circumflex femoral artery (LCFA)(*) to the superior gluteal artery and from the medial circumflex femoral artery (MCFA)(**) to the obturador (O) artery. A two-step embolization was then performed. First embolization was achieved through left brachial access, using a 6F sheath and a Multipropose (MP) selective catheterization of the profunda femoral artery, followed by supraselective MCFA catheterization (microcatheter 1.5 F); Onyx® was used. Completion angiogram showed slower but persistent flow in aneurysm sac in dependence of the LCFA artery. Once the patient was uncomfortable and poor left hand perfusion was obvious, we 119 EVAR asociado a embolización de arteria hipogástrica, nuestra experiencia. M. Mosquera; X. Fariña; J. Vidal, C. Gallego, E. Fraga, J.M Encisa. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo El manejo endovascular de los aneurismas de aorta con afectación iliaca continúa siendo conflictivo para los cirujanos vasculares. En el momento actual la irrupción de nuevos dispositivos en el mercado amplía las posibilidades terapéuticas pero , hasta el momento, la embolización de arterias hipogástricas era la solución endovascular más habitual en nuestro centro. Realizamos un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de los pacientes tratados consecutivamente entre Marzo de 2009 y Junio de 2014 en nuestro servicio mediante EVAR y embolización de una o ambas arterias iliacas internas (AII). Se trata de 14 pacientes, 3 de ellos con embolización bilateral de AII, en los que analizamos la incidencia de claudicación glútea, necrosis glútea y escrotal, isquemia de colon e isquemia de plexo lumbo-sacro. La técnica quirúrgica se llevó a cabo en uno o dos tiempos y el material utilizado para la embolización fueron dispositivos Amplatzer ( I, II) o coils . El número de casos es limitado para sacar conclusiones pero la incidencia del 42% de claudicación glútea en nuestros pacientes nos lleva a intentar preservar, en la medida de lo posible, la permeabilidad de AII. Aneurisma aterosclerótico isolado da bifurcação femoral com sobreinfeção e em rotura João Gonçalves, Sérgio Teixeira, Ivone Silva, Pedro Sá Pinto, Luís Loureiro, Tiago Loureiro, Lisa Borges, Diogo Silveira, Duarte Rego, Vítor Ferreira, Gabriela Teixeira, Inês Antunes, Rui Almeida. Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular. Hospital de Santo António – Centro Hospitalar do Porto. joaopedrogoncalves53400@hot – 910554665 volver al sumario resultante de traumatismo em acidente de viação, com enxerto peroneal vascularizado livre. O procedimento consistiu em isolamento do peróneo e da sua artéria nutritiva, secção óssea e sua transferência para a diáfise femoral fracturada, seguido de fixação interna com parafusos e anastomose em arterial láteroterminal na artéria femoral superficial adjacente. O pósoperatório decorreu sem intercorrências, tendo-se conseguido uma completa consolidação óssea. Não ocorreram complicações vasculares. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Introdução/Objetivos: Os aneurismas ateroscleróticos da artéria femoral comum (AFC) são raros e geralmente associados a doença polianeurismática. Não é habitual terem extensão à bifurcação femoral. São mais frequentes em homens, idosos, fumadores e hipertensos, sendo a sua rotura muito incomum. A infeção de um aneurisma préexistente é rara e condiciona um risco de rotura importante. Este trabalho tem por objetivo a apresentação do caso clínico de um aneurisma aterosclerótico isolado da bifurcação femoral, infetado e em rotura. patológica revelou tratar-se de um aneurisma verdadeiro de etiologia aterosclerótica. Não se verificou, após estudo imagiológico, a presença de outros aneurismas. Conclusões: Os aneurismas infetados apresentam-se como um desafio de tratamento, pois a rotura arterial, a presença de um território infetado e, por vezes, a localização anatómica não permitem uma abordagem simples, nem conservadora. Neste caso clínico demonstra-se uma combinação de entidades relativamente raras (aneurisma femoral aterosclerótico isolado e infetado). Resultados: Indivíduo do sexo masculino, 72 anos, com hábitos tabágicos e antecedentes de DM tipo 2, HTA, dislipidemia e internamento recente por pneumonia, que recorreu ao SU de um hospital periférico no contexto de uma tumefação inguinal esquerda, não pulsátil, com sinais inflamatórios exuberantes e dor associada, com 4 dias de evolução. Por suspeita de abcesso inguinal, realizou TC pélvico que revelou a presença de um abcesso inguinal adjacente a um aneurisma da artéria femoral comum com envolvimento da bifurcação da mesma artéria e em rotura. O doente foi transferido para o SU do nosso hospital, onde foi submetido a aneurismectomia femoral e a pontagem bifurcada entre a artéria ilíaca externa e as artérias femoral superficial e femoral profunda com veia grande safena invertida. Após a cirurgia, o doente, permaneceu sob antibioterapia de largo espectro, tendo sido necessárias duas re-intervenções para remoção de tecidos desvitalizados infetados. Teve alta ao 39.º dia pós-operatório. Verificou-se a presença de estafilococos áureos no estudo microbiológico da parede do aneurisma e a anatomia Isquemia distal grave inducida por farmaco Coraizaca–Chicaiza N., Senin–Fernández M., Martínez–Pérez M. Servicio de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular, Complejo Hospitalario de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, España. psoriasica intensa que provoco isquemia distal grave en manos y pies con lesiones de dedos. Se instauro tratamiento vasodilatador con Prostaglandina (PGE1) y se obtuvo mejoría clínica en manos, no obteniendo resultado satisfactorio en pies, obligando las lesiones a una amputación transmetatarsiana de los mismos. Conclusion Se comenta este caso excepcional y la necesidad de un control extremo de fármacos involucrados en tratamientos (con efectos adversos ya advertidos en la ficha técnica) que pueden producir lesiones isquémicas irreversibles con la consiguiente amputación. Pseudoaneurismas femorales post punción: 3 formas de tratamiento Oskarina Silva, Eugenio Senín, Rebeca Vazquez, Alba Méndez, Manuel Martínez Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de Compostela Introduccion La mayoría de los casos de isquemia distal de las extremidades, es producida por patología degenerativa, inflamatoria, espástica, o infecciosa. La etiología toxica es excepcional y la medicamentosa extraordinariamente rara. Objetivo Reportar un caso de lesión distal grave, tras tratamiento farmacológico. Caso clinico Presentamos el caso de un varón de 41 años de edad, sometido a tratamiento con Anticuerpo monoclonal, anti factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (INFLIXIMAB) por crisis La alta frecuencia de procedimientos percutáneos que se realizan en la actualidad tanto con fines diagnósticos como terapéuticos, y que precisan el uso de catéteres e introductores de gran calibre (angiografías, cateterismos, implantes de válvulas cardíacas, cirugía endovascular, hemofiltros, etc), así como la necesidad de antiagregación/ antiagregación en gran parte de estos pacientes, han incrementado de forma significativa la aparición de ciertas complicaciones frecuentes en los pacientes sometido a estos precedimientos, como los hematomas, y en menor cantidad las fístulas arteriovenosas y los pseudoaneurismas arteriales. Es 120 debido a esto que los servicios de cirugía vascular deben plantearse diferentes opciones para su tratamiento, de acuerdo a las características que presentan. De todas estas complicaciones, los pseudoaneurismas suelen presentar un importante reto terapéutico, debido a la diversidad de presentación de los mismos. La compresión local o por ultrasonido ha sido usada durante muchos años, pero tiene indicaciones limitadas y un alto índice de recidivas. En estos casos, o cuando se presentan psedoaneurismas de mayo tamaño, se solía optar por la cirugía convencional, pero con el uso más frecuente del eco Doppler, y el desarrollo de materiales heomostáticos más eficientes, se ha podido desarrollar una técnica para trombosis de los mismos, mediante punción ecoguiada. Presentamos 50 pacientes tratados por esta patología en nuestro servicio en los últimos 5 años, comparando 3 técnicas diferentes para su resolución: compresión local, cirugía convencional, e inyección ecoguiada de trombina, demostrándose la eficiencia de ésta última técnica para resolver de forma sencilla y poco traumática esta complicación. Aneurismas y disecciones arteriales mútiples y de presentación rápida y progresiva en pacientes jóvenes Oskarina Silva, Alba Méndez, Isabel Serramito, Fernando Gallardo, Rebeca Vázquez, Manuel Martínez. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de Compostela Las lesiones arteriales aneurismáticas y disecantes en pacientes jóvenes, obedecen casi en su totalidad a patología congénita del sistema vascular. Dentro de este tipo, el Síndrome de Ehler- Danlos es una de las etiologías a descartar. El síndrome de Ehler- Danlos se presenta en 4 tipos, siendo el IV el de mayor afectación vascular. Las lesiones suelen presentarse a lo largo de la vida del paciente en diferentes localizaciones. Existe una variedad excepcional, caracterizada por una presentación rápida, múltiples y con varias formas lesionales simultáneas Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 23 años que presentó hemoperitoneo espontáneo con shock hemorrágico por lo que se le realiza laparotomía exploradora urgente, y tras evidenciarse sangrado en hilio esplénico, se le realiza esplenectomía. A los 15 días de la cirugía presenta nuevo hemiperitoneo por lo que se interviene de forma urgente, comprobándose importante sangrado el hilio hepático, se sutura la arteria hepática y tras hemostasia abdominal, es trasladado en helicóptero a nuestro centro. En el postoperatorio presenta múltiples complicaciones vasculares como: aneurismas y disecciones en tronco celíaco, mesentérica superior y ambas ilíacas y pseudoaneurismas femoral derecho y cubital izquierdo que precisaron intervención quirúrugica por nuestro servicio. Además presentó TVP poplítea derecha TEP derecho. Basándose en todos estos hallazgos, y tras realizar estudios para descartar múltiples etiologías, es diagosticado de Síndrome de Ehler- Danlos tipo IV rápidamente progresivo (catastrófico). La excepcionalidad del caso que se plantea como un reto terapéutico y una situación de impotencia para el tratamiento de la misma por parte del cirujano vascular, es el motivo de su presentación volver al sumario Poster SITE 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Marina Dias-Neto1,2, José Fernando Ramos1, José Fernando Teixeira1 Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular do Hospital de São João, Porto 1 2 Email:; Mobile phone: 00351 916750433. A 37 years-old female patient was seen at the emergent attendance due to increasingly rest pain and cold feeling of her right foot that started 12 hours earlier. She was an active smoker and had hypercholesterolemia. Four years ago she had myocardial acute ischemia and was submitted to coronary stenting. Her usual medication included aspirin, atorvastatin and ramipril. Four and three days before admission, she underwent two solarium sessions. After the second session, she developed first-degree burns covering almost the entire surface of trunk and limbs with areas of seconddegree burns in left lower limb, right upper limb and back. She remained at home taking analgesic medication and oral hydration. On the day of attendance she experienced increased rest pain on right foot. On physical examination, right foot was pale, cold, pulseless and absent flow signals in anterior tibial, posterior tibial and peroneal arteries were noticed. There was no sensory loss or muscle weakness. Left foot, popliteal and femoral pulses were all palpable. An arteriogram was performed immediately. This revealed widely patent vessels from the common femoral artery to the vessels of the calf, with occlusion of the right posterior tibial artery in the lower third of the leg and occlusion of the right anterior tibial artery at the level of the ankle, which precluded inflow to the foot (Figure 1). Because arteriography did not show any reconstructable options, patient was maintained on heparin and calcium channel blockers. Further undertaken electrocardiogram and echocardiogram were normal, such as laboratorial analysis including autoimmunity parameters. After nine days of hospital stay, there was improvement of the ischemic signals and triphasic pedal Doppler signal was evident. Patient was discharged under hipocoagulation. Two months after admission she returned her normal activities without limitation. Fístula arteriovenosa poplítea iatrogénica – a propósito de um caso clínico Lisa Borges, Carlos Pereira, Arlindo Matos, Luís Loureiro, Tiago Loureiro, Diogo Silveira, Sérgio Teixeira, Duarte Rego, João Gonçalves, Vítor Ferreira, Gabriela Teixeira, Inês Antunes, Rui Almeida. Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular – Hospital Geral de Santo António – Centro Hospitalar do Porto Endereço electrónico do primeiro autor: Telefone do primeiro autor: +351919363619 Introdução A lesão vascular poplítea secundária a substituição total do joelho é rara, com uma incidência de 0.03 – 0.51%.1,2 A lesão arterial pode provocar trombose, com consequente isquemia do membro, ou pode traduzir-se por uma laceração complicada por hemorragia, falso aneurisma ou fístula arteriovenosa (FAV). Os mecanismos de lesão podem ser directos (traumatismo por protrusão do material ortopédico ou pelos instrumentos cirúrgicos ou lesão térmica pelo electrocautério), ou indirectos (estiramento arterial causado pela retracção ou pela manipulação da articulação).3 O diagnóstico imagiológico destas lesões por tomografia computadorizada angiográfica pode ser dificultado pelo artefacto causado pela prótese. Caso clínico Doente do sexo feminino, 66 anos, submetida a intervenção cirúrgica para colocação de prótese total do joelho esquerdo aos 60 anos. Desde essa data com queixas de dor e edema da perna, motivo pelo qual foi enviada à consulta de Cirurgia Vascular. Ao exame objectivo, 121 apresentava edema gemelar do membro inferior esquerdo e sopro audível na fossa poplítea, sem frémito palpável, sem outras alterações. O ecodoppler arterial e venoso do membro inferior esquerdo revelou permeabilidade luminal dos eixos venoso e arterial, com evidência de fluxo arterial na veia poplítea, sem outras alterações. A tomografia computadorizada angiográfica do abdómen e membros inferiores revelou ectasia da veia poplítea esquerda, sendo a mesma contrastada precocemente, na fase arterial, sugerindo FAV poplítea, mas este método de avaliação foi comprometido pelo artefacto causado pela prótese do joelho. A arteriografia do membro inferior esquerdo revelou contrastação precoce das veias poplítea, femoral e ilíaca, sem outras alterações. A doente foi submetida a intervenção cirúrgica, com abordagem da veia e da artéria poplíteas através de incisão em S na face posterior da fossa poplítea, confirmando-se FAV poplítea, com tributárias abundantes e exuberantes da veia poplítea. Procedeu-se a laqueação das referidas tributárias e interrupção da fístula através de arteriorrafia e venorrafia poplíteas. O período pós-operatório decorreu sem intercorrências. Aos 6 meses de follow-up, a doente encontra-se assintomática, com regressão total do edema gemelar e com ecodoppler que demonstra permeabilidade dos eixos arterial e venoso do membro inferior esquerdo, sem alterações. implantação de uma endoprótese numa região articular de flexão. Bibliografia 1. Pal A, Clarke JMF, Cameron AEP. Case Series and Literatura Review: Popliteal artery injury following total knee replacement. Int J Surg 2010; 8: 430 – 5. 2. Novotny K, Pádr R, Landor I, Sosna A. Vascular Injuries in Joint Replacement Surgery. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech 2011; 78(3): 200 – 7. 3. Hans SS, Shepard AD, Reddy P et al. Iatrogenic arterial injuries of spine and orthopedic operations. J Vasc Surg 2011; 53: 407 – 13. 4. Mylankal KJ, Johnson B, Ettles DF. Iatrogenic Arteriovenous Fistula as a Cause for Leg Ulcers: A Case Report. Ann Vasc Disc 2011; 4(2): 139 – 42. 5. Martin RT, Aléman AC. Fístula arteriovenosa y pseudoaneurisma poplíteo tras una meniscectomía artroscópica. Tratamiento endovascular com endoprótesis Viabhan®. Radiología 2012; 54(1): 94 – 5. 6. Franz RW, Jump MA. Endovascular repair of posttraumatic, concomitant popliteal artery pseudoaneurysm and arteriovenous fistula. Int J Angiol 2009; 18(1): 41 – 4. 7. Rathod JR, Dhomne S, Taori K et al. Endovascular Stent Graft for post-Traumatic Superficial Femoral Artery Pseudoaneurysms with Arteriovenous Fistula: 6 Months Follow-Up of 2 Cases. Int Radiol 2011; 5(11): 26 – 34. Conclusão A opção terapêutica preferida actualmente no tratamento de fístulas arteriovenosas do membro inferior é a exclusão endovascular por stent coberto.4,5,6,7 Neste caso em particular, os autores preferiram uma abordagem cirúrgica convencional para evitar a volver al sumario An odd cause of foot acute ischemia 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Marina Dias-Neto1,2, José Fernando Ramos1, Paulo Gonçalves Dias1, Maria Luís Silva1, José Fernando Teixeira1 1Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular do Hospital de São João, Porto Email:; Mobile phone: 00351 916750433. 2 A 24 years-old female patient was referred to vascular surgery due to walking pain and sporadic nocturnal rest pain in the posterior muscle group of her left leg starting two years earlier. She was kept under conservative therapy with analgesic medication for exacerbations. The pain had progressed to the point of limiting his normal daily activities such as climbing stairs. Twelve years before she was submitted to surgical excision of a vascular anomaly in the lateral gastrocnemius muscle but the histologic result was not available. In the previous two years she underwent image assessment but results were not consistent. Ultrasound findings suggested haemangioma, magnetic resonance mentioned a vascular tumour (Figure 1) and biopsy was favourable to recurrence of angioma but there were no elements to confirm this diagnosis. Orthopaedics and oncology opinion was against a new surgical resection and against radiotherapy (because high radiation dose would be needed with possible sequel to the patient). At this point an arteriogram was obtained and she was brought to vascular surgery consultation. On physical examination, a deep non-pulsatile mass was palpable in the middle third of the left leg. There was no cutaneous involvement. Foot, popliteal and femoral pulses were all palpable. Angiogram revealed an hypervascular lesion with exuberant arterial afferents predominantly from muscular arteries originating proximal to the peroneal artery emergence but also from posterior tibial and peroneal arteries. There was also draining veins filing early with contrast. Although there was no definitive diagnosis, arterial embolization seemed feasibly and was carried out with Onyx through anterograde left femoral artery (Figure 2). Immediate postoperatory corticoid and ketorolac therapy was started. She experienced no pain or leg swelling after embolization and was discharged after 4 days. After six months of follow up she remained asymptomatic, free of analgesic medication and presented mass reduction on magnetic resonance (Figure 1). Pseudo aneurisma da artéria vertebral José Pedro Pinto MD1,2; Ricardo Castro-Ferreira MD1,2; Pedro Almeida MD1; João Rocha-Neves MD1 ; Jorge Costa-lima MD1; José Fernando Teixeira MD1 – Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular do Centro Hospitalar São João; 1 2 – Departamento de Fisiologia e Cirurgia Cardiotorácica, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (FMUP); Instituição: Hospital de S. João, Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular Email: Tlm 00351969515160 Introdução Pseudoaneurismas da Artéria Vertebral são lesões raras, graças à sua proteção anatómica, principalmente no segmento V2 cujo trajeto é predominantemente interósseo. Apesar das múltiplas etiologias, são habitualmente de causa traumática, nomeadamente lesões de arma de fogo, hiperextensão do pescoço ou iatrogenia. Os aneurismas vertebrais exigem frequentemente tratamento cirúrgico, especialmente quando sintomáticos. Está descrita abordagem endovascular ou cirurgia convencional. Material e Métodos Neste caso apresentamos um doente do sexo masculino, de 32 anos, enfermeiro, com antecedentes de artrodese anterior de C4-C7 em 2008. Recorre ao SU por notar uma tumefação cervical esquerda pulsátil com 2 dias de evolução. Ao exame objetivo apresentava dor ligeira à movimentação, sem sinais inflamatórios e sem défices neurológicos. Realizou Angio-TC no SU que demostrou: " Pseudo - aneurisma na região cervical direita com 49,2 (CC) x 43,7 (T) x 42,9 (AP) mm de maiores dimensões, correspondendo ao segmento V2 da artéria vertebral esquerda com trombo mural no seu interior”. Resultado Foi realizada laqueação da origem da artéria vertebral esquerda, que decorreu sem intercorrências. No período pós-operatório o doente manteve-se hemodinamicamente estável, apirético, sem dificuldade respiratória ou queixas álgicas. À data de alta, ao exame neurológico não revelava alterações, à excepção de síndrome de Horner incompleto esquerdo, provavelmente sequelar a intervenção cirúrgica com abordagem supra-clavicular esquerda. O eco-doppler pós-operatório demonstrava ausência de fluxo na artéria vertebral esquerda. Discussão Atendendo à escassez de séries publicadas de pseudo - 122 aneurismas traumáticos da artéria vertebral, os critérios para escolha entre cirurgia convencional ou endovascular carecem ainda de maior validação. A cirurgia endovascular tem surgido como primeira opção em séries mais recentes mas está contraindicada em pacientes com infeção bacteriana ativa, pacientes que não receberam dupla antiagregação prévia à cirurgia ou nos quais a mesma está contraindicada ou ainda em pacientes com stents prévios. Além destas, existem ainda considerações morfológicas que excluem a possibilidade de tratamento endovascular. No nosso caso, dado tratar-se de um pseudoaneurisma de elevado diâmetro e com colo largo, nos quais a embolização endovascular acarreta riscos acrescidos, decidiu-se, com sucesso, pela laqueação da origem da artéria vertebral esquerda. Opções terapêuticas para lesões TASC D aorto-ilíacas num hospital universitário Autores: Luís Loureiro, Rui Machado, Tiago Loureiro, Diogo Silveira, Lisa Borges, Sérgio Teixeira, Duarte Rego, Vitor Ferreira, Joao Gonçalves, Gabriela Teixeira, Inês Antunes, Rui de Almeida Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular do Hospital de Santo António – Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Portugal lesões aortoilíacas tipo D de acordo com a TASC II devem ser tratadas por cirurgia convencional. Os autores apresentam vários doentes com lesões TASC D em que se demonstra que este critério é apenas um dos múltiplos que devem ser aplicados. Apresentamos tratamentos por cirurgia convencional, híbrida e endovascular deste tipo de lesões em doentes com isquemia crítica num hospital universitário. Materiais e métodos Revisão de processos clínicos e imagiológicos de doentes com isquemia crítica por lesões arteriais classificadas como tipo D de acordo com a TASC II, tratados de diferentes formas. Foram analisados a clínica, angioTC e angiografias, tratamentos realizados, resultados e seguimento. Resultados Um total de seis doentes foi escolhido como exemplo e analisados, correspondendo às seis lesões aorto-ilíacas descritas pela TASC II como tipo D. A idade média dos doentes foi 68,3anos (54-78), sendo todos do sexo masculino. A clínica era de dor em repouso em 50% e lesão trófica em 50%. O tratamento foi cirurgia convencional em 50%, cirurgia híbrida em 34% e cirurgia endovascular em 16%. O seguimento médio foi de 110 dias(10-196). Discussão A indicação da terapêutica cirúrgica mantém-se baseada nos sintomas, risco clínico, tipo morfológico de lesão e experiência do centro/cirurgião sendo difícil definir um protocolo terapêutico uniforme. Introdução A Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease (TASC II) publicada em 2007 pretendeu uniformizar a classificação das lesões obstrutivas arteriais de acordo com critérios morfológicos. As volver al sumario Embolization of a symptomatic leg vascular anomaly with Onyx 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Autores: Rui Machado, Carlos Pereira, Luís Loureiro, Tiago Loureiro, Lisa Borges, Rui de Almeida Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular do Hospital de Santo António – Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Portugal O entrapment da artéria poplítea é uma causa rara de isquemia dos membros inferiores. Como tal, alguns cirurgões nunca tiveram contacto com esta patologia. Os autores apresentam o vídeo de uma cirurgia efectuada a um doente do sexo masculino, 50 anos e claudicação incapacitante bilateral. O doente apresentava clínica e imagiologicamente sinais de entrapment da artéria poplitea (tipo II) bilateralmente. O tratamento foi realizado em dois tempos cirúrgicos. Descreve-se a técnica cirúrgica utilizada para este tipo de entrapment (hipertrofia da cabeça medial do gastrocnémio). La fibrinolisis ¿es una opción válida para mejorar la permeabilidad de las reconstrucciones infrainguinales? R. Vázquez Dopazo, J. Fernández Noya, N. Coraizaca Chicaiza, O. Silva González, M. Martínez Pérez. Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de Compostela. Rebeca Vázquez Dopazo Tlf.+0034629761251 La oclusión aguda de una reconstrucción arterial convencional o endovascular lleva consigo, además del cuadro de isquemia aguda, en ocasiones, la imposibilidad de una nueva revascularización y la pérdida de extremidad. El tratamiento fibrinolítico inmediato no sólo puede mejorar el cuadro isquémico sino también salvar la reconstrucción arterial al permitir detectar la causa de la oclusión. Presentamos nuestra experiencia en la terapia fibrinolítica con Urokinasa en el tratamiento de las trombosis de reconstrucciones arteriales infrainguinales. Para ello hemos realizado un análisis de los pacientes intervenidos mediante esta técnica desde enero del 2007 a enero del 2015. Se analizaron un total de 29 pacientes (17.24% mujeres y 82.75% varones) con una edad media de 65.48 años. El 79.32 % presentaban trombosis de bypass protésico y el 20.68% eran portadores de Viabahn. Obtuvimos un éxito técnico inicial del 86.20% .En todos ellos, salvo en un paciente fué indentificada la lesión causante de la oclusión. El porcentaje de complicaciones fue del 32% y la mortalidad perioperatoria del 8 %. A vista de nuestra experiencia creemos que la terapia fibrinolítica implantada precozmente, puede ser una actitud válida para mejorar la permeabilidad de las reconstrucciones arteriales fémoro-poplíteas. Oligúria induzida pelo exercício em doente com aloenxerto renal Sérgio Teixeira, Pedro Sá Pinto, Ivone Silva; João Gonçalves; Luís Loureiro; Tiago Loureiro; Diogo Silveira; Lisa Borges; Duarte Rego; Vítor Ferreira; Gabriela Teixeira; Inês Antunes; Rui Almeida Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular. Centro Hospitalar do Porto – Hospital Geral de Santo António. 00351 964813414 Comunicação Oral Introdução/Objetivos: A transplantação renal, por norma, é realizada em doentes com elevado risco cardiovascular. Embora incomum, a estenose dos eixos ilíacos proximais à artéria do rim transplantado pode ser uma causa de disfunção do enxerto. Este trabalho pretende apresentar um caso clínico de disfunção do enxerto renal, com variações circadianas no débito urinário dependentes da deambulação, secundária a estenose da artéria ilíaca comum (AIC) proximal à anastomose do enxerto. Caso Clínico: Trata-se de uma doente do sexo feminino, 51 anos, com doença renal crónica de origem desconhecida, múltiplos fatores de risco cardiovascular (hipertensão arterial, dislipidemia, tabagismo, obesidade, diabetes melitos tipo 2) e doença arterial periférica (grau IIa pela classificação de LericheFontaine), submetida a transplante renal com aloenxerto de cadáver. Cerca de 19 meses após o transplante renal, iniciou agravamento progressivo da função do enxerto, sem alteração da medicação ou eventos agudos. A diurese apresentava um predomínio noturno (quando se encontrava em decúbito dorsal e não deambulava). Realizou avaliação do enxerto renal por ecodoppler, que mostrou um rim globalmente bem perfundido, índices de resistência de 0.6, curvas de morfologia monofásica na artéria ilíaca externa proximal e distalmente ao local da anastomose arterial e estenose hemodinamicamente significativa na AIC (confirmada por arteriografia do sector aortoilíaco). Durante o período de 123 estudo, apresentou episódio de edema agudo do pulmão com anúria, ocorrendo a necessidade de reiniciar hemodiálise. Foi efetuada angioplastia transluminal percutânea de ambas as AIC’s por kissing balloon e posterior kissing stent com bom resultado imagiológico e hemodinâmico final. No período pós-intervenção, houve uma recuperação progressiva da diurese e da função renal, com retorno aos valores de creatinina basais. Discussão/Conclusão: Este caso retrata o “roubo” renal provocado pela presença de uma estenose com significado hemodinâmico nos eixos arteriais proximais à anastomose do enxerto. Neste contexto, as baixas resistências vasculares periféricas secundárias ao exercício condicionam uma diminuição da perfusão do enxerto renal. As terapêuticas endovasculares, tendo em conta a sua baixa morbilidade, assumem-se como terapêuticas de primeira linha neste tipo de doentes, permitindo a normalização da função do enxerto renal. Endoleak tipo ii como causa de endoleak tipo i Gabriela Teixeira, Rui Machado, Luís Loureiro, Tiago Loureiro, Lisa Borges, Diogo Silveira, Sérgio Teixeira, Duarte Rego, Vítor Ferreira, João Gonçalves, Inês Antunes, Arlindo Matos, Rui Almeida Hospital de Santo António – Centro Hospitalar do Porto Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular +351 91 996 85 86 Introdução O Endoleak Tipo II (T2EL) tem um curso relativamente benigno, com percentagem elevada de resolução espontânea (~80%) e risco mínimo de ruptura (<1%), estando a correção cirúrgica apenas indicada nos casos em que há crescimento de saco aneurismático. Contudo, está descrito na literatura a possibilidade dos T2EL condicionarem o aparecimento de endoleak tipo I ou tipo III, o que altera o seu prognóstico. Objetivos Apresentação clínica e imagiológica de um caso clínico em que um endoleak tipo II condiciona o aparecimento de endoleak tipo I. Revisão da literatura sobre o tema. Materiais e Métodos Revisão do processo clínico e imagiológico do doente. Revisão da literatura existente sobre a matéria no Google Scholar, Medline e Cochrane Library. Resultados Caso Clínico: Sexo masculino, 63 anos de idade, médico, com antecedentes de etilismo (100g/dia), tabagismo pesado (100 UMA), DPOC, disfagia sequelar a cirurgia e radioterapia por carcinoma espinocelular da cavidade oral e internamento em Maio de 2012 por hiponatremia euvolémica hiposmolar multifatorial, com suspeita de demência frontotemporal por deterioração cognitiva. Reinternado em Junho de 2012 por hiponatremia e pneumonia nosocomial. A 20/06/2012, decorrente da investigação da pneumonia, achado imagiológico de espessamento parietal da aorta descendente sugerindo úlcera penetrante da aorta torácica, com hematoma periaórtico. Fez angioTC seriadas objetivando crescimento da úlcera: 11mm (3º dia) e 13mm (6º dia). Entretanto, estado clínico agravado por paragem cárdio-respiratória após engasgamento, tendo sido admitido na UCI. Assim, doente com múltiplas co-morbilidades, DNR e indicação cirúrgica só se esperança média de vida superior a 1 ano. volver al sumario VIDEO Entrapment da artéria poplítea 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Discussão O T2EL é o endoleak mais comum, assim como a complicação pós-EVAR mais frequente, com uma incidência estimada de 10%1. A sua história natural é relativamente benigna, com 80% de taxa de remissão espontânea2 e taxa de ruptura inferior a 1%3. A indicação cirúrgica só se impõe quando este endoleak condiciona um crescimento progressivo do saco aneurismático.4 No entanto, os T2EL podem condicionar outras complicações, estando reportada a associação com endoleaks tipo I e tipo III, extravasamentos ocultos ou de postura, buracos na linha de sutura ou falência tardia de prótese.5 Um estudo retrospetivo com 42 pacientes com crescimento do saco aneurismático por endoleak tipo II documentou um diagnóstico inesperado de endoleak tipo I ou tipo III em 21% dos pacientes.6 Numa casuística de Sidloff et al7, que estudou 904 pacientes consecutivos submetidos a EVAR, dos 27 doentes que desenvolveram endoleak tipo I, 6 tinham endoleak tipo II. Contudo, o estudo conclui que a associação entre estes dois endoleaks não é estatisticamente significativa. “Endoleak type II” and Rupture of a Popliteal Artery Aneurysm after Elective Surgical Approach: A Case Report Conclusões Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia e Espinho Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular Contact – 00351916919113 Com a descrição deste caso, colocamos a possibilidade de um endoleak tipo II condicionar o aparecimento endoleak tipo I, o que altera o seu prognóstico dito benigno. Authors: Coelho, A.; Lobo, M.; Meira, J. ; Barreto, P. ; Gouveia, R.; Sousa, P.; Campos, J.; Augusto, R.; Canedo, A.; Introduction Bibliografia 1 Type II endoleak: conservative management is a safe strategy. Sidloff DA, Gokani V, Stather PW, Choke E, Bown MJ, Sayers RD. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2014 Oct;48(4):3919. 2 Rutherford's Vascular Surgery, Jack L. Cronenwett and K. Wayne Johnston. Chapter 132, 2046-2061 3 Type II endoleak after endovascular aneurysm repair. Sidloff DA, Stather PW, Choke E, Bown MJ, Sayers RD. - Br J Surg - September 1, 2013; 100 (10); 1262-70 4 Is a type II endoleak after EVAR a harbinger of risk? Causes and outcome of open conversion and aneurysm rupture during follow-up. Van Marrewijk CJ, Fransen G, Laheij RJ, Harris PL, Buth J; EUROSTAR Collaborators. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2004 Feb;27(2):128-37. 5 Re: 'Type II Endoleak: Conservative Management Is a Safe Strategy' Gomes Oliveira NF, Bastos Gonçalves F, Verhagen HJ. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2014 Nov 4 6 Outcomes of percutaneous endovascular intervention for type II endoleak with aneurysm expansion. Aziz A, Menias CO, Sanchez LA, Picus D, Saad N, Rubin BG, Curci JA, Geraghty PJ. J Vasc Surg. 2012 May;55(5):1263-7 7 Type II endoleak: conservative management is a safe strategy. Sidloff DA, Gokani V, Stather PW, Choke E, Bown MJ, Sayers RD. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2014 Oct;48(4):3919. Popliteal artery aneurysms are rare in the general population (1% prevalence). They are found almost exclusively in men, and approximately 50% are bilateral and 30-50% of patients may have an associated abdominal aortic aneurysm. The concomitant presence of aneurysms in other vascular territories is rather rare. There are several possible surgical approaches to popliteal aneurysms including exclusion of the aneurysm and bypass or endoaneurysmorrhaphy and interposition of a prosthetic conduit. The latter has the advantage of allowing ligature of collateral blood flow to the aneurismal sac from genicular arteries thereby diminishing the risk of post-operative aneurysm growth mimicking type II endoleak. Case Report The patient is a 79-year-old man, regularly followed-up in another institution for multisectorial aneurismal disease (including aortic, celiac trunk, common, internal and external iliac arteries, and popliteal arteries), after being submitted to emergency repair of a popliteal aneurysm (50 mm diameter) in 2006 due to acute ischemia of the left inferior limb. The procedure was performed through posterior approach with endoaneurysmorrhaphy and interposition of a prosthetic conduit. In 2007 he was 124 submitted to elective open treatment of the right popliteal artery aneurysm (40 mm diameter) by posterior approach with proximal and distal ligation of the aneurysm without endoaneurysmorrhaphy and bypass with a prosthetic conduit. Seven years later he was admitted in the emergency department of our hospital with a rapidly expanding mass in the right popliteal fossa. The popliteal, posterior tibial and pedal pulse were palpable. The CTA revealed a functioning bypass and a contained rupture of the popliteal artery aneurysm with the formation of a false aneurysm, confirmed intra-operatively with the identification of 3 genicular arteries backbleeding to the aneurismal sac.The procedure consisted of endoaneurysmorrhaphy of the collaterals and hematoma drainage through the posterior approach. The patient recovered with no complications. Isquemia aguda do membro superior por embolização de aneurisma da artéria braquial em doente com FAV da prega do cotovelo previamente laqueada Joel Sousa1; João RochaNeves1; Augusto RochaSilva2; Eurico Norton2; Jorge Costa Lima3; José Teixeira José4 1- Interno de Cirurgia Vascular do Hospital de S. João Assistente Hospitalar de Cirurgia Vascular do Hospital de S. João 3- Assistente Hospitalar Graduado de Cirurgia Vascular do Hospital de S. João 4- Director de Serviço do Serviço de Cirurgia Vascular do Hospital de S. João Contactos: Telefone: +351 913662417 2- Introdução: Discussion Popliteal artery aneurysm rupture after exclusion and bypass is a rare event. In this case, rupture ocurred without prodromal symptoms, after significant aneurysm expansion. Continued perfusion originating in a retrograde fashion through the superior and inferior lateral genicular arteries is believed to be responsible for the growth of the popliteal aneurysm after successful exclusion from antegrade arterial flow. Continued perfusion resulted in continued pressurization of the aneurysm sac (similar to type II endoleaks after EVAR). A conclusion to this case report might me that popliteal artery aneurysms that have been successfully treated by exclusion and bypass may benefit from postoperative ultrasound examination to ensure no increase in size has occurred Os aneurismas da artéria de inflow das fistulas arterio-venosas constituem uma complicação rara, ocorrendo particularmente em pacientes transplantados sob imunossupressão. Objectivos: Apresentação de um caso clínico de isquemia do membro superior por embolia, com ponto de partida em aneurisma da artéria braquial, em contexto de fístula arteriovenosa (FAV) braquiocefálica laqueada 5 anos antes. Caso clínico: Indivíduo do sexo masculino, 62 anos. Iniciou programa regular de hemodiálise em 2001 por FAV braquiocefálica esquerda, por IRC de etiologia indeterminada. Submetido a transplante renal em 2003 e laqueação de FAV em 2009 por síndrome de roubo da mão. Como antecedentes relevantes, destacam-se múltiplos factores de risco cardiovascular e patologia psiquiátrica, devidamente medicados e controlados. Deu entrada no Hospital de S. João com quadro de arrefecimento da mão esquerda, volver al sumario No período que se seguiu, doente com boa evolução clínica e analítica, sendo que após 30 dias se apresentava vígil, orientado e colaborante, com normonatremia, estável do ponto de vista cognitivo e com resolução da pneumonia. Foi revista a indicação cirúrgica do doente, tendo-se decidido intervir. A 23/07/2012 foi submetido a exclusão de úlcera aórtica descendente com endoprótese Medtronic Valiant 26x100x26. Em angioTC de controlo realizada a 13/09/2012, documentou-se aneurisma estável, com endoleak tipo II proveniente de artéria intercostal. Achado confirmado em angioTC de 03/10. Em angioTC de controlo de 23/01/2013 observa-se aumento do tamanho do aneurisma, com extremidade distal da prótese protuindo para dentro do aneurisma, constatando-se assim endoleak tipo I e tendo sido colocada extensão com nova endoprótese a 01/04/2013 (endoprótese recoberta Valiant 26/26/150) . Aos 20 meses de follow up, após correção de endoleak, doente encontra-se com bom estado geral, activo social e profissionalmente, com saco aneurismático estável. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE Resultados: No pós-operatório imediato, com reversão total das queixas e sinais de má perfusão do membro. Sem limitação funcional. Por Cirurgia Vascular, com condições para alta ao 3º dia pósoperatório. Teve alta orientado para a consulta externa de C. Vascular, onde foi observado algumas semanas após, com manutenção da estabilidade clínica descrita à data de alta. Conclusões: Tendo em conta a sua elevada patência e baixa taxa de complicações, a fistula arteriovenosa constitui o acesso vascular de eleição para hemodiálise em pacientes com insuficiência renal terminal. Menos comum, a degeneração aneurismática da artéria de inflow pode constituir uma complicação das fistulas arteriovenosas para hemodiálise, provavelmente como consequência do elevado fluxo da mesma durante um longo período de tempo. Esta degeneração não é prevenida após laqueação ou trombose da fístula, e está mesmo associada com história de transplante renal e imunossupressão subsequente. Embora a dilatação aneurismática se desenvolva ao longo de um vasto período de tempo, um rápido aumento do diâmetro do aneurisma é normalmente descrito alguns dias a meses antes da avaliação. Clinicamente manifesta-se na maioria dos casos por dor e edema, com o desenvolvimento de uma tumefacção clinicamente evidente. A embolização distal está descrita em aproximadamente 30% dos casos, devendo-se normalmente à mobilização de trombo geralmente presente no interior do aneurisma. A compressão nervosa com consequentes parestesias pode ocorrer, embora seja rara. Constituem indicações para a correcção da dilatação aneurismática, a presença de diâmetro superior a 30mm, complicações (embolização distal ou dor) e possibilidade técnica. Idealmente deve dar-se preferência a condutos autólogos, sendo a veia cefálica ou basílica ipsilateral, se não dilatada, o conduto de eleição. Rotura pós eva A propósito de 2 casos clínicos Vítor Ferreira, Rui Machado, Joana Martins, Luís Loureiro, Tiago Loureiro, Lisa Borges, Diogo Silveira, Sérgio Teixeira, Duarte Rego, João Gonçalves, Gabriela Teixeira, Inês Antunes, Rui Almeida Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular – Hospital de Santo António, Centro Hospitalar do Porto Telemóvel: 934778240 Introdução: O objectivo do EVAR é a prevenção da rotura do aneurisma da aorta abdominal (AAA). No entanto, a taxa de rotura é 0.5-1.2% por ano após o tratamento endovascular. A maioria das roturas ocorre nos primeiros 3 anos e a causa mais frequente é o endoleak (tipo I e III). Outros factores associados à rotura são: grande diâmetro do aneurisma pré procedimento, endoleak tipo II persistente (> 6 meses) e o sexo feminino. Apresenta-se dois casos clínicos de rotura aneurismática após tratamento endovascular, ambos provocados por endoleak tipo I. Caso 1: 83 anos, sexo masculino. Antecedentes de cardiopatia isquémica (CABG), bloqueio auriculo-ventricular (portador de pace-maker). Foi submetido a tratamento electivo de AAA em Dezembro de 2005 com endoprótese aorto-bi-iliaca Medtronic® Talent. Manteve follow-up em consulta externa com controlo anual por TAC. Em 2009 é admitido no Serviço de Urgência por dor hipogástrica e náuseas. Fez angioTC abdominal que evidenciava migração caudal da endoprótese com rotura aneurismática. Foi submetido a tratamento endovascular urgente com colocação de extensor aórtico Medtronic® Endurant, sem intercorrências intraoperatórias. Faleceu ao 3º dia de pós-operatório por complicações cardíacas. Caso 2: 86 anos, sexo masculino. Antecedentes de HTA, cardiopatia isquémia, DPOC, IRC estadio III. Submetido a tratamento endovascular de AAA em 2003 com endoprótese Medtronic® Talent noutra instituição hospitalar. Em 2006 apresentou endoleak tipo 2 tratado com laqueação de artérias lombares e artéria mesentérica inferior na mesma instituição e em 2012 endoleak tipo 1b, tratado com extensor ilíaco esquerdo. Em 2013 é admitido no Serviço de Urgência da nossa instituição com rotura do aneurisma com 17cm de diâmetro e é tratado com colocação de extensor aórtico. Na 2º semana pós-operatório por apresentar novo endoleak tipo I foi submetido a re-dilatação do 125 extensor. Durante o internamento apresentou agravamento da insuficiência renal com necessidade de início de hemodiálise. Conclusão: Apesar de um follow-up adequado, a rotura aneurismática pós tratamento endovascular por ocorrer e constitui a falência do tratamento. Esta é associada a elevada morbilidade e mortalidade. Nos casos apresentados a rotura foi provocada por endoleak tipo I e migração distal da prótese, pondo em questão se a fixação não activa pode estar relacionada. Aortoesophageal fistula – endovascular repair, the emergency solution for a fatal condition J. Campos, P. Barreto, V. Martins, J. Vasconcelos, R. Gouveia, P. Sousa, A. Coelho, R. Augusto, A. Canedo Introduction: Aortoesophageal fistula (AEF) is an extremely rare cause of massive upper gastrointestinal bleeding associated with a high morbidity and mortality. We report a case of successful emergency endovascular repair of a life-threatening haemorrhage from an AEF. Case report: A 65 year-old man was admitted in the emergency department of a referring Hospital with an upper gastrointestinal bleeding. He had a previous history of gastric cancer, submitted to total gastrectomy (esophagojejunal anastomosis) and adjuvant chemo and radiotherapy about ten years ago. The patient was submitted to an upper digestive endoscopic exam that showed a 15mm diameter defect in the distal wall of the esophagus, just above the esophagojejunal anastomosis, with no signs of active bleeding. Twenty-two hours after admission he developed massive hematemesis and melena with hypovolemic shock and was admitted to the intensive care unit. An emergency right thoracotomy was performed, a Sengstaken-Blakemore tube was inserted and inflated but failed to stop the bleeding. During the surgery the patient experienced two episodes of cardiac arrest responding to cardiopulmonary and fluid resuscitation. A computed tomography angiography (CTA) showed an AEF just above the esophagojejunal anastomosis. The patient was transferred to our hospital where an emergent placement of a thoracic aorta stent-graft (Medtronic Captivia®) was achieved, to prevent fatal exsanguination. Final angiogram, after Sengstaken-Blakemore tube deflation, showed closure of the AEF. Subsequent CTA three days later revealed well positioning and permeability of the stent-graft and no signs of continuing bleeding. No other events were reported during hospital stay and the patient was again transferred to the referring Hospital, three days after the procedure, under parenteral nutrition and intravenous antibiotic therapy. The patient remained hemodynamically stable, and extubation was performed. The subsequent post-procedure course was uneventful and the patient was discharged to a hospital in France where he resides. No follow-up information was achieved after this transference. Conclusions: Endovascular stent-grafting is an effective and minimally invasive alternative in treating AEF in the emergency setting. This approach allows the patient to recover from the initial insult and undergo an elective and more definitive repair at a later time. Apresentação pretendida: Poster Jacinta Maria Pinto Campos Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular E-mail: Contacto telefónico: 933907327 volver al sumario dor e parestesias com algumas horas de evolução. Sem défice motor aparente à admissão. Refere história de tumefacção da prega do cotovelo, de aparecimento súbito aproximadamente 1 semana antes, e assintomática até então, altura em que após manipulação da mesma terão surgido os sintomas que motivaram a vinda à urgência. Ao exame objectivo, sem pulsos braquial, radial e cubital. Fluxometria com sinal trifásico na origem da artéria axilar. Admitido para realização de arteriografia, a qual revelou aneurisma da artéria braquial com aproximadamente 3cm de diâmetro máximo, com trombo mural abundante, assim como trombose dos eixos arteriais distalmente ao mesmo. Submetido a aneurismectomia da artéria axilar, bypass braquiobraquial com veia grande safena invertida e tromboembolectomia dos eixos distais do membro superior. No final da intervenção, com pulso radial palpável. 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Poster SITE João Gonçalves, Sérgio Teixeira, Ivone Silva, Pedro Sá Pinto, Luís Loureiro, Tiago Loureiro, Lisa Borges, Diogo Silveira, Duarte Rego, Vítor Ferreira, Gabriela Teixeira, Inês Antunes, Rui Almeida. Serviço de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular. Hospital de Santo António – Centro Hospitalar do Porto. joaopedrogoncalves53400@hot – 910554665 Introdução/Objetivos: Resultados: Os aneurismas ateroscleróticos da artéria femoral comum (AFC) são raros e geralmente associados a doença polianeurismática. Não é habitual terem extensão à bifurcação femoral. São mais frequentes em homens, idosos, fumadores e hipertensos, sendo a sua rotura muito incomum. A infeção de um aneurisma préexistente é rara e condiciona um risco de rotura importante. Este trabalho tem por objetivo a apresentação do caso clínico de um aneurisma aterosclerótico isolado da bifurcação femoral, infetado e em rotura. Indivíduo do sexo masculino, 72 anos, com hábitos tabágicos e antecedentes de DM tipo 2, HTA, dislipidemia e internamento recente por pneumonia, que recorreu ao SU de um hospital periférico no contexto de uma tumefação inguinal esquerda, não pulsátil, com sinais inflamatórios exuberantes e dor associada, com 4 dias de evolução. Por suspeita de abcesso inguinal, realizou TC pélvico que revelou a presença de um abcesso inguinal adjacente a um aneurisma da artéria femoral comum com envolvimento da bifurcação da mesma artéria e em rotura. O doente foi transferido para o SU do nosso hospital, onde foi submetido a aneurismectomia femoral e a pontagem bifurcada entre a artéria ilíaca externa e as artérias femoral superficial e femoral profunda com veia grande safena invertida. Após a cirurgia, o doente, permaneceu sob antibioterapia de largo espectro, tendo sido necessárias duas re-intervenções para remoção de tecidos desvitalizados infetados. Teve alta ao 39.º dia pós-operatório. Verificou-se a presença de estafilococos áureos no estudo microbiológico da parede do aneurisma e a anatomia patológica revelou tratar-se de um aneurisma verdadeiro de etiologia aterosclerótica. Não se verificou, após estudo imagiológico, a presença de outros aneurismas. Conclusões: Os aneurismas infetados apresentam-se como um desafio de tratamento, pois a rotura arterial, a presença de um território infetado e, por vezes, a localização anatómica não permitem uma abordagem simples, nem conservadora. Neste caso clínico demonstra-se uma combinação de entidades relativamente raras (aneurisma femoral aterosclerótico isolado e infetado). volver al sumario Aneurisma aterosclerótico isolado da bifurcação femoral com sobreinfeção e em rotura 126 volver al sumario 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Calendario de Congresos - Congress Calendary July 07 July 2-4, 2015 September 16th Annual Meeting of the EVF St. Petersburg, Russia 09 Email: September 10-13, 2015 ISVS 2015 The Athens Hilton Hotel Athens, Greece September 23-25, 2015 July 11, 2015 ESVS Annual Meeting 2015 Alfandenga Conference Center Porto, Portugal San Diego Cardiovascular Interventions 2015 San Diego, CA Email: September 26-30, 2015 08 August 01, 2015 Phone: +351 211 147 160 Fax: +351 211 147 169 Email: NCVH New Jersey: Comprehensive Cardiology Symposium Bally’s Atlantic City Hotel Atlantic City, NJ September 27-29, 2015 Contact: Southeast Structural Heart Symposium Saturday, August 15, 2015 JW Marriott Atlanta Buckhead Atlanta, GA IDEAS 2015 Centro de Congressos de Lisboa Lisbon, Portugal volver al sumario August CIRSE 2015 Congress Center Lisbon, Portugal 128 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Noticias desde la Industria - News from the Industry Palex Medical SA lanza al mercado el nuevo Balón de Valvuloplastia Aórtica V8® La empresa Palex Medical SA anuncia el lanzamiento al mercado de la nueva generación de Balones de Valvuloplastia Aórtica V8® (InterValve). La Valvuloplastia Aórtica se suele realizar en pacientes que presenten Estenosis Aórtica. El procedimiento consiste en la dilatación de la válvula aórtica severamente calcificada con un balón con el fin de romper el calcio, mejorar la apertura y así permitir un mejor funcionamiento de la misma. El V8® es un balón que tiene forma de 8, de inflado rápido y que mantiene la cintura durante el procedimiento. El Balón V8® permite: • Realizar una hiperextensión de las valvas (mejora su función) • Fijar fácil y rápidamente el balón en el anillo aórtico (se autocoloca) • Prescindir de la estimulación rápida (inflado y desinflado muy rápido) Beneficios para el paciente: - mejoría de la función valvular - menor riesgo de afectación del anillo aórtico - menor isquemia e hipotensión - menor riesgo de afectación del ritmo cardíaco volver al sumario Con V8®, Palex Medical SA sigue aportando al día-adía de los profesionales sanitarios soluciones que incrementan la calidad de vida del paciente y promueven la mejora del servicio asistencial sanitario. Para más información consulte o síganos en Twitter @PalexMedical. 129 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 volver al sumario Noticias desde la Industria - News from the Industry 130 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 volver al sumario Noticias desde la Industria - News from the Industry 131 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Normas para los autores Editorial Trabajos originales Revisiones Casos clínicos Imágenes endovasculares Notas técnicas Zona catastrófica Novedades desde la industria Cartas al Director Bolsa de Trabajo e intercambio profesional Congresos tamaño 12 (preferiblemente tipo Times, Arial o Currier), con interlineado doble y con las páginas numeradas. El idioma deberá ser Español o Inglés. Revisiones Referencias Bibliográficas: Se numeraran según aparición correlativa en el texto. Para la citación de los trabajos se utilizarán las normas que aparecen detalladas en ‘Uniform Requeriments for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals’, NEJM 1997; 336:309-316. A modo de ejemplo: Se asignará por invitación desde la redacción de TE. Articulo: Kioka Y, Tanabe A, Kotani Y, Yamada N, Nakahama M, Ueda T, et al. Review of coronary artery disease in patients with infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. Circ J 2002;66:1110-2 Trabajos originales: Capitulo de Libro: Se consideran trabajos originales aquellos que no hayan sido publicados en otros medios de comunicación escrita medica. Deberán constar de la estructura siguiente: Coselli JS, Buket S, Crawford ES. Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms. En: Haimovici H, Ascer E, Hollier LH, Strandness DE, Towne JB, eds. Vascular Surgery. Cambridge (USA), Blackwell Science, 1996; 759-785 Editorial: Resumen en Español y Abstract en Inglés (máximo 250 palabras) Introducción Material y Métodos Resultados Discusión y conclusiones Referencias Bibliográficas Importante: Cada uno de los apartados anteriores iniciará página. En la primera página deberá figurar el título completo, los autores, el centro de trabajo, la persona de contacto para la correspondencia con su dirección postal y e-mail, la sección a la que va dirigida y la fecha de envío. Asimismo deberá confeccionar un titulo corto y facilitar palabras clave (mínimo de 3 y máximo de 6) El manuscrito se redactará con letras de máximo de 5 tablas por trabajo. Cada tabla deberá identificarse con un breve texto explicativo. Se aceptarán para su valoración aquellos trabajos de revisión que por su actualidad o controversia susciten la atención de los especialistas relacionados con las terapéuticas endovasculares. Se podrán solicitar explícitamente desde la redacción o bien someter libremente según iniciativa de sus autores. Deberán seguir las mismas normas de redacción y presentación que aparecen para los trabajos originales. No obstante, su estructuración deberá contemplar: Resumen (Español) y abstract (Inglés) Introducción Desarrollo Conclusiones Referencias Bibliográficas Casos clínicos Figuras: Las figuras irán numeradas (números árabes) correlativamente según aparición en el texto. Se aceptará un máximo de 5. Las imágenes deberán indicar su orientación. Las figuras en color se reproducirán del mismo modo si su interés lo hace imprescindible. De modo contrario, se reproducirán en escala de girses. Se adjuntará en página aparte los pies de figura. Tablas: Las Tablas se numerarán con números romanos correlativos según su orden de aparición en el texto. Se aceptará hasta un 132 Se aceptarán para su valoración los casos clínicos singulares y originales. Seguirán las normas de redacción ya mencionadas en apartados anteriores. Si bien su estructuración deberá ser: Resumen (Español) y Abstract (Inglés) máximo de 150 palabras Caso Referencias Bibliográficas (máximo de 5) Las Figuras estarán limitadas a tres como máximo. Imágenes endovasculares Se aceptarán para su valoración aquellas imágenes relacionadas con las terapéuticas endovasculares que por su singularidad sean merecedoras de su publicación. Se acompañarán de texto (máximo 100 palabras) y referencias bibliográficas si se considera necesario en un máximo de 2. Sólo se aceptarán dos figuras. volver al sumario La redacción de Técnicas Endovasculares (TE) considerará para su publicación aquellos trabajos relacionados con la terapéutica endovascular. Las secciones que componen la revista son: 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Normas para los autores Notas técnicas Se aceptarán para su valoración aquellas modificaciones o innovaciones técnicas que se consideren de interés para los profesionales relacionados con las terapéuticas endovasculares. Se ilustrarán con un máximo de tres figuras y un texto máximo de 500 palabras. Se podrá acompañar de 5 referencias bibliográficas. Bolsa de Trabajo e intercambio profesional Este espacio se reservará para anunciar oportunidades de trabajo o de formación en el campo de la terapéutica endovascular. El Departamento Comercial de TE convendrá con el anunciante, el coste de su anuncio. Congresos Zona catastrófica Se aceptará para su valoración aquellas situaciones o procedimientos que condujeron a complicaciones singulares, resueltas o no satisfactoriamente, pero que de la experiencia se pueda derivar una enseñanza de interés para los profesionales relacionados con las terapéuticas endovasculares. Se seguirán las recomendaciones reflejadas en el apartado de ‘casos clínicos’. Se incluirán todos aquellos acontecimientos científicos, congresos, reuniones, jornadas, simposios, etc, que por su interés merezcan ser anunciados a los profesionales relacionados con terapéuticas endovasculares. Su anuncio estará libre de cargo. Todos los manuscritos deberán ser dirigidos a e-mail: Nota: El comité de redacción se reserva el derecho de rechazar aquellos trabajos o informaciones que no cumplan con las normas aquí expuestas o no se consideren de relevancia para su publicación en TE. Asimismo, desde el comité de redacción se propondrán modificaciones necesarias a los trabajos que se consideren oportunos. El comité de redacción se compromete a dar cumplida respuesta a todos los autores en el plazo de quince días desde su recepción en la redacción. ¡Revise su manuscrito y confirme su adecuación a las normas que aquí figuran antes de enviarlo a la redacción de TE! Novedades desde la industria Los profesionales de la industria podrán disponer de un espacio que permitirá dar a conocer nuevos proyectos o productos a través de esta sección. Se aceptarán para su valoración textos (máximo 500 palabras) y figuras (máximo de tres) para este cometido. Se dará preferencia a las publicaciones procedentes de las industrias colaboradoras habituales de TE. Cartas al Director volver al sumario En esta sección de dará cabida a todas las cartas que en la redacción se reciban a modo de sugerencia, crítica o comentario del fondo y forma de TE. 133 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Instructions for the Authors Editorial Originals Reviews Case Reports Endovascular Images Technical Notes Catastrophic Area News from the industry Letters to the Director Bag of Work and professional exchange Congress’ Agenda numbered pages. The language will be Spanish or English. Bibliographical References: They were numbered according to correlative appearance in the text. For the citation of the works the norms will be used that appear detailed in 'Uniform Requeriments for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals', NEJM 1997; 336:309-316. By way of example: It will be assigned by invitation from the Editorial Board. Article: Kioka AND, Tanabe TO, Kotani AND, Yamada N, Nakahama M, Ueda T, et to the one. Review of coronary artery disease in patients with infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. Circ J 2002;66:1110-2 Original articles: Book Chapter: They are considered original works those that have not been published in other written media it prescribes. Language can be Spanish or English. They will consist of the following structure: Coselli JS, Buket S, Crawford is. Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms. In: Haimovici H, Ascer AND, Hollier LH, Strandness OF, Towne JB, eds. Vascular Surgery. Cambridge (it USES), Blackwell Science, 1996; 759-785 Editorial: Summary in Spanish and Abstract in English (maximum 250 words) Introduction Material and Methods Results Discussion and conclusions Bibliographical References Important: Each one of the previous sections will begin page. In the first page it will figure the complete title, the authors, the work center, the contact person for the correspondence with their postal address and e-mail, the section to which goes directed and the shipment date. Also it will make a short title and to facilitate keywords (minimum of 3 and maximum of 6) The manuscript will be edited with size letters 12 (preferably types: Times, Arial or Currier), with having interlined double and with the Figures: The figures will go numbered (Arab numbers) correlatively according to appearance in the text. A maximum of 5 will be accepted. The images will indicate its orientation. The figures in color will reproduce in the same way if their interest makes it indispensable. In a contrary way, they will reproduce in grey scale. The feet of figure will be attached in separated page. Charts: The Charts will be numbered with correlative Roman numbers according to their appearance order in the text. It will be accepted until a maximum of 5 charts by work. Each chart will be identified with a brief explanatory text. 134 Reviews They will be accepted for their valuation those revision works that raise the attention of the specialists related with the therapeutic endovasculares for their present time or controversy. They will be been able to request explicitly from the writing or to subject freely according to their authors' initiative. They will follow the same writing norms and presentation that you/they appear for the original works. Nevertheless, their structuring will contemplate: Summary (Spanish) and abstract (English) Introduction Development Conclusions Bibliographical References Cases Reports They will be accepted for their valuation the singular and original clinical cases. They will already follow the writing norms as it was previously mentioned. Although their structuring will be: Summary (Spanish) and Abstract (English) maximum of 150 words Case Bibliographical References (maximum of 5) The Figures will be limited at three as maximum. Endovascular Images They will be accepted for their evaluation those images related with the endovascular therapeutics that are worthy of their publication for their singularity. They will accompany of text (maximum 100 words) and bibliographical references if it is considered necessary in a maximum of 2. Two figures will only be accepted. volver al sumario Técnicas Endovasculares (TE) will consider for their publication those works related with the endovascular therapies. The sections that compose the journal are: 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 Instructions for the Authors Technical Notes They will be accepted for their valuation those modifications or technical innovations that are considered of interest for the professionals related with the endovascular therapeutics. They will be illustrated with a maximum of three figures and a maximum text of 500 words. It will be able to accompany of 5 bibliographical references. Bag of Work and professional exchange This space will be reserved to announce work opportunities or formation programmes in the field of the endovascular therapeutics. The Commercial Department of TE will propose the cost of their announcement. Congress Agenda Catastrophic area It will be accepted for their evaluation those situations or procedures that led to singular, well resolved complications or not satisfactorily, but it can be derived a teaching experience for the professionals related with the endovascular therapeutics. The recommendations will be continued reflected in the section of ‘Case Reports’. All those scientific events will be included, congresses, meetings, worshops, symposia, etc that deserve to be announced to the professionals related with endovascular therapeutics for their interest. Their announcement will be free of charge. All the manuscripts, it copies printed and in computer support, they will be directed to: e-mail: Note: The editorial committee is reserved the right of rejecting those works or informations that don't fulfill the instructions here exposed or they are not considered of relevance for its publication in TE. Also, the editorial committee will communicate to the authors some necessary modifications to the works that are considered opportune. The editorial committee commits to give fulfilled answer to all the authors in the term of fifteen days from its reception in the editorial office. Revise their manuscript and confirm their adaptation to the norms that here figure before sending it to the editorial of TE! News from the industry The professionals of the industry will be able to have a space that will allow to give to know new projects or products through this section. They will be accepted for their evaluation texts (maximum 500 words) and figures (maximum of three) for this made. Preference will be given to the publications coming from the habitual collaborating industries of TE. Letters to the Director volver al sumario In this section it will give space to all the letters that are received by way of suggestion, critic or comment of the contents and form of TE journal. 135 11 IX Simposio Internacional sobre Terapéutica Endovascular International Symposium on Endovascular Therapeutics Congreso Latinoamericano de Cirugía Endovascular Cirujanos Endovasculares de Latino América Volumen XVIII - Número 1 - Junio 2015 & Covidien is joining Medtronic ! "#$ %%" - "("(" & " "$" %" "$%" % #%") #" "%"# * "%" "% "+ ,"(%%# 136 volver al sumario "# #"#& "'&""#" volver al sumario volver al sumario