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Julie Bell ¿Por qué elegir Ames Family Hospice House? Julie Bell is a member of the Ames Family Hospice House Advisory Council, a group of dedicated volunteers who serve Hospice of the Western Reserve. She is also a member of the Bonne Bell family, whose coorporate headquarters is located immediately to the north of the newly built Ames Family Hospice House. We are pleased to have members of the council, like Julie, who are dedicated not only to our mission to provide quality end-of-life care, but also are recognized and well respected within the Greater Cleveland community. Julie was gracious enough to chat with us about why she has chosen to be involved with Hospice of the Western Reserve: Tell us about the Bonne Bell connection. Hospice of the Western Reserve approached Bonne Bell with interest in purchasing some land from us for their new facility to be built in Westlake.The family felt it was a good fit. do you have a personal hospice story to share? When my husband was in the hospital and nearing death, the Hospice team of experts helped us through this journey.They were so knowledgeable and caring about what was happening. It helped me and my family. Why did you decide to be a part of our Advisory Council? It was because of your fine reputation and the exceptional care you provide in supporting individuals. Part of the purchase agreement for the property was to maintain the walking paths and allow them to be open to the community. Why was that so important to your family? Bonne Bell has been a long-time supporter of fitness and wellness. In the 1970’s, the company encouraged and supported running and exercise programs for our employees. The track was built by family and friends; it was open to the public. The community response was positive, and it has stood the test of time for everyone to use and enjoy. Thank you for allowing that to continue. Why do you think it is important that Ames Family hospice house is on the west side of Cleveland? The decision to build on the west side will not only benefit Westlake, but the surrounding community, with improved quality of life for so many and that is important. Knowing you must get hundreds of requests for product donations each day, how do you decide on which organizations you will support each year? We try to donate to organizations within our area, schools, churches, shelters, and sporting events. A Destination for Children and Teens We are pleased to announce grant funds awarded by Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Northeastern Ohio, Inc., to purchase items and equipment for children and teen programs at Ames Family Hospice House and The Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Bereavement Center. With this support, we are able to convert adult patient suites to meet the needs of pediatric patients, as well as furnish the Children’s Playroom and Teen Room to ensure that these rooms are comfortable and inviting and establish a welcome space for children experiencing grief who are visiting our bereavement center. 6 Únase a nosotros el Día de la Comunidad, el sábado 23 de junio de 1 a 4:00 p.m., para celebrar la apertura del centro Ames Family Hospice House perteneciente a Hospice of the Western Reserve, un centro con 32 camas ubicado en Westlake. Al igual que Hospice House, nuestro primer centro ubicado en la zona Este de Cleveland, el centro en la zona Oeste ofrece servicios especializados para aquellos que enfrentan enfermedad terminal y programas continuos para sus seres queridos, y expande el acceso de nuestra comunidad a atención excepcional. Hospice of the Western Reserve está cada vez más cerca, es más personal y se encuentra más al alcance de quienes nos necesitan. Damos a las personas cuya esperanza de vida se mide en meses, semanas o días, en lugar de años, la experiencia única de celebrar la vida, estar cómodas y disfrutar el tiempo que tienen. Hemos estado proporcionando servicios de atención paliativa y para enfermos terminales desde 1978 y nos sentimos felices de estar aquí para usted cuando lo necesite. ¿Qué son los servicios para pacientes desahuciados? ¿Cómo funcionan los servicios médicos para pacientes desahuciados? Mira a dentro para informacion espanol A Publication of Hospice of the Western Reserve The warm light of home glows W Go Green! If you would like your copy of Journey emailed to you, please send your email address to Nicole Carlone at Find us on: AMES FAMILy HOSPICE HOUSE 30080 Hospice Way, Westlake 32 Private patient suites The “Green” House Some specific examples of our green initiatives: Trabajadores sociales; •Aminimumof10%ofallbuildingmaterialscontainrecycledcontentand have been extracted and manufactured within 500 miles of the site. Trabajadores voluntarios capacitados; y Foniatras, fisioterapeutas y terapistas ocupacionales, si fuese necesario. El plan también incluye servicios médicos y suplementarios, tales como cuidados auxiliares, cuidados personales (ayuda para vestirse y bañarse), servicios sociales, visitas al médico, asesoría y servicios domésticos. También determina qué clase de equipo médico, exámenes, procedimientos, medicamentos y tratamientos se necesitan para poder brindar servicios cómodos y de alta calidad. Journey ourney | Auxiliares de salud doméstica; Consejeros religiosos o de otro tipo; 7 800.707.8922 Enfermeros; Un médico de los servicios para personas desahuciadas (o el director médico); Considerados como modelos de calidad y cuidados compasivos para los últimos días de la vida de una persona, los servicios médicos para pacientes desahuciados – “Hospice” – comprenden un método de trabajo en equipo para los cuidados médicos especializados, tratamiento del dolor y apoyo emocional y espiritual específicamente adaptados a las necesidades y deseos del paciente. También se brinda apoyo a sus seres queridos. La idea primordial que rige estos servicios es el convencimiento que todos y cada uno de nosotros tenemos derecho a morir con dignidad y sin sufrimientos, así como que nuestras familias recibirán el apoyo necesario que nos permitirá hacerlo. Se concentran en cuidar, no en curar, y en la mayoría de los casos el cuidado se brinda en el propio hogar del paciente. También se brindan los servicios para pacientes desahuciados en residencias independientes, hospitales, hogares Hospice Resale Shop in Lyndhurst The Ames Family Hospice House is striving for LEED Silver Certification, a framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions. This is achieved through a point system verified by stringent field conditions and documentation. Green buildings reduce operating costs, increase asset value, are more profitable in the long run, and offer a healthier place to live and work. El médico de cabecera del paciente; Cleveland, OH Permit No. 848 17876 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44110-2602 Serving Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain and Summit Counties with offices throughout. El equipo de servicios para personas desahuciadas elabora un plan de cuidados médicos que satisfaga las necesidades individuales de cada paciente, en cuanto a tratamiento del dolor y control de los síntomas se refiere. Por lo general, el equipo está compuesto por: Volume 29 | 2012 PAID mily HosPiCe Ames FA House oPening de ancianos y en otros centros médicos para cuidados prolongados. Los servicios para pacientes desahuciados se ofrecen a pacientes de cualquier edad, religión, raza, o aquejados de cualquier tipo de enfermedad. Por lo general, un familiar se encarga de los servicios médicos básicos y, cuando corresponda, ayuda a tomar decisiones a nombre del individuo que sufre de una enfermedad terminal. Los miembros del personal de los servicios para personas desahuciadas hacen visitas rutinarias para evaluar el estado del paciente, así como para brindar cuidados y servicios médicos adicionales. El personal de los servicios para personas desahuciadas está de guardia 24 horas al día los siete días de la semana. Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage •Lowemissionmaterialslikepaintandadhesives,housekeepingpractices, contaminant isolation, filtration media, and ventilation have been used in the construction. •Over70%ofthesiteisvegetatedopenspace,withthevolumeofstormwater run-off reduced and filtered. •Abicyclestoragerackandpreferredparkingforlowemittingandfuel efficient vehicles were incorporated into the site plan. •AmesFamilyHospiceHousewillavoidupto850,000poundsofcarbon dioxide emissions being released into the atmosphere by purchasing renewable energy credits. The impact on renewable energy will be the same as planting 3,495 mature trees and close to 1,100,000 miles not driven by an average passenger car. 8 A Special Invitation don’t miSS: Our annual meeting at Windows on the River and Greater Cleveland Aquarium on Thursday, May 24 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Admission to the Aquarium immediately following beginning at 7:00 p.m. This is a great way for us to meet you and for you to see the Aquarium. Register online at neW thiS year: Save the date and tell your friends about our first annual Walk to remember at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo on Sunday, September 9. Look for more information at or contact us at Family kitchen and dining room Living room and study Inner courtyards Screened-in porches Family alcoves with attached porches Exercise room and spa Teen room and children’s playroom Meditation room Gallery walk Music and art therapy studios our Mission Hospice of the Western Reserve provides palliative and end-of-life care, caregiver support, and bereavement services throughout Northern Ohio. In celebration of the individual worth of each life, we strive to relieve suffering, enhance comfort, promote quality of life, foster choice in end-of-life care, and support effective grieving. e are proud to announce the opening of our inpatient hospice care facility: Ames Family Hospice House. Opening in July, the home-like Hospice House answers the need for world class hospice services for communities in the western territory of our service area. community open house ameS Family hoSpice houSe Saturday June 23 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Overlooking Lake Erie, patients can come, often in wheelchairs or in beds, and enjoy the spectacular views. When it was decided to open a new hospice care setting in Westlake, the Ames family stepped forward once again with a lead gift. Chuck and Jay share this proud accomplishment with their children, Paula, Dick and Cindy. Paula Ames Redman is also a member of our Board of Directors. The Ames family will always be remembered for the positive difference their gifts have made. It is in honoring their generosity that the new residence has been named Ames Family Hospice House. Construction of the over 40,000 square foot Ames Family Hospice House started in early 2011, with a generous donation from B. Charles “Chuck” and Jay Ames. Chuck and Jay became interested in Hospice of the Western Jay and Charles “Chuck” Ames. Reserve after hearing “the ames family’s stories from a friend extraordinary contribution, who was a spiritual care and the other generous coordinator on a hospice donations we’ve received, team. Impressed by the are vital in allowing us to quality of care offered to construct this new space,” each patient, they became Ames Family Hospice said ceo, Bill Finn. “We more aware of how House responds to the are humbled by chuck and hospice makes a positive ever-changing needs of Jay ames’ support and difference in people’s lives. families. As Baby Boomers thrilled to name the new Chuck and Jay have been age, and the number building in their honor.” approached to donate by of distance caregivers many agencies, but feel strongly drawn to increase, the state-of-the-art building blends causes that have a direct impact on people. comfort care and technology, while a team As a result, the Ames Family Viewing Deck of caregivers wraps around the patient and was built at David Simpson Hospice House. loved ones to provide the best care possible. Robert George ONE ON ONE WITH Cómo localizar los servicios para pacientes desahuciados Special edition Peg Milbourn Janice G. Murphy, FACHE TREASURER Joseph G. Carson SECRETARy Hilary Mason King Richard A. Barone Rev. Neroy Carter Alfred F. Connors, Jr., M.D. Margit K. Daley H. Clark Harvey, Jr. Cynthia D. Hundorfean Stephen P. Kresnye Amelia V. Llerena, M.D. Carol G. Manning Wendy Rowehl Miano Virginia Mlack Mooney David J. Mordarski, LISW Laura K. Navin Mary L. Ogrinc Elizabeth Ford Pitorak, MSN Paula Ames Redman Sarah P. Robertson James W. Rogerson Richard T. Spotz, Jr. William Springer, CPM HONORARy MEMBERS Sr. Mary Patricia Barrett, CSA James L. Hambrick Constance Sallee Kate Scovil Rev. William Spangler William E. Finn Meanwhile in the United States, healthcare professionals were just beginning to learn about issues around dying. The groundbreaking book, “On Death and Dying” by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross published in 1969 first brought the topic to the forefront. Then in 1974, America’s first hospice opened in Connecticut. This issue of Journey is full of information we want you to know about the spectacular Ames Family Hospice House. Anytime you have questions about our services, call us. you can feel confident that we are here for you. William E. Finn Chief Executive Officer Join uS ames Family hospice house wy community open houSe 156 Saturday, June 23, 2012 Ranney Pkwy 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Tours, door prizes and refreshments. D et 2 R roit Nestled in the woods near the intersection of Crocker and Clemens Roads, our newest Hospice House offers tranquility and peace when patients and families need it most. Private patient suites, comfortable furnishings, hidden medical equipment and large doorways are just some of its features. More than that, it’s a place for comfort, hope and healing on the west side. In the 90s, the Cleveland Foundation funded a study about hospices in the area. Pat Modell, the wife of Patients and Families Bricks can honor a special person, mark a family milestone such as an anniversary or birthday, or serve as memorials to loved ones. Bricks are 4" by 8" and can be engraved with names, dates or a sentiment. Each brick is $250 and contributions are tax-deductible. When loved ones are Far Away Patients may be admitted to Ames Family Hospice House for intense pain and symptom management, residential care or to provide respite for caregivers. Chronic and seriously ill patients with no caregivers or whose loved ones live far away may stay at Ames Family Hospice House. Westche ster 90 Detroit Rd “You matter because of who you are. You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully, but also to help you live until you die.” - Dame Cicely Saunders 3 Two sections of the Tribute Walk will be available in time for our summer grand opening. One section begins at the Gazebo and winds around Ames Family Hospice House, leading walkers into beautiful and individual gardens. The Tribute Walk section in front of the building, known as the Walk of Honor, will recognize only Veterans and those currently serving in the military. The Walk of Honor support groups Support groups provide grieving people with an outlet for their grief and are open to the community. Volunteers and Pet Therapy Dogs staff Our staff represents the most experienced and well-trained professionals in pain management and quality care who wrap around the patient and the family providing physical, emotional and spiritual support. Community members often hold special events, organize activities and participate in fundraisers on our behalf such as the 8th annual Joe Nemecek Memorial Golf Outing held at Coppertop in Valley City. The group of former Rockwell Automation employees raised over $15,000 in memory of their friend, colleague and mentor, Joe Nemecek. Volunteers needed! Call 800.707.8922 for more information. 4 A limited number of natural stone benches are available at a donation level of $5,000. These benches are impervious to weather and will perfectly and permanently enhance the outdoor spaces, tranquil gardens and architecture. Order by may 21 for your brick or bench to be installed in time for the Community Open House on Saturday, June 23 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. you may continue to order bricks any time after that date. To place an order by phone, or if you have any questions, please call Bill Sluzewski toll free at 855.475.0245. By purchasing a brick, you are directly benefiting the patients and families we serve. Donations are fully tax-deductible. TriBuTe WAlk order ForM Please complete the order form and return with payment to: Hospice of the Western Reserve, Contributions 17876 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44110-2602 Address to ensure your brick or bench is available for grand opening, please place your order by may 21. my GIFT IS To commemorate the opening of Ames Family Hospice House In memory of In honor of Detach here. Name City State Phone Zip Email total $ Gifts are fully tax-deductible. check(s) enclosed. Make all checks payable to Hospice of the Western Reserve. Bill my credit card: Visa Account # MasterCard Discover AMEx Exp. Date Name on card Relationship To be placed in the Veterans Walk of Honor Hospice Heroes will lead to a large, sunny Veterans Garden circling a monumental American flag that flies on a 30’ flagpole. DONOR INFORmATION To place an order by phone, or if you have any questions, please call Bill Sluzewski toll free at 855.475.0245, or visit us at We can provide assistance with inscriptions, as well as extra order forms. Volunteers are the heart of hospice.They bring comfort to their patients and loved ones in a variety of ways – whether at a patient’s bedside or support the mission through administrative services. A special program is offered to teens between the ages of 13 – 18. Clemens Rd d AmES FAmILy HOSPICE HOUSE you’ve Reached your Destination 30080 Hospice Way Westlake Ames Family Hospice House N By September of that year, Hospice of the Western Reserve, then known as Cancer Family Service, Inc., was operating out of a tiny office at Lakeland Community College in Kirtland. Word started to spread fast. By the mid-80s, the influence of hospice took root nationally when it became a Medicare-certified benefit. ameS Family hoSpice houSe d Crocker R CHIEF ExECUTIVE OFFICER Are We There yet? “The wonderful thing about Hospice of the Western Reserve...the best way I can explain it to like you’re a little kid and you’re sick, and your mom puts a blanket around you. She just rubs your back. She makes you feel better. That’s the bottom line. They make me feel better. I feel safe here. I feel comfortable here. I feel confident here.” Hospice of the Western Reserve is getting closer, more personal, more available to those who need us. We don’t just grow—we respond. The fact that our teams do such a terrific job at the bedside generates more calls. Our assessment team is not willing to put anyone on a waiting list because everyone deserves the best possible care, and access to quality end-of-life care. A decade later, the goal of opening another Hospice House was set to serve patients and families from the western end of our service area. Monina Wagner, a resident of Avon, recounts her days as a caregiver, and how she traveled to David Simpson Hospice House daily to care for her seriously ill mother. “We live in a small region and 30 miles isn’t very far to go (for care,) but when you are physically and mentally exhausted, it is a very hard trip to make.” Rd Marina B. Grant Best of all, this one-of-a-kind home away from home is located in western Cuyahoga County—a community we already serve in private homes and nursing homes. A feasibility study determined the need for a residential hospice facility for our neighbors to the west; the City of Westlake, with easy access from I-90, made perfect sense. Its interstate makes it easily accessible to the residents of neighboring Lorain County as well. you Are Here tt sse Martha Grabner But don’t just listen to me. Here’s what one of our patients had to say. Ba William H. Goff Hospice as we know it today is a relatively recent concept that gained momentum in the United Kingdom after the opening of St. Christopher’s Hospice in 1967 by Dame Cicely Saunders, widely regarded as the founder of the modern hospice movement. It was based on the philosophy of a home for people with terminal illnesses—a place of rest and respite where people could go to find comfort, a sense of dignity and peace in the final stage of their life’s journey. We have been providing hospice and palliative care services to your loved ones and neighbors since 1978. We give people whose life expectancy is measured in months, weeks or days, rather than years, the unique experience to celebrate life, to be comfortable and to enjoy the time they have. Crocker Rd Duane E. Collins This summer, we proudly open the doors of Ames Family Hospice House, a state-of-the-art hospice facility that provides world class care in a home-like environment. The House truly has the look and feel of a home surrounded by nature. Designed with patients and families in mind, its unique, distinctive and innovative concept reflects our years of experience in caring for seriously ill people. Brick by Brick make a lasting memory at Ames Family Hospice House by purchasing a brick for the grand opening of the Tribute Walk. Community members and families, businesses and institutions are welcome to help create a permanent display of love and support. A snAPshoT oF former Browns owner Art Modell, approached the Cleveland Foundation about supporting a new hospice in Cuyahoga County, something she had envisioned as a place rather than a philosophy. In 1995, Hospice House (later renamed David Simpson Hospice House), the area’s first residential hospice, opened its doors on Cleveland’s lakefront on the east side. The facility has had significant impact on the community. setting our sights Holiday Inn VICE CHAIRS AmES FAmILy HOSPICE HOUSE the CEO Bradley Rd Mary Ann Kocurko, CPA Bradley Rd CHAIR Letter from Building MeMories A roAd MAP To mily HosPiCe Ames FA House oPening Viking Pk 2012 Board oF directorS Special edition Signature I don’t wish to purchase a brick, but do want to help with a gift of GARDEN BENCH Please print in capital and lowercase letters the sentiment you want appear on your bench plaque. BRICK Please print inscription as you wish it to appear. 4"x 8" Brick – $250 Stone Bench – $5,000 5 Peg Milbourn Janice G. Murphy, FACHE TREASURER Joseph G. Carson SECRETARy Hilary Mason King Richard A. Barone Rev. Neroy Carter Alfred F. Connors, Jr., M.D. Margit K. Daley H. Clark Harvey, Jr. Cynthia D. Hundorfean Stephen P. Kresnye Amelia V. Llerena, M.D. Carol G. Manning Wendy Rowehl Miano Virginia Mlack Mooney David J. Mordarski, LISW Laura K. Navin Mary L. Ogrinc Elizabeth Ford Pitorak, MSN Paula Ames Redman Sarah P. Robertson James W. Rogerson Richard T. Spotz, Jr. William Springer, CPM HONORARy MEMBERS Sr. Mary Patricia Barrett, CSA James L. Hambrick Constance Sallee Kate Scovil Rev. William Spangler William E. Finn Meanwhile in the United States, healthcare professionals were just beginning to learn about issues around dying. The groundbreaking book, “On Death and Dying” by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross published in 1969 first brought the topic to the forefront. Then in 1974, America’s first hospice opened in Connecticut. This issue of Journey is full of information we want you to know about the spectacular Ames Family Hospice House. Anytime you have questions about our services, call us. you can feel confident that we are here for you. William E. Finn Chief Executive Officer Join uS ames Family hospice house wy community open houSe 156 Saturday, June 23, 2012 Ranney Pkwy 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Tours, door prizes and refreshments. D et 2 R roit Nestled in the woods near the intersection of Crocker and Clemens Roads, our newest Hospice House offers tranquility and peace when patients and families need it most. Private patient suites, comfortable furnishings, hidden medical equipment and large doorways are just some of its features. More than that, it’s a place for comfort, hope and healing on the west side. In the 90s, the Cleveland Foundation funded a study about hospices in the area. Pat Modell, the wife of Patients and Families Bricks can honor a special person, mark a family milestone such as an anniversary or birthday, or serve as memorials to loved ones. Bricks are 4" by 8" and can be engraved with names, dates or a sentiment. Each brick is $250 and contributions are tax-deductible. When loved ones are Far Away Patients may be admitted to Ames Family Hospice House for intense pain and symptom management, residential care or to provide respite for caregivers. Chronic and seriously ill patients with no caregivers or whose loved ones live far away may stay at Ames Family Hospice House. Westche ster 90 Detroit Rd “You matter because of who you are. You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully, but also to help you live until you die.” - Dame Cicely Saunders 3 Two sections of the Tribute Walk will be available in time for our summer grand opening. One section begins at the Gazebo and winds around Ames Family Hospice House, leading walkers into beautiful and individual gardens. The Tribute Walk section in front of the building, known as the Walk of Honor, will recognize only Veterans and those currently serving in the military. The Walk of Honor support groups Support groups provide grieving people with an outlet for their grief and are open to the community. Volunteers and Pet Therapy Dogs staff Our staff represents the most experienced and well-trained professionals in pain management and quality care who wrap around the patient and the family providing physical, emotional and spiritual support. Community members often hold special events, organize activities and participate in fundraisers on our behalf such as the 8th annual Joe Nemecek Memorial Golf Outing held at Coppertop in Valley City. The group of former Rockwell Automation employees raised over $15,000 in memory of their friend, colleague and mentor, Joe Nemecek. Volunteers needed! Call 800.707.8922 for more information. 4 A limited number of natural stone benches are available at a donation level of $5,000. These benches are impervious to weather and will perfectly and permanently enhance the outdoor spaces, tranquil gardens and architecture. Order by may 21 for your brick or bench to be installed in time for the Community Open House on Saturday, June 23 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. you may continue to order bricks any time after that date. To place an order by phone, or if you have any questions, please call Bill Sluzewski toll free at 855.475.0245. By purchasing a brick, you are directly benefiting the patients and families we serve. Donations are fully tax-deductible. TriBuTe WAlk order ForM Please complete the order form and return with payment to: Hospice of the Western Reserve, Contributions 17876 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44110-2602 Address to ensure your brick or bench is available for grand opening, please place your order by may 21. my GIFT IS To commemorate the opening of Ames Family Hospice House In memory of In honor of Detach here. Name City State Phone Zip Email total $ Gifts are fully tax-deductible. check(s) enclosed. Make all checks payable to Hospice of the Western Reserve. Bill my credit card: Visa Account # MasterCard Discover AMEx Exp. Date Name on card Relationship To be placed in the Veterans Walk of Honor Hospice Heroes will lead to a large, sunny Veterans Garden circling a monumental American flag that flies on a 30’ flagpole. DONOR INFORmATION To place an order by phone, or if you have any questions, please call Bill Sluzewski toll free at 855.475.0245, or visit us at We can provide assistance with inscriptions, as well as extra order forms. Volunteers are the heart of hospice.They bring comfort to their patients and loved ones in a variety of ways – whether at a patient’s bedside or support the mission through administrative services. A special program is offered to teens between the ages of 13 – 18. Clemens Rd d AmES FAmILy HOSPICE HOUSE you’ve Reached your Destination 30080 Hospice Way Westlake Ames Family Hospice House N By September of that year, Hospice of the Western Reserve, then known as Cancer Family Service, Inc., was operating out of a tiny office at Lakeland Community College in Kirtland. Word started to spread fast. By the mid-80s, the influence of hospice took root nationally when it became a Medicare-certified benefit. ameS Family hoSpice houSe d Crocker R CHIEF ExECUTIVE OFFICER Are We There yet? “The wonderful thing about Hospice of the Western Reserve...the best way I can explain it to like you’re a little kid and you’re sick, and your mom puts a blanket around you. She just rubs your back. She makes you feel better. That’s the bottom line. They make me feel better. I feel safe here. I feel comfortable here. I feel confident here.” Hospice of the Western Reserve is getting closer, more personal, more available to those who need us. We don’t just grow—we respond. The fact that our teams do such a terrific job at the bedside generates more calls. Our assessment team is not willing to put anyone on a waiting list because everyone deserves the best possible care, and access to quality end-of-life care. A decade later, the goal of opening another Hospice House was set to serve patients and families from the western end of our service area. Monina Wagner, a resident of Avon, recounts her days as a caregiver, and how she traveled to David Simpson Hospice House daily to care for her seriously ill mother. “We live in a small region and 30 miles isn’t very far to go (for care,) but when you are physically and mentally exhausted, it is a very hard trip to make.” Rd Marina B. Grant Best of all, this one-of-a-kind home away from home is located in western Cuyahoga County—a community we already serve in private homes and nursing homes. A feasibility study determined the need for a residential hospice facility for our neighbors to the west; the City of Westlake, with easy access from I-90, made perfect sense. Its interstate makes it easily accessible to the residents of neighboring Lorain County as well. you Are Here tt sse Martha Grabner But don’t just listen to me. Here’s what one of our patients had to say. Ba William H. Goff Hospice as we know it today is a relatively recent concept that gained momentum in the United Kingdom after the opening of St. Christopher’s Hospice in 1967 by Dame Cicely Saunders, widely regarded as the founder of the modern hospice movement. It was based on the philosophy of a home for people with terminal illnesses—a place of rest and respite where people could go to find comfort, a sense of dignity and peace in the final stage of their life’s journey. We have been providing hospice and palliative care services to your loved ones and neighbors since 1978. We give people whose life expectancy is measured in months, weeks or days, rather than years, the unique experience to celebrate life, to be comfortable and to enjoy the time they have. Crocker Rd Duane E. Collins This summer, we proudly open the doors of Ames Family Hospice House, a state-of-the-art hospice facility that provides world class care in a home-like environment. The House truly has the look and feel of a home surrounded by nature. Designed with patients and families in mind, its unique, distinctive and innovative concept reflects our years of experience in caring for seriously ill people. Brick by Brick make a lasting memory at Ames Family Hospice House by purchasing a brick for the grand opening of the Tribute Walk. Community members and families, businesses and institutions are welcome to help create a permanent display of love and support. A snAPshoT oF former Browns owner Art Modell, approached the Cleveland Foundation about supporting a new hospice in Cuyahoga County, something she had envisioned as a place rather than a philosophy. In 1995, Hospice House (later renamed David Simpson Hospice House), the area’s first residential hospice, opened its doors on Cleveland’s lakefront on the east side. The facility has had significant impact on the community. setting our sights Holiday Inn VICE CHAIRS AmES FAmILy HOSPICE HOUSE the CEO Bradley Rd Mary Ann Kocurko, CPA Bradley Rd CHAIR Letter from Building MeMories A roAd MAP To mily HosPiCe Ames FA House oPening Viking Pk 2012 Board oF directorS Special edition Signature I don’t wish to purchase a brick, but do want to help with a gift of GARDEN BENCH Please print in capital and lowercase letters the sentiment you want appear on your bench plaque. BRICK Please print inscription as you wish it to appear. 4"x 8" Brick – $250 Stone Bench – $5,000 5 Peg Milbourn Janice G. Murphy, FACHE TREASURER Joseph G. Carson SECRETARy Hilary Mason King Richard A. Barone Rev. Neroy Carter Alfred F. Connors, Jr., M.D. Margit K. Daley H. Clark Harvey, Jr. Cynthia D. Hundorfean Stephen P. Kresnye Amelia V. Llerena, M.D. Carol G. Manning Wendy Rowehl Miano Virginia Mlack Mooney David J. Mordarski, LISW Laura K. Navin Mary L. Ogrinc Elizabeth Ford Pitorak, MSN Paula Ames Redman Sarah P. Robertson James W. Rogerson Richard T. Spotz, Jr. William Springer, CPM HONORARy MEMBERS Sr. Mary Patricia Barrett, CSA James L. Hambrick Constance Sallee Kate Scovil Rev. William Spangler William E. Finn Meanwhile in the United States, healthcare professionals were just beginning to learn about issues around dying. The groundbreaking book, “On Death and Dying” by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross published in 1969 first brought the topic to the forefront. Then in 1974, America’s first hospice opened in Connecticut. This issue of Journey is full of information we want you to know about the spectacular Ames Family Hospice House. Anytime you have questions about our services, call us. you can feel confident that we are here for you. William E. Finn Chief Executive Officer Join uS ames Family hospice house wy community open houSe 156 Saturday, June 23, 2012 Ranney Pkwy 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Tours, door prizes and refreshments. D et 2 R roit Nestled in the woods near the intersection of Crocker and Clemens Roads, our newest Hospice House offers tranquility and peace when patients and families need it most. Private patient suites, comfortable furnishings, hidden medical equipment and large doorways are just some of its features. More than that, it’s a place for comfort, hope and healing on the west side. In the 90s, the Cleveland Foundation funded a study about hospices in the area. Pat Modell, the wife of Patients and Families Bricks can honor a special person, mark a family milestone such as an anniversary or birthday, or serve as memorials to loved ones. Bricks are 4" by 8" and can be engraved with names, dates or a sentiment. Each brick is $250 and contributions are tax-deductible. When loved ones are Far Away Patients may be admitted to Ames Family Hospice House for intense pain and symptom management, residential care or to provide respite for caregivers. Chronic and seriously ill patients with no caregivers or whose loved ones live far away may stay at Ames Family Hospice House. Westche ster 90 Detroit Rd “You matter because of who you are. You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully, but also to help you live until you die.” - Dame Cicely Saunders 3 Two sections of the Tribute Walk will be available in time for our summer grand opening. One section begins at the Gazebo and winds around Ames Family Hospice House, leading walkers into beautiful and individual gardens. The Tribute Walk section in front of the building, known as the Walk of Honor, will recognize only Veterans and those currently serving in the military. The Walk of Honor support groups Support groups provide grieving people with an outlet for their grief and are open to the community. Volunteers and Pet Therapy Dogs staff taff Our staff represents the most experienced and well-trained professionals in pain management and quality care who wrap around the patient and the family providing physical, emotional and spiritual support. Community members often hold special events, organize activities and participate in fundraisers on our behalf such as the 8th annual Joe Nemecek Memorial Golf Outing held at Coppertop in Valley City. The group of former Rockwell Automation employees raised over $15,000 in memory of their friend, colleague and mentor, Joe Nemecek. Volunteers needed! Call 800.707.8922 for more information. 4 A limited number of natural stone benches are available at a donation level of $5,000. These benches are impervious to weather and will perfectly and permanently enhance the outdoor spaces, tranquil gardens and architecture. Order by may 21 for your brick or bench to be installed in time for the Community Open House on Saturday, June 23 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. you may continue to order bricks any time after that date. To place an order by phone, or if you have any questions, please call Bill Sluzewski toll free at 855.475.0245. By purchasing a brick, you are directly benefiting the patients and families we serve. Donations are fully tax-deductible. TriBuTe WAlk order ForM Please complete the order form and return with payment to: Hospice of the Western Reserve, Contributions 17876 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44110-2602 Address to ensure your brick or bench is available for grand opening, please place your order by may 21. my GIFT IS To commemorate the opening of Ames Family Hospice House In memory of In honor of Detach here. Name City State Phone Zip Email total $ Gifts are fully tax-deductible. check(s) enclosed. Make all checks payable to Hospice of the Western Reserve. Bill my credit card: Visa Account # MasterCard Discover AMEx Exp. Date Name on card Relationship To be placed in the Veterans Walk of Honor Hospice Heroes will lead to a large, sunny Veterans Garden circling a monumental American flag that flies on a 30’ flagpole. DONOR INFORmATION To place an order by phone, or if you have any questions, please call Bill Sluzewski toll free at 855.475.0245, or visit us at We can provide assistance with inscriptions, as well as extra order forms. Volunteers are the heart of hospice.They bring comfort to their patients and loved ones in a variety of ways – whether at a patient’s bedside or support the mission through administrative services. A special program is offered to teens between the ages of 13 – 18. Clemens Rd d AmES FAmILy HOSPICE HOUSE you’ve Reached your Destination 30080 Hospice Way Westlake Ames Family Hospice House N By September of that year, Hospice of the Western Reserve, then known as Cancer Family Service, Inc., was operating out of a tiny office at Lakeland Community College in Kirtland. Word started to spread fast. By the mid-80s, the influence of hospice took root nationally when it became a Medicare-certified benefit. ameS Family hoSpice houSe d Crocker R CHIEF ExECUTIVE OFFICER Are We There yet? “The wonderful thing about Hospice of the Western Reserve...the best way I can explain it to like you’re a little kid and you’re sick, and your mom puts a blanket around you. She just rubs your back. She makes you feel better. That’s the bottom line. They make me feel better. I feel safe here. I feel comfortable here. I feel confident here.” Hospice of the Western Reserve is getting closer, more personal, more available to those who need us. We don’t just grow—we respond. The fact that our teams do such a terrific job at the bedside generates more calls. Our assessment team is not willing to put anyone on a waiting list because everyone deserves the best possible care, and access to quality end-of-life care. A decade later, the goal of opening another Hospice House was set to serve patients and families from the western end of our service area. Monina Wagner, a resident of Avon, recounts her days as a caregiver, and how she traveled to David Simpson Hospice House daily to care for her seriously ill mother. “We live in a small region and 30 miles isn’t very far to go (for care,) but when you are physically and mentally exhausted, it is a very hard trip to make.” Rd Marina B. Grant Best of all, this one-of-a-kind home away from home is located in western Cuyahoga County—a community we already serve in private homes and nursing homes. A feasibility study determined the need for a residential hospice facility for our neighbors to the west; the City of Westlake, with easy access from I-90, made perfect sense. Its interstate makes it easily accessible to the residents of neighboring Lorain County as well. you Are Here tt sse Martha Grabner But don’t just listen to me. Here’s what one of our patients had to say. Ba William H. Goff Hospice as we know it today is a relatively recent concept that gained momentum in the United Kingdom after the opening of St. Christopher’s Hospice in 1967 by Dame Cicely Saunders, widely regarded as the founder of the modern hospice movement. It was based on the philosophy of a home for people with terminal illnesses—a place of rest and respite where people could go to find comfort, a sense of dignity and peace in the final stage of their life’s journey. We have been providing hospice and palliative care services to your loved ones and neighbors since 1978. We give people whose life expectancy is measured in months, weeks or days, rather than years, the unique experience to celebrate life, to be comfortable and to enjoy the time they have. Crocker Rd Duane E. Collins This summer, we proudly open the doors of Ames Family Hospice House, a state-of-the-art hospice facility that provides world class care in a home-like environment. The House truly has the look and feel of a home surrounded by nature. Designed with patients and families in mind, its unique, distinctive and innovative concept reflects our years of experience in caring for seriously ill people. Brick by Brick make a lasting memory at Ames Family Hospice House by purchasing a brick for the grand opening of the Tribute Walk. Community members and families, businesses and institutions are welcome to help create a permanent display of love and support. A snAPshoT oF former Browns owner Art Modell, approached the Cleveland Foundation about supporting a new hospice in Cuyahoga County, something she had envisioned as a place rather than a philosophy. In 1995, Hospice House (later renamed David Simpson Hospice House), the area’s first residential hospice, opened its doors on Cleveland’s lakefront on the east side. The facility has had significant impact on the community. setting our sights Holiday Inn VICE CHAIRS AmES FAmILy HOSPICE HOUSE the CEO Bradley Rd Mary Ann Kocurko, CPA Bradley Rd CHAIR Letter from Building MeMories A roAd MAP To mily HosPiCe Ames FA House oPening Viking Pk 2012 Board oF directorS Special edition Signature I don’t wish to purchase a brick, but do want to help with a gift of GARDEN BENCH Please print in capital and lowercase letters the sentiment you want appear on your bench plaque. BRICK Please print inscription as you wish it to appear. 4"x 8" Brick – $250 Stone Bench – $5,000 5 Peg Milbourn Janice G. Murphy, FACHE TREASURER Joseph G. Carson SECRETARy Hilary Mason King Richard A. Barone Rev. Neroy Carter Alfred F. Connors, Jr., M.D. Margit K. Daley H. Clark Harvey, Jr. Cynthia D. Hundorfean Stephen P. Kresnye Amelia V. Llerena, M.D. Carol G. Manning Wendy Rowehl Miano Virginia Mlack Mooney David J. Mordarski, LISW Laura K. Navin Mary L. Ogrinc Elizabeth Ford Pitorak, MSN Paula Ames Redman Sarah P. Robertson James W. Rogerson Richard T. Spotz, Jr. William Springer, CPM HONORARy MEMBERS Sr. Mary Patricia Barrett, CSA James L. Hambrick Constance Sallee Kate Scovil Rev. William Spangler William E. Finn Meanwhile in the United States, healthcare professionals were just beginning to learn about issues around dying. The groundbreaking book, “On Death and Dying” by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross published in 1969 first brought the topic to the forefront. Then in 1974, America’s first hospice opened in Connecticut. This issue of Journey is full of information we want you to know about the spectacular Ames Family Hospice House. Anytime you have questions about our services, call us. you can feel confident that we are here for you. William E. Finn Chief Executive Officer Join uS ames Family hospice house wy community open houSe 156 Saturday, June 23, 2012 Ranney Pkwy 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Tours, door prizes and refreshments. D et 2 R roit Nestled in the woods near the intersection of Crocker and Clemens Roads, our newest Hospice House offers tranquility and peace when patients and families need it most. Private patient suites, comfortable furnishings, hidden medical equipment and large doorways are just some of its features. More than that, it’s a place for comfort, hope and healing on the west side. In the 90s, the Cleveland Foundation funded a study about hospices in the area. Pat Modell, the wife of Patients and Families Bricks can honor a special person, mark a family milestone such as an anniversary or birthday, or serve as memorials to loved ones. Bricks are 4" by 8" and can be engraved with names, dates or a sentiment. Each brick is $250 and contributions are tax-deductible. When loved ones are Far Away Patients may be admitted to Ames Family Hospice House for intense pain and symptom management, residential care or to provide respite for caregivers. Chronic and seriously ill patients with no caregivers or whose loved ones live far away may stay at Ames Family Hospice House. Westche ster 90 Detroit Rd “You matter because of who you are. You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully, but also to help you live until you die.” - Dame Cicely Saunders 3 Two sections of the Tribute Walk will be available in time for our summer grand opening. One section begins at the Gazebo and winds around Ames Family Hospice House, leading walkers into beautiful and individual gardens. The Tribute Walk section in front of the building, known as the Walk of Honor, will recognize only Veterans and those currently serving in the military. The Walk of Honor support groups Support groups provide grieving people with an outlet for their grief and are open to the community. Volunteers and Pet Therapy Dogs staff Our staff represents the most experienced and well-trained professionals in pain management and quality care who wrap around the patient and the family providing physical, emotional and spiritual support. Community members often hold special events, organize activities and participate in fundraisers on our behalf such as the 8th annual Joe Nemecek Memorial Golf Outing held at Coppertop in Valley City. The group of former Rockwell Automation employees raised over $15,000 in memory of their friend, colleague and mentor, Joe Nemecek. Volunteers needed! Call 800.707.8922 for more information. 4 A limited number of natural stone benches are available at a donation level of $5,000. These benches are impervious to weather and will perfectly and permanently enhance the outdoor spaces, tranquil gardens and architecture. Order by may 21 for your brick or bench to be installed in time for the Community Open House on Saturday, June 23 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. you may continue to order bricks any time after that date. To place an order by phone, or if you have any questions, please call Bill Sluzewski toll free at 855.475.0245. By purchasing a brick, you are directly benefiting the patients and families we serve. Donations are fully tax-deductible. TriBuTe WAlk order ForM Please complete the order form and return with payment to: Hospice of the Western Reserve, Contributions 17876 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44110-2602 Address to ensure your brick or bench is available for grand opening, please place your order by may 21. my GIFT IS To commemorate the opening of Ames Family Hospice House In memory of In honor of Detach here. Name City State Phone Zip Email total $ Gifts are fully tax-deductible. check(s) enclosed. Make all checks payable to Hospice of the Western Reserve. Bill my credit card: Visa Account # MasterCard Discover AMEx Exp. Date Name on card Relationship To be placed in the Veterans Walk of Honor Hospice Heroes will lead to a large, sunny Veterans Garden circling a monumental American flag that flies on a 30’ flagpole. DONOR INFORmATION To place an order by phone, or if you have any questions, please call Bill Sluzewski toll free at 855.475.0245, or visit us at We can provide assistance with inscriptions, as well as extra order forms. Volunteers are the heart of hospice.They bring comfort to their patients and loved ones in a variety of ways – whether at a patient’s bedside or support the mission through administrative services. A special program is offered to teens between the ages of 13 – 18. Clemens Rd d AmES FAmILy HOSPICE HOUSE you’ve Reached your Destination 30080 Hospice Way Westlake Ames Family Hospice House N By September of that year, Hospice of the Western Reserve, then known as Cancer Family Service, Inc., was operating out of a tiny office at Lakeland Community College in Kirtland. Word started to spread fast. By the mid-80s, the influence of hospice took root nationally when it became a Medicare-certified benefit. ameS Family hoSpice houSe d Crocker R CHIEF ExECUTIVE OFFICER Are We There yet? “The wonderful thing about Hospice of the Western Reserve...the best way I can explain it to like you’re a little kid and you’re sick, and your mom puts a blanket around you. She just rubs your back. She makes you feel better. That’s the bottom line. They make me feel better. I feel safe here. I feel comfortable here. I feel confident here.” Hospice of the Western Reserve is getting closer, more personal, more available to those who need us. We don’t just grow—we respond. The fact that our teams do such a terrific job at the bedside generates more calls. Our assessment team is not willing to put anyone on a waiting list because everyone deserves the best possible care, and access to quality end-of-life care. A decade later, the goal of opening another Hospice House was set to serve patients and families from the western end of our service area. Monina Wagner, a resident of Avon, recounts her days as a caregiver, and how she traveled to David Simpson Hospice House daily to care for her seriously ill mother. “We live in a small region and 30 miles isn’t very far to go (for care,) but when you are physically and mentally exhausted, it is a very hard trip to make.” Rd Marina B. Grant Best of all, this one-of-a-kind home away from home is located in western Cuyahoga County—a community we already serve in private homes and nursing homes. A feasibility study determined the need for a residential hospice facility for our neighbors to the west; the City of Westlake, with easy access from I-90, made perfect sense. Its interstate makes it easily accessible to the residents of neighboring Lorain County as well. you Are Here tt sse Martha Grabner But don’t just listen to me. Here’s what one of our patients had to say. Ba William H. Goff Hospice as we know it today is a relatively recent concept that gained momentum in the United Kingdom after the opening of St. Christopher’s Hospice in 1967 by Dame Cicely Saunders, widely regarded as the founder of the modern hospice movement. It was based on the philosophy of a home for people with terminal illnesses—a place of rest and respite where people could go to find comfort, a sense of dignity and peace in the final stage of their life’s journey. We have been providing hospice and palliative care services to your loved ones and neighbors since 1978. We give people whose life expectancy is measured in months, weeks or days, rather than years, the unique experience to celebrate life, to be comfortable and to enjoy the time they have. Crocker Rd Duane E. Collins This summer, we proudly open the doors of Ames Family Hospice House, a state-of-the-art hospice facility that provides world class care in a home-like environment. The House truly has the look and feel of a home surrounded by nature. Designed with patients and families in mind, its unique, distinctive and innovative concept reflects our years of experience in caring for seriously ill people. Brick by Brick make a lasting memory at Ames Family Hospice House by purchasing a brick for the grand opening of the Tribute Walk. Community members and families, businesses and institutions are welcome to help create a permanent display of love and support. A snAPshoT oF former Browns owner Art Modell, approached the Cleveland Foundation about supporting a new hospice in Cuyahoga County, something she had envisioned as a place rather than a philosophy. In 1995, Hospice House (later renamed David Simpson Hospice House), the area’s first residential hospice, opened its doors on Cleveland’s lakefront on the east side. The facility has had significant impact on the community. setting our sights Holiday Inn VICE CHAIRS AmES FAmILy HOSPICE HOUSE the CEO Bradley Rd Mary Ann Kocurko, CPA Bradley Rd CHAIR Letter from Building MeMories A roAd MAP To mily HosPiCe Ames FA House oPening Viking Pk 2012 Board oF directorS Special edition Signature I don’t wish to purchase a brick, but do want to help with a gift of GARDEN BENCH Please print in capital and lowercase letters the sentiment you want appear on your bench plaque. BRICK Please print inscription as you wish it to appear. 4"x 8" Brick – $250 Stone Bench – $5,000 5 Julie Bell ¿Por qué elegir Ames Family Hospice House? Julie Bell is a member of the Ames Family Hospice House Advisory Council, a group of dedicated volunteers who serve Hospice of the Western Reserve. She is also a member of the Bonne Bell family, whose coorporate headquarters is located immediately to the north of the newly built Ames Family Hospice House. We are pleased to have members of the council, like Julie, who are dedicated not only to our mission to provide quality end-of-life care, but also are recognized and well respected within the Greater Cleveland community. Julie was gracious enough to chat with us about why she has chosen to be involved with Hospice of the Western Reserve: Tell us about the Bonne Bell connection. Hospice of the Western Reserve approached Bonne Bell with interest in purchasing some land from us for their new facility to be built in Westlake.The family felt it was a good fit. do you have a personal hospice story to share? When my husband was in the hospital and nearing death, the Hospice team of experts helped us through this journey.They were so knowledgeable and caring about what was happening. It helped me and my family. Why did you decide to be a part of our Advisory Council? It was because of your fine reputation and the exceptional care you provide in supporting individuals. Part of the purchase agreement for the property was to maintain the walking paths and allow them to be open to the community. Why was that so important to your family? Bonne Bell has been a long-time supporter of fitness and wellness. In the 1970’s, the company encouraged and supported running and exercise programs for our employees. The track was built by family and friends; it was open to the public. The community response was positive, and it has stood the test of time for everyone to use and enjoy. Thank you for allowing that to continue. Why do you think it is important that Ames Family hospice house is on the west side of Cleveland? The decision to build on the west side will not only benefit Westlake, but the surrounding community, with improved quality of life for so many and that is important. Knowing you must get hundreds of requests for product donations each day, how do you decide on which organizations you will support each year? We try to donate to organizations within our area, schools, churches, shelters, and sporting events. A Destination for Children and Teens We are pleased to announce grant funds awarded by Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Northeastern Ohio, Inc., to purchase items and equipment for children and teen programs at Ames Family Hospice House and The Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Bereavement Center. With this support, we are able to convert adult patient suites to meet the needs of pediatric patients, as well as furnish the Children’s Playroom and Teen Room to ensure that these rooms are comfortable and inviting and establish a welcome space for children experiencing grief who are visiting our bereavement center. 6 Únase a nosotros el Día de la Comunidad, el sábado 23 de junio de 1 a 4:00 p.m., para celebrar la apertura del centro Ames Family Hospice House perteneciente a Hospice of the Western Reserve, un centro con 32 camas ubicado en Westlake. Al igual que Hospice House, nuestro primer centro ubicado en la zona Este de Cleveland, el centro en la zona Oeste ofrece servicios especializados para aquellos que enfrentan enfermedad terminal y programas continuos para sus seres queridos, y expande el acceso de nuestra comunidad a atención excepcional. Hospice of the Western Reserve está cada vez más cerca, es más personal y se encuentra más al alcance de quienes nos necesitan. Damos a las personas cuya esperanza de vida se mide en meses, semanas o días, en lugar de años, la experiencia única de celebrar la vida, estar cómodas y disfrutar el tiempo que tienen. Hemos estado proporcionando servicios de atención paliativa y para enfermos terminales desde 1978 y nos sentimos felices de estar aquí para usted cuando lo necesite. ¿Qué son los servicios para pacientes desahuciados? ¿Cómo funcionan los servicios médicos para pacientes desahuciados? Mira a dentro para informacion espanol A Publication of Hospice of the Western Reserve | The warm light of home glows W Go Green! If you would like your copy of Journey emailed to you, please send your email address to Nicole Carlone at Find us on: AMES FAMILy HOSPICE HOUSE 30080 Hospice Way, Westlake 32 Private patient suites The “Green” House Auxiliares de salud doméstica; Some specific examples of our green initiatives: Trabajadores sociales; •Aminimumof10%ofallbuildingmaterialscontainrecycledcontentand have been extracted and manufactured within 500 miles of the site. Consejeros religiosos o de otro tipo; Trabajadores voluntarios capacitados; y Foniatras, fisioterapeutas y terapistas ocupacionales, si fuese necesario. El plan también incluye servicios médicos y suplementarios, tales como cuidados auxiliares, cuidados personales (ayuda para vestirse y bañarse), servicios sociales, visitas al médico, asesoría y servicios domésticos. También determina qué clase de equipo médico, exámenes, procedimientos, medicamentos y tratamientos se necesitan para poder brindar servicios cómodos y de alta calidad. 7 800.707.8922 Enfermeros; Un médico de los servicios para personas desahuciadas (o el director médico); Considerados como modelos de calidad y cuidados compasivos para los últimos días de la vida de una persona, los servicios médicos para pacientes desahuciados – “Hospice” – comprenden un método de trabajo en equipo para los cuidados médicos especializados, tratamiento del dolor y apoyo emocional y espiritual específicamente adaptados a las necesidades y deseos del paciente. También se brinda apoyo a sus seres queridos. La idea primordial que rige estos servicios es el convencimiento que todos y cada uno de nosotros tenemos derecho a morir con dignidad y sin sufrimientos, así como que nuestras familias recibirán el apoyo necesario que nos permitirá hacerlo. Se concentran en cuidar, no en curar, y en la mayoría de los casos el cuidado se brinda en el propio hogar del paciente. También se brindan los servicios para pacientes desahuciados en residencias independientes, hospitales, hogares Journey Hospice Resale Shop in Lyndhurst The Ames Family Hospice House is striving for LEED Silver Certification, a framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions. This is achieved through a point system verified by stringent field conditions and documentation. Green buildings reduce operating costs, increase asset value, are more profitable in the long run, and offer a healthier place to live and work. El médico de cabecera del paciente; Cleveland, OH Permit No. 848 17876 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44110-2602 Serving Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain and Summit Counties with offices throughout. El equipo de servicios para personas desahuciadas elabora un plan de cuidados médicos que satisfaga las necesidades individuales de cada paciente, en cuanto a tratamiento del dolor y control de los síntomas se refiere. Por lo general, el equipo está compuesto por: Volume 29 | 2012 PAID mily HosPiCe Ames FA House oPening de ancianos y en otros centros médicos para cuidados prolongados. Los servicios para pacientes desahuciados se ofrecen a pacientes de cualquier edad, religión, raza, o aquejados de cualquier tipo de enfermedad. Por lo general, un familiar se encarga de los servicios médicos básicos y, cuando corresponda, ayuda a tomar decisiones a nombre del individuo que sufre de una enfermedad terminal. Los miembros del personal de los servicios para personas desahuciadas hacen visitas rutinarias para evaluar el estado del paciente, así como para brindar cuidados y servicios médicos adicionales. El personal de los servicios para personas desahuciadas está de guardia 24 horas al día los siete días de la semana. Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage •Lowemissionmaterialslikepaintandadhesives,housekeepingpractices, contaminant isolation, filtration media, and ventilation have been used in the construction. •Over70%ofthesiteisvegetatedopenspace,withthevolumeofstormwater run-off reduced and filtered. •Abicyclestoragerackandpreferredparkingforlowemittingandfuel efficient vehicles were incorporated into the site plan. •AmesFamilyHospiceHousewillavoidupto850,000poundsofcarbon dioxide emissions being released into the atmosphere by purchasing renewable energy credits. The impact on renewable energy will be the same as planting 3,495 mature trees and close to 1,100,000 miles not driven by an average passenger car. 8 A Special Invitation don’t miSS: Our annual meeting at Windows on the River and Greater Cleveland Aquarium on Thursday, May 24 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Admission to the Aquarium immediately following beginning at 7:00 p.m. This is a great way for us to meet you and for you to see the Aquarium. Register online at neW thiS year: Save the date and tell your friends about our first annual Walk to remember at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo on Sunday, September 9. Look for more information at or contact us at Family kitchen and dining room Living room and study Inner courtyards Screened-in porches Family alcoves with attached porches Exercise room and spa Teen room and children’s playroom Meditation room Gallery walk Music and art therapy studios our Mission Hospice of the Western Reserve provides palliative and end-of-life care, caregiver support, and bereavement services throughout Northern Ohio. In celebration of the individual worth of each life, we strive to relieve suffering, enhance comfort, promote quality of life, foster choice in end-of-life care, and support effective grieving. e are proud to announce the opening of our inpatient hospice care facility: Ames Family Hospice House. Opening in July, the home-like Hospice House answers the need for world class hospice services for communities in the western territory of our service area. community open house ameS Family hoSpice houSe Saturday June 23 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Overlooking Lake Erie, patients can come, often in wheelchairs or in beds, and enjoy the spectacular views. When it was decided to open a new hospice care setting in Westlake, the Ames family stepped forward once again with a lead gift. Chuck and Jay share this proud accomplishment with their children, Paula, Dick and Cindy. Paula Ames Redman is also a member of our Board of Directors. The Ames family will always be remembered for the positive difference their gifts have made. It is in honoring their generosity that the new residence has been named Ames Family Hospice House. Construction of the over 40,000 square foot Ames Family Hospice House started in early 2011, with a generous donation from B. Charles “Chuck” and Jay Ames. Chuck and Jay became interested in Hospice of the Western Jay and Charles “Chuck” Ames. Reserve after hearing “the ames family’s stories from a friend extraordinary contribution, who was a spiritual care and the other generous coordinator on a hospice donations we’ve received, team. Impressed by the are vital in allowing us to quality of care offered to construct this new space,” each patient, they became Ames Family Hospice said ceo, Bill Finn. “We more aware of how House responds to the are humbled by chuck and hospice makes a positive ever-changing needs of Jay ames’ support and difference in people’s lives. families. As Baby Boomers thrilled to name the new Chuck and Jay have been age, and the number building in their honor.” approached to donate by of distance caregivers many agencies, but feel strongly drawn to increase, the state-of-the-art building blends causes that have a direct impact on people. comfort care and technology, while a team As a result, the Ames Family Viewing Deck of caregivers wraps around the patient and was built at David Simpson Hospice House. loved ones to provide the best care possible. Robert George ONE ON ONE WITH Cómo localizar los servicios para pacientes desahuciados Special edition Julie Bell ¿Por qué elegir Ames Family Hospice House? Julie Bell is a member of the Ames Family Hospice House Advisory Council, a group of dedicated volunteers who serve Hospice of the Western Reserve. She is also a member of the Bonne Bell family, whose coorporate headquarters is located immediately to the north of the newly built Ames Family Hospice House. We are pleased to have members of the council, like Julie, who are dedicated not only to our mission to provide quality end-of-life care, but also are recognized and well respected within the Greater Cleveland community. Julie was gracious enough to chat with us about why she has chosen to be involved with Hospice of the Western Reserve: Tell us about the Bonne Bell connection. Hospice of the Western Reserve approached Bonne Bell with interest in purchasing some land from us for their new facility to be built in Westlake.The family felt it was a good fit. do you have a personal hospice story to share? When my husband was in the hospital and nearing death, the Hospice team of experts helped us through this journey.They were so knowledgeable and caring about what was happening. It helped me and my family. Why did you decide to be a part of our Advisory Council? It was because of your fine reputation and the exceptional care you provide in supporting individuals. Part of the purchase agreement for the property was to maintain the walking paths and allow them to be open to the community. Why was that so important to your family? Bonne Bell has been a long-time supporter of fitness and wellness. In the 1970’s, the company encouraged and supported running and exercise programs for our employees. The track was built by family and friends; it was open to the public. The community response was positive, and it has stood the test of time for everyone to use and enjoy. Thank you for allowing that to continue. Why do you think it is important that Ames Family hospice house is on the west side of Cleveland? The decision to build on the west side will not only benefit Westlake, but the surrounding community, with improved quality of life for so many and that is important. Knowing you must get hundreds of requests for product donations each day, how do you decide on which organizations you will support each year? We try to donate to organizations within our area, schools, churches, shelters, and sporting events. A Destination for Children and Teens We are pleased to announce grant funds awarded by Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Northeastern Ohio, Inc., to purchase items and equipment for children and teen programs at Ames Family Hospice House and The Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Bereavement Center. With this support, we are able to convert adult patient suites to meet the needs of pediatric patients, as well as furnish the Children’s Playroom and Teen Room to ensure that these rooms are comfortable and inviting and establish a welcome space for children experiencing grief who are visiting our bereavement center. 6 Únase a nosotros el Día de la Comunidad, el sábado 23 de junio de 1 a 4:00 p.m., para celebrar la apertura del centro Ames Family Hospice House perteneciente a Hospice of the Western Reserve, un centro con 32 camas ubicado en Westlake. Al igual que Hospice House, nuestro primer centro ubicado en la zona Este de Cleveland, el centro en la zona Oeste ofrece servicios especializados para aquellos que enfrentan enfermedad terminal y programas continuos para sus seres queridos, y expande el acceso de nuestra comunidad a atención excepcional. Hospice of the Western Reserve está cada vez más cerca, es más personal y se encuentra más al alcance de quienes nos necesitan. Damos a las personas cuya esperanza de vida se mide en meses, semanas o días, en lugar de años, la experiencia única de celebrar la vida, estar cómodas y disfrutar el tiempo que tienen. Hemos estado proporcionando servicios de atención paliativa y para enfermos terminales desde 1978 y nos sentimos felices de estar aquí para usted cuando lo necesite. ¿Qué son los servicios para pacientes desahuciados? ¿Cómo funcionan los servicios médicos para pacientes desahuciados? Mira a dentro para informacion espanol A Publication of Hospice of the Western Reserve | The warm light of home glows W Go Green! If you would like your copy of Journey emailed to you, please send your email address to Nicole Carlone at Find us on: AMES FAMILy HOSPICE HOUSE 30080 Hospice Way, Westlake 32 Private patient suites The “Green” House Auxiliares de salud doméstica; Some specific examples of our green initiatives: Trabajadores sociales; •Aminimumof10%ofallbuildingmaterialscontainrecycledcontentand have been extracted and manufactured within 500 miles of the site. Consejeros religiosos o de otro tipo; Trabajadores voluntarios capacitados; y Foniatras, fisioterapeutas y terapistas ocupacionales, si fuese necesario. El plan también incluye servicios médicos y suplementarios, tales como cuidados auxiliares, cuidados personales (ayuda para vestirse y bañarse), servicios sociales, visitas al médico, asesoría y servicios domésticos. También determina qué clase de equipo médico, exámenes, procedimientos, medicamentos y tratamientos se necesitan para poder brindar servicios cómodos y de alta calidad. 7 800.707.8922 Enfermeros; Un médico de los servicios para personas desahuciadas (o el director médico); Considerados como modelos de calidad y cuidados compasivos para los últimos días de la vida de una persona, los servicios médicos para pacientes desahuciados – “Hospice” – comprenden un método de trabajo en equipo para los cuidados médicos especializados, tratamiento del dolor y apoyo emocional y espiritual específicamente adaptados a las necesidades y deseos del paciente. También se brinda apoyo a sus seres queridos. La idea primordial que rige estos servicios es el convencimiento que todos y cada uno de nosotros tenemos derecho a morir con dignidad y sin sufrimientos, así como que nuestras familias recibirán el apoyo necesario que nos permitirá hacerlo. Se concentran en cuidar, no en curar, y en la mayoría de los casos el cuidado se brinda en el propio hogar del paciente. También se brindan los servicios para pacientes desahuciados en residencias independientes, hospitales, hogares Journey Hospice Resale Shop in Lyndhurst The Ames Family Hospice House is striving for LEED Silver Certification, a framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions. This is achieved through a point system verified by stringent field conditions and documentation. Green buildings reduce operating costs, increase asset value, are more profitable in the long run, and offer a healthier place to live and work. El médico de cabecera del paciente; Cleveland, OH Permit No. 848 17876 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44110-2602 Serving Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain and Summit Counties with offices throughout. El equipo de servicios para personas desahuciadas elabora un plan de cuidados médicos que satisfaga las necesidades individuales de cada paciente, en cuanto a tratamiento del dolor y control de los síntomas se refiere. Por lo general, el equipo está compuesto por: Volume 29 | 2012 PAID mily HosPiCe Ames FA House oPening de ancianos y en otros centros médicos para cuidados prolongados. Los servicios para pacientes desahuciados se ofrecen a pacientes de cualquier edad, religión, raza, o aquejados de cualquier tipo de enfermedad. Por lo general, un familiar se encarga de los servicios médicos básicos y, cuando corresponda, ayuda a tomar decisiones a nombre del individuo que sufre de una enfermedad terminal. Los miembros del personal de los servicios para personas desahuciadas hacen visitas rutinarias para evaluar el estado del paciente, así como para brindar cuidados y servicios médicos adicionales. El personal de los servicios para personas desahuciadas está de guardia 24 horas al día los siete días de la semana. Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage •Lowemissionmaterialslikepaintandadhesives,housekeepingpractices, contaminant isolation, filtration media, and ventilation have been used in the construction. •Over70%ofthesiteisvegetatedopenspace,withthevolumeofstormwater run-off reduced and filtered. •Abicyclestoragerackandpreferredparkingforlowemittingandfuel efficient vehicles were incorporated into the site plan. •AmesFamilyHospiceHousewillavoidupto850,000poundsofcarbon dioxide emissions being released into the atmosphere by purchasing renewable energy credits. The impact on renewable energy will be the same as planting 3,495 mature trees and close to 1,100,000 miles not driven by an average passenger car. 8 A Special Invitation don’t miSS: Our annual meeting at Windows on the River and Greater Cleveland Aquarium on Thursday, May 24 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Admission to the Aquarium immediately following beginning at 7:00 p.m. This is a great way for us to meet you and for you to see the Aquarium. Register online at neW thiS year: Save the date and tell your friends about our first annual Walk to remember at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo on Sunday, September 9. Look for more information at or contact us at Family kitchen and dining room Living room and study Inner courtyards Screened-in porches Family alcoves with attached porches Exercise room and spa Teen room and children’s playroom Meditation room Gallery walk Music and art therapy studios our Mission Hospice of the Western Reserve provides palliative and end-of-life care, caregiver support, and bereavement services throughout Northern Ohio. In celebration of the individual worth of each life, we strive to relieve suffering, enhance comfort, promote quality of life, foster choice in end-of-life care, and support effective grieving. e are proud to announce the opening of our inpatient hospice care facility: Ames Family Hospice House. Opening in July, the home-like Hospice House answers the need for world class hospice services for communities in the western territory of our service area. community open house ameS Family hoSpice houSe Saturday June 23 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Overlooking Lake Erie, patients can come, often in wheelchairs or in beds, and enjoy the spectacular views. When it was decided to open a new hospice care setting in Westlake, the Ames family stepped forward once again with a lead gift. Chuck and Jay share this proud accomplishment with their children, Paula, Dick and Cindy. Paula Ames Redman is also a member of our Board of Directors. The Ames family will always be remembered for the positive difference their gifts have made. It is in honoring their generosity that the new residence has been named Ames Family Hospice House. Construction of the over 40,000 square foot Ames Family Hospice House started in early 2011, with a generous donation from B. Charles “Chuck” and Jay Ames. Chuck and Jay became interested in Hospice of the Western Jay and Charles “Chuck” Ames. Reserve after hearing “the ames family’s stories from a friend extraordinary contribution, who was a spiritual care and the other generous coordinator on a hospice donations we’ve received, team. Impressed by the are vital in allowing us to quality of care offered to construct this new space,” each patient, they became Ames Family Hospice said ceo, Bill Finn. “We more aware of how House responds to the are humbled by chuck and hospice makes a positive ever-changing needs of Jay ames’ support and difference in people’s lives. families. As Baby Boomers thrilled to name the new Chuck and Jay have been age, and the number building in their honor.” approached to donate by of distance caregivers many agencies, but feel strongly drawn to increase, the state-of-the-art building blends causes that have a direct impact on people. comfort care and technology, while a team As a result, the Ames Family Viewing Deck of caregivers wraps around the patient and was built at David Simpson Hospice House. loved ones to provide the best care possible. Robert George ONE ON ONE WITH Cómo localizar los servicios para pacientes desahuciados Special edition Julie Bell ¿Por qué elegir Ames Family Hospice House? Julie Bell is a member of the Ames Family Hospice House Advisory Council, a group of dedicated volunteers who serve Hospice of the Western Reserve. She is also a member of the Bonne Bell family, whose coorporate headquarters is located immediately to the north of the newly built Ames Family Hospice House. We are pleased to have members of the council, like Julie, who are dedicated not only to our mission to provide quality end-of-life care, but also are recognized and well respected within the Greater Cleveland community. Julie was gracious enough to chat with us about why she has chosen to be involved with Hospice of the Western Reserve: Tell us about the Bonne Bell connection. Hospice of the Western Reserve approached Bonne Bell with interest in purchasing some land from us for their new facility to be built in Westlake.The family felt it was a good fit. do you have a personal hospice story to share? When my husband was in the hospital and nearing death, the Hospice team of experts helped us through this journey.They were so knowledgeable and caring about what was happening. It helped me and my family. Why did you decide to be a part of our Advisory Council? It was because of your fine reputation and the exceptional care you provide in supporting individuals. Part of the purchase agreement for the property was to maintain the walking paths and allow them to be open to the community. Why was that so important to your family? Bonne Bell has been a long-time supporter of fitness and wellness. In the 1970’s, the company encouraged and supported running and exercise programs for our employees. The track was built by family and friends; it was open to the public. The community response was positive, and it has stood the test of time for everyone to use and enjoy. Thank you for allowing that to continue. Why do you think it is important that Ames Family hospice house is on the west side of Cleveland? The decision to build on the west side will not only benefit Westlake, but the surrounding community, with improved quality of life for so many and that is important. Knowing you must get hundreds of requests for product donations each day, how do you decide on which organizations you will support each year? We try to donate to organizations within our area, schools, churches, shelters, and sporting events. A Destination for Children and Teens We are pleased to announce grant funds awarded by Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Northeastern Ohio, Inc., to purchase items and equipment for children and teen programs at Ames Family Hospice House and The Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Bereavement Center. With this support, we are able to convert adult patient suites to meet the needs of pediatric patients, as well as furnish the Children’s Playroom and Teen Room to ensure that these rooms are comfortable and inviting and establish a welcome space for children experiencing grief who are visiting our bereavement center. 6 Únase a nosotros el Día de la Comunidad, el sábado 23 de junio de 1 a 4:00 p.m., para celebrar la apertura del centro Ames Family Hospice House perteneciente a Hospice of the Western Reserve, un centro con 32 camas ubicado en Westlake. Al igual que Hospice House, nuestro primer centro ubicado en la zona Este de Cleveland, el centro en la zona Oeste ofrece servicios especializados para aquellos que enfrentan enfermedad terminal y programas continuos para sus seres queridos, y expande el acceso de nuestra comunidad a atención excepcional. Hospice of the Western Reserve está cada vez más cerca, es más personal y se encuentra más al alcance de quienes nos necesitan. Damos a las personas cuya esperanza de vida se mide en meses, semanas o días, en lugar de años, la experiencia única de celebrar la vida, estar cómodas y disfrutar el tiempo que tienen. Hemos estado proporcionando servicios de atención paliativa y para enfermos terminales desde 1978 y nos sentimos felices de estar aquí para usted cuando lo necesite. ¿Qué son los servicios para pacientes desahuciados? ¿Cómo funcionan los servicios médicos para pacientes desahuciados? Mira a dentro para informacion espanol A Publication of Hospice of the Western Reserve | The warm light of home glows W Go Green! If you would like your copy of Journey emailed to you, please send your email address to Nicole Carlone at Find us on: AMES FAMILy HOSPICE HOUSE 30080 Hospice Way, Westlake 32 Private patient suites The “Green” House Auxiliares de salud doméstica; Some specific examples of our green initiatives: Trabajadores sociales; •Aminimumof10%ofallbuildingmaterialscontainrecycledcontentand have been extracted and manufactured within 500 miles of the site. Consejeros religiosos o de otro tipo; Trabajadores voluntarios capacitados; y Foniatras, fisioterapeutas y terapistas ocupacionales, si fuese necesario. El plan también incluye servicios médicos y suplementarios, tales como cuidados auxiliares, cuidados personales (ayuda para vestirse y bañarse), servicios sociales, visitas al médico, asesoría y servicios domésticos. También determina qué clase de equipo médico, exámenes, procedimientos, medicamentos y tratamientos se necesitan para poder brindar servicios cómodos y de alta calidad. 7 800.707.8922 Enfermeros; Un médico de los servicios para personas desahuciadas (o el director médico); Considerados como modelos de calidad y cuidados compasivos para los últimos días de la vida de una persona, los servicios médicos para pacientes desahuciados – “Hospice” – comprenden un método de trabajo en equipo para los cuidados médicos especializados, tratamiento del dolor y apoyo emocional y espiritual específicamente adaptados a las necesidades y deseos del paciente. También se brinda apoyo a sus seres queridos. La idea primordial que rige estos servicios es el convencimiento que todos y cada uno de nosotros tenemos derecho a morir con dignidad y sin sufrimientos, así como que nuestras familias recibirán el apoyo necesario que nos permitirá hacerlo. Se concentran en cuidar, no en curar, y en la mayoría de los casos el cuidado se brinda en el propio hogar del paciente. También se brindan los servicios para pacientes desahuciados en residencias independientes, hospitales, hogares Journey Hospice Resale Shop in Lyndhurst The Ames Family Hospice House is striving for LEED Silver Certification, a framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions. This is achieved through a point system verified by stringent field conditions and documentation. Green buildings reduce operating costs, increase asset value, are more profitable in the long run, and offer a healthier place to live and work. El médico de cabecera del paciente; Cleveland, OH Permit No. 848 17876 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44110-2602 Serving Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain and Summit Counties with offices throughout. El equipo de servicios para personas desahuciadas elabora un plan de cuidados médicos que satisfaga las necesidades individuales de cada paciente, en cuanto a tratamiento del dolor y control de los síntomas se refiere. Por lo general, el equipo está compuesto por: Volume 29 | 2012 PAID mily HosPiCe Ames FA House oPening de ancianos y en otros centros médicos para cuidados prolongados. Los servicios para pacientes desahuciados se ofrecen a pacientes de cualquier edad, religión, raza, o aquejados de cualquier tipo de enfermedad. Por lo general, un familiar se encarga de los servicios médicos básicos y, cuando corresponda, ayuda a tomar decisiones a nombre del individuo que sufre de una enfermedad terminal. Los miembros del personal de los servicios para personas desahuciadas hacen visitas rutinarias para evaluar el estado del paciente, así como para brindar cuidados y servicios médicos adicionales. El personal de los servicios para personas desahuciadas está de guardia 24 horas al día los siete días de la semana. Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage •Lowemissionmaterialslikepaintandadhesives,housekeepingpractices, contaminant isolation, filtration media, and ventilation have been used in the construction. •Over70%ofthesiteisvegetatedopenspace,withthevolumeofstormwater run-off reduced and filtered. •Abicyclestoragerackandpreferredparkingforlowemittingandfuel efficient vehicles were incorporated into the site plan. •AmesFamilyHospiceHousewillavoidupto850,000poundsofcarbon dioxide emissions being released into the atmosphere by purchasing renewable energy credits. The impact on renewable energy will be the same as planting 3,495 mature trees and close to 1,100,000 miles not driven by an average passenger car. 8 A Special Invitation don’t miSS: Our annual meeting at Windows on the River and Greater Cleveland Aquarium on Thursday, May 24 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Admission to the Aquarium immediately following beginning at 7:00 p.m. This is a great way for us to meet you and for you to see the Aquarium. Register online at neW thiS year: Save the date and tell your friends about our first annual Walk to remember at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo on Sunday, September 9. Look for more information at or contact us at Family kitchen and dining room Living room and study Inner courtyards Screened-in porches Family alcoves with attached porches Exercise room and spa Teen room and children’s playroom Meditation room Gallery walk Music and art therapy studios our Mission Hospice of the Western Reserve provides palliative and end-of-life care, caregiver support, and bereavement services throughout Northern Ohio. In celebration of the individual worth of each life, we strive to relieve suffering, enhance comfort, promote quality of life, foster choice in end-of-life care, and support effective grieving. e are proud to announce the opening of our inpatient hospice care facility: Ames Family Hospice House. Opening in July, the home-like Hospice House answers the need for world class hospice services for communities in the western territory of our service area. community open house ameS Family hoSpice houSe Saturday June 23 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Overlooking Lake Erie, patients can come, often in wheelchairs or in beds, and enjoy the spectacular views. When it was decided to open a new hospice care setting in Westlake, the Ames family stepped forward once again with a lead gift. Chuck and Jay share this proud accomplishment with their children, Paula, Dick and Cindy. Paula Ames Redman is also a member of our Board of Directors. The Ames family will always be remembered for the positive difference their gifts have made. It is in honoring their generosity that the new residence has been named Ames Family Hospice House. Construction of the over 40,000 square foot Ames Family Hospice House started in early 2011, with a generous donation from B. Charles “Chuck” and Jay Ames. Chuck and Jay became interested in Hospice of the Western Jay and Charles “Chuck” Ames. Reserve after hearing “the ames family’s stories from a friend extraordinary contribution, who was a spiritual care and the other generous coordinator on a hospice donations we’ve received, team. Impressed by the are vital in allowing us to quality of care offered to construct this new space,” each patient, they became Ames Family Hospice said ceo, Bill Finn. “We more aware of how House responds to the are humbled by chuck and hospice makes a positive ever-changing needs of Jay ames’ support and difference in people’s lives. families. As Baby Boomers thrilled to name the new Chuck and Jay have been age, and the number building in their honor.” approached to donate by of distance caregivers many agencies, but feel strongly drawn to increase, the state-of-the-art building blends causes that have a direct impact on people. comfort care and technology, while a team As a result, the Ames Family Viewing Deck of caregivers wraps around the patient and was built at David Simpson Hospice House. loved ones to provide the best care possible. Robert George ONE ON ONE WITH Cómo localizar los servicios para pacientes desahuciados Special edition