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LUISA ANTÓN-PACHECO SÁNCHEZ Department of English Studies Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Faculty of Humanities (Filosofía y Letras) Campus de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain Telephone: 91 497 42 47 E-mail: Office: 305 / Módulo VI bis PRESENT POSITION Associate Professor of English DEGREES BA, M.Phil (Oxon), Ph.D (U. Complutense) PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENTS Chair of the Department of English 20102012 CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS Nineteenth and Twentieth Century British and American Literature SELECTED PUBLICATIONS -Edition (with Introduction and Notes) of the Spanish translation of Ford Madox Ford´s The Good Soldier (El buen soldado), Letras Universales, Cátedra, Madrid, 1995. -Edition (with Introduction and Notes) of the Spanish translation of Henry James´s The Portrait of a Lady, (El retrato de una dama), Letras Universales, Cátedra, Madrid, 2007.