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3014 Peacemaker St, Round Rock, TX, 78681
Phone: 512 998 9691
History PhD Student, University of Texas at Austin. Anthropologist with an M.Phil in Social
Anthropology with emphasis in Museums and an M.A in History. Curatorial and museum production
experience, translation, and research.
Graduate Research Assistant
Institute for Historical Studies
University of Texas at Austin
September 2014 – September 2015
(20 hours per week)
Spanish Tutor, WyzAnt Tutoring
Spanish and Social Sciences Tutor
February 2012 – May 2013
Free Lance Typist/Translator GMR
February 2012 – June 2010
Transcription Services
Transcription and translation of documents from Spanish to English and English to Spanish.
Editor Baukara, Bitácoras
November 2011- May 2014
de Antropología e Historia de
la Antropología en América Latina
This electronic bulletin is the product of research made by the group AHAAL,
Antropología e Historia de la Antropología en América Latina (Anthropology and
History of Anthropology in Latin America).
Interpreter/presenter, Smithsonian
June 30 2011- July 11 2011
Folklife Festival 2011
Translation and communication between Spanish speaking participants
(who spoke Spanish) and the public at the Festival.
Academic Coordinator, Department of
September 2010-December 2010
Anthropology, Universidad de Los Andes
Advising students, assisting the Director of the Department and the Professors.
Free Lance Editor, copyeditor, translator
December 2008-to date
Editing, copyediting, translation of magazines and books.
Intermedio Editores-Círculo de Lectores
December 2005-December 2008
Editing and copyediting books in Politics, Self help and Personal Improvement, Literature, Biographies,
Reference collections (encyclopedias and dictionaries), Testimony and Health. Relationship with authors.
Ministerio de Cultura-Dirección de Patrimonio
May 2003-November 2005
Specialized Professional
Creation of the Immaterial Heritage Group and Secretary to the National Monuments Council.
Norma Comunicaciones-B2Bportales Inc.
July 2001-May 2003
Web Editor
Editing and copyediting magazines Artes Gráficas, Tv yVideo and Reportero Industrial, interviews with
people in the industry, data collection.
Blue Fly Design Group
Editorial Advisor
Editing and writing for brochures; Public Relations.
November 1999-July 2001
Ministerio de Justicia y del Derecho
October 1996-September 1997
Specialized Professional
Implementation of the Project of Indigenous Special Jurisdictions. Training regional leaders in alternate
mechanisms of conflict resolution.
Instituto Colombiano de Antropología
January 1995-April 1996
e Historia – National Museum of Colombia
Photographic Archive Coordinator
Classification and filing of visual material, assistant curator, curator of photographic exhibitions.
PhD History. Department of History. University of Texas at Austin. 2013 M.A. in History. Department of History. University of Texas at Austin. 2015. Master´s Report:
“Museums and Memory Representations of Violence in Colombia, 2000-2014.”
M. Phil in Social Anthropology with emphasis in Museums. Department of Social Anthropology.
University of Cambridge, U. K. 1998. M.Phil Thesis: “Familiarizing the Exotic: Colombia´s 1938
Exhibition and the Development of Anthropology.” As part of this program I had to create, curate,
and put together a temporary exhibition called: “Bontoc and Rice: Representations of Choice.”
B.A. in Anthropology. Department of Anthropology. Universidad de los Andes. Bogotá, Colombia.
Universidad de los Andes. Art Department. “Museum and Society”. August-September. 2003.
Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario. “Cultural Diversity”, “Society against State”, “Drug
History”, “Culture vs. Society”. 1999-2000.
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Department of Anthropology. “General Anthropology”, “Social
Problems”, “Alternatives in Healing Art”, “Seminar of Political Anthropology”, “Pre-Hispanic Cultures”,
“City, Culture and Society”. 1995-2000, Continued Education.
“Reflexiones en torno al Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial: ¿Eso qué es y para qué sirve?” Patrimonio
Cultural Inmaterial: la delimitación de un nuevo horizonte. Reflections on Intangible Cultural Heritage:
What is that and what is it use? OPCA Bulletin No. 6. February, 2014. Departament of Anthropology,
University of los Andes, Bogotá. Available at:
“Cómo somos los colombianos: las exposiciones de 1938 y 2011” (Who Colombians are: The exhibitions
of 1938 and 2011). Paper presented in the 54 International Congress of Americanists, "Building
Dialogues in The Americas." July 15-20. Vienna, Austria.
“Indigenismo y patrimonio (inmaterial): ¿la transformación de un concepto o la afirmación de la
diferencia?” (Indigenism and Immaterial Heritage: The Transformation of the Concept or the Affirmation
of Difference). Paper presented at the Indigenist Institute of Colombia. Group Anthropology and History
of Anthropology in Latin America, AHAAL. March 13, 20 and 27, 2012, Golden Museum of Colombia
and National University of Colombia.
“Inicios de la antropología en el Caribe colombiano” (Early anthropology in the Colombian Caribbean).
Paper presented at Reviving the History of Anthropology in Colombia. 70 years of the National
Ethnological Institute. Group Anthropology and History of Anthropology in Latin America, AHAAL.
September 8 and 15, 2011. Golden Museum of Colombia.
"La exposición arqueológica y etnográfica de 1938 en Colombia: un primer intercambio cultural" (The
Archeological and Ethnographic Exhibition of 1938 in Colombia: A First Cultural Exchange).
Arqueología y Etnología en Colombia. La creación de una tradición científica.(Archeology and
Ethnology in Colombia. The Creation of a Scientific Tradition). University of Los Andes, Social
Sciences Faculty, Department of Anthropology. Center of Sociocultural and International Studies.
Bogotá, 2009.
“El patrimonio cultural inmaterial de Colombia” (The Intangible Cultural Heritage of Colombia).
Colombia´s Great Encyclopedia. Tome 9, Culture 2. Círculo de Lectores, Bogotá, 2007.
Caminos de la antropología: Gregorio Hernández de Alba (Paths of Colombian Anthropology: Gregorio
Hernández de Alba). University of Los Andes. Center of Sociocultural and International Studies. Bogotá,
"Las múltiples formas de entender la historia: importancia del archivo de Gregorio Hernández de Alba"
(The Multiple Ways to Understand History: The Importance of Gregorio Hernández de Alba´s Archive.
Cultural and Bibliographic Bulletin of the Luis Ángel Arango Library. Volume XXXVIII, Number 57.
Edited in 2003.
“Museo, Patrimonio e Identidad: el caso del Museo Histórico Ignacio Gutiérrez Rico de la ciudad de
Mariquita” (Museum, Heritage, and Identity: The case of the Historical Museum Ignacio Gutiérrez Rico
in the city of Mariquita). Paper presented in the IX Congress of Anthropology in Colombia, Cauca,
Popayán, July 19-22, 2000, and published in Memorias del Congreso. Colombian Archeological Society.
“Antropología y Escritura: ¿Técnicas Excluyentes o Técnicas Concluyentes?” (Anthropology and
Writing: Exclusive Techniques or Conclusive Techniques?) Universitas Humanística. No. 50 Bogota.
July-December, 2000.
“Representaciones de lo Familiar y de lo Exótico” (Representations of the Familiar and the Exotic).
Universitas Humanística. No. 48 Bogota. July-December, 1999.
“Comments on the Colloquium about Innovation and Creativity” Cambridge Anthropology. Volume 20,
Nos. 1 - 2. Cambridge, U.K 1998.
Pioneros de la Antropología, Memoria Visual, 1936 -1950 (Pioneers of Anthropology, Visual Memory,
1936-1950). Colombian Institute of Anthropology and Bank of the Republic. Bogota, 1994.
Spanish (native tongue), English
Microsoft Office
Seth W. Garfield. Associate Professor. Department of History. Director of the Institute for Historical
Studies. University of Texas at Austin.
Benjamin C. Brower. Associate Professor. Department of History. University of Texas at Austin, Texas.
Louis Waldman. Associate Professor. Department of Art and Art History. E-mail: