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Place of Birth:
Web page
Research interests:
Income inequality, public policy and the role of the state, social
and industrial policy, Latin American economics
Oct. 2008-…
University Lecturer in Political Economy of Latin America
University of Oxford
Oct. 08-
Governing body fellow, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford
Other appointments
Region Head (Latin America), Oxford Analytica
Member of the Committee of Experts, Observatory of Spain’s Foreign Policy,
Alternativas Foundation (Spain)
Associate Fellow, Inter-University Institute of Latin America, University of
2004- …
Periodic consultancies for Oxford Analytica and the Economic Intelligence Unit,
as well as various development organizations
Ph. D. in Economics
New School for Social Research (New York)
Dissertation: “”Leading coalitions” and the Structures of Accumulation and
Distribution in Small Countries. The Cases of Costa Rica and Dominican
Republic under Globalization”
Master in Public Administration and Government Policy
Institute Ortega and Gasset (Universidad Complutense of Madrid) and Spanish
Ministry of Public Administration
Bachelor’s Degree in Economics. Grade average: 9.16 out of 10 (17 A with
honors, special mention for being one of the best three students in my class)
School of Economics and Business (Universidad Complutense of Madrid)
Jan-Sept 08
Senior Lecturer in Economics of Latin America
Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London
2003-Jan 08
Lecturer in Economics of Latin America
Institute for the Study of the Americas (formerly Institute of Latin American
Studies), University of London
Co-authored monographs
Martínez Franzoni, Juliana and Diego Sánchez-Ancochea. Good Jobs and Social Services: How
Costa Rica Achieved the Double Incorporation, Palgrave McMillan, forthcoming.
Edited Books
Sánchez-Ancochea, Diego and Iwan Morgan (eds) The Political Economy of the Budget in the
Americas, Institute for the Study of the Americas, 2009
Rugraff, Eric, Diego Sanchez-Ancochea and Andrew Sumner (eds) Critical Perspectives on
Transnational Corporations and Development Policy, Palgrave McMillan, 2009
Sánchez-Ancochea, Diego and Ken Shadlen (eds.). Responding to Globalization: The Political
Economy of Hemispheric Integration in the Americas, Palgrave McMillan, 2008
Refereed papers
“Can Latin American production regimes complement universalistic welfare regimes?
Implications from the Costa Rican case” Latin American Research Review, 48(2), forthcoming
2013 (with Juliana Martinez Franzoni).
“A Fast Herd and a Slow Tortoise? The Challenge of Upgrading in the Dominican Republic”
Studies in Comparative International Development, 47(2): 208-230, 2012.
“Bolsa Família, poverty and inequality: Political and economic effects in the short and long run”
(with Lauro Mattei), Global Social Policy, 11: 299-318), December 2011.
“Latin American Capitalism: Economic and Social Policy in Transition”, Economy and Society,
38(1): 1-16 (with Juliana Martínez and Maxine Molynuex). Part of a special issue co-edited with
Juliana Martínez and Maxine Molyneux, January 2009.
“State, Firms and the Process of Industrial Upgrading: Latin America´s Variety of Capitalism and
the Costa Rican experience”, Economy and Society, 38(1): 62-86, January 2009.
“Development Trajectories and New Comparative Advantages: Costa Rica and the Dominican
Republic under Globalization”, World Development, 34(6): 996-1115, June 2006
“Domestic capital, Civil Servants and the State: Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic under
Globalization”, Journal for Latin American Studies, 37: 693-726, November 2005
“El modelo económico en América Latina desde los años noventa hasta la Gran Crisis ¿Un
modelo razonable o un fracaso liberal? Revista CIDOB D’Afers Internacionals, 85-86: 133-155.
“La globalización en países pequeños en desarrollo. Nicaragua en perspectiva comparada”
Revista Mexicana de Sociología, 69(2): 199-242, April-June 2007
“Capitalismo, Desarrollo y Estado. Una revisión crítica de la teoría del estado en Schumpeter”,
Revista de Economía Institucional, n. 13, second semestre 2005
Book chapters
(with Corinne Caumartin) “Explaining a contradictory record: The case of Guatemala” in Lange
A., F. Stewart and R. Venegupal (2011) Horizontal Inequalities and Post-conflict Development,
London: Palgrave
“Public Budgets and Income Inequality in Latin America: A Comparative Perspective” in
Sánchez-Ancochea, D. and I. Morgan (eds), 2009
(with Iwan Morgan) “Introduction: The Political Economy of the Budgets in Comparative
Perspective” in Sánchez-Ancochea, D. and I. Morgan (eds), 2009
“Are North-South trade agreements good for FDI-led development? The case of DR-CAFTA” in
Rugraff, E., D. Sánchez-Ancochea and A. Summer (eds.), 2009
(with Eric Rugraff and Andrew Summer) “How have TNCs changed in the last fifty years?” (lead
author) in Rugraff, E., D. Sánchez-Ancochea and A. Summer (eds.), 2009
(with Eric Rugraff y Andrew Summer) “What do we know about development impacts” in
Rugraff, E., D. Sánchez-Ancochea and A. Summer (eds.), 2009
“State and Society: The Political Economy of DR-CAFTA in Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic
and El Salvador” en Sánchez-Ancochea, D. and K. Shadlen (eds.), 2008
(with Kenneth Shadlen) “Globalization, Integration and Economic Development in the Americas”
in Sánchez-Ancochea, D. and K Shadlen (eds.), 2008
“Anglo-Saxon Structuralism versus Latin American Structuralism: Latin American Development
Thought in Comparative Perspective” in E. Pérez, E. and M. Vernengo (ed.) Ideas, Policies and
Economic Development in the Americas, New York, Routledge, 2007, pages 208-227
“Modelos de inserción externa de América Latina en la economía mundial desde los años 90” in
Several authors, Claves de la Economía Mundial 2006, Madrid: ICEX-ICEI
Selected Working papers and non-refereed policy and academic papers
“The double challenge of market and social incorporation. Progress and bottlenecks in latin
America”, Desigualdades.Net Working paper no 27, 2012 (with Juliana Martínez Franzoni).
“¿Hacia un desarrollo superficial o los inicios del salto tecnológico? Exportaciones de maquilas y
desarrollo económico en Costa Rica”, LATN Working Paper, Buenos Aires, 2011
“"The productive bottlenecks of progressive social policies: lessons from Costa Rica and
beyond" (with Juliana Martinez Franzoni), CROP Policy Brief, February 2011.
"¿Centroamérica otra vez? Sobre la crisis hondureña y algo más" Colomna para el CIDOB (con
Salvador Martí), 3 July 2009
"Integración económica en Centroamérica: retos, oportunidades y escenarios para España",
OPEX Working Paper n. 35/2008 (with Fernando Rueda Junquera)
"Offshoring and employment in the developing world: The case of Costa Rica", ILO Employment
Sector Working Paper No. 4, 2008 (with Christoph Ernst)
“El largo camino hacia CAFTA en Costa Rica: enseñanzas para España”, Memorando OPEX,
no 68/2008, Alternativas Foundation, Madrid
“Poverty: An Exchange with Nicholas D. Kristof”, New York Review of Books, 54 (3), 16 August
“Inversión extranjera y exportaciones. Un análisis del éxito exportador de Costa Rica” Second
Prize in the first competition Ensayo de Economía Latinoamericana para jóvenes investigadores,
December 2005
Visting fellowship, Desigualdades Network, Free University of Berlin
British Academy Small Grant for the project “An Impossible Task?” (with Juliana Martinez
Joint Initiative for the Study of Latin America & Caribbean Research Grant. Project “Is the EU
promoting development in Latin America? Central America and the negotiation of the
Association Agreement” (4,000 pounds)
July 2006-July 2008
British Academy grant for the organization of two international conferences on social policy,
economic models and income inequality (co-organizer with Professors Maxine Molyneux and
Juliana Martinez)
December 2005
Second place in the First Essay Prize on Latin American Economics for Young Researchers,
Universidad Autónoma of Madrid (2,000 euros)
September 2005
Small research grant for fieldwork in the Dominican Republic, British Academy
May 2004
Frieda Wunderlich Memorial Award for an Outstanding Dissertation by an International Student,
Graduate Faculty, New School University
21 May 2004
Student Speaker, New School Commencement, Maddison Square Garden, New York
September 2003-June 2004
Graduate Faculty Dissertation Fellowship, New School University (New York)
September 2003
May 2003
David Gordon Award for Students' Papers in Economics
Center for Economic Policy Analysis, New School University (New York)
September 2001-June 2002
Graduate Faculty Dissertation Fellowship, New School University
September-December 1999
Transregional Center for Democratic Studies Fellowship (funded by the Ford Foundation)
September 1998-June 2000
Fellowship to pursuit graduate studies in the United States from the foundation “La Caixa”
(included both a monthly stipend and full tuition for two years)
Assistant editor and member of the editorial board, Oxford Development Studies,
2012Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Latin America Studies
2009Member of the Editorial Board, Development Policy Review
2009Member of the Program Board
Latin American Programme
Research Council of Norway
Coordinator, Network “Globalization and Socio-Economic Development”, Society for the
Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE)
October 2007Co-chair, Economics and Politics section, Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
September 2007-September 2010
Member of the management committee, Society of Latin American Studies
Referee for the Journal of Latin American Studies, World Development, New Political Economy,
Development and Change, Journal of International Development, Revista de Economía
Institucional, Revista Problemas de Desarrollo, Revista de Economía Mundial and several