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la familia /
-a & -o at the end of nouns
el tiempo y estaciones, días,
meses/ weather & seasons, days, months
Vocabulary & Skills for
the month of February
creado por Señora Bennett
Vocabulary & Skills for the
month of February
 The week of February 27th – Matching Quiz la
familia/the family vocabulary.
 The week of March 5th – Oral Quiz días y meses del
año / days and months of the year.
*Please, encourage your child to practice everyday for
just 5 minutes. Flashcards and/or listening and
repeating on this website is a great way to memorize
the following vocabulary and skills. If your child
brings a note from home saying that he/she has
practiced español he/she will receive an Archer buck
for every practice and team puntos.
la familia
Essential Question:
What do -a and –o at the end of the following nouns mean?
online practice:
la familia
fa mee lee a
ma má
pa pá
er ma na
er ma no
tee a
tee o
a boo eh la
a boo eh lo
pree ma
pree mo
the family
(girl) cousin
(boy) cousin
Esta es la familia de la señora Bennett.
Google Translate:|es|
The following slides show pictures of mi familia:
(There are lots of ladies in mi familia.)
adelante: mi nieta, mi nieta,
segunda fila: mi suegra, mi mamá, mi hermana, mi tía, mi hija, mi nieta, mi cuñada, mi madrina, yo, mi hija y mi hija
Estos son mis padres.
These are my parents.
mi mamá
my mom
mi papá
my dad
Estos son mis hermanos.
These are my siblings.
mi hermano
mi hermana
my brother
my sister
mi papá
my dad
mi hermana
my sister
Estos son mis tíos.
These are my aunt and uncle. (Three of manytíos)
mis tías
my aunts
Mi tía se llama Elena.
mi tío
my uncle
Mi tía se llama Elsa, y mi tío se llama Abel.
Estos son mis primos.
These are my cousins.
mi prima
(Two of many cousins.)
mi prima y su familia
my cousin
Mi prima se llama Lina.
mi primo
my cousin
Mi prima se llama Nerina.
Mi primo se llama Abelito.
Este es mi esposo.
This (male) is my husband.
mi esposo
my husband
Mi esposo se llama señor Bennett. Yo soy la señora Bennett.
Tengo tres hijas.
I have three daughters.
No, no tengo hijos.
No, I don’t have any sons.
mi hija
mi hija
my daughter
my daughter
Mi hija se llama Christina.
Mi hija se llama Rachel.
mi hija
my daughter
Mi hija se llama Caroline.
Estas son mis tres nietas.
These are my grand-daughters.
Estas son mis nietas.
Estos son mis cuñados.
These are my sister in-law and brother in-law.
mi cuñada
my sister in-law married to my brother
Mi cuñada se llama Doris.
mi cuñado
my brother in-law married to my sister
Mi cuñado se llama Jim.
Estos son mis sobrinos.
These are my nieces and nephew.
mi sobrina
my niece
mi sobrina
mi sobrino
my niece
my nephew
Tengo una familia numerosa y muy felíz.
I have a large and happy family. (Many are missing from these photos.)
adelante: mi sobrino Luís (who jumped in the picture at the very end), esposo señor Bennett
atrás: mi prima Mari, prima Nidia (atrás de Mari), tía Vilma, tía Nidia, prima Lina, mamá Jilma, y
tía Elena, and by the way, mi sobrino Luís is mi ahijado /a ee ha do / (my Godson).
los días de la semana
Essential Question: What are the days of the week in español?
Online practice:
Spanish does not use capitals los días de la semana /days of the week in
the middle of a sentence, except at the beginning of a sentence. Here is
another jig that will help you memorize the days of the week:
• lunes, martes
Monday, Tuesday
• miércoles
• jueves, viernes
Thursday, Friday
• sábado, domingo, sábado, domingo,
sábado, domingo
Saturday, Sunday, Saturday Sunday…
los meses del año
Essential Questions: What are the months of the year in español?
What is a cognate?
What month is not a cognate with español?
Los meses del año son:
Learning the months of the year in español is very easy. That is is because all the months of the year
are cognates, except for....
Song for teaching the months of the year in Spanish:
enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo,
junio, julio, agosto,
septiembre, octubre, noviembre,
Doce meses del año.
Vocabulary & Skills for the
month of February
 The week of February 20th – Matching Quiz la
familia/the family vocabulary.
 The week of February 27th – Oral Quiz días y meses
del año / days and months of the year.
*Please, encourage your child to practice everyday for
just 5 minutes. Flashcards and/or listening and
repeating on this website is a great way to memorize
the following vocabulary and skills. If your child
brings a note from home saying that he/she has
practiced español he/she will receive an Archer buck
for every practice and team puntos.
Vocabulary & Skills for the
month of February
Tips for studying for just 5 minutes everyday
• Practice with your handout
• Make flashcards
• Practice on señora Bennett’s website
• Practice with your younger sibling
• Practice with your older sibling
¡Qué febrero sea un mes fabuloso!