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Research Collaborators
Andean Democracy Network Researchers- Biographies
Carlos Toranzo is coordinator of Political and Economic Areas at the
Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, (ILDIS)- Fundación
Friedrich Ebert, Bolivia. He is also Vice-president of Social Strategic
Investigation in Bolivia, Dutch Aid Agency; Director of the political
supplement, Suplemento Tiempo Politico, La Razón newspaper; a political
and economic analyst for several national and international television
programs; and research associate of the London School of Economics,
Institutions for Pro Poor Growth. He has worked as a consultant with many
international organizations such as the UNDP, UNESCO, the World Bank,
IDB; and published work in areas of deliberative political processes, antipoverty strategies, political participation, social and economic policies,
governance reform, development strategies, social actors and social
movements, amongst others. He holds Masters in Economics and Political
Science from University of Chile and National Autonomous University of
Mexico, and PhD in Economics from UNAM, Mexico. He has taught and
been a researcher at Universidad de Chile, UNAM, UAM, Oxford,
University of Manchester, and is also a member of the International
Editorial Advisory Board of the Development Policy Review (ODIBlackwell Publishing).
Eduardo Rodríguez Veltzé. Abogado. Becario del Programa Chevening
del Reino Unido. MC en Gestión Pública, Universidad de Harvard. Sub
Contralor Legal de la República de Bolivia. Ex Ministro de la Corte de la
Corte Suprema de justicia. Ex Presidente de la Corte suprema de Justicia.
Ex Presidente constitucional de la República de Bolivia. Profesor e
investigador visitante de la Universidad Carlos III, Madrid.
Carlos Romero Bonifaz. Abogado e investigador, trabajó los últimos
trece años asesorando a pueblos indígenas, especialmente en demandas de
tierras colectivas, Director Ejecutivo del CEJIS entre el año 2000 y 2006,
Constiuyente plurinominal por el Departamento de Santa Cruz, Presidente
de la Comisión de Tierra, territorio, recursos naturales renovables y medio
ambiente, ha publicado libros sobre “Proceso Constituyente”,
“Constituciones comparadas y comentadas”, “Temas de la agenda
nacional”, además de más de 40 ensayos y presentaciones de libros.
Gonzalo Rojas Ortuste. Coordinador de Investigación del CIDESUMSA de donde también es Ph.D © en el Doctorado Multidisciplinario en
Desarrollo. Lic. en Ciencia Política por la UNAM-México, y master of
arts en la misma área por la University of Pittsburgh. Ha sido consultor
del INDES-BID, PNUD, FES-ILDIS, de la Fund. K. Adenauer y para la
Reforma Constitucional (2001-4). Autor, coautor y coordinador de libros y
estudios sobre la democracia, etnicidad, descentralización (Secretaria
Nacional de Participación Popular, Bolivia, 1994-97) y las élites.
Moira Zuazo Oblitas. Politóloga boliviana, con estudios de maestría y
doctorado en Bolivia y Alemania. Autora de varios libros y artículos
publicados en Bolivia Argentina y Alemania . Profesora titular de la
Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA) y Coordinadora de
Descentralización y Política Internacional de la Fundación Friedrich Ebert
– Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales (FES – ILDIS).
Roky Marcelo Veneros. Boliviano, nacido en La Paz (1981). Estudió
Ciencia Política en la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, realizó estudios de
Diplomado en Educación Superior, Diplomado en Gerencia Pública
(UMSA) y Maestría en Descentralización y Gestión Pública en el Post
Grado en Ciencias del Desarrollo (CIDES). Ejerció cátedra (2004 – 2005)
en el Instituto Normal Superior Sedes Sapientiae de la Universidad
Católica Boliviana. Oficia de docente en el Colegio Militar del Ejército y se
desempeña como Responsable de Proyectos del Ministerio de Trabajo.
Manuel Antonio Garretón is a professor of Sociology at the University
of Chile and is former Dean and Director of Centro de Estudios de la
Realidad Nacional and Revista Cuadernos de la Realidad Nacional,
Universidad Católica de Chile. The focus of his research and teaching is on
democratizations and transitions, State and Society, human rights,
authoritarianism and democracy, political parties, university and society,
gender, culture and education, social movements and actors, social
sciences development, public opinion and social demands, Latin American
sociological theory, modernity and modernization. Has published more
than 250 articles and more than 40 books as author, co-author or editor.
Most recent publications include: The Incomplete Democracy: Studies on
politics and Society in Latin America and Chile (2003), Encuentros con la
memoria (co-editor, 2004), Del post pinochetismo a la sociedad
democrática. Política y globalización en el bicentenario (2007).
David Altman (Ph.D. Notre Dame, 2001) is currently Associate Professor
at the Political Science Institute of the Catholic University of Chile, and
Editor of Revista de Ciencia Política. He works on comparative politics
with emphasis on executive-legislative relations in Latin America, the
quality of democratic institutions, and mechanisms of direct democracy.
His work has appeared in Electoral Studies, Party Politics, The Developing
Economies, Democratization, The Journal of Legislative Studies, PS-
Political Science and Politics, among others.
Juan Pablo Luna holds a PhD. in Political Science from the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill and is an Associate Professor at the
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His research focuses on the
political sociology of Latin American party systems and the political
economy of development and democracy in that region. His recent work
has been published in Comparative Political Studies, Latin American
Politics and Society, and Política y Gobierno. He has also been published
in Revista de Ciencia Política (Chile), is the researcher in charge of the
Chilean chapter of the Americas Barometer (LAPOP), and is currently a
visiting professor at the PLAS and the Politics Department at Princeton
Ana Maria Bejarano. Associate Professor of Political Science at the
University of Toronto. She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from
Columbia University. She previously was professor of Political Science at
the Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá, where she also served as Director
of its Center for Social and Legal Research (CIJUS). She co-authored the
chapter on Colombia in F. Hagopian and S. Mainwaring (eds.), Advances
and Setbacks in the Third Wave of Democratization in Latin America
(Cambridge University Press, 2005). Together with Scott Mainwaring and
Eduardo Pizarro she recently co-edited The Crisis of Democratic
Representation in the Andes (Stanford University Press, 2006). Bejarano is
also the author of Precarious Democracies. Explaining Divergent Regime
Trajectories in Colombia and Venezuela (Duke University Press,
forthcoming). Her current research explores constitution-making in the
Andes, focusing on the politics behind constitutional choices and the
prospects for democracy in the wake of constitutional change.
Gary W. Hoskin. Professor Emeritus, Los Andes University. He
previously served as Director of the Department of Political Science and
Director of International Relations at Los Andes University and as Director
of Undergraduate Studies at SUNY Buffalo. He is the recipient of several
research fellowships and awards from various organizations including the
National Endowment for Democracy. His recent publications include: La
Reforma Política de 2003: ¿La Salvación de los Partidos Políticos
Colombianos? co-editor and co-author (Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes y
Editorial Corcas, 2006) and Colombia 2002: Elecciones, Comportamiento
Electoral y Democracia, co-editor and co-author (Bogotá: Editorial
Corcas, Department of Political Science, Universidad de Los Andes, 2002).
Hoskin’s current research focuses on the 2006 elections in Colombia.
Felipe Botero. Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science
at Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia and Editor of Colombia
Internacional, published by the same institution. He holds a Ph.D. in
Political Science from the University of Arizona and a M.A. in Social
Sciences from The University of Chicago. His research focuses on
legislative institutions and electoral and party systems in Latin America. In
his recent work he analyzes the factors that explain political career
decisions and duration in the region. He has published recently in Revista
de Ciencia Política (Chile), Brazilian Political Science Review, Colombia
Internacional, and Legislative Studies Quarterly.
Simón Pachano. Profesor-Investigador de la Facultad Latinoamericana
de Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO, sede Ecuador. Director de la Fundación
Ecuatoriana para la Democra-cia. Ha sido Director Ejecutivo del Instituto
de Estudios Ecuato-rianos, IEE e Investigador Principal del Instituto de
Estudios Ecuatorianos, IEE, Quito, Ecuador. También se ha desempeñado
Director Ejecutivo del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Socio
Económicos, CIESE. Quito, Ecuador. Ha realizado estudios de doctorado
en la Universidad de Salamanca, España. Obtuvo su Master en Sociología
CLACSO-PUCE, Quito, Ecuador y su Licenciado en Sociología y Ciencias
Políticas, Universidad Central, Quito, Ecuador. Era Visiting Fellow,
Kellogg Institute, Universidad de Notre Dame, Indiana, Estados Unidos y
había sido profesor en España, Perú, Ecuador, Bolivia y Argentina. Sus
publicaciones incluyen: La trama de Penélope. Procesos políticos e
instituciones en el Ecuador. (2007) FLACSO-International IDEA-Ágora
Democrática-NIMD, Quito. “El sistema de partidos en Ecuador: ¿cambio o
colapso?” (2007). En Cheresky, Isisdoro (compilador): Elecciones
presidenciales y giro político en América Latina. Manatial, Buenos Aires y
“Ecuador: Y, “The Provincialization of Representation”. (2006) En
Mainwaring, Scott, Ana María Bejarano y Eduardo Pizarro (editores):
Crisis of Andean Representation, Stanford.
Santiago Basabe Serrano. Dr. (c) en Ciencia Política (Universidad de
San Martín, Buenos Aires - Argentina). Director del Centro de
Investigaciones de Política y Economía (CIPEC). Profesor Asociado de la
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales FLACSO Ecuador y de la
Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Sede Ecuador).
Andrés Mejia Acosta. Governance Fellow, IDS-University of Sussex.
Political scientist whose research looks at the roles that formal and
informal political institutions play in crafting reform coalitions in Latin
America and the Caribbean. Published research includes articles and book
chapters on legislative politics, political parties and elections, the politics of
the budget process, policymaking and policy outcomes, informal
institutions, and democratic governance. He has done consulting work for
Club de Madrid, The Carter Center, Eurasia Group, Freedom House, and
United Nations Development Program, and the Inter American
Development Bank. His current research work looks at the impact of the
resource bonanza on the formation of political coalitions and budget
outcomes in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.
Martín Tanaka. Peruano. Doctor en Ciencia Política y Maestro en
Ciencias Sociales por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales
(FLACSO) sede México; y Licenciado en Sociología por la Pontificia
Universidad Católica del Perú. Actualmente es investigador asociado en el
Instituto de Estudios Peruanos y profesor del Departamento de Ciencias
Sociales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Es columnista
semanal en el diario Perú21. Ha sido Director General del Instituto de
Estudios Peruanos (2005-2007), Visiting Fellow en el Helen Kellogg
Institute for International Studies de la Universidad de Notre Dame,
Indiana (2003) y profesor visitante en la Maestría de Ciencia Política de la
Universidad de Los Andes en Bogotá (2002). Temas de investigación:
democracia, política y partidos; movimientos sociales y participación
ciudadana; cultura política, en Perú y América Latina. Tiene libros y
capítulos de libros publicados en el Perú por el Instituto de Estudios
Peruanos y la Comisión Andina de Juristas; fuera del Perú, por Cambridge
University Press, Stanford University Press, IDEA Internacional,
Fundación Pablo Iglesias, Brookings Institution Press (Washington DC),
Homo Sapiens eds. (Rosario, Argentina), Lynne Rienner Publishers
(Boulder, Colorado), The University of London, el Instituto de Estudios
Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (IIS-UNAM),
Universidad Iberoamericana, entre otros.
Sofía Vera es bachiller de sociología en la Universidad Católica del Perú.
Trabaja actualmente como asistente de investigación en el Instituto de
Estudios Peruanos.
Rafael Roncagliolo Orbegoso. Sociólogo, periodista y profesor
universitario peruano. Jefe para los países andinos, International IDEA
(2005). Secretario Técnico del Acuerdo Nacional (2002 y 2004).
Secretario General del movimiento cívico Transparencia, del Perú (1994 2002). Presidente de la Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias
(AMARC) (1995-1998). Vicepresidente de la Asociación Internacional de
Investigadores de la Comunicación (IAMCR/AIERI) (1982-1986). Profesor
en el post-grado de sociología de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San
Marcos, del Perú; y en los post-grados de comunicaciones de la
Universidad de Lima y la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; exprofesor visitante en la Universidad de Québec en Montréal, la
Universidad Iberoamericana de México y la Pontificia Universidad Católica
del Ecuador. Ex- - jefe del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales de la PUC del
Perú. Ha asesorado grupos de vigilancia electoral y conteos rápidos en
República Dominicana, Nicaragua, Venezuela y Guatemala, México, Haití,
Honduras y Ecuador. Autor de numerosos libros y artículos sobre
comunicaciones, sistemas políticos y análisis electoral y miembro de
consejos editoriales de ABLEX, SAGE, FUNDESCO, CIESPAL y revistas
especializadas de Canadá, Ecuador, España, Estados Unidos, Holanda,
México, Panamá y Perú.
Michael Penfold-Becerra is Venezuelan and holds a Ph.D. in Political
Science from Columbia University. He specializes in comparative political
economy, public policy and public administration. He is currently an
associate professor at IESA, Venezuela´s leading business and public
administration school where he has taught courses in political economy
and public policy in Latin America. In 2005, he was Tinker Professor at the
School for International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. He was
the executive director of Venezuela´s Investment Agency (CONAPRI), a
non-for-profit funded both by the private and public sector to monitor
investment climate in the country and promote institutional reforms. He
has travel, written and worked extensively in countries such as Bolivia,
Colombia, Ecuador, Puerto Rico and Venezuela. He is the author and
editor of three books and several other articles published in edited volumes
and international journals. He was a Fulbright scholar and has received a
Ford Foundation grant. He was an op-ed contributor for El Nacional
between 1999-2006 on current affairs in politics and economics in
Venezuela and the Latin America region.
Luis Gómez Calcaño. M. Sc, Universidad Central de Venezuela; D.E.A,
EHESS, Paris. He is a professor and researcher at the Socio-Political Area
in the Center for Development Studies (CENDES) of the Universidad
Central de Venezuela. Research interests include social movements, civil
society, socio-political change, relationships between the State and civil
society. He recently co-authored the book Populismo autoritario:
Venezuela, 1999-2006, with Nelly Arenas.