Download CV Julio Peña-Torres. Noviembre
Shorter CV. Julio Peña-Torres. April 2016 Julio Peña-Torres Personal website: E-mail: EDUCATION Ph.D. (Economics), University of London (QMW College) M.Sc. (Development Economics), University of Oxford M.A. with Distinction (Economics), P. Universidad Católica de Chile B.A. with Distinction (Economics), P. Universidad Católica de Chile 1995 1988 1985 1983 SELECTED PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Economist Consultant. 2013-present Principal Economist/Judge at the Chilean Antitrust-specialized Tribunal. 2004-2012 Associate Professor, Economics & Business School, Univ. Alberto Hurtado. 2001-2012 Senior Advisor to Chilean Minister of Economics. 2000-2004 Permanent Lectureship in Economics, School of Development Studies, Univ. East Anglia/UK. 19992000 Post-Doc Research Associate, Imperial College, Centre for Environmental Technology (ICCET), University of London. 1996-1999 Lecturer in Economics, Economics Dept., Universidad de Chile, Santiago. 1993-1995 Research Economist, Chilean Ministry of Economic Planning. 1986-1987 AWARDS/Scholarships for academic excellence Overseas Research Students Award (UK). 1992-1993 Chilean Government Scholarship. 1989-1992 British Council Award. 1987-1988 Instituto de Economía. P. Universidad Católica de Chile. 1984 ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS (for more info on my publications: see full CV) Latest submissions to peer-refereed journals J. Peña-Torres, J. Dresdner and I. Luzardo. Collective Catch Quotas and ex-vessel Price Determination: Bilateral Monopoly Bargaining in the Chilean artisanal Austral Hake fishery. Submitted (MRE, 2nd round R&R). 2016. J. Peña-Torres, J. Dresdner and F. Vásquez. El Niño and Fishing Location Decisions: The Chilean Straddling Jack Mackerel Fishery. Submitted (MRE, 2nd round R&R). 2016. K. Kroetz, J. Sanchirico, J. Peña-Torres and D. Corderi. Evaluation of the Chilean Jack Mackerel ITQ system. Submitted (MRE, 2nd round R&R). 2016. (Online published version, as Working Paper: J. Peña-Torres, R. Muñoz and C. Kaufmann. Repeated Selling of Production Rights: Entry and the role of Object- and Auction-Design. To be re-submitted (Marine Policy, IF=2,6). 2016. J. Peña-Torres, R. Muñoz and G. Fernández. Entry Deterrence, Auctions and the Divisibility of the Object for Sale. To be re-submitted. 2016. 1 Shorter CV. Julio Peña-Torres. April 2016 Published in English (peer-reviewed journals) V. Martinet, J. Peña-Torres, M. de Lara & H. Ramírez. Risk and Sustainability: Assessing Fisheries Management Strategies. Environmental and Resource Economics (ISI). 2015 (online March). A. Gómez-Lobo, J. Peña-Torres & P. Barría. ITQs in Chile: Measuring the Economic Benefits of Reform. Environmental and Resource Economics (ISI). 2011. P. Gajardo, J. Peña-Torres & H. Ramírez. Harvesting economic models and catch-to-biomass dependence: The case of small pelagic fish. Natural Resource Modeling (ISI). 2011. S. Tveteras, C. Paredes & J. Peña-Torres. Individual Vessel Quotas in Peru: Stopping the Race for Anchovies. Marine Resource Economics (ISI). 2011. J. Peña-Torres, C. Agostini & S. Vergara. (2007), Fish stock endogeneity in the harvest function: El Niño effects on the Chilean Jack Mackerel Fishery. Revista de Análisis Económico, 2007 J. Peña-Torres & P.J Pearson. Carbon abatement and new investment in liberalised electricity markets: a nuclear revival in the UK? Energy Policy (ISI).2000 J. Peña-Torres & M. Basch. Harvesting in a Pelagic Fishery: the case of Northern Chile. Annals of Operations Research (ISI). 2000 J. Peña-Torres. Harvesting Preemption, Industrial Concentration and Enclosure of National Marine Fisheries. Environmental and Resource Economics (ISI). 1999 J. Peña-Torres. Private Nuclear Electricity in the UK: Uncertain Tradeoffs in its future. Nuclear Energy. 1999 J. Peña-Torres, R. Serra & M. Basch. Who can fish what and where: Chile’s trade-offs in high seas fishing of transboundary Species. Marine Resource Economics (ISI). 1999 M. Basch, J. Peña-Torres & H. Dufey. Economies of Scale and Stock Dependence in Pelagic Harvesting: the case of Northern Chile. Cuadernos de Economía. 1999 J. Peña-Torres. The Political Economy of Fishing Regulation: the case of Chile. Marine Resource Economics (ISI). 1997 J. Peña-Torres. Sustainability versus Fishing Collapse: A Review of Causes and Welfare Prescriptions. Estudios de Economía. 1996 J. Peña-Torres & J. Nuñez. On the Regulation of Marine Industrial Fisheries: the case of Chile. Estudios de Economía. 1994 Published in Spanish (peer-reviewed journals) J. Peña-Torres & G. Fernandez. Disuasión de Entrada, Subastas Repetidas y Divisibilidad del Objeto en Venta. Estudios de Economía (ISI). 2010 J. Bustos, J. Peña-Torres & M. Willington. Joint Ventures y Especialización Productiva en la Industria del Vino en Chile. Estudios Públicos. 2008 J. Peña-Torres, J. Bustos & C. Pérez. Mercados Informales y Control Vertical: Comercialización de Producción Perecible. Estudios Públicos. 2006 J. Peña-Torres, S. Vergara & M. Basch. El Dilema de la Escala Productiva frente a Ciclos de Abundancia: La Pesca Industrial en Chile. Trimestre Económico (ISI). 2004 J. Peña-Torres, J. Aguirre & R. Cerda. Pesca Demersal en Chile: Eficiencia Técnica y Escalas de Operación. Revista de Análisis Económico. 2004 J. Peña-Torres, M. Basch & S. Vergara. Eficiencia Técnica y Escalas de Operación en Pesca Pelágica: Un análisis de fronteras estocásticas. Cuadernos de Economía. 2003 J. Peña-Torres. Debates sobre Cuotas Individuales Transferibles: ¿‘Privatizando’ el Mar? ¿Subsidios? o ¿Muerte Anunciada de la Pesca Extractiva en Chile?. Estudios Públicos. 2002 J. Peña-Torres, R. Serra & M. Basch. Pesca en Alta Mar de Recursos Transzonales: Alternativas de Política para Chile. Estudios Públicos. 2000 J. Peña-Torres, J. Barton & R. Fuentes. Desafíos de Política Pesquera en Chile: Un Ensayo más allá de la Coyuntura. Estudios Públicos. 1999 2 Shorter CV. Julio Peña-Torres. April 2016 J. Peña-Torres (1996). Regulación Pesquera en Chile: una perspectiva histórica. Cuadernos de Economía. 1996 J. Peña-Torres, M. Basch, & H. Dufey. Funciones de Captura en la Pesquería Pelágica del Norte Chileno: una Estimación de Panel. Estudios de Economía. 1996 Book Chapters S.F Herrick, J.G. Norton, R. Hannesson, R. Sumaila, M. Ahmed & J. Peña-Torres. Global Production and Economics of Small Pelagic Fish. In D. Checkley, C. Roy, J. Alheit & Y. Oozeki (eds.), Climate Change and Small Pelagic Fish, CUP. 2008 J. Peña-Torres & P.J. Pearson. Pricing Carbon Emissions in the UK Electricity Market: a Nuclear Revival? In Hornsnell, P., MacKerron, G. And Pearson, P.J. (eds), A New Era for Energy? Price signals, Industry Structures and Environment. OUP. 2000 E. Figueroa & J. Peña-Torres. Crisis en la Agricultura Chilena?, en Comentarios sobre la Coyuntura Económica Chilena. U. de Chile. 1994 RESEARCH WORK IN PROGRESS Subastas de Derechos de Agua en Chile: ¿Qué pasó post-Código del 2005? (with G. Donoso & E. Vargas) Non-binding Cap and Transboundary Stock in a Tradable Permit Program (with J. Sanchirico & K. Kroetz) Licitaciones Municipales & Antitrust: Recolección y Disposición de Basura (with L. Letelier & A. Sepúlveda) OPINIONS/SHORT NOTES (published at newspapers & other regular publications; all in Spanish) (with R. Muñoz) On: Private-Public Associations for building & operating Hospitals. El Pulso. 2015 On: Auctioning fishing rights. Diario Financiero. 2015 On: Chilean Fisheries & Auctions. El Pulso. 2015 On: Corruption and Illegaly (Penta, SQM, Cabal y otros). Diario Financiero. 2015 On: Public Trust and Profit-seeking at Markets. La Tercera. 2014 On: Private Health Insurers and Vertical Integration to Clinics. La Tercera. 2014 On: Coordination at Markets and Antitrust Law. El Mercurio. 2014 On: Entrepreneurship and Access to (fish) Resource Rents. La Tercera. 2013 On: Nuclear Energy in Chile. Observatorio Económico/UAH. 2011 On: Antitrust & ‘Excessive’ Pricing. Observatorio Económico. 2011 On: Royalty on Mineral Rents. Observatorio Económico. 2010 On: Why royalties at Big Mining? El Mostrador. 2010 On: Private Health Insurers and state-covered (GES) guarantees. Observatorio Económico. 2009 On: Property rights and investment at fresh-food street markets. Observatorio Económico. 2009 On: ITQs at Chilean marine fisheries. Observatorio Económico. 2008 (with J. Velozo) On: Public Notaries & Registers of Property: Monopolies of Privilege. La Semana Jurídica; and Observatorio Económico. 2007 On: Nuclear Energy: The last resort. La Tercera. 2005 (with M. Willington) On: Supermarkets’ contracting and Code of Conduct. El Mercurio. 2005 RESEARCH GRANTS Principal Researcher (PR). Maths and Computing: Management of Marine Fisheries (3-country project). Conicyt/Chile, Perú & France. 2007-2009 Co-researcher (co-R). Bioeconomic modeling of the Chilean Jurel fishery. Fondecyt/Chile. 2003-2004 PR. Catch efficiency and Regulatory Policies in a small-pelagic fishery: Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Fondecyt/Chile. 2000-2001. PR. Issues in Urban Economics: the case of Santiago/Chile. Funded by private economic conglomerate. Led to an International Conference. 1995 (Papers published at Estudios de Economía, Agosto 1996) 3 Shorter CV. Julio Peña-Torres. April 2016 PR. The Chilean Northern pelagic fishery: On the harvesting function. Fondecyt/Chile. 1994-1995 SELECTED TEACHING Antitrust and Regulatory Economics. (Undergraduate, U): Business School. Univ. Federico Santa María (UFSM). 2016 Antitrust issues in electronic payments transactional networks (Graduate, Lectures). Faculty of Law, PUC-Chile, Santiago. 2016 Industrial Organization. (Master (M); U): Economics/Business School, Univ. Alberto Hurtado. 20012012. Natural Resource Economics. (M): Economics/Business School, Univ. Alberto Hurtado. 2001-2012. Natural Resource & Environmental Economics. (M): School of Development Studies, Univ. of East Anglia UK. 1999-2000; (U): Economics School. Univ. de Chile. 1993-1995 Industrial Organization (U): Economics School. Univ. de Chile. 1993-1995 Regulatory Economics (U): Economics School. Univ. de Chile. 1995 INVITED LECTURES (For fuller info on other academic seminars: see my full CV) Chile: Antitrust Law & Collusion: U. Autónoma; UFSM. 2015 Risk & Sustainability: Assessing Fishery Management Strategies: Univ. de Concepción. 2015 Profit-seeking & Antitrust Law: UFSM; U. del Desarrollo; FNE. 2013 Repeated Auctions & Entry Deterrence: U. Concepción; U. del Desarrollo. 2013 Antitrust Policy & Economic Theory: Inst. Milenio Sist. Complejos Ingeniería, U. Chile. 2010 Antitrust & Price Discrimination: Chilean Antitrust Tribunal (TDLC Workshop). 2010 ITQs. Measuring the economic benefits of reform: Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias del Mar. 2009 ITQs’ results in Chile: Instituto L&D/SOFOFA. 2009 Market Dominance & Excessive Prices: TDLC Workshop. 2006 Mathematics and Fishery Management: CMM U. de Chile. 2006 New forms of fisheries management in Chile: ASIPES & SUBPESCA. 2005 Chilean fisheries: Current Policy Issues & Challenges: SUBPESCA. 2002 Reforms to the Chilean Fisheries Law: CONAMA. 2002 Other countries: How to auction fishing rights. (State) Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA): Multi-country management scheme for the largest tuna fishery in the world. Annual Workshop PNA (Fiji). 2016 Profit-seeking & Antitrust Law: Univ. del Pacífico (Lima); Univ. ESAP (Bogotá). 2014 ITQ fishery management schemes in Chile: Policy Session. World Congress Environmental & Resource Economics (Estambul). 2014 Antitrust Institutions in Chile; Antitrust Law & Collusion: Univ. ESAP (Bogotá). 2014 Rights-based fishery management in Chile: NOAA/National Marine Service (S. Francisco CA). 2010. Also (2010): IFREMER (Brest); LAMETA (U. Montpellier); Agro Paris Tech (Paris). Repeated Auctions & Entry Deterrence: UBC (Vancouver). 2010. Also (2009): Univ. Autónoma de Occidente (Cali); Universidad Javeriana (Cali). El Niño & Recruitment Modelling (Chilean Jurel fishery): IMCA; Univ. del Pacífico (both at Lima). 2006. Also (2005): Norwegian School of Economics & Business (Bergen); ICCET Imperial College (London) ITQs and resource rents in Chilean fisheries: Norwegian School of Economics & Business (Bergen). 2005 Fisheries Management Schemes in Chile: Ministerio de la Producción (Lima). 2005 Harvest function in the Chilean Jurel fishery: Univ. of Portsmouth (UK). 2004 4 Shorter CV. Julio Peña-Torres. April 2016 Nuclear Revival? Pricing carbon emissions in the UK electricity market: British Institute of Energy Economics (London). 1999 The United Nations 1995 Agreement on High Seas Fishing of Straddling Stocks: the case of Chile: Norwegian School of Economics & Business (Bergen). 1999 SELECTED CONSULTING (latest) Sonapesca. Description of the Chilean Fishing Industry and its contribution to the national economy. 2016 SalmonChile. Antitrust issues and regulation of maximum production levels in the Salmon aquaculture industry in Chile. 2016. Sonapesca. On Debate about ‘Royalty a la Pesca’ en Chile (specific-tax on Fishing sector). 2016. (State) Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA), Invited Talk: “How to auction fishing permits”. Annual Workshop PNA (Fiji). (Multi-country management scheme for the largest tuna fishery in the world). 2016. Banco Estado. Antitrust issues in the payment card industry. 2015-2016 Private fishing company. Advising on competition strategy at auctioning process for allocating fishing quotas. 2015. IDB. Economic evaluation of market-based fisheries policies in Latin America: cases of Chile & Perú. 2014-2015 Chilean Government (Subpesca). Statistical indicators for monitoring socio-economic impacts at the Chilean salmon aquaculture industry. 2013-2014 Chilean Antitrust Prosecuting Agency (FNE). Vertical Integration and Contracting between private clinics and private health insurance companies. 2013 Chilean Fishing Industry and Salmon Aquaculture Associations. Institutional Arrangements for Regulation and Enforcement of Fishing and Aquaculture Industries. A multi-country comparative analysis. 2013 Punta-Arenas Port (public-sector) Company. Preliminary analysis of pricing rules for allocation of port management- and service-provision-rights to private companies. 2013 Chilean Salmon Aquaculture Association. Economic analysis of proposed legal reforms on the allocation of aquaculture production permits. 2012 Chilean Government (FIP). Economic evaluation of fishery management reforms in the Chilean Austral Hake Fishery. 2007-2008 Chilean Government (FIP). Analysis of the sanctioning system in the regulation of Chilean marine fisheries. 2007 5