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Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Date of birth
Marc Ballester Torrents
Clara de Jesús Montero 3 2ºI, 41010 Sevilla (Spain)
0034 670325090 /
25 August 1977
Desired employment / Anthropologist
Occupational field
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Page 1 / 4 - Curriculum vitae of
Marc Ballester Torrents
October 2011 →
Anthropologist – Researcher in cultural heritage
Drafting of the report on the characteristics of the district del Aljarafe - marshes of Seville and criteria
for the selection of registers of intangible heritage. Interviewing, definition of a network of responding
to a second stage of implementation of the field work.
Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico, Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía.
Descubrimientos s/n, Sevilla (Spain)
Public Administration / Research in Cultural Anthropology
January 2010 - December 2010
Anthropologist – Researcher in cultural heritage
Completion of the Field work for the registration of the Intangible Heritage (Rituals public, oral
expressions, offices and gastronomy) of the districts of the Alto Guadalquivir, Campiña of Baena and
Campiña Norte of Jaén, for the second phase of the Atlas of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Andalusia.
Conducting interviews, discussion groups and drafting of each of the identified records. Drafting of the
report on Intangible Cultural Heritage of the region.
Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico, Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía.
Descubrimientos s/n, Sevilla (Spain)
Public Administration / Research in Cultural Anthropology.
January 2009 - December 2009
Anthropologist – Researcher in cultural heritage
Completion of the Field work for the registration of the Intangible Heritage (Rituals public holidays, oral
expressions, offices and gastronomy) of the district of the Axarquía (Málaga), for the first phase of the
Atlas of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Andalusia. Conducting interviews, discussion groups and
drafting of each of the identified records. Drafting of the report on Intangible Cultural Heritage of the
Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico, Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía.
Descubrimientos s/n, Sevilla (Spain)
Public Administration / Research in Cultural Anthropology
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Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
July 2008 - October 2008
Anthropologist Researcher in cultural heritage
Drafting of the Project for the Delimitation of the Park Culture of the Alcores. By identifying the
intangible heritage and industrial within an interdisciplinary team (architects and archaeologist).
Dirección General de Bienes Culturales, Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía
Levies 13, Sevilla (Spain)
Public Administration, Regional Ministry of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía.
January 2008 - December 2008
Anthropologist – Researcher in cultural heritage
Cataloguing/inventory of the Ethnological Museum in Santa Olalla Cala (Sierra de Aracena)
Delegación de Cultura de Huelva.
Huelva (Spain)
Public Administration Ministry of Culture. Junta de Andalucía
Education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects / occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects / occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects / occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects / occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
October 2008 - February 2010
Master’s Degree of Architecture and Historical Heritage Line of research
Obtaining research proficiency with the research "The Axarquía to the Aharquia. Proposal for a sound
ethnography" getting the qualification: Honors
Escuela Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla /Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico (Universidad)
Descubrimientos s/n, Sevilla (Spain)
October 2007 - February 2009
Master’s Degree. Architecture and Historical Heritage. Professional Line
Development of projects for identification, safeguarding and raising the value of cultural heritage.
Escuela superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla y Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico (Universidad)
Descubrimientos S/n, Sevilla (Spain)
September 1999 - July 2002
Bachelor's Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology
Specialization in the field of social development and relationships of religious identity in the relations of
interculturalism and multiculturalism
Universitat de Barcelona (University)
Barcelona (Spain)
October 1995 - July 2000
Bachelor's Degree in History
History and ethnohistory of contemporary America
Universitat de Barcelona (University)
Barcelona (Spain)
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
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Marc Ballester Torrents
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European level (*)
Spanish / Castilian
Proficient user
Proficient user
Spoken interaction
Proficient user
Spoken production
Proficient user
B1 Independent user B2 Independent user B1 Independent user B2 Independent user A2
Proficient user
Proficient user
Proficient user
Basic User
B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B1 Independent user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
Social skills and competences
Organisational skills and competences
Computer skills and competences
Rapid adaptation to different contexts and equipment. Quality entrenched both for the work and
developed the past few years as an anthropologist at different districts in Andalusia, such as by
personal experience. ‘Erasmus’ scholarship in Lisbon (1999), stay in Peru for six months conducting
an investigation with the support of the National University of San Marcos (Lima) (June - December
2002) several trips to Morocco working in the development of local handicrafts.
Different experiences with associations, currently he is vice-president of the Association Synergies
dedicated to research and intervention partner-cultural. Partnership formed by architects, social
workers, geographers and anthropologists.
Domain components Microsoft Office files (Handhelds Word, Excel);
Domain program sound editing Audicity, Express Scribe Transcription Software, ATLAS.ti (qualitative
data analysis)
Basic knowledge in graphic design programs for working with a picture ethnographic (Adobe
Illustrator™, Photoshop).
Basic knowledge of georefernciacion GIS software and ArcView used for the development of the
social sciences
Additional information Publications.
Article: Propuesta metodológica para una etnografía sonora en el trabajo patrimonial in Actas del XII
Congreso Internacional de Antropología de la Federación de Asociaciones de Antropología del
Estado Español “Lugares, Tiempor, Memorias. La Antropología Ibérica en el siglo XXI” Publica
Universidad de León, Área de Publicaciones. Coord. De la Edición ISBN 987-84-9773-583-4. 09/2011
Article: Alcores_Activando Relaciones publicación conjunta con Marta Salamanca Fernández in eDap
03/04 Documentos de Arquitectura y Patrimonio. Ed. ETSA Universidad de Sevilla. ISSN: 1888-8836.
Article: Alcores_Activando el territorio publicación conjunta con Silvia Leiva Herrador, Luisa Loza
Azuaga, Jesús Martín Carballo, Marta Salamanca Fernández en eDap 03/04 Documentos de
Arquitectura y Patrimonio. Ed. ETSA Universidad de Sevilla. ISSN: 1888-8836. 03/2011
Article: Fiesteros, Fandangos y Verdiales: oralidad en transición en la Axarquía. Revista Ph nº 71 Ed.
Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico, Sevilla. ISSN:1136-1867. 08/2009
Article: Pasas y paseros: geometría paisajística en la Axarquía. Revista Ph nº 71 ed. Instituto Andaluz
de Patrimonio Histórico, Sevilla. ISSN:1136-1867.08/2009
Article: Identidad, religión y olvido. Nuevas religiones en los Andes. En ALLPANCHIS PHUTURINQA,
Nº 64, Cuzco (Perú) 2004
Communication:Propuesta metodológica para una etnografía sonora en el trabajo patrimonial en el
Simposio “Hacia la inmaterialidad del Patrimonio. Política, cultura y conflicto en la producción del
patrimonio inmaterial, in XII Congreso Internacional de Antropología de la Federación de
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Asociaciones de Antropología del Estado Español “Lugares, Tiempor, Memorias. La Antropología
Ibérica en el siglo XXI”. Organiza: F.A.A.E.E. y Asoc. de Antropología de Castilla y León “Michael
Kenny”. León.Included in the publication of the Proceedings of the congress. 03/2011
Collective Communication Alcores: Activando territorios en el Congreso AR&PA "Restaurar la
Memoria". Organiza: Consejería de Cultura y Turismo y la D. G. de Patrimonio Cultural Junta de
Castilla y León. Included in the publication of the Proceedings of the congress. 10/2008
Event progresses: XVI Jornadas de Etnología. Patrimonio cultural, valores etnológicos y legislación
autonómicas. Org: Dirección General de Bienes Culturales, Junta de Andalucía. Granada. 10/2007
Communication: ¿Multiculturalismo religioso, una necesaria reinvención del patrimonio cultural? In V
Coloquio Internacional de Religión y Sociedad. “Patrimonio cultural, turismo y religión”, Organiza:
ALER Y ASANA. Sevilla 05/2007
Communication: Religión i Identidad en los Andes in the VIII Congreso Latino- americano sobre
Religión e Identidad, Organiza: ALER. Lima (Perú). 07/2002
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