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Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 522 Main Street • P.O. Box 399 • Marydel, Maryland 21649-0399 Phone: 410-482-7687 • Fax: 410-482-7253 Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Friday 9:30-12 noon, Closed Wednesdays Because of the limited size of our staff, hours are subject to change. It’s best to call first. May 15, 2016 – Pentecost Sunday Eucharist of the Lord’s Day Sunday: 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. (in Spanish) Weekday Eucharist Thursday 7:00 p.m. (in Spanish) Holydays of Obligation As announced in the bulletin Reconciliation After the Sunday morning Masses, Thursday evening 6:30pm And by appointment at any reasonable time Pastoral Care and Liturgy Very Rev. James S. Lentini, V.F., Pastor Rev. John Olson, Associate Pastor Rev. Anthony Giamello, Associate Pastor Deacon James M. Tormey, Sr. Deacon Sherman Mitchell, III Christian Formation Mrs. Alicia Poppiti, D.R.E. Hispanic Ministry Mrs. Arline Dosman If you or someone you know is in need of financial assistance, please call St Vincent DePaul (302) 670-6702 The Sacraments The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process in which adults and children of catechetical age join the Catholic Church. Please contact Deacon James M. Tormey, Sr., our R.C.I.A. Coordinator, for details at 302-697-2049. Parents wishing to present their children for Infant Baptism must participate in an orientation session. Please call the parish office at 410-482-8939 for details. Please contact Alicia Poppiti at 410-482-8939 about the preparation of young people for Confirmation, or about children’s first reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. Couples planning Matrimony meet with the Pastor or one of the Deacons at least one year in advance of the wedding date they are considering. Please call the parish office to arrange for this meeting. Pastoral Care of the Sick: The Anointing of the Sick is appropriate for anyone faced with hospitalization or a serious challenge to health. When a hospital admission is planned, please arrange to receive the Anointing here beforehand, if at all possible. Our lay ministers to the sick bring Holy Communion to those unable to come to Mass for any length of time. Please call the parish office to arrange for these services. Your Pastor, Deacons and parish staff members are always happy to speak in confidence with anyone who senses a call to ordained ministry or religious life. Pastor’s Desk Dear Parishioners, school. When I was a school teacher, I used to go back to my classroom in early August to start preparing for the new school year. I’d clean the room, ready the desks, organize the books, hang up classroom signs, and so forth. This was all done in preparation for what was coming in September. At times, I would be alone in the building doing this. And I must confess, being alone in a school building and walking through those empty halls, is an odd feeling for any teacher. The building is exactly what is should be: it is a school, complete with desks, closets, chalkboards, books, etc. But something is missing! And what’s missing is the Spirit in the school, which is what comes into the school on that first day when all the teachers and the students are back. It is then that everything comes alive. Put Down the Party Hats. Many people identify Pentecost as the Birthday of the Church. That is not exactly correct. The Church does not teach that Pentecost is the Birthday of the Church, except perhaps in a colloquial sense. But what the Catechism of the Catholic Church (#766) actually teaches us about the birth of the Church is this: Today, the church celebrates Pentecost – the 50th day after Easter. Today the Church receives what it has awaited: The Spirit, promised by Christ, is now filling the Church – giving it life, just as students give life to a “The origin and growth of the Church are symbolized by the blood and water which flowed from the open side of the crucified Jesus. For it was from the side of Christ as he slept the sleep of death upon the cross that there came forth the 'wondrous sacrament of the whole Church. As Eve was formed from the sleeping Adam's side, so the Church was born from the pierced heart of Christ hanging dead on the cross.” Thus, the birthday of the Church is Good Friday, as it was born from the blood and water that flowed from Christ. So, if that’s the case, then what are we celebrating today, on Pentecost? To answer that question, I am going to use an archaic terminology which best speaks to today’s celebration. I’d like to describe Pentecost to you not as the birthday of the Church, but rather as the “quickening” of the Church. The term “quickening” is not an everyday word we use these days, so let me give you an idea of what this word conveys, by way of a little word history. The Quick and the Dead. Many of you may remember a movie called the “The Quick and the Dead.” It was a 1995 movie starring Gene Hackman and Russell Crowe. In the title of that movie, the term “quick” doesn’t refer to swiftness; rather it is an old English term that means “the living.” Thus the phrase “the quick and the dead,” actually means “the living and the dead.” This sense of quick is also, what we mean when we speak of “quick sand” -- it means a living or moving sand. From this sense of the word “quick” we get the word “quickening,” meaning an enlivening of something. Friends of the Lord a-Leaping. If you recall the story of when St. Elizabeth was visited by Mary (the Visitation), we are told John the Baptist leapt in Elizabeth’s womb. That event was the quickening of John the Baptist: he had always been alive in his mother’s womb, but it was at that moment that spirit filled him and he moved... he leapt. When someone is in God’s midst, as rock group Van Halen noted in their 1984 hit, he “may as well jump.” And that is just what John the Baptist did! To paraphrase the Pointer Sisters from their 1983 hit, he jumped for God’s love! And so, on Pentecost, the Church -- born on Good Friday -- is quickened; it is enlivened. It is leaping for joy, empowered by the Spirit sent to it by Father and the Son. On Pentecost, the Apostles, who had previously not been the most dynamic of men, suddenly enlivened. If you recall, St. Peter had denied Christ earlier, other Apostles had hidden, others couldn’t recognize Christ immediately, and St. Thomas even doubted Christ’s resurrection. The Apostle were followers of Christ, but the Church they presided over prior to Pentecost was like the empty school building I spoke of at the outset --- it had everything necessary, but it lacked the Spirit, it lacked liveliness. The Times they Are a-Changin’. On Pentecost everything changed! The Apostle and the Church underwent a sort of quickening. The Acts of the Apostles relates that “they [the Apostles] were filled with the Holy Spirit... He enabled them to proclaim.” MASS INTENTIONS: Sun., May 15 8:30am: Edward & Deloris McGowan 11:00am: Mary Griffiths Misa en Español 7:00pm: For the People Thu., May 19 7:00pm: For the People Sun., May 22 8:30am: James and Elizabeth Griffith 11:00am: Frank Gonzalez Jr. Misa en Español 7:00pm: For the People ALTAR SERVERS NEEDED: If you are interested in becoming an Altar Server, please let Ms. Alicia know, and she will schedule you to shadow as Cross Bearer at the Mass you attend. In short, the Apostles who had floundered about in the early days of the Church, were suddenly enlivened, quickened, and filled with the Spirit of God. They no longer just followed, now they proclaimed. They spoke to the world. Like John the Baptist leaping in his Mother’s womb, these Apostles were now leaping to serve Christ. Now, they were filled with the gifts of the spirit and could more fully serve the Church. Christ had promised this: He said he would send the Advocate, the Holy Spirit who would teach them everything, remind them of everything he had taught them; He kept his promise. A Few of Our Favorite Things. On this feast of Pentecost, we celebrate several wonderful things: We celebrate the promise of Christ being fulfilled by the sending of the Spirit. We celebrate the Spirit filling the Church and bring it fully to life (quickened) We celebrate that same Spirit in our lives, the spirit that quickens us, that moves to serve God and be open to his call. We celebrate, most significantly, the Church, fully alive and fully holy; filled with the Spirit who quickens our souls that we might serve the will of God more fully. Like the empty school building I spoke of, even when it is empty it is still a school, but once it is filled with students and teachers, it is able to serve the purpose for which the school was established. On Pentecost that is what happened to the Church. Our Church begins fully to do what it was created to do by Christ for: to serve his call and continue making known the Good News of salvation. And since 33AD, that is what we have been doing, with absolute certitude, with no fear of doubt, and with evangelical perfection. As the Holy Spirit changed the Apostles all those years ago, descending on them in tongues of fire, let the Holy Spirit change each one of us, enlivening us to serve of Lord Jesus Christ and his one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. Happy Pentecost! Yours in Christ, Fr. James Lentini Pastor COLLECTION TOTALS: Regular Offertory: $2636.88 St. Vincent DePaul Offertory: $ 1040.01 Second Collection Today: Supplementary Your continued support of the work of your Church is much needed, and appreciated. Knights of Columbus: Meet every 2nd & 4th Tues., at 6:30pm. For more information contact Grand Knight, Clyde Hinebaugh 410-482-8699 or STEWARDSHIP OF TIME & TALENT May 15 May 22 May 29 Collection Counters Marianne Lemon & Diane Nagyiski Marilyn Dixon & Maurilio Gabriel Margie Short & Laura Voshell Church Cleaning Crew May 21 - Grupo #8 Hortencia Bamaca, Lucia Morales, Rosemery Bamaca, Froilán Berduo, Sheila Berduo, Andy De León May 28 - Grupo #9 Hortencia Bamaca, Lucia Morales, Rosemery Bamaca, Froilán Berduo, Sheila Berduo, Andy De León June 4, 2016 Grupo #11 Genaro Pérez, Elizabeth López, Edelfo Tomas, Edgar Ramos , Alfonso Chun Altar Servers May 22 8:30am Mass – Anna Clancy 11:00am Mass – Meg & Vincent Haass & Sherlin Santizo Spanish Misa 7pm – Emily & Yorly Escalante Lectors May 22 8:30am Mass – Theresa Thompson 11:00am Mass – Sherry Tucker Spanish Misa 7pm – Javier Carreto, Román Cuin Eucharistic Ministers May 22 8:30am Mass – Deacon Tormey, Sarah Bell, Brenda Lawson 11:00am Mass – Deacon Mitchell, Judy Carrow, Joan Stewart Spanish Misa 7pm –Verónica Bravo, Carlos Gabriel, Adrián Miranda Are you being called to the Priesthood? You’re invited to socialize, talk, and hang-out with priests, and men like yourself, who think the Lord may be calling them to be a priest. On May 18, CAS will meet at the following locations: St. John the Beloved Church on Milltown Road in Wilmington at 6:30 p.m. Contact Fr. Chris Coffiey at 302-239-7100 x 24 or Ss. Peter & Paul in Easton at 6:30 p.m.. For information, contact Fr. Glenn Evers at 410-882-3244. This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the Church. We celebrate the Holy Spirit decsending upon the Apostles. We hear that Jesus sent us this Advocate to be with us always and remind us of all Jesus taught. Bring It Home this week by naming (or looking up) the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen in your family the gift or gifts most needed in your lives. SCHEDULED EVENTS Sun, May 15 12:30-3:30pm Confirmation Prep, hall Sun, May 15 3:30pm Jovenes Mon May 16 & Wed May 18 7pm ESL Sat, May 21 6:30pm, Culto Hall Marriage & Family Life Corner Marriage Moment – On Pentecost we remember how the apostles became strengthened in their commitment. Sure, they loved being with Jesus most of the time, but Pentecost sealed the deal. Yes, we can do this! Share one experience that strengthened your marriage. Parenting Pointer – When kids leave their toys and clothing lying around the house, try this: The offending items go to jail. Put a note in the child's room saying, "Help, I'm your ____ and I'm in jail." The child then has the choice of letting it serve out its time or bailing it out by doing a chore. (author unknown) 2016 Annual appeal: “Blessed are the Merciful for They Shall Obtain Mercy” Thank you to everyone who made a pledge to the diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal. The goal set for Immaculate Conception Parish is $22,500. We have met our 2016 goal with pledges totaling $23,420.00. If you have not yet made your pledge, please fill out your pledge card and drop it in the collection basket or take home an appeal envelope and return it next week. YOUR GENEROUSITY IS APPRECIATED. Participants in the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal can expect to receive their first payment reminder on or about June 1. Additional reminders will continue through December. Please mail all payments in the self-addressed, return envelope provided with your mailing. Do not submit payments to the parish office or through the Offertory collection. To learn more about the Annual Catholic Appeal, visit; click “Giving” then “Annual Catholic Appeal”. VBS will be here at ICC soon! August 1st – 5th Registration for VBS is open now. Registration forms are available in church, office and online. Next meeting is scheduled for Wed, May 25th at 7pm in the parish office meeting room. FROM THE DRE’S DESK School of Religious Education th Classes will resume on Sunday, September 25 Please be sure your family and children are registered as soon as possible. REGISTRATIONS!! Registrations for 2016-2017 are now available at the office, and online. Please get your registrations for school of Religious Education now. We would like to have all registered for next year by June 1st. Fees are as follows: $25 per child, not to exceed $100 per family. This is to defray all costs of books, materials, and supplies. LAS MATRICULAS: para nuestro programa de formación cristiana de niños en domingo están todavía disponibles en el despacho parroquial, en la entrada principal del templo, y en el internet. Favor de someterlas en lo más pronto posible, con la cobra de $25 por cada niño, y no más de $100 cada familia. Message from the Diocese Vocations Office Pentecost Sunday The Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles, and they began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them. The Spirit descends on us, too, at Baptism and at Confirmation. Each of us is called to discipleship, though we are called in different ways. Some are called to raise families, others to remain single. Some are called to be agents of healing through medicine, others to be agents of enlightenment though teaching. God calls police officers and soldiers to protect us, poets and musicians to inspire us, farmers and merchants to nourish us. And some God calls to priesthood, to the diaconate and to the religious life as a specific way of continuing the work of the Kingdom. Might God be calling you to a religious vocation? If you think so, please contact Father Norman Carroll, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113, Be sure to visit our website:! QUESTION OF THE WEEK Pentecost Sunday Theme: God’s breath – the Holy Spirit – gives us true life and peace. Question for Children: Jesus tells us that we need to forgive to have peace. Name one way that you can forgive a friend or classmate. Question for Youth: St. Paul tells us that we all have unique gifts for the good of others. What is special about you? How can you use those gifts to help others – friends, family, strangers? Question for Adults: Even as working disciples of Christ, we are given the gift of peace. How do you experience this gift, and how do you share it with others? Pregunta de la semana La solemnidad de Pentecostés Tema: El aliento de Dios (el Espíritu Santo) nos da la verdadera vida y la paz. Pregunta para los niños: Jesús nos dice que debemos perdonar para tener paz. Nombren una manera en que pueden perdonar a un amigo o compañero de clase. Pregunta para los jóvenes: San Pablo nos dice que todos tenemos dones únicos para el bienestar de los demás. ¿Qué es especial en ti? ¿Cómo puedes usar esos dones para ayudar a otras personas: amigos, familiares, desconocidos? Pregunta para los adultos: Aún como discípulos activos de Cristo, se nos ha otorgado el don de la paz. ¿Cómo experimentan este don y cómo lo comparten con los demás? Campaña Anual: La meta para la parroquia de la Inmaculada Concepción es $22,500. Nuestro actual recogido total es $23,420.00. Por favor llene su tarjeta de compromiso y póngalo en la canasta de la colecta o llévelo a casa y devuélvalo la próxima semana. Por favor sea generoso, gracias Columna del párroco James Lentini 15 de mayo, 2016. Estimados Feligreses, Cuando era maestro de escuela, solía ir a principios de agosto a mi salón de clases para comenzar a preparar para el nuevo año escolar. Limpiaba mi salón, arreglaba y tenía listo los escritorios, organizaba los libros, colgaba los materiales, y así sucesivamente. Todo esto se haría en preparación para lo que venía en septiembre. A veces, estaba solo en el edificio haciendo esto. Y debo confesar, estar solo en un edificio de la escuela y caminar por los pasillos vacíos, es una sensación extraña para cualquier maestro o profesor. El edificio es exactamente lo que debe ser: es una escuela, con escritorios, armarios, pizarras, libros, etc, pero le falta algo! Y lo que falta es el Espíritu en la escuela, que es lo que entra en la escuela en ese primer día en que todos los profesores y los estudiantes están nuevamente en la escuela. Es entonces que todo se llena de vida. Hoy, la iglesia celebra Pentecostés - 50 días después de la Pascua. Hoy, la Iglesia recibe lo que ha esperado: El Espíritu prometido por Cristo, está ahora llenando la Iglesia - que le da vida, al igual que los estudiantes dan vida a una escuela. Pongan los Sombreros de Fiesta. Mucha gente identifica Pentecostés como el nacimiento de la iglesia. Eso no es exactamente correcto. La Iglesia no nos enseña que Pentecostés es el cumpleaños de la Iglesia, excepto tal vez en un sentido coloquial. Pero lo que el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica (# 766) en realidad nos enseña sobre el nacimiento de la Iglesia es la siguiente: “El origen y el crecimiento de la Iglesia son simbolizados por la sangre y el agua que fluyó del costado abierto de Jesús crucificado. Pues del costado de Cristo mientras dormía el sueño de la muerte en la cruz nació adelante el " sacramento admirable de toda la Iglesia. Como se formó Eva del costado dormido de Adán, por lo que la Iglesia nació del corazón traspasado de Cristo muerto colgando en la cruz. " edificio escolar vacío que les hablé al comienzo --tenía todo lo necesario, pero le faltaba el Espíritu, que carecía de vivacidad. Por lo tanto, el nacimiento de la Iglesia es el Viernes Santo, ya que nació de la sangre y el agua que fluía de Cristo. Bueno, si ese es el caso, entonces ¿qué estamos celebrando hoy día, el día de Pentecostés? Para responder a esta pregunta, voy a utilizar una terminología arcaica que mejor habla de la celebración de hoy. Me gustaría describirles Pentecostés no como el nacimiento de la Iglesia, sino más bien como el "avivamiento " de la Iglesia. El término "avivamiento " no es una palabra que usamos todos los días en estos días, por lo que les voy a dar una idea de lo que transmite esta palabra, a través de una pequeña historia de la palabra. En resumen, los apóstoles que habían fracasado los primeros días de la Iglesia, se animaron de repente, se avivaron, y quedaron llenos del Espíritu de Dios. Ellos ya no sólo eran seguidores, ahora proclaman. Hablaron al mundo. Como Juan el Bautista saltando en el vientre de su madre, estos apóstoles saltando ahora para servir a Cristo. Ahora, se llenaron con los dones del Espíritu y podrían servir plenamente a la Iglesia. Cristo había prometido esto: Él dijo “que enviaría el Consolador, el Espíritu Santo, que les enseñará todas las cosas, y traerá a la memoria todo lo que yo les he dicho, (Juan 14,25-26); Mantuvo su promesa. Rápida y Mortal. Algunos de ustedes recordarán una película llamada "Rápida y Mortal. " Era una película protagonizada por Gene Hackman 1995 y Russell Crowe . En el título de la película, el término " rápida" no se refiere a la rapidez; más bien es un viejo término Inglés que significa " los vivos". Así, la frase " Rápida y mortal, " en realidad significa " los vivos y los muertos. " Este sentido de rápido es también , lo que queremos decir cuando hablamos de " arenas movedizas " - que significa una arena de estar en movimiento. En este sentido la palabra " rápida " obtenemos la palabra "avivamiento ", es decir, un iluminador de algo. Amigos del Señor a- Saltar. Si recuerdan la historia de cuando Santa Isabel recibió la visita de María (la Visitación), se nos dice que Juan el Bautista saltó en el vientre de Isabel. Ese evento fue el avivamiento de Juan el Bautista: él siempre había estado vivo en el vientre de su madre, pero fue en ese momento que el espíritu lo llenó y se trasladó... saltó. Cuando Dios habita en nosotros, como el grupo de rock Van Halen señaló en su hit 1984 "Él mejor que brinque”. ¡Y eso es precisamente lo que hizo Juan el Bautista! Parafraseando el grupo R&B “The Pointer Sisters” de su éxito de 1983, ¡brinca por el amor de Dios! Y así, en Pentecostés, la Iglesia – que nació en el Viernes Santo - se anima; está vivificada. Está saltando de alegría, el poder del Espíritu Santo que le fue enviado por el Padre y el Hijo. En Pentecostés, los Apóstoles, que previamente no habían sido los más emprendedores de los hombres, de repente avivados. Si recuerdan, San Pedro había negado a Cristo antes, otros Apóstoles se habían escondido, otros no pudieron reconocer a Cristo de inmediato, y Santo Tomás, incluso duda de la Resurrección de Cristo. Los Apóstoles eran seguidores de Cristo, pero la Iglesia que presidieron antes de Pentecostés era como el Los Tiempos Están Cambiando. En Pentecostés todo cambió! Los Apóstoles y la Iglesia fueron sometidos a una especie de avivamiento. Los Hechos de los Apóstoles narran que "ellos [los apóstoles] fueron llenos del Espíritu Santo... Él les concedió el poder de proclamar." Algunas de Nuestras Cosas Favoritas. En esta fiesta de Pentecostés, celebramos varias cosas maravillosas: • Celebramos la promesa de Cristo, cumplida por el envío del Espíritu. • Celebramos el Espíritu vivificando y santificando a la Iglesia y la anima, le da vida completamente (aviva) • Celebramos ese mismo Espíritu en nuestras vidas, el espíritu que nos da vida, que nos mueve a servir a Dios y a estar abierto a su llamado. • Celebramos, lo más importante, la Iglesia, completamente viva y totalmente santa; lleno del Espíritu que da vida a nuestras almas para que podamos servir a la voluntad de Dios más plenamente. Al igual que el edificio escolar vacío de que les hablé, incluso aun cuando está vacío todavía es una escuela, pero una vez que se llena de estudiantes y profesores, sirve su finalidad para la cual se estableció la escuela. En Pentecostés eso es lo mismo que le sucedió a la Iglesia . Nuestra Iglesia comienza totalmente a hacer lo que se creó para hacer por Cristo: para servir a su llamado y seguir dando a conocer la Buena Nueva de la salvación. Y desde el año 33 AD, eso es lo que hemos estado haciendo, con absoluta certeza, sin temor a dudas, y con la perfección evangélica. A medida que el Espíritu Santo cambió a los Apóstoles hace todos esos años , descendiendo sobre ellos en lenguas de fuego , el Espíritu Santo mora en nosotros ,cambia cada uno de nosotros , nos lleva a la verdad plena, nos anima y nos santifica que nos impulsa a servir al Señor Jesucristo y a su Iglesia una, santa, católica y apostólica . ¡Feliz Pentecostés! Suyo en Cristo, Padre James Lentini Párroco