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Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time — October 13, 2013 “Your faith has saved you.” Luke 17:19 REFLECTION LECTOR MINISTRY RECRUITMENT FLOWER DONATION REFLECCIÓN DOMINICAL Today we recognize and celebrate our God who brings the gift of healing. In the Gospel Jesus heals ten lepers, but we know that God heals many kinds of afflictions. As we gather today, let us bring with us all our cares, concerns, injuries, and ills, and ask the God of all to heal our brokenness as only God can. If you have heard God’s call to proclaim His word by becoming a lector, please contact Don Gall, Lead Lector. Please note that there was a mistake in last week’s bulletin. His correct email address is, or you can call him at (707) 290-7203. Thank you to Marie Dorish, who donated flowers for this weekend’s Masses. We appreciate your generosity! Hoy reconocemos y celebramos a nuestro Dios que nos trae el don de la sanación. En el Evangelio Jesús cura a diez leprosos, pero sabemos que Dios cura muchas clases de enfermedades. Traigamos aquí hoy todas nuestras inquietudes, preocupaciones, heridas y enfermedades, y pidámosle al Dios de todo y de todos, que cure nuestros quebrantamientos como sólo Dios puede hacerlo. OUR WEEKLY COLLECTION Our Sunday offering for the weekend of October 6 was $12,839. Thank you for your generous offering. May your love and sacrifices be greatly rewarded. QUESTION OF THE WEEK Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time Week of October 13, 2013 Theme: We are Eucharistic people. We live in praise and thanksgiving. Question for Adults: What are some ways you can think of to show gratitude to God? Make them concrete and real. Question for Children: Make up a prayer which tells God you are thankful for everything you have, even if it’s not all you want. NO WED. 12:15 MASS THIS WEEK There will be no 12:15 Mass this Wednesday, October 16. The Mass schedule will return to normal next week. MAINTENANCE COLLECTION Thank you for your generous contributions to last week’s collection. Together we raised $2,651, which will be used for major repairs and maintenance projects in the parish. HOSPITALIY EVENT Please join us after the 10:30 and noon Masses this Sunday, October 13 in the Church Meeting Room for the monthly Hospitality event to welcome all new parishioners to the St. Joseph community and answer any questions they may have. We also ask that all current St. Joseph parishioners participate in the welcoming and fellowship. Light snacks and beverages will be provided. HOLIDAY RECIPE BOOK Don’t miss your chance to be part of the recipe book project! The deadline for recipe submissions is October 15. You can still order copies of the book after that date. Thank you for your generosity and continued support. For more details, please call Lorna Villacampa at (707) 761-3669 or Florinda Adriano-Wynne at (707) 365-5594. FAITH FORMATION Registration for Faith Formation 2013-2014 is closed. Registration for next year will begin in April for continuing students and June for new students. All Faith Formation classes will be going through required Diocesan Safety Training this Wednesday, October 16. The schedule is: •Communion (1st & 2nd grade): PCMR#1 (next to gym), Session A @ 4-5 p.m., Session B @ 5:15-6:15 p.m. •Elementary (3rd-6th grade): Church Meeting Room (by the church) @ 4:15-5:15 p.m. •OCIC 1st & 2nd year (3rd-6th grade): Church Meeting Room (by the church) @ 5:30-6:30 p.m. •Confirmation & OCIC 7th+ (7th grade-high school): Church @ 5:30-6:30 p.m. All classes resume in NDS classrooms on October 23 during the regularly scheduled time. ALTAR SERVER TRAINING HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS Pray with Pope Francis this month. The Holy Father’s general prayer intention for October is, “That those feeling so crushed by life that they wish to end it may sense the nearness of God’s love.” His mission intention is, “That the celebration of World Mission Day may help all Christians realize that we are not only receivers but proclaimers of God’s word.” WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday, a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church’s missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. The needs of the Catholic Church’s Missions are growing as new dioceses are formed, new seminaries are opened, and as areas devastated by war, natural disaster, or political suppression are rebuilt. Approximately 1,150 mission dioceses receive regular annual assistance from funds collected through this special appeal. Special donation envelopes will be available for your use. Please be generous. THANKS FROM FR. CYRUS GALLAGHER Are you interested in becoming an altar server? God may be calling YOU to participate in this fun and fulfilling ministry! If you have received your First Communion, are in 3rd grade or older, and are interested in becoming a more active participant in the Mass, please attend our upcoming training at St. Joseph Church for new altar servers. The date is Sunday, October 27, from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Annette Hunter at / 707-718-4667 by Friday, October 25. The Christian Foundation for Children and Aging would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kindness in welcoming us to speak on behalf of CFCA for those in need. Your generous and strong Faith and your continuing fidelity to the values of the Gospel of Jesus Christ are indeed a blessing. I am personally grateful for all the thoughtful attention you provided to me. If you would like to form an alliance of friendship with a child, a teenager, a seminarian, an elder, or a child with special needs, call 1-800 -8 7 5-6 564 or c o ntac t our we bs i te at ST. JOSEPH MARRIAGE RETREAT COLECTA DE MANTENIMIENTO Do you want to put a fire back in your marriage? Come find out how at the St. Joseph marriage retreat, October 19 and 20 in the Parish Center Meeting Room #1 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday until noon. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Only you can make your marriage happily ever after. For more information or to register contact Loreley bower at Gracias por sus contribuciones generosas al fondo para el mantenimiento. Juntos recogimos $2,651 que será usado por reparaciones grandes en la parroquia. K of C BUS TRIP TO RENO The local Fourth Degree Assembly of the Knights of Columbus, covering the Councils in Vacaville, Fairfield, and Dixon, is sponsoring their annual bus trip to Reno on Saturday, October 26. The cost is only $35 per person with $15 back at the Silver Legacy. Call Ed and Flora Huestis at 449-1982 for additional information, reservations, and departure times. FORMACIÓN DE FE Habrá un taller de seguridad este miércoles, el 16 de octubre, en vez de clases regulares. No tendrá lugar en la escuela. Por favor reúnase según lo siguiente: •Comunión (1º-2º grado): Salón de Centro Parroquial, Sesión A a las 4:00-5:00, Sesión B a las 5:15-6:15 •Primaria (3º-6º grado): Salón de la Iglesia a las 4:15-5:15 •OCIC primer y segundo año(3º-6º grado): Salón de la Iglesia a las 5:30-6:30 •Confirmación y OCIC 7º+ (7º-12º grado): Iglesia a las 5:306:30 Clases normales resumen el 23 de octubre. LIBRO DE RECETAS ¡No se pierda la oportunidad de participar en el libro de recetas! La fecha límite para entregar recetas es el 15 de octubre. Todavía puede pedir copias del libro también. Gracias por su generosidad y apoyo. Para más información, contacte a Alma McDermott a (707) 580-1869 o INTENCIONES DEL SANTO PADRE Recemos con Papa Francisco durante este mes. La intención general del apostolado de la oración del Santo Padre para el mes de octubre es, “Para que quienes se sienten agobiados hasta el extremo de desear el fin de su vida, adviertan la cercanía amorosa de Dios”. Su intención misionera es, “Para que la Jornada Misionera Mundial nos anime a ser destinatarios y también anunciadores de la palabra de Dios”. DOMINGO MUNDIAL DE LAS MISIONES El próximo domingo es el “Domingo Mundial de las Misiones”, un día especial para que los católicos del mundo entero se comprometan a la misión de la Iglesia por medio de oración y sacrificio. Las necesidades de las misiones en la Iglesia Católica están creciendo conforme se van formando nuevas diócesis, nuevos seminarios se abren, y también cuando se van reconstruyendo las áreas devastadas por guerras, desastres naturales, o supresión política. Cerca de 1.150 diócesis misioneras reciben asistencia anual regular de los fondos recaudados en esta colecta especial. Habrán sobres especiales. Por favor sean generosos. AGRADECIMIENTO DEL PADRE CYRUS GALLAGHER La Fundación Cristiana para los Niños y los Ancianos quisiera tomar esta oportunidad de agradecerles por su amabilidad en darnos las bienvenida para hablar a nombre de CFCA para los Niños y los Ancianos. Su Fe, abundante y fuerte, y su fidelidad de la continuación a los valores del evangelio de Jesucristo son de hecho una bendición. Soy personalmente agradecido para toda la atención que ustedes me proporcionaron. Si quiera hacer una alianza de amistad con un niños, joven semenarista, anciano u niño de necesidades especiales, favor de llamar 1-800-875-6564, o puede contactar nuestra sitio web: