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OCTOBER 23, 2005
We are to love the Lord with our
whole heart and our neighbor as ourselves
(1st Reading & Psalm & Gospel). By thus
fulfilling these two great commandments,
we hope to become models and imitators
of the Lord (2nd Reading) who gave himself
totally for our sakes.
Our era is marked by an explosion
of information and technology providing us with
24/7 news and reports from all over the world. We
are told that as information becomes more
available and widespread; our attention span is
shorter and shorter. Consequently, we have news
summaries, sound bites, spin doctors.
Our Catholic faith, too, has a rich body of
theology, liturgy, morality, history. Sometimes it can
seem complicated and difficult. There is a sense
that we too need a summary of our teachings and
beliefs. We need to get to the basics and essence
of our faith. We are given that today “You must love
the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your
soul and with all your mind. You must love your
neighbor as yourself.”
Our faith, the Mass, Sacraments, Creed,
theology, morality is all summarized and held
together in this powerful summary of Jesus in answer
to the Pharisees. Love of GoD and love of neighbor
are inseparable and fundamental. Only with God’s
grace to each others example can we know and
live these commandments.
Father John Cantwell
St. James Society Officer Nominations: We are currently looking for folks who would like to be an officer in
the St. James Society. We could use your help. Maybe it's
time to step up to the plate and take positive action for
your Christian Community. Nominating committee consists
of Dot Mathias, Dee Howe and Trish Lyons. Contact one of
them if you are interested or know someone else who is.
Crafts Fair: Crafters continue to meet on Wednesdays
from 10:00 to 2:00 p.m. Join them and help with projects or
do something at home and donate it to our Craft Fair. The
date for the Fair will be the first week-end in December...
the 3rd and 4th. Anything you would like to donate, please
bring it to the church on the Sunday after Thanksgiving or
during the week of November 27th through December 2nd.
Questions... contact Dot Mathias at 333-0607.
Yard Sale: postponed until Spring...hold onto your
stuff... please no televisions, microwaves or clothes.
FOCUS: FOCUS is an organization of churches on the
Divide that distributes clothing to the needy. There is a
storefront in Garden Valley across from the Golden
Gecko Nursery. Stop by and see if you can volunteer an
hour or two each month. They need help.
Blankets, blankets and more blankets...we continue to
collect blankets for the Divide Food Closet and for anyone
you know who could use one or two. If you have need of bedding, check with Dot Mathias and find out what is available.
Food Donations: Continue to bring in your food donations
(or buy MarVal scrip from St. James and then donate it).
Baskets will be put together for Thanksgiving and
Christmas. Do you know someone who could use food?
Please contact Dot Mathias, she can help.
Thank you, thank you...thank you to the St. James
Society Board for their continual service to our
church. It is much appreciated.
Questions, comments, Trish Lyons at 622-5299
Saint Projects: The Saint Project meeting is November
5th at 1 p.m. in Gurnell Hall.
Proyecto sobre un santo: La reunión de Proyecto Santo es el 5 de noviembre a la 1 p.m. en Salón de Gurnell.
Confirmation Sponsors: Confirmation candidates must
give the name of the sponsor on or before November
Padrinos de Confirmación: Los candidatos de confirmación deben dar el nombre del padrino en o antes
del 5 de noviembre.
Our list of substitute catechists and aides is
small. If you can help, please call the office and speak
to Mrs. Mindt, Ms. Del Rio or Mrs. Pilney
You may fool those who work above you;
you may fool those who work around you;
but you will rarely fool those who work under you.
held the first Thursday of each month in Room 2 at 7:00
We ask that both parents and godparents please
attend. For information on the class please call Glenn and
Marcelina Jones at 622-7567 or e-mail them at
School Youth Group will be meeting this coming Monday
in the Youth Hall from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. All high school
students are welcome and encouraged to attend. We will
be discussing the power of put downs and the strength
of praise. Join us for some fun, fellowship and food. Call
David or Sandy Danz for more information 622-6507.
October 25th, the Centennial Assembly of the
Fourth degree meets at St. John’s, Folsom at 7:30 p.m.
Members meet to car pool in the upper parking lot from
6:30-6:45 p.m. If you have not attended for a while, this
may be a good time to stop by.
Thursday, October 27th, at 6:30 p.m. we will be
having a pot luck supper in Gurnell Hall. All are welcome.
This dinner is open to all families, prospective members
and guests as well as members. For more information
please contact Karen Rich at 644-6186.
The Monsignor Hayes Council will hold its
monthly business meeting on Thursday, November 3rd.
There will be a first degree exemplification for new
members. As usual, the social will start at 6:00, dinner
at 6:30 and the meeting at 7:30 p.m. in Gurnell Hall.
Any Catholic gentleman 18 years or
older interested in more information about joining our
local council please contact Frank Mindt at 530- 6472932 or David Rich at 530- 644-6186.
PATRIOTISM is a citizen with a moral compass.
“The Lord is near all who call upon Him in faith.”
Psalm 145:18
David A. Rich, Grand Knight
October 29 & 30, 2005
Saturday, 10/29
4:00 p.m. Mass, Placerville
Celebrant: Father John Cantwell
Sacristan: Mark & Becky Keith
Director of Scheduling: Ces Wolary
Lectors: Frank Mindt & Ces Wolary
Altar Servers: Robert Norton & Trevor Watson
Eucharistic Ministers: Bill Flynn, Jack Fourie, Maria Mindt,
Diane Lagorio, Jerry & Lucy Bluemel
Saturday, 10/29
7:00 p.m. Mass en Espanol
Celebrant: Father Eugene Lopez
Sacristan: Raul Arechiga
Lectors: Josephina Garcia y Maria Lopez
Altar Servers: Thomas y Natalie y Jackie
Eucharistic Ministers: Raul y Martha Arechiga y Mirna Taylor
Sunday, 10/30
8:00 a.m. Mass, Placerville
Celebrant: Father John Cantwell
Sacristan: Pete Chavez
Lectors: Al Wolf & Judy Madison
Altar Servers: Dalton Rivas, Lori Knudsen & Morgan Dunbar
Eucharistic Ministers: Art Gregorio, Louise Linhart,
Michael Leonard, Larry Eastburn, Debby Thompson,
Greg Desy, Kathy Cope & Patty Wren
Sunday, 10/30
10:00 a.m. Mass, Placerville
Celebrant: Father John Cantwell
Sacristan: Rosemary Authier
Lectors: Paul Kodelja & Dolores Garcia
Altar Servers: Paul Voss, Chris Chighizola & Matthew Ryan
Eucharistic Ministers:Jerry Schmidt, Lynne Tetzlaff,
Marcelina & Glenn Jones, Marty Soth, Tom Kozlowski,
Vaughn & Vivia Peterson
Sunday, 10/30
10:00 a.m. Mass, Georgetown
Celebrant: Father Eugene Lopez
Sacristan: Marlene Bisson
Lectors: Linda Mason & Trish Lyons
Altar Servers: David & Klye
Eucharistic Ministers: Seth, Dee & Marcia
The Ladies’ Society would like to invite
parishioners to visit Gurnell Hall after Mass to see
the newly refinished floor in the kitchen, pantry and
janitorial hall. This work was done by Mr. Lex Noll and
his crew. Lex is one of the Leaders of Boy Scout
88 which is sponsored by the Knights of
Columbus. Materials and labor was paid by the Ladies’
Society. Our hall is 20 yeats old, and needs some TLC
to keep it in the condition it should be in. Our next
hall project will be to have the kitchen painted and
professionally cleaned.
A big thanks to the “Altar Care Ladies” for
September. They were Youko Dowling, Mary McComb,
Jean Shaver, Kelly Tigue, Nola Bjelk, and Marie Snider.
We will have a catered
Thanksgiving Luncheon and meeting on Thursday, November
3 at 12:00 p.m. in Gurnell Hall. All are invited but reservations are necessary. Please call Norma Blakeman at 6210403 for reservations by October 30. Members will be called.
ITALIAN CULTURE CLUB: The Italian Culture Club is
having a Pot Luck Luncheon on Sunday, November 6 at
1:00 p.m. , in Gurnell Hall. Non members are most
welcome to attend!
GROUP: As we all know, it is the Holy Spirit who is leading our
prayer group. I have just been trying to be His instrument to
facilitate the group. Now I have good news: Joe Callagher
has agreed to alternate with me every other prayer meeting
to direct the flow of the meeting together with our faithful
music minister, John Logue. Thank you Joe and John for being obedient to your calling from God. Maggi. I’m learning
more and more how important the Renewal is for the whole
Church. Pope Benedict XVI thinks so, and John Paul the Great
had this to say about it: “Thanks to the Charismatic Movement,
many Christians, men and women, youths and adults, have rediscovered Pentecost as a living and present reality in their
daily life. I desire that the spirituality of Pentecost be spread
in the church, as a renewed thrust of prayer, holiness, communion and proclamation.” Come find out more about this Friday,
Oct. 28th at 7 pm in Room 3. For more info call Joe at 6228162 or Maggi at 295-8074.
MUSIC MINISTRY: The music ministry of St. Patrick’s is
in need of replenishment. If you love to worship through
music, and you sing and /or play the piano or organ or guitar
PLEASE give your name and phone number to any music minister after any Mass. We would especially like to encourage
teens and young adults to participate in this ministry…
( some of us are getting old! )
MASS OF HEALING AND HOPE: St. John the Evangelist
Parish, 5751 Locust Ave., Carmichael will host Fr. Denis
Wilde, O.S.A., Pastor Associate of Priests for Life. Mass
will be celebrated with a workshop to follow. For information call the Parish Office at 916-483-8454.
OCT. 24-30, 2005
Rom 8:12-17; Lk 13:10-17
Rom 8:18-25; Lk 13:18-21
Rom 8:26-30; Lk 13:22-30
Rom 8:31b-39; Lk 13:31-35
Eph 2:19-22; Lk 6:12-16
Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Lk 14:1, 7-11
Mal 1:14b — 2:2b, 8-10; Ps 131;
1 Thes 2:7b-9, 13; Mt 23:1-12
MASS INTENTIONS October 24-28, 2005
+Marilee McComb By Mary McComb
+Camilla Burt by Arnold & Marlene Van Winden
+Angela & Marcello Zandona by Luciano Zandona
+Marian Flynn by Bill Flynn
+Leonard Kopp by Mary Kopp
+Thomas & Angelo family by the Eastman family
+James Richard by Doreen Richard
+William B. Fanning by Joan E. Fanning
+Paul Richard by Doreen Richard
+Marian Burke by John & Chris Murphy
Ruth Campos by Ces & Lee Wolary
Pray for the sick and troubled of our parish: Norma Blakeman,
Msgr. Patrick Nolan, Jose Sanchez, Joseph Harmon, Edythe Olson,
Elizabeth Pueschel, Joe Adamo, Greg Osborn,Bill Huelman, Bill &
Billie Mitchell, Lucille Mosbacher, Katie O’Keefe, Armando
Samaniego, Ann Johnson,Jan Thomas, Yvonne Clements, Mark
Sisneros, Leona Abel, Agnes Morris, Jose & Hilda Duarte, Estelle
Mahoney, Christine Hatch, Ed Tirappelle, Amy Heilman, Chris
Martin, Jim Hassett & Lambert Cacciotti.
Trigesimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Octubre 23, 2005
Amamos al Señor con todo el corazón, y a nuestro
prójimo como a nosotros mismos (1st Lectura, Salmo
y Evangelio). Así damos cumplimiento a estos dos
grandes mandamientos, esperando
ser modelos e
imitadores del Señor (2nd Lectura) quién se dio
totalmente así mismo por nuestro bien.
Nuestra era esta marcada por una explosión de
información y tecnología que nos proveen las 24
horas del día y los 7 días de la semana, con las
noticias y los reportes de todo el mundo. Se nos dice
que como la información viene a ser más disponible y
extiende mas ampliamente nuestro punto de atención
es cada vez más corto. Consecuentemente, tenemos
resúmenes de noticias, y sonidos, penetrantes, lista de
doctores etc.
Nuestra Fe católica, tiene también un conjunto de
riquezas como: la Teología, Liturgia, Moral, e
Historia etc. Algunas veces esto puede parecer
complicado y difícil. Hay también un sentimiento de
que necesitamos un resumen de nuestras enseñanzas y
creencias. Necesitamos tomar lo básico y esencial de
nuestra fe. Estamos llamados hoy: a amar al Señor tu
Dios con todo tu corazón, y con toda tu alma y con
toda tu mente. Y amar a tu prójimo como a ti mismo.
Nuestra Fe, la Misa, los Sacramentos, el Credo, la
Teología, la Moral etc., esta todo esto reunido
conjuntamente en este poderoso resumen de Jesús en
su respuesta a los Fariseos: El amor de de Dios y el
amor al vecino es inseparable y fundamental.
Solamente con la Amor a Dios y amor al prójimo; dos
amores que son inseparables y fundamentales.
Solamente con la gracia de Dios y el ejemplo de cada
uno a los demás; podemos conocer y vivir estos
Padre Cantwell
Rom 8:12-17; Lc 13:10-17
Martes: Rom 8:18-25; Lc 13:18-21
Miércoles: Rom 8:26-30; Lc 13:22-30
Rom 8:31b-39; Lc 13:31-35
Viernes: Ef 2:19-22; Lc 6:12-16
Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Lc 14:1, 7-11
Domingo: Mal 1:14b — 2:2b, 8-10; Sal 131(130);
1 Tes 2:7b-9, 13; Mt 23:1-12
En el salon viejo de la Parroquia tenemos Misa todos los
Miercoles a las 6:00 pm y el grupo de oracion a las
7:00pm. Y en el mismo sitio se reune el grupo juvenil
Hispano, todos los viernes de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm.
Las clases Pre-bautismales son los primeros martes
de cada mes en el salon Gurnell a las 7;00pm. Si
alguna persona adulta no ha sido bautizada, o no
ha hecho su primera comunion o confirmacion,
puede comunicarse con el sacerdote, ya que se van
a iniciar unas clases de preparacion para los
adultos, para que puedan recibir estos
Los grupos religiosos separados de la Iglesia, no
admiten las imágenes, porque toman al pie de la letra
una frase de las sagradas escrituras que dice: No te
harás imágenes de nada de cuanto existe en la tierra
(Ex 20,4). Ellos no admiten imágenes de santos pero en
cambio si tienen estatuas de héroes, retratos de
políticos, cuadros y afiches de deportistas etc. Los
católicos sabemos que podemos tener imágenes; pero
no para adorarlas, porque no adoramos sino a Dios.
Las imagenes nos recuerdan a un gran protector que
tenemos en el cielo, un santo o la Santísima Virgen,
que además interceden por nosotros ante Dios para
pedir por nuestras necesidades etc.
1. La Iglesia católica viene directamente desde los
tiempos de los Apóstoles: a través de los 264
Papas que han existido. En cambio los
protestantes aparecieron solo hace 400 años por
medio de unos sacerdotes que se revelaron
contra el Papa y se casaron, ellos fueron:
Calvino Lutero y etc.
2. La Iglesia católica ha producido más de 26
millones de Santos. En todos los tiempos y en
las más diversas profesiones y oficios, la Iglesia
ha producido y sigue produciendo santos
admirables. Una religión que lleva a sus fieles
fácilmente a la santidad, es digna de de ser
preferida a las demás. La mayoría de los santos
que tiene la Iglesia católica, fueron martirizados y
murieron declarando que su religión no la
abandonaban por nada en el mundo.
Los milagros siempre han acompañado a la Iglesia
católica. Dios habla por medió de los milagros. Desde
San Pedro, que hacia tantos milagros que bastaba con
que su sombra tocara a un enfermo para que se curara;
como nos lo recuerda el Libro de los Hechos de los
apóstoles en el capitulo 5 y versículo 15, hasta santos
actuales como son Juan Bosco que Dios concedió a
través de el mas de 800 milagros. Siempre Dios ha
bendecido a la Iglesia católica con infinidad de
milagros. Basta ir por ejemplo a Fátima y a Lourdes y
ver que admirables curaciones se obtienen allí por
medio de la Santísima Virgen… NOTA: cuando
hablamos de milagros, es bueno aclarar que Dios
concede esos milagros a la Santísima Virgen Maria y a
los santos a favor de los hombres, por sus ruegos e
intercesiones. Por eso cuando pedimos la ayuda de la
Santísima Virgen Maria o de los santos, siempre
decimos ruega por nosotros. Porque nosotros sabemos
que Dios es el que tiene el poder y este poder lo hace
llegar a nosotros por los ruegos de aquellos que ocupan
un lugar privilegiado junto a Dios como son los santos
y la Santísima Virgen Maria. Como Dios ama
profundamente a la Santísima Virgen y a los santos,
por eso es muy importante y muy saludable para
nosotros pedir su intercesión, porque Dios los escucha
a ellos y les concede los favores que nosotros les
pedimos. Si Dios premia a la Iglesia católica con
grandes milagros, debe ser que la religión católica es
su preferida.
Invitamos a la comunidad Hispana a adorar al Santisimo
de lunes a viernes de 9:00 am a 4:00 pm. Escojan la hora
y el dia que mejor les convenga.