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St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation
Catholic Church
1062 Charnelton St., Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: 541-342-1139 Fax: 541-334-6996
November 13, 2016
The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 13, 2016
Jesus teaches that His disciples will be persecuted as a necessary prelude to the parousia. Through their
perseverance, they will emerge victorious when the Lord comes again. As we await the Day, let us
conscientiously fulfill our Christian obligations.
This week’s All Souls listing for the month of November includes:
Bertha Bachmeier
Genaro Cura, Jr. & Sr.
Peggy Johnston
Duane Profe
Jake Bachmeier
Norma Cura
Henry & Bernadine Klenke
Janie Profe
Johanna Bachmeier
Paul Genaro Cura
Robert Edmond Klenke
Exequiel Rabot
John Bachmeier
Fred & Anna Diester
Klenke & Deister Family
Natividad Rabot
Joseph Bachmeier
Annie Doyle
Jozef Kranz
Boscoe Redder
Christine Baher
Claiborne & Patricia Dugas
Maksymilian Kranz
Alice Renzo
Faye Barrus
Julia Filippelli Moss
Michalina Kranz
Ken Rodakowski
John & Mary Bayle Watts
Andrew Fisher
Wieslawa Kranz
Meave Rodgers Conaghan
Julia Bayle Watts
Bernadine Fisher
Maggie Alberta Lanham
Charles Schelburne
Gracie Bennett
Catherine Fisher
Frank Latosweski
Deborah Schelburne
Carl & Julia Blume
Joseph Fisher
Julie Lieck
Margaret Schelburne
Mary Blume
Nancy Fizzolio
Jerry Marleau
Adam Schmitt
Blume & Whalen Aunts & Uncles
Thomas Fizzolio
Veronica Marleau
Anna Marie Schmitt
Edna Mae Brinkman
Barbara Gardner
Harriett Marshall
John Schmitt
Harry Brinkman
Michael Gardner
Esther McVey
John & Frances Schmitt
Anton Brunader
Scott Gardner
Christopher Miller
Julia Schmitt
Daniel Brunader
James “Naru” Garvella
James E. Miller
Wendell Schmitt
Imelda Brunader
James Vincent Garvella
Mary Edna Miller
Father Sheddy
Floyd Cable
Robert Gireau
Charles Moss
Edward Shelburn
Mary Carney
Barbara Glasenapp
Julia Moss
Margaret Shelburn
Bertie Catanjal
David Glasenapp
Mamie Moss
Ralph Smith
Rosa Catanjal
Ila Glasenapp
Samuel A. Moss
Al & Isabella Steiner
Catheryn Chouinard
Katherine Goldsby
Gloria Moss Gireau
John & Mary Steiner
Gene Chouinard
Kathryn Lois Hagerman
Ray Mulder
Fortunata Tabamo
Julie Chouinard
Dorothy Ann Hamilton
Carol Niradi
Servillano Tabamo
Rosealee Clemo
Edward Hamilton
Colby Noble
Athen Vinolus
James Coleman
Jenny Hamilton
John Nowak
John Jack Watts
Charles Conaghan
Grandpa Heiderman
Ray Nowak
George Watts Moss
Father Connaly
Helen Heiderman
Sophie Nowak
Ruth Watts Moss
Arthur Coplin
Deceased of J. Hollis Family
Thomas Nowak
Ed Weber, Jr.
Jerry Coplin
Father Hozen
Jack O’Neil
Bernard Wolf
Vesta Coplin
Decease of John Hueble Fam.
Kathleen O’Neil
Leona Wolf
Janet Couture
Leon Idaszewski
Kelly O’Neil
Theresa Wolf
Margery Cox
Wanda Idaszewski
Gerald Pavell
Maria Woolley
Marie Cross
Father Jack
Jeffry Pavell
Tom Woolley
November 14 – November 20, 2016
…all those who were baptized, including,
Daily Morning Masses
Addison Conway
M ~ Intentions of Fran Sondag
T ~ Gladys Hammar †
W ~ Phil Heidt †
T ~ Intentions of David Montgomery
F ~ Frank McDonald †
S ~ Intentions of Mary Gilster
…all those who are ill, including,
Susan Altenhofen, Marge Catha, Sandra Cortello,
Rick Dunham, Gene Fanning, Dennis Freer, Bruce Hollister,
Terry Ianora, Ron Icenogle, Viola Jorgensen, Frances Keller,
William Keller, Vicki Kelly, Jim Kinsman, Florence Kohout,
Daily Afternoon Masses
Richard LaChance, Craig Leadon, Ernestine O’Brien,
M ~ Intentions of Susan Altenhofen
T ~ Joseph & Victoria Schwartz †
W ~ Intentions of Colleen Spidell
T ~ Catholic Daughters
F ~ Enrique Pusung †
Elizabeth Peterson, Grace Retford, Scarlet Rudy Craig,
Peggy Staalberg, Vincent Tapp, Elsa Valdenegro,
Margaret Vinolus and Julie Woodworth
Sunday Masses
 In Loving Memory 
5:30 pm Vigil ~ Intentions of Mark Louis Mitchell
7:30 ~ Intentions of Bob & Corinne Palmer & Family
9:00 ~ Gen Hainley †
11:00 ~ Intentions of Terry Ianora
1:00 ~ For Parishioners
5:30 LifeTeen ~ Intentions of Laura Loock
…all those who have died, including,
Maurice Vitus, Frances Gomez
And Eva Mae Ratz
Parish Staff
Pastor ~ Rev. Ron Nelson
Parochial Vicar ~ Rev. Edgar Rivera
Pastoral Associate ~ Deacon Tom Altenhofen
Business Manager ~ Laura Olguin
Director of Outreach Ministry ~ Lilly Hagen
Director of Music ~ David Phillips
Director of Religious Ed. ~ Julie Rutledge-Sanchez
Parish Secretary ~ Sally Ross
Sacramental Registrar ~ Margaret Fleming
LifeTeen Coordinator ~ Leslie Jones
Lead Custodian ~ James DuChateau
Assistant Custodian ~ Joe Crandall
Mass Schedule
Monday – Friday ~ 6:55 am & 12:15 pm
Saturday ~ 8:00 am
Sunday Vigil (Saturday evening) ~ 5:30 pm
Sunday ~ 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am
1:00 pm (Spanish), 5:30 pm LifeTeen
National Holidays ~ 9:00 am
11:00 – noon ~ Wednesday & Friday
4:00 pm & 7:00 pm ~ Saturday
Server & Lector Schedule
The next schedule will be from December 19, 2016 through March 19, 2017. If you know of times during that period that
you can’t do your ministry, please make note of it in your online profile before the schedule is generated on December 8,
2016. If you want to serve or read on a certain date, please call Sally at 541-342-1139.
November 14 – November 20, 2016
November 14 – November 20, 2016
6:55 am Mon. – Fri. ~ Mike Sandgathe
8:00 am Sat. ~ Mike Sandgathe
12:15 pm Mon. - Fri ~ Andrew Mollahan
6:55 am Mon. - Fri. ~ Julie Copley
8:00 am Sat. ~ Julie Copley
12:15 pm Mon. - Fri. ~ Dave Tobin
5:30 pm Vigil ~ Oliver Tracer, Olivia Tracer
7:30 am ~ Knights of Columbus
9:00 am ~ James Harvey, Elian Mora, Becket Nelson
11:00 am ~ Wyatt Hurlimann, Dylan Hurlimann, Henry Schramm
5:30 pm LifeTeen ~ Eli Brown, Marie Coy, Samuel Coy
5:30 pm Vigil ~ Frank Bocci, Judy Spearin
7:30 am ~ Knights of Columbus
9:00 am ~ Geri Heideman, Sharon Hainley
11:00 am ~ Lloyd Biby, Greg Buzzy
5:30 pm LifeTeen ~ Andy Fudge
Sunday, November 20
Sunday, November 20
“First 1000 Days” Campaign
A Catholic Culture of Life Initiative
Catholic Young Adults (ages 21-39)
ECYA meets every Thursday night at St. Mary at 6:45 pm to
go over the following Sunday’s Mass readings. It’s a great
way to prepare for Mass, and to become a part of a
community of young Catholic adults with joys and struggles
just like you.
For information about ECYA events and happenings, contact
541-270-9329 or
Where All Are Welcomed and Loved With Mercy
Day 609 ~ Nothing is worth losing your inner peace,
especially when faced with the challenges of parenting. Take
action as circumstances require, but never surrender your
inner peace. Stop. Breathe deeply. Close your eyes and
breathe deeply again. Then, and only then, take action from
a peaceful heart.
1st Way Office Hours
St. Mary’s youth are heading to the Steubenville San Diego
Conference again this coming July, 2017. The trip is an
amazing, faith-filled conference for teens to grow in their
faith. We want you to go with us. The trip is open to all high
school age students. Please contact Leslie Jones at 541953-7823 or at her email at Signups for the trip have begun and the trip will fill very fast!
Tuesday through Thursday ~ 10:00am to 4:00 pm
1st Way Mobile Unit
Tuesdays ~ 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm at the Newman Center,
1850 Emerald St., Eugene
Wednesdays ~ 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm at
Catholic Community Services, 1025 G Street, Springfield
Food Box Drive
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
St. Mary’s Christmas
annual Food Box
Drive has begun. The
freezers and barrels will be in place to collect turkeys, hams,
chickens, canned food and non-perishable food. Donated
items will go to St. Vincent de Paul’s annual Holiday Food
the church will again be adorned with many
If you
to sponsor
not leave
in the
Drop meat off
at the Parish Office during office hours or at
James or
of the
in the hours
or –
after the
are basket
to the
Friday, 9-5. All food donations should be dropped off before
fill out
the front9,
the envelope with the name and circle the “in
memory (deceased)” or “honor of (living)”. The names will be
listed in the bulletin at the end of the month. Suggested
donation: $25
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas will be meeting on
Thursday, November 17, 2016. All Catholic women are
invited to join us for 12:15 Mass followed by a potluck
lunch/meeting at St. Mary Parish Center. Call Julia Kelso at
541-344-6851 for more information.
The CDA of the Americas 2017
National Education Contest
This contest is open to all children, 4th – 12th grade. The
themes are, “Whatever You Do for the Least of My Brethren,
You Do for Me” and “ Helping the Needy Where I Live”
(chose one). For a List of official rules and entry form, visit
our website: or contact Julia Kelso,
Regent at: Entries are due
by February 8, 2017.
The new year is rapidly approaching. All events are being
programmed into our scheduling calendar. Please call Sally,
541-342-1139, to confirm all scheduled events/activities at
Mary’s facilities.
This includes meetings,
prayer groups,
of Life/Pro-Life
special events,
you. of
of Life/Pro-Life
is etc.
in great
CDA National Scholarship
The National Court will award two $1,000.00 scholarships
to an 8 grade student entering the 9 grade at a Catholic
High School in the fall of 2017. Requirements are:
1. You must be a Catholic (male or female). You do
not have to be a relative of a CDA member.
2. You must be attending a Catholic (not home
setting) High School in the fall of 2017.
3. You must write an essay of approximately 250-300
words, typed and double-spaced, entitled, “Ways to
Serve God Through my Catholic Faith.”
To get the Entry Cover Sheet, please visit the national
committee members who would help our ministry to be more
active in the pro-life movement and pray to end abortion.
Please contact Eric Walter at 541-554-2074. Meetings are
every third Thursday at 6:00
pm in 6,
Luke classroom of the
Parish Center.
All Saints Day
Parish Pay
Misc. Income
Catholic Campaign for
Human Development
Perpetual Adoration
Sunday 2-3 am
No Coverage
Monday 3-4 am
Friday 12-1 am
Sunday 3-4 am
Tuesday 11-noon
Friday 11-noon
Sunday 11-noon
Tuesday 11 pm-12
Saturday 8-9 am
Sunday 1-2 pm
Wednesday 11 pm-12
Saturday 10-11 pm
Thursday 9-10 am
Saturday 11 pm-12
One important way that we participate in Christ’s kingdom
of service is by caring for the poor. The Catholic Campaign
for Human Development (CCHD) is the U.S. Bishops’
program for addressing the root causes of poverty in our
country. Now in its fifth decade, CCHD has funded
hundreds of projects in the Church of Western Oregon that
empower the poor to come together and solve their
community problems. CCHD funds projects that produce
real and lasting change. The collection to fund this
Campaign is November 19 and 20, 2016.
Total Surrender
The Teachings of St. Teresa of Calcutta
Olive Wood Carvings
Olive wood carvings will be available after all the
Masses this weekend. The proceeds will support Catholic
families in the Holy Land. The carvings are made by more
than 80 families in Bethlehem.
Day of Recollection at Mount Angel Abbey
Given by Father Joseph Nguyen, OSB
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Thursday, December 8, 2016
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
$25 per person
Mass, conferences, lunch & refreshments
Information and reservations:
503-845-3025 or
All Souls Envelopes
All Souls envelopes are located at the entrances of the
church. Please clearly print names of those you want
remembered during All Souls month. Have the envelopes
returned to the office no later than November 30. Each
week we will have a list in the Bulletin of the names we
have received.
Business Manager – St. Mary Catholic
Position at St. Paul
St. Mary Catholic Church has an opening for a full time,
12 month, benefited Business Manager. Must be proficient
in QuickBooks, have a strong understanding of general
accounting principles (GAP) including double entry
accounting, and demonstrate office computer skills
including Excel, Word and Data Base Systems. Experience
with full cycle accounting, budgeting and financial analysis
is expected, along with great verbal skills to convey data
and analysis to leadership team. An accounting degree is
required, with three to five years of experience in the
accounting environment. Practicing Catholic preferred.
Bilingual: English/Spanish preferred.
Send Resume or inquiries to:
St. Paul Catholic Church is seeking candidates for the
position of Pastoral Associate. This is a full time,
position with benefits.
A complete job
description is available at :
Email resumes to
Charismatic Healing Mass
Experience the healing power of the Holy Spirit at the
Charismatic Healing Mass on Friday, December 2, 2016, at
7:00 pm at St. Mary Catholic Church. The guest celebrant
will be Fr. Charles Wood from Portland, assisted by St.
Mary’s priests. For more information contact Dave Olszyk at
541-689-8070 or Jacqui Martinez at 541-513-2607.
Catholic Community Services
Would you like to learn more about recent refugee
resettlement efforts in Eugene/Springfield?
Community Services is holding a Community Fundraising
Dinner on Thursday, November 17, 2016, from 6:00 – 8:00
pm at St. Mary Episcopal Church. RESERVATIONS ARE
REQUIRED. Tickets are $25. Contact
or call 541-345-3628, extention 313. Toc SoneoulayGillespie, Director of Refugee Resettlement for Catholic
Charities of Portland is the guest speaker and will share her
personal refugee success story.
Knitting & Crocheting Class
3:30 – 5:15 pm ~ St. Joseph Room
Beginning on Saturday, November 19, 2016, Kathy
Bosteder will be teaching a knitting and crocheting class. It
will continue every Saturday until the end of May.
Accompany Children
Support Our Sisters
We ask that a parent, adult or older teen accompany
children to the restrooms during Mass. Thank you.
On behalf of the Carmelite Sisters, the auxiliary is selling
2017 calendars with beautiful pictures of the Sisters and
their everyday life. A $10 tax deductible donation is
suggested. In addition to receiving this lovely calendar, you
can fill out a prayer intention card and 12 Masses will be
said for all of your special prayer intentions during 2017.
There will be one Mass per month for all of the intentions.
The Carmelite Auxiliary is also selling raffle tickets for a
beautiful 17 piece nativity set signed by Thomas Kinkade.
Tickets are $1 each and may be purchased in the Parish
Office or after the Masses on November 20, 2016. Please
support our loving Sisters and the work they do. For more
information, contact Kirsten at 541-953-9272.
High School Discernment Retreat
Called to Greatness
December 16th, 7:00 pm until December 17th, 8:00 pm
All High School Youth
Fr. Bernard Youth Center, Mount Angel, Oregon
Cost: $65 if registered by December 4
$75 if registered after December 4
Registration deadline: December 12, 2016
Página en Español Noviembre 13, 2016
Información en Español Lunes, Martes y Viernes entre 9:00 am y 12:00
† XXXlll Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario †
Lucas 21,5-19
Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica
Hoy Jesús habla de cuando lo que pasara cuando el regrese.
Y también les dice que estén preparados y que muchos
vendrán usurpando su nombre.
lll El Conocimiento de Dios Según la Iglesia
37. A pesar de que la razón humana, hablando simplemente,
pueda verdaderamente, por sus fuerzas y su luz naturales,
llegar a un conocimiento verdadero y cierto de Dios personal,
que protege y gobierna el mundo por su providencia, así
como la ley natural puesta por el Creador en nuestras almas,
sin embargo hay muchos obstáculos que impiden a esta
misma razón usar eficazmente y con fruto su poder natural;
porque las verdades que se refieren a Dios y a los hombres
sobrepasan absolutamente el orden de las cosas sensibles y
cuando deben traducirse en actos y proyectarse en la vida
exigen que el hombre se entregue y renuncie a si mismo. El
espíritu humano, para adquirir semejantes verdades, padece
dificultad por parte de los sentidos y de la imaginación, así
como de los malos deseos nacidos del pecado original. De
ahí procede que en semejantes materias los hombres se
persuaden fácilmente de la falsedad o al menos de la
incertidumbre de las cosas que no quiiesen
que fueran verdaeras.
Muchos vendrán y llamaran a la puerta de tu casa,
especialmente los domingos y dirán que van a
ensenarles el verdadero cristianismo, les dirán que
estudien la Biblia con ellos porque tienen la fórmula
infalible para salvarse, otros dirán que estamos entrando
en una nueva era de amor y paz, y que hay muchos
maestros e instructores reencarnados, que dirán: Yo soy
el Mesías , el tiempo ha llegado pero no les hagan caso.
Campaña “Primeros 1000 Días”
Cultura de Iniciativa Católica de Vida
Donde todos son acogidos y amados por la misericordia
Día 609 ~ Perder la paz interior no vale la pena,
especialmente cuando nos enfrentamos a los retos que trae
la crianza de los hijos.
Hay que tomar las medidas
necesarias de acuerdo a las circunstancias, pero nunca
renunciar a su paz interior.
profundamente. Cierra los ojos y respirare profundamente
otra vez. Entonces, y sólo entonces, desde un corazón
sereno, tome las medidas que tiene que tomar.
La Campaña Católica para el
Desarrollo Humano
La colecta de la próxima semana para la campaña Católica
para el Desarrollo Humano (CCHD) necesita su ayuda.
CCHD fue fundada para romper el ciclo de pobreza en los
Estados Unidos otorgando fondos a organizaciones que
ayudan a las personas a ayudarse a sí mismas. Con su
tradición de mejoras en la educación, en la vivienda y en el
desarrollo económico de las comunidades, CCHD continúa
teniendo un impacto positivo en las comunidades en todo el
país. Su contribución servirá para defender la dignidad
humana y llegar a todos los que viven al margen. Por favor,
contribuya a la colecta para CCHD.
Ven y experimenta el Amor Sanador del Señor. Misa de
sanción Charismatica Viernes 2 de Diciembre del 2016, con
los celebrantes: Padre Chuck Wood de la Iglesia Católica
San Wenceslao de Scappose, Oregon y la Hermandad de
Alabanzas. De la Iglesia Santa Maria nos acompañarán los
padres Ron Nelson, Edgar Rivera y Bryce McProud. Lugar:
Iglesia Santa Maria. Hora: 7:00 pm. Organizado por el
Ministerio La Esperanza y Grupo de Oración Carismático de
la Iglesia Santa Maria. Para más información contactar a
Jacqui Martinez al 541-513-2607 o a Dave Olszyk al 541689-8070.
Requisitos para los Bautizos
Presentación de Beyond War Northwest
Antes de bautizar a su niño/a los PADRES necesitan:
† Ser miembros activos y estar registrados en la iglesia por lo
menos 6 meses antes del bautizo.
† Registrarse para asistir a las pláticas Pre-Bautismales
Los PADRINOS también deben haber asistido a las pláticas
Pre-Bautismales, y cumplir con lo siguiente:
† Haber recibido los Sacramentos de Iniciación:
Bautizo, Confesión, Primera Comunión y Confirmación.
† Tener por lo menos 16 años de edad.
† Ser miembros activos de la Iglesia Católica.
† Si están casados debe ser por la Iglesia Católica.
El jueves, 17 de noviembre a las 7:00 pm, la organización
local Más Allá de la Guerra ofrece una charla para explorar
las ideas y las medidas prácticas que podemos tomar para
ayudar la humanidad a encontrar un camino hacia la paz
mundial. La Sra. Kara Steffensen y otros miembros del
grupo, presentarán varios temas por ejemplo el encontrarse
en conflictos es inevitable en la vida, pero el recurrir a la
violencia y la guerra no lo son. También hablarán de los
principios fundamentales de Más Alla de la Guerra: 1) La
humanidad es una sola entidad interrelacionada e
interdependiente. 2) El fin no justifita los medios, al contrario,
los medios determinan los fines. 3) La guerra es anticuada y
obsoleta. Compartiránunos consejos prácticos para resolver
los conflictos personales y como mantener una actitud de
buena voluntad hacia los demás. La charla concluye con
ideas de cómopodemos unir nuestros esfuerzos para
construir un mundo futuro sin la guerra.
Confesiones en Español
Miércoles 16 de Noviembre 11:00 am a 12:00 pm
Viernes 18 de Noviembre 11:00 am a 12:00 pm
Sábado 19 de Noviembre 4:00 a 5:00 y 7:00 a 8:00 pm
Sunday, November 13
Monday, November 14
Tuesday, November 15
Wednesday, November 16
Thursday, November 17
Friday, November 18
Saturday, November 19
8:00 † Mass
3:00 ~ Spanish Choir Practice
4:00 ~ Reconciliation
5:30 † Vigil Mass
7:00 ~ Reconciliation
Sunday, November 20
KC Breakfast/ Carmelite Raffle
7:30 † Mass
9:00 † Mass/Children’s Liturgy
11:00 † Mass
1:00 † Misa
2:30 ~ Spanish Religious Ed.
4:00 ~ Charismatic Prayer
5:30 † LifeTeen Mass
Monday, November 21
Tuesday, November 22
Wednesday, November 23
Thursday, November 24
Coffee & Donuts
Olive Wood Sales
7:30 † Mass
9:00 † Mass/Children’s Liturgy
10:00 ~ English Baptismal Prep.
11:00 † Mass
1:00 † Misa
2:30 ~ Spanish Religious Ed.
4:00 ~ Charismatic Prayer
5:30 † LifeTeen Mass
6:40 ~ LifeNight
6:55 † Mass
12:15 † Mass
1:00 ~ CDA Potluck Meeting
5:30 ~ Choir Practice (9:00)
6:00 ~ Gospel of Life/Pro-Life Mtg.
7:00 ~ Beyond War NW (Spanish)
6:55 † Mass
12:15 † Mass
6:30 ~Religious Ed./Edge
Friday, November 25
9:00 † Mass
Parish Office Closed
6:55 † Mass
12:15 † Mass
6:30 ~Religious Ed./Edge
6:55 † Mass
9:15 ~ DJM
12:15 † Mass
5:30 ~ St. Mary Conf./SVdP
7:00 ~ RCIA
6:55 † Mass
11:00 ~ Reconciliation
12:15 † Mass
6:55 † Mass
12:15 † Mass
5:30 ~ Choir Practice (9:00)
6:30 ~ Choir Practice (11:00)
6:55 † Mass
11:00 ~ Reconciliation
12:15 † Mass
6:55 † Mass
11:00 ~ Reconciliation
12:15 † Mass
1:00 ~ Marian Prayer
6:00 ~ Choir Practice (11:00)
6:30 ~ Confirmation Class
7:30 ~ Play Rehearsal
Thanksgiving Day
9:00 † Mass
Parish Office Closed
Saturday, November 26
Sunday, November 27
8:00 † Mass
3:00 ~ Spanish Choir Practice
4:00 ~ Reconciliation
5:30 † Vigil Mass
7:00 ~ Reconciliation
Coffee & Donuts/CDA Advent
Wreath Sales
7:30 † Mass
9:00 † Mass/Children’s Liturgy
11:00 † Mass
1:00 † Misa
2:30 ~ Spanish Religious Ed.
4:00 ~ Charismatic Prayer
5:30 † LifeTeen Mass
Advertiser of the Month (October)
Santa Clara Animal Hospital
Dr. Sean Barrett & Dr. Cary Barrett
541-688-0434 ~ 2510 River Road, Eugene, OR 97404
Monday, November 28
6:55 † Mass
12:15 † Mass
6:30 ~Religious Ed./Edge