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Iglesia Católica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar
400 Church Street, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
(650) 726-4674
Office Hours: Open Monday—Friday
9:00am– 4:30pm
Rev. Joseph Previtali
Mass Schedule
Monday through Friday: 8:00 am
5:00 pm - 8:00pm (Español)
8:00 am - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (Español)
6:00 pm
Rev. Gabriel Wankar
Parochial Vicar
8:00 am -
Rev. Charles Onubogu
In Residence
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Every Friday after 8:00 am MassBenediction 12:00 pm
First Friday of the Month
after 8:00 am Mass - Benediction 6:30pm
Religious Education
(650) 726-5587
K-6th Grade
Claudia Miramontes Ext. 210
Youth Confirmation
Elizabeth Neapolitan Ext. 209
Encargada de Ensayo para Bodas:
Juana Ruano
RCIA/ Adult Faith Formation:
Rev. Joseph Previtali (English)
Educación/ Sacramentos para Adultos
Carlos y Celina Rivera (Español)
Parish Secretary: Paula Martinez
Fax: (650) 726-0980
Confessions Schedule
Monday (Lunes) 6:00- 7:00 pm
8:45- 9:30 pm
Tuesday (Martes) 7:00- 7:45 am
Wednesday (Miércoles) 7:00– 7:50am
Thursday (Jueves) 7:00– 7:50 am
5:30- 6:30 pm
Friday (Viernes) 6:00- 7:00 pm
9:00- 10:00 pm
St. Anthony's — Pescadero
696 North Street, Pescadero, CA 94060
Saturday: 6:00 pm (Español)
Sunday: 9:00 am
Our Lady of Refuge — La Honda
146 Sears Ranch Road,
La Honda, CA 94020
Sunday: 10:30 am
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
What would our lives be like without Jesus?
The Season of Advent invites us to keep in our hearts that time before the Coming of the Lord in His profound love in
the Incarnation. We are called in today's liturgy to feel deeply the desire for Jesus to come to us.
In the traditional epistle for today, St. Paul urges us to cast off the deeds of darkness and to put on the armor of light. He
is teaching us that, up until now, we have very much been living as if Jesus had not yet come to our souls. In our sins,
we have lived in the darkness that is separate from the Light of Christ. When Jesus comes to our souls by grace - and it
is this coming of the Lord for which we long daily - He shines His saving Light into every part of our soul and He fills
us with the joy of possessing Him in divine love.
In the traditional gospel for today , we are invited to desire and to look for the Lord's Second Coming at the end of time.
Thus, we see already on the First Sunday of Advent that this holy season celebrates and deepens our desire for what our
Catholic tradition calls the three "advents" ("coming towards") of Christ: His advent in the humble manger of Bethlehem, His advent into our souls by grace, and His advent in Kingly glory at the end of the world.
We pray during this season for an increase in the theological virtue of hope, whereby we desire from the depths of our
soul all three advents of Christ. This holy desire will be fulfilled finally when we enter into His Glory and Joy in the
Beatific Vision of Heaven. Today we arise from the drowsiness of chasing after joys apart from Him and awaken to the
dazzling Light of the pure Joy of pleasing our Beloved, Who is coming to us, His Bride. Advent is the springtime of the
Church. Today the Church is young. May she rejoice in Christ in each one of our hearts this Advent!
Pray for me, Father Joseph Previtali
Parish Announcements
Our Lady of the Pillar
Monday Nights
Adult Catechism with Father Joe
7:30pm—8:30pm @ New Hall
Third Tuesday of the Month
Knights of Columbus Meeting
Old Hall—7:00pm
Tuesday Nights
Bible Study
5:30pm– 7:00pm @ Conference Room
Miércoles por la Noche
Estudio de la Biblia
7:00pm en el Salón Viejo (Old Hall)
Saturday Morning
Legion of Mary Meeting
Conference Room
9:00am– 11:00am
Second Sunday of the Month
Hospitality for 8:00am Mass
Old Hall
Office will be closed
Thursday, November 24th
Friday, November 25th
Thursday, December 11th
Thursday December 8, is the Solemnity of the Immaculate
Concepcion of our Blessed Mother. It is a holy day of obligation which means we attend Mass like on a Sunday. The
Mass schedule is:
Wednesday December 7
7:00pm Bilingual Mass at Our Lady of the Pillar
7:00pm Bilingual Mass at St. Anthony’s (Pescadero)
Tuesday December 8
8:00am English Mass at OLP
3:30pm English Mass at OLP
7:00pm English Mass at Our Lady of
Refuge (La Honda)
7:00pm Misa en Español Nuestra Señora
del Pilar
Pray for Our Parishioners Who are Sick
Sick Relatives & Friends/
Parientes y Amigos Enfermos
Pray that God’s, healing power will fill them
with strength and hope.
Glenn Gonzales, Joe Ashe, Virginia Shea, Raul
Batista, Manuel Arca, Terry R. Fenwick, Geraldine Medigan, Javier Ramos, Marina Williamson, Mickey
Williamson, Alteamor Espejo, Abby Franco, Rachel Thein,
John Romero, Pedro Bautista, Donald Thierry, Shiela Santos,
Shannon Perez, Don Wright, Harvey Koepf, Jena Losch, Sam
Reynal, Duncan Harter, Loretta Duran, Tammy Endsley,
Kathy Repetto, Raquel Corona, Rich Perez, Marie Caloca,
Claire Simonich.
Opportunity to learn more about our
Catholic tradition!
With Fr. Joe Previtali
Thursday, December 22, 2016 at 7:00
pm at St. Anthony’s in Pescadero
All are welcome!
Community Holy Hour after Gregorian
Chant class on December 22,
Class at 7:00pm;
Holy Hour at 8:00pm
Oportunidad para profundizar su conocimiento de
nuestra tradición Católica!
Con Padre Joe Previtali
Jueves, 22 de Diciembre , a las 7:00 pm en la Iglesia de
San Antonio en Pescadero
Todos son bienvenidos!
Tendremos Hora Santa después de la Clases de Canto
Gregoriano, Clase a las 7:00pm; Hora Santa - 8:00pm
Thursday, December 22nd
Christmas Eve Masses
Saturday December 24th
Our Lady Of the Pillar
8:00am Mass in English
5:00 pm Vigil Mass in English
8:00 pm Misa de Vigilia
12:00 am Midnight Mass Sung Latin Mass
St. Anthony’s Pescadero
6:00 pm Misa en Español
Sunday December 25th
Our Lady Of the Pillar
8:00 Mass in English
10:00 Mass in English
12:00 Misa en Español
St. Anthony’s Pescadero
9:00 am Mass in English
Our Lady of Refuge
10:30 am Mass in English
Saturday December 31th
Our Lady Of the Pillar
8:00 am Mass in English
5:00 pm Mass in English
8:00 pm Misa en Español
St. Anthony’s Pescadero
6:00 pm Misa en Español
Your Offerings | Supporting Our Parish
1st Collection 2nd Collection
Our Lady of the Pillar $
Our Lady of Refuge $
St Anthony’s
Second Collection this week: Annual Appeal
December 4:
December 11:
December 18:
December 25:
Building Fund
Retirement for Religious
Annual Appeal
We would like to invite all the people who can sing to
join us for the Christmas Caroling on Sunday, December 11th. at the Lutheran Church.
If you would like to join our choir please contact Mike
Rossi after the 10:00 am Mass on Sundays, or you can
call the Parish office. Rehearsals are Mondays at 7:00
to 9:00pm in the Church.
Diciembre 12, 2016
3:30 am Mañanitas a la Virgen de
4:00 am Presentación de la Obra de las
5:00 am Misa (Español)
7:00 pm Presentación de las apariciones
de la Virgen
8:00 pm Misa (Español)
December 12, 2016
3:30 am Songs to the Virgin of Guadalupe
4:00 am Pageant: The Apparitions
5:00 am Mass (Spanish)
7:00 pm Songs and Pageant: The Apparitions
8:00 pm Mass (Spanish)
The me has come for our annual
St. Vincent de Paul Society Christmas
giving tree. You will find the tree in
the ves bule adorned with tags represen ng a needy child in our community. If you would like to par cipate, simply take a tag from the tree,
purchase a gi , wrap it with the tag
a ached, and return to the office or
dona on box in the ves bule before
December 18.
Mass Schedule and Intentions
Saturday EVENING November 26, 2016
Joaquin Balbina & Maria Coelho +
Maria Rames & Donzilia Melo +
Juan Cabrera +
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
November 27, 2016
Jose & Luz Maria Mora + and Family
Joe Lopes + & Isabel, Jose Gabriel +
For the Parish
Adan Ramos +
Joe Daniel Rocha +
8:00 am
November 28, 2016
Eduardo & Maria Silveira+
Joseph Zellner Jr. +
November 29, 2016
Eduarda Furtado +
Wednesday November 30, 2016
8:00 am
Idalina and Francisco Costa +
December 1st, 2016
9:00 am
Frank Vaz Jr. + and Family
December 2nd, 2016
8:00 am
Antonio & Maria Avila +
8:00 am
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
6:00 pm
December 3rd, 2016
Eduarda Furtado +
Juvenal Melo + and Family
Anne Minoletti (Int.) & Family
Hermanos Hernandez (Int.)
December 4, 2016
Michael Rodriguez + & Family
Manuel Machado + & Family
Joe Daniel Rocha +
Por la parroquia
Frank Vaz Jr. + and Family
St. Anthony’s
6:00pm November 26
9:00am November 27
6:00pm December 3
9:00am December 4
Sal Betancourt +
Amanda Blanco +
Por las Almas del Purgatorio
Bob Monsen +
Our Lady of Refuge
10:30am November 27 August Roelands +
10:30am December 4 Dorothy Wylie +
Children’s baptisms in English are
held the Second Sunday of the
month at 2:00 PM.
Los Bautizos de los niños en Español son: Primer Sábado y Tercer Sábado de el mes a las 11:00
AM. Las clases para los Padres y
Padrinos que desean Bautizar se
llevan a cabo el primer Jueves de
cada mes en el Salón Viejo (Old
Hall) a las 7:00pm.
“Turning Towards the Lord”
On Thursday, December 15,
from 6:30pm-9:00pm
At Our Lady of the Pillar Church
we will have our Advent Parish Retreat. We will begin together in the
church at 6:30 with our welcome and
opening prayer. Then, Fr. James
Moore, from St. Dominic's in San
Francisco, will be giving the talk in English and Monsignor James Kelly, from Menlo Center in Menlo Park,
will be giving the talk in Spanish. Following the talks, we
will gather again in the church for adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament. There will be five priests available
for confession and we will conclude with Benediction.
All are welcome!
"Volviéndose hacia el Señor"
El jueves 15 de diciembre, de 6:30 pm a 9:00 pm, en la
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Pilar, tendremos nuestro
Retiro Parroquial de Adviento. No reuniremos en la Iglesia a las 6:30pm con nuestra oración de bienvenida y
apertura. Después el Padre James Moore, de St. Dominic's en San Francisco, estará dando la
plática en Inglés y Monseñor James
Kelly, del Menlo Center en Menlo Park,
estará dando la plática en Español.
Después de las pláticas, nos reuniremos de nuevo en la iglesia para la
adoración del Santísimo Sacramento.
Habrá cinco sacerdotes disponibles
para la confesión y concluiremos con
la Bendición. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!
As we prepare for the feast of Our Lady
of Guadalupe on December 12, I would
like to draw your attention to our recently
re-finished shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the southeast end of the parish
property. I want to thank our many generous donors for their love for Our Lady
and I especially want to thank Alfonso
Sención for his generous leadership and
hard work in the work of beautification. I
hope that you find our shrine a peaceful
place to encounter the motherly love of
the Blessed Virgin Mary.
-Father Previtali
Mientras nos preparamos para la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el 12 de diciembre, me gustaría llamar su atención a nuestro
recién terminado Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en el
extremo sureste de la Iglesia. Quiero agradecer a todos nuestros
generosos donadores por su amor a Nuestra Señora y quiero agradecer especialmente a el Sr. Alfonso Sención por su generoso liderazgo y arduo trabajo para el embellecimiento de nuestra fuente.
Espero que encuentren nuestro santuario un lugar tranquilo para
encontrar el amor maternal de la Santísima Virgen María.
-Padre Previtali
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
¿Cómo sería nuestra vida sin Jesús?
La Temporada de Adviento nos invita a guardar en nuestros
corazones ese tiempo antes de la Venida del Señor en Su profundo amor en la Encarnación. Estamos llamados en la liturgia
de hoy a sentir profundamente el deseo de que Jesús venga a
En la epístola tradicional de hoy, San Pablo nos insta a abandonar las obras de las tinieblas ya ponernos la armadura de la
luz. Él nos está enseñando que, hasta ahora, hemos vivido
mucho como si Jesús aún no hubiera llegado a nuestras almas. En nuestros pecados, hemos vivido en la oscuridad que
está separada de la Luz de Cristo. Cuando Jesús viene a nuestras almas por gracia - y es esta venida del Señor por la cual
diariamente diariamente - Él brilla Su Luz salvadora en cada
parte de nuestra alma y nos llena de la alegría de poseerlo en
el amor divino.
En el evangelio tradicional de hoy, estamos invitados a desear
y buscar la Segunda Venida del Señor al final de los tiempos.
Así, vemos ya en el Primer Domingo de Adviento que esta
santa temporada celebra y profundiza nuestro deseo por lo
que nuestra tradición católica llama los tres "advenimientos"
de Cristo: Su advenimiento en el humilde pesebre de Belén, Su
Advenimiento en nuestras almas por gracia, y su advenimiento
en la gloria del Rey en el fin del mundo.
Oramos durante esta temporada por un aumento en la virtud
teológica de la esperanza, por la cual deseamos desde las
profundidades de nuestra alma los tres advents de Cristo. Este
deseo santo se cumplirá finalmente cuando entramos en Su
Gloria y Alegría en la Visión Beatífica del Cielo. Hoy nos levantamos de la somnolencia de perseguir alegrías aparte de Él y
despertar a la deslumbrante Luz de la alegría pura de agradar
a nuestro Amado, que viene a nosotros, Su Novia. El Adviento
es la primavera de la Iglesia. Hoy la Iglesia es joven. ¡Que se
regocije en Cristo en cada uno de nuestros corazones este
Oren por mi, Padre José Previtali