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The Navigator El Navegante We welcome all to join us in being like Jesus Christ to our world. Damos la bienvenida a todos a unirse a nosotros en ser como Jesucristo a nuestro mundo. Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 22, 2013 Seeking Sponsors to Beautify our Campus We are in the process of replacing all outdoor signage at St Brendan's. This is necessary because the current signs are very weathered, difficult to read and don’t represent the welcoming tone that we at St Brendan’s have become known for. Take a look at the recently placed new signs at each entrance to the parish grounds to see an example of what the replacement signs might look like. We are seeking donations for the following: x St. Brendan’s Ministry Carnival is the place to be! This Sunday, Sept. 22 10:00 am – 5:00 pm x x x Speed limit, No parking, Pedestrian Crossing signs$80 each Directional signage-$120 each Welcome sign-$90 Building identification signs-$190 Please prayerfully consider sponsoring a sign for St. Brendan's campus. Contact Laura Myers, St Brendan's business office or 770-2057969 ext. 21 for more information. St. Brendan the Navigator Rev. Fr. Matthew Van Smoorenburg, L.C., Pastor 4633 Shiloh Road Cumming, GA 30040 770-205-7969 Fax: 770-205-5040 Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 pm Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 pm Are you being called to serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion? ͒ If so, please come to ExM training here at St. Brendan on Saturday, September 28, from 12:15 - 3:15 pm in the Church. Please contact Jim Sterritt with any questions at 678-575-5125 or register via email at Upcoming Altar Server Training Saturday, Oct. 5th, 12th & 19th, 1:00 – 4:00 pm You must attend all three dates. Boys and girls should be in the 5th grade or higher and have received their First Eucharist. Contact Karen Matuza,, 678778-8619 or Matthew Brech,, 770-8879782. Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Archdiocese Of Atlanta, Group: Jesus And Mary Come experience a personal encounter with God. Presented in Spanish – though easily understood by those who may be mildly familiar with the Spanish language. Saturday, September 28, 2013, 8:00am - 5:00pm. Information: Monica Freeman (404) 933-5310 Preschool Openings St. Brendan’s Preschool has a few openings for our 2013/2014 school year. Places in the following age groups are available: MMO (16mths. by Sept. 1, 2013), MWF 2 year olds, MWF 3s, M-F 4s. Please contact Jodi Brock at ext. 20 or via e-mail for more information. Reminder: This is the beginning of our busy season here at St. BrendanÕs. Lots of classes and ministry meetings are resuming after the summer break. Be sure to check our online calendar for start times and room locations: First Eucharist Parent Meeting Sacramental Prep Parent Meeting for all parents of children receiving First Eucharist in 2014 x September 26, 7:00 – 8:00 pm, in the Social Hall. Find out and choose dates for First Communions, receive critical preparation materials, learn about the steps toward this holy event in your child’s life. Adult Ed Offerings – It’s Not Too Late to Join Contact: Don Conklin, 770-205-7969, ext. 40 x Mondays – Bible Timeline Adventure, 4:45 – 6:00 pm, Spiritual Life Center x Tuesdays – Tuesdays in Faith, 4:45 – 5:15 pm, Social Hall x Wednesdays – Adventures in Catholicism, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Spiritual Life Center St. Joseph’s Food Pantry Contact: Barbara Gordon 770-888-3258 September is Hunger Awareness Month. We are still collecting generous donations of food from our parishioners and this food is desperately needed to help us prepare for the coming winter. Most needed food: Powdered milk packets, evaporated milk, mac and cheese 2nd annual Ernie Johnson Golf tournament Save the date for these upcoming events - Monday, October 28, at Polo Fields and a “Redneck Bash with Jeff Foxworthy on Sunday, October 27, at the Lanier Conference Center. All proceeds from both events go to the American Cancer Society. For more information, visit or contact Joe Morabit at: or 678-455-8209. Pope Francis’͒ September Prayer Intentions Every month Pope Francis announces his monthly prayer intentions, and requests that we include the intentions in our personal prayers. Value of Silence. That people today, often overwhelmed by noise, may rediscover the value of silence and listen to the voice of God and their brothers and sisters. Persecuted Christians. That Christians suffering persecution in many parts of the world may by their witness be prophets of Christ’s love. Walking With Purpose (WWP) – Starting Soon on Tuesday Mornings WWP is for women who desire to grow in their faith using a Scripture-based program that is fresh, relevant and focused on conversion of heart more than intellectual development. Personal study and small group discussions enrich the lives of the WWP participants. Contact Christine Welsko at for more info or to register. Playground Safety: If your children are going to play on the church/preschool playground, please supervise them at all times. Children must be 6 years of age and younger to play on the playground. We have had some vandalism occur over the last few weeks. Thank you for keeping the playground clean and safe for the use of all the children. St. Brendan’s Fund Endowment If you have been planning ahead and hope to make a gift to the St. Brendan’s Endowment Fund, now is a great time to consider it. The American Tax Reform Act, passed last year, allows you to withdraw and transfer funds from your IRA (up to $100,000) and do so without having to pay tax on the amount you choose to move. This special opportunity to avoid tax and make a gift to St. Brendan’s or to some other Archdiocesan Foundation fund will expire at the end of December 2013. If you would like more information on this, and other Foundation funds, please contact our Endowment Fund coordinator Kim Martiny, at 678-771-5322 or Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning at the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia, at 404-497-9440. Readings for the Week of September 22, 2013 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Am 8:4-7/1 Tm 2:1-8/Lk 16:1-13 or 16:10-13 Ezr 1:1-6/Lk 8:16-18 Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20/Lk 8:19-21 Ezr 9:5-9/Lk 9:1-6 Hg 1:1-8/Lk 9:7-9 Hg 2:1-9/Lk 9:18-22 Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a/Lk 9:43b-45 Am 6:1a, 4-7/1 Tm 6:11-16/Lk 16:19-31 Upcoming Marriage Encounter weekend - September 27-29 at the Atlanta Marriott Norcross. information or to register. Visit for more October is "Respect Life Month" The "40 Days for Life" Fall Campaign officially begins September 25 and runs through November 3, 2013. During this time, people of all denominations who are pro-life pray at abortion clinics in the area. The clinic that we are assigned to is Planned Parenthood in Lawrenceville. We need people to pray at these clinics and hold signs that are respectful and dignified. In greatest need are people to participate on Thursdays from 10AM - 6PM and the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month from 9AM - 1PM. For more information, contact Ann LeClair-Ash at We Welcome the Newly Baptized! Lia Victoria Seymour Marion Grace Reed Alexa Elizabeth Jann Andrea Alvarez Hernandez Sofia Alison Gonzalez Lluvia Morgado Calixto Gael Tenorio Tolentino Anashi Guadalupe Vega Miranda Chase Robert Russell Diego Alejandro Martinez Pimentel Irvin Gael Martinez Pimentel Emma Lynn Nunez Iker Perez Diaz Benicio Manuel Rodriguez Alexander Sanchez Bianca Isabella Cicarelli Preston David Cicarelli Ryan Michael Clickner Patricio Rafael Bayarena Scarlett Kate DePanicis Lily Hope Keyman Ashley Gomez Cruz Isaac Gomez Anthony Gutierrez Connor Anthony Suchyna William Brooks Manganaro Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19 Stewardship Thought for the week: Fr. Matthew asks that you please spend some time after Mass today at the Ministry Carnival. There are so many wonderful ministries represented. It is his hope that each of you will find a way to “connect” to a group and really make a difference in our parish. There will be food, entertainment, and fun for the whole family. Your parish community invites you to become more involved in St. Brendan’s parish life! EN ESPAÑOL 25 DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO 22 DE SEPTIEMBRE, 2013 RETIRO DE INICIACIÓN DE VIDA EN EL ESPÍRITU SANTO LEGIÓN DE MARÍA Se reúne todos los Lunes de 7:00pm a SPHQHOVDOyQHQODSODQWDEDMDGH la Iglesia. Informes al (770) 889-4532, o en el correo electrónico: RENOVACIÓN CARISMÁTICA CATÓLICA DE LA ARQUIDIÓCESIS DE ATLANTA GRUPO JESÚS Y MARÍA VEN Y VIVE UN ENCUENTRO PERSONAL CON DIOS CRISTO RENUEVA SU PARROQUIA SÁBADO, 28 DE SEPTIEMBRE, 2013 8:00AM - 5:00PM SALÓN SOCIAL DE SAN BRENDAN COSTO $10 ADULTOS Se reúne todos los Martes a las 7:00pm en el Centro de Aprendizaje. Informes al (404) 353-1802 con Miriam Torres. GRUPO BÍBLICO INFORMES: MÓNICA FREEMAN (404) 933-5310 Se reúne todos los Miércoles después de la Misa de 7:00pm en la Capilla. Todos son bienvenidos. UNA HORA CON EL SEÑOR Se reúne todos los Jueves de 7:30pm a 8:30pm en la Capilla. Todos son bienvenidos. RENOVACIÓN CARISMÁTICA Grupo de Oración Jesús y María se reúne todos los Viernes de 7:00pm-9:00pm en la Capilla -para orar juntos por la iglesia y sus necesidades, y por la paz del mundo. Informes al (404) 933-5310. ¡Acompáñenos! ROSARIO DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA Todos los Domingos a las 12:30pm en la Iglesia. ADORACIÓN NOCTURNA Acompáñenos el Primer Sábado del mes a SDUWLUGHODVSP8QDKRUDGRVKRUDV« el tiempo que usted desee acompañar al Santísimo Sacramento. Informes con el Sr. Alberto Robles al final de la misa. BAUTISMOS 1LxRV PHQRUHV GH DxRV /RV SDGUHV GH ben ser miembros registrados y activos de la Iglesia, atender la clase de preparación bautismal y cumplir con los requisitos de la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta. La clase de preparación bautismal se imparte una vez al mes y el cupo es limitado. Llame a la oficina de Vida Parroquial para recibir información sobre los requisitos y hacer cita para el registro. FORMACIÓN DE FE REUNIÓN PARA PADRES DE FAMILIA PREPARACIÓN SACRAMENTAL PRIMERA COMUNIÓN 2014 21 DE SEPTIEMBRE, 10:00AM-11:00AM 26 DE SEPTIEMBRE, 7:00PM-8:00PM SALÓN SOCIAL Esta reunión es para todos los padres de familia con niños recibiendo la Primera Comunión en el año 2014. ARBOL DE LA GENEROSIDAD 2013 Fechas y horarios de registro: Lunes, Miércoles y Viernes de 9:00am a 11:00am del 30 de Septiembre al 1° de Noviembre en la Oficina Parroquial En esta reunión podrán ustedes apartar la fecha para la celebración del Sacramento de la Primera Comunión de sus hijos y recibirán información y materiales de preparación para dicha celebración. Tome un volante informativo a la entrada de la iglesia con los requisitos. Debido al exceso de visitantes es imposible atender su llamada o hacer cita para el registro. Los interesados serán atendidos en el orden en que sus solicitudes sean recibidas durante los horarios de servicio. Gracias por su comprensión. TALLER DE MONAGUILLOS DESPENSA DE SAN JOSE Taller de Preparación para Monaguillos los sábados 5, 12 y 19 de Octubre de 1pm a 4pm. Los candidatos deben atender las tres reuniones. Niños y niñas deben estar en el DxR GHOD HVFXHOD HOHPHQWDO FRPRPtQL mo, y haber recibido la Primera Comunión. Informes con la Sra. Karen Matuza al (678) ó con el Sr. Matthew Brech (770) 887-9782 Por favor ayude con las necesidades de la Despensa de San Jose esta semana: Mac and Cheese, pastas, cereales, azúcar, frijol, arroz, leche en polvo, frutas enlatadas, jugos enlatados, vegetales enlatados, café, artículos de uso personal. Gracias por sus donaciones. INTENSIÓN DE MISA Y FLORES DEL ALTAR Llame a Elba Banderas para hacer sus intensiones de misa y ofrendas florales, al (770) 205-7969 ext. 10 Sandy Spera, Ministro Pastoral (770) 205-7969 ext. 27 Oficina Parroquial: Elba Banderas, Recepcionista (770) 205-7969 ext. 10 Misas en Español: Sábado (Vigilia) 7:00pm Domingos 1:00pm y Miércoles 7:00pm Mónica Plew, Formación de Fe (770) 205-7969 ext. 26 Horario de la Oficina Parroquial Lunes a Jueves 9:00am-4:00pm Viernes 9:00am-1:00pm Confesiones: Sábados 9:00am y 3:30pm Martes 4:30pm y Miércoles 5:30pm