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1005 Wilbon Road
Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526
January 22, 2012
Office Phone/Teléfono
(919) 552-8758 • Fax:(919) 552-1846
Office Hours/Horario:
Monday/Lunes – Friday/Viernes
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Social Outreach Office: 919-552-2922
Parish Staff – Administración Parroquial
Pastor: Rev. Fernando Torres....................................................... ext. 14
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Robert P. Staley........................................ ext. 17
Hispanic Ministry Coordinator: Patricia Espino ......................... ext. 19
Main Office: Mrs. Gaye Collins ................................................... ext. 15
Bookkeeper: Mrs. Jeanne Driver .................................................. ext. 21
Office of Social Outreach: Sr. Nancy Hagan............................... ext. 12
Faith Formation Director: .......................................................... ext. 22
Faith Formation Admin.: Mrs. Jennifer Convery........................ ext. 22
High School Youth Group/Confirmation: Mr. Joe Lee... 919-567-3823
Edge Program: Mike and Kelli Wallace .......................... 919-285-3102
Director of Music: Mr. Matt Molesworth………………………..ext. 32
Director Musical: Sr. Leonardo Galván
Parish Council Chair: Mr. Charlie Bernard
Finance Council Chair: Mr. John Byrne
Homebound Ministry: Mr. Al Munno......................................557-7718
Emergency Contact Phone 'umber/
'umero telefónico de emergencia:......................................235-5209
Parish Mission Statement
We are a multi-cultural Catholic Community where all are welcomed
and the ever-expanding needs of our parish are ministered to by one
another. We work toward celebrating the Presence of God and
proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in our midst.
Declaración de la Misión Parroquial
Somos una comunidad multicultural católica, en la cual todos son
bienvenidos para compartir el don de la vida como comunidad cristiana.
Trabajamos en unidad, celebrando la presencia de Dios y proclamando
la Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo entre nosotros.
New Parishioners/Nuevos Feligreses
Welcome! Please stop by the church office or visit our website
for a registration form. Bienvenidos, visite nuestras oficinas o
bien, nuestro sitio en la página de Internet para obtener un
formulario de registro.
High School Youth Group/Ministerio Juvenil
(Grados 9-12) & Confirmation
To enroll and for information please contact/
Favor de hablar con: Mr. Joe Lee, 919-567-3823.
EDGE/Middle School Youth Group/
Ministerio Juvenil (Grados 6-8)
Please contact/Favor de hablar con
Mike & Kelli Wallace 919-285-3102.
Funeral Arrangements /En Caso de un Funeral
Contact Nancy Hagan: 919-552-2922
Parish Ministry – Ministerio Parroquial Baptism/Bautismo
Please contact the parish office to register for a pre-baptism class. If you
are new to the parish, please register at the parish office.
Pláticas pre-bautismales
Por favor comunicarse con Patricia Espino para recibir
información sobre el bautismo. Su teléfono es 919-552-8758 ext. 19.
Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas
Saturday ...................................................................................... 5:00PM
Sunday/domingo ..................................7:45AM, 9:30AM and 11:30AM
In Spanish/En español.............................................. 1:30 PM y 5:00 PM
Daily/diario M,W,Th & F ...........................................................9:00AM
Tues/Martes................................................................................. 6:30PM
Holy Days/Días Santos ................................ See calendar inside bulletin
Saturdays/sábados 4:00 - 4:30 PM or by appointment/o por cita
Faith Formation/Catecismo
Please contact the office.
Póngase en contacto con la oficina.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, January 21/Sábado 21
5:00PM †Deceased Family Members requested by
Betty Roche
Sunday, January 22/Domingo 22
7:45AM People of the Parish
9:30AM †Jackeline Ellison requested by Lori Solter
11:30AM †John Doglas Putnam requested by Gayle
1:30PM Special Thanks to St. Jude
5:00PM No Intention
Monday, January 23/Lunes 23
9:00AM Archangels of Eldy and John Cox Group
Tuesday, January 24/Martes 24
6:30PM Francisco and Eva Martinez and Children
Wednesday, January 25/Miércoles 25
9:00AM Katiusha Roche
Thursday, January 26/Jueves 26
9:00AM †Casie Fillio requested by Chris Fillio
Friday, January 27/Viernes 27
9:00AM †Anna Kalmer requested by Marian Higgins
and Keith
Saturday, January 28/Sábado 28
5:00PM No Intention
Next Sunday:
Jon 3:1-5, 10/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20
2 Sm 5:1-7, 10/Mk 3:22-30
2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19/Mk 3:31-35
Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22/Mk 16:15-18
2 Tm 1:1-8 or Tit 1:1-5/Mk 4:21-25
2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17/Mk 4:26-34
2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17/Mk 4:35-41
Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28
Our Stewardship of Treasure
(- Under)
(January 14 & 15)
Monthly (January) 92,865
Fiscal YTD
(Beginning July 1, 2011)
*This amount is based on a 52 week calculation.
Note: The Christmas Collection was $20,258.
Sunday, January 22/Domingo 22
2:30PM RCIA Spanish
3:00PM Divine Mercy Chaplet,Chapel-Devoción de
la Divina Misericordia
Monday, January 23/Lunes 23
7:00PM Choir Rehearsal (Sun.1:30 Spanish Mass)
7:15PM Boy Scouts
7:30PM Charismatic Prayer Group, Chapel
Tuesday, January 24/Martes 24
6:15PM Jr. Catholic Daughters
7:00PM Legion of Mary, (Spanish) Room 4/Salon 4
Legión de María, Rosario en español
7:00PM Praise Band (music trailer)
Wednesday, January 25/Miércoles 25
9:30AM Eucharist Adorations (until 7PM), Chapel
Adoración Santísimo Sacramento en la Capilla
After 9AM Mass — Rosary (English)
9:30AM My Brothers Keeper
5:00PM Youth Group Bible Study
7:00PM Choir Rehearsal (English)
Thursday, January 26/Jueves 26
10:00AM Knots of Love
12:30PM Spanish Class
6:00PM Children’s Choir
6:00PM Daisy Troop 3170
7:00PM Respect Life Ministry
7:00PM Manis Emmaus Group
Friday, January 27/Viernes 27
9:30AM Eucharist Adorations (until 7PM), Chapel
Adoración Santísimo Sacramento en la
7:00PM Cub Scouts
Saturday, January 28/Sábado 28
4:00PM Confession
Sunday, January 29/Domingo 29
2:30PM RCIA Spanish
3:00PM Divine Mercy Chaplet,Chapel-Devoción de
la Divina Misericordia
6:30PM Youth Mass
Please pray for our parish family in need
of our compassionate petitions to our
Father. May He unite us in trust to His
plan for those listed below:
Gilma Torres
Leo Duffy
Raymond Burdick
Susana Hernandez
Albino Raulynaitis
If you would like to have the parish pray
for someone who is ill, please call the
church office.
Congratulations to our
newly Baptized. We
celebrate with you and
your family your receiving
the treasure of divine life.
The indelible mark of Jesus
will remain with you
always. God, our Father's
most beautiful and magnificent gift.
Welcome to our parish family.
64.4% of all abortions are
performed on never-married
women: married women
account for 18.4% of all
abortions, divorced women obtain 9.4%.
Spanish Catechism
will begin again in February.
Come join us every
Friday at 7pm.
Erika Ekiana Tabora
Leonardo Arteaga Perales
Isabella Mariel Martinez
Heaven and Earth (Full Participation in the Mass)
Divine Mercy Chaplet
every Sunday
at 3pm in the Chapel.
The intent of the
devotion is to show
Our Lord’s mercy for
the sins of the world.
Bring a rosary;
chaplet brochures
will be supplied.
Our meeting will be about the Mass. In another Edge Night
this semester, the youth discussed the five precepts of the
Catholic Church. One of those precepts is that we should
attend Mass each week and on Holy Days of Obligation. On
this evening, we will help the youth to experience the flow
of the Mass as well as some of the symbols seen each week
during Mass. Knowing what they see, hear and smell will
help them grow to not simply attend Mass, but to be present
during Mass. When we are at Mass, we are called to “full,
active and conscious participation.” One way to do that is to
prepare as a family and read the Scripture Readings for the
upcoming week. You can find the readings at and reflections on the Readings on the
“Sunday, Sunday, Sunday” podcast on
The next Bible Study is will focus on
JAMES: Pearls for Wise Living.
James is one of the most practical
books of the Bible. Like the book of
Proverbs, it is a book of wisdom, a
collection of teachings on issues
faced by ordinary Christians in
everyday life. These teachings speak loudly to all
those who feel torn between the competing demands
of this world and their faith. This study offers "pearls
for wise living" by applying the wisdom of James to
the present day. For anyone who has struggled to live
a truly Christian life, James offers a wealth of
practical solutions for handling and even sanctifying
everyday circumstances. The group will meet on
Wednesday evenings for 11 weeks. More information
will be available soon as to the start date. If you
would like to sign up or if you have any questions
please contact Virginia at or 919-803-2531
Come celebrate Valentine Day and/or
your 25th Wedding Anniversary with
family and friends on Saturday, February
11th from 6:30pm to 11pm, in the Social
Hall. Volunteers are needed to help with baked goods and
donations (anything you want to re-gift) for door prizes. If
you will be celebrating your 25th anniversary anytime this
year we would like to start your year off by celebrating it at
the Valentine Dinner Dance. Tickets will be sold after
masses starting Jan. 21, you may reserve them and pick
them up at the door. Tickets are $25 per couple or $15 per
person. Dinner included. Please contact Paula O’Shea for
more information at 567-0498.
JANUARY 22, 2012
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
For seven seasons the Discovery Channel's highly rated
show Deadliest Catch has wowed viewers with the real life
tales of extreme fishermen in the Bering Sea off the coast of
Alaska. They are after crab, with hopes for a big payday if
they're successful. But the challenges of weather, luck, and
crew can leave a captain without a large enough catch and
finally without a job. Viewers can watch from the comfort
of their homes, settled back in an easy chair while a crew
fights ice, high seas, equipment failure, and frayed nerves.
What is entertainment for those watching the television is
daily life on the boat for those who work at sea.
In the Gospel today, Jesus meets up with some fishermen. Simon and Andrew, James and John were casting
their nets, probably not very far from shore. While the Sea
of Galilee cannot compare to the Bering Sea, we know from
the Gospels that storms can be violent on that body of water
as well. Certainly at the time of Jesus fishing was as dangerous a job as it is today. So when Jesus called the two sets
of brothers to follow him, were they looking for a safer job?
Unlikely! Fishing for men and women is a lot more difficult than fishing for fish. The disciples answered the call
to follow Jesus. It is a call that he continues to issue today.
Whether in the priesthood, the religious life, the married
state, or the committed single life, Jesus is asking people to
follow him, not in a job, but in a way of life. Just as the
crew of a boat on the Bering Sea doesn't punch out after
eight hours, the life of a Christian is more than a full-time
job. Following Jesus forms the basis for our lives. We do it
all day, every day. That is the call he gives.
Gift Bearers:
Parishioners may have specific mass dates
where they would like to be gift bearers,
such as anniversaries. If you would like
to be a gift bearer at a particular mass,
please contact the church office at
Let God Lead
You are here for a reason,
and your life testifies to more
than you have imagined.
Don’t be afraid to offer yourself
completely to God. meditations
22 DE ENERO 2012
Señor Jesús:
Termina el ministerio de Juan cuando es apresado
Y es el comienzo de tu misión en el mundo,
Proclamando la conversión y el nuevo reino
Llamando a los pescadores a ser apóstoles,
Enseñando la buena nueva y curando a los enfermos.
Lord Jesus:
The Ministry of John ends when he is arrested
And it is the beginning of your mission in the world,
Proclaim conversion and the new Kingdom
Calling the fishermen to be Apostles,
Teaching the good news and healing the sick.
Tu ministerio comienza cuando sales de tu tierra,
Cuando pasas al lado de los paganos para anunciar
Y preparas el camino para llegar a morir en Jerusalén,
Haciendo que todos los pueblos tengan tu presencia
Y los signos que demostraron tu Buena Nueva.
Your Ministry begins when you log out of your land,
When dried by the pagans to announce
And the way you prepare to die in Jerusalem,
Making all peoples to have your presence
And the signs that showed your good news.
El ministerio de la Iglesia continúa en Corinto
Donde la fe se confunde con los predicadores
Y la lucha de sectas por ser los dueños y jefes.
San Pablo recuerda cual es la misión de la Iglesia,
Viviendo la unidad para que triunfe la gloria de la cruz
The Ministry of the Church continues in Corinth
Where faith is mistaken for preachers
And combating of sects to be owners and managers.
Paul remembers which is the Mission of the Church,
Living the drive to succeed the glory of the cross
La Iglesia proclama tu reino en nuestro tiempo,
Llamando a la conversión a cada discípulo tuyo,
Para vivir en la concordia y en la caridad con el prójimo,
Haciendo de la predicación del Evangelio una vivencia
De compartir a Jesús y seguir su santo ejemplo.
The Church proclaims your Kingdom in our time,
Calling the conversion to each disciple yours,
To live in harmony and charity with others,
Making the preaching of the Gospel experience
Share Jesus and follow his Holy example.
La Iglesia da testimonio de tu presencia en el mundo;
Porque es portadora de la luz que nos redimió,
Porque vive la alegría de ser liberada de la esclavitud,
Porque celebra la esperanza que nos llevará a la plenitud.
Y porque vive el encuentro de Dios en verdadera oración.
The Church bears witness to your presence in the world;
Because it is a carrier of light who redeemed us,
Because live the joy of being freed from slavery,
Because held hope that will lead to fulfillment.
And because Live Meeting of God in true prayer.
La Iglesia nos pide a cada uno de los bautizados
De continuar trabajando para vivir la conversión,
De buscar responder a la llamada de nuestra vocación,
En la alegría de la unidad, la caridad y la fe
Para que prediquemos con la vida la gloria de la cruz.
The Church asks each of the baptized
Continue working to live the conversion,
Search answer the call of our vocation,
In the joy of unity, charity, and faith
So that we preach to life the glory of the cross.
La Iglesia celebra en cada Eucaristía tu presencia, Señor
Para reconocer tu grandeza y tu cercanía con tus amigos
Que vas llamando cada día para que te sirvan en el mundo,
Con la vocación de ser hijos de Dios y porción de la Iglesia,
The church celebrates at every Eucharist your presence, Lord
To acknowledge your greatness and your proximity to your friends
You're calling every day that will serve in the world,
With the vocation of being children of God and portion of the
To preach your Kingdom from the heart of witnesses and disciples.
Para predicar tú reino con el corazón de testigos y discípulos.
Padre Fernando Torres
Father Fernando Torres
poco más adelante,
vio a Santiago y a Juan,
hijos de Zebedeo, que
estaban en una barca,
remendando sus redes. Los
llamó, y ellos, dejando en
la barca a su padre con los
trabajadores, se fueron
con Jesús”. Marcos 1:19-20
Bondadosa Madre,
tu intercesión por
todos los bebés que hemos
adoptado espiritualmente y que aún
no han nacido, para que vean la luz
de la vida.
22 DE ENERO 2012
Venga y celebre el Día de
San Valentín y/o su 25°
Aniversario de Bodas con
amigos y familiares el
Sábado 11 de febrero
de 6:30 a 11:00 pm
en el salón parroquial.
Se solicitan voluntarios para traer pasteles
o galletas, así como donaciones de premios
(regalos recibidos que no quiera).
Se venderán boletos el próximo 21 de enero
después de Misas; puede reservar y
recogerlos a la entrada el día del evento.
El costo es de $25 por pareja o de $15 por
persona, la cena está incluida.
A partir de febrero, el P. Fernando retomará
las sesiones de instrucción del “Catecismo de
la Iglesia Católica”. Le esperamos todos los
viernes a las 7:00 PM en la capilla de nuestra
¡No falte!
Le pedimos eleve una oración por nuestros hermanos:
El Santísimo Sacramento
de la Eucaristía se expone los
miércoles y viernes desde las
9:30 am hasta las 7:00 pm.
Todos estamos invitados a
compartir un tiempo de oración, de
contemplación y de Adoración a
Nuestro Señor y Salvador
Gilma Torres
Leo Duffy
Raymond Burdick
Susana Hernandez
Albino Raulynaitis
Si desea que en la parroquia se ore por algún ser
querido enfermo, comuníquese a la oficina del Ministerio
JANUARY 22, 2012
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Elegant Man
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