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Welcome/¡Bienvenidos! St. Mary, Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church 1062 Charnelton St., Eugene, OR 97401 Phone: 541-342-1139 Fax: 541-334-6996 Email: November 20, 2016 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 20, 2016 In Hebron, David is hailed as king of all the tribes of Israel. Jesus is anointed king on the wood of His cross, a sign of paradox, of defeat yet final victory. Through His cross we have passed from darkness into the kingdom of light. Next Week’s Readings Is 2:1-5 Ps 122:1-9 Rom 13:11-14 Mt 24:37-44 Mass Schedule Parish Staff Pastor ~ Rev. Ron Nelson Parochial Vicar ~ Rev. Edgar Rivera Pastoral Associate ~ Deacon Tom Altenhofen Business Manager ~ Laura Olguin Director of Outreach Ministry ~ Lilly Hagen Director of Music ~ David Phillips Director of Religious Ed. ~ Julie Rutledge-Sanchez Parish Secretary ~ Sally Ross Sacramental Registrar ~ Margaret Fleming LifeTeen Coordinator ~ Leslie Jones Lead Custodian ~ James DuChateau Assistant Custodian ~ Joe Crandall Monday – Friday ~ 6:55 am & 12:15 pm Saturday ~ 8:00 am Sunday Vigil (Saturday evening) ~ 5:30 pm Sunday ~ 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Spanish), 5:30 pm LifeTeen National Holidays ~ 9:00 am Confessions 11:00 – noon ~ Wednesday & Friday 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm ~ Saturday This week’s All Souls listing for the month of November includes: Betty Ammerman Arthur & Fern Coy Denise Mason Ed Anheluk Fred Craft Louis McAnany Grace Beamon Karen Cuneo Cye McCullum Forrest Beason Greg Franzwa Hazel McCullum Frances Brosnan Diann Grosjean Mary Peot Jack Brosnan Sally Heckenkemper Richard Rockwell Lawrence Brown Bill Hofmann Billy Shaneyfelt Mary Brown Marie Hofmann Grace Vyse Doris Buckley Santo Maira Jack Vyse Joseph Buckley Virginia Maira Fernell Walker Josephine Buckley Tom Wellnitz 2 November 21 – November 27, 2016 …all those who were baptized, including, Daily Morning Masses Mark Chairez Parra, Emily Lopez Martinez M ~ Jane Baumgart † T ~ Kenneth Rodakowski † W ~ Tom Fogarty † T ~ Thanksgiving (9:00 am Mass) F ~ 9:00 am Mass S ~ Intentions of our Blessed Mother and Daniel Morales …all those who are ill, including, Susan Altenhofen, Marge Catha, Sandra Cortello, Rick Dunham, Gene Fanning, Dennis Freer, Bruce Hollister, Terry Ianora, Ron Icenogle, Viola Jorgensen, Frances Keller, Daily Afternoon Masses William Keller, Vicki Kelly, Jim Kinsman, Florence Kohout, M ~ Intentions of Ernestine O’Brien T ~ Intentions of John Sondag W ~ Will Spearin † T ~ Thanksgiving (No 12:15 Mass) F ~ No 12:15 Mass Richard LaChance, Craig Leadon, Cassie Lewis, Ernestine O’Brien, Elizabeth Peterson, Grace Retford, Scarlet Rudy Craig, Peggy Staalberg, Vincent Tapp, Elsa Valdenegro, Margaret Vinolus and Julie Woodworth Sunday Masses 5:30 pm Vigil ~ Ilene Gill † 7:30 ~ Intentions of Beverly Nelson 9:00 ~ Peggy Durbin † 11:00 ~ Mary Ann Tapp Spradlin † 1:00 ~ For Parishioners 5:30 LifeTeen ~ Intentions of Laura Cox In Loving Memory …all those who have died, including, Maurice Vitus, Frances Gomez Eva Mae Ratz, Rosemarie Close and Lillian Smoluch All Glory and Praise The Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe is the final Sunday in the liturgical year. The First Sunday of Advent begins a new Church year. It is fitting that the Church celebrates Christ the King on this final Sunday of the year because Christ’s central mission was to proclaim the presence of the reign of God here and now and forever. We believe that Christ is King, not in an earthly sense; rather He is the Anointed One (in Hebrew Messiah), the Savior of the World. White vestments are worn at Mass on this feast to symbolize Christ’s victory over death and eternal life. The white garment we are given at baptism at the beginning of our lives and the white pall laid over the coffin at our time of death are reflections of our own victory over death in Christ. Alleluia, Alleluia! Server & Lector Schedule The next schedule will be from December 19, 2016 through March 19, 2017. If you know of times during that period that you can’t do your ministry, please make note of it in your online profile before the schedule is generated on December 8, 2016. If you want to serve or read on a certain date, please call Sally at 541-342-1139. Servers Lectors November 21 – November 27, 2016 November 21 – November 27, 2016 6:55 am Mon. – Wed. ~ Jackie Pynes 9:00 am Thurs. & Fri. ~ Jackie Pynes 8:00 am Sat. ~ Jackie Pynes 12:15 pm Mon. – Wed. ~ Vicki Kelly No 12:15 Mass on Thursday and Friday 6:55 am Mon. - Wed. ~ Jack Pynes 9:00 am Thurs. & Friday ~ Jack Pynes 8:00 am Sat. ~ Jack Pynes 12:15 pm Mon. - Wed. ~ Rosemary Montgomery No 12:15 Mass on Thursday and Friday 5:30 pm Vigil ~ Michael Coffey, Trevor Leadon 7:30 am ~ Knights of Columbus 9:00 am ~ Luke Manning, Becket Nelson, Gwyneth Westover 11:00 am ~ Wyatt Hurlimann, Brendan O’Connell, Quinn O’Connell 5:30 pm LifeTeen ~ Eli Brown, Jack Conway, Kelsey Peterson 5:30 pm Vigil ~ Frank Bocci, Pat Murphy 7:30 am ~ Knights of Columbus 9:00 am ~ David Evarts, Judy Hull 11:00 am ~ Cynthia Fellez, Sally Ross 5:30 pm LifeTeen ~ Doug Keeler Sunday, November 27 Sunday, November 27 3 Catholic Young Adults (ages 21-39) Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule • • • • • • • • • ECYA meets every Thursday night at St. Mary at 6:45 pm to go over the following Sunday’s Mass readings. It’s a great way to prepare for Mass, and to become a part of a community of young Catholic adults with joys and struggles just like you. For information about ECYA events and happenings, contact 541-270-9329 or Parish Office will be closed from noon on Wednesday, November 23, until 9:00 am on Monday, November 28. No RCIA on Tuesday, November 22. No Marian Prayer on Wednesday, November 23. No Confirmation class on Wednesday, November 23. One Mass at 9:00 am on Thanksgiving day. One Mass at 9:00 am on Friday, November 25. No 11:00 am Reconciliation on Friday, November 25. No La Esperanza and Holy Hour on Friday, November 25. No Children’s Liturgy on Sunday, November 27. “First 1000 Days” Campaign A Catholic Culture of Life Initiative Where All Are Welcomed and Loved With Mercy Day 616 ~ The right nutrition during the 1000-day window can save more than one million lives each year. Happy Thanksgiving from the Staff of St. Mary Catholic Daughters of the Americas The CDA of the Americas 2017 National Education Contest This contest is open to all children, 4th – 12th grade. The themes are, “Whatever You Do for the Least of My Brethren, You Do for Me” and “ Helping the Needy Where I Live” (chose one). For a List of official rules and entry form, visit our website: or contact Julia Kelso, Regent at: Entries are due by February 8, 2017. Christmas Flowers 1st Way Office Hours Tuesday through Thursday ~ 10:00am to 4:00 pm 1st Way Mobile Unit ThisTuesdays Christmas,~ the church again adorned with Center, many 12:00 pm towill 2:00 pm be at the Newman poinsettias and wreaths. you would like to sponsor 1850If Emerald St., Eugene Christmas flowers, please pick up an pm envelope theatentrance Wednesdays ~ 12:00 to 3:00atpm of the Catholic Church. Community Return yourServices, envelope1025 in theGcollection basket or Street, Springfield to the Church office before December 22. Be sure to clearly fill out the front of the envelope with the name and circle the “in memory (deceased)” orFood “honor of (living)”. The names will be Box Drive listed St. in the bulletin at the endBox of the month. Suggested Mary’s annual Food Drive has begun. The freezers donation: $25 will be in place to collect turkeys, hams, chickens, and barrels canned food and non-perishable food. Donated items will go to St. Vincent de Paul’s annual Holiday Food Box drive. Please do not leave meat in the barrels. Drop meat off at the Parish Office during office hours or give to James or Joe after the of Sunday Masses. OfficeMinistry hours are Monday – Gospel Life/Pro-Life Friday, 9-5. ofAllLife/Pro-Life food donations shouldisbeindropped off before The Gospel Ministry great need of December 9, 2016. committee members who would help our ministry to be more CDA National Scholarship The National Court will award two $1,000.00 scholarships to an 8th grade student entering the 9th grade at a Catholic High School in the fall of 2017. Requirements are: 1. You must be a Catholic (male or female). You do not have to be a relative of a CDA member. 2. You must be attending a Catholic (not home setting) High School in the fall of 2017. 3. You must write an essay of approximately 250-300 words, typed and double-spaced, entitled, “Ways to Serve God Through my Catholic Faith.” To get the Entry Cover Sheet, please visit the national website: active in the pro-life movement and pray to end abortion. Please contact Eric Walter at 541-554-2074. Meetings are every third Thursday at 6:00 pm in the Luke classroom of the WEEKLY COLLECTION Parish Center. Calendaring The new year is rapidly approaching. All events are being programmed into our scheduling calendar. Please call Sally, 541-342-1139, to confirm all scheduled events/activities at St. Mary’s facilities. This includes meetings, prayer groups, music practices, special events, classes, etc. Thank you. November 13, 2016 Offertory Parish Pay Misc. Income Total $12,096.18 9,456.10 92.00 $21,644.28 Budget $20,500.00 Catholic Campaign for Human Development Perpetual Adoration Sunday 2-3 am No Coverage Monday 3-4 am Friday 12-1 am Sunday 3-4 am Tuesday 11-noon Friday 11-noon Sunday 11-noon Tuesday 11 pm-12 Saturday 8-9 am Sunday 1-2 pm Wednesday 11 pm-12 Saturday 10-11 pm Thursday 9-10 am Saturday 11 pm-12 One important way that we participate in Christ’s kingdom of service is by caring for the poor. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is the U.S. Bishops’ program for addressing the root causes of poverty in our country. Now in its fifth decade, CCHD has funded hundreds of projects in the Church of Western Oregon that empower the poor to come together and solve their community problems. CCHD funds projects that produce real and lasting change. The collection to fund this Campaign is this weekend. 4 Total Surrender The Teachings of St. Teresa of Calcutta Religion in Literature The Religion in Literature group will resume on Thursday, December 15, 2016, at 7:00 pm in the Elizabeth Seton Room of the Parish Center. The book to be discussed “Wheat That Springeth Green” by J.F. Powers. Day of Recollection at Mount Angel Abbey Given by Father Joseph Nguyen, OSB Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Thursday, December 8, 2016 9:00 am to 3:00 pm $25 per person Mass, conferences, lunch & refreshments Information and reservations: 503-845-3025 or All Souls Envelopes All Souls envelopes are located at the entrances of the church. Please clearly print names of those you want remembered during All Souls month. Have the envelopes returned to the office no later than November 30. Each week we will have a list in the Bulletin of the names we have received. Business Manager – St. Mary Catholic Church Charismatic Prayer St. Mary Catholic Church has an opening for a full time, 12 month, benefited Business Manager. Must be proficient in QuickBooks, have a strong understanding of general accounting principles (GAP) including double entry accounting, and demonstrate office computer skills including Excel, Word and Data Base Systems. Experience with full cycle accounting, budgeting and financial analysis is expected, along with great verbal skills to convey data and analysis to leadership team. An accounting degree is required, with three to five years of experience in the accounting environment. Practicing Catholic preferred. Bilingual: English/Spanish preferred. Send Resume or inquiries to: The November 27, 2016 Charismatic Prayer meeting is cancelled. Please join us for the Charismatic Healing Mass on Friday, December 2, 2016, and for our regular prayer meeting at 4:00 pm on Sunday, December 4, 2016. For more information, contact Dave Olszyk at 541-689-8070. Charismatic Healing Mass Experience the healing power of the Holy Spirit at the Charismatic Healing Mass on Friday, December 2, 2016, at 7:00 pm at St. Mary Catholic Church. The guest celebrant will be Fr. Charles Wood from Portland, assisted by St. Mary’s priests. For more information contact Dave Olszyk at 541-689-8070 or Jacqui Martinez at 541-513-2607. Christmas Dinner & Awards Banquet You and members of your family and friends are cordially invited to join Grand Knight Marc Langley and Chaplain Fr. Ron Nelson at the annual Christmas Dinner and Awards Banquet of the Knights of Columbus on Saturday, December 3, 2016 at Columbus Hall, 1144 Charnelton St., Eugene. The cost is $21 per person, $50 for a family with children age 10 and under. Reception at 5:00 pm with dinner at 6:00 pm. For tickets and reservations contact Marc Langley at 541-953-8309 or Knitting & Crocheting Class Saturdays ~ 3:30 – 5:15 pm ~ St. Joseph Room Kathy Bosteder will be teaching a knitting and crocheting class. It will continue every Saturday until the end of May. Accompany Children Support Our Sisters We ask that a parent, adult or older teen accompany children to the restrooms during Mass. Thank you. On behalf of the Carmelite Sisters, the auxiliary is selling 2017 calendars with beautiful pictures of the Sisters and their everyday life. A $10 tax deductible donation is suggested. In addition to receiving this lovely calendar, you can fill out a prayer intention card and 12 Masses will be said for all of your special prayer intentions during 2017. There will be one Mass per month for all of the intentions. The Carmelite Auxiliary is also selling raffle tickets for a beautiful 17 piece nativity set signed by Thomas Kinkade. Tickets are $1 each and may be purchased in the Parish Office or after the Masses this Sunday. Please support our loving Sisters and the work they do. For more information, contact Kirsten at 541-953-9272. High School Discernment Retreat Called to Greatness December 16th, 7:00 pm until December 17th, 8:00 pm All High School Youth Fr. Bernard Youth Center, Mount Angel, Oregon th Cost: $65 if registered by December 4 th $75 if registered after December 4 Registration deadline: December 12, 2016 5 Página en Español Noviembre 20, 2016 Información en Español Lunes, Martes y Viernes entre 9:00 am y 12:00 † Nuestro Señor Jesucristo Rey del Universo † Lucas 23,3 5-43 CATECISMO DE LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA En el evangelio de hoy vemos como cuando Jesús se encuentra en la cruz, algunos se burlaban de él. También como de los dos ladrones crucificados con él, uno le reclama a Jesús, mientras el otro reprende al ladrón y pide a Jesús que lo perdone. Jesús entonces lo perdona y le asegura que éste entrará hoy al paraíso con Jesús. ¿Por qué piensas que Jesús perdona a uno de los dos ladrones aún poco antes que este muriera? ¿Por qué piensas que no perdonó al otro? lV Como Hablar De Dios 39. Al defender la capacidad de la razón humana para conocer a Dios, la Iglesia expresa su confianza en la posibilidad de hablar de Dios a todos los hombres y con todos los hombres. Esta convicción está en la base de su diálogo con las otras religiones, con la filosofía y las ciencias, y también con los no creyentes y los ateos. 40. Puesto que nuestro conocimiento de Dios es limitado, nuestro lenguaje sobre Dios lo es también. No podemos nombrar a Dios sino a partir de las criaturas, y según nuestro modo humano limitado de conocer y pensar. 41. Todas las criaturas poseen una cierta semejanza con Dios. Las múltiples perfecciones de las criaturas (su verdad, su bondad, su belleza) reflejan por tanto, la perfección infinita de Dios. Por ello podemos nombrar a Dios a partir de las perfecciones de sus criaturas “pues la grandeza y hermosura de las criaturas se llega por analogía, a contemplar a su Autor”. Campaña “Primeros 1000 Días” Cultura de Iniciativa Católica de Vida Donde todos son acogidos y amados por la misericordia Día 616 ~ Una nutrición adecuada durante los primeros 1000 dias puede salvar más de un millón de vidas cada año. Ven y experimenta el Amor Sanador del Señor. Misa de sanción Charismatica Viernes 2 de Diciembre del 2016, con los celebrantes: Padre Chuck Wood de la Iglesia Católica San Wenceslao de Scappose, Oregon y la Hermandad de Alabanzas. De la Iglesia Santa Maria nos acompañarán los padres Ron Nelson, Edgar Rivera y Bryce McProud. Lugar: Iglesia Santa Maria. Hora: 7:00 pm. Organizado por el Ministerio La Esperanza y Grupo de Oración Carismático de la Iglesia Santa Maria. Para más información contactar a Jacqui Martinez al 541-513-2607 o a Dave Olszyk al 541689-8070. Horario para el Día de Gracias • • • • • • • • La Oficina Parroquial estará cerrada desde mediodía el Miércoles 23 de Noviembre hasta la 9:00 am el Lunes 28 de Noviembre No habrá clases de RCIA el Martes 22 de Noviembre No habrá Oración a María Miércoles 23 de Noviembre No habrá clases de Confirmaciones Miércoles 23 de Noviembre Una Misa a las 9:00 am el Día de Gracias Una Misa a las 9:00 am el Viernes 25 de Noviembre No habrá Confesiones el Viernes 25 de Noviembre No habrá Hora Santa, La Esperanza el Viernes 25 Matrimonios Si planea una boda en Santa María, necesita hacer primero una cita con la secretaria y después con el sacerdote para la Plática Pre-Matrimoniales en línea. Feliz Día de Gracias El Personal de Santa María Requisitos para los Bautizos Antes de bautizar a su niño/a los PADRES necesitan: † Ser miembros activos y estar registrados en la iglesia por lo menos 6 meses antes del bautizo. † Registrarse para asistir a las pláticas Pre-Bautismales Los PADRINOS también deben haber asistido a las pláticas Pre-Bautismales, y cumplir con lo siguiente: † Haber recibido los Sacramentos de Iniciación: Bautizo, Confesión, Primera Comunión y Confirmación. † Tener por lo menos 16 años de edad. † Ser miembros activos de la Iglesia Católica. † Si están casados debe ser por la Iglesia Católica. Campaña de Recolección de Alimentos Ya empezó la campaña de recolección de alimentos de Santa María. Tenemos congeladores y barriles para colectar: pavos, jamones, pollos y también alimentos que no se descomponen. Éstos serán donados a San Vicente de Paul. Favor de no poner carnes en los barriles. Deposite las carnes en la Oficina Parroquial durante las horas de oficina, de lunes a viernes de 9:00 am a 5:00 pm o favor de dárselos a James o Joe después de las Misas del Domingo. Todos los alimentos deben ser donados antes del 9 de Diciembre de 2016. Gracias Confesiones en Español Miércoles 23 de Noviembre 11:00 am a 12:00 pm Sábado 26 de Noviembre 4:00 a 5:00 y 7:00 a 8:00 pm 6 Sunday, November 20 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE KC Breakfast/ Carmelite Raffle Sales 7:30 † Mass 9:00 † Mass/Children’s Liturgy 11:00 † Mass 1:00 † Misa 2:30 ~ Spanish Religious Ed. 4:00 ~ Charismatic Prayer 5:30 † LifeTeen Mass Monday, November 21 THE PRESENTATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY THIRTY-FOURTH OR LAST WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 6:30 ~Religious Ed./Edge Tuesday, November 22 Wednesday, November 23 Thursday, November 24 Friday, November 25 Saturday, November 26 Sunday, November 27 Parish Office Closed Parish Office Closed Monday, November 28 Tuesday, November 29 Friday, December 2 Saturday, December 3 ST. ANDREW DUNG-LAC & COMPANIONS Thanksgiving Day 9:00 † Mass 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 6:30 ~Religious Ed./Edge 6:55 † Mass 10:00 ~ Prayer Shawl Meeting 11:00 ~ Reconciliation 12:15 † Mass 7:00 † Healing Mass ST. CECILIA 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 5:30 ~ Choir Practice (9:00) 6:30 ~ Choir Practice (11:00) 9:00 † Mass 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 7:00 ~ RCIA 8:00 † Mass 3:00 ~ Spanish Choir Practice 4:00 ~ Reconciliation 5:30 † Vigil Mass 7:00 ~ Reconciliation FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Coffee & Donuts/CDA Advent Wreath Sales 7:30 † Mass 9:00 † Mass 11:00 † Mass 1:00 † Misa 2:30 ~ Spanish Religious Ed. 5:30 † LifeTeen Mass Wednesday, November 30 Thursday, December 1 Sunday, December 4 Monday, December 5 ST. ANDREW 6:55 † Mass 11:00 ~ Reconciliation 12:15 † Mass 1:00 ~ Marian Prayer 6:00 ~ Choir Practice (11:00) 6:30 ~ Confirmation Class ST. FRANCIS XAVIER 8:00 † Mass 9:00 ~ DJM 3:00 ~ Spanish Choir Practice 4:00 ~ Reconciliation 5:30 † Vigil Mass 7:00 ~ Reconciliation 6:55 † Mass 11:00 ~ Reconciliation 12:15 † Mass SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Esperanza Breakfast 7:30 † Mass 9:00 † Mass/Children’s Liturgy 11:00 † Mass 12:00 ~ English Baptisms 1:00 † Misa 2:30 ~ Spanish Religious Ed. 2:30 ~ Theatre of Light 4:00 ~ Charismatic Prayer 5:30 † LifeTeen Mass 6:45 ~ LifeNight 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 1:00 ~ Stations of the Cross (for Victims of Abortion) 5:30 ~ Choir Practice (9:00) 7:30 ~ Play Rehearsal 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 6:30 ~Religious Ed./Edge 1st Holy League Men’s Conference Friday, December 16 (6:30 – 8:45 pm) & Saturday, December 17 (8:00 am – 4:00 pm) Illuminate your soul at the 1st Holy League Men’s Conference at St. Joseph Church, 721 Chemeketa St. NE, Salem, OR. This Conference is about waking men up spiritually, bringing men of faith together, bringing fathers and sons together, challenging men to be spiritual leaders and models to other men, knowing the power of the Sacraments, knowing the power of the Rosary, building fraternity and much more. There will be Mass, inspiring talks, Confession, Adoration, Prayer and meals. This lifechanging event is for young men and old to come and be transformed by Christ. Registration is available online at For more information, contact James Thurman at 503-581-1623. 7