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Catholic Church 8200 Woodman Road • Henrico, VA 23228 • Parish Office: 804-262-7315 Spanish Office: 804-262-7317 • Fax: 804-262-7337 Visit us on the web: Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Friday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon “Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us.” OCTOBER 23, 2016 CLERGY & STAFF Rev. James Begley, Pastor Ext. 223 Rev. Jimmy Valencia, Parochial Vicar Ext. 236 Rev. Mr. James E. Van Wyk, Permanent Deacon 262-0283 Dan Molochko, Seminarian Ext. 227 Kathi-jean Dors, Office Manager Ext. 229 Veronica Kennedy, Music Minister Ext. 230 Megan Cottam, Coordinator of Religious Education Ext. 225 Steven Cottam, Youth Ministry Ext. 237 Joan DuFour, Human Concerns Coordinator Ext. 228 Kathy Geiser, Parish Records Ext. 222 Carl Steiner, Business Manager Ext. 224 Don Tomczak, Maintenance Ext. 231 Chip Morris, Maintenance Ext 231 Bill West, Sexton Ext. 231 Spanish Ministry Office Nilda Torres, Spanish Ministry Direct Line 262-7317 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday Holy Hour, 6:00 pm Evening Prayer, 6:30 pm Followed by Benediction Thursday (Spanish) at 7:00 pm Petitions included in the Book of Prayers will be prayed for collectively once a week. Mass & Reconciliation Schedules Weekend Masses Saturday at 5:30 pm Sunday at 8:30 am & 11:15 am Sunday (Spanish) at 1:00 pm Sunday (Spanish) at 6:00 pm Weekday Masses Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 am Tuesday (Spanish) at 7:00 pm Reconciliation Saturday at 4:15 pm - 4:45 pm or by Interpreted for the hearing impaired by Appointment volunteers at 8:30 Mass Tuesday (Spanish) at 6:30 pm Listening devices available for the Comboni Missionary Sisters hearing impaired at all Masses 1307 Lakeside Ave (804) 262-8827 Mass/Communion Service: Ministries Mon-Fri at 7:00am & Sat at 8:00am Bldgs & Grounds Chip Morris 994-9444 Christian Formation Children’s Liturgy Judy Aldrich 747-4913 RCIA Inquiry Kathy Talley 262-7490 Finance Council Don Brockman 929-4522 Grand Group Open Human Concerns Keith Degnan 559-3603 Advocate for Persons With Disabilities Elaine Schmidt 266-6157 Parish Nurses Stacey Dougherty Knights of Columbus Michael A. Roby 501-0122 Legion of Mary Lorraine Smith 262-8977 Parish Life Robin Bowling 615-3081 Pastoral Council Terry Barsalou 798-4415 Scouts Cub Scouts Bill Forness 433-9234 Girl Scouts Lisa Callahan 277-8176 Stewardship—Open Worship Kathy Talley 262-7490 Altar Servers Marie VanWyk 262-0283 Art & Environment Deane Morris 994-9444 Extraordinary Minister Kathy Talley 262-7490 Greeters Marty Rhodes 262-1727 Homebound Ministry Peggy Hildebrand 501-0075 Lectors Open Weekly Calendar Sunday Oct 23 Monday Oct 24 Parish Coffee First & Doughnuts Eucharist after 8:30 am Make-up ENG Mass in the 5-8:00 pm SH SCH LIB FML Open 9:30-11:00am 12:15-12:45pm Tuesday Oct 25 Wednesday Oct 26 Thursday Oct 27 Friday Oct 28 Saturday Oct 29 Mass 8:30 am Evening Prayer, Adoration & Benediction 6-7:00 pm CH School Mass 8:30 am FF Culture Class 5:30-9:30 pm SH Rosary 4:45-5:00pm CH Bible Study Creation of the 10-12:00 pm Stories FML 7-8:00 pm COM FML Open to the Public 1-4:00 pm Dead FF Culture Theologian’s Class Society-Youth 6:30-8:30pm 7-8:3pm FML SH Baptism Weekend Rel. Ed. Class English 9:45-11:00am Spanish 11:15-12:30pm MPR/SCH RCIA 7-9:00 pm FML/COM Bible Study 7-9:00 pm FML Creation of the Stories 9:30-10:30am COM Parents & Pals English 10-10:50 am Spanish 11:30-12:20pm SCH PREK RM Spanish Mass 7:00 pm CH W/E Choir Rehearsal 7:30-9pm CH Finance Council 6:30-8:00 pm FML Legion of Mary Rosary at the Grotto following 11:15 Mass Spanish Choir 7:30-9:00 pm CH Legion of Mary 7-9:00 pm HHD FF Culture Cl. 2-4:00 pm SH Faith Form. 7:30-9:00 pm COM (SP) Spanish Holy Hour 7-8:00pm CH Ministry Minute from Human Concerns Thanksgiving and Jesse Tree Weekend of October 29th & 30th Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School Grades PreK - 8 Visit our website: Admissions: Andrea Fuller Phone: 804.262.1770 Email: Follow us on Facebook! Our Lady of Lourdes Participate at all Masses next weekend October 29th & 30th Girl Scouts Nut & Candy Fundraiser Weekend of October 29th & 30th Visit the Girl Scouts table in the Commons CALENDAR ABBREVIATIONS CH Church COM Commons FML Fisher Memorial Library HHD Healy Hall Dining Room MPR Multi-purpose Room SCH School SCH LIB School Library SH Social Hall Don’t forget to order your scrip! “Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church” Prayer List Mass Intentions for Oct 25- Oct 30 Tue 8:30 am Thu 8:30 am Sat 5:30 pm Sun 8:30 am Sun 11:15 am Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Stephanie Rochon Moten (RIP) Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Scripture Readings for 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time October 30, 2016 WIS 11:22-12:2 2 THES 1:11-2:2 LK 19:1-10 Please pray for our loved ones in the Military: PFC William C. Barker, Corporal Robert Beers, Lance Corporal David A. Carter, Sgt. B. J. Compton, SPC. Alan Crosby, Msg. Pfc. Antonio A. Flores, Sgt. John M. Flores, Sgt. Lauro Flores, Lt. Roberto Fonseca, 2nd Lt. John Furr, Lt. Jonathan Garrett, SPEC. Isaac Gethins, Capt. Christopher-James Hart, Corporal Paul Inoa, SPEC. Mary Claire Kocik, SFC. Hector Meza Jr., Capt. Morgan McDaniel, 1st. Sgt. James Phipps, Lance Corporal Michael J. Riddick II, SFC. Thomas T. Morton, SSgt. Howard C. Robertson, USMC, PO1 Angel Semerling, BM2 Lewis Semerling US Coast Guard, Lance Corporal Daniel Stroia, PO Troy Sweeney, Maj. C. J. Whitaker, Sr A. Marcus Wilson, SSgt. Steven Walker, Maj. Karl Wojtkun Please pray for all the sick and homebound: Doris Amory, Chuck Coley, Loretta Dahlstedt, Ibis Diaz, Michael Gonzalez, Chris Hartless, Fannie Hernandez, Betty Hott, Kyle Hungerford, Rosemary Lowry, Flo Malek, Petra Nordveck, David Wayne Plumket, Anne Poates, Maureen Ratcliff, Kaeden Ross, Chuck Willis Music Ministry Corner CC/YC October 22nd Rehearsal 9am – 10:30am: Enter on the school/choir side of the church. Morning Snacks served from 8:45am-9:00am before rehearsal!! October 30th Sunday 11:15am “Oh When The Saints Go Marching In” Presentation-OLL Youth Choir RINGS HANDBELLS,OLL Children’s Choir will process with “Saint Holy Card Pictures.” Presentation starts at 11am Sharp!! Resurrection Choir Members are Needed: Are you available during the day to sing at funerals? This is a wonderful ministry to support and comfort the family and friends of our deceased. Rehearsals are 30-45 minutes before the funeral. Please contact the Music Minister if you are interested: call 804-2627315 or email Come Join Our Sit and Sing Choirs: Welcome again to our new members!! Please consider coming up at Mass to sing with the choir. We NEED MELODY voices to add to the choir harmonies. We rehearse 25 minutes before Mass - individuals or families are welcome. Youth and children are invited to the 11:15am weekly Mass –you must register with the Music Minister before sending youth/children up to the choir. Please contact the Music Minister if you are interested: Email or call the parish 804-262-7315 X230. Sacraments Baptism - for information, call the Christian Formation Office in the parish office or take information leaflet from the magazine rack in the Commons. Reconciliation-Saturday at 4:15-4:45 PM or by appt. Marriage - Couples must participate in a preparation program. Please contact Father Jim or Deacon Jim at least six months in advance. Anointing of the Sick - If you or a family member needs the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, or is admitted to a hospital or nursing home or is homebound for any reason, please call the Office. [After Hours ONLY in an EMERGENCY Call (804) 254-0586] Holy Orders, Religious Life, and Lay Ministry - Men and women considering Ministry in the Church are encouraged to call the Parish Pastor or Deacon. Christian Formation Corner Sacraments at a Glance Q: When is the best time to plan for the baptism of my child? A: All parents who wish to have their children baptized in the Catholic Church must attend a baptismal preparation class. Attending the class when pregnant, if possible, allows for you to discern the appropriate godparents for your child, prepare to raise your child in the faith, and schedule a baptism without delay. Infant baptism should take place as soon as possible after your child is born. Check back each week to learn one fact about sacramental preparation in the Catholic Church. Have a question you would like to see answered? Contact the Christian Formation Office with your query. Announcements Parents: The First Catechists What children learn in the home from their parents about faith is the primary way they will come to understand God. Need help? Want to share ideas with other parents and hear about best practices? Come to an information session on Sunday, November 6th at 10:00am in the school Multipurpose room. This is a partnership between the school religion program and parish religious education program. All parents are welcome! For more information, please contact Robyn Dahl at the school, or Megan Cottam at the parish. Youth Ministry Corner Come join us at youth group! Open to all students 6th-12th grade. Next session – Sun. November 6th, 2:30-4:30pm Youth Mass – Next Weekend, Oct 29-30 at all the masses! Next weekend the liturgies at all our normal masses will highlight our parish youth and the youth ministry! We have a few spots left for liturgical helpers (ushers, gift bearers), so if you are a member of our group who wants to help out in a special role that weekend then please contact Mr. Steven right away! Sign up now for Summer 2017! Steubenville Youth Conference and Work Camp Hard to believe since it’s only October, but registration is open now for our annual trip to Franciscan University (June 23-25) and our summer service work camp (July 16-22). If you are interested, please contact Mr. Steven for more info - and don’t delay, because spots are filling up fast! Human Concerns Proclaimers Needed! Children’s Liturgy is in need of adult leaders for the 8:30am Mass. If you love children and the Mass, this ministry is for you. You receive scripted handouts for everything you need to do. Must be willing to be VIRTUS trained. For more information, please contact Judy Aldrich or Megan Cottam. Thank you Pam Pam Couvelha has been a volunteer in Laura’s Closet for 21 years. She began with her dear friend Laura Bookheimer. Pam has been dedicated and worked hard over these years. Mary Jane Evans and Carmen Harrelson joined Pam a number of years ago. They have now retired. We appreciate the care and time they put forth in getting the clothing room ready for each Tuesday morning when the shoppers arrive. God bless each of you and thank you for your dedication. Baptismal Preparation Interested in having your child baptized? Your first step is to come to one of our baptismal preparation classes, where you will learn about the theology of the sacrament, how we celebrate the rite in our church, and schedule your own child’s baptism. The next class will be held on Sunday, October 30th at 2:30pm in our Fisher Memorial Library. The library is located in the back of the commons. Needles and Hooks Judy Carter and her team of 3 have been coming together to knit and crochet! Just as a reminder the ladies meet every other Thursday at either the Comboni Convent or at the From the Heart building. They will meet on Thursday, October 27th. For more information about their next project for the Veterans’ hospital and homeless veterans. call Judy at 262-5389. OLL School News Parish/Other News Considering a Catholic education for your child? Contact the school if interested in having your child attend our parish school. All parish families receive the Catholic tuition rate. Our Prekindergarten and Kindergarten classes fill quickly so please apply now! Contact Andrea Fuller at 2621770 or 2016 RED MASS Simple Ways to Help our Students Donate scholarship money through the McMahon Parater Foundation Collect Box Tops for our school Link your Martin’s or Kroger card to support Our Lady of Lourdes School Use and select Our Lady of Lourdes School to benefit from your purchases. Several of our students are able to receive a Catholic education because of your tax scholarship donations. We also use the Box Tops funds and grocery rewards to purchase additional recess equipment, art supplies, musical instruments and rainy day recess activities. We appreciate the support of our parish and school community! How can you receive 65% of your donation returned to you in Virginia tax credits? Donate to the McMahon Parater Foundation for Education through the Education Improvement Scholarships Tax Credits program. Your gift will provide scholarships for new students from families with limited income to attend Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School. To receive a brochure or submission paperwork, please call Andrea Fuller at the school, 262-1770. Parish/Other News Chicken Soup for the Caregivers of Seniors A day with Dr. Mary Ann Massey, retired Marriage and Family Therapist and author of Aging is a Family Affair: How to Prepare for Tomorrow’s Difficult Caregiving Conversations – Today. Shalom House Retreat Center Wednesday, November 2, 20169:00 am to 4:00 pm, $35.00 includes registration and homemade chicken soup lunch. For information or to register, call Shalom House at 804-883-6149. The Most Reverend Francis X. DiLorenzo, Bishop of Richmond, and The Saint Thomas More Society invite everyone in the Richmond Diocese to join in worship and fellowship at the 33rd Annual Red Mass and Dinner on Thursday, November 10. Reverend Monsignor R. Francis Muench, J.C.L., Judicial Vicar for the Diocese of Richmond will celebrate the Red Mass. Mass is at 6:00 p.m. at Mary, Mother of the Church Abbey, 12829 River Road, Goochland. The dinner will follow in the Benedictine College Prep Dining Hall. The keynote address will be given by Reverend Paul D. Scalia, Episcopal Vicar for Clergy, Diocese of Arlington. Father Scalia is the son of former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Tickets for the dinner are $65.00 each. The Saint Thomas More Society is an educational, fraternal, and service organization of Catholic lawyers. Further information can be obtained from Society President, James Schliessmann, or 804-873-1035. FY16 Budget Financial Report Period For period ending Oct 3for New Fiscal Year started 7/1/16 # Actual Offertory Collection Offertory Env 211 $8,677.00 E Giving 71 $4,981.50 Loose Checks 8 $215.00 Loose $1,837.34 Total Week Collection $15,710.84 $14,230 Total Year to Date $175,324.40 $199,220 Building & Capital Improvement/Debt Reduction Bldg-Cap Imp/Debt Env 33 $1,456.00 E Giving Total Week Collections Total Year to Date 40 $1,263.50 $2,719.50 $24,225.45 $1,923 $26,922 Scrip Profits Support Parish Youth Ministry Sales Scrip Sales Profit This Week 2.74% $14 $525 July 1, 2015 to date 4.60% $688 $14,960 Parish Debit Balances Matures 8/2018 2.85% 9-1-16 Bal = **Loan 1-1-16, 4.09% 7 Yrs 9-1-16 Bal = **Living Our Mission funds to repay this loan $108,102.41 $370,668.13 IGLESIA CATOLICA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LOURDES 8200 Woodman Road Henrico, VA 23228 Horario de Oficina: Martes a jueves de 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Viernes de 9:00am a 12:00pm Telefono directo: 804-262-7317 Correo Electronico: 23 de Octubre de 2016 Rev. James Begley, Pastor Ext. 223 Rev. Jimmy Valencia, Parochial Vicar Ext. 236 Veronica Kennedy , Ministro de Musica Ext.230 Nilda Torres, Coordinadora Min. Hispano 262-7317 Coordinadora Liturgia Isabel Lopez Coordinador Catequista Freddy Esteban Lider. Min. de la Eucaristia HORARIO MISA: Domingo: 1:00pm 6:00pm Martes: 7:00pm Jueves: 7:00pm concluyendo con Adoración y Bendición del Santísimo CONFESIONES: Martes: 6:30pm o por cita previa Practica del coro de adultos para Misa 1:00pm los domingos: Yolanda Esteban y Ana Mendoza Martes 7:30pm a 8:30pm Lider de Ujieres Practica del coro Misa de las 6:00pm los domingos: Everlyn Sosa - Ronaldo Garay Katia Mendoza Domingo: 5:00pm a 5:45pm antes de la misa. 804-245-0607 Lider de lectores Diego Diaz Lider de monaguillos Marta Calderon Coordinador coro misa 1pm VISITA A LOS ENFERMOS SI NECESITAN QUE VISITEN A ALGUN ENFERMO, FAVOR LLAMAR A LA OFICINA AL 804-262-7317 James O’Brien Lider del coro Flory Perez Buscanos en Nuestra Página de Facebook Nuestra Señora de Lourdes-Richmond El Padre Jimmy estará en la oficina de Martes a Jueves de 10:00am-4:00pm y los viernes de 9:00am-12pm. Si necesitan cualquier servicio, por ejemplo, bendición de casa, visitar un enfermo en el hospital o la casa, etc., favor llamar a la oficina. Le damos la bienvenida a la Hermana Marta Gladys Urrutia, y nos dirige este mensaje: Queridos hermanos(as) me gustaría compartir con usted y su familia la Palabra de Dios. Quisiera que le visitara y compartiéramos esta Buena Nueva? Puede ponerse de acuerdo conmigo Capsula de Misericordia Estamos por culminar el Año de la Misericordia. Como lo has vivido? El Papa Francisco nos dice: “Nos conmueve la actitud de Jesús; no le escuchamos palabras de desprecio, no le escuchamos palabras de condena, sino solo palabras de amor, de misericordia, que invitan a la conversión” Y tu cuando miras el defecto del hermano(a) tienes esta actitud de amor, de perdón, dándole oportunidades de mejorar? O le condenas, le desprecias y te alejas de esa persona porque no es como tu quieres?. El dia 20 de Noviembre estaremos clausurando el año de la Misericordia donde además de la Eucaristía habrán muchas sorpresas. EL Closet de Laura: Nosotros aceptamos donaciones de ropa limpia y ligeramente usada de Lunes a Jueves de 9am-3:30pm. Estamos necesitando cobijas, abrigos y chaquetas. Tambien necesitamos ropa de cama en todos los tamaños.