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St. Stephen Roman Catholic Church 31020 Cole Grade Rd, Valley Center, CA 92082 760-749-3324 - Fax: 760-749-6684 - Rev. Elmer Mandac, Pastor Deacons: Charles “Chuck” Embury: Gilbert “Gil” Salinas: 760-751-4025 760-749-2820 Parish Office Hours: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Horas de la Parroquia 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Mass Schedule: Saturday Anticipatory:............................................................ 5:30 PM Sunday: .................................................................7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Sunday: ................................................................................ 11:00 AM Monday:................................................................................ 12:15 PM Tuesday & Wednesday: ......................................................... 8:45 AM Thursday (Communion Service):........................................... 8:45 AM Friday: .................................................................................... 5:30 PM Holy Day Mass Schedule: ............................................ As Announced Horario de la Misa: Sabado Anticipatorio:........................................................... 5:30 PM Domingo: ...........................................................7:30 AM - 9:00 AM Domingo: .......................................................................... 11:00 AM Lunes:................................................................................. 12:15 PM Martes & Miercoles:............................................................ 8:45 AM Jueves: (Servicio de Comunion) .......................................... 8:45AM Viernes: ............................................................................... 5:30 PM Dias Santos:.................................................................. (Anunciados) Sacrament of Penance: Friday: 6:00 PM or by appointment Baptism: Please contact our Parish Office 4 months prior to date Marriage: Contact pastor 9 months prior to desired date Sacramento de Penitencia: Viernes: 6:00 PM o con cita Bautizos: Haga Contacto a la oficina 4 meses antes de la fecha Matrimonio: Haga contacto con el Sacerdote 9 meses antes de la fecha deseada Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD): 760-749-3352 Ellen MacPhee: Catechetical Program coordinator Saturday: Spanish: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM Wednesday: English: 3:30 PM-4:45 PM Jr. & High School Youth: Monday: 7:00 PM-8:30 PM Confirmation Preparation: Ellen MacPhee: 760-749-3352 Confraternidad de la Doctrina Cristiana (CCD) 760-749-3352 Ellen MacPhee: Coordinadora de Programa Catechetico Sabado: Español: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM Miercoles: Ingles: 3:30 PM-4:45 PM Grupo de Joveness: Lunes: 7:00 PM-8:30 PM Preparación de Confirmación: Ellen MacPhee: 760-749-3352 Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Contact our Deacons: Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos: Llamen a los Diáconos: Scripture Study: Ellen MacPhee: ............ 760-749-3352 Environment Team: ...................................... 760-751-7357 Knights of Columbus: Vito Palermo: ............... 760-277-2283 Women’s Guild: Marianne Stone ............ 760-742-1201 Bereavement: Penny Blazej................. 760-685-3403 Funeral Director: Mary Elaine Gustafson . 760-751-1130 Natural Family Planning: John & Cynthia Tobin: . 760-715-2274 Culture of Life: Mark & Laura Ginella: ..760-751-0301 Christian Family Movement: Dagmar Hoffmann:....... 760-749-9154 Single Parent Ministry: Dagmar Hoffmann: …...760-504-2693 Prayer Quilts Coordinator: Sharon Martineau ......... 760-749-0188 SCRIP Program: Pat Bierle:..................... 760-749-2182 St. Vincent de Paul: Chuck Clayton:............. 760-638-1300 (Pantry open for distribution): Saturday: .............8:30 AM-10:30 AM . Thrift Store: Kathy Eckert................. 760-749-1965 Monday………………………………..9:00 AM-1:00PM Wednesday - Friday:…………. ........ 10:00 AM-2:00 PM Saturday:……….. .............................8:30 AM-11:00 AM Sunday: ………... 10:15 AM-11:00 AM & 12 PM-1 PM Renewal Ministry: Victor Lopez: ............... 760-520-3274 Alfredo Cruz................. 760-638-1453 Estudio de Escrituras: Ambiente: Caballeros de Colón: Gremio de Mujeres: Desconsuelo: Ellen MacPhee: ........ 760-749-3352 Monica Jauregui....... 760-415-0076 Vito Palermo:........... 760-277-2283 Marianne Stone ........ 760-742-1201 Penny Blazej .............760-685-3403 Planificación Familiar Natural: John & Cynthia Tobin:760-715-2274 Cultura de Vida: Mark & Laura Ginella: 760-751-0301 Movimiento Familias Cristianas: Dagmar Hoffmann: .. 760-749-9154 Ministerio Monoparentales Maria Cavaliere: ...…760-508-5496 Coorinador de Colcha de Rezo: Sharon Martineau..... 760-749-0188 Programa SCRIP: Pat Bierle: ................ 760-749-2182 San Vicente de Pablo: Chuck Clayton: ........ 760-638-1300 (distribución de comida): Sabado: ...........8:30 AM-10:30 AM Tienda Barata: Kathy Eckert…….….760-749-1965 Lunes…………………..…..9:00 AM-1:00 PM Miercoles - Viernes: ......... 10:00 AM-2:00 PM Sabado:….….. ..................8:30 AM-11:00 AM Domingo:.. 10:15 AM-11:00 AM y 12 PM-1 PM Ministerio de Renovacion: Victor Lopez ............ 760-520-3274 Alfredo Cruz ............ 760-638-1453 ST. STEPHEN ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH / IGLESIA We extend our hands and hearts in Christian friendship to you whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish If you are not registered, have moved or have other needs, please fill out this form and place in the collection basket or mail to the Parish Office. We will send all new parishioners a census form. Name/Nombre: Address/Domicilio: City/Ciudad: Zip/Código: Telephone/ Telefono: Cell/Celular: New parishioner / Soy nuevo en la parroquia I have changed my phone number / He cambiado numero de teléfono I am moving please remove my name from parish list/Me he mudado favor de quitar mi nombre de la lista parroquial Please send contribution envelopes / Por favor de enviar sobres de ofertorio I have a new address / Tengo domicilio nuevo Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time November 9, 2014 PASTOR’S CORNER: FEAST OF THE DEDICATION OF ST. JOHN LATERAN BASILICA Each year the Catholic Church celebrates the Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome on November 9th. When the feast falls on a Sunday, it displaces the Sunday in Ordinary time that we would normally celebrate on this date. Each diocese has a cathedral. The cathedral church in Rome is St. John Lateran and not the more famous church, St. Peter's. History tells that this basilica was the first to be built after Emperor Constantine’s edict, in 313, granting Christians freedom to practice their religion. And when the Emperor Constantine officially recognized Christianity, he made generous gifts to the church, one of which was a palace and grounds formerly belonging to the Laterani family. In 324, he added a large church, the basilica, on the grounds and the dedication of the church was celebrated by Pope Sylvester. Later a baptistery was added and dedicated to St. John the Baptist. In subsequent years the entire edifice became known as St. John of the Lateran. Over the centuries, this church has been acknowledged as “the mother church and head of all the churches of the city and of the world” (omnium ecclesiarum Urbis et Orbis mater et caput). Initially the observance of this feast was confined to the city of Rome; then, beginning in 1565, it was extended to all the Churches of the Roman rite. The honoring of this sacred edifice was a way of expressing love and veneration for the Roman Church, which, as St. Ignatius of Antioch says, “presides in charity” over the whole Catholic communion (Letter to the Romans, 1:1). It is our oldest church. Despite many fires and wars, many inclement weathers, earthquakes and “ecclesiastical tsunamis,” it has survived; thereby, becoming a symbol of the survival of Christianity itself. It continues to stand as the Pope’s cathedral and the true symbolic center of Catholicism – the seat of “Peter” (kathedra in Greek means “chair” or “seat”). The observance of this feast connects our local church with the Church of Rome, which is the center of unity. The dedication of any church recalls the heavenly Jerusalem that all church buildings symbolize. The prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures hesitated to approve the building of a temple for fear the people would forget that God is everywhere. The God of the Jews and their ancestors was bigger than what a temple could hold. Eventually the Jerusalem Temple became the symbolic center of faith for the Hebrew peoples, as well as the seat of authority for their leaders. In Ezekiel’s vision, God’s grace (God’s life giving action) could not be contained within the Temple walls but flowed outward bringing life and healing to many. In his day, Jesus symbolically cleansed the Temple. The House of God is not a place for doing commerce – for buying and selling for profit, nor for lording it over others… Jesus is the new Temple which cannot be destroyed. In as much as we are incorporated into Christ we become the Body of Christ and therefore St. Paul can tell us that WE ARE the Temple of God! Sometimes THIS Temple gets battered by wind and weather, sin and weakness, etc. Misguidedly, WE sometimes think that WE, on our own, must build up God’s Temple – The Church. Other structures may crumble, but Jesus tells us that even if this temple is destroyed God will raise it up! WE need to accept that, united with Christ and with His Vicar, WE ARE the Temple! WE must live as though we believe that – so that the water of grace might flow through us out to nourish the earth. St. John Paul II said; “The beauty and the harmony of churches, destined to render praise to God, invite us human beings too, though limited and sinful, to convert ourselves to form a “cosmos,” a well-ordered construction, in close communion with Jesus, who is the true Holy of Holies.” “O God, who from living and chosen stones prepare an eternal dwelling for your majesty, increase in your Church the spirit of grace you have bestowed, so that by new growth your faithful people build up the heavenly Jerusalem.”(Opening Prayer for Mass, Nov. 9) ( God Bless! Fr. Elmer Pray for our Priests November 9 Rev. Brian Hayes November 9, 2014 November 10 Rev. William Headley, CSSp November 11 Rev. Ronald Hebert November 12 Rev. Scott Herrera, LC November 13 Rev. Alfredo Heyrosa November 14 Rev. Michael Higgins, TOR November 15 Rev. Kilian Holland Jesus, Lord of the harvest, Look with love on this portion of your vineyard. Bless the Diocese of San Diego with more priests to shepherd your people, Priests with hearts like your own. Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us. Pray for Priests and Vocations “Now we ask you to respect those who work hard among you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.” (1 Thess. 5:12, 13, NIV) When we pray for vocations for the priesthood, diaconate and religious, we actually pray for ourselves, since holy priests, deacons and religious should result in a holier people. When we pray for these servants of Christ, we also win the favor of Christ, for we, in so praying, are furthering His work. By praying for vocations we are helping our children and our children's children because we are using a meritorious means of preserving our faith for them. “Now we ask you to respect those who work hard among you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.” (1 Thess. 5:12, 13, NIV) Serra Daily Prayer for priestly and religious vocations: MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP F A I T H F O R M A St. Stephen’s Middle School Youth Group is for youth in grades 6, 7 & 8 and meets on Monday nights from 7:008:30 pm in the parish hall. I encourage parents to have their middle school youth participate in youth group. The middle school years are tough and it is important that they continue their formation in the faith and foster their relationship with Jesus. In many respects Middle School kids are on the edge because so much is going on in their lives physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially. It can be a very stressful and difficult time for them and their parents. As a Catholic Community, we have the opportunity to give our Middle School youth the EDGE they need in life: Jesus, The Word, The Eucharist, and the Church! Social Night TOMORROW November 10th to “Get Air” in Temecula! Bring a (Middle School) friend! $5 requested donation/$10 for friend. Be sure to sign the on-line waiver at Parent drivers needed! Please call Ellen @ (760) 749-3352. ST. STEPHEN YOUTH MINISTRY! “Go therefore and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations…” This is the great Commission given by Jesus just before He ascended into heaven. It is our Mission as Church! Our parish community desires to form our young people into Disciples of Christ who love Jesus and live the Gospel! All activities offered for Youth Ministry are for ALL High School youth. Dawn Patrol - Morning Prayer & Devotions Wednesdays @ 6:45 am Blessed Sacrament Chapel—Breakfast provided! Youth Group Life Night (EVERY MONDAY) Monday November 10th @ 6:30 pm (early start time) Meet in the Youth Room! Youth Bible Study - (Every Wednesday) Home of John & Stephanie Boyd (Hannah & Daphne) Wednesday November 12, 2014 @ 7:00 pm Youth Night (Spanish) (Every Friday) Friday November 14, 2014 @ 7:00 pm Confirmation Formation - Year 1 & 2 November 16 @ 8:30 am “GET AIR” TEMECULA November 21, 2014 - Time TBA - Cost $15 + Food $ T I O N OPEN YOUTH ROOM: Have sports on Mondays and don’t have time to go home and get back in time for Youth Group? The Youth Room will be open every Monday @ 5:00 pm! Come get something to eat, do your homework or just hang out. Our interns from John Paul the Great University will be there! HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH! Tomorrow November 10th will begin at 6:30 in the youth room making the homeless kits. PLEASE bring case of water, packaged snacks, travel size toiletries, gallon size ziploc bags, and notes of love, to fill the bags. Thank you for your generosity and kindness in helping our homeless brothers and sisters. The youth room will be open at 5pm, Monday for anyone that wants to come hangout and eat:) Blessed beyond measure, Colleen C O R N ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH YOUTH MASS will be the 1st Sun of every Month @ the 9:00 am. Get engaged and serve our Lord in the Liturgy! For more information contact Colleen Murphy @ (760) 855-2510. E R High School Social Night! Friday November 21, 2014 Time TBA - Get Air Trampoline Park in Temecula. Cost is $15 plus $$ for food. Permission slip needed. Available on the St. Stephen website and be sure to sign on-line waiver ahead of time! A NIGHT TO GIVE THANKS! November 16th @ 6:00 pm. St. Stephen Youth Group is invited to St. Timothy’s Catholic Church in Escondido for a Thanksgiving Celebration of food, prayer, games & fellowship. St. Tim’s joined us for our Fall Dance and we all had a great time! Let’s join them to give thanks for all our blessings!! ADVENT CANDLES! Our High School Youth will be selling Advent candles after all Masses starting TODAY November 9th. Get a set of 4 taper candles for your Advent Wreath for $5. Collection/Colecta Nov. 2, 2014 Goal /Meta $11,000 Plate / Plato: $ 3,754.47 Envelope / Sobre; $ 6,984.00 Debt /Deuda: $ 6,076.14 Total: $ 16,814.61 All Saints $ 766.00 SATURDAY NOV. 15, 2014 We begin with 7:30 am Mass celebrated by Fr. Elmer followed by breakfast, hearty conversation and fellowship. All men are welcome & bring a friend! TONIGHT! Veteran’s Recognition Event Sunday Nov. 9th 6:30pm $5child/ $40 Family Veterans & Active Military FREE! ** Child Care will be provided!! Call Deacon Gil Salinas 760.749.2820 Parish Activities for the week of November 9, 2014 Sun. 11/9 Mon 11/10 Tues 11/11 Wed 11/12 Thur 11/13 Fri 11/14 Sat 11/15 Sun 11/16 Coffee, TACO 10:00am 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30am 1pm-9p 7:00pm 9:30am 3:30pm 7:00pm 1-9:pm 7:00pm 7:00 pm 5:30pm 7:00pm 7:30am 8:30 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 5:30pm 7:00pm Donuts and Fellowship SALE! After 9:00 & 12:00 pm Mass Adult Faith Formation Veteran’s Day Celebration Jr. High (7pm) & High School yth grp (6:30pm) Rosary & Divine Mercy Devotions Dos Valles Garden Club Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Women’s Bible Study Faith Formation K-5 Women’s Guild Board Meeting Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Bible Study “Revelation” w/ John Boyd Baptism Seminar (English) Mass & Confession Youth Group (Spanish) Catholic Men’s Fellowship/Mass St. Vincent de Paul Distribution Faith Formation “ Spanish” Adult Faith Formation w/Gloria Salinas Mass Single Parent/Divorced/Widowed, Gathering 10:30am Flu Shot Clinic 8:30am 1st. n’ 2nd. yr. Confirmation/ K.O.C Breakfast Sun. 11/9 Mass Intentions Week of November 2, 2014 7:30am Nancy Shultz 9:00am Novena 11:00am Salvador Cortez Mon 11/10 Tues 11/11 12:15pm Dolores Gonzales, Sp. Intention 8:45pm St. Stephen College Students Wed 11/12 8:45am Amanda Ginella, Sp. Intention, B.Day! Thur 11/13 8:45am Communion Service Fri. 11/14 5:30pm Pastor’s Intention Sat. 11/15 5:30pm Luis & Dorothy Coda, Sp. Intention Readings for the week of November 9, 2014 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Ti 1:1-9/Ps 24:1-6/Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8,11-14/Ps 37:3-4,18,23,27,29/Lk 17:7-10 Ti 3:1-7/Ps 23:1-6/Lk 17:11-19 Phlm 7-20/Ps 146:7-10/Lk 17:20-25 2 Jn 4-9/Ps 119:1-2,10-11,17-18/Lk 17:26-37 3 Jn 5-8/Ps 112:1-6/Lk 18:1-8 Prv 31:10-13,19-20,30-31/Ps 128:1-5/1 Thes 5:1-6/ Mt 25:14-30 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK IN OUR PARISH: Steven Andrews; Kay Cogswell; Ignacio Alcantar; Maria Nicolas; Ruben J. Nieto; Marie Tate; Cecile Illig; Amanda Luman; Eloina Sanchez; Cynthia Lobb; Jacob Rayapati; Sue Pederson; Jesus Angel; Jerry Lobb; Tom Barry; Jim Nelson; Christopher Johnson; Ralph Jensen; Mike Rice; Dolores Gonzales; Jasmin Kubart; Alessandro Gomez; Nancy Barrett; Eva Rosa; Therese Thomas; Mary McGrath; Jamie Reed; Cathey Anderson: Mental Health Wellness And The Church SATURDAY, November 15, 2014 8:30 am to 12:30 pm at St. Michael Catholic Church (In the Holy Family Center) 15546 Pomerado Rd. Poway, CA 92064 Who should attend this free event? 1.Families & individuals experiencing mental health challenges 2.Those who care for family members 3. Clergy 4. Parish staff and ministry leaders. 5. Mental health professionals 6. Social work professionals Keynote Speaker-Rev. Charles Sikorsky Presentation on the Diocesan Mental Health Ministry Network - Linda Arreola and Kent Peters Registration required at For more info. /Maria at 858 490.8323 ADULT CATECHETICAL SUNDAY SUNDAY, NOV. 9, after the 9:00am Mass What do you know about Our Lady of Guadalupe? Maybe you have heard the story, but do you know the details surrounding this Marian apparition and why it is the most visited Marian shrine in the world? Are you interested in learning more about how to defend Catholic devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary? Join us for a talk and discussion in the hall. Refreshments and morning snacks provided. Call Gloria Salinas for more info: 760.749.2820 *Child Care provided BEREAVEMENT CORNER: Time to get your Flu Shots Flu Shots Clinic Coming Soon! Nov. 16, 2014 10:30 -1:30pm & Dec. 13, 2014 8:30am-10:00— in front of SVde P Food Pantry The crowning of all Devotion to Mary ends with an Act of Consecration. A life committed to enlisting Her heavenly aid will help us through all of life’s trials. The world is in great need of Our Heavenly Mother’s help, now more than ever. Be a part of Mary’s Army. Join us for a 33 day period of preparation for Marian Consecration based on St. Louis de Montfort’s teachings as presented by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC.) STARTS - November 9th. ENDS - December 12th. On the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Please join us, for more info. Mary Norris - 760751-1157 or 760-807-2284 or Holly Flow - 760-518-0300 BENEDICTUS ~ A Ministry to Catholic Men Saturday, December 13, 2014 at Church of the Resurrection, Esc. 8:00am-11:00am in the Church. Breakfast, music & speaker to follow. Fr. John Dolan has been a priest in the diocese of San Diego for 25 years and is a native of San Diego. He is the author of 2 books, “Rose of Lima” &“ Who is Like God” He is a teacher in the Diocesan Institute and pastor of St. Michaels in Poway Admission $10 pre-paid/ $12at the door/ Students 18 & over $8 or pay by check to: Benedictus3627 Genista Place, Fallbrook, CA 92028 or contact Bob Thompsom at Oops ... we have had a delay in the printing of our Holiday Edition of the Grief's Companion. It should be here this Sunday - let's keep our fingers crossed. As soon as it arrives I will be putting copies in the back of the church. Last Sunday's All Soul Day ceremony at Valley Center Cemetery was beautiful. Thank you Ellen and everyone else involved in making this wonderful tribute happen! I just listened to a wonderful song "Save A Place For Me" that brought peace during my grief journey and thought it might for you as well. You can hear it at: v=7WYLPLNX. We are here for you! 760.685.3403 (Penny Blazej) Trigesimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 9, de noviembre, 2014 ESQUINA DEL PASTOR: SOLEMNIDAD DE LA DEDICACIÓN DE LA BASILICA DE SAN JUAN LETRÁN Cada año la iglesia Católica celebra la dedicación de San Juan Letrán en Roma el 9 de noviembre. Cuando la solemnidad cae en domingo, desplaza el domingo en tiempo ordinario que normalmente celebraríamos en esta fecha. Cada diócesis tiene una catedral. La iglesia de la Catedral de Roma es San Juan Lateran y no la más famosa iglesia, San Pedro. Historia dice que esta Basílica fue el primero en construirse después de edicto del Emperador Constantine, en 313, concedió la libertad de los cristianos a practicar su religión. Y cuando el Emperador Constantine reconocio oficialmente el cristianismo, hizo generosos regalos a la iglesia, uno de los cuales era un palacio y terrenos anteriormente pertenecientes a la familia Laterani. En 324, añadió una iglesia grande, la Basílica, en el jardín y la dedicación de la iglesia fue dedicación fue celebrada por el Papa Sylvester. Más tarde un baptisterio fue agregado y fué dedicada a San Juan el Bautista. En los años subsiquientes el edificio entero fue conocido como San Juan de Letrán. Durante siglos, esta iglesia ha sido reconocida como " la madre iglesia y cabeza de todas las iglesias de la ciudad y del mundo" (omnium ecclesiarum Urbis et Orbis mater et caput). Inicialmente la observancia de esta solemnidad fue confinada a la ciudad de Roma; luego, a partir de 1565, se extendió a todas las Iglesias del Rito Romano. El homenaje de este edificio sagrado era una forma de expresar el amor y la veneración de la Iglesia Romana, que, como dice San Ignacio de Antioquía, "preside en la caridad" sobre todo la comunión Católica entera (carta a los Romanos 1:1). Es nuestra iglesia más antigua. A pesar de muchos incendios y guerras, muchos clima inclemente, terremotos y "tsunamis eclesiásticos", ha sobrevivido; de este modo, convirtiéndose en un símbolo de la supervivencia del Cristianismo mismo. Continúa como la catedral del Papa y el verdadero centro simbólico del Catolicismo – el asiento de "Pedro" (kathedra en griego significa "silla" o "asiento"). La observancia de esta solemnidad conecta nuestra iglesia local con la Iglesia de Roma, que es el centro de la unidad. La dedicación de cualquier iglesia recuerda la Jerusalén celestial que todos edificios de Iglesias simbolizan. Los profetas de las Escrituras Hebreas tenian duda para aprobar la construcción de un templo por temor a que la gente se olvida que Dios está en todas partes. El Dios de los judíos y sus ancestros era más grande que lo que podría llevar a cabo un templo. Finalmente el templo de Jerusalén se convirtió en el centro simbólico de la fe para los pueblos hebreos, así como la sede de la autoridad de sus líderes. En la visión de Ezequiel, la gracia de Dios (la acción de vida dado por Dios ) no podría ser contenida dentro de las paredes del templo pero fluyó hacia afuera traeyendo vida y sanación a muchos. En su día, Jesús limpia simbólicamente el templo. La casa de Dios no es un lugar para hacer comercio – para la compra y venta con fines de lucro, ni de ser mas sobre otros... Jesús es el nuevo templo que no puede ser destruido. En cuanto nos incorporamos en Cristo nos convertimos en el cuerpo de Cristo y, por tanto, St. Pablo nos puede decir que SOMOS EL Templo de Dios! A veces ESTE templo es golpeada por el viento y el clima, pecado y debilidad, etc.. Equivocadamente, NOSOTROS a veces pensamos que podemos, por nuestra cuenta, debemos construir el Templo de Dios – La Iglesia. Otras estructuras pueden desmoronarse, pero Jesús nos dice que aunque este templo es destruido Dios lo levantará! Debemos aceptar que, Unidos con Cristo y con Su Vicario, SOMOS el Templo! Debemos vivir como si creemos esto– para que el agua de la gracia podría fluir a través de nosotros hacia fuera para nutrir la tierra.San Juan Pablo II dijo; "La belleza y la armonía de las iglesias, destinado para rendir alabanza a Dios, invitar a los seres humanos también, aunque limitada y pecaminoso, a convertirnos para formar un"cosmos", una construcción bien ordenado, en estrecha comunión con Jesús, ¿quién es el verdadero Santo de los Santos". San Juan Pablo II dijo; "La belleza y la armonía de las iglesias, destinado para rendir alabanza a Dios, invitar a los seres humanos también, aunque limitada y pecaminoso, a convertirnos para formar un"cosmos", una construcción bien ordenado, en estrecha comunión con Jesús, ¿quién es el verdadero Santo de los Santos". “O Dios, que de vivas y elegida rocas preparan una morada eterna para su Majestad, aumentar en su iglesia el espíritu de la gracia que ha concedido, de modo que por el nuevo crecimiento tu pueblo fiel acumulan la Jerusalén celestial." (Oración de apertura para la misa, 9 de noviembre) ( ¡Que Dios los Bendiga! Padre Elmer Resen Por Nuestros Sacerdotes de la Diócesis de San Diego Noviembre 9 Rev. Brian Hayes Noviembre 10 Rev. William Headley, CSSp Noviembre 11 Rev. Ronald Hebert Noviembre 12 Rev. Scott Herrera, LC Noviembre, 2014 Noviembre 13 Rev. Alfredo Heyrosa Noviembre 14 Noviembre 15 Rev. Michael Higgins, Rev. TOR Kilian Holland REZO PARA SACERDOTES....Jesús, reza por tu sacerdote fiel y ferviente; Por tus sacerdotes infieles y tibios; Por tus sacerdotes que trabajan en casa o en un pais extranjero y en misiónes distantes. Por tu sacerdote tentado; Por tus sacerdotes solos y solitarios; Por tus sacerdotes jóvenes; Por tus sacerdotes agonizantes; por las almas de tus sacerdotes en el Calvario. Pero sobre todo, te recomiendo a los sacerdotes los más queridos a mí: el sacerdote que me bautizó; los sacerdotes que me exoneraron de mis pecados; los sacerdotes en cuyas misas que asistí y quién me dan Tu Cuerpo y Sangre en la Sagrada Comunión; los sacerdotes que me enseñaron e instruyeron; Todos los sacerdotes a quien soy endeudado de cualquier otro modo (sobre todo a...). Guárdalos cerca de tu corazón. Amén. Oración Diaria por las Vocaciones: Jesús de la coseha, mira con amor a esta porción de tu viña. Bendice la Diócesis de San Diego con más sacerdotes que pastoreen a tu pueblo, sacerdotes con un corazón semejante al tuyo. María, Madre de la Iglesia, intercede por nosotros. Oracion Para la Vocación de la Familia: Dios amoroso, cada miembro de nuestra familia es un regalo especial de Ti. Le ha dado cada uno de nosotros dones y talentos para que podamos disfrutar de la vida, sino que también podemos compartir nuestras bendiciones con los demás. Generosos hombres y mujeres, niños y niñas, son necesarios para el servicio y liderazgo en nuestra iglesia. Nos ayudan a saber cómo estimular y apoyar para que podamos responder con valentía a esta necesidad al convertirse en la clase de gente que querrías. Sabemos que estás con nosotros cada paso. Ayúdanos a confiar en Ti. Pedimos esto por medio de Cristo Nuestro Señor. Amén ACTIVIDADES PARROQUIAL DE ESTA SEMANA Dom 11/9 Donas, Café y Compañerismo Venta De Tacos y Fruta!! Despues de la Misa 6:30pm Reconocimiento de Dia de Veteranos Lun 11/10 Mar 11/11 Mier 11/12 Juev 11/13 Vier 11/14 Sab 11/15 Dom 11/16 6:30pm Escuela Preparatoria y Secundaria, reunion 7:00pm 1-9pm 3:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 1pm-9pm 5:30pm 6:30pm 8:30am 8:30 am 5:30pm 7:00pm Rosario y Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia Adoración Al Santisimo Sacramento Formación de Fe (Ingles) Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para adultos Curso “Apollo” Estudio Biblico de mujeres,(Inglés) Gremio de Mujeres, reunion directiva Adoración al Santisímos Sacramento Misa /confesiones Crecimientos de la Fe San Vicente de Pablo - Distrtibución Formación de la Fe ~ Español Misa Ministerio de/solereos/divorciao y viudos, ingles 8:30am Primer y Segundo Año de Confirmación 10:30am Clinica de Vacunas contra la Gripa Intenciónes de la Misa de Semana 9, de nov. 2014 Dom 11/9 7:30am Novena Para Todos los Difuntos 9:00am Novena Domingo 16 de noviembre de las 10:30am -1:00pm acerca de la entrada de la Iglesia y Domingo 13, de diciembre de las 8:30am -10:00am En frente de la dispensa de San Vicente de Pablo La Coronación de toda devoción a María termina con un acto de consagración. Una vida comprometida para alistar su ayuda celestial nos ayudará a través de pruebas de la vida. El mundo está en gran necesidad de ayuda de nuestra Madre celestial, ahora más que nunca. Seán parte del ejército de María. Únete a nosotros para un período de 33 días de preparación para la Consagración Mariana basado en las enseñanzas de San Louis de Montfort, presentada por el p. Michael Gaitley, MIC.) COMIENZA - 9 de noviembre. TERMINA - 12 de diciembre. En el día de la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Los Invitamos Esta Noche! A la celebración de reconocimiento de todos los Veteranos, hoy domingo el 9 de noviembre a las 6:30pm en el Salon Parroquial de San Esteban. Este año reconocimos nuevamente y damos honor a nuestros veteranos por su servicios a nuestro país. Será una noche festiva con presentaciones y diversión! Si eres un veterano por favor asegúrese de usar su uniforme y traer medallas en cual le gustaría exponer ¡Nos Vemos! $15 adultos / $5 niño /$40 familia Veteranos & Militario Activo GRATIS! Llame a Diácono Gil Salinas 760.749.2820 para reservar sus acientos VELAS DE ADVIENTO! Nuestros jóvenes de secundaria estarán veniendo después de las misas a empezando el 9 de noviembre. Puede obtener un juego de 4 cerillas Para su Corona de Adviento por solo $5! 11:00am Novena Lun. 11/10 12:15pm Novena UNA NOCHE PARA DAR GRACIAS! El 16 de noviembre @ 6:00pm. Mar. 11/11 8:45pm Novena Mier 11/12 8:45am Novena Juev. 11/13 8:45am Communion Service Vier. 11/14 5:30 pm Pastor’s Intentions Sab. 11/15 5:30pm Novena El grupo de Jovenes de San Esteban son invitado a la Iglesia Católica de San Timoteo en Escondido para una celebración de Acción de Gracias de alimento, oración, juegos y compañerismo. San Timoteo se unió a nosotros para nuestro baile de otoño y todos tuvimos un gran tiempo! ¡ Hay que únirnos con ellos para dar gracias por todas nuestras bendiciones!! Lecturas para la semana de Noviembre 9, 2014 Domingo: Ez 47:1-2,8-9,12/Sal 46:2-3,5-6,8-9/1 Cor 3:9-11,16-17/Jn 2:13-22 Lunes: Tit 1:1-9/Sal 24:1-6/Lc 17:1-6 Martes: Tit 2:1-8,11-14/Sal 37:3-4,18,23,27,29/Lc 17:7-10 Miércoles: Tit 3:1-7/Sal 23:1-6/Lc 17:11-19 Jueves: Flm 7-20/Sal 146:7-10/Lc 17:20-25 Viernes: 2 Jn 4-9/Sal 119:1-2,10-11,17-18/Lc 17:26-37 Sábado: 3 Jn 5-8/Sal 112:1-6/Lc 18:1-8 Domingo: Prov 31:10-13,19-20,30-31/Sal 128:1-5/1 Tes 5:1-6/ Mt 25:14-30 Escuela Secundaria Noche Social! Viernes, 21 de noviembre 2014. La hora se anunciára. “Get Air Trampoline Park” “ en Temecula. Cobro es $15 / mas $$ para comida. (Permiso necesario) A Cat’s View Veterinary Hospital MON - FRI 8-6 SAT 9-12 Church of the Resurrection Rock, Sand, Gravel, Top Soil VALLEY CENTER MATERIALS Religious Gifts - Bibles - Rosaries Landscape Supplies Weekdays.: 9 am - 5 pm Sat.: 9 am - 7 pm Sun.: Open before & after all Masses 31034 Valley Center Rd. Valley Center 760760-749749-0099 (760) 751-9688 Gift Shop Caring For Your Unique Dental Needs 27319 Valley Center Road Valley Center, CA 92082 Scooter Service & Repair New & Used Scooters HANDI-VAN Cage Free Dog Boarding Doggie Day Care Dog Training Dog Grooming Ph: (760) 749-4022 1320 Simpson Way #D Escondido, Ca 92029 27455 Valley Center Rd. Ph. (760) 749749-0024 Fax (760) 749749-0026 Mon.Mon.-Sun. 7:30am7:30am-9:30pm Like our page Valley Center Wireless Wireless Starting at 28904 Valley Center Rd. $19.99/month! Free Local Tech Support! Bring this ad for your 10% Discount! JP ROOF SERVICES Joe Perez Lic #846691 / Insured Your Favorite Place 25 Yrs. Experience Espresso - Breakfast - Sandwiches Mobile: 760.802.5173 Smoothies - Ice Cream Office: 760.888.9385 Catering For All Occasions Email: Phone: 760-749-0123 556 Iona Court Fax: 760-749-0110 Escondido, CA 92027 29115 Valley Center Rd. Ste G. GOD BLESS OUR ADVERTISERS! Office: 760.749.1335 Fax: 760.749.7257 DSL Starting at Matthew Mancino (760) 432-8785 Fax: (760) 741-5778 (760) 747-2322 Just for you, we are now offering: High Speed Internet $39.95/month! Scooter Lifts Wheelchair Lifts 760760-749749-4700 1445 Conway Drive • Escondido Mission Publications FOR ADS CALL 1-888-253-4358 PLEASE SUPPORT THESE ADVERTISERS Email: Web: The merchants who advertise make our bulletin possible. When you patronize our advertisers, please thank them for supporting our parish. ACUPUNCTURE Dr. Benson, Tues EXOTIC PET SERVICES Dr. Mendez, Wed and Thurs • Ranch/house calls available • Walk-ins and emergencies • Surgery • No-anesthesia dentals • Internal Medicine • Digital xrays • Care Credit Payment Plans! 760-749-0560 2014 Fine Food and Cocktails Specializing in BBQ Ribs, Steaks and Seafood CATERING SERVICES 1040 S. Hale Ave. #12 • Escondido, CA 92029 Tree Trimming • Pruning • Removal Palm Cleanup • Hauling • Stump Grinding 760-445-2041 (760) 522-3045 Fax: (760) 479-5925 “Free Home Value Analysis” Parishioner Screen Printing ▪ Embroidery with the UPS Store Tel (760) 749-0761 Fax (760) 749-6849 29115 Valley Center Rd. #K Valley Center Portraits Weddings Special Events Senior Pictures Custom Framing POR FAVOR APOYE A ESTOS ANUNCIANTES Lenny Kerbs MBA, MSSE 27934 Valley Center Rd. Valley Center, CA 92082 #38 St. Stephen Church, Valley Center— Inside Let our ranch be the site for your next gathering, meeting, conference, retreat or campout! AVAILABLE FAT IVOR’S RIB 27961 Valley Center Rd. (760) 749-0600 RACK Fax (760) 749-5834 BROTHER AND BROTHER TREE SERVICE Alhiser-Comer Mortuary Premier Funeral Service with Care & Dignity Since 1897 Pre-Planning Specialists We Own & Operate Our Own Crematory 225 South Broadway • Escondido CA 92025 (760) 745-2162 Jorge Flores TRI-CITY BANNERS Stehly J. Flores Plumbing, Inc. Lic #643269 WEED BRUSH & Brothers Quality Plumbing CARPET TREE SERVICES Drilling Parishioner Incorporated REPAIRS • REMODELS 1080 W. Washington Ave. 7602133903 760 213 NEW CONSTRUCTION Escondido, CA 92025 FD 297 760-743-6252 Vista 760-724-5595 JOE’S COUNTRY FEED & PET (Hay &Grain) 760.749.9328 27847 Valley Center Rd.• VC Joe & Jenni For all your pet & livestock needs (760) 751-4075 Office (760) 535-5927 Cell Chris Banner Owner/Operator Lic.# CA993166 Insured FOX ACCOUNTING License No. 709686 Income Tax Return Preparation WATER WELL DRILLING AND for Individuals & Businesses COMPLETE PUMP SERVICES Linda Fox Certified Public Accountant • Parishioner M-F 8-6 • Sat 8-4 760-751-9824 IN GOD WE TRUST Visit us at DR. ROBERT Medina Eades, VERTREES D.D.S. A healthy smile says a lot CHIROPRACTOR (760) 749749-8211 27545 Valley Center Rd. Valley Center 760.742.3668 27940 Valley Center Road Valley Center, CA 92082 749-8824 Russ Oney, Pres. • Dewayne Oney, Vice Pres. Specialty Equine Practice Buscemi Plumbing Inc. Mission Publications FOR ADS CALL 1-888-253-4358 PLEASE SUPPORT THESE ADVERTISERS Full service plumbing co. 29115 Valley Center Road. • Ste. F Valley Center, CA 92082 Notary Public Tankless Water Heaters Saturday, Sunday & Evenings 1895 S. Centre City Pkwy, Escondido Lic. No. 946882 Work 760760-703703-3181 Home 760760-749749-2436 Serrato Grove Management Inc. Cell: 760 212-4533 Discounted Prices • Greeting Cards Value Store • Two Full Lines of Vitamins Complete OTC, Cough & Cold Office and School Supplies Gifts: Beanie Babies, Toys, and More!!! An Independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. Orthodontics for Children and Adults • Grove Care • Harvesting • Consultation • Grove Development 36437 - B Carney Rd. Valley Center SERRATOS AUTOMOTIVE & TIRE ASE CERTIFIED 16168 Hwy. 76 Pauma Valley, CA Fernando Serrato Ph.: 760-742-1159 FAX: 760-742-2495 State Lic. 480812 • Commercial • Residential • Tile • Shake • Built-up Repairs • Compo • New & Reroof 760.749.8147 Valley Center, CA 92082 Liliana Hernandez, D.D.S. Jaime Serrato & Ricardo Serrato Off - (760) 742-3553 Fax - (760) 742-3908 749-1156 (760) 751-2150 2014 REALTOR® / DRE #01106405 Specialty Equine Veterinary Care In North San Diego County CARING HANDS CREATING BEAUTIFUL SMILES! 13826 Woods Valley Rd. Valley Center, CA. 92082 760-749-4705 CA Lic. #0600525 Individual & Group Health Donald F. Coleman Tel: 760-749-5059 Cell 760-533-1759 SE HABLA ESPAÑOL Countryside VETERINARY HOSPITAL “we treat your pets like family” TERRY’S Auto Repair Deborah Hofler, VMD Tim Sherman, DVM Servicing Valley Center for 37 years 29209 Cole Grade Rd. (760) 749-3656 27847 Valley Center Road POR FAVOR APOYE A ESTOS ANUNCIANTES (760) 749749-3443 #38 St. Stephen Church, Valley Center - Outside Paul Buscemi Owner Beth Smith