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St. Bernard Catholic Faith Community Web Site: 2516 WEST AVENUE 33 – (323) 255-6142 – LOS ANGELES, CA 90065 Rev. Gerald McSorley, PASTOR Rev. Msgr. Patrick McNulty, PASTOR EMERITUS Rev. Paul Henson, O. Carm. E-mail: CHURCH OFFICE/OFICINA DE LA IGLESIA ST. BERNARD SCHOOL 2500 West Avenue 33 – (323) 255-6142 3254 Verdugo Road – (323) 256-4989 Fax – (323) 255-2351 PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Margaret Samaniego PARISH MANAGER: Bernadette Gurule RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE – Remy Baluyut, Director OFICINA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA 2515 West Avenue 33 – (323) 256-6242 MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS Sunday in English Vigil Mass: Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am and 9:30 am Domingo en Español 11:00 am y 12:30 pm Weekdays – 8:00 am CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturdays: 3:30 pm — 4:30 pm Thursdays: 6:30 pm — 7:00 pm WEDDINGS/BODAS Please call the church office at least six months in advance. Favor de llamar la oficina de la iglesia a lo menos seis meses en adelante. BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS Saturday & Sundays Call church office for information Sábados y Domingos Llame a la oficina de la iglesia para más información. ROSARY – WEDNESDAY – 6:30 PM ENGLISH MARTES – 6:00 PM ESPAÑOL MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA WITH MASS – WEDNESDAY – 7:00 PM Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time • October 18, 2009 STOLEN THUNDER SERVANT CHRIST, SERVANT CHURCH By the time the Gospels were written, James and John, sons of Zebedee (sons of “thunder”) were revered leaders of the Christian community. It is a common device of the evangelists to place the failings of the early Christians on the shoulders of their leaders to illustrate a point about discipleship, and perhaps to comfort them with the fact that Jesus chose common, flawed humans to spread the Good News. It must have seemed doubly odd that these two, already honored and revered, were chastised by Jesus when they requested positions of honor. Jesus, as it were, stole their thunder, and in the Gospel he likewise steals the thunder of the others who get indignant at James and John. Today’s readings from Isaiah and Hebrews, along with Jesus as portrayed in Mark, steal the thunder of the places of honor they had attained by reminding us that it is in the humility of service that we come to know the reign of God in our midst. In Matthew’s Gospel, it is the mother of James and John who makes the request of Jesus (Mark omits this scene). It is “only natural” for mothers to want to see their sons “get ahead in the world,” just as it is for us as individuals to seek those positions of honor and power. But again it is the lesson of Jesus, along with the lessons of Isaiah and Hebrews, that reminds us that we need to examine constantly our “only natural” ways of living to make sure that we are living as Christ, the head of the church. When Isaiah writes of the Suffering Servant, it can be seen as a prophecy of Jesus; but it is also a prophecy of the ongoing presence of Jesus, the church. When the author of Hebrews writes of the weakness known by Christ the great High Priest, it is also about the need for weakness on the part of the Body of Christ, the church. In this way the scriptures today show all of us, the baptized, the church, how we must continue to be the Servant Christ for the life of the world. Today’s Readings: Isaiah 53:10–11; Psalm 33:4–5, 18–19, 20, 22; Hebrews 4:14–16; Mark 10:35–45 [42–45] Copyright © 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Page Two St. Bernard October 18, 2009 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 18, 2009 Through his suffering, my servant shall justify many. — Isaiah 53:11b Today is World Mission Sunday. From my earliest years I have been fascinated by stories from the Missions. Returning priests and nuns visited my parish and school and I listened with rapt attention to their exciting accounts of events, people, and exotic animals in the mission lands of Asia and Africa. The stories of the missions and the missionaries continue today. In difficult and dangerous situations all over the world the final command of Jesus in St. Matthew’s gospel is being carried out with love and dedication. “Go, therefore and make disciples from all nations” Matt. 28,19. Please be generous in your support of the missions today with a contribution to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith which provides help to 1,150 mission churches. Special envelopes are in the pews. Checks can be written to St. Bernard Church and we will forward in one check all contributions. Please continue to pray for the missionaries and the people they serve. Father Gerald McSorley Congratulations to Ashley Lanusa, on her winning poem for the Latino Heritage Contest. We are proud of her and how her poem represents the diversity celebrated here at St. Bernard School. St. Bernard Religious Education/ Youth Ministry will hold its annual raffle bazaar next Sunday, October 25 at the Parish Pastoral Center parking lot from 8:00a.m. to 2:30p.m. Spaces for selling will be available at $25.00. Interested parties may call the church office (323)255-6142 to leave a message. October 24, 2009 marks the 14th annual “Celebrating Young Adults in Ministry,” an event which recognizes the contributions that young adults make to the life of our local faith communities. This year our parish has chosen to honor Maria Udave, Usher; Guadalupe Marquez, Teen Facilitator/ Usher; Patrick De Leon, Eucharistic Minister; and Zachary Clemente, Teen Facilitator/Youth Ministry. The “Celebrating Young Adults in Ministry” Recognition Mass is scheduled for Saturday, October 24, 2009 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. The celebration begins at 7:30p.m. His Eminence Cardinal Roger Mahony will preside at the Eucharistic Celebration. All are welcome to attend. The entire school community would like to thank the parishioners of St. Bernard for their continued financial support of the mission of the school. Through your generosity the school will be able to provide much needed tuition assistance to families struggling in this economy. God bless all of you! School is in full swing with Speech, Sports, P.E., Music and Art! Please encourage family and friends to consider St. Bernard as an option for those looking for a quality Catholic education. Please phone the school to make an appointment with Mrs. Samaniego (323)256-4989) if you are interested in enrolling your child. Mrs. Samaniego, Principal Safeguarding children from Sexual Abuse Committee will have a VIRTUS training session in SPANISH on Monday, October 26 from 6:00p.m. to 9:30p.m. at the Parish Hall/St. Joseph. Those who NEED to attend must register by October 19 to be accommodated. Please do not bring your children. Kindly call the church office to register at (323)2455-6142. ALL SOULS NOVENA OF MASSES The Annual Novena of Masses for the deceased whose names are given to us, will begin here on Monday, November 2. The envelopes for the names are on the tables near the altar and at the exits of the church. They can be returned by dropping them in the collection basket or at the church office. YOUTH CLUB The Youth Club of St. Bernard meets every Friday from 7:00p.m.— 9:00p.m. in the multi-purpose room. All are welcome! Catholic TV Mass for homebound 9:00A.M. each Sunday — KDOC-TV Channel 56 Also on cable/satellite. Tell a homebound relative or friend. Join Fr. Paul in another trip of a lifetime. This pilgrimage will feature the “Shroud of Turin” and the famous “Oberammergau Passion Play” performed only every 10 years since 1634. The Shroud of Turin is displayed only with Papal permission. Pope Benedict has given approval for the Shroud to be seen for two months next year — May and June. Other sites will be Rome, Assisi and Florence. Brochures are in the vestibule of the church. Space is limited. Send in your deposit now. Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bernard FOOTBALL MANIA SCORES — 5TH WEEK HIGH SCORES LOW SCORES 137 — Ticket #2586 9 - Ticket #4702 134 — Ticket #2647 10 - Ticket #3018 - Kristina Musni 133 — Ticket #3542 131 — Ticket #4301 ATTENTION SENIOR CITIZENS! Would you like to get out for awhile? How about play a little Bingo, have lunch or just enjoy some company? Come on down to the Glassell Park Community/Senior Center at 3750 Verdugo Road. Crochet, Knitting classes are every Monday morning at 9:15a.m.—11:30a.m. ($5 per month). Lunch is served Monday—Friday at 11:30am. (suggested price is $1.75). Bingo every Friday from 12:30pm—3:00pm. For more information you may contact Ann Wheeler at (323) 254-4559. Please join us each day in praying for the priest of the day. Monday: Rev. Brian Chung; Tuesday: Rev. Gerald Wilkerson; Wednesday: Rev. Anthony Scannell, O.F.M. Cap.; Thursday: Rev. Jae-Sop Kim, O.F.M.; Friday: Rev. La Salle Hallissey, O.P. Saturday: Rev. Thomas Schrader, O. Carm.; Sunday: Rev. David Geib, O.P. FEAST DAYS/DIAS FESTIVOS Monday/Lunes—St. John de Brébeuf, St. Isaac Jogues and their companions/San Juan de Brébeuf, San Isasc Jogues y compañeros Tuesday/Martes—St. Paul of the Cross/San Pablo de la Cruz Friday/Viernes — St. John of Capistrano/San Juan Capistrano Saturday/Sábado—St. Anthony Mary Claret San Antonio María Claret READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY First Reading — I will lead the people to brooks of water, on a level road, so that none shall stumble (Jeremiah 31:7-9). Psalm — The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy (Psalm 126). Second Reading — It was not Christ who glorified himself, but rather the one who said to him: You are my son: this day I have begotten you (Hebrews 5:1-6). Gospel — Immediately the blind man received his sight and followed Jesus on the way (Mark 10:46-52). Liturgical Color: Green 10/19 8:00am — Eduarda Israel — RIP 10/20 8:00am — Marciano Japlit — RIP 10/21 8:00am — Juliana de Vera Duque — RIP 7:00pm — Enriqueta Reyes — RIP 10/22 8:00am — Ricardo Awad-Jaik — RIP 10/23 8:00am — Federico Villafuerte 7:30pm — Julio Holguin — RIP 10/24 8:00am — Francisco Menardo — RIP 5:00pm — Crispina Arbolante — RIP 10/25 8:00am — Maria Bautista Feliz Cumpleaños! 9:30am — Isabel Sapp — RIP 11:00am — Ricardo Villalobos — RIP 12:30pm — Rafael Bracamontes Feliz Cumpleaños! Page Three ST. BERNARD CHILDREN’S BIRTHDAY CLUB CLUB DE CUMPLEAÑOS DE NIÑOS DE SAN BERNARDO Congratulations and blessings to the October birthday members/Felicidades y bendiciones a los cumpleañeros del mes de Octubre: Itzel Villa — 4 years Misael Echeverria — 5 years Roman Melendez — 2 years Danielle Lopez — 2 years All children under the age of 12 are invited to be signed up at the church office. Invitamos a todos los niños menores de 12 años a que se apunten en la oficina de la iglesia. Hoy es el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones. Desde mi infancia me han fascinado las historias de las Misiones. He escuchado absorto a los relatos emocionantes de los sacerdotes y religiosas que han visitado mi parroquia y escuela. Relatos de eventos, gente, y animales exóticos en tierras misioneras de Asia y Africa. Las historias de las misiones y de los misioneros continúan hoy en día. En situaciones difíciles y peligrosas alrededor de todo el mundo el mandato final de Jesús es el evangelio de Mateo que se lleva a cabo co amor y dedicación. “Vallan, pues, a las gentes de todos los pueblos y háganlas mis discípulos” Mateo. 28,19. Por favor sean generosos en su apoyo a las Misiones hoy con una contribución a la Sociedad por la Propagación de la Fe, que provee ayuda a 1,150 Iglesias misioneras. Los sobres especiales se encuentran en las bancas. Los cheques pueden ser escritos a favor de St. Bernard Church y nosotros enviaremos un solo cheque con todas sus contribuciones. Por favor continúen orando por los misioneros y la gente a quienes ellos sirven. Padre Gerald McSorley El Comité Safeguarding children from Sexual Abuse (Salvaguardando a la NiÑez del Abuso Sexual) tendrá su sesión de entrenamiento en Español el Lunes, 26 de Octubre de las 6:00pm a las 9:30pm en el Salón Parroquial/ Centro Pastoral—St. Joseph. Las personas que necesitan asistir deberán registrarse antes del 19 de Octubre. Favor de llamar a la oficina de la iglesia al 323-256-6242 para registrarse. Lo sentimos mucho, no se permiten niños. La comunidad entera de la escuela parroquial agradece a los fieles de San Bernardo su continuo apoyo financiero en la misión de la escuela. A través de su generosidad la escuela podrá proveer con la tan necesitada ayuda para la colegiatura a las familias que están luchando con la economía. Que Dios les bendiga! La escuela se encuentra funcionando de lleno, incluyendo Oratoria, Educación Física, Música y Arte. Favor de animar a sus familiares y amigos a condiderar la escuela de San Bernardo una opción para los que buscan una educación Católica de calidad. Si le interesa inscribir a su niño/niña en San Bernardo llame a la escuela (323)256-4989) para concertar una cita con la Sra. Samaniego. Gracias. Sra. Samaniego, Directora NOVENA DE MISAS PARA TODOS LOS SANTOS La Novena Anual de Misas para los difuntos, cuyos nombres nos sean entregados comenzará el Lunes, 2 de Noviembre. Los sobres especiales para apuntar los nombres de sus seres queridos se encuentran en las mesas junto al altar y a las puertas de la iglesia. Los pueden depositar en la canasta de la colecta o entregarlos en la oficina de a Iglesia. No dejen de asistir a la Hora Santa los jueves de las 6:00p.m. a las 7:00p.m. Este mes estaremos pidiendo de manera especial para poner un fin al aborto. Todos están invitados al Grupo de Oración que se reúne en la Iglesia todos los viernes a las 7:00p.m. No faltes! La Oficina de Educación Religiosa y Ministerio Juvenil les invita a su Bazar el 25 de Octubre en el Centro Pastoral de las 8:00am a ls 2:30pm. Hay espacios disponibles por $25. Las personas intersadas favor de llamar al 323256-6242 CONGRESO DE LA FAMILIA FAMILIAS: Santuario del Amor Patrocinado por Guadalupe Radio 87.7AM Domingo Primero de Noviembre, 2009 Centro de Convenciones de Los Angeles 1201 So. Calle Figueroa Donativo: $25 (por adelantado) $30 (día del evento) Conferencistas: P. Angel Espinosa, P. Miguel Carmena, Dr. César Lozano. Más información llmando al 626-444-4442. PEREGRINACION Unase al Padre Pablo en otro viaje de ensueño. Esta peregrinación destacará el “Manto de Turín” y la famosa Obra de la Pasión Oberammergau realizada únicamente cada diez años desde el año de 1634. El Manto de turín se exhibe únicamente con un permiso Papal. El Papa Benedicto ha otorgado el permiso para exhibir el Manto el próximo año durante los meses de Mayo y Junio. Visitaremos otros sitios de interés como Roma, Asís, y Florencia. Los folletos con más información los encontrará en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia. El espacio es limitado. Envíe su depósito ahora. LECTURAS PARA EL PRÓXIMO DOMINGO Primera lectura — ¡Vitoreen con alegría! Yavé ha salvado a su pueblo, al resto de Israel. He llegado a ser un padre para Israel (Jeremías 31:7-9). Salmo — Grandes cosas has hecho por nosotros, Señor (Salmo 126 [125]). Segunda lectura — Cristo no se atribuyó la dignidad de sumo sacerdote, sino que se la otorgó aquel que dice: “Tú eres mi Hijo, te he dado vida hoy mismo” (Hebreos 5:1-6). Evangelio — Jesús le concede la vista a Bartimeo cuando con gran fe le suplica: “Maestro, que vea” (Marcos 10:4652). Color Litúrgico — Verde