Download Pastor Rev. Tarsisius Puling, S.V.D. Associate Pastor Rev. Joseph
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Pastor Rev. Tarsisius Puling, S.V.D. Associate Pastor Rev. Joseph Chau Nguyen, S.V.D. Deacon Jose A. Vitela Secretary Isis Martin 936-967-8385 Dir. Of Religious Ed. Chris Martin 936-967-8385 Office Hours / Horario de Oficina Open Daily, Tuesday through Friday 8:30am - Noon and 1:00pm - 4:30pm Telephone 936-967-8385 Fax No: 936-967-4657 St. Joseph Church Mission Statement Guided by the Holy Spirit and united as one family, the Catholic Community of St. Joseph’s will bear witness to Christ’s Gospel. Recognizing diversity in our Catholic Community, the people of St. Joseph’s will strive to create love, peace, and social justice through Evangelization, Stewardship and Fellowship. WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil - Vigilia de Sabado 5:30pm English( inglés) Sunday Mass -------------------------- 9:00am English (inglés) Sunday Misas ------------------------ 11:00am Spanish (español) Weekday Mass Tuesday --- 5:30pm Wednesday through Friday - 8:00am Confessions / Confesiones Saturday / Sabado - 4:30pm - 5:10pm Pre-Baptism / Pre-Bautismos Pre - registration is required. Register at the Church Office. Pre - registracion es requerida. Registrar en el oficina de la Iglesia. Classes: ( Third Sunday of the Month ) Spanish: 9:00am English:10:30am Baptismal Ceremony ( The last weekend of the Month ) English: 6:30pm Satur day Spanish: 2:00pm Satur day Marriage / Matrimonio Contact the Parish Priest at least six months to one year before the planned Wedding Date. Comunicarse con el sacerdote por lo menos de Seis meses a un ano antes de la fecha programada para la boda. Anointing of the sick Please call for the priest if you are seriously ill at home, about to enter the hospital, or if someone is close to death. Funeral Arrangements In the event of the death of a parishioner, please contact the Parish Office before finalizing any arrangements with the Funeral Director. Quinceañera Registered Families must contact the Pastor at least six months in advance. Our name in Latin Societas Verbi Divini Our name in English Society of the Divine Word Popularly Divine Word Missionaries August 14, 2016 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time [Jesus] endured the cross, despising its shame, and has taken his seat at the right of the throne of God. - Hebrews 12:2 Biografía del Pastor. Tarsisius Escrito por P. Tarsisius Puling Biography of Fr. Tarsisius Written by Fr. Tarsisius Puling I was born in Indonesia on October 01, 1974. I am the 11th Son of 12 Children. My Parents, Hendrikus & Magdalena Puling both passed away last year. I am a member of the Society of the Divine Word. I was ordained to the Priesthood on August 08, 2004. I came to the states on August 8, 2005. After studying English in Epworth, Iowa, I was assigned to Notre Dame Catholic Church in St. Martinville, LA from 2006-2008. In 2008 I was assigned as an Associate Pastor of Parishes in Mississippi, Delta Diocese of Jackson. In 2010, I received a new assignment to become a Pastor of Immaculate Conception Church & St. Benedict the Moor Church in Indianola, Mississippi. After serving 8 years at these locations, I was asked to come here, and serve as the Pastor for St. Joseph Catholic Church Of Livingston & St. Martin de Porres of Corrigan. I am really excited to work with you all in this church. I know change is not easy for most of us. Please give me time to work with everyone here. May our good Lord continue to bless each one of us. CCD REGISTRATION HAS BEGUN DEADLINE: September 7th, 2016 1st day of class: September 7, 2016 6:00PM to 7:30PM St Joseph Family Center Please be sure to PRE-REGISTER So that your child will receive the workbooks needed for this year’s CCD class. ******************************* REGISTRO DE CCD COMENZO FECHA TOPE: Septiembre 7, 2016 PRIMER CLASE: Septiembre 7 6:00pm - 7:30pm por favor asegúrese de comprobar la validez de registro para que su hijo recibirá los libros necesarios para CCD de clase de este año. Nací en Indonesia en 01 de Octubre de, 1974. Soy Hijo 11 de 12 niños. Mis padres, Hendrikus y Magdalena Puling fallecieron el año pasado. Soy miembro de la Sociedad del Verbo Divino. Fui ordenado al Sacerdocio el 08 de Agosto, 2004. Vine a los Estados Unidos en el 08 Agosto, 2005. Después de estudiar inglés en Epworth, Iowa, fui asignado a Notre Dame en la Iglesia Católica de St. Martinville, LA desde 2006-2008. En 2008 me asignaron Pastor Asociado de Parroquias en Mississippi, Delta Diócesis de Jackson. En 2010, recibí una nueva asignación para convertirse de Pastor de Inmaculada Concepción Parroquia & San Benito la Iglesia Moor en Indianola, Mississippi. Después de servir 8 años en estos lugares, se me pidió venir aquí, y servir como Pastor de Iglesia Católica de San José de Livingston y San Martín de Porres de Corrigan Estoy muy emocionado de trabajar con todos ustedes en esta iglesia. Sé que el cambio no es fácil para la mayoría de nosotros. Por favor, dame tiempo para trabajar con todos aquí. Que nuestro buen Dios siga bendiciendo a cada uno de nosotros. - P. Tarsisius SUNDAY - 14, 2016 SATURDAY, August 13, 5:30P.M.-MASS - In Memory of Harold Buck Hughes† By: Gary & Georgie Hughes READING FOR THE WEEK Monday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Sat 13 5:30PM - Vigil MASS 4:30PM - Confession CDA Garage Sale Sun 14 9:00AM - MASS Installation of : Fr. Tarsisius 11:00AM - Misa Mon 15 OFFICE - CLOSED Tue 16 5:30PM - MASS 12:00Noon - AA Meeting 1:30 -3:30: Heart to Heart Friday: Ez 37:1-14; Ps 107:2-9; Mt 22:34-40 Wed 17 8:00am - MASS TUESDAY, August 16, 5:30P.M.– MASS - Saturday: Ez 43:1-7a; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 23:1-12 The Mentally Ill By: Juanita Gott Sunday: Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1, 2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30 Thu 18 8:00AM - MASS 12:Noon -AA & ALON Mtg. 6:30PM –KC MTG 4THº Fri 19 8:00AM - MASS Eucharistic Adoration until 11:30AM SUNDAY, August 14, 9:00A.M.- MASS - In Memory of Joseph Sandera † By Evelyn Sandera 11:00A.M.- MASS - For Maria Asuncion Zuniga By Josefina Pena In Memory of Enrique Hernandez Espinoza† By Maribel Hernandez MONDAY, August 15, NO MASS OFFICE CLOSED Tuesday: Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35cd-36ab; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Ez 36:23-28; Ps 51:1215, 18-19; Mt 22:1-14 WEDNESDAY, August 17, 8:00A.M.- MASS - For Monsignor Golasinski By: Juanita Gott ***************************** THURSDAY, August 18, 8:00A.M.– MASS - In Memory of Rudy Farias III † By: David & Rose Perez FRIDAY, August 19, 8:00A.M. – MASS Birthday of Isabella Rojas By: Sophie Alban *************************** August 07, 2016 Regular Collection: Maintenance: TOTAL: NO CDA MEETING $5,737.70 $2,589.63 $8,327.33 Hank & Cecilia Ager Jordan Hancock Francis L. Munsch Sharon Monroe Tom Hooper Warren Hale Leo Torres, Jr Dolores Taylor David Perez Robert Grigar Paula Garcia Parker Binion Frank Petrila Placida Delgado Ted Tudic & Family Deacon Michael Marion Edward McCormack & wife Tina Maria Leos -* Carlota Saenz mother Elaina Goins - *Evelyn Walker Hugolina Guerrero Monserrat Damian Erica Acevedo Diseased: Juan Cuevas Sr. A VOCATION VIEW August 14 - Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: When you choose to follow Jesus, be ready for an ordeal. Pray that you can be sustained in the adversities of life. UN VISTA VOCACIONAL 14 DE Agosto - 20º Semana del tiempo ordinario: Cuando decide seguir a Jesús, estar preparados para una dura prueba. Oren para que se puedan sostener en las adversidades de la vida.