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St. Bernard Catholic Faith Community 2516 WEST AVENUE 33 – (323) 255-6142 – LOS ANGELES, CA 90065 E-mail: Rev. Perry Leiker, Administrator Rev. Msgr. Patrick McNulty, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Paul Henson, O. Carm. CHURCH OFFICE/OFICINA DE LA IGLESIA ST. BERNARD SCHOOL 2500 West Avenue 33 – (323) 255-6142 3254 Verdugo Road – (323) 256-4989 Fax – (323) 255-2351 PRINCIPAL: Mrs. Margaret Samaniego PARISH MANAGER: currently vacant SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN COMMITTEE: Jun Ballada (213)236-4829, Remy Baluyut (323)478-0001 Web Site: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE – Remy Baluyut, Director OFICINA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA 2515 West Avenue 33 – (323) 256-6242 MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS Sunday in English Vigil Mass: Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am and 9:30 am Domingo en Español 11:00 am y 12:30 pm Weekdays – 8:00 am CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturdays: 3:30 pm — 4:30 pm Thursdays: 6:30 pm — 7:00 pm WEDDINGS/BODAS Please call the church office at least six months in advance. Favor de llamar la oficina de la iglesia a lo menos seis meses en adelante. BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS Saturday & Sundays Call church office for information Sábados y Domingos Llame a la oficina de la iglesia para más información. ROSARY – WEDNESDAY – 6:30 PM ENGLISH MARTES – 6:00 PM ESPAÑOL MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA WITH MASS – WEDNESDAY – 7:00 PM Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time THE WORD SHALL DO MY WILL The word of God is caught up in metaphors and parables. The image of seed that falls on different kinds of ground helps us understand how to listen creatively. Jesus, the Word, bears fruit in all of creation, but best in our lives and hearts. When you hear this parable of the sower and the seed, do you wonder which you are? Sometimes it seems that we are one, and sometimes another. Like all metaphors, this parable must be understood intuitively, “with the heart,” in order for it to work God’s healing grace in us. Jesus is careful to say that we see with our eyes and hear with our ears, but we understand, not with our head, but with our heart. CREATION AWAITS • July 10, 2011 word from being heard. But Isaiah and Paul underline the important point that the word of God is effective in all of creation, including us. Just as the rain waters the earth and will not return to the heavens until it does its intended work, the earth yields its rich harvest and rejoices. Our sufferings, distractions, and wearying work will not prevent us from hearing the word of God and doing God’s work if we see with our eyes the beauty of creation, hear with our ears the music of the universe, and understand with our heart that God has made all of this to help us. God heals every ill, calls us back from distraction, protects us from evil, and gives us the grace to hear the word with joy. It is God’s grace that prepares the ground for the seed, watering it, breaking up the clods, making even untilled ground fruitful. When we understand with our heart that this is God’s work in us, then even without understanding with our head, we can receive the word of God with the same joyful song of creation in bloom. It is easy to get discouraged. It is easy to be distracted by difficulties and duties in our daily lives. It is Today’s Readings: Isaiah 55:10–11; Psalm 65:10–14; Romans possible for the word to be snatched away, even as we 8:18–23; Matthew 13:1–23 [1–9] struggle to understand. Distractions of every kind prevent the Copyright © 2007, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Page Two St. Bernard July 10, 2011 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 10, 2011 You have crowned the year with your bounty, and your paths overflow with a rich harvest. — Psalm 65:12 Thank you for the warm welcome that I received from so many of you last weekend. I have been anticipating my final move for several weeks and it is peaceful, joyful and fulfilling to have finally arrived among you. I look forward to serving with you in the years ahead and feel blessed to have been gifted with the care of such a wonderful parish. Let’s roll up our sleeves and continue together the work of doing the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ here at St. Bernard’s. ~ Fr. Perry Leiker. ST. BERNARD’S SCHOOL NEWS St. Bernard Catholic School is now accepting applications for 2011-2012 School year. Parents looking for an excellent education are encouraged to visit the school. Please call 323-256-4989 for a tour, or visit our website at Tuition Assistance is available for qualified applicants. Our School Year begins August 15, 2011 and ends June 22, 2012. Summer office hours will be Monday—Thursday 8:00am to 4:00pm June 20 through August 12. Visit us at our website TURN AROUND BUS TRIP The Holy Name Society invites you to Fantasy Springs Casino in Palm Springs, Saturday, July 30th, 2011. The cost is $40 with $40 for slot free play. The bus leaves 8:00am and return 4:00pm. For reservation call Anita Fueconcillo at (323)255-5786, or Jun Apin (323)2549494. Proceeds benefit St. Bernard Youth Ministry. Our thanks to Mike Arvizu for the donation of his time and talents as the Parish Webmaster. You are invited to check out the website each week at NATIONAL NEEDS COMBINED COLLECTION The Annual National Needs Collection will be taken up next weekend. Contributions to this collection will go to several charities designated by the U.S. Bishops. Through vital evangelization programs, the Black and Indian Home Mission provides aid to some of the neediest African American and Native American communities Special envelopes are in the pews today. Thank you! GOD’S WORDS Each day we are bombarded with thousands of words. From the moment our clock radios click on in the morning, until the last moment of the day when the television is turned off or someone bids us “good-night,” our life is filled with words. Some words that we hear bring news that leaves us feeling low. Some words lift our spirits. Many of the words we hear are trying to get us to buy something. Some words are hurtful. Today the Church focuses our attention on hearing the word of God. Are God’s words just more of the same—part of the endless stream of words that flow into our ears each day? The challenge today is to allow God’s word to inspire us in new ways so that our outlook and attitudes align themselves more closely with the heart and mind of Christ Jesus. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. DIVINE MERCY Divine Mercy Holy Hour will be here TODAY and every 2nd Sunday of the month at the Monastery of the Angels, 1977 Carmen Ave. L.A., at 2:45p.m. The Divine Mercy Mass and Novena will be here this Tuesday, July 12 at 7:00p.m. ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION The I.C.F. invites you to their 75th anniversary Mass TODAY at 9:30a.m. Brunch follows immediately after at the parish hall. Brunch tickets are $12.00 per person. Please RSVP reservations by June 22 to: Remy Baluyut: (323) 459-9702 or Ann Wheeler at (323) 254-4559. “LUNADA MEXICANA” The Guadalupano Group invites all to the “Lunada Mexicana” Saturday, July 16 6:30pm — Midnight St. Bernard School volleyball courts $15 adults — under 12 ONLY $5 Includes: Mariachi, Food, D.J., Dance & Prizes!!! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION / YOUTH MINISTRY The Office of Religious Education is closed for the summer and will be accepting registration for catechism and sacramental preparation on August 15, Monday—Saturday from 11:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. at the Pastoral Center. Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bernard Next year, the St. Bernard’s class of 1962 will be celebrating their 50th anniversary. They are looking for alumni interested in a reunion of students attending St. Bernard’s in the 60’s. If you or anyone you may know is interested please contact Lynn Navarro Maloney at or on Facebook. FEAST DAYS/DIAS FESTIVOS Monday/Lunes — St. Benedict Wednesday/Miércoles — St. Henry Thursday/Jueves— Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Friday/Viernes— St. Bonaventure Saturday/Sábado — Our Lady of Mount Carmel Please join us each day in praying for the priest of the day. Favor de orar por nuestros sacerdotes. Monday: Rev. Agustine Carter, O.Carm.; Tuesday: Rev. Leo Dechant, C.S.J.; Wednesday: Rev. Guillermo Garcia Vargas, C.S.; Thursday: Rev. Charles La Verde, C.S.; Friday: Rev. William McLean; Saturday: Rev. Thomas Peacha; Sunday: Rev. Vaughn Winters. READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY First Reading — You taught your people that those who are just must likewise be kind (Wisdom 12:13, 16-19). Psalm — Lord, you are good and forgiving (Psalm 86). Second Reading — The Spirit comes to aid us in our weakness (Romans 8:26-27). Gospel — Jesus proposes parables to the crowds, teaching them of the reign of God (Matthew 13:24-43 [24 -30]). Liturgical Color: Green 7/11 8:00am — Marie Hilt — RIP 7/12 8:00am — Mamerto & Lucrecia Savella — RIP 7:00pm — Divine Mercy Mass 7/13 8:00am — Atila Quiroz — RIP 7:00pm — Eduardo Sr. & Teresito Manalansang– RIP 7/14 8:00am — Virgie Baluyut — RIP 7/15 8:00am — Quirico & Luz Japlit — RIP 7:00pm — Salvador E. Rodriguez — RIP 7/16 8:00am — Cristina & Maximina Manansala — RIP 5:00pm — Linda Atkins McCoy — RIP 7/17 8:00am — Maria Manrique — RIP 9:30am — Rev. William O’Dwyer — RIP 11:00am — Carlos San Juan — RIP 12:30pm — Gregorio Solis — Happy Birthday! We welcome the names of parishioners men or women who have graduated this year with a university degree. Please provide us with information by calling the church office at (323)255-6142. Share the good news with us all! Page Three Gracias por la cálida bienvenida que recibí de tantos de ustedes la semana pasada. Estuve esperando con mucha anticipación mi cambio a esta parroquia. Finalmente llego y fue muy tranquila, la disfrute y me siento completo al estar aquí con ustedes Veo hacia adelante para servir con ustedes en los años venideros y me siento bendecido de estar dotado con el cuidado de tan maravillosa Parroquia. Vamos a remangar nuestras mangas y continuar juntos el trabajo haciendo la misión y ministerio de Cristo Jesús aquí en San Bernardo. ~ Fr. Perry Leiker LAS PALABRAS DE DIOS Cada día somos bombardeados por miles de palabras. Desde el momento en que suena el despertador en la mañana, hasta el último momento del día cuando apagamos el televisor o alguien nos dice “buenas noches”, tenemos la vida llena de palabras. Algunas palabras nos traen noticias que nos deprimen. Algunas palabras nos levantan el espíritu. Muchas de las palabras que escuchamos tratan de hacernos comprar algo. Algunas palabras son hirientes. Hoy la Iglesia nos hace prestar atención a la Palabras de Dios. ¿Son las Palabras de Dios igual que las demás –parte de una corriente sin fin de palabras que fluyen por nuestro oídos todos los días? El reto hoy es permitir que las Palabras de Dios nos inspiren renovando nuestra perspectiva y actitudes para que estén en mayor consonancia con el corazón y la © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. mente de Cristo Jesús. LUNADA MEXICANA El Grupo Guadalupano les hace una cordial invitación a su “Gran Lunada Mexicana” este sábado 16 de Julio de las 6:00pm a las 12 de la medianoche en las canchas de volibol de la escuela de San Bernardo. Adultos $15, niños menores de 12 únicamente $5. Incluye comida, mariachi, banda, D.J., baile y muchos premios. Vengan todos!! Les invitamos a la Misa de Sanación que será este viernes 15 de Julio a las 7:30p.m. Será oficiada por el Padre Hilario Flores de la parroquia de María Auxiliadora. NOTICIAS DE LA ESCUELA DE SAN BERNARDO La Escuela de San Bernardo está aceptando registraciones para el próximo año escolar 2011/2012. Invitamos a los padres de familia interesados en una educación Católica de calidad a que visiten nuestra escuela. Favor de llamar al (323)256-4989 o visite nuestra página web al www.stbernard Tenemos ayuda financiera disponible para las familias que califiquen. Nuestro año escolar dará principio el 15 de Agosto y terminará el 22 de Junio del 2012. Las horas de oficina durante el verano serán de lunes a jueves de las 8:00a.m. a las 4:00p.m. del 20 de Junio al 12 de Agosto. QueensCare Announces Low Cost Medical Care QueensCare provides care for residents of Los Angeles who qualify. QueensCare is a faith-based health care charity that follows the directives of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Immigration and citizenship status are not considered in determining eligibility for care. For further information and a referral form, please call (213) 386-1409. NOTICIAS DE LA OFICINA DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Se les informa que la Oficina de Educación Religiosa estará cerrada durante el verano. Estarán aceptando nuevas registraciones a partir del lunes 15 de Agosto de las 11:00a.m. a las 3:00p.m. GRUPO DE APOYO “CODA” El Grupo de CODA te invita a su grupo de apoyo que se reúne los martes y miércoles a las 7:00p.m. Los miércoles son exclusivamente para “Mujeres de Fe.” Más información llamando a Sobeyda al (818)245-2453. COLECTA COMBINADA PARA LA NECESIDAD NACIONAL Su generosidad la próxima semana se llevará a cabo la Colecta Combinada para la Necesidad Nacional. Sus contribuciones son asignadas por los Obispos de los Estados Unidos para canalizar ayuda económica a las diócesis en las áreas más pobres de nuestro país. Las comunidades Afro-Americanas e Indígenas Americanas reciben dicha ayuda por medio de mensajes de televisión, radio y prensa de la Campaña de Comunicación Católica. Los sobres especiales se encuentran en las bancas. SENIOR CLUB/PERMANEZCAN ACTIVAS/OS El Club de Seniors les invita a su club que se reúne los martes, miércoles y jueves de las 10:00am a la 1:00pm en el Rio de Los Angeles State Park, ubicado en el 1900 San Fernando Rd., en Los Ángeles. Hay clases de aeróbicos, caminatas, exámenes médicos y mucho más! Invitamos a los miembros de nuestra comunidad a llamar a nuestra oficina para proporcionar los nombres de los/ las jóvenes graduados de la Universidad. Nos gustaría que compartieran sus logros con nuestra comunidad parroquial. Vengan todos al Grupo de Oración que se reúne en la Iglesia todos los viernes a las 7:00p.m. No faltes! Todos están invitados a la Hora Santa los jueves de las 6:00p.m. a las 7:00p.m. Este mes de manera especial estaremos pidiendo por la paz del mundo y las víctimas de secuestro, especialmente en México. LECTURAS PARA EL PRÓXIMO DOMINGO Primera lectura — Tenemos la esperanza bien fundada de que se nos perdonarán nuestros pecados (Sabiduría 12:13, 16-19). Salmo — Tú, Señor, eres bueno y clemente (Salmo 86 [85]). Segunda lectura — Cuando no sabemos qué pedir, el Espíritu ruega por nosotros (Romanos 8:26-27). Evangelio — El Hijo del Hombre siembra buena semilla, que son los hijos del reino (Mateo 13:24-43). Color Litúrgico: Verde