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Joboffer dated from 08/14/2013 Programadores de videojuegos Field: Type of employment: Entry date: Salary: Zip Code / Place: Country: Game Designer / Level Designer Full-time immediately Based on experience 08027 Barcelona Spain Company data Company: Street adress: Zip Code / Place: Abylight, S.L. Avda Meridiana 308, K55 08027 Barcelona Contact Person Name: Position: Street adress: Zip Code / Place: E-mail: Phone: HR Office Avda Meridiana 308, K55 08027 Barcelona +34 93 18 50 00 8 Job description Abylight is located in the beautiful and well-connected city of Barcelona, capital of Catalonia (Spain), where the 4 founders met while working at another video game company. We love video games (haven't you guessed?) and devoted our lives to produce them. So, this is one of the most important skills to become a team member, as well as a creative talent. When we search for new talent we post here the job description and all the information required to apply, so keep coming back to check for any updates that match your skills. Please, don't send us your application without an opening. We do not accept them. Thank you for your interest to become a member of Abylight's Team! Page 1 of 2 Necesitamos tres programadores de videojuegos (Spanish fluency is required) Necesitamos tres programadores de videojuegos. (Publicado: 9 de abril de 2013) Requisitos mínimos Ingeniería con máster de videojuegos o bien experiencia demostrable en videojuegos profesionales o amateur. Programación C++ con nivel alto: programación de propósito general, programación gráfica 3D (OpenGL), GUIs, I.A. Inglés técnico. Valorable Experiencia previa en videojuegos publicados para cualquier videoconsola, iOS, Android. Experiencia en entornos multijugador por red. Conocimientos amplios de matemáticas y/o física. Lenguajes adicionales: scripting (PHP, Bash, Python, Perl, etc), Makefiles (GNU Make, cMake), ASM ARM, Objective-C. Trabajos a realizar Videojuegos realizados con el engine propio de Abylight, portables a plataformas Nintendo 3DS, iOS, Windows Phone, Sony PS Vita, Android. Herramientas de desarrollo en entornos Windows, Linux y Mac. Mantenimiento de nuestro engine multiplataforma. Escribir a (asunto: programador) Page 2 of 2