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Alejandro Daniel Calzetta
Via Balbi, 30/18, CAP 16126 Genoa, Italy.
Tel: +39 3425341412 - E-mail:
Personal Information:
Nationality: Argentina.
DNI: 29.248.914.
Age: 32.
Marital Status: Single.
Date of birth: 20/12/81
University Studies:
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciclo Básico Común complete.
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Degree Law.
Ciclo profesional Común: Complete.
Ciclo Profesional Orientado: Criminal Law: Complete, second semester
2010, 52 points.
Relevant work experience:
February 2004 – May 2005: Estudio Jurídico “Siculer, Chirico, Alonso y
Asociados” Av. Santa Fé 931 6° Piso (1059) C.F. Buenos Aires. TEL.
/Fax: (5411) 4394-8415 / 4322-4154.
February 2006 April 2010: Estudio Jurídico “De Gregorio” Piedras 531 7°
Piso “D” C.F. Buenos Aires. TEL. /Fax: (5411) 4343-6297.
April 2011 – October 2011 Lawyer (Junior) in Departamento de Derecho
Público y Regulación Económica, Estudio O`Farrell, Av. De Mayo 651,
Pisos 1º y 3º, C.F. Buenos Aires. TEL: (5411) 4346-1000.
Academic Activities:
PhD Student on Legal Philosophy and Legal Bioethics at the University of
Genoa, Dipartimento di Cultura Giuridica Giovanni Tarello (DIGITA),
under the supervission of Professors Pierluigi Chiassoni and Giovanni
Battista Ratti. PhD Project graded 92/100
Assistant Professor since the first semester of the academic year 2005
on the course “Sistemas Normativos”, under Emeritus Professor, Dr.
Eugenio Bulygin, UBA
Assistant Professor since 2001 (second semester) until the second
semester of 2010 on the course “Teoría General del Derecho”, Cátedra
Zuleta-Alonso, Comissions 6070 & 6071, with the added responsability
of coordinating the work of other assistant professors under Profesor
Adjunto Dr. Juan Pablo Alonso.
24 may 2011: admission to the “Carrera Docente de la Facultad de
Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires” as an Assistant Pofessor
(2nd Grade) in the Cátedra of Legal Theory of Professor Dr. Hugo Zuleta
Assistant Professor (2nd Grade) on the subject “Sentencia judicial y
argumentación jurídica” (CPO), under Professor Adjunto, Dr. Juan Pablo
Alonso. Comission 0435, desde el First Semester 2011 onwards.
Assistant Professor (2nd Grade) on the subject “Sentencia judicial y
argumentación jurídica” (CPO), under Professor Adjunto, Dr. Juan Pablo
Alonso. Comission 0435, first semester 2011 – second semester 2011,
in the Program UBA XXII – University Center Devoto, Devoto
Correctional Establishment.
Assistance to the presentation of the doctoral thesis “Coherencia en el
derecho y resolución de casos difíciles en el derecho” by Dr. Juan Pablo
Alonso. (2005)
Assistance to the Seminar “Autores Clásicos de Filosofía del Derecho”
directed by Professor Dr. Rolando Chirico. (2005 - 2007)
Assistance to the lecture ”Coherencia del Derecho” given by profesor
Juan Pablo Alonso (15/06/2005)
Assistance to the lecture “Los límites del Sistema Jurídico” given by Drs.
Eduardo Barcesat, Miguel Ángel Ciuro Caldani, Jorge Rodríguez and
Eduardo Sodero (23/04/2006)
Assistance to the lectura “Acción y Adscriptivismo” given by Dr. Jaime
Duarte D´Almeida Abrantes, Universsity of Lisbon (11/10/2006)
Assistance to the lectura “Teorías Jurídicas e Historia del derecho” given
by Dr. Miguel Ángel Ciuro Caldani (02/11/2006)
Assistance to the “Simposio argentino – alemán de Política Criminal,
Derecho Penal, Derecho Procesal Penal y Criminología. Organizado por
el Departamento de Derecho Penal y Criminología de la Facultad de
Derecho” sponsored by UBA, the German embassy in Argentina and the
Max Planck Institute. (13, 14 and 15 december 2007)
Assistance to the “I Seminario de Derecho Penal y Análisis Filosófico”,
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2007.
Assistance to the “IX Seminario Internacional de Teoría del Derecho”,
Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 2007.
Assistance to the “X Seminario Internacional de Teoría del Derecho”,
Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 2008.
Assistance to the “XI Seminario Internacional de Teoría del Derecho”,
Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 2009.
Assistance to the seminar “Derecho, política y moral en el siglo XXI – La
actualidad de la Teoría del Derecho y del Estado de Hans Kelsen”,
sponsored by DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst),
Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, 8, 9 and 10 march 2010.
Assistance to the lecture “Delitos de Lesa Humanidad y Garantías
Penales” given Dr. Rolando J. Chirico (05/15/2010).
Assistance to the “I Seminario de Filosofía y Derecho”, organized by the
research groups of the Universitat de Girona & Universitat Pompeu
Fabra, about “Neutralidad y Teoría del Derecho”, Girona, España, 20, 21
y 22 may, 2010.
Assistencia to the lecture “Pensando en Kelsen” given by Drs. Eugenio
Bulygin and Roberto Vernengo (26/08/2010).
Assistance to the “XVIII Seminario Internacional de Teoría y Filosofía
del Derecho”, Organized by the Cátedra “B” of Philosophy of Law,
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, School of Law, Villa Giardino, 27 - 28
august 2010.
Assistance to the “XII Seminario Internacional de Teoría del Derecho”,
Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 2 - 3 september
Assistance to the Humboldt Symposium “Internacionalización del
Internacional” sponsored by DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch
Dienst), Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung and the German embassy at
Buenos Aires, Argentina, UBA 4,5, 7 october 2010.
Assistance to the “XIII Seminario Internacional de Teoría del Derecho”,
Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 2011.
Assistance to the “International Seminar of Philosophy and International
Law, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia, 13 - 14 may 2013, as an
expositor (“The Expressive Conception Revisited” – see papers below).
Assistance to the “Primer Congreso Bienal de Seguridad Jurídica y
Democracia en Iberoamérica”, organized by the Cátedra de Cultura
Jurídica, Universidad de Girona, España, 3 - 5 june 2013.
Assitance to the Congress “Il Realismo Giuridico Contemporaneo”
University of Genoa, 28 - 29 june, 2013.
Assitance to the “XIX Seminario Italo-Franco-Español de Teoría del
Derecho”, organized by Universite de Paris Ouest-Naterre – La Defense,
Villa Finaly, Firenze, Italy, 18 - 19 octuber 2013.
Regular participant and member of the Permanent Seminar of Logic and
Philosophy of Law of the Law Faculty of the University of Buenos Aires,
directed by Dr. Eugenio Bulygin, Emeritus Professor (UBA) and Dr. Hugo
Zuleta, Titular Professor (UBA), since 2004 onwards.
 “Bentham. Del Poder de Imperacion a la Competencia en el
derecho”, presented to “Analisi i Diritto”. (Forthcoming).
 “La Redundancia de los Elementos del Acto Administrativo”
(co-written with Ignacio Cofone), presented to “Pensar en
Derecho”,Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires,
Argentina. (Forthcoming).
 “The Expressive Conception
Alessio Sardo) (Forthcoming).
Other Skills:
Spanish: Mother tongue.
English: Advanced.
Italian: Medium intermediate.