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CURRICULUM VITAE – Short Version JULIANA MARTÍNEZ FRANZONI PhD, University of Pittsburgh USA, 1998 Associate professor University of Costa Rica, Faculty of Social Sciences, Center for Political Research and Studies and Institute for Social Research AREA OF EXPERTISE Social policy, policy determinants, relationships with labor markets and families, care as a new area of policy ONGOING RESEARCH The formation of universal social policy in Latin America: lessons from Costa Rica and beyond Gender equality and welfare regimes in Latin America PROFESSIONAL HONORS, AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS (PAST 5 YEARS) 2010-11 Visiting Fellow Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame 2010 Fulbright Fellow Academic Program for Central American Scholars 2010 British Academy, Small Grants Research on Social Policy Formation in Peripheral Countries (Co-applicant with Diego Sánchez-Ancochea) 2009 Fundación Carolina/CLACSO; Research Grant; Study con Conditional Cash Transfers in El Salvador (Recipient as a member of the CLACSO Study Group on Poverty and Social Policy) 2007 Fundación Carolina; Research Grant; Study on Welfare Regimes and Gender Orders in Latin America (Applicant and research team coordinator) 2007 British Academy; Research Grant; Seminars at the University of London and the University of Costa Rica to address links between productive and welfare policies (Applicant and co-coordinator with Maxine Molyneux and Diego Sánchez-Ancochea) 2007 Ford Foundation, Observatory of Inequality, University of Miami; Research Grant; Study on Conditional Cash Transfers in Chile, Costa Rica and El Salvador (Applicant and research team coordinator) 2005 Fundación Carolina; Research Grant; Study on Welfare Regimes in Latin America (Applicant and research team coordinator) 2005 Latin American Council for Social Research (CLACSO); Research Grant; Study on Welfare Regimes in Central America (Applicant and researcher) 1 SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Books 2009 With Koen Voorend. Regímenes de bienestar y patriarcados. ¿una cosa lleva a la otra? Serie Libros documentos de trabajo. Fall. Madrid: Fundación Carolina. 2008 Domesticar la incertidumbre en América Latina: mercado laboral, política social y familias. San José: Universidad de Costa Rica. 2008 ¿Arañando bienestar? Trabajo remunerado, protección social y familias en América Central. Buenos Aires: CLACSO. Articles 2008 Costa Rica’s Pension Reform: A Decade of Negotiated Incremental Change. In: Kay, Stephen J. & Tapen Sinha (eds.). Lessons from Pension Reform in the Americas, 317339. New York: Oxford University Press. 2008 Welfare Regimes in Latin America: Capturing Constellations of Markets, Families and Policies. Latin American Politics and Society (LAPS), vol. 50, 2, 67-100. 2006 Presión o legitimación: poder y alternativas en el diseño y adopción de la reforma de salud de Costa Rica, 1988-1999. História, Ciencias, Saúde – Manguinhos, 13:3, 591622. 2005 Regímenes de bienestar en América Latina: consideraciones generales y trayectorias regionales. Revista Centroamericana de Ciencias Sociales, II, 2, 41- 78. 2005 La pieza que faltaba: uso del tiempo y regímenes de bienestar en América Latina. Revista Nueva Sociedad, 199, 35-58. Co-authored publications 2011 With Diego Sánchez "The productive bottlenecks of progressive social policies: lessons from Costa Rica and beyond", Policy Brief # 3, February, 2010 With Mitchell Seligson. Limits to Costa Rican Heterodoxy: What Has Changed in “Paradise”? In: Mainwaring, Scott & Timothy Scully (eds.). The Politics of Democratic Governability in Latin America. Stanford University Press, 307-337. 2009 With Maxine Molyneux & Diego Sánchez-Ancochea. Latin American capitalism: economic & social policy in transition. Economy and Society Special issue, Vol. 38, 1. 2009 With Maxine Molyneux & Diego Sánchez-Ancochea. Latin American capitalism: economic and social policy in transition. Economy and Society, Vol. 38, 1, pp. 1-16. 2003 With Carmelo Mesa-Lago. Las reformas inconclusas: pensiones y salud en Costa Rica: avances, problemas y recomendaciones. San José: Fundación Ebert. 2002 With Fernando Filgueira. Paradigmas globales y filtros domésticos: las reformas administrativas de las políticas sociales en América Latina. Revista de Ciencias 2 Económicas, Universidad de Costa Rica, Vol. 28, 2, 191-215. ACADEMIC SERVICE (CURRENT) Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP) Fellow, 2010-2014 Co-editor Global Poverty Research and Policy Series, ZED/CROP , starting 2011 POLICY ADVICE (SELECTED) Healthcare insurance: honorary high commission that make recommendations to overcome the financia and managerial crises, August-September 2011. Pension reform in Costa Rica: technical assistance to unions and government (Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres, INAMU), 2004-05. Emergency plan and structural fiscal reform in Costa Rica: technical assistance to unions, cooperatives and other civil society organizations on social spending and accountability, 2002-03. 3