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September, 2008 Vita PABLO VILA Department of Sociology Temple University 730 Gladfelter Hall 1115 West Berks Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215) 204-7763 Fax: (215) 204-3352 E-mail: Education: 1994 Ph.D., Department of Sociology. University of Texas at Austin. 1986 Graduated from the "Programa de Formación de Jóvenes Investigadores" from CEDES (Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad). Buenos Aires. Argentina. 1983 B.A., Sociology. Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Publications 1. Books: Ensayos sobre cumbia. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos. Forthcoming April 2009. Coeditor: Pablo Semán. Identidades fronterizas. Narrativas de religión, género y clase en la frontera MéxicoEstados Unidos. Translated by Sandra Lauría, Maria Cecilia Ferraudi Curto and Julia Chindemi. Ciudad Juárez: El Colegio de Chihuahua-Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. 2007. (Expanded Spanish translation of Border Identifications: Narratives of Religion, Gender, and Class on the U.S.-Mexico Border). Border Identifications: Narratives of Religion, Gender, and Class on the U.S.-Mexico Border. University of Texas Press, 2005. Identificaciones de región, etnia y nación en la frontera entre México-EU. Translated by 1 Julia Valeria Chindemi. Ciudad Juárez: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. Colección Sin Fronteras, 2004. (Expanded Spanish translation of Crossing Borders. Reinforcing Borders). Ethnography at the Border. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003. Crossing Borders. Reinforcing Borders. Social Categories, Metaphors and Narrative Identities on the U.S.-Mexico Frontier. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2000. Podría ser yo. Los sectores populares urbanos en imagen y palabra. Co-author: Elizabeth Jelín. Buenos Aires: CEDES/Ediciones de la Flor, 1987. 2. Monographs: Cumbia villera: una narrativa de mujeres activadas. Cuadernos de Investigaciones Etnográficas, Centro de Investigaciones Etnográficas, Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Año 1, No 1. Junio 2008. ISSN 1851-9970. Also available at Colección Monografías. Programa Cultura, Comunicación y Transformaciones Sociales. Centro de Investigaciones Postdoctorales (CIPOST). Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela. Web portal Programa Cultura, Comunicación y Transformaciones Sociales:]. Co-author: Pablo Semán. Catholicism and Identity in the U.S.-México Border. El Paso: University of Texas at El Paso. Chicano Studies. Occasional Papers In Chicano Studies Number 8. Spring 1996. 3. Journal Articles: United States "Forgotten Border Actors: The Border Reinforcers. A Comparison Between the U.S.Mexico Border and South American Borders." The Journal of Political Ecology 9 (2002): 69-88. Co-author: Alejandro Grimson. (The article actually appeard April 2004). "Processes of Identification on the U.S.-Mexico Border." Social Science Journal 40 (4) (November 2003): 607-625. "Identity and Empowerment on the Border" NACLA. Report on the Americas XXXIII (3) (November/December 1999): 40-45. "Narrative Identities: The Emplotment of the Mexican on the U.S.-Mexico Border," The Sociological Quarterly 38 (1), Winter 1997: 147-183. "Tango to Folk: Hegemony Construction and Popular Identities in Argentina," Studies in 2 Latin American Popular Culture 10 (1991): 107-139. Seventh Annual Carlos and Guillermo Vigil Prize for the best article in Studies in Latin American Popular Culture Volume 10. "Argentina's Rock Nacional: The Struggle for Meaning," Latin American Music Review 10 (1), Spring/Summer 1989: 1-28. Europe Editor of TRANS (Revista Transcultural de Música/Transcultural Music Review) issue # 12: "Música e identidades juveniles en la Argentina contemporánea” (Music and youth identities in contemporary Argentina). Spain. 2008. Co-editor: Pablo Semán. “La música y los jóvenes de sectores populares: más allá de las ‘tribus’.” TRANS (Revista Transcultural de Música/Transcultural Music Review) 12. Spain. 2008. Coauthor: Pablo Semán. “La conflictividad de género en la cumbia villera.” TRANS (Revista Transcultural de Música/Transcultural Music Review) 10, 2006. Spain: Co-authored with Pablo Semán. "¿Hispanos/latinos, o mexicanos, puertorriqueños, cubanos, dominicanos ...? Rótulos identitarios y construcción de identidades sociales en Estados Unidos." Araucaria 6, 2001: 158-184. (University of Sevilla, Spain). Co-authored with Raquel Marquez. "Tropos identitarios en la frontera México-Estados Unidos," Araucaria 3, 2000: 89-111. (University of Sevilla, Spain). "El debat sobre la multiculturalitat als Estats Units: el cas dels 'border studies/border theory'." Revista d'Etnología de Catalunya 15, November 1999: 58-71. "Constructing social identities in transnational contexts: the case of the Mexico-US border," International Social Science Journal 159, March 1999: 75-87. (UNESCO. Published by Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, U.K.). The Journal has versions in French, German, and Spanish. "Identidades narrativas y música. Una primera propuesta teórica para entender sus relaciones," Transcultural Music Review 2, November 1996 ( - La Todolella, Spain). "Rock Nacional and dictatorship in Argentina," Popular Music 6 (2), May 1987: 129148. (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press). 3 "Tango, folklore y rock: apuntes sobre música, política y sociedad en Argentina," Cahiers du monde Hispanique et Luso-Brésilien (Caravelle) 48 (1987): 81-93. (Toulouse: Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail). Latin America “Procesos de Identificación en la frontera entre México y los Estados Unidos”. Oficios Terrestres Año XIII, No 19, 2007, pp. 50-65. La Plata: Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. “Identidad en los bordes: México-Estados Unidos.” Todavía 15, Diciembre 2006: 17-21. Buenos Aires, Argentina. "Versión estadounidense de la teoría de frontera: una crítica desde la etnografía" Papeles de Población 7 (30), octubre-diciembre de 2001: 11-30. A slightly modified version of "La teoría de frontera versión norteamericana. Una crítica desde la etnografía." Pp. 99120 in Fronteras, naciones e identidades. La periferia como centro, edited by Alejandro Grimson. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Ciccus-La Crujía. 2000. "Hacia una reconsideración de la antropología visual como metodología de investigación social," Estudios sobre las Culturas Contemporáneas Epoca II, Volumen III, Número 6, Diciembre 1997: 125-167. (Colima, Mexico). "Catolicismo y mexicanidad: una narrativa desde la frontera norte," Frontera Norte 8 (15), Enero-Junio 1996: 57-89 (Tijuana, Mexico: El Colegio de la Frontera Norte). "Identidades narrativas y fotografías de la vida cotidiana," Causas y Azares 4, Invierno 1996: 86-98. (Buenos Aires, Argentina). "El rock, música contemporánea argentina," Punto de Vista 30, Julio-Octubre 1987: 2329. (Buenos Aires, Argentina). "Cotidianeidad y política," with Elizabeth Jelín, Punto de Vista 29, Abril-Julio 1987: 2732. (Buenos Aires, Argentina). "Juventud ¿Tema o problema?" with Vicente Palermo, Relaciones 37, Junio 1987: 18-24. (Montevideo, Uruguay). "Peronismo y folklore. ¿Un réquiem para el tango?." Punto de Vista 26, Abril 1986: 4548. (Buenos Aires, Argentina). "Rock Nacional: ¿creación o consumo?," Debates 3, Abril-Mayo, 1985: 45-47. (Buenos Aires, Argentina). 4 "Música popular y auge del folklore en la década del '60," Crear 10, Setiembre/Octubre 1982: 24-27. (Buenos Aires, Argentina). 4. Book Chapters: United States and Canada "Neoliberalism and Rock in the Popular Sector of Contemporary Argentina," Pp. 261-289 in Rockin' Las Americas: The Global Politics of Rock in Latin/o America edited by Deborah Pacini Hernandez, Héctor Fernández L'Hoeste and Eric Zolov. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004. Co-authored with Pablo Semán and Cecilia Benedetti. “Introduction: Border Ethnographies,”Pp. ix-xxxv in Ethnography at the Border edited by Pablo Vila. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003. “Gender and the Overlapping of Region, Nation, and Ethnicity on the U.S.-Mexico Border,”Pp. 73-104 in Ethnography at the Border edited by Pablo Vila. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003. “The Polysemy of the Label ‘Mexican’ on the Border,” Pp. 105-140 in Ethnography at the Border edited by Pablo Vila. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003. “Environmental Problems in Ciudad Juarez-El Paso: A Social Constructionist Approach,” Pp. 251-278 in Ethnography at the Border edited by Pablo Vila. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003. “Conclusion: The Limits of American Border Theory,” Pp. 306-341 in Ethnography at the Border edited by Pablo Vila. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003. "Rock Chabón. The Contemporary National Rock of Argentina" Pp. 70-94 in From Tejano to Tango. Latin American Popular Music, edited by Walter Aaron Clark. New York and London: Routledge, 2002. Co-author: Pablo Semán. "The Social Perception of Environmental Problems in Ciudad Juárez/El Paso: A Dissonant Chorus and in Many Languages." Pp. 261-284 in Technology in Context: Readings in Technology and Society. Second Edition, edited by John A. Peterson and Elizabeth P. Shea. Dubuque, Iowa: Eddie Bowers Publishing, Inc., 1999. Co-author: John A. Peterson. "The Competing Meanings of the Label Chicano in El Paso." Pp. 185-211 in The U.S.Mexico Border: Transcending Division, Contesting Identities edited by Kathy Staudt and David Spener. Boulder, Co: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998. 5 "The Social construction of Homogeneity and Heterogeneity on the U.S.-Mexico Border," with Angela Escajeda and Yvonne Montejano. Pp. 59-80 in Understanding Sociology Through Multicultural Issues: A Book of Readings, edited by Fernando Rodríguez. Dubuque, Iowa: Eddie Bowers Publishing, Inc., 1996. "Le tango et la formation des identités ethniques en Argentine." Pp. 77-107 in Tango Nomade. Etudes sur le tango transculturel, edited by Ramón Pelinski. Montreal: Triptyque, 1995. "The Construction of Social Identities on the Border. Some Case Studies in Ciudad Juárez/El Paso." Pp. 51-64 in Sociological Explorations. Focus on the Southwest, edited by Howard Daudistel and Cheryl Howard. Minneapolis: West Publishing Company, 1994. "Rock Nacional and dictatorship in Argentina." Pp. 209-229 in Rockin' the Boat. Mass Music and Mass Movements, edited by Reebee Garofalo. Boston: South End Press, 1992. Europe “Difficult times, creative times: rock and dictatorship in Argentina.” In Music and Dictatorship in Europe and Latin America edited by Roberto Illiano and Massimiliano Sala. The Locatelli Foundation (Amsterdam-Lucca): Brepols Publishers (Turnhout). Forthcoming July 2009. Latin America “Procesos identificatorios en la frontera entre México y los Estados Unidos.” In Migración, Fronteras y Nuevas Identidades Étnicas. Edited by Laura Velasco. Tijuana: El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Forthcoming August 2008. "Identidades sociales y culturales." Pp. 346-352 in Diccionario de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas. 2da Edición Revisada, edited by Torcuato Di Tella et al. Buenos Aires: Emece 2001. "Movimientos sociales." Pp. 489-492 in Diccionario de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas. 2da Edición Revisada, edited by Torcuato Di Tella et al. Buenos Aires: Emece 2001. "Música e identidad. La capacidad interpeladora y narrativa de los sonidos, las letras y las actuaciones musicales." Pp. 15-44 in Cuadernos de Nación. Músicas en Transición, edited by Ana María Ochoa and Alejandra Cragnolini. Bogotá: Ministerio de Cultura. 2001. A slightly modified version of "Música e identidad. La capacidad interpeladora y narrativa de los sonidos, las letras y las actuaciones musicales." Pp. 331-369 in Recepción Artística y Consumo Cultural, edited by Mabel Piccini, Ana Rosas Mantecón and 6 Graciela Schmilchuk. Mexico: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes. Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes. Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información de Artes Plásticas. Ediciones Casa Juan Pablos. 2000.) "Música e identidad. La capacidad interpeladora y narrativa de los sonidos, las letras y las actuaciones musicales." Pp. 331-369 in Recepción Artística y Consumo Cultural, edited by Mabel Piccini, Ana Rosas Mantecón and Graciela Schmilchuk. Mexico: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes. Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes. Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información de Artes Plásticas. Ediciones Casa Juan Pablos. 2000. "La teoría de frontera versión norteamericana. Una crítica desde la etnografía." Pp. 99120 in Fronteras, naciones e identidades. La periferia como centro, edited by Alejandro Grimson. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Ciccus-La Crujía. 2000. "El Tango y las identidades étnicas en Argentina." Pp. 71-97 in El tango nómade. Ensayos sobre la diáspora del tango, edited by Ramón Pelinski. Buenos Aires: Corregidor. 2000. "Rock Chabón e identidad juvenil en la Argentina neo-liberal," Pp. 225-258 in Los noventa. Política, sociedad y cultura en América Latina y Argentina de fin de siglo, edited by Daniel Filmus. Buenos Aires: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales/EUDEBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Co-author: Pablo Semán. 1999. "Sistemas clasificatorios y narrativas identitarias en Ciudad Juárez y El Paso," Pp. 137220 in Voces de Frontera. Estudios sobre la dispersión cultural en la frontera MéxicoEstados Unidos edited by Victor Zúñiga. Monterrey, Mexico: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. 1998. "El rock nacional: género musical y construcción de la identidad juvenil en Argentina." Pp. 231-271 in Cultura y pospolítica. El debate sobre la modernidad en América Latina, edited by Néstor García Canclini. México: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 1995. "Movimientos Sociales." Pp. 415-418 in Diccionario de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas, edited by Torcuato Di Tella. Buenos Aires: Puntosur Editores, 1989. "La juventud en la Argentina: ¿un problema o un tema?," with Vicente Palermo. Pp. 99112 in El archivo de la década/1, edited by Eduardo Aliverti. Buenos Aires: Quatro Editores, 1987. "La política y la democracia en el discurso cotidiano," with Elizabeth Jelín. Pp. 176-195 in Movimientos sociales y democracias emergentes/2, edited by Elizabeth Jelín. Buenos Aires: Centro Editor de América Latina. Colección Biblioteca Política Argentina No 183, 7 1987). "Rock Nacional. Crónicas de la resistencia juvenil." Pp. 83-148 in Los nuevos movimientos sociales/1. Mujeres. Rock Nacional, edited by Elizabeth Jelín. Buenos Aires: Centro Editor de América Latina. Colección Biblioteca Política Argentina, No 124, 1985. 5. Other publications “Rock Nacional,” entry in The Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Volume IX Genres of Caribbean and Central and South American Origin. London: The Continuum International Publishing Group Limited. Forthcoming April 2009. Co-author: José Garriga Zucal. “Bailanta,” entry in The Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Volume IX Genres of Caribbean and Central and South American Origin. London: The Continuum International Publishing Group Limited. Forthcoming April 2009. Co-author: Malvina Silba. “Atahualpa, voz y silencio del indio en la canción.” In Has de Narrar. En el Centenario del nacimiento de Atahualpa Yupanqui. Illustrated Catalog of the Argentine National Library dedicaded to Atahualpa Yupanqui. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2008. Co-author: Carlos Molinero. "Mercedes Sosa," entry in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London: Mcmillan Publishers Ltd. 2003. "Atahualpa Yupanqui," entry in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London: Mcmillan Publishers Ltd. 2003. "Carlos Gardel," entry in Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Kassel, Germany: Bärenreiter-Verlag. "Charly García," entry in Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Kassel, Germany: Bärenreiter-Verlag 6. Review Essays Florine, Jane L. Cuarteto Music and Dancing from Argentina: In Search of the TungaTunga in Córdoba. Latin American Music Review 25 (2) Fall/Winter 2004: 242-248. John Shepherd and Peter Wicke: Music and Cultural Theory. Latin American Music 8 Review 21 (2) Fall/Winter 2000: 215-232. Kimberley M. Grimes: Crossing Borders. Changing Social Identities in Southern Mexico. Journal of Political Ecology 6, 1999 ( John Shepherd and Peter Wicke: Music and Cultural Theory. Transcultural Music Review 4, January 1999. ( - La Todolella, Spain). Simon Collier, Artemis Cooper, María Susana Azzi, and Richard Martin: ¡Tango! The Dance, the Song, the Story; Martha Savigliano: Tango and the Political Economy of Passion. Latin American Music Review 18 (1) Spring/Summer 1997: 113-123. 7. Book Reviews Zlolniski, Christian. Janitors, Street Vendors, and Activists. The Lives of Mexican Immigrants in Silicon Valley. American Journal of Sociology. Forthcoming 2008. Valdez, Avelardo. Mexican American girls and gang violence: beyond risk. Choice 45, January 2008: 2922. Macias, Thomas: Mestizo in America. Generations of Mexican Ethnicity in the Suburban Southwest. Choice 44, August 2007: 7143. Courtney Smith, Robert.: Mexican New York: transnational lives of new immigrants. Choice 44, January 2007: 2979. Morris, Stephen D.: Gringolandia: Mexican identity and perceptions of the United States. Choice 43, December 2005: 2394. Samuels, David W: Putting a song on top of it: expression and identity on the San Carlos Apache Reservation. Choice 42, July 2005: 6574. Fregoso, Rosa Linda. MeXicana encounters: the making of social identities on the borderlands. Choice 41, July 2004: 6853. Auyero, Javier: Contentious Lives. Two Argentine Women, Two Protests, and the Quest for Recognition. American Journal of Sociology 109 (4) January 2004: 1029-1030. Ono, Kent A. and John M. Sloop: Shifting Borders: Rhetoric, Immigration, and California's Proposition 187. American Journal of Sociology 108 (4) January 2003: 894896. Staudt, Kathleen and Irasema Coronado: Fronteras no Más: Toward Social Justice at the U.S.-Mexico Border. Choice 40 (10), June 2003: 6122. 9 Charles Montgomery. The Spanish Redemption. Heritage, Power and loss on New Mexico's upper Rio Grande. Choice 40 (3), November 2002: 1777. Raúl R. Romero: Debating the past: music, memory, and identity in the Andes. Choice 39 (8), April 2002: 4670. Luis Puig and Jenaro Talens (eds.): Las culturas del rock. Transcultural Music Review 5, January 2001. ( - La Todolella, Spain). Juan Flores: From Bomba to Hip-Hop. Puerto Rican Culture and Latino Identity. Choice 38 (2), October 2000: 1252. Eric Zolov: Refried Elvis. The Rise of the Mexican Counterculture. American Journal of Sociology 105 (5) March 2000: 1519-1521. Jorge Gracia: Hispanic/Latino Identity. A Philosophical Perspective. Choice 37 (7), March 2000: 4080. Alan M. Klein: Baseball on the Border. A Tale of Two Laredos. Social Forces 77 (3) March 1999: 1211-1212. Enrique T. Trueba: Latinos unidos: from cultural diversity to the politics of solidarity. Choice 36 (11/12), July 1999: 1980. Frank D. Bean, Rodolfo O. de la Garza, Bryan R. Roberts and Sidney Weintraub editors: At the Crossroads. Mexico and U.S. Immigration Policy. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 27 (2): 177-178, 1998. Matthew C. Gutmann: The Meanings of Macho. Being a Man in Mexico City. Journal of Comparative Family Studies XXVIII (3), Autumn 1997: 342-344. Carlos Vélez-Ibáñez: Border Visions: Mexican Cultures in the Southwest United States. Choice 34 (9), May 1997: 5405. Richard Griswold del Castillo and Arnoldo De León: North to Aztlán: A History of Mexican Americans in the United States. Choice 34 (7), March 1997: 4073. 8. Work in progress. Argentine popular music in the new millennium: beyond tango. 95% completed. Gender Troubles in Argentine Music: The Case of Cumbia Villera. 80% completed. 10 Militant Folk Music in Argentina: 1950-1976. 50% completed. Rock Nacional and Neo-liberalism in Argentina. 40% completed. “The Representation of Native Americans in Argentine’s Folk Music.” 40% completed. Teaching Experience: 2004- Professor. Department of Sociology. Temple University. 2008 Visiting Professor. Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento/IDES. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Seminar taught (30 hours): “Métodos Cualitativos.” 2006 Visiting Professor. Doctorado de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. June and August. Seminar taught (36 hours): “Métodos Cualitativos.” 2002 Visiting Professor. Maestría de Ciencias Sociales para el Diseño de Políticas Públicas. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales e Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administración. Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. September 30 to October 4, 9:00AM to 12:00PM every day of the week. Seminar taught (15 hours): "Identidad Fronteriza. Visiting Professor. Diplomado Las Ciencias Sociales de Cara al Siglo XXI. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales e Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Administración. Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. September 30 to October 4, 5:00PM to 8:00PM every day of the week. Course taught (15 hours): "Identidad Fronteriza." 2001-2004 Associate Professor. Sociology Department. University of Texas at San Antonio. 1997-2001 Assistant Professor. Division of Social and Policy Sciences. University of Texas, San Antonio. 2000 Visiting Professor. Departament de Geografia, Historia i Historia de l'Art and Facultat de Lletres. Universitat de Girona, Catalunya, Spain. March 6 to 17. Course taught (30 hours): "200458 - Enlargement of XIX Century Art: Popular Music and the Construction of Social Identities." 1994-97 Assistant Professor. Department of Sociology and Anthropology. University of Texas, El Paso. 11 1997 Visiting Professor. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Iztapalapa. Mexico City. April 2, 3 and 4. Title of the seminar taught: "The construction of narrative identities: discourse, music and image." 1997 Visiting Professor. Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes. Subdirección General de Educación e Investigación Artísticas. Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación e Información de Artes Plásticas. Mexico City. Diplomado Recepción Artística y Consumo Cultural. April 2 and 4. Title of the seminar taught: "Music and Photography in the Process of Identity Construction." 1996 Visiting Professor. Universidad de Valladolid, Spain. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. June 21-24. Title of the seminar taught: "Towards an epistemology of popular music studies." 1991-1994 Lecturer. Department of Sociology and Anthropology. University of Texas, El Paso. 1987 Associate Professor. Department of Sociology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1986 Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1986 Assistant Professor, Freshmen Curriculum, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1984-1986 Assistant Instructor, Department of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1984-1985 Assistant Instructor, Department of Sociology, University of El Salvador, Argentina. 1984 Assistant Instructor, Department of Sociology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Research Appointments: 2000-05 Researcher. Youth Opportunities Program. Department of Labor. Research Topic: Ethnographic study of a West side San Antonio neighborhood (Cassiano Courts) serviced by the program. 1992-94 Researcher. El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Oficina Ciudad Juárez 12 (COLEF). Research Topic: Everyday life, culture and identity on the Mexican-American border: The case of Ciudad Juárez-El Paso. 1992-94 Researcher. El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Oficina Ciudad Juárez (COLEF). Research Topic: Urban development and environment on the border. Social perception, advocacy groups and policymakers in Juárez-El Paso. 1991-1992 Research Assistant. Population Research Center, University of Texas at Austin. Research Topic: Employment, health and environment on the border. The case of Ciudad Juárez-El Paso. 1989-1990 Research Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin. Research Topic: Occupational structure and social classes in Latin America, 1930-1980. 1986-1988 Researcher. Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES). Buenos Aires, Argentina. Research Topic: Everyday life among popular sectors in Buenos Aires. 1986 Researcher. United Nations University (UNU)/Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO). Buenos Aires, Argentina. Research Topic: Democratic culture in daily life in Buenos Aires. 1985 Researcher. United Nations University(UNU)/Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales). Buenos Aires, Argentina. Research Topic: The youth movement in Argentina during the 1976-1983 military dictatorship. 1984-1986 Research Assistant. Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES). Buenos Aires, Argentina. Research Topic: Survival strategies among urban poor in Buenos Aires. 1971-1979 Research Assistant. Planes S.A. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Research Topic: Socio-demographic analysis of diverse provinces to be selected for industrial investment. Corrientes province, 1971; Rio Negro and Neuquén provinces, 1972; Santiago del Estero province 1973; Corrientes province, 1979. Fellowships and Grants: Social Science Research Council. International Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1991. Ford Foundation. Individual Grant, 1987-1989. 13 The University of Texas at Austin. University Continuing Fellowship, 1990-1991. The Inter-American Foundation. IAF Doctoral Fellowship Program. 1987-1991. Faculty Research Award. University of Texas-San Antonio. 1998. Faculty Research Award. University of Texas-San Antonio. 2001. College of Liberal Arts Research Incentive Fund. Temple University. 2004. Summer Research Award. Temple University. 2007. The University Research Institute Award. University of Texas at El Paso. 1995. The University Research Institute Award. University of Texas at El Paso. 1994. Liberal Arts Faculty Development Grant. University of Texas at El Paso. 1995. Liberal Arts Faculty Development Grant. University of Texas at El Paso. 1994. Faculty Development and Planning Grant. Environmental Protection Agency/The Center for Environmental Resource Management. University of Texas at El Paso. 1995. The Center for Inter-American and Border Studies, University of Texas at El Paso. 1993. The Center for Inter-American and Border Studies, University of Texas at El Paso. 1994. The Inter-University Program/Chicano Studies Research Center. University of California, Los Angeles, 1990. Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas at Austin. Doctoral Dissertation Grant, 1991. The University of Montreal, Canada. University Fellowship, 1987. Texas Public Education Grant. Fall 1992 and Spring 1993. Good Neighbor Fellowship. Fall 1993, Spring 1994 and Summer 1994. Seminario de Estudios de la Cultura. Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación sobre Cultura. México, 1993. Seminario de Estudios de la Cultura. Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación sobre Cultura. México, 1992. CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas), Argentina, 14 1986-1988. CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas), Argentina, 1987-1990. CEDES (Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad), Argentina, 1984-1986. C.B. Smith, Sr. Travel Scholarship. 1991. Conference papers 2008 “Gender issues in a migrant music: the case of cumbia in Argentina.” SYMPOSIUM ON LATIN AMERICAN MUSIC, MIGRATION AND DIASPORA. Sponsored by the British Academy. University of Newcastle, U.K.: April 24. “Migraciones: Identidad cultural y procesos de comunicacion.” Communication Department, Universidad Centroamericana. San Salvador, June 10. “Etnicidad, raza, género y religión: más allá de las fronteras nacionales en el encuentro entre los Estados Unidos y México.” Presented at the Conference FRONTERAS (IN)FRANQUEABLES. Centro Cultural de España en El Salvador. San Salvador, June 10. “Adenda a la dialéctica entre narrativas e interpelaciones en la música popular.” Presented at CICLO DE FORMACION DEL PROYECTO DE INVESTIGACION SINESTESIA DEL CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIONES ETNOGRAFICAS DE LA ESCUELA DE HUMANIDADES DE LA UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE SAN MARTIN. Buenos Aires. August 12. 2007 “Gender conflict in Argentine Popular Music.” Center for the Humanities. Temple University. Philadelphia: March 15. “Gender issues in Argentine Popular Music.” Sociology Department. Temple University. Philadelphia: April 11. “Gender conflict in Argentine Popular Music. The Case of “Cumbia Villera”[Cumbia from the Shantytown]. Presented at 102th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. New York, August 14. “Fotografía y memoria en barrios obreros y villas.” Presented at the Conference FOTOGRAFIA, MEMORIA E IDENTIDAD. EXPERIENCIAS DE INVESTIGACION. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Estudios 15 Avanzados. Córdoba, Argentina. November 23. Co-author: Elizabeth Jelin. 2006 “Mexican Protestants as ‘Unexpected’ Characters in Border Narratives.” Paper presented at the LINEAE TERRARUM INTERNATIONAL BORDERS CONFERENCE. UTEP, NMSU, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte and UACJ. Las Cruces, New Mexico. March 29. “Conflicto de género en la cumbia villera.” UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE SAN MARTIN. Buenos Aires, Argentina. July 24. “Border Identities.” A SHORT COURSE ON BORDERS. AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING. Philadelphia, August 30. “Migraciones e identidades intrafronterizas: el caso Ciudad Juarez-El Paso.” 1er ENCUENTRO DE LATINIDADES. Una mirada crítica a los movimientos y realidades de los emigrantes hispanoamericanos en los Estados Unidos. CONVENIO ANDRES BELLO. Bogotá, Colombia. December 15-16. 2005 “Ethnographic Accounts of Hybrids and Border Crossers in Border Studies.” Paper presented at the symposium on FAIR GLOBALIZATION? The International Studies Program at The College of New Jersey. March 31. “La modernidad como un proceso de racialización. Raza y construcción de la nacionalidad en los EE.UU.” FLACSO (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales). Buenos Aires, Argentina. July 29. “Immigration, Acculturation, and Gender Identities on the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Presented at 100th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Philadelphia. August 14. “Narrative Identities and Processes of Identification among Mexican Protestants on the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Presented at 100th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Philadelphia. August 15. “Faculty workshop/Seminar on border identity.” New Mexico State University. Las Cruces, New Mexico. October 3. “Narratives of religion, gender and class on the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Border Focus Group. New Mexico State University. Las Cruces, New Mexico. October 4. “Identificaciones de region, etnia y nacion en la frontera entre Mexico-Estados 16 Unidos.” Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y administración, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. October 5. “Argentine Music: From Tango to Rock Nacional.” LATINO HERITAGE MONTH. Temple University. October 7. 2004 "Processes of Identification on the U.S.-Mexico Border." Paper presented at The Department of Sociology and Anthropology. George Mason University. Fairfax, Virginia. January 28. "Negotiating Gender Among Mexican Immigrants." Paper presented at the symposium LATINOS INSIDE: A SYMPOSIUM ON IDENTITY, GLOBALIZATION AND CITIZENSHIP. Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race. Columbia University. New York. March 6. “Rock nacional in Argentina.” Paper presented at the Department of Foreign Languages, Rutgers University-Camden. November 25. 2003 "Ethnography at the Border." Presented at the Department of Anthropology and Sociology. Amherst College. Amherst, Massachusetts. February 27. Chair. Panel: Gender and Feminist Studies. LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION. XXIV INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS. Dallas, Texas. March 29. Paper presented: "The Complex Construction of Gender Identities on the U.S.-Mexico Border." "Hybridity on the U.S.-Mexico Border." Presented at the symposium BORDERS AND FRONTIERS IN THE AMERICAS: NEW VISIONS, NEW QUESTIONS. Latin American Studies. Tufts University. Boston, Massachusetts. April 29. "Border Identities: Narratives of Race, Ethnicity and Nationality on the U.S.Mexican Frontier." Department of Sociology, Temple University. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. October 24. "Gender culture and violence against women in Ciudad Juárez." Presented at the panel THE MURDERED WOMEN OF JUAREZ. University of Texas at San Antonio. San Antonio, Texas. November 14. "Procesos de identificación en la frontera México-Estados Unidos." Presented at the seminar MIGRACION, FRONTERAS Y RELACIONES ETNICAS EN AMERICA DEL NORTE. El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Tijuana, Baja California. November 24. 17 2002 "Ethnographic research on class, religion and gender at the U.S.-Mexico border: the limits of Border Theory." Presented at RACE, RIGHTS, AND RESOURCES IN THE AMERICAS. ROCKEFELLER PROGRAM SEMINAR SERIES. POLITICS AND THEORY ON THE BORDER. Center for Mexican American Studies and Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies. University of Texas at Austin. Austin, Texas, February 25. "Border Ethnographies: Gloria Anzaldúa and the Limits of Border Theory." Presented at the Latin American Studies Program, University of Arkansas. Fayetteville, Arkansas, April 25. "Latino Ethnic, National and Regional Identities on the U.S.-Mexico Border." Presented at the Latin American Studies Program, University of Arkansas. Fayetteville, Arkansas, April 26. "The U.S.-Mexico Border." Presented at COMEXUS Pre-Departure Program for Fulbright-Hays Scholars. University of Texas at San Antonio. San Antonio, June 24. "Forgotten Border Actors: The Border Reinforcers. A Comparison between the US-Mexico Border and South American Borders." Presented at 97th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Chicago, August 17. Co-author: Alejandro Grimson, University of Buenos Aires. 2001 Presentation of my book Crossing Borders. Reinforcing Borders. Social Categories, Metaphors and Narrative Identities on the U.S.-Mexico Frontier. Trinity University. San Antonio, January 17. Presentation of my book Crossing Borders. Reinforcing Borders. Social Categories, Metaphors and Narrative Identities on the U.S.-Mexico Frontier. Center for Latin American Studies, New Mexico State University. Las Cruces, New Mexico, March 5. Featured speaker and moderator of the panel "Work, New Industries, and Informal Economies" on the conference OFF THE GRID: URBAN ETHNOGRAPHY AND RADICAL POLITICS. New York Univesity, March 3031. Title of the paper: "The Problematic Construction of Working Class Identities: Some Illustrations from the U.S.-Mexican Border." "Rock Nacional: las dificultades para definirlo como género musical y sus relaciones históricas con el tango y el folclore." Presented at JORNADAS DE 18 REFLEXION SOBRE EL ROCK NACIONAL. Comisión para la preservación del patrimonio histórico cultural de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, April 25. "Border Ethnographies. Cultural Studies and The Limits of Border Theory." Presented at the 96nd ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Anaheim, California. August 20. "El sonido del rock chabón: un despliegue alternativo de la argentinidad." Presented at LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION XXIII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS. Washington, September 8. 2000 "¿Hacia una crítica de las teorías multiculturalistas?" Presented at 1as JORNADAS SOBRE LA MUSICA EN LA EDUCACION INTERCULTURAL. Grupo de trabajo en educación de la SIbE (Sociedad Ibérica de Etnomusicología). Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona - Spain). March 11. "Procesos identitarios en la frontera entre México y los EE.UU.: su importancia en el contexto del TLC/NAFTA." Presented at INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES Y ADMINISTRACION. Dirección General de Investigación y Posgrado. Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. Ciudad Juárez (Chihuahua México). May 20. "Inmigraciones e identidades en la frontera entre los EE.UU. y México." Presented at CATEDRA DE SOCIOLOGIA GENERAL. Carrera de Sociología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 26. "La importancia de los estudios de género en las investigaciones sobre fronteras." Presented at the round table FRONTERAS, CULTURA Y POLITICA. Programa de Investigaciones Socioculturales en el Mercosur. IDES, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 29. 1999 "El papel de los museos en la construcción de la memoria histórica." Presented at "UN MUSEO DE FRONTERA EN CIUDAD JUAREZ: TEMAS Y PROTAGONISTAS" round table. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia/Dirección de Educación y Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Ciudad Juárez. April 16. "La teoría de frontera versión norteamericana: una crítica desde la etnografía." Presented at SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL FRONTERAS, NACIONES E IDENTIDADES. IDES, Buenos Aires, Argentina. May 26. "Contradicciones de una sociedad post-industrial. Hacia una sociología de la 19 sociedad norteamericana." Presented at CARRERA DE SOCIOLOGIA. FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES. UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES. August 11. "Raza, identidad y frontera en el contexto de Nafta," Presented at SEMINARIO SOBRE INTEGRACION: MERCOSUR Y NAFTA. Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and University of New Mexico. Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 5. "Teorías de identidad y música popular en Argentina: tango, folclore y rock nacional," Presented at DEPARTAMENTO DE COMUNICACIONES. UNIVERSIDAD DE SAN ANDRES. Punta Chica, Argentina, November 11. 1998 "Bordering and Policing Border Studies." Presented at THE COLLEGE OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM "FROM BORDERS TO FRONTERAS/FROM FRONTERAS TO BORDERS." University of Texas at San Antonio. San Antonio. March 12. "Photographs and Identity on the United States-Mexican Border." Presented at the SOUTHWESTERN SOCIAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION 1998 MEETING. Corpus Christi, Texas. March 19. "Photo-Interviewing as a Research Method in the Study of Identity Construction Processes." Presented at the 93nd ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. San Francisco, August 24. "Music, Politics and Identity in Argentina." Presented at the LATINO HERITAGE WEEK. University of Texas at San Antonio. San Antonio, September 16. "Music and Identity in Contemporary Argentina." Presented at the LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION XXI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS. Chicago, September 26. "Questions of a Theory." Presented at the RETHINKING AREA STUDIES SEMINAR. University of Texas at El Paso. El Paso, December 8. 1997 "The Narrative Identities of People from Mexican Descent on the U.S.-Mexican Border." Presented at the Sociology Department. Dartmouth College. Hanover, New Hampshire. February 20. Chair. Panel: The Construction of Environmental Problems. LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION. XX INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS. Guadalajara, Mexico. April 17. Paper presented: "Social Perception of Environmental 20 Problems on the U.S.-Mexico Border." Co-author: John Peterson. "Theories of Identity." Presented at the Division of Policy and Social Sciences, University of Texas-San Antonio. April 24. "La investigación social sobre la construcción de las identidades culturales en la frontera México-Estados Unidos." Presented at Universidad Pedagógica Nacional-Ciudad Juárez. April 30. "Narrative Identities, Interpellations and the Imaginary Essential Identities Different Musical Practices Materialize." Presented at the 92nd ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Toronto, Canada. August 12. "Perspectivas nacionales y regionales de las culturas fronterizas." Presented at the seminar FRONTERAS CULTURALES. NUEVOS ENFOQUES SOBRE LA FRONTERA MEXICO-ESTADOS UNIDOS. El Colegio de la Frontera Norte/Centro Cultural Tijuana. Tijuana, Baja California. September 20. 1996 "Catolicismo e identidades urbanas en la frontera norte de México." Presented at the conference LO PUBLICO Y LO PRIVADO EN CIUDADES MULTICULTURALES. Universidad Autónoma MetropolitanaIztapalapa/Rockefeller Foundation. Mexico City. May 8th. "Metaphors at Play on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Tropes of Sameness and Difference in the Narrative Identities of Juarenses and El Pasoans." Presented at the 1996 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. New York. August 18. "Interpelaciones, metáforas y narrativas identitarias en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México." Seminar at the CUARTO ENCUENTRO NACIONAL DE ESTUDIANTES DE SOCIOLOGIA. Ciudad Juárez. September 5. "Metodologías dialógicas en el marco de una sociología no disciplina/ria. El uso de fotografías en la construcción concensuada del conocimiento." Seminar at the CUARTO ENCUENTRO NACIONAL DE ESTUDIANTES DE SOCIOLOGIA. Ciudad Juárez. September 5. "Some obstacles in the unionization of workers in a border environment." Presented at the forum THE FIGHT FOR AMERICA'S FUTURE: A TEACH-IN WITH THE LABOR MOVEMENT. Sponsored by UTEP Political Science Department, UNITE, IBEW No. 583, and Rio Grande Workers' Alliance. El Paso: October 3. 21 1995 "Fotografía y construcción de identidades narrativas en la frontera." Presented at the conference ENCUENTRO CULTURA DE LA FRONTERA MEXICOEE.UU. Dept. of Languages & Linguistics/Instituto de Estudios Chicanos/Latin American Studies. New Mexico State University. Las Cruces. March 3rd. "Sistemas clasificatorios e identidades narrativas en la frontera." Presented at the conference IV SEMANA DE LA INVESTIGACION. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. Ciudad Juárez. March 27. "Identidades narrativas en la frontera." Presented at the conference VI SEMANA DEL CONOCIMIENTO. Unidad de Estudios Regionales. Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. Ciudad Juárez. March 30. "The Emplotment of Catholicism in the Narrative Identities of Mexicans and Chicanos on the U.S.-Mexico Border." Presented at the 117th ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE AMERICAN ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Austin, Texas. April 28. HOUSING & INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE COLONIAS OF TEXAS AND MEXICO. University of Texas at Austin. Commentator on the panel: "Community or Settlement? The Development of Informal & Formal Social Infraestructure in Border Colonias." Austin, Texas. May 6. "Identidades narrativas y música. Una primera propuesta teórica para entender sus relaciones." Presented at the JORNADES IBEROAMERICANES D'ETNOMUSICOLOGIA/II ENCONTRE D'ETNOMUSICOLEGS IBEROAMERICANS. Barcelona, Spain. July 1. "The Employment of Catholicism in the Narrative Identities of Mexicans and Chicanos on the U.S.-Mexico Border." Presented at the 1995 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. Washington D.C. August 23. "Narrative Identities: The Emplotment of the Mexican on the U.S.-Mexico Border." Presented at the LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION XIX INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS. Washington D.C. September 29. 1994 "Being a Mexican-American on the U.S.-Mexico border: The Problem of Having Mexico Nearby." Presented at the Sociology Department. Bard College. Annandale-on-Hudson, New York. January 3rd. "The Narrative Identities of Mexican-Americans on the U.S.-Mexico border." 22 Presented at the Sociology and Anthropology Department. Knox College. Galesburg, Illinois. January 24. "Popular culture and common sense classificatory systems on the U.S.-Mexico border: the narrative construction of the 'other'in the Ciudad Juárez-El Paso area." Presented at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Tufts University. Boston, Massachusetts. February 7th. "The 'other' on the U.S.-Mexico border: the narrative identities of MexicanAmericans in the Ciudad Juárez-El Paso area." Presented at the Department of Anthropology and Sociology. Amherst College. Amherst, Massachusetts. February 21. "The Construction of Social Identities on the U.S.-Mexico Border." Presented at the Sociology and Anthropology Department. University of Texas at El Paso. El Paso, Texas. February 25. "The Narrative Identities of Mexican-Americans on the U.S.-Mexico border." Presented at the Sociology and Anthropology Department. Linfield College. McMinnville, Oregon. February 28. "Social Identities on the U.S.-Mexico border: the narrative identities of MexicanAmericans in the Ciudad Juárez-El Paso area." Presented at the Sociology Department. Arizona State University. Tempe, Arizona. March 3. "Narrative Identities in a Bi-national setting: Mexicans and Mexican Americans on the U.S.-Mexico border." Presented at the Sociology Department. University of Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah. March 7. "La percepción social de los problemas ambientales en Ciudad Juárez y El Paso. Un coro desafinado y en varios idiomas." Co-author Angela Escajeda. Presented at the conference on POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MANAGING THE EL PASO-CIUDAD JUAREZ METROPOLITAN AREA. PROFMEX/ANUIES. Ford Foundation. El Paso, March 14. "Sistemas clasificatorios y mecanismos de construcción del sentido común en Ciudad Juárez." Presented at Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Tijuana, Baja California. May 13. "Identidades narrativas e imaginarios sociales." Presented at the Master Program in Urban Planning, Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez. Ciudad Juárez. May 30. "Culture and Identity on the El Paso/Juárez Border." Presented at the conference THE BORDERLANDS: PAST AND PRESENT. The University of New Mexico. 23 Southwest Institute. Albuquerque, June 30. 1993 "Social Identities at the Border." Presented at the BI-NATIONAL SEMINAR ON THE SOCIAL SCIENCES "POSTMODERNISM AND A NEW BORDER SOCIAL SCIENCE." El Paso, Texas. January 26. "Social Identities on the Border." Presented at the Center of Inter-American and Border Studies. University ot Texas at El Paso. El Paso, Texas. February 17. "The Construction of Identity on the Border." Presented at the Sociology and Anthropology Department. New Mexico State University. Las Cruces. February 23. "Cultura popular, discurso de sentido común e identidades sociales en la frontera." Presented at FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE LA RAZA '93. Ciudad Juárez. May 5. "Los discursos de sentido común en la frontera norte: el 'otro' en las narrativas de juarenses y paseños." Presented at the 13th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND ETHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Mexico city. July 29. "Rótulos y estereotipos en la frontera norte." Presented at IV JORNADAS CULTURALES JOSE FUENTES MARES. Ciudad Chihuahua, México. September 28. "The Mexican-American Support of Operation Blockade and the Construction of Social Identities on the U.S.-Mexican Border." Presented at the Border Rights Coalition. El Paso, October 28. "La percepción social de los problemas ambientales en Ciudad Juárez y El Paso. Un coro desafinado y en varios idiomas." With Angela Escajeda. Presented at the RESEARCH AND POLICY DEBATE ON WATER AND PUBLIC SERVICES IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA OF EL PASO/JUAREZ. PROFMEX/ANUIES. Ford Foundation. El Paso, December 3. 1992 "Las contradicciones no contradictorias en la frontera México-Americana." Presented at the ENCUENTRO DE INVESTIGADORES Y CONSULTORES "SALUD INTEGRAL DEL ADOLESCENTE". El Paso, Texas. March 3. "La rebelión del 'objeto': ciencias sociales e investigación dialógica en sectores populares urbanos." Presented at the PRIMERA FERIA REGIONAL FRONTERIZA DEL LIBRO DE ANTROPOLOGIA E HISTORIA. Ciudad 24 Juárez, Chihuahua. May 25. "Movimientos juveniles en América Latina." Presented at the SEMANA DEL CHOLO. Consejo Municipal para la Cultura y las Artes/Sociedad de la esquina. Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico. September 4. "Visiones a través de la frontera: El Paso-Ciudad Juárez. Identidades sociales en la frontera México-Americana." Presented at COLEF II. El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. October 23. RESEARCH AND POLICY DEBATE ON WATER AND PUBLIC SERVICES IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA OF EL PASO/JUAREZ. PROFMEX/ANUIES. Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Moderator on the panel "Water, Waste and Public Policy". December 4. 1991 GENDER, VIOLENCE AND SOCIETY IN MEXICO AND LATIN AMERICA. University of Texas at Austin. Moderator on the panel: "Heirs of Violence." April 12. 1989 "Rock Nacional in Argentina: the Struggle for Meaning." Presented at the CONFERENCE ON LATIN AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE. Michigan State University. East Lansing, Michigan. April 13. 1988 "Comment on Néstor García Canclini's lecture." Presented at the DEBATE ON POSTMODERNISM IN LATIN AMERICA: BRAZIL, MEXICO, AND PERU. University of Texas at Austin. April 30. 1986 "Los actores sociales en la cotidianidad." Presented at the SEMINARIO SOBRE MOVIMIENTOS SOCIALES Y DEMOCRACIAS EMERGENTES CLACSO/Universidad de las Naciones Unidas. Buenos Aires. June 18. "Cultura juvenil en Argentina." Presented at the SEMINARIO SOBRE COOPERACION REGIONAL EN PROGRAMAS DE JUVENTUD. Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana, (ICI, España)/Foro Juvenil (Uruguay)/ILET (Chile). Montevideo. June 27. "La política y la democracia en el discurso cotidiano," with Elizabeth Jelín. Presented at the II CONGRESO ARGENTINO DE ANTROPOLOGIA SOCIAL. Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Buenos Aires. August 6. 25 "Fotografía y testimonios en el estudio de la cotidianidad." Presented at the II CONGRESO ARGENTINO DE ANTROPOLOGIA SOCIAL. Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Buenos Aires. August 7. "Imágenes de la ciudad: nosotros y los otros," with Elizabeth Jelín. Presented at the II CONGRESO ARGENTINO DE ANTROPOLOGIA SOCIAL. Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Buenos Aires. August 8. "La juventud en la Argentina: ¿un problema o un tema?" with Vicente Palermo. Presented at the SEMINARIO-TALLER: LA JUVENTUD EN LA ARGENTINA Y SU PROBLEMATICA ACTUAL. Escuela de Salud Pública. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Buenos Aires./Secretaría de Desarrollo Humano y Familia. Ministerio de Salud y Acción Social de la Nación. Buenos Aires. October 6. "Estrategias familiares frente a la falta de trabajo: el rol de los hijos." Presented at the SEMINARIO-TALLER: LA INSERCION DE LOS JOVENES EN EL MUNDO DEL TRABAJO. Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social de la Nación. Buenos Aires. December 18. 1985 "Rock Nacional: crónicas de la resistencia juvenil." Presented at the JORNADAS DE TRABAJO SOBRE MOVIMIENTOS SOCIALES EN LA ARGENTINA CONTEMPORANEA - CLACSO/Universidad de las Naciones Unidas. Buenos Aires. March 9. "Rock Nacional, música popular y movimiento juvenil." Presented at the SEMINARIO SOBRE ROCK NACIONAL. CEDES. Buenos Aires. May 7. "National Rock, resistance, and the Military Dictatorship in Argentina." Presented at the THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON POPULAR MUSIC STUDIES. The International Association for the Study of Popular Music. Université du Québec a Montréal. Montréal. July 10. "Le rock national en Argentine." Presented at the XXXIIe CONGRES MONDIAL DE LA FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DES JEUNESSES MUSICALES. UNESCO. Québec. July 24. 1983 "Migrantes internos y voto peronista. A diez años de una polémica." Presented at the PRIMER CONGRESO NACIONAL DE SOCIOLOGIA. Colegio de Graduados en Sociología. Buenos Aires. November 19. Professional Activities 26 Member of the Editorial Board of Transcultural Music Review. Ad hoc reviewer: The Sociological Quarterly, 1997 to present. Qualitative Sociology, 2006. Sociological Inquiry, 1998. Journal of Latin American Anthropology, 2000 to present. Social Problems, 2003. Latino Studies, 2003 to present. Aztlán, 2003. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 2004. Región y Sociedad. Revista de El Colegio de Sonora. Mexico. 2004 to present. TRANS. 2008. Pearson Education, Inc. Allyn & Bacon Publishers, 2003. Wadsworth Group. Thomson Learning, 2003. Sage Publications. 2004-present. Senior Scholar/Advisor for the Gateways 2001 Humanities Fellowship Program. Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center. San Antonio, Texas. To mentor Cecilia Ballí throughout her research and writing process. Research project: "Tejanos and Norteños: Friction and Compromise in the Regional Mexican Music Industry." Member of the Faculty Advisory Board for the Hispanic Research Center. University of Texas at San Antonio. 2001-2003. Graduate Advisor of Record. Department of Sociology. University of Texas at San Antonio. September 2001-2004. Sociology Discipline Coordinator. Division of Social and Policy Sciences. University of Texas at San Antonio. July 1999-June 2001. 27 Chair of the Periodic Performance Evaluation Committee. Sociology Department, University of Texas at San Antonio. 2001-2002. Member of the Graduate Studies Council. University of Texas at San Antonio. 20012004. Member of COLFA Committee on Research and Creative Activities. University of Texas at San Antonio. 2001-2004. Member of the COLFA Lecture Series Committee. University of Texas at San Antonio. 2003. Member of the Interdisciplinary Studies and Curriculum and Instruction Search Committee (Affirmative Action Advocate). University of Texas at San Antonio. 2003. Chair of the Sociology Search Committee. University of Texas at San Antonio. 2003. Member of the International Programs Advisory Committee. Temple University. 200405. Member of the Race and Diversity in the U.S. Coordinating Committee. Temple University. 2005. Member of the College of Liberal Arts Dean’s Search Committee. Temple University. 2005-2007. Member of the College of Liberal Arts’ Council on Faculty Research. Temple University. 2005Member of the Fulbright Commission Committee. Temple University. 2005-06. Director of Graduate Studies. Sociology Department. Temple University. 2005-2008. Areas of specialization 1. Research: Race and Ethnicity Sociology of Culture. Sociology of Music. Qualitative Methods. Visual Sociology. Narrative identities. 28 Chicanos on the U.S.-Mexican Border. 2. Courses taught: American Ethnicity. Chicanos and American Society. Chicanos in the Southwest. Sociology of Pluralism in the Southwest. Popular Culture. Social Theory. Classical Sociological Theory. Contemporary Sociological Theory. Theories of Identity. Sociology of Music. Music and Identity. Doing Sociological Field Work. Qualitative Methods. Social Problems. Sociological Foundations. Race and Ethnic Relations. Languages: Spanish and English. Portuguese (read). 29