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St. Maria Goretti Catholic School and Parish 3954 Palo Verde Avenue Long Beach, CA 90808 Dear Business Owner, Manager or Family, We are in the process of organizing our annual St. Maria Goretti Parish Carnival. It will be held the weekend of June 5, 6 and 7, 2015. The event attracts thousands of residents from our local community. The proceeds from this event provide for the continual development of the parish and scholarship support for the school. We would like to invite you to be a part on this special event by becoming a carnival sponsor. The three levels of sponsorship are: Stage Sponsor - $150.00 Includes a banner with your business or family name near the stage or carnival entrance. Your business will be acknowledged as a contributor to the success of this community event. Booth Sponsor - $100.00 Includes a sign with your business or family name displayed outside one of our food booths. Your business will be acknowledged as a contributor to the success of this community event. General Sponsor - $50.00 Includes a poster with your business or family name displayed in the hall. Your business will be acknowledged as a contributor to the success of this community event. Prize Sponsor Your donated merchandise and/or gift certificate will be part of our silent auction. Your business name will be displayed alongside of your donation. If you are able to donate merchandise or be a sponsor, please send your check or item to 3954 Palo Verde Ave., Long Beach CA 90808. Please address to the attention of “Parish Carnival”. If you have questions or would like your item picked up please call Kerrie Whetstone 562-716-1390 or Michelle Riley at 562-477-0033 Thank you for considering this opportunity to advertise your business and support your community. Sincerely, Kerrie Whetstone, Michelle Riley, Nancy Beesley, and Theresa Licht, Sponsor Coordinators Tax ID# 95-1934660 St. Maria Goretti Catholic School and Parish 3954 Palo Verde Avenue Long Beach, CA 90808 Carnival Sponsor Form ( ) Stage Sponsor - $150.00 Includes a banner with your business or family name near the stage or carnival entrance. Your business will be acknowledged as a contributor to the success of this community event. ( ) Booth Sponsor - $100.00 Includes a sign with your business or family name displayed outside one of our food booths. Your business will be acknowledged as a contributor to the success of this community event. ( ) General Sponsor - $50.00 Includes a poster with your business or family name displayed in the hall. Your business will be acknowledged as a contributor to the success of this community event. ( ) Prize Sponsor Your donated merchandise and/or gift certificate will be part of our silent auction. Your business name will be displayed alongside of your donation. Business or Personal Name ______________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________City ___________________ Zip_________ Phone ____________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________ Name to be announced:________________________________________________________________ You are welcome to send some business cards to be displayed during the event. Images for the banners should be sent to Deadline for a personalized banner is Wednesday, May 6, 2015. Checks should be made out to: St. Maria Goretti Church. Tax ID # 95-1934660 St. Maria Goretti Catholic School & Parish 3954 Palo Verde Avenue Long Beach, CA 90808 Estimado Empresario, Gerente o Familia Particular, Estamos organizando nuestro Carnaval Anual Parroquial de Sta. Maria Goretti. El carnaval se llevará a cabo durante el fin de semana del 5, 6, y 7 de Junio del 2015. Miles de vecinos de nuestra comunidad asisten a este evento. Los fondos recaudados de este evento se usan para el desarrollo continuo de la parroquia y aportan a becas estudiantiles. Se les invita a participar de este evento especial haciéndose patrocinador del carnaval. Las tres categorías de patrocinio son: •Patrocinador del escenario - $150.00 Durante el carnaval se instalará un cartel con el nombre de su empresa o de su familia cerca de la entrada principal del carnaval o cerca del escenario. Se hará mención de su empresa o de su familia por haber contribuido al éxito de este evento comunitario. •Patrocinador de puesto - $100.00 Durante el carnaval se instalará un cartel con el nombre de su empresa o de su familia en uno de los puestos de comida. Se hará mención de su empresa o de su familia por haber contribuido al éxito de este evento comunitario. •Patrocinador general - $50.00 Durante el carnaval el nombre de su empresa o de su familia aparecerá en un póster colocado en el salón parroquial. Se hará mención de su empresa o de su familia por haber contribuido al éxito de este evento comunitario. •Patrocinador de Premios Cualquier mercancía o cheque regalo (vale) que usted done será parte de la subasta silenciosa. Se hará mención de su empresa o de su familia por haber contribuido al éxito de este evento comunitario. Si desea donar mercancía o ser patrocinador, por favor envíe su cheque o artículo a donar a: Attn. Parish Carnival 3954 Palo Verde Avenue Long Beach CA 90808. Si tiene cualquier pregunta o desea que su donativo sea recogido de su domicilio, por favor llame a Kerrie Whetsone 562-562-716-1390 o Michelle Riley @ 562– 477-0033 Se le agradece por haber considerado esta oportunidad de hacerle publicidad a su empresa y gracias por apoyar a su comunidad. Atentamente, Comité Carnaval 2015