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Fecha Nacimiento: 27 de junio de 1936
Escuela de Economía y Administración, Universidad Católica de Chile; egresado
en especialidades de economía y de administración.
Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Chicago.
Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Chicago.
Magíster en Economía, Universidad de Chicago.
Ingeniero Comercial, Universidad Católica de Chile.
Doctor en Economía, Universidad de Chicago.
Premio Nacional de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales.
Profesor Extraordinario, Universidad Católica de Valparaiso.
Centro de Investigaciones Económicas, Universidad Católica de Chile
Subgerente de Estudios y Gerente Subrogante (2 años), Banco Central de Chile.
Coordinador de Comité Técnico creado en 1968 por el gobierno para una reforma
de las políticas de comercio exterior de Chile.
Director de investigaciones, Centro de Estudios de Planificación Nacional
(CEPLAN), Centro Interdisciplinario de la Universidad Católica de Chile.
Consultor en armonización de políticas económicas del Acuerdo de Cartagena o
Pacto Andino (JUNAC-UNCTAD).
Investigador y Vicepresidente, Corporación de Investigaciones Económicas para
Latinoamérica (CIEPLAN); coordinador de investigaciones en economía
internacional; uno de los dos miembros permanentes del Comité Directivo.
Director Ejecutivo, Corporación de Investigaciones
Latinoamérica (CIEPLAN).
Director de Estudios, Banco Central de Chile.
Asesor Regional Principal, CEPAL, Santiago.
Asesor del Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL.
Representante de los Presidentes Lagos y Bachelet en el Grupo Técnico formado
por los Presidentes de Brasil, Chile, Francia y Gobierno de España para la Acción
contra el Hambre y la Pobreza y Financiamiento Innovador para el Desarrollo.
Departamento de Economía de la Universidad de Chile.
Comercio internacional y políticas de desarrollo económico, Fondo de Cultura
Económica, México, 1967 (co-autor K. Griffin).
Políticas económicas en Chile: 1952-70, Ediciones Nueva Universidad-CEPLAN, 1973.
El cobre en el desarrollo nacional, Ediciones Nueva Universidad-CEPLAN, 1974
(co-editado con E.Tironi).
Economía internacional: teorías y políticas para el desarrollo, Fondo de Cultura
Económica, México, 1979. Segunda edición, 1985.
Lecturas sobre intercambio y desarrollo (editor), Fondo de Cultura Económica, México,
1981, dos volúmenes.
a) América Latina y el orden económico internacional, Fondo de Cultura Económica,
México, 1981 (co-editado con E.Tironi). Segunda edición, 1986.
b) Latin America and the International Economic Order, Macmillan, Londres, 1982 y St.
Martin’s Press, Nueva York, 1982 (co-editado con E.Tironi). Segunda edición, 1985.
Relaciones financieras externas y desarrollo nacional (editor), Fondo de Cultura
Económica, México, 1983.
a) Deuda externa y desarrollo en América Latina: bases para un nuevo consenso,
CIEPLAN-Interamerican Dialogue, Santiago, 1986; Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, Buenos
Aires, 1987 (co-editado con R. Feinberg).
b) Development and External Debt in Latin America: Bases for a New Consensus,
University of Notre Dame Press, Indiana, 1988 (co-editado con R. Feinberg).
Conversión de deuda externa y financiación del desarrollo en América Latina, Colección
Estudios Internacionales, Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires, 1990 (co-editado
con R. Bouzas).
a) Las nuevas corrientes financieras hacia la América Latina: fuentes, efectos y políticas,
Fondo de Cultura Económica, México y Santiago, 1995. Segunda edición, 1996 (co-editado
con S. Griffith-Jones).
b) Coping with Capital Surges: The Return of Finance to Latin America, Lynne Rienner
Publisher, Boulder, Londres y Ottawa, 1995 (co-editado con S. Griffith-Jones).
c) Os Fluxos Financeiros na America Latina, Paz e Terra, Sao Paulo, 1997 (co-editado con
S. Griffith-Jones).
a) Flujos de capital e inversión productiva, McGraw-Hill Interamericana/CEPAL,
Santiago, 1997. Segunda edición, 1998 (co-editado con H. Reisen).
b) Capital Flows and Investment Performance, OCDE, Paris, 1998 (co-editado con H.
c) Mouvements des Capitaux et Performances des Investissements, OCDE, Paris, 1998.
a) Macroeconomía, comercio, finanzas: para reformar las reformas en América Latina,
McGraw-Hill Interamericana, Santiago, 1999; segunda impresión, 1999. Segunda edición,
Mayol Ediciones, Bogotá, 2005.
b) Reforming the Reforms in Latin America: Macroeconomics, Trade, Finance, Macmillan,
Londres, 2000 y Saint Martin’s Press, Nueva York, 2000.
Financial globalization and the emerging economies, International Jacques
Maritain Institute/CEPAL, Santiago y Roma, 2000 (co-editado con J. A. Ocampo,
S. Zamagni y C. Pietrobelli).
Reformas, crecimiento y políticas sociales en Chile desde 1973, CEPAL/LOM, Santiago,
2001 (co-editado con B. Stallings).
a) Entre el neoliberalismo y el crecimiento con equidad: tres décadas de política
económica en Chile, Dolmen, 1999. Segunda edición actualizada, 2001. Tercera edición
actualizada, JCSáez Editor, Santiago, 2003. También publicada por Siglo XXI, Buenos
Aires, 2004. Cuarta edición actualizada, JCSáez Editor, 2008.
b) Economic Reforms in Chile: From Dictatorship to Democracy, University of Michigan
Press, Ann Arbor, 2002. Segunda edición actualizada, Palgrave Macmillan, Londres y
Nueva York, 2010.
a) Crisis financieras en economías emergentes ‘exitosas’ (editor), McGraw-Hill
Interamericana/CEPAL, Santiago, 2001.
b) Financial Crises in ‘Successful’ Emerging Economies (editor), Brookings Institution
Press/ECLAC, Washington DC, 2001.
From Capital Surges to Drought, Palgrave Macmillan, Londres, 2003 (co-editado con S.
a) Crecimiento esquivo y volatilidad financiera (editor), Mayol Ediciones, Bogotá, 2005.
b) Seeking Growth under Financial Volatility (editor), Palgrave Macmillan, Londres,
a) Reformas para América Latina después del fundamentalismo neoliberal, Siglo XXI,
Buenos Aires, 2005.
b) Reforming Latin America’s Economies: After Market Fundamentalism, Palgrave
Macmillan, Londres, 2005 y Nueva York, 2006.
Stability with Growth: macroeconomics, liberalization, and development, (co-autor con
Joseph Stiglitz y José Antonio Ocampo), Oxford University Press/IPD, Nueva York, 2006.
Economic Growth with Equity: Challenges for Latin America (co-editado con J.L.
Machinea), Palgrave Macmillan, Nueva York, 2007.
"Balanza comercial, tarifas y términos de intercambio", Centro de Investigaciones Económicas,
Universidad Católica de Chile, 1962; y Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina, 1962.
"La política fiscal y el multiplicador", Cuadernos de Economía Nº1, Universidad Católica de
Chile, 1963.
"Modelos de crecimiento y comercio internacional", Desarrollo Económico Nº12, Buenos
Aires, Enero-Marzo 1964 (co-autor K. Griffin).
"Elementos para una política de comercio exterior", Cuadernos de Economía Nº5, 1965; una
versión preliminar fue publicada en Diálogos sobre el Desarrollo Económico de Chile, Instituto
de Economía de la Universidad de Chile, julio 1964 (propuesta para implementar una
novedosa política cambiaria de tasa ‘reptante’ (crawling-peg exchange-rate policy), la que
fue iniciada en Chile en abril de 1965).
"Custom unions and Latin American Integration", Simposio sobre Integración Económica,
Instituto de Economía, Universidad de Chile, 1965; y en Journal of Common Market Studies,
octubre 1965 (co-autor K.Griffin).
"El programa monetario y la emisión", Revista Economía Nº92, Universidad de Chile, 1966,
y en Estudios Monetarios I, Banco Central de Chile, 1968.
"Aspectos económicos de la planificación", Economía y Administración, Universidad de
Concepción, 1965, y en Ensayos sobre Planificación, Instituto de Economía y Planificación,
Universidad de Chile, 1968.
"El crédito bancario y su costo", Boletín Mensual Nº 483, Banco Central de Chile, 1968; en
Boletín Mensual Vol. XIV, Nº8, Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos
(CEMLA), México, 1968; y en Estudios Monetarios II, Banco Central de Chile, 1970.
"Export quotas under market instability", American Journal of Agricultural Economics, agosto
1968 (artículo preparado, como alumno de la Universidad de Chicago, para el curso de
Economía Agraria del Profesor Theodore Schultz).
"Economic aspects of the revolution in freedom", en M. Zañartu y Ch. Kennedy, eds., The
overall development of Chile, Universidad de Notre Dame Press, Indiana, 1969.
"Dependencia, subdesarrollo y política cambiaria", en El Trimestre Económico Nº146,
México, 1970; en Estudios Monetarios II, Banco Central de Chile, 1970, y en Lecturas sobre
Intercambio y Desarrollo, Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 1981.
"Foreign investment in Latin America: trends and prospects", en V. Urquidi y R.Thorp,
eds., Latin America in the international economy, International Economic Association,
Macmillan, Londres, 1973; en W.Grabendorf, ed., Lateinamerika, Kontinent in der Krise,
Hoofman und Campe, Hamburgo, 1973, y en Corporaciones multinacionales en América
Latina, Ediciones Periferia, Buenos Aires, 1973.
"Mecanismos y objetivos de la redistribución del ingreso", en A. Foxley, ed., Lecturas sobre
distribución del ingreso, Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 1974; en Income distribution in
Latin America, Cambridge University Press, 1976; en Desarrollo Económico Nº54, Buenos
Aires, 1974; en Fedesarrollo, eds., Lecturas sobre desarrollo, Bogotá, 1974; y en M. Silva, ed.,
Editorial Estampa, Lisboa, 1983.
"The importance of cooper in the Chilean economy: two decades of historical
background", en A. Seidman, ed., Natural resources and welfare: the case of copper, Praeger
Publishers, Nueva York, 1975.
"The integration of the large copper mines in the Chilean Economy: the role of economic
policies", en A. Seidman, ed., Natural resources and welfare: the case of copper, Praeger
Publishers, Nueva York, 1975.
"Sustitución entre insumos nacionales e importados en la producción de cobre: una
estimación econométrica", Estudios de Planificación, Nº46, CEPLAN, julio 1975.
"El Pacto Andino: un modelo de integración para países en desarrollo", El Trimestre
Económico Nº 170, México, abril-junio 1976; en World Development, Oxford, enero-feb. 1977;
en J. Grunwald, ed., Latinoamerica in a changing World, Sage Publications, California, 1978,
y en E.Tironi, ed., Pacto Andino: carácter y perspectivas, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos,
Lima, 1978.
"The degree of progress of economic integration", artículo de comentarios en F. Machlup,
ed., Economic integration: world-wide, regional, sectoral, Macmillan, Londres, 1976.
"Exportaciones y políticas de industrialización”, en Fomento industrial en América Latina,
Ediciones Internacionales, Bogotá, 1978; y “Exports und industrialisierungspolities", en
Vierteljahresberichte, Nº 67, Bonn, marzo 1977.
"Distribución de beneficios y eficiencia en la integración", Estudios CIEPLAN, Nº 18,
Octubre 1977, y en Colección de Lecturas sobre Integración Económica, INTAL/BID, Buenos
"Teoría de la balanza de pagos: enfoques monetaristas y estructurales", El Trimestre
Económico Nº 180, octubre-diciembre 1978, y en Estudios CIEPLAN Nº 25, junio 1978.
“Comercio internacional, industrialización y políticas de desarrollo“, en Hacia un Nuevo
Orden Económico Internacional: temas prioritarios para América Latina, Fondo de Cultura
Económica-CIEPLAN, México 1981 y "Foreign trade, industrialization and development
policies", en R. Ffrench-Davis y E. Tironi, eds., Latin America and the International Economic
Order, Macmillan, Londres, 1982.
“Prioridades de investigación en la economía internacional: una perspectiva
latinoamericana“, en Hacia un Nuevo Orden Económico International: temas prioritarios para
América Latina, Fondo de Cultura Económica-CIEPLAN, México, 1981; en Estudios
CIEPLAN Nº30, diciembre 1978, y "Research priorities in international economics: a Latin
American perspective", en Latin America and the International Economic Order, Macmillan,
Londres, 1982 (co-autor Carlos Díaz-Alejandro).
“Exportaciones e industrialización en un modelo ortodoxo: Chile, 1973-1978”, en Revista de
la CEPAL, Nº9, diciembre 1979, y "Exports and industrialization in an orthodox model:
Chile, 1973-78", Vierteljahresberichte No 75, Bonn, marzo 1979, y en Ibero-Americana, Nordic
Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. VIII, Estocolmo, 1980.
"Términos del intercambio recíproco y efectos distributivos de la integración económica",
El Trimestre Económico, México, abril-junio 1979.
"Distorsiones del mercado y teoría de las uniones aduaneras", Notas Técnicas Nº 16,
CIEPLAN, abril 1979, y en Integración Latinoamericana Nº 44, Buenos Aires, marzo 1980.
"Políticas arancelarias, empleo e integración económica", Colección Estudios CIEPLAN Nº 1,
julio 1979, y en Integración Latinoamericana Nº 96, Buenos Aires, noviembre 1984.
“Las experiencias cambiarias en Chile: 1965-79”, en Colección Estudios CIEPLAN No 2,
diciembre 1979, y "Exchange-rate policies in Chile: 1965-79, en J. Williamson, ed., Exchange
rate rules: the theory, performance and prospects of the crawling peg, Macmillan, Londres, 1981.
"Economic integration in Latinamerica: failures and sucesses", en R. Garnaut, ed., ASEAN
in a changing Pacific and world economy, Australian National University Press, Canberra,
1980; y en A. Jorge y J. Salazar (eds.), Integración y cooperación en América Latina, Colecao
ILDES 4, Rio de Janeiro, 1983. Actualización en Integración Latinoamericana, No 142, Buenos
Aires, enero-feb., 1989, y en S. Naya, M. Urrutia, et al., eds., Lessons in development: a
comparative study of Asia and Latin America, International Center for Economic Growth, San
Francisco, 1989.
"Liberalización de importaciones: la experiencia chilena en 1973-79”, en Colección Estudios
CIEPLAN, No 4, noviembre 1980, e "Import liberalization: the Chilean experience,
1973-82", en S. y A. Valenzuela, eds., Military rule in Chile, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, 1986.
"Apertura financiera externa en Chile: 1973-80", en Colección Estudios CIEPLAN Nº 5, julio
1981; en Relaciones financieras externas y desarrollo nacional, Fondo de Cultura Económica,
México, 1983, y en una Colección de Lecturas en Caracas, Venezuela (co-autor J.P.
“Nuevas formas de inestabilidad externa en América Latina: fuentes, mecanismos de
transmisión y políticas”, en Colección Estudios CIEPLAN Nº 6, diciembre 1981; y "Old and
new forms of external instability in Latin America: sources, mechanisms of transmission
and policies", en M. Syrquin y S. Teitel, eds., Trade, development, technology, and equity in
Latin American, Academic Press, Nueva York, 1982 (también en español publicado por el
BID, Washington DC).
"Comparative advantage, efficiency and equity in collective self-reliant industrialization",
en G. Helleiner, ed., For good or evil: economic theory and North-South negotiations,
Universitetsforlaget, Oslo y University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1982, y en International
Politik Nº 2-B Supplement, Oslo, 1981.
“Deuda externa y balanza de pagos de América Latina: tendencias recientes y
perpectivas”, en BID, Progreso Económico y Social en América Latina, Washington DC, 1982
(en español, inglés, francés y portugués); en Estudios Internacionales Nº 62, IEI, Santiago,
abril-junio 1983; en Problemas económicos del Tercer Mundo, Universidad de Belgrano e
INTAL, Buenos Aires, 1983, y en S. Méndez, ed., La crisis internacional y la América Latina,
Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 1984.
"El experimento monetarista en Chile: una síntesis crítica”, en Colección Estudios CIEPLAN
No 9, diciembre 1982; en Desarrollo Económico Nº 90, Buenos Aires, julio-septiembre 1983;
en Información Comercial Española Nº 601, Madrid, septiembre 1983; en Problemes
d'Amerique Latine Nº 66, París, diciembre 1982; en World Development, Oxford, noviembre
1983; en Analysen Nº 113, Bonn, diciembre 1983, y en Estudos de Economía Vol. Nº 1, Lisboa,
octubre-diciembre 1984.
"Monetarismo y recesión: elementos para una estrategia externa", en Pensamiento
Iberoamericano Nº 4, Madrid, julio-diciembre 1983.
“El problema de la deuda externa y la apertura financiera en Chile”, en Colección Estudios
CIEPLAN No 11, diciembre 1983; en ICI, América Latina: deuda, crisis y perspectivas, Instituto
de Cooperación Iberoamericana, Madrid, 1984, y “The external debt, financial
liberalization, and crisis in Chile", actualizado en M. Wionczek, ed., Politics and economics of
external debt crisis: The Latin American experience, Westview Press, Boulder, 1985 y en Fondo
de Cultura Económica, México, 1987.
"Una estrategia de apertura externa selectiva", en CIEPLAN, Reconstrucción económica para
la democracia, Editorial Aconcagua, 1983, y en El Trimestre Económico, Nº 203, México, julioseptiembre 1984.
"Trying to stabilize: the case of Argentina", comentarios a G. Calvo, en P. Aspe, R.
Dornbusch y M. Obstfeld, eds., Financial policies and the world capital market: the problem of
Latin American countries, NBER, University of Chicago Press, 1983.
"Apertura externa y desarrollo industrial", en BID, ed., Industrialización y desarrollo en
América Latina, BID, Washington DC, 1983.
"Índice de precios externos: un indicador para Chile de la inflación internacional, 1950-83",
Colección Estudios CIEPLAN No 13, junio 1984.
"Deuda externa y alternativas de desarrollo en América Latina", Colección Estudios
CIEPLAN No 15, diciembre 1984; en Problemes d'Amerique Latine, París, diciembre 1984; en
Politica Internazionale, Roma, feb. 1985; en Revista de Economía Política, Vol. 5, Nº 3, Sao
Paulo, julio-septiembre 1985; en G. Martner, comp. El desafío latinoamericano, Editorial
Nueva Sociedad, Caracas, 1987; en International Journal of Political Economy vol. 17, Nº 1,
Nueva York, primavera 1987; en C. Hunneus, ed., Para vivir la democracia, CERC, Editorial
Andante, Santiago, 1987; y reproducido en L`Amerique Latine face a la dette, 1982-1989, La
Documentation Francaise, Paris, 1990.
"La crisis financiera internacional y el Tercer Mundo: gestación, emergencia y
perspectivas", (presentado en la Sesión complementaria Nº 5, VIII Congreso Económico
Mundial), en Desarrollo, deuda externa y distensión internacional, Madrid, septiembre 1983,
reproducido en Comercio Exterior, México, octubre 1984, y "The external debt crisis in Latin
America: trends and outlook", en Kwan Kim y D. Ruccio, eds., Debt and development in
Latin America, University of Notre Dame Press, Indiana, 1985.
"International private lending and borrowing strategies of developing countries", en
Journal of Development Planning Nº 14, United Nations, Nueva York, 1984.
"Desarrollo y promoción de la producción: el rol del arancel selectivo", en Dos estudios
sobre política arancelaria, Cuadernos de la CEPAL No 63, septiembre 1984.
"La integración andina en el nuevo escenario de los años ochenta", en Apuntes CIEPLAN
Nº 52, octubre 1984; en H. Muñoz y F. Orrego, comps. La cooperación regional en América
Latina, El Colegio de México e Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, México 1987, y en
Revista Homines, Tomo 6, Puerto Rico, 1989 (co-autores A. Aninat y P. Leiva).
"Prospects for bank lending to developing countries in the remainder of the eighties", in
Journal of Development Planning Nº 16, Nueva York, 1985 y en Notas Técnicas Nº 74,
CIEPLAN, Julio 1985 (co-autor S. Molina).
"External debt, renegotiation frameworks and development in Latin America", en The debt
crisis in Latin America, Institute of Latin American Studies, Monographs Nº 13, Estocolmo,
"EE.UU., América Latina y la economía internacional: algunos aspectos centrales en los
años ochenta", en L. Maira, comp., ¿Una nueva era de hegemonía internacional?, RIAL, Grupo
Editor Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires, 1985, y en Notas Técnicas Nº 77, CIEPLAN,
septiembre 1985.
"La renegociación de la deuda externa de Chile en 1985: antecedentes y comentarios", en
Colección Estudios CIEPLAN Nº 17, Santiago, septiembre 1985 (co-autor J. de Gregorio).
"Perspectivas de la economía mundial y su impacto sobre América Latina", en SELA:
Presente y Futuro de la Cooperación Económica Intralatinoamericana, INTAL, Banco
Interamericano de Desarrollo, Buenos Aires, 1986 (co-autor P. Meller).
“Notas sobre el desarrollo económico y la deuda externa en América Latina”, en Desarrollo
Económico, Nº 100, Buenos Aires, enero-marzo 1986, y "External debt, adjustment and
development in Latin America", en H. Singer, N. Hatti and R. Tandon, eds., Resource
transfer and debt trap, New World Order Series Vol. 5, Indus Publishing House, Nueva
Delhi, 1988.
"Orígenes y efectos del endeudamiento externo en Chile", en El Trimestre Económico Nº 213,
enero-marzo 1987 (co-autor J. de Gregorio).
"Quali reforme per la ripresa economica", en Política Internazionale, Roma, abril 1987 (coautor S. Molina).
"Conversión de pagarés de la deuda externa en Chile", en Colección Estudios CIEPLAN Nº
22, Santiago, diciembre 1987; en Instituto Interamericano de Mercados de Capital, comp.,
Capitalización de la deuda externa en América Latina, Caracas, 1987, y "La conversión de la
dette exterieure en actifs nationaux", en Problèmes d'Amérique Latine Nº 89, 3er. Trim., Paris,
"Structural adjustment policies", en S. Dell, ed., The international monetary system and its
reform, North Holland, Part II, Ámsterdam, 1987 (co-autores S. Dell, C. Díaz-Alejandro, T.
Gudac y C. Ossa).
“El financiamiento externo negativo: tendencias, consecuencias y opciones para América
Latina”, en Colección Estudios CIEPLAN Nº 20, diciembre 1986; en SELA (ed.), Políticas de
ajuste, Editorial Nueva Sociedad, Caracas, 1988, y "Latin American debt: debtor-creditor
relations", en Third World Quarterly, vol. 9, Nº 4, octubre 1987; y en H. Singer, N. Hatti y R.
Tandon, eds. Aid and external financing in the 1990s, New World Order Series Vol. 9, Indus
Publishing Co., Nueva Delhi, 1991.
"El modelo monetarista, desarrollo y distribución en Chile, 1973-87", en Los Ensayistas,
Georgia Series en Pensamiento Hispánico, Chile 1968-1988 Nº 22-25, 1987/1988.
“Esbozo de un planteamiento neoestructuralista”, en Revista de la CEPAL No 34, Santiago,
abril 1988, y "An outline of a neo-structuralist approach" y "Latin American development
prospects: a neostructuralist approach", en Rasvoj Development International, Vol. IV, Nº 2,
julio-diciembre 1989 (en croata).
"The impact of global recession and economic policies on living standards: Chile 1973-89",
Notas Técnicas Nº 97, CIEPLAN, noviembre 1990, Tercera edición (co-autora D. Raczynski).
"The foreign debt crisis and adjustment in Chile, 1976-86", en S. Griffith-Jones, ed.,
Managing world debt, St. Martins' Press, Nueva York y Harvester-Wheatsheaf, Reino
Unido, 1988; en Deuda externa, renegociación y ajuste en la América Latina, Lecturas de El
Trimestre Económico, México, 1988, y en H. Singer, N. Hatti y R. Tandon, eds., Adjustment
and liberalization in the Third World, New World Order Series Vol. 12, Indus Publishing Co.,
Nueva Delhi, 1991.
"El desarrollo económico de América Latina y el marco internacional: 1950-86", Colección
Estudios CIEPLAN No 23, Santiago, marzo 1988, y en P.Meller, ed., The Latin American
debate, neostructuralism, neomonetarism and adjustment proccesses, Westview Press, 1991 (coautor O. Muñoz).
"Bases para una estrategia de comercio exterior chileno", en G. Martner, coord., Chile hacia
el 2000: desafíos y opciones, Ed. Nueva Sociedad, Caracas, 1988, y en H. Muñoz, ed., Chile:
política exterior para la democracia, Pehuén, Santiago, 1989.
"Ajuste y agricultura en la América Latina: un examen de algunos temas", El Trimestre
Económico, Vol. LVI, Nº 222, México, abril-junio 1989.
"Selective policies under a structural foreign exchange shortage", en Journal of Development
Economics 29, North-Holland, 1988; en El Trimestre Económico , y en H. Singer, N. Hatti y R.
Tandon, eds., Adjustment and liberalization in the Third World, New World Order Series Vol.
12, Indus Publishing Co., Nueva Delhi 1991 (co-autor M. Marfán).
“El conflicto entre la deuda y el crecimiento en Chile: tendencias y perspectivas”, en
Colección Estudios CIEPLAN No 26, Santiago, junio 1989, y "Debt and growth in Chile:
trends and prospects”, en Economie Prospective Internationale, No. 42, La Documentation
Francaise, Paris 1990, y en D. Felix, ed., Financing Latin American growth: prospects for the
1990's, M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1990.
"Macro-policy issues and copper in Chile", Notas Técnicas Nº 132, CIEPLAN, Santiago,
septiembre 1989, y en Primary Commodity Issues in the Chilean Economy, Joint Research
Programme Series Nº 78, Institute of Developing Economies, Tokio, 1989 (co-autor J.
“Conversión deuda-capital en Chile”, en Cuadernos de Economía No. 82, diciembre 1990;
"Debt-equity swaps in Chile", en Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol.14, marzo 1990, y en
H. Singer, N. Hatti y R. y R. Tandon, eds. Adjustment and liberalization in the third world
New World Order Series Vol. 12, Indus Publishing Co., Nueva Delhi, 1991.
“Desarrollo económico, inestabilidad y desequilibrios políticos en Chile: 1950-89”, en
Colección Estudios CIEPLAN No 28, Santiago, junio 1990, y "Economic development,
instability and political disequilibria in Chile: 1950-89", en S. Teitel, ed., Towards a new
development strategy for Latin America, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1992 (coautor O. Muñoz).
“Desarrollo económico y equidad en Chile: herencias y desafíos en el retorno a la
democracia”, en Colección Estudios CIEPLAN No 31, Santiago, marzo 1991, y "Economic
development and equity in Chile: legacies and challenges in the return to democracy", en
Politica Internazionale, Nº 3-4, Roma, marzo-abril, 1990; en Problémes d'Amerique Latine Nº
97, La Documentation Francaise, París, 1990; y en IDS Discussion Paper 361, Sussex, enero
“Formación de capital y marco macroeconómico: bases para un enfoque
neoestructuralista”, en O. Sunkel, ed., El Desarrollo desde Dentro: un enfoque
neoestructuralista para la América Latina, Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, 1991 y 1996,
y "Capital formation and the macroeconomic framework: a neo-structuralist approach", en
O. Sunkel ed., Development from within. Toward a neostructuralist approach for Latin America,
Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc., 1993.
“Liberalización comercial y crecimiento: la experiencia de Chile, 1973-89”, en Pensamiento
Iberoamericano No 21, enero-junio 1992, y "Trade liberalization in Chile", Trade Policy Series
No 1, UNCTAD, Nueva York, 1992; y en M. Agosin y D. Tussie, eds., Trade and growth: new
dilemmas in trade policy, St. Martin`s Press, Londres, 1993 (co-autores P. Leiva y R. Madrid).
"Structural adjustment and World Bank conditionality: a Latin American Perspective", en
Journal fur Entwicklungspolitk, VIII, heft 4, 1991 (co-autor P. Meller).
"Adjustment and conditionality in Chile: 1982-88", en E. Rodríguez y S. Griffith-Jones, eds.,
Cross-conditionality, banking regulation and Third World debt, Macmillan, Londres, 1992.
"Pathways to economic reform in Latin America", en L. Emmerij y E. Iglesias, eds.,
Restoring financial flows to Latin America, OCDE, París, 1991.
“La liberalización comercial en América Latina”, en Revista de la CEPAL , No. 50, agosto
1993, y "Trade liberalization and growth: recent experiences in Latin America", en Journal
of Interamerican and World Affairs, Vol. 37, No. 3, Otoño, 1995, (co-autor M. Agosin).
"International competitiveness and the macroeconomics of capital account opening", en
UNCTAD Review, 1994 (co-autores D. Titelman y A. Uthoff).
"The macroeconomic framework, investment and development: the links with financial
and trade reforms", en C. Bradford, ed., The New Paradigm of Systemic Competitiveness;
Toward More Integrated Policies in Latin America, Development Centre, OCDE, Paris, 1994.
"The Latin American Economies: 1950-1990", en L. Bethell, ed., The Cambridge History of
Latin America, vol. VI, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994. Segunda edición,
1998. Traducciones de la segunda edición: al español, en “Las economías latinoamericanas,
1950-1990”, L. Bethell (ed.), Historia de América Latina, Vo. II, Economía y Sociedad desde 1930,
Crítica/Grijalbo, Barcelona, 1997; al chino, 2000; al portugués, en A America Latina apos
1930: Economía e Sociedade, Editora Universidade de Sao Paulo, 2005 (co-autores O. Muñoz
y G. Palma).
"As políticas de ajuste e suas repercussoes sócio-econômicas", en Política Externa, vol. 3,
No. 3, Sao Paulo, diciembre 1994; en Politica Internazionale, No. 3, Roma, 1995; en Problemes
d'Amérique Latine, No. 17, Documentation Francaise, Paris, abril-junio 1995; en Security
Dialogue, Oslo, 1994, y en C. Contreras, ed., América Latina: una realidad expectante,
Comisión Sudamericana de Paz, Santiago, 1994.
“Movimientos de capitales, estrategia exportadora, y estabilidad macroeconómica en
Chile”, en Las nuevas corrientes financieros hacia la América Latina: fuentes, efectos y políticas,
Fondo de Cultura Económica, Santiago y México, 1995 y 1996; "Capital movements,
export strategy, and macroeconomic stability in Chile", en Coping with capital surges, Lynne
Rienner, Boulder, 1995, y en libro del Economic Development Institute/Banco Mundial,
Washington DC (co-autores A. Uthoff y M. Agosin).
"The great Latin American debt crisis: a decade of asymmetric adjustment", en G.
Helleiner, ed., Poverty, prosperity and the world economy, Macmillan, Londres, 1995; “Il
debito estero”, en A. Cuevas, ed., La Societá contemporanea, Edizione Laboro, Roma, 1998;
en Revista de Economía Política, vol. 15, Sao Paulo, julio-septiembre, 1995 (co-autor R.
“Flujos de capital y el desarrollo en los noventa: implicaciones para las políticas
económicas”, en Pensamiento Iberoamericano No. 27, enero-junio 1995, y en Las nuevas
corrientes financieras hacia la América Latina: fuentes, efectos y políticas, Fondo de Cultura
Económica, México y Santiago, 1995 y 1996; "Coping with surges in capital flows and
development: an overview of policy issues", en Revista de Planejamento e Pesquisa
Económica, Río de Janeiro, diciembre 1994; y en Coping with capital surges, Lynne Rienner,
Boulder (co-autores R. Devlin y S. Griffith-Jones).
"Trends in regional cooperation in Latin America: The crucial role of intra-regional trade",
en J.J. Teunissen, eds., Regionalism and the global economy, FONDAD, Den Hague, 1995.
Actualizado en "El comercio intralatinoamericano en los años noventa y su base analítica",
Estudios Internacionales, año 32, septiembre-diciembre, 1999.
“Desempeño y logros macroeconómicos en Chile”, en Políticas económicas y sociales en el
Chile Democrático, Santiago, 1995, y "Macroeconomic performance and achievements in
Chile", en C. Pizarro, D. Raczinsky y J. Vial, eds., Social and economic policies in Chile's
transition to democracy, CIEPLAN/UNICEF, Santiago, 1996 (co-autor R. Labán).
“Comercio y desarrollo industrial en Chile”, en Colección Estudios CIEPLAN No 41,
diciembre 1995, y en Montague Lord (ed.), Handbook of Latin American Trade in
Manufactures, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK y USA (co-autor Raúl E. Sáez).
"Managing capital inflows in Latin America", en M. ul Haq, I. Kaul, e I. Grunberg, eds.,
The Tobin Tax. Coping with financial volatility, Oxford University Press, Nueva York y
Oxford, 1996 (co-autor M. Agosin).
“Política macroeconómica para el crecimiento’, en Revista de la CEPAL No 60, diciembre
1996 (español e inglés).
“Flujos de capital e inversión productiva: una introducción” y “Capital flows and
investment performance: an overview”, en Ricardo Ffrench-Davis y Helmut Reisen (eds.),
Capital flows and investment performance, ECLAC/OCDE, París; McGraw-Hill
Interamericana, Santiago, 1997; segunda edición, 1998; también en francés (OCDE, París),
1998 (co-autor H. Reisen).
“La inserción externa de Chile: experiencias recientes y desafíos”, en R. Cortázar y J. Vial
(eds.), Construyendo opciones: propuestas económicas y sociales para el cambio de siglo,
DOLMEN/CIEPLAN, Santiago, 1998 (co-autor M. Agosin).
“Towards an evaluation of regional integration in Latin America in the 1990s”,en J. J.
Teunissen (ed.), Regional integration and multilateral cooperation in the global economy, Forum
on Debt and Development (FONDAD), La Haya, 1998; en World Economy, 1999, y en
Comercio Exterior, México, 1999 (co-autor R. Devlin).
“Policy implications of the Tequila effect”, en Challenge Vol. 41, marzo-abril, 1998.
“Las reformas económicas: Argentina, Brasil y México”, en G. Lever y W. Sänchez (eds.)
Reforma económica en América Latina: perspectivas 2000, Instituto de Estudios
Internacionales/Cámara de Comercio de Santiago, Santiago, 1998.
“Enfrentando y previniendo las crisis financieras”, en Revista de Estudios Internacionales,
No 123-124, julio-octubre, 1998.
“Empleo y solidaridad: los desafíos que enfrenta América Latina después del ajuste”,
comentarios a Víctor Tokman, en L. Emmerij y J. Núñez del Arco (eds.), El desarrollo
económico y social en los umbrales del siglo XXI, BID, Washington DC, 1998.
“Assessing regional integration” comentarios a Alan Winters, en S. Burki, G. Perry y S.
Calvo (eds.), Trade: Towards open regionalism, ABCDE 1997, World Bank, Washington DC,
“La globalización y la gobernabilidad de los países en desarrollo”, en Revista de la CEPAL
número extraordinario por cincuenta años de la CEPAL, Santiago, octubre, 1998; "Las
condicionantes económicas internacionales y la gobernabilidad de los países en
desarrollo", en Carlos Contreras, coord., América Latina en el siglo XXI: de la esperanza a la
equidad, Fondo de Cultura Económica/Universidad de Guadalajara, México, D.F., 1999, y
en Universidad de los Andes, América Latina y la Globalización, Bogotá, 1999 (co-autor
Roberto Bouzas).
“Managing capital inflows in Chile”, en S. Griffith-Jones, M. Montes y A. Nasution (eds.),
Short-term Capital Flows and Economic Crises, Oxford University Press, Londres, 2001; en
Estudios de Economía, vol. 2, No 2, Santiago, diciembre 1997; en Global financial turmoil and
reform: a United Nations perspective, United Nations University, Nueva York, 1999;
versiones preliminares y abreviadas fueron publicadas en La Revue du Financier, No 118119, París, 1999; en Journal of International Development, vol. 11, enero-febrero, 1999, y "Chili:
la régulation des entrées de capitaux", en Problèmes d'Amérique Latine, n. 36, París, eneromarzo 2000 (co-autor Manuel Agosin).
"Stabilizing capital surges in emerging economies", en J. A. Ocampo, S. Zamagni, R.
Ffrench-Davis, C. Pietrobelli (eds.), Financial globalization and the emerging economies,
CEPAL/International Jacques Maritain Institute, Santiago y Roma, 2000, y "Políticas para
estabilizar los flujos de capital en economías emergentes", Contribuciones-CIEDLA, año 17,
No 4, Buenos Aires, octubre-diciembre 2000.
“América Latina: desafíos para crecer”, en Foreign Affairs en español, edición especial,
número cero (para la asunción del Presidente Fox), México, diciembre 2000 (co-autor José
Antonio Ocampo).
“The industrialization of Chile during protectionism: 1940-82”, en E. Cárdenas, J.A.
Ocampo y R. Thorp (eds.), An economic history of twentieth-century Latin America, Palgrave,
Nueva York, 2000 (co-autores Oscar Muñoz, José Miguel Benavente y Gustavo Crespi).
"Construcción del euro y sus implicancias", en Instituto Chileno de Administración
Racional de Empresas, Los cambios que vienen en el sistema financiero, ICARE, Santiago, 2000.
"Políticas públicas y la globalización económica", en Quórum, No. 1, Universidad de Alcalá
de Henares, octubre 2000, y en Controversias y Consensos, año 4, No. 3, 2000.
"Managing stable capital flows: capital controls and sequencing of capital account
liberalization", en I. Sakong y Y. Wang (eds.), Reforming the international financial
architecture: emerging market perspectives, Institute for Global Economics and Korea Institute
for International Economic Policy, Seul, 2000.
“Desde la economía. Modas, anteojeras y falta de espacios de reflexión”, en Pluralismo,
Sociedad y Democracia: La riqueza de la diversidad, Colección Fundación Felipe Herrera,
Santiago, 2000.
"Globalización de la volatilidad financiera: desafíos para las economías emergentes" en
Crisis financieras en países 'exitosos', McGraw-Hill Interamericana/CEPAL, Santiago, 2001,
y en Financial Crises in ‘Successful’ Emerging Economies, Brookings Institution Press,
Washington DC, 2001 (co-autor José Antonio Ocampo).
"Tres variedades de políticas en Chile frente a la abundancia de capitales", en Crisis
financieras en países 'exitosos', McGraw-Hill Interamericana/CEPAL, Santiago, 2001, y en
Financial Crises in ‘Successful’ Emerging Economies, Brookings Institution Press, Washington
DC, 2001 (co-autor Heriberto Tapia).
"Reformando las reformas", en SID (ed.), Globalización y políticas macroeconómicas: su
incidencia en el desarrollo latinoamericano de los años noventa, Ediciones Trilce, Montevideo,
2001 (ver también comentarios de Enrique Iglesias). Revisado y actualizado en “Reforming
the Reforms of the Washington Consensus”, en J. J. Teunissen y A. Akkerman (eds.),
Diversity in Development: Reconsidering the Washington Consensus, FONDAD, La Haya, 2004.
“Políticas macroeconómicas y la cuenta de capitales”, en Reformas, crecimiento y políticas
sociales en Chile desde 1973, CEPAL/LOM, Santiago, 2001 (co-autor Heriberto Tapia).
“El impacto de las exportaciones sobre el crecimiento en Chile”, en Revista de la CEPAL No
76, Santiago, abril 2002, y CEPAL Review No 76, abril 2002.
“Objetivos válidos y problemas prácticos del proyecto económico de la UP”, en R. Baño
(ed.), Unidad Popular treinta años después, Lom Ediciones, Santiago, 2003.
“The Chilean Experience with Capital Flows and Exchange-Rate Policy”, en A. Berry y G.
Indart (eds.), Critical Issues in Internacional Financial Reform, Transaction Publishers, New
Brunswick y Londres, 2003.
“La inversión extranjera directa en Chile”, en O. Muñoz (ed.), Hacia un Chile competitivo,
Editorial Universitaria/FLACSO, Santiago, 2003.
“Financial Crises and National Policy Issues: An Overview”, en R. Ffrench-Davis y S.
Griffith-Jones, From Capital Surges to Drought, Palgrave Macmillan, Londres, 2003, y
“Políticas nacionales y crisis financieras”, en J. A. Ocampo (ed.), El desarrollo económico: en
los albores del siglo XXI, Alfaomega, Bogotá, 2004.
“How optimal are the Extremes? Latin American Exchange Rate Policies during the
Asian Crisis”, en R. Ffrench-Davis y S. Griffith-Jones, From Capital Surges to Drought,
Palgrave Macmillan, Londres, 2003 (co-autor Guillermo Larraín).
“Globalization and Equity: A Latin American Perspective”, en N. Dinello y L. Squire
(eds.), Globalization and Equity: Perspectives From the Developing World, Edward Elgar
Publishing, Cheltenham, 2004; “Globalización y políticas nacionales: ¿cerrando el
círculo?”, Desarrollo Económico, Buenos Aires, julio-septiembre, 2005 (co-autor Roberto
“Las reformas comerciales en América Latina en los noventa”, en Claves de la economía
mundial, vol. 04, Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior (ICEX), Madrid, 2004.
“Le Chili, entre néolibéralisme et croissance équitable: trente ans de politique
économique”, en Problemas d`Amérique latine, Documentation Francaise, París, 2005; Nueva
Sociedad No 183, Caracas, enero-febrero 2003; Revista de Economía Política, vol 22, Sao Paulo,
octubre-diciembre 2002, y en R. Bouzas (coord.), Realidades Nacionales Comparadas, Buenos
Aires, Altamira/OSDE, 2002 (diversas versiones abreviadas del capítulo I del libro 15).
“Macroeconomía para el crecimiento y globalización financiera: cuatro temas
estratégicos”, en Crecimiento esquivo y volatilidad financiera, Mayol Ediciones, Bogotá, 2005,
y “Macroeconomics-for-growth under Financial Globalization: Four Strategic Issues for
Latin America”, en Seeking Growth Under Financial Volatility, Palgrave Macmillan,
Londres, 2006.
“Estabilidad macroeconómica real y la cuenta de capitales en Chile y Colombia”, en
Crecimiento esquivo y volatilidad financiera, Mayol Ediciones, Bogotá, 2005, y “Real
Macroeconomic Stability and the Capital Account in Chile and Colombia”, en Seeking
Growth Under Financial Volatility, Palgrave Macmillan, Londres, 2006 (co-autor Leonardo
“Globalización económica y desarrollo nacional: los desafíos que enfrenta Chile”, en
Conferencias Presidenciales de Humanidades, Presidencia de la República, 2005.
julio 2005-2007 pendiente
“Economic growth with equity”, en A.K. Pain (ed.), Globalization: Latin American
Experience, Icfai Books, Hyderabad, India, 2008.
“Realidad económica de América Latina”, en J. Rodríguez Elizondo y H. Casanueva
(eds.), ¿Qué pasa en América Latina?, Editorial Andrés Bello, Santiago, 2008.
“From financieristic to real macroeconomics: seeking development convergence in EEs”,
WP 44, Commission on Growth and Development, Washington DC, diciembre de 2008;
“Del financierismo a la macroeconomía real”, Ensayos Económicos No 52, octubrediciembre, 2008, Banco Central (BCRA), Buenos Aires; “Políticas macroeconómicas
para el desarrollo en América Latina”, Revista CIDOB D`Àfers Internacionals No 85-86,
Barcelona, mayo 2009.
“Growth challenges for Latin America: Reforms, what has happened, why, and how to
reform the reforms”, WP 51, Commission on Growth and Development, Washington DC,
mayo de 2009.
“Economía, desigualdad y pobreza en Chile”, Anuario 2009, Instituto de Chile, Santiago.
“Crisis global, flujos especulativos y financiación innovadora para el desarrollo”, Revista
CEPAL No 97, abril; también en inglés, en CEPAL Review No 97, 2009. Abreviado en
“La crisis global y su impacto en el desarrollo de América Latina”, Nueva Sociedad, No
224, novbre-dicbre, Buenos Aires, número especial en español y alemán, 2009; “Formas
inovadoras de financiar o desenvolvimento”, en M.A. Macedo, G. Romano y A. Rego
(eds.), GlobalizaÇÃo para todos, IPEA/ Presidencia de la República, Brasilia, 2010 y en
“The global crisis and its impact over Latin America”, en Revista Tempo do Mundo, Vol
2, No 1, abril 2010, IPEA/Sao Paulo (en portugués e inglés).
“The structural fiscal balance policy in Chile: Toward a counter-cyclical
macroeconomics”, Journal of Globalization and Development, No 1, enero 2010,
Berkeley Electronic Press.
“La crisis global: nuevas estrategias de desarrollo”, en P. Leiva (ed.), Impactos de la
crisis internacional sobre la economía chilena, LOM Ediciones/UMC, Santiago, 2010.
“Estrategia de desarrollo para los derechos económicos y sociales”, en X. Erazo, L.
Pautassi y A. Santos (eds.), Exigibilidad y realización de derechos sociales, LOM
Ediciones/Fundación Henri Dunant, Santiago, 2010.
“Macroeconomía para el desarrollo: desde el financierismo al productivismo”, Revista
CEPAL, No 102, diciembre 2010 (en español e inglés).
Otras publicaciones en Boletín Mensual del Banco Central de Chile; Cono Sur; Estudios Sociales;
Estudios Internacionales; ICARE; IDRC Observer (Ottawa); Nueva Sociedad (Caracas); Política y
Espíritu (Santiago); Revista Mensaje(Santiago); Panorama Económico (Santiago); Revista de la ANDI
(Medellín); Revista de la Universidad de Concepción; Security Dialogue, PRIO (Oslo); Documentos de
Trabajo de CEPLAN y CEPAL; Publicaciones de las Fundaciones Adenauer y Ebert; Apuntes y
Notas Técnicas CIEPLAN; Publicaciones Docentes de ESCOLATINA e ILPES; Discussion Paper
Series, CLADS, Universidad de Boston; Documentos de Trabajo del Wilson Center, Washington
Escuela de Economía y Administración, Universidad Católica de Chile
Profesor titular
a. Política Fiscal, 1962
b. Teorías del Ingreso y la Inflación, 1962-65.
c. Planificación del Desarrollo, 1963-64 y 1966-68.
d. Estrategias de Desarrollo, 1971 y 1973.
e. Problemas Económicos en Chile, 1972.
f. Tópicos de Economía Internacional, 1974-75.
a. Demanda estimada en planificación agrícola, 1962.
b. Economía Internacional, 1966, 1978-79, 1982, 1984-85, 1987-90.
Programa de Economía para Graduados (ESCOLATINA), Universidad de Chile
Profesor asistente
a. Economía Internacional, 1962 y 1963.
Profesor titular
b. Análisis Económico II, 1964.
c. Economía Internacional, 1964, 1965 y 1968.
Escuela de Economía, FEN, Universidad de Chile
a. Profesor Titular de Economía Internacional, 1966-73.
b. Profesor de Desarrollo Económico, desde 1994.(falta??)
Latin American Center, Universidad de Oxford
Taller sobre Políticas Económicas en América Latina, abril-junio 1974.
CLADS, Universidad de Boston
Seminario sobre Economía Internacional e Integración Económica, marzo-mayo 1976.
Departamento de Industria, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile
Profesor de Economía Internacional, en Magister de Economía, en 1982, 1987; MGPP en
Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile
Profesor titular, Programa Magíster, en 1984-89. Actualmente, participa en Diplomados y
Encuentros nacionales e internacionales del Instituto.
Stanford University, Overseas Studies, en Santiago
Profesor de curso sobre América Latina en la Economía Internacional, 1996-99.
Cursos varios
Secciones breves (3 a 12 horas de clases), principalmente sobre Reformas Económicas y
Macroeconomía en América Latina:
a) Cursos en Santiago de ILPES/CEPAL,
b) “Escuela de Verano” sobre Economía Latinoamericana de CEPAL (con una
treintena por año de doctorantes de universidades europeas y norteamericanas),
desde 2001.
c) Universidad Europea (IEDE) en Santiago, 2004-05.
d) Diplomado Latinoamericano en la Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, 2003, 2005
y 2007
e) Diplomado de la ODCA para jóvenes dirigentes políticos de América Latina,
f) Escuela de Verano para dirigentes juveniles de la Fundación Friedrich Ebert, 2010.
Vice-presidente II Reunión sobre Financiamiento y Desarrollo, UNCTAD, Nueva York,
abril 1967.
General rapporteur, IX meeting of Technical Staff of the Central Banks of America, Lima,
November, 1969.
Representative of Chile in various meetings of Governors and of Technical Staff of the
Central Banks of Latin America and America, 1967-70.
Paper delivered at International Economic Association Conference on “Latin America in
the International Economy”, December 1971.
Participant at International Seminar on the Andean Common External Tariff, JUNAC, Lima,
January 1973.
Visiting fellow, Latin American Center, Oxford University, April-July 1974.
Paper delivered at Conference on Foreign Capital and Development in Latin America,
Cambridge University, June 1974.
Paper on Copper policy in Chile, presented at Seminar on Natural Resources and National
Welfare: The case of Copper, Zambia, Lusaka, July 1974.
Discussion paper, I Plenary Session, 4th World Congress of Economists, International
Economic Association, Budapest, August 1974.
Paper on Andean Integration presented at Conference on Problemas, Perspectivas de la
Integración y Estrategias de Desarrollo de los países Andinos, organized by CINDA, La Paz,
April 1975.
Paper delivered at Seminar on Desarrollo e industrialización, organized by CENDES and
ILDIS, Quito, May 1976.
Visiting professor, Center for Latin American Development Studies, Boston University,
March-May 1976.
Paper delivered at Seminar on Export Promotion Policies and Development, sponsored by
ECLAC-UNDP-IBRD, Santiago, November 1976.
Paper presented at Conference on International Trade and Development, Ford Foundation,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, November 1977.
Organizer of Conference on The International Economy and Developing Countries: Research
Priorities, sponsored by CIEPLAN and Ford Foundation, Santiago, May 1978.
Paper delivered at 10th Pacific Conference on Trade and Development, Canberra, March 1979.
Paper delivered at Seminar on Integration and Employment, organized by PREALC-SIECA,
Guatemala, March 1979.
Visit to German research institutes and universities, invited by the Government of the
Federal Republic of Germany, April 1979.
Lectures at the Universities of Lund, Oxford, Stockholm, and Stockholm School of
Economics, May 1979.
(falta paper presentado en Seminario internacional de John Williamson, en Río, 1979, sobre
“Crawling-peg”, muy importante me parece)
Paper presented at Seminar on Trade, Development and Equity in Latin America, sponsored
by Bar Ilan University - Interamerican Development Bank, Ramat Gan, May 1980.
Paper delivered at Seminar Chile: Six Years under Military Rule, organized by The Wilson
Center (Arturo and Samuel Valenzuela), Washington DC, May 1980.
Lecture on "The Chilean economy", delivered at the Center for Latin American Studies of
the University of Chicago, (discussant Prof. Arnold Harberger), May 1980.
Paper delivered at Seminar on The Relevance of Western Economic Theories and a New
International Economic Order, organized by The Norwegian Institute of International
Affairs, Refsnes Gods, July 1980.
Coordinator of Working Group and Rapporteur on Financial Problems, at Conference on
Implications of the Brandt Report, organized by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung-Ildis, Bogotá,
October 1980.
(falta Seminario en SELA, Caracas, sobre creciente deuda externa)
Coordinator of Research Workshop on External Financial Relations, Debt and National
Development, including researchers from Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Chile, México and
Yale University, developed between January 1980 and July 1981. Organizer of
International Conference on the subject, sponsored by CIEPLAN-Ford Foundation,
Santiago, March 1981.
Lectures on "The Chilean experience with an Orthodox Monetarist Economic Model"
Assembly of Asociación Nacional de Industriales, Medellín, Colombia, October 1981.
Lectures on “International Capital Markets and Implications for National Development in
the Third World”, at UN Center of Transnational Studies, UN Department for
International Economic and Social Affairs, and Interamerican Development Bank, New
York and Washington, DC, November 1981.
Visiting researcher, Department for International Economic and Social Affairs, DIESA,
United Nations, New York, July-December 1981.
Visiting Lecturer and Researcher, Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana-ECLAC,
Madrid, March-May 1982.
Lectures on “Economic Policies in the Southern Cone”, at Universities of Barcelona,
Madrid, Sevilla and Valencia, April-May 1982.
Paper delivered at Seminar on Industrialization and Development, organized by the IDB,
Washington D.C., December 1982.
Presentations on "Policies and strategies in the Southern Cone", and on "Planning of the
foreign sector" in Working meeting of the UN Committee on Development Planning,
ECLAC, Santiago, January 1983.
Paper delivered at conference on Foreign Debt and Latinamerican Development, organized by
the Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana, La Granda and Santander, August 1983.
Lectures on "The heritage of neo-liberalism in Chile", Institute for the New Chile,
Rotterdam, August 1983, and in the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, OSLO,
September 1983.
Seminar ECLAC/German Foundation for Development/IMF, Opciones de política en el
sector externo: el caso de América Latina. Lecture on the Chilean case and discussant of basic
paper of the Conference, ECLAC, Santiago, 24-27 October 1983.
Co-organizer of Seminar on External Debt and Democratization in the Southern Cone,
organized by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and CIEPLAN, with participants from
Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Perú and F.R. Germany, December 1983.
Interviews with some 30 specialists on external debt in Basel, Geneva, New York and
Washington, invited by DIESA, United Nations, 18-27 May 1984.
Lecturer in Seminars on "The Debt Crisis in Latin America", organized by SAREC, at
Stockholm and Oslo, 8-11 May 1985.
Lecturer in Seminar on "Perspectivas de la economía mundial y su impacto en América
Latina", 10th Anniversary of SELA, Caracas, October 1985.
Paper presented to Conference on Endeudamiento Externo, Estrategias de Negociación y
Políticas Económicas en América Latina, Campinas, Brazil, December 1985.
Coordinator of Group on Economic Issues of the Interamerican Dialogue, 1985-86.
Organizer of an international conference at CIEPLAN, Santiago, March 1986.
Visiting researcher or lecturer at Institute for Latin American Studies, University of
Stockholm; at CEPREMAP, París, invited by the French government; and IRELA of the
European Union in Madrid, July-September 1986; papers and lectures delivered at WIDER
(Helsinki, August 1986), CIDE (México, May 1987), SELA (Caracas, June 1987).
Paper on Latin American integration presented at Conference on Comparative Development
Experiences in Asia and Latin America, organized by the East-West Center, IDB/INTAL,
Honolulu, April 1988.
Paper on "debt-equity swaps in Chile" presented at Conference on International Debt:
Practical Solutions, organized by Universidad de Brasilia and The Third World Foundation,
Brasilia, May 1988.
Paper presented at Seminar on External inbalance and income distribution in Venezuela,
organized by CENDES/ILDIS, Caracas, May-June 1988.
Co-organizer of Grupo de Economía Meeting and Lecturer, RIAL, Montevideo, November
Paper on “Trade and Growth in Chile”, presented at Seminar Financing Latin American
Growth: prospects for the 1990s, New York, October 1988.
Co-organizer and lecturer in Workshop on Cross-conditionality and Bank Creditors,
sponsored by IDRC, Santiago, October 1988.
Paper on the Chilean macroeconomy presented at Workshop on Primary Commodities in
the Chilean Economy, organized by Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, March 1989.
Paper on “The economics of transition”, presented at Conference on Prospects for democracy
in Chile, organized by University of California, Berkeley, March 1989.
Paper on capital formation and macroeconomic framework, presented at Seminar on
Neoestructuralism, organized by CINDE/IDRC, Santiago, May 1989.
Paper on “Solutions to the external debt”, presented at Seminar on The United States and
Latin America: the Next Decade, organized by FLACSO, Santiago, June 1989.
Chair person and presenter at Inter-institutional Seminar Chile-Sweden, organized by
CIEPLAN/PET/CLEPI, Santiago, June 1989.
Lecture on "Current prospects of the Chilean Economy: Growth and balance of payments",
organized by The World Bank/EDI, Washington D.C., July 1989.
Lecture on "Economic Development, Instability and Political Disequilibria in Chile: 195089", presented at Conference in Honor of Albert Hirschman, organized by IDB/Instituto di
Tella, Buenos Aires, November 1989.
Participant as member of the United Nations Committee for Development Planning, New
York, April 1990, May 1991, November 1991, and others up to 1994.
Conference on "Trade Reforms in Chile", presented at Senior Policy Seminar, organized by
The World Bank/EDI, Caracas, July 1990.
Lecture on "Pathways to economic reform in Latin America", presented at International
Forum organized by IDB/OECD Development Center, Paris, November 1990.
Conference on "Chile: Economic heritages and challenges in the transition to democracy",
organized by Comisión Nacional del Quinto Centenario, Madrid, May 1991.
Conferences on "Latin American Development since 1950", organized by Fundación
Ortega y Gasset/Universidad Complutense Autónoma de Madrid, May 1991.
Seminar on The Chilean Economy, organized by the OECD Development Centre, Paris, May
Discussant of World Bank reports on poverty and UNDP reports on human development
(Human Development Report) at Seminar organized by Co-operation Ministry of
Netherland, Den Hague, November 1991.
Participant and panelist at Seminar on Economic Integration in Europe and America,
organized by IDB/Agencia Española para la Cooperación Internacional/Sociedad del
Quinto Centenario/Government of Barcelona/European Communities Comission,
Washington DC, May 1992.
Panelist at Seminar on Political Co-operation in the New International Order, organized by
Comisión Nacional del Quinto Centenario/Government of Barcelona, Barcelona, May
Presentation on "Trade Reforms in Brazil",
UNCTAD/UNDP/BNDES, Rio de Janeiro, May 1992.
Presentation of work developed in ECLAC on “Capital movements in Latin America”, at
Seminar on Trends in the International Monetary System, organized by FONDAD/Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of Netherland, La Haya, June 1992.
Participant at Working Meeting of the Consulting Council of Parlamentarians for Global
Action, La Haya, June 1992.
Conference on "New capital flows and their sustainability", at the request of the Director
of the Central Office for Planning and Coordination of Venezuela, then Chairman of the
Development Committee of the World Bank, Caracas, March 1993.
Lectures on "Customs unions", in a training programme for officials of countries of the
region, CEFIR, Montevideo, April 1993.
Paper on "Trade policies, development and new forms of international cooperation", at
Seminar on Development Challenges, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Brazil and ECLAC, Brasilia, May 1993.
Participant at Conference on "Trade liberalization in Latin America", organized by
IDB/ECLAC, with governmental and private experts. Chairperson of Round Table on
"The economic impact of liberalization". Santiago, May 1993.
Paper presented on "The macroeconomic framework, investment and development", at
Seminar organized by ECLAC/IDRC/OECD, Paris, June 1993.
Presentation in Seminar on Functioning of the World Monetary System and the Financing of
Development, and in Meeting of the Advisory Committee of FONDAD, sponsored by the
Government of the Netherlands, with the participation of Ministers of Cooperation and
Finance. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, June 1993.
Lecture on "Macroeconomic policies and competitiveness", to participants in
ECLAC/IDRC project on industrial organization and competitiveness in Latin America,
July 1993.
Lecture to Asociación Nacional de Industriales and Universidad de los Andes on "Latin
American experiences on exchange-rate and trade policies", in Seminar on Development,
economic policy and exchange rate management in Colombia, with participation of officials of
the Government and Central Bank of Colombia, business leaders and academicians.
Bogotá, July 1993.
Advise to project of the Brazilian Government on Competitivity of the Brazilian
manufacturing sector, October 1993.
Invited Conference on "Capital flows and monetary, fiscal and foreign exchange policies"
in First Curso Internacional de Reformas Económicas y Gestión Pública Estratégica, ILPES,
Santiago, November 1993.
Coordinator of ECLAC Interdivisional work to prepare biennal document on Latin
America and the Caribbean: Policies to improve linkages with the world economy, for 25th Period
of Sessions of the Comission.
Participant as member of the Executive Council of LASA, as Chairperson and paper
author of session on “Trade Reforms in Latin America”, and as presenter of the Kalman
Silver Award, LASA Congress, to Osvaldo Sunkel, Atlanta, March 1994.
Discussant in conference on "Structural reforms, stability and growth", IMF/PUC, Brazil,
March 1994.
Lecture on "Policies toward new capital flows to Latin America", in Conference organized
by the World Bank with the Central Bank of Ecuador and Central Banks of "small"
countries of the region. Presentation of paper on "Chilean policies toward capital flows"
in National Conference on Macroeconomic Management and Capital Flows, Quito, May 1994.
Participant at 25th period of Sessions of ECLAC, delivering the Official Presentation of the
Report of ECLAC of Latin America and the Caribbean: Policies to improve linkages with the
world economy, Cartagena de Indias, May 1994.
Lecture on "Policies to improve linkages with the world economy", in Seminar on
Productividad: objeto y desafío para el desarrollo, Consejo Nacional Gremial, Bogotá, May
Participant at conference on "The global and comparative analysis of financial
institutions". Participated mainly on comparative analysis of East European and Latin
American experiences of financial reform, Bellagio, May 1994.
"Roadshow" to present results of IDRC/ECLAC project on Private capital flows to Latin
America. London, New York, and Washington DC, May-June 1994.
Lecture on “Latin American Experiences”, to experts working in New York in the
preparation of the Social Development Summit. New York, June 1994.
Discussant on "Global development: 50 years after Bretton Woods", at conference
organized by IDRC and the North-South Institute of Ottawa in honor of Professor Gerry
Helleiner. Ottawa, June 1994.
Advisor to the Government of Bolivia on "Economic Poliy and Reforms", in ECLAC
Mission led by the Executive Secretary. Lecture on "Policies to improve linkages with the
world economy", to audience of economic public officials and academics. Participant,
accompaning the Executive Secretary of ECLAC, in interview with the President of the
Republic of Bolivia. Working meetings with the Ministers of Finance, Economic
Development and Social and Sustainable Development and the President of the Central
Bank. La Paz, August 1994.
Lecture to the Okita II Group, headed by Dr. Akio Hosono, on “Economic Policies in the
Region”, particularly in Argentina and Chile. Santiago, August 1994.
Lecture in the Forum on Debt and Development (FONDAD) on “Economic Integration
and Open Regionalism”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, The Hague,
September 1994.
Lecture on "Capital surges in Latin America and the Caribbean: policy implications",
participating in an international panel invited by UNCTAD on "International implications
of macroeconomic policies and issues concerning interdependence". Conference to staff of
UNCTAD and other international institutions located in Geneve, on "Policies to improve
linkages with the world economy". Geneve, September 1994.
Lecture on "Capital surges and macroeconomic policies" to staff of the Development
Centre and the Secretariat of the OECD, Paris, September 1994.
Lecture on "Policies to improve linkages of Latin America with the world economy", to
Curso para Diplomáticos de Países Miembros de la Organización de Estados
Latinoamericanos, Academia Diplomática de Chile, Santiago, October 1994.
Lecture on "International economic framework and impact on social development" in
Seminar on Armed Forces and Social Development, organized by Comisión Sudamericana de
Paz. Viña del Mar, November 1994.
Inaugural Lecture on "Latin America and the new trends in the world economy", in XII
CEPEI/AID/OEA/CAF. Lima, November 1994.
Chair and opening statement of Panel on “Education and the Firm”, in Segundo Encuentro
Educación y Empresa, organized by Federación de Asociaciones Educativas Privadas de
Latinoamerica y el Caribe, Santiago, November 1994.
Participant in panel on "Is NAFTA the road to economic integration in Latin America?", at
International Conference on NAFTA, Latin American Trade Agreements and Regional
Integration, organized by CIEPLAN/IDRC, Santiago, January 1995.
Lecture to Parlamento Latinoamericano on "The Latin American economies after the
Mexican shock", in International Forum on Adjustment policies and development in Latin
America, Sao Paulo, February 1995.
Co-organizer of conference of FONDAD (The Hague) with the support of ECLAC, on
Regional economic integration and global economic cooperation: the case of Latin America and the
Caribbean, Santiago, March 1995.
Paper on "Trade and economic development", in Conference on Development strategy after
neoliberal economic restructuring in Latin America, organized by North-South Center of
University of Miami, Miami, March 1995.
Series of lectures on policies to improve linkages of developing countries with the world
economy, delivered to professors/students Universidad de la Habana; coordination of
group of three experts from ECLAC advising Magister Program of University de la
Habana and Carleton University of Ottawa, funded by IDRC/Canada. Havana, April
Speaker at expert meeting on "Opportunity and Participation, in economies of developing
countries", examining the microeconomic and social implications of alternative
macroeconomic environments; convened by the United Nations, under the auspices of the
CDP. Advisor to UNDP on macroeconomic implications and experiences in Latin
America, related to "Proposals for an International Currency Transactions Tax"; meeting
organized by UNDP, with Professor James Tobin, Mahbub ul Haq, Albert Fishlow and
Barry Eichengreen, New York, May 1995.
Advisor to the Parliament of Mexico, in the organization, at the Headquarters of ECLAC,
of a meeting of members of Parliaments of Brazil, Chile and Mexico, with the Ministers of
Finance of Chile and Mexico, and the Minister of Planning of Brazil, on "The Emerging
Latin American Economies", Santiago, July 1995.
Lectures on "Policies to improve linkages with the world economy" and on "Capital
flows", CIENES Workshop on Statistics on Regional Trade and External Finances. Santiago,
July-August 1995.
Conference on "Policies to improve linkages of Latin America and the Caribbean with the
world economy", at a meeting organized by ECLAC with NGOs of the region, on The
development of Latin America and the Caribbean, contributions of ECLAC and the civil society,
Santiago, August 1995.
Lecture at the Central Bank of Venezuela on "Macroeconomic policies and experiences in
other countries of the region in the present international and domestic setting" and on
"Organization of Research Departments of Central Banks"; discussions with President of
the Bank, Board of Directors and staff, Caracas, August 1995.
Lecture at OECD on "Macroeconomic policies in Latin America". Preparation of terms of
reference of a joint ECLAC/OECD research project on Investment performance and capital
flows in Latin America, Paris, September 1995.
Participant in Panel on "Reforms of the State", with the issues of trade reforms and
external financing, presenting studies developed in recent years at ECLAC, at the World
Congress of Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Washington, DC, September
Lecture to Academia Diplomática of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile on "Latin
America and the Caribbean in the New World Order", to a group of participants from
Caribbean Governments. Santiago, October 1995.
Lecture on management of capital flows in some Latin American countries, in
international meeting on "New and innovative sources of development financing", UNDP,
New York, October 1995.
Lecture to representatives of NGOs of the region, in Seminar on Globalization strategies,
development and NAFTA, organized by ECLAC, Santiago, October 1995.
Lectures on "Policies to improve linkages with the world economy" Interamerican Center
on taxation and financial administration, of the OAS, Buenos Aires, November 1995.
Presentation on "Macroeconomic stability and growth", in Regional Seminar on Productive
transformation and growth in LACs: Progress and challenges, organized by ECLAC, Santiago,
November 1995.
Conference on "Globalization and challenges to regional and national policies", in
International Seminar on Economic and social transformations and public policy in Latin
America, Centro de Analisis de Políticas Públicas, Universidad de Chile, with the
sponsorship of IDRC (Canada) and UNESCO, Santiago, November 1995.
Exposition on "Economic performance in LACs in recent years and related ECLAC
studies", to High Level Japanese Mission, Santiago, December 1995.
Participant in Panel on "Reforms in Latin America", in the XI World Congress of
Economists, organized by the International Economic Association, Tunisia, December
Organizer of International Workshop of ECLAC and the Development Centre of the
OECD, on Capital flows and investment performance in Latin America, Santiago, March 1996.
Lecture on "Changing production patterns with social equity" and on "Capital flows in the
region and economic development" at Seminar organized by ILDIS and the Central Bank
of Ecuador. Working meeting with directors of economic programs of presidential
candidates. Quito, March 1996.
Lecture on "Chilean Experiences" in Transitions to democracy in South Africa and Chile: a
comparative perspective, with authorities and specialists of South Africa, organized by
FLACSO/University of Chile/MIDEPLAN, Algarrobo, April 1996.
Lecture on "Capital flows to developing nations and development", at conference on The
impact of unregulated capital flows in bilateral relations Europe-Latin America, organized by
Instituto Italo-Americano of Rome/IRELA of Madrid, sponsored by the European
Commission and the Group of Rio, Rome, May 1996.
Lecture on "Capital flows and investment in Latin America". Participant in Final Panel on
"Savings, growth and capital flows” at XII Congress organized by Federación
Iberoamericana de Asociaciones Financieras (FIBAFIN)/ANDIMA, Rio de Janeiro, June
Lecture on "Capital flows and investment performance in Latin America", to staff of U.N.
and members of country delegations on the same issue, New York, June 1996.
Lectures on "Economic reforms and development experiences in Chile", Maestría de
MERCOSUR, Universidad de Buenos Aires, August 1996.
Advisor to economic authorities of government of Venezuela, in mission led by Executive
Secretary of ECLAC. Working sessions with Ministers of Finance, Planning and
Productive Development, and President of the Central Bank, and their respective staffs.
Meeting with the President of the Republic of Venezuela, Caracas, August 1996.
Discussant in conference on Development thinking and practice, organized by the
Interamerican Development Bank. Discussant of Report on "Employment and poverty"
presented by the Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of the ILO,
Washingon DC, September 1996.
Regional Economic Council of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Lecture on "America Latina frente ao
problema dos fluxos de capitais: um balanco pos-tequila". Interviews with Radio
Guanabara, Newspaper O`Globo and Journal of the Conselho Regional de Economia de
Rio de Janeiro. Lecture to professors of the Departamento do Economia and students of
Doutorado of the Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro on investment performance and
capital flows (project OECD/ECLAC), Río de Janeiro, March, 1997.
Lecture in Comisión de Economías Emergentes de América Latina y El Caribe of the
Parliament of México and PARLATINO. Exposition on progress and shortcomings in
economic reforms in Latin America, in International Conference on "La Transformacion
Economica de América Latina: Límites y Alcances", opened by Dr. Guillermo Ortiz,
Minister of Finance of Mexico, Acapulco, April, 1997.
Participation in Panel on "Reappraising import-substituting industrialization and the role
of the State", in XX LASA Congress, Guadalajara, April, 1997.
Lecture in Carleton University Master program with the Havana University, financed by
IDRC of Canada. Lectures on Trade and Finance in Latin America to the M.A. Program,
within collaboration of ECLAC, La Habana, May, 1997.
Visit to the University of Miami. Interviews with specialists of the Graduate School of
International Studies and the North-South Center. Miami, mayo. Then, interviews in New
York with the new Directors of the Divisions for Social Policy (John Langmore) and DESA
(Ian Kinniburgh), in the New York Secretariat of the U.N.. Discussion on outcome of the
OECD/ECLAC project on "Investment Performance and Capital Flows" with those two
Directors and their staff. Interviews related to the same issues with the Chief Economist of
the Council on Foreign Relations, the Secretary of the Committee for Development
Planning of the U.N., the Director of Studies of the UNDP and the Senior Poverty Advisor
of the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean of the UNDP. New York,
May, 1997.
Discussant on "Assessment of Regional Integration", in World Bank Third Annual
Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, on Regional Integration
Arrangements, organized by The World Bank. Montevideo, June, 1997.
Lecture to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, staff and other national specialists, on
regional cooperation. Buenos Aires, July, 1997.
Lecture in the Forum on Debt and Development (FONDAD), on analytical and empirical
basis for preferential regional integration arrangements. Advise in the preparation of final
interregional international conference. The Hague, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, July 9-12,
Lecture in UNIDO on "Investment performance and capital flows". Lectures to delegates
of member countries and to staff of UNIDO. Viena, July 14-17, 1997.
Visit to the Development Centre of the OECD, to conclude English manuscript of joint
ECLAC/Development Centre on "Investment performance and capital flows", in
conjunction with coordinating counterpart, Helmut Reisen. Paris, July 18-August 7, 1997.
Panelist in Panel on "Capital flows and stability", with John Williamson (Chief Economist,
South Asia, World Bank), Manuel Agosin (Director of Graduate Studies, Economics, U de
Chile), Toru Yanagihara (UNU, Tokio), Harvey Rosenblum (Federal Reserve, Dallas). XV
Conference of The Econometric Society, Santiago, August 14-15, 1997.
Lecture on "Economic integration in Latin America: the MERCOSUR experience", to staff
of Instituto de Servicio Exterior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. San Jose, August 26, 1997.
Lecture on "Sustainability of Human Development: lessons from Latin America", in
International Conference on Human Development and Globalization, Ministry of National
Planning and Economic Policy of Costa Rica. San Jose, August 27, 1997.
Lecture on "Promotion of intraregional trade and investment in Latin America and the
Caribbean", in seminar organized by ECLAC with the support of the Government of
Trinidad and Tobago. Port Spain, September 22-25, 1997.
Lecture in Development Centre of the OECD on the results of ECLAC/Development
Centre joint project on "Investment performance and capital flows in Latin America".
Paris, September 30-October 3, 1997.
Lecture on "Recent economic history of Latin America" to the Latin American Centre of the
University of Oxford at Saint Antony College. Oxford, October 5-9, 1997.
Lecture on "Investment performance and capital flows in Latin America" to the Institute of
Latin American Studies (ILAS) of the University of London and to the Institute for
Developmment Studies (IDS) of the University of Sussex. London and Sussex, October 1013, 1997.
Interview in the Development Centre of the OECD in relation to future joint work of
ECLAC and the Centre. Discussion with the President of the Centre on alternative issues
of common interest. Interviews with staff of the OECD of the "Non-member countries",
and lecture on “Recent developments in Latin American Economies”. Paris, October 15-16,
Lecture on "Investment performance and capital flows in Latin America", to Centre of
Research on International Development (CERDI), of the University of Auverne; advise to
PHD students working on Latin America. Clermont-Ferrand, October 17, 1997.
Lecture in the International Conference on "Regionalism and the global economy",
organized by the Forum on Debt and Development (FONDAD), in the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of The Netherlands. The Hague, November 18-19, 1997.
Lecture to Finance Committee of Chamber of Deputies of Chile on "The implications of the
present Asian crisis". Valparaiso, January 14, 1998. Participation with Minister of Finance
and of acting President of the Central Bank of Chile.
Lecture on "Public debt and global financial markets" to X Regional Seminar on Fiscal
Policy organized by ECLAC. Santiago, January 27, 1998.
Presentation of Spanish version of book resulting from joint research project
ECLAC/Development Centre of the OECD on "Capital flows and investment
performance". Presentation with coeditor Helmut Reisen, under the chairmanship of the
Executive Secretary of ECLAC. Santiago, January 29, 1998.
Lecture in School of International Studies and North-South Center of the University of
Miami, on "Lessons from the tequila and Asian financial crises". Miami, February 2, 1998.
Lecture in ECLAC/Mexico and to the Graduate School of the Autonomous University of
Mexico (UNAM), on "Lessons of the economic reforms in Chile". Mexico City, February 4,
Lecture in the Central Bank of Bolivia on "Capital flows and productive investment".
Lecture in the Department of Economics of the Catholic University of Bolivia on
"Globalization and public policies". La Paz, May 26-27.
Lecture in BNDES (Brazil) and IADB on "Development models and policies", with
presentation on "Public policies and globalization", at Conference opened by the President
of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, June 22-23, 1998.
Lecture in Facultad de Ciencias Economicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, on
"International capital flows and development in Latin America", based on the conclusions
of the project on "Capital flows and investment performance". Buenos Aires, June 24.
Lecture in Comision Sudamericana de Paz on "Globalization and governance".
Cochabamba, June 25, 1998.
Lecture in Fondo de Cultura Económica and ECLAC/Mexico, in the presentation of new
edition of book on "Politicas para mejorar la inserción en la economía mundial". Event
chaired by former President Miguel de la Madrid, with the participation of licenciados
David Ibarra, Sergio Mota and Rene Villarreal, and Ambassador Luis Maira. Mexico City,
July 15-16, 1998.
Lecture in DESA/New York in Expert Group Meeting, organized by DESA in
collaboration with the Regional Commissions of the United Nations, July 20-23. Interviews
with staff of UNDP and Ford Foundation on the Asian Crisis and on Policy implications of
economic reforms in Latin America. Exchange with new head of the ILO on globalization
and socio-economic implications. New York, July 20 and 24, 1998.
Lecture in XVI American Meeting of the Econometric Society. Panel on “Stabilization,
adjustment and development in Latin America”, with the President of the Central Bank of
Bolivia and the Chief Economist for Latin America and the Caribbean of the World Bank.
Lima, August 12-14, 1998.
Lecture in the Development Centre of the OECD on research activities on “Emerging
market crises and capital flows” and research cooperation between the Centre and
ECLAC. Lecture in the Ministry of Economics and Finance of France on “Management of
capital flows in Latin America, particularly in Chile”. Paris, September 8-19, 1998.
Lecture in the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), on “Latin American public
policies in the next decade”. Chicago, September 22-25, 1998.
Lecture in EUROCHILE (Fundacion Empresarial y Comunidad Europea Chile) in
Conference on the “Implications of the Euro on Latin America”. Santiago, October 19-20,
Lecture in the University of Los Andes in Colombia, in the 50th Anniversary, in
Conference on “National responses to globalization”. Lecture in Fondo de Cultura
Economica, in presentation of ECLAC book “Policies to improve linkages with the global
economy”. Bogota, October 26-27, 1998.
Lecture to the Graduate Program on Economics of the University of La Havana. Lecture
on “Evaluating reforms in Latin America”. Then participation in event with Canadian and
Havana University authorities (the Rector of the University), that brought together
graduates of the five generations covered by the Magister Program supported by the
Canadian government and Carleton University, with collaboration of ECLAC. La Havana,
February 3-4, 1999.
Coordination of International Conference, organized by ECLAC and the International
Jacques Maritain Institute, with the support of the Chilean, Italian and Swiss governments,
on “The globalization of financial markets and its effects on emerging economies”.
Chairperson and opening presentation on “Financial globalization and development
strategies in emerging economies”. Santiago, March 29-31, 1999.
Lecture, coordination of consultants and organization of Workshop on drafts of papers
prepared for ECLAC/Ford Foundation project on “Preventing financial crises: lessons
from `successful` emerging economies”. Santiago, March 31-april 1, 1999.
Participation in Seminar of the World Bank and the Center for International Economics
and Development of University of Chile, on “Global economic perspectives, 1999-2000”.
Santiago, April 28, 1999.
Lecture in the International Trade and Finance Association, in its Ninth International
Conference, on “The origin and contagion effects in the debt, tequila and Asian crises”.
Presentation of progress in ECLAC/Ford Foundation Project on the issue. Casablanca,
Morocco, May 26-28, 1999.
Lecture in the Forum on Debt and Development (FONDAD) and the National Bank of
Hungary on “The management of global financial markets: challenges and policy options
for emerging economies”. Presentation on the role of domestic policies in Latin America.
Central Bank, Budapest, June 23-25, 1999.
Participation in Workshop on “Prospects for growth of the Chilean economy”, a report of
the Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID), presented by Jeffrey Sachs
and Felipe Larrain to authorities of the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank of Chile.
Santiago, June 28, 1999.
Lecture to the Development Policy Analysis Division of the UN. Meeting with staff on
evolution of the Latin American and Caribbean economies and progress of reports on
adjustment of “Successful emerging economies” prepared within ECLAC. New York, July
22-23, 1999.
Lecture to the Andean Community and the Counsel of Ministers of Finance and
Economics of the member countries, on “Issues related to the common external tariff”.
Lima, August 12-13, 1999.
Lecture in the Institute for International Relations of the University of Miami on
“Economic reforms in Latin America”. Miami, September 13, 1999.
Lecture in Adveniat and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Seminar on The future of Latin America
in the world economy, with emphasis on market economies and equity. Mulheim/Ruhr,
September 15-17, 1999.
Lecture in the Club d’information et reflexion sur l’economie mondiale on “Dollarization
in Latin America”; to public officials, business people, academicians and journalists.
Commissariat genéral du plan. Lecture to staff of the French Ministry of Finance on
“Economic reforms in Latin America”. Workshop with professors of the Institut des haute
etudes de l’Amerique latine on “Reforms to the financial reforms”. Paris, September 18-24,
Lecture in CIEDLA (from Konrad Adenauer Stiftung) and IRELA (from the European
Union), on “Capital surges and the design of national policies in Latin America”.
Discussant of presentation of the president of the Central Bank of the Republic of
Argentina. Buenos Aires, October 27-28, 1999.
Lecture in UNCTAD/UNDP/ECLAC meeting on International Trade Negotiations.
Presentation on “New frontiers for research on trade, money and finance”. Santiago,
November 4-5, 1999.
Lecture in Friedrich Ebert Stiftung on “How open should the capital markets be”.
Presentation on the Chilean experience and comparison with other Latin American
Nations. Conference with participation of German authorities, European Central Bank and
specialists from emerging economies. Meeting and working dinner with the President of
the Bank for International Settlements, Dr Andrew Crockett. Frankfurt, December 7-9,
Presentation in Colegio de Mexico of book “Macroeconomia, comercio, finanzas: para
reformar las reformas en America Latina”. Mexico City, February 7, 2000.
Lecture to magister students and professors of the Institute du haute etudes de l’Amerique
Latine of the University of Paris, on “30 years of economic policies in Chile”. Lecture at
CEPII on “The Chilean economy after the election”, in event chaired by the acting director
of the centre. Lecture in the Development Centre of the OECD on “Reforms in Latin
America”, based on my book “Reforming the reforms in Latin America”. Presentation
was commented by Helmut Reisen. Interview with the Deputy Secretary General of the
OECD, Sally Shelton-Colby. Paris, February 29-march 3, 2000.
Lecture on “Macroeconomic policies with social responsibility”, in the “Forum on social
equity” launched by the IDB, under the chairmanship of Eduardo Aninat, Deputy Director
General of the IMF. Participation as member of the Forum. New orleans, March 24-26,
Lecture on the Economic development of Latin America in the last half of a century, for
“Diplomado regional en asentamientos urbanos”, organized by University of Chile with
the support of ECLAC. Participation of staff of Latin American governments. Santiago,
May 2, 2000.
Lecture in the Professional Council of Economic Sciences of Buenos Aires, on “Reforms
and strategy of economic growth in Latin America”, in 4th Economic Congress. Buenos
Aires, May 17, 2000.
Lecture to staff of DESA related to the Summit on financing for development of the UN.
Interview and working meeting with Manuel Montes, new Head of International Studies,
of the Ford Foundation. New york, May 30, 2000.
Lecture in the Interamerican Dialogue, also hosted by the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace and the Brookings Institution, on “Reforming the reforms in Latin
America: macroeconomics, trade, finance”. Event chaired by Peter Hakim, the president of
the Interamerican Dialogue and commented by Guillermo Perry, the Chief economist of
the World Bank for Latin America. The audience included public officials, professors and
researchers, international staff and the press. Interviews with staff of the IDB, IMF and
World Bank. Washington DC, May 31, 2000.
Lecture on “Policies to regulate flows and exchange-rate policies in Chile” in the
University of Toronto and the Munk School for International Relations, Seminar on
“Critical issues in financial reforms: Latin American, Caribbean and Canadian
perspectives”. Toronto, June 1-2, 2000.
Lecture at the Central Bank of Venezuela on “How to reform the economic reforms in
Latin America”; inaugural lecture in the IV Encuentro de Economía, Revista del BCV.
Presentation of ECLAC/Mc Graw-Hill Book on “Para reformar las reformas en América
Latina”, with the president of the Central Bank. Caracas, June 27-28, 2000.
Lecture to Brazilian professors of economics on “How and what to teach on
macroeconomics and reforms in Latin America”. Workshop organized by ECLAC/Brazil,
with the support of the Ministerio da Ciencia e Tecnologia do Brazil, with the participation
of over 60 professors. Rio de Janeiro, July 10-11, 2000.
Lecture in the Fondo Latinoamericano de Reservas (FLAR) in event on “Financing of
development in a framework of financial globalization”, organized by FLAR and ECLAC.
Presentation of conclusions of research project of ECLAC on financial volatility. Santiago,
September 7, 2000.
Lecture in University of Miami on ”Globalization of financial volatility and the emerging
economies”; exchange of views with staff of the school for international studies and the
North-South Center. Miami, September 15. Also lecture at the Development Centre of the
OECD on the same issue. Paris, September 19-26, 2000.
Lecture in the Latinamerican Centre of Oxford University on “Central Bank Autonomy”;
exchange of views in event organized by the centre with experts on history and the
transmission of economic ideas. Oxford, September 27-29, 2000.
Lecture to “Parlamentarians of Latin America for the jubilee 2000” on the social and
economic impact of foreign debt. Valparaiso, October 5, 2000.
Lecture on the “Policy dimension of regional integration”, in event of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Chile and the Institute of International Studies of the University of
Chile, in commemoration of the creation of the Latin American Integration Association
(LAIA) in 1980. Santiago, October 16, 2000.
Lecture on “Managing capital flows: capital controls and sequencing”, in the Korea
Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) and the Institute for Global Economics
(IGE), in Conference on “Reforming the international financial architecture: emerging
market perspectives”, and discussant on “Seeking for appropriate foreign exchange
regime”. Chairperson of the meeting was Il Sakong, former Minister of Finance of Korea.
Seoul, November 8-10, 2000.
Lecture to Foreign Affairs en Español. New journal launched by the Council on Foreign
Affairs of New York, ITAM from Mexico, Di Tella from Argentina, and FLACSO from
Chile. Participation as member of the editorial board. The activities included an invitation
to the inauguration of President Fox. The issue of the journal included, among other
material, articles by President Fox and by José Antonio Ocampo and myself. México DF,
December 1-2, 2000.
Lecture on “Open Economy Macroeconomics and International Finance”, in the Latin
American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA). Santiago, January 17, 2001.
Discussant in the Interamerican Bank on “Globalization: An Agenda for Policy Analysis”,
with Isao Kubota of The Japanese Government and John Williamson of the IIE, of a report
prepared by Shaid Javed Burki, under the Chairmanship of Enrique Iglesias and organized
by the Japan Program of the IDB. February 2, 2001. Lecture in the Institute for
International Economics on “Boom and Bust in International Finance”. Washington DC,
February 1-2, 2001.
Coordination of Initial Workshop of ECLAC and Wider Project on “Capital Flows to
Emerging Markets since the Asian Crisis”. Santiago, March 8-9, 2001.
Lecture in the Society for International Development (SID, Uruguay Chapter) on “Reforms
of the Reforms in Latin America”. Presentation commented by Dr. Enrique Iglesias and
José Antonio Ocampo; event chaired by the President of the Central Bank of Uruguay.
Montevideo, April 9, 2001.
Lecture in Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Facultad de Ingeniería Económica y
Ciencias Sociales, in “VII Congreso Regional de Estudiantes de Economía”, on the Issue of
“Economic Reforms in Latin America and Financing for Development”. Lima, June 8,
Lecture in Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Fundacao Getulio Vargas in International
Conference on “International Financial Architecture: Recent Issues and Alternatives of
Reform”. Lecture on “Globalization of Financial Volatility: the Role of Domestic Policies”.
Participation of President of the Central Bank of Brazil and Vicepresident of Central Bank
of Germany. Rio de Janeiro, June 25-27, 2001.
Presentation at ILO International Conference on “Employment Policies”, in honor to the
Regional Director of the ILO for the Americas. Panelist on “Employment and Social Debt:
Income Distribution and Poverty”. Inauguration by the President of the Republic of Chile
and the Minister of Education of Brazil. Santiago, June 29, 2001.
Lecture in the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic on “Economic Reforms in Latin
America”. Lecture on the issue to open Public Seminar to Staff on “Exchange-Rate Policy
Alternatives”. Exchange of views with the Staff of the Bank and of former economic
authorities. Santo Domingo, July 16-20, 2001.
Lecture in the Development Centre of the OECD on “The Latin American Conjuncture”
and on progress of WIDER/ECLAC Project on “Financial Crises and Subsequent Effects”.
Paris, July 22-26, 2001.
Lecture on “The Contribution of Regional Economic Integration”, in the International
Seminar organized by ECLAC on celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Raúl Prebisch.
Santiago, August 28-29, 2001.
Lecture in the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) XXIII International Congress.
Chair and discussant of session on “Latin America in the International Economy”.
Participation in special session organized by the review “Foreign Affairs in Spanish”, with
lecture by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of México, Jorge Castañeda. Washington DC,
September 6-7, 2001.
Presentation in Meeting of Councils of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, Brazil and Chile on
the “Common Market of the South (Mercosur) ”. Presentation on the Economic
Implications of MERCOSUR. Santiago, October 11, 2001.
Coordination of Final Meeting of UN-WIDER project on “Capital Flows to Emerging
Markets since the Asian Crisis”. Presentation of paper on “Exchange Rate Policies in Latin
America” and Co-Direction of the project. Helsinki, October 17-18, 2001.
Lecture on “The Globalization of Financial Volatility”, in Seminar organized by the
International Center for Economic Growth, in Budapest, and the Ford Foundation, on
“Capital Flows to Transition Economies”. Participation of authorities of Central Banks of
several countries of Central and East Europe. Budapest, October 19, 2001.
Lecture at event organized by Fundación OSDE of Argentina, on “Freedom, Finance and
Globalization” Presentation on “Financial Reforms, Growth and Equity in Latin America”.
Buenos Aires, October 23, 2001.
Lecture in UNDP Regional Consultation for Latin America and the Caribbean, on “Trade
and Sustainable Human Development”. Chairperson of session and discussant of “Global
Governance of Trade as if Development Really Mattered”, prepared by Dani Rodrik.
Santiago, October 29, 2001.
Lecture on “Volatility of Capital Flows, Foreign Exchange Regimes and Macroeconomic
Policies“, in the First Meeting of the Network of Macroeconomic Coordination for Latin
America (REDIMA), of ECLAC with the support of the European Union. Santiago,
November 8, 2001.
Participation in meetings of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Foreign Affairs en
Español”. Interviews with Staff of UN/DESA, related to the World Summit on “Financing
for Development”. Interview with 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics, Joseph Stiglitz and
preparation of joint work on “Macroeconomics” for the project “Initiative for Policy
Dialogue” conducted by him. New York, November 13-16, 2001.
Lecture in the Conference organized by the South African Institute of International Affairs
(SAIIA) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, “Lessons and Opportunities from
Political and Economic Transitions”, with the issue “Economic Reform and Developing
Economies”. Santiago, November 20, 2001.
Lecture in the Institut des Hautes Etudes de l’Amerique latine. Conference on “Financial
Crises in Emerging Economies: Les Debats Actuels”. Visit to the Development Centre of
the OECD and interviews with staff on research projects at the Centre and ECLAC (Prof.
Daniel Cohen, among them). Lecture on “Economic Reforms in Chile”, in the Economic
Department of the OECD. Paris, February 26-March 4, 2002.
Lecture in the “Initiative for Policy Dialogue”, organized by Prof. Joseph Stiglitz, at the
University of Columbia. Participation in discussion of coordinators of working groups, as
a Co-Director of the Group on “Macroeconomics”. New York, March 7-9, 2002.
Lecture in the North-South Center of the University of Miami, on “Financial Crises in
‘Successful’ Emerging Economies”. Miami, March 12, 2002.
Participation in international activity of ECLAC with CEPII, CEFI and Caisse de Depots et
Consignations de France. Presentation on “Exchange Rate Policies in Latinamerica since
the Asian Crisis”. Santiago, March 26-27, 2002.
Lecture in Seminar on “The Role of Institutions and Structural Changes in Asia”,
organized by ECLAC, Institute of Developing Economies-Jetro of Japan, Universidade
Federal do Rio de Janeiro and Japan Program of the IDB. Chairperson of “National Interest
in the context of Regionalization and Globalization”. Santiago, April 29, 2002.
Lecture in Round Table on “Building the Future of Chile”, organized by ECLAC, World
Bank and the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA). Santiago, April 30,
Lecture in the “Observatori de la Globalització”, of the Universidad de Barcelona, on
“Economic Policy Implications of Globalization for Emerging Economies”. Interviews
with the Cultural Televisión of Cataluña and with the President of Fundació CIDOB
(Centre of International Information and Documentation of Barcelona), M.P. Narcis Serra.
Barcelona, June 11-13, 2002.
Visit to IMF; Exchange of Views with Deputy General Director (Eduardo Aninat), Deputy
Executive Director of the Board (Guillermo Le Fort), and Fiscal Expert of the Independent
Evaluation Office (Marcelo Selowsky). Discussant at IDB on “Macroeconomic
Coordination in Integration Processes”, prepared for the IDB by José Luis Machinea.
Washington D.C., July 22-23, 2002.
Lecture in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru, on “Governance of Globalization and
Development”, inaugurated by Allan Wagner, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Seminar
organized by ILPES and the Ministry, with participation of staff and specialists from Perú.
Lima, August 16, 2002.
Lecture in DESA/UN Headquarters in New York, on “Financial Crises and National
Policy Issues” (September 12-13); Conference on the issue, exchange of views with staff.
Press Conference on conclusions of Wider/ECLAC project on “Capital Flows to Emerging
Economies since the Asian Crises” (September 18). Participation in Macroeconomics
Group (as Co-Director), Capital Markets Liberalization Group, and Meeting of CoDirectors of Groups, of the “Iniciative for Policy Dialogue”, directed by Joseph Stiglitz
(September 18-21). New York, September 13-21, 2002.
Lecture in “Conferencia Permanente de Partidos Políticos de América Latina y el
Caribe”(COPPPAL), on “Globalization and New Policy Options”. Santiago, October 1,
Lecture in the Latinamerican and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA), and
organization of session on “Capital Flows and Sustainable Macroeconomic Equilibria”, in
the Seventh Annual Congress. Madrid, October 10-11, 2002.
Lecture in the Interamerican Association of Economic and Financial Journalists (AIPEF).
Presentation on “Economic Feasibility of Latin America: From Crises to Recovery?”.
Montevideo, November 4, 2002.
Lecture in the Institute Des Hautes Etudes de l’Amérique latine (IHEAL), with lecture on
“Foreign Investment and Development in Chile”, in Seminar on “Cooperation, Trade,
Investment in European Union-Chile Relations”. Paris, November 7. Lecture in the Centre
de Management Europe-Amérique Latine (CMEAL) on “Financial Crises and Sovereign
States”, in the Troisieme Rencontres Europe-Amérique Latine. Chaired by the PresidentMajor of Biarritz. Biarritz, November 8-9, 2002.
Interviews and working meetings at Development Centre and Economic Department of
the OECD. Lecture on “Economic Reforms in Chile and Challenges for Latin America after
the Asian Crisis”. Paris, November 12-15, 2002.
Lecture in Forum on “Macroeconomic Policy and Social Vulnerability”, organized by the
Executive Secretariat, with the Support of UNDP, the French and German Governments
and the IDB. Comments on “Economic Uncertainty, Social Insurances and Solidarity”.
Santiago, November 26-27, 2002.
Lecture in the Comitato Promotore of Meeting BID/Milano 2003 at Conference “Rischi ed
Opportunita in America Latina”; presentation on “Economic Reforms in Latin America
and Challenges”. Panel with Oscar Tangelson (Secretary of State for Economic Policy,
Argentina), Under-Secretary of Finance of Italy, Bolivar Lamounier (IDESP/Sao Paulo), R.
Alessandello (Secretary Confindustria, Industrial Association), and Fabrizio Onida
(Universitá Bocconi). Rome and Milano, December 3-5, 2002.
Lecture in the Encontro Nacional de Economía, Associacao Nacional dos Centros de PosGraduacao em Economía (ANPEC). Participation in Special Session on “External
Vulnerability in Latin America”, with Renato Baumann from CEPAL/Brasilia, Daniel
Heymann from CEPAL/Buenos Aires and Professor Edmar Bacha. Nova Friburgo,
December 11-13, 2002.
Lecture in the North-South Center of the University of Miami. Presentation on
“Globalization and Development”. Miami, February 6, 2003.
Lecture in the “V Encuentro Internacional de Economistas sobre Globalización y
Problemas del Desarrollo”. Lecture in the First Plenary Session on “National Policies and
Financial Crises in Developing Economies”. La Havana, February 10-11, 2003.
Conference at the University of California (Los Angeles) on “Fifty Years of Teaching
Excellence: a Celebration of Arnold Harberger”. Panelist on “Exchange Rate Policies”,
with Vittorio Corbo, Claudio Loser (Chief Economist, Western Hemisphere, of the IMF)
and Michael Mussa (Former Director of Research of the IMF). Los Angeles, February 1315, 2003.
Lecture in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) of the U.N. Working
session with Professor Joseph Stiglitz, Head of the “Initiative for Policy Dialogue”, on the
coordination of the “Macroeconomic Group”. Interviews with Albert Fishlow, Director of
the Latin American Program of the University of Columbia and other Staff. New York,
February 25-28, 2003.
Lecture in the Universidad Católica Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez on “Poverty and
Human Development”. Participation with Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez of Honduras
(the Invited International Speaker), and Pedro Guell of UNDP/Chile. Santiago, April 9,
Lecture in the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, in a workshop on “Economic
Reforms in Latin America in the 1990s”, and conference to Congress of Economic Students
on “Financial Globalization and International Crises: Impact on Latin American
Development”. Lima, April 10, 2003.
Organization, at ECLAC, of presentation in Chile of a study prepared at the Institute for
International Economics, in Washington DC, by John Williamson and Pedro Pablo
Kuczynski (Former Minister of Economy of Peru), on “After the Washington Consensus”.
Chaiperson of the Session, which included a presentation by John Williamson, and
discussant José Antonio Ocampo (the Executive Secretary of ECLAC) and Vittorio Corbo
(President of the Central Bank of Chile). Santiago, April 24, 2003.
Organization of final seminar of ECLAC project on “Management of Volatility, Financial
Globalization and Growth in Emerging Economies”, supported by the Ford Foundation.
Opening of the Seminar and presentation of report on ‘Macroeconomic Policies in Chile
and Colombia’. Santiago, April 24-25, 2003.
Lecture in the Initiative for Policy Dialogue. Co-Direction of Meeting of the
Macroeconomics Group, with Professor Joseph Stiglitz (Nobel Prize of Economics, 2001)
and Professor Deepak Nayyar, Vicechairman of University of Delhi. Participation in
Meeting of Capital Account Liberalization, co-chaired by José Antonio Ocampo.
Barcelona, June 1-3, 2003.
Lecture in IV Meeting of Ministers of Social Development of Latin America and the
Caribbean. Presentation on “Social Development and Macroeconomic Environment”.
Session chaired by the Minister of Planning of Chile and the Vicepresident of Costa Rica.
Los Andes, June 10, 2003.
Lecture in the University of Barcelona in Graduate Program on Regional Integration and
International Economic Relations. Lectures on “International Financial Markets and
Macroeconomic Management in Latin America”. Barcelona, July 2-4, 2003.
Lecture in the Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS) on “Reforms to the Reforms
in Latin America: Post Washington Consensus”. Interviews with Sidney Weintraub (CSIS),
Enrique Iglesias, President of IDB, and Guillermo Le Fort Executive Director of the Board
of the IMF. Washington DC, July 10-11. Lecture in UNCTAD on the same Issue. Interview
with Rubens Ricupero and Carlos Fortin. Geneva, July 14, 2003.
Lecture in the Group of 24 Developing Countries (G-24) on “Capital Account Regulations
in Chile and Colombia and Implications for Growth and Equity”; advise on issues for
Future Research. United Nations, Geneva, September 15-16. Lecture in the OECD on
“Economic Reforms in Chile”; Working Meeting with financial experts members of the
Economic Council of the Prime Minister of France on Latin American Experiences with
Capital Account Regulations and Macroeconomic Sustainability. Paris, September 12 and
17-19, 2003.
Lecture in the Fundación Global Desarrollo y Democracia in Dominican Republic.
Working lunch with Dr. Leonel Fernández, former President of the Republic,
entrepreneurs and bankers. Lecture on “Reforming the Reforms in Latin America Today”.
Working breakfast with economists on Policy Alternatives in Dominican Republic and
recent research at ECLAC. Santo Domingo, October 6-7, 2003.
Organization of two invited sessions at the 8th Annual Congress of Lecture in the Latin
American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA). Chaiperson and lecturer in
session on “Globalization of Volatility and Growth in Latin America”, based on outcome
of ECLAC project with Ford Foundation support. Puebla, October 8-10, 2003.
Lecture in “Workshop on Human Development” for ECLAC staff and other agencies of
the United Nations with the Head of the Unit of Human Rights and Development of
OACDH, Geneve. Presentation on “An Economy for Development with Equity”. Santiago,
November 4, 2003.
Lecture in “Workshop on Human Development, Economic Growth and Equity”, with
national coordinators and Specialists of the UNDP Human Development Reports of all
Latin America. Presentation on “Economic Growth and Equity”. Antigua, Guatemala,
November 26-28, 2003.
Lecture in “First Workshop of the Latin American Finance Network”. Panelist on “The
Role of the Government in Credit Markets”, with Joseph Stiglitz (invited lecturer) and
Guillermo Calvo, Augusto De La Torre, Javier González Fraga, Tereza Grossi. Buenos
Aires, December 11, 2003.
Conference of the American Assembly 2004 (associated to the University of Columbia),
with the collaboration of the Institute of International Studies of the University of Chile.
Chairperson of the session on “Economics, Free Trade and Development”, with Peter
Hakim, President of the Interamerican Dialogue and Carlos Caceres, President of Instituto
Libertad y Desarrollo. Discussion leader of Working Group. Reñaca, January 8, 2004.
Lecture in the World Bank in program on “Pioneers in Development”. Discussant of John
Williamson, with Professor Alice Amsden of MIT. Interviews with staff of the World
Bank. Washington DC, January 14, 2004.
XVI Regional Seminar on Fiscal Policy, organized by ECLAC. Comments to the report of
the Independent Evaluation Office of the IMF on “Fiscal Adjustment in IMF-Supported
Programs”, presented by Marcelo Selowsky. Santiago, January 26, 2004.
Lecture on “Reforms and the Washington Consensus”, in the Forum on Debt and
Development (FONDAD) in the Conference on “Stability, Growth and the Search for a
New Development Agenda”, co-organizer with FONDAD. ECLAC, Santiago, March 2930, 2004.
Lecture in the Latin American Parliament (PARLATINO), on “The Economic Dimension
of Sovereignty”. Session with the President of the Commission on Political Matters and
Integration”, Senator César Camacho of Mexico. Santiago, April 15, 2004.
Presentations in the Technical Group created by Presidents Chirac, Lula and Lagos to
“Search for Innovative Financing for Action Against Hunger and Poverty”. Representation
of President Lagos and Head of the Chilean Group. New York, April 27-28, 2004.
Presentations on “SDRs” and Heading of the Chilean representatives in the Technical
Group created by the Presidents of Brazil, Chile and France, now with the incorporation of
the Spaniard Government. Participant with the Technical Group at the High Level Panel,
organized by J.A.Ocampo on “Innovative Approaches for Financing of Development”, at
the 2004 UNCTAD XI Conference. Sao Paulo, June 15-16, 2004.
Lecture in the Third Annual PECC Finance Conference. Chairperson of Session on
“Strengthening the Financial International Architecture”, and Presentation in Concluding
Session. Santiago, June 20-21, 2004.
Panelist in the UNDP/New York Seminar on “Democracy, Economy and Citizenship”,
report led by Dante Caputto, on “Liberalization, External Shocks and Democracy”.
Santiago, June 21-22, 2004.
Lecture in IDB and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars on “Exports
and Growth: The Macroeconomic Link”; Session chaired by Robert Devlin and Joseph
Tulchin. Washington DC, July 16, 2004.
Presentation of book “From Capital Surges to Drought’, Palgrave Macmillan, resulting
from ECLAC/WIDER project. Presentation with Co-Editor S. Griffith-Jones; session
chaired by Victor Bulmer-Thomas, President of Chatham House; working lunch with
journalists. London, July 19, 2004.
Lecture in OECD on “Financial Crises in Emerging Economies”, Seminar organized by the
Division of Non-Member Countries of the Economic Department and the Development
Centre. Session Chaired by Sylvana Malle, Director of the Division. París, July 21, 2004.
Participation in Technical Group created by the Presidents of Brazil, Chile, and Spaniard,
with Participation of UN/DESA. Preparation by the Group of Final Technical Proposals
on “Innovative Forms of Financing to Fight Hunger and Poverty”. Paris, July 27-29, 2004.
Advise to the President of Chile in the Summit of Presidents and Heads of Governments
that took place at the United Nations Headquarter, with the U.N. Secretary General. The
Summit was focused on Action to Fight Hunger and Poverty in the world. Participated in
Coordination Meeting with Technical Group formed by Brazil, Chile, France and Spain. A
Final Report on Sources of Innovative Financing and a Declaration, prepared by the
Technical Group, had been delivered to all UN Members. Over 100 countries subscribed
the Declaration. New York, September 19-21, 2004.
Lecture in the Inter-Institutional Meeting for preparing Regional Report on the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Presentation of the Report of the Technical
Group of Brazil, Chile, France and Spain, on “Innovative Sources of Financing to Fight
Hunger and Poverty”and the September 20 Summit of Presidents in New York. Santiago,
October 6, 2004.
Lecture in the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). Presentation, in XXV Congress,
of the concluding Paper of ECLAC project on “Management of Volatility, Financial
Globalization and Growth in Emerging Economies”. Las Vegas, October 7-9, 2004.
264. pendiente desde novbre 2004 al 2007.
265. Presentación de Cuarta Edición de libro “Chile entre el N-L y el Crecimiento
con Equidad”, en ECON, con Roberto Zahler, Carlos Ominami, Bruno Philippi y
moderación de Alejandro Guillier. Santiago, 24 de enero, 2008.
Video Conferencia con Consejo Económico y Social de la ONU, como Presidente del
Comité de Políticas de Desarrollo (CDP).Santiago/ Nueva York, 29 de enero, 2008.
Presidencia de Reunión Anual del Comité de Políticas de Desarrollo de la ONU, N. York.
Exposición sobre “ Mecanismos contra-cíclicos y los DEGs”. Nueva York, 17-20 de
marzo, 2008.
Exposiciones sobre Globalización y Equidad y sobre Derechos <Especiales de Giro
(DEGs) contra-cíclicos,en Encuentro del “ Grupo de países pro Tasas Solidarias”,
Dakar, Senegal 22-23 de abril, 2008.
Exposición a 10 autoridades del Gobierno Uruguayo, sobre “La economía latino
americana actual”, MINREL/Chile, Santiago, 25 de abril, 2008.
28-29/4. Exposición sobre “Políticas sociales y economía en Chile”, en Seminario de
preparación Presentación Nacional Voluntaria de Chile, a ECOSOC/ONU. MINREL y
22-23/05, Encuentro del Grupo Técnico de la Iniciativa contra el Hambre y la Pobreza,
30/06, Exposición sobre mecanismos contra-cíclicos y DEGs, en reunión de ECOSOC
con instituciones de BWs, Nueva York.
01/07, Exposición en ECOSOC, sobre el Informe Anual de CDP 2008, Nueva York.
7/08/08 “Macroeconomía financierista y macroeconomía productivista”, Exposición en
Seminario de la VI. Escuela de Verano de CEPAL. Con Jan Kregel.
21-22/08, “Financiamiento innovador para el desarrollo”, en Seminario del Grupo de
Río, CEPAL, Santiago. Panel con José Antonio Ocampo sobre “Financiamiento para el
Desarrollo y Cumbre de Doha”, Seminario del Grupo de Río, MINREL.
1/09, Panel sobre “Economía y Política en Argentina y Chile”, con Natalio Botana,
Roberto Frenkel y Claudio Fuentes, moderado por Embajador Luis Maira, Embajada de
Chile, Buenos Aires.
2/09, “Macroeconomía financierista y productivista”, en Conferencia Anual del Banco
Central de la República Argentina, en sesión con el Vice-Presidente del FED de Nueva
York, Buenos Aires.
22-25/9, Asesoría a Presidenta de la República y Ministra de MIDEPLAN, en Asamblea
General de las Naciones Unidas, Council of Foreign Affairs de Nueva York, Universidad
de Harvard y Hyannis Port con Senador Edward Kennedy; participación en preparación
de Declaración y en coordinación de evento de presentación con los Jefes de Gobierno de
Brasil, Chile, España y Francia, en apoyo al Financiamiento Innovador, Nueva York.
3-4/11, “Financiamiento Innovador y Desarrollo”, en Seminario de Revista Nueva
Sociedad y FES, Buenos Aires.
13/11/08, “Balance del Consenso de Washington y un Nuevo Consenso Progresista”,
Foro Anual del Progresismo 2008, Chile 21, Santiago.
19/11, “Derechos Económicos y Sociales y desarrollo”, Diplomado Latinoamericano de
la Fundación Henry Dunant, FAO, Santiago.
29/11, Moderador y Conclusiones de Panel de Ministros de Desarrollo o Cooperación de
Australia, Alemania, Guinea, Noruega y Asociación de ONGs, Cumbre Mundial de ONU
sobre Financiamiento para el Desarrollo, Doha, Qatar.
30/11, Panelista de Seminario de CEPAL, Grupo de Rio y Chile en Cumbre Mundial,
Comentarista en Sesión de Comisiones Regionales de la ONU, Doha, Qatar.
9-13/03, Presidencia de Reunión Anual del Comité de Políticas de Desarrollo (CDP), ONU,
Nueva York.
21-22/04, “From financieristic to real macroeconomics”, Institute for the Study of the Americas
(ISA), Universidad de Londres.
29/05, Exposición de Clausura de la 6ta Reunión Plenaria del Grupo sobre Contribuciones
Solidarias para el Desarrollo, que reúne a 58 países. Chile tomará la Presidencia del Grupo en
octubre, traspasada por Francia, país que lo preside actualmente. París, 28-29 de mayo.
13/06, “From financieristic to real macroeconomics: equity implications”, Congreso de la LASA,
Río de Janeiro, 9-13 de junio.
8/07, Exposición en Annual Ministerial Review (AMR) de ECOSOC/ONU, sobre Informe del
Comité de Políticas de Desarrollo (CDP), Ginebra.
03/08, “Situación económica y desafíos en Chile”, PNUD y encargados de oficinas de la ONU
en Chile.
12 y 13/08, “Reformas del C.W. en América Latina” y “Reformas en Chile desde 1973 y desafíos
actuales”, en Summer School 2009 de CEPAL, con 30 estudiantes graduados o en doctorados en
el exterior.
14/10, “Balance de la crisis internacional y su impacto en Chile”, Asociación de Periodistas de
Economía y Finanzas (AIPEF), Santiago.
6/11, “Transitional paths via Regional Reserves”, Panel con Peter Bofinger (miembro del
Consejo Alemán de Expertos Económicos) y con Aleksei Mozhin, Director Ejecutivo del FMI
por Rusia, en Conferencia Internacional sobre Toward a World Reserve System, IPD/FES,
Universidad de Columbia, Nueva York.
11/11, “Desde la caída del muro a la crisis global: los desafíos para América Latina”, Seminario
Internacional, Veinte años después de la guerra fría, IEI, UChile.
19/11, Panel de Presentación de libro Chile, 20 años de negociaciones comerciales, DIRECON.
Panel con Felipe Larraín, Rafael Guilisasti y Ernesto Ottone, Casa de Piedra, Santiago.
12/01, “Historia económica de América Latina desde 1970”, Diplomado en Economía Social de
Mercado, Universidad Miguel de Cervantes/KAS, Santiago.
13/01, “Macroeconomía para el empleo decente”, Encuentro sobre Crecimiento y Empleo, con
Ministros del Trabajo de Argentina, Brasil, Chile y México, Director de la OIT y expertos, OIT,
26/01, “Globalización y estrategias de desarrollo”, Escuela de Verano 2010 para dirigentes
juveniles de 8 países de América Latina y Alemania, FES, Cajón del Maipo.
28-29/01, Presidencia del 7º Plenario del Leading Group of Countries for Innovative Financing
for Development, Inaugurado por la Presidenta Bachelet, Santiago.
8-12/3, Presidencia de la 11ª Reunión Plenaria del Comité de Políticas de Desarrollo (CDP) de
las Naciones Unidas, Nueva York.
30/03, Taller con borrador de “Macroeconomía para el empleo decente”, con especialistas de la
OIT, Santiago.
9-11/6, Exposición sobre “Reforming macroeconomic policies in EEs: from pro-cyclical to
counter-cyclical approaches”, y Panelista en Sesión de Clausura, en Seminario Internacional
“Reforming the Global Financial Order”, University of Applied Sciences (HTW), Berlín.
6 y7/7, Exposiciones sobre “Macroeconomía y el Consenso de Washington en América Latina” y
“Reformas económicas en Chile”, Escuela de Verano de CEPAL, Santiago.
04/08, Panelista en Sesión de Clausura de Taller Internacional, “Vulnerabilidades y Política
Fiscal”, CEPAL y GTZ/Alemania, Santiago.
02/09, Expositor sobre “Regulation of International Financial Flows”, Jornadas Monetarias y
Bancarias 2010, Banco Central de la República Argentina, Buenos Aires.
07/10, Comentarista de 4 textos sobre relaciones comerciales de América Latina con Asia, con
énfasis en China, Congreso de la Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Toronto.
09/10, Expositor sobre “From financieristic to productivistic macroeconomics”, Congreso de la
LASA, Toronto.
03/11, Expositor sobre “Macroeconomía para el crecimiento con equidad”, Aniversario del
Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo (CED), Auditorio de la Telefónica, Santiago.
10/11, Exposición sobre “Derechos económicos y sociales y desarrollo”, Diplomado
Internacional en Derechos Humanos y Políticas Públicas 2010-11, Fundación Henry Dunant
América Latina, Santiago.
25/11, Exposición sobre “Macroeconomía para el desarrollo” , Instituto de Altos Estudios de
América Latina (IHEAL), Universidad de París, París.
26/11, Conferencia sobre “La economía chilena desde 1973. Los desafíos hoy”, Maison de
l’Amerique Latine, París.