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 CURRICULUM VITAE JOHANNES WILHELM KRANZ Instituto de Estudios Interdisciplinarios, Fundación Casa de los Tres Mundos, Nicaragua e‐mail: BORN 1973 in Nuremberg, Germany, Austrian citizen EDUCATION: Music (BA), Philosophy, Philology & Linguistics, (MA), Philosophy/Cultural Anthropology (PhD). University of Graz, Austria, Temple University Philadelphia/PA, and University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz; All completed with highest distinction. 2001 Walter Preiss‐
Award from Karl‐Franzens‐University Graz. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: (A) Research - Foundation of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre Instituto de Estudios Interdisciplinarios (IEI) at Casa de los Tres Mundos Foundation, with Sergio Ramírez, Justin Wolfe & Dieter Stadler; since 2005 its academic director. - Study: Psycholinguistic and Corpus‐Analyses (with Bernhard Kettemann) on asymmetrical frequency distribution of normative attitude carrying verbs in British print media, University of Graz, 1998 and 2002. -
Study: Scheme‐guided perception and recall, an ethno‐psychological field study on the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua. Ludwig Boltzmann‐Institute for Cognitive Psychology, Vienna, 2003. Study: “Medios de Radiocomunicación en Granada/NIC: Diagnóstico para el Establecimiento de una Radio Comunitaria en Granada”, IEI, Granada 2005 Study: “El desempleo en Los Ángeles de Malacatoya: Preproyecto para una iniciativa de crear fuentes de empleo” (focus community building), IEI, Granada 2005/2006 Study: “Percepción e Intención del Voto en la Ciudad de Granada de Cara a las Elecciones Nacionales del año 2006”, IEI, Granada 2006 -
Study: “Cultura de la Migración – Migración de la Cultura: El imaginario Social de migrantes Nicaragüenses hacia Costa Rica y Estados Unidos”, IEI, Granada 2008 -
Study: “Memoria Colectiva en la Mosquitia: Experiencias de conflictos vividas durante la Guerra Civil en Nicaragua y Honduras” IEI/URACCAN [in preparation 2008‐]. (B) Teaching -
University of Vienna, Austria: Entwicklung und kulturelle Identität in Nicaragua (2006) Indian University of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua, URACCAN: Teorías Antropológicas II, Antropología y Postmodernidad (2005) University of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua, URACCAN: Construcción del Conocimiento Antropológico I, Conflictos Interculturales (2005) Universidad Politécnica de Nicaragua UPOLI: Métodos Biográficos II: Historia Oral y Memoria Colectiva (2006) URACCAN & UPOLI, supervision of MA‐theses, since 2004. -
UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace, Universidad Jaime I, Castellón/España: Relativism Cultural Cognition and Metaphor (2004) and fall 2008 (title pending). (C) Project management and consultancies - Rural Development & Community Building in Malacatoya, Nicaragua: social infrastructure and diversification of economic activities, including the edition of a guide for community building oriented to children and youth. Foundación Casa de los Tres Mundos, Austrian Development Agency, 2001‐2003 - Consultancy: “Strategies of interethnic post‐conflict management”, Peace Fleet Mirno More, Croatia, 2003 - Consultancy: “Indigenous Peoples and Development: Study on Communication and Indigenous Peoples in IDA countries in Latin America” (with Georg Grünberg), UN‐
FAO/World Bank, including two country case studies: Nicaragua and Bolivia, 2004‐2005 -
Consultancy: “El Proyecto ADSIM en el Territorio Indigena Mayangna Sauni As”, the Swedish development cooperation ASDI, 2008. (D) Organization of academic events and exhibitions -
Coordinator of the Round Table “Communication for Development: Indigenous Peoples in Latin America” organized with University URACCAN, FAO, World Bank and Gov. of Italy, Granada, 2005 -
Coordinator of the Symposium “REAL 2006: Relaciones Europa‐América Latina y la cuestión de la pobreza, el desarrollo y la democracia ‐‐ Taller Regional América Central” organized with Latin American Institute, Vienna, & European Union, Granada, 2006. -
Idea, Planning of the Exhibition The View of the Other/La Vista del Otro: Documentation of Indigenous Peoples of the Laguna de Perlas/Miskito‐Coast, Nicaragua; Audio/Images, Interviews, Legends and Songs, with exhibitions in Nicaragua, Austria & Germany, 2003‐
2004 Supervision of the Exhibition The Art to Survive/El Arte de Sobrevivir – Zonas Francas en Tipitap, with exhibitions in Germany, Austria, Nicaragua and the US, 2005‐2006. -
(E) Other profesional activities in Nicaragua - Concept and realization of public art projects in Nicaragua: Parque de Esculturas Precolombinos, Malacatoya, Parque de la Poesía, Granada, Sculpture‐Sound Installation Pedro Levántate y Habla - Other teaching (violin and chamber music). PUBLICATIONS Independent -
Rechtfertigungsprobleme des Ethischen Relativismus, University of Graz, MA thesis, 1998. -
Rechtfertigungsprobleme des Ontologischen Relativismus, University of Graz, Diss. 2001. Pueblos Indígenas y Desarrollo: El caso de la Costa Caribe de Nicaragua, (with Georg Grünberg & Miguel González), 2005, Washington D.C.: World Bank. Pueblos Indígenas y Desarrollo: El caso de Bolivia, (with Georg Grünberg & Juliana Ströbele‐Gregor), 2005, Washington D.C.: World Bank. -
[editor and co‐author] El Voto Ciudadano: Una Perspectiva desde Adentro – Significados, Memoria y Participación Política en Granada, Nicaragua, 2007, Granada: Editorial Casa Tres Mundos. Journal articles and contributions (selected) -
“La Identidad Reconstruida”, in: Noticias de Antropología y Arqueología, documentation of the Central American Congress of Anthropology and Archaeology (NAyA) 2003. An English version appeared as: -
“Identity Reconstructed: A Sculpture Park in Malcacatoya, Nicaragua” in: Antiquity, Vol 77 No 297 September 2003. “La Vista del Otro”, in: Wani: Revista del Caribe Nicaraguense, 37/2004, pp. 61‐63. “Ethics and Development” in: W. Dietrich [Ed.] (2006) Diálogo Europa – América Latina, Vienna: LAI. “When difference Matters: Communication and Development with indigenous Peoples in Latin America” in: World Bank (2007) World Congress on Communication and Development: Lessons, Challenges and the Way Forward, Washington D.C: The Communication Initiative/FAO/WB. -
Conference presentations (selected) -
“La Identidad Reconstruida”, The Third Central American Congress of Anthropology and Archaeology (NAyA) 2002 -
“Community Building and Identity”, Fifth Word Archeology Congress, Washington D.C. 2003 -
“El Enigma del Objeto”, V. Congreso Centroamericano de Antropología, Managua 2004 “Ethics and Development“, International Conference on European and Latin American Relations REAL2006, Vienna 2006 (key note) -
“Lecciones aprendidas en Bolivia y la Costa Caribe de Nicaragua”, Encuentro Internacional: Comunicación y Desarrollo con Pueblos Indígenas, Santa Cruz/Bolivia 2006 “When difference Matters: Communication and Development with indigenous Peoples in Latin America” World Congress on Communication and Development, Rom 2006. -