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Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program Patient Eligibility Screening Record A record of all children 18 years of age or younger who receive immunizations must be kept in the health care provider’s office for 6 years. The record may be completed by the parent, guardian, individual of record, or by the health care provider. VFC eligibility screening and documentation of eligibility status must take place with each immunization visit to ensure the child’s eligibility status has not changed. While verification of responses is not required, it is necessary to retain this or a similar record for each child receiving vaccine. Providers using a similar form (paper-based or electronic) must capture all reporting elements included in this form. 1. Child’s Name :___________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name MI First Name 2. Child’s Date of Birth: __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ 3. Parent/Guardian/Individual of Record:__________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name MI 4. Primary Provider’s Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name MI 5. To determine if a child (0 through 18 years of age) is eligible to receive federal vaccine through the VFC and state programs, at each immunization encounter/visit enter the date and mark the appropriate eligibility category. If Column A-D is marked, the child is eligible for the VFC program. If column E, F or G is marked the child is not eligible for federal VFC vaccine. Eligible for public vaccine supplied by the Arizona VFC Program Date 2 3 4 Medicaid Enrolled No Health Insurance American Indian or Alaskan Native 5 6 Not eligible for public vaccine 0 **Other *Underinsured ***Enrolled in served by FQHC, KidsCare underinsured RHC or deputized provider 1 Has health insurance that covers vaccines *Underinsured includes children with health insurance that does not include vaccines or only covers specific vaccine types. Children are only eligible for vaccines that are not covered by insurance. In addition, to receive VFC vaccine, underinsured children must be vaccinated through a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) or Rural Health Clinic (RHC) or under an approved deputized provider. The deputized provider must have a written agreement with an FQHC/RHC and the state/local/territorial immunization program in order to vaccinate underinsured children. ** Other underinsured are children that are underinsured but are not eligible to receive federal vaccine through the VFC program because the provider or facility is not a FQHC/RHC or a deputized provider. However, these children may be served if vaccines are provided by the state program to cover these non-VFC eligible children. ***Children enrolled in separate state Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). These children are considered insured and are not eligible for vaccines through the VFC program. Each state provides specific guidance on how CHIP vaccine is purchased and administered through participating providers. Please be advised: If your insurance company does not cover immunizations and you do not let us know at the time of the visit, it is your responsibility to pay the cost involved. We cannot make the Vaccines for Children Program retroactive and you are only eligible for the Vaccines for Children Program at the time of the visit. If you are unsure if immunizations and well check-ups are covered, please contact your insurance company. Thank You. Please sign below indicating that you understand and agree with the above statement. Signature: _______________________________________________Date:_______________________ Vacunas para la Niñez (VFC) Expediente de Elegibilidad del Paciente El expediente de todos los niños de 18 años de edad o menores que reciben vacunas debe mantenerse en el consultorio del médico durante 6 años. El expediente puede ser llenado por el padre, tutor, el individual del expediente, o por el proveedor de atención médica. En cada visita de inmunización del niño se debe determinar su elegibilidad VFC y presentar documentación del estatus de elegibilidad para asegurar que su estatus de elegibilidad del niño no ha cambiado. Aunque no se requiere verificación de las respuestas, es necesario mantener este expediente similar para cada vacuna del niño. Los proveedores utilizando un formulario similar (electrónica o en papel) deben capturar todos los elementos de información incluidos en este formulario. 1. Nombre de Niño:___________________________________________________________________________________ Apellido Primer Nombre IM 2. Fecha de Nacimiento de Niño: __ __/__ __/__ __ __ __ 3. Padre/Tutor/Individual de Expediente:__________________________________________________________________ Apellido Primer Nombre IM 4. Nombre del Proveedor Primario:___________________________________________________________________________ Apellido 5. Primer Nombre IM Para determinar si un niño (0 a 18 años de edad) es elegible para recibir vacunas federales a través de programas de VFC y estatales, en cada visita de inmunización se registra la fecha y marque de categoría de elegibilidad apropiada. Si la columna A-D está marcada, el niño es elegible para el programa de VFC. Si la columna E, F o G está marcada el niño no es elegible para la vacuna federal de VFC. Elegible para la vacuna pública suministrada por el Programa VFC de Arizona Fecha 2 3 4 5 Medicaid Inscrito No Seguro de Salud Nativo Americano o Nativo de Alaska *Seguro Insuficiente 6 ***Inscrito en KidsCare servido por FQHC, RHC o proveedorers delegado No elegible para la vacuna pública 0 **Otro seguro insuficiente 1 Tiene seguro medico que cubre las vacunas * Seguro insuficiente incluye a los niños con seguro de salud que no incluye vacunas o sólo cubren ciertas vacuna específicas. Los niños sólo elegibles para las vacunas que no están cubiertos por el seguro. Además, para recibir la vacuna de VFC, los niños con seguro insuficiente deben ser vacunados a través de un Centro de Salud Federalmente Calificado (FQHC) o Clínica de Salud Rural (RHC) o en virtud de un proveedor delegado aprobado. El proveedor delegado debe tener un acuerdo por escrito con un FQHC / RHC y el programa de inmunización estatal / local / territorial con el fin de vacunar a los niños con seguro insuficiente. ** Otros insuficiente son niños que están con seguro insuficiente, pero no son elegibles para recibir la vacuna federal a través de programa VFC porque el proveedor o centro médico no es FQHC / RHC o proveedor delegado. Sin embargo, estos niños pueden ser atendidos si las vacunas son con tal que el programa estatal para cubrir los niños que no son elegibles para el programa de VFC. *** Los niños inscritos en el Programa de Seguro de Salud del estado separadas para Niños (CHIP). Estos niños se consideran asegurados y no son elegibles para las vacunas a través del programa VFC. Cada estado ofrece orientación específica sobre cómo se compra CHIP y administrado a través de los proveedores participantes. Por favor sea aconsejado: Si su compañía de seguros no cubre las vacunas y no nos dejó saber en el momento de su visita, usted tiene la responsabilidad de pagar costo implicado. No podemos hacer el Programa de Vacunas para Niños retroactiva y sólo son elegibles para el Programa de Vacunas para Niños en el momento de la visita. Si no está seguro si la inmunización y chequeos anuales están cubiertos, por favor contactar su compañía de seguros. Gracias. Por favor firme abajo indicando que usted entiende y está de acuerdo con la declaración anterior. Firma: _______________________________________________Fecha:_______________________ Childhood/Adolescent Immunization Administration Record Greenlee County Health Department Greenlee County Health Department Practice Name: ______________________________________________________________________ P.O. Box 936 P.O. Box 153 Clifton, AZ 85533 Duncan, AZ 85534 Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ (928) 865-2601 (928) 359-2866 Patient Name: ___________________________________ Birth Date: _______________ អ M អ F Address: _______________________________ City: _______________ State: _____ Zip: ________ Parent, Guardian, or vaccine recipient - Please read and initial. Initials Statement 1: I have read or have had explained to me the information contained in the Vaccine Information Statements (VISs) about the following disease(s) and vaccine(s): Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella singly or in combination, Haemophilus Influenzae type b, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Varicella, Pneumococcal, Meningococcal, Rotavirus, Human Papillomavirus, and Influenza. I have had a chance to ask questions that were answered to my satisfaction. I understand the benefits and risks of the vaccine(s) and request that the vaccine(s) indicated on this form be given to me or the person named on this health record for who I am authorized to make this request. Statement 2: I agree to allow the health care provider giving vaccinations to release information about all vaccinations given to me, or to the person for whom I am authorized to consent, to the Arizona State Immunization Information System (ASIIS), other health care providers and schools in order to avoid receiving unnecessary vaccinations and to provide information about what immunizations have been received. I understand that I am not required to agree to the release of this information in order to receive the vaccinations I request. "If I do not wish this record to be included in ASIIS, I have the option of crossing out the above boxed statement and initialing it." TB Skin Test Date Given Provider Signature Date Read Result TB Skin Test Date Given Provider Signature Date Read Result Important Websites: Childhood & Adolescent Immunization Schedule/Catch-Up Schedule ....... Vaccine Information Statements (English) ............................................................................ Vaccine Information Statements (English & 32 other languages) ................................................ Screening forms: ................................................................................................................................. Arizona Child Care and School Immunization Requirements ........................................ AIR111-1 (REV. 1/12) Childhood/Adolescent Immunization Administration Record Vaccine (Circle vaccine given) Date Given Signature of Person to receive vaccine or person authorized to make request Vaccine Mfg. Vaccine Lot Number Circle site given Name/Title of Vaccine Administrator Date of VIS VFC Code Please Include Date and Provider of Previous Immunizations DTaP/DT 3 LVL LD LVL LD LVL LD RVL RD RVL RD RVL RD DTaP/DT 4 LD RD DTaP/DT 5 LD RD Td/Tdap 1 LD RD Td/Tdap 2 LD RD IPV 4 LD LSQ LD LSQ LD LSQ LD LSQ LD RD RSQ RD RSQ RD RSQ RD RSQ RD MMR 1 LSQ RSQ DTaP/DT 1 DTaP/DT 2 Td/Tdap 3 IPV 1 IPV 2 IPV 3 MMR 2 Hep B 4 LSQ RSQ LVL RVL LD RD LVL RVL LD RD LVL RVL LD RD LVL RVL LD RD LVL RVL LD RD LVL RVL LD RD LVL RVL LD RD LVL RVL LD RD LVL RVL LD RD LVL RVL LD RD Varicella 1 LSQ RSQ Hib 1 Hib 2 Hib 3 Hib 4 Hep A 1 Hep A 2 Hep B 1 Hep B 2 Hep B 3 Varicella 2 PCV 1 PCV 2 PCV 3 PCV 4 PPV 23 LSQ RSQ LVL RVL LD RD LVL RVL LD RD LVL RVL LD RD LVL RVL LD RD SQ site ____ IM site ____ Rotavirus 1 Oral Rotavirus 2 Oral Rotavirus 3 Oral MCV 1 LD RD MCV 2 LD RD HPV 1 LD RD HPV 2 LD RD HPV 3 LD RD Influenza Influenza Other LD RD IM Site___ Nasal Mist IM Site___ Nasal Mist Vaccines for Children (VFC) Codes: 0 = KidsCare 1 = AHCCCS 2 = Uninsured 3 = Native American or Alaskan Native 4 = Under-Insured 5 = Other Patient's Name: Date of Birth: ADHS/AZ Immunization Program Office - AIAR 111 Revised 1/12