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Website: FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 10, 2011 Dear Parishioners, Perhaps all of us from time to time have felt that some of our difficulties seemed insurmountable—yes, even Pastors have those days! The following was sent to me. For those who feel that the “going” is rough this might be helpful. For those that it doesn’t apply to now, you might want to save it for future reference. Have a nice week! SHAKE IT OFF AND STEP UP A parable is told of a farmer who owned an old mule. The mule fell into the farmer’s well. The farmer heard the mule “braying”-or- whatever mules do when they fall into wells. After carefully assessing the situation, the farmer sympathized with the mule, but decided that neither the mule nor the well was worth the trouble of saving. Instead, he called his neighbors together and told them what had happened…and enlisted them to help haul dirt to bury the old mule in the well and put him out of his misery. Initially, the old mule was hysterical! But as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling and the dirt hit his back …a thought struck him. It suddenly dawned on him that every time a shovel load of dirt landed on his back…HE SHOULD SHAKE IT OFF AND STEP UP! This he did, blow after blow. “Shake it off and step up…shake it off and step up…shake it off and step up,” he repeated to encourage himself. No matter how painful the blows, or how distressing the situation seemed, the old mule fought “panic” and just kept right on SHAKING IT OFF AND STEPPING UP! It wasn’t long before the old mule, battered and exhausted, STEPPED TRIUMPHANTLY OVER THE WALL OF THAT WELL! What seemed like it would bury him, actually blessed him...all because of the manner in which he handled his adversity. THAT’S LIFE! If we face our problems and respond to them positively, and refuse to give in to panic, bitterness, or self-pity…THE ADVERSITIES THAT COME ALONG TO BURY US USUALLY HAVE WITHIN THEM THE POTENTIAL TO BENEFIT AND BLESS US! Remember that FORGIVENESS, FAITH, PRAYER, PRAISE and HOPE…all are excellent ways to “SHAKE IT OFF AND STEP UP” out of the wells in which we find ourselves! Author Unknown Website: FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 10, 2011 The Beginning of Public Prayer Private prayer, focusing on the Our Father and meditating on the events that took place in Christ’s life, were an important part in the life of the early Christian. Then during the early 3rd century, church leaders began to encourage the people to gather in church-houses in the early morning and early evening for their prayer services. The morning service consisted of readings from Scripture, hymns, and a fellowship gesture such as an embrace or kiss. The evening service focused on the blessing of lamps and the symbolism of light and darkness. This service was sometimes followed by a meal or the breaking of bread. Once Christianity became legal, during the early 4th century, these weekday group prayer services moved into churches. There they continued, although their popularity decreased over the years as the languages of the people moved away from Latin. It was during the 7th and 8th centuries that Lauds (morning prayer), and Vespers (evening prayer), were gradually replaced with a daily morning Mass for the people. Mrs. Margaret Grabbe Monday, July 11 9:00am Fr. Martin Ann Morton Tuesday, July 12 7:30am Fr. Martin Michael Hennigan Wednesday, July 13 7:30am Fr. Martin Brigida Ferrer Thursday, July 14 7:30am Fr. Korpi Angela Parios Friday, July 15 7:30am Fr. Korpi Paul Dezzutti Catherine Hay Spanish Mass Saturday, July 16 9:00am 5:00pm 7:00pm Fr. Korpi Fr. Korpi Fr. Wilson 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am 12:45pm Students enrolled by August 26, begin classes on September 18, 19, and 20. Students enrolled after August 26, begin classes on September 25, 26, and 27. Sunday, July 17 Parishioners Edward Zigo, Jr. Peter Cush Ryan Lopynski “We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) Teachers, assistant teachers, substitutes, and babysitters are needed for the 2011-2012 religious education school year. The Volunteer Application form is available in the Religious Education Office, at website:; on the Nativity CCD tab click on Volunteer, or call the Religious Education Office at 703-455-0372. Fr. Martin Fr. Wilson Fr. Wilson Fr. Martin Thank you for signing up for flowers. We do have four spaces left: July 31st; October 30th; December 4th and 11th. If you are interested in donating altar flowers, please call the parish office at 703-455-2400. The Altar Flowers this week are In Loving Memory of Mary and George Yarros From The Brandt Family And In Celebration of Our First Wedding Anniversary Janet and Barry Basselgia Class placement is based on first come, first served. Don’t delay! Some classes are already closed due to enrollment numbers. Submit a Student Registration form to the Religious Education Office along with the student’s baptismal certificate (unless it has been previously submitted) and payment. Forms are available in the Religious Education Office, on the community board in the church vestibule, or at; on the Nativity CCD tab click on Student Registration. To find the nearest Catholic church anywhere in the United States go to: or Thought for the Week: “I keep my friends as misers do their treasures, because, of all things granted us by wisdom, none is greater than friendship.” Pietro Aretino Website: FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Parish Prayer List Please remember, in your prayers, the sick of our Parish Community: Ginger Connelly, Bea Korfonta, Renata Merulla, Vivian Riggs, John & Barbara Wurm For the deceased: Tony Arambulo, Father of Loreto Hermosilla Robert Buchanan, Father of Matthew Buchanan Eugene Leiderman, Uncle of Fr. Jaffe Allan Taylor Pray for our military men and women and their families. May God keep them safe and out of harm’s way. PRO-LIFE CORNER If the 87% of the population who claim to be people of faith, and a majority of the population who claim to be Pro-Life would put their faith into action, then abortion would become a thing of the past. We can stop this atrocity. We are God’s instruments placed here on Earth at this moment in time to speak out for His children who cannot speak for nor defend themselves. Choose Life Today. Choose Life Tomorrow. Pray Always. We Must Do No Less. A WOMAN’S CHOICE is a pregnancy resource center that provides free pregnancy testing, referrals for medical treatment, housing, social service assistance and tangible support for pregnant women, including clothing and equipment. (703-538-4305). Pro-Life Rosary and Witness - Nativity Parishioners are invited to pray for both an end to abortion and healing for those suffering from abortion at NOVA “Healthcare”, 10400 Eaton Place, Fairfax, VA 22030, from 7:30 - 8:30 am on Saturday mornings. This is the busiest hour of an active abortion clinic; it is not uncommon for over 10 women/ couples to arrive during this time. Peacefully pray for Our Lady's intercessions and lovingly encourage calls to the numbers below. For more info, please contact Josh Reynolds, 703-470-8978, 24-Hour Crisis Pregnancy Hotline: 1-800-395-HELP Project Rachel (healing after abortion): 1-888-456-HOPE (4673) Pregnancy Resource Centers Phone Numbers: Catholic Charities National: 1-800-CARE-002 Catholic Charities Local: 703-425-0100 A Woman's Choice: 703-538-4305 Gabriel Project: 1-866-444-3553 July 10, 2011 During the month of April, we joyfully welcomed into the Church through the Sacrament of Baptism: Edith Marie Corker, Anna Elizabeth Flood, Zoe Bleu Tower, Juliana Bea Hargrove, Kyle Monroe Hammerdinger, Christopher Wayne Roach, Isabel Natalia Flores, Alida Alejandra Bonilla, Luis Angel Castillo, Matthew Lionel Nicastle, Cameron Shimshock Werner, Ella Marie Fthenos, Madelaina Ann Ford, Marco Rowan Bondoc Montejo, Jacob Christopher Fry, Phialabiana Laia ThatcherPatnode, Porter James Livingston, and Marco Tale Vita Nativity Catholic School is still accepting registrations for the 2011-2012 school year. Please contact Amor Paulson, Director of Admissions either by email at or by calling the school at (703) 455-2300. You can also visit our website and find registration information at During the month of July, the Mom and Me Group will meet every Wednesday at 10:00am at South Run Playground. For more information contact smith Identifying Your Risk = Disease Prevention Church of the Nativity will host a preventive health screening event on Thursday, August 18, 2011 for residents in and around your community. Life Line Screening will perform screenings for: 1) carotid artery blockage (stroke) 2) arterial fibrillation 3) abdominal aortic aneurysm 4) peripheral arterial disease 5) osteoporosis (bone loss) These screenings are recommended for anyone 50 and older, or 40 and over with cardiovascular risk factors. They are non-invasive, painless, and take 60-90 minutes to complete. The results, which are mailed directly to you, will help you and your doctor protect your health. Stroke, Vascular and Heart Rhythm Package range from $129.00 to $159.00. Call 1-888-653-6441 or visit to schedule your appointment. Early registration ( $10.00 discount) lists are on the Church Bulletin Board. Website: FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME REMINDER: IN JUST TWO SHORT WEEKS Nativity’s Annual Yard Sale for Charity Saturday, July 23, 2011, 9 AM – 3 PM Please donate all those “treasures” that need a new home. Collections of donations start Thursday, July 14th. FOR INFORMATION CALL 703-919-6549 OR 703-4513802 FURNITURE PICK-UP ONLY: 703-866-5217 Need info flyer on what is acceptable/unacceptable? email and place “KOC Flyer Request” in subject line ViBe/Jr.ViBe On July 12th at 6pm we will have our 2nd Messy Olympics/Water Wars outside the PH. Come ready to get messy and have a great time with friends. Please bring a change of clothes and a towel! Dinner will be provided. Please keep the teens in your prayers who will be traveling to Steubenville, Ohio for the Franciscan University youth conference from July 15th-17th. We will be praying for you and your families. *Drivers Needed* The CYO is looking for volunteers to be drivers/chaperones for some of our summer events. If you can help please contact Meghan O'Connor at 703-455-2400 or for more details and dates! Thank you. July 10, 2011 Monday, July 11 8:00 pm………………………..…....AA Meeting (APR) Tuesday, July 12 9:30 am………………………………Bible Study (APR) Wednesday, July 13 7:00 pm……………………...Knights of Columbus (PH) 7:00 pm…………………..…Hispanic Prayer Group (SC) 7:30 pm…………………….….….Legion of Mary (APR) Thursday, July 14 9:30 am………………………….…...Craft Group (APR) 5:30 pm…………………….....Yard Sale Collection (PH) 7:15 pm……………………………..Prayer Group (APR) Saturday, July 16 9:30 am…………………………....Pro-Life Rosary (CH) 10:00 am……………………………..Dog Obedience (PL) 1:00 pm…………………………..Hispanic Baptism (SC) 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm………...….Yard Sale Collection (PH) Suffering in Silence? Feeling haunted by a past abortion? Are you experiencing spiritual alienation, depression, nightmares, loneliness, physical challenges, grief or suicidal thoughts? Experience God’s mercy through reconciliation and forgiveness. Contact Project Rachel for confidential assistance 888-456-HOPE or PRAYER SHAWL MEETING The next daytime meeting will take place in the APR on Monday, July 18th at 9:30am. The evening meeting will take place on Wednesday, July 20 at 7:00pm in the APR. For more information call Toni Rausch, 703-455-3260; Flo Grike, 703-250-7799 or Joanne Dezzutti, 703-455-5702. PRAY THE ROSARY FOR WORLD ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK Fairfax Memorial Funeral Home 703-425-9702 Fairfax Memorial Park 703-323-5202 High School Young Men (including rising ninth graders) are invited to Quo Vadis Days 2011, a vocation discernment camp, to be held at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland from Sunday, July 14 to Thursday, July 28. To register, please go to or call the Office of Vocations at (703) 841-2514 for more details. Website: FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 10, 2011 OUTSIDE THE PARISH Are You 50 or Better? Please join us at the next Lunch N’ Life sponsored by the Shepherd’s Center of Fairfax-Burke on Thursday, July 21, 2011, (12:00-2:00 p.m.) at Burke Presbyterian Church, 5690 Oak Leather Drive, Burke. Author and historian Don Hakenson will speak on Little Known Civil War Fights in Fairfax County. For reservations, call Faye Quesenberry, (703) 620-0161, by July 14. The cost is $8.00; checks payable to SCFB. If transportation is needed, call the SCFB office (703) 323-4788. See Memorial Mass for Fr. Joe Peplansky CMF Fr. Joe passed away in Chicago March 13, 2011. For all who remember him, please come to a Memorial Mass and Reception on Friday, July 22, 6:30pm at St. Mary of Sorrows Parish Center, 5222 Sideburn Road, Fairfax VA 22032. Fr. Tom Moran will be the celebrant. Bring any photos and/or stories of Fr. Joe to share. RSVP for planning Betsy Pugin 703-569-1651 or Shari Zamarra 703-323-9367 Workshops on the New Translation of the Roman Missal On November 27, Catholics throughout the United States and in other English-speaking countries will begin praying the Mass with a revised translation of the Roman Missal. To aid the faithful in preparing for this revised translation, parishioners are invited to workshops on the New Missal to be held in various deaneries throughout 2011. Fr. Paul deLadurantaye, director of the Office of Sacred Liturgy and the Office of Catechetics of the Diocese of Arlington, will be the presenter. The next series of workshops will take place at the following locations, dates and times: Saturday, Aug. 13, at Saint John, Warrenton – 10 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday, Sept. 24, at Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Fredericksburg – 10 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday, Oct. 5, at Saint Catherine of Siena, Great Falls 7:30 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20, at Saint Veronica, Chantilly – 7:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 9, at Saint Louis, Alexandria – 7:30 to 9 p.m. Another Marriage Saving Weekend is coming soon July 15-17 Retrouvaille of Northern Virginia has helped tens of thousands of couples at all stages of disillusionment or unhappiness in their marriages. This program can help you too. For confidential information or to register please call (703) 351-7211 or visit us at Catholic Charities Looking for Volunteer Daytime Receptionists With so many looking to the Church for assistance during this difficult time, our phone lines at Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington are busier than ever. Do you have a few daytime hours to spare during the week to help us get vital information to the people who need it most? Consider volunteering as a receptionist at our 200 N. Glebe Road, Arlington, Virginia offices. For more information contact Beth Fitzpatrick at (703) 841-3835 or email her at ‘Christians are Networking’ Program Seeking Volunteers Christians are Networking (CAN) supports people in career transition and we need several volunteers to help with Thursday evening meetings. Volunteer support is needed to open the facility, greet/register job seekers, to coordinate speakers and speakers’ calendar and to maintain supplies and inventory, etc. CAN provides a venue where job seekers can prayerfully receive free professional career counseling and take advantage of networking opportunities with other professionals. Workshops are held Thursday evenings from 7–9 p.m. at St. Martin de Porres Senior Center, 4650 Taney Ave. in Alexandria. Please contact Elizabeth Lucas for more information EXCELLENCE “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” Bulletin, St. Clement Church, Rockaway, NJ Virginia Catholic Conference on Upcoming Statewide Primaries, Elections Did you know that this Election Day, Nov. 8, 2011, voters will determine all 140 seats in the Virginia General Assembly? Before that, voters will narrow the field in primary elections to be held Aug. 23. Well-informed Catholic voters can make a difference in the outcome by understanding the issues in light of Church teaching before casting their ballots. The Virginia Catholic Conference, which represents the public policy interests of Arlington Bishop Paul Loverde and Richmond Bishop Francis DiLorenzo and their two dioceses, invites parishioners to learn more about important issues and join others in advocating for the common good. See or call (804) 225-8565. Website: FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 10, 2011 Website: FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 10, 2011 ¿Al borde o dentro del camino? Domingo XV (T.0.) (Ciclo A) Javier Leoz Entrañable parábola la de este domingo del tiempo ordinario para curar nuestra sordera espiritual. Una buena forma, esta dinámica de Jesús, para hacernos comprender y entender su mensaje, su Palabra, sus sentimientos y su misma misión. Hoy nos podríamos preguntar ¿Dónde estamos situados? ¿Al borde del camino de la Palabra o dentro de ella? ¿En la superficialidad o en la profundidad de las cosas? ¿Abrumados por las dificultades de las zarzas de nuestra vida o liberados de aquellas que nos impiden abrirnos al Misterio de Dios? 1.Un paciente había concertado una visita con su médico personal. Le afligía una dolencia de garganta y, cuando quería digerir algunos alimentos, le resultaba prácticamente imposible debido a un obstáculo interno. El médico, después de examinarle, certificó: “tiene un hueso incrustado fruto de una mala digestión; habrá que operar”. Con la Palabra del Señor, ocurre tres cuartos de lo mismo. Si no llega hasta lo más profundo de nuestros corazones es porque andamos “indigestados” con otros alimentos que perecen, que nos dan una satisfacción puntual pero no duradera. Preferimos los caminos entre zarzas y rocas para buscar aventuras y, luego, de ellos salimos lastimados, heridos y vacíos. Nos gusta optar por los parámetros de una sociedad que nos empuja al puro y duro relativismo es fácil y luego las consecuencias son trágicas: si ponemos en el centro de todo, el fruto efímero, lo que se ve y se palpa, cerramos a nuestro interior otra dimensión que nos ofrece una felicidad definitiva y verdadera: el encuentro personal con Dios. 2.¿Tenemos bienes espirituales? ¿Cultivamos la verdad y la vida, la alegría y la fe, la esperanza y la caridad, la ilusión y la confianza? ¿Trabajamos por la reconciliación y la paz, el bienestar general y la justicia? Si todo esto (frutos evangélicos) madura en nuestra vida…¡mucho más se nos ha de dar en la eternidad! Por el contrario, si nos dejamos sembrar por el maligno con semillas envenenadas esparcidas en dudas y desesperanzas, injusticias y egoísmos, odios y muertes, desconfianzas y tristezas….también se nos negará un día, cuando estemos frente al Padre, todo eso que El nos puede garantizar eternamente en el cielo. ¿Ricos espiritualmente en la tierra? Seremos grandes acaudalados de dicha en el cielo ¿Pobres espiritualmente mientras vivimos y nos encontramos en el mundo? Ruina segura cuando nos vayamos de él. ¿Enzarzados por la maraña de la seducción y ahogados por la inmediatez? Asombrados nos quedaremos cuando, al despertar ante el semblante de Dios Padre, comprendamos lo que hemos dejado de lado y el tiempo perdido mientras estuvimos vivos. Website: FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 10, 2011 ¡SIEMBRA EN MI, OH SEÑOR! Tu PALABRA en el fondo de mi corazón para que, nunca los pájaros de palabras vacías, corrompan y rompan lo que Tú tienes pensado para mí Tu PALABRA en mis labios y que, por donde yo avance, sea pregonero de tu Reino y de tu justicia de tu bondad, de tu gracia y de tu poder. ¡SIEMBRA EN MI, OH SEÑOR! Tu PALABRA en mi mente para que, cuando el maligno me tiente, sepa responder con claridad y fortaleza a todo lo que pretende alejarme de Ti A todo aquello que me confunde y me mata a todo aquello que, presentándose como noble, no es sino confusión, abrojo, espina y zancadilla ¡SIEMBRA EN MI, OH SEÑOR! Tu PALABRA en mis pies Donde yo vaya, deje huella de tu presencia Donde yo caiga, tu mano siempre me alcance Donde yo ascienda, sepa encontrarte Donde yo descienda, sepa que Tú me esperas ¡SIEMBRA EN MI, OH SEÑOR! Profundidad frente a la superficialidad Frutos de eternidad frente a lo efímero Confianza, frente a la desesperanza Animo frente al pesimismo Sí, ¡oh Señor! Siembra en mí, aunque yo me resista, aunque me vaya por terrenos pedregosos aunque, muchas veces, me venza el maligno aunque, otras tantas, prefiera ser contaminado por el mal sembrador que todo lo arruina ¡SIEMBRA EN MI, OH SEÑOR! Javier Leoz ‘Haciendo un inventario’ Otros granos, finalmente, cayeron en buena tierra y produjeron cosecha, unos el ciento, otros el sesenta y otros el treinta por uno. Mateo 13:8 CARA VEZ QUE doy una clase o coordino un retiro, me sorprende el entusiasmo con que los participantes responden cuestionarios sobre temas personales. Saltean las páginas del libro solo para realizar el examen diagnóstico en el apéndice; así, encuentran términos que describen sus experiencias, incluso antes de comprender lo que esos términos significan. Cuando reflexionamos sobre la parábola del sembrador de Jesús, puede que nos preguntemos si nuestro “grano” fue comido por las aves, se secó por falta de raíces, cayó en medio de cardos o en buena tierra. Después de examiner el estado de nuestra “tierra”, sería bueno intentar averiguar cómo podemos hacernos más fértiles. ¿Nos falta compromiso? ¿Aceptamos y alimentamos el grano? Si el grano es la Palabra de Dios y la tierra es nuestra respuesta, ¿cómo podemos garantizar que germine, eche raíces fuertes y florezca? ¿Nos conformaremos con que la Palabra quede en la superficie o la aceptaremos en lo más profundo de nuestro ser? Elizabeth-Anne Stewart Website: FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Con María, en busca del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús July 10, 2011 - Voy entendiendo…poco a poco, voy entendiendo. Autor: María Susana Ratero María Santísima, el proximo viernes celebramos la fiesta del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, quisiera prepararme bien para ella… pero… ¿Cómo prepararme para aquello que aún no comprendo bien?. Sí, asistiré a misa, dejaré mis peticiones y agradecimientos en el Corazón de tu Hijo. ¿Puedes ayudarme a comprender lo que realmente significa amar el Corazón de Jesús?. Puedo sentir que me miras desde tu imagen, puedo y quiero leer en tus ojos la respuesta…. - ¿Por qué no se lo preguntas a Jesús mismo?... vamos, atrévete… Él está muy ansioso por hacerte comprender. - Señora mía... es que… no me atrevo, soy tan pecadora, tengo tanto de que arrepentirme. - ¿Recuerdas cuando un leproso se le acercó?, suplicándole de rodillas: “Si quieres puedes curarme… a Él se le conmovió el Corazón” (Mc. 1,41). Así pasa contigo. Pero analiza bien este hecho, el leproso “se le acercó” o sea, caminó hacia Jesús, recorrió la distancia que lo separaba de Él, con todo lo que significaba esa decisión. Luego le dijo “si quieres…puedes...” o sea, reconoció que Cristo podía hacer lo que Él le pedía, mas nada le exigía, sólo aceptaba su voluntad. Es entonces cuando a Jesús “se le conmovió el Corazón”. ¿Comprendes, hija?. Conmover el corazón de Cristo no es difícil sólo debes: acercarte a Él, pedirle, confiar y por último, aceptar su voluntad. - Señora mía, me hablas con tu corazón, le hablas al mío. ¿Quién soy yo para que te dignes explicarme tanto?. - Eres mi hija ¿Lo has olvidado? Una y mil veces te hablaría hasta que encontraras el camino y la paz. - Vengan a mí todos los que estén cansados, que yo los aliviaré… - “Si alguno tiene sed, venga a mí y beba, si cree en mí. Pues como dice la Escritura: brotarán de su Corazón ríos de agua viva” (Jn. 7,37-39). Y las palabras de tu Hijo resuenan en mi corazón. - ¿Escucha tu alma las promesas de mi Hijo?. - ¿Has comprendido, hija mía? Jesús te espera desde siempre, no debes rendir examen para acercarte a Él, solo ámale, camina hacia Él con toda tu carga y deposítala a sus pies. Él hará el resto. Claro que mi alma las escucha. Poco a poco voy comprendiendo que no existe mejor lugar para el alma, que el Corazón de Cristo. Es un sitio lleno de amor, de paz, de profunda serenidad, tiene la calma de todos los atardeceres, el perfume de todas las flores, el canto de todos los pájaros, y el amor más grande, más profundo, más exquisito que hubiera existido jamás. Siento que somos tres conversando, que Jesús me vuele a repetir… - “...Aprende de mí, que soy paciente y humilde de corazón...” (Mt. 11,29). - ¿Ves hija, cómo te va mostrando el camino? Amar el Corazón de Cristo es tratar de imitarle, en todo, en cada momento, tratar de comprender, dentro de lo que puedas, cuánto, cuánto, cuánto te ama. - Señora…imitarle… sí, pero es que, no sé como se hace eso en mi día a día… - Pues… paso a paso, en cada decisión que tomes piensa: “¿Le será agradable a Jesús?”. Cuando hables con las personas piensa: “¿Si fuese Jesús quien está escondido tras ese rostro?”. Sobre todo cuando te enojes con alguien o cuando tu orgullo herido reclame a gritos una reparación, piensa: “¿Jesús verá con buenos ojos mi reacción?” Si ya hablaste por tu vanidad herida, medita: “¿Me alcanzarán estos argumentos ante Cristo?”. Hija querida, no hacen falta, para imitar a Cristo, grandes y titánicas obras. No pretendas abrir tú sola las aguas del mar… no, pequeña, sólo trata de actuar en cada momento como Él espera que lo hagas. No por presión, no como un amo severo que se la pasa controlándote para , al menor descuido, volcar su ira sobre ti. Nada más lejos de eso. Míralo como un compañero de viaje que te indica la ruta más segura. Como un maestro que te enseña el camino. Como un padre que no quiere que te lastimes. Cada palabra, cada consejo, nacido del profundo amor de su Sagrado Corazón, es para que tú - Los apóstoles ya habían descubierto el inmenso tesoro del Corazón del Mesías. San Agustín lo notó, por eso dijo: “San Juan, en la Cena, se reclinó en el pecho del Señor para significar así que bebía de su Corazón los más profundos secretos...” Para que entiendas más aún, te contaré lo que es para mí ese Corazón amado… cuyos primeros latidos imaginaba al colocar mi mano temblorosa sobre mi vientre, en aquellos días de Nazaret…, después, en Belén, cuando José puso su pequeño cuerpecito entre mis brazos, sentí ese suave y acompasado latido. A medida que iba creciendo, fui aprendiendo el lenguaje de ese corazón, en cada palabra, en cada gesto, en cada mirada, ERA Y ES un corazón rebosante de amor y misericordia… El día que lo comprendas desde el fondo de tu alma, ya nunca estarás sola. Me besas la frente y te vas. Lentamente, te mezclas entre la gente… tus palabras quedan en mi alma… esperando… esperando…esperando… sigo orando para que yo sepa ver, poco a poco, cuán bello es el sitio que me tienes reservado en tu SAGRADO CORAZÓN.