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P : Fr. Thomas J. Anastasia P V : Fr. Rafael Martos Msgr. Cesar Pe lla St. Clement Catholic Church MASS SCHEDULE/ HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday Vigil Mass/Misa Vigilia: 4:00pm in English Sunday Masses/Misas del Domingo: 7:00am and 10:30am in English 8:15am y 6:00pm en Español Morning Prayer/Oración por la mañana: Monday - Friday 7:30am (Chapel) Lunes - Viernes a las 7:30am (Capilla) Daily Masses/Misa diaria: 8:00am (Mon.- Fri. / lunes-viernes) 6:30pm - Todos los Miércoles en Español First Saturday Mass/ Primer Sábado del mes: 9:00am followed by Adora on 9:30am-2:00pm/ Misa a las 9:00am seguida por Adoración de 9:30am-2:00pm Holy Day Masses/Misas de Día Santo: Please call parish office for schedule/ Favor de llamar a la oficina para el horario Sacrament of Reconcilia on/ Sacramento de Reconciliación: 2:45pm - 3:30pm Saturday/Sábado Rosary/Rosario: 5:30pm Wednesday evening/ Miércoles por la tarde Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena/ Novena a Nuestra Madre de Perpetuo: Every Wednesday at 6:00pm/ Cada miércoles a las 6:00pm Novena of Sacred Heart of Jesus/ Novena al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Following 8:00am Mass every Friday/ Después de la Misa de 8am cada viernes 1104 North Alexander Street Plant City, Florida 33563 Phone: (813) 752-8251 Fax: (813) 759-2721 The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ (El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo) June 10, 2012 Scripture and Reading . . . Week of June 11, 2012 Monday Tenth Week in Ordinary Time; St. Barnabas Acts 11:21b-26, 13:1-3; Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday St. Anthony of Padua 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday 1 Kgs 18:41-46; Mt 5:20-26 Friday The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9; Eph 3:8-12, 14 -19; Jn 19:31-37 Saturday The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1 Kgs 19:19-21; Lk 2:41-51 FROM THE PASTOR Dear Friends in Christ, This Sunday we welcome our local shepherd Bishop Robert Lynch as he comes for Confirma on of 70 of our young people. It is a joyful weekend for the families of all gathered who might have traveled here as sponsors or padrinos for this important step in the journey of faith for those that have been preparing for this for the past two years. On this Feast of Corpus Chris it is an important weekend to be united to Jesus, the Bread of Life and to know Him in mately as our Spiritual Nourishment. I hope you were able to spend an hour with the Lord during the 40 Hours (it was actually 44 ½ hours) of Adora on this weekend. Depending upon when you are reading this, it is s ll not too late as the conclusion is not un l 5:30pm on Sunday with the procession of the Blessed Sacrament from Cronin Hall to the Church prior to the 6pm Mass. Last weekend you heard a rather posi ve financial report from Ken Jones and Mario Reyna. The Finance Council has convinced me that we are finally in solid enough shape to pay off a major debt. As was reported last week, the mortgage to the old rectory which currently stands at $ 137,945.06 will be paid off before the end of the month. As you know, we took in $ 155,000.00 from the Strawberry Fes val. It is very sa sfying to see that, at least for this year, we can use pre y much all of our fundraising money from the Strawberry Fes val towards debt reduc on. As of June 1, 2012 our debt for the church is $ 1,691,199.41. The current payment schedule has us paying close to $ 10,000.00 a month in mortgage payments with a payoff date of March 1, 2033. Obviously everyone on the finance council wants me to speed up that me table. If you make a mortgage payment you know how slowly the bo om line moves unless you make principle reduc on payments. Now that we will have eliminated one mortgage and can focus on paying down the debt on the church as quickly as possible. Sunday Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Ez 17:22-24; Ps 92; 2 Cor 5:6-10; Mk 4:26-34 New Parishioners.. We welcome new parishioners and winter visitors. St. Clement Parish believes in Stewardship the giving to God, a share of our Time, Talent and Treasure. Please register at the office when you first come to the Parish. You may also register online by going to Page 2 Cardinal Wuerl wrote in the Washington Post an ar cle that was reprinted in the Tampa Tribune which put succinctly the issue at hand regarding Religious Freedom at stake in the Dept of Health and Human Services mandate that was issued back in February. “The Catholic faith finds its fullest expression in a loving act of sacrifice by one stranger for another. Imagine the church’s surprise, then, to be told by the federal government that when a Catholic organizaon serves its neighbors, it isn’t really prac cing its religion.” If you share the concern our bishops have regarding religious freedom in our country, please set Thursday night next week June 21st aside on your calendar. I will celebrate the Eucharist at 7:00pm to begin our Fortnight for Freedom that will run through July 4th and give everyone a chance to grow in their faith and awareness of how best to support and defend our Catholic faith under the leadership of Bishop Lynch our USCCB and Pope Benedict XVI. Peace in Christ, Fr. Tom J. Anastasia, Pastor MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS Mon., June 11 8:00am †William Muench by Bill Muench Tues., June 12 8:00am †Joseph Bules by Ruby &Theresa Bauer Wed., June 13 8:00am Voca ons 6:30pm Earl Hissem by Maria Teresa Hissem (Misa en Español) Thu., June 14 8:00am David Co er by Angeline O’Donnell Fri., June 15 8:00am †Lucille Demers by Robert & Angela Smith Sat., June 16 4:00pm Patrick Sluga by Mike Sluga Fr. Rafael Sun., June 17 7:00am Members of the Parish Fr. Tom 8:15am †Guadalupe Morales Lopez por M. Cienfuegos Fr. Tom (Misa en Español) 10:30am †Lee Zink by Alexander & Verdelle Jones Fr. Rafael 6:00pm †Pascual Mendez por su Familia †Gilberto Resendiz Fr. Cesar (Misa en Español) STEWARDSHIP REPORT JUNE 3, 2012 Total offertory offertory (Loose (Loose & & Envelopes) Envelopes) Total Children’s Offertory Offertory // Ofrenda Ofrenda de de los los niños niños Children’s 12,593.62 3.00 2012 APA Update Candles/Velas Candles/Velas 43.96 My Brother’s Brother’s Keeper/ Keeper/ElEl Guardián Guardián de de mi mi Hermano Hermano My 92.00 Goal $136,824.00 659.50 105.00 425.00 10.00 160.00 Total Pledge $102,319.45 th TOTAL FOR FOR June May 3, 202012 TOTAL 14,092.08 Average weekly weekly expenses expenses for for June June Average 10,909.00 10,909.00 # of pledges 343 Special Collec Collec on(s)/ on(s)/ Colectas Colectas Especiales: Especiales: Special Debt Reduc Reduc on on Debt Renova on Fund Renova on Fund Land/Building Fund Fund Land/Building Ascension Peter’s Pence Peter’s Pence Father’s Day Loose APA (is sent to the Diocese) Total Paid $71,990.45 BINGO FOR FOR May May 30 16thth BINGO Your Help is Greatly Appreciated! / ¡Su ayuda es muy agradecida! Pray For . . . Pray the Rosary daily, for Voca ons to the Priesthood, and for the Sick of our Parish, especially for: Jim Perkins, Enrique Lara Sr. Rosario Santos Tommy & Claudia Davis Jean Jacques, Georgia Duerden Janet Maze Sco Vaughan, Ginger Fortner Joe Moore, Tom Gill, Fred Franceschini, Alberto Gomez Carol Hetrick, Connie Hetrick Carmen San ago Barbara Caccamisi Frank S llatano, Sr., Harriet S. Arciom, Juan de Dios Olaez, Jill Nicholson Danielle Cro , Kathy Cecile Jacques, Walter Stevens, Jan Jones, David Co er, Rita, Rogers Fisher, Juana Hernandez Allison, Frances Sardo Gary Buie, Kris ne Dorsey Christopher Luke Steve & Fran Carraggi Dick Pitman Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: Irene Keck Jovita Mar nez Lidia Torres Maria de la Luz Garcia Please pray for the safe return of all the brave men and women serving our country, especially the parishioners of St. Clement, for those who have died for their country in me of war. If you would like to add a name to the Prayer list, please call the parish office at 752-8251 or email to: Page 3 SPIRITUAL ADOPTION I was spiritually adopted in mid January, and someone is praying for me. Is it you? I’m in my 4th month, 9 inches long, and I can dream. Please keep praying for me and my mom. This baby’s brain has begun maturing--a process con nuing un l she’s about 14 years old. Her eyelids, now sealed shut, will re-open at 7 months. Her taste buds are now working. Nutrients consumed by her mother are passed on to her within an hour or two. Three hundred quarts of fluid a day are sent to the baby via the umbilical cord. Fine hair begins to grow on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes. Facial expressions similar to the baby’s parents can be seen at this me. This month rapid eye movements (REMs) have been recorded-a sign of dreaming. DID YOU ATTEND MASS AT THE LITTLE BRICK CHURCH? If so, the Centennial Commi ee would like to speak with long me parishioners to share their memories of the Li le Brick Church on Baker and Thomas Streets. Please call Carol Rodriguez (813) 727-5214 or Mary Ann Fontaine (813) 717-3294. ARE YOU THIRSTY? If you are thirsty for learning more about your faith, thirsty for growing spiritually, thirsty for community, then join your brothers and sisters every Sunday morning from 9:00-10:15am in the St. Igna us portable, for reflec on, prayer and study, contact: Judy Zink at 813-716-7674 Page 4 REFLECTION BY SEMINARIAN BOB ANGEL Gree ngs! In case you are wondering who the bearded altar server is, have no fear. My name is Bob Angel and I am your summer seminarian. I was born and raised in St. Petersburg, graduated from the University of Florida, and worked for Tampa Fire Rescue before (finally) accep ng the possibility that Christ could be calling me to serve him as a priest. I just finished my third year of studies and have four more years to go before I would be ordained as a priest, God willing. In the mean me, I am honored to be assigned at St. Clement for the summer. Hopefully I will meet as many of you as I can in my limited me here. We celebrate this weekend the feast of Corpus Chris —the Body and Blood of Christ. The absurdity of an all-powerful God who comes to us in such humility—first as a defenseless baby and second through simple bread and wine—should shock us. Made poor and lowly, Christ allows himself to be placed in our hands and on our tongues in the event of every Mass. He wants to enter into our bodies in the most concrete of ways. I remember a moment in high school when a priest asked me, “If what the Church teaches about the Eucharist is true, what in your life would change?” I took a moment to think about it. Along with nourishing us, the Eucharist should also challenge us. Christ never said, “take and understand.” He told us to “take and eat.” There has to be room in our life for mystery and some humble recogni on of our human limits. And if indeed we have a God who loves us beyond our comprehension, than this Eucharist is no longer a ques on to be solved but a mystery to be experienced. I s ll don’t fully understand it, but I can’t imagine living a full and joyous life without it. What about my life would change if the Eucharist really was Jesus Christ? I finally answered the priest: “Everything.” The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed throughout the weekend during our 40 Hours’ Devo on which will take place in the Church Hall. The Psalmists asks, “How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good he has done for me?” Simple: go spend some me with the One who loves you. We also welcome Bishop Robert Lynch as he will seal our young people with the sacrament of Confirma on on Sunday at 1:00pm. My prayers go out to the youth as they enter into this new chapter of their faith journey, as well as to all the faithful of this parish. Here’s to a happy and holy summer! Your friendly neighborhood seminarian, Bob Angel ATTENTION YOUTH To keep up to date with the summer activities, please email Joyce McFaul (EDGE) at or Kim Horwedel (LIFETEEN) at ***YOUTH MASS: Sunday, July 8th @ 10:30am SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 2012 CENTENNIAL FUND To have a child bap zed at St. Clement, parents are expected to be registered, ac ve par cipants in their worshipping community of faith by regular a endance at Sunday Mass. Parents who wish to have their child bap zed are asked to pre-register for the Orienta on and prepara on classes. The Centennial Fund, a dona on of $100, has been established to preserve our beau ful church. Those contribu ng to this Fund are en tled to a commemora ve brick which will be placed on our church grounds. These engraved bricks can recognize a person, family, organiza on, commemorate a loved one or a special occasion. If you are interested in contribu ng to the Centennial Fund, please complete the informa on below. If you have any ques ons, call Mary Ann Fontaine at (813) 7173294 or Carol Rodriguez at (813) 727-5214. Brick Informa on To sign up for the Orienta on class, please call Erin at the parish office at (813) 752-8251 Orienta on Class 7pm-Parish Office Prepara on Classes 7pm-Parish Office Bap sm Dates 12pm-Church June 27 July 11 July 22 August 1 August 8 August 26 September 5 September 12 September 23 October 3 October 10 October 28 October 31 Page 5 November 28 November 7 November 18 December 5 December 16 • Up to three lines of text - Print all capital le ers • Use a different order for each $100 dona on • Fi een le ers/spaces per line maximum (punctuaƟon and spaces account for one character each) Name:____________________________________ Address:__________________________________ _________________________________________ Telephone Number:_________________________ E Mail:____________________________________ HAPPILY MARRIED COUPLES What have you done for your marriage today? Successful marriages don’t work on automa c pilot – at least not for long. Like a garden, they require constant a en on: watering, fer lizing, watering, and weeding. Healthy marriages, like gardens, don’t die suddenly. More o en they fade away from a gradual lack of a en veness, le ng things slide, and taking each other for granted. Join us for a Worldwide Marriage Encounter and discover God’s plan for joy, romance and passion in your marriage. Check out or call 813-270-7832. The next WorldWide Marriage Encounter weekend in this diocese is July 13-15th at the Holiday Inn Express in New Tampa. EXAMPLE: Any of the below graphics can be added to your brick paver but it will require two spaces. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 HONORING FATHERS In the month of June we honor fathers and will be offering a special blessing for all fathers next weekend. Just as we did with Mother’s Day, you will have the opportunity to enroll your father, living or deceased into the novena of Masses which begins Father’s Day. Envelopes for this enrollment are in the pews. If you wish to present a special mass card to your father for Father’s Day, they are available in the gi shop. Bricks will be place on the sidewalk between rose garden. PLEASE RETURN TO PARISH OFFICE! Page 5 Graduation Mass 8:15am in Spanish 10:30am in English Tue 25 7:30pm Community Chorale rehearsal 12pm Baptisms 18 26 19 12 11 7pm Gala cmte mtg. 5 8am Lifeline Screenings #11/12 *6:30pm Pro-Life Rosary Chapel *7-9pm Quiet PrayerChapel 7pm OLOG mtg. -11/12 *7:30pm Sp. AA - 9/10 4 *12pm Sew & Sew’s *6pm KofC - Hurtado P. 7pm Catholics come Home ministry *6:30pm Cristo Vive salones 11/12 *6:30pm Cursillistas St. Ignatius Portable 24 Happy Father’s Day 17 1pm Confirmations w/ Bishop Robert Lynch 10 Mon Wed 27 20 Summer Begins 7pm Baptism Class 13 6 *10am Thrift Shop *12:45pm Bingo-Hall *6:30pm Lifeteen –# 3 7pm Bap. Orientation *7:45pm MDSSalon Social Thu 28 21 14 7pm Clase Bautismal-#12 29 7:30pm Community Chorale Concert in the Church 30 8am Retiro Familiar Sabado a Domingo 23 10am Bautizos *6:30pm Sp. Youth Group - C. Hall 22 16 40hrs. Adoration of the BLESSED SACRAMENT Fri. June 8th - 9:30pm to Sun. June 10th - 5:30pm 9 2 9am 1st Sat. Mass Followed by Exposition Sat 15 7pm Clase Bautismal-#12 *7pm Cristo Vive-Capilla 8 *9-12pm MBK 6:30pm Confirmation Rehearsal - Church *7pm Young Adults 1 Fri Weekly Recurring Events/eventos semanales * =Items in red = Spanish / Eventos en rojo = Español 7 7pm Prayer Grp.-Chapel *7pm Sp. Choir Rehearsal *7pm Formación de Fe Centro Educativo PARISH OFFICE SUMMER HOURS Mon - Thu 8:00am - 4:30pm & Friday 8:00am-2:00pm K of C Breakfast Sun June 2012 *4pm-Sp. AA Rms. 9/10 *6pm English AA -# 11 3 Page 6 Escritura y Lectura . . . Semana del 11 de junio, 2012 Lunes Décima Semana del Tiempo Ordinario; San Bernabé Hch 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Mt 5:1-12 Martes 1 Re 17:7-16; Mt 5:13-16 Miércoles San Antonio de Padua 1 Re 18:20-39; Mt 5:17-19 Jueves 1 Re 18:41-46; Mt 5:20-26 Viernes El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Os 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9; Ef 3:8-12, 1419; Jn 19:31-37 Sábado El Inmaculado Corazón de Jesus 1 Re 19:19-21; Lc 2:41-51 Domingo Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Ez 17:22-24; Sal 92 (91); 2 Cor 5:610; Mc 4:26-34 Nuevos Feligreses . . . Le damos la bienvenida a los nuevos feligreses y a los visitantes de invierno. La Parroquia de San Clemente cree en el Servicio El darle a Dios parte de nuestro Tiempo, Talento y Tesoro. Invitamos a los nuevos feligreses y visitantes de invierno a que se registren en nuestra parroquia. CARTA DEL PÁRROCO Queridos amigos en Cristo, Este domingo damos la bienvenida a nuestro Obispo Roberto Lynch ya que viene para confirmar a 70 jóvenes. Es un gran momento para las familias que se van a reunir y que quizá han viajado hasta aquí como padrinos para este paso tan importante en el camino de fe para todos los que se han estado preparando durante los dos úl mos años. Esta fiesta del Cuerpo de Cristo es un fin de semana importante para estar unidos a Jesús, el Pan de vida, y para conocerle más ín mamente como alimento espiritual. Espero que haya podido pasar una hora con el Señor durante las 40 horas (en realidad 44 ½ horas) de Adoración, este fin de semana. Dependiendo de la hora en que este leyendo esto, puede ser que no sea muy tarde, ya que la Bendición tendrá lugar a las 5:30pm del domingo con la procesión del San simo Sacramento desde el Salón Cronin hasta la Iglesia, antes de la Misa de las 6 de la tarde. El úl mo fin de semana oyó un informe posi vo financiero por parte de Ken Jones y Mario Reyna. El Comité Financiero me ha convencido de que finalmente estamos en una posición sólida para pagar una deuda mayor. Como se informó esta semana pasada, la hipoteca de la vieja rectoría en la que corrientemente se debe $137,945.06 se saldará antes del fin de mes. Como saben, se tomaron $155,000 del Fes val de la Fresa. Es verdaderamente sa sfactorio ver, al menos por este año, que todo el dinero recaudado en el Fes val de la Fresa, lo podamos usar para reducir deudas. Desde Junio, 2012, nuestra deuda de la iglesia es de $1,691.199.41. El pago corriente es pulado nos ene pagando cerca de $ 10,000.00 al mes de hipoteca hasta el 1 de marzo del 2033. Todos en el consej9o de finanzas quieren que recortemos ese empo. Haciendo el pago de una hipoteca se sabe lo lento que se liquida una deuda a menos que se hagan pagos del principal. Ahora que hemos eliminado una deuda, nos podemos enfocar en el pago de la iglesia. El Cardenal Wuerl escribió un ar culo en el Washington Post que fue reimpreso en el Tampa Tribune y que de una forma precisa puso el tema a mano con relación a la Libertad Religiosa en el Departamento de Servicios Humanos emi do en el pasado mes de febrero. “La fe Católica se manifiesta en actos de amor y sacrificio de un extraño por otro. Imagine la sorpresa de la iglesia cuando el gobierno federal le dice que cuando una organización Católica sirve a sus vecinos, realmente no esta prac cando su religión.” Si usted comparte la preocupación de nuestros obispos acerca de la libertad religiosa en nuestro país, por favor, reserve la noche del jueves, junio 21. Celebraremos la Eucaris a a las 7 de la noche para empezar nuestra “Fortnight for Freedom” que durará hasta el día 4 de julio y le dará a todo el mundo la oportunidad de crecer en su fe y el conocimiento de como ayudar y defender nuestra fe Católica bajo el liderazgo del Obispo Lynch y el Papa Benedicto XVI. La Paz en Cristo, ¡Bienvenidos a Casa! Padre Tom J. Anastasia, Párroco Page 7 Servicios Sociales… CONSULADO MOVIL EN TAMPA El Consulado de México ofrecerá sus servicios en Tampa quincenalmente con un horario de atención al publicó de 10:00am - 2:00pm. Haga cita para tramites de pasaporte y/o matricula consular en el servicio de MEXITEL al 1-877-639-4835 En la siguiente dirección: University Área Community Development Corpora on, Inc. 14013 North 22nd Street •Tampa, FL CARIDADES CATÓLICAS OFRECE SERVICIOS DE INMIGRACIÓN EL TERCER MIÉRCOLES DE CADA MES de 2:00pm - 5:00pm en la oficina de alado de salón social. Para más información, favor de llamar a Jose Fernandez al (813) 631-4397. EL GUARDIAN DE MI HERMANO Ayuda con comida todos los viernes de 9:00am-12:00pm Favor de traer iden ficación de cada miembro del hogar. Page 8 REFLEXION DEL SEMINARISTA BOB ANGEL Saludos, En caso de que se estén preguntando quien es el monaguillo barbudo del altar, no tengan miedo. Mi nombre es Bob Ángel y soy su seminarista de verano. Nací y me crie en San Petersburgo, me gradué en la Universidad de la Florida y trabajé para el Departamento de Bomberos antes de admi r la posibilidad de que Cristo podría llamarme para servirle como sacerdote. Acabo de terminar mi tercer año de estudios y tengo cuatro años mas por delante antes de ser ordenado como sacerdote, si Dios quiere. Mientras tanto, me siento honrado de estar asignado durante el verano en esta parroquia de San Clemente. Espero conocer a la mayoría de ustedes en mi limitado empo aquí. Celebramos este fin de semana la fiesta del Corpus Chris -el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo- Lo absurdo de que un Dios Todopoderoso venga a nosotros con tanta humildad, primero, como un niño indefenso y segundo, a través de pan y vino debería estremecernos. Hecho pobre y humilde, Cristo se deja colocar en nuestras manos y lenguas en el evento de cada Misa. Quiere entrar en nuestros cuerpos en la forma mas concreta. Recuerdo un momento en la escuela cuando un sacerdote me preguntó, “Si lo que la Iglesia enseña sobre la Eucaris a es verdad, ¿que debería cambiar en tu vida?” Tomé un momento para pensar acerca de esto. A la vez que nos alimenta, la Eucaris a debe también desafiarnos. Cristo nunca dijo, “Toma y enƟende.” Él nos dijo “toma y come.” Tiene que haber lugar en nuestra vida para el misterio y reconocimiento humilde de nuestros limites humanos. Y si de verdad tenemos un Dios que nos ama por encima de nuestra comprensión, entonces esta Eucaris a no es ya una pregunta que debemos resolver sino un misterio para ser experimentado. Todavía no lo en endo de una forma plena, pero no puedo imaginar una vida llena y jubilosa sin la Eucaris a. ¿Que cambiaría en mi vida si realmente la Eucaris a es Jesús? Finalmente le contesté al sacerdote: “Todo.” El San simo Sacramento esta expuesto durante todo el fin de semana, durante 40 horas de devoción. Tendrá lugar en el Salón Cronin. El Salmista pregunta, “Cómo puedo volver al Señor por todo lo bueno que ha hecho por mí?” Fácil: ven a pasar un empo con el Dios que te ama. También damos la bienvenida al Obispo Robert Lynch que sellará a nuestros jóvenes con el sacramento de la Confirmación, el sábado a la 1:00pm. Mis oraciones irán para los jóvenes en su nueva etapa de fé, así como para todos los fieles de esta parroquia. ¡Feliz y santo verano! Su Seminarista, Bob Ángel JUNIO, MES DEL SAGRADO CORAZON DE JESUS CALENDARIO DE BAUTIZOS Registraciones para los bau zos se aceptan SOLAMENTE LOS LUNES Y MIÉRCOLES DE 9AM-4PM EN LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL Y LOS VIERNES DE 6-8PM EN EL SALÓN #8 Si alguna familia desea entronizar la imagen del Sagrado Corazón y bendecir su hogar, por favor contacte al Padre Rafael en la oficina parroquial (813) 752-8251. Favor de presentar los siguientes documentos: • Acta de Nacimiento del niño • Acta de Matrimonio por la Iglesia de los Padrinos **Personas casadas solo por lo civil o viviendo en unión libre NO CUALIFICAN para ser padrinos. HOMENAJE A LOS PADRES En el mes de junio, honramos a todos los padre y les daremos una bendición especial para todos los padres el próximo fin de semana. Al igual que hicimos con el Día de la Madre, usted tendrá la oportunidad de inscribir a su padre, vivo o muerto, en la novena de Misas que se inicia el Día del los Padres. Sobres para esta inscripción se encuentran en las bancas. Si usted desea presentar una tarjeta especial a su padre por el Día de los Padres, tarjetas están disponibles en la endita religiosa. Todos los Jóvenes de 8 grado a High School están invitados a convivir con nosotros cada Viernes a las 7pm en el Salón Social. CLASES DE BAUTIZO A LAS 7PM EN LOS SALONES 11/12 FECHAS DE BAUTIZO A LAS 10AM EN LA IGLESIA Junio 29, 2012 Julio 14, 2012 Agosto 3, 2012 Agosto 11, 2012 Agosto 17, 2012 Agosto 25, 2012 Sep embre 14, 2012 Sep embre 22 Jovenes: e d o i r a Calend th Bullying 5 1 e n u J O mer Kick m u S June 22 oly? Generop nd t th Sport Nigh 9 2 e n Ju ff! Jóvenes Adultos/Young Adults (Nueva Generación) te invitan todos los Viernes al las 7:00pm en el Youth Portable atrás de la Iglesia. Para mas información llame a Roberto Espitia al (813) 323-8581. MISA DE JOVENES For more info contact Myriam Reyna at: Domingo, 8 de julio - 8:15am 813.752.8251 ext. 323 / St. Clement Youth Facebook page Page 9 Parish Staff . . . Fr. Tom Anastasia, Pastor Fr. Rafael Martos, Parochial Vicar Msgr. Cesar Pe lla, Parochial Vicar Deacons: Deacon Neil Legner Deacon Manuel San ago Deacon Kevin Orth Janet Maze , Parish Nurse - ext. 311 Piedad Mendoza , Music Director - ext. 315 Bill Muench, Pastoral Care Coordinator - ext. 304 Janice Putvin, Migrant Ministry Coor. - ext. 305 Myriam Reyna, Sp. Youth Group Coor. - ext. 323 Maureen Ringley, ECC Director (813) 754-1237 Carol Rodriguez Volunteer Coordinator/Hall rental Ray Rosado, Maintenance Cathy Rosales, Faith Forma on Coor. - ext. 306 Gary Runkles, Bookkeeper - ext. 318 Judy Smith, Housekeeper Erin Stone, Parish Secretary - ext. 301 Page 10 St. Clement Ministry Directory D PASTORAL CARE/ CUIDADO PASTORAL Hospital/Homebound/Nursing Home Bill Muench ..................... 752-8251 Parish Nurse Janet Maze, RN............. 752-8251 Respite Care Mary Kay Fullenkamp . 707-6449 LITURGICAL LIFE/ VIDA LITURGICA Altar Linen Care Fran Aton ........................ 759-0848 Altar Servers Deacon Neil Legner...... 412-2250 Edel Stephens-Eng. ....... 754-8528 Blanca Caudillo-Sp....... 967-6497 Choirs Piedad Mendoza .......... 335-1908 Extraordinary Ministers of Comm. Bill Parolini ..................... 986-2059 Greeters Claire Schoonover ....... 759-8740 Readers Michaelyn Moscinski ..... 752-9312 Teresa Hernandez-Sp .. 659-2819 Sacristans ......................... 752-8251 Ushers Joe Moore ...................... 368-2701 SPIRITUAL LIFE/ VIDA ESPIRITUAL Apostles of the Blessed Sacrament Elsa Valenzuela ............. 473-3284 Cursillistas Josefina Patiño .............. 478-0558 Heart of Jesus Prayer Group Bill Muench ..................... 752-8251 Juan XXIII Efren Salmeron .............. 486-7620 Marian Movement of Priests Jean Parr ........................ 752-8251 Prayer Chain Jean Smith ...................... 752-8251 Grupo de Oración “Cristo Vive” Hortencia Sanchez ........ 759-9436 St. Elizabeth Prayer Group Lorraine Renaud ............ 707-1004 St. Patrick Bible Study Wendy Hetrick .............. 757-6398 (20 member small community) St. Michael Bible Study Bill Muench ..................... 752-8251 M FORMATION/FORMACION Adult Formation Ministry/ RCIA Judy Zink ........................ 659-0956 RICA en Español Cathy Rosales ................ 752-8251 Coming Home Ministry Deacon Neil Legner ..... 659-0956 PARISH LIFE/ VIDA PARROQUIAL Auction & Gala Carol Rodriguez….……727-5214 Mary Ann Fontaine…….717-3294 Bingo Joan Labinski ................. 759-8606 Dialogo Matrimonial (Spanish) Estela Cruz ..................... 719-8526 Elix y Lucy Castro ......... 468-0144 Finance Council.............. Ken Jones email: Golf Classic Carol Rodriguez ........... 727-5214 Gardening Mary Ann Fontaine ..... 717-3294 Grupo de Jóvenes Mario y Miriam Reyna. 752-8251 Knights of Columbus Joe Moore...................... 368-2701 Migrant Ministry Janice Putvin .................. 752-8251 Multicultural Ministry Carmen Sierra............... 458-1181 My Brother’s Keeper (Food Pantry) Fr. Rafael Martos ......... 752-8251 Our Lady of Guadalupe Committee Chuck Luke ..................... 752-8251 Religious Article Store Judy Zaring ................... 754-3777 Respect Life Mary Ann/Pat Powers-248.224.5686 Sew & Sew’s Marsha Szymanski........ 754-1089 Scholarship Committee Mary Ann Fontaine....... 717-3294 Carol Rodriguez ........... 727-5214 St. Clement Catholic Women Donna Goldbach .......... 335-4935 Strawberry Shortcake Project Barbara Caccamisi ...... 754-3102 Quinceañera Preparation (Spanish) Angelina Arroyo ........... 541-8456 Teresa Cienfuegos…863-370-7014 Welcome Carol Rodriguez ........... 727-5214 Page 10 Bulletin # 514027 St. Clement Church 1104 N. Alexander St. Plant City, Fl. 33563 Contact: Erin Stone 813-752-8251 Dell Computer XP Professional Publisher 2003 KM 5530—Kyocera all in one COMMENTS: