Download Insert August - Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
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This Week at OLF MONDAY August 24 8am Rosary & 8:30am Mass 6pm Come Worship the Lord prayer group 7pm Ultreya meeting-KC & rm.#6 7pm Boy Scout meeting-rm.#3 This Week at QAS MONDAY August 24 TUESDAY August 25 8am Rosary & 8:30am Mass 9:30am Altar Server practice 6pm Religious ed. registration Spanish 6:30pm Shop Planning meeting 6:30pm Adult Faith Formation meeting WEDNESDAY August 26 8am Rosary & 8:30am Mass 9am Rosary Makers-Rm. #1 6pm Religious ed. registration English 6:15pm Eucharistic Minister Training TUESDAY August 25 5:30pm Eucharistic Adoration 5:30pm Reconciliation 7pm Spanish Mass 7pm Ultreya Meeting WEDNESDAY August 26 Please pray for the Repose of the Soul of Fr. John Morse, S.J.† who passed away Sunday, August 9th. Vigil Service 10am, Saturday, Sept.19th, Jesuit House Chapel, Spokane Funeral Mass 11am, Saturday, Sept. 19th, Jesuit House Chapel, Spokane Inurnment 1:30pm, Saturday, Sept. 19th, Mt. St. Michaels Columbarium, Spokane Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. THURSDAY August 27 THURSDAY August 27 8am Rosary & 8:30am Mass 9am Outreach meeting rm. #1 6pm St. Joseph Healing & Prayer Group 6:30pm Spanish Adult Choir Practice 7pm Spanish Mass Chapel FRIDAY August 28 8am Rosary & 8:30am Mass 5pm Spanish Altar Server practice-KC 6pm Arcoiris meeting-KC rm. 6pm Busqueda meeting rm. #6 6:30pm San Pablo committee library 7pm Spanish Youth Choir practice 7pm Holy Mary prayer group chapel SATURDAY August 29 4pm Reconciliation-church & chapel 5:30pm Youth Vigil Mass SUNDAY August 30 8am Busqueda Meeting 9am English Mass 11:30am Spanish Mass FRIDAY August 28 7pm Women’s Cursillo meeting SATURDAY August 29 7pm Spanish Vigil Mass 8/24-8:30 a.m.—Barbara Roybal† 8/25-8:30 a.m.—Cruz Gonzalez† 8/26-8:30 a.m.—Babe Racasi† 8/27-8:30 a.m.—Gianna Eccles 7:00 p.m. —Norma Espinoza 8/28-8:30 a.m.—Phil & Katy Walker A Mass offering of $10 is requested. If you would like to offer a Mass intention please contact the parish office. SUNDAY August 30 9am English Mass “COME WORSHIP THE LORD" Charismatic English prayer group meets Monday nights 6-8 PM in the chapel All are welcome! Mark your calendars! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MEAL FUNDRAISER PRAYER REQUEST Repose of the Soul: Ver a Clem†, Fr . J ohn Mor se†, Gr eg Ramarui†, Ruben Buenrostro†, Gaudencio Vilchis†, Don Tibbets†, Robert Russell†, Verne Hirschi†, Linda Acevedo†, Cody DeTrolio†, Jaycob Weaver†, Edward D. Knoop†, Minerva Gonzalez†, Rosalene Cera†, Lori Bill†, Frank Clem†, Patricia Ann Stephens†, Ceasar Medina†, Barbara Roybal†, Alan Dowey† Physical/Spiritual Health: Mar ge Tibbets, Alma Hir schi, Lucy Rodriguez, Fran Lester, Don Maurer, Pete Doumit, David Ledbetter, Janette Russell, Terry Bill, Margaret Smith, George Moreno, Antonio Cuevas, Juanita Aguilar, Manuel Villegas, Toni Wilcoxson, Bob McDonald, Bill Joyce, Maria Estrada, Ann Wilson, Adela Martinez, Susie Perales, Jonathan VanKeulen, Randy Brown, Domingo Rocha, Dominga Rodriguez, Maria Marta delaVega Military: Kodi Kowallis, Paul E. Hanover , Richar d Mar tin, JC Hernandez Please pray for all those in our parish and community. Sunday, September 13th @ 4:00pm Fatima Center Roasted Chicken Dinner, Bunco, Prizes! All proceeds will go to support the meal program before Wednesday evening Religious ed. classes. Please support our kids! Tickets available after the 9am Mass at the doughnut table. Donations gladly accepted of cash, prizes, bottled water, beer, wine, etc. $40 a ticket. Save the Date! September 24-26, 2015 EUCHARISTIC MISSION Brother Mauricio Torres Our Lady of Fatima Church WHAT IS LITTLE FLOWERS GIRLS' CLUB? ENGLISH ADULT CHOIR PRACTICE Begins Sept.14th 1st Sunday Mass Singing September 20th PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION “Jesus concealed in the Host is everything to me. From the tabernacle I draw strength, power, courage, and light. Here, I seek consolation in time of anguish.” (St. Faustina, Diary 1037) Hours needing to be filled: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Friday: Saturday: 11am, 12pm, 11pm 12pm, 11pm, 12am, 1am 2am 6am 2am, 11pm 1am, 5am, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm PARISH COUNCIL & FINANCE MEETINGS OLF Parish Council—2nd Tuesday of every month 7am Members: Roy Warnick, Dave Ruffin, Anthony Mejia, Richard Ribellia, Phil Walker, Miguel Martinez, Rufino Garza, Kirk Jungers, Josue Salas, Corinne Gebelin, Lind Bingham, Kathleen Delgado OLF Finance Council—4th Wednesday of every month 7am Members: Cody Parrish, Larry Shannon, Chris Nelson, Blanca Garcia, Bob McDonald, Troy Wiley, Tyler Reffett, Randy Dickinson, Sherry Delgado QAS Parish/Finance Council—4th Tues. monthly 6:30pm Members: Zeke Guerra, Olivia Vela, Lucy Martinez, Erica Martinez, Deacon George Legg, Laurie Ahmann OUR LADY OF FATIMA’S SOUP KITCHEN oin us! Bring a friend in need! Every Thursday 11am to 1pm Starting September 17th! FREE: soup & sandwich, men’s & women’s clothing, showers and haircuts. Available Thursdays only. HELP NEEDED to clean and prepare kitchen and pantry on Thursday, September 10th at 9am. A Fun, Flexible, Faithfilled Catholic Club for girls K-5th grade! Little Flowers Girls' Club is a Catholic club for girls ages 5 and up that teaches virtues through scripture, saints' biographies and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Based on the 1906 Catholic classic "The Catholic Girls' Guide" by Fr. F.X. Lasance, and the spirituality of St. Therese, the Little Flower of Liseux, this beautiful, authentically Catholic program, has delighted and instilled in our girls a love of our Catholic Faith for nearly 20 years. Contact Carrie Tatum for more info 989-6591 Registration: Beginning Aug. 16th after Mass Program Begins: September 14th—Mondays 5:30 to 7pm Cost: $40 LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR OLF Saturday, August 29 5:30pm-Anthony Mejia-Judy Sackmann—EMs: A3 Sunday, August 30 9am-Marion Agbisit-Pete Doumit—EMs: C WEEKLY ALTAR LINENS CLEANING SCHEDULE August 16th—29th—Cleo Stevens August 30th—September 12th—Darlene Boechler EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS NURSING HOME Hearthstone/Monroe House Columbia Crest/ML Sr. Living 8-23—Marion & Roy 8-30—Steve & Ronni 8-23—Gene & Viola 8-30—Walker Family Nursing Home Masses 10:30am 1st Tues. of every Month—Hearthstone 2nd Tues. of every Month—M. L. Senior Living Community 3rd Tues. of every Month—Monroe House CHILDREN OF FATIMA PRESCHOOL 3 and 4 year olds Classes Begin September 8th! Teachers Laura Oronia, Teacher Yesica Patino: Assistant Teacher NOW ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS: Registration forms can be picked up in the church office. Please call Jennifer Ribellia at 771-2475 or Ana Guilherme at the church office for any questions. Do you feel a longing for God? Do you want to deepen your Faith? Do you wonder about Catholic Teaching? Learn more about your Faith, while you learn more about our Faith RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS “RCIA” RCIA is a weekly program for those adults who want to better understand the Catholic faith, with the goal, if they choose, of becoming fully initiated members. So, it is perfect for those who: Were never baptized into a Christian faith Were baptized as a Christian, but would like to investigate the Catholic faith • Were baptized Catholic, but have been away from the Church for a while, and never received the Sacrament of either 1st Communion or Confirmation • Parents who want to fully enter the Church, to better teach and guide their child in the faith The RCIA program presents an opportunity for interested adults to grow in their faith by becoming more familiar with, and more knowledgeable about the Catholic faith. It is an informal program that allows your personal faith challenges to be raised and addressed. If you choose to remain in the program, which runs from September until Easter, you will receive the Sacraments, becoming fully initiated into the Catholic faith! For more information contact the church office. • • First Class begins at Our Lady of Fatima: Spanish Tuesday, Sept. 1st at 6-7:30pm KC room English Thursday, Sept. 3rd at 6-8pm Rm #1 Religious Education at Our Lady of Fatima MANDATORY PARENT MEETING FOR REGISTRATION OF: Kinder-12th grade classes Reconciliation 1st Communion Confirmation Quinceañera English-Mandatory meeting w/Registration Wed., August 26th or Sept. 2nd Fatima Center 6pm Sharp! Spanish-Mandatory meeting w/Registration Tues., August 25th or Sept. 1st Fatima Center 6pm Sharp! or Sunday, September 6th after Mass Deadline for Sacrament class registration is Sept. 29/30th Registration fee: $35 per child. $90 for 3 or more siblings. Late registration fee of $25 will be charged first day of class and after. What to bring: Fees must be paid at the time of r egistr ation. Copy of Baptism Certificate if from another church is required at time of registration for Sacrament Class. First day of Class Spanish Kinder-Sacrament Class—Tuesday, Sept. 15th at 6pm English Kinder-8th grade—Wednesday, Sept. 16th at 6pm Confirmation to be determined VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Teachers and assistants for 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th grade at least 3 per classroom for Wednesday evenings at Our Lady of Fatima church. Contact Prelita Owen 509-855-8477 OUR LADY’S GIFT SHOP 10% of all sales go to church mortgage. (Regularly open after weekend Masses only) Are your finances getting the best of you? Learn how to better manage your money and your life. Our church is hosting Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University class to teach God’s way of handling money. The nine-week class is Dave Ramsey's sessions on video followed by a small-group discussion. You can attend the first lesson of Financial Peace University totally free on September 10th at 6:30pm. Once the first lesson is over, you will be given the opportunity to purchase your lifetime membership which includes the rest of the FPU lessons and class materials. Membership kits are $100 per family and include a lifetime membership. Your lifetime membership includes all of your required class materials and gives you and your family the ability to take FPU anywhere, anytime and as many times as you like! Contact Troy Wiley for more info 509-989 3536 or CATHOLIC RADIO 88.7 FM Broadcasting 24/7 to the entire Columbia Basin Divine Mercy Broadcasting KDMB is located at 88.7 FM. Please listen and help spread the word. This station exists for the Glory of God and the sanctification of souls. KDMB is now a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and all donations are tax deductible. KDMB is listener supported and any donations would be greatly appreciated and help spread the New Evangelization. If anyone would like to help out, please make payable to: Divine Mercy Broadcasting 9526 Albert Way S.E. Moses Lake, WA 98837 Thank you for your support! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Regular meetings 1st & 3rd Thurs. 7pm KC’s Room—Next meeting August 20th THANK YOU To all those who participated in last months pancake breakfast! $632 was raised for the Quo Vadis Days Retreat! Interested in serving our parish family during Mass? Eucharistic Minister Training is scheduled for Wed., Aug 26th for new and current Eucharistic Ministers from 6:15pm to 7pm in the Chapel. We are in need of many more hands to serve on Sunday and Saturday at Mass. Please call if you plan to attend or have someone to invite let Sam Thornton know so he can plan. Thank for your service to Christ! Contact Sam Thornton 765-2557. WORLDWIDEMARRIAGEENCOUNTER Jesus sent out the Apostles two by two to preach. Our marriage Sacrament is a sign to others – what sign are we showing? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are: in Spokane at the Immaculate Heart Retreat Center October 16-18, 2015 and March 4-6, 2016. For more information contact Tom & Kathy Dauer at (509) 4558415 or go to Pancake Breakfast Sunday, September 6th after 9am Mass RETROUVAILLE ... A LIFELINE FOR MARRIAGES A program to Help Couples Heal and Renew their Marriages. • • • • • • Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage? Are you frustrated, hurt or angry with your spouse? Are you constantly fighting? Or, do you simply shut down? Have you thought about separation or divorce? Does talking about it only make it worse? ... Retrouvaille provides marriage help! Steven & Laura Droke 509-520-4118 IN OUR LADY OF FATIMA PRAYER GARDEN CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY Fridays at 3pm Adoration Chapel at OLF “In Memory of” plaques $100 Please stop by anytime in the prayer garden and say a quick prayer for all of our deceased loved ones! For more info or for purchase, please call Don Adolfson at 855-5214. Hearing assistance headphones are available in vesting room. Please be sure to sign out for one and then return it after Mass. Catholic Family & Child Services Diocese of Yakima 1-844-293-6113 Services provided: Minor home repairs, wheelchair ramps, yard work, shopping, light housekeeping and laundry. Volunteering is Easy! Call the number listed above to help. HOLY MARY Spanish Prayer Group Fridays 7pm to 9pm Everyone welcome! Chapel Gabriel & Zenaida Nieto 509-312-9293 ST. JOSEPH’S PRAYER & HEALING MINISTRY NEED PRAYER? Trained ministers are available for individual and confidential prayer in the bride’s room the 2nd Sunday of every month after the 9am Mass and by appointment on Thursday evenings. Please stop by our sign in the gathering area if you would like prayer on Sundays or call Eneida at the church office 765-6729 for an appointment on Thursdays. PRAY THE ROSARY at the Nursing Homes You are welcome to join your fellow Catholics as we pray the rosary for our families and our nation every Wednesday at 2:30pm in the fireplace room at The Monroe House (1405 S Monroe St.) and at the Hearthstone (905 S. Pioneer Way) in the chapel. We are done by 3pm or you can stay and enjoy a visit. For info call Dee Schwab at 765-6056. Esta semana en Nuestra Señora de Fátima LUNES 24 de Agosto 8am Rosario y 8:30am Misa 6pm Grupo de Oración en ingles 7pm Ultreya KC y rm.#6 7pm Boy Scout junta-rm.#3 MARTES 25 de Agosto 8am Rosario y 8:30am Misa 9:30am Practica de monaguillos ingles 6pm Inscripciones de Catecismo Español 6:30pm junta para planear garaje 6:30pm junta formación de adultos MIÉRCOLES 26 de Agosto 8am Rosario y 8:30am Misa 9am Rosary Makers-Rm. #1 6pm Inscripciones de Catecismo Ingles 6:15pm entrenamiento ministro de eucaristía en ingles Esta semana en Reina de Todos los Santos LUNES 24 de Agosto MARTES 25 de Agosto 5:30pm Adoración al Santísimo 5:30pm Confesiones 7pm Misa en Español 7pm Ultreya MIÉRCOLES 26 de Agosto 3:30pm Catecismo Ultimó día VIERNES 28 de Agosto 8am Rosario y 8:30am Misa 5pm Practica para monaguillos español 6pm Junta de Arcoíris KC rm. 6pm junta Búsqueda cuarto#6 6:30pm Junta de San Pablo-biblioteca 7pm Coro de Jóvenes en español 7pm Grupo de oración en español URGENTE: Horas disponibles Domingo: 11am, 12pm, 11pm Lunes: 12pm, 11pm, 12am, 1am Martes: 2am Miércoles: 6am Viernes: 2am, 11pm Sábado: 1am, 5am, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm INTENCIONES DE MISA 8/24-8:30 a.m.—Barbara Roybal† 8/25-8:30 a.m.—Cruz Gonzalez† 8/26-8:30 a.m.—Babe Racasi† 8/27-8:30 a.m.—Gianna Eccles 7:00 p.m. —Norma Espinoza 8/28-8:30 a.m.—Phil & Katy Walker Estipendios son $10 cada misa. Si usted quiere ofrecer una Misa diaria por favor de llamar a la oficina. JUEVES 27 de Agosto JUEVES 27 de Agosto 8am Rosario y 8:30am Misa 9am Junta de Outreach rm.#1 6pm Grupo de San José oración y sanación 6:30pm Coro de Adultos en español 7pm Misa en Español ADORACIÓN EUCARÍSTICA PERPETUA VIERNES 28 de Agosto 7pm Cursillo junta de mujeres SABADO 29 de Agosto 7 Misa de Vigilia en español Domingo 30 de Agosto 9am Misa Ingles SABADO 29 de Agosto 4pm Confesión-iglesia y capilla 5:30pm Misa de Jóvenes en ingles Domingo 30 de Agosto 8am Junta del retiro Busqueda 9am Misa en Ingles 11:30am Misa en Español Grupo de Oración Santa María en español Cada Viernes 7pm al 9pm Bienvenidos todos! Capilla Gabriel & Zenaida Nieto 509-312-9293 ASIGNACIÓN DE MINISTROS DE EUCARISTÍA Domingo, 30 de Agosto Guadalupe García, Elena García, Julio González, Ana González, Edwin García, Rufino Garza, Iliana Garza, Sonia Hernández ASIGNACIÓN DE LECTORES Jueves, 27 de Agosto Primera lectura y Salmo—Martina Villalobos Domingo, 30 de Agosto Primera—Fabiola Garcia Salmo—Reina González Segunda—Paula Prieto Catecismo OBLIGATORIO REUNION PARA AMBOS PADRES PARA INSCRIPCIONES : Clases de grado Kinder al 12 Reconciliación Primera Comunión Confirmación Quinceañera Ingles-Reunión obligatorio y inscripciones Miércoles, 26 de agosto o 2 de Septiembre CCD 6pm al punto! Español-Reunión obligatorio y inscripciones Martes, 25 de agosto o 1 de Septiembre CCD 6pm al punto! o Domingo, 6 de Septiembre después de Misa de las 11:30am Cuota de inscripción: $35 por niño. $90 para 3 o mas hermanos. $25 mas si se registran el primer día de clase o después. Se necesita: Cuotas deben ser pagados en el momento de la inscripción. Se requiere copia del Acta de Bautismo si de otra iglesia en el momento de la inscripción para Sacramento Clase. Primer día de Clases Español Kinder al clase de Sacramento—Martes, 15 de Septiembre 6pm Ingles Kinder al grado 8—Miércoles, 16 de Septiembre 6pm Confirmación se va a anunciar el fin de semana Se necesitan maestros, maestras o parejas, para educación religiosa en español. Habrá clase para niños que hicieron su primera comunión y gusten continuar con su educación religiosa RICA – Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos RICA es un proceso por el cual una persona que desea recibir los sacramentos en la Iglesia Católica es instruida en la fe Católica y luego recibida como fiel de la Iglesia. Si usted desea ser Católico o conoce alguna persona que tiene esa inquietud puede llamar al ministerio de formación religiosa de la parroquia. También aquellos adultos mayores de 18 años que ya han sido bautizados pero desean recibir la Sagrada Comunión y el sacramento de la Confirmación pueden participar de este programa. Los cursos de RICA – comienzan en septiembre y se reúnen una vez por semana. Los candidatos y catecúmenos son recibidos en la fe en la vigilia de Pascua. PRIMER CLASE Español Martes, 1 de Septiembre 6-7:30pm KC room Ingles Jueves, 3 de Septiembre 6-8pm Room #1 Aparte la fecha! 24-26 de Septiembre, 2015 MISON EUCARISTICA Hermano Mauricio Torres Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Fátima RESERVA DE ESPACIO EN EL ÁREA DE REUNUION PARA SU MINISTERIO Todas las mesas en el área de reunión tienen que ser autorizadas por primera vez por la oficina de la iglesia. Por favor pase por la oficina y llene la forma que se requiere. Hay un número limitado de tablas que se pueden utilizar en cualquier momento dado. Gracias por su cooperación. Póngase en contacto con la oficina de la iglesia para cualquier pregunta. Catholic Family & Child Services Diocese of Yakima 1-844-293-6113 Servicios ofrecidos: reparaciones de casa, rampas para sillas de ruedas, ayuda en el jardín, la limpieza del hogar y mas. Para ser voluntario es fácil. Llame al numero que aparece arriba. PETICIONES DE ALABANZAS Y ORACIÓN Que descansen en paz: Vera Clem†, Fr. John Morse†, Greg Ramarui†, Ruben Buenrostro†, Gaudencio Vilchis†, Don Tibbets†, Robert Russell†, Verne Hirschi†, Linda Acevedo†, Cody DeTrolio†, Jaycob Weaver†, Edward D. Knoop†, Minerva Gonzalez†, Rosalene Cera†, Lori Bill†, Frank Clem†, Patricia Ann Stephens†, Ceasar Medina†, Barbara Roybal†, Alan Dowey† Sanación: Marge Tibbets, Alma Hirschi, Lucy Rodriguez, Fran Lester, Don Maurer, Pete Doumit, David Ledbetter, Janette Russell, Terry Bill, Margaret Smith, George Moreno, Antonio Cuevas, Juanita Aguilar, Manuel Villegas, Toni Wilcoxson, Bob McDonald, Bill Joyce, Maria Estrada, Ann Wilson, Adela Martinez, Susie Perales, Jonathan VanKeulen, Randy Brown, Domingo Rocha, Dominga Rodriguez, Maria Marta delaVega Militar: Kodi Kowallis, Paul E. Hanover, Richard Martin, JC Hernandez Por favor oren para todos en nuestra parroquia y comunidad Preescolar de los niños de Fátima Maestra: Laura Oronia Maestra Asistente: Yesica Patino INSCRIPCIONES: Los formularios de inscripción se pueden recoger en la oficina de la iglesia. Por favor llame a Jennifer Ribellia al 771-2475 o Ana Guilherme en la oficina de la iglesia para cualquier pregunta. Por favor oren por la Descanso del alma del P. John Morse, S.J. † quien falleció el Domingo, 09 de agosto. Servicio Vigilia Spokane 10am, Sábado, 19 de septiembre, Jesuit House Chapel, Misa de Funeral 11am, Sábado, 19 de septiembre, Jesuit House Chapel, colocación en urnas 1:30, Sábado, 19 de septiembre, Mt. St. Michaels Columbarium AVISO DE LA APARCAMIENTO DE LA IGLESIA Por favor no se estacione en la zona de carga en frente del centro de Fátima, en espacios para discapacitados sin un permiso apropiado o cualquier zona no marcada para el estacionamiento. Hay aparcamientos adicionales en la parte posterior de la iglesia. El personal de emergencia no pueden entrar en el estacionamiento cuando están parqueando en áreas no designadas. Gracias por su cooperación. NUESTRA SEÑORA DE FATIMA Soup Kitchen ¡Únete a nosotros! Trae un amigo en necesidad! Cada jueves 11 am-1 pm A partir 17 de septiembre! GRATIS: sopa y sándwich, ropa para hombres y mujeres, duchas y cortes de pelo. Sólo los jueves disponibles. Se necesita ayuda para limpiar y preparar la cocina el Jueves, 10 de septiembre a las 9 am. CONCILIOS DE FINANZAS Y PARROQUIAL OLF concilio parroquial—2ndo Martes de cada mes 7am Miembros: Roy Warnick, Dave Ruffin, Anthony Mejia, Richard Ribellia, Phil Walker, Miguel Martinez, Rufino Garza, Kirk Jungers, Josue Salas, Corinne Gebelin, Lind Bingham, Kathleen Delgado OLF concilio de finanzas—4tro Miercoles de cada mes 7am Miembros: Cody Parrish, Larry Shannon, Chris Nelson, Blanca Garcia, Bob McDonald, Troy Wiley, Tyler Reffett, Randy Dickinson, Sherry Delgado QAS Parish/Finance Council—4tro Martes de cada mes 6:30pm Miembros: Zeke Guerra, Olivia Vela, Lucy Martinez, Erica Martinez Deacon George Legg, Laurie Ahmann Iglesia NUESTRA SEÑORA DE FÁTIMA JARDÍN DE ORACIÓN ORACIÓN DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA Oración cada viernes a las 3pm en la capilla placas "En memoria de" por $100 Pase en cualquier momento en el jardín de oración y rece una oración para todos nuestros seres queridos! Para obtener más información o para comprar, por favor llame a Don Adolfson a 431-0600 (inglés) o la oficina (español).