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St. Paul Catholic Church and Missions Iglesia Católica San Pablo y Misiones 4178 Highway 441 South, Douglas, Georgia 31533 (Office: 523 East Ward Street, Douglas) St. William Catholic Church, P.O. Box 861, 807 S. Merrimac Dr., Fitzgerald, Holy Family Catholic Church, Atkinson County, Off Hwy 135 Administration ¤ Administración Pastor: Rev. Raymond Levreault MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS Pastoral Assistant: Bertha Capetillo (Email: Church Secretary: Susan Southwick JULY 4 – JULY 10 Monday: Independence Day-No mass Office closed Tuesday: Mass-6:00pm (Ward St.) Parish Office ¤ Oficina Parroquial Office phone: 912-384-3560, fax 912-385-8515 Rectory: 912-384-8212 Church email: Parish Website: Adoration: 5:00-6:00pm Wednesday: Mass-12:00pm (Ward St.) Adoration: 11:00-noon Adoration: 5:30pm, Mass-6:00 pm (Fitzgerald) God and Community. Thursday: Mass-12:00pm (Ward St.) Adoration: 11:00-noon Friday: No mass Saturday: Confessions, 5:00pm (Hwy 441) Misa-6:00pm (Spanish) Sunday: Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 5pm at St. Paul, Hwy. 441 South or by appt. Sacrament of Marriage Couples wishing to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage with Mass or Liturgy of the Word are asked to enter a process of preparation at least nine months in advance of their intended wedding date. The bride or groom or the parents of the bride or groom should be registered members of the Church. Knights of Columbus Meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:30pm, Ward St. Invitatiόn al Grupo de Oraciόn Todos los viernes de 6-9pm, Ward St. 8:15am English Mass at Holy Family 9:30am English Mass at St. Paul, Hwy 441 11:30am English Mass at St. William *For the people of St. Paul and Missions 1:00pm Spanish Mass at St. William We, the members of St. Paul, St. William, and and Holy Holy Family, Family, a Christian a Christian community community in the in the Catholic Catholic Tradition, Tradition, commit commit ourselves ourselves to become to become more Christ-like more Christ-like through thethrough service the to God and service to God and Community. Community. Bulletin Announcements All submissions must be in by 11am on Wednesday to be included in the weekend bulletin. “Bread” Ministry Each Saturday, 12noon-1pm, at Hwy. 441 church - whatever food we get, we give away. If you or someone you know is in need, invite them. Our Mission Statement Declaración de Misión Nosotros, los miembros de San Pablo y sus misiones, una comunidad Cristiana en la Tradición Católica, nos comprometemos a hacer modelos de Cristo al servicio de Dios y de la comunidad. REMINDERS: Office closed on Monday to celebrate the 4th of July... God Bless the U.S.A. Coffee & Donuts sponsors for July: James & Judy Dennis Ushers at St. William should arrive at least 15 minutes before mass begins. God doesn't take a vacation from watching, loving, and caring for you every single minute of every single day Don't take a vacation from God! The third commandment reminds us to keep Holy the Sabbath - yes, even while on vacation. Enjoy your summer plans, but be sure to include your Heavenly Father in them, too! Congratulations to these couples from Holy Family on the anniversaries of their weddings: Henry & Shirley McKinnon (51 years, July 3) Claude & Sue White (39 years, June 25) Greg & April Carter (24 years, July 3) MASS MANNERS By Father William Saunders In regard to church, each of us should strive for good “Mass Manners,” and parents especially should make sure they are teaching their children good Mass Manners. First, let us start at how we prepare for Mass. People should dress appropriately. In our society, we still consider coat and tie for men and dresses or suits for women appropriate for parties or when meeting dignitaries. We should then dress in the same way to meet our Lord present in the Holy Eucharist. Granted, in summer we could be a little more casual, but we can still be neat, clean, and properly clothed. In deciding what to wear, we should be thinking, “I am dressing to meet my Lord and to participate in the mystery of my salvation.” PARISH ADVISORY BOARD St. Paul Parish Council will now be known as the St. Paul Parish Advisory Board. Parishioners at St. Paul will find in this week’s bulletin the outline of this new board. Since for a month we requested volunteers to serve on the council and only ONE, yes, ONE person volunteered, it was made clear that what may have worked in the past does not work now. A big "Thank You" to those who have served. Be advised, that changing to this format was not solely made by Fr. Ray (as some like to think I'm a control freak); I have asked several involved people for advice and suggestions, and this is what we have come up with. HOLY FATHER’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR JULY General Intention: That Christ may ease the physical and spiritual suffering of those who are sick with AIDS, especially in the poorest countries. Missionary Intention: That religious men and women in mission territories may be witnesses of the joy of the Gospel and living signs of the love of Christ. We offer our prayers, with love and respect, for our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, who celebrated the 60th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood on June 29 (also the Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul). STEWARDSHIP "For my yoke is easy, and my burden light." (Matthew 11:30) When we think of being good stewards, we may think that God asks too much of us by asking us to generously share our time, talent and treasure. However, the yoke of stewardship is not heavy. Good stewards learn that by turning away from the materialism of the world, we can experience great joy in spending more time with God and sharing more of our gifts with others. STEWARDSHIP REPORT Or call (912) 201-4073/4074. INFORME ADMINISTRATIVO Offertory: St. Paul Saturday & Sunday/Sábado y Domingo: Total: $2,873 Building Fund/Fondo De Construcción: $208 Peter’s Pence: $281 Offertory: Holy Family Sunday: Total: $156 Peter’s Pence: $47 Offertory: St. William Sunday: Total: $ Peter’s Pence: $ “God will never be outdone in generosity.” Pray for us that we may be healed Orad Por Nuestros Enfermos Fred, Cheryl Hill, Lucille Lott, Charlotte Maley, Eunice Maley, Darlene Miller, Marie Ragsdale, Allan Smith, Tony Williams Please remember that the names on this list are removed at the end of each month. If you would like your name or a loved one’s name to be listed, let us know! Ofrecemos nuestras oraciones y condolencias a los familiares por el eterno descanso del Raul Ortega. Que los ángeles te lleven al paraíso que los mártire. We offer our prayers for the repose of the soul of Raul Ortega, who died last week at the age of 13. May the angels lead you into paradise; may the martyrs come to welcome you. HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK Do you know someone unable to attend mass (because of illness or physical challenges) who would like to receive Holy Communion from one of our Eucharistic Ministers? After you check with that person to see if they would like a visit from a Eucharistic Minister, call the church office (384-3560) with their name. Por favor, recuerde que los nombres en esta lista serán eliminados al final de cada mes. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR LOVED ONES IN THE MILITARY ORAR POR NUESTROS SOLDADOS st 1 Lt. Christopher Benson (USAF, Oklahoma), Sgt. Adam Carson (US Army, Japan), S.Sgt. Emmanuel Gamboa (USAF in England), SPC Adam Lee (US Army, Khoft, Afghanistan), Nathan Lee (US Navy), Kristopher Lentz (US Army), Sgt. Jeb S. McKinnon (Iraq), E-3 Allen Phillips (US Navy, Guam), Martin Rios (US Army), Juan Vargas (Afghanistan), Erick Vilches (US Army). CHARTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF CHILDREN Visit diocesan “No se angustien ustedes. Confíen en Dios y confíen también en mí.” San Juan 14:1 CAPÍTULO DEL OBISPO PARA LA PROTECCIÓN DE NIÑOS Visite la página Web de la diócesis para leer el código: (912) 201-4073/4074. VOCACIÓN UNA LLAMADA A SERVIR Señor, ayúdame a creer que tienes un plan especial para mí. Por el sacramento del Bautismo todos compartimos una vocación común de mostrar al mundo el amor de Cristo por medio de nuestras palabras y acciones, llevar a Cristo a quienes no lo conocen y vivir en santidad. Dios nos lama a cada uno de nosotros a servirle de manera personal y especial. Esta llamada es nuestra vocación, que es un estilo de vida específico donde podemos amar y servir mejor a Dios y a los demás. Una vocación es un estado de vida-una forma de vivir. La Iglesia reconoce cuatro vocaciones: el sacerdocio, la vida religiosa, el matrimonio y la vida de soltero. Descubrir nuestra vocación es un proceso gradual de oración y meditación guiado por el Espíritu Santo. Cuando respondemos a Dios para seguir nuestra vocación particular, somos las personas que Dios quiere que seamos. Muchas personas encuentran su felicidad en el matrimonio ofrece la oportunidad de compartir el amor de Dios con la pareja, a expresar ese amor por medio de los hijos, y criándolos con amor en familia. Los que son llamados a la vida de soltero tienen la oportunidad de compartir el mensaje de amor de Dios por medio del servicio a la comunidad y a la Iglesia. Dios llama a algunos hombres a servirle por medio de la vocación sacerdotal. El sacerdote recibe el sacramento de las Ordenes Sagradas. Son ordenados para servir a la comunidad enseñando, orando y dirigiendo. En los sacramentos, los sacerdotes actúan en nombre de Jesucristo para ayudarnos a encontrarlo personalmente y en la comunidad. Hay dos tipos de sacerdotes: diocesanos y religiosos. Los diocesanos son llamados a servir en una diócesis. Ellos ayudan a los obispos de las diócesis siendo ministros parroquiales. También pueden ayudar en las escuelas, hospitales y prisiones. Prometen vivir una vida célibe y respetar y obedecer a su obispo. Los sacerdotes religiosos son llamados a trabajar en una orden o congregación, como por ejemplo: franciscanos. Estos sacerdotes siguen las reglas religiosa o plan de vida adoptado por su fundador. ¿Qué es un diácono permanente? Un diácono es un ministro ordenado quien puede predicar, bautizar, ser testigo de matrimonio y presidir funerales. Generalmente son hombres casados ordenados para ayudar a obispos y sacerdotes y servir a la Iglesia. SANTA COMUNIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS ¿Conoces a alguien que no puede asistir a la misa (por enfermedad o problemas físicos) a quien le gustaría recibir la Santa Comunión de uno de nuestros Ministros de la Eucaristía? Después de consultar con esa persona para ver si les gustaría que la visite uno de nuestros Ministro de la Eucaristía, llame a la oficina de la iglesia (384-3560) con su nombre.