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Rite of Confirmation –St. Clement Saturday, June 30th, 2012 at 10:00am The Cathedral of Christ the Light Greetings Parents, Sponsors, and Candidates, The Rite of Confirmation has arrived for your candidate. Confirmation is a very important step in your candidates’ faith journey. They will be fully initiated into the church. Often people think of Confirmation as a graduation day from the church. However, this is not the case. Confirmation brings us closer to God and helps us to continue in our faith journey. They are presented with many ministries and opportunities around the church and parish. Parents and sponsors are the primary role models who our candidates look up to for guidance in participating and sharing in their faith. Our hope and prayer is that your candidate will hear God’s call to participate and share their faith through volunteering, participating in a ministry, or be involved in a group in this parish. Please continue to encourage your candidate to participate in the life of the church and practice their faith. Arrival- Parents, Sponsors, and Candidates need to arrive on time. This mass is to confirm the candidates from Saint Clement and Good Shepherd Parishes. June 30 9:00AM- Candidates and sponsors arrive NO LATER than 9:00am in the “Event Center” on Level 1. (Towards the corner of Grand and Harrison) -Check in with Youth Leaders for attendance. Pickup Name Tags. -Meet and listen for final instructions. 9:30AM-Candidates and Sponsors will enter the Cathedral and go to designated reserved front pews. 10AM- Confirmation Mass begins (approximately 1.5 to 2 hrs) After Mass- At the end of mass pictures will be taken outside. Parents, Sponsors, Candidates, Family and Friends- Remember it is extremely important for Candidates and Sponsors to arrive in the “Event Center” on Level 1 at 9:00am for final preparations. Everyone should fully participate in Mass. Seating- When everyone is allowed into the Cathedral, candidates and sponsors find the reserved seating in the front of the cathedral. Sponsors need to be seated to the right of their candidate facing the altar. Reserved seating is only for CANDIDATES and SPONSORS only. Family, friends, and guests need to sit in the remaining open pews. Dress Code- Please see attached for dress code. NOTE: In addition to the dress code, it is suggested that you wear RED or WHITE for Confirmation. Remember, make sure you dress properly as if you were going to a formal event or wedding. Electronics- It is extremely important that you turn off all cell phones and electronics devices so they do not disturb the Mass. Please put away headphones and blue tooth devices. Pictures - Our Bishop Salvatore Cordileone requests the following to ensure the sacredness and seriousness of the Rite of Confirmation. It is strongly encouraged to cooperate with the following. *NO FLASH photography taken during mass or the anointing. Pictures must be taken from ones seat. There is absolutely no walking around for pictures any time during mass. *Flash photography and walking around can be very distracting, and it takes away from the sacredness of the celebration. Please refrain from this, especially since we are visiting the Cathedral. *Pictures can be taken BEFORE in the meeting hall or AFTER Mass outside . *Bishop Cordileone, Father Ramon Gomez, and the Confirmation Teachers and Youth Leaders will all be available to take pictures after mass. Celebration- Parents, families, and the newly confirmed are invited on Sunday, July 8th to the 6:30pm(English) Youth Mass and Potluck Dinner afterward in McCollum Hall. Please bring something to share for our potluck. (See Flyer) Rito de Confirmación –San Clemente Sábado, Junio 30, 2012 a las 10:00am En La Catedral de Cristo La Luz Queridos Padres de Familia, Padrinos y Candidatos: La hora del Rito de Confirmación ha llegado para su candidato. La Confirmación es un paso bien importante en la jornada de Fe para sus candidatos. Esto completa el proceso de la Iniciación dentro de la iglesia Católica. Muchos piensan que la Confirmación es la graduación de la iglesia, pero este no es el caso. La Confirmación nos acerca más a Dios y nos ayuda a continuar a seguir la jornada de nuestra fe. Se les presentará muchos ministerios y oportunidades de ayudar dentro de la iglesia. Los Padres de familia y padrinos son los primeros personajes ejemplares que los candidatos observan y se dejan guiar por sus ejemplos en cuanto a la participación en compartir su fe. Nuestras oraciones y anhelos son dedicados para que su candidato escuche el llamado de nuestro Señor para participar y compartir su fe por medio de hacer trabajo comunitario/voluntario en cualquiera de los diferentes ministerios que nuestra parroquia ofrece. Favor de animar a los candidatos para participar en las actividades de nuestra parroquia para seguir practicando su fe. Hora de llegada- Papás, Padrinos y Candidatos necesitan llegar puntual. Esta misa es para confirmar a los candidatos las parroquias de Saint Clement y Good Shepherd. Junio 30 9:00AM- Candidatos y Padrinos favor de llegar ANTES de las 9:00am en el “Event Center” en el nivel 1. (Hacia la esquina de Grand and Harrison) -Favor de buscar a los Lideres Jovenes para tomar asistencia. Recoger las etiquetas de identificación (candidatos). -Reunirse y escuchar las instrucciones finales. 9:30AM-Candidatos y Padrinos entrarán en la Catedral e irán a la area asignada donde estarán los asientos reservados en las bancas de la iglesia. 10AM- Misa de Confirmacián empieza (aproximádamente de 1.5 a 2 hrs) Después de Misa- Al terminar la Misa, se tomarán fotos. Padres de Familia, Padrinos Candidatos, Familiares y Amigos- Recuerden que es muy importante que los candidatos y Padrinos lleguen y se encuentren en el “Event Center” en el Nivel 1 a las 9:00am para la preparación final. Se les aconseja a todos participar en la Misa. Asientos- Cuando entremos todos a la Catedral los candidatos y padrinos busquen sus asientos reservados al frente de la Catedral . Los padrinos deben de sentarse al lado derecho del candidato enfrente del altar. Los asientos reservados son solamente para los CANDIDATOS y PADRINOS. Familiares, amigos e invitados se deberán sentar en las bancas disponibles. Código de Vestir- Ver Adjunto código de vestir. NOTA: Además del código de vestir se les sugiere vestirse de BLANCO y ROJO para la Confirmación. Recordar de vestirse apropiadamente como si fueran a una boda o un evento formal. Electrónicos: Es de suma importancia que apaguen sus celulares y aparatos eléctronicos para que no interrumpan la misa. Por favor guarden los auriculares y dispositivos blue tooth. Fotografias - Nuestro Obispo Salvatore Cordileone requiere lo siguiente para asegurar lo Sagrado y la seriedad del Rito de La Confirmación. Se les sugiere fuertemente cooperar con lo siguiente: *NO FLASH de fotografia durante el momento en que el Obispo/sacerdotes hagan la unción del aceite. Fotografias serán tomadas desde sus asientos . Absolutamente no levantarse a tomar fotografías durante la misa . *Fotografias con flash distraen mucho y afecta el momento sagrado de la celebración. Favor de evitar eso especialmente que estamos visitando la Catedral. *Se podrán tomar fotografias ANTES y DESPUES de misa. *El Obispo Cordileone, el Padre Ramon Gomes y los profesores y lideres estarán disponibles para tomar fotografias después de misa. Celebración- Padres de Familia, familiares y los Recién Confirmados están invitados el Domingo Julio 8, 2012 a la misa de las 6:30pm a La misa de los Jóvenes y cena estilo ‘Potluck’ en el McCollum Hall. Favor de traer su platillo favorito para compartir. (Ver anuncio). Rite of Confirmation –St. Clement Saturday, June of 30th, 2012 The Cathedral of Christ the Light Readings- It is important for candidates to review the readings. The Bishop may ask questions, and will refer to the readings during the Homily. Please go over the readings with your sponsors. First Reading: Joel 2:23, 26 – 3: 1-3a Children of Zion, delight and rejoice in the LORD, your God! You will eat until you are fully satisfied, then you will praise the name of the LORD, your God, who acts so wondrously on your behalf! My people will never again be put to shame. Then you will know that I am in the midst of Israel: I, the LORD, am your God, and there is no other; my people will never again be put to shame. It shall come to pass I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even upon your male and female servants, in those days, I will pour out my spirit. I will set signs in the heavens and on the earth. Second Reading: Acts 2:1-6, 14, 22b-23, 32-33 When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven staying in Jerusalem. At this sound, they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them speaking in his own language. Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice, and proclaimed to them, “You who are Jews, indeed all of you staying in Jerusalem. Let this be known to you, and listen to my words. Jesus the Nazorean was a man commended to you by God with mighty deeds, wonders, and signs, which God worked through him in your midst, as you yourselves know. This man, delivered up by the set plan and foreknowledge of God, you killed, using lawless men to crucify him. God raised this Jesus; of this we are all witnesses. Exalted at the right hand of God, he received the promise of the holy Spirit from the Father and poured it forth, as you see and hear. Gospel: John 7: 37b – 39 “Let anyone who thirsts come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as scripture says: ‘Rivers of living water will flow from within him.’” He said this in reference to the Spirit that those who came to believe in him were to receive. There was, of course, no Spirit yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified. Prayer of St. Augustine to the Holy Spirit Breathe into me, Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Move in me, Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may love only what is holy. Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that is holy. Protect me, Holy Spirit, that I may always be holy. Amen. “To know Christ better, and to make him better known.” -Diocese of Oakland Mission Statement Rite of Confirmation –St. Clement Saturday, June of 30th, 2012 The Cathedral of Christ the Light Directions: to the Cathedral of Christ the LightThe Cathedral of Christ the Light 2121 Harrison Street Oakland, CA 94610 *The Cathedral is located on the corner on the corner of Harrison Avenue, between 21st street and Grand Ave, across from Lake Merritt. *We DO NOT recommend teenagers to drive or travel themselves. Carpooling is highly encouraged. *Please allow yourself an extra to travel to ensure that you will arrive on time. BART- Oakland 19th Street Station- Cathedral is approximately 4 -5 city blocks away. Driving Directions: FROM HAYWARDUse Hwy 880 North and take the Oak Street exit toward Lakeside Drive. Turn right onto Oak Street. Oak Street will become Lakeside Drive. Continue on Lakeside Drive along Lake Merritt. As you cross 21st Street, Lakeside Drive becomes Harrison Street. You will see the Cathedral on your left side as you drive along Lake Merritt. Turn left at 21st and Harrison, Cathedral parking ramp will be on the right side. Parking- Parking is very limited at the Cathedral garage.(Only 200 spaces available.) Please plan on parking in public parking areas or garages. *Cathedral Garage- is on your immediate Right on 21st St. (small one way underground entrance) *There are other parking garages on side streets near the Cathedral, information and cost unknown. Meeting Room (8:30am)- From the cathedral parking garage, take the elevator to Level #1 and find your way to the “Event Center” (Corner of 21st Street and Harrison). *Please do not disrupt or disturb the 8AM mass that is in service one you arrive. If you get lost and find yourself inside the Cathedral, find the stairs and walk down the lower level of the Cathedral. If you have any questions please contact Kevin Virrey before Saturday, June 30th. Peace in Christ, Kevin Virrey Saint Clement Youth Ministry / Confirmation 510-582-7282 ext. 6