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Saint Gerard Catholic Church 809 Orange Avenue NW Roanoke, Virginia 24016—Office (540)343-7744 Fax (540)343-3599 Facebook—St. Gerard Catholic Church, Roanoke Instagram—stgerardchurchroanoke Website: VISION STATEMENT—VISION DE LA PARROQUIA A model Christian parish where each individual contributes unique gifts and talents to create a prayerful, caring and inclusive community. Una parroquia Cristiana modelo, en la cual cada individuo contribuye sus dones y talentos para crear una communidad de oración, amor e inclusión. Akarorero kumukirisu nihamwe umunta wese atanga ikado nziza cane n’impano zokubaka amasengesho n’umwitwarariko kubaka ubumwe. November 6, 2016 — November 12, 2016 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time *In Service to our Faith Community* Rev. Fr. Mark White, Pastor Rev. Matt Kiehl, Parochial Vicar Rev. José Arce, Parochial Vicar josé Maria Morales CRE Isabel Booth, Assistant to Hispanic Ministry Jenn O’Herron, Bookkeeper Beverly Stith, Secretary In case of emergency call (202) 489-3607 Parish Leadership/Lideres de la Parroquia Building & Grounds Committee………………………………………………………..Jaime Benavidez & Jesus Cardenas Christian Formation……………………………………………………………………...Maria Morales, Staff Finance Council………………………………………………………………………….Karen Wray Called to Serve Ministry………………………………………………………………...Digna Martinez Knights of Columbus-Fr. Maurice McDonald Council #13046……………………..Sergio Arriaga, Grand Knight Liturgy Committee………………………………………………………………………Susan Grettler, Chair Nocturnal Adoration Society/Sociedad de la Adoracion Nocturna………………...Jaime Benavidez, Presidente Pastoral Care……………………………………………………………………………Charles Anderson Pastoral Council……………………………………………………………………… ..Paul English, Chair St. Andrew’s Diocesan Cemetery, Parish Representatives………………………..Caecilia Hubbard & Terry Grettler Youth Ministry…………………………………………………………………………...Victoria Brown & Claudia Arriaga Parish Community Life……………………………………………………………… ...Phyllis Mardian (Co-Chair) Welcome to Our Visitors! Whether you’re just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish home, are returning to the practice of our Catholic faith, we’re happy to have you here. La Bienvenida a Nuestros Visitantes Sea que solo está de visita, buscando por una parroquia o regresando a la práctica de su fe católica, estamos muy contentos de que este aquí. Upcoming at St. Gerard’s! PRAYER INTENTIONS ¡Ya viene a San Gerardo! In our Thoughts and Prayers Sunday, November 6 / domingo, 6 de noviembre THANKSGIVING BASKETS Please pray for those who are sick, that they 9:30 am-Mass—Open experience strength in the Lord’s compassion 10:45 am—Catechist Formation Classes & Adult Formation 12:30 pm-Juan Silva Lopez† and love: Linda Sparta, Nicholas Surat, William DeBerry, 2:00 pm—Family meeting Class/Clase del Ministerio de la Sachin Varghese, Marilyn Laukaitis, Marsha Familia Laukaitis, Fr. Michael Herbert, Dabney Ward, 5:00 pm— Mass—Pro Populo Jessica English, Donna Boyd, Carolyn Mann, Claire Williams, Bill Grogan, Elicia Muñiz, Linda Crutchfield, Ed Harris, James Brown, Jack Stilton, Tyrone Johnson, Mary Ann Huff and Susan Grettler Monday, November 7 / lunes, 7 de noviembre 12:00 Noon-Mass at St. Andrew’s 6:00 pm—Folkloric Dance practice 6:30 pm-Estudio Biblico Bless all who give themselves to the service of others: Tuesday, November 8 / martes, 8 de noviembre ELECTION DAY 12:00 Noon-Mass at St. Andrew’s 6:30 pm—Hispanic Advisory Group/Grupo Asesor de Hispanos Heavenly Father, You have called my son to be a priest and 7:00 pm—Confirmation Class he has generously responded to that call: Wednesday, November 9 / miércoles, 9 de noviembre David Arellano, John R. Baab. Dillon A. Bruce, Deacon John R. 12:00 Noon-Mass at St. Andrew’s Christian, Phillip L. Decker, Anthony Ferguson, Benjamin W. 5:30 pm—Respeto Fleser, James W. Hickman, Magnus T. Iwuji, Deacon Mark E. 6:15 pm—Confessions Kowalski, Thomas B. Lawrence III, Christopher M. Masla, Jr., 7:00 pm—Parish Council To those who devote or have devoted their lives to serving our country, children and neighborhoods; they are giving back. They have answered the call to serve. John D. Minnich, Daniel R. Molochko, Kyle S. O’Connor, James P. O’Reilly, Julio Hernan Realegeño Reyes, Nicholas E. Redmond, Kevin J. Riedel, Cassidy M. N. Stinson, Christopher J. Weyer, Riley W. Winstead, Deacon Miguel Melendez, Armando Herrera, Alex Jiménez, Joe Kauflin, Patrick Walsh, William Douglas, Andrew Clark, Gregory Guilfoyle Office’s Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm QUESTION OF THE WEEK PREGUNTA DE LA SEMANA Are you ready to die if Jesus called you home today? Gospel Reading Luke 20:27-38 ╬ ¿Estás listo para morir si Jesús te llama hoy día al hogar eterno? Thursday, November 10 / jueves, 10 de noviembre 12:00 Noon-Mass at St. Andrew’s 6:30 pm—High School Youth Ministry and Catechesis Friday, November 11 / viernes, 11 de noviembre VETERANS DAY 7:30 am Mass— 12:00 Noon-Mass at St. Andrew’s 5:30 pm—Prayer group (Grupo de Oración) 6:30 pm—Folkloric Dance practice Saturday, November 12 / sábado, 12 de noviembre Confirmation Retreat at OLN 7:00 pm—Hispanic Choir Practice 8:00 pm—Adoración Nocturna 9:00 pm—Exposición Sunday, November 13 / domingo, 13 de noviembre THANKSGIVING BAGS 9:30 am Mass – 10:45—CF Classes 12:30 pm Misa – Angela Sifuentes Puente† 12:30 pm—Rite of Recognition for Youth Confirmation Candidates 5:00 pm— Lectura del Evangelio Lucas 20:27-38 Parish Support Oct 30 Diocesan Collection(s)$ Fundraising (food sale)$ Oct (Month to Date) 872 50 $ 2,302 $ 306 Regular Collection $ 3,020 Capital Improvement- $ 30 $15,755 $ 120 Total $ 3,050 $15,875 Budgeted Regular Collection $ 3,073 Capital Improvement $ 275 $15,366 $ 1,373 Total $ 3,348 $16,739 Over/(Under) $ (297) ($ 864) Ministers for November 13, 2016 9:30 am Mass Lectors: Tom Carr Ministers of Holy Communion: Charles Anderson, Constance Crutchfield, Altermease Brown, Nicole Terry, James Brown Coordinator: Becky Carr Ministros para la misa de 12:30 pm del 13 de noviembre Lectores: Samuel Munoz, Nelly Cardenas Servidores del Altar: Casandra Monjaraz, Katherine Landeros Ministros de la Sagrada Comunión: Noemi Aguilar, Minerva Carreon, Irma & Jose Ochoa, Fabiola Rufino, Miguel Cisneros, Victoria Brown Coordinator: Paula Carreon Readings for Sunday, November 13 / Lecturas para el domingo 13 de noviembre: 159: Mal 3:19-20a Ps 98:5-9 2 Thes 3:7-12 Luke 21:5-19 Regional Services / Servicios Regionales Roanoke Catholic School: Madonna House: St. Francis House: Catholic Charities: Refugee and Immigration Service: Blue Ridge Women’s Center: 982-3532 Catholic Historical Museum: 982-0152 343-8464 Roanoke Area Ministries: 345-8850 342-7561 Ext. 319 St. Andrew's Cemetery: 342-9180 344-5107 Our Lady of the Valley: 345-5111 342-7561 Pregnancy Counseling – Catholic Charities: 344-2749 362-4357 5034 Williamson Road NW, Roanoke, VA 24012 Sacrament of Baptism: The Sacrament of Baptism should be celebrated as soon as possible after birth. Therefore parents should contact the parish office prior to the child’s birth. This will allow adequate time for the necessary preparation of the parents and the Godparents. Sacrament of Reconciliation: On Wednesday from 6:15-7:00 PM or by appointment. Sacramento del Bautismo. El Sacramento del Bautismo debe ser celebrado después del nacimiento del niño, o tan pronto como sea posible. Los padres deben llamar a la oficina de la parroquia antes de la fecha del nacimiento para que los padres y padrinos reciban la preparación necesaria. Sacramento de Reconciliación. Los miércoles de 6:15-7:00 PM o por una cita. First Reconciliation and First Communion, Sacrament of Confirmation: Please contact the Coordinator of Religious Education (María Morales) for more information. Para Primera Reconciliación, Primera Comunión o Sacramento de Confirmación. Llame a la Coordinadora de Educación Religiosa, María Morales. Sacrament of Marriage: Requires at least nine months of preparation before the Marriage. Contact the Pastor, through the parish office, to start the process. Sacramento del Matrimonio. Se requieren por lo menos nueve meses de preparación. Para iniciar el proceso póngase en contacto con el Párroco llamando la oficina. Cuidado Pastoral. Si Ud. se entera de que un feligrés está enfermo y desea recibir la Eucaristía, Unción de Enfermos o una visita del Párroco, llame a la oficina. Pastoral Care: Please contact the parish office if you are aware a parishioner is sick and desires to receive the Eucharist, Anointing of the Sick or a visit from the Pastor. Parish Registration forms are available through the office. Las Formas de Registro Parroquial están disponibles también en la oficina. THE TURKEY HAS FIFTY-FIVE FEATHERS, BUT IT NEEDS MORE! There is just one week left… and we have many requests this year for Thanksgiving baskets! Thanks to those who have returned filled bags or have taken a bag from the table in the Commons to fill. Remember to return your filled bag by next Sunday, November 13th, but no later than Monday, November 14 th. You can also participate by donating money to help buy turkeys and/or additional food for the baskets. Watch the turkey in the Commons for our progress! We can make it… but only with your help! Upcoming date to consider for this project -- Saturday morning, November 19th – 9 AM --- meet at St. Gerard to help deliver boxes Please call the office if you would like to help 540-343-7744. EL PAVO TIENE 55 PLUMAS, ¡PERO NECESITA MÁS! Solo queda una semana… ¡y tenemos muchos pedidos este año para las cestas de Acción de Gracias! Gracias a todos los que han devuelto bolsas llenas o se han llevado una para llenar de la mesita que está en el área común. Recuerde devolverla para el próximo domingo 13 de noviembre, o a más tardar el lunes 14 de noviembre. También puede ayudar donando dinero para la compra de los pavos y/o artículos adicionales para las cestas. ¡Vean como le salen plumas al pavo! Podemos lograrlo… ¡pero solo con su ayuda! Fechas venideras para ayudar con este proyecto-- Sábado en la mañana, 19 de noviembre – 9 AM --- vaya a la iglesia San Gerardo para ayudar entregar las cajas Por favor llame a la oficina al 343-7744 si quisiera ayudar. Did you know? Sabías que? ¿Por qué algunas iglesias permanecen ‘pequeñas’? Y pequeña Why do some churches remain ‘small’? And small does not no significa cuanta gente ‘pertenece’; pero en vez, cuanta gente mean the how many people ‘belong’; but rather, by how many es ‘atraída y hecha sentir parte de la iglesia’. people are being ‘reached and made to feel part of the church’. Algunas razones: Some reasons: “Nos gusta como es nuestra iglesia”. La gente es saluda“We like our church the way it is now”. People are da, se les habla y se les pasa un boletín. Pero también greeted, talked with, and given a bulletin. But they are se les ‘dice’ (no siempre de palabra, pero en acciones) also are ‘told’ (not always spoken but in how we act) que realmente no serían bienvenidos. that they would not truly be welcomed. Unos pocos ‘manejan’ la iglesia. A los feligreses se les da A few people ‘run’ the church. Parishioners are made to la impresión que unos ‘pocos’ toman todas las feel that the ‘few’ make the decisions. Parishioners decisiones. Los feligreses necesitan asistir reuniones, need to attend meetings, participate, ask questions participar, hacer preguntas ‘¿Por qué se hace esto? ‘Why was this done? Who made that decision that our ¿Quién tomó esa decisión de que nuestra iglesia haría church would do that? Why weren’t we told about eso? ¿por qué no se nos informó sobre esto?’ etc. this?’ etc. Complejo de inferioridad…”No podemos hacer nada Inferiority complex…”We can’t do anything because we porque somos una iglesia pequeña y no tenemos mucho are small and don’t have lots of money.” So the church dinero.” Así que la iglesia fija pequeñas metas y pide sets small goals and asks little of their members. poquito de sus miembros. La gente se convierte en People become victims of their own situation and victimas de su propia situación y depende de otros por depend on others for help; instead of providing a ayuda; en vez de proveer una visión más grande e bigger vision and inviting people to join in that vision invitar a la gente a compartir de esa visión y de and to share the many gifts they have been given by compartir los muchos dones que Dios les ha dado. God. Los feligreses y los líderes de la parroquia necesitan preguntar “¿Qué es lo que deberíamos estar haciendo para realmente estar atrayendo gente? Y luego ¡hacerlo! Parishioners and leaders of the parish need to ask ‘What is it that we should be doing to truly be reaching people?’ And then Do It! Who knew? Quién sabe? We are looking for help with the following: Money counters on Sundays. Please contact the office (540-343-7744) for details. Buildings and Grounds Ministry We need to have a big TV moved out of the office (and out to the curb) (after 12:30 pm Mass) Screens put back in the windows (2 people...would take about 30 minutes) Please contact the office, 540-343-7744 to make arrangements! Hope you enjoy and will take advantage of this new feature of our bulletin. We encourage people to get involved and appreciate all of your help. Congratulations to Luisa Perkins from Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Salem…winner of our 70 th Anniversary Statue Raffle. Felicitaciones a Luisa Perkins de la Iglesia Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro en Salem… ganadora de la Rifa de la Estatua del 70º Aniversario “National Vocation Awareness Week will be celebrated in our country November 6-12, 2016. Please ask Our Lord for more dedicated, holy priests, deacons and consecrated men and women. May they be inspired by Jesus Christ, supported by our faith community, and respond generously to God’s gift of a vocation." “ La Semana Nacional de Concientización por las Vocaciones será celebrada en nuestro país del 6-12 de noviembre. Por favor pidámosle a nuestro Señor que nos dé más dedicados y santos sacerdotes, diáconos y hombres y mujeres consagrados a la vida religiosa. Que ellos sean inspirados por Jesucristo, apoyados por nuestra fe y que respondan generosamente al don de Dios de una vocación." “Freedom always comes at a high price. It requires a generous heart, ready for sacrifice. . . We cannot excuse ourselves from our own personal responsibility for freedom. There is no such thing as freedom without sacrifice.” -St. John Paul “La libertad siempre viene a un alto precio. Requiere de un corazón generoso, listo para el sacrificio… No podemos excusarnos de nuestra propia responsabilidad para con la libertad. No existe tal cosa como la libertad sin el sacrificio.” San Juan Pablo During this Year of Mercy, thousands of hungry individuals, children and families received food and clothing; people facing homelessness received assistance to have a roof over their heads; contact and support brought comfort and connection to isolated seniors. All of this was made possible as result of your generosity and support to Commonwealth Catholic Charities. CCC thanks St. Gerard Catholic Church for their support of close to $900 which affords the privilege of living their mission to help those in need. Durante este Año de la Misericordia, miles de individuos hambrientos, niños y familias recibieron alimentos y ropa; gente encarando estar sin casa recibieron asistencia para conseguir tener un techo sobre sus cabezas; contacto y apoyo trajo consuelo y conexión a personas mayores aisladas. Todo esto fue posible como resultado de su generosidad y apoyo a Commonwealth Catholic Charities. CCC le agradece a la Iglesia Católica San Gerardo su apoyo de casi $900 los cuales permitieron el privilegio de vivir nuestra misión de ayudar a los necesitados. OUTSIDE THE PARISH The Most Reverend Francis X. DiLorenzo, invite everyone in the Richmond Diocese to join in worship and fellowship at the 33rd Annual Red Mass and Dinner on Thursday, Nov 10. Reverend Monsignor R. Francis Muench, J.C.L., Judicial Vicar for the Diocese of Richmond will celebrate the Red Mass. Mass is at 6:00 p.m. at Mary, Mother of the Church Abbey, 12829 River Road, Goochland. The dinner will follow in the Benedictine College Prep Dining Hall. The keynote address will be given by Reverend Paul D. Scalia, Episcopal Vicar for Clergy, Diocese of Arlington. Father Scalia is the son of former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Tickets for the dinner are $65.00 each. The Saint Thomas More Society is an educational, fraternal, and service organization of Catholic lawyers. Further information can be obtained from Society President, James Schliessmann, 804-873-1035. OLIVE BRANCH Gift Store at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Salem...The 2017 annual St. Joseph Sunday Missal and Guides for Christian Prayer and Liturgy of the Hours are on the way. If you wish to reserve a copy, please come by the Olive Branch by October 30. They will be placed out for sale on November 5. New merchandise has been received at the store for autumn and advent. Come and see what is new for your seasonal shopping. Many new gift ideas including rosaries, medals, crucifixes and gifts for the home are available now. Hours for the book store are Wednesday from 1 - 4 pm and 4:30 - 7 pm. Saturday from 10 am - 1pm and on Saturday and Sunday before and after Mass. Resurrection Catholic Church (in Moneta) 11th Annual Fair Trade Sale will be held Saturday November 12th from 9 A.M. to 5 PM and Sunday November 13th from noon until 4 P.M. Each purchase helps families in both the United States and less developed countries work their way out of poverty. Choose from an abundance of hand crafted items for yourself, your home or as gifts. Buying a scarf, basket, jewelry, pottery, household items, or gift allows the artisans, who create them to put more nutritious food on the table, send their children to school and have access to medical care. If you choose to buy and use fair trade items, your purchases will reflect your faith and your stand for justice. You will probably also find a little gift for yourself, guilt free. We hope you will come and support this effort. If you have questions, contact Kathy Lietz at 721-3330 or ORDER OF FRANCISCANS SECULAR Almost 800 years ago in Assisi, a man named Francis was called by God to “Rebuild My Church.” The times were difficult, war and greed were rampant. He chose the Life of Christ (Gospels) as his guide. People began to follow him embracing his values of poverty, joy, simplicity, gratitude and love of all God’s creatures. They continue to do so today. If you would like to learn more consider yourself cordially invited to the Fraternity of the Companions of Francis and Clare on Sunday, November 20 and or Sunday, December 18 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church 314 Turner Rd, Salem, VA at 1:00 pm and see if this might be for you. For more information please call Tom Fame at 521-6414. Life Long Christian Formation – Formaci•n Cristiana de por Vida November 6, 2016 RICA. ADULTOS, J‚VENES Y NIƒOS INTERESADOS EN EL PROCESO DEL Rito de Iniciaci•n Cristiana de Adultos. €Est•s interesado en conocer m•s sobre la fe cat‚lica? €Deseas completar tus sacramentos de iniciaci‚n (a travƒs del bautismo, confirmaci‚n o eucarist„a)? Para mayor informaci‚n dir„jase a: Mar„a Morales al 540-343-7744. La pr•xima sesi•n es el martes 15 de noviembre de 6:30-8:00PM RCIA. INTERESTED ADULTS, YOUTH AND CHILDREN IN THE Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults PROCESS! Are you interested in finding out more about the Catholic Faith? Do you desire to complete your Christian Initiation (through The Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, or Eucharist)? For more information please contact Maria Morales @ 540-343-7744. th The next session will be on Tuesday, November 15 from 6:30-8:00PM. YOUTH CONFIRMATION. Next session is THIS Tuesday November 8 at 7:00 pm on the office side is the class. The Confirmation Retreat is THIS Saturday, November 12 at Our Lady of Nazareth Church (2505 Electric Road, Roanoke VA 24018) from 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM. FIRST RECONCILIATION PREPARATION FOR THE CHILDREN/YOUTH. The first session is on Saturday, November 19, 2016 from 9:00am to 11:30am. (Parents remember that you must also attend) PREPARACI‚N DE PRIMERA RECONCILIACI‚N PARA LOS NIƒOS Y J‚VENES. La primera clase de preparaci‚n es el s•bado 19 de noviembre de 9:00am a 11:30am. (Padres recuerden que ustedes tambi‡n deben asistir.) NOVEMBER IS BLACK CATHOLIC HISTORY MONTH. This month, we’re honoring the men and women from Africa who have pioneered the faith! Many forget that Christianity didn’t start in Europe. Black Catholics have had a huge impact on the history and traditions of Christianity. The church has been celebrating Black Catholic History Month since 1990 when the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus of the United States instigated it. CONFIRMACI‚N DE J‚VENES. La pr‚xima clase es el martes 8 de noviembre a las 7:00pm del lado de las oficinas. El Retiro de Confirmaci‚n es este s„bado 12 de noviembre en la iglesia Nuestra Se…ora de Nazaret (2505 Electric Road, Roanoke VA 24018) de 8:30 AM a 6:30 PM. SACRAMENTO DE BAUTISMO Pr•xima charla pre bautismal: ser• el s•bado 19 de noviembre de 2:00 a 4:00 PM. Pr•xima fecha de bautismo: el s•bado 26 de noviembre a las 11:00 AM. Existe un l†mite de 10 ni…os o hasta 6 familias por cada s„bado. Las familias interesadas deben: 1.) asistir a misa todos los domingos, 2.) Estar inscritas en la parroquia, 3.) Tener llena la forma de inscripci‚n al bautismo. Los ni…os NO deben venir a la pl„tica para evitar interrupciones. NOVIEMBRE ES MES DE LA HISTORIA DE LOS NEGROS CAT‚LICOS. Este mes honramos a los hombres y mujeres de †frica que han sido ‡pioneros de la fe! Muchos olvidan que el cristianismo no comenz‚ en Europa. Los negros cat‚licos han hecho un gran impacto en la historia y las tradiciones del cristianismo. La iglesia ha estado celebrando el Mes Nacional de la Herencia de los Cat‚licos Afro-Americanos desde 1990 cuando el Congreso del Clero de los Negros Cat‚licos de los US lo instigaron. Jóvenes Adultos Católicos del Valle de Roanoke entre los 20 y 35 aˆos est•n invitados a participar en los distintos eventos mensuales. Para encontrar otros eventos visiten All Young Adults 20-35 are welcome to participate in the monthly sessions. Go to to see all the events. Another Look at Sacramentals and Devotional Prayer by Jim Gontis. (continues) SOME PARTICULAR DEVOTIONS . A third kind of sacramental is popular devotion. Devotions are never a replacement for liturgical prayer. Rather, they draw their efficacy from the Sacred Liturgy and orient us back to it. Devotions also help us to fulfill St. Paul's exhortation to "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thes 5:17). Though there are too many devotions to list them all here, some of the most prominent are Eucharistic Adoration, the Rosary, and the Divine Mercy devotions. Encouraging Eucharistic Adoration, Pope Benedict XVI invoked the words of St. Alphonsus Liguori. "'Certainly,' wrote Alphonsus, 'among all the devotions, this one of adoration of the sacramental Jesus is the first after the sacraments, the dearest to God and the most useful to us. O, what a beautiful delight to be before an altar with faith and to present to him our needs, as a friend does to another friend with whom one has full confidence!'" (General Audience March 30, 2011). Of all the popular devotions in the Latin Rite, the Rosary is the most widely known. It has been promoted by saints and popes for centuries. St. John Paul II referred to the Rosary as "my favorite prayer" (Angelus Address, October 29, 1978). Pope Francis wrote, "The Rosary is a prayer that always accompanies me; it is also the prayer of the ordinary people and the saints . . . it is a prayer from my heart" (Il Rosario. Preghiera del cuore [The Rosary. A prayer from the heart], 210) There are many aspects of the Divine Mercy devotions, including the Chaplet, the Divine Mercy Image, and the Hour of Great Mercy (3:00 p.m.), to name a few. The popularity of these devotions, focused on the Lord's infinite mercy, has grown rapidly in recent decades. Regarding the Chaplet, St. Faustina wrote that Jesus said to her, "At the hour of their death, I defend as My own glory all souls that will say this chaplet; or when others say it for a dying person" (Divine Mercy in My Soul, 811). Of course, there are so many popular devotions other than the three mentioned! A few that deserve special mentions would be Stations of the Cross, Sacred Heart devotions, and Miraculous Medal devotions. All are enthusiastically approved by the Church!… Otra mirada a los sacramentales y a la oración devocional por Jim Gontis. (continúa) ALGUNAS DEVOCIONES PARTICULARES. Una tercera forma de sacramental es la devoci‚n popular. Las devociones nunca son un sustituto de la oraci‚n litŠrgica. Por el contrario, derivan su eficacia de la sagrada Liturgia y nos orientan de nuevo a ella. Las devociones tambiƒn nos ayudan a cumplir con la exhortaci‚n de san Pablo a "orar sin cesar" (1 Ts 5:17). Aunque hay demasiadas devociones para mencionarlas todas aqu„, algunas de las m•s destacadas son la adoraci‚n eucar„stica, el Rosario y las devociones de la Divina Misericordia. Alentando a la adoraci‚n eucar„stica, el papa Benedicto XVI invoc‚ las palabras de san Alfonso Mar„a de Ligorio. "'Ciertamente —escribe Alfonso— entre todas las devociones esta de adorar a JesŠs sacramentado es la primera despuƒs de los sacramentos, la m•s querida por Dios y la m•s Štil para nosotros... ‡Oh, quƒ gran delicia estar ante un altar con fe... y presentarle nuestras necesidades, como hace un amigo a otro con el que se tiene total confianza!'" (Audiencia general, 30 de marzo de 2011). De todas las devociones populares en el rito latino, el Rosario es el m•s conocido. Ha sido promovido por santos y papas durante siglos. San Juan Pablo II se refiri‚ al Rosario como "mi oraci‚n predilecta" (†ngelus, 29 de octubre de 1978). El papa Francisco escribi‚, "El Rosario es la oraci‚n que acompaˆa todo el tiempo mi vida. Es tambiƒn la oraci‚n de los sencillos y de los santos… es la oraci‚n de mi coraz‚n" (Il Rosario. Preghiera del cuore [El Rosario, oraci‚n del coraz‚n], 210). Hay muchos aspectos en las devociones de la Divina Misericordia, como por ejemplo la Coronilla, la imagen de la Divina Misericordia y la hora de la gran Misericordia (3:00 p.m.), para nombrar unas cuantas. La popularidad de estas devociones, centradas en la infinita misericordia del Seˆor, ha crecido r•pidamente en las Šltimas dƒcadas. En cuanto a la Coronilla, santa Faustina escribi‚ que JesŠs le dijo: "Defenderƒ como Mi gloria a cada alma que rece esta Coronilla en la hora de la muerte, o cuando los dem•s la recen junto al agonizante" (La Divina Misericordia en mi alma, 811). Por supuesto, ‡hay muchas devociones populares adem•s de las tres mencionadas! Algunas que merecen menci‚n especial ser„an las Estaciones de la Cruz, las devociones del Sagrado Coraz‚n y las devociones de la Medalla Milagrosa. ‡Todas est•n aprobadas por la Iglesia con entusiasmo! St. Gerard Catholic Church Iglesia Catolica de San Gerardo July / Julio 2015 - June / Junio 2016 INCOME / INGRESOS 2015-16 Actuals / Actuales 2015-16 Budget / Presupuest 2016-17 Budget / Presupuesto 87,329 91,363 3,918 182,610 69,162 104,269 5,125 178,556 89,480 94,912 3,336 187,728 Other Income / Otro Ingreso Stole Fees / IMatrimonios y Funerales 1,010 Votive Stands / Velas votivas 619 Fundraising - General / Recaudación de fondos - General 1,725 Fundraising - Worship /Recaudación de Fondos - Iglesia 974 Fundraising - Youth Ministry / Recaudación de Fondos - Juventud 1,980 Fundraising - Hispanic Committee / Recaudación de Fondos - Comité Hispano Fundraising - Parish Charities / Recaudación de Fondos - Caridades Fundraising - Kroger 438 Miscellaneous Income/Otros ingresos 56 Rental Income / Ingresos de Rentas 685 Interest Income / Ingresos de Interés 381 Bulletin Advertisement Income / Avisos en el boletín 1,580 Fees Income - Christian Ed / Educación cristiana Total Other Income / Otro Ingreso Total 9,448 200 500 5,500 925 700 2,000 350 1,250 1,000 350 185 1,250 3,800 18,010 280 683 12,500 100 580 2,000 16,143 16,301 23,574 728 512 543 1,076 300 615 307 410 4,465 7,106 13,838 150 1,600 Contrib. Designated Purpose - Music Min. / Contribución específica - Música 2,345 Contrib. Designated Purpose - Rel Ed / Contribución específica - Educación 400 Religiosa Contrib. Designated Purpose - Youth / Contribución específica - Juventud200 Contrib. Designated Purpose - Flowers / Contribución específica - Flores1,157 Total Special Funds / Fondos Especiales Total 33,695 41,932 16,480 728 4,761 17,175 3,120 1,200 43,464 Ordinary Income / Ingreso Ordinario Sunday/Holyday Plate Collection / Colecta del domingo Sunday/Holyday Envelope Collection / Colecta dada en Sobre Add'l Parish Collections / Otras Colectas Total Ordinary Income / Ingreso Ordinario Total Special Funds / Fondos Especiales Capital Imp Collection / Colecta para Mejoras de Captial Catholic Virginian Publications Sold / Publicaciones Vendidas Parish Charities / Obras de Caridad Family Emergency Fund / Fondo de Emergencias Familiares Good Sam Fund (Charity) / Otras Obras de Caridad Diocesan Appeal - Parish Share / Porción Paroquial de la Campaña Grant Revenue / Ingresos de Beca Contrib. Designated Purpose - Other / Uso Designado - Otro Diocesan Collections / Colectas de la Diócesis **Grand Total - All Receipts** 4,930 6,095 9,140 230,682 244,594 256,475 Ordinary Income / Ingreso Ordinario Other Income / Otro Ingresos Special Funds / Fondos Especiales Diocesan Collections / Colectas del Diocesis May the good Lord reward all of you for being so generous. May He keep us firm in doing our mission. It is a priviledge to serve with all of you. Fathers Mark, Jose, and Matt 1 EXPENSES / GASTOS St. Gerard Catholic Church Iglesia Catolica de San Gerardo July / Julio 2015 - June / Junio 2016 2015-16 Actuals / Actuales 2015-16 Budget / Presupuest 2016-17 Budget / Presupuesto 60,261 77,171 137,432 62,021 78,199 140,220 67,679 92,679 160,358 Non-Personnel Costs / Gastos No Personales Auto/Travel Costs / de Automovil Utilities / Servicios Públicos (agua, gas, electricidad, etc.) Rectory Costs / Rectoría Worship Expenses / Gastos de misa/devociones Repairs & Maintenance / Reparaciones y Mantenimiento Office Supplies / Oficina Supplies - Misc. /Suministros Collection Envelopes / Sobres para Colecta Copying Costs / Copiadora Printing Costs / costos de impresión Postage Costs / Franqueo (estampillas) Dues & Subscriptions / Cuotas y Suscripciones Books & Periodicals / Libros y publicaciones periódicas Stormwater Fees / Tarifas de agua de lluvia (Ciudad de Roanoke) Janitorial & Cleaning / Limpieza Workshops Attended / Talleres Bank Charges / Cargos de Banco Flowers / Flores Acknowledgements / Reconocimientos Misc. Expenses/Otros gastos Background Check / Investigaciones de Antecedentes Pastoral Council / Consejo Pastoral Christian Education / Educación Religiosa Hispanic Ministry / Ministerio Hispano Parish Community Life / Eventos Sociales de la Comunidad Youth Ministry / Ministerio de Juvenil Parish Charities / Obras de Caridad Grant Expense / Gastos Relacionados a las Becas Total-Non Pers. Costs / Total de Gastos No Personales 12,358 450 5,498 13,735 2,292 601 491 2,681 3 566 401 533 656 10 24 916 157 168 132 949 (28) 893 1,918 2,389 2,006 49,797 1,500 15,390 4,500 6,000 8,700 743 461 460 2,900 200 307 103 1,292 154 553 25 1,369 75 4,250 103 1,250 1,025 6,337 57,698 1,200 12,882 4,995 2,285 8,583 1,120 420 500 3,205 300 402 799 600 1,200 70 150 3,122 880 1,404 9,775 53,892 Assessments & Collections Sent / Tasaciones y Colectas Enviadas Cathedraticum / Impuesto Diocesano Self Insurance Assessment / Autoseguros Catholic Virginian Subsidy For Catholic Schools / Subsidio para las Escuelas Católicas Madonna House Assessment / Casa Madonna Diocesan Collections Forwarded / Colectas Diocesanas Enviadas Total Assessments & Collections Sent 19,390 3,836 2,562 13,143 59 4,930 43,920 19,000 3,970 2,550 13,145 135 6,095 44,895 17,663 4,044 3,297 13,145 9,139 47,288 231,149 242,813 261,538 (466) 1,781 (5,063) Personnel Costs / Gastos de Personal Clergy Costs / de Clero Lay Personnel Costs / de Laicos Total Personnel Costs / Gastos Total de Personal **Total All Expenditures** ***Profit Or (Loss)*** / Ganancia o (Perdida) Lay Personnel Costs / Gastos de Laico Clergy Costs / Gastos de Clero Cathedraticum Repairs & Maintenance / Reparaciones y Mantenimiento Subsidy For Regional Schools / Para las Escuelas Regionales Utilities / Servicios Públicos Worship Expenses / Gastos de Iglesia Diocesan Collections Forwarded / Colectas Enviadas Self Insurance Assessment / Autoseguros Other / Otro Que el buen Señor los recompense a todos por ser tan generosos. Que El nos mantenga firme en nuestra misión. Es un privilegio servir con todos ustedes. Padres Mark, José, y Matt 2 By patronizing our advertisers, we are saying THANK YOU for their support. PLACE YOUR AD HERE $75 FOR 3 MONTHS CALL 540-343-7744 (SPECIAL PARISHIONER RATES AVAILABLE) STEPHEN C. ROSSI—PRESIDENT SROSSI@SCROSSI.COM S. C. ROSSI & COMPANY, INC. 1410 16TH STREET S.E.—ROANOKE, VA 24014 PHONE: (540 342-6600—FAX: (540) 342-6611 HIRING NOW—-SE BUSCAN TRABAJADORES JERSEY LILLYS ROADHOUSE GRILL Community—Family—Youth 2843 ORANGE AVE., ROANOKE, VA. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Fr, Maurice McDonald #13046 GOOD FOOD AT A REASONABLE PRICE BRING THE CHURCH BULLETIN WITH YOU & RECEIVE 10% OFF ON FOOD & BEVERAGES. (Alocohol Excluded) TURBITT, O’HERRON & LEACH, PLLC Family Business Since 1920-Service First MELROSE HARDWARE 2302 Melrose Av, NW Roanoke Va 24017 540-342-4143 Tues—Fri 9AM-5PM Sat———-9AM-330PM Abogados contra Daños y Perjuicios Trabajo con personas que sufren heridas en el trabajo o con personas involucradas en cualquier tipo de accidente (por ejemplo en automóvil, o se cae en un lugar público). Consultas confidenciales y gratuitas (540)345-5700 Roanoke Office Would you like to help cure cancer? Do you have even a few hours a month to volunteer? Saint Gerard Catholic Church (see our display in the commons) OUR SERVICE IS OUR STRENGTH Comunidad—Familia—Jóvenes Please contact: American Cancer Society Discovery Shop CABALLEROS DE COLON Fr, Maurice McDonald #13046 Iglesia Catolica San Gerardo 540-345-2572 (vea nuestra exhibición enel commons) GOD BLESS NUESTRO SERVICIO ES NUESTRA FORT ALEZA St. Francis Food Pantry Your Donations of Food or Money are greatly appreciated PLACE YOUR AD HERE $75 FOR 3 MONTHS CALL 540-343-7744 (540-342-7561 ext 319 (SPECIAL PARISHIONER RATES AVAILABLE) PRAY THE ROSARY PLEASE REMEMBER ST. GERARD CATHOLIC CHURCH IN YOUR ESTATE PLANNING Commonwealth Catholic Charities Offering hope, help and dignity to Virginians since 1923 541 Luck Ave, SW Roanoke, VA 24016 Adoption Counseling Financial Assistance Foster Care Homeless Point of Entry Immigration Services Pregnancy Counseling Refugee Resettlement SU AVISO AQUI SOLO $75 / 3 MESSES (540) 343-7744 (TARIFAS ESPECIALES PARA LOS FELIGRESES) RECE EL ROSARIO Al utilizar servicios de estos patrocinadores, les estamos dando las “GRACIAS” por su apoyo.