Download THIS Sunday, Sept 11th, after the 5 pm Teen
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820 Creston Rd, Paso Robles CA 93446 (Mailing Address: PO Box 790, Paso Robles, CA 93447) St. Rose of Lima is a Eucharistic, Christ-centered, Spirit-filled, Roman Catholic community committed to living a sacramental life of prayer, service and stewardship. Santa Rosa de Lima es una Comunidad Católica Romana, Eucarística, centrada en Cristo, llena del Espíritu Santo y comprometida a vivir una vida sacramental de oración, servicio y administración. Luke 2:19 Lucas 2:19 ST ROSE PARISH WINTER 2017 SCRIPTURE STUDY ~ Walking Toward Eternity: DARING TO WALK THE WALK is an 8-week Bible Study; a great way to help us prepare for our Lenten Journey. Walking Toward Eternity is an inspiring series designed to help you live your faith more fully by developing and nurturing characteristics that are essential to the Christian life. Through daily prayer and meditation with Scripture, you will be drawn into an intimate and life-changing encounter with Christ. This Bible Study will meet on Thursdays and begins this week on January 5th in the Adult Learning Center. Morning and Evening sessions are available. Registration flyers with more information are available in the Church vestibule or in the parish office. Register TODAY. CLASSES RESUME WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2017. (Sacramental Prep Parent meeting & Adult Faith Formation Presentation is on Wednesday, Jan 11th, at 6:15 pm in the parish center) CLASES COMIENZAN EL VIERNES, 6 DE ENERO DEL 2017. Church, Saint Rose School, Parish Center, and Adult Learning Center 820 Creston Road, Paso Robles Parish Office - 805-238-2218 - 9am - 4pm, Monday - Friday 642 Trigo Ln, Paso Robles, CA 93446 Fax: 805-238-2762 ~ Mail: PO Box 790, Paso Robles, CA 93447 Saint Rose School—805-238-0304 Mail: 900 Tucker Ave, Paso Robles, CA 93446 MASSES / MISAS Saturday: 5:00 PM (Contemplative Mass) Sunday: 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM (Family Mass) 12:30 PM Misa en Español 5:00 PM (Contemporary) 7:00 PM Misa en Español Daily: Monday - Friday at 7:00AM; Saturday: 8:00 a.m. Monday & Tuesday: 7:00 PM Mass in Spanish Lunes y Martes: 7:00 PM Misa en Español SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION / CONFESIONES ~ Saturdays/ Sábados 3:30PM - 4:30PM BAPTISM / BAUTISMO Register in the Parish Office 6 weeks minimum Required: Pre-Baptism Instruction Bautismo en español llame a el 238-2218 MARRIAGES / MATRIMONIO 6 months advance preparation for all marriages.Contact Arinda Miller, ext 152. R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). For more information, call Deacon Ed Callahan, 238-2218. As we begin a New Year, we thank all of our parishioners who have supported St. Rose of Lima through their prayers, generosity and ministry. On behalf Fr. Roberto, Fr. Francisco and all the Parish Office Staff, we wish you all a Happy and Blessed New Year 2017. Attention St Rose Parishioners! Come join our St Rose family for Mass THIS Thursday, Jan 5th, 6:30 p.m. All are encouraged to attend and worship as we grow together in our faith. Father Roberto Vera, Pastor † Father Francisco Montes, Parochial Vicar † Deacon Ed Callahan Deacon Manuel Espinoza Sister Rebeca Muñoz, School Principal Maureen Huckler, Director of Faith Formation Margie Wood, English RE Coordinator Alejandra Mariscal, Spanish RE Coordinator Sister Juanita Pereyra, Teen Confirmation Coordinator Claudia Navarro. Business Manager Kathie Malloy, Administrative Assistant Arinda Miller, Administrative Assistant RELIGIOUS EDUCATION / EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Religious Education Classes ~ English Margie Wood, Coordinator ~ 238-2218, ext 154 Each Wednesday 6:00 - 7:30 PM, Sept-May Youth Ministries Youth Ministry/Teen Confirmation, call the Parish Office 238-2218. Confirmation: Register with Parish Office Clases de Educación Religiosa ~ Español Coordinadora del programa ~ Alejandra Mariscal, 238-2218, ext. 143. Clases son cada Viernes de 6:00 - 7:30 PM, Septiembre-Mayo Ministerio de Joven Grupo de Jóvenes de la Escuela Secundaria: Información, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial 238-2218. Ahora que comienza el nuevo Año, agradecemos a nuestros feligreses de Santa Rosa de Lima por sus oraciones, generosidad y ministerio. De parte del Padre Roberto, Padre Francisco y todo el personal de la oficina parroquial, Les deseamos un Feliz Año 2017 lleno de bendiciones. Feligreses de la Parroquia de Santa Rosa! Ven y únete a nuestra familia de Santa Rosa para la Misa ESTE Jueves, 5 de Enero, a las 6:30 p.m. Todos son bienvenidos a participar y a crecer juntos en nuestra fe. Prayer List / Lista de Oración Chanin Argento Ann Bachand Richard Benitez Roberta Blash John Bourgault Shirley Carnine Ken Darg Socorro De La Paz Kirsten Dewhurst Manuel Espinoza, Sr Michael Federico Maria Fernandez Mike Ferreri Father Francisco Betty Gabele Jose Manuel Galvez Maria Gomez Jason Norman Gonzalez Riley Gray Bob Guidetti Fr Jim Henry Gus & Lois Hertl Jim Howe Father Derek Hughes Peter Johansing & family Frances Kuhnle Joaquin & Colleen Luna Madeleine McCardy Laura Michaelson Maria Mierzwinski Christopher Moniz Margaret Montgomery Ernie Herrera Mullen Joyce Nickett Jesus Nip Celio Pereyra Myriam Perez Nancy Rau Jacqui Rigoni Josefina Rivera Father Roberto Fred Rodarte Dolores Romero John Romero Tony Salvia Jeannette Silacci Weekly Mass Intentions 12/31, 1/01, Intenciones Para la Misa 1/02, 1/03, 1/04, 1/05, 1/06, 1/07, Mark Your Calendars For These St. Rose Events / Anota Tu Calendario Estos Eventos Eleanor Smagala Joe Smith Cindy Stansbury Chuck & Babs Stimmel Scott Swanson Ofelia Vargas Gene Watson Anna & David Williams Mitchell Wilson, Jr Bill Wood Olivia Yonce & family, READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:29 — 3:6; Ps 98:1, 3cd-6; Jn 1:29-34 Wednesday: 1 Jn 3:7-10; Ps 98:1, 7-9; Jn 1:35-42 Thursday: 1 Jn 3:11-21; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 4:14-22a Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Mk 1:7-11 Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Sal 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 2:1-11 Sunday: Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 for our Loved Ones who serve in the Military LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Jn 1:19-28 Martes: 1 Jn 2:29 — 3:6; Sal 98 (97):1, 3cd-6; Jn 1:29-34 Miércoles: 1 Jn 3:7-10; Sal 98 (97):1, 7-9; Jn 1:35-42 Jueves: 1 Jn 3:11-21; Sal 100 (99):1b-5; Lc 4:14-22a Viernes: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Sal 147:12-15, 19-20; Mc 1:7-11 Sábado: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Sal 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 2:1-11 Domingo: Is 60:1-6; Sal 72 (71):1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Ef 3:2-3a, 56; Mt 2:1-12 5:00 PM: Eudora Smith †; John Beall †; Lucille Agueda † 7:00 PM: Intentions of all St. Rose Parishioners 8:00 AM: Intentions of Polly Sardo (Birthday) 10:00 AM: Anita Cervantes Velasco † 12:30 PM: Karina Almaguer † Deceased † NO EVENING MASSES TODAY 7:00 AM: Intentions of Esper Ontiveros 7:00 PM: For the increase in Vocations 7:00 AM: Intentions of John & Stefanie Hazdovac 7:00 PM: Intentions of Jose & Leonor Landin (Anniversary); Maria de Jesus Gonzalez † 7:00 AM: Intentions of Jane Ferrone 7:00 AM: Intentions of Angel & Martha Cruz 6:30 PM: Intentions of all the St Rose Parish Catholic Men of the Eucharist 7:00 AM: Intentions of Liz Koll 8:00 AM: Intentions of Javier & Alejandra Gutierrez Please pray for the family and the repose of the soul of Favor de orar por la familia Y el reposo del alma de Guadalupe Garza, mother of parishioner Rose Corley. May She Rest In Peace. Guadalupe Garza, madre of feligrés Rose Corley. Que Descanse En Paz. • • • • • • Jan 13 - 15, 2017: Central California Marian Eucharistic Conference Jan 18th - 25th, 2017: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Jan 20th, 2017: Annual St. Rose School Crab Feed Jan 21st, 2017: Annual Walk for Life West Coast, San Francisco Jan 21st, 2017: St Rose Parish host Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service, 7pm Jan 24th: Diocese of Monterey Respect Life Mass, 7 p.m., Madonna del Sasso, Salinas • • • • 18 - 25 de Enero, 2017: Cena de Oración por la Unidad Cristiana 21 de Enero, 2017: Caminata Anual por la vida de la Costa Oeste, San Francisco 21 de Enero, 2017: Iglesia de Santa Rosa será el anfitrión de la Semana de Oración por la noche, 7pm. 24 de Enero: 7 p.m., Misa Anual por el Respeto a la Vida de la Diócesis de Monterey en la Iglesia de Madonna del Sasso, Salinas First Saturday - Rosary to the Immaculate Heart of Mary ~ We welcome you Saturday, January 7th, for the FIRST SATURDAY Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as requested at Fatima, Portugal. Rosary is at 7:30 a.m. followed by the Holy Mass at 8 a.m. . WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN US FOR MONTHLY ADULT FAITH FORMATION PRESENTATIONS to be held in the Parish Center from 6:15—7:30 pm! MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR January’s presentation on Wednesday, January 11th. The topic will be “Reconciliation and the Sacramental Life”. NO Registration required. For more information, please contact Mo at the Parish Office, 238-2218, ext 138. Is the Holy Spirit calling your name? Have you received the Sacrament of Confirmation? Starting in January we begin Adult Confirmation Preparation on Wednesday nights. This opportunity is for any adult, 18 years and older, who has been baptized Catholic and received First Eucharist, but missed Confirmation. Please contact Mo Huckler at or (805) 238-2218 for more information. El Espíritu Santo está llamando tu nombre? Has recibido el Sacramento de la Confirmación? A principios del mes de Enero comenzamos con la preparación del programa de confirmación para adultos los viernes por la noche. Esta oportunidad es para cualquier adulto mayor de 18 años, que haya sido bautizado Católico y recibido la Primera Comunión, pero que no haya sido Confirmado. Favor de contactar Mo Huckler a o llamar al (805) 238-2218 para más información. All parishioners of the parish are invited to join us in reading “My Heart will Triumph” by Mirjana Soldo. Mirjana tells the story of Medjugorje through her own eyes—the same eyes that reportedly gaze upon the most revered woman in history. Books may be purchased at Our next book club meeting will be Tuesday, January 31st, at 7 p.m. in the Adult Learning Center. The Way of Mary ~ The Way of Humility JANUARY 13, 14 & 15, 2017 ~ St. Rose of Lima Parish Center Mark your calendar to hear riveting conference speakers explore ”The Way of Mary ~ The Way of Humility" at the 19th Annual Marian Eucharistic Conference on JANUARY 13th through the 15th. Join our own Bishop Richard Garcia and Fr Joshua Clifton, in addition to Fr Augustine Wetta, Fr John Struzzo, CSC, Dcn Harold Burk-Sivers and Jesse Romero for a spirit filled family week-end retreat. For information on the speakers, visit the website: For further info and registration by phone, please call Diane Olsen at 805.466.5504. For a conference registration brochure, you may email: Father John Struzzo, CSC, will return to St Rose Parish prior to the Marian Conference. He will be available for personal counseling on January 10th, 11th and 12th in the front room of the ALC. To set up an appointment with Fr John please call Toni at 441-2131 Parish Office News Oficina Parroquial Noticias The Parish Office will be closed this Monday, January 2nd. We will reopen at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, January 3rd. La Oficina Parroquial estará cerrada este Lunes, 2 de Enero. Volveremos a abrir a las 9:00 a.m. del Martes, Enero 3rd. OUR PARISH SCHOOL, SAINT ROSE CATHOLIC SCHOOL, NUESTRA ESCUELA DE LA PARROQUIA, ESCUELA CATOLICA DE STA. ROSA, Academic Excellence, Award Winning Music and Arts, Ethics and Respect. For more information about the various programs and events at our Parish School or to visit their website at Excelente Educación, Programas Especiales Académicos de Música y Arte, Valores Morales. Para más información sobre los diferentes programas y eventos en la escuela, favor de visitar nuestro sitio web al . • • Please help support St Rose School and enjoy a night of BINGO! St. Rose Parish Center ~ Doors open EVERY THURSDAY @ 4:00 pm except Christmas Eve & New Years Eve ~ CASH ONLY 1st Pack ~ $15.00 • 2nd Pack ~ $10.00 • 3rd Pack ~ $5.00 • 4th Pack ~ $5.00 Proceeds from this event offset the SAINT ROSE CATHOLIC SCHOOL expenses. St. Rose School Call the school office (238-0304) for more information. Annual St. Rose School Crab Feed Escuela de la Santa Rosa Anual de Cangrejo Mark your calendar and plan to attend the Annual St Rose School Crab Feed on Friday, January 20, 2017 This year’s theme: “Alaskan Adventure Under the Sea” $50 per person ~ St. Rose Parish Center All-you-can-eat Dungeness Crab, pasta, salad, bread and dessert. Wine and beer included. Fun includes table decorating contest, door prizes and raffles. Doors open at 5:30pm ~ ~ ~ Dinner served at 6:30 pm To benefit the St. Rose School 7th grade trip to Nature Bridge Outdoor Science Camp at Yosemite. For tickets or information, call or text: 286-5770 Post Abortion Healing ~ Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing. For highly confidential help call: Rachel's Vineyard ~ Jennifer Butcher at 877-629-6626 ( OR Elizabeth at 559-731-6291 Habla Español: Paula and Edward Davalos - Español 888-686-8537 Respect Life/ The 13th Annual Walk for Life Pro Life West Coast 2017 is Events Saturday, January 21, 2017, 2017 in San Francisco. Respetar la Vida/ Pro Vida Eventos 2017 We invite you to join us as we attend the Annual Walk for Life West Coast. We have reserved a bus to travel to this event. Plan to attend as ALL are invited! Reserve your spot on the bus TODAY! See the flyer in the vestibule, the parish office or call Lorelei at (805) 423-6334. Mark your calendars for the Diocese of Monterey Mass for Life on Tuesday, January 24, 2017, at 7 pm. at the Pro-Cathedral, Madonna del Sasso in Salinas. The Mass will be bilingual with Most Reverend Bishop Richard García, D.D. Please plan to join us in prayer to honor life! La 13 Caminata Anual por la vida de la Costa Oeste 2017 es el Sábado 21 de Enero 2017, en San Francisco. Le invitamos a unirse a nosotros al asistir a la Caminata Anual por la vida de la Costa Oeste. Hemos reservado un autobús para viajar a este evento. Plan para asistir como TODOS están invitados! Reserve su plaza en el autobús de HOY! Consulte el folleto en el vestíbulo, la oficina de la parroquia o llamar Lorelei a (805) 423-6334. Marca tu calendario para la Misa por la vida de la Diócesis de Monterey el martes 24 de Enero, 2017, a las 7:00pm en la Pro-Catedral, Madonna del Sasso en Salinas. La misa será bilingüe con el Obispo Richard Garcia, D.D. Por favor acompáñanos en oración para honrar a la vida! Parish Calendars 2017 Calendarios Parroquiales Calendars are available on the table in the Church vestibule. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To our Parish Ladies Boutique & Catholic Action Groups for sponsoring our Catholic calendars for our parishioners again this year. Pick one up in the Church vestibule. (1 per family, please) Second Collections Calendarios están disponibles en la mesa en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia. Gracias! Gracias! Gracias! Al Boutique de damas y Acción Católica por patrocinar nuestros calendarios Católicos a nuestros feligreses otro año más. Recójalo en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia. (1 por familia, por favor) Segunda Colectas 2nd Collection Dec 31/Jan 1st: The monthly collection for Parish & School Special Needs Segunda Colecta 31 de Diciembre/Enero 1: La colecta mensual para la Parroquia y la Escuela Necesidades Especiales. 2nd Collection Jan 7th/8th: No second collection Segunda Colecta 7/8 de Enero: No segunda colecta In August all feeding programs for those in need were shut down. PASO Sandwiches On Sunday CARES has been working hard to find a spot to feed the homeless. The city has offered us a spot on 24th Street and Riverside Avenue, an outdoor lot. We will serve 7 nights a week from 5—6 p.m. From there those wanting to be out of the cold and rain will be bused to the warming station. If you would like to volunteer for the warming station as a chaperone or to help serve a simple One- Sándwiches Los Domingos Dish meal, please call Cherie Michaelson at 805-712-7067. Thank you!!! A Home for Women and Children Did you know that San Luis Obispo County has 150 Sober Living beds, but only 5 are for women with children. Thanks to a generous donor Restorative Partners received a grant to help us open a home to serve this population. We are looking for a Paso Robles 5 bedroom, 3 bath home to lease to own or rent. Of course, we would gratefully receive a donation or discounted price/rent for this home. Women with felony backgrounds find it almost impossible to secure housing. We need your help to find a home to launch this project. If you can help us locate a home, please contact Sr. Theresa Harpin at 805.242.1272 or email me at . Thank you so much! WELCOME! ~ ¡BIENVENIDOS! We welcome you to St. Rose Parish! Thank you for celebrating with us, whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish. We thank God that you are with us. If you are not registered, please complete the form below and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. Name/Nombre: La comunidad de Santa Rosa de Lima da la más cordial bienvenida a los que celebran con nosotros, ya sean fieles de mucho tiempo o los que recien llegan a la parroquía. Las damos gracias a Dios por ustedes. Sí usted aún no se registra, y desea hacerlo, por favor llene la forma adjunta y colóquela en la canasta de la colecta o enviela por correo a la oficina parroquial. Telephone/Telefono: Address/Domicilio: Apt City/Ciudad: Zip: New Parishioner/Nuevo en la Parroquia New Phone/Nuevo Telefono New Address/Nuevo Domicilio Moving, please remove my name from parish list./ Cancele mi nombre de la lista por favor. Language you would like church mailings: In English El idioma que usted desea la correspondencia de la iglesia: En Español Please send me contribution envelopes. Favor de mandarme sobres para mi donación. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $350 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA CST 2117990-70 Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and WESTERN JANITORIAL SUPPLY • Cleaning Supplies • Floor Equipment • Paper Products • Certified Advance Distributor 1026 Pine St. 238-2112 a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Call Today! Call us today for a free quote! Toll Free 1.877.801.8608 800-566-6150 • ADVERTISING SPACE AVAILABLE He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well, is not so apt to get the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers. To Advertise Here... Contact VIVIAN LA FUENTE today at (800) 675-5051 Llame hoy para una cuota gratis LIFE - HOME - AUTO VIDA - CASA - AUTO MOBILE HOME - RV MOBILE HOME WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping (805) 528-3118 FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS Luis Gabe Quiroz - Agent - Parishioner Lic # 0K74287 under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? 010147 St Rose of Lima Church (B) SANDRA SOUZA , BC-HIS, ACA Audioprosthologist Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences 3830-5 Broad St., SLO (In Marigold Center) 805.237.8000 1704 Spring St., Ste. 101, Paso (Spring & 17th) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 The Most Complete Douglas J. Harrington, D.D.S. Mitchell Ulibarri, D.D.S. Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry Family Dental Care Online National 1249 Creston Road 238-1787 Parishioner Working Together for Your Financial Future Jim Moffatt, Financial Advisor 2120 Golden Hill Rd. Ste. 101 Paso Robles, CA 93446 Member SIPC 805-226-9472 Lupita’s Family Day Care Irma Jimenez (805) 423-9289 LIC. #406215081 Comida Saludable, Juegos, Actividades Divertidas, Cuentos Puppy & Kitten Wellness Package Surgery • Dentistry • Dermatology Radiology • Ultrasound • In-clinic lab Vaccine clinic every Saturday Spay/Neuter discounts daily Two Blocks from St. Rose James J. Wiest D.V.M. Deborah R. Wiest D.V.M. - Parishioners - 805-238-4622 725 Walnut Dr. P.R. Parishioner Directory of “Emphasizing Preventive Medicine” Check It Out Today! 805-226-8508 Catholic Parishes 522 13th Street Ste. D Paso Robles Discount Delivery Service MOVING THE CENTRAL COAST FURNITURE & APPLIANCE MOVERS RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Bus: (805) 462-9460 Cell: (805) 550-7350 Tim Stoner John & Marjorie Hamon, Parishioners C.L. # 391619 3021 Propeller Dr. (805) 238-0524 At the Name of Jesus The Way, The Truth, The Life Art by Brother Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Prayers by Father Richard N. Fragomeni Hardcover book $39.95 800-566-6150 SHOWROOM 1825 Riverside Avenue Paso Robles • 239-8909 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. MARK G. KOWALL, M.D. MARK F. MOONEY, M.D. KUEHL-NICOLAY FUNERAL HOME 1703 Spring St. Paso Robles, CA Parishioners Orthopedic Medicine and Surgery 78 Main Street, Templeton WATER • FIRE • WIND • MOLD 434-0999 Ariel Gomez 805-617-9834 sment free asses Call for al & Residential Commerci Lic. #447863 Music for Reflection and Meditation Blessed Assurance Real Estate/Property Management Parishioner Inspiring collection of solo piano (805) 237-6212 or (805) 237-6203 D4 Electric 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. CALL NOW! (805) 238-2500 Jim Lovato 7210 VINEYARD DR. PASO ROBLES, CA Realtor BRE#01114606 805-440-9740 Parishioner Buying or Selling a Home? PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ROBERTA BARRETT PHONE 238-3055 935 Riverside Ave. Unit #5 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Saint Margaret Sunday Missal 800.393.9954 and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers An ideal companion for personal prayer. NORTH COUNTY PHYSICAL THERAPY BRE #01907562 010147 St Rose of Lima Church (A) ROADRUNNER PASO ROBLES, CALIF. 93446 KRISTINA TAKKEN Fellow Parishioners! 10% of any commission I receive from your transaction is donated back to St. Rose! RICHARD GONZALES LIC. #524531 $1a Day! Shoppers Tote with your order 805.610.4633 TOPSOIL HOUSE PADS POND CONSTRUCTION HORSE ARENAS & LINERS BULLDOZING & CLEARING If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as For further information, ✔Police FREE Shipping • FREE Activation ✔Fire please call the Parish Office. ✔Friends/Family NO Long Term Contracts SPECIAL OFFER: FREE LIFEWatch REALTOR ® Parishioner/St. Rose Mom FINISH GRADING DRIVEWAY MATERIALS DELIVERED & APPLIED arrangements of classic hymns on CD ($17) License #855645 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. A Full Service Funeral Home Serving The North County Since 1927 Les Stahl Donald Benson Lic # 00369868 Industrial • Commercial • Residential Jim DeQuattro 2639 Chaparral Lane Paso Robles, CA 93446 Phone: (805) 239-2206 805-238-4383 ATASCADERO PASO ROBLES 461-5514 239-3696 In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805