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Fa i t h : e G l o r i f y G o d w i t h Yo u r L i f HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH Mass Intentions of the Week Mon. Nov. 23rd Weekday 8:30 a.m. Patty (Carr) Halton - Req. by Carr Logan Family 5:30 p.m. Communion Service Tues. Nov.24th St. Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs 8:30 a.m. Carson & Bertie Collier - Req. by Janet Rowe 5:30 p.m. Marjorie Headley & Family - Req. by Paul Fry Wed. Nov.25th Weekday 8:30 a.m. Nita Risch & Linda Collier - Req. by Janet Rowe 5:30 p.m. Mary Moore - Req. by PJ Heath & Abdoul Fall Thurs. Nov.26th 8:30 a.m. Fri. Nov.27th 8:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Sat. Nov.28th 8:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Sun, Nov.29th 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12/Noon 1:45 p.m. Weekday Loretta Huber - Req. by Family Weekday Daniel Cotter - Req. by Luca LaMonaca & Rena Albina Mazza - Req. by Jim Wilson Weekday Tom Donaldson - Req. by Fatima Silvertones James E Smith - Req. by Sharon Fuss Family (33rd Anniversary of Death) First Sunday of Advent Jerry Donaldson - Req. by Little Flower Class of 1949 Marilyn Eversgerd - Req. by husband, Red Eversgerd Jim Adams - Req. by Patty Uberta Congregation Spanish Mass Readings for the week of November 22, 2015 Monday Saint Clement I, Pope and Martyr; Saint Columban, Abbot; Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro, Priest and Martyr Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3; Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday Saint Andrew Dũng-Lạc, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3; Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3; Lk 21:12-19 Thursday Dn 6:12-28; Dn 3; Lk 21:20-28 Friday Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3; Lk 21:29-33 Saturday Dn 7:15-27; Dn 3; Lk 21:34-36 Sunday First Sunday of Advent Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25; 1 Thes 3:12—4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 November 22, 2015 PRAYER LINE - Do you, or a friend, or family member have health issues, or are you looking for a job? Feel free to call the Prayer Line at 353-0358 and share your pra er intentions with Dorothy Rile . We will be happy to pray for you! If you are interested in becoming a member of the Prayer Line, please give Dorothy a call at 353-0358. You are asked to call the next person on the prayer list, it’s easy & very powerful. We’d love to have you! Please Remember in Your Prayers: **We are trying to update our prayer list. Please call the parish office if you’d like a name added to this list. Catie Cooper, Mike Rickey, Charlotte Carter, Johanna Thomas, Rita Sheridan, Thelma Becker, Bill Barrett, Danny Melton, Elaine Rennier, Dennis Tippit, Rachelle Perrine, Joan Falvy, Rocky Newman, Mary Williams, Julio Nasis, Teresa Joven, Gary Hurst, Mike Sifferlin, Susan Ross, Angela Evangelista, Pedro Maciel, Ray Eck, Janina Stygar, Sharon & David Mock, Zach Rhodes, Walt Cwikla, Marty Schneider, Jo Applegate, Kathleen Hartnett, Anne Parada, Jim Neff Please note: due to some new hospital regulations, we are not notified when someone is admitted to an area hospital. If you or a loved one is seriously ill and in need of the sacrament of the sick, please call the parish office and let us know at: (353-9404). If you would like a name added, please call the Parish Office. We will leave names on our list for a few weeks, and then remove them if we do not have any current information. At Nursing Homes and/or Hospitals: Miller’s / Castleton: Rosemary Gill Westminster Village North: Rita & Joe O’Connell, Rosewalk: Mike Curtis St. Paul’s Hermitage: Rosemary Welch, Rose Callahan, Margaret Callahan, V. Leo Kavanaugh, Mary O’Donnell, Sam Ajamie Wellington Manor: Patricia Webb Berkshire of Castleton: Alice Shanahan Methodist Hospital: John P. Lee Jr. Wildwood: Mildred “Millie” Warfield, Crestwood Village East: Father William Munshower Clearvista Lakes Health Center: Margaret Geilker STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Week Ending 11/8/15 $23,926.77 $388,463.36 $434,815.00 ($46,351.64) Week Ending 11/15 15 $17,673.55 $406,136.91 $457,700.00 ($51,563.09) CHRIST THE KING Holiday Hours at the Parish Center The Parish Office will be Closed on Thurs. Nov. 26th and Friday Nov. 27th in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday! We at the Parish Office hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving! The collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) provides funding for groups that make lasting change and uplift the poor in the U.S. CCHS’s grants improve education, support economic development, and create affordable housing in lowincome neighborhoods. Help us continue to defend human dignity and build communities of solidarity. Please give to the CCHD Collection. Thank you for attending! Nearly 200 members of the Eastside Catholic Community parishes attended the Liturgical Ministry Workshop on Saturday, November 14, 2015, at Little Flower parish. Fr. Godfrey Mullen, OSB, offered an inspiring (and entertaining) message on how to more fully celebrate and live what we believe through active ministry. In an atmosphere of fellowship, attendees enjoyed a delicious lunch and afternoon sessions that provided opportunities to learn new perspectives and engage in dialogue on the various liturgical ministry roles. The workshop was funded in part by a Growth and Expansion Grant from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Thank you to the many attendees and a special thank you to Little Flower parish for hosting this first collaborative effort of our Eastside Catholic Community cohort! Dear Friends of Holy Spirit, Thank you to everyone who attended the workshop at Little Flower for liturgical ministers. This workshop, attended by almost 200 participants, was sponsored by the Cohort of Our Lady of Lourdes, Little Flower and Holy Spirit parishes, and included a keynote presentation by Fr. Godfrey Mullen, O.S.B. of St. Meinrad. Fr. Godfrey was very challenging, inspiring and humorous. This workshop is an example of future tri-parish programs that will expand opportunities for all three communities. Our Archdiocese is encouraging parishes to work together in serving our people and the neighbors we live in. With limited financial and human resources, it makes sense to combine programs, especially given the close proximity of the parishes. This does not mean that ALL programs would be combined, but those that seem to best serve the communities. The Eastside of Indianapolis is ideal for this new cooperation because of the many connections that already exist between our parish members (cousins, grandparents, friends). I have a person who needs transportation to a weekend Mass. He is 80 years old, walks with a cane and lives south of Washington St. in the Irvington area. If anyone could help, please call me (353-9404). My hope would be to have several people who could share this ministry opportunity. Happy Thanksgiving this week to each of you. I hope that you will be able to share a meal with those you love. Once again on Thanksgiving Day, I will join my sister, Sister Mary Ann, at the Our Lady of Grace Monastery. Our family will have a Thanksgiving meal on Sunday, November 29th, and I’m the host!! Pray for them!! God’s Blessings and Love, Please pray for our recently deceased: Calen Wise Bob Cashman HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH November 22, 2015 Join the Christmas Choir! Choose an Ornament from One of the Giving Trees! Dear Parishioners, please choose an ornament from one of our Giving Trees that are displayed in each vestibule. Let’s get our shopping started for the holidays and support our local economy too! **Gifts for the Givin Trees need to be under the trees b Nov. 30th so that gifts can be distributed to families by December 5th! Each Ornament represents the needs of a church, an individual, or charity. We work in partnership with St. Philip Neri and Holy Cross Parish on this project. Please do NOT wrap the gift(s). Tape the paper ornament to the outside of the gift box and place under one of the Giving Trees. If you have a gift of money, please place the money or check AND the paper Ornament inside of a sealed envelope. Place the sealed envelope in one of the baskets that will be on the steps of the main altar. Here is a list of the organizations & their corresponding Ornament shape for your reference: Dove: Holy Childhood Tree: Holy Cross Parish Angel: Children from Africa Snowflake: St. Vincent de Paul Fish: Children from Mexico Bell: St. Philip Neri Heart: Holy Spirit Special Religious Education Snowman: Catholic Charities Star: Children from Honduras Church: Needy Parish Families Thank you in advance for your spirit of Generosity! If you’d like to volunteer with sorting or delivering, or if you have additional questions, please call Jo Gath at: 359-2587 or email: ath@ind Holy Spirit’s Fall Blood Drive Thank-you to the 45 people who donated blood and the additional 6 who were unable to donate last Sunday during the fall Blood Drive. The blood donated will help 135 people in more than 60 hospitals in Indiana. I also want to thank everyone who donated cookies, juice and time. And a big thankyou to the youth who came and helped. The next Blood Drive will be in the spring. We sing for the Christmas Eve Mass at 10:00 p.m. and the few Sundays following in the Christmas Season. If interested, please contact Holly Herber, at: or call the parish office at 353-9404 and leave a messa e for Holly! We’d LOVE to have You! Our next practice is THURSDAY DEC. 3RD: 7:00pm for Christmas practice, 8:00pm for the Advent practice Donations Needed for the Mission trip to Honduras in January 2016 We will be taking a number of items with us in January to help the people in Texiquat, Honduras We will be offering an Optometric Clinic as part of the trip, we could especially use your help with the following items: E e Drops, E e-Glasses especiall readers and sun lasses . We also could use some T lenol & Ibuprofen (children & adults). Please place these items in the Blue Twinnin bins in the east or west vestibule. We will be leaving on January 19th, so please try to drop them off before January 15th for packin ! Due to your generosity, we will have enough toothbrushes and paste for this trip. Thank you for making a difference! Band Instruments for Honduran Students Padre Douglas has informed us that the school band in Guinope, Honduras is in need of an alto Saxophone. Padre Douglas has visited Holy Spirit twice and has transferred to this new parish. He is still trying to find a parish, like Holy Spirit, to have a twinning relationship with. If you have a used also sax that you can donate or know how to obtain one, please call John Evans at 201-4086. CHRIST THE KING ST.VINCENT DE PAUL DISTRIBUTION CENTER VOLUNTEERS Celebrate Christmas by giving of yourself. Please join us December 5 2015 from 8 am – Noon at 1201 E Maryland St. to help serve struggling families in Indianapolis. First time volunteers are much appreciated, and there will be repeat volunteers present to show you what to do. If you have questions, please call Larry Heil at 657-7093. Do you ever find yourself wondering if you need to do more with your life? Have you ever considered the idea of sharing your blessings with a family less fortunate? If your answered “yes” to either of these questions, then the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Holy Spirit would like to invite you to become a Vincentian! If you are able to contribute 2-3 hours per week to make a difference in someone’s life and to follow Christ’s teachings, please consider giving your name & phone number on the sign up sheets that are in the east & west vestibules, or call Theresa at 353-9988. Also, the new, blue St. Vincent de Paul donation box is located near the paper recycling bin (outside & near the ara e). The SVdP box is for shoes & clothin onl . Donations can be for infants, children, or adults. These items will be used to help the needy of Indianapolis. The Holy Spirit Conference of St. Vincent de Paul truly appreciates your support! “Help Us Help The Poor!! SUBSTANCE ADDICTION MINISTRY (SAM) Until fairly recently, detoxification (detox) from drugs and alcohol entailed torturous withdrawal lasting days or weeks. Sudden withdrawal led to dangerous symptoms and a host of potentially lethal reactions. The new paradigm or model for addiction treatment is based on the concept of dual diagnosis, which identifies and treats the primary disease (the imbalance in brain chemistry) in order to correct the secondary disease (the addiction and its symptoms or behaviors). Simply stated, imbalanced brain chemistry is the primary disease that gives rise to the secondary disease of addiction. According to the dual diagnosis model, the physician must treat both diseases, not just the more visible secondary behaviors.This new model of medical treatment for addiction moves from the traditional method's 90 percent failure rate to a potential success rate of over 90 percent. Upcoming Scecina Events! SATURDAY, Dec. 5th: Turnabout Semi-Formal Dance, 9 p.m. to midnight, Scecina Cafeteria Sunda , Dec. 6th: Winter Concert, 3 p.m., Scecina gymnasium, featuring the choirs and orchestra of Scecina Memorial High School! Scecina Placement Tests There is one date left for students to take the High School Placement Test at Scecina Memorial High School on Dec. 5. All eighth-grade students applying to Scecina will need to take the High School Placement Test, and it is free to take it at Scecina! To sign up for one of these dates, you can go to: www.scecina.or /placement-test or call the Enrollment Management Office at (317) 3523287. Students, if you need service hours for your school, please call St. Vincent de Paul and ask for a Lori Tobin to sign up for any of these programs listed below. Thanks ivin food distribution: Monday, November 23 (putting in final items for the bags of food beginning at 9:00 a.m. with distribution at 4:00 p.m. …. (we prepare items in the gym to give those in line hot soup, drinks, snacks, socks, etc.) We open the gym at 4:00 p.m. and need several volunteers throughout the day. Christmas food distribution: Sunday, December 13 (putting together 800 bags of food in Holy Cross Church after 9:15 a.m. Mass) Monday, December 14 (putting in final items for the bags of food beginning at 9:00 a.m. with distribution at 4:00 p.m. (again we open the gym at 4:00 and give out hot soup, drinks, snacks, gloves, hats, etc.) We need volunteers from 9:00 a.m. thru 6:00 p.m. Lori Tobin, SVDP Food Basket Committee Volunteers are invited to assist Holy Cross Chapel, St. Vincent de Paul Food Basket Committee, 125 N. Oriental St., with its annual (47th year) giveaway of food to those in need — Please Join Us! HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH November 22, 2015 Mary Kate Shanahan, Youth Director Happy Feast of Christ the King! Today is the final Sunday of the Liturgical Church Year, with next Sunday being the first Sunday of Advent. On this day, we celebrate the authority of Christ and honor his kingship. As we all have been told, in and through Jesus, we are able to find pure joy and peace from the trials and tribulations of this temporal world. Peace, joy, and love are His promises to his disciples. However, today we live in a world deeply scarred by religious intolerance and pain, which can, sometimes, keep us from proclaiming Him as King of the Universe and from spreading the Good News. Most especially in this period of time, I would like to challenge you to think about how to let Christ be your King. Dear Holy Spirit Community, Please prayerfully consider a gift this Holiday Season to the Holy Spirit Classroom Door and Camera Project. Your gift will ensure a safe and secure environment. The picture above details the new craftsmanship including new lock systems. Name: _____________________________________ Phone _____________________________________ Address ___________________________________ Holy Spirit School Founded in Faith, Faith in Action: Faithful in Spirit Calendar of Events: Nov. 13-24 Winter Apparel Sale begins & due by the 11/24 by noon. Delivery before Christmas Break Nov. 25-27 Thanksgiving Break December 2nd- Special Person’s Day (PK-3rd) Dec 2nd-5th- Winter Book Fair Saturday Dec. 5 Breakfast with Santa Join is on Saturday 9:00am-12:00pm Holy Spirit School Gym Visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus, while sharing a delicious, hot breakfast with family and friends. Tickets on sale soon … Dec. 18 Christmas Break Begins at Noon Religious Education News: Please mark your Calendars! Saturday, Dec. 5th: “First Reconciliation Day” for Candidates & their Families. Please meet in the Church at 10:00am Thank You. Once again we are combining the religious education communities in English and Spanish to provide an Advent Workshop for our students. Students will move in stations to create Christmas crafts for their families; we'll have a live nativity; and we'll provide a healthy snack as well as decorate a Christmas cookie. Amount ___________________________________ As with last year, we need lots of volunteers to make the event a success. Please call the religious education office: 357-6915, or email: tarter@holyspirit-indy.or if you can help. Any gift, regardless of size, is appreciated and tax deductible. Sponsor a door for $2,000.00 and a door memorial plaque will be added upon request. Call the school office for more information, 3521243. We also need craft supplies and we are specifically looking for donations of: * old Christmas cards *Glue and glitter * Christmas wrapping paper * paper towel and toilet paper tubes * beads and any other appropriate craft items Email Address______________________________ IGLESIA DEL ESPIRÍTU SANTO BOLETIN EN ESPAÑOL Pastor: Monseñor Paul Koetter Pastor Asociado: Rev. Juan José Valdés Secretaria de la Iglesia: Sra. Quenia Rodríguez, Disponible: Martes a Viernes de 9 a 5 pm. Teléfono (317)353-9404 ACTIVIDADES DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA DE LA IGLESIA ESPIRITU SANTO MISA EN ESPAÑOL A LA 1:45 PM. CONFESIONES: 1:15-1:45 PM SANTO ROSARIO: 1:15 PM ∗Bautismos, primer domingo de cada mes, próximos el 6° de diciembre. ∗Pláticas para Bautismos infantiles, menores de 6 años. Las próximas clases serán el 18 de diciembre Para inscribirse, llame a la oficina parroquial. ∗Reunión del Ministerio Hispano, segundo martes de cada mes, próxima reunión el 14 de diciembre; 7:00 PM; en el comedor parroquial. ∗Matrimonios Comprometidos, (Reunión de parejas casadas por la Iglesia que quieran seguir creciendo a nivel humano y cristiano) segundo viernes de cada mes, próxima reunión será el 11 de diciembre a las 7:00 a 9:00 pm en el salón # 6 de las oficinas centrales de la Iglesia. Más información con Eduardo Sánchez o María Ibarra. ∗Misa del Grupo de Adolecentes, ultimo domingo de cada mes. Ensayo de Coro de Jóvenes Kudai, todos los viernes 7:00 p.m. Para más información comunícate con: Miriam Reyes (317) 737-4133 Para recibir los Sacramentos del Bautizos, Matrimonio o Quinceañeras primero debe comunicarse con la secretaria parroquial Quenia Rodríguez de martes a viernes 9:00am-5:00pm al 317-353-9404. Los papas de la quinceañera o las parejas que deseen casarse deben estar registrados en la parroquia y estar usando su sobre de limosna antes de recibir una fecha para su evento. Las platicas Pre-matrimoniales y de Quinceañera no se puede empezar sin antes tener su fecha de Boda o Quinceañera en el Calendario de la Iglesia. Por favor comuníquese con Quenia para asegurar la fecha de su misa. San Juan Diego La misa en honor a San Juan Diego se llevara acabo el miércoles, 8 de diciembre en la Catedral de San Pedro y San Pablo a las 7:00 pm. 1347 N. Meridian St. Indianápolis, IN. 22 de noviembre del 2015 Carta del Pastor Asociado Queridos amigos de la Iglesia Espíritu Santo, ¿CON QUE TU, CRISTO... ∗ redujo a la mínima expresión humana en esos tepo- rochos de la esquina… ∗ estacionado –y olvidado– con tu enfermedad a cuestas en esa sala de espera del Seguro Social o del ISSSTE… ∗ encaramado –por hambre– en el cofre de un auto- móvil para limpiarle el parabrisas… ∗ cobijado por unas cuantas laminas de cartón en un lote baldío… ∗ semidesnudo en esos niños que juguetean entre los charcos… ∗ hambrientos y humillado en cada uno de nuestros indígenas… ∗ angustiado económicamente en tantísimas fami- lias… ∗ despreciado frente a tantas ventanillas publicas… ERES REY? -”TU LO HAS DICHO. SOY REY”. ¡Dios los bendiga! Rev. Juan José Valdez CONVIVIO CON VISITA DE HONDURAS Después de misa estarán con nosotros el padre Juan Pablo y la hermana Ivonne de nuestra iglesia hermana en Texiguat, Honduras. Ven a darles la bienvenida y hacerles sentir el gran cariño que tenemos por su comunidad. Trae un platillo para compartir. ¡Te esperamos, no faltes! NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO, REY DEL UNIVERSO IGLESIA DEL ESPIRITU SANTO DIRECTORIO DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO Vida Espiritual Coordinador del Ministerio: Fr. Juan José Valdés 317-353-9404 Eucaristía: Pedro Herrera 317-431-6338 Lectores: Juan Pérez 317-414-4972 Hospitalidad: Grupo # 1 Sandra Guárenos 317-332-9353 Hospitalidad: Grupo # 2 Fidelina Duarte (317) 513-1076 Monaguillos: Eloísa Pérez 317-890-8420 Coro Parroquial: Directora de Música Holly Herber 317-353-9404 ext. 5 Coro de Mujeres: Roberto Rodriguez 317-201-7115 Coro de Jóvenes y Niños: : Julio Reyes 317- 737-4147 Arte y Medio Ambiente: María Caldera 317-992-7264 Ensayo de Ceremonias: Rocío Mejía 317-513-0925 Formación en la fe Pastoral juvenil, Familiar, adolecentes y confirmaciones: Mary Kate Shanahan 317-353-9404 Ext. 125 Grupo Juvenil Kudai: Miriam Reyes 317-737-4133 Pequeñas Comunidades: Pedro Herrera 317-431-6338 Cristo Renueva su Parroquia –Mujeres: Ivette Hernandez 317-267-9649 Cristo Renueva su Parroquia –Hombres: José M. García 317-515-9585 Catecismo y bautizos especiales: niños mayores de 6 años Laura Gascón 317-945-0289 Formación de adultos: María Ibarra y Cecilia García 317-612-1248 317-438-6545 RICA Español: Gladys Tarter 317-357-6915 Matrimonios comprometidos: Eduardo Sánchez y María Ibarra Eduardo: 661-9253 María: 438-6545 Divinas Representaciones: Eric Vergara 317- 652-8602 Quinceañeras: Quenia Rodríguez 317-353-9404 Pastoral Social Caballeros de Colon: José Alberto Ruiz 317-937-4862 Grupo de oración SAN JUAN BOSCO: Dulce Lammers 317- 862-4474 Grupo de oración carismático FUEGO NUEVO: Leticia Meléndez 317-207-4686 Reli iosidad Popular Virgen peregrina y devoción Guadalupana: Claudia Gómez 317-435-7630 Novenario y condolencias de difuntos; Irma Navarro Y Sergio Vargas 317- 625-7547 Comunicaciones Boletín en español: María Alejandrina Caldera 317-992-7264 Secretaria Parroquial: Quenia Rodríguez 317-353-9404 NUESTRA SRA. DE GUADALUPE SERENATA Si tienes un canto especial para la Virgen o simplemente te gusta cantar, te invitamos a cantarle a la Virgen de Guadalupe el 11 de diciembre. Para más información o para apuntarte llámale a: Claudia Gómez al 317-435-7630 ROSAS Necesitamos tu ayuda para decorar el altar de la virgen con rosas naturales. La iglesia nos esta dando $500 dólares, pero para flores naturales necesitamos $1,000 más. Por favor considera pagar por un ramo de rosas para la virgen, dedicaremos la flores en memoria o a las personas que tu desees; por favor llámale a: Mª Alejandrina Caldera 317-992-7264 TAMALES El dia 12 de diciembre después de misa y todas las festividades tendremos un convivio. Tendremos tamales y bebidas, necesitamos donativos de tamales, para apuntarte y traer tamales por favor llámale a : Claudia Gómez al 317-435-7630 DANZA Te gustaría danzar para la Virgen de Guadalupe, no lo pienses más. Ven todos los lunes, estaremos ensayando en la cafetería de la escuela a las 7:00 pm. ¡Te esperamos! MISA DE ACCION DE GRACIAS El jueves, 26 de noviembre es Día de Acción de Gracias. Este día tendremos una misa bilingüe a las 8:30 am. Ven y da gracias por todo lo que Dios te regalo. ¡Esperamos la participación de toda la comunidad! SEGUNDA COLECTA La colecta para la Campana Católica para el Desarrollo Humano (CCHD) proporciona fondos para grupos que ocasionan cambios duraderos que ayudan y respetan a los pobres en los Estados Unidos. Los donativos de CCHD mejoran la educación, financian el desarrollo económico y crean viviendas asequibles en vecindarios de bajos recursos. Ayudemos a continuar defendiendo la dignidad humana y construir comunidades de solidaridad. Por favor, contribuya a la colecta para CCHD. IGLESIA DEL ESPIRÍTU SANTO MINISTERIO JUVENIL DEL ESPÍRITU SANTO Directora de Pastoral juvenil, Familiar, adolecentes y confirmaciones Mary Kate Shanahan ¡Feliz fiesta de Cristo Rey! Hoy el último domingo del año litúrgico por la Iglesia Católica, y el próximo domingo es el primero domingo de Adviento. En este día, nosotros celebramos la autoridad de Cristo y que él es nuestro rey de todo del universo. Por todas nuestras vidas, hemos sabido que sólo en unión con Jesús, podemos alegría y paz de las tribulaciones del mundo. Paz, alegría y amor son las promesas de Jesús por sus discípulos. En este tiempo, tenemos muchos desafíos de intolerancia religiosa, discriminación y muchos otros dolores. Todos de estos pueden impedirnos de proclamamos las Buenas Noticias. Especialmente en este día, porque es la fiesta de Cristo Rey, me gustaría desafiarles a pensar sobre cómo permitir Cristo a ser su Rey. Si no ya nos siguen, no se olviden de seguirnos en facebook: (Holy Spirit Catholic Church East Side), Instagram (@holyspiritccym) y en twitter (@holyspirit_ym). NECESITAMOS DONATIVOS PARA EL VIAJE MISIONERO A HONDURAS EN ENERO Estaremos llevando un numero de cosas durante nuestro viaje en enero. Tendremos una clínica optométrica como parte de nuestra misión y realmente necesitamos tu ayuda con las siguientes cosas: gotas de ojos, lentes (de sol y para leer). También necesitamos, Tylenol y Ibuprofen (para niños y adultos). Por favor pon estos donativos en las cajas de colecta azules que se encuentran en los vestíbulos del este y oeste. Partiremos el 19 de enero, así que por favor trae estas cosas antes del 15 de enero ya que necesitamos tiempo para empacar. Gracias a su generosidad, ya tenemos suficiente pasta y cepillos dentales para llevar con nosotros. ¡Gracias por hacer la diferencia! 22 de noviembre del 2015 CANDIDATOS DE PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Y SUS PADRES El Día de la Primera Reconciliación se llevara acabo el sábado, 28 de noviembre de 10 am a 12 del medio día en la iglesia. También les recordamos que deben escoger el día que desean para que su hijo/ a haga la primera comunión. Para más información pasen a la oficina de Educación Religiosa. DIFUNTOS Y ENFERMOS DE NUESTRA COMUNIDAD Oración por los Enfermos Oh Virgen María, Salud de los enfermos, que has acompañado a Jesús en el camino del Calvario y has permanecido junto a la cruz en la que moría tu Hijo, participando íntimamente de sus dolores, acoge nuestros sufrimientos y únelos a los de Él, para que las semillas esparcidas durante el Jubileo sigan produciendo frutos abundantes en los años venideros. -San Juan Pablo II ***Por favor oren por los enfermos y difuntos de nuestra comunidad. Si les gustaría ver aquí el nombre de alguien que esta enfermo o de alguien que acaba de fallecer por favor comuníquense a la oficina o envíenle el nombre a: María Alejandrina Caldera: 317-992-7264 Difuntos (+) Adriana Ríos Agustín Pérez Pablo Díaz Eduardo Jiménez Isabel Vásquez José Rojas Liborio Ruiz Abelina Ramírez Ángel de los Santos Rojas Joaquín Ramírez Guadalupe Acevedo Ofelia Marín Carlos Ayala Javier Pérez Difuntos (+) Santiago Evangelista Ignacio Hernández Maricela Hernández Enfermos: Irma Navarro Joel Mejía Javier Mejía Alicia Ruiz Cumpleaños: Erika Reynoso Letty Meléndez Cecilia Reyes Erick Jonathan M Feliz Luna Erick Vergara NUESTRO SEÑOR JESUCRISTO, REY DEL UNIVERSO PROJECTO NAVIDEÑO, “EL ARBOL QUE DA” The Giving Tree (El Árbol que Da) y sus decoraciones estará en el vestíbulo comenzando el 1 de Nov. Continuamos trabajando con las iglesias San Felipe Neri y Holy Cross. Al poner los arboles mas temprano les damos la oportunidad de escoger decoraciones, hacer compras, y regresar lo que compraron debajo del árbol. Necesitamos llevar los regalos a San Felipe Neri el 30 de noviembre para que tengan la oportunidad de revisar y alistar todo para el evento de distribución: Navidad con Cristo el 12 de Diciembre. Las cosas que mas necesitan son cobijas, pañales, calzones, calcetines y juguetes. Decoraciones: estas están colgadas del árbol navideño en el vestíbulo de la iglesia. Cada uno es un símbolo de papel que representa una de las iglesias o una obra caritativa que necesita nuestra ayuda. Paloma: Holy Childhood Ángel: Niños en Africa Copo de Nieve: San Vicente de Paul Pino: Holy Cross Pez: Niños en México Campana: San Felipe Neri Corazón: Educación Religiosa del Espíritu Santo Hombre de Nieve: Beneficencias Católicas Estrella: Niños de Honduras Festividades Jueves, 26 de Noviembre 8:30 a.m. Misa de Acción de Gracias, bilingüe Martes, 8 de Diciembre 7:00 p.m. Misa en español de la Inmaculada Concepción Miércoles, 9 de Diciembre 7:00 p.m. Día de San Juan Diego, Misa en Catedral TRIDUO @ L@ VIRGEN DE GU@D@LUPE Jueves, 10 de diciembre 7:00 p.m. ∗ Rosario ∗ Misa ∗ Danza Viernes, 11 de diciembre 8:00 p.m. ∗ Rosario, ∗ Danza ∗ Representación 9:00 p.m. ∗ Mañanitas ∗ cantos a la Virgen 11:00 p.m. ∗ Misa Sábado, 12 de Diciembre 7:00 p.m. ∗ Rosario y Misa 8:30 p.m. ∗ Representación, Danza ∗ Cena (gimnasio de la escuela) Pos[^[s 21, 22 y 23 de Diciembre 7:00 pm Rosario, pastorela, posada y convivio Iglesia: Familias necesitadas en nuestra parroquia Si decide entregar dinero, por favor póngalo dentro de un sobre sellado ya sea en efectivo o en cheque junto con la decoración que escogió. Ponga el sobre en la canasta en las escaleras junto al altar. Para entregar regalos, por favor añada la decoración con cinta al regalo que compro. Le pedimos que NO ENBUELBA EL REGALO CON PAPEL NAVIDEÑO. ¡Muchas gracias por su espíritu generoso! Si gusta ser voluntario para revisar regalos o entregarlos o si tiene preguntas por favor llámele a: Jo Gath al 359-2587 MONAGUILLOS Solo se requiere que hayan hecho la primera comunión y sean entrenado para servir durante las misas. Nosotros podemos entrenarles, llámanos. Platica con tus hijos, si muestran interés, apúntalos. No seas tu quien los mantiene lejos de Jesús. Para más información comunícate con: Eloísa Pérez: 890-8420, Érica Romo : 345-4487 Virna Cárdenas 972-762-0751 310 N. Mitthoeffer Rd. 317-897-7777 St. JoSeph thurSday Bingo 4332 N. German Church Rd. Play for as little as $9 for 12 games Every Thursday at 9:30AM Live Fishing Bait & Tackle Where bait shop and country store meet! Operated by a family of U.S. Military Veterans 317-545-BAIT (2248) 3241 N. Arlington Ave. DEERING CLEANERS 1160 N. Arlington Jeannene Talbott Jeannene Talbott Agency Parishioner 1511 N. Post Rd., Ste. B 317-897-3750 EAST SIDE PRESCRIPTION SHOP PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries American Family Insurance Company Home Office – Madison, WI 53783 ©2012 006441 - 9/12 5317 E. 16th St. Convalescent, Hospital & Sickroom Aids & Supplies 359-8278 356-2471 317-469-0169 800-887-0437 Parishioner Carpet Cleaning–Limpieza de alfombra 317-755-6175 • Whole Home Remodeling & Room Additions • Residential & Commercial Parishioner Since 1972 861-9778 Commercial & Residential COMPLIMENTS OF Backflow Preventer Certified RICHARD T. FOWLER & DAUGHTER Plumbing Contractor HALL RENTAL MORTUARIES & CREMATORY Weddings • Holidays • Family Gatherings Over 100 Years of Family Ownership & Operation Book Your Special Event Now! 1040 N. Post • 317-897-1577 Our Lady of Fatima Council #3228 Contact: Holly Blagburn (H) 335-1177 • (C) 965-8781 Five Locations 9606 E. Washington St. 897-9606 BARNES Licensed • Bonded • Insured 356-9191 • Repair & Installation • Drains Cleaned • Bath Remodeling • Water Lines FOR COUNCIL CatholicMatch Indiana • Small, Custom Feel Community • Walking Trails & Pond • All Ranch Homes, with Brick & Stone Exterior Options • Bonus Rooms & Basements Available • Mt. Vernon Schools C RESTWOOD FAMILY RESTAURANT Open 6 AM • 7 Days a Week Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner (317) 387-7000 SPECIAL Buy 1 entree & 2 beverages get the 2nd entree at 1/2 PRICE An “Over 55” active adult and assisted living community. Utilities paid Fitness Center Free Transportation 356-4173 Carry Out Available 894-5570 ONE LIGHT EAST OF MEIJER’S Parishioner Cumberland VILLAGE EAST %15!,(/53).' /00/245.)4 9 Caring For You Since 1910 Anthony M. Campo Selling Homes is Our ONLY Business & Associates Attorneys at Law David M. Zeyen REAL, GRI REALTOR®/Broker Home (317) 861-3721 Cell (317) 753-4611 FEENEY-HORNAK SHADELAND MORTUARY Please refer your friends and relatives to The Zeyen Team. H.S. Parishioner 8888 E. 10th St. 899-2577 6084 W. 800 N. McCordsville Holy Spirit Parishioner for over 40 years by Medy Myers, RN Certified Geriatric Massage (H) 317-894-4011 (C) 317-432-1565 Ask for Rick Rohrman, General Manager 7101 Washington St. 317-613-7000 Indy’s Low-Price Powerhouse Enjoy The Best Mexican Food In Town! YOUR BIRD SEED HEADQUARTERS AUTHENTIC MEXICAN RESTAURANT 10417 E. Washington St. Residential • Commercial New Construction 317-898-3921 Parishioner 897-0328 Large Parties Welcome! 9918 E. Washington St. Corner of Washington St. at Mitthoffer All Types of Concrete Work including •Tear Out & Replacement Work •All Types of Decorative Concrete • Concrete Safe Rooms • Vaults We Build Insulated Concrete Homes Dennis Zeyen • 317-462-9622 Sales • Service & Repair Installation LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED Quality Indoor Comfort from Our Family to Yours Since 1978 FC Tucker Company Design to Sell Enterprise, Inc. 317-945-2040 Free Estimates - We Service/Repair All Brands $49 Tune-Up when you mention Holy Spirit! Owners/Parishioners: MaryBeth (Wise) Hughes Ken Hughes • Jason Hughes 1-800-282-5106 5129 S. Emerson Ave. .........................786-0799 8005 E. 30th St. ........................................894-1867 4914 Rockville Rd. ..................................381-9787 RESTAURANTE MEXICANO 352-0956 Bob Rohrman’s Indy Hyundai Integrated Therapeutic Massage State Massage Certification by Indiana Professional Licensing Agency Auto, Truck, Slip & Fall Injuries; Estates, Wills, Trusts; Powers of Attorney & Living Wills For Advertising Information CALL 353-6101 Family Dentistry Cell 317-945-8445 Fax 317-336-7152 Business 317-336-6051 Lana L. Zayen 1307 N. Shadeland Dr. J.R. Lindeman “Grow with the Flow” RODOLFO PALACIOS, Owner 317.443.7429 Real Estate Consultant 1st VP Residential Sales CRS, GRI, Interior Designer Parishioner Try Our Weekend Brunch Pizzas Dine In / Carry Out / Delivery Bob & Laura Stark – Parishioners Mick McGrath & Nancy Duncan – School Family 5646 E. Washington St. • 356-6612 GYROS • RIB TIPS • WINGS 899-5565 1002 N. POST RD. VISIT US AFTER MASS The place to watch all your college & NFL football games! Robert Lane Financial “Indy’s oldest heating & cooling co.” As your life changes, so do your financial needs. Robert H. Lane, CLU Financial Representative, Parishioner 973 N. Shadeland Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46219 Call Bob Lane today at (317) 294-9732. Robert Lane is a Registered Representative and Investment Advisor Representative of and offers securities and advisory services through WRP Investments, Inc. Securities and Advisory Services are supervised by WRP Investments, Inc. at 4407 Belmont Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio 44505 (800) 589-2023. WRP Investments, Inc. is a member of FINRA & SIPC. 8001 E. 10th St., Indianapolis (317) 897-5787 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - SERVICE - REPLACEMENT Continuing 130 Years of Service Bob & Karen Lux, Parishioners - 24 Years Catholic Education John & Kara Traub - 28 Years Catholic Education 639-1111 2034 – In house implant placement and Crowns – Dentures – Braces – Root Canals – Tooth Removal – Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. Lina se habla Español