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ST. RAPHAEL’S PARISH 35-20 Greenpoint Avenue, L.I.C., NY 11101 Telephone: 718-729-8957 Fax: 729-5238 E-Mail: Website: MISSION STATEMENT: St. Raphael’s is a parish rooted in tradition yet responding to an evolving community by evangelization in action. We seek to inspire the larger Catholic community to a more committed faith life and to heed Christ’s call of sharing time, talent and treasure for the needs of others. DECLARACION DE MISION: San Rafael es una parroquia enraizada en la tradición y a la vez responde a una comunidad que evoluciona con una acción evangelizadora. Buscamos inspirar a la comunidad católica global a que vivan una fe más comprometida y a prestar atención a la llamada de Cristo a compartir tiempo, talento y bienes con los necesitados. EUCHARIST SCHEDULE Saturday/Sábado Sunday/Domingo 5:00pm - English 8:00am - English 9:45am - Korean 11:00 am—English 12:30 pm—Spanish/Español WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Monday - Friday 9:00am Lunes - Viernes 9:00am OFFICE HOURS/HORARIO Monday - Friday/Lunes - Viernes 9:00-1:00pm & 2:00-4:00pm Saturday/Sábado By appointment / Mediante cita BAPTISM/BAUTISMO Please contact the rectory to make arrangements. You will need the child’s birth certificate. favor de llamar la rectoria. niño. Necesitará el certificado de nacimiento del MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIO Any couple wishing to marry should contact the rectory at least six (6) months before the wedding. Una pareja que está pensando en el matrimonio debe de llamar la rectoría seis (6) meses antes de la boda. RECONCILIATION/RECONCILIACION Saturday/Sábado 4:00-4:45pm and by appointment/y por cita. MINISTRY TO THE SICK/ CUIDADO DE LOS ENFERMOS Please call the rectory at 729-8957 to make arrangements for the sick person to receive Holy Communion or the Anointing of the sick at home. favor de llamar la rectoría al 729-8957 para que la persona enferma reciba la Comunión o Unción de los Enfermos en la casa. August 2, 2015—Eighteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time FROM THE PASTOR… Dear Parishioners, This weekend, we at St. Raphael’s begin the public phase of an initiative that has been having a silent phase for a couple of months. The project is called Generations of Faith. It will enable the pastoral work and spiritual mission of St. Raphael’s to continue and help us to meet pressing needs now and in the years to come This bulletin contains an introduction, both in English and in Spanish, to Generations of Faith. An oral announcement at Masses this weekend will further detail the progress we have made and where we are heading with this. Please attend to this information carefully, so all who consider themselves parishioners here will understand the core motive of Generations of Faith and collaborate for the present and future benefit of St. Raphael’s. On a different note, you may enjoy this anecdote from our Food Pantry ministry. From mid– summer to Labor Day, the shipments we receive from the Food Bank of New York for the Pantry tend to be smaller in quantity and variety. Things usually improve in September. Right now, though, we’ve kept getting an humongous supply of canned cranberry sauce, so much that Pantry Director Elizabeth Ciro finally said ―no more cranberry sauce!‖. The next order arrives: no more cranberry sauce but now lots of cranberry juice! What’s next, said volunteer Delia Dela Cruz: cranberry jelly? Seriously, thanks to all who remember the Pantry feeding ministry, either with foodstuffs or financial donations. We especially acknowledge the continuing generosity of our neighboring faithcommunity, Queen of Angels. Their two most recent contributions were checks for $437 and $366. Much obliged! Please visit today’s Flea Market. A late report on the July Flea Market: it brought in $2316 to St. Raphael’s. Thanks to all who planned, prepared, helped, cooked, and shopped! Final thought, courtesy of the late comedian George Carlin: ―When someone asks you, a penny for your thoughts, and you put your two cents in, what happens to the other penny?‖ -Father Jerry Jecewiz REMEMBER: UNTIL AFTER LABOR DAY, THE RECTORY OFFICE CLOSES AT 2:00 PM ON FRIDAYS. PARISH STAFF/EQUIPO PARROQUIAL Rev. Jerry Jecewiz, Pastor Rev. Luke Kim, Korean Ministry Sister Christine Scherer, D.W., Religious Educ. Mr. Jan Wnek, Music Minister PARISH STEWARDSHIP Last week’s church offering Average weekly expenses $4,751.00 $6,185.00 August 2nd –Eighteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for the Week of August 2nd Sunday, August 2nd: 8:00— Stanley Dzikowski, Sr. (21st Anniversary Remembrance) (Alex and Robert Boehler) 9:45—KOREAN MASS 11:00—Elvira, Berard and the DeSouza Family (Teresa and Tangi) 12:30—Parish Purgatorial Society Monday, August 3rd: 9:00— Maryann Martin Donlon (B-day Remembrance) (Martin Family) Tuesday, August 4th: 9:00—Wladyslaw Mirecki (B-day Remembrace) (Mirecki Family) Wednesday, August 5th: 9:00—Deceased of the Boyle Family (Boyle Family) Thursday, August 6th: 9:00—People of St. Raphael Parish Friday, August 7th: 9:00— Patrick and Carita McNamee Saturday, August 8th: 5:00— Donovan and McCallian Family (Don and Eileen McCallian) AND Michael Dadiego (Janine Perrazo) Sunday, August 9th: 8:00— James Buckley, Sr. (Mr. and Mrs. Jim Buckley) 9:45—KOREAN MASS 11:00— Willi Peña (Dec’d) (Familia Hurtado) 12:30—Maria Emilia Restrepo (50th Anniversary Remembrance) (Henry Ramirez) The Bread and Wine this week are offered for persecuted Christians in the Mideast. THIS WEEK’S EVENTS Sun., Aug. 2: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Generations of Faith Mon., Aug. 3: 7:30 pm—Spanish Baptism Prep Tues., Aug. 4: Feast of St. John Vianney Wed., Aug. 5: Feast of Dedication of St. Mary Major Basilica 7 pm—Spanish Rosary + Praise Thurs., Aug. 6: Feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration 10:30 am to 12 noon—Food Pantry Fri., Aug. 7: First Friday Feast of Sts. Sixtus & Companions, & St. Cajetan 7 pm—Spanish Faith Formation for Children Sat., Aug. 8: Feast of St. Dominic 1:30 to 3 pm—Food Pantry 2 pm—Spanish Baptisms UPCOMING BAPTISM DATES: In English: .Sat., Sept. 5, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Sat., Aug. 29, 11:00 am. (Fumio Tanai photo) In Spanish: Sat., Aug. 8, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Mon., Aug. 8, 7:30 pm. Sat., Sept. 19, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Mon., Sept. 14, 7:30 pm. FOOD PANTRY is usually open Thursdays from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon, and Saturdays from 1:30 to 3:00 pm. New volunteers are always welcome, as are donations of canned, packaged foods (non-perishable). We do not accept clothing, books or furniture. How Will Our Parish Benefit? St. Raphael Parish and the Diocese of Brooklyn are engaging in an unprecedented project that addresses the great potential of our region and touches the lives of Catholic families within our communities today and into the future. After much prayer and consultation, together we are undertaking an historic initiative to address our needs called GENERATIONS OF FAITH. GENERATIONS OF FAITH seeks to raise a minimum of $80 million to expand and enhance programs and ministries throughout the Diocese and assist us with our local needs at St. Raphael Parish. WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF GENERATIONS OF FAITH? The campaign priorities are to: Strengthen the Heart of our Diocese by investing 50% of the total dollars raised, or $40,000,000, back into local parish communities for their own identified projects. Fulfill Our Promise to Those Who Have Faithfully Served by augmenting the current Saint John Vianney and Good Shepherd Funds, by directing $30,000,000 to care for Senior and Infirmed Priests. Foster the Formation of the Future Generation of Catholics through the Catholic Foundation’s Youth Evangelization Program, we will place a qualified and trained youth minister in approximately 140 parishes throughout the Diocese by 2020. Why is my participation important? St. Raphael Parish has counted on the broad-based support of its parishioners to accomplish its fundraising objectives, particularly for the weekly offertory and Annual Catholic Appeal. The minimum goal at St. Raphael’s $420,000, roughly half of which will come back to the parish. We will receive 50% of the funds raised up to this goal and 75% of funds raised over the target. If we exceed 125% of our goal, we will then receive 100% of all funds raised above this figure. Our share of the funds raised will be directed to: Make Repairs to the Pastoral Center Replace the Boiler Repaint the Church For questions, or to schedule an appointment to see Father Jerry, please contact the Parish Office – (718) 729-8957. Remember this campaign is about equalsacrifice, not equal gifts! This campaign also needs that broad-based support. All households are asked to consider a gift to the campaign (over and above their continued annual support of the parish) as a major commitment of their charitable resources over a five year (5) period. The Annual Catholic Appeal for 2015 is included in our parish goal of $420,000. You will not receive any campaign solicitations for the Annual Catholic Appeal in 2015. WHAT IS NEXT FOR GENERATIONS OF FAITHAND HOW CAN WE HELP? In the coming weeks, every family will be invited to participate in this campaign and prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift of a five (5) year pledge. A group of dedicated parishioners serving on behalf of Father Jerry are contacting our families regarding our participation. When that time comes, please consider your support with an open heart and pray for our success as we move forward. The sacrifices of our parents and grandparents allowed us to become the parish family we are today– we now are asked to sacrifice for the future of our parish for the next generation to come! ¿Cómo beneficiara directamente La Iglesia de San Rafael en esta campaña? La Iglesia de San Rafael y la Diócesis de Brooklyn están participando en un proyecto histórico que nos ayudará a responder a las necesidades de nuestra fe católica, como nuestra familia, nuestras comunidades y nuestro futuro. Después de consulta, oración y planificación, juntos como comunidad católica embarcaremos en una iniciativa histórica titulada Generaciones de Fe. Generaciones de Fe busca recaudar el mínimo de $80 millones para ampliar y mejorar los programas y ministros de la diócesis. La campaña ayudara directamente a nuestra iglesia a reparar el estacionamiento. ¿Cuáles son las prioridades de la campaña Generaciones de Fe? Fortalecer el corazón de nuestra Diócesis, invirtiendo el 50% de los fondos recaudados, o $40 millones, para ayudar a cada iglesia con sus proyectos y necesidades locales. Cumplir nuestra promesa a los que han servido fielmente a nuestra diócesis y familias, nuestros sacerdotes. La campaña dirigirá $30 millones al fondo San Juan Vianey que ayuda a los sacerdotes jubilados y el fondo Buen Pastor el cual ayuda a los sacerdotes enfermos. Fomentar la formación de fe de futuras generaciones de católicos a través del Programa de Evangelización para la Juventud, administrado por la Fundación Católica para Brooklyn y Queens. Esta inversión extenderá el programa a 140 parroquias de la diócesis. La meta mínima de la campaña de La Iglesia de San Rafael es $420,000. Nosotros recibiremos el 50% de los fondos a nuestra meta de $420,000. Después, recibiremos el 75% de fondos del 100% al 125% de nuestra meta. Al sobresalir el 125%, nosotros recibiremos el 100% de cada dólar recaudado. Con nuestros fondos recaudados, podremos: Hacer reparaciones en el Centro Pastoral Vuelva a colocar la caldera Vuelva a pintar la Iglesia Si tiene alguna pregunta, o para hacer una cita con el Padre Jerry acerca de la campaña, por favor contacte a la oficina parroquial al: (718) 729-8957. Recuerde que esta campaña es sobre dar regalos de mismo sacrificio, no mismo tamaño o cifra. ¿Por qué mi participación es importante? Nuestra parroquia siempre ha contado con el apoyo de feligreses como usted(es) para lograr los objetivos de pasados y presentes proyectos, particularmente para la ofrenda de la iglesia semanal y la Campaña Anual Católica de la diócesis. Generaciones de Fe también necesita ese apoyo de base amplia. Todos los hogares se les pide considerar un regalo a la campaña (encima de su contribución a la ofrenda a la iglesia y la diócesis) para poder cumplir estos importantes planes para nuestra iglesia. Por favor consideren un regalo apropiado para usted y su familia que usted pueda dar mensualmente, trimestralmente, bianualmente o anualmente tras los próximos cinco (5) años. La Campaña Católica Anual del 2015 está incluida en nuestra meta de la parroquia de $420,000. ¿Cuál es la siguiente etapa de Generaciones de Fe y cómo podemos ayudar? En las próximas semanas, cada familia serán invitados a participar en esta campaña y considerar en oración una promesa tras próximos cinco (5) años. Un grupo de voluntarios feligreses estarán en contacto con usted, de parte del Padre Jerry, para compartir más información. Por favor tenga en cuenta su apoyo con un corazón y ore por nuestro éxito. Los sacrificios de nuestros padres y abuelos nos permiten ser la familia parroquial de hoy – y ahora se les pide que compartan un sacrificio para el futuro de nuestra fe en Brooklyn y Queens. AROUND OUR PARISH One of our maintenance workers, Miguel Salazar, and his wife Socorro recently had a baby boy, Michael. Above: Dad proudly displays his offspring at last weekend’s Presentation ceremony at the Spanish Mass here. Weekend sacristan Shiralyn Muñoz marked her Sweet 16 with a ceremony at last weekend’s Saturday 5:00 pm Mass. Above: Shiralyn and her aunt, Angelina Muñoz, on that happy occasion. St. Raphael’s Church AY D O T Aug. 2 Sept. 6—Oct. 4 Vendors Wanted! Price is $35 per 10-foot spot ($45 if you need to borrow an 8-ft. table from us) PREPARED FOODS AVAILABLE To reserve a spot, please call the Rectory at 718)729-8957 Mon-Fri between 9:30am to 3:30pm. Checks are payable to St. Raphael Church. NO REFUNDS For potential rain outs, please call the rectory the day BEFORE, from 6pm on. If it rains, the Flea Market will take place the FOLLOWING Sunday. Set-up from 8 am on. All proceeds from cost of the spots will go to St. Raphael Church Our RELIGIOUS EDUCATION program children have been given reregistration forms to sign up for the next pastoral year, beginning in in September. Also: spread the word to potential newcomers to the program as well. Call 718-729-8957 for more info.