Download Concierto del Día de las Madres Mother`s Day Spiritual Concert

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Cycle B
San José Church, Austin, Texas
SAT. May 056:00pm....... † Eleno Alvarado
SUN. May 067:30am....... Oscar y Karime Dominguez 5th Sunday
En Honor de 20 años Aniversario de Boda
of Easter9:30am....... † Luisa Garcia - In Memory
11:30am..... † Ricardo Longoria - In Memory of His 5th Anniversary
1:15pm....... † Jose Aguilar Vargas - En Memoria Su Aniversario
Mon. May 07
5:45pm....... † Nicolas DeLeon de Castillo - In His Memory
Tues. May 08
5:45pm....... † Ernestina De Martinez - In Her Memory
Wed. May 09
5:45pm....... † Rosa M. Diaz - In Memory of Her Birthday
Thu. May 10
5:45pm....... Elena Sanchez - Birthday Blessings
7:00pm....... † Eramo Vences - En Su Memoria
Fri. May 11
5:45pm....... Friends & Members of San Jose
SAT. May 128:00am....... All Mothers
6:00pm....... All Mothers
SUN. May 137:30am....... Todas Las Madres
6th Sunday9:30am....... All Mothers
of Easter11:30am..... All Mothers
1:15pm....... Todas Las Madres
NOTE CORRECTION: Mass of Thu., May 03 5:45pm
Mary Cruz - In Thanksgiving to Our Heavenly Father for the Gift of Great Life
* designates a change in Mass times
† designates a deceased person(s)
Weekday Masses held in Sacred Heart Chapel
Este 13 de Mayo celebraremos el Dia de
Las Madres. El especial del
desayuno será pollo guisado.
Amigos y Hermanos de Nicaragua
Concierto del Día de las Madres
Evangelización presentara un Concierto
Espiritual - Alabanzas al Señor por los
Ministerios de Alabanza
“La Victoria y Grupo Alabare”.
Vengan y disfruten de una noche de Alegría
y Gozo, con su Madre o su mejor amiga(o).
Ofreceremos un platillo de Fajitas o
Carnitas por $5.00
¡Habrá una subasta con regalos para su
querida Madre y mucho más!
Se pedirá una donación durante el concierto.
¡Allí no vemos!
Sabado, 12 de Mayo - comida a las 6:00pm
- concierto de las 7:00-10:00pm
en el Salon Parroquial.
We will celebrate Mother’s Day on May
13. The special for breakfast
will be pollo guisado.
Friends & Brothers of Nicaragua
Mother’s Day
Spiritual Concert
Come and enjoy the night
with songs of praise and
worship (in Spanish)
Music will be by
“La Victoria and Grupo
A fajita or carnita plate
will be sold for $5.00
Auction items will be available.
May 12th in the Parish Hall
Food will be available at 6:00pm with the
concert from 7:00-10:00pm
Breakfast and Lunch Sales Schedule for May, 2012
Lista de Desayunos y Almuerzos para Mayo, 2012
Breakfast Group/
Lunch Group
Fecha............ Grupo del Desayuno....................................... /Grupo de Almuerzos
May 06......... Religious Education....................................Knights of Columbus
May 13......... Nicaraguans..................................................Nicaraguans
May 20......... Los Guadalupanos........................................ Sagrado Corazón
May 27......... Movimiento Familiar Cristiano....................Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
Come enjoy a delicious breakfast or lunch, visit
with fellow parishioners and visitors and support your parish. Lunches are served after the
11:30am and 1:15pm Masses.
Venga a disfrutar de un desayuno o almuerzo delicioso, visite con feligreses y visitantes y soporte
su parroquia. Las comidas son servidas despues de
las misas de 11:30am y 1:15pm.
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday - 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Horario de oficina:
Lunes-Viernes de 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Cerrado los Sabádos y Domingos
Sacrament of Reconciliation
(Confession) English/Spanish
Saturday, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm, Main Church
Wed., 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm, Main Church
Sacramento de Reconciliación
(Confesión) Inglés y Español
Sábados de 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm,
Iglesia Principal
Miercoles de 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm pm,
Iglesia Principal
Grupo de Oración - Español
Salón Parroquial
Cada Martes - 7:00 pm
(located next to the Grotto)
(a un lado de la Gruta)
Sat............................. 10:30 am - 7:30 pm
Sun.............................. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wed., Thu. & Fri.......12:00 noon - 7:00 pm
Lupe Velasquez - Director
Office - 444-4664
Mon.-Thu...................... 10:00 am-6:00 pm
Closed Friday, Saturday & Sunday’s
Baptismal preparation classes and Baptisms
for children up to 4 yrs. of age are available in
English or Spanish. Contact the office for applications and information.
Se ofrecen clases para la preparación del
Bautismo en Inglés y en Español para niños
que tengan hasta 4 años cumplidos. Favor de
comunicarse a la oficina para obtener las formas
de solicitud y más información.
Please contact the Church Office (444-7587) 9
months prior to the celebration. The parents
must be registered in the parish and
the youth participating in the appropriate level of religious education.
Favor de ponerse en contacto con la Oficinia
de la Iglesia (444-7587) nueve (9) meses antes de la celebración. Los Padres de los
jovenes deben estar registrados en la
parroquia y los jovenes participando
en el nivel apropiado de educación
Our secretaries Mary Morris and Rosario Tristan
can provide this service for you. Please call
before coming by the office to get something
May 6, 2012
5th Sunday of Easter
Every week, we ask that you pray for one of the Austin Diocese’s Seminarians. This week we will
be praying for Darrell Kostiha, Church of the Visitation, Westphalia. Keep him in your prayers
as he strives to answer God’s call. Keep praying for vocations to the priesthood and the religious life.
Cada semana, les pedimos que ustedes rueguen por uno de los seminaristas de la diócesis de Austin.
Esta semana, oremos por Darrell Kostiha, Church of the Visitation, Westphalia. Manténgalo en
sus rezos como el se esfuerza con contestar a la llamada de Dios. Sigan orando para las vocaciones
a la sacerdocio y vida religiosa.
PRAY FOR our known hospital and homebound patient(s)/OFRECE ORACION PARA nuestros
paciente(s) internados en el hospital y confinados en casa: Guadalupe Arias Eureste, Alexander
Hernandez, Guadalupe Yanes Gonzales, Josie Juarez, Nelson Ornela, Elena Ornela, April Ornela,
John Rodriguez, III, Jaime Torres, Carmelita Ramos, Frances Treviño, Bill Tarpley, Petra Villarreal,
Beatrice Montanez, Anita Carrizales, Elia Flores, Melissa Limon, Roberto Vizcalla, Salvador Lara,
Lorenzo Huerta, Luis Rodriguez, Elena Sanchez, Juanita (Janie) Baldoza, Mike Baldoza, Timothy
Gutierrez, Tom Longoria, Jesse Pompa, Matias “Sonny” Limon, Teresa Teran Rodriguez, Rosie
Garcia, and/y Nat Limon. Jose Campos
Please pray for those who have recently passed away /
Por favor ore por los que fallecieron recientamente:
Jose Ines Duran Guillen
We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to their families.
Deseamos Ofrecer nuestra simpatía más profunda a sus familias.
Austin Prayer Vigil is scheduled for Saturday, May 19 at St. Ignatius,
Martyr, 126 W. Oltorf Ln., Austin. Mass will begin at 7:30am. Following the
Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be in the church and a car
caravan will travel to Austin Women’s Health where the Mysteries of the
Rosary will be prayed at the site from 8:20-9:50am. Benediction will follow at
St. Ignatius, Martyr at 10:30am. Refreshments will be served at 10:40am. All
are invited to attend. Call Bob Christiansen for more information at (512) 255-8551.
Available at the Parish Office - C.E.F. Cards
A friend or relative of yours dies - you want to do something to show that you care. Maybe
you take food to the family; you try to say some comforting words. Flowers and plants are
expensive and they die too soon. What about being a part of a perpetual Clerical Endowment
Fund Card for the deceased. Give $5 and your name will be included in the memorial to the
family of the deceased. That person will be remembered perpetually in the Masses of our
Bishop and in the prayers of our Seminarians. That same $5 will be used to help educate our
Seminarians - future priests who will serve us in this Diocese. Contact Tina Esquivel at the
Parish Office for more information.
Two weeks ago, Fr. Charlie Van Winkle was with us during the English
Masses where he promoted his book. We do have copies of his book
in the Main Office for purchase. Please stop by during working hours,
Monday – Friday, 9:00am to 6:00pm.
The Knights of Columbus invite all parishioners to join them in
praying the Rosary on Wednesday, May 9th at 6:30 PM in the Main
Church; in front of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Prayers will be for all
babies lost to abortion, their mothers, and other special intentions.
Pray for our loved ones in the military,/
Ore por nuestros seres queridos en el ejército,
Pvt. Justin Ayala, Iraq, nephew of Jose Ayala
“May the hand of the Almighty protect and bring each one safely home.”
“Que la mano del Todopoderoso, proteja y regresa con toda seguridad a casa a cada uno de ellos.”
The following intentions have been
presented to the Blessed Sacrament/
las siguientes peticiones fueron presentadas al
Santísimo Sacramento: Gracias Jesus por tanto
que nos amas:
The person/s presenting these petitions are/las
persona/s que presenta estas peticiones son:
Metodia Rodriguez:
Altar Flowers
are in Honor of
David Urban and
Linda Hickman
Who Celebrated Their
1st Wedding Anniversary - April 30.
Dedications of ALTAR FLOWERS for our Lords
Altar are still being accepted for 2012.
Your dedication is a special way to honor a
loved one on their special day or in their memory;
give thanksgiving for blessings received; or in
recognition of a special event, a ministry or
an organization. Donations can be made at the
Church Office.
If shopping at Randall’s, take your
Remarkable Card to Customer Service - ask
credits to go to San Jose Church – 226479 – and
San Jose will receive a donation based on your
purchases. Thanks!
Attention: Graduating seniors
Jerry Wolverton Memorial Scholarship
We are happy to announce that we will be awarding
the Jerry Wolverton Memorial Scholarship on May
27, 2012. This scholarship will be awarded to an
Austin area High School graduating senior, whose
family is registered at San Jose Parish and who is
active in 2 or more ministries at the parish.
Applications may be picked up at the San Jose
R.E. Office or you may call Nelli Wolverton @
Applications must be turned in by Monday, May
7, 2012.
From Ashes
to Easter…
New Fire, New Water, New
Light and New Life - we will
provide hope and joy to our
missions through the Lenten
Mission Project. If you did not return your lent
container today, please bring it during this week.
Desde Cenizas Hasta Pascua…
Nueva Lumbre, Nueva Agua, Nueva Luz, Nueva
Vida - compartiremos esperanza e alegría con
nuestras misiones por ese Proyecto de Cuaresma.
Si no ha entregado su Caja de Cuaresma hoy, por
favor entrégala entre semana. Gracias.
Cycle B
San José Church, Austin, Texas
The good steward lives the advice of St. John, loving in deed and in El buen administrador vive según el consejo de San Juan, amando en los
hechos y en la verdad, en vez de hablar de ellos nada mas.
truth, rather than just talking about it.
Thanks to the 489 parishioners utilizing the
contribution envelopes. We thank everyone
for your support and commitment to San José
Please use your personalized envelopes to
receive a record of your donations to San
José Parish.
Collections of April 28th & 29th
Gracias a los 489 feligreses que utilizaron sus
sobres. ¡Damos gracias a todos por su apoyo
y compromiso con San José!
Favor de usar sus sobres para poder anotar
su donativo a la Parroquia de San José.
Mail Ins.............................................845.00
May, 2012 Special Collections
May 6................ St. Vincent de Paul
May 20.............. Parish Development
May 27.............. Continuing Education
We had our first Jamaica meeting. Scheduled
for Saturday, October 6. Save that date.
Little Lent Boxes for the Missions - so far we
have received 410 boxes for a total of $6,086.
Bring yours in this week. Thanks!
Habiamos recibido 410 Cajitas de Cuaresma
- cantidad de $6,086. Que traiga la suya esta
Special thanks to Cirilo Aguirre, Jorge Ulloa
and Juan Riojas for organization of the Fiesta
San Jose. It was truly a fitting homenaje en honor
de Nuestro Patron. And many thanks to all the
Ministries who cooperated in this fine day. Que
Diosito y San Jose les Bendigan siempre!
Legion of Mary
The San Jose Legion of Mary Praesidium of Nuestra Señora
de Divina Gracia cordially invites all parishioners including
children to a weekly rosary during the month of May to honor
our Blessed Mother.
When: Every Thursday in May (May 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31)
Where: School Building (Rooms 1A&B)
Time: 6:00pm
Please bring flowers if possible, to place at her alter. Special
intentions will also be done. Rosary will be bilingual.
One of our parishioners lost a Topaz stud earring during the 11:30am Mass last Sunday,
which has sentimental value. If you have found it please bring it to the Church Office.
Thank you.
Les damos la más cordial bienvenida a todos los
nuevos feligreses. Todos los feligreses y cualquiera
persona que sea mayor de 18 años, debe registrarse
en las oficinas de la Iglesia. Así también, les rogamos
nos hagan saber cualquier cambio en sus datos que
afecte su registro.
Proverbios y Dichos:
No hay mejor salsa que un buen apetito.
Donations to the Ashes to Easter Lent Box
project can also be made online
Las Colectas del día 28 y 29 de Abril
Apologies for no Financial Report last week the collection last weekend - April 21/22 was
$16,048.89 and the Special Collection for the
St. Thomas school in Uganda was $7,395.50.
Many thanks to all who made generous gifts to
the parish and to the Special Mission Project
of Father Isidore.
We give a warm welcome to all new parishioners.
New parishioners and anyone over 18 years of age
should register at the Parish Office. Also, please notify
us of address changes and or personal changes that
affect your registration.
notes from fr. tom
We know that parking for Mass can be a
problem but we must leave space on the streets
for EMS or Fire Department to enter the area.
Please do not curb park on the corners (trucks
need to make the turn) and please do not block
driveways. Thanks.
-Fr. Tom
Couples are asked to call Sr. Nancy at least
9 months before setting a wedding date.
They should be registered and participating in
the parish.
Alcohol and Drug Assistance Ministry
Please call the ADAM Team at 1-866-203-4087.
Leave your first name and a phone number and
time where you can be reached. All calls are
Para casarse por la iglesia aqui o en otro país
(especialmente si desea casarse en México) necesita
llamar a la Hna. Nancy de 9 meses antes de
fijar la fecha de la boda porque la iglesia
tiene ciertos trámites que cumplir.
Por favor llame al Equipo MAAD, al 1-866-2034087. Deje su primer nombre, un número telefonico
y horario a donde le podamos llamar. Todas las
llamadas son confidenciales.
May 6, 2012
5th Sunday of Easter
Religious Education Corner / Esquina De Educación Religiosa
“Do This in Memory of Me”
Luke 22:19
Graduation Mass for 2012
Sunday, May 27th at the 9:30 a.m. Mass
We invite all 2012 graduates of High School and College, who have
been involved or are part of our community to participate in this
year’s Graduation Mass. If you are interested, please come by the
Religious Education Office to register.
Deadline to register is May 21st.
Don’t Wait, Start Now!!
If you will be registering your children for a Sacramental Class this
upcoming year NOW is the time to get those baptismals ready. If your
child was baptized here at San Jose you may request a copy from our main
church office for just $5.00. If your child was baptized at another parish
or in another country you need to contact the parish in which they were
baptized for a copy. We will not be registering anyone for a Sacramental
Class without a copy of his or her baptismal. Also if your child will be
entering their 2nd year for Confirmation we will need a copy of their 1st
Communion Certificate. In order to pre-register the current year tuition must
be paid in full as well as the pre-registration fee for next year. Registration
will come up soon!
Pre-Registration for
Religious Education Classes
Students currently in Religious Education classes have been given the
pre-registration packets to take home. The packets were given to the oldest
child in each family. Please let us know if your family did not receive one
by calling the R.E. Office at 444-4664.
Please take this opportunity to pre-register your children for next year.
Pre-registration allows families to register without having to wait in the
long lines at registration in August. To qualify for pre-registration your
2011-2012 fees must be paid in full and next years 2012-2013 fees also.
Please remember to include copies of baptismal certificates for 2nd
year 1st communion students or copies of baptismals and 1st communion
certificates for 2nd year confirmation students.
“Haced esto en conmemoración mía”
San Lucas 22:19
Misa de Graduación para 2012
Domingo, 27 de Mayo a la misa de 9:30am
Invitamos a todos los graduados del 2012 de Escuela Secundaria
y Colegio, quién ha sido implicado o forma parte de nuestra
comunidad de tomar parte en Masa de la Graduación de este año.
Si es interesado, por favor de venir por la Oficina de Educación
Religiosa a registrarse.
La fecha limité para registrarse es el 21 de Mayo.
¡¡No Espere, Empiece Ahora!!
Si usted desea inscribir sus niños(as) para un Clase Sacramental este próximo
año HOY es el tiempo para preparar sus certificados de bautismos. Si su
hijo(a) fue bautizado aquí en San José puede pedir una copia en la oficina
principal por nomas de $5.00. Si su hijo(a) fue bautizado en otra iglesia o
en otro país usted necesita llamar a esa iglesia para obtener una copia. No
estaremos inscribiendo a ninguno para un Clase Sacramental sin la copia del
certificado de bautismo. También, si su hijo(a) estará entrando al Segundo
año para Confirmación necesitaremos una copia del certificado de primera
comunión. Para poder pre-registrar el año curriente tiene que estar pagado
en complete tanto como costo de pre-registración para el próximo año. ¡Las
inscribciónes se llegaran pronto!
Pre-Registración para Clases
de Educación Religiosa
Estudiantes que esta en Educación Religiosa a este tiempo han recibido el
paquete para pre-registración para llevar a casa. El estudiante mayor de
edad de cada familia es el que recibio el paquete. Por favor llame a la oficina
de Educación Religiosa si su familia no recibio un paquete al 444-4664.
Por favor tomen esta oportunidad para pre-registrar sus niños para
el próximo año. Pre-registración le da a las familias oportunidad para
registrarse sin tener que esperar en las líneas largas en la registración en
Agosto. Para cualificar para pre-registración el costo del año 2011-2012
debe estar pagado en completo también el costo del próximo año 2012-2013.
Por favor de incluir certificados de bautismo para estudiantes de 2o año
de primer communion o certificados de bautismo y primer communion para
estudiantes de 2o año de confirmacion.
Spanish: 8:45am Session, Thursday, May 3 at 7:00pm in the main church
Spanish: 11:45am Session, Thursday, May 10 at 7:00pm in the main ENSAYOS:
Español: Sesion de 8:45am, Jueves, 3 de Mayo a las 7:00pm en la Iglesia
English: Thursday, May 24 at 7:00pm in the main church
Español: Sesion de 11:45am, Jueves, 10 de Mayo a las 7:00pm en
Spanish Mass: 8:45 Session, Saturday, May 5 at 10am in
la Iglesia Principal
the main church
Ingles: Jueves, 24 de Mayo a las 7:00pm en la Iglesia Principal
Spanish Mass: 11:45 Session, Saturday, May 12 at 10am
in the main church
Misa Español: Sesion de 8:45am, Sabádo, 5 de Mayo a las 10am
English Mass: Saturday, May 26 at 10am in the main church
en la Iglesia Principal
All students are to report to the Parish Hall at 9:30am promptly the
Misa Español: Sesion de 11:45am, Sabádo, 12 de Mayo a las 10am en
day of the ceremony.
la Iglesia Principal
Misa Ingles: Sabádo, 26 de Mayo a las 10am en la Iglesia Principal
Todos los estudiantes deben reportarse en el Salon Parroquial a las 9:30am
en punto el día de la ceremonia.
Vacation Bible Camp
June 25-29th
8am – 2pm
In the School Building
for ages 5-11 yrs. old
More information coming soon!
Coming Soon!
Cycle B
Iglesia San José, Austin, Texas
Intercessions for Life
Intercesiones por la Vida
Announcement from Bishop Vasquez
Regarding Rev. Jayme Mathias
Nuevas de Casita Esperanza
Clases de Educación Para la Diabetes
For those who are terminally ill:
that on their journey to eternal life,
they will be strengthened by the presence of
loved ones;
We pray to the Lord;
Reverend Jayme Mathias, the former pastor
of Cristo Rey Parish in Austin, has informed
the Diocese of Austin that on March 10, 2012,
he joined an organization that calls itself the
American Catholic Church in the United States
(ACCUSA). This group is not affiliated with or
recognized by the Roman Catholic Church.
Reverend Mathias is not a priest of the Diocese of
Austin, and he does not enjoy any faculties from
the Diocese of Austin to function as a Roman
Catholic priest. Sacraments conferred by him
on the faithful from the time of his withdrawal
from communion may be either invalid or gravely
illicit. Roman Catholics in the Diocese of Austin
should refrain from receiving the sacraments
from him.
Anuncio de parte de Obispo Vasquez Relativo
al P. Jayme Mathias, OFM Conv:
El Reverando Jayme Mathias, quien fue párroco
de la Parroquia Cristo Rey en Austin, ha
informado a la Diócesis de Austin, que el 10
de Marzo de 2012, se unió a una organización
que se llama la Iglesia Católica Americana en
los Estados Unidos (ACCUSA, por sus siglas
en Ingles). Este grupo no esta afiliado o es
reconocido por la Iglesia Católica Romana.
El Reverando Mathias no es un sacerdote de la
Diócesis de Austin y no goza de las facultades
de la Diócesis de Austin para ejercer como
sacerdote. Los sacramentos conferidos por el
a los fieles, desde el momento de su retiro de la
comunión, pueden ser inválidos o gravemente
ilícitos. Los católicos en la Diócesis de Austin
deben abstenerse de recibir los sacramentos de el.
Quinceañera Volunteers Needed
A Quinceañera is a modern day rite of passage
for the young women and men of our community.
This celebration symbolizes their growth from
children to young adults. They come to give
thanks to God for life and ask Him to guide them
in becoming responsible adults. San José office is
seeking volunteers to join our Quinceañera team.
We need dedicated volunteers who are comfortable
working with teenagers to help instruct workshops
and Masses. This is a great way to give back to the
community of San José. Training will be given. If
you are interested please contact Rosario Tristan in
the Main Office at 512-444-7587, Monday – Friday,
9:00am to 2:00pm.
Por los enfermos terminales:
para que en su camino a la vida eterna,
la presencia de sus seres queridos los
Roguemos al Señor:
Gratuitas en español
Los Sábados - el 5, 12, 19 y
26 de Mayo y 2 de Junio
10:00am hasta las 11:30am
en la Casita Esperanza
Para registrarse llame a
Delia Anguiano al 447-7306
How would you like to see
your Name as a donor on this
year’s Raffle Ticket for our
2012 Jamaica?
If you would like to make a donation of Money,
Gift Card, or a prize and see your name on
this year’s Raffle Ticket, please contact the
Church Office or call Gilbert Rodriquez, Raffle
committee member at (512)2826449. We need
your input by no later than May 1st, 2012.
We would need your donation by September
21, 2012.
Pilgrimage to Our Lady of San Juan:
Fr. John is leading a pilgrimage to the Basilica
of Our Lady of San Juan Del Valle National
Shrine in San Juan Texas on May 26 & 27,
2012. The theme is the “Year of Faith”. We
will be present for the Healing Mass and visit
the Shrine of San Judas. Cost is $80.00 per
person with double occupancy. Bus leaves
San Jose Church Saturday at 5am and returns
Sunday at 8:30pm. For more information,
please contact either Linda Govea at 442-1570
or Ester Terrazas at 693-0187.
Peregrinacion a la Virgen de San Juan:
Padre John esta conduciendo una peregrinación
a la Basilica de Nuestra Señora de San Juan
del Valle Santuario Nacional en San Juan,
Texas el 26 y 27 de Mayo de 2012. El tema
es el “Año de la Fe”. Estaremos presentes en
la Misa de Sanacion y visitamos el Santuario
de San Judas. Costo es $80.00 por persona
con ocupación doble. El bus sale de la Iglesia
de San Jose el Sabado a las 5am y vuelve el
Domingo a las 8:30pm. Para obtener mas
información, póngase en contacto con Linda
Govea al 442-1570 o Ester Terrazas al 6930187.
San Juan Diego Catholic High School
and the 8th Grade Academy
Apply today! San Juan Diego Catholic
High School (SJDCHS) and the 8th Grade
Academy are accepting applications for Fall
2012. What makes SJDCHS so unique is its
outstanding college preparatory education
and the Corporate Work Study Program
(CWSP)—an internship program that allows
students to gain valuable work experience with
some of Austin’s leaders in technology, health,
education, law, accounting and non-profits
organizations. Please call the school office at
(512) 804-1935 for more details.
Property Tax Bill Concerns? All Travis
County residents have until May 31st to appeal
their property taxes for 2011. If you have
questions or concerns regarding your property
tax bill, the Social Justice Ministry with
volunteers of a new organization: “People’s
Property Tax Education Group” will provide
a workshop to help answer questions you may
have of your 2011 property taxes.
The workshop will be held on Monday,
May 14 at 6:30pm-8:30pm in the parish hall. If
you have any questions, please contact Ofelia
Zapata at 669-0809.
¿Preocupaciones del Bill de Impuestos
Propietario? Todos los residentes del
Condado de Travis tienen hasta mayo 31st
para apelar sus impuestos de propiedad para
el 2011. Si tienes preguntas o preocupaciones
acerca de su bill de impuesto a la propiedad, el
Ministerio de Justicia Social con voluntarios
de una organización nueva: “Grupo educación
popular impuesto a la propiedad” ofrecerá un
taller para ayudar a responder las preguntas
que tenga de su declaración de impuestos de
propiedad del 2011.
El taller se llevara acabo el lunes 14 de
mayo @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm en el Salón
parroquial. Si tienen alguna pregunta, póngase
en contacto con Ofelia Zapata @ 669-0809.
May 6, 2012
5th Sunday of Easter
Sun. - Acts 9:26-31, Ps 22:26-28,30-32, 1 Jn 3:18-24, Jn 15:1-8
Mon. - Acts 14:5-18, Ps 115:1-4,15-16, Jn 14:21-26
Tue. - Acts 14:19-28, Ps 145:10-13ab,21, Jn 14:27-31a
Wed. - Acts 15:1-6, Ps 122:1-5, Jn 15:1-8
Thu. - Acts 15:7-21, Ps 96:1-3,10, Jn 15:9-11
Fri. - Acts 15:22-31, Ps 57:8-10,12, Jn 15:12-17
Sat. - Acts 16:1-10, Ps 100:1b-3,5, Jn 15:18-21
Sun. - Acts 10:25-26,34-35,44-48, Ps 98:1-4, 1 Jn 4:7-10, Jn 15:9-17
Sun. - He 9:26-31, Sal 22:26-28,30-32, 1 Jn 3:18-24, Jn 15:1-8
Mon. - He 14:5-18, Sal 115:1-4,15-16, Jn 14:21-26
Tue. - He 14:19-28, Sal 145:10-13ab,21, Jn 14:27-31a
Wed. - He 15:1-6, Sal 122:1-5, Jn 15:1-8
Thu. - He 15:7-21, Sal 96:1-3,10, Jn 15:9-11
Fri. - He 15:22-31, Sal 57:8-10,12, Jn 15:12-17
Sat. - He 16:1-10, Sal 100:1b-3,5, Jn 15:18-21
Sun. - He 10:25-26,34-35,44-48, Sal 98:1-4, 1 Jn 4:7-10, Jn 15:9-17
The Happy Kitchen/ La Cocina Alegre
Clases de cocina con La Cocina Algre
Aprenda a cocinar con platillos:
Sabrosos, nutritivos y económicos
Seis clases gratuitas en las cuales usted aprenderá técnicas de cocina,
consejos sobre nutrición y además recibirá gratis los ingredientes para
preparar la receta del dia en casa.
Para mas información llame al 775-4078.
Upcoming Annulment writing workshops will be held at the Diocesan
Pastoral Center in Austin on May 11-12, July 27-28 and November
2-3. Each one is from 7 to 9pm on Friday and from 10am to 3pm on
Saturday. For more information call Pat Thompson at (512)261-8500
or (512)970-7063.
Faithful Citizenship - Advocacy
The following is the information on the dates for the upcoming
elections. Hopefully all will carry out their responsibility as a Faithful
Citizen to vote with a well formed conscience.
Election Dates for 2012:
City Elections (Austin and other cities):
Early voting: April 30-May 8
Election Day: May 12
State and Federal Primary Elections:
Early Voting: May 14-25
Election Day: May 29
State and Federal Runoff (if needed):
Early Voting: July 23-27
Election Day: July 31
State and Federal General (Uniform) Elections:
Early Voting: Oct. 22-Nov. 2
Election Day: Nov. 6