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Saint Joseph Catholic Church Iglesia Católica San José 434 Church Avenue Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101 Phone (270) 842-2525 Fax (270) 843-9624 Emergency (270) 791-9798 Web Page: Weekend Schedule Horario de fin de semana Mass/ Misa Saturday (English) 5:00 pm Sábado (Español) 7:00 pm Sunday (English) 8:00 am & 10:30 am Domingo (Español) 12:30 pm Reconciliation / Confesiones Saturday / Sábado 4:00–4:30 pm Holy Day & Weekday See inside Durante la semana Vea adentro For other Sacraments, please call the parish office. Para los demás Sacramentos, favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial Parish Staff/Personaje Parroquial Pastor / Párroco ........................................Rev. Stan In Residence / Residente..........................Rev. Maurcie Tiell ..................can be reached at 843-7568 Deacon / Diácono.....................................Rev. Mr. Bob Imel Director of Faith Formation .....................Mr. John McAllister.............. Parish Life Coordinator............................Mrs. Kristie Lowry.................... Bookkeeper ..............................................Mrs. Jane Brooks ...................... Stewardship & Development ...................Mrs. Sandy Hispanic Ministry.....................................Mr. José Maintenance.............................................Mr. Tim Garrity .................................................................. Saint Joseph Catholic School/Escuela San José Mrs. Jan Lange, Principal ............................ (270) 842-1235........... School Development Office..........................(270) St. Vincent De Paul Thrift Store La Tienda de San Vicente de Paúl Monday – Saturday ........................(270) 783-7533 St. Joseph Cemetery/Cementerio San José Mr. Gene Faller..............................(270) 781-6849 Opportunities for Life .................(800) 822-5824 A statewide Catholic effort offering life-affirming hope and help to those experiencing an untimely pregnancy, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Gasper River Retreat Center......(270) 781-2466 St. Joseph Church .....................................Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time......................................... August 3, 2008 MASS SCHEDULE HORARIO DE MISAS August 2 - 10 SATURDAY – FIRST SATURDAY 9am .................................Respect for Human Life 5:00pm .....................................Bonnie Crabtree 7:00pm (Spanish)........... St. Joseph Parishioners SUNDAY – 18th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00am ................................ Eleanor Szymanski 10:30am .................................. Carmel Clemons 12:30pm (Spanish)..........................Alejo Novoa MONDAY 5:30pm ............................................. Jean Elliott TUESDAY 8am ...................... Tommy & Josephine Diemer WEDNESDAY No Mass THURSDAY 7pm (Spanish)................Holy Souls (deceased) FRIDAY (Church) 8am .......................... St. Joseph School Students SATURDAY 5:00pm .................................................. Rita Shea 7:00pm (Spanish).............................. Emily Ortiz SUNDAY – 19th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00am ........................... St. Joseph Parishioners 10:30am .....................................Margaret Vathy 12:30pm (Spanish)........................... Javier Diez Ministries-Ministros Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 9-10, 2008 5:00 pm EM ........................................................................T. Durbin, J. Durbin Greeter ........................................................P. Federico, J. Fulkerson Lector .................................................................................L. Basham Servers ....................................................................... M. Baumgarten 7:00 pm ME ..........................................................Francis M. Susie M. Raúl G. Lectores............................................................................................... Acólitos/Monaguillos............................................................................ 8:00 am E.M. ........................................................................... B. Imel, D. Lash Greeter ...............................................................R. Beard, G. Fleenor Lector ..................................................................................R. French Server.......................................................................................Z. Imel 10:30am EM. ...............................................................J. Durbin, G. Menestrina Greeter ........................................................... C. Gadbois, J. Hughes Lector ................................................................................... M. Lowry Server............................................................S. Cundiff, S. McAllister Children’s Liturgy of the Word ............................... A. Spader, L. Kern 12:30 pm Misa ME .......................................................................Susie M. Patricia G. Lectores................................................. Susie M., Sylvia, Josefina V. Acólitos/Monaguillos............................................................................ Financial Stewardship of the Parish Administración Financiera de la Parroquia Collection for July 27, 2008 Please use envelopes when possible $7,195 Collections Received Year-to-Date Collection Budgeted Year-to-Date Variance from Budget $30,433 31,536 -1,103 Collection for Restoration, July 27, 2008 $1,983 Total in Donations and Fundraisers $1,165,224 Principal Balance on Loan as of June 30,2008 1,150,451 Please us separate envelopes for Restoration IN SYMPATHY Please pray for the repose of the soul of: Doris Gambrell, mother of Sandy Amos 2 Please remember those for whom parishioners have requested your prayers; Recuerde por favor ésos para quién parroquianos han solicitado sus oraciones: Kevin Bailey Mildred Clark Anne Conant Jody Fulkerson Ron Grabruck Anne Grubbs James Laurent Anna Michewicz Mills Family Fr. Maurice Tiell Uriel Vargas To have someone enrolled in this list, please call the Parish Office at 842-2525 or e-mail Names will remain on the list for 30 days. St. Joseph Church .....................................Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ........................................ August 3, 2008 This week @ Saint Joseph Coffee and Donuts Sunday – August 3 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday – August 4 St. John Mary Vianney First Day of School Tuesday – August 5 The Dedication of St. Mary Major Basilica in Rome Wednesday – August 6 The Feast of the Transfiguration Thursday – August 7 Pope Sixtus II & Companions St. Cajetan Friday – August 8 St. Dominic Saturday – August 9 St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross 3:30pm – Caravan to Sunday – August 10 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Holy Spirit Youth Group Kick-Off Event FR. TIELL is at the Carmel Home in Owensboro. If you would like to send him a note, his address is 2501 Old Hartford Road, Owensboro, KY 42303. ASSISTANCE NEEDED: If you are able to donate peanut butter and jelly, spaghetti and sauce, and/or toiletries, the St. Joseph Conference of St. Vincent de Paul is in desperate need of these items. Thank you! EDUCATION COMMITTEE will meet on Tuesday, August 12 at 6pm in the Parish Library. Anyone interested in being on the committee is invited to attend. We will be planning the upcoming year’s CCD program and Adult Faith Formation. CCD TEACHERS MEETING will be on Sunday, August 17 at 9:15am in the Parish Hall. K-8 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION: Sign ups for CCD (Catholic Christian Development) will take place after the masses on the weekends of August 23-24 and 30-31. E-MAIL BULLETIN: If you would like to receive the information in the bulletin via e-mail, please contact Kristie in the Parish Office at 842-2525 or stjosephbg@ ST. VINCENT DE PAUL IS CALLING! DO YOU HEAR HIM? Our St. Joseph Conference needs you to become involved. We have a core group of parishioners who have heard his call and are volunteering on bread/sweets distribution days and on food distribution day. We need volunteers who would like to do casework. This is spiritually rewarding and provides an opportunity to see the face of Jesus in all you meet. If you hear the call, please contact Barbara Bowers, at 3939800 or the Parish Office. PARISH COUNCIL AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE: The Parish Council and Administration Committee have been formed. An election was not necessary because we had the number we needed for each group. Thank you to all who have agreed to serve. The next Administration Committee meeting will be on Monday, August 11 and the Parish Council meeting will be on Monday, August 18 in the Parish Library. Agendas and other information will be available soon. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH OF THE PARISH are invited to the kick-off event for the Holy Spirit Youth Group on Sunday, August 10. We will meet at St. Joseph Parish Parking Lot at 3:30 to caravan over to Holy Spirit. The ST. JOSEPH PARISH YOUTH GROUP KICK-OFF will be on Sunday, August 24 at Gasper River. We will leave from St. Joseph Parish parking lot at 2pm. High School youth from Holy Spirit are invited to our kick-off event. YOUTH ROOM DEDICATION: We will be dedicating the newly renovated Youth Room after the 10:30am Mass on Sunday, August 24th. Please join us and take the opportunity to meet Michelle Roberts and Chris Leachman, this year’s youth group leaders. YOUTH GROUP: Regular meetings of the Youth Group will begin on Wednesday, August 27 at 7pm in the Youth Room. All High School age youth of the parish are welcome and encouraged to attend. Remember to set GOODSEARCH.COM as your default search engine and use GOODSHOP.COM when you shop online. Every search and every online purchase earns money for the church when you set St. Joseph as your charity of choice on those home pages. So far this year, we have earned over $90. Imagine if everyone used these websites! THINKING ABOUT BECOMING CATHOLIC or do you have questions about Catholicism? Inquiry sessions begin on Thursday, August 14 at 7pm in the Parish Library. If you have any questions, call or e-mail John McAllister. St. Joseph Church..................................... Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.........................................August 3, 2008 COME AND SEE! Would you or someone you know like to learn more about the Catholic Church, it’s beliefs and practices? You are cordially invited to attend a weekend getaway where you will have the opportunity to do that without any pressure or strings attached. Upcoming weekends are scheduled for August 22-24, 2008 (for women only) and September 5-7 (for men only). For more information, call or e-mail the following people: Denis or Martha Wheatley at (270) 927-6540, Cecelia Hamilton at (270) 926-4176 or, Marcella Wethington at (270) 927-8159, or Barbara Hertel at (270) 788-6165 or SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL IS HARD AT WORK IN WARREN COUNTY: Many thanks to all of you who donated furniture, housewares, and clothing to the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store while our truck was parked at Holy Spirit in May! The Thrift Store is off to a wonderful year thanks to the generosity of people such as you. Know of an organization, club, or school group having a yard sale this summer? Tell them to call us at 7837533 prior to their sale to schedule our pickup service. Are you having a yard sale? Call us! Wondering what to do with the good, useable furniture or large appliances taking up valuable space in your attic, basement, or garage? Call for our pickup service! We’ll gladly take these items off your hands. Perhaps you’re wondering just exactly what our involvement is in Warren County? Our store - your store - provides employment for five individuals, generates funds for distribution by Holy Spirit and St. Joseph St. Vincent de Paul Conferences, and furnishes additional aid in the form of clothing, furniture, and other goods to the Warren County community. Please help us continue this work. The store continues to need furniture – sofas, beds, tables and chairs. Housewares and bedding are in demand also. Of course, clothing is always gratefully accepted. We make it easy for you – no sorting of items is necessary, just bag or box them up. Drop off your small items and clothing at the store before 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and before 1:30 p.m. on Saturday. Keep us in mind for all of your donations and spread the word to everyone you know! Thanks again for your help!! 4 DIOCESE OF OWENSBORO WANT TO GET CLOSER TO EACH OTHER AND GOD? Find out how on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend! Marriage Encounter is 44 hours where married couples can get away from jobs, kids, chores, and phones – and focus only on each other. If you’d like greater depth, growth, and enrichment in your relationship, you’ll like the difference a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend can make! The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend in Owensboro is August 29-31 at Mount Saint Joseph Retreat Center. Weekends fill up quickly, so a quick response is encouraged. For more information or to register, contact Jack & Kathy Gotting at (502) 895-8997 or email There are also upcoming weekends in Indianapolis, IN and Louisville, KY. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS meets Sunday at 6pm and Wednesday at 6pm at Saint Joseph Parish Hall. COUNSELING SERVICES: Catholic Charities of Owensboro, Saint Joseph Parish, and Anam Ċara, LLC have partnered to provide confidential psychological counseling services. For an appointment call Dr. Michelle Thomas at 393-9833 or Paul Markle, MA, LMFT at 792-6000. VIRTUES FOR HEALING IN CHRIST, a weekend retreat, is open to all who are sick or broken physically or emotionally; all caregivers, family members, friends, companions, etc., of those who are suffering; all professional caregivers at any level, including medical personnel, clergy chaplains, deacons, religious, and nursing home personnel. The retreat will be September 12-14 at the Mount St. Joseph Retreat Center, and the registration fee is $25. For more information, please contact Betty Medley at (270) 683-1545 or POSITION AVAILABLE: Our local St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store is seeking a Full Time Assistant Manager. One year of retail management or a 2-year degree in a related field is required. This position offers great working hours with benefits and opportunity for advancement. Send resume and salary requirements to: P.O. Box 9547, Bowling Green, KY 42102 ATTN: Laura Hagan. GASPER RIVER BENEFIT RUN: Join the motorcycle run to raise money for the Diocese of Owensboro’s Gasper River Retreat Center on October 11. Flyers are located on the table between the church and Parish Hall, or contact John Villarreal at 843-4138. St. Joseph Church ...........................................18th Sunday in Ordinary Time................................................... August 3, 2008 Pastor’s Column La Columna del Padre Summer is over and life is picking back up here at out our quiet little parish. This week, we welcome the Holy Apostles Orthodox Mission community. Until the time comes that they find a more permanent home, the community will be using our parish hall for worship every Saturday morning. Their liturgies begin at 11am, although Fr. Alexander Atty and his associate pastors will be coming early to hear confessions and see to the other needs of the community. Tuesday morning, August 5th, children return to classes at St. Joseph Catholic School. The opening School Mass will be Friday, August 8th at 8am. A back-to-school ice cream social is planned for this Sunday. New Administration Committee and Parish Councils begin their terms this month. Please pray for the members of the committees. One task before the parish council is the celebration of our parish’s 150th anniversary. The administration committee will be met with new diocesan guidelines for greater transparency and more thorough reporting of parish finances. (Our parish began this last year with monthly reporting of finances in the bulletin.) Se esta acabando el verano ya y todo vuelve a la rutina normal en nuestra tranquila parroquia. Ofrecemos esta semana la bienvenida a la comunidad Misión Ortodoxa Santos Apóstoles. Hasta que encuentren su hogar permanente, la comunidad se reunirá para celebrar la liturgia en nuestro salón parroquial los días sábados a las 11 de la mañana. El Reverendo Padre Alexander Atty y sus ayudantes atenderán a las necesidades espirituales de la comunidad. Este martes, el 5 de agosto, los alumnos regresan a sus clases en la Escuela Católica San José. La primera Misa del año escolar se celebrara el día viernes, 8 de agosto, a las 8 de la mañana. Una convivencia se celebrara para los estudiantes el domingo en el salón parroquial. El nuevo Comité Administrativo y el nuevo Consejo Parroquial empiezan este mes. Todavia hay lugares si uno tienen interés en ser miembro. Pido que todos rueguen por los miembros de los comités. La primera tarea del consejo parroquias será la celebración del 150o aniversario de nuestra parroquia. El comité administrativo tendrá la obra de promover la mayor transparencia de las finanzas de la parroquia. (Empezamos el año pasado con la divulgación mensual de finanzas en el boletín.) I hate to end on a sad and stern note, but I’m sure that all read the horrible news out of Knoxville last week, where a man walked into a church service and began shooting. We certainly pray for all those who are affected by such a tragedy. Every time I read something like this, my heart is moved for those involved, and I can’t help but think how such an event could happen in any church anywhere – even ours. One thing all people can do to make our environment safer is arrive at Mass on time. And I think how horrible it would be should this happen closer to home. We all have a responsibility to provide a safe worship environment. Arriving late – and trying to sneak in so that no one notices – creates a security risk for all parishioners. AND please, please, please do not allow your children to go to the rest room or to get a drink of water without an adult present. I know we all like to think we and our children are safe when at church, but the sad reality is otherwise. Quisiera no terminar en una nota triste, pero me imagino que todos vieran las noticias horribles de Knoxville (de Tennessee) del domingo pasado. Un hombre entró en una iglesia con arma y comenzó a tirar balazos. Rogamos por todos lo afectados por la tragedia. Cada vez que leo algo similar, mi corazón se mueve, y no puedo evitar pensar cómo una tragedia podría suceder en cualquier iglesia – hasta en el nuestro. Para que tengamos un ambiente mejor, pido que todos lleguen a la misa antes de que empecemos. Llegando tarde – y tratando de evitar que el Padre vea – crea un riesgo de seguridad. Y pido otra vez POR FAVOR, POR FAVOR, POR FAVOR, no permita que sus hijos salgan de la asamblea si no sean acompañados por un adulto (¡hijo mayor no es adulto!). Yo sé que todos queremos que nuestros niños estén seguros dentro de la Iglesia, pero la realidad triste es, a veces, lo opuesto. Let us pray for all victims of violence. Oremos por todas víctimas de la violencia. Iglesia Católica San José......................Decimoctavo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario......................3 de Agosto, 2008 Noticias de la Parroquia San José y de la Comunidad Esta Semana en la Parroquia San José Domingo – 3 de Agosto Lunes – 4 de Agosto S. Juan Maria Vianney Martes – 5 de Agosto Dedicación de la Basílica de santa Maria la Mayor en roma Miércoles – 6 de Agosto La Transfiguración del Señor Jueves – 7 de Agosto Santo Papa Sixto II y Compañeros de san Cayetano Viernes – 8 de Agosto Santo Domingo Sábado – 9 de Agosto Santa Teresa Benedicta de la Cruz Domingo – 10 de Agosto Noticias de la Escuela San Jose Decimoctavo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 6:30pm – Matrimonios en Victoria 6:30pm - Grupo Hispano de Jo0venes 7pm – Clase Bíblica 7pm –Misa y Asamblea Decimonoveno Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario == LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA == Si usted desea hablen una suscripción al leccionario diario, hable n a la Oficina Parroquial los días martes y jueves. El costo anual de la suscripción de Buena Prensa es $36 por año. BIBLIA LATINOAMERICANA (LETRA GRANDE) esta a la venta en la Oficina de la Parroquia y el costo es de $20.00 ESTUDIO DE LA BIBLIA: Miércoles de 7:00 a 8:00 de la noche en la Biblioteca de la Parroquia. MATRIMONIOS EN VICTORIA: Se reúne todos los martes a las 6:30pm en el salón de la Parroquia. ¡Bien venidos! REGISTRO PARA EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA K-8: Para registrar a sus niños en las clases de CCD (Desarrollo Católico Cristiano) tendrá lugar después de las misas en los fines de semana de Agosto 23-24 y 30-31. EL COMITÉ DE ADMINISTRACIÓN Y EL CONSEJO PARROQUIAL: La próxima reunión del Comité de Administración será el lunes, 11 de Agosto y la reunión del Consejo Parroquial será el lunes, 18 de agosto en la Biblioteca de la Parroquia. La agenda y otro tipo de información pronto estarán disponibles. LOS JÓVENES DE SECUNDARIA de la parroquia están invitados al evento que se llevara a cabo con el Grupo de Jóvenes de la Iglesia del Espíritu Santo el domingo, 10 de Agosto. Nos reuniremos en el estacionamiento de la Parroquia San José a las 3:30 de la tarde para ir en caravana a la Iglesia Espíritu Santo. El grupo de Jóvenes de la Parroquia San José se reunirá en el estacionamiento de la Parroquia el Domingo, 24 de Agosto a las 2 de la tarde para salir a Gasper River. Los Jóvenes de secundaria de la Iglesia Espíritu Santo, nos acompañaran. LA DEDICACIÓN DEL SALÓN DE GRUPO DE JÓVENES: El día 24 de Agosto Después de la Misa de las 10 de la mañana, el recientemente renovado Salón de Jóvenes será inaugurado y bendecido. Por favor, únase a nosotros para tener la oportunidad de conocer a los dirigentes de losgrupos de jóvenesde este año: Yolanda Limón, Julie Ávila, Michelle Roberts y Chris Leachman. LA REUNIÓN DEL GRUPO DE JÓVENES: comenzará el Martes, 26 de agosto a las 7pm en la Sala de la Juventud. Todos los años, les damos la bienvenida a todos los Jóvenes de la Escuela Secundaria. PLÁTICAS DE PREPARACIÓN PARA BAUTIZOS: de Lunes a Viernes de 9am a 3pm en la oficina de la Parroquia. Favor de llamar a José Gallegos al teléfono 842-2525 para más información. St. Joseph Church ............................. Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time....................................... August 3, 2008 DIOCESE OF OWENSBORO Catholic Pastoral Center The Diocese of Owensboro seeks to help all people who have been sexually abused by anyone working for the Roman Catholic Church. Copies of the policy with form to report an incident of abuse are available from the Parish at the church doors or in the Parish office or from the Diocesan Pastoral Center. You may also call the Pastoral Center to speak with the Bishop or member of the Diocesan Review Board to report abuse. Contact Phone Numbers Números telefónicos de contacto Diocese of Owensboro Pastoral Center Centro Pastoral de la Diócesis de Owensboro 270-683-1545 Kentucky Child Abuse Hotline Línea para reporta Abuso de Niños de Kentucky 1-800-752-6200 Bowling Green Police Department Policía de Bowling Green 393-4244 Hope Harbor 846-1100 Diocesan Web Page: ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL NEWS BACK TO SCHOOL ICE CREAM SOCIAL will be this Sunday, August 3 from 3 to 5pm. FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL is Tuesday, August 5. COFFEE AND DONUTS will be in the Parish Hall for parents from 8 to 9am on the first day of school. PARENT ORIENTATION for the first through eighth grade parents will be on Thursday, August 7 beginning at 6:30pm in the school. Childcare will be available in the Parish Center for preschool through 6th grade students. La Diócesis de Owensboro (Iglesia Católica de Kentucky Occidental) busca ayudar a todos aquellos que haya sidos abusados sexualmente por la Iglesia Católica. Copias de la Política de Abuso están disponibles en la iglesia e incluyen el formulario para denunciar el abuso. Si usted prefiere comunicarse directamente con el Monseñor Obispo en el Centro Pastoral. WISH LIST FOR GASPER RIVER: The Gasper River Catholic Youth Camp & Retreat Center needs the following items. If you can help them out with any of these, contact Ben Warrell at 781-2466 A tractor in good running condition, (equivalent of a John Deere 5000 series). A front-end bucket would be nice addition, however, not a necessity. A box grater or blade would assist in routine maintenance. A hay wagon large enough to carry 40 young adults. Catholic items-Crucifixes, pictures of saints, Mary, Jesus, which will help establish a Catholic Identity AED (Automated External Defibrillator) to have on the grounds in case of an emergency. Athletic balls: football, soccer balls, 4-square balls, volleyballs, basketballs, etc. Yard/field games such as Corn Hole, Hillbilly golf, bocce, etc. Archery Equipment: Four simple compound bows (must be able to be used by 5th and 6th graders) or five sturdy recurve bows, 10’ x 10’ mesh arrow stop, three block targets, arrows. Inner tubes for tubing on the Gasper River-12 regular and 12 large tubes with mesh seat/covers. Full-size pick up truck in good working condition. A good quality digital camera and memory stick Sound system: microphones (2) mic stands, amplifier/mixer, speakers (2) and cords, wireless microphone LCD projector. Statues of Saints